authoralwin <alwin>2003-12-25 02:21:47 (UTC)
committer alwin <alwin>2003-12-25 02:21:47 (UTC)
commite0b1bc403c2792dff3aa04a00eaf58b9defc6dac (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentdd78bcd2bf8dd6432b54af61e17a75dcc05c2406 (diff)
called binary when sending email to a contact is "opiemail" instead
of "mail" when using opiemal as standard mailer.
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/core/pim/addressbook/addressbook.cpp b/core/pim/addressbook/addressbook.cpp
index 9f668f4..00cd2a6 100644
--- a/core/pim/addressbook/addressbook.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/addressbook/addressbook.cpp
@@ -376,388 +376,388 @@ void AddressbookWindow::setDocument( const QString &filename )
switch( QMessageBox::information( this, tr ( "Right file type ?" ),
tr( "The selected file \n does not end with \".vcf\".\n Do you really want to open it?" ),
tr( "&Yes" ), tr( "&No" ), QString::null,
0, // Enter == button 0
2 ) ) { // Escape == button 2
case 0:
qWarning("YES clicked");
case 1:
qWarning("NO clicked");
OContactAccessBackend* vcard_backend = new OContactAccessBackend_VCard( QString::null,
filename );
OContactAccess* access = new OContactAccess ( "addressbook", QString::null , vcard_backend, true );
OContactAccess::List allList = access->allRecords();
qWarning( "Found number of contacts in File: %d", allList.count() );
if ( !allList.count() ) {
QMessageBox::information( this, "Import VCard",
"It was impossible to import\nthe VCard.\n"
"The VCard may be corrupted!" );
bool doAsk = true;
OContactAccess::List::Iterator it;
for ( it = allList.begin(); it != allList.end(); ++it ){
qWarning("Adding Contact from: %s", (*it).fullName().latin1() );
if ( doAsk ){
switch( QMessageBox::information( this, tr ( "Add Contact?" ),
tr( "Do you really want add contact for \n%1?" )
.arg( (*it).fullName().latin1() ),
tr( "&Yes" ), tr( "&No" ), tr( "&All Yes"),
0, // Enter == button 0
2 ) ) { // Escape == button 2
case 0:
qWarning("YES clicked");
m_abView->addEntry( *it );
case 1:
qWarning("NO clicked");
case 2:
qWarning("YesAll clicked");
doAsk = false;
m_abView->addEntry( *it );
delete access;
void AddressbookWindow::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e )
QMainWindow::resizeEvent( e );
ToolBarDock dock;
int dummy;
bool bDummy;
getLocation ( listTools, dock, dummy, bDummy, dummy );
m_config.setToolBarDock( dock );;
void AddressbookWindow::slotUpdateToolbar()
OContact ce = m_abView->currentEntry();
actionMail->setEnabled( !ce.defaultEmail().isEmpty() );
void AddressbookWindow::slotListNew()
OContact cnt;
if( !syncing ) {
editEntry( NewEntry );
} else {
QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Contacts"),
tr("Can not edit data, currently syncing"));
// void AddressbookWindow::slotListView()
// {
// m_abView -> init( abList->currentEntry() );
// // :SX mView->sync();
// //:SX showView();
// }
void AddressbookWindow::slotListDelete()
if(!syncing) {
OContact tmpEntry = m_abView ->currentEntry();
// get a name, do the best we can...
QString strName = tmpEntry.fullName();
if ( strName.isEmpty() ) {
strName =;
if ( strName.isEmpty() )
strName = "No Name";
if ( QPEMessageBox::confirmDelete( this, tr( "Contacts" ),
strName ) ) {
m_abView->removeEntry( tmpEntry.uid() );
} else {
QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Contacts"),
tr("Can not edit data, currently syncing") );
void AddressbookWindow::slotFindOpen()
m_abView -> inSearch();
void AddressbookWindow::slotFindClose()
m_abView -> offSearch();
// m_abView->setFocus();
void AddressbookWindow::slotFind()
m_abView->slotDoFind( searchEdit->text(), m_config.beCaseSensitive(), m_config.useRegExp(), false);
// m_abView->setFocus();
void AddressbookWindow::slotViewBack()
// :SX showList();
void AddressbookWindow::slotViewEdit()
if(!syncing) {
if (actionPersonal->isOn()) {
} else {
editEntry( EditEntry );
} else {
QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Contacts"),
tr("Can not edit data, currently syncing") );
void AddressbookWindow::writeMail()
OContact c = m_abView -> currentEntry();
QString name = c.fileAs();
QString email = c.defaultEmail();
// I prefer the OPIE-Environment variable before the
// QPE-one..
QString basepath = QString::fromLatin1( getenv("OPIEDIR") );
if ( basepath.isEmpty() )
basepath = QString::fromLatin1( getenv("QPEDIR") );
// Try to access the preferred. If not possible, try to
// switch to the other one..
if ( m_config.useQtMail() ){
qWarning ("Accessing: %s", (basepath + "/bin/qtmail").latin1());
if ( QFile::exists( basepath + "/bin/qtmail" ) ){
qWarning ("QCop");
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/qtmail", "writeMail(QString,QString)");
e << name << email;
} else
m_config.setUseOpieMail( true );
if ( m_config.useOpieMail() ){
- qWarning ("Accessing: %s", (basepath + "/bin/mail").latin1());
- if ( QFile::exists( basepath + "/bin/mail" ) ){
+ qWarning ("Accessing: %s", (basepath + "/bin/opiemail").latin1());
+ if ( QFile::exists( basepath + "/bin/opiemail" ) ){
qWarning ("QCop");
- QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/mail", "writeMail(QString,QString)");
+ QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/opiemail", "writeMail(QString,QString)");
e << name << email;
} else
m_config.setUseQtMail( true );
static const char * beamfile = "/tmp/obex/contact.vcf";
void AddressbookWindow::slotBeam()
QString beamFilename;
OContact c;
if ( actionPersonal->isOn() ) {
beamFilename = addressbookPersonalVCardName();
if ( !QFile::exists( beamFilename ) )
return; // can't beam a non-existent file
OContactAccessBackend* vcard_backend = new OContactAccessBackend_VCard( QString::null,
beamFilename );
OContactAccess* access = new OContactAccess ( "addressbook", QString::null , vcard_backend, true );
OContactAccess::List allList = access->allRecords();
OContactAccess::List::Iterator it = allList.begin(); // Just take first
c = *it;
delete access;
} else {
unlink( beamfile ); // delete if exists
mkdir("/tmp/obex/", 0755);
c = m_abView -> currentEntry();
OContactAccessBackend* vcard_backend = new OContactAccessBackend_VCard( QString::null,
beamfile );
OContactAccess* access = new OContactAccess ( "addressbook", QString::null , vcard_backend, true );
access->add( c );
delete access;
beamFilename = beamfile;
qWarning("Beaming: %s", beamFilename.latin1() );
Ir *ir = new Ir( this );
connect( ir, SIGNAL( done( Ir * ) ), this, SLOT( beamDone( Ir * ) ) );
QString description = c.fullName();
ir->send( beamFilename, description, "text/x-vCard" );
void AddressbookWindow::beamDone( Ir *ir )
delete ir;
unlink( beamfile );
static void parseName( const QString& name, QString *first, QString *middle,
QString * last )
int comma = name.find ( "," );
QString rest;
if ( comma > 0 ) {
*last = name.left( comma );
while ( comma < int(name.length()) && name[comma] == ' ' )
rest = name.mid( comma );
} else {
int space = name.findRev( ' ' );
*last = name.mid( space+1 );
rest = name.left( space );
int space = rest.find( ' ' );
if ( space <= 0 ) {
*first = rest;
} else {
*first = rest.left( space );
*middle = rest.mid( space+1 );
void AddressbookWindow::appMessage(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data)
bool needShow = FALSE;
qWarning("Receiving QCop-Call with message %s", QString( msg ).latin1() );
if (msg == "editPersonal()") {
} else if (msg == "editPersonalAndClose()") {
} else if ( msg == "addContact(QString,QString)" ) {
QDataStream stream(data,IO_ReadOnly);
QString name, email;
stream >> name >> email;
OContact cnt;
QString fn, mn, ln;
parseName( name, &fn, &mn, &ln );
// qDebug( " %s - %s - %s", fn.latin1(), mn.latin1(), ln.latin1() );
cnt.setFirstName( fn );
cnt.setMiddleName( mn );
cnt.setLastName( ln );
cnt.insertEmails( email );
cnt.setDefaultEmail( email );
m_abView -> addEntry( cnt );
// :SXm_abView()->init( cnt );
editEntry( EditEntry );
} else if ( msg == "beamBusinessCard()" ) {
QString beamFilename = addressbookPersonalVCardName();
if ( !QFile::exists( beamFilename ) )
return; // can't beam a non-existent file
Ir *ir = new Ir( this );
connect( ir, SIGNAL( done( Ir * ) ), this, SLOT( beamDone( Ir * ) ) );
QString description = "mycard.vcf";
ir->send( beamFilename, description, "text/x-vCard" );
} else if ( msg == "show(int)" ) {
QDataStream stream(data,IO_ReadOnly);
int uid;
stream >> uid;
qWarning( "Showing uid: %d" , uid );
// Deactivate Personal View..
if ( actionPersonal->isOn() ){
actionPersonal->setOn( false );
// Reset category and show as card..
m_abView -> setShowByCategory( QString::null );
m_abView -> setCurrentUid( uid );
slotViewSwitched ( AbView::CardView );
needShow = true;
} else if ( msg == "edit(int)" ) {
QDataStream stream(data,IO_ReadOnly);
int uid;
stream >> uid;
// Deactivate Personal View..
if ( actionPersonal->isOn() ){
actionPersonal->setOn( false );
// Reset category and edit..
m_abView -> setShowByCategory( QString::null );
m_abView -> setCurrentUid( uid );
if (needShow)
void AddressbookWindow::editEntry( EntryMode entryMode )
OContact entry;
if ( !abEditor ) {
abEditor = new ContactEditor( entry, this, "editor" );
if ( entryMode == EditEntry )
abEditor->setEntry( m_abView -> currentEntry() );
else if ( entryMode == NewEntry )
abEditor->setEntry( entry );
// other things may change the caption.
abEditor->setCaption( tr("Edit Address") );
#if defined(Q_WS_QWS) || defined(_WS_QWS_)
// fix the foxus...
if ( abEditor->exec() ) {
if ( entryMode == NewEntry ) {
OContact insertEntry = abEditor->entry();
m_abView -> addEntry( insertEntry );