authordrw <drw>2005-08-09 22:24:10 (UTC)
committer drw <drw>2005-08-09 22:24:10 (UTC)
commit0c362cbc72dfbff246c0f11417d364b45b50ec94 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent873a383cfc4f9184adfe9257500df8c03648b0fd (diff)
Several updates to Dagger, see /noncore/apps/dagger/ChangeLog for more information
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
6 files changed, 51 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/apps/dagger/ChangeLog b/noncore/apps/dagger/ChangeLog
index 108419e..22b20d4 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/dagger/ChangeLog
+++ b/noncore/apps/dagger/ChangeLog
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
+2005-08-09 Dan Williams <>
+ * Released version 0.9.2
+ * Added support for Sword v1.5.8
+ * Implemented morph tag cross-referencing
+ * Fix crash when last module is closed
+ * Fix display of key when module is opened
2004-04-22 Dan Williams <>
* Released version 0.9.1
* Fixed the disabling of screen blanking
* Implement previous/next page scrolling
* Animate search OWait
2004-04-06 Dan Williams <>
* Released version 0.9.0
* Initial check-in of new application
diff --git a/noncore/apps/dagger/README b/noncore/apps/dagger/README
index 00e9eed..47b8eee 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/dagger/README
+++ b/noncore/apps/dagger/README
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
/* Opie - Dagger
/* ===============
-/* Version 0.9.1
+/* Version 0.9.2
/* A Bible study/reader application
- Release Notes for Opie-Dagger - April, 2004
+ Release Notes for Opie-Dagger - August, 2005
= To-do =
- See $OPIEDIR/noncore/apps/dagger/TODO for more info.
= Build =
In order to build opie-dagger, libsword needs to be present on
the build system along with the appropriate headers.
-- libsword source (best to use version 1.5.x or greater):
+- libsword source (requires version 1.5.8 or greater):
- the Sword library headers need to be located in an appropriate
include directory
= Run =
- In order to use opie-dagger, libsword must be installed
on the system.
- One or more Sword modules need to be installed, see to download modules
- When run for the first time, the path needs to be set to the
directory where the Sword modules are located. Select 'Edit->Configure'
from the menu bar and enter the path on the 'General' tab. Restart
= Credits =
-- Opie-Dagger is (C) 2004 Dan Williams
+- Opie-Dagger is (C) 2004, 2005 Dan Williams
= Links =
- Opie Project:
- OpenZaurus Project:
- Familiar Project:
- Crosswire Society
- The Sword Project
diff --git a/noncore/apps/dagger/TODO b/noncore/apps/dagger/TODO
index 1530bd6..21426aa 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/dagger/TODO
+++ b/noncore/apps/dagger/TODO
@@ -1,25 +1,28 @@
/* Opie - Dagger
/* ===============
-/* Version 0.9.1
+/* Version 0.9.2
/* A Bible study/reader application
-To-do for Opie-Dagger - April, 2004
+To-do for Opie-Dagger - August, 2005
= Current release =
1. Implement module installation
+2. Fix support for other languages
+3. Fix display sleep prevention
+4. Implement footnote cross-referencing
= Future releases =
1. Margin notes \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/noncore/apps/dagger/mainwindow.cpp b/noncore/apps/dagger/mainwindow.cpp
index 1f2d521..f61df68 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/dagger/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/dagger/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -136,618 +136,614 @@ MainWindow::~MainWindow()
bool MainWindow::eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *event )
if ( event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress )
QKeyEvent *keyev = reinterpret_cast<QKeyEvent *>(event);
if ( keyev->key() == Key_Up )
return true;
else if ( keyev->key() == Key_Down )
return true;
return QWidget::eventFilter( obj, event );
void MainWindow::initUI()
setCentralWidget( &m_tabs );
m_tabs.installEventFilter( this );
setToolBarsMovable( false );
m_barDock = new QToolBar( this );
m_barDock->setHorizontalStretchable( true );
m_menuBar = new QMenuBar( m_barDock );
m_menuBar->setMargin( 0 );
// Allocate toolbars
m_navToolbar = new NavBar( this );
m_navToolbar->navBtnsEnable( false );
connect( m_navToolbar, SIGNAL(prevPage()), this, SLOT(slotNavPrevPage()) );
connect( m_navToolbar, SIGNAL(prevVerse()), this, SLOT(slotNavPrevVerse()) );
connect( m_navToolbar, SIGNAL(keyChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotNavKeyChanged(const QString &)) );
connect( m_navToolbar, SIGNAL(nextVerse()), this, SLOT(slotNavNextVerse()) );
connect( m_navToolbar, SIGNAL(nextPage()), this, SLOT(slotNavNextPage()) );
connect( m_navToolbar, SIGNAL(autoScroll(bool)), this, SLOT(slotNavAutoScroll(bool)) );
connect( m_navToolbar, SIGNAL(scrollRateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotNavScrollRateChanged(int)) );
m_searchToolbar = new SearchBar( this );
connect( m_searchToolbar, SIGNAL(sigResultClicked(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotSearchResultClicked(const QString &)) );
// Text menu
QPopupMenu *popup = new QPopupMenu( this );
QAction *a = new QAction( tr( "Open..." ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "fileopen", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotTextOpen()) );
a->addTo( popup );
m_actionTextClose = new QAction( tr( "Close" ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "close", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( m_actionTextClose, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotTextClose()) );
m_actionTextClose->addTo( popup );
// TODO - need to implent
a = new QAction( tr( "Install" ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "install", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
a->setEnabled( false );
connect( a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotTextInstall()) );
a->addTo( popup );
m_menuBar->insertItem( tr( "Text" ), popup );
// Edit menu
popup = new QPopupMenu( this );
m_actionEditCopy = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "copy", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( m_actionEditCopy, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotEditCopy()) );
m_actionEditCopy->addTo( popup );
a = new QAction( tr( "Configure" ), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "SettingsIcon", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotEditConfigure()) );
a->addTo( popup );
m_menuBar->insertItem( tr( "Edit" ), popup );
// Bookmark menu
m_bookmarkMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
m_actionBookmarkAdd = new QAction( tr( "Add" ),
Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "dagger/bookmarkadd", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( m_actionBookmarkAdd, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotBookmarkAdd()) );
m_actionBookmarkAdd->addTo( m_bookmarkMenu );
m_actionBookmarkRemove = new QAction( tr( "Remove" ),
Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "dagger/bookmarkremove", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( m_actionBookmarkRemove, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotBookmarkRemove()) );
m_actionBookmarkRemove->addTo( m_bookmarkMenu );
m_menuBar->insertItem( tr( "Bookmark" ), m_bookmarkMenu );
// View menu
popup = new QPopupMenu( this );
// Retrieve list of available Sword module options (e.g. footnotes, Strong's numbers, etc.)
for ( a = m_actionSwordOpts.first(); a; a = )
a->setToggleAction( true );
connect( a, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotViewSwordOption(bool)) );
a->addTo( popup );
m_actionViewNavToolbar = new QAction( tr( "Navigation toolbar" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
m_actionViewNavToolbar->setToggleAction( true );
connect( m_actionViewNavToolbar, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotViewNavToolbar(bool)) );
m_actionViewNavToolbar->addTo( popup );
m_actionViewSearchToolbar = new QAction( tr( "Search toolbar" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
m_actionViewSearchToolbar->setToggleAction( true );
connect( m_actionViewSearchToolbar, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(slotViewSearchToolbar(bool)) );
m_actionViewSearchToolbar->addTo( popup );
m_menuBar->insertItem( tr( "View" ), popup );
void MainWindow::openModule( const QString &modulename, const QString &key )
sword::SWModule *module = m_swordMgr->Modules[ modulename.latin1() ];
if ( module )
TextWidget *tw = 0x0;
if ( !m_alwaysOpenNew )
// Try to find if the module is already opened, if so will use that TextWidget
QObjectList *childlist = queryList( "TextWidget" );
QObjectListIt it( *childlist );
while ( ( tw = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(it.current()) ) != 0 &&
tw->getModuleName() != modulename )
if ( tw && tw->getModuleName() == modulename )
// Set key if one is present
if ( !key.isNull() )
tw->setKey( key );
// Raise tab
m_tabs.setCurrentTab( tw );
if ( m_alwaysOpenNew || !tw )
// Open module in new tab
QString icon;
QString type = module->Type();
if ( type == "Biblical Texts" )
icon = "dagger/bibletext";
else if ( type == "Commentaries" )
icon = "dagger/commentary";
else if ( type == "Lexicons / Dictionaries" )
icon = "dagger/lexicon";
tw = new TextWidget( this, module, m_numVerses, &m_textFont );
connect( tw, SIGNAL(sigRefClicked(const QString &)),
this, SLOT(slotTextRefClicked(const QString &)) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(sigNumVersesChanged(int)), tw, SLOT(slotNumVersesChanged(int)) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(sigFontChanged(const QFont *)), tw, SLOT(slotFontChanged(const QFont *)) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(sigOptionChanged()), tw, SLOT(slotOptionChanged()) );
m_tabs.addTab( tw, icon, modulename );
m_actionTextClose->setEnabled( true );
m_actionEditCopy->setEnabled( true );
m_actionBookmarkAdd->setEnabled( true );
// Set key if one is present
if ( !key.isNull() )
tw->setKey( key );
+ setCaption( QString( "%1 - Dagger" ).arg( tw->getFullKey() ) );
+ m_navToolbar->setKey( tw->getAbbrevKey() );
int MainWindow::findBookmark( const QString &bookmark )
int index = 3;
int id = m_bookmarkMenu->idAt( index );
while ( ( id != -1 ) && ( m_bookmarkMenu->text( id ) != bookmark ) )
id = m_bookmarkMenu->idAt( index );
return id;
void MainWindow::enableScreenBlanking( bool enable )
enable ? QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverMode(int)" ) << QPEApplication::Enable
: QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverMode(int)" ) << QPEApplication::DisableSuspend;
void MainWindow::initConfig()
bool show;
m_config.setGroup( "Sword" );
for ( QAction *a = m_actionSwordOpts.first(); a; a = )
show = m_config.readBoolEntry( a->text(), false );
a->setOn( show );
m_swordMgr->setGlobalOption ( a->text(), show ? "On" : "Off" );
// Display/hide toolbars based on last run
m_config.setGroup( "Config" );
m_alwaysOpenNew = m_config.readBoolEntry( "AlwaysOpenNew", false );
m_navToolbar->setAutoScrollRate( m_config.readNumEntry( "AutoScroll", 50 ) );
m_disableScreenBlank = m_config.readBoolEntry( "DisableScreenBlanking", false );
enableScreenBlanking( !m_disableScreenBlank );
m_copyFormat = m_config.readNumEntry( "CopyFormat", 0 );
show = m_config.readBoolEntry( "NavBar", false );
m_actionViewNavToolbar->setOn( show );
slotViewNavToolbar( show );
m_numVerses = m_config.readNumEntry( "NumVerses", 5 );
show = m_config.readBoolEntry( "SearchBar", false );
m_actionViewSearchToolbar->setOn( show );
slotViewSearchToolbar( show );
// Set text font
m_config.setGroup( "Font" );
QString fontFamily = m_config.readEntry( "Family", QString::null );
!fontFamily.isNull() ? m_textFont = QFont( fontFamily,
m_config.readNumEntry( "Size", -1 ),
m_config.readNumEntry( "Weight", QFont::Normal ),
m_config.readBoolEntry( "Italic", false ) )
: m_textFont = font(); // If font is not configured, set to default widget font
// Load bookmarks
m_config.setGroup( "Bookmarks");
int count = 1;
QString key = m_config.readEntry( QString::number( count ), QString::null );
while ( !key.isNull() )
int pos = key.find( "/" );
if ( pos > -1 )
QString bookmark;
bookmark.sprintf( "%s (%s)", key.right( key.length() - ( pos + 1 ) ).latin1(),
key.left( pos ).latin1() );
QAction *a = new QAction( bookmark, QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
a->addTo( m_bookmarkMenu );
connect( a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotBookmarkSelected()) );
key = m_config.readEntry( QString::number( count ), QString::null );
m_actionBookmarkRemove->setEnabled( count > 1 );
// Load opened modules
m_config.setGroup( "Session");
QString first;
count = 1;
key = m_config.readEntry( QString::number( count ), QString::null );
while ( !key.isNull() )
int pos = key.find( "/" );
if ( pos > -1 )
if ( count == 1 )
first = key.left( pos );
openModule( key.left( pos ), key.right( key.length() - ( pos + 1 ) ) );
key = m_config.readEntry( QString::number( count ), QString::null );
m_tabs.setCurrentTab( first );
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
setCaption( QString( "%1 - Dagger" ).arg( text->getFullKey() ) );
m_navToolbar->setKey( text->getAbbrevKey() );
m_actionTextClose->setEnabled( count > 1 );
m_actionEditCopy->setEnabled( count > 1 );
void MainWindow::slotTextDisplayed( QWidget *textWidget )
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(textWidget);
setCaption( QString( "%1 - Dagger" ).arg( text->getFullKey() ) );
m_navToolbar->setKey( text->getAbbrevKey() );
m_navToolbar->navBtnsEnable( text->isBibleText() );
m_searchToolbar->setCurrModule( text );
void MainWindow::slotTextOpen()
OpenTextDlg dlg( this, m_swordMgr, m_bibleIcon, m_commentaryIcon, m_lexiconIcon );
if ( QPEApplication::execDialog( &dlg ) == QDialog::Accepted )
openModule( dlg.selectedText() );
void MainWindow::slotTextClose()
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
m_tabs.removePage( text );
delete text;
// If no other modules are open, disable appropriate UI items
if ( !m_tabs.currentWidget() )
m_navToolbar->navBtnsEnable( false );
m_navToolbar->setKey( QString::null );
m_searchToolbar->setCurrModule( 0x0 );
m_actionTextClose->setEnabled( false );
m_actionEditCopy->setEnabled( false );
m_actionBookmarkAdd->setEnabled( false );
m_actionBookmarkRemove->setEnabled( false );
void MainWindow::slotTextInstall()
void MainWindow::slotEditCopy()
TextWidget *currModule = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( currModule )
QString text;
switch( m_copyFormat )
case 0: text.sprintf( "%s (%s, %s)", currModule->getCurrVerse().latin1(),
currModule->getModuleName().latin1() );
case 1: text.sprintf( "%s (%s)", currModule->getCurrVerse().latin1(),
currModule->getAbbrevKey().latin1() );
case 2: text = currModule->getCurrVerse();
case 3: text = currModule->getAbbrevKey();
default: text = QString::null;
if ( !text.isNull() )
QPEApplication::clipboard()->setText( text );
void MainWindow::slotEditConfigure()
ConfigureDlg dlg( this, m_modulePath, m_alwaysOpenNew, m_numVerses, m_disableScreenBlank, m_copyFormat,
&m_textFont );
if ( QPEApplication::execDialog( &dlg ) == QDialog::Accepted )
m_modulePath = dlg.swordPath();
m_alwaysOpenNew = dlg.alwaysOpenNew();
if ( dlg.numVerses() != m_numVerses )
m_numVerses = dlg.numVerses();
emit sigNumVersesChanged( m_numVerses );
m_disableScreenBlank = dlg.screenBlank();
enableScreenBlanking( !m_disableScreenBlank );
m_copyFormat = dlg.copyFormat();
m_textFont = dlg.selectedFont();
emit sigFontChanged( &m_textFont );
void MainWindow::slotBookmarkAdd()
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
// See if bookmark doesn't already exists
QString bookmark = text->getFullKey();
int menuId = findBookmark( bookmark );
if ( menuId == -1 )
// Bookmark not found, add
QAction *a = new QAction( bookmark, QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
a->addTo( m_bookmarkMenu );
connect( a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotBookmarkSelected()) );
// Make sure remove option is enabled
m_actionBookmarkRemove->setEnabled( true );
void MainWindow::slotBookmarkRemove()
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
// See if bookmark exists for current module key
int menuId = findBookmark( text->getFullKey() );
if ( menuId != -1 )
// Bookmark found, remove
m_bookmarkMenu->removeItem( menuId );
//If this was the last bookmark, disable the remove option
if ( m_bookmarkMenu->idAt( 3 ) == -1 )
m_actionBookmarkRemove->setEnabled( false );
void MainWindow::slotBookmarkSelected()
const QAction *action = reinterpret_cast<const QAction *>(sender());
if ( action )
QString bookmark = action->text();
int pos = bookmark.find( " (" );
QString key = bookmark.left( pos );
pos += 2;
QString module = bookmark.mid( pos, bookmark.find( ")", pos ) - pos );
openModule( module, key );
void MainWindow::slotViewSwordOption( bool enabled )
const QAction *action = reinterpret_cast<const QAction*>(sender());
m_swordMgr->setGlobalOption ( action->text(), enabled ? "On" : "Off" );
emit sigOptionChanged();
void MainWindow::slotViewNavToolbar( bool enabled )
enabled ? m_navToolbar->show()
: m_navToolbar->hide();
void MainWindow::slotViewSearchToolbar( bool enabled )
enabled ? m_searchToolbar->show()
: m_searchToolbar->hide();
void MainWindow::slotNavPrevPage()
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
setCaption( QString( "%1 - Dagger" ).arg( text->getFullKey() ) );
m_navToolbar->setKey( text->getAbbrevKey() );
void MainWindow::slotNavPrevVerse()
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
setCaption( QString( "%1 - Dagger" ).arg( text->getFullKey() ) );
m_navToolbar->setKey( text->getAbbrevKey() );
void MainWindow::slotNavKeyChanged( const QString &newKey )
- QString key = newKey;
- key.replace( QRegExp( "[-=.]" ), ":" );
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
+ QString key = newKey;
+ if ( text->isBibleText() )
+ key.replace( QRegExp( "[-=.]" ), ":" );
text->setKey( key );
setCaption( QString( "%1 - Dagger" ).arg( text->getFullKey() ) );
void MainWindow::slotNavNextVerse()
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
setCaption( QString( "%1 - Dagger" ).arg( text->getFullKey() ) );
m_navToolbar->setKey( text->getAbbrevKey() );
void MainWindow::slotNavNextPage()
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
setCaption( QString( "%1 - Dagger" ).arg( text->getFullKey() ) );
m_navToolbar->setKey( text->getAbbrevKey() );
void MainWindow::slotNavAutoScroll( bool enabled )
if ( enabled )
m_autoScrollTimer.start( m_navToolbar->autoScrollRate() * 100 );
void MainWindow::slotNavScrollRateChanged( int newRate )
if ( m_autoScrollTimer.isActive() )
m_autoScrollTimer.start( newRate * 100 );
void MainWindow::slotSearchResultClicked( const QString &key )
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
text->setKey( key );
setCaption( QString( "%1 - Dagger" ).arg( text->getFullKey() ) );
m_navToolbar->setKey( text->getAbbrevKey() );
void MainWindow::slotTextRefClicked( const QString &ref )
//printf( "Ref clicked: '%s'\n", ref.latin1() );
-Ref clicked: 'type=Strongs value=G3482'
-Ref clicked: 'type=Strongs value=H07225'
-Ref clicked: 'type=morph class=x-Robinson:N-PRI value=N-PRI'
-Ref clicked: 'type=morph class=x-StrongsMorph:TH8804 value=TH8804'
+Ref clicked: 'passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=Hebrew&value=07225'
+Ref clicked: 'passagestudy.jsp?action=showStrongs&type=Greek&value=602'
+Ref clicked: 'passagestudy.jsp?action=showMorph&type=x-Robinson%3AN-NSF&value=N-NSF'
+Ref clicked: 'passagestudy.jsp?action=showNote&type=n&value=1&module=KJV&passage=Genesis+1%3A5'
//owarn << "Reference: " << ref << oendl;
if ( !ref.isNull() )
TextWidget *text = reinterpret_cast<TextWidget *>(m_tabs.currentWidget());
if ( text )
+ // Parse action
+ int pos = ref.find( '&', 28 );
+ QString actionStr = ref.mid( 28, pos - 28 );
// Parse type
- int pos = ref.find( "type=", 0, false ) + 5;
- QString typeStr = ref.mid( pos, ref.find( ' ', pos ) - pos );
- // Parse class (for morph. only)
- QString classStr;
- if ( typeStr == "morph" )
- {
- pos = ref.find( "class=", 0, false ) + 5;
- QString classStr = ref.mid( pos, ref.find( ' ', pos ) - pos );
- // TODO - need to strip 'x-' from beginning and ':key' at end?
- }
+ pos = ref.find( "type=", pos, false ) + 5;
+ QString typeStr = ref.mid( pos, ref.find( '&', pos ) - pos );
// Parse value
pos = ref.find( "value=", 0, false ) + 6;
QString valueStr = ref.mid( pos, ref.find( ' ', pos ) - pos );
- if ( typeStr == "Strongs" )
+ if ( actionStr == "Strongs" )
+ {
+ QString module = actionStr;
+ module.append( typeStr );
+ // Open reference
+ openModule( module, valueStr );
+ }
+ else if ( actionStr == "Morph" )
- //Determine if is a Hebrew or Greek reference
- QString module;
- if ( 0 ) == 'H' )
- module = "StrongsHebrew";
- else
- module = "StrongsGreek";
- // Get key
- QString key( valueStr );
- key.remove( 0, 1 );
+ QString module = typeStr.mid( 2, typeStr.find( '%', 2 ) - 2 );
// Open reference
- openModule( module, key );
+ openModule( module, valueStr );
- else if ( typeStr == "morph" )
+ else if ( actionStr == "Note" )
- QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Morphological Tags" ),
- tr( "Morphological tag cross-referencing not implemented yet." ) );
+ // TODO
diff --git a/noncore/apps/dagger/opie-dagger.control b/noncore/apps/dagger/opie-dagger.control
index 4ded1f2..e613ddb 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/dagger/opie-dagger.control
+++ b/noncore/apps/dagger/opie-dagger.control
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Package: opie-dagger
Files: plugins/application/* bin/dagger pics/dagger apps/Applications/dagger.desktop
Priority: optional
Section: opie/applications
Depends: task-opie-minimal, libopiecore2, libopieui2
Architecture: arm
Maintainer: Dan Williams (
Description: A Bible study program utilizing the Sword library.
-Version: 0.9.1$EXTRAVERSION
+Version: 0.9.2$EXTRAVERSION
diff --git a/noncore/apps/dagger/searchbar.cpp b/noncore/apps/dagger/searchbar.cpp
index b195f67..463a19f 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/dagger/searchbar.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/dagger/searchbar.cpp
@@ -1,182 +1,182 @@
Dagger - A Bible study program utilizing the Sword library.
Copyright (c) 2004 Dan Williams <>
This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this
file; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "searchbar.h"
#include "textwidget.h"
#include <opie2/oresource.h>
#include <opie2/owait.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <listkey.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <versekey.h>
void searchCallback( char /*percent*/, void */*userData*/ )
SearchBar::SearchBar( QMainWindow *parent )
: QToolBar( QString::null, parent, QMainWindow::Top, true )
, m_currText( 0x0 )
// Initialize UI
m_searchText = new QLineEdit( this );
setStretchableWidget( m_searchText );
QWhatsThis::add( m_searchText, tr( "Enter text to search for here." ) );
connect(m_searchText, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
this, SLOT(slotTextChanged(const QString &)) );
m_actionFind = new QAction( tr( "Find" ),
Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "find", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
m_actionFind->setEnabled( false );
m_actionFind->addTo( this );
m_actionFind->setWhatsThis( tr( "Tap here search the current module for the text entered to the left." ) );
connect( m_actionFind, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotFind()) );
m_actionPrev = new QAction( tr( "Previous result" ),
Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "back", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
m_actionPrev->setEnabled( false );
m_actionPrev->addTo( this );
m_actionPrev->setWhatsThis( tr( "Tap here to view the previous search result." ) );
connect( m_actionPrev, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotPrev()) );
m_resultList = new QComboBox( this );
m_resultList->setEnabled( false );
QWhatsThis::add( m_resultList, tr( "Select the desired search result here." ) );
connect( m_resultList, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this, SIGNAL(sigResultClicked(const QString &)) );
m_actionNext = new QAction( tr( "Next result" ),
Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "forward", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
m_actionNext->setEnabled( false );
m_actionNext->addTo( this );
m_actionNext->setWhatsThis( tr( "Tap here to view the next search result." ) );
connect( m_actionNext, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(slotNext()) );
if ( parent )
installEventFilter( parent );
// TODO - install for all controls
m_searchText->installEventFilter( parent );
void SearchBar::setCurrModule( TextWidget *currText )
m_actionFind->setEnabled( ( m_searchText->text() != "" ) && currText );
- if ( !m_currText || ( currText->getModuleName() != m_currText->getModuleName() ) )
+ if ( !m_currText || !currText || ( currText->getModuleName() != m_currText->getModuleName() ) )
m_actionPrev->setEnabled( false );
m_resultList->setEnabled( false );
m_actionNext->setEnabled( false );
m_currText = currText;
void SearchBar::slotTextChanged( const QString &newText )
m_actionFind->setEnabled( ( newText != "" ) && m_currText );
void SearchBar::slotFind()
// Change application title and display Opie wait dialog to indicate search is beginning
QWidget *pWidget = reinterpret_cast<QWidget *>(parent());
QString caption = pWidget->caption();
pWidget->setCaption( "Searching..." );
Opie::Ui::OWait wait( pWidget );;
// Perform search
// TODO - implement search callback function to animate wait cursor
sword::ListKey results = m_currText->getModule()->Search( m_searchText->text().latin1(), 0, REG_ICASE, 0, 0,
&searchCallback );
// Process results
int count = results.Count();
bool found = count > 0;
if ( found )
// Populate results combo box
sword::VerseKey key;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
key.setText( results.GetElement( i )->getText() );
m_resultList->insertItem( key.getShortText() );
// Goto first result in list
m_resultList->setCurrentItem( 0 );
emit sigResultClicked( m_resultList->currentText() );
// Reset application title
pWidget->setCaption( caption );
// UI clean-up
m_actionPrev->setEnabled( false );
m_resultList->setEnabled( found );
m_actionNext->setEnabled( count > 1 );
void SearchBar::slotPrev()
int item = m_resultList->currentItem() - 1;
m_resultList->setCurrentItem( item );
emit sigResultClicked( m_resultList->currentText() );
m_actionPrev->setEnabled( item > 0 );
m_actionNext->setEnabled( item < m_resultList->count() - 1 );
void SearchBar::slotNext()
int item = m_resultList->currentItem() + 1;
m_resultList->setCurrentItem( item );
emit sigResultClicked( m_resultList->currentText() );
m_actionPrev->setEnabled( true );
m_actionNext->setEnabled( item < m_resultList->count() - 1 );
void SearchBar::slotCloseBtn()