authorwimpie <wimpie>2005-01-07 15:23:23 (UTC)
committer wimpie <wimpie>2005-01-07 15:23:23 (UTC)
commitb4eced64efad35beeb2004243ca26bf7eb20eaba (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent7af7203a51ddcf85f9f60e39157fcad21f7d9e34 (diff)
All NS2 libraries are now properly working plugins
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
21 files changed, 222 insertions, 518 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/bluetooth/bluetoothBNEP_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/bluetooth/bluetoothBNEP_NN.cpp
index 5e4d951..5c2b8b2 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/bluetooth/bluetoothBNEP_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/bluetooth/bluetoothBNEP_NN.cpp
@@ -1,94 +1,75 @@
#include "bluetoothBNEP_NN.h"
#include "bluetoothBNEP_NNI.h"
#include "bluetoothRFCOMM_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * BluetoothBNEPNeeds[] =
{ 0
static const char * BluetoothBNEPProvides[] =
{ "device",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
BluetoothBNEPNetNode::BluetoothBNEPNetNode() :
ANetNode(tr("Bluetooth PAN/NAP")) {
InstanceCount = 7; // default
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString BluetoothBNEPNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Sets up a bluetooth link using the bluetooth Network profile.</p>\
<p>Use this to connect two computing devices.</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * BluetoothBNEPNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new ABluetoothBNEP( this );
const char ** BluetoothBNEPNetNode::needs( void ) {
return BluetoothBNEPNeeds;
const char ** BluetoothBNEPNetNode::provides( void ) {
return BluetoothBNEPProvides;
QString BluetoothBNEPNetNode::genNic( long nr ) {
QString S;
return S.sprintf( "bnep%ld", nr );
void BluetoothBNEPNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & A, QString & V ) {
if( A == "interfacecount" ) {
InstanceCount = V.toLong();
void BluetoothBNEPNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & TS) {
TS << "interfacecount="
<< InstanceCount
<< endl;
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-// create plugin registers both BT functions
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new BluetoothBNEPNetNode() );
- PNN.append( new BluetoothRFCOMMNetNode() );
typedef Opie::Core::MakeTypelist<BluetoothBNEPNetNode, BluetoothRFCOMMNetNode>::Result BluetoothTypes;
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<BluetoothTypes> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<BluetoothTypes> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/cable/cable_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/cable/cable_NN.cpp
index 20299e4..58237a1 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/cable/cable_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/cable/cable_NN.cpp
@@ -1,69 +1,52 @@
#include "cable_NN.h"
#include "cable_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * CableNeeds[] =
{ 0
static const char * CableProvides[] =
{ "line",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
CableNetNode::CableNetNode() : ANetNode(tr("Cable Connection")) {
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString CableNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Sets up a wired serial or parallel.</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * CableNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new ACable( this );
const char ** CableNetNode::needs( void ) {
return CableNeeds;
const char ** CableNetNode::provides( void ) {
return CableProvides;
void CableNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) {
void CableNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) {
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new CableNetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<CableNetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<CableNetNode> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/editconnection.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/editconnection.cpp
index 3f8a53f..0c3ead6 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/editconnection.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/editconnection.cpp
@@ -132,389 +132,388 @@ NodeCollection * EditConnection::getTmpCollection( void ) {
node to the deepest node
ANetNodeInstance * NNI =
(SelectedNodes) ? SelectedNodes->first() : 0 ;
TmpCollection.setModified( 0 );
// the listview always starts with the toplevel
// hierarchy. This is always a controller item
while ( it ) {
NN = (*Mapping)[it];
if( NN == 0 ) {
// this item is a controller ->
// has radio items as children ->
// find selected one
it = it->firstChild();
while( it ) {
if( ((QCheckListItem *)it)->isOn() ) {
// this radio is selected -> go deeper
it = it->nextSibling();
if( ! it ) {
owarn << "Radio not selected" << oendl;
TmpIsValid = 0;
return 0;
// it now contains selected radio
NN = (*Mapping)[it];
// NN here contains the netnode of the
// current item -> this node needs to
// be stored in the collection
if( NNI == 0 ||
it->text(0) != NNI->nodeClass()->name() ) {
// new item not in previous collection
ANetNodeInstance * NNI = NN->createInstance();
// this node type not in collection
TmpCollection.append( NNI );
// master collection changed because new item in it
TmpCollection.setModified( 1 );
// no more valid items in old list
NNI = 0;
} else {
// already in list -> copy pointer
TmpCollection.append( NNI );
NNI = SelectedNodes->next();
// go deeper to next level
// this level is can be a new controller
// or an item
it = it->firstChild();
TmpIsValid = 1;
return &(TmpCollection);
// pass a connection NodeCollection to be edited
void EditConnection::setConnection( NodeCollection * NC ) {
ANetNodeInstance * NNI;
ANetNode * NN;
SelectedNodes = NC;
Name_LE->setText( NC->name() );
NNI = NC->first();
// show configure tabl
Tab_TB->setCurrentPage( 1 );
// valid colledction
Tab_TB->setTabEnabled( Setup_FRM, FALSE );
Setup_FRM->setEnabled( FALSE );
// select items in collection
QListViewItem * it = Nodes_LV->firstChild();
bool Found;
TmpIsValid = 0;
while ( it ) {
NN = (*Mapping)[it];
if( NN == 0 ) {
// this item is a controller ->
// has radio items as children ->
// find selected one
it = it->firstChild();
Found = 0;
while( it ) {
if( NNI && it->text(0) == NNI->nodeClass()->name() ) {
// this radio is part of the collection
((QCheckListItem *)it)->setOn( 1 );
updateGUI( it, NNI->nodeClass() );
// check its children
Found = 1;
it = it->firstChild();
NNI = SelectedNodes->next();
// do not bother to check other items
it = it->nextSibling();
if( ! Found ) {
// this means that this level is NOT present in collection
// probably INCOMPATIBEL collection OR Missing plugin
tr( "Error presentig Connection" ),
tr( "<p>Old connection or missing plugin \"<i>%1</i>\"</p>" ).
arg(NNI->nodeClass()->name()) );
// it now contains selected radio
NN = (*Mapping)[it];
} else {
// automatic selection
if( NNI == 0 || it->text(0) != NNI->nodeClass()->name() ) {
// should exist and be the same
if( NNI ) {
tr( "Error presentig Connection" ),
tr( "<p>Old connection or missing plugin \"<i>%1</i>\"</p>" ).
arg(NNI->nodeClass()->name()) );
} else {
tr( "Error presentig Connection" ),
tr( "<p>Missing connection\"<i>%1</i>\"</p>" ).
arg(it->text(0)) );
it = it->firstChild();
// get result of editing (either new OR updated collection
NodeCollection * EditConnection::connection( void ) {
if( SelectedNodes == 0 ) {
// new collection
SelectedNodes = new NodeCollection;
// clean out old entries
// transfer
for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(TmpCollection);
++it ) {
SelectedNodes->append( it.current() );
if( TmpCollection.isModified() )
SelectedNodes->setModified( 1 );
if( SelectedNodes->name() != Name_LE->text() ) {
SelectedNodes->setName( Name_LE->text() );
SelectedNodes->setModified( 1 );
return SelectedNodes;
// Build device tree -> start
void EditConnection::buildFullTree( void ) {
ANetNode * NN;
// toplevel item
MyQCheckListItem * TheTop = new MyQCheckListItem(
QCheckListItem::Controller );
TheTop->setOpen( TRUE );
NSResources->netNode2Description( "fullsetup" ) );
Nodes_LV->setSelected( TheTop, TRUE );
// find all Nodes that are toplevel nodes -> ie provide
// TCP/IP Connection
- for( QDictIterator<NetNode_t> Iter(NSResources->netNodes());
+ for( QDictIterator<ANetNode> Iter(NSResources->netNodes());
++Iter ) {
- NN = Iter.current()->NetNode;
+ NN = Iter.current();
if( ! NN->isToplevel() ) {
MyQCheckListItem * it = new MyQCheckListItem( TheTop,
QCheckListItem::RadioButton );
it->setPixmap( 0,
NSResources->getPixmap( NN->pixmapName() )
// remember that this node maps to this listitem
Mapping->insert( it, NN );
buildSubTree( it, NN );
// Build device tree -> help function
void EditConnection::buildSubTree( QListViewItem * it, ANetNode *NN ) {
ANetNode::NetNodeList & NNL = NN->alternatives();
if( NNL.size() > 1 ) {
// this node has alternatives -> needs radio buttons
it = new MyQCheckListItem(
QCheckListItem::Controller );
it->setSelectable( FALSE );
for ( unsigned int i=0; i < NNL.size(); i++ ) {
QListViewItem * CI;
if( NNL.size() > 1 ) {
// generate radio buttons
CI = new MyQCheckListItem(
(QCheckListItem *)it,
NNL[i]->name(), QCheckListItem::RadioButton );
// remember that this node maps to this listitem
CI->setPixmap( 0, NSResources->getPixmap( NNL[i]->pixmapName() ) );
Mapping->insert( CI, NNL[i] );
CI->setSelectable( FALSE );
} else {
// Single item
CI = new MyQListViewItem( it, NNL[i]->name() );
// remember that this node maps to this listitem
Mapping->insert( CI, NNL[i] );
CI->setSelectable( FALSE );
CI->setPixmap( 0, NSResources->getPixmap( NNL[i]->pixmapName() ) );
buildSubTree( CI, NNL[i] );
// Clicked ok OK button
void EditConnection::accept( void ) {
if( ! haveCompleteConfig( 0 ) || Name_LE->text().isEmpty() ) {
tr( "Closing Connection Setup" ),
tr( "Definition not complete or no name" ) );
// check if all devices have acceptable input
{ ANetNodeInstance * NNI;
QString S;
for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(TmpCollection);
++it ) {
NNI = it.current();
// widget must show its own problems
S = NNI->acceptable();
if( ! S.isEmpty() ) {
tr( "Cannot save" ),
S );
if( NNI->isModified() ) {
TmpCollection.setModified( 1 );
// commit the data
// triggered by CB
void EditConnection::SLOT_AutoCollapse( bool b ) {
AutoCollapse = b;
// clicked on node in tree -> update GUI
void EditConnection::SLOT_SelectNode( QListViewItem * it ) {
ANetNode * NN;
if( it == 0 || it->depth() == 0 ) {
NSResources->netNode2Description( "fullsetup" ) );
// topevel or no selection
// store conversion from lvitem to node
NN = (*Mapping)[ it ];
if( ! NN ) {
// intermediate node
NN = (*Mapping)[ it->parent() ];
if( NN ) {
// figure out type of this node -> produce mesage
Description_LBL->setText( NSResources->netNode2Description(
NN->needs()[0]) );
} else {
Description_LBL->setText( "" );
Description_LBL->setText( NN->nodeDescription() );
if( ! it->isSelectable() ) {
if( ! ((QCheckListItem *)it)->isOn() ) {
// clicked on line but NOT on Check or Radio item
// item has really changed -> update
TmpIsValid = 0;
updateGUI( it, NN );
// cliecked on TAB to go to setup
void EditConnection::SLOT_AlterTab( const QString & S ) {
if( S == tr( "Setup" ) && Setup_FRM->isEnabled() ) {
// switched to setup -> update CB and populate ws with
// forms for devices
if( ! TmpIsValid ) {
// clear CB and Ws
{ QWidget * W;
int i = 0;
while( ( W = Setup_WS->widget( i ) ) ) {
Setup_WS->removeWidget( W );
i ++;
// update CB
// and populate WidgetStack
{ ANetNodeInstance * NNI;
QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(TmpCollection);
int i = 0;
QWidget * W;
for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
NNI = it.current();
NSResources->getPixmap( NNI->nodeClass()->pixmapName() ),
// add edit widget
W = NNI->edit( Setup_WS );
if( ! W) {
W = new QLabel( Setup_WS,
tr("No configuration required"));
Setup_WS->addWidget( W , i );
i ++;
Setup_WS->raiseWidget( 0 );
} // still valid
// update visual feedback of selection state
void EditConnection::updateGUI( QListViewItem * it, ANetNode * NN ) {
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/gprs/GPRS_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/gprs/GPRS_NN.cpp
index 4415739..e9553a6 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/gprs/GPRS_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/gprs/GPRS_NN.cpp
@@ -1,95 +1,78 @@
#include <resources.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <netnode.h>
#include "GPRS_NN.h"
#include "GPRS_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * GPRSNeeds[] =
{ "GPRS",
static const char * GPRSProvides[] =
{ "connection",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
GPRSNetNode::GPRSNetNode() : ANetNode(tr("GPRS capable device")) {
"pap-secrets", "/etc/ppp/pap-secrets", 0 );
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString GPRSNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>provides access to a GPRS capable device.</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * GPRSNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new AGPRSDevice( this );
bool GPRSNetNode::hasDataForFile( SystemFile & S ) {
return == "pap-secrets";
short GPRSNetNode::generateFile( SystemFile & ,
ANetNodeInstance * ,
long ) {
return 0;
const char ** GPRSNetNode::needs( void ) {
return GPRSNeeds;
const char ** GPRSNetNode::provides( void ) {
return GPRSProvides;
void GPRSNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) {
void GPRSNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) {
QStringList GPRSNetNode::properFiles( void ) {
QStringList SL;
SL << "peers";
SL << "chatscripts";
SL << "extra";
return SL;
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new GPRSNetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<GPRSNetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<GPRSNetNode> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/irda/irda_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/irda/irda_NN.cpp
index 6858157..a1ed686 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/irda/irda_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/irda/irda_NN.cpp
@@ -1,69 +1,52 @@
#include "irda_NN.h"
#include "irda_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * IRDANeeds[] =
{ 0
static const char * IRDAProvides[] =
{ "line",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
IRDANetNode::IRDANetNode() : ANetNode(tr("Infrared link")) {
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString IRDANetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Sets up a infra red serial link.</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * IRDANetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new AIRDA( this );
const char ** IRDANetNode::needs( void ) {
return IRDANeeds;
const char ** IRDANetNode::provides( void ) {
return IRDAProvides;
void IRDANetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) {
void IRDANetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) {
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new IRDANetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<IRDANetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<IRDANetNode> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/lancard/lancard_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/lancard/lancard_NN.cpp
index fce3d29..520516c 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/lancard/lancard_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/lancard/lancard_NN.cpp
@@ -1,92 +1,75 @@
#include "lancard_NN.h"
#include "lancard_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * LanCardNeeds[] =
{ 0
static const char * LanCardProvides[] =
{ "device",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
LanCardNetNode::LanCardNetNode() : ANetNode(tr("LAN card")), NICMACAddresses() {
InstanceCount = 2;
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString LanCardNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Sets up a wired regular LAN card.</p>\
<p>Use this to set up 10/100/1000 MBit LAN cards.</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * LanCardNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new ALanCard( this );
const char ** LanCardNetNode::needs( void ) {
return LanCardNeeds;
const char ** LanCardNetNode::provides( void ) {
return LanCardProvides;
QString LanCardNetNode::genNic( long nr ) {
QString S;
return S.sprintf( "eth%ld", nr );
void LanCardNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & A, QString & V ) {
if( A == "interfacecount" ) {
InstanceCount = V.toLong();
} else if ( A == "macaddress" ) {
NICMACAddresses.append( V );
void LanCardNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & TS) {
TS << "interfacecount="
<< InstanceCount
<< endl;
for( QStringList::Iterator it = NICMACAddresses.begin();
it != NICMACAddresses.end();
++it ) {
TS << "macaddress="
<< (*it)
<< endl;
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new LanCardNetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<LanCardNetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<LanCardNetNode> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/modem/modem_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/modem/modem_NN.cpp
index c7f6e78..e91b45a 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/modem/modem_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/modem/modem_NN.cpp
@@ -1,70 +1,53 @@
#include "modem_NN.h"
#include "modem_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * ModemNeeds[] =
{ "line",
static const char * ModemProvides[] =
{ "modem",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
ModemNetNode::ModemNetNode() : ANetNode(tr("Dialup modem")) {
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString ModemNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Sets up a dialing procedures.</p>\
<p>Use this to dial up over modems, ISDN, GSM, ...</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * ModemNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new AModem( this );
const char ** ModemNetNode::needs( void ) {
return ModemNeeds;
const char ** ModemNetNode::provides( void ) {
return ModemProvides;
void ModemNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) {
void ModemNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) {
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new ModemNetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<ModemNetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<ModemNetNode> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/network/network_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/network/network_NN.cpp
index 82d0c29..2fa31bd 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/network/network_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/network/network_NN.cpp
@@ -1,112 +1,95 @@
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <resources.h>
#include <netnode.h>
#include "network_NN.h"
#include "network_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * NetworkNeeds[] =
{ "device",
static const char * NetworkProvides[] =
{ "connection",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
NetworkNetNode::NetworkNetNode() : ANetNode(tr("IP Configuration")) {
"interfaces", "/etc/network/interfaces", 1 );
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString NetworkNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Sets up TCP/IP options.</p>\
<p>Use this to configure the TCP/IP protocol</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * NetworkNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new ANetwork( this );
bool NetworkNetNode::hasDataForFile( SystemFile & S ) {
return == "interfaces";
short NetworkNetNode::generateFile( SystemFile & SF,
ANetNodeInstance * NNI,
long DevNr ) {
if( DevNr < 0 ) {
// generate device specific but common part
return 1;
QString NIC = NNI->runtime()->device()->netNode()->nodeClass()->genNic( DevNr );
if( == "interfaces" ) {
Log(("Generate entry for %s in %s\n", NIC.latin1(), ));
// generate mapping stanza for this interface
SF << "# check if "
<< NIC
<< " can be brought UP"
<< endl;
SF << "mapping "
<< NIC
<< endl;
SF << " script "
<< QPEApplication::qpeDir()
<< "bin/networksettings2-request"
<< endl
<< endl;
return 0;
return 1;
const char ** NetworkNetNode::needs( void ) {
return NetworkNeeds;
const char ** NetworkNetNode::provides( void ) {
return NetworkProvides;
void NetworkNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) {
void NetworkNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) {
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new NetworkNetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<NetworkNetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<NetworkNetNode> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings.cpp
index dca6631..9680a96 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings.cpp
@@ -48,396 +48,396 @@ NetworkSettings::NetworkSettings( QWidget *parent,
H->addWidget( Leds[0], 0, Qt::AlignVCenter );
Leds[1] = new Opie::Ui::OLedBox( red, LED_Frm );
H->addWidget( Leds[1], 0, Qt::AlignVCenter );
Leds[2] = new Opie::Ui::OLedBox( red, LED_Frm );
H->addWidget( Leds[2], 0, Qt::AlignVCenter );
// populate main Listbox
Profiles_LB->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold );
connect( Profiles_LB,
SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed(QListBoxItem*,const QPoint&)),
this, SLOT(SLOT_EditNode(QListBoxItem*)) );
{ Name2Connection_t & M = NSResources->connections();
NodeCollection * NC;
// for all connections
for( QDictIterator<NodeCollection> it(M);
++it ) {
NC = it.current();
Profiles_LB->insertItem( NC->devicePixmap(),
NC->name() );
if( Profiles_LB->count() ) {
Profiles_LB->setSelected( 0, TRUE );
// if no profiles -> auto popup editing
if( NSResources->connections().count() == 0 ) {
QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SLOT(SLOT_AddNode() ) );
connect( &(NSResources->system()),
SIGNAL( stdoutLine(const QString &) ),
this, SLOT( SLOT_CmdMessage(const QString &) ) );
connect( &(NSResources->system()),
SIGNAL( stderrLine(const QString &) ),
this, SLOT( SLOT_CmdMessage(const QString &) ) );
connect( &(NSResources->system()),
SIGNAL( processEvent(const QString &) ),
this, SLOT( SLOT_CmdMessage(const QString &) ) );
UpdateTimer->start( 5000 );
connect( UpdateTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
this, SLOT( SLOT_RefreshStates() ) );
/* Add QCopChannel */
connect( qApp, SIGNAL(appMessage(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)),
this, SLOT(SLOT_QCopMessage(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)) );
NetworkSettings::~NetworkSettings() {
QString S;
owarn << "Dispose NS" << oendl;
if( NSD.isModified() ) {
owarn << "Modified" << oendl;
S = NSD.saveSettings();
if( ! S.isEmpty() ) {
S.insert( 0, "<p>" );
S.append( "</p>" );
// problem saving
tr( "Saving setup" ), S );
NSD.setModified( 0 );
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_CmdMessage( const QString & S ) {
Messages_LB->insertItem( S );
Messages_LB->setCurrentItem( Messages_LB->count()-1 );
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_RefreshStates( void ) {
QListBoxItem * LBI = Profiles_LB->item( Profiles_LB->currentItem() ); // remember
if( LBI ) {
NodeCollection * NC;
// update current selection only
NC = NSResources->findConnection( LBI->text() );
if( NC ) {
State_t OldS = NC->state();
State_t NewS = NC->state(1);
if( OldS != NewS ) {
updateProfileState( LBI );
/* -> LATER !!
bool is;
NodeCollection * NC;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < Profiles_LB->count() ; i ++ ) {
NC = NSResources->findConnection( Profiles_LB->text(i) );
if( NC ) {
State_t OldS = NC->state();
State_t NewS = NC->state(1);
if( OldS != NewS ) {
is = Profiles_LB->isSelected(i);
Profiles_LB->changeItem( NC->statePixmap(NewS),
i );
if( is ) {
Profiles_LB->setSelected( i, TRUE );
if( ci >= 0 )
Profiles_LB->setCurrentItem( ci );
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_AddNode( void ) {
SLOT_EditNode( 0 );
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_DeleteNode( void ) {
QListBoxItem * LBI = Profiles_LB->item( Profiles_LB->currentItem() );
if ( ! LBI )
if( QMessageBox::warning(
tr( "Removing profile" ),
tr( "Remove selected profile ?" ),
1, 0 ) == 1 ) {
NSResources->removeConnection( LBI->text() );
delete LBI;
NSD.setModified( 1 );
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_EditNode( QListBoxItem * LBI ) {
QString OldName = "";
EditConnection EC( this );
if( LBI ) {
NodeCollection * NC = NSResources->findConnection( LBI->text() );
if( ! NC ) {
OldName = NC->name();
EC.setConnection( NC );
// disable refresh timer
// we need to retry
while( 1 ) {
if( EC.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
// toplevel item -> store
NodeCollection * NC = EC.connection();
if( NC->isModified() ) {
if( LBI ) {
if( NC->name() != OldName ) {
// find if new name is free
NodeCollection * LCN = NSResources->findConnection(
NC->name() );
if( LCN ) {
tr( "In System Config" ),
tr( "Name %1 already exists" ).arg(NC->name())
continue; // restart exec
} // else new name
// new name -> remove item
NSResources->removeConnection( OldName );
- NSResources->addConnection( NC );
+ NSResources->addConnection( NC, 0 );
} // else not changed
// must add it here since change will trigger event
Profiles_LB->changeItem( NC->devicePixmap(),
Profiles_LB->index( LBI )
} else {
// new item
int ci = Profiles_LB->count();
- NSResources->addConnection( NC );
+ NSResources->addConnection( NC, 0 );
NC->setNumber( NSResources->assignConnectionNumber() );
Profiles_LB->insertItem( NC->devicePixmap(), NC->name() );
Profiles_LB->setSelected( ci, TRUE );
updateProfileState( LBI );
} else {
// cancelled : reset connection
if( LBI ) {
NodeCollection * NC = NSResources->findConnection( LBI->text() );
// reenable
UpdateTimer->start( 5000 );
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_ShowNode( QListBoxItem * LBI ) {
if( LBI == 0 )
NodeCollection * NC = NSResources->findConnection( LBI->text() );
if( NC->description().isEmpty() ) {
Description_LBL->setText( tr( "<<No description>>" ) );
} else {
Description_LBL->setText( NC->description() );
Profile_GB->setTitle( LBI->text() + " : " + NC->stateName() );
bool FrmActive = 1;
bool IsEnabled = 1;
int leds = 0;
owarn << "State " << NC->state() << oendl;
switch( NC->state() ) {
case Disabled : // no further work
IsEnabled = 0;
FrmActive = 0;
owarn << "LEds " << leds << oendl;
case Unknown :
case Unchecked :
case Unavailable :
FrmActive = 0;
case Off :
leds = 1;
case Available :
leds = 2;
case IsUp :
leds = 3;
Disable_TB->setOn( ! IsEnabled );
LED_Frm->setEnabled( FrmActive );
for( int i = 0 ; i < leds; i ++ ) {
Leds[i]->setColor( red );
Leds[i]->setOn( true );
for( int i = leds ; i < 3; i ++ ) {
Leds[i]->setColor( red );
Leds[i]->setOn( false );
Up_TB->setEnabled( leds < 3 && leds != 0 );
Down_TB->setEnabled( leds > 0 );
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_CheckState( void ) {
QListBoxItem * LBI = Profiles_LB->item( Profiles_LB->currentItem() );
if ( ! LBI )
updateProfileState( LBI );
void NetworkSettings::updateProfileState( QListBoxItem * LBI ) {
if( LBI == Profiles_LB->item( Profiles_LB->currentItem() ) ) {
SLOT_ShowNode( LBI );
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_GenerateConfig( void ) {
QString S = NSD.generateSettings();
if( ! S.isEmpty() ) {
S.insert( 0, "<p>" );
S.append( "</p>" );
tr( "Generate config" ),
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_Disable( bool T ) {
QListBoxItem * LBI = Profiles_LB->item( Profiles_LB->currentItem() );
QString Msg;
if ( ! LBI )
NodeCollection * NC = NSResources->findConnection( LBI->text() );
owarn << "Prepare to disable" << oendl;
Msg = NC->setState( (T) ? Disable : Enable );
if( ! Msg.isEmpty() ) {
Msg.insert( 0, "<p>" );
Msg.append( "</p>" );
tr( "Activating profile" ),
Msg );
// reload new state
NC->state( true );
updateProfileState( LBI );
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_Up( void ) {
// bring more up
QListBoxItem * LBI = Profiles_LB->item( Profiles_LB->currentItem() );
QString Msg;
int led = -1;
if ( ! LBI )
NodeCollection * NC =
NSResources->findConnection( LBI->text() );
switch( NC->state() ) {
case Disabled : // cannot modify this state
case Unknown : // cannot modify this state
case Unchecked : // cannot modify this state
case Unavailable : // cannot modify this state
case IsUp : // highest UP state
case Off : // -> activate
led = 1;
Down_TB->setEnabled( true );
Log(( "Activate interface %s\n", NC->name().latin1() ));
Msg = NC->setState( Activate );
case Available : // -> up
led = 2;
Log(( "Bring up interface %s\n", NC->name().latin1() ));
Msg = NC->setState( Up );
if( Msg.isEmpty() ) {
Up_TB->setEnabled( false );
if( ! Msg.isEmpty() ) {
Msg.insert( 0, "<p>" );
Msg.append( "</p>" );
tr( "Increase availability" ),
Msg );
updateProfileState( LBI );
// set color of led we should change
if( led > 0 ) {
Leds[led]->setColor( blue );
Leds[led]->setOn( true );
void NetworkSettings::SLOT_Down( void ) {
// bring more down
QListBoxItem * LBI = Profiles_LB->item( Profiles_LB->currentItem() );
int led = -1;
QString Msg;
if ( ! LBI )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnode.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnode.cpp
index f8f2d1e..f00e0b3 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnode.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnode.cpp
@@ -1,439 +1,446 @@
#include <time.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include "resources.h"
#include "netnode.h"
static char * ActionName[] = {
static char * StateName[] = {
QString & deQuote( QString & X ) {
if( X[0] == '"' ) {
// remove end and trailing "" and \x -> x
QChar R;
long idx;
idx = X.length()-1;
X = X.mid( 1, idx );
idx = 0;
while( ( idx = X.find( '\\', idx ) ) >= 0 ) {
R = idx + 1 );
X.replace( idx, 2, &R, 1 );
X = X.left( X.length()-1 );
return X;
QString quote( QString X ) {
if( X.find( QRegExp( "[ \n\"\\\t]" ) ) >= 0 ) {
// need to quote this
QString OutString = "\"";
X.replace( QRegExp("\""), "\\\"" );
X.replace( QRegExp("\\"), "\\\\" );
X.replace( QRegExp(" "), "\\ " );
OutString += X;
OutString += "\"";
X = OutString;
return X;
void ANetNode::saveAttributes( QTextStream & TS ) {
saveSpecificAttribute( TS );
void ANetNode::setAttribute( QString & Attr, QString & Value ){
setSpecificAttribute( Attr, Value );
bool ANetNode::isToplevel( void ) {
const char ** P = provides();
while( *P ) {
if( strcmp( *P, "fullsetup") == 0 )
return 1;
P ++;
return 0;
bool ANetNode::openFile( SystemFile & SF,
ANetNodeInstance * NNI ) {
return (NNI ) ? NNI->openFile( SF ) : 0 ;
long ANetNodeInstance::InstanceCounter = -1;
void ANetNodeInstance::initialize( void ) {
if( InstanceCounter == -1 )
InstanceCounter = time(0);
// set name
QString N;
N.sprintf( "-%ld", InstanceCounter++ );
N.prepend( NodeType->name() );
setName( N.latin1() );
void ANetNodeInstance::setAttribute( QString & Attr, QString & Value ){
if( Attr == "__name" ) {
setName( Value.latin1() );
} else {
setSpecificAttribute( Attr, Value );
void ANetNodeInstance::saveAttributes( QTextStream & TS ) {
TS << "__name=" << name() << endl;
saveSpecificAttribute( TS );
ANetNodeInstance * ANetNodeInstance::nextNode( void ) {
return connection()->findNext( this );
NodeCollection::NodeCollection( void ) : QList<ANetNodeInstance>() {
IsModified = 0;
Index = -1;
IsNew = 1;
CurrentState = Unchecked;
AssignedInterface = 0;
+ Number = -1;
+ Done = 0;
-NodeCollection::NodeCollection( QTextStream & TS ) :
+NodeCollection::NodeCollection( QTextStream & TS, bool & Dangling ) :
QList<ANetNodeInstance>() {
long idx;
- bool InError = 0;
QString S, A, N;
+ Number = -1;
+ Done = 0;
IsModified = 0;
Index = -1;
IsNew = 0;
AssignedInterface = 0;
CurrentState = Unchecked;
+ Dangling = 0; // by default node collection is ok
do {
S = TS.readLine();
if( S.isEmpty() ) {
- if( InError ) {
- // remove all nodes
- clear();
- }
// empty line
idx = S.find('=');
A = S.left( idx );
N = S.mid( idx+1, S.length() );
N = deQuote( N );
if( A == "name" ) {
Name = N;
} else if( A == "number" ) {
setNumber( N.toLong() );
} else if( A == "node" ) {
ANetNodeInstance * NNI = NSResources->findNodeInstance( N );
Log(( "Find node %s : %p\n", N.latin1(), NNI ));
- if( NNI && ! InError ) {
+ if( NNI ) {
append( NNI );
} else {
// could not find a node type -> collection invalid
- InError = 1;
+ Log(( "Node %s missing -> connection dangling\n",
+ N.latin1() ));
+ // create placeholder for this dangling NNI
+ NNI = new ErrorNNI( N );
+ Dangling = 1;
} while( 1 );
Log(( "Profile number %s : %d nodes\n",
Name.latin1(), count() ));
NodeCollection::~NodeCollection( void ) {
const QString & NodeCollection::description( void ) {
ANetNodeInstance * NNI = getToplevel();
return (NNI) ? NNI->runtime()->description() : Name;
void NodeCollection::append( ANetNodeInstance * NNI ) {
NNI->setConnection( this );
QList<ANetNodeInstance>::append( NNI );
void NodeCollection::save( QTextStream & TS ) {
TS << "name=" << quote( Name ) << endl;
TS << "number=" << number() << endl;
ANetNodeInstance * NNI;
for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(*this);
++it ) {
NNI = it.current();
TS << "node=" << NNI->name() << endl;
TS << endl;
IsNew = 0;
ANetNodeInstance * NodeCollection::getToplevel( void ) {
ANetNodeInstance * NNI = 0;
for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(*this);
++it ) {
NNI = it.current();
- if( NNI->nodeClass()->isToplevel() )
- break;
+ if( NNI->nodeClass()->isToplevel() ) {
+ return NNI;
+ }
- return NNI;
+ return 0;
ANetNodeInstance * NodeCollection::findByName( const QString & S ) {
ANetNodeInstance * NNI = 0;
for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(*this);
++it ) {
NNI = it.current();
- if( NNI->name() == S )
- break;
+ if( NNI->name() == S ) {
+ return NNI;
+ }
- return NNI;
+ return 0;
ANetNodeInstance * NodeCollection::findNext( ANetNodeInstance * NNI ) {
ANetNodeInstance * NNNI;
if( ! NNI )
for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(*this);
++it ) {
NNNI = it.current();
if( NNNI == NNI ) {
return it.current();
return 0; // no more next
int NodeCollection::compareItems( QCollection::Item I1,
QCollection::Item I2 ) {
ANetNodeInstance * NNI1, * NNI2;
NNI1 = (ANetNodeInstance *)I1;
NNI2 = (ANetNodeInstance *)I2;
return strcmp( NNI1->name(), NNI2->name() );
static char * State2PixmapTbl[] = {
"NULL", // Unchecked : no pixmap
"check", // Unknown
"delete", // unavailable
"disabled", // disabled
"off", // off
"disconnected", // available
"connected" // up
QPixmap NodeCollection::devicePixmap( void ) {
QPixmap pm = NSResources->getPixmap(
QPixmap Mini = NSResources->getPixmap(
device()->netNode()->pixmapName() );
if( pm.isNull() || Mini.isNull() )
return Resource::loadPixmap("Unknown");
QPainter painter( &pm );
painter.drawPixmap( pm.width()-Mini.width(),
Mini );
pm.setMask( pm.createHeuristicMask( TRUE ) );
return pm;
QPixmap NodeCollection::statePixmap( State_t S) {
return NSResources->getPixmap( State2PixmapTbl[S] );
QString NodeCollection::stateName( State_t S) {
switch( S ) {
case Unknown :
return qApp->translate( "networksettings2", "Unknown");
case Unavailable :
return qApp->translate( "networksettings2", "Unavailable");
case Disabled :
return qApp->translate( "networksettings2", "Disabled");
case Off :
return qApp->translate( "networksettings2", "Inactive");
case Available :
return qApp->translate( "networksettings2", "Available");
case IsUp :
return qApp->translate( "networksettings2", "Up");
case Unchecked : /* FT */
default :
return QString("");
void NodeCollection::reassign( void ) {
for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(*this);
++it ) {
it.current()->setConnection( this );
const QStringList & NodeCollection::triggers() {
return getToplevel()->runtime()->triggers();
bool NodeCollection::hasDataForFile( SystemFile & S ) {
return ( firstWithDataForFile( S ) != 0 );
ANetNodeInstance * NodeCollection::firstWithDataForFile( SystemFile & S ) {
for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(*this);
++it ) {
if( it.current()->hasDataForFile( S ) ) {
return it.current();
return 0;
State_t NodeCollection::state( bool Update ) {
State_t NodeState;
if( CurrentState == Unchecked || Update ) {
// collect states of all nodes until with get the 'higest'
// state possible
Log(( "Connection %s state %s\n",
Name.latin1(), StateName[CurrentState] ));
CurrentState = Unknown;
for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(*this);
++it ) {
Log(( "-> Detect %s\n", it.current()->name() ));
NodeState = it.current()->runtime()->detectState();
Log(( " state %s\n", StateName[NodeState] ));
if( NodeState == Disabled ||
NodeState == IsUp ) {
// max
CurrentState = NodeState;
if( NodeState > CurrentState ) {
// higher
CurrentState = NodeState;
return CurrentState;
QString NodeCollection::setState( Action_t A, bool Force ) {
QString msg;
Action_t Actions[10];
int NoOfActions = 0;
// get current state
state( Force );
switch( A ) {
case Disable :
if( CurrentState < Disabled ) {
// disabled
CurrentState = Disabled;
return QString();
if( CurrentState == IsUp ) {
Actions[NoOfActions++] = Down;
Actions[NoOfActions++] = Deactivate;
} else if( CurrentState == Available ) {
Actions[NoOfActions++] = Deactivate;
Actions[NoOfActions++] = Disable;
case Enable :
// always possible -> detected state is new state
Actions[NoOfActions++] = Enable;
case Activate :
if( ! Force ) {
if( CurrentState >= Available ) {
// already available
return QString();
if( CurrentState != Off ) {
return qApp->translate( "System",
"State should be off" );
Actions[NoOfActions++] = Activate;
case Deactivate :
if( ! Force ) {
if( CurrentState < Off ) {
// already inactive
return QString();
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnode.h b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnode.h
index 4626381..151d546 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnode.h
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnode.h
@@ -130,467 +130,509 @@ public:
// 0 : data output, 1 no data, 2 error
virtual short generatePreamble( SystemFile & )
{ return 1; }
// generate instance independent stuff
// 0 : data output, 1 no data, 2 error
virtual short generatePostamble( SystemFile & )
{ return 1; }
// generate instance dependent but instance common stuff
// 0 : data output, 1 no data, 2 error
virtual short generateFile( SystemFile &,
ANetNodeInstance * ,
long )
{ return 1; }
// generate NIC name based on instance nr
// only relevant if node instances are devices
virtual QString genNic( long )
{ return QString(""); }
// max number of instances for this node type
// only relevant if node instances are devices
virtual long instanceCount( void )
{ return 1; }
// return ID list for each file generated specially for
// this node type
virtual QStringList properFiles( void )
{ return QStringList(); }
// pure virtual methods with sensible default
// pixmap needed for this NetNode
virtual const QString pixmapName() = 0;
// description for this NetNode
virtual const QString nodeDescription() = 0;
// create a blank instance of a net node
virtual ANetNodeInstance * createInstance( void ) = 0;
// return features this NetNode provides
virtual const char ** provides( void ) = 0;
// return features this NetNode needs
virtual const char ** needs( void ) = 0;
protected :
NetNodeList * Alternatives;
private :
virtual void setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) = 0;
virtual void saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) = 0;
int Done;
class ANetNodeInstance : public QObject {
ANetNodeInstance( ANetNode * NN ) : QObject()
{ IsModified=0; NodeType = NN; IsNew = TRUE; }
virtual ~ANetNodeInstance( void ) { }
inline int done( void )
{ return Done; }
inline void setDone( int D )
{ Done = D; }
// return data was modified
inline void setModified( bool M )
{ IsModified = M; }
inline bool isModified( void )
{ return IsModified; }
// get next node
ANetNodeInstance * nextNode();
// return NetNode this is an instance of
ANetNode * nodeClass( void )
{ return NodeType; }
// intialize am instance of a net node
void initialize( void );
// set the value of an attribute
void setAttribute( QString & Attr, QString & Value ) ;
void saveAttributes( QTextStream & TS ) ;
// return true if node isntance is NEW and not loaded
inline void setNew( bool IsN )
{ IsNew = IsN; }
inline bool isNew( void )
{ return IsNew; }
// return description for this instance
inline QString & description( void )
{ return Description; }
inline void setDescription( const QString & S )
{ Description = S; }
// pixmap for this instance -> from NetNode
inline const QString pixmapName( void )
{ return NodeType->pixmapName(); }
inline const char ** provides( void )
{ return NodeType->provides(); }
inline const char ** needs( void )
{ return NodeType->needs(); }
inline void setConnection( NodeCollection * NC )
{ Connection = NC; }
inline NodeCollection * connection( void )
{ return Connection; }
// Virtual methods with sensible defaults
// open proper file identified by S
virtual bool openFile( SystemFile & )
{ return 0; }
// check if this node (or sub nodes) have data for this file
virtual bool hasDataForFile( SystemFile & S )
{ return nodeClass()->hasDataForFile( S ); }
// generate code specific for this node but embedded
// in the section of the parent
// this is called within the code of the parent
virtual short generateFileEmbedded( SystemFile & SF,
long DevNr )
{ ANetNodeInstance * NNI = nextNode();
return (NNI) ? NNI->generateFileEmbedded( SF, DevNr ) : 1;
// generate code specific for this node
// (or find the first node that does)
virtual short generateFile( SystemFile & SF,
long DevNr )
{ ANetNodeInstance * NNI = nextNode();
return (NNI) ? NNI->generateFile( SF, DevNr ) : 1;
// return true if this node instance is triggered by this trigger
// could be delegated to deeper instances
virtual bool triggeredBy( const QString & )
{ return 0; }
// Pure virtual functions
// return runtime information for this node
virtual RuntimeInfo * runtime( void ) = 0;
// create edit widget under parent
virtual QWidget * edit( QWidget * parent ) = 0;
// is given data acceptable
virtual QString acceptable( void ) = 0;
// get data from GUI and store in node
virtual void commit( void ) = 0;
// returns node specific data -> only useful for 'buddy'
virtual void * data( void ) = 0;
protected :
virtual void setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) = 0;
virtual void saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) = 0;
ANetNode * NodeType;
// connection to which this node belongs to
NodeCollection * Connection;
QString Description;
bool IsModified;
+ // true if this nodeinstance was just created (and not
+ // loaded from file
bool IsNew;
int Done;
static long InstanceCounter;
+class ErrorNNI: public ANetNodeInstance {
+ ErrorNNI( const QString & _Name ) : ANetNodeInstance( 0 ) {
+ setName( _Name.latin1() );
+ }
+ RuntimeInfo * runtime( void ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // create edit widget under parent
+ QWidget * edit( QWidget * parent ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // is given data acceptable
+ QString acceptable( void ) {
+ return QString();
+ }
+ // get data from GUI and store in node
+ void commit( void ) {
+ }
+ // returns node specific data -> only useful for 'buddy'
+ void * data( void ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+protected :
+ void setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) {
+ }
+ void saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) {
+ }
class RuntimeInfo : public QObject {
public :
RuntimeInfo( ANetNodeInstance * TheNNI )
{ NNI = TheNNI; }
// methods to be overloaded by connection capable
// runtimes
// methods to be overloaded by device capable
// runtimes
// does this node handles this interface e.g.eth0
// recurse deeper if this node cannot answer that question
virtual bool handlesInterface( const QString & S ) {
RuntimeInfo * RI = device();
if( RI ) {
return RI->handlesInterface( S );
return 0;
bool handlesInterface( const InterfaceInfo & I ) {
RuntimeInfo * RI = device();
if( RI ) {
return RI->handlesInterface( I );
return 0;
// methods to be overloaded by full setup capable
// runtimes
// return description for this full setup
virtual const QString & description( void ) {
return fullSetup()->description( );
// return triggers that should fire when this
// setup is brought up
virtual const QStringList & triggers( void ) {
return fullSetup()->triggers( );
// methods to be overloaded by line capable
// runtimes
// return the device file ('/dev/xxx') created
// by this line capable runtime
virtual QString deviceFile( void ) {
RuntimeInfo * RI = line();
if( RI ) {
return RI->deviceFile();
return QString();
// runtime interface
// return the node that offers device capability
virtual RuntimeInfo * device( void )
{ RuntimeInfo * RI = nextNode();
return (RI) ? RI->device() : 0;
// return the node that offers connection capability
virtual RuntimeInfo * connection( void )
{ RuntimeInfo * RI = nextNode();
return (RI) ? RI->connection() : 0;
// return the node that offers line capability
virtual RuntimeInfo * line( void )
{ RuntimeInfo * RI = nextNode();
return (RI) ? RI->line() : 0;
// return the node that offers full setup capability
virtual RuntimeInfo * fullSetup( void )
{ RuntimeInfo * RI = nextNode();
return (RI) ? RI->fullSetup() : 0;
inline ANetNodeInstance * netNode()
{ return NNI; }
inline NodeCollection * nodeCollection()
{ return NNI->connection(); }
virtual State_t detectState( void ) = 0;
// public API to set the state
virtual QString setState( NodeCollection * NC,
Action_t A,
bool Force = 0 );
inline RuntimeInfo * nextNode( void ) {
ANetNodeInstance * NNI = netNode()->nextNode();
return (NNI) ? NNI->runtime() : 0;
signals :
// sent by device if state changes
void stateChanged( State_t S, ANetNodeInstance * NNI );
protected :
// set state of this node (private API)
virtual QString setMyState( NodeCollection * NC,
Action_t A,
bool Force = 0 ) = 0;
// connection this runtime info belongs to
ANetNodeInstance * NNI;
class NodeCollection : public QList<ANetNodeInstance> {
public :
NodeCollection( void );
- NodeCollection( QTextStream & TS );
+ NodeCollection( QTextStream & TS, bool & Dangling );
~NodeCollection( void );
inline int done( void )
{ return Done; }
inline void setDone( int D )
{ Done = D; }
inline int number( void )
{ return Number; }
inline void setNumber( int i )
{ Number = i; }
inline bool isNew( void )
{ return IsNew; }
inline void setNew( bool N )
{ IsNew = N ; }
inline bool isModified( void )
{ return IsModified; }
inline void setModified( bool N )
{ IsModified = N ; }
inline bool handlesInterface( const QString & S ) {
return getToplevel()->runtime()->handlesInterface( S );
// return the interface in the OS that is assigned to
// this device
inline InterfaceInfo * assignedInterface( void ) {
return AssignedInterface;
// assign the interface to this device
inline void assignInterface( InterfaceInfo * NI ) {
if( NI == 0 ) {
if( AssignedInterface ) {
AssignedInterface->assignConnection( 0 );
AssignedInterface = NI;
if( AssignedInterface ) {
AssignedInterface->assignConnection( this );
inline RuntimeInfo * device() {
return getToplevel()->runtime()->device();
const QStringList & triggers();
State_t state( bool Update = 0 );
// get the ixmap for this device
QPixmap devicePixmap( void );
QPixmap statePixmap( State_t S );
inline QPixmap statePixmap( bool Update = 0 )
{ return statePixmap( state(Update) ); }
QString stateName( State_t );
inline QString stateName( bool Update = 0 )
{ return stateName( state(Update) ); }
QString setState( Action_t A, bool Force = 0 );
void save( QTextStream & TS );
void append( ANetNodeInstance * NNI );
// makes sure that all items in the connection point to
// that connectoin
void reassign( void );
ANetNodeInstance * getToplevel( void );
ANetNodeInstance * findNext( ANetNodeInstance * NNI );
ANetNodeInstance * findByName( const QString & S );
inline const QString & name()
{ return Name; }
const QString & description( void );
inline void setName( const QString & N)
{ Name = N; }
inline State_t currentState( void )
{ return CurrentState; }
inline void setCurrentState( State_t S )
{ CurrentState = S; }
// return TRUE if this node can have data to be inserted in
// file identified by S
bool hasDataForFile( SystemFile & S );
ANetNodeInstance * firstWithDataForFile( SystemFile & );
// generate items for this file -> toplevel call
short generateFile( SystemFile & SF,
long DN // device number
{ return getToplevel()->generateFile( SF, DN ); }
bool triggeredBy( const QString & Trigger )
{ return getToplevel()->triggeredBy( Trigger ); }
private :
int compareItems ( QCollection::Item item1,
QCollection::Item item2 );
long Number;
// state of this connection
State_t CurrentState;
QString Name;
// true if this collection was just created (and not
// loaded from file
bool IsNew;
// index in listbox
- int Index;
+ int Index;
bool IsModified;
- int Done;
+ int Done;
InterfaceInfo * AssignedInterface;
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnodeinterface.h b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnodeinterface.h
index 34f3bb5..06d1548 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnodeinterface.h
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/netnodeinterface.h
@@ -1,139 +1,149 @@
                This file is part of the Opie Project
Copyright (C) 2005 Holger Hans Peter Freyther <>
 _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can
.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU Library General Public
.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
 - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
    .%`+i>       _;_.
    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that
     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
..}^=.=       =       ; Library General Public License for more
++=   -.     .`     .: details.
 :     =  ...= . :.=-
 -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
  -_. . .   )=.  = Library General Public License along with
    --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <opie2/oapplicationfactory.h>
#include <qpe/qcom.h>
// {A215A785-FB73-4F74-84B0-053BCC77DB87}
#ifndef IID_NetworkSettings2
#define IID_NetworkSettings2 QUuid( 0xa215a785, 0xfb73, 0x4f74, 0x84, 0xb0, 0x05, 0x3b, 0xcc, 0x77, 0xdb, 0x87)
* Multiple Types
template <class Node >
struct NS2PrivateFactory {
inline static void createPlugins( QList<ANetNode> & PNN) {
PNN.append( new Node());
* Stop recursion here
template <>
struct NS2PrivateFactory<Opie::Core::NullType> {
inline static void createPlugins( QList<ANetNode> &) {
template <class Node, class Tail>
struct NS2PrivateFactory<Opie::Core::Typelist<Node, Tail> > {
inline static void createPlugins( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
+class NetNodeInterface : public QUnknownInterface {
+public :
+ virtual QRESULT queryInterface( const QUuid& uuid,
+ QUnknownInterface **iface ) = 0;
+ virtual void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) = 0;
template<class Node>
-struct NetNodeInterface : public QUnknownInterface {
+struct NetNodeInterface_T : public NetNodeInterface {
QRESULT queryInterface(const QUuid& uuid, QUnknownInterface **iface) {
*iface = 0;
if( uuid == IID_QUnknown )
*iface = this;
else if( uuid == IID_NetworkSettings2 )
*iface = this;
return QS_FALSE;
return QS_OK;
void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
PNN.append( new Node());
template<class Node, class Tail>
-struct NetNodeInterface<Opie::Core::Typelist<Node, Tail> >
- : public QUnknownInterface {
+struct NetNodeInterface_T<Opie::Core::Typelist<Node, Tail> >
+ : public NetNodeInterface {
QRESULT queryInterface( const QUuid& uuid,
QUnknownInterface **iface) {
*iface = 0;
if( uuid == IID_QUnknown ) *iface = this;
else if( uuid == IID_NetworkSettings2 ) *iface = this;
else return QS_FALSE;
return QS_OK;
void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- NS2PrivateFactory<Opie::Core::Typelist<Node,Tail> >::createPlugin( PNN );
+ NS2PrivateFactory<Opie::Core::Typelist<Node,Tail> >::createPlugins( PNN );
#define OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( factory ) \
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/resources.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/resources.cpp
index 79d41ea..3479abb 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/resources.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/resources.cpp
@@ -1,609 +1,478 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qpe/qlibrary.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <opie2/opluginloader.h>
#include <qtopia/resource.h>
#include "netnode.h"
#include "resources.h"
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
#define PLUGINDIR "plugins/networksettings2"
#define ICONDIR "/pics/networksettings2/"
// single resources instance
TheNSResources * _NSResources = 0;
TheNSResources::TheNSResources( void ) : NodeTypeNameMap(),
- ConnectionsMap() {
+ ConnectionsMap(), DanglingConnectionsMap() {
_NSResources = this;
// load available netnodes
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
- findAvailableNetNodes(QPEApplication::qpeDir() + PLUGINDIR );
- // compile provides and needs lists
- { const char ** NeedsRun;
- QDictIterator<NetNode_t> OuterIt( AllNodeTypes );
- bool Done;
- for ( ; OuterIt.current(); ++OuterIt ) {
- // find needs list
- ANetNode::NetNodeList * NNLP = new ANetNode::NetNodeList;
- ANetNode::NetNodeList & NNL = *(NNLP);
- // must iterate this way to avoid duplication pointers
- for ( QDictIterator<NetNode_t> InnerIt( AllNodeTypes );
- InnerIt.current(); ++InnerIt ) {
- if( InnerIt.current() == OuterIt.current() )
- // avoid recursive
- continue;
- const char ** Provides = InnerIt.current()->NetNode->provides();
- NeedsRun = OuterIt.current()->NetNode->needs();
- for( ; *NeedsRun; NeedsRun ++ ) {
- const char ** PRun;
- PRun = Provides;
- for( ; *PRun; PRun ++ ) {
- if( strcmp( *PRun, *NeedsRun ) == 0 ) {
- // inner provides what outer needs
- NNL.resize( NNL.size() + 1 );
- NNL[NNL.size()-1] = InnerIt.current()->NetNode;
- Done = 1; // break from 2 loops
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- OuterIt.current()->NetNode->setAlternatives( NNLP );
- }
- }
Plugins = 0;
// compile provides and needs lists
{ const char ** NeedsRun;
QDictIterator<ANetNode> OuterIt( AllNodeTypes );
bool Done;
for ( ; OuterIt.current(); ++OuterIt ) {
// find needs list
ANetNode::NetNodeList * NNLP = new ANetNode::NetNodeList;
ANetNode::NetNodeList & NNL = *(NNLP);
// must iterate this way to avoid duplication pointers
for ( QDictIterator<ANetNode> InnerIt( AllNodeTypes );
InnerIt.current(); ++InnerIt ) {
if( InnerIt.current() == OuterIt.current() )
// avoid recursive
const char ** Provides = InnerIt.current()->provides();
NeedsRun = OuterIt.current()->needs();
for( ; *NeedsRun; NeedsRun ++ ) {
const char ** PRun;
PRun = Provides;
for( ; *PRun; PRun ++ ) {
if( strcmp( *PRun, *NeedsRun ) == 0 ) {
// inner provides what outer needs
NNL.resize( NNL.size() + 1 );
NNL[NNL.size()-1] = InnerIt.current();
Done = 1; // break from 2 loops
OuterIt.current()->setAlternatives( NNLP );
// define built in Node types to Description map
addNodeType( "device", tr( "Network Device" ),
tr( "<p>Devices that can handle IP packets</p>" ) );
addNodeType( "line", tr( "Character device" ),
tr( "<p>Devices that can handle single bytes</p>" ) );
addNodeType( "connection", tr( "IP Connection" ),
tr( "<p>Nodes that provide working IP connections</p>" ) );
addNodeType( "fullsetup", tr( "Connection Profile" ),
tr( "<p>Fully configured connection profile</p>" ) );
addNodeType( "GPRS", tr( "Connection to GPRS device" ),
tr( "<p>Connection to a GPRS capable device</p>" ) );
// get access to the system
TheSystem = new System();
TheNSResources::~TheNSResources( void ) {
-#ifndef MYPLUGINS
if( Plugins ) {
delete Plugins;
delete PluginManager;
delete TheSystem;
void TheNSResources::addNodeType( const QString & ID,
const QString & Name,
const QString & Descr ) {
if( NodeTypeNameMap[ID].isEmpty() ) {
NodeTypeNameMap.insert( ID, Name );
NodeTypeDescriptionMap.insert( ID, Descr );
void TheNSResources::addSystemFile( const QString & ID,
const QString & P,
bool KDI ) {
if( ! SystemFiles.find( ID ) ) {
// new system file
SystemFiles.insert( ID, new SystemFile( ID, P, KDI ) );
} // else existed
void TheNSResources::busy( bool ) {
if( B ) {
} else {
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
- * Load all modules that are found in the path
- * @param path a directory that is scaned for any plugins that can be loaded
- * and attempts to load them
- */
-void TheNSResources::findAvailableNetNodes(const QString &path){
- Log(("Locate plugins in %s\n", path.latin1() ));
- QDir d(path);
- if(!d.exists())
- return;
- QString lang = ::getenv("LANG");
- // Don't want sym links
- d.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks );
- const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
- QFileInfoListIterator it( *list );
- QFileInfo *fi;
- while ( (fi=it.current()) ) {
- if( fi->fileName().contains(".so")){
- /* if loaded install translation */
- if( loadNetNode(path + "/" + fi->fileName()) ) {
- Log(( "Loading plugin %s\n", fi->fileName().latin1()));
- QTranslator *trans = new QTranslator(qApp);
- QString fn = QPEApplication::qpeDir()+
- "/i18n/"+lang+"/"+
- fi->fileName().left( fi->fileName().find(".") )+
- ".qm";
- if( trans->load( fn ) )
- qApp->installTranslator( trans );
- else
- delete trans;
- } else {
- Log(( "Error loading plugin %s\n", fi->fileName().latin1()));
- }
- }
- ++it;
- }
- * Attempt to load a function and resolve a function.
- * @param pluginFileName - the name of the file in which to attempt to load
- * @param resolveString - function pointer to resolve
- * @return true of loading is successful
- */
-bool TheNSResources::loadNetNode(
- const QString &pluginFileName, const QString &resolveString){
- QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary(pluginFileName);
- void * res = lib->resolve(resolveString);
- if( ! res ){
- delete lib;
- return 0;
- }
- GetNetNodeListFt_t getNetNodeList = (GetNetNodeListFt_t)res;
- // Try to get an object.
- QList<ANetNode> PNN;
- getNetNodeList( PNN );
- if( PNN.isEmpty() ) {
- delete lib;
- return 0;
- }
- ANetNode * NNP;
- for( QListIterator<ANetNode> it(PNN);
- it.current();
- ++it ) {
- NetNode_t * NN;
- NNP = it.current();
- NN = new NetNode_t;
- NN->NetNode = NNP;
- NN->TheLibrary = lib;
- NN->NodeCountInLib = PNN.count();
- // store mapping
- AllNodeTypes.insert( NN->NetNode->name(), NN );
- }
- return 1;
void TheNSResources::findAvailableNetNodes( void ){
Plugins = new OPluginLoader( "networksettings2" );
Plugins->setAutoDelete( true );
PluginManager = new OPluginManager( Plugins );
if( Plugins->isInSafeMode() ) {
tr( "Today Error"),
tr( "<qt>The plugin '%1' caused Today to crash."
" It could be that the plugin is not properly"
" installed.<br>Today tries to continue loading"
" plugins.</qt>" )
.arg( PluginManager->crashedPlugin().name()));
// Get All Plugins
OPluginLoader::List allplugins = Plugins->filtered();
+ QString lang = ::getenv("LANG");
for( OPluginLoader::List::Iterator it = allplugins.begin();
it != allplugins.end();
++it ) {
// check if this plugin supports the proper interface
NetNodeInterface * interface =
Plugins->load<NetNodeInterface>( *it, IID_NetworkSettings2 );
if( ! interface ) {
Log(( "Plugin %s from %s does not support proper interface\n",
- it->name().latin1(), it->path().latin1() ));
+ (*it).name().latin1(), (*it).path().latin1() ));
// add the nodes in this plugin to the dictionary
{ QList<ANetNode> PNN;
interface->create_plugin( PNN );
if( PNN.isEmpty() ) {
Log(( "Plugin %s from %s does offer any nodes\n",
- it->name().latin1(), it->path().latin1() ));
+ (*it).name().latin1(), (*it).path().latin1() ));
delete interface;
// merge this node with global node
for( QListIterator<ANetNode> it(PNN);
++it ) {
- AllNodeTypes.insert( it->current()->name(), it->current() );
+ AllNodeTypes.insert( it.current()->name(), it.current() );
// load the translation
QTranslator *trans = new QTranslator(qApp);
QString fn = QPEApplication::qpeDir()+
- "/i18n/"+lang+"/"+ it->name() + ".qm";
+ "/i18n/"+lang+"/"+ (*it).name() + ".qm";
if( trans->load( fn ) )
qApp->installTranslator( trans );
delete trans;
// used to find unique connection number
int TheNSResources::assignConnectionNumber( void ) {
bool found = 1;
for( int trial = 0; ; trial ++ ) {
found = 1;
for( QDictIterator<NodeCollection> it(ConnectionsMap);
++it ) {
if( it.current()->number() == trial ) {
found = 0;
if( found ) {
Log(("Assign profile number %d\n", trial ));
return trial;
QPixmap TheNSResources::getPixmap( const QString & QS ) {
QPixmap P;
QString S("networksettings2/");
S += QS;
P = Resource::loadPixmap( S );
if( P.isNull() ) {
Log(( "Cannot load %s\n", S.latin1() ));
return ( P.isNull() ) ? QPixmap() : P;
QString TheNSResources::tr( const char * s ) {
return qApp->translate( "resource", s );
const QString & TheNSResources::netNode2Name( const char * s ) {
return NodeTypeNameMap[s];
const QString & TheNSResources::netNode2Description( const char * s ) {
return NodeTypeDescriptionMap[s];
-void TheNSResources::addConnection( NodeCollection * NC ) {
+void TheNSResources::addConnection( NodeCollection * NC, bool Dangling ) {
ANetNodeInstance * NNI;
- ConnectionsMap.insert( NC->name(), NC );
+ if( Dangling ) {
+ DanglingConnectionsMap.insert( NC->name(), NC );
+ } else {
+ ConnectionsMap.insert( NC->name(), NC );
+ }
// add (new) nodes to NodeList
for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> it(*NC);
++it ) {
NNI = it.current();
if( findNodeInstance( NNI->name() ) == 0 ) {
// new item
addNodeInstance( NNI );
void TheNSResources::removeConnection( const QString & N ) {
NodeCollection * NC = findConnection( N );
if( ! NC )
// delete netnodes in this connection
ANetNodeInstance * NNI;
for( NNI = NC->first(); NNI != 0; NNI = NC->next() ) {
removeNodeInstance( NNI->name() );
- ConnectionsMap.remove( N );
+ if( ConnectionsMap.find( N ) ) {
+ ConnectionsMap.remove( N );
+ } else {
+ DanglingConnectionsMap.remove( N );
+ }
+// dangling connections are filtered out
NodeCollection * TheNSResources::findConnection( const QString & S ) {
return ConnectionsMap[ S ];
NodeCollection * TheNSResources::getConnection( int nr ) {
for( QDictIterator<NodeCollection> it(ConnectionsMap);
++it ) {
if( it.current()->number() == nr ) {
return it.current();
return 0;
void TheNSResources::renumberConnections( void ) {
Name2Connection_t & M = NSResources->connections();
NodeCollection * NC;
// for all connections
for( QDictIterator<NodeCollection> it(M);
++it ) {
NC = it.current();
NC->setNumber( NC->maxConnectionNumber()+1 );
NC->setModified( 1 );
typedef struct EnvVars {
char * Name;
int Len;
} EnvVar_t;
#define AnEV(x) x, sizeof(x)-1
static EnvVar_t EV[] = {
AnEV( "HOME" ),
AnEV( "USER" ),
AnEV( "PATH" ),
AnEV( "QTDIR" ),
AnEV( "SHELL" ),
{ NULL, 0 }
void TheNSResources::detectCurrentUser( void ) {
// find current running qpe
QString QPEEnvFile = "";
CurrentUser.UserName = "";
CurrentUser.HomeDir = "";
if( getenv( "OPIEDIR" ) == 0 ) {
// nothing known
{ // open proc dir and find all dirs in it
QRegExp R("[0-9]+");
QDir ProcDir( "/proc" );
QFileInfo FI;
QStringList EL = ProcDir.entryList( QDir::Dirs );
// print it out
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = EL.begin();
it != EL.end();
++it ) {
if( R.match( (*it) ) >= 0 ) {
QString S = ProcDir.path()+"/"+ (*it);
S.append( "/exe" );
FI.setFile( S );
// get the link
S = FI.readLink();
if( S.right( 8 ) == "/bin/qpe" ) {
// found running qpe
QPEEnvFile.sprintf( ProcDir.path()+ "/" + (*it) + "/environ" );
if( QPEEnvFile.isEmpty() ) {
// could not find qpe
Log(("Could not find qpe\n" ));
// FI now contains path ProcDir to the cmd dir
{ char * Buf = 0;
char TB[1024];
long BufSize = 0;
int fd;
int rd;
fd = open( QPEEnvFile.latin1(), O_RDONLY );
if( fd < 0 ) {
Log(("Could not open %s : %d\n",
QPEEnvFile.latin1(), errno ));
while( (rd = read( fd, TB, sizeof(TB) ) ) > 0 ) {
Buf = (char *)realloc( Buf, BufSize+rd );
memcpy( Buf+BufSize, TB, rd );
BufSize += rd;
char * Data = Buf;
char * DataEnd = Data+BufSize-1;
// get env items out of list
while( Data < DataEnd ) {
EnvVar_t * Run = EV;
while( Run->Name ) {
if( strncmp( Data, Run->Name, Run->Len ) == 0 &&
Data[Run->Len] == '='
) {
CurrentUser.EnvList.resize( CurrentUser.EnvList.size()+1 );
CurrentUser.EnvList[CurrentUser.EnvList.size()-1] =
strdup( Data );
if( strcmp( Run->Name, "OPIEDIR" ) == 0 ) {
// put OPIEDIR in env
putenv( CurrentUser.EnvList[CurrentUser.EnvList.size()-1] );
} else if( strcmp( Run->Name, "HOME" ) == 0 ) {
CurrentUser.HomeDir = Data+5;
} else if( strcmp( Run->Name, "LOGNAME" ) == 0 ) {
CurrentUser.UserName = Data+8;
Run ++;
Data += strlen( Data )+1;
free( Buf );
if( ! CurrentUser.UserName.isEmpty() ) {
// find user info
struct passwd pwd;
struct passwd * pwdres;
if( getpwnam_r( CurrentUser.UserName.latin1(),
&pwd, TB, sizeof(TB), &pwdres ) ||
pwdres == 0 ) {
Log(("Could not determine user %s : %d\n",
CurrentUser.UserName.latin1(), errno ));
CurrentUser.Uid = pwd.pw_uid;
CurrentUser.Gid = pwd.pw_gid;
} else{
CurrentUser.Uid =
CurrentUser.Gid = -1;
} else {
char * X;
QString S;
EnvVar_t * Run = EV;
while( Run->Name ) {
if( ( X = getenv( Run->Name ) ) ) {
Log(( "Env : %s = %s\n", Run->Name, X ));
S.sprintf( "%s=%s", Run->Name, X );
CurrentUser.EnvList.resize( CurrentUser.EnvList.size()+1 );
CurrentUser.EnvList[CurrentUser.EnvList.size()-1] =
strdup( S.latin1() );
if( strcmp( Run->Name, "LOGNAME" ) == 0 ) {
CurrentUser.UserName = X;
} else if( strcmp( Run->Name, "HOME" ) == 0 ) {
CurrentUser.HomeDir = X;
} // regulare env var
} else {
Log(("Could not determine %s\n", Run->Name ));
Run ++;
CurrentUser.Uid = getuid();
CurrentUser.Gid = getgid();
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/resources.h b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/resources.h
index 421a433..b27cda1 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/resources.h
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/networksettings2/resources.h
@@ -1,183 +1,153 @@
#ifndef __RESOURCES__H
#define __RESOURCES__H
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include "netnode.h"
#include "systemfile.h"
#include "system.h"
class QLibrary;
class QPixmap;
class ANetNode;
class ANetNodeInstance;
namespace Opie {
namespace Core {
class OPluginLoader;
class OPluginManager;
typedef void (*GetNetNodeListFt_t)(QList<ANetNode>& PNN );
class CurrentQPEUser {
public :
CurrentQPEUser() : UserName(), HomeDir(), EnvList() {}
inline bool known( void )
{ return ! HomeDir.isEmpty() && ! UserName.isEmpty(); }
QString UserName;
QString HomeDir;
int Uid;
int Gid;
QArray<char *> EnvList;
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-typedef struct NetNode_S {
- ANetNode * NetNode;
- QLibrary * TheLibrary;
- long NodeCountInLib;
-} NetNode_t;
-typedef QDict<NetNode_t> Name2NetNode_t;
typedef QDict<ANetNode> Name2NetNode_t;
typedef QDict<ANetNodeInstance > Name2Instance_t;
typedef QDict<NodeCollection> Name2Connection_t;
typedef QDict<SystemFile> Name2SystemFile_t;
class TheNSResources {
public :
TheNSResources( void );
~TheNSResources( );
// give busy feedback
void busy( bool B );
System & system()
{ return *TheSystem; }
int assignConnectionNumber(void);
QPixmap getPixmap( const QString & Name );
Name2NetNode_t & netNodes( void )
{ return AllNodeTypes; }
bool netNodeExists( const QString & X )
{ return AllNodeTypes.find(X)!=0; }
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
- ANetNode * findNetNode( const QString & N )
- { NetNode_t * NNT = AllNodeTypes.find(N);
- return (NNT) ? NNT->NetNode : 0;
- }
ANetNode * findNetNode( const QString & N )
{ return AllNodeTypes.find(N);
// define new plugin (=node)
void addNodeType( const QString & ID,
const QString & LongName,
const QString & Description );
Name2SystemFile_t & systemFiles( void )
{ return SystemFiles; }
void addSystemFile( const QString & ID,
const QString & P,
bool KDI );
ANetNodeInstance * createNodeInstance( const QString & S )
- { ANetNodeInstance * NNI = 0;
- printf( "Find node type %s\n", S.latin1() );
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
- NetNode_t * NNT = AllNodeTypes[S];
- if( ! NNT ) {
- return 0;
- }
- NNI = NNT->NetNode->createInstance();
- ANetNode * NNT = AllNodeTypes[S];
- if( ! NNT ) {
+ { ANetNode * NN = findNetNode( S );
+ Log(( "Find node type %s : %p\n", S.latin1(), NN ));
+ if( NN == 0 )
+ // type of this instance not found
return 0;
- }
- NNI = NNT->createInstance();
+ ANetNodeInstance * NNI = NN->createInstance();
return NNI;
Name2Instance_t & netNodeInstances( void )
{ return AllNodes; }
void addNodeInstance( ANetNodeInstance * I )
{ AllNodes.insert( I->name(), I ); }
void removeNodeInstance( const QString & N )
{ AllNodes.remove( N );}
ANetNodeInstance * findNodeInstance( const QString & S )
{ return AllNodes[S]; }
const QString & netNode2Name( const char * Type );
const QString & netNode2Description( const char * Type );
- void addConnection( NodeCollection * NC );
+ void addConnection( NodeCollection * NC, bool Dangling );
void removeConnection( const QString & N );
NodeCollection * findConnection( const QString & N );
NodeCollection * getConnection( int nr );
Name2Connection_t & connections( void )
{ return ConnectionsMap; }
+ Name2Connection_t & danglingConnections( void )
+ { return ConnectionsMap; }
inline bool userKnown( void )
{ return CurrentUser.known(); }
CurrentQPEUser & currentUser( void )
{ return CurrentUser; }
private :
void detectCurrentUser( void );
QString tr( const char * path );
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
- void findAvailableNetNodes( const QString &path );
- bool loadNetNode(
- const QString &pluginFileName,
- const QString &resolveString = "create_plugin");
void findAvailableNetNodes( void );
QMap< QString, QString> NodeTypeNameMap;
QMap< QString, QString> NodeTypeDescriptionMap;
+ // list of connections that are valid
Name2Connection_t ConnectionsMap;
+ // list of connection configurations that are not valid
+ // e.g. because plugins are missing
+ Name2Connection_t DanglingConnectionsMap;
System * TheSystem;
Name2SystemFile_t SystemFiles;
// all node type classes
Name2NetNode_t AllNodeTypes;
// all nodes
Name2Instance_t AllNodes;
CurrentQPEUser CurrentUser;
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
Opie::Core::OPluginLoader * Plugins;
Opie::Core::OPluginManager * PluginManager;
extern TheNSResources * _NSResources;
#define NSResources _NSResources
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/nsdata.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/nsdata.cpp
index 698a941..d76353a 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/nsdata.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/nsdata.cpp
@@ -1,619 +1,637 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include "nsdata.h"
#include <netnode.h>
#include <resources.h>
static QString CfgFile;
NetworkSettingsData::NetworkSettingsData( void ) {
// init global resources structure
new TheNSResources();
if( ! NSResources->userKnown() ) {
Log(( "Cannot detect qpe user HOME=\"%s\" USER=\"%s\"\n",
NSResources->currentUser().UserName.latin1() ));
CfgFile.sprintf( "%s/Settings/NS2.conf",
NSResources->currentUser().HomeDir.latin1() );
Log(( "Cfg from %s\n", CfgFile.latin1() ));
// load settings
// assign interfaces by scanning /tmp/profile-%s.Up files
{ QDir D( "/tmp" );
QFile * F = new QFile;
int profilenr;
QString interfacename;
QTextStream TS ( F );
QStringList SL = D.entryList( "profile-*.up");
Log(( "System reports %d interfaces. Found %d up\n",
SL.count() ));
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = SL.begin();
it != SL.end();
++it ) {
profilenr = atol( (*it).mid( 8 ).latin1() );
// read the interface store int 'up'
F->setName( D.path() + "/" + (*it) );
if( F->open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
NodeCollection * NC;
interfacename = TS.readLine();
Log(( "Assign interface %s to Profile nr %d\n",
interfacename.latin1(), profilenr ));
NC = NSResources->getConnection( profilenr );
if( NC ) {
NSResources->system().findInterface( interfacename ) );
} else {
Log(( "Profile nr %d no longer defined\n",
profilenr ));
// saving is done by caller
NetworkSettingsData::~NetworkSettingsData( void ) {
delete NSResources;
void NetworkSettingsData::loadSettings( void ) {
QString Line, S;
QString Attr, Value;
long idx;
QFile F( CfgFile );
QTextStream TS( &F );
ForceModified = 0;
do {
if( ! )
/* load the file ->
Entries ...
while( ! TS.atEnd() ) {
S = Line = TS.readLine();
if ( S.isEmpty() || S[0] != '[' )
S = S.mid( 1, S.length()-2 );
if( ! NSResources ) {
if( S == "connection" ) {
// load connections -> collections of nodes
- NodeCollection * NC = new NodeCollection( TS );
- NSResources->addConnection( NC );
+ bool Dangling;
+ NodeCollection * NC = new NodeCollection( TS, Dangling );
+ NSResources->addConnection( NC, Dangling );
} else {
ANetNode * NN = 0;
ANetNodeInstance* NNI = 0;
if( S.startsWith( "nodetype " ) ) {
S = S.mid( 9, S.length()-9 );
S = deQuote(S);
// try to find netnode
NN = NSResources->findNetNode( S );
} else {
// try to find instance
NNI = NSResources->createNodeInstance( S );
if( NN == 0 && NNI == 0 ) {
LeftOvers.append( Line );
- }
+ do {
+ Line = TS.readLine();
+ // store even delimiter
+ LeftOvers.append( Line );
+ } while ( ! Line.isEmpty() );
+ //next section
+ continue;
+ }
+ // read entries of this section
do {
S = Line = TS.readLine();
- if( NN || NNI ) {
- if( S.isEmpty() ) {
- // empty line
- break;
- }
- idx = S.find( '=' );
- if( idx > 0 ) {
- Attr = S.left( idx );
- Value = S.mid( idx+1, S.length() );
- } else {
- Value="";
- Attr = S;
- }
+ if( S.isEmpty() ) {
+ // empty line
+ break;
+ }
+ idx = S.find( '=' );
+ if( idx > 0 ) {
+ Attr = S.left( idx );
+ Value = S.mid( idx+1, S.length() );
+ } else {
+ Value="";
+ Attr = S;
+ }
- Value.stripWhiteSpace();
- Attr.stripWhiteSpace();
- Attr.lower();
- // dequote Attr
- Value = deQuote(Value);
- if( NN ) {
- // set the attribute
- NN->setAttribute( Attr, Value );
- } else {
- // set the attribute
- NNI->setAttribute( Attr, Value );
- }
+ Value.stripWhiteSpace();
+ Attr.stripWhiteSpace();
+ Attr.lower();
+ // dequote Attr
+ Value = deQuote(Value);
+ if( NN ) {
+ // set the attribute
+ NN->setAttribute( Attr, Value );
} else {
- LeftOvers.append( Line );
- // add empty line too as delimiter
- if( S.isEmpty() ) {
- // empty line
- break;
- }
+ // set the attribute
+ NNI->setAttribute( Attr, Value );
} while( 1 );
if( NNI ) {
// loading from file -> exists
Log( ( "NodeInstance %s : %p\n", NNI->name(), NNI ));
NNI->setNew( FALSE );
NSResources->addNodeInstance( NNI );
if( NN ) {
Log( ( "Node %s : %p\n", NN->name(), NN ) );
} while( 0 );
QString NetworkSettingsData::saveSettings( void ) {
QString ErrS = "";
if( ! isModified() )
return ErrS;
QString S;
QFile F( CfgFile + ".bup" );
Log( ( "Saving settings to %s\n", CfgFile.latin1() ));
if( ! IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate ) ) {
ErrS = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Could not save setup to \"%1\" !</p>" ).
// problem
return ErrS;
QTextStream TS( &F );
- // save leftovers
- for ( QStringList::Iterator it = LeftOvers.begin();
- it != LeftOvers.end(); ++it ) {
- TS << (*it) << endl;
- }
// save global configs
- for( QDictIterator<NetNode_t> it( NSResources->netNodes() );
+ for( QDictIterator<ANetNode> it( NSResources->netNodes() );
++it ) {
TS << "[nodetype "
- << quote( QString( it.current()->NetNode->name() ) )
+ << quote( QString( it.current()->name() ) )
<< "]"
<< endl;
- it.current()->NetNode->saveAttributes( TS );
+ it.current()->saveAttributes( TS );
TS << endl;
+ // save leftovers
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = LeftOvers.begin();
+ it != LeftOvers.end(); ++it ) {
+ TS << (*it) << endl;
+ }
+ // save all netnode instances
+ { ANetNodeInstance * NNI;
+ for( QDictIterator<ANetNodeInstance> nit(
+ NSResources->netNodeInstances());
+ nit.current();
+ ++nit ) {
+ // header
+ NNI = nit.current();
+ TS << '['
+ << QString(NNI->nodeClass()->name())
+ << ']'
+ << endl;
+ NNI->saveAttributes( TS );
+ TS << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // good connections
{ Name2Connection_t & M = NSResources->connections();
- ANetNodeInstance * NNI;
// for all connections
for( QDictIterator<NodeCollection> it(M);
++it ) {
- // all nodes in those connections
- for( QListIterator<ANetNodeInstance> nit(*(it.current()));
- nit.current();
- ++nit ) {
- // header
- NNI = nit.current();
- TS << '['
- << QString(NNI->nodeClass()->name())
- << ']'
- << endl;
- NNI->saveAttributes( TS );
- TS << endl;
- }
+ TS << "[connection]" << endl;
+ it.current()->save(TS);
+ }
+ }
+ // save dangling connections
+ { Name2Connection_t & M = NSResources->danglingConnections();
+ // for all connections
+ for( QDictIterator<NodeCollection> it(M);
+ it.current();
+ ++it ) {
TS << "[connection]" << endl;
QDir D(".");
D.rename( CfgFile + ".bup", CfgFile );
// proper files AND system files regenerated
for( QDictIterator<NodeCollection> it(NSResources->connections());
++it ) {
it.current()->setModified( 0 );
return ErrS;
QString NetworkSettingsData::generateSettings( void ) {
QString S = "";
Name2SystemFile_t & SFM = NSResources->systemFiles();
Name2Connection_t & M = NSResources->connections();
NodeCollection * NC;
ANetNodeInstance * NNI;
ANetNodeInstance * FirstWithData;
RuntimeInfo * CurDev;
ANetNode * NN, * CurDevNN = 0;
long NoOfDevs;
long DevCtStart;
bool needToGenerate;
// regenerate system files
Log( ( "Generating settings from %s\n", CfgFile.latin1() ));
- for( QDictIterator<NetNode_t> nnit( NSResources->netNodes() );
+ for( QDictIterator<ANetNode> nnit( NSResources->netNodes() );
++nnit ) {
- { QStringList SL;
- bool FirstItem = 1;
- bool Generated = 0;
+ bool FirstItem = 1;
+ bool Generated = 0;
- CurDevNN = nnit.current()->NetNode;
+ CurDevNN = nnit.current();
+ { QStringList SL;
SL = CurDevNN->properFiles();
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = SL.begin();
it != SL.end();
++it ) {
Generated = 0;
FirstItem = 1;
// iterate over NNI's of this class
for( QDictIterator<ANetNodeInstance> nniit(
NSResources->netNodeInstances() );
++nniit ) {
if( nniit.current()->nodeClass() != CurDevNN )
// different class
// open proper file
{ SystemFile SF( (*it) );
if( ! CurDevNN->openFile( SF, nniit.current()) ) {
// cannot open
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Cannot open proper file \"%1\" for node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( (*it) ).arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
if( ! ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Cannot open proper file \"%1\" for node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( (*it) ).arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
// preamble on first
if( FirstItem ) {
if( CurDevNN->generatePreamble( SF ) == 2 ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in section \"preamble\" for proper file \"%1\" and node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( (*it) ).
arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
FirstItem = 0;
Generated = 1;
// item specific
if( nniit.current()->generateFile( SF, -1 ) == 2 ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in section for node \"%1\" for proper file \"%2\" and node class \"%3\"</p>" ).
arg( nniit.current()->name() ).
arg( (*it) ).
arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
if( Generated ) {
SystemFile SF( (*it) );
if( CurDevNN->openFile( SF, 0 ) &&
! SF.path().isEmpty()
) {
if( ! ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Cannot open proper file \"%1\" for node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( (*it) ).arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
if( CurDevNN->generatePostamble( SF ) == 2 ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in section \"postamble\" for proper file \"%1\" and node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( (*it) ).
arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
} // no postamble
// generate all registered files
for( QDictIterator<SystemFile> sfit(SFM);
++sfit ) {
SystemFile * SF;
SF = sfit.current();
// reset all
- for( QDictIterator<NetNode_t> nnit( NSResources->netNodes() );
+ for( QDictIterator<ANetNode> nnit( NSResources->netNodes() );
++nnit ) {
- nnit.current()->NetNode->setDone(0);
+ nnit.current()->setDone(0);
for( QDictIterator<ANetNodeInstance> nniit(
NSResources->netNodeInstances() );
++nniit ) {
for( QDictIterator<NodeCollection> ncit(M);
++ncit ) {
Log( ( "Generating system file %s\n", SF->name().latin1() ));
needToGenerate = 0;
// are there netnodes that have instances and need
// to write data in this system file ?
- for( QDictIterator<NetNode_t> nnit( NSResources->netNodes() );
+ for( QDictIterator<ANetNode> nnit( NSResources->netNodes() );
! needToGenerate && nnit.current();
++nnit ) {
- NN = nnit.current()->NetNode;
+ NN = nnit.current();
if( NN->hasDataForFile( *SF ) ) {
// netnode can have data
// are there instances of this node ?
for( QDictIterator<ANetNodeInstance> nniit(
NSResources->netNodeInstances() );
! needToGenerate && nniit.current();
++nniit ) {
if( nniit.current()->nodeClass() == NN ) {
// yes
Log(("Node %s has data\n",
nniit.current()->name() ));
needToGenerate = 1;
if( ! needToGenerate ) {
// no instances found that might need to write data
// in this systemfile
Log(("No nodes for systemfile %s\n", SF->name().latin1() ));
// ok generate this system file
if( ! SF->open() ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Cannot open system file \"%1\"</p>" ).
arg( SF->name() );
return S;
// global presection for this system file
if( ! SF->preSection() ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in section \"Preamble\" for file \"%1\"</p>" ).
arg( SF->name() );
return S;
// find connections that want to write to this file
for( QDictIterator<NodeCollection> ncit(M);
++ncit ) {
NC = ncit.current();
if( NC->done() ) {
// already done
if( ! NC->hasDataForFile( *SF ) ) {
// no data
Log(("Generating %s for connection %s\n",
SF->name().latin1(), NC->name().latin1() ));
// find highest item that wants to write data to this file
FirstWithData = NC->firstWithDataForFile( *SF );
// find device on which this connection works
CurDev = NC->device();
// class of that node
CurDevNN = CurDev->netNode()->nodeClass();
if( ! FirstWithData->nodeClass()->done() ) {
// generate fixed part
if( ! SF->preDeviceSection( CurDevNN ) ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in section \"Pre-Device\" for file \"%1\"</p>" ).
arg( SF->name() );
return S;
if( FirstWithData->nodeClass()->generateFile(
-2 ) == 2 ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in section \"Common\" for file \"%1\" and node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( SF->name() ).
arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
FirstWithData->nodeClass()->setDone( 1 );
Log(( "Systemfile %s for node instance %s is done\n",
FirstWithData->name() ));
NoOfDevs = 0;
DevCtStart = -1;
if( SF->knowsDeviceInstances() ) {
DevCtStart = 0;
NoOfDevs = CurDevNN->instanceCount();
if( ! CurDev->netNode()->nodeClass()->done() ) {
// first time this device is handled
// generate common device specific part
for( int i = DevCtStart; i < NoOfDevs ; i ++ ) {
if( FirstWithData->nodeClass()->generateFile(
*SF, CurDev->netNode(), i ) == 2 ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in section \"Device\" for file \"%1\" and node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( SF->name() ).
arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
CurDev->netNode()->nodeClass()->setDone( 1 );
Log(( "Systemfile %s for Nodeclass %s is done\n",
// generate profile specific info
// for all nodeconnections that work on the same device
for( QDictIterator<NodeCollection> ncit2(M);
++ncit2 ) {
if( ncit2.current()->device() != CurDev ) {
// different device
Log(("Connection %s of family %s\n",
CurDev->name() ));
// generate
NNI = ncit2.current()->firstWithDataForFile( *SF );
for( int i = DevCtStart; i < NoOfDevs ; i ++ ) {
if( ! SF->preNodeSection( NNI, i ) ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in \"Pre-Node Part\" for file \"%1\" and node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( SF->name() ).
arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
switch( NNI->generateFile( *SF, i ) ) {
case 0 :
(*SF) << endl;
case 1 :
case 2 :
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in section \"Node\" for file \"%1\" and node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( SF->name() ).
arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
if( ! SF->postNodeSection( NNI, i ) ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in \"Post-Node Part\" for file \"%1\" and node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( SF->name() ).
arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
ncit2.current()->setDone( 1 );
if( ! SF->postDeviceSection( CurDevNN ) ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in section \"Post-Device\" for file \"%1\" and node \"%2\"</p>" ).
arg( SF->name() ).
arg( CurDevNN->name() );
return S;
if( ! SF->postSection() ) {
S = qApp->translate( "NetworkSettings",
"<p>Error in section \"Closure\" for file \"%1\"</p>" ).
arg( SF->name() );
return S;
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/ppp/ppp_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/ppp/ppp_NN.cpp
index bd13ab9..8c15e9c 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/ppp/ppp_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/ppp/ppp_NN.cpp
@@ -1,100 +1,83 @@
#include <qfile.h>
#include <resources.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include "ppp_NN.h"
#include "ppp_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
QStringList * PPPNetNode::ProperFiles = 0;
static const char * PPPNeeds[] =
{ "modem",
static const char * PPPProvides[] =
{ "connection",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
PPPNetNode::PPPNetNode() : ANetNode(tr("PPP Connection")) {
"pap-secrets", "/etc/ppp/pap-secrets", 0 );
"chap-secrets", "/etc/ppp/chap-secrets", 0 );
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString PPPNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Sets up IP using PPP.</p>\
<p>Use this for dialup devices or serial setups</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * PPPNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new APPP( this );
const char ** PPPNetNode::needs( void ) {
return PPPNeeds;
const char ** PPPNetNode::provides( void ) {
return PPPProvides;
QStringList PPPNetNode::properFiles( void ) {
QStringList SL;
SL << "peers" << "chatscripts";
return SL;
// need to generate :
// /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
// /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
bool PPPNetNode::hasDataForFile( SystemFile & S ) {
return == "pap-secrets" || == "chap-secrets" ;
QString PPPNetNode::genNic( long NicNr ) {
QString S;
return S.sprintf( "ppp%ld", NicNr );
void PPPNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) {
void PPPNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) {
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new PPPNetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<PPPNetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<PPPNetNode> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/profile/profile_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/profile/profile_NN.cpp
index 6028ea5..1e6912e 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/profile/profile_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/profile/profile_NN.cpp
@@ -1,75 +1,58 @@
#include <resources.h>
#include "profile_NN.h"
#include "profile_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * ProfileNeeds[] =
{ "connection",
static const char * ProfileProvides[] =
{ "fullsetup",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
ProfileNetNode::ProfileNetNode() : ANetNode( tr("Regular connection profile")) {
"interfaces", "/etc/network/interfaces", 1 );
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString ProfileNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Define use of an IP connection.</p>\
<p>Configure if and when this connection needs to be established</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * ProfileNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new AProfile( this );
const char ** ProfileNetNode::needs( void ) {
return ProfileNeeds;
const char ** ProfileNetNode::provides( void ) {
return ProfileProvides;
void ProfileNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) {
void ProfileNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) {
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new ProfileNetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<ProfileNetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<ProfileNetNode> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/usb/usb_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/usb/usb_NN.cpp
index 9c07b82..6d90ae0 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/usb/usb_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/usb/usb_NN.cpp
@@ -1,77 +1,60 @@
#include <resources.h>
#include "usb_NN.h"
#include "usb_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * USBNeeds[] =
{ 0
static const char * USBProvides[] =
{ "device",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
USBNetNode::USBNetNode() : ANetNode(tr("USB Cable Connect")) {
"interfaces", "/etc/network/interfaces", 1 );
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString USBNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Configure Ethernet over USB.</p>\
<p>Use this for a computer to computer USB cable connection</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * USBNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new AUSB( this );
const char ** USBNetNode::needs( void ) {
return USBNeeds;
const char ** USBNetNode::provides( void ) {
return USBProvides;
QString USBNetNode::genNic( long ) {
return QString( "usbf" );
void USBNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) {
void USBNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) {
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new USBNetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<USBNetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<USBNetNode> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/usb/usbrun.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/usb/usbrun.cpp
index 0a46642..eb439c1 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/usb/usbrun.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/usb/usbrun.cpp
@@ -1,124 +1,119 @@
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <resources.h>
#include "usbrun.h"
State_t USBRun::detectState( void ) {
// unavailable : no card found
// available : card found and assigned to us or free
// up : card found and assigned to us and up
NodeCollection * NC = nodeCollection();
QString S = QString( "/tmp/profile-%1.up" ).arg(NC->number());
System & Sys = NSResources->system();
InterfaceInfo * Run;
QFile F( S );
Log(("Detecting for %s\n", NC->name().latin1() ));
if( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
// could open file -> read interface and assign
QString X;
QTextStream TS(&F);
X = TS.readLine();
Log(("%s exists\n", S.latin1() ));
// find interface
if( handlesInterface( X ) ) {
for( QDictIterator<InterfaceInfo> It(Sys.interfaces());
++It ) {
Run = It.current();
if( X == Run->Name ) {
NC->assignInterface( Run );
return IsUp;
Log(("Assigned %p\n", NC->assignedInterface() ));
if( ( Run = NC->assignedInterface() ) ) {
// we already have an interface assigned -> still present ?
if( ! Run->IsUp ) {
// usb is still free -> keep assignment
return Available;
} // else interface is up but NOT us -> some other profile
// nothing (valid) assigned to us
NC->assignInterface( 0 );
// find possible interface
for( QDictIterator<InterfaceInfo> It(Sys.interfaces());
++It ) {
Run = It.current();
Log(("%s %d %d=%d %d\n",
handlesInterface( Run->Name ),
Run->CardType, ARPHRD_ETHER,
! Run->IsUp ));
if( handlesInterface( Run->Name ) &&
Run->CardType == ARPHRD_ETHER &&
! Run->IsUp
) {
// proper type, and Not UP -> free
- return Off;
+ // usb cables are currently always available when requested
+ // until we can detect if we are plugged in
+ return Available;
return Unavailable;
QString USBRun::setMyState( NodeCollection * NC, Action_t A, bool ) {
// nothing needs to be done to 'activate' or 'deactivate'
// a cable
- // perhaps (later) we can figure out if the device is IN the
- // cradle
- if( A == Activate ) {
- NC->setCurrentState( Available );
- } else if ( A == Deactivate ) {
- NC->setCurrentState( Unavailable );
- }
return QString();
// get interface that is free or assigned to us
InterfaceInfo * USBRun::getInterface( void ) {
System & S = NSResources->system();
InterfaceInfo * best = 0, * Run;
QRegExp R( "usb[0-9abcdef]" );
for( QDictIterator<InterfaceInfo> It(S.interfaces());
++It ) {
Run = It.current();
if( handlesInterface( Run->Name ) &&
Run->CardType == ARPHRD_ETHER
) {
// this is a USB card
if( Run->assignedConnection() == netNode()->connection() ) {
// assigned to us
return Run;
} else if( Run->assignedConnection() == 0 ) {
// free
best = Run;
return best; // can be 0
bool USBRun::handlesInterface( const QString & S ) {
return Pat.match( S ) >= 0;
bool USBRun::handlesInterface( InterfaceInfo * I ) {
return handlesInterface( I->Name );
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/vpn/vpn_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/vpn/vpn_NN.cpp
index 6dd5332..96e9df2 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/vpn/vpn_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/vpn/vpn_NN.cpp
@@ -1,69 +1,52 @@
#include "vpn_NN.h"
#include "vpn_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * VPNNeeds[] =
{ 0
static const char * VPNProvides[] =
{ "connection",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
VPNNetNode::VPNNetNode() : ANetNode(tr("VPN Connection")) {
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString VPNNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Configure private IP connection.</p>\
<p>Defines Secure tunnels over non secure IP sessions</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * VPNNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new AVPN( this );
const char ** VPNNetNode::needs( void ) {
return VPNNeeds;
const char ** VPNNetNode::provides( void ) {
return VPNProvides;
void VPNNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & , QString & ) {
void VPNNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & ) {
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new VPNNetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<VPNNetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<VPNNetNode> )
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/wlan/wlan_NN.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/wlan/wlan_NN.cpp
index c56da06..f7745be 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings2/wlan/wlan_NN.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings2/wlan/wlan_NN.cpp
@@ -1,85 +1,68 @@
#include <resources.h>
#include "wlan_NN.h"
#include "wlan_NNI.h"
-#ifndef MYPLUGIN
#include "netnodeinterface.h"
static const char * WLanNeeds[] =
{ 0
static const char * WLanProvides[] =
{ "device",
* Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces
WLanNetNode::WLanNetNode() : ANetNode(tr("WLan Device")) {
"interfaces", "/etc/network/interfaces", 1 );
InstanceCount = 2;
* Delete any interfaces that we own.
const QString WLanNetNode::nodeDescription(){
return tr("\
<p>Configure Wi/Fi or WLan network cards.</p>\
<p>Defines Wireless options for those cards</p>\
ANetNodeInstance * WLanNetNode::createInstance( void ) {
return new AWLan( this );
const char ** WLanNetNode::needs( void ) {
return WLanNeeds;
const char ** WLanNetNode::provides( void ) {
return WLanProvides;
QString WLanNetNode::genNic( long nr ) {
QString S;
return S.sprintf( "wlan%ld", nr );
void WLanNetNode::setSpecificAttribute( QString & A, QString & V ) {
if( A == "interfacecount" ) {
InstanceCount = V.toLong();
void WLanNetNode::saveSpecificAttribute( QTextStream & TS ) {
TS << "interfacecount="
<< InstanceCount
<< endl;
-#ifdef MYPLUGIN
-extern "C" {
-void create_plugin( QList<ANetNode> & PNN ) {
- PNN.append( new WLanNetNode() );
-OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface<WLanNetNode> )
+OPIE_NS2_PLUGIN( NetNodeInterface_T<WLanNetNode> )