authorllornkcor <llornkcor>2003-02-28 17:52:09 (UTC)
committer llornkcor <llornkcor>2003-02-28 17:52:09 (UTC)
commitd4db61dbd748040bed740e08a839e01b86af2c87 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent92c322fc6500de8c33409e0cecb25bf655bee8bc (diff)
move goto menu entry
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp
index 2f62789..797c61b 100644
--- a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp
+++ b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp
@@ -59,397 +59,396 @@
#if QT_VERSION < 300
class QpeEditor : public QMultiLineEdit
QpeEditor( QWidget *parent, const char * name = 0 )
: QMultiLineEdit( parent, name ) {
setTableFlags( Tbl_vScrollBar | Tbl_autoHScrollBar );
void find( const QString &txt, bool caseSensitive,
bool backwards );
bool markIt;
int line1, line2, col1, col2;
void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * );
void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * );
//public slots:
void notFound();
void searchWrapped();
void QpeEditor::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) {
switch(e->button()) {
case RightButton:
{ //rediculous workaround for qt popup menu
//and the hold right click mechanism
this->setSelection( line1, col1, line2, col2);
QMultiLineEdit::mousePressEvent( e );
markIt = false;
if(!markIt) {
int line, col;
this->getCursorPosition(&line, &col);
QMultiLineEdit::mousePressEvent( e );
void QpeEditor::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ) {
if(this->hasMarkedText()) {
markIt = true;
this->getMarkedRegion( &line1, &col1, &line2, & col2 );
} else {
markIt = false;
void QpeEditor::find ( const QString &txt, bool caseSensitive,
bool backwards )
static bool wrap = false;
int line, col;
if ( wrap ) {
if ( !backwards )
line = col = 0;
wrap = false;
// emit searchWrapped();
} else {
getCursorPosition( &line, &col );
//ignore backwards for now....
if ( !backwards ) {
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( line >= numLines() ) {
wrap = true;
//emit notFound();
int findCol = getString( line )->find( txt, col, caseSensitive );
if ( findCol >= 0 ) {
setCursorPosition( line, findCol, false );
col = findCol + txt.length();
setCursorPosition( line, col, true );
//found = true;
col = 0;
#error "Must make a QpeEditor that inherits QTextEdit"
static const int nfontsizes = 6;
static const int fontsize[nfontsizes] = {8,10,12,14,18,24};
TextEdit::TextEdit( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f )
: QMainWindow( parent, name, f ), bFromDocView( false )
doc = 0;
setToolBarsMovable( false );
connect( qApp,SIGNAL( aboutToQuit()),SLOT( cleanUp()) );
channel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/Application/textedit", this );
connect( channel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&, const QByteArray&)),
this, SLOT(receive(const QCString&, const QByteArray&)) );
setIcon( Resource::loadPixmap( "TextEditor" ) );
QPEToolBar *bar = new QPEToolBar( this );
bar->setHorizontalStretchable( true );
menu = bar;
QPEMenuBar *mb = new QPEMenuBar( bar );
QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu( this );
QPopupMenu *edit = new QPopupMenu( this );
QPopupMenu *advancedMenu = new QPopupMenu(this);
font = new QPopupMenu( this );
bar = new QPEToolBar( this );
editBar = bar;
QAction *a = new QAction( tr( "New" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "new" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileNew() ) );
// a->addTo( bar );
a->addTo( file );
a = new QAction( tr( "Open" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "fileopen" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileOpen() ) );
a->addTo( bar );
a->addTo( file );
a = new QAction( tr( "Save" ), QPixmap(( const char** ) filesave_xpm ) ,
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( save() ) );
a->addTo( bar );
a->addTo( file );
a = new QAction( tr( "Save As" ), QPixmap(( const char** ) filesave_xpm ) ,
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( saveAs() ) );
a->addTo( file );
a = new QAction( tr( "Cut" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "cut" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCut() ) );
a->addTo( editBar );
a->addTo( edit );
a = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "copy" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCopy() ) );
a->addTo( editBar );
a->addTo( edit );
a = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "paste" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPaste() ) );
a->addTo( editBar );
a->addTo( edit );
a = new QAction( tr( "Insert Time and Date" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "paste" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPasteTimeDate() ) );
a->addTo( edit );
- a = new QAction( tr( "Find..." ), Resource::loadPixmap( "find" ),
+ a = new QAction( tr( "Goto Line..." ), Resource::loadPixmap( "find" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
- connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editFind() ) );
+ connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( gotoLine() ) );
- a->addTo( bar );
a->addTo( edit );
- a = new QAction( tr( "Goto Line..." ), Resource::loadPixmap( "find" ),
+ a = new QAction( tr( "Find..." ), Resource::loadPixmap( "find" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
- connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( gotoLine() ) );
+ connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editFind() ) );
+ a->addTo( bar );
a->addTo( edit );
zin = new QAction( tr("Zoom in"), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( zin, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( zoomIn() ) );
zin->addTo( font );
zout = new QAction( tr("Zoom out"), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( zout, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( zoomOut() ) );
zout->addTo( font );
font->insertItem(tr("Font"), this, SLOT(changeFont()) );
font->insertItem(tr("Advanced Features"), advancedMenu);
QAction *wa = new QAction( tr("Wrap lines"),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( wa, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
this, SLOT( setWordWrap(bool) ) );
wa->addTo( advancedMenu);
nStart = new QAction( tr("Start with new file"),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( nStart, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
this, SLOT( changeStartConfig(bool) ) );
nStart->addTo( advancedMenu );
nAdvanced = new QAction( tr("Prompt on Exit"),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( nAdvanced, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
this, SLOT( doPrompt(bool) ) );
nAdvanced->addTo( advancedMenu );
desktopAction = new QAction( tr("Always open linked file"),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( desktopAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
this, SLOT( doDesktop(bool) ) );
desktopAction->addTo( advancedMenu);
filePermAction = new QAction( tr("File Permissions"),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( filePermAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
this, SLOT( doFilePerms(bool) ) );
filePermAction->addTo( advancedMenu);
searchBarAction = new QAction( tr("Search Bar Open"),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( searchBarAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
this, SLOT( setSearchBar(bool) ) );
searchBarAction->addTo( advancedMenu);
nAutoSave = new QAction( tr("Auto Save 5 min."),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( nAutoSave, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ),
this, SLOT( doTimer(bool) ) );
nAutoSave->addTo( advancedMenu);
font->insertItem(tr("About"), this, SLOT( doAbout()) );
mb->insertItem( tr( "File" ), file );
mb->insertItem( tr( "Edit" ), edit );
mb->insertItem( tr( "View" ), font );
searchBar = new QPEToolBar(this);
addToolBar( searchBar, "Search", QMainWindow::Top, true );
searchBar->setHorizontalStretchable( true );
searchEdit = new QLineEdit( searchBar, "searchEdit" );
searchBar->setStretchableWidget( searchEdit );
connect( searchEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ),
this, SLOT( search() ) );
a = new QAction( tr( "Find Next" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "next" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( findNext() ) );
a->addTo( searchBar );
a->addTo( edit );
a = new QAction( tr( "Close Find" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "close" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( findClose() ) );
a->addTo( searchBar );
a = new QAction( tr( "Delete" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "close" ),
QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editDelete() ) );
a->addTo( edit );
editor = new QpeEditor( this );
setCentralWidget( editor );
editor->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken );
connect( editor, SIGNAL( textChanged() ),
this, SLOT( editorChanged() ) );
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( editor, QPEApplication::RightOnHold);
Config cfg("TextEdit");
cfg. setGroup ( "Font" );
QFont defaultFont = editor-> font ( );
QString family = cfg. readEntry ( "Family", defaultFont. family ( ));
int size = cfg. readNumEntry ( "Size", defaultFont. pointSize ( ));
int weight = cfg. readNumEntry ( "Weight", defaultFont. weight ( ));
bool italic = cfg. readBoolEntry ( "Italic", defaultFont. italic ( ));
defaultFont = QFont ( family, size, weight, italic );
editor-> setFont ( defaultFont );
// updateCaption();
cfg.setGroup ( "View" );
promptExit = cfg.readBoolEntry ( "PromptExit", false );
openDesktop = cfg.readBoolEntry ( "OpenDesktop", true );
filePerms = cfg.readBoolEntry ( "FilePermissions", false );
useSearchBar = cfg.readBoolEntry ( "SearchBar", false );
startWithNew = cfg.readBoolEntry ( "startNew", true);
featureAutoSave = cfg.readBoolEntry( "autosave", false);
if(useSearchBar) searchBarAction->setOn(true);
if(promptExit) nAdvanced->setOn( true );
if(openDesktop) desktopAction->setOn( true );
if(filePerms) filePermAction->setOn( true );
if(startWithNew) nStart->setOn( true );
if(featureAutoSave) nAutoSave->setOn(true);
// {
// doTimer(true);
// }
bool wrap = cfg. readBoolEntry ( "Wrap", true );
wa-> setOn ( wrap );
setWordWrap ( wrap );
if( qApp->argc() > 1) {
QFileInfo fi(currentFileName);
if(fi.baseName().left(1) == "") {
} else {
} else {
viewSelection = cfg.readNumEntry( "FileView", 0 );
TextEdit::~TextEdit() {
qWarning("textedit d'tor");
delete editor;
void TextEdit::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) {
if( edited1 && promptExit)
switch( savePrompt() )
case 1:
case 2: