authorzecke <zecke>2005-10-07 18:21:10 (UTC)
committer zecke <zecke>2005-10-07 18:21:10 (UTC)
commitd5beae7038e36633480cc3e17134a85b6d68fbc7 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent0bad2116a1ceed19956b94889cb034781f35146d (diff)
-make it compile. This line should have been H1940 in the patch. Now I even compiled libopiecore before comitting ;)
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice_ipaq.cpp b/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice_ipaq.cpp
index 52da2d9..2d734a4 100644
--- a/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice_ipaq.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opiecore/device/odevice_ipaq.cpp
@@ -217,248 +217,248 @@ QValueList <OLed> iPAQ::ledList() const
if ( d->m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx )
vl << Led_BlueTooth;
return vl;
QValueList <OLedState> iPAQ::ledStateList ( OLed l ) const
QValueList <OLedState> vl;
if ( l == Led_Power )
vl << Led_Off << Led_On << Led_BlinkSlow << Led_BlinkFast;
else if ( l == Led_BlueTooth && d->m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx )
vl << Led_Off; // << Led_On << ???
return vl;
OLedState iPAQ::ledState ( OLed l ) const
switch ( l ) {
case Led_Power:
return m_leds [0];
case Led_BlueTooth:
return m_leds [1];
return Led_Off;
bool iPAQ::setLedState ( OLed l, OLedState st )
static int fd = ::open ( "/dev/touchscreen/0", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK );
if ( l == Led_Power ) {
if ( fd >= 0 ) {
LED_IN leds;
::memset ( &leds, 0, sizeof( leds ));
leds. TotalTime = 0;
leds. OnTime = 0;
leds. OffTime = 1;
leds. OffOnBlink = 2;
switch ( st ) {
case Led_Off : leds. OffOnBlink = 0; break;
case Led_On : leds. OffOnBlink = 1; break;
case Led_BlinkSlow: leds. OnTime = 10; leds. OffTime = 10; break;
case Led_BlinkFast: leds. OnTime = 5; leds. OffTime = 5; break;
if ( ::ioctl ( fd, LED_ON, &leds ) >= 0 ) {
m_leds [0] = st;
return true;
return false;
bool iPAQ::filter ( int /*unicode*/, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat )
int newkeycode = keycode;
switch ( keycode ) {
// H38xx/H39xx have no "Q" key anymore - this is now the Mail key
case HardKey_Menu: {
if (( d->m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx ) ||
( d->m_model == Model_iPAQ_H39xx ) ||
( d->m_model == Model_iPAQ_H5xxx)) {
newkeycode = HardKey_Mail;
// Rotate cursor keys 180 or 270
case Key_Left :
case Key_Right:
case Key_Up :
case Key_Down : {
if (( d->m_model == Model_iPAQ_H31xx ) ||
( d->m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx )) {
newkeycode = Key_Left + ( keycode - Key_Left + 2 ) % 4;
// Rotate the cursor keys by 270
// keycode - Key_Left = position of the button starting from left clockwise
// add the rotation to it and modolo. No we've the original offset
// add the offset to the Key_Left key
if (( d->m_model == Model_iPAQ_H5xxx ) ||
( d->m_model == Model_iPAQ_H191x ) ||
( d->m_model == Model_iPAQ_H1940 ))
newkeycode = Key_Left + ( keycode - Key_Left + 3 ) % 4;
// map Power Button short/long press to F34/F35
case Key_SysReq: {
if ( isPress ) {
if ( m_power_timer )
killTimer ( m_power_timer );
m_power_timer = startTimer ( 500 );
else if ( m_power_timer ) {
killTimer ( m_power_timer );
m_power_timer = 0;
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Suspend, 0, true, false );
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Suspend, 0, false, false );
newkeycode = Key_unknown;
if ( newkeycode != keycode ) {
if ( newkeycode != Key_unknown )
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, newkeycode, modifiers, isPress, autoRepeat );
return true;
return false;
void iPAQ::timerEvent ( QTimerEvent * )
killTimer ( m_power_timer );
m_power_timer = 0;
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Backlight, 0, true, false );
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Backlight, 0, false, false );
void iPAQ::playAlarmSound()
#ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
static Sound snd ( "alarm" );
changeMixerForAlarm(0, "/dev/sound/mixer", &snd );
snd. play();
bool iPAQ::setDisplayBrightness ( int bright )
bool res = false;
int fd;
if ( bright > 255 )
bright = 255;
if ( bright < 0 )
bright = 0;
QString cmdline;
switch ( model()) {
case Model_iPAQ_H191x:
if ( !bright )
cmdline = QString::fromLatin1( "echo 4 > /sys/class/backlight/pxafb/power");
cmdline = QString::fromLatin1( "echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/pxafb/power; echo %1 > /sys/class/backlight/pxafb/brightness" ).arg( bright );
// No Global::shellQuote as we gurantee it to be sane
res = ( ::system( QFile::encodeName(cmdline) ) == 0 );
if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/touchscreen/0", O_WRONLY )) >= 0 ) {
bl. mode = 1;
bl. pwr = bright ? 1 : 0;
bl. brightness = ( bright * ( displayBrightnessResolution() - 1 ) + 127 ) / 255;
res = ( ::ioctl ( fd, FLITE_ON, &bl ) == 0 );
::close ( fd );
return res;
int iPAQ::displayBrightnessResolution() const
switch ( model()) {
case Model_iPAQ_H31xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H36xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H37xx:
return 128; // really 256, but >128 could damage the LCD
case Model_iPAQ_H38xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H39xx:
return 64;
case Model_iPAQ_H5xxx:
return 255;
case Model_iPAQ_H191x:
return 183;
- case Model_iPAQ_H191x:
+ case Model_iPAQ_H1940:
return 44;
return 2;
bool iPAQ::setDisplayStatus ( bool on )
bool res = false;
QString cmdline;
if ( model() == Model_iPAQ_H191x ) {
cmdline = QString::fromLatin1( "echo %1 > /sys/class/lcd/pxafb/power; echo %2 > /sys/class/backlight/pxafb/power").arg( on ? "0" : "4" ).arg( on ? "0" : "4" );
} else {
return OAbstractMobileDevice::setDisplayStatus(on);
res = ( ::system( QFile::encodeName(cmdline) ) == 0 );
return res;
bool iPAQ::hasLightSensor() const
return true;
int iPAQ::readLightSensor()
int fd;
int val = -1;
if (( fd = ::open ( "/proc/hal/light_sensor", O_RDONLY )) >= 0 ) {
char buffer [8];
if ( ::read ( fd, buffer, 5 ) == 5 ) {
char *endptr;
buffer [4] = 0;
val = ::strtol ( buffer + 2, &endptr, 16 );
if ( *endptr != 0 )
val = -1;
::close ( fd );
return val;
int iPAQ::lightSensorResolution() const
return 256;