authorallenforsythe <allenforsythe>2003-05-16 20:08:38 (UTC)
committer allenforsythe <allenforsythe>2003-05-16 20:08:38 (UTC)
commite6ff2dbd2d128c3cf873e23f4df8006759b47079 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent87051a7ba4834aed152bc09aad7f4935c9729ccb (diff)
Working on time frame for displaying cleared transactions. Not yet working.
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
-rwxr-xr-xnoncore/apps/qashmoney/qmaccounts.dbbin4096 -> 6144 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xnoncore/apps/qashmoney/qmbudgets.dbbin3072 -> 4096 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xnoncore/apps/qashmoney/qmmemory.dbbin4096 -> 10240 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xnoncore/apps/qashmoney/qmpreferences.dbbin4096 -> 4096 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xnoncore/apps/qashmoney/qmtransactions.dbbin4096 -> 24576 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xnoncore/apps/qashmoney/qmtransfers.dbbin3072 -> 3072 bytes
15 files changed, 105 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/install/CONTROL/opie-qashmoney.control b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/install/CONTROL/opie-qashmoney.control
index ffd11db..b00e3b1 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/install/CONTROL/opie-qashmoney.control
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/install/CONTROL/opie-qashmoney.control
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: qashmoney
Priority: optional
-Version: 0.74
+Version: 0.75
Architecture: arm
Maintainer: Allen Forsythe
Section: Applications
Description: QashMoney provides an intuitive and fast way to keep track of your accounts and budgets.
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/preferencedialogs.cpp b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/preferencedialogs.cpp
index 00d52c6..d7c66d3 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/preferencedialogs.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/preferencedialogs.cpp
@@ -1,216 +1,217 @@
#include "preferencedialogs.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include <qlabel.h>
extern Preferences *preferences;
DatePreferences::DatePreferences ( QWidget* parent ) : QDialog ( parent, 0, TRUE )
setCaption( tr( "Date" ) );
QLabel *datelabel = new QLabel ( "Format", this );
dateformat = new QComboBox ( this );
dateformat->setEditable ( FALSE );
dateformat->insertItem ( "yyyymmdd" );
dateformat->insertItem ( "yymmdd" );
dateformat->insertItem ( "mmddyyyy" );
dateformat->insertItem ( "mmddyy" );
dateformat->insertItem ( "yyyyddmm" );
dateformat->insertItem ( "yyddmm" );
dateformat->insertItem ( "ddmmyyyy" );
dateformat->insertItem ( "ddmmyy" );
connect ( dateformat, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( changeDateFormat ( int ) ) );
QLabel *dateseparatorlabel = new QLabel ( "Separator", this );
dateseparator = new QComboBox ( this );
dateseparator->insertItem ( "/" );
dateseparator->insertItem ( "-" );
dateseparator->insertItem ( "." );
connect ( dateseparator, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( changeDateSeparator ( int ) ) );
defaults = new QPushButton ( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/defaults.png" ), "Defaults", this );
connect ( defaults, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( setDefaultDatePreferences () ) );
dateformat->setCurrentItem ( ( preferences->getPreference ( 1 ) ) - 1 );
dateseparator->setCurrentItem ( ( preferences->getPreference ( 2 ) ) - 1 );
layout = new QVBoxLayout ( this, 2, 2 );
layout->addWidget ( datelabel );
layout->addWidget ( dateformat );
layout->addWidget ( dateseparatorlabel );
layout->addWidget ( dateseparator );
layout->insertSpacing ( 4, 5 );
layout->addWidget ( defaults );
DatePreferences::~DatePreferences ()
void DatePreferences::changeDateFormat ( int index )
index ++;
preferences->changePreference ( 1, index );
void DatePreferences::changeDateSeparator ( int index )
index ++;
preferences->changePreference ( 2, index );
void DatePreferences::setDefaultDatePreferences ()
preferences->setDefaultDatePreferences ();
dateformat->setCurrentItem ( ( preferences->getPreference ( 1 ) ) - 1 );
dateseparator->setCurrentItem ( ( preferences->getPreference ( 2 ) ) - 1 );
TransactionPreferences::TransactionPreferences ( QWidget* parent ) : QDialog ( parent, 0, TRUE )
setCaption( tr ( "Transaction" ) );
showclearedtransactions = new QCheckBox ( this );
showclearedtransactions->setText ( "Show Cleared Transactions" );
- excludetransfers = new QCheckBox ( this );
- excludetransfers->setText ( "Include Transfers In Limit View" );
limittransactionsbox = new QHBox ( this );
limittransactionsbox->setSpacing ( 2 );
- limittransactionslabel = new QLabel ( "Limit All Transactions To", limittransactionsbox );
+ limittransactionslabel = new QLabel ( "Show ", limittransactionsbox );
limittransactions = new QComboBox ( limittransactionsbox );
+ QLabel *limittransactionslabel2 = new QLabel ( "of cleared transactions. ", limittransactionsbox );
limittransactions->insertItem ( "14 days" );
limittransactions->insertItem ( "30 days" );
- limittransactions->insertItem ( "60 days" );
limittransactions->insertItem ( "90 days" );
limittransactions->insertItem ( "180 days" );
limittransactions->insertItem ( "365 days" );
limittransactions->insertItem ( "All" );
+ limittransactions->setCurrentItem ( preferences->getPreference ( 7 ) );
+ excludetransfers = new QCheckBox ( this );
+ excludetransfers->setText ( "Include Transfers In Limit View" );
if ( preferences->getPreference ( 3 ) == 1 )
showclearedtransactions->setChecked ( TRUE );
showclearedtransactions->setChecked ( FALSE );
if ( preferences->getPreference ( 6 ) == 1 )
excludetransfers->setChecked ( TRUE );
excludetransfers->setChecked ( FALSE );
defaults = new QPushButton ( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/defaults.png" ), "Defaults", this );
connect ( defaults, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( setDefaultTransactionPreferences () ) );
layout = new QVBoxLayout ( this, 2, 2 );
layout->addWidget ( showclearedtransactions );
- layout->addWidget ( excludetransfers );
layout->addWidget ( limittransactionsbox );
+ layout->addWidget ( excludetransfers );
layout->insertSpacing ( 3, 5 );
layout->addWidget ( defaults );
connect ( showclearedtransactions, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT ( changeShowClearedPreference ( bool ) ) );
connect ( excludetransfers, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT ( changeExcludeTranfersPreference ( bool ) ) );
connect ( limittransactions, SIGNAL ( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT ( changeLimitTransactionsPreference ( int ) ) );
TransactionPreferences::~TransactionPreferences ()
void TransactionPreferences::changeLimitTransactionsPreference ( int pref )
preferences->changePreference ( 7, pref );
void TransactionPreferences::changeShowClearedPreference ( bool state )
if ( state == TRUE )
preferences->changePreference ( 3, 1 );
preferences->changePreference ( 3, 0 );
void TransactionPreferences::changeExcludeTranfersPreference ( bool state )
if ( state == TRUE )
preferences->changePreference ( 6, 1 );
preferences->changePreference ( 6, 0 );
void TransactionPreferences::setDefaultTransactionPreferences ()
preferences->changePreference ( 3, 0 );
preferences->changePreference ( 6, 0 );
preferences->changePreference ( 7, 0 );
showclearedtransactions->setChecked ( FALSE );
limittransactions->setCurrentItem ( 0 );
AccountPreferences::AccountPreferences ( QWidget* parent ) : QDialog ( parent, 0, TRUE )
setCaption( tr ( "Account" ) );
currencysupport = new QCheckBox ( this );
currencysupport->setText ( "Enable Currency Support" );
onetouch = new QCheckBox ( this );
onetouch->setText ( "One Touch Account Viewing" );
if ( preferences->getPreference ( 4 ) == 1 )
currencysupport->setChecked ( TRUE );
currencysupport->setChecked ( FALSE );
if ( preferences->getPreference ( 5 ) == 1 )
onetouch->setChecked ( TRUE );
onetouch->setChecked ( FALSE );
defaults = new QPushButton ( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/defaults.png" ), "Defaults", this );
connect ( defaults, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( setDefaultAccountPreferences () ) );
layout = new QVBoxLayout ( this, 2, 2 );
layout->addWidget ( currencysupport );
layout->addWidget ( onetouch );
layout->insertSpacing ( 2, 5 );
layout->addWidget ( defaults );
connect ( currencysupport, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT ( changeCurrencySupport ( bool ) ) );
connect ( onetouch, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT ( changeOneTouchViewing ( bool ) ) );
AccountPreferences::~AccountPreferences ()
void AccountPreferences::changeCurrencySupport ( bool state )
if ( state == TRUE )
preferences->changePreference ( 4, 1 );
preferences->changePreference ( 4, 0 );
void AccountPreferences::changeOneTouchViewing ( bool state )
if ( state == TRUE )
preferences->changePreference ( 5, 1 );
preferences->changePreference ( 5, 0 );
void AccountPreferences::setDefaultAccountPreferences ()
preferences->changePreference ( 4, 0 );
preferences->changePreference ( 5, 0 );
currencysupport->setChecked ( FALSE );
onetouch->setChecked ( FALSE );
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/preferences.cpp b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/preferences.cpp
index 819d5cf..9bf64dd 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/preferences.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/preferences.cpp
@@ -1,255 +1,255 @@
#include "preferences.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
Preferences::Preferences ()
db = sqlite_open ( "qmpreferences.db", 0, NULL );
Preferences::~Preferences ()
sqlite_close ( db );
void Preferences::addPreferences ()
// This function checks the preferences database for existing preferences and adds
// them if they are not there. First we set up variables. Preferences are always set
// to non-zero numbers because when we check to see if a preference has been
// added to the database, the result is zero if it hasn't
int rows = 0;
int columns = 0;
char **results;
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select count() from preferences;", &results, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( atoi ( results [ 1 ] ) != 7 )
// dateformat preference 1 = yyyymmdd 2 = yymmdd 3 = mmddyyyy 4 = mmddyy
// 5 = yyyyddmm 6 = yyddmm 7 = ddmmyyyy 8 = ddmmyy
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select preference from preferences where id = 1;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into preferences values ( 4, 'dateformat', 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// dateseparator preference 1 = / ( forward slash ) 2 = - ( dash ) 3 = . ( period )
rows = 0;
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select preference from preferences where id = 2;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into preferences values ( 1, 'dateseparator', 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// showclearedtransactions preference 0 = no 1 = yes
rows = 0;
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select preference from preferences where id = 3;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into preferences values ( 0, 'showclearedtransactions', 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// enable currency support preference 0 = no 1 = yes
rows = 0;
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select preference from preferences where id = 4;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into preferences values ( 0, 'enablecurrencysupport', 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// one touch account viewing preference 0 = no 1 = yes
rows = 0;
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select preference from preferences where id = 5;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into preferences values ( 0, 'onetouchviewing', 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// exclude transfers from limit view 0 = no 1 = yes
rows = 0;
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select preference from preferences where id = 6;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into preferences values ( 0, 'excludetransfersfromlimit', 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
- // limit number of transactions to 0 = 14 days 1 = 30 days, 2 = 60 days, 3 = 90 days, 4 = 180 days, 5 = 365 days, 6 = all
+ // limit number of transactions to 0 = 14 days 1 = 30 days, 2 = 90 days, 3 = 180 days, 4 = 365 days 5 = all
rows = 0;
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select preference from preferences where id = 7;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into preferences values ( 0, 'limittransactions', 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
void Preferences::initializeColumnPreferences ()
int rows = 0;
int columns = 0;
char **results;
// initialize accountname column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 1;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'accountname', 90, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize accountbalance column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 2;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'accountbalance', 90, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize transactiondate column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 3;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'normaltransactiondate', 50, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize transactionname column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 4;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'normaltransactionname', 75, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize transactionamount column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 5;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'normaltransactionamount', 50, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize transactiondate column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 6;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'extendedtransactiondate', 50, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize transactionname column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 7;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'extendedtransactionname', 75, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize transactionamount column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 8;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'extendedtransactionamount', 50, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize transactionaccount column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 9;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'transactionaccount', 50, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize account name with currency column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 10;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'accountnamewithcurrency', 100, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize account currency column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 11;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'currencycolumn', 10, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize account balance with currency column width
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 12;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'accountbalancewithcurrency', 50, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize budget line item column
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 13;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'budgetlineitem', 50, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize budget budget column
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 14;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'budgetbudget', 50, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
// initialize budget actual column
sqlite_get_table ( db, "select width from columns where id = 15;", &results, &rows, &columns, 0 );
if ( rows == 0 )
sqlite_exec ( db, "insert into columns values ( 'budgetactual', 50, 0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0 );
void Preferences::changeColumnPreference ( int id, int width )
sqlite_exec_printf ( db, "update columns set width = %i where id = %i;", 0, 0, 0, width, id );
int Preferences::getColumnPreference ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select width from columns where id = %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
return atoi ( results [ 1 ] );
int Preferences::getPreference ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( db, "select preference from preferences where id = %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
return atoi ( results [ 1 ] );
QString Preferences::getSeparator ( )
int s = getPreference ( 2 );
if ( s == 1 )
return "/";
if ( s ==2 )
return "-";
return ".";
void Preferences::changePreference ( int id, int newpreference )
sqlite_exec_printf ( db, "update preferences set preference = %i where id = %i;", 0, 0, 0, newpreference, id );
void Preferences::setDefaultDatePreferences ()
sqlite_exec ( db, "update preferences set preference = 4 where id = 1;", 0, 0, 0 );
sqlite_exec ( db, "update preferences set preference = 1 where id = 2;", 0, 0, 0 );
QString Preferences::getDate ( int y, int m, int d )
QString date;
int format = getPreference ( 1 );
QString separator = getSeparator();
// Convert all date integers to QStrings
QString year = QString::number ( y );
QString month = QString::number ( m );
if ( m < 10 )
month.prepend ( "0" );
QString day = QString::number ( d );
if ( d < 10 )
day.prepend ( "0" );
// Truncate four digit year if necessary
if ( format == 2 || format == 4 || format == 6 || format == 8 )
year.remove ( 0, 2 );
// Concatenate dates as necessary
if ( format == 1 || format == 2 )
date = year;
date.append ( separator );
date.append ( month );
date.append ( separator );
date.append ( day );
return date;
if ( format == 3 || format == 4 )
date = month;
date.append ( separator );
date.append ( day );
date.append ( separator );
date.append ( year );
return date;
if ( format == 5 || format == 6 )
date = year;
date.append ( separator );
date.append ( day );
date.append ( separator );
date.append ( month );
return date;
if ( format == 7 || format == 8 )
date = day;
date.append ( separator );
date.append ( month );
date.append ( separator );
date.append ( year );
return date;
QString Preferences::getDate ( int y, int m )
QString date;
int format = getPreference ( 1 );
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qashmoney.cpp b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qashmoney.cpp
index 1ea358c..83eea01 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qashmoney.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qashmoney.cpp
@@ -1,356 +1,390 @@
#include "qashmoney.h"
#include "preferencedialogs.h"
#include "memorydialog.h"
#include <qheader.h>
#include <iostream.h>
Budget *budget = new Budget ();
Preferences *preferences = new Preferences ();
Account *account = new Account ();
Transaction *transaction = new Transaction ();
Transfer *transfer = new Transfer ();
Memory *memory = new Memory ();
QashMoney::QashMoney () : QWidget ()
preferences->initializeColumnPreferences ();
// set the text in the upper part of the frame
setCaption ( tr ( "QashMoney" ) );
// Create new menubar for our mainwindow
// and add menu items
mainmenu = new QPEMenuBar ( this );
mainmenu->setFrameStyle ( QFrame::PopupPanel | QFrame::Raised );
preferencesmenu = new QPopupMenu ( this );
utilitiesmenu = new QPopupMenu ( this );
mainmenu->insertItem ( "Preferences", preferencesmenu );
mainmenu->insertItem ( "Utilities", utilitiesmenu );
preferencesmenu->insertItem ( "Date", this, SLOT ( displayDatePreferencesDialog () ) );
preferencesmenu->insertItem ( "Account", this, SLOT ( displayAccountPreferencesDialog () ) );
preferencesmenu->insertItem ( "Transaction", this, SLOT ( displayTransactionPreferencesDialog () ) );
utilitiesmenu->insertItem ( "Memory", this, SLOT ( displayMemoryDialog () ) );
// create the main tabwidget for displaying accounts and transactions
maintabs = new QTabWidget ( this );
tab = new QWidget ( this );
tab_2 = new QWidget ( this );
tab_3 = new QWidget ( this );
maintabs->addTab ( tab, "Accounts" );
maintabs->addTab ( tab_2, "Transactions" );
maintabs->addTab ( tab_3, "Budgets" );
tabheight = tab->height();
maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE );
// create a new account display object
accountdisplay = new AccountDisplay ( maintabs );
accountdisplay->setTabs ( tab_2, maintabs );
connect ( accountdisplay->listview, SIGNAL ( selectionChanged () ), this, SLOT ( setTransactionTab () ) );
// set the connection to disable the one touch account viewing if we are transfering money
connect ( accountdisplay->transferbutton, SIGNAL ( toggled ( bool ) ), this, SLOT ( toggleOneTouchViewing ( bool ) ) );
// create a new transactiondisplay object
transactiondisplay = new TransactionDisplay ( maintabs );
// create new budgetdisplay object
budgetdisplay = new BudgetDisplay ( maintabs );
tabslayout = new QVBoxLayout ( maintabs, 4, 2 );
tabslayout->addSpacing ( tabheight );
tabslayout->addWidget ( accountdisplay );
tabslayout->addWidget ( transactiondisplay );
tabslayout->addWidget ( budgetdisplay );
// connect a change in the maintabs with changing the tab display
connect ( maintabs, SIGNAL ( currentChanged ( QWidget * ) ), this, SLOT ( changeTabDisplay () ) );
// create layout that will contain the menubar and the maintabs
layout = new QVBoxLayout ( this, 2, 2 );
layout->setMenuBar ( mainmenu );
layout->addWidget ( maintabs );
QashMoney::~QashMoney ()
delete budget;
delete preferences;
delete account;
delete transaction;
delete transfer;
delete memory;
void QashMoney::changeTabDisplay ()
// if the user pressed the transactions tab, hide the account display
// object and create a new transaction display
if ( maintabs->currentPageIndex() == 1 )
// initialize variables
bool children = FALSE;
// hide the account display and define accountid
int accountid = accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->text ( accountdisplay->getIDColumn() ).toInt();
//remove all the columns from the transactiondisplay
int columns = transactiondisplay->listview->columns();
int counter;
for ( counter = 0; counter <= columns; counter++ )
transactiondisplay->listview->removeColumn ( 0 );
// set the account name and account balance
QString name = account->getAccountName ( accountid );
QString balance = account->getAccountBalance ( accountid );
transactiondisplay->name->setText ( name );
transactiondisplay->balance->setText ( balance );
// clear the limitbox
// get parent account id
int parentaccountid = account->getParentAccountID ( accountid );
// add columns based on which account is selected
// this first if determines if we selected a parent with no children or a child
// in these cases, we add standard three columns for date, transaction, amount
transactiondisplay->listview->addColumn ( "Date", 0 );
transactiondisplay->listview->addColumn ( "Transaction", 0 );
transactiondisplay->listview->addColumn ( "Amt", 0);
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnAlignment ( 2, Qt::AlignRight );
transactiondisplay->listview->addColumn ( "", 0 );
if ( accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->parent() == 0 && accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->childCount() != 0 ) // we selected a parent with children
// add an extra column for the account name for eac child transaction
transactiondisplay->listview->addColumn ( "Acct", 0 );
children = TRUE;
// hide the new transaction button
transactiondisplay->newtransaction->setEnabled ( FALSE );
else //we selected a parent without children or a child
transactiondisplay->newtransaction->setEnabled ( TRUE );
// disable the transactionid column so it can't be red
transactiondisplay->listview->header()->setResizeEnabled ( FALSE, 3 );
// set the accountid and children variables
transactiondisplay->setChildren ( children );
transactiondisplay->setAccountID ( accountid );
+ setTransactionDisplayDate ();
// display transactions
QString displaytext = "%";
displaytext.prepend ( transactiondisplay->limitbox->text() );
if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 )
- transaction->displayTransactions ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children, displaytext );
+ transaction->displayTransactions ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children, displaytext, newdate );
// display transfers
transfer->displayTransfers ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children );
// open a new preferences object and resize the transaction display columns
// each column will have a different size based on whether we are looking at a child
// account or children through a parent
if ( parentaccountid != -1 || accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->childCount() == 0 ) // a parent with no children or a child - three columns
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 0, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 3 ) ); // normal transaction date width
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 0, QListView::Manual );
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 1, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 4 ) ); // normal transaction name width
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 1, QListView::Manual );
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 2, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 5 ) ); // normal transaction amount width
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 2, QListView::Manual );
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 0, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 6 ) ); // extended transaction date width
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 0, QListView::Manual );
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 1, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 7 ) ); // extended transaction name width
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 1, QListView::Manual );
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 2, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 8 ) ); // extended transaction amount width
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 2, QListView::Manual );
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 4, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 9 ) ); // transaction account width
transactiondisplay->listview->setColumnWidthMode ( 4, QListView::Manual );
// show the window
// hide the account display and define accountid
// hide the budget display
else if ( maintabs->currentPageIndex() == 0 )
// clear the account display selection
// resize the account display columns
accountdisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 0, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 1 ) );
accountdisplay->listview->setColumnWidth ( 1, preferences->getColumnPreference ( 2 ) );
// display the accounts
if ( account->getNumberOfAccounts() != 0 )
account->displayAccounts ( accountdisplay->listview );
maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE );
// set the toggle button
accountdisplay->setToggleButton ();
// show the account display
// hide the transaction display
// hide the budget display
enableOneTouchViewing ();
void QashMoney::setTransactionTab ()
if ( accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem() == 0 )
maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE );
maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, TRUE );
void QashMoney::displayDatePreferencesDialog ()
// this shows a dialog to set preferences for formatting the date
DatePreferences *pd = new DatePreferences ( this );
pd->exec ();
if ( transactiondisplay->isVisible() )
// set the account id
int accountid = accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->text ( accountdisplay->getIDColumn() ).toInt();
// set children so we can let displayTransfers know if there are children for the selected account
bool children;
if ( accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->parent() == 0 && accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->childCount() != 0 )
children = TRUE;
children = FALSE;
// redisplay transactions if they are visible incorporating
// any changes to the date format
QString displaytext = "%";
displaytext.prepend ( transactiondisplay->limitbox->text() );
+ setTransactionDisplayDate();
if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 )
- transaction->displayTransactions ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children, displaytext );
+ transaction->displayTransactions ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children, displaytext, newdate );
if ( transfer->getNumberOfTransfers() != 0 )
transfer->displayTransfers ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children );
else if ( accountdisplay->isVisible() )
maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE );
void QashMoney::displayTransactionPreferencesDialog ()
// display a dialog for setting preferences for transactions
TransactionPreferences *td = new TransactionPreferences ( this );
td->exec ();
if ( transactiondisplay->isVisible() )
// set the account id
int accountid = accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->text ( accountdisplay->getIDColumn() ).toInt();
// set children so we can let displayTransfers know if there are children for the selected account
bool children;
if ( accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->parent() == 0 && accountdisplay->listview->selectedItem()->childCount() != 0 )
children = TRUE;
children = FALSE;
// redisplay transactions incorporating any transaction preference changes
QString displaytext = "%";
displaytext.prepend ( transactiondisplay->limitbox->text() );
+ setTransactionDisplayDate();
if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 )
- transaction->displayTransactions ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children, displaytext );
+ transaction->displayTransactions ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children, displaytext, newdate );
if ( transfer->getNumberOfTransfers() != 0 )
transfer->displayTransfers ( transactiondisplay->listview, accountid, children );
maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE );
void QashMoney::displayAccountPreferencesDialog ()
// display a dialog for setting preferences for accounts
AccountPreferences *ap = new AccountPreferences ( this );
ap->exec ();
if ( accountdisplay->isVisible() && account->getNumberOfAccounts() != 0 )
account->displayAccounts ( accountdisplay->listview );
maintabs->setTabEnabled ( tab_2, FALSE );
void QashMoney::displayMemoryDialog ()
// opens a dialog to add, edit and delete memory items
MemoryDialog *md = new MemoryDialog ();
void QashMoney::showTransactions ()
maintabs->setCurrentPage ( 1 );
void QashMoney::enableOneTouchViewing ()
if ( preferences->getPreference ( 5 ) == 1 )
connect ( accountdisplay->listview, SIGNAL ( selectionChanged () ), this, SLOT ( showTransactions () ) );
disconnect ( accountdisplay->listview, SIGNAL ( selectionChanged () ), this, SLOT ( showTransactions () ) );
void QashMoney::disableOneTouchViewing ()
disconnect ( accountdisplay->listview, SIGNAL ( selectionChanged () ), this, SLOT ( showTransactions () ) );
void QashMoney::toggleOneTouchViewing ( bool state )
if ( state == TRUE )
+void QashMoney::setTransactionDisplayDate ()
+ {
+ // determine how many days of transactions to show
+ int limittype = preferences->getPreference ( 7 );
+ if ( limittype != 5 ) // set today's date if we are not showing all transactions
+ {
+ QDate today = QDate::currentDate ();
+ switch ( limittype ) // if we are not showing all transactions
+ {
+ case 0: // viewing two weeks
+ newdate = today.addDays ( -14 );
+ break;
+ case 1: // viewing one month
+ newdate = today.addDays ( -30 );
+ break;
+ case 2: // three months
+ newdate = today.addDays ( -90 );
+ break;
+ case 3: // six months
+ newdate = today.addDays ( -180 );
+ break;
+ case 4: // one year
+ newdate = today.addDays ( -365 );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ newdate = QDate ( 1, 1, 1000 );
+ }
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qashmoney.h b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qashmoney.h
index cf0bd42..ec2c7ec 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qashmoney.h
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qashmoney.h
@@ -1,61 +1,64 @@
#include <qpe/qpemenubar.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qtabwidget.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
#include "accountdisplay.h"
#include "transactiondisplay.h"
#include "budgetdisplay.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include "transaction.h"
#include "transfer.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "budget.h"
class QashMoney : public QWidget
QashMoney ();
QTabWidget* maintabs;
QWidget* tab;
QWidget* tab_2;
QWidget* tab_3;
QPEMenuBar *mainmenu;
QPopupMenu *preferencesmenu;
QPopupMenu *utilitiesmenu;
public slots:
void displayDatePreferencesDialog ();
void displayTransactionPreferencesDialog ();
void displayAccountPreferencesDialog ();
void displayMemoryDialog ();
void setTransactionTab ();
private slots:
void changeTabDisplay ();
void showTransactions ();
void enableOneTouchViewing ();
void disableOneTouchViewing ();
void toggleOneTouchViewing ( bool );
+ void setTransactionDisplayDate ();
QVBoxLayout *layout;
QVBoxLayout *tabslayout;
AccountDisplay *accountdisplay;
TransactionDisplay *transactiondisplay;
BudgetDisplay *budgetdisplay;
int tabheight;
+ QDate newdate;
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmaccounts.db b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmaccounts.db
index 449bcab..76db78b 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmaccounts.db
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmaccounts.db
Binary files differ
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmbudgets.db b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmbudgets.db
index d798f0c..ef75719 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmbudgets.db
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmbudgets.db
Binary files differ
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmmemory.db b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmmemory.db
index 5c23122..c6b7920 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmmemory.db
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmmemory.db
Binary files differ
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmpreferences.db b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmpreferences.db
index a4e96f5..91596cb 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmpreferences.db
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmpreferences.db
Binary files differ
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmtransactions.db b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmtransactions.db
index 9e4acc9..a5eb4f3 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmtransactions.db
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmtransactions.db
Binary files differ
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmtransfers.db b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmtransfers.db
index c31df1a..3ca9f78 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmtransfers.db
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/qmtransfers.db
Binary files differ
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transaction.cpp b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transaction.cpp
index af7d18f..5ecc7ed 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transaction.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transaction.cpp
@@ -1,274 +1,270 @@
#include "transaction.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "transactiondisplay.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <iostream.h>
extern Account *account;
extern Preferences *preferences;
Transaction::Transaction ()
tdb = sqlite_open ( "qmtransactions.db", 0, NULL );
Transaction::~Transaction ()
sqlite_close ( tdb );
void Transaction::addTransaction ( QString description, QString payee, int accountid, int parentid, int number, int day, int month, int year, float amount, int cleared, int budgetid, int lineitemid )
sqlite_exec_printf ( tdb, "insert into transactions values ( '%q', %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %i, %.2f, %i, %i, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, %i, '%q', 0,
0, 0, 0, NULL );", 0, 0, 0, ( const char * ) payee, accountid, parentid, number, day, month, year, amount, cleared, budgetid, lineitemid, ( const char * ) description );
void Transaction::updateTransaction ( QString description, QString payee, int number, int day, int month, int year, float amount, int cleared, int budgetid, int lineitemid, int transactionid )
sqlite_exec_printf ( tdb, "update transactions set reservedtwo = '%q', payee = '%q', number = %i, day = %i, month = %i, year = %i, amount = %.2f,
cleared = %i, budgetid = %i, reservedone = %i where transid = %i;", 0, 0, 0, ( const char * ) description, ( const char * ) payee, number, day, month, year,
amount, cleared, budgetid, lineitemid, transactionid );
void Transaction::deleteTransaction ( int transid )
sqlite_exec_printf ( tdb, "delete from transactions where transid = %i;", 0, 0, 0, transid );
void Transaction::deleteAllTransactions ( int accountid )
sqlite_exec_printf ( tdb, "delete from transactions where accountid = %i;", 0, 0, 0, accountid );
int Transaction::getAccountID ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select accountid from transactions where transid= %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
return atol ( results [ 1 ] );
int Transaction::getNumberOfTransactions ()
char **results;
sqlite_get_table ( tdb, "select count() from transactions;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL );
return atoi ( results [ 1 ] );
int Transaction::getNumberOfTransactions ( int accountid )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select count() from transactions where accountid = %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, accountid );
return atol ( results [ 1 ] );
QString Transaction::getPayee ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select payee from transactions where transid= %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
return results [ 1 ];
QString Transaction::getTransactionDescription ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select reservedtwo from transactions where transid= %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
return results [ 1 ];
QString Transaction::getNumber ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select number from transactions where transid= %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
return results [ 1 ];
QString Transaction::getAmount ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select amount from transactions where transid= %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
return results [ 1 ];
QString Transaction::getAbsoluteAmount ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select abs ( amount ) from transactions where transid= %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
return results [ 1 ];
int Transaction::getCleared ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select cleared from transactions where transid= %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
QString cleared = results [ 1 ];
return cleared.toInt();
void Transaction::setCleared ( int id, int cleared )
sqlite_exec_printf ( tdb, "update transactions set cleared = %i where transid = %i;", 0, 0, 0, cleared, id );
int Transaction::getBudgetID ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select budgetid from transactions where transid = %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
QString budgetid = results [ 1 ];
return budgetid.toInt();
int Transaction::getLineItemID ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select reservedone from transactions where transid = %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
QString lineitemid = results [ 1 ];
return lineitemid.toInt();
int Transaction::getDay ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select day from transactions where transid= %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
QString daystring = results [ 1 ];
return daystring.toInt();
int Transaction::getMonth ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select month from transactions where transid= %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
QString monthstring = results [ 1 ];
return monthstring.toInt();
int Transaction::getYear ( int id )
char **results;
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select year from transactions where transid= %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, id );
QString yearstring = results [ 1 ];
return yearstring.toInt();
-void Transaction::displayTransactions ( QListView *listview, int id, bool children, const char *limit )
+void Transaction::displayTransactions ( QListView *listview, int id, bool children, const char *limit, QDate displaydate )
int showcleared = preferences->getPreference ( 3 );
+ int year = ( displaydate.year() ) - 1;
// select the transactions to display
// two different statements are used based on
// whether we are showing cleared transactions
char **results;
int rows, columns;
if ( showcleared == 0 )
if ( account->getParentAccountID ( id ) == -1 && children == TRUE )
- sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select day, month, year, payee, amount, transid, accountid from transactions where cleared = 0 and parentid = %i and payee like '%q';", &results, &rows, &columns, NULL, id, limit );
+ sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select day, month, year, payee, amount, transid, accountid from transactions where cleared = 0 and year >= %i parentid = %i and payee like '%q';", &results, &rows, &columns, NULL, year, id, limit );
- sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select day, month, year, payee, amount, transid, accountid from transactions where cleared = 0 and accountid = %i and payee like '%q';", &results, &rows, &columns, NULL, id, limit );
+ sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select day, month, year, payee, amount, transid, accountid from transactions where cleared = 0 year >= %i accountid = %i and payee like '%q';", &results, &rows, &columns, NULL, year, id, limit );
if ( account->getParentAccountID ( id ) == -1 && children == TRUE )
- sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select day, month, year, payee, amount, transid, accountid from transactions where parentid = %i and payee like '%q';", &results, &rows, &columns, NULL, id, limit );
+ sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select day, month, year, payee, amount, transid, accountid from transactions where year >= %i and parentid = %i and payee like '%q';", &results, &rows, &columns, NULL, year, id, limit );
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select day, month, year, payee, amount, transid, accountid from transactions where accountid = %i and payee like '%q';", &results, &rows, &columns, NULL, id, limit );
// iterate through the result list and display each item
int counter = 7;
while ( counter < ( ( rows + 1 ) * columns ) )
- // construct the date
- //QString daystring = results [ counter ];
- //int day = results [ counter ].toInt ();
- //QString monthstring = results [ counter + 1 ];
- //int month = results [ counter + 1 ].toInt ();
- //QString yearstring = results [ counter + 2 ];
- //int year = results [ counter + 2 ].toInt ();
+ QDate displaydate ( atoi ( results [ counter + 2 ] ), atoi ( results [ counter + 1 ] ), atoi ( results [ counter ] ) );
QString date = preferences->getDate ( atoi ( results [ counter + 2 ] ), atoi ( results [ counter + 1 ] ), atoi ( results [ counter ] ) );
// construct transaction name, amount, id
QString payee = results [ counter + 3 ];
QString amount = results [ counter + 4 ];
QString transferid = results [ counter + 5 ];
//determine the account name of the child accounts that we're displaying
QString accountname = account->getAccountName ( atoi ( results [ counter + 6 ] ) );
// fill in values
if ( account->getParentAccountID ( id ) != -1 ) // use these constructors if we're showing a child account
if ( showcleared == 1 && getCleared ( transferid.toInt() ) == 1 )
ColorListItem *item = new ColorListItem ( listview, date, payee, amount, transferid);
QListViewItem *item = new QListViewItem ( listview, date, payee, amount, transferid );
if ( showcleared == 1 && getCleared ( transferid.toInt() ) == 1 )
ColorListItem *item = new ColorListItem ( listview, date, payee, amount, transferid, accountname );
QListViewItem *item = new QListViewItem ( listview, date, payee, amount, transferid, accountname );
// advance counter
counter = counter + 7;
QString Transaction::getBudgetTotal ( int budgetid, int lineitemid, int year, int month, int viewtype )
// determine if we are viewing a years, months, or days budget
// we have to pick a different sum for each
char **results;
switch ( viewtype )
case 1: // we are viewing a year
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select abs ( sum ( amount ) ) from transactions where year = %i and amount < 0 and budgetid = %i and reservedone = %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, year, budgetid, lineitemid );
case 0: // we are viewing a month
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select abs ( sum ( amount ) ) from transactions where year = %i and month = %i and amount < 0 and budgetid = %i and reservedone = %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, year, month, budgetid, lineitemid );
QString amount = results [ 1 ];
float total = amount.toFloat();
amount.setNum ( total, 'f', 2 );
return amount;
QString Transaction::getActualTotal ( int budgetid, int year, int month, int viewtype )
// determine if we are viewing a years, months, or days budget
// we have to pick a different sum for each
char **results;
switch ( viewtype )
case 1: // we are viewing a year
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select abs ( sum ( amount ) ) from transactions where year = %i and amount < 0 and budgetid = %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, year, budgetid );
case 0: // we are viewing a month
sqlite_get_table_printf ( tdb, "select abs ( sum ( amount ) ) from transactions where year = %i and month = %i and amount < 0 and budgetid = %i;", &results, NULL, NULL, NULL, year, month, budgetid );
QString amount = results [ 1 ];
float total = amount.toFloat();
amount.setNum ( total, 'f', 2 );
return amount;
void Transaction::clearBudgetIDs ( int budgetid, int lineitemid )
sqlite_exec_printf ( tdb, "update transactions set budgetid = -1 where budgetid = %i and reservedone = %i;", 0, 0, 0, budgetid, lineitemid );
void Transaction::clearBudgetIDs ( int budgetid )
sqlite_exec_printf ( tdb, "update transactions set budgetid = -1 where budgetid = %i;", 0, 0, 0, budgetid );
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transaction.h b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transaction.h
index 5db011c..7297bb1 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transaction.h
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transaction.h
@@ -1,69 +1,70 @@
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <sqlite.h>
#include "preferences.h"
class Transaction
Transaction ();
~Transaction ();
// This function adds a new transaction to the database. It takes the payee, accountid,
// budgetid, number, day, month, year, amount, cleared
void addTransaction ( QString description, QString payee, int accountid, int parentid, int number, int day, int month, int year, float amount, int cleared, int budgetid, int lineitemid );
// This updates an already existing transaction
void updateTransaction ( QString, QString, int, int, int, int, float, int, int, int, int );
// Deletes a transaction. Takes the transid as its parameter
void deleteTransaction ( int );
// Returns the number of transactions
int getNumberOfTransactions ();
// this is an overloaded function that returns the number of
// transactions for an account
int getNumberOfTransactions ( int );
// deletes all transactions for the provided accountid
void deleteAllTransactions ( int accountid );
QString getBudgetTotal ( int budgetid, int lineitemid, int year, int month, int viewtype );
QString getActualTotal ( int budgetid, int year, int month, int viewtype );
// These two functions clear budget ids is either a line item or an entire budget is deleted
void clearBudgetIDs ( int, int );
void clearBudgetIDs ( int );
public slots:
- void displayTransactions ( QListView *, int, bool, const char * );
+ void displayTransactions ( QListView *, int, bool, const char *, QDate );
QString getPayee ( int );
QString getTransactionDescription ( int );
QString getNumber ( int );
QString getAmount ( int );
QString getAbsoluteAmount ( int );
int getCleared ( int );
void setCleared ( int id, int cleared );
int getBudgetID ( int id );
int getLineItemID ( int id );
int getDay ( int );
int getMonth ( int );
int getYear ( int );
int getAccountID ( int id );
sqlite *tdb;
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transactiondisplay.cpp b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transactiondisplay.cpp
index 14f5641..ae6223d 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transactiondisplay.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transactiondisplay.cpp
@@ -1,586 +1,623 @@
#include "transactiondisplay.h"
#include "newtransaction.h"
#include "account.h"
#include "budget.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "transfer.h"
#include "preferences.h"
#include "calculator.h"
#include "datepicker.h"
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qmultilineedit.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
extern Transaction *transaction;
extern Budget *budget;
extern Account *account;
extern Preferences *preferences;
extern Memory *memory;
extern Transfer *transfer;
TransactionDisplay::TransactionDisplay ( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget ( parent )
// set transactiondisplay variables;
accountid = 0;
children = TRUE;
firstline = new QHBox ( this );
firstline->setSpacing ( 2 );
newtransaction = new QPushButton ( firstline );
newtransaction->setPixmap ( QPixmap ("/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/new.png") );
connect ( newtransaction, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( addTransaction () ) );
edittransaction = new QPushButton ( firstline );
edittransaction->setPixmap( QPixmap ("/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/edit.png") );
connect ( edittransaction, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( checkListViewEdit () ) );
deletetransaction = new QPushButton ( firstline );
deletetransaction->setPixmap( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/delete.png") );
connect ( deletetransaction, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( checkListViewDelete () ) );
toggletransaction = new QPushButton ( firstline );
toggletransaction->setPixmap( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/redo.png") );
connect ( toggletransaction, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( checkListViewToggle () ) );
viewtransactionnotes = new QPushButton ( firstline );
viewtransactionnotes->setPixmap( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/info.png") );
connect ( viewtransactionnotes, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( showTransactionNotes () ) );
secondline = new QHBox ( this );
secondline->setSpacing ( 5 );
name = new QLabel ( secondline );
balance = new QLabel ( secondline );
QLabel *limit = new QLabel ( "Limit", secondline );
limitbox = new QLineEdit ( secondline );
limitbox->setMinimumWidth ( ( int ) ( this->width() / 6 ) );
connect ( limitbox, SIGNAL ( textChanged ( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT ( limitDisplay ( const QString & ) ) );
listview = new QListView ( this );
listview->setAllColumnsShowFocus ( TRUE );
listview->setShowSortIndicator ( TRUE );
listview->header()->setTracking ( FALSE );
connect ( listview->header(), SIGNAL ( sizeChange ( int, int, int ) ), this, SLOT ( saveColumnSize ( int, int, int ) ) );
layout = new QVBoxLayout ( this, 2, 2 );
layout->addWidget ( firstline );
layout->addWidget ( secondline );
layout->addWidget ( listview );
void TransactionDisplay::addTransaction ()
// create local variables
int cleared = -1;
// create new transaction window
NewTransaction *newtransaction = new NewTransaction ( this );
int width = this->size().width();
newtransaction->transactionname->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.45 ) );
newtransaction->transactionname->setMinimumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.35 ) );
newtransaction->lineitembox->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.45 ) );
newtransaction->transactiondatebox->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.4 ) );
newtransaction->transactionamountbox->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.4 ) );
newtransaction->transactionnumber->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.25 ) );
// enter today's date in the date box as defaul
QDate today = QDate::currentDate ();
int defaultday =;
int defaultmonth = today.month();
int defaultyear = today.year();
newtransaction->transactiondate->setText ( preferences->getDate ( defaultyear, defaultmonth, defaultday ) );
// add memory items to the transactionname combobox
memory->displayMemoryItems ( newtransaction->transactionname );
newtransaction->transactionname->insertItem ( "", 0 );
if ( newtransaction->exec () == QDialog::Accepted )
if ( newtransaction->clearedcheckbox->isChecked () == TRUE ) // set a parent id and type for a child transaction
cleared = 1;
cleared = 0;
float amount = newtransaction->transactionamount->text().toFloat();
if ( newtransaction->depositbox->isChecked() == FALSE )
amount = amount * -1;
// add the transaction name to the memory items
memory->addMemoryItem ( newtransaction->transactionname->currentText() );
// add the transaction
if ( newtransaction->getDateEdited () == TRUE )
transaction->addTransaction ( newtransaction->getDescription(), newtransaction->transactionname->currentText(), accountid, account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ),
newtransaction->transactionnumber->text().toInt(), newtransaction->getDay(), newtransaction->getMonth(), newtransaction->getYear(), amount, cleared, newtransaction->getCurrentBudget(),
newtransaction->getCurrentLineItem() );
transaction->addTransaction ( newtransaction->getDescription(), newtransaction->transactionname->currentText(), accountid, account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ),
newtransaction->transactionnumber->text().toInt(), defaultday, defaultmonth, defaultyear, amount, cleared, newtransaction->getCurrentBudget(), newtransaction->getCurrentLineItem() );
// redisplay transactions
QString displaytext = "%";
displaytext.prepend ( limitbox->text() );
+ setTransactionDisplayDate ();
if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 )
- transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext );
+ transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext, displaydate );
// redisplay transfers
if ( transfer->getNumberOfTransfers() > 0 )
transfer->displayTransfers ( listview, accountid, children );
// add the transaction amount to the account it's associated with
// and update its parent account balance if necessary
account->updateAccountBalance ( accountid );
if ( account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ) != -1 )
account->changeParentAccountBalance ( account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ) );
// format then reset the account balance
redisplayAccountBalance ();
void TransactionDisplay::checkListViewEdit ()
if ( listview->selectedItem() == 0 )
QMessageBox::warning ( this, "QashMoney", "Please select a transaction\nto edit.");
else if ( listview->currentItem()->text ( getIDColumn() ).toInt() < 0 )
editTransfer ();
void TransactionDisplay::showCalculator ()
Calculator *calculator = new Calculator ( this );
if ( calculator->exec () == QDialog::Accepted )
amount->setText ( calculator->display->text() );
void TransactionDisplay::showCalendar ()
QDate newDate = QDate::currentDate ();
DatePicker *dp = new DatePicker ( newDate );
if ( dp->exec () == QDialog::Accepted )
year = dp->getYear();
month = dp->getMonth();
day = dp->getDay();
date->setText ( preferences->getDate ( year, month, day ) );
void TransactionDisplay::editTransfer ()
transferid = listview->currentItem()->text ( getIDColumn() ).toInt();
fromaccount = transfer->getFromAccountID ( transferid );
toaccount = transfer->getToAccountID ( transferid );
year = transfer->getYear ( transferid );
month = transfer->getMonth ( transferid );
day = transfer->getDay ( transferid );
QDialog *editransfer = new QDialog ( this, "edittransfer", TRUE );
editransfer->setCaption ( "Transfer" );
QStringList accountnames = account->getAccountNames();
QStringList accountids = account->getAccountIDs();
QLabel *fromaccountlabel = new QLabel ( "From Account:", editransfer );
QFont f = this->font();
f.setWeight ( QFont::Bold );
fromaccountlabel->setFont ( f );
QComboBox *fromaccountbox = new QComboBox ( editransfer );
fromaccountbox->insertStringList ( accountnames );
fromaccountbox->setCurrentItem ( accountids.findIndex ( QString::number ( fromaccount ) ) );
QLabel *toaccountlabel = new QLabel ( "To Account:", editransfer );
toaccountlabel->setFont ( f );
QComboBox *toaccountbox = new QComboBox ( editransfer );
toaccountbox->insertStringList ( accountnames );
toaccountbox->setCurrentItem ( accountids.findIndex ( QString::number ( toaccount ) ) );
QLabel *datelabel = new QLabel ( "Date", editransfer );
QHBox *datebox = new QHBox ( editransfer );
datebox->setSpacing ( 2 );
date = new QLineEdit ( datebox );
date->setAlignment ( Qt::AlignRight );
date->setDisabled ( TRUE );
date->setText ( preferences->getDate ( year, month, day ) );
QPushButton *datebutton = new QPushButton ( datebox );
datebutton->setPixmap ( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/date.png" ) );
connect ( datebutton, SIGNAL ( released () ), this, SLOT ( showCalendar () ) );
QLabel *amounttlabel = new QLabel ( "Amount", editransfer );
QHBox *amountbox = new QHBox ( editransfer );
amountbox->setSpacing ( 2 );
amount = new QLineEdit ( amountbox );
amount->setAlignment ( Qt::AlignRight );
amount->setText ( transfer->getAmount ( transferid ) );
QPushButton *calculatorbutton = new QPushButton( amountbox );
calculatorbutton->setPixmap ( QPixmap ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/pics/kcalc.png" ) );
connect ( calculatorbutton, SIGNAL ( released() ), this, SLOT ( showCalculator() ) );
QCheckBox *clearedcheckbox = new QCheckBox ( "Cleared", editransfer );
QBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout ( editransfer, 4, 2 );
layout->addWidget ( fromaccountlabel, Qt::AlignLeft );
layout->addWidget ( fromaccountbox, Qt::AlignLeft );
layout->addWidget ( toaccountlabel, Qt::AlignLeft );
layout->addWidget ( toaccountbox, Qt::AlignLeft );
layout->addSpacing ( 5 );
layout->addWidget ( datelabel, Qt::AlignLeft );
layout->addWidget ( datebox, Qt::AlignLeft );
layout->addWidget ( amounttlabel, Qt::AlignLeft );
layout->addWidget ( amountbox, Qt::AlignLeft );
layout->addWidget ( clearedcheckbox, Qt::AlignLeft );
if ( editransfer->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
//get fromaccount
fromaccount = ( accountids.operator[] ( fromaccountbox->currentItem() ) ).toInt();
//get to account
toaccount = ( accountids.operator[] ( toaccountbox->currentItem() ) ).toInt();
//set cleared flag
int cleared = 0;
if ( clearedcheckbox->isChecked() == TRUE )
cleared = 1;
//update transfer
transfer->updateTransfer ( fromaccount, account->getParentAccountID ( fromaccount ), toaccount, account->getParentAccountID ( toaccount ),
day, month, year, amount->text().toFloat(), cleared, transferid );
account->updateAccountBalance ( fromaccount );
if ( account->getParentAccountID ( fromaccount ) != -1 )
account->changeParentAccountBalance ( account->getParentAccountID ( fromaccount ) );
updateAndDisplay ( toaccount );
void TransactionDisplay::editTransaction ()
int cleared;
// set the transaction id and budgetid
int transactionid = listview->currentItem()->text ( getIDColumn() ).toInt();
int budgetid = transaction->getBudgetID ( transactionid );
int lineitemid = transaction->getLineItemID ( transactionid );
// create edit transaction window
NewTransaction *newtransaction = new NewTransaction ( this );
int width = this->width();
newtransaction->transactionname->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.45 ) );
newtransaction->transactionname->setMinimumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.35 ) );
newtransaction->lineitembox->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.45 ) );
newtransaction->transactiondatebox->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.4 ) );
newtransaction->transactionamountbox->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.4 ) );
newtransaction->transactionnumber->setMaximumWidth ( ( int ) ( width * 0.25 ) );
// enter the date in the date box
newtransaction->year = transaction->getYear ( transactionid );
newtransaction->month = transaction->getMonth ( transactionid );
newtransaction->day = transaction->getDay ( transactionid );
newtransaction->transactiondate->setText ( preferences->getDate ( newtransaction->year, newtransaction->month, newtransaction->day ) );
// set the description
newtransaction->setDescription ( transaction->getTransactionDescription ( transactionid ) );
// add memory items to the transactionname combobox
memory->displayMemoryItems ( newtransaction->transactionname );
// add correct transaction name
newtransaction->transactionname->setEditText ( transaction->getPayee ( transactionid ) );
// add transaction number
newtransaction->transactionnumber->setText ( transaction->getNumber ( transactionid ) );
// add transaction amount
newtransaction->transactionamount->setText ( transaction->getAbsoluteAmount ( transactionid ) );
// check for and set the correct budget
if ( budgetid >= 1 ) // only do it if this transaction has a budget and line item
newtransaction->budgetbox->setCurrentItem ( newtransaction->getBudgetIndex ( budgetid ) + 1 );
if ( lineitemid >= 1 )
newtransaction->setLineItems ();
newtransaction->lineitembox->setCurrentItem ( newtransaction->getLineItemIndex ( lineitemid ) );
newtransaction->lineitemlabel->setEnabled ( FALSE );
newtransaction->lineitembox->setEnabled ( FALSE );
newtransaction->lineitemlabel->setEnabled ( FALSE );
newtransaction->lineitembox->setEnabled ( FALSE );
// check cleared checkbox if necessary
if ( transaction->getCleared ( transactionid ) == 1 )
newtransaction->clearedcheckbox->setChecked ( TRUE );
// check deposit box if necessary
if ( transaction->getAmount ( transactionid ).toFloat() > 0 )
newtransaction->depositbox->setChecked ( TRUE );
if ( newtransaction->exec () == QDialog::Accepted )
if ( newtransaction->clearedcheckbox->isChecked () == TRUE )
cleared = 1;
cleared = 0;
float amount = newtransaction->transactionamount->text().toFloat();
if ( newtransaction->depositbox->isChecked() == FALSE )
amount = amount * -1;
// add the transaction name to the memory items
memory->addMemoryItem ( newtransaction->transactionname->currentText() );
// update the transaction
transaction->updateTransaction ( newtransaction->getDescription(), newtransaction->transactionname->currentText(), newtransaction->transactionnumber->text().toInt(),
newtransaction->getDay(), newtransaction->getMonth(), newtransaction->getYear(),
amount, cleared, newtransaction->getCurrentBudget(), newtransaction->getCurrentLineItem(), transactionid );
updateAndDisplay ( transaction->getAccountID ( transactionid ) );
void TransactionDisplay::updateAndDisplay ( int id )
// redisplay transactions
QString displaytext = "%";
displaytext.prepend ( limitbox->text() );
+ setTransactionDisplayDate ();
if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 )
- transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext );
+ transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext, displaydate );
// redisplay transfers
if ( transfer->getNumberOfTransfers() > 0 )
transfer->displayTransfers ( listview, accountid, children );
// add the transaction amount to the account it's associated with
// and update its parent account balance if necessary
account->updateAccountBalance ( id );
if ( account->getParentAccountID ( id ) != -1 )
account->changeParentAccountBalance ( account->getParentAccountID ( id ) );
// format then reset the account balance
redisplayAccountBalance ();
void TransactionDisplay::checkListViewDelete ()
if ( listview->selectedItem() == 0 )
QMessageBox::warning ( this, "QashMoney", "Please select a transaction to\ndelete.");
deleteTransaction ();
void TransactionDisplay::deleteTransaction ()
int transactionid = listview->currentItem()->text ( getIDColumn() ).toInt();
if ( transactionid > 0 ) // takes care of deleting transactions
// check if we are viewing child transactions through a parent
// in that case we will have to update balances for the parent
// which is represented by accountid and the child account
// which will be represented by childaccountid
int childaccountid = -1;
if ( listview->columns() == 5 )
childaccountid = transaction->getAccountID ( transactionid );
transaction->deleteTransaction ( transactionid );
QString displaytext = "%";
displaytext.prepend ( limitbox->text() );
+ setTransactionDisplayDate ();
if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 )
- transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext );
+ transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext, displaydate );
if ( transfer->getNumberOfTransfers() > 0 )
transfer->displayTransfers ( listview, accountid, children );
// if we are viewing different child accounts through the parent account
// ie if there are five columns and the parentid is -1
// update the accountid ( which is the parent ) and update the child account
// balance. Get its accountid from the transactionid
account->updateAccountBalance ( accountid ); // will update either a parent or child
if ( account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ) != -1 ) // update its parent if there is one
account->changeParentAccountBalance ( account->getParentAccountID ( accountid ) );
if ( childaccountid != -1 ) // we've set childaccountid
account->updateAccountBalance ( childaccountid );
// format then reset the account balance
redisplayAccountBalance ();
else // takes care of deleting transfers
// get the accountids before we delete the transfer
int fromaccountid = transfer->getFromAccountID ( transactionid );
int toaccountid = transfer->getToAccountID ( transactionid );
// delete the transfer and redisplay transactions
transfer->deleteTransfer ( transactionid );
QString displaytext = "%";
displaytext.prepend ( limitbox->text() );
+ setTransactionDisplayDate ();
if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 )
- transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext );
+ transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext, displaydate );
if ( transfer->getNumberOfTransfers() > 0 )
transfer->displayTransfers ( listview, accountid, children );
// for the from account
account->updateAccountBalance ( fromaccountid );
if ( account->getParentAccountID ( fromaccountid ) != -1 )
account->changeParentAccountBalance ( account->getParentAccountID ( fromaccountid ) );
// for the to account
account->updateAccountBalance ( toaccountid );
if ( account->getParentAccountID ( toaccountid ) != -1 )
account->changeParentAccountBalance ( account->getParentAccountID ( toaccountid ) );
// format then reset the account balance
redisplayAccountBalance ();
void TransactionDisplay::checkListViewToggle ()
if ( listview->selectedItem() == 0 )
QMessageBox::warning ( this, "QashMoney", "Please select a transaction to\nclear or reset.");
toggleTransaction ();
void TransactionDisplay::toggleTransaction ()
//get the transaction of the selected transaction to determine if its a transaction or transfer
int transactionid = listview->currentItem()->text ( getIDColumn() ).toInt();
if ( transactionid > 0 ) // if this is a transaction
if ( transaction->getCleared ( transactionid ) == 0 )
transaction->setCleared ( transactionid, 1 );
transaction->setCleared ( transactionid, 0 );
if ( transfer->getCleared ( transactionid ) == 0 )
transfer->setCleared ( transactionid, 1 );
transfer->setCleared ( transactionid, 0 );
QString displaytext = "%";
displaytext.prepend ( limitbox->text() );
+ setTransactionDisplayDate ();
if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 )
- transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext );
+ transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext, displaydate );
if ( transfer->getNumberOfTransfers() != 0 )
transfer->displayTransfers ( listview, accountid, children );
void TransactionDisplay::redisplayAccountBalance ()
QString accountbalance = account->getAccountBalance ( accountid );
balance->setText ( accountbalance );
void TransactionDisplay::setChildren ( bool c )
children = c;
void TransactionDisplay::setAccountID ( int id )
accountid = id;
ColorListItem::ColorListItem ( QListView *parent ) : QListViewItem ( parent )
ColorListItem::ColorListItem ( QListView *parent, QString label1, QString label2, QString label3, QString label4 )
: QListViewItem ( parent, label1, label2, label3, label4 )
ColorListItem::ColorListItem ( QListView *parent, QString label1, QString label2, QString label3, QString label4, QString label5 )
: QListViewItem ( parent, label1, label2, label3, label4, label5 )
void ColorListItem::paintCell ( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int alignment )
QColorGroup _cg ( cg );
_cg.setColor ( QColorGroup::Text, Qt::red );
QListViewItem::paintCell ( p, _cg, column, width, alignment );
void TransactionDisplay::saveColumnSize ( int column, int oldsize, int newsize )
if ( listview->columns() == 4 )
preferences->changeColumnPreference ( column + 3, newsize );
else if ( listview->columns() == 5 && column != 4 )
preferences->changeColumnPreference ( column + 6, newsize );
preferences->changeColumnPreference ( 9, newsize );
void TransactionDisplay::limitDisplay ( const QString &text )
listview->clear ();
QString displaytext = "%";
displaytext.prepend ( text );
- transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext );
+ setTransactionDisplayDate ();
+ if ( transaction->getNumberOfTransactions() > 0 )
+ transaction->displayTransactions ( listview, accountid, children, displaytext, displaydate );
if ( displaytext.length() == 1 || preferences->getPreference ( 6 ) == 1 )
transfer->displayTransfers ( listview, accountid, children );
int TransactionDisplay::getIDColumn ()
int counter;
int columns = listview->columns();
for ( counter = 0; counter <= columns; counter++ )
if ( listview->header()->label ( counter ).length() == 0 )
return counter;
void TransactionDisplay::showTransactionNotes ()
if ( listview->selectedItem() == 0 || listview->currentItem()->text ( getIDColumn() ).toInt() < 0 )
QMessageBox::warning ( this, "QashMoney", "Please select a valid\ntransaction to view notes.");
int transactionid = listview->selectedItem()->text ( getIDColumn() ).toInt ();
QDialog *description = new QDialog ( this, "description", TRUE );
description->setCaption ( "Notes" );
QMultiLineEdit *notes = new QMultiLineEdit ( description );
notes->setFixedSize ( ( int ) (this->width() * 0.75 ), ( int ) ( this->height() * 0.5 ) );
notes->setWrapColumnOrWidth ( ( int ) (this->width() * 0.75 ) );
notes->setWordWrap ( QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth );
notes->setEnabled ( FALSE );
notes->setText ( transaction->getTransactionDescription ( transactionid ) );
+void TransactionDisplay::setTransactionDisplayDate ()
+ {
+ // determine how many days of transactions to show
+ int limittype = preferences->getPreference ( 7 );
+ if ( limittype != 5 ) // set today's date if we are not showing all transactions
+ {
+ QDate today = QDate::currentDate ();
+ switch ( limittype ) // if we are not showing all transactions
+ {
+ case 0: // viewing two weeks
+ displaydate = today.addDays ( -14 );
+ break;
+ case 1: // viewing one month
+ displaydate = today.addDays ( -30 );
+ break;
+ case 2: // three months
+ displaydate = today.addDays ( -90 );
+ break;
+ case 3: // six months
+ displaydate = today.addDays ( -180 );
+ break;
+ case 4: // one year
+ displaydate = today.addDays ( -365 );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ displaydate = QDate ( 1, 1, 1000 );
+ }
diff --git a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transactiondisplay.h b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transactiondisplay.h
index 79f20ba..1746f6c 100755
--- a/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transactiondisplay.h
+++ b/noncore/apps/qashmoney/transactiondisplay.h
@@ -1,79 +1,82 @@
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qlistview.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
class TransactionDisplay : public QWidget
TransactionDisplay ( QWidget* parent );
QListView* listview;
QPushButton* newtransaction;
QPushButton* edittransaction;
QPushButton* deletetransaction;
QPushButton* toggletransaction;
QPushButton* viewtransactionnotes;
QLabel *name;
QLabel *balance;
QLineEdit *limitbox;
QLineEdit *amount;
QLineEdit *date;
int getIDColumn ();
public slots:
void setChildren ( bool );
void setAccountID ( int );
void showTransactionNotes ();
private slots:
void addTransaction ();
void editTransaction ();
void editTransfer ();
void deleteTransaction ();
void toggleTransaction ();
void checkListViewDelete ();
void checkListViewEdit ();
void checkListViewToggle ();
void saveColumnSize ( int column, int oldsize, int newsize );
void limitDisplay ( const QString & );
void showCalculator ();
void showCalendar ();
+ void setTransactionDisplayDate ();
int accountid, fromaccount, fromparent, toaccount, toparent, day, month, year, transferid;
+ QDate displaydate;
bool children;
QBoxLayout *layout;
QHBox *firstline;
QHBox *secondline;
void redisplayAccountBalance ();
void updateAndDisplay ( int accountid );
class ColorListItem : public QListViewItem
ColorListItem ( QListView *parent );
ColorListItem ( QListView *parent, QString label1, QString label2, QString label3, QString label4 );
ColorListItem ( QListView *parent, QString label1, QString label2, QString label3, QString label4, QString label5 );
virtual void paintCell ( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int alignment );