authorllornkcor <llornkcor>2002-12-26 03:48:32 (UTC)
committer llornkcor <llornkcor>2002-12-26 03:48:32 (UTC)
commitf736bf0ae774159a80a97b9492d7624e7caf07a3 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent451d6a8692cf65d970b0c582e96e8a59072df191 (diff)
added setDocFile function to change the filename needs more work
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 15 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/apps/tinykate/libkate/document/katedocument.cpp b/noncore/apps/tinykate/libkate/document/katedocument.cpp
index 10bc976..df1de8d 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/tinykate/libkate/document/katedocument.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/tinykate/libkate/document/katedocument.cpp
@@ -139,384 +139,385 @@ KateDocument::KateDocument(bool bSingleViewMode, bool bBrowserView,
QWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetName,
QObject *, const char *)
: Kate::Document (),
myFont(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()), myFontBold(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()), myFontItalic(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()), myFontBI(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()),
myFontMetrics (myFont), myFontMetricsBold (myFontBold), myFontMetricsItalic (myFontItalic), myFontMetricsBI (myFontBI),
hlManager(HlManager::self ())
d(this)->hlSetByUser = false;
m_bBrowserView = bBrowserView;
m_url = QString::null;
// NOTE: QFont::CharSet doesn't provide all the charsets KDE supports
// (esp. it doesn't distinguish between UTF-8 and iso10646-1)
myEncoding = QString::fromLatin1(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()->name());
maxLength = -1;
setFont (KGlobalSettings::generalFont());
myDocID = uniqueID;
myDocName = QString ("");
fileInfo = new QFileInfo ();
myCmd = new KateCmd (this);
connect(this,SIGNAL(modifiedChanged ()),this,SLOT(slotModChanged ()));
buffer = new KWBuffer;
connect(buffer, SIGNAL(linesChanged(int)), this, SLOT(slotBufferChanged()));
// connect(buffer, SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SIGNAL(textChanged()));
connect(buffer, SIGNAL(needHighlight(long,long)),this,SLOT(slotBufferHighlight(long,long)));
colors[0] = KGlobalSettings::baseColor();
colors[1] = KGlobalSettings::highlightColor();
m_attribs = new Attribute[maxAttribs];
m_highlight = 0L;
tabChars = 8;
m_singleSelection = false;
newDocGeometry = false;
readOnly = false;
newDoc = false;
modified = false;
undoState = 0;
undoSteps = 50;
pseudoModal = 0L;
setHighlight(0); //calls updateFontData()
// if the user changes the highlight with the dialog, notify the doc
newDocGeometry = false;
void KateDocument::setDontChangeHlOnSave()
d(this)->hlSetByUser = true;
void KateDocument::setFont (QFont font)
kdDebug()<<"Kate:: setFont"<<endl;
int oldwidth=myFontMetrics.width('W'); //Quick & Dirty Hack (by JoWenn) //Remove in KDE 3.0
myFont = font;
myFontBold = QFont (font);
myFontBold.setBold (true);
myFontItalic = QFont (font);
myFontItalic.setItalic (true);
myFontBI = QFont (font);
myFontBI.setBold (true);
myFontBI.setItalic (true);
myFontMetrics = CachedFontMetrics (myFont);
myFontMetricsBold = CachedFontMetrics (myFontBold);
myFontMetricsItalic = CachedFontMetrics (myFontItalic);
myFontMetricsBI = CachedFontMetrics (myFontBI);
int newwidth=myFontMetrics.width('W'); //Quick & Dirty Hack (by JoWenn) //Remove in KDE 3.0
maxLength=maxLength*(float)newwidth/(float)oldwidth; //Quick & Dirty Hack (by JoWenn) //Remove in KDE 3.0
updateViews(); //Quick & Dirty Hack (by JoWenn) //Remove in KDE 3.0
long KateDocument::needPreHighlight(long till)
int max=numLines()-1;
if (till>max)
if (PreHighlightedTill>=till) return -1;
long tmp=RequestPreHighlightTill;
if (RequestPreHighlightTill<till)
if (tmp<=PreHighlightedTill) QTimer::singleShot(10,this,SLOT(doPreHighlight()));
return RequestPreHighlightTill;
void KateDocument::doPreHighlight()
int from = PreHighlightedTill;
int till = PreHighlightedTill+200;
int max = numLines()-1;
if (till > max)
till = max;
PreHighlightedTill = till;
emit preHighlightChanged(PreHighlightedTill);
if (PreHighlightedTill<RequestPreHighlightTill)
if ( !m_bSingleViewMode )
m_views.setAutoDelete( true );
m_views.setAutoDelete( false );
void KateDocument::openURL(const QString &filename)
fileInfo->setFile (m_file);
if (!fileInfo->exists() || !fileInfo->isReadable())
qDebug("File doesn't exit or couldn't be read");
return ;
#warning fixme
// buffer->insertFile(0, m_file, KGlobal::charsets()->codecForName(myEncoding));
qDebug("Telling buffer to open file");
buffer->insertFile(0, m_file, QTextCodec::codecForLocale());
if (myWordWrap)
wrapText (myWordWrapAt);
int hl = hlManager->wildcardFind( m_file );
emit fileNameChanged();
return ;
bool KateDocument::saveFile()
QFile f( m_file );
if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
return false; // Error
QTextStream stream(&f);
stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::RawUnicode); // disable Unicode headers
#warning fixme
// stream.setCodec(KGlobal::charsets()->codecForName(myEncoding));
stream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForLocale()); // this line sets the mapper to the correct codec
int maxLine = numLines();
int line = 0;
stream << getTextLine(line)->getString();
if (line >= maxLine) break;
if (eolMode == KateDocument::eolUnix) stream << "\n";
else if (eolMode == KateDocument::eolDos) stream << "\r\n";
else if (eolMode == KateDocument::eolMacintosh) stream << '\r';
fileInfo->setFile (m_file);
if (!(d(this)->hlSetByUser))
int hl = hlManager->wildcardFind( m_file );
emit fileNameChanged ();
return (f.status() == IO_Ok);
KTextEditor::View *KateDocument::createView( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
return new KateView( this, parent, name);
QString KateDocument::textLine( int line ) const
TextLine::Ptr l = getTextLine( line );
if ( !l )
return QString();
return l->getString();
void KateDocument::replaceLine(const QString& s,int line)
void KateDocument::insertLine( const QString &str, int l ) {
void KateDocument::insert_Line(const QString& s,int line, bool update)
kdDebug(13020)<<"KateDocument::insertLine "<<s<<QString(" %1").arg(line)<<endl;
TextLine::Ptr TL=new TextLine();
if (update)
void KateDocument::insertAt( const QString &s, int line, int col, bool )
VConfig c;
c.view = 0; // ### FIXME
c.cursor.x = col;
c.cursor.y = line;
c.cXPos = 0; // ### FIXME
c.flags = 0; // ### FIXME
insert( c, s );
void KateDocument::removeLine( int line ) {
void KateDocument::remove_Line(int line,bool update)
kdDebug(13020)<<"KateDocument::removeLine "<<QString("%1").arg(line)<<endl;
// newDocGeometry=true;
// if line==0)
if (update)
int KateDocument::length() const
return text().length();
void KateDocument::setSelection( int , int , int , int )
bool KateDocument::hasSelection() const
return (selectEnd >= selectStart);
QString KateDocument::selection() const
uint flags = 0;
TextLine::Ptr textLine;
int len, z, start, end, i;
len = 1;
if (!(flags & KateView::cfVerticalSelect)) {
for (z = selectStart; z <= selectEnd; z++) {
textLine = getTextLine(z);
len += textLine->numSelected();
if (textLine->isSelected()) len++;
QString s;
len = 0;
for (z = selectStart; z <= selectEnd; z++) {
textLine = getTextLine(z);
end = 0;
do {
start = textLine->findUnselected(end);
end = textLine->findSelected(start);
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
s[len] = textLine->getChar(i);
} while (start < end);
if (textLine->isSelected()) {
s[len] = '\n';
// s[len] = '\0';
return s;
} else {
for (z = selectStart; z <= selectEnd; z++) {
textLine = getTextLine(z);
len += textLine->numSelected() + 1;
QString s;
len = 0;
for (z = selectStart; z <= selectEnd; z++) {
textLine = getTextLine(z);
end = 0;
do {
start = textLine->findUnselected(end);
end = textLine->findSelected(start);
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
s[len] = textLine->getChar(i);
} while (start < end);
s[len] = '\n';
// s[len] = '\0'; // the final \0 is not counted in length()
return s;
int KateDocument::numLines() const
return buffer->count();
TextLine::Ptr KateDocument::getTextLine(int line) const
// This is a hack to get this stuff working.
return buffer->line(line);
int KateDocument::textLength(int line) {
TextLine::Ptr textLine = getTextLine(line);
@@ -1736,385 +1737,386 @@ void KateDocument::doComment(VConfig &c, int change)
QString KateDocument::text() const
QString s;
for (int i=0; i < buffer->count(); i++)
TextLine::Ptr textLine = buffer->line(i);
s.insert(s.length(), textLine->getText(), textLine->length());
if ( (i < (buffer->count()-1)) )
return s;
QString KateDocument::getWord(PointStruc &cursor) {
int start, end, len;
TextLine::Ptr textLine = getTextLine(cursor.y);
len = textLine->length();
start = end = cursor.x;
while (start > 0 && m_highlight->isInWord(textLine->getChar(start - 1))) start--;
while (end < len && m_highlight->isInWord(textLine->getChar(end))) end++;
len = end - start;
return QString(&textLine->getText()[start], len);
void KateDocument::setText(const QString &s) {
int pos;
QChar ch;
int line=1;
TextLine::Ptr textLine = buffer->line(0);
for (pos = 0; pos <= (int) s.length(); pos++) {
ch = s[pos];
if (ch.isPrint() || ch == '\t') {
textLine->append(&ch, 1);
} else if (ch == '\n')
textLine = new TextLine();
buffer->insertLine (line, textLine);
QString KateDocument::markedText(int flags) {
TextLine::Ptr textLine;
int len, z, start, end, i;
len = 1;
if (!(flags & KateView::cfVerticalSelect)) {
for (z = selectStart; z <= selectEnd; z++) {
textLine = getTextLine(z);
len += textLine->numSelected();
if (textLine->isSelected()) len++;
QString s;
len = 0;
for (z = selectStart; z <= selectEnd; z++) {
textLine = getTextLine(z);
end = 0;
do {
start = textLine->findUnselected(end);
end = textLine->findSelected(start);
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
s[len] = textLine->getChar(i);
} while (start < end);
if (textLine->isSelected()) {
s[len] = '\n';
// s[len] = '\0';
return s;
} else {
for (z = selectStart; z <= selectEnd; z++) {
textLine = getTextLine(z);
len += textLine->numSelected() + 1;
QString s;
len = 0;
for (z = selectStart; z <= selectEnd; z++) {
textLine = getTextLine(z);
end = 0;
do {
start = textLine->findUnselected(end);
end = textLine->findSelected(start);
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
s[len] = textLine->getChar(i);
} while (start < end);
s[len] = '\n';
// s[len] = '\0'; // the final \0 is not counted in length()
return s;
void KateDocument::delMarkedText(VConfig &c/*, bool undo*/) {
int end = 0;
if (selectEnd < selectStart) return;
// the caller may have already started an undo record for the current action
// if (undo)
//auto deletion of the marked text occurs not very often and can therefore
// be recorded separately
recordStart(c, KateActionGroup::ugDelBlock);
for (c.cursor.y = selectEnd; c.cursor.y >= selectStart; c.cursor.y--) {
TextLine::Ptr textLine = getTextLine(c.cursor.y);
c.cursor.x = textLine->length();
do {
end = textLine->findRevUnselected(c.cursor.x);
if (end == 0) break;
c.cursor.x = textLine->findRevSelected(end);
recordDelete(c.cursor, end - c.cursor.x);
} while (true);
end = c.cursor.x;
c.cursor.x = textLine->length();
if (textLine->isSelected()) recordAction(KateAction::delLine,c.cursor);
/*if (end < c.cursor.x)*/ c.cursor.x = end;
selectEnd = -1;
select.x = -1;
/*if (undo)*/ recordEnd(c);
void KateDocument::tagLineRange(int line, int x1, int x2) {
int z;
for (z = 0; z < (int) views.count(); z++) {>tagLines(line, line, x1, x2);
void KateDocument::tagLines(int start, int end) {
int z;
for (z = 0; z < (int) views.count(); z++) {>tagLines(start, end, 0, 0xffffff);
void KateDocument::tagAll() {
int z;
for (z = 0; z < (int) views.count(); z++) {>tagAll();
void KateDocument::updateLines(int startLine, int endLine, int flags, int cursorY) {
TextLine::Ptr textLine;
int line, last_line;
int ctxNum, endCtx;
// kdDebug(13020)<<"******************KateDocument::updateLines Checkpoint 1"<<endl;
if (buffer->line(startLine)==0) {kdDebug(13020)<<"********************No buffer for line " << startLine << " found**************"<<endl; return;};
// kdDebug(13020)<<"KateDocument::updateLines Checkpoint 2"<<endl;
last_line = lastLine();
// if (endLine >= last_line) endLine = last_line;
line = startLine;
ctxNum = 0;
if (line > 0) ctxNum = getTextLine(line - 1)->getContext();
do {
// kdDebug(13020)<<QString("**************Working on line: %1").arg(line)<<endl;
textLine = getTextLine(line);
if (textLine==0) kdDebug(13020)<<"****updateLines()>> error textLine==0"<<endl;
if (line <= endLine && line != cursorY) {
if (flags & KateView::cfRemoveSpaces) textLine->removeSpaces();
endCtx = textLine->getContext();
- qDebug("DOHIGHLIGHT");
+// qDebug("DOHIGHLIGHT");
ctxNum = m_highlight->doHighlight(ctxNum,textLine);
} while ((buffer->line(line)!=0) && (line <= endLine || endCtx != ctxNum));
// kdDebug(13020)<<"updateLines :: while loop left"<<endl;
tagLines(startLine, line - 1);
void KateDocument::updateMaxLength(TextLine::Ptr &textLine) {
int len;
len = textWidth(textLine,textLine->length());
if (len > maxLength) {
longestLine = textLine;
maxLength = len;
newDocGeometry = true;
} else {
if (!longestLine || (textLine == longestLine && len <= maxLength*3/4)) {
maxLength = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < numLines();i++) {
textLine = getTextLine(i);
len = textWidth(textLine,textLine->length());
if (len > maxLength) {
maxLength = len;
longestLine = textLine;
newDocGeometry = true;
void KateDocument::slotBufferChanged() {
newDocGeometry = true;
void KateDocument::slotBufferHighlight(long start,long stop) {
// buffer->startLoadTimer();
void KateDocument::updateViews(KateView *exclude) {
KateView *view;
int flags;
bool markState = hasMarkedText();
flags = (newDocGeometry) ? KateView::ufDocGeometry : 0;
for (view = views.first(); view != 0L; view = ) {
if (view != exclude) view->updateView(flags);
// notify every view about the changed mark state....
if (oldMarkState != markState) emit view->newMarkStatus();
oldMarkState = markState;
newDocGeometry = false;
QColor &KateDocument::cursorCol(int x, int y) {
int attr;
Attribute *a;
TextLine::Ptr textLine = getTextLine(y);
attr = textLine->getRawAttr(x);
a = &m_attribs[attr & taAttrMask];
if (attr & taSelected) return a->selCol; else return a->col;
void KateDocument::paintTextLine(QPainter &paint, int line, int xStart, int xEnd, bool showTabs)
paintTextLine (paint, line, 0, xStart, xEnd, showTabs);
void KateDocument::paintTextLine(QPainter &paint, int line, int y, int xStart, int xEnd, bool showTabs)
TextLine::Ptr textLine;
int len;
const QChar *s;
int z, x;
QChar ch;
Attribute *a = 0L;
int attr, nextAttr;
int xs;
int xc, zc;
if (line > lastLine()) {
paint.fillRect(0, y, xEnd - xStart,fontHeight, colors[0]);
textLine = getTextLine(line);
len = textLine->length();
s = textLine->getText();
// skip to first visible character
x = 0;
z = 0;
do {
xc = x;
zc = z;
if (z == len) break;
ch = s[z];//textLine->getChar(z);
if (ch == '\t') {
x += m_tabWidth - (x % m_tabWidth);
} else {
a = &m_attribs[textLine->getAttr(z)];
if (a->bold && a->italic)
x += myFontMetricsBI.width(ch);
else if (a->bold)
x += myFontMetricsBold.width(ch);
else if (a->italic)
x += myFontMetricsItalic.width(ch);
x += myFontMetrics.width(ch);
} while (x <= xStart);
// draw background
xs = xStart;
attr = textLine->getRawAttr(zc);
while (x < xEnd)
nextAttr = textLine->getRawAttr(z);
if ((nextAttr ^ attr) & taSelected)
if (attr & taSelected)
paint.fillRect(xs - xStart, y, x - xs, fontHeight, colors[1]);
paint.fillRect(xs - xStart, y, x - xs, fontHeight, colors[0]);
xs = x;
attr = nextAttr;
if (z == len) break;
ch = s[z];//textLine->getChar(z);
if (ch == '\t')
x += m_tabWidth - (x % m_tabWidth);
a = &m_attribs[textLine->getAttr(z)];
if (a->bold && a->italic)
x += myFontMetricsBI.width(ch);
else if (a->bold)
x += myFontMetricsBold.width(ch);
else if (a->italic)
x += myFontMetricsItalic.width(ch);
x += myFontMetrics.width(ch);
if (attr & taSelected)
paint.fillRect(xs - xStart, y, xEnd - xs, fontHeight, colors[1]);
paint.fillRect(xs - xStart, y, xEnd - xs, fontHeight, colors[0]);
len = z; //reduce length to visible length
// draw text
x = xc;
z = zc;
y += fontAscent;// -1;
attr = -1;
while (z < len) {
ch = s[z];//textLine->getChar(z);
if (ch == '\t') {
if (z > zc) {
//this should cause no copy at all
QConstString str((QChar *) &s[zc], z - zc /*+1*/);
QString s = str.string();
paint.drawText(x - xStart, y, s);
if (a->bold && a->italic)
x += myFontMetricsBI.width(s);
else if (a->bold)
x += myFontMetricsBold.width(s);
else if (a->italic)
x += myFontMetricsItalic.width(s);
x += myFontMetrics.width(s);
@@ -2841,329 +2843,335 @@ void KateDocument::undo(VConfig &c, int count) {
needUpdate = true;
// if (num == 0) recordReset();
if (needUpdate) {
// since we told doActionGroup() not to do this stuff, we need to do it now
void KateDocument::redo(VConfig &c, int count) {
KateActionGroup *g = 0L;
int num;
bool needUpdate = false; // don't update the cursor until completely done
if (count <= 0) return;
for (num = 0 ; num < count ; num++) {
if (currentUndo+1 > (int)undoList.count()) break;
g =;
doActionGroup(g, c.flags, true); // do not setModified() or newUndo()
needUpdate = true;
// if (num == 0) recordReset();
if (needUpdate) {
// since we told doActionGroup() not to do this stuff, we need to do it now
void KateDocument::clearRedo() {
// disable redos
// this was added as an assist to the spell checker
bool deleted = false;
while ((int) undoList.count() > currentUndo) {
deleted = true;
if (deleted) newUndo();
void KateDocument::setUndoSteps(int steps) {
if (steps < 5) steps = 5;
undoSteps = steps;
void KateDocument::setPseudoModal(QWidget *w) {
// QWidget *old = pseudoModal;
// (glenebob)
// this is a temporary hack to make the spell checker work a little
// better - as kspell progresses, this sort of thing should become
// obsolete or worked around more cleanly
// this is relied upon *only* by the spell-check code
if (pseudoModal && pseudoModal != (QWidget*)1L)
delete pseudoModal;
// pseudoModal = 0L;
// if (old || w) recordReset();
pseudoModal = w;
void KateDocument::newBracketMark(PointStruc &cursor, BracketMark &bm)
TextLine::Ptr textLine;
int x, line, count, attr;
QChar bracket, opposite, ch;
Attribute *a;
bm.eXPos = -1; //mark bracked mark as invalid
x = cursor.x -1; // -1 to look at left side of cursor
if (x < 0) return;
line = cursor.y; //current line
count = 0; //bracket counter for nested brackets
textLine = getTextLine(line);
if (!textLine) return;
bracket = textLine->getChar(x);
attr = textLine->getAttr(x);
if (bracket == '(' || bracket == '[' || bracket == '{')
//get opposite bracket
opposite = ')';
if (bracket == '[') opposite = ']';
if (bracket == '{') opposite = '}';
//get attribute of bracket (opposite bracket must have the same attribute)
while (line - cursor.y < 40) {
//go to next line on end of line
while (x >= (int) textLine->length()) {
if (line > lastLine()) return;
textLine = getTextLine(line);
x = 0;
if (textLine->getAttr(x) == attr) {
//try to find opposite bracked
ch = textLine->getChar(x);
if (ch == bracket) count++; //same bracket : increase counter
if (ch == opposite) {
if (count < 0) goto found;
else if (bracket == ')' || bracket == ']' || bracket == '}')
opposite = '(';
if (bracket == ']') opposite = '[';
if (bracket == '}') opposite = '{';
while (cursor.y - line < 20) {
while (x < 0) {
if (line < 0) return;
textLine = getTextLine(line);
x = textLine->length() -1;
if (textLine->getAttr(x) == attr) {
ch = textLine->getChar(x);
if (ch == bracket) count++;
if (ch == opposite) {
if (count < 0) goto found;
//cursor position of opposite bracket
bm.cursor.x = x;
bm.cursor.y = line;
//x position (start and end) of related bracket
bm.sXPos = textWidth(textLine, x);
a = &m_attribs[attr];
if (a->bold && a->italic)
bm.eXPos = bm.sXPos + myFontMetricsBI.width(bracket);
else if (a->bold)
bm.eXPos = bm.sXPos + myFontMetricsBold.width(bracket);
else if (a->italic)
bm.eXPos = bm.sXPos + myFontMetricsItalic.width(bracket);
bm.eXPos = bm.sXPos + myFontMetrics.width(bracket);
void KateDocument::clipboardChanged() { //slot
//#if defined(_WS_X11_)
if (m_singleSelection) {
disconnect(QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()),
this, SLOT(clipboardChanged()));
#if 0
void KateDocument::guiActivateEvent( KParts::GUIActivateEvent *ev )
KParts::ReadWritePart::guiActivateEvent( ev );
if ( ev->activated() )
emit selectionChanged();
void KateDocument::setDocName (QString docName)
myDocName = docName;
emit nameChanged (this);
+void KateDocument::setDocFile (QString docFile)
+ m_file = docFile;
+ emit fileNameChanged ();
void KateDocument::setMTime()
if (fileInfo && !fileInfo->fileName().isEmpty()) {
mTime = fileInfo->lastModified();
void KateDocument::isModOnHD(bool forceReload)
if (fileInfo && !fileInfo->fileName().isEmpty()) {
if (fileInfo->lastModified() > mTime) {
if ( forceReload ||
(i18n("The file %1 has changed on disk.\nDo you want to reload it?\n\nIf you cancel you will lose these changes next time you save this file")).arg(m_url),
i18n("File has changed on Disk"),
i18n("Yes") ) == KMessageBox::Continue)
void KateDocument::reloadFile()
#warning fixme
#if 0
if (fileInfo && !fileInfo->fileName().isEmpty()) {
void KateDocument::slotModChanged()
emit modStateChanged (this);
QList<Kate::Mark> KateDocument::marks ()
QList<Kate::Mark> list;
TextLine::Ptr line;
for (int i=0; i < numLines(); i++)
line = getTextLine(i);
if (line->mark() != 0)
Kate::Mark *mark=new Kate::Mark;
mark->line = i;
mark->type = line->mark();
list.append (mark);
return list;
void KateDocument::flush ()
if (isReadOnly())
m_url = QString::null;
fileInfo->setFile (QString());
emit fileNameChanged ();
void KateDocument::open (const QString &name)
openURL (name);
void KateDocument::wrapText (uint col)
int line = 0;
int z = 0;
TextLine::Ptr l = getTextLine(line);
if (l->length() > col)
TextLine::Ptr tl = new TextLine();
const QChar *text = l->getText();
for (z=col; z>0; z--)
if (z < 1) break;
if (text[z].isSpace()) break;
if (z < 1) z=col;
l->wrap (tl, z);
if (line >= numLines()) break;
void KateDocument::setWordWrap (bool on)
if (on != myWordWrap && on)
wrapText (myWordWrapAt);
myWordWrap = on;
void KateDocument::setWordWrapAt (uint col)
if (myWordWrapAt != col && myWordWrap)
wrapText (myWordWrapAt);
myWordWrapAt = col;
void KateDocument::applyWordWrap ()
wrapText (myWordWrapAt);
diff --git a/noncore/apps/tinykate/libkate/document/katedocument.h b/noncore/apps/tinykate/libkate/document/katedocument.h
index 220d188..356541f 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/tinykate/libkate/document/katedocument.h
+++ b/noncore/apps/tinykate/libkate/document/katedocument.h
@@ -265,305 +265,306 @@ class KateDocument: public Kate::Document
protected slots:
void hlChanged();
// view interaction
virtual void addView(KTextEditor::View *);
virtual void removeView(KTextEditor::View *);
bool ownedView(KateView *);
bool isLastView(int numViews);
int getTextLineCount() {return numLines();}
int textWidth(const TextLine::Ptr &, int cursorX);
int textWidth(PointStruc &cursor);
int textWidth(bool wrapCursor, PointStruc &cursor, int xPos);
int textPos(const TextLine::Ptr &, int xPos);
// int textPos(TextLine::Ptr &, int xPos, int &newXPos);
int textWidth();
int textHeight();
void insert(VConfig &, const QString &);
void insertFile(VConfig &, QIODevice &);
int currentColumn(PointStruc &cursor);
bool insertChars(VConfig &, const QString &chars);
void newLine(VConfig &);
void killLine(VConfig &);
void backspace(VConfig &);
void del(VConfig &);
void clear();
void cut(VConfig &);
void copy(int flags);
void paste(VConfig &);
void toggleRect(int, int, int, int);
void selectTo(VConfig &c, PointStruc &cursor, int cXPos);
void selectAll();
void deselectAll();
void invertSelection();
void selectWord(PointStruc &cursor, int flags);
void selectLength(PointStruc &cursor, int length, int flags);
void indent(VConfig &c) {doIndent(c, 1);}
void unIndent(VConfig &c) {doIndent(c, -1);}
void cleanIndent(VConfig &c) {doIndent(c, 0);}
// called by indent/unIndent/cleanIndent
// just does some setup and then calls optimizeLeadingSpace()
void doIndent(VConfig &, int change);
// optimize leading whitespace on a single line - see kwdoc.cpp for full description
void optimizeLeadingSpace(int line, int flags, int change);
void comment(VConfig &c) {doComment(c, 1);}
void unComment(VConfig &c) {doComment(c, -1);}
void doComment(VConfig &, int change);
virtual QString text() const;
QString getWord(PointStruc &cursor);
public slots:
virtual void setText(const QString &);
long needPreHighlight(long till);
bool hasMarkedText() {return (selectEnd >= selectStart);}
QString markedText(int flags);
void delMarkedText(VConfig &/*, bool undo = true*/);
void tagLineRange(int line, int x1, int x2);
void tagLines(int start, int end);
void tagAll();
void updateLines(int startLine = 0, int endLine = 0xffffff, int flags = 0, int cursorY = -1);
void updateMaxLength(TextLine::Ptr &);
void updateViews(KateView *exclude = 0L);
QColor &cursorCol(int x, int y);
void paintTextLine(QPainter &, int line, int xStart, int xEnd, bool showTabs);
void paintTextLine(QPainter &, int line, int y, int xStart, int xEnd, bool showTabs);
bool doSearch(SConfig &s, const QString &searchFor);
// internal
void tagLine(int line);
void insLine(int line);
void delLine(int line);
void optimizeSelection();
void doAction(KateAction *);
void doReplace(KateAction *);
void doWordWrap(KateAction *);
void doWordUnWrap(KateAction *);
void doNewLine(KateAction *);
void doDelLine(KateAction *);
void doInsLine(KateAction *);
void doKillLine(KateAction *);
void newUndo();
void recordStart(VConfig &, int newUndoType);
void recordStart(KateView *, PointStruc &, int flags, int newUndoType, bool keepModal = false, bool mergeUndo = false);
void recordAction(KateAction::Action, PointStruc &);
void recordInsert(VConfig &, const QString &text);
void recordReplace(VConfig &, int len, const QString &text);
void recordInsert(PointStruc &, const QString &text);
void recordDelete(PointStruc &, int len);
void recordReplace(PointStruc &, int len, const QString &text);
void recordEnd(VConfig &);
void recordEnd(KateView *, PointStruc &, int flags);
void doActionGroup(KateActionGroup *, int flags, bool undo = false);
int nextUndoType();
int nextRedoType();
void undoTypeList(QValueList<int> &lst);
void redoTypeList(QValueList<int> &lst);
void undo(VConfig &, int count = 1);
void redo(VConfig &, int count = 1);
void clearRedo();
void setUndoSteps(int steps);
void setPseudoModal(QWidget *);
void newBracketMark(PointStruc &, BracketMark &);
protected slots:
void clipboardChanged();
void slotBufferChanged();
void slotBufferHighlight(long,long);
void doPreHighlight();
private slots:
void slotViewDestroyed();
// member variables
long PreHighlightedTill;
long RequestPreHighlightTill;
KWBuffer *buffer;
QColor colors[2];
HlManager *hlManager;
Highlight *m_highlight;
int m_numAttribs;
static const int maxAttribs;
Attribute *m_attribs;
int eolMode;
int tabChars;
int m_tabWidth;
int fontHeight;
int fontAscent;
QList<KateView> views;
bool newDocGeometry;
TextLine::Ptr longestLine;
float maxLength;
PointStruc select;
PointStruc anchor;
int aXPos;
int selectStart;
int selectEnd;
bool oldMarkState;
bool m_singleSelection; // false: windows-like, true: X11-like
bool readOnly;
bool newDoc; // True if the file is a new document (used to determine whether
// to check for overwriting files on save)
bool modified;
bool myWordWrap;
uint myWordWrapAt;
QList<KateActionGroup> undoList;
int currentUndo;
int undoState;
int undoSteps;
int tagStart;
int tagEnd;
int undoCount; //counts merged undo steps
QWidget *pseudoModal; //the replace prompt is pseudo modal
/** Tjecks if the file on disk is newer than document contents.
If forceReload is true, the document is reloaded without asking the user,
otherwise [default] the user is asked what to do. */
void isModOnHD(bool forceReload=false);
uint docID () {return myDocID;};
QString docName () {return myDocName;};
void setDocName (QString docName);
+ void setDocFile (QString docFile);
public slots:
/** Reloads the current document from disk if possible */
void reloadFile();
private slots:
void slotModChanged ();
/** updates mTime to reflect file on fs.
called from constructor and from saveFile. */
void setMTime();
uint myDocID;
QFileInfo* fileInfo;
QDateTime mTime;
QString myDocName;
QString m_url;
QString m_file;
void openURL(const QString &filename);
KateCmd *myCmd;
KateCmd *cmd () { return myCmd; };
QString myEncoding;
void setEncoding (QString e) { myEncoding = e; };
QString encoding() { return myEncoding; };
void setWordWrap (bool on);
bool wordWrap () { return myWordWrap; };
void setWordWrapAt (uint col);
uint wordWrapAt () { return myWordWrapAt; };
void modStateChanged (KateDocument *doc);
void nameChanged (KateDocument *doc);
QList<Kate::Mark> marks ();
public slots:
// clear buffer/filename - update the views
void flush ();
The file has been saved (perhaps the name has changed). The main window
can use this to change its caption
void fileNameChanged ();
//end of line settings
enum Eol_settings {eolUnix=0,eolDos=1,eolMacintosh=2};
// for the DCOP interface
void open (const QString &name=0);
// wrap the text of the document at the column col
void wrapText (uint col);
public slots:
void applyWordWrap ();
- class KateDocPrivate
- {
- public:
- bool hlSetByUser;
- };
+ class KateDocPrivate
+ {
+ public:
+ bool hlSetByUser;
+ };
// BCI: Add a real d-pointer in the next BIC release
static QPtrDict<KateDocPrivate>* d_ptr;
static void cleanup_d_ptr()
delete d_ptr;
KateDocPrivate* d( const KateDocument* foo )
if ( !d_ptr ) {
d_ptr = new QPtrDict<KateDocPrivate>;
//qAddPostRoutine( cleanup_d_ptr );
KateDocPrivate* ret = d_ptr->find( (void*) foo );
if ( ! ret ) {
ret = new KateDocPrivate;
d_ptr->replace( (void*) foo, ret );
return ret;
void delete_d( const KateDocument* foo )
if ( d_ptr )
d_ptr->remove( (void*) foo );