authormickeyl <mickeyl>2003-03-02 17:35:53 (UTC)
committer mickeyl <mickeyl>2003-03-02 17:35:53 (UTC)
commitb3b0d6ec136e550029b9cae7fb714d47071ea5b4 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentd0e64d0c7961de1c3ecb886ae76c6701f268d767 (diff)
add child item factory to allow subclasses adding custom data items
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
4 files changed, 64 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/cornucopia/olistview.cpp b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/cornucopia/olistview.cpp
index f2d3730..c292eb9 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/cornucopia/olistview.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/cornucopia/olistview.cpp
@@ -94,122 +94,127 @@ void OListView::removeColumn( int index )
#if QT_VERSION > 290
if ( m_fullWidth && index == columns() )
header()->setStretchEnabled( true, columns()-1 );
const QColor& OListView::alternateBackground() const
return m_alternateBackground;
void OListView::setAlternateBackground( const QColor &c )
m_alternateBackground = c;
const QPen& OListView::columnSeparator() const
return m_columnSeparator;
void OListView::setColumnSeparator( const QPen& p )
m_columnSeparator = p;
+OListViewItem* OListView::childFactory()
+ return new OListViewItem( this );
void OListView::serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const
#warning Caution... the binary format is still under construction...
qDebug( "storing OListView..." );
// store number of columns and the labels
s << columns();
for ( int i = 0; i < columns(); ++i )
s << columnText( i );
// calculate the number of top-level items to serialize
int items = 0;
QListViewItem* item = firstChild();
while ( item )
item = item->nextSibling();
// store number of items and the items itself
s << items;
item = firstChild();
for ( int i = 0; i < items; ++i )
s << *static_cast<OListViewItem*>( item );
item = item->nextSibling();
qDebug( "OListview stored." );
void OListView::serializeFrom( QDataStream& s )
#warning Caution... the binary format is still under construction...
qDebug( "loading OListView..." );
int cols;
s >> cols;
qDebug( "read number of columns = %d", cols );
while ( columns() < cols ) addColumn( QString::null );
for ( int i = 0; i < cols; ++i )
QString coltext;
s >> coltext;
qDebug( "read text '%s' for column %d", (const char*) coltext, i );
setColumnText( i, coltext );
int items;
s >> items;
qDebug( "read number of items = %d", items );
for ( int i = 0; i < items; ++i )
- OListViewItem* item = new OListViewItem( this );
+ OListViewItem* item = childFactory();
s >> *item;
qDebug( "OListView loaded." );
QDataStream& operator<<( QDataStream& s, const OListView& lv )
lv.serializeTo( s );
QDataStream& operator>>( QDataStream& s, OListView& lv )
lv.serializeFrom( s );
//****************************** OListViewItem ***********************************************************************
OListViewItem::OListViewItem(QListView *parent)
: QListViewItem(parent)
OListViewItem::OListViewItem(QListViewItem *parent)
: QListViewItem(parent)
@@ -308,100 +313,105 @@ bool OListViewItem::isAlternate()
item->m_odd = previous = !previous;
item->m_known = true;
item = static_cast<OListViewItem *>(item->nextSibling());
/* if (!item.inherits( "OListViewItem" ) ) break; */
return m_odd;
void OListViewItem::paintCell(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int alignment)
QColorGroup _cg = cg;
const QPixmap *pm = listView()->viewport()->backgroundPixmap();
if (pm && !pm->isNull())
_cg.setBrush( QColorGroup::Base, QBrush(backgroundColor(), *pm) );
p->setBrushOrigin( -listView()->contentsX(), -listView()->contentsY() );
else if ( isAlternate() )
_cg.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, static_cast<OListView*>( listView() )->alternateBackground() );
QListViewItem::paintCell( p, _cg, column, width, alignment );
//FIXME: Use styling here!
const QPen& pen = static_cast<OListView*>( listView() )->columnSeparator();
p->setPen( pen );
p->drawLine( width-1, 0, width-1, height() );
+OListViewItem* OListViewItem::childFactory()
+ return new OListViewItem( this );
void OListViewItem::serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const
#warning Caution... the binary format is still under construction...
qDebug( "storing OListViewItem..." );
// store item text
for ( int i = 0; i < listView()->columns(); ++i )
s << text( i );
// calculate the number of children to serialize
int items = 0;
QListViewItem* item = firstChild();
while ( item )
item = item->nextSibling();
// store number of items and the items itself
s << items;
item = firstChild();
for ( int i = 0; i < items; ++i )
s << *static_cast<OListViewItem*>( item );
item = item->nextSibling();
qDebug( "OListviewItem stored." );
void OListViewItem::serializeFrom( QDataStream& s )
#warning Caution... the binary format is still under construction...
qDebug( "loading OListViewItem..." );
for ( int i = 0; i < listView()->columns(); ++i )
QString coltext;
s >> coltext;
qDebug( "read text '%s' for column %d", (const char*) coltext, i );
setText( i, coltext );
int items;
s >> items;
qDebug( "read number of items = %d", items );
for ( int i = 0; i < items; ++i )
- OListViewItem* item = new OListViewItem( this );
+ OListViewItem* item = childFactory();
s >> (*item);
qDebug( "OListViewItem loaded." );
QDataStream& operator<<( QDataStream& s, const OListViewItem& lvi )
lvi.serializeTo( s );
QDataStream& operator>>( QDataStream& s, OListViewItem& lvi )
lvi.serializeFrom( s );
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/cornucopia/olistview.h b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/cornucopia/olistview.h
index 9df5500..8911e22 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/cornucopia/olistview.h
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/cornucopia/olistview.h
@@ -9,65 +9,65 @@
 _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can
.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU Library General Public
.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
 - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
    .%`+i>       _;_.
    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that
     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
..}^=.=       =       ; Library General Public License for more
++=   -.     .`     .: details.
 :     =  ...= . :.=-
 -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
  -_. . .   )=.  = Library General Public License along with
    --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qlistview.h>
#include <qpen.h>
#include <qdatastream.h>
-class OListViewFactory;
+class OListViewItem;
* A @ref QListView variant featuring visual and functional enhancements
* like an alternate background for odd rows, an autostretch mode
* for the width of the widget ( >= Qt 3 only ) and persistence capabilities.
* @author Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <>
* @short OListView list/tree widget.
class OListView: public QListView
* Constructor.
* The parameters @p parent and @p name are handled by
* @ref QListView, as usual.
OListView ( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );
* Destructor.
virtual ~OListView();
* Let the last column fit exactly all the available width.
void setFullWidth( bool fullWidth );
* Returns whether the last column is set to fit the available width.
@@ -86,150 +86,150 @@ class OListViewFactory;
* Reimplemented for full width support
virtual void removeColumn(int index);
* sets the alternate background background color.
* This only has an effect if the items are OListViewItems
* @param c the color to use for every other item. Set to an invalid
* color to disable alternate colors.
void setAlternateBackground( const QColor &c );
* sets the column separator pen.
* @param p the pen used to draw the column separator.
void setColumnSeparator( const QPen &p );
* @return the alternate background color
const QColor& alternateBackground() const;
* @return the column separator pen
const QPen& columnSeparator() const;
+ /**
+ * create a list view item as child of this object
+ * @return the new object
+ */
+ virtual OListViewItem* childFactory();
* serialize this object to a @ref QDataStream
* @param s the stream used to serialize this object.
virtual void serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const;
* serialize this object from a @ref QDataStream
* @param s the stream used to serialize this object.
virtual void serializeFrom( QDataStream& s );
- /**
- * returns a factory for OListView classes
- * creates one on the fly if it doesn't exist
- * @return the XML Factory
- */
- #ifndef QT_NO_XML
- //OListViewFactory* Factory();
- #endif
QColor m_alternateBackground;
bool m_fullWidth;
QPen m_columnSeparator;
- #ifndef QT_NO_XML
- //OListViewFactory* m_Factory;
- #endif
* \relates QListView
* Writes a listview to the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
QDataStream& operator<<( QDataStream& s, const OListView& lv );
* \relates QListView
* Reads a listview from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
QDataStream& operator>>( QDataStream& s, OListView& lv );
//****************************** OListViewItem ******************************************************************
class OListViewItem: public QListViewItem
OListViewItem( QListView * parent );
OListViewItem( QListViewItem * parent );
OListViewItem( QListView * parent, QListViewItem * after );
OListViewItem( QListViewItem * parent, QListViewItem * after );
OListViewItem( QListView * parent,
QString, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null );
OListViewItem( QListViewItem * parent,
QString, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null );
OListViewItem( QListView * parent, QListViewItem * after,
QString, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null );
OListViewItem( QListViewItem * parent, QListViewItem * after,
QString, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null,
QString = QString::null, QString = QString::null );
virtual ~OListViewItem();
const QColor& backgroundColor();
bool isAlternate();
void paintCell( QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int alignment );
void init();
+ /**
+ * create a list view item as child of this object
+ * @return the new object
+ */
+ virtual OListViewItem* childFactory();
* serialize this object to or from a @ref QDataStream
* @param s the stream used to serialize this object.
virtual void serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const;
* serialize this object to or from a @ref QDataStream
* @param s the stream used to serialize this object.
virtual void serializeFrom( QDataStream& s );
bool m_known;
bool m_odd;
* \relates QListViewItem
* Writes a listview item and all subitems recursively to the stream
* and returns a reference to the stream.
QDataStream& operator<<( QDataStream &s, const OListViewItem& lvi );
* \relates QListViewItem
* Reads a listview item from the stream and returns a reference to the stream.
QDataStream& operator>>( QDataStream &s, OListViewItem& lvi );
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
index 58a04fb..be1245e 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
@@ -24,64 +24,69 @@ MScanListView::MScanListView( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
:OListView( parent, name ), _manufacturerdb( 0 )
setFrameShape( QListView::StyledPanel );
setFrameShadow( QListView::Sunken );
addColumn( tr( "Net/Station" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 0, AlignLeft || AlignVCenter );
addColumn( tr( "B" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 1, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "AP" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 2, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "Chn" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 3, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "W" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 4, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "T" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 5, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "Manufacturer" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 6, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "First Seen" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 7, AlignCenter );
addColumn( tr( "Last Seen" ) );
setColumnAlignment( 8, AlignCenter );
setRootIsDecorated( true );
setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
+OListViewItem* MScanListView::childFactory()
+ return new MScanListItem( this );
void MScanListView::serializeTo( QDataStream& s) const
qDebug( "serializing MScanListView" );
OListView::serializeTo( s );
void MScanListView::serializeFrom( QDataStream& s)
qDebug( "serializing MScanListView" );
OListView::serializeFrom( s );
void MScanListView::setManufacturerDB( ManufacturerDB* manufacturerdb )
_manufacturerdb = manufacturerdb;
void MScanListView::addNewItem( QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr, bool wep, int channel, int signal )
// FIXME: scanlistitem needs a proper encapsulation and not such a damn dealing with text(...)
qDebug( "MScanList::addNewItem( %s / %s / %s [%d]",
(const char*) type,
(const char*) essid,
(const char*) macaddr,
channel );
// search, if we already have seen this net
QString s;
MScanListItem* network;
MScanListItem* item = static_cast<MScanListItem*> ( firstChild() );
@@ -169,72 +174,92 @@ void MScanListView::addNewItem( QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr, bo
#include "resource.h"
const int col_type = 0;
const int col_essid = 0;
const int col_sig = 1;
const int col_ap = 2;
const int col_channel = 3;
const int col_wep = 4;
const int col_traffic = 5;
const int col_manuf = 6;
const int col_firstseen = 7;
const int col_lastseen = 8;
MScanListItem::MScanListItem( QListView* parent, QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr,
bool wep, int channel, int signal )
:OListViewItem( parent, essid, QString::null, macaddr, QString::null, QString::null ),
_type( type ), _essid( essid ), _macaddr( macaddr ), _wep( wep ),
_channel( channel ), _signal( signal ), _beacons( 0 )
qDebug( "creating scanlist item" );
decorateItem( type, essid, macaddr, wep, channel, signal );
MScanListItem::MScanListItem( QListViewItem* parent, QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr,
bool wep, int channel, int signal )
:OListViewItem( parent, essid, QString::null, macaddr, QString::null, QString::null )
qDebug( "creating scanlist item" );
decorateItem( type, essid, macaddr, wep, channel, signal );
+OListViewItem* MScanListItem::childFactory()
+ return new MScanListItem( this );
void MScanListItem::serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const
+ qDebug( "serializing MScanListItem" );
OListViewItem::serializeTo( s );
+ s << _type;
+ s << (Q_UINT8) _wep;
void MScanListItem::serializeFrom( QDataStream& s )
+ qDebug( "serializing MScanListItem" );
OListViewItem::serializeFrom( s );
+ s >> _type;
+ s >> (Q_UINT8) _wep;
+ QString name;
+ name.sprintf( "wellenreiter/%s", (const char*) _type );
+ setPixmap( col_type, Resource::loadPixmap( name ) );
+ if ( _wep )
+ setPixmap( col_wep, Resource::loadPixmap( "wellenreiter/cracked" ) ); //FIXME: rename the pixmap!
+ listView()->triggerUpdate();
void MScanListItem::decorateItem( QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr, bool wep, int channel, int signal )
qDebug( "decorating scanlist item %s / %s / %s [%d]",
(const char*) type,
(const char*) essid,
(const char*) macaddr,
channel );
// set icon for managed or adhoc mode
QString name;
name.sprintf( "wellenreiter/%s", (const char*) type );
setPixmap( col_type, Resource::loadPixmap( name ) );
// set icon for wep (wireless encryption protocol)
if ( wep )
setPixmap( col_wep, Resource::loadPixmap( "wellenreiter/cracked" ) ); //FIXME: rename the pixmap!
// set channel and signal text
if ( signal != -1 )
setText( col_sig, QString::number( signal ) );
if ( channel != -1 )
setText( col_channel, QString::number( channel ) );
setText( col_firstseen, QTime::currentTime().toString() );
//setText( col_lastseen, QTime::currentTime().toString() );
this->type = type;
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.h b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.h
index 66c701b..222217c 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.h
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.h
@@ -4,116 +4,118 @@
** This file is part of Opie Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
#ifndef SCANLIST_H
#define SCANLIST_H
#include <cornucopia/olistview.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
class QString;
class ManufacturerDB;
class MScanListView: public OListView
MScanListView( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0 );
virtual ~MScanListView();
void setManufacturerDB( ManufacturerDB* manufacturerdb );
+ virtual OListViewItem* childFactory();
virtual void serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const;
virtual void serializeFrom( QDataStream& s );
public slots:
void addNewItem( QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr, bool wep, int channel, int signal );
ManufacturerDB* _manufacturerdb;
//****************************** MScanListItem ****************************************************************
class MScanListItem: public OListViewItem
MScanListItem::MScanListItem( QListView* parent,
- QString type,
- QString essid,
- QString macaddr,
- bool wep,
- int channel,
- int signal );
+ QString type = "unknown",
+ QString essid = "unknown",
+ QString macaddr = "unknown",
+ bool wep = false,
+ int channel = 0,
+ int signal = 0 );
MScanListItem::MScanListItem( QListViewItem* parent,
- QString type,
- QString essid,
- QString macaddr,
- bool wep,
- int channel,
- int signal );
+ QString type = "unknown",
+ QString essid = "unknown",
+ QString macaddr = "unknown",
+ bool wep = false,
+ int channel = 0,
+ int signal = 0 );
virtual void decorateItem( QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr, bool wep, int channel, int signal );
QString type;
//const QString& type() { return _type; };
const QString& essid() { return _essid; };
const QString& macaddr() { return _macaddr; };
bool wep() { return _wep; };
int channel() { return _channel; };
int signal() { return _signal; };
int beacons() { return _beacons; };
void setSignal( int signal ) { /* TODO */ };
void receivedBeacon();
void setManufacturer( const QString& manufacturer );
+ virtual OListViewItem* childFactory();
virtual void serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const;
virtual void serializeFrom( QDataStream& s );
QString _type;
QString _essid;
QString _macaddr;
bool _wep;
int _channel;
int _signal;
int _beacons;
//****************************** MScanListViewFactory ****************************************************************
class MScanListViewFactory : public OListViewFactory
virtual QListView* listViewFactory();
virtual QListViewItem* listViewItemFactory( QListView* lv );
virtual QListViewItem* listViewItemFactory( QListViewItem* lvi );
virtual void setColumnText( int depth, QListViewItem* lvi, int column, const QString& text );
virtual void setCustomData( int depth, QListViewItem* lvi, const QString& text );