authorkergoth <kergoth>2002-11-29 18:58:15 (UTC)
committer kergoth <kergoth>2002-11-29 18:58:15 (UTC)
commit17906c7fefc001c74af2141610c23c28c28a4e52 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentd85d0022270da220f219764593c98dc8f28439b7 (diff)
Compile fix
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/ipkg.cpp b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/ipkg.cpp
index 1efe030..407abe9 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/aqpkg/ipkg.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/aqpkg/ipkg.cpp
@@ -37,489 +37,489 @@ using namespace std;
#include "ipkg.h"
#include "global.h"
Ipkg :: Ipkg()
Ipkg :: ~Ipkg()
// Option is what we are going to do - install, upgrade, download, reinstall
// package is the package name to install - either a fully qualified path and ipk
// file (if stored locally) or just the name of the package (for a network package)
// packageName is the package name - (for a network package this will be the same as
// package parameter)
// dest is the destination alias (from ipk.conf)
// destDir is the dir that the destination alias points to (used to link to root)
// flags is the ipkg options flags
// dir is the directory to run ipkg in (defaults to "")
bool Ipkg :: runIpkg( )
bool ret = false;
QStringList commands;
QDir::setCurrent( "/tmp" );
if ( runtimeDir != "" )
commands << "cd ";
commands << runtimeDir;
commands << ";";
commands << "ipkg" << "-force-defaults";
// only set the destination for an install operation
if ( option == "install" )
commands << "-dest" << destination;
if ( option != "update" && option != "download" )
if ( flags & FORCE_DEPENDS )
commands << "-force-depends";
if ( flags & FORCE_REINSTALL )
commands << "-force-reinstall";
if ( flags & FORCE_REMOVE )
commands << "-force-removal-of-essential-packages";
if ( flags & FORCE_OVERWRITE )
commands << "-force-overwrite";
if ( flags & VERBOSE_WGET )
commands << "-verbose_wget";
// Handle make links
// Rules - If make links is switched on, create links to root
// if destDir is NOT /
if ( flags & MAKE_LINKS )
// If destDir == / turn off make links as package is being insalled
// to root already.
if ( destDir == "/" )
flags ^= MAKE_LINKS;
#ifdef X86
commands << "-f";
commands << IPKG_CONF;
if ( option == "reinstall" )
commands << "install";
commands << option;
if ( package != "" )
commands << package;
if ( package != "" )
emit outputText( QString( "Dealing with package " ) + package );
// If we are removing packages and make links option is selected
// create the links
if ( option == "remove" || option == "reinstall" )
createLinks = false;
if ( flags & MAKE_LINKS )
emit outputText( QString( "Removing symbolic links...\n" ) );
linkPackage( Utils::getPackageNameFromIpkFilename( package ), destination, destDir );
emit outputText( QString( " " ) );
// Execute command
dependantPackages = new QList<QString>;
dependantPackages->setAutoDelete( true );
ret = executeIpkgCommand( commands, option );
if ( option == "install" || option == "reinstall" )
// If we are not removing packages and make links option is selected
// create the links
createLinks = true;
if ( flags & MAKE_LINKS )
emit outputText( " " );
emit outputText( QString( "Creating symbolic links for " )+ package );
linkPackage( Utils::getPackageNameFromIpkFilename( package ), destination, destDir );
// link dependant packages that were installed with this release
QString *pkg;
for ( pkg = dependantPackages->first(); pkg != 0; pkg = dependantPackages->next() )
if ( *pkg == package )
emit outputText( " " );
emit outputText( QString( "Creating symbolic links for " )+ (*pkg) );
linkPackage( Utils::getPackageNameFromIpkFilename( *pkg ), destination, destDir );
delete dependantPackages;
// Finally, if we are removing a package, remove its entry from the <destdir>/usr/lib/ipkg/status file
// to workaround an ipkg bug which stops reinstall to a different location
if ( option == "remove" )
emit outputText( "Finished" );
emit outputText( "" );
return ret;
void Ipkg :: removeStatusEntry()
QString statusFile = destDir;
if ( statusFile.right( 1 ) != "/" )
statusFile += "/";
statusFile += "usr/lib/ipkg/status";
QString outStatusFile = statusFile + ".tmp";
emit outputText( "" );
emit outputText( "Removing status entry..." );
emit outputText( QString( "status file - " )+ statusFile );
emit outputText( QString( "package - " )+ package );
ifstream in( statusFile );
ofstream out( outStatusFile );
if ( !in.is_open() )
emit outputText( QString( "Couldn't open status file - " )+ statusFile );
if ( !out.is_open() )
emit outputText( QString( "Couldn't create tempory status file - " )+ outStatusFile );
char line[1001];
char k[21];
char v[1001];
QString key;
QString value;
vector<QString> lines;
in.getline( line, 1000 );
if ( in.eof() )
k[0] = '\0';
v[0] = '\0';
sscanf( line, "%[^:]: %[^\n]", k, v );
key = k;
value = v;
key = key.stripWhiteSpace();
value = value.stripWhiteSpace();
if ( key == "Package" && value == package )
// Ignore all lines up to next empty
in.getline( line, 1000 );
if ( in.eof() || QString( line ).stripWhiteSpace() == "" )
} while ( !in.eof() && QString( line ).stripWhiteSpace() != "" );
lines.push_back( QString( line ) );
// out << line << endl;
} while ( !in.eof() );
// Write lines out
vector<QString>::iterator it;
for ( it = lines.begin() ; it != lines.end() ; ++it )
cout << "Writing " << (const char *)(*it) << endl;
out << (const char *)(*it) << endl;
// Remove old status file and put tmp stats file in its place
remove( statusFile );
rename( outStatusFile, statusFile );
int Ipkg :: executeIpkgCommand( QStringList &cmd, const QString option )
// OK we're gonna use OProcess to run this thing
proc = new OProcess();
// Connect up our slots
connect(proc, SIGNAL(processExited(OProcess *)),
this, SLOT( processFinished()));
connect(proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(OProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(commandStdout(OProcess *, char *, int)));
connect(proc, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(OProcess *, char *, int)),
this, SLOT(commandStderr(OProcess *, char *, int)));
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = cmd.begin(); it != cmd.end(); ++it )
qDebug( "%s ", (*it).latin1() );
*proc << (*it).latin1();
cout << endl;
// Start the process going
finished = false;
if(!proc->start(OProcess::NotifyOnExit, OProcess::All))
emit outputText( QString( "Couldn't start ipkg process" ) );
qDebug( "Couldn't start ipkg process!" );
// Now wait for it to finish
while ( !finished )
void Ipkg::commandStdout(OProcess*, char *buffer, int buflen)
qDebug("received stdout %d bytes", buflen);
QString lineStr = buffer;
if ( lineStr[buflen-1] == '\n' )
buflen --;
lineStr = lineStr.left( buflen );
emit outputText( lineStr );
buffer[0] = '\0';
void Ipkg::commandStderr(OProcess*, char *buffer, int buflen)
qDebug("received stderrt %d bytes", buflen);
QString lineStr = buffer;
if ( lineStr[buflen-1] == '\n' )
buflen --;
lineStr=lineStr.left( buflen );
emit outputText( lineStr );
buffer[0] = '\0';
void Ipkg::processFinished()
delete proc;
finished = true;
int Ipkg :: executeIpkgCommand( QString &cmd, const QString option )
FILE *fp = NULL;
char line[130];
QString lineStr, lineStrOld;
int ret = false;
fp = popen( (const char *) cmd, "r");
if ( fp == NULL )
cout << "Couldn't execute " << cmd << "! err = " << fp << endl;
QString text;
text.sprintf( "Couldn't execute %s! See stdout for error code", (const char *)cmd );
emit outputText( text );
while ( fgets( line, sizeof line, fp) != NULL )
lineStr = line;
lineStr=lineStr.left( lineStr.length()-1 );
if ( lineStr != lineStrOld )
//See if we're finished
if ( option == "install" || option == "reinstall" )
// Need to keep track of any dependant packages that get installed
// so that we can create links to them as necessary
if ( lineStr.startsWith( "Installing " ) )
int start = lineStr.find( " " ) + 1;
int end = lineStr.find( " ", start );
QString *package = new QString( lineStr.mid( start, end-start ) );
dependantPackages->append( package );
if ( option == "update" )
if (lineStr.contains("Updated list"))
ret = true;
else if ( option == "download" )
if (lineStr.contains("Downloaded"))
ret = true;
if (lineStr.contains("Done"))
ret = true;
emit outputText( lineStr );
lineStrOld = lineStr;
return ret;
void Ipkg :: linkPackage( const QString &packFileName, const QString &dest, const QString &destDir )
if ( dest == "root" || dest == "/" )
QStringList *fileList = getList( packFileName, destDir );
processFileList( fileList, destDir );
delete fileList;
QStringList* Ipkg :: getList( const QString &packageFilename, const QString &destDir )
QString packageFileDir = destDir+"/usr/lib/ipkg/info/"+packageFilename+".list";
QFile f( packageFileDir );
cout << "Try to open " << packageFileDir << endl;
if ( ! )
// Couldn't open from dest, try from /
cout << "Could not open:" << packageFileDir << endl;
packageFileDir = "/usr/lib/ipkg/info/"+packageFilename+".list";
f.setName( packageFileDir );
qDebug( "Try to open %s", packageFileDir.latin1() );
if ( ! )
- qDebug( "Could not open: %s", packageFileDir );
+ qDebug( "Could not open: %s", packageFileDir.latin1() );
emit outputText( QString( "Could not open :" ) + packageFileDir );
return (QStringList*)0;
QStringList *fileList = new QStringList();
QTextStream t( &f );
while ( !t.eof() )
*fileList += t.readLine();
return fileList;
void Ipkg :: processFileList( const QStringList *fileList, const QString &destDir )
if ( !fileList || fileList->isEmpty() )
QString baseDir = ROOT;
if ( createLinks == true )
for ( uint i=0; i < fileList->count(); i++ )
processLinkDir( (*fileList)[i], baseDir, destDir );
for ( int i = fileList->count()-1; i >= 0 ; i-- )
processLinkDir( (*fileList)[i], baseDir, destDir );
void Ipkg :: processLinkDir( const QString &file, const QString &destDir, const QString &baseDir )
QString sourceFile = baseDir + file;
QString linkFile = destDir;
if ( file.startsWith( "/" ) && destDir.right( 1 ) == "/" )
linkFile += file.mid( 1 );
linkFile += file;
QString text;
if ( createLinks )
// If this file is a directory (ends with a /) and it doesn't exist,
// we need to create it
if ( file.right(1) == "/" )
QFileInfo f( linkFile );
if ( !f.exists() )
emit outputText( QString( "Creating directory " ) + linkFile );
QDir d;
d.mkdir( linkFile, true );
emit outputText( QString( "Directory " ) + linkFile + " already exists" );
int rc = symlink( sourceFile, linkFile );
text = (rc == 0 ? "Linked " : "Failed to link ");
text += sourceFile + " to " + linkFile;
emit outputText( text );
QFileInfo f( linkFile );
if ( f.exists() )
if ( f.isFile() )
QFile f( linkFile );
bool rc = f.remove();
text = (rc ? "Removed " : "Failed to remove ");
text += linkFile;
emit outputText( text );
else if ( f.isDir() )
QDir d;
bool rc = d.rmdir( linkFile, true );
text = (rc ? "Removed " : "Failed to remove ");
text += linkFile;
emit outputText( text );