authorzecke <zecke>2004-04-06 08:00:49 (UTC)
committer zecke <zecke>2004-04-06 08:00:49 (UTC)
commit1b7592f11a2499c3e7d6652dde1ee15fb661fce2 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent9aeac7cefc3c8baf32944e7275b57e0a0cde1515 (diff)
one include of odebug.h a day keeps my anger away... :}
Add odebug.h so that it compiles
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
4 files changed, 7 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interface.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interface.cpp
index d2b106a..46f3e19 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interface.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interface.cpp
@@ -1,302 +1,305 @@
* $Author$
* $Date$
#include "interface.h"
+#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#define IFCONFIG "/sbin/ifconfig"
#define DHCP_INFO_DIR "/etc/dhcpc"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
Interface::Interface(QObject * parent, const char * name, bool newSatus): QObject(parent, name), hardwareName("Unknown"), moduleOwner(NULL), status(newSatus), attached(false), dhcp(false), macAddress(""), ip(""), broadcast(""), subnetMask(""){
* Set status
* @param newStatus - the new status
* emit updateInterface
void Interface::setStatus(bool newStatus){
if(status != newStatus){
status = newStatus;
* Set if attached or not (802.11 card pulled out for example)
* @param isAttached - if attached
* emit updateInterface
void Interface::setAttached(bool isAttached){
attached = isAttached;
* Set Hardware name
* @param name - the new name
* emit updateInterface
void Interface::setHardwareName(const QString &name){
hardwareName = name;
* Set Module owner
* @param owner - the new owner
* emit updateInterface
void Interface::setModuleOwner(Module *owner){
moduleOwner = owner;
* Try to start the interface.
void Interface::start(){
// check to see if we are already running.
if(true == status){
emit (updateMessage("Unable to start interface,\n already started"));
int ret = system(QString("%1 %2 up").arg(IFCONFIG).arg(this->name()).latin1());
// See if it was successful...
if(ret != 0){
emit (updateMessage("Starting interface failed"));
status = true;
emit (updateMessage("Start successful"));
* Try to stop the interface.
void Interface::stop(){
// check to see if we are already stopped.
if(false == status){
emit (updateMessage("Unable to stop interface,\n already stopped"));
int ret = system(QString("%1 %2 down").arg(IFCONFIG).arg(this->name()).latin1());
if(ret != 0){
emit (updateMessage("Stopping interface failed"));
status = false;
emit (updateMessage("Stop successful"));
* Try to restart the interface.
void Interface::restart(){
* Try to refresh the information about the interface.
* First call ifconfig, then check the dhcp-info file
* @return bool true if successful.
bool Interface::refresh(){
// See if we are up.
if(status == false){
macAddress = "";
ip = "";
subnetMask = "";
broadcast = "";
dhcp = false;
dhcpServerIp = "";
leaseObtained = "";
leaseExpires = "";
return true;
QString fileName = QString("/tmp/%1_ifconfig_info").arg(this->name());
int ret = system(QString("LANG=C %1 %2 > %3").arg(IFCONFIG).arg(this->name()).arg(fileName).latin1());
if(ret != 0){
odebug << QString("Interface: Ifconfig return value: %1, is not 0").arg(ret).latin1() << oendl;
return false;
QFile file(fileName);
if (!{
odebug << QString("Interface: Can't open file: %1").arg(fileName).latin1() << oendl;
return false;
// Set to the defaults
macAddress = "";
ip = "";
subnetMask = "";
broadcast = "";
QTextStream stream( &file );
QString line;
while ( !stream.eof() ) {
line = stream.readLine();
int mac = line.find("HWaddr");
macAddress = line.mid(mac+7, line.length());
if(line.contains("inet addr")){
int ipl = line.find("inet addr");
int space = line.find(" ", ipl+10);
ip = line.mid(ipl+10, space-ipl-10);
int mask = line.find("Mask");
subnetMask = line.mid(mask+5, line.length());
int mask = line.find("Bcast");
int space = line.find(" ", mask+6);
broadcast = line.mid(mask+6, space-mask-6);
// reset DHCP info
dhcpServerIp = "";
leaseObtained = "";
leaseExpires = "";
dhcp = false;
QString dhcpDirectory(DHCP_INFO_DIR);
QDir d(dhcpDirectory);
dhcpDirectory = "/var/run";
// See if we have
QString dhcpFile(QString(dhcpDirectory+"/").arg(this->name()));
// If there is no DHCP information then exit now with no errors.
return true;
if (!{
odebug << QString("Interface: Can't open file: %1").arg(dhcpFile).latin1() << oendl;
return false;
// leaseTime and renewalTime and used if pid and deamon exe can be accessed.
int leaseTime = 0;
int renewalTime = 0;
stream.setDevice( &file );
while ( !stream.eof() ) {
line = stream.readLine();
dhcpServerIp = line.mid(11, line.length());
leaseTime = line.mid(10, line.length()).toInt();
renewalTime = line.mid(12, line.length()).toInt();
//odebug << QString("Interface: leaseTime: %1").arg(leaseTime).latin1() << oendl;
//odebug << QString("Interface: renewalTime: %1").arg(renewalTime).latin1() << oendl;
// Get the pid of the deamond
dhcpFile = (QString(dhcpDirectory+"/").arg(this->name()));
if (!{
odebug << QString("Interface: Can't open file: %1").arg(dhcpFile).latin1() << oendl;
return false;
int pid = -1;
stream.setDevice( &file );
while ( !stream.eof() ) {
line = stream.readLine();
pid = line.toInt();
if( pid == -1){
odebug << "Interface: Could not get pid of dhcpc deamon." << oendl;
return false;
// Get the start running time of the deamon
fileName = (QString("/proc/%1/stat").arg(pid));
stream.setDevice( &file );
if (!{
odebug << QString("Interface: Can't open file: %1").arg(fileName).latin1() << oendl;
return false;
while ( !stream.eof() ) {
line = stream.readLine();
long time = 0;
// Grab the start time
// pid com state ppid pgrp session tty_nr tpgid flags
sscanf(line.latin1(), "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u "
// minflt cminflt majflt cmajflt utime stime cutime cstime priority
"%*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*d %*d %*d "
// nice 0 itrealvalue starttime
"%*d %*d %*d %lu", (long*) &time);
time = time/100;
QDateTime datetime(QDateTime::currentDateTime());
// Get the uptime of the computer.
QFile f("/proc/uptime");
if ( ) { // file opened successfully
QTextStream t( &f ); // use a text stream
int sec = 0;
t >> sec;
datetime = datetime.addSecs((-1*sec));
odebug << "Interface: Can't open /proc/uptime to retrive uptime." << oendl;
return false;
datetime = datetime.addSecs(time);
//odebug << QString("Interface: %1 %2").arg(datetime.toString()).arg(pid).latin1() << oendl;
// Calculate the start and renew times
leaseObtained = datetime.toString();
// Calculate the start and renew times
datetime = datetime.addSecs(leaseTime);
leaseExpires = datetime.toString();
dhcp = true;
return true;
// interface.cpp
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfaces.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfaces.cpp
index e283926..5ce4b58 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfaces.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfaces.cpp
@@ -1,386 +1,388 @@
#include "interfaces.h"
+#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
// The three stanza's
#define AUTO "auto"
#define IFACE "iface"
#define MAPPING "mapping"
* Constructor. Reads in the interfaces file and then split the file up by
* the \n for interfaces variable.
* @param useInterfacesFile if an interface file other then the default is
* desired to be used it should be passed in.
Interfaces::Interfaces(QString useInterfacesFile){
interfacesFile = useInterfacesFile;
QFile file(interfacesFile);
if (!{
odebug << "Interfaces: Can't open file: " << interfacesFile.latin1() << " for reading." << oendl;
currentIface = interfaces.end();
currentMapping = interfaces.end();
QTextStream stream( &file );
QString line;
while ( !stream.eof() ) {
line += stream.readLine();
line += "\n";
interfaces = QStringList::split("\n", line, true);
currentIface = interfaces.end();
currentMapping = interfaces.end();
* Get a list of all interfaces in the interface file. Useful for
* hardware that is not currently connected such as an 802.11b card
* not plugged in, but configured for when it is plugged in.
* @return Return string list of interfaces.
QStringList Interfaces::getInterfaceList(){
QStringList list;
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = interfaces.begin(); it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) {
QString line = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace();
if(line.contains(IFACE) && != '#'){
line = line.mid(QString(IFACE).length() +1, line.length());
line = line.simplifyWhiteSpace();
int findSpace = line.find(" ");
if( findSpace >= 0){
line = line.mid(0, findSpace);
return list;
* Find out if interface is in an "auto" group or not.
* Report any duplicates such as eth0 being in two differnt auto's
* @param interface interface to check to see if it is on or not.
* @return true is interface is in auto
bool Interfaces::isAuto(const QString &interface) const {
QStringList autoLines = interfaces.grep(QRegExp(AUTO));
QStringList awi = autoLines.grep(QRegExp(interface));
if(awi.count() > 1)
odebug << QString("Interfaces: Found more then auto group with interface: %1.").arg(interface).latin1() << oendl;
return awi.count() > 0;
* Attempt to set the auto option for interface to setAuto.
* @param interface the interface to set
* @param setAuto the value to set interface to.
* @return false if already set to setAuto.
* */
bool Interfaces::setAuto(const QString &interface, bool setAuto){
// Don't need to set it if it is already set.
if(isAuto(interface) == setAuto)
return false;
bool changed = false;
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = interfaces.begin(); it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) {
//We know that they are not in any group so let add to this auto.
(*it) = (*it) += " " + interface;
// Don't care to have such thins as: auto eth0 lo usb0
(*it) = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace();
changed = true;
// else see if we need to remove from this one
(*it) = (*it).replace(QRegExp(interface), "");
// if AUTO is the only thing left clear the line
if(((*it).simplifyWhiteSpace()).replace(QRegExp(" "),"") == AUTO)
(*it) = "";
changed = true;
// Don't break because we want to make sure we remove all cases.
// In the case where there is no AUTO field add one.
if(!changed && setAuto)
interfaces.append(QString(AUTO" %1").arg(interface));
return true;
* Set the current interface to interface. This needs to be done before you
* can call getFamily(), getMethod, and get/setOption().
* @param interface the name of the interface to set. All whitespace is
* removed from the interface name.
* @return bool true if it is successful.
bool Interfaces::setInterface(QString interface){
interface = interface.simplifyWhiteSpace();
interface = interface.replace(QRegExp(" "), "");
return setStanza(IFACE, interface, currentIface);
* A quick helper funtion to see if the current interface is set.
* @return bool true if set, false otherwise.
bool Interfaces::isInterfaceSet() const {
return (interfaces.end() != currentIface);
* Add a new interface of with the settings - family and method
* @param interface the name of the interface to set. All whitespace is
* removed from the interface name.
* @param family the family of this interface inet or inet, ipx or inet6
* Must of one of the families defined in interfaces.h
* @param method for the family. see interfaces man page for family methods.
* @return true if successful.
bool Interfaces::addInterface(const QString &interface, const QString &family, const QString &method){
odebug << "Interfaces::addInterface(" << interface.latin1() << ")" << oendl;
if(0 == acceptedFamily.contains(family))
return false;
QString newInterface = interface.simplifyWhiteSpace();
newInterface = newInterface.replace(QRegExp(" "), "");
interfaces.append(QString(IFACE " %1 %2 %3").arg(newInterface).arg(family).arg(method));
return true;
* Copies interface with name interface to name newInterface
* @param newInterface name of the new interface.
* @return bool true if successful
bool Interfaces::copyInterface(const QString &interface, const QString &newInterface){
odebug << "copy interface " << interface.latin1() << " to " << newInterface.latin1() << "" << oendl;
return false;
// Store the old interface and bump past the stanza line.
QStringList::Iterator it = currentIface;
// Add the new interface
bool error;
addInterface(newInterface, getInterfaceFamily(error), getInterfaceMethod(error));
return false;
QStringList::Iterator newIface = currentIface;
// Copy all of the lines
for ( ; it != interfaces.end(); ++it ){
if(((*it).contains(IFACE) || (*it).contains(MAPPING) || (*it).contains(AUTO)))
newIface = interfaces.insert(newIface, *it);
return true;
* Remove the currently selected interface and all of its options.
* @return bool if successful or not.
bool Interfaces::removeInterface(){
return removeStanza(currentIface);
* Gets the hardware name of the interface that is currently selected.
* @return QString name of the hardware interface (eth0, usb2, wlan1...).
* @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise.
QString Interfaces::getInterfaceName(bool &error){
if(currentIface == interfaces.end()){
error = true;
return QString();
QString line = (*currentIface);
line = line.mid(QString(IFACE).length() +1, line.length());
line = line.simplifyWhiteSpace();
int findSpace = line.find(" ");
if( findSpace < 0){
error = true;
return QString();
error = false;
return line.mid(0, findSpace);
* Gets the family name of the interface that is currently selected.
* @return QString name of the family (inet, inet6, ipx).
* @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise.
QString Interfaces::getInterfaceFamily(bool &error){
QString name = getInterfaceName(error);
return QString();
QString line = (*currentIface);
line = line.mid(QString(IFACE).length() +1, line.length());
line = line.mid(name.length()+1, line.length());
line = line.simplifyWhiteSpace();
int findSpace = line.find(" ");
if( findSpace < 0){
error = true;
return QString();
error = false;
return line.mid(0, findSpace);
* Gets the method of the interface that is currently selected.
* @return QString name of the method such as staic or dhcp.
* See the man page of interfaces for possible methods depending on the family.
* @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise.
QString Interfaces::getInterfaceMethod(bool &error){
QString name = getInterfaceName(error);
return QString();
QString family = getInterfaceFamily(error);
return QString();
QString line = (*currentIface);
line = line.mid(QString(IFACE).length()+1, line.length());
line = line.mid(name.length()+1, line.length());
line = line.mid(family.length()+1, line.length());
line = line.simplifyWhiteSpace();
error = false;
return line;
* Sets the interface name to newName.
* @param newName the new name of the interface. All whitespace is removed.
* @return bool true if successful.
bool Interfaces::setInterfaceName(const QString &newName){
odebug << "setInterfaceName " << newName.latin1() << "" << oendl;
if(currentIface == interfaces.end())
return false;
QString name = newName.simplifyWhiteSpace();
name = name.replace(QRegExp(" "), "");
bool returnValue = false;
QString tmp = QString("iface %1 %2 %3").arg(name).arg(getInterfaceFamily(returnValue)).arg(getInterfaceMethod(returnValue));
odebug << "setting " << tmp.latin1() << "" << oendl;
(*currentIface) = tmp;
return !returnValue;
* Sets the interface family to newName.
* @param newName the new name of the interface. Must be one of the families
* defined in the interfaces.h file.
* @return bool true if successful.
bool Interfaces::setInterfaceFamily(const QString &newName){
if(currentIface == interfaces.end())
return false;
return false;
bool returnValue = false;
(*currentIface) = QString("iface %1 %2 %3").arg(getInterfaceName(returnValue)).arg(newName).arg(getInterfaceMethod(returnValue));
return !returnValue;
* Sets the interface method to newName
* @param newName the new name of the interface
* @return bool true if successful.
bool Interfaces::setInterfaceMethod(const QString &newName){
if(currentIface == interfaces.end())
return false;
bool returnValue = false;
(*currentIface) = QString("iface %1 %2 %3").arg(getInterfaceName(returnValue)).arg(getInterfaceFamily(returnValue)).arg(newName);
return !returnValue;
* Get a value for an option in the currently selected interface. For example
* calling getInterfaceOption("address") on the following stanza would
* return
* iface eth0 static
* address
* @param option the options to get the value.
* @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise.
* @return QString the options value. QString::null if error == true
QString Interfaces::getInterfaceOption(const QString &option, bool &error){
return getOption(currentIface, option, error);
* Set a value for an option in the currently selected interface. If option
* doesn't exist then it is added along with the value.
* If value isEmpty() then we will remove the option
* @param option the options to set the value.
* @param value the value that option should be set to.
* @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise.
* @return QString the options value. QString::null if error == true
bool Interfaces::setInterfaceOption(const QString &option, const QString &value){
if( value.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() )
return removeInterfaceOption( option );
odebug << "iface >" << (*currentIface).latin1() << "< option >" << option.latin1() << "< value >" << value.latin1() << "<" << oendl;
return setOption(currentIface, option, value);
* Removes a value for an option in the currently selected interface.
* @param option the options to set the value.
* @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise.
* @return QString the options value. QString::null if error == true
bool Interfaces::removeInterfaceOption(const QString &option){
return removeOption(currentIface, option);
* Removes a value for an option in the currently selected interface.
* @param option the options to set the value.
* @param value the value that option should be set to.
* @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise.
* @return QString the options value. QString::null if error == true
bool Interfaces::removeInterfaceOption(const QString &option, const QString &value){
return removeOption(currentIface, option, value);
* Removes all of the options from the currently selected interface.
* @return bool error if if successful
bool Interfaces::removeAllInterfaceOptions(){
return removeAllOptions(currentIface);
* Set the current map to interface's map. This needs to be done before you
* can call addMapping(), set/getMap(), and get/setScript().
* @param interface the name of the interface to set. All whitespace is
* removed from the interface name.
* @return bool true if it is successful.
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfacesetupimp.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfacesetupimp.cpp
index ec3bad3..8498759 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfacesetupimp.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfacesetupimp.cpp
@@ -1,208 +1,209 @@
#include "interfacesetupimp.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qgroupbox.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <opie2/oprocess.h>
#ifdef QWS
#include <opie2/owait.h>
+#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <qpe/global.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#define DNSSCRIPT "changedns"
* Constuctor. Set up the connection. A profile must be set.
using namespace Opie::Ui;
using namespace Opie::Core;
InterfaceSetupImp::InterfaceSetupImp(QWidget* parent, const char* name, Interface *i, Interfaces *j, WFlags fl) : InterfaceSetup(parent, name, fl), interface(i), interfaces(j), delInterfaces(false){
if (j == 0) {
delInterfaces = true;
interfaces = new Interfaces;
* Destructor
if(delInterfaces) {
delete interfaces;
* Save the current settings, then write out the interfaces file and close.
bool InterfaceSetupImp::saveChanges(){
bool error;
QString iface = interfaces->getInterfaceName(error);
odebug << "InterfaceSetupImp::saveChanges saves interface " << iface.latin1() << "" << oendl;
return false;
if (interface->getStatus()) {
QString ifup;
ifup += "ifdown ";
ifup += iface;
ifup += "; ifup ";
ifup += iface;
ifup += ";";
OProcess restart;
restart << "sh";
restart << "-c";
restart << ifup;
OWait *owait = new OWait();
Global::statusMessage( tr( "Restarting interface" ) );
if (!restart.start(OProcess::Block, OProcess::NoCommunication) ) {
owarn << "unstable to spawn ifdown/ifup" << oendl;
delete owait;
return true;
* Save the settings for the current Interface.
* @return bool true if successful, false otherwise
bool InterfaceSetupImp::saveSettings(){
// eh can't really do anything about it other then return. :-D
return true;
bool error = false;
// Loopback case
if(interfaces->getInterfaceMethod(error) == INTERFACES_LOOPBACK){
interfaces->setAuto(interface->getInterfaceName(), autoStart->isChecked());
return true;
if(!dhcpCheckBox->isChecked() && (ipAddressEdit->text().isEmpty() || subnetMaskEdit->text().isEmpty())){
QMessageBox::information(this, "Not Saved.", "Please fill in the IP address and\n subnet entries.", QMessageBox::Ok);
return false;
if(dhcpCheckBox->isChecked()) {
interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("up "DNSSCRIPT" -a ");
interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("down "DNSSCRIPT" -r ");
} else{
interfaces->setInterfaceOption("address", ipAddressEdit->text());
interfaces->setInterfaceOption("netmask", subnetMaskEdit->text());
interfaces->setInterfaceOption("gateway", gatewayEdit->text());
if(!firstDNSLineEdit->text().isEmpty() || !secondDNSLineEdit->text().isEmpty()){
QString dns = firstDNSLineEdit->text() + " " + secondDNSLineEdit->text();
interfaces->setInterfaceOption("up "DNSSCRIPT" -a ", dns);
interfaces->setInterfaceOption("down "DNSSCRIPT" -r ", dns);
interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("up "DNSSCRIPT" -a ");
interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("down "DNSSCRIPT" -r");
// IP Information
interfaces->setAuto(interface->getInterfaceName(), autoStart->isChecked());
return true;
* The Profile has changed.
* @param QString profile the new profile.
void InterfaceSetupImp::setProfile(const QString &profile){
bool error = false;
if(interfaces->getInterfaceMethod(error) == INTERFACES_LOOPBACK){
QString newInterfaceName = interface->getInterfaceName();
if(profile.length() > 0)
newInterfaceName += "_" + profile;
// See if we have to make a interface.
// Add making for this new interface if need too
if(profile != ""){
interfaces->copyInterface(interface->getInterfaceName(), newInterfaceName);
odebug << "InterfaceSetupImp: Added Mapping, but still can't setInterface." << oendl;
interfaces->setMap("map", newInterfaceName);
interfaces->addInterface(newInterfaceName, INTERFACES_FAMILY_INET, INTERFACES_METHOD_DHCP);
odebug << "InterfaceSetupImp: Added interface, but still can't setInterface." << oendl;
// We must have a valid interface to get this far so read some settings.
bool error = false;
if(interfaces->getInterfaceMethod(error) == INTERFACES_METHOD_DHCP)
// IP Information
QString dns = interfaces->getInterfaceOption("up "DNSSCRIPT" -a", error);
odebug << "dns >" << dns.latin1() << "<" << oendl;
if(dns.contains(" ")){
firstDNSLineEdit->setText(dns.mid(0, dns.find(" ")));
secondDNSLineEdit->setText(dns.mid(dns.find(" ")+1, dns.length()));
}else firstDNSLineEdit->setText(dns);
ipAddressEdit->setText(interfaces->getInterfaceOption("address", error));
subnetMaskEdit->setText(interfaces->getInterfaceOption("netmask", error));
if (subnetMaskEdit->text().isEmpty())
subnetMaskEdit->setText( "" );
gatewayEdit->setText(interfaces->getInterfaceOption("gateway", error));
owarn << "InterfaceSetupImp::setProfile(" << profile.latin1() << ")\n" << oendl;
owarn << "InterfaceSetupImp::setProfile: iface is " << interfaces->getInterfaceName(error).latin1() << "\n" << oendl;
// interfacesetup.cpp
diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/mainwindowimp.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/mainwindowimp.cpp
index 3e1a650..5184630 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/mainwindowimp.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/mainwindowimp.cpp
@@ -1,393 +1,394 @@
#include "mainwindowimp.h"
#include "addconnectionimp.h"
#include "interfaceinformationimp.h"
#include "interfacesetupimp.h"
#include "interfaces.h"
#include "module.h"
/* OPIE */
+#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qpe/config.h>
#include <qpe/qlibrary.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
/* QT */
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qlistbox.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qlistview.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qtabwidget.h> // in order to disable the profiles tab
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#if QT_VERSION < 300
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
/* STD */
#include <net/if.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#define DEFAULT_SCHEME "/var/lib/pcmcia/scheme"
#define _PROCNETDEV "/proc/net/dev"
MainWindowImp::MainWindowImp(QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags) : MainWindow(parent, name, Qt::WStyle_ContextHelp), advancedUserMode(true), scheme(DEFAULT_SCHEME)
connect(addConnectionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addClicked()));
connect(removeConnectionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeClicked()));
connect(informationConnectionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(informationClicked()));
connect(configureConnectionButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(configureClicked()));
connect(newProfileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addProfile()));
connect(removeProfileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeProfile()));
connect(setCurrentProfileButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changeProfile()));
connect(newProfile, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(newProfileChanged(const QString&)));
//FIXME: disable profiles for the moment:
tabWidget->setTabEnabled( tab, false );
// Load connections.
// /usr/local/kde/lib/
#ifdef QWS
loadModules(QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "plugins/networksettings");
loader = KLibLoader::self();
Interfaces i;
QStringList list = i.getInterfaceList();
QMap<QString, Interface*>::Iterator it;
for ( QStringList::Iterator ni = list.begin(); ni != list.end(); ++ni )
* we skipped it in getAllInterfaces now
* we need to ignore it as well
if (m_handledIfaces.contains( *ni) )
odebug << "Not up iface handled by module" << oendl;
bool found = false;
for( it = interfaceNames.begin(); it != interfaceNames.end(); ++it )
if(it.key() == (*ni))
found = true;
Interface *i = new Interface(this, *ni, false);
interfaceNames.insert(i->getInterfaceName(), i);
connect(i, SIGNAL(updateInterface(Interface*)), this, SLOT(updateInterface(Interface*)));
Config cfg("NetworkSetup");
profiles = QStringList::split(" ", cfg.readEntry("Profiles", "All"));
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = profiles.begin();
it != profiles.end(); ++it)
currentProfileLabel->setText(cfg.readEntry("CurrentProfile", "All"));
advancedUserMode = cfg.readBoolEntry("AdvancedUserMode", false);
scheme = cfg.readEntry("SchemeFile", DEFAULT_SCHEME);
QFile file(scheme);
if ( )
{ // file opened successfully
QTextStream stream( &file ); // use a text stream
while ( !stream.eof() )
{ // until end of file...
QString line = stream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n'
line = line.mid(7, line.length());
* Deconstructor. Save profiles. Delete loaded libraries.
// Save profiles.
Config cfg("NetworkSetup");
cfg.writeEntry("Profiles", profiles.join(" "));
// Delete all interfaces that don't have owners.
QMap<Interface*, QListViewItem*>::Iterator iIt;
for( iIt = items.begin(); iIt != items.end(); ++iIt )
if(iIt.key()->getModuleOwner() == NULL)
delete iIt.key();
#ifdef QWS
// Delete Modules and Libraries
QMap<Module*, QLibrary*>::Iterator it;
for( it = libraries.begin(); it != libraries.end(); ++it )
delete it.key();
// I wonder why I can't delete the libraries
// What fucking shit this is.
// klibloader automaticly deletes the libraries for us...
* Query the kernel for all of the interfaces.
void MainWindowImp::getAllInterfaces()
int sockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if(sockfd == -1)
struct ifreq ifr;
QStringList ifaces;
QFile procFile(QString(_PROCNETDEV));
int result;
Interface *i;
if (! procFile.exists())
struct ifreq ifrs[100];
struct ifconf ifc;
ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(ifrs);
ifc.ifc_req = ifrs;
result = ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq); i++)
struct ifreq *pifr = &ifrs[i];
ifaces += pifr->ifr_name;
QString line;
QTextStream procTs(&procFile);
int loc = -1;
procTs.readLine(); // eat a line
procTs.readLine(); // eat a line
while((line = procTs.readLine().simplifyWhiteSpace()) != QString::null)
if((loc = line.find(":")) != -1)
ifaces += line.left(loc);
for (QStringList::Iterator it = ifaces.begin(); it != ifaces.end(); ++it)
int flags = 0;
if ( m_handledIfaces.contains( (*it) ) )
odebug << " " << (*it).latin1() << " is handled by a module" << oendl;
// int family;
i = NULL;
strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, (*it).latin1());
struct ifreq ifcopy;
ifcopy = ifr;
result = ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifcopy);
flags = ifcopy.ifr_flags;
i = new Interface(this, ifr.ifr_name, false);
if ((flags & IFF_UP) == IFF_UP)
i->setHardwareName("Point to Point");
else if ((flags & IFF_MULTICAST) == IFF_MULTICAST)
else if ((flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) == IFF_LOOPBACK)
owarn << "Adding interface " << ifr.ifr_name << " to interfaceNames\n" << oendl;
interfaceNames.insert(i->getInterfaceName(), i);
connect(i, SIGNAL(updateInterface(Interface*)),
this, SLOT(updateInterface(Interface*)));
// now lets ask the plugins too ;)
QMap<Module*, QLibrary*>::Iterator it;
QList<Interface> ilist;
for( it = libraries.begin(); it != libraries.end(); ++it )
ilist = it.key()->getInterfaces();
for( i = ilist.first(); i != 0; i = )
owarn << "Adding interface " << i->getInterfaceName().latin1() << " to interfaceNames\n" << oendl;
interfaceNames.insert(i->getInterfaceName(), i);
connect(i, SIGNAL(updateInterface(Interface*)),
this, SLOT(updateInterface(Interface*)));
* Load all modules that are found in the path
* @param path a directory that is scaned for any plugins that can be loaded
* and attempts to load them
void MainWindowImp::loadModules(const QString &path)
#ifdef DEBUG
odebug << "MainWindowImp::loadModules: " << path.latin1() << "" << oendl;
QDir d(path);
// Don't want sym links
d.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks );
const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
QFileInfoListIterator it( *list );
QFileInfo *fi;
while ( (fi=it.current()) )
#ifdef QWS
if(fi->fileName().contains(".so") && fi->fileName().contains("networksettings_"))
loadPlugin(path + "/" + fi->fileName());
odebug << "loaded plugin: >" << QString(path + "/" + fi->fileName()).latin1() << "< " << oendl;
* Attempt to load a function and resolve a function.
* @param pluginFileName - the name of the file in which to attempt to load
* @param resolveString - function pointer to resolve
* @return pointer to the function with name resolveString or NULL
Module* MainWindowImp::loadPlugin(const QString &pluginFileName, const QString &resolveString)
#ifdef DEBUG
odebug << "MainWindowImp::loadPlugin: " << pluginFileName.latin1() << ": resolving " << resolveString.latin1() << "" << oendl;
#ifdef QWS
QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary(pluginFileName);
void *functionPointer = lib->resolve(resolveString);
if( !functionPointer )
#ifdef DEBUG
odebug << "MainWindowImp::loadPlugin: Warning: " << pluginFileName.latin1() << " is not a plugin" << oendl;
delete lib;
return NULL;
// Try to get an object.
Module *object = ((Module* (*)()) functionPointer)();
if(object == NULL)
#ifdef DEBUG
odebug << "MainWindowImp: Couldn't create object, but did load library!" << oendl;
delete lib;
return NULL;
m_handledIfaces += object->handledInterfaceNames();
// Store for deletion later
libraries.insert(object, lib);
return object;
QLibrary *lib = loader->library(pluginFileName);
if( !lib || !lib->hasSymbol(resolveString) )
odebug << QString("MainWindowImp::loadPlugin: File: %1 is not a plugin, but though was.").arg(pluginFileName).latin1() << oendl;
return NULL;
// Try to get an object.
Module *object = ((Module* (*)()) lib->symbol(resolveString))();
if(object == NULL)
#ifdef DEBUG
odebug << "MainWindowImp: Couldn't create object, but did load library!" << oendl;
return NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
odebug << "MainWindowImp::loadPlugin:: Found object, storing." << oendl;
// Store for deletion later
libraries.insert(object, lib);
return object;
* The Add button was clicked. Bring up the add dialog and if OK is hit
* load the plugin and append it to the list
void MainWindowImp::addClicked()
QMap<Module*, QLibrary*>::Iterator it;
QMap<QString, QString> list;
QMap<QString, Module*> newInterfaceOwners;
for( it = libraries.begin(); it != libraries.end(); ++it )
// See if the list has anything that we can add.