authormickeyl <mickeyl>2004-06-22 10:36:46 (UTC)
committer mickeyl <mickeyl>2004-06-22 10:36:46 (UTC)
commit9c471976e750812f0af3b443964954d4b5a5ed20 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent9cff98cb70d8e3a69cefe718bf02720134c10bca (diff)
use stderr as default odebug output destination as pointed out by Brad
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opiecore/oglobalsettings.cpp b/libopie2/opiecore/oglobalsettings.cpp
index f34c531..89c77d7 100644
--- a/libopie2/opiecore/oglobalsettings.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opiecore/oglobalsettings.cpp
@@ -1,548 +1,549 @@
                This file is part of the Opie Project
              Copyright (C) 2003 Michael Lauer <>
Inspired by the KDE globalsettings which are
Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure <>
 _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can
.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU Library General Public
.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
 - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
    .%`+i>       _;_.
    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that
     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
..}^=.=       =       ; Library General Public License for more
++=   -.     .`     .: details.
 :     =  ...= . :.=-
 -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
  -_. . .   )=.  = Library General Public License along with
    --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* OPIE */
#include <opie2/oglobalsettings.h>
#include <opie2/oconfig.h>
+#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <opie2/oglobal.h>
/* QT */
#include <qdir.h>
/* UNIX */
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace Opie::Core;
QString* OGlobalSettings::s_desktopPath = 0;
QString* OGlobalSettings::s_autostartPath = 0;
QString* OGlobalSettings::s_trashPath = 0;
QString* OGlobalSettings::s_documentPath = 0;
QFont *OGlobalSettings::_generalFont = 0;
QFont *OGlobalSettings::_fixedFont = 0;
QFont *OGlobalSettings::_toolBarFont = 0;
QFont *OGlobalSettings::_menuFont = 0;
QFont *OGlobalSettings::_windowTitleFont = 0;
QFont *OGlobalSettings::_taskbarFont = 0;
QColor *OGlobalSettings::OpieGray = 0;
QColor *OGlobalSettings::OpieHighlight = 0;
QColor *OGlobalSettings::OpieAlternate = 0;
OGlobalSettings::OMouseSettings *OGlobalSettings::s_mouseSettings = 0;
//FIXME: Add manipulators to the accessors
int OGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "General" );
return c->readNumEntry("DndDelay", 2);
bool OGlobalSettings::singleClick()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "OPIE" );
return c->readBoolEntry("SingleClick", OPIE_DEFAULT_SINGLECLICK);
bool OGlobalSettings::insertTearOffHandle()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "OPIE" );
return c->readBoolEntry("InsertTearOffHandle", OPIE_DEFAULT_INSERTTEAROFFHANDLES);
bool OGlobalSettings::changeCursorOverIcon()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "OPIE" );
return c->readBoolEntry("ChangeCursor", OPIE_DEFAULT_CHANGECURSOR);
bool OGlobalSettings::visualActivate()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "OPIE" );
return c->readBoolEntry("VisualActivate", OPIE_DEFAULT_VISUAL_ACTIVATE);
unsigned int OGlobalSettings::visualActivateSpeed()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "OPIE" );
int OGlobalSettings::autoSelectDelay()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "OPIE" );
return c->readNumEntry("AutoSelectDelay", OPIE_DEFAULT_AUTOSELECTDELAY);
OGlobalSettings::Completion OGlobalSettings::completionMode()
int completion;
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "General" );
completion = c->readNumEntry("completionMode", -1);
if ((completion < (int) CompletionNone) ||
(completion > (int) CompletionPopupAuto))
completion = (int) CompletionPopup; // Default
return (Completion) completion;
bool OGlobalSettings::showContextMenusOnPress ()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs (c, "ContextMenus");
return cgs.config()->readBoolEntry("ShowOnPress", true);
int OGlobalSettings::contextMenuKey ()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs (c, "Shortcuts");
//OShortcut cut (cgs.config()->readEntry ("PopupMenuContext", "Menu"));
//return cut.keyCodeQt();
return 0; // FIXME
OGlobalSettings::Debug OGlobalSettings::debugMode()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "General" );
- int debug = c->readNumEntry( "debugMode", -1 );
+ int debug = c->readNumEntry( "debugMode", ODEBUG_STDERR );
if ( (debug < (int) DebugNone) || (debug > (int) DebugSocket) )
debug = (int) DebugStdErr; // Default
return (Debug) debug;
QString OGlobalSettings::debugOutput()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, "General" );
QString deflt = QString::null;
switch( debugMode() )
case DebugNone: break; // no additional information needed
case DebugFiles: deflt = "/var/log/opiedebug.log"; break; // file to save output in
case DebugMsgBox: break; // no additional information needed
case DebugStdErr: break; // no additional information needed
case DebugSysLog: break; // no additional information needed
case DebugSocket: deflt = ""; break; // address to send packets to
return c->readEntry( "debugOutput"+ QString::number(debugMode()), deflt );
QColor OGlobalSettings::toolBarHighlightColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("Toolbar style") );
return c->readColorEntry("HighlightColor", OpieHighlight);
QColor OGlobalSettings::inactiveTitleColor()
if (!OpieGray) OpieGray = new QColor(220, 220, 220);
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("WM") );
return c->readColorEntry( "inactiveBackground", OpieGray );
QColor OGlobalSettings::inactiveTextColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("WM") );
return c->readColorEntry( "inactiveForeground", &Qt::darkGray );
QColor OGlobalSettings::activeTitleColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("WM") );
return c->readColorEntry( "activeBackground", OpieHighlight);
QColor OGlobalSettings::activeTextColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("WM") );
return c->readColorEntry( "activeForeground", &Qt::white );
int OGlobalSettings::contrast()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("OPIE") );
return c->readNumEntry( "contrast", 7 );
// following functions should work in OPIE - how to sync with appearance changes?
QColor OGlobalSettings::baseColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("Appearance") );
return c->readColorEntry( "Base", &Qt::white );
QColor OGlobalSettings::textColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("Appearance") );
return c->readColorEntry( "Text", &Qt::black );
QColor OGlobalSettings::highlightedTextColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("Appearance") );
return c->readColorEntry( "HighlightedText", &Qt::white );
QColor OGlobalSettings::highlightColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("Appearance") );
return c->readColorEntry( "Highlight", OpieHighlight );
QColor OGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("Appearance") );
*OpieAlternate = calculateAlternateBackgroundColor( baseColor() );
return c->readColorEntry( "alternateBackground", OpieAlternate );
QColor OGlobalSettings::calculateAlternateBackgroundColor(const QColor& base)
if (base == Qt::white)
return QColor(238,246,255);
int h, s, v;
base.hsv( &h, &s, &v );
if (v > 128)
return base.dark(106);
else if (base != Qt::black)
return base.light(110);
return QColor(32,32,32);
QColor OGlobalSettings::linkColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("Appearance") );
return c->readColorEntry( "linkColor", OpieGray );
QColor OGlobalSettings::visitedLinkColor()
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("Appearance") );
return c->readColorEntry( "visitedLinkColor", &Qt::magenta );
// FIXME: font stuff currently uses a different format in OPIE, so the
// functions below are not yet applicable. The whole font stuff for OPIE
// has to be revised anyway
QFont OGlobalSettings::generalFont()
if (_generalFont)
return *_generalFont;
_generalFont = new QFont("helvetica", 10);
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("Appearance") );
*_generalFont = c->readFontEntry("font", _generalFont);
return *_generalFont;
QFont OGlobalSettings::fixedFont()
if (_fixedFont)
return *_fixedFont;
_fixedFont = new QFont("courier", 12);
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("General") );
*_fixedFont = c->readFontEntry("fixed", _fixedFont);
return *_fixedFont;
QFont OGlobalSettings::toolBarFont()
return *_toolBarFont;
_toolBarFont = new QFont("helvetica", 10);
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("General") );
*_toolBarFont = c->readFontEntry("toolBarFont", _toolBarFont);
return *_toolBarFont;
QFont OGlobalSettings::menuFont()
return *_menuFont;
_menuFont = new QFont("helvetica", 12);
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("General") );
*_menuFont = c->readFontEntry("menuFont", _menuFont);
return *_menuFont;
QFont OGlobalSettings::windowTitleFont()
return *_windowTitleFont;
_windowTitleFont = new QFont("helvetica", 12, QFont::Bold);
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("WM") );
*_windowTitleFont = c->readFontEntry("activeFont", _windowTitleFont); // inconsistency
return *_windowTitleFont;
QFont OGlobalSettings::taskbarFont()
return *_taskbarFont;
_taskbarFont = new QFont("helvetica", 8);
OConfig *c = OGlobal::config();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( c, QString::fromLatin1("General") );
*_taskbarFont = c->readFontEntry("taskbarFont", _taskbarFont);
return *_taskbarFont;
// FIXME: the whole path stuff has to be revised for OPIE
void OGlobalSettings::initStatic() // should be called initPaths(). Don't put anything else here.
if ( s_desktopPath != 0 )
s_desktopPath = new QString();
s_autostartPath = new QString();
s_trashPath = new QString();
s_documentPath = new QString();
OConfig *config = OGlobal::config();
//bool dollarExpansion = config->isDollarExpansion();
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( config, "Paths" );
// Desktop Path
*s_desktopPath = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/" + "Desktop" + "/";
*s_desktopPath = config->readEntry( "Desktop", *s_desktopPath);
if ( (*s_desktopPath)[0] != '/' )
s_desktopPath->prepend( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/" );
*s_desktopPath = QDir::cleanDirPath( *s_desktopPath );
if ( s_desktopPath->right(1) != "/")
*s_desktopPath += "/";
// Trash Path
*s_trashPath = *s_desktopPath + QObject::tr("Trash") + "/";
*s_trashPath = config->readEntry( "Trash" , *s_trashPath);
if ( (*s_trashPath)[0] != '/' )
s_trashPath->prepend( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/" );
*s_trashPath = QDir::cleanDirPath( *s_trashPath );
if ( s_trashPath->right(1) != "/")
*s_trashPath += "/";
// We need to save it in any case, in case the language changes later on,
if ( !config->hasKey( "Trash" ) )
//config->writePathEntry( "Trash", *s_trashPath, true, true );
config->writeEntry( "Trash", *s_trashPath );
/* // Autostart Path
*s_autostartPath = OGlobal::dirs()->localkdedir() + "Autostart" + "/";
*s_autostartPath = config->readEntry( "Autostart" , *s_autostartPath);
if ( (*s_autostartPath)[0] != '/' )
s_autostartPath->prepend( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/" );
*s_autostartPath = QDir::cleanDirPath( *s_autostartPath );
if ( s_autostartPath->right(1) != "/")
*s_autostartPath += "/";
// Document Path
*s_documentPath = QString::null;
*s_documentPath = config->readEntry( "Documents" , *s_documentPath);
if ( (*s_documentPath)[0] != '/' )
s_documentPath->prepend( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/" );
*s_documentPath = QDir::cleanDirPath( *s_documentPath );
if ( s_documentPath->right(1) != "/")
*s_documentPath += "/";
// Make sure this app gets the notifications about those paths
//if (kapp)
void OGlobalSettings::initColors()
if ( !OpieHighlight ) OpieHighlight = new QColor( 156, 118, 32 );
if ( !OpieAlternate ) OpieAlternate = new QColor( 238, 246, 255 );
if ( !OpieGray ) OpieGray = new QColor( 220, 210, 215 );
void OGlobalSettings::rereadFontSettings()
delete _generalFont;
_generalFont = 0L;
delete _fixedFont;
_fixedFont = 0L;
delete _menuFont;
_menuFont = 0L;
delete _toolBarFont;
_toolBarFont = 0L;
delete _windowTitleFont;
_windowTitleFont = 0L;
delete _taskbarFont;
_taskbarFont = 0L;
void OGlobalSettings::rereadPathSettings()
qDebug( "OGlobalSettings::rereadPathSettings" );
delete s_autostartPath;
s_autostartPath = 0L;
delete s_trashPath;
s_trashPath = 0L;
delete s_desktopPath;
s_desktopPath = 0L;
delete s_documentPath;
s_documentPath = 0L;
OGlobalSettings::OMouseSettings & OGlobalSettings::mouseSettings()
if ( ! s_mouseSettings )
s_mouseSettings = new OMouseSettings;
OMouseSettings & s = *s_mouseSettings; // for convenience
OConfigGroupSaver cgs( OGlobal::config(), "Mouse" );
QString setting = OGlobal::config()->readEntry("MouseButtonMapping");
if (setting == "RightHanded")
s.handed = OMouseSettings::RightHanded;
else if (setting == "LeftHanded")
s.handed = OMouseSettings::LeftHanded;
// FIXME: Implement for Opie / Qt Embedded
return *s_mouseSettings;
void OGlobalSettings::rereadMouseSettings()
delete s_mouseSettings;
s_mouseSettings = 0L;
// FIXME: This won't be necessary, or will it? :-D
bool OGlobalSettings::isMultiHead()
QCString multiHead = getenv("OPIE_MULTIHEAD");
if (!multiHead.isEmpty()) {
return (multiHead.lower() == "true");
return false;