authorzecke <zecke>2003-02-19 14:33:49 (UTC)
committer zecke <zecke>2003-02-19 14:33:49 (UTC)
commit5bf8efedcb7cdbf077591cb0a9a46cbe413ad8db (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentbd6e39ba0c38070d07c76b67a98d2e3ab3f84cb8 (diff)
time_t a long in our case may be < 0
This unfscks birthdays which occur in 1944 and other prior to starting of unix time
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/library/backend/event.cpp b/library/backend/event.cpp
index eb238a4..0003fe9 100644
--- a/library/backend/event.cpp
+++ b/library/backend/event.cpp
@@ -86,1044 +86,1044 @@ Qtopia::UidGen Event::sUidGen( Qtopia::UidGen::Qtopia );
\class The Event::RepeatPattern class is internal.
\enum Event::Days
\enum Event::Type
\enum Event::SoundTypeChoice
This enum type defines what kind of sound is made when an alarm occurs
for an event. The currently defined types are:
<li>\c Silent - No sound is produced.
<li>\c Loud - A loud sound is produced.
\fn bool Event::operator<( const Event & ) const
\fn bool Event::operator<=( const Event & ) const
\fn bool Event::operator!=( const Event & ) const
\fn bool Event::operator>( const Event & ) const
\fn bool Event::operator>=( const Event & ) const
\enum Event::RepeatType
This enum defines how a event will repeat, if at all.
<li>\c NoRepeat - Event does not repeat.
<li>\c Daily - Event occurs every n days.
<li>\c Weekly - Event occurs every n weeks.
<li>\c MonthlyDay - Event occurs every n months. Event will always occur in
the same week and same day of week as the first event.
<li>\c MonthlyDate - Event occurs every n months. Event will always occur
on the same day of the month as the first event.
<li>\c Yearly - Event occurs every n years.
\fn bool Event::isAllDay() const
Returns TRUE if the event is an all day event. Otherwise returns FALSE.
\fn void Event::setAllDay(bool allday)
If \a allday is TRUE, will set the event to be an all day event.
Otherwise sets the event to not be an all day event.
\warning This function may affect the start and end times of the event.
\fn QDateTime Event::start() const
Returns the start date and time of the first occurance of the event.
\fn QDateTime Event::end() const
Returns the end date and time of the first occurance of the event.
\fn time_t Event::startTime() const
\fn time_t Event::endTime() const
\fn void Event::setAlarm(int delay, SoundTypeChoice s)
Sets the alarm delay of the event to \a delay and the sound type of the
alarm to \a s.
\fn void Event::clearAlarm()
Clears the alarm for the event.
\fn int Event::alarmDelay() const
Returns the delay in minutes between the alarm for an event and the
start of the event.
\fn Event::RepeatType Event::repeatType() const
Returns the repeat pattern type for the event.
\sa frequency()
\fn int Event::weekOffset() const
Returns the number of weeks from the start of the month that this event
\fn QDate Event::repeatTill() const
Returns the date that the event will continue to repeat until. If the event
repeats forever the value returned is undefined.
\sa repeatForever()
\fn bool Event::repeatForever() const
Returns FALSE if there is a date set for the event to continue until.
Otherwise returns TRUE.
\fn bool Event::doRepeat() const
\fn bool Event::repeatOnWeekDay(int day) const
Returns TRUE if the event has a RepeatType of Weekly and is set to occur on
\a day each week. Otherwise returns FALSE.
\sa QDate::dayName()
\fn void Event::setRepeatOnWeekDay(int day, bool enable)
If \a enable is TRUE then sets the event to occur on \a day each week.
Otherwise sets the event not to occur on \a day.
\warning this function is only relavent for a event with RepeatType of
\sa QDate::dayName()
\fn int Event::frequency() const
Returns how often the event repeats.
\sa repeatType()
\fn void Event::setRepeatType(RepeatType t)
Sets the repeat pattern type of the event to \a t.
\sa setFrequency()
\fn void Event::setFrequency(int n)
Sets how often the event occurs with in its repeat pattern.
\sa setRepeatType()
\fn void Event::setRepeatTill(const QDate &d)
Sets the event to repeat until \a d.
\fn void Event::setRepeatForever(bool enable)
If \a enable is TRUE, sets the event to repeat forever. Otherwise
sets the event to stop repeating at some date.
\warning This function may affect the specific date the event will repeat
\fn bool Event::match(const QRegExp &r) const
Returns TRUE if the event matches the regular expression \a r.
Otherwise returns FALSE.
\fn char Event::day(int)
Creates a new, empty event.
Event::Event() : Record()
startUTC = endUTC = time( 0 );
typ = Normal;
hAlarm = FALSE;
hRepeat = FALSE;
aMinutes = 0;
aSound = Silent;
pattern.type = NoRepeat;
pattern.frequency = -1;
Event::Event( const QMap<int, QString> &map )
setDescription( map[DatebookDescription] );
setLocation( map[Location] );
setCategories( idsFromString( map[DatebookCategory] ) );
setTimeZone( map[TimeZone] );
setNotes( map[Note] );
setStart( TimeConversion::fromUTC( map[StartDateTime].toUInt() ) );
setEnd( TimeConversion::fromUTC( map[EndDateTime].toUInt() ) );
setType( (Event::Type) map[DatebookType].toInt() );
setAlarm( ( map[HasAlarm] == "1" ? TRUE : FALSE ), map[AlarmTime].toInt(), (Event::SoundTypeChoice)map[SoundType].toInt() );
Event::RepeatPattern p;
p.type = (Event::RepeatType) map[ RepeatPatternType ].toInt();
p.frequency = map[ RepeatPatternFrequency ].toInt();
p.position = map[ RepeatPatternPosition ].toInt();
p.days = map[ RepeatPatternDays ].toInt();
p.hasEndDate = map[ RepeatPatternHasEndDate ].toInt();
p.endDateUTC = map[ RepeatPatternEndDate ].toUInt();
setRepeat( p );
setUid( map[ DatebookUid ].toInt() );
Destroys an event.
int Event::week( const QDate& date )
// Calculates the week this date is in within that
// month. Equals the "row" is is in in the month view
int week = 1;
QDate tmp( date.year(), date.month(), 1 );
if ( date.dayOfWeek() < tmp.dayOfWeek() )
week += ( - 1 ) / 7;
return week;
int Event::occurrence( const QDate& date )
// calculates the number of occurrances of this day of the
// week till the given date (e.g 3rd Wednesday of the month)
return ( - 1 ) / 7 + 1;
int Event::dayOfWeek( char day )
int dayOfWeek = 1;
char i = Event::MON;
while ( !( i & day ) && i <= Event::SUN ) {
i <<= 1;
return dayOfWeek;
int Event::monthDiff( const QDate& first, const QDate& second )
return ( second.year() - first.year() ) * 12 +
second.month() - first.month();
QMap<int, QString> Event::toMap() const
QMap<int, QString> m;
if ( !description().isEmpty() )
m.insert( DatebookDescription, description() );
if ( !location().isEmpty() )
m.insert ( Location, location() );
if ( categories().count() )
m.insert ( DatebookCategory, idsToString( categories() ) );
if ( !timeZone().isEmpty() )
m.insert ( TimeZone, timeZone() );
if ( !notes().isEmpty() )
m.insert ( Note, notes() );
m.insert ( StartDateTime, QString::number( TimeConversion::toUTC( start() ) ) );
m.insert ( EndDateTime, QString::number( TimeConversion::toUTC( end() ) ) );
m.insert ( DatebookType, QString::number( (int)type() ) );
m.insert ( HasAlarm, ( hasAlarm() ? "1" : "0" ) );
m.insert ( SoundType, QString::number( (int)alarmSound() ) );
m.insert ( AlarmTime, QString::number( alarmTime() ) );
m.insert ( RepeatPatternType, QString::number( static_cast<int>( repeatPattern().type ) ) );
m.insert ( RepeatPatternFrequency, QString::number( repeatPattern().frequency ) );
m.insert ( RepeatPatternPosition, QString::number( repeatPattern().position ) );
m.insert ( RepeatPatternDays, QString::number( repeatPattern().days ) );
m.insert ( RepeatPatternHasEndDate, QString::number( static_cast<int>( repeatPattern().hasEndDate ) ) );
m.insert ( RepeatPatternEndDate, QString::number( repeatPattern().endDateUTC ) );
m.insert( DatebookUid, QString::number( uid()) );
return m;
void Event::setRepeat( const RepeatPattern &p )
setRepeat( p.type != NoRepeat, p );
Sets the description of the event to \a s.
void Event::setDescription( const QString &s )
descript = s;
Sets the location of the event to \a s.
void Event::setLocation( const QString &s )
locat = s;
// void Event::setCategory( const QString &s )
// {
// categ = s;
// }
void Event::setType( Type t )
typ = t;
Sets the start date and time of the first or only occurance of this event
to the date and time \a d. \a d should be in local time.
void Event::setStart( const QDateTime &d )
startUTC = TimeConversion::toUTC( d );
void Event::setStart( time_t time )
startUTC = time;
Sets the end date and time of the first or only occurance of this event
to the date and time \a d. \a d should be in local time.
void Event::setEnd( const QDateTime &d )
endUTC = TimeConversion::toUTC( d );
void Event::setEnd( time_t time )
endUTC = time;
void Event::setTimeZone( const QString &z )
tz = z;
void Event::setAlarm( bool b, int minutes, SoundTypeChoice s )
hAlarm = b;
aMinutes = minutes;
aSound = s;
void Event::setRepeat( bool b, const RepeatPattern &p )
hRepeat = b;
pattern = p;
Sets the notes for the event to \a n.
void Event::setNotes( const QString &n )
note = n;
Returns the description of the event.
const QString &Event::description() const
return descript;
Returns the location of the event.
const QString &Event::location() const
return locat;
// QString Event::category() const
// {
// return categ;
// }
Event::Type Event::type() const
return typ;
QDateTime Event::start() const {
return start( TRUE );
QDateTime Event::start( bool actual ) const
- QDateTime dt = (startUTC > 0) ? TimeConversion::fromUTC( startUTC ) : QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ QDateTime dt = TimeConversion::fromUTC( startUTC );
if ( actual && typ == AllDay ) {
QTime t = dt.time();
t.setHMS( 0, 0, 0 );
dt.setTime( t );
return dt;
QDateTime Event::end() const {
return end( TRUE );
QDateTime Event::end( bool actual ) const
- QDateTime dt = (endUTC > 0) ? TimeConversion::fromUTC( endUTC ) : QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ QDateTime dt = TimeConversion::fromUTC( endUTC );
if ( actual && typ == AllDay ) {
QTime t = dt.time();
t.setHMS( 23, 59, 59 );
dt.setTime( t );
return dt;
const QString &Event::timeZone() const
return tz;
bool Event::hasAlarm() const
return hAlarm;
int Event::alarmTime() const
return aMinutes;
Returns the sound type for the alarm of this event.
Event::SoundTypeChoice Event::alarmSound() const
return aSound;
bool Event::hasRepeat() const
return doRepeat();
const Event::RepeatPattern &Event::repeatPattern() const
return pattern;
Event::RepeatPattern &Event::repeatPattern()
return pattern;
Returns the notes for the event.
const QString &Event::notes() const
return note;
bool Event::operator==( const Event &e ) const
if ( uid() && e.uid() == uid() )
return TRUE;
return ( e.descript == descript &&
e.locat == locat &&
e.categ == categ &&
e.typ == typ &&
e.startUTC == startUTC &&
e.endUTC == endUTC && == tz &&
e.hAlarm == hAlarm &&
e.aMinutes == aMinutes &&
e.aSound == aSound &&
e.hRepeat == hRepeat &&
e.pattern == pattern &&
e.note == note );
Appends the contact information to \a buf.
void Event::save( QString& buf )
buf += " description=\"" + Qtopia::escapeString(descript) + "\"";
if ( !locat.isEmpty() )
buf += " location=\"" + Qtopia::escapeString(locat) + "\"";
// save the categoies differently....
QString strCats = idsToString( categories() );
buf += " categories=\"" + Qtopia::escapeString(strCats) + "\"";
buf += " uid=\"" + QString::number( uid() ) + "\"";
if ( (Type)typ != Normal )
buf += " type=\"AllDay\"";
if ( hAlarm ) {
buf += " alarm=\"" + QString::number( aMinutes ) + "\" sound=\"";
if ( aSound == Event::Loud )
buf += "loud";
buf += "silent";
buf += "\"";
if ( hRepeat )
write( buf, pattern );
buf += " start=\""
+ QString::number( startUTC )
+ "\"";
buf += " end=\""
+ QString::number( endUTC )
+ "\"";
if ( !note.isEmpty() )
buf += " note=\"" + Qtopia::escapeString( note ) + "\"";
buf += customToXml();
bool Event::RepeatPattern::operator==( const Event::RepeatPattern &right ) const
// *sigh*
return ( type == right.type
&& frequency == right.frequency
&& position == right.position
&& days == right.days
&& hasEndDate == right.hasEndDate
&& endDateUTC == right.endDateUTC
&& createTime == right.createTime );
\class EffectiveEvent
\brief The EffectiveEvent class the data for a single occurance of an event.
This class describes the event for a single occurance of it. For example if
an Event occurs every week, the effective event might represent the third
occurance of this Event.
\ingroup qtopiaemb
\ingroup qtopiadesktop
\warning This class will be phased out in Qtopia 3.x
\enum EffectiveEvent::Position
\fn EffectiveEvent &EffectiveEvent::operator=(const EffectiveEvent &)
class EffectiveEventPrivate
//currently the existence of the d pointer means multi-day repeating,
//msut be changed if we use the d pointer for anything else.
QDate startDate;
QDate endDate;
mDate = QDate::currentDate();
mStart = mEnd = QTime::currentTime();
d = 0;
EffectiveEvent::EffectiveEvent( const Event &e, const QDate &date, Position pos )
mEvent = e;
mDate = date;
if ( pos & Start )
mStart = e.start( TRUE ).time();
mStart = QTime( 0, 0, 0 );
if ( pos & End )
mEnd = e.end( TRUE ).time();
mEnd = QTime( 23, 59, 59 );
d = 0;
delete d;
EffectiveEvent::EffectiveEvent( const EffectiveEvent &e )
d = 0;
*this = e;
EffectiveEvent& EffectiveEvent::operator=( const EffectiveEvent & e )
if ( &e == this )
return *this;
delete d;
if ( e.d ) {
d = new EffectiveEventPrivate;
d->startDate = e.d->startDate;
d->endDate = e.d->endDate;
} else {
d = 0;
mEvent = e.mEvent;
mDate = e.mDate;
mStart = e.mStart;
mEnd = e.mEnd;
return *this;
// QString EffectiveEvent::category() const
// {
// return mEvent.category();
// }
Returns the description of the event for this effective event.
const QString &EffectiveEvent::description( ) const
return mEvent.description();
const QString &EffectiveEvent::location( ) const
return mEvent.location();
const QString &EffectiveEvent::notes() const
return mEvent.notes();
Returns the event associated with this effective event.
const Event &EffectiveEvent::event() const
return mEvent;
const QTime &EffectiveEvent::end() const
return mEnd;
const QTime &EffectiveEvent::start() const
return mStart;
Returns the date the effective event occurs on.
const QDate &EffectiveEvent::date() const
return mDate;
int EffectiveEvent::length() const
return (mEnd.hour() * 60 - mStart.hour() * 60)
+ QABS(mStart.minute() - mEnd.minute() );
void EffectiveEvent::setDate( const QDate &dt )
mDate = dt;
void EffectiveEvent::setStart( const QTime &start )
mStart = start;
void EffectiveEvent::setEnd( const QTime &end )
mEnd = end;
void EffectiveEvent::setEvent( Event e )
mEvent = e;
bool EffectiveEvent::operator<( const EffectiveEvent &e ) const
if ( mDate < )
return TRUE;
if ( mDate == )
return ( mStart < e.start() );
return FALSE;
bool EffectiveEvent::operator<=( const EffectiveEvent &e ) const
return (mDate <= );
bool EffectiveEvent::operator==( const EffectiveEvent &e ) const
return ( mDate ==
&& mStart == e.start()
&& mEnd == e.end()
&& mEvent == e.event() );
bool EffectiveEvent::operator!=( const EffectiveEvent &e ) const
return !(*this == e);
bool EffectiveEvent::operator>( const EffectiveEvent &e ) const
return !(*this <= e );
bool EffectiveEvent::operator>=(const EffectiveEvent &e) const
return !(*this < e);
void EffectiveEvent::setEffectiveDates( const QDate &from, const QDate &to )
if ( !from.isValid() ) {
delete d;
d = 0;
if ( !d )
d = new EffectiveEventPrivate;
d->startDate = from;
d->endDate = to;
QDate EffectiveEvent::startDate() const
if ( d )
return d->startDate;
else if ( mEvent.hasRepeat() )
return mDate; // single day, since multi-day should have a d pointer
return mEvent.start().date();
QDate EffectiveEvent::endDate() const
if ( d )
return d->endDate;
else if ( mEvent.hasRepeat() )
return mDate; // single day, since multi-day should have a d pointer
return mEvent.end().date();
int EffectiveEvent::size() const
return ( mEnd.hour() - mStart.hour() ) * 3600
+ (mEnd.minute() - mStart.minute() * 60
+ mEnd.second() - mStart.second() );
// vcal conversion code
static inline VObject *safeAddPropValue( VObject *o, const char *prop, const QString &value )
VObject *ret = 0;
if ( o && !value.isEmpty() )
ret = addPropValue( o, prop, value.latin1() );
return ret;
static inline VObject *safeAddProp( VObject *o, const char *prop)
VObject *ret = 0;
if ( o )
ret = addProp( o, prop );
return ret;
* Until we support vCal/iCal right
* we will make DTSTART and other things
* be floating in the sense of
* RFC 2445
namespace {
* Convert QDateTime to iso8601 but take
* local time and do not use the Z at the end
QCString toISOLocal( const QDateTime& dt ) {
QCString str;
* year month day T Hour Minute Second
* 4 2 2 2 2 2 digits
dt.time().second() );
qWarning("Str ist %s", );
return str;
static VObject *createVObject( const Event &e )