authorzecke <zecke>2003-08-29 18:04:43 (UTC)
committer zecke <zecke>2003-08-29 18:04:43 (UTC)
commit18cae99f1deb15213074a8fb96f79eae4b0c5a43 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent885c645ee48ae53467e244521c011c73bc106afb (diff)
Patch provided by mithro
I've included 2 patches need to make opie support on the fly screen resolution changing. This is done with the following, qcop "QPE/System" "setCurrentMode(int,int,int)" 480 640 16 This is good for running applications in compatibility mode on the C700. As you can see there isn't much to these patches.
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/qpeapplication.cpp b/library/qpeapplication.cpp
index 149e6bb..71ec5b3 100644
--- a/library/qpeapplication.cpp
+++ b/library/qpeapplication.cpp
@@ -558,1137 +558,1183 @@ void QPEApplication::processQCopFile()
and emitted as signals, such as flush() and reload().
Constructs a QPEApplication just as you would construct
a QApplication, passing \a argc, \a argv, and \a t.
For applications, \a t should be the default, GuiClient. Only
the Qtopia server passes GuiServer.
QPEApplication::QPEApplication( int & argc, char **argv, Type t )
: QApplication( hack(argc), argv, t ), pidChannel( 0 )
d = new QPEApplicationData;
int dw = desktop() ->width();
if ( dw < 200 ) {
setFont( QFont( "vera", 8 ) );
AppLnk::setSmallIconSize( 10 );
AppLnk::setBigIconSize( 28 );
else if ( dw > 600 ) {
setFont( QFont( "vera", 16 ) );
AppLnk::setSmallIconSize( 24 );
AppLnk::setBigIconSize( 48 );
else if ( dw > 200 ) {
setFont( QFont( "vera", 10 ) );
AppLnk::setSmallIconSize( 14 );
AppLnk::setBigIconSize( 32 );
QMimeSourceFactory::setDefaultFactory( new ResourceMimeFactory );
connect( this, SIGNAL( lastWindowClosed() ), this, SLOT( hideOrQuit() ) );
sysChannel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/System", this );
connect( sysChannel, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ) ),
this, SLOT( systemMessage( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ) ) );
/* COde now in initapp */
#if 0
#if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP)
QString qcopfn( "/tmp/qcop-msg-" );
qcopfn += QString( argv[ 0 ] ); // append command name
QFile f( qcopfn );
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
flock( f.handle(), LOCK_EX );
QCString channel = QCString( argv[ 0 ] );
channel.replace( QRegExp( ".*/" ), "" );
d->appName = channel;
channel = "QPE/Application/" + channel;
pidChannel = new QCopChannel( channel, this );
connect( pidChannel, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ) ),
this, SLOT( pidMessage( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ) ) );
if ( f.isOpen() ) {
d->keep_running = FALSE;
QDataStream ds( &f );
QCString channel, message;
QByteArray data;
while ( !ds.atEnd() ) {
ds >> channel >> message >> data;
d->enqueueQCop( channel, message, data );
flock( f.handle(), LOCK_UN );
for ( int a = 0; a < argc; a++ ) {
if ( qstrcmp( argv[ a ], "-preload" ) == 0 ) {
argv[ a ] = argv[ a + 1 ];
d->preloaded = TRUE;
argc -= 1;
else if ( qstrcmp( argv[ a ], "-preload-show" ) == 0 ) {
argv[ a ] = argv[ a + 1 ];
d->preloaded = TRUE;
d->forceshow = TRUE;
argc -= 1;
/* overide stored arguments */
setArgs( argc, argv );
initApp( argc, argv );
// qwsSetDecoration( new QPEDecoration() );
d->langs = Global::languageList();
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = d->langs.begin(); it != d->langs.end(); ++it ) {
QString lang = *it;
installTranslation( lang + "/libopie.qm");
installTranslation( lang + "/libqpe.qm" );
installTranslation( lang + "/" + d->appName + ".qm" );
//###language/font hack; should look it up somewhere
#ifdef QWS
if ( lang == "ja" || lang == "zh_CN" || lang == "zh_TW" || lang == "ko" ) {
QFont fn = FontManager::unicodeFont( FontManager::Proportional );
setFont( fn );
if ( type() == GuiServer ) {
installEventFilter( this );
// if we have no cursor, probably don't want tooltips
QToolTip::setEnabled( FALSE );
void QPEApplication::initApp( int argc, char **argv )
delete pidChannel;
d->keep_running = TRUE;
d->preloaded = FALSE;
d->forceshow = FALSE;
QCString channel = QCString(argv[0]);
d->appName = channel;
#if QT_VERSION > 235
qt_fbdpy->setIdentity( channel ); // In Qt/E 2.3.6
channel = "QPE/Application/" + channel;
pidChannel = new QCopChannel( channel, this);
connect( pidChannel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString &, const QByteArray &)),
this, SLOT(pidMessage(const QCString &, const QByteArray &)));
d->keep_running = d->qcopq.isEmpty();
for (int a=0; a<argc; a++) {
if ( qstrcmp(argv[a],"-preload")==0 ) {
argv[a] = argv[a+1];
d->preloaded = TRUE;
} else if ( qstrcmp(argv[a],"-preload-show")==0 ) {
argv[a] = argv[a+1];
d->preloaded = TRUE;
d->forceshow = TRUE;
/* overide stored arguments */
setArgs(argc, argv);
/* install translation here */
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = d->langs.begin(); it != d->langs.end(); ++it )
installTranslation( (*it) + "/" + d->appName + ".qm" );
static QPtrDict<void>* inputMethodDict = 0;
static void createInputMethodDict()
if ( !inputMethodDict )
inputMethodDict = new QPtrDict<void>;
Returns the currently set hint to the system as to whether
widget \a w has any use for text input methods.
\sa setInputMethodHint() InputMethodHint
QPEApplication::InputMethodHint QPEApplication::inputMethodHint( QWidget * w )
if ( inputMethodDict && w )
return ( InputMethodHint ) ( int ) inputMethodDict->find( w );
return Normal;
\enum QPEApplication::InputMethodHint
\value Normal the application sometimes needs text input (the default).
\value AlwaysOff the application never needs text input.
\value AlwaysOn the application always needs text input.
Hints to the system that widget \a w has use for text input methods
as specified by \a mode.
\sa inputMethodHint() InputMethodHint
void QPEApplication::setInputMethodHint( QWidget * w, InputMethodHint mode )
if ( mode == Normal ) {
( w );
else {
inputMethodDict->insert( w, ( void* ) mode );
class HackDialog : public QDialog
void acceptIt()
void rejectIt()
void QPEApplication::mapToDefaultAction( QWSKeyEvent * ke, int key )
// specialised actions for certain widgets. May want to
// add more stuff here.
if ( activePopupWidget() && activePopupWidget() ->inherits( "QListBox" )
&& activePopupWidget() ->parentWidget()
&& activePopupWidget() ->parentWidget() ->inherits( "QComboBox" ) )
key = Qt::Key_Return;
if ( activePopupWidget() && activePopupWidget() ->inherits( "QPopupMenu" ) )
key = Qt::Key_Return;
#ifdef QWS
ke->simpleData.keycode = key;
class HackWidget : public QWidget
bool needsOk()
return ( getWState() & WState_Reserved1 );
#ifdef QWS
bool QPEApplication::qwsEventFilter( QWSEvent * e )
if ( !d->notbusysent && e->type == QWSEvent::Focus ) {
if ( qApp->type() != QApplication::GuiServer ) {
QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "notBusy(QString)" );
e << d->appName;
d->notbusysent = TRUE;
if ( type() == GuiServer ) {
switch ( e->type ) {
case QWSEvent::Mouse:
if ( e->asMouse() ->simpleData.state && !QWidget::find( e->window() ) )
emit clientMoused();
if ( e->type == QWSEvent::Key ) {
QWSKeyEvent *ke = ( QWSKeyEvent * ) e;
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Qt::Key_F33 ) {
// Use special "OK" key to press "OK" on top level widgets
QWidget * active = activeWindow();
QWidget *popup = 0;
if ( active && active->isPopup() ) {
popup = active;
active = active->parentWidget();
if ( active && ( int ) active->winId() == ke->simpleData.window &&
!active->testWFlags( WStyle_Customize | WType_Popup | WType_Desktop ) ) {
if ( ke->simpleData.is_press ) {
if ( popup )
if ( active->inherits( "QDialog" ) ) {
HackDialog * d = ( HackDialog * ) active;
return TRUE;
else if ( ( ( HackWidget * ) active ) ->needsOk() ) {
QSignal s;
s.connect( active, SLOT( accept() ) );
else {
// do the same as with the select key: Map to the default action of the widget:
mapToDefaultAction( ke, Qt::Key_Return );
else if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Qt::Key_F30 ) {
// Use special "select" key to do whatever default action a widget has
mapToDefaultAction( ke, Qt::Key_Space );
else if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Qt::Key_Escape &&
ke->simpleData.is_press ) {
// Escape key closes app if focus on toplevel
QWidget * active = activeWindow();
if ( active && active->testWFlags( WType_TopLevel ) &&
( int ) active->winId() == ke->simpleData.window &&
!active->testWFlags( WStyle_Dialog | WStyle_Customize | WType_Popup | WType_Desktop ) ) {
if ( active->inherits( "QDialog" ) ) {
HackDialog * d = ( HackDialog * ) active;
return TRUE;
else if ( strcmp( argv() [ 0 ], "embeddedkonsole" ) != 0 ) {
else if ( ke->simpleData.keycode >= Qt::Key_F1 && ke->simpleData.keycode <= Qt::Key_F29 ) {
// this should be if ( ODevice::inst ( )-> buttonForKeycode ( ... ))
// but we cannot access libopie function within libqpe :(
QWidget * active = activeWindow ( );
if ( active && ((int) active-> winId ( ) == ke-> simpleData.window )) {
if ( d-> kbgrabbed ) { // we grabbed the keyboard
QChar ch ( ke-> simpleData.unicode );
QKeyEvent qke ( ke-> simpleData. is_press ? QEvent::KeyPress : QEvent::KeyRelease,
ke-> simpleData.keycode,
ch. latin1 ( ),
ke-> simpleData.modifiers,
QString ( ch ),
ke-> simpleData.is_auto_repeat, 1 );
QObject *which = QWidget::keyboardGrabber ( );
if ( !which )
which = QApplication::focusWidget ( );
if ( !which )
which = QApplication::activeWindow ( );
if ( !which )
which = qApp;
QApplication::sendEvent ( which, &qke );
else { // we didn't grab the keyboard, so send the event to the launcher
QCopEnvelope e ( "QPE/Launcher", "deviceButton(int,int,int)" );
e << int( ke-> simpleData.keycode ) << int( ke-> simpleData. is_press ) << int( ke-> simpleData.is_auto_repeat );
return true;
if ( e->type == QWSEvent::Focus ) {
QWSFocusEvent * fe = ( QWSFocusEvent* ) e;
if ( !fe->simpleData.get_focus ) {
QWidget * active = activeWindow();
while ( active && active->isPopup() ) {
active = activeWindow();
else {
// make sure our modal widget is ALWAYS on top
QWidget *topm = activeModalWidget();
if ( topm ) {
if ( fe->simpleData.get_focus && inputMethodDict ) {
InputMethodHint m = inputMethodHint( QWidget::find( e->window() ) );
if ( m == AlwaysOff )
if ( m == AlwaysOn )
return QApplication::qwsEventFilter( e );
Destroys the QPEApplication.
#if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP)
// Need to delete QCopChannels early, since the display will
// be gone by the time we get to ~QObject().
delete sysChannel;
delete pidChannel;
delete d;
Returns <tt>$OPIEDIR/</tt>.
QString QPEApplication::qpeDir()
const char * base = getenv( "OPIEDIR" );
if ( base )
return QString( base ) + "/";
return QString( "../" );
Returns the user's current Document directory. There is a trailing "/".
.. well, it does now,, and there's no trailing '/'
QString QPEApplication::documentDir()
const char* base = getenv( "HOME");
if ( base )
return QString( base ) + "/Documents";
return QString( "../Documents" );
static int deforient = -1;
int QPEApplication::defaultRotation()
if ( deforient < 0 ) {
QString d = getenv( "QWS_DISPLAY" );
if ( d.contains( "Rot90" ) ) {
deforient = 90;
else if ( d.contains( "Rot180" ) ) {
deforient = 180;
else if ( d.contains( "Rot270" ) ) {
deforient = 270;
else {
deforient = 0;
return deforient;
void QPEApplication::setDefaultRotation( int r )
if ( qApp->type() == GuiServer ) {
deforient = r;
setenv( "QWS_DISPLAY", QString( "Transformed:Rot%1:0" ).arg( r ).latin1(), 1 );
Config config("qpe");
config.setGroup( "Rotation" );
config.writeEntry( "Rot", r );
else {
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
{ QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "setDefaultRotation(int)" );
e << r;
+#include <qgfx_qws.h>
+#include <qwindowsystem_qws.h>
+#include <qpixmapcache.h>
+extern void qws_clearLoadedFonts();
+inline void QPEApplication::setCurrentMode( int x, int y, int depth )
+ // Reset the caches
+ qws_clearLoadedFonts();
+ QPixmapCache::clear();
+ // Change the screen mode
+ qt_screen->setMode(x, y, depth);
+ if ( qApp->type() == GuiServer ) {
+ // Reconfigure the GuiServer
+ qwsServer->beginDisplayReconfigure();
+ qwsServer->endDisplayReconfigure();
+ // Get all the running apps to reset
+ QCopEnvelope env( "QPE/System", "reset()" );
+ }
+inline void QPEApplication::reset() {
+ // Reconnect to the screen
+ qt_screen->disconnect();
+ qt_screen->connect( QString::null );
+ // Redraw everything
+ applyStyle();
void QPEApplication::applyStyle()
Config config( "qpe" );
config.setGroup( "Appearance" );
#if QT_VERSION > 233
// don't block ourselves ...
Opie::force_appearance = 0;
static QString appname = Opie::binaryName ( );
QStringList ex = config. readListEntry ( "NoStyle", ';' );
int nostyle = 0;
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = ex. begin ( ); it != ex. end ( ); ++it ) {
if ( QRegExp (( *it ). mid ( 1 ), false, true ). find ( appname, 0 ) >= 0 ) {
nostyle = ( *it ). left ( 1 ). toInt ( 0, 32 );
// Widget style
QString style = config.readEntry( "Style", "FlatStyle" );
// don't set a custom style
if ( nostyle & Opie::Force_Style )
style = "FlatStyle";
internalSetStyle ( style );
// Colors - from /etc/colors/Liquid.scheme
QColor bgcolor( config.readEntry( "Background", "#E0E0E0" ) );
QColor btncolor( config.readEntry( "Button", "#96c8fa" ) );
QPalette pal( btncolor, bgcolor );
QString color = config.readEntry( "Highlight", "#73adef" );
pal.setColor( QColorGroup::Highlight, QColor( color ) );
color = config.readEntry( "HighlightedText", "#FFFFFF" );
pal.setColor( QColorGroup::HighlightedText, QColor( color ) );
color = config.readEntry( "Text", "#000000" );
pal.setColor( QColorGroup::Text, QColor( color ) );
color = config.readEntry( "ButtonText", "#000000" );
pal.setColor( QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::ButtonText, QColor( color ) );
color = config.readEntry( "Base", "#FFFFFF" );
pal.setColor( QColorGroup::Base, QColor( color ) );
pal.setColor( QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text,
pal.color( QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Background ).dark() );
setPalette( pal, TRUE );
// Window Decoration
QString dec = config.readEntry( "Decoration", "Flat" );
// don't set a custom deco
if ( nostyle & Opie::Force_Decoration )
dec = "";
//qDebug ( "Setting Deco: %s -- old %s (%d)", dec.latin1(), d-> decorationName.latin1(), nostyle);
if ( dec != d->decorationName ) {
qwsSetDecoration( new QPEDecoration( dec ) );
d->decorationName = dec;
// Font
QString ff = config.readEntry( "FontFamily", font().family() );
int fs = config.readNumEntry( "FontSize", font().pointSize() );
// don't set a custom font
if ( nostyle & Opie::Force_Font ) {
ff = "Vera";
fs = 10;
setFont ( QFont ( ff, fs ), true );
// revert to global blocking policy ...
Opie::force_appearance = config. readBoolEntry ( "ForceStyle", false ) ? Opie::Force_All : Opie::Force_None;
Opie::force_appearance &= ~nostyle;
void QPEApplication::systemMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data )
#ifdef Q_WS_QWS
QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly );
if ( msg == "applyStyle()" ) {
else if ( msg == "toggleApplicationMenu()" ) {
QWidget *active = activeWindow ( );
if ( active ) {
QPEMenuToolFocusManager *man = QPEMenuToolFocusManager::manager ( );
bool oldactive = man-> isActive ( );
man-> setActive( !man-> isActive() );
if ( !oldactive && !man-> isActive ( )) { // no menubar to toggle -> try O-Menu
QCopEnvelope e ( "QPE/TaskBar", "toggleStartMenu()" );
else if ( msg == "setDefaultRotation(int)" ) {
if ( type() == GuiServer ) {
int r;
stream >> r;
setDefaultRotation( r );
+ else if ( msg == "setCurrentMode(int,int,int)" ) { // Added: 2003-06-11 by Tim Ansell <>
+ if ( type() == GuiServer ) {
+ int x, y, depth;
+ stream >> x;
+ stream >> y;
+ stream >> depth;
+ setCurrentMode( x, y, depth );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( msg == "reset()" ) {
+ if ( type() != GuiServer )
+ reset();
+ }
else if ( msg == "setCurrentRotation(int)" ) {
int r;
stream >> r;
setCurrentRotation( r );
else if ( msg == "shutdown()" ) {
if ( type() == GuiServer )
else if ( msg == "quit()" ) {
if ( type() != GuiServer )
else if ( msg == "forceQuit()" ) {
if ( type() != GuiServer )
else if ( msg == "restart()" ) {
if ( type() == GuiServer )
else if ( msg == "language(QString)" ) {
if ( type() == GuiServer ) {
QString l;
stream >> l;
QString cl = getenv( "LANG" );
if ( cl != l ) {
if ( l.isNull() )
unsetenv( "LANG" );
setenv( "LANG", l.latin1(), 1 );
else if ( msg == "timeChange(QString)" ) {
QString t;
stream >> t;
if ( t.isNull() )
unsetenv( "TZ" );
setenv( "TZ", t.latin1(), 1 );
// emit the signal so everyone else knows...
emit timeChanged();
else if ( msg == "addAlarm(QDateTime,QCString,QCString,int)" ) {
if ( type() == GuiServer ) {
QDateTime when;
QCString channel, message;
int data;
stream >> when >> channel >> message >> data;
AlarmServer::addAlarm( when, channel, message, data );
else if ( msg == "deleteAlarm(QDateTime,QCString,QCString,int)" ) {
if ( type() == GuiServer ) {
QDateTime when;
QCString channel, message;
int data;
stream >> when >> channel >> message >> data;
AlarmServer::deleteAlarm( when, channel, message, data );
else if ( msg == "clockChange(bool)" ) {
int tmp;
stream >> tmp;
emit clockChanged( tmp );
else if ( msg == "weekChange(bool)" ) {
int tmp;
stream >> tmp;
emit weekChanged( tmp );
else if ( msg == "setDateFormat(DateFormat)" ) {
DateFormat tmp;
stream >> tmp;
emit dateFormatChanged( tmp );
else if ( msg == "setVolume(int,int)" ) {
int t, v;
stream >> t >> v;
setVolume( t, v );
emit volumeChanged( muted );
else if ( msg == "volumeChange(bool)" ) {
stream >> muted;
emit volumeChanged( muted );
else if ( msg == "setMic(int,int)" ) { // Added: 2002-02-08 by Jeremy Cowgar <>
int t, v;
stream >> t >> v;
setMic( t, v );
emit micChanged( micMuted );
else if ( msg == "micChange(bool)" ) { // Added: 2002-02-08 by Jeremy Cowgar <>
stream >> micMuted;
emit micChanged( micMuted );
else if ( msg == "setBass(int,int)" ) { // Added: 2002-12-13 by Maximilian Reiss <>
int t, v;
stream >> t >> v;
setBass( t, v );
else if ( msg == "bassChange(bool)" ) { // Added: 2002-12-13 by Maximilian Reiss <>
else if ( msg == "setTreble(int,int)" ) { // Added: 2002-12-13 by Maximilian Reiss <>
int t, v;
stream >> t >> v;
setTreble( t, v );
else if ( msg == "trebleChange(bool)" ) { // Added: 2002-12-13 by Maximilian Reiss <>
} else if ( msg == "getMarkedText()" ) {
if ( type() == GuiServer ) {
const ushort unicode = 'C'-'@';
const int scan = Key_C;
qwsServer->processKeyEvent( unicode, scan, ControlButton, TRUE, FALSE );
qwsServer->processKeyEvent( unicode, scan, ControlButton, FALSE, FALSE );
} else if ( msg == "newChannel(QString)") {
QString myChannel = "QPE/Application/" + d->appName;
QString channel;
stream >> channel;
if (channel == myChannel) {
#include <qmetaobject.h>
QWidget *QPEApplication::nextWidget(QWidgetList* list, QWidget* _wid) {
QWidget *next = 0;
if ( list->isEmpty() || list->count() == 1 )
next = _wid;
QWidget* wid;
uint idx = list->findRef( _wid );
uint count = list->count();
/* one time through the list hacky we may not start with idx but end with it*/
for (uint i = (idx + 1)%count; true; i=(i+1)%count ) {
wid = list->at(i);
if ( wid == _wid ) {
next = _wid;
}else if ((( wid->inherits("QMainWindow") ||
wid->inherits("QDialog") ) &&
wid != qApp->desktop() && !wid->isHidden() ) ||
( wid == mainWidget() || wid == d->qpe_main_widget ) ){
next = wid;
delete list;
return next;
// ########## raise()ing main window should raise and set active
// ########## it and then all childen. This belongs in Qt/Embedded
* slightly change in behaviour to kill the need of modality in Opie
* If any of the topLevelWidgets !isFullyObscured we highlight the next
* top level window
* 1)If visible and not modal we iterate over the list of top level widgets
* 2)If modal we we make the modal and its parent toplevel widget visible if available
* 3)else make topLevel visible
* send qcop if necessary and save current visible widget if not modal
bool QPEApplication::raiseAppropriateWindow()
bool r = FALSE;
QWidget *top = d->qpe_main_widget ? d->qpe_main_widget : mainWidget();
/* 1. */
if ( ( top && (top->isVisible() ) || ( d->lastWidget && d->lastWidget->isVisible() ) ) &&
!activeModalWidget() ) {
r = TRUE;
/*wid will be valid and topLevelWidgets will be deleted properly.. */
QWidget *wid = nextWidget( topLevelWidgets(),
d->lastWidget ? (QWidget*)d->lastWidget : top );
/* keep the size window got but not for root*/
if ( top == wid )
d->show_mx(top, d->nomaximize );
d->lastWidget = wid;
}else if ( activeModalWidget() ) {
QWidget* mod = activeModalWidget();
/* get the parent of the modal and its topLevelWidget as background widget */
QWidget* par = activeModalWidget()->parentWidget() ? activeModalWidget()->parentWidget()->topLevelWidget() : 0;
if (par ) {
if (par == top )
d->show_mx(par, d->nomaximize );
}else if (top){
d->show_mx(top, d->nomaximize );
d->lastWidget = top;
if (!r && d->preloaded ) {
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "fastAppShowing(QString)");
e << d->appName;
return r;
void QPEApplication::pidMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data)
#ifdef Q_WS_QWS
if ( msg == "quit()" ) {
else if ( msg == "quitIfInvisible()" ) {
if ( d->qpe_main_widget && !d->qpe_main_widget->isVisible() )
else if ( msg == "close()" ) {
else if ( msg == "disablePreload()" ) {
d->preloaded = FALSE;
d->keep_running = TRUE;
/* so that quit will quit */
else if ( msg == "enablePreload()" ) {
if (d->qpe_main_widget)
d->preloaded = TRUE;
d->keep_running = TRUE;
/* so next quit won't quit */
else if ( msg == "raise()" ) {
d->keep_running = TRUE;
d->notbusysent = FALSE;
// Tell the system we're still chugging along...
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "appRaised(QString)");
e << d->appName;
else if ( msg == "flush()" ) {
emit flush();
// we need to tell the desktop
QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/Desktop", "flushDone(QString)" );
e << d->appName;
else if ( msg == "reload()" ) {
emit reload();
else if ( msg == "setDocument(QString)" ) {
d->keep_running = TRUE;
QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly );
QString doc;
stream >> doc;
QWidget *mw = mainWidget();
if ( !mw )
mw = d->qpe_main_widget;
if ( mw )
Global::setDocument( mw, doc );
} else if ( msg == "QPEProcessQCop()" ) {
bool p = d->keep_running;
d->keep_running = FALSE;
emit appMessage( msg, data);
if ( d->keep_running ) {
d->notbusysent = FALSE;
if ( !p ) {
// Tell the system we're still chugging along...
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "appRaised(QString)");
e << d->appName;
if ( p )
d->keep_running = p;
Sets widget \a mw as the mainWidget() and shows it. For small windows,
consider passing TRUE for \a nomaximize rather than the default FALSE.
\sa showMainDocumentWidget()
void QPEApplication::showMainWidget( QWidget* mw, bool nomaximize )
d->show(mw, nomaximize );
Sets widget \a mw as the mainWidget() and shows it. For small windows,
consider passing TRUE for \a nomaximize rather than the default FALSE.
This calls designates the application as
a \link docwidget.html document-oriented\endlink application.
The \a mw widget \e must have this slot: setDocument(const QString&).
\sa showMainWidget()
void QPEApplication::showMainDocumentWidget( QWidget* mw, bool nomaximize )
if ( mw && argc() == 2 )
Global::setDocument( mw, QString::fromUtf8(argv()[1]) );
d->show(mw, nomaximize );
If an application is started via a \link qcop.html QCop\endlink
message, the application will process the \link qcop.html
QCop\endlink message and then quit. If the application calls this
function while processing a \link qcop.html QCop\endlink message,
after processing its outstanding \link qcop.html QCop\endlink
messages the application will start 'properly' and show itself.
\sa keepRunning()
void QPEApplication::setKeepRunning()
if ( qApp && qApp->inherits( "QPEApplication" ) ) {
QPEApplication * qpeApp = ( QPEApplication* ) qApp;
qpeApp->d->keep_running = TRUE;
Returns TRUE if the application will quit after processing the
current list of qcop messages; otherwise returns FALSE.
\sa setKeepRunning()
bool QPEApplication::keepRunning() const
return d->keep_running;
void QPEApplication::internalSetStyle( const QString &style )
#if QT_VERSION >= 300
if ( style == "QPE" ) {
setStyle( new QPEStyle );
else {
QStyle *s = QStyleFactory::create( style );
if ( s )
setStyle( s );
if ( style == "Windows" ) {
setStyle( new QWindowsStyle );
else if ( style == "QPE" ) {
setStyle( new QPEStyle );
else if ( style == "Light" ) {
setStyle( new LightStyle );
else if ( style == "Platinum" ) {
setStyle( new QPlatinumStyle );
else if ( style == "Motif" ) {
setStyle( new QMotifStyle );
else if ( style == "MotifPlus" ) {
setStyle( new QMotifPlusStyle );
else {
QStyle *sty = 0;
QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir ( ) + "/plugins/styles/";
if ( style. find ( ".so" ) > 0 )
path += style;
path = path + "lib" + style. lower ( ) + ".so"; // compatibility
static QLibrary *lastlib = 0;
static StyleInterface *lastiface = 0;
QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary ( path );
StyleInterface *iface = 0;
if (( lib-> queryInterface ( IID_Style, ( QUnknownInterface ** ) &iface ) == QS_OK ) && iface )
sty = iface-> style ( );
if ( sty ) {
setStyle ( sty );
if ( lastiface )
lastiface-> release ( );
lastiface = iface;
if ( lastlib ) {
lastlib-> unload ( );
delete lastlib;
lastlib = lib;
else {
if ( iface )
iface-> release ( );
delete lib;
setStyle ( new LightStyle ( ));
void QPEApplication::prepareForTermination( bool willrestart )
if ( willrestart ) {
// Draw a big wait icon, the image can be altered in later revisions
// QWidget *d = QApplication::desktop();
QImage img = Resource::loadImage( "launcher/new_wait" );
QPixmap pix;
pix.convertFromImage( img.smoothScale( 1 * img.width(), 1 * img.height() ) );
QLabel *lblWait = new QLabel( 0, "wait hack!", QWidget::WStyle_Customize |
QWidget::WStyle_NoBorder | QWidget::WStyle_Tool );
lblWait->setPixmap( pix );
lblWait->setAlignment( QWidget::AlignCenter );
#ifndef SINGLE_APP
{ QCopEnvelope envelope( "QPE/System", "forceQuit()" );
processEvents(); // ensure the message goes out.
sleep( 1 ); // You have 1 second to comply.
void QPEApplication::shutdown()
// Implement in server's QPEApplication subclass
void QPEApplication::restart()
// Implement in server's QPEApplication subclass
static QPtrDict<void>* stylusDict = 0;
static void createDict()
if ( !stylusDict )
stylusDict = new QPtrDict<void>;
Returns the current StylusMode for widget \a w.
\sa setStylusOperation() StylusMode
QPEApplication::StylusMode QPEApplication::stylusOperation( QWidget* w )
if ( stylusDict )
diff --git a/library/qpeapplication.h b/library/qpeapplication.h
index 343e0b9..42810e8 100644
--- a/library/qpeapplication.h
+++ b/library/qpeapplication.h
@@ -1,207 +1,209 @@
** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include <stdlib.h> // for setenv()
#include <qglobal.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qdialog.h>
#include <qwsdisplay_qws.h>
#if defined(_WS_QWS_) && !defined(Q_WS_QWS)
#define Q_WS_QWS
#include "qpedecoration_qws.h"
#include "timestring.h"
class QCopChannel;
class QPEApplicationData;
class QWSEvent;
class QWSKeyEvent;
class QPEApplication : public QApplication
QPEApplication( int& argc, char **argv, Type=GuiClient );
static QString qpeDir();
static QString documentDir();
void applyStyle();
+ void reset();
static int defaultRotation();
static void setDefaultRotation(int r);
static void setCurrentRotation(int r);
+ static void setCurrentMode(int x, int y, int depth );
static void grabKeyboard();
static void ungrabKeyboard();
enum StylusMode {
// RightOnHoldLeftDelayed, etc.
static void setStylusOperation( QWidget*, StylusMode );
static StylusMode stylusOperation( QWidget* );
enum InputMethodHint {
enum screenSaverHint {
Disable = 0,
DisableLightOff = 1,
DisableSuspend = 2,
Enable = 100
static void setInputMethodHint( QWidget *, InputMethodHint );
static InputMethodHint inputMethodHint( QWidget * );
void showMainWidget( QWidget*, bool nomax=FALSE );
void showMainDocumentWidget( QWidget*, bool nomax=FALSE );
static void showDialog( QDialog*, bool nomax=FALSE );
static int execDialog( QDialog*, bool nomax=FALSE );
/* Merge setTempScreenSaverMode */
void initApp( int argv, char **argv );
static void setKeepRunning();
bool keepRunning() const;
bool keyboardGrabbed() const;
int exec();
void clientMoused();
void timeChanged();
void clockChanged( bool pm );
void micChanged( bool muted );
void volumeChanged( bool muted );
void appMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data);
void weekChanged( bool startOnMonday );
void dateFormatChanged( DateFormat );
void flush();
void reload();
/* linkChanged signal */
private slots:
void systemMessage( const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data );
void pidMessage( const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data );
void removeSenderFromStylusDict();
void hideOrQuit();
inline QWidget *nextWidget( QWidgetList*, QWidget* );
bool qwsEventFilter( QWSEvent * );
void internalSetStyle( const QString &style );
void prepareForTermination(bool willrestart);
virtual void restart();
virtual void shutdown();
bool eventFilter( QObject *, QEvent * );
void timerEvent( QTimerEvent * );
bool raiseAppropriateWindow();
virtual void tryQuit();
#if QT_VERSION > 233
virtual void polish ( QWidget * ); // this is actually implemented in qt_override.cpp (!)
void installTranslation( const QString& baseName );
void mapToDefaultAction( QWSKeyEvent *ke, int defKey );
void processQCopFile();
#if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP)
QCopChannel *sysChannel;
QCopChannel *pidChannel;
QPEApplicationData *d;
bool reserved_sh;
inline void QPEApplication::showDialog( QDialog* d, bool nomax )
QSize sh = d->sizeHint();
int w = QMAX(sh.width(),d->width());
int h = QMAX(sh.height(),d->height());
if ( !nomax
&& ( w > qApp->desktop()->width()*3/4
|| h > qApp->desktop()->height()*3/4 ) )
} else {
inline int QPEApplication::execDialog( QDialog* d, bool nomax )
return d->exec();
enum Transformation { Rot0, Rot90, Rot180, Rot270 }; /* from qgfxtransformed_qws.cpp */
inline int TransToDeg ( Transformation t )
int d = static_cast<int>( t );
return d * 90;
inline Transformation DegToTrans ( int d )
Transformation t = static_cast<Transformation>( d / 90 );
return t;
* Set current rotation of Opie, and rotation for newly started apps.
* Differs from setDefaultRotation in that 1) it rotates currently running apps,
* and 2) does not set deforient or save orientation to qpe.conf.
inline void QPEApplication::setCurrentRotation( int r )
// setTransformation has been introduced in Qt/Embedded 2.3.4 snapshots
// for compatibility with the SharpROM use fallback to setDefaultTransformation()
#if QT_VERSION > 233
Transformation e = DegToTrans( r );
::setenv( "QWS_DISPLAY", QString( "Transformed:Rot%1:0" ).arg( r ).latin1(), 1 );
qApp->desktop()->qwsDisplay()->setTransformation( e );
setDefaultRotation( r );