authortux_mike <tux_mike>2002-04-02 01:42:34 (UTC)
committer tux_mike <tux_mike>2002-04-02 01:42:34 (UTC)
commitf830e73250189b0c9ca06df437c04d1c29e81359 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent83d80c254e77aee34e579fc01679ffb0bfa4599b (diff)
Minor changes for Sharp rom compatability, fixed an annoying bug with edit and the chooser fields.
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp b/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp
index 66e94ef..6d92ac3 100644
--- a/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp
@@ -388,131 +388,131 @@ void ContactEditor::init() {
vb->addWidget( svDetails, 0, 0 );
svDetails->setResizePolicy( QScrollView::AutoOneFit );
svDetails->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
container = new QWidget( svDetails->viewport() );
svDetails->addChild( container );
gl = new QGridLayout( container, 1, 2, 2, 3 );
QStringList::ConstIterator it = slDynamicEntries->begin();
for (i = 0; it != slDynamicEntries->end(); i++, ++it) {
l = new QLabel( *it, container );
listName.append( l );
gl->addWidget( l, i, 0 );
QLineEdit *e = new QLineEdit( container );
listValue.append( e );
gl->addWidget( e, i, 1);
l = new QLabel( tr("Gender"), container );
gl->addWidget( l, slDynamicEntries->count(), 0 );
cmbGender = new QComboBox( container );
cmbGender->insertItem( "", 0 );
cmbGender->insertItem( tr("Male"), 1);
cmbGender->insertItem( tr("Female"), 2);
gl->addWidget( cmbGender, slDynamicEntries->count(), 1 );
tabMain->insertTab( tabViewport, tr( "Details" ) );
dlgNote = new QDialog( this, "Note Dialog", TRUE );
dlgNote->setCaption( tr("Enter Note") );
QVBoxLayout *vbNote = new QVBoxLayout( dlgNote );
txtNote = new QMultiLineEdit( dlgNote );
vbNote->addWidget( txtNote );
connect( btnNote, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotNote()) );
dlgName = new QDialog( this, "Name Dialog", TRUE );
dlgName->setCaption( tr("Edit Name") );
gl = new QGridLayout( dlgName, 4, 2, 2, 3 );
l = new QLabel( tr("First Name"), dlgName );
gl->addWidget( l, 0, 0 );
txtFirstName = new QLineEdit( dlgName );
gl->addWidget( txtFirstName, 0, 1 );
l = new QLabel( tr("Middle Name"), dlgName );
gl->addWidget( l, 1, 0 );
txtMiddleName = new QLineEdit( dlgName );
gl->addWidget( txtMiddleName, 1, 1 );
l = new QLabel( tr("Last Name"), dlgName );
gl->addWidget( l, 2, 0 );
txtLastName = new QLineEdit( dlgName );
gl->addWidget( txtLastName, 2, 1 );
l = new QLabel( tr("Suffix"), dlgName );
gl->addWidget( l, 3, 0 );
txtSuffix = new QLineEdit( dlgName );
gl->addWidget( txtSuffix, 3, 1 );
cmbChooserField1->insertStringList( *slChooserNames );
cmbChooserField2->insertStringList( *slChooserNames );
cmbChooserField3->insertStringList( *slChooserNames );
- cmbChooserField1->setCurrentItem( 1 );
- cmbChooserField2->setCurrentItem( 2 );
- cmbChooserField3->setCurrentItem( 3 );
+ cmbChooserField1->setCurrentItem( 0 );
+ cmbChooserField2->setCurrentItem( 1 );
+ cmbChooserField3->setCurrentItem( 2 );
connect( btnFullName, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotName()) );
connect( txtFullName, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotFullNameChange(const QString &)) );
connect( txtChooserField1, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotChooser1Change(const QString &)) );
connect( txtChooserField2, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotChooser2Change(const QString &)) );
connect( txtChooserField3, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotChooser3Change(const QString &)) );
connect( txtAddress, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotAddressChange(const QString &)) );
//connect( txtAddress2, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotAddress2Change(const QString &)) );
//connect( txtPOBox, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotPOBoxChange(const QString &)) );
connect( txtCity, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotCityChange(const QString &)) );
connect( txtState, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotStateChange(const QString &)) );
connect( txtZip, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotZipChange(const QString &)) );
connect( cmbCountry, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotCountryChange(const QString &)) );
connect( cmbCountry, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotCountryChange(const QString &)) );
connect( cmbChooserField1, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotCmbChooser1Change(int)) );
connect( cmbChooserField2, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotCmbChooser2Change(int)) );
connect( cmbChooserField3, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotCmbChooser3Change(int)) );
connect( cmbAddress, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotAddressTypeChange(int)) );
new QPEDialogListener(this);
void ContactEditor::initMap()
// since the fields and the XML fields exist, create a map
// between them...
Config cfg1( "AddressBook" );
Config cfg2( "AddressBook" );
QString strCfg1,
int i;
// This stuff better exist...
cfg1.setGroup( "AddressFields" );
o cfg2.setGroup( "XMLFields" );
i = 0;
strCfg1 = cfg1.readEntry( "Field" + QString::number(i), QString::null );
strCfg2 = cfg2.readEntry( "XMLField" + QString::number(i++),
QString::null );
while ( !strCfg1.isNull() && !strCfg2.isNull() ) {
mapField.insert( strCfg1, strCfg2 );
strCfg1 = cfg1.readEntry( "Field" + QString::number(i),
QString::null );
strCfg2 = cfg2.readEntry( "XMLField" + QString::number(i++),
QString::null );
void ContactEditor::slotChooser1Change( const QString &textChanged ) {
int index = cmbChooserField1->currentItem();
(*slChooserValues)[index] = textChanged;
void ContactEditor::slotChooser2Change( const QString &textChanged ) {
int index = cmbChooserField2->currentItem();
(*slChooserValues)[index] = textChanged;
@@ -898,475 +898,497 @@ QString ContactEditor::parseName( const QString fullName, int type ) {
return strFirstName + " " + strMiddleName + " " + strLastName + " " + strSuffix;
case NAME_F:
return strFirstName;
case NAME_M:
return strMiddleName;
case NAME_L:
return strLastName;
case NAME_S:
return strSuffix;
void ContactEditor::cleanupFields() {
QStringList::Iterator it = slChooserValues->begin();
for ( int i = 0; it != slChooserValues->end(); i++, ++it ) {
(*it) = "";
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
(*slHomeAddress)[i] = "";
(*slBusinessAddress)[i] = "";
QStringList::ConstIterator cit;
QListIterator<QLineEdit> itLE( listValue );
for ( cit = slDynamicEntries->begin(); cit != slDynamicEntries->end(); ++cit, ++itLE) {
(*itLE)->setText( "" );
QLineEdit *txtTmp = cmbCountry->lineEdit();
txtTmp = cmbFileAs->lineEdit();
void ContactEditor::setEntry( const Contact &entry ) {
ent = entry;
useFullName = FALSE;
txtFirstName->setText( ent.firstName() );
txtMiddleName->setText( ent.middleName() );
txtLastName->setText( ent.lastName() );
txtSuffix->setText( ent.suffix() );
QString *tmpString = new QString;
*tmpString = ent.firstName() + " " + ent.middleName() +
+ " " + ent.lastName() + " " + ent.suffix();
txtFullName->setText( tmpString->simplifyWhiteSpace() );
cmbFileAs->setEditText( ent.fileAs() );
if (hasTitle)
txtJobTitle->setText( ent.jobTitle() );
if (hasCompany)
txtOrganization->setText( );
if (hasNotes)
txtNote->setText( ent.notes() );
if (hasStreet) {
(*slHomeAddress)[0] = ent.homeStreet();
(*slBusinessAddress)[0] = ent.businessStreet();
if (hasStreet2) {
(*slHomeAddress)[1] = ent.homeStreet2();
(*slBusinessAddress)[1] = ent.businessStreet2();
if (hasPOBox) {
(*slHomeAddress)[2] = ent.homePOBox();
(*slBusinessAddress)[2] = ent.businessPOBox();
if (hasCity) {
(*slHomeAddress)[3] = ent.homeCity();
(*slBusinessAddress)[3] = ent.homeCity();
if (hasState) {
(*slHomeAddress)[4] = ent.homeState();
(*slBusinessAddress)[4] = ent.businessState();
if (hasZip) {
(*slHomeAddress)[5] = ent.homeZip();
(*slBusinessAddress)[5] = ent.businessZip();
+ if (hasCountry) {
+ (*slHomeAddress)[6] = ent.homeCountry();
+ (*slBusinessAddress)[6] = ent.businessCountry();
+ }
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
QListIterator<QLineEdit> itLE( listValue );
for ( it = slDynamicEntries->begin(); it != slDynamicEntries->end(); ++it, ++itLE) {
if ( *it == "Department" )
(*itLE)->setText( ent.department() );
if ( *it == "Company" )
(*itLE)->setText( );
if ( *it == "Office" )
(*itLE)->setText( );
if ( *it == "Profession" )
(*itLE)->setText( ent.profession() );
if ( *it == "Assistant" )
(*itLE)->setText( ent.assistant() );
if ( *it == "Manager" )
(*itLE)->setText( ent.manager() );
if ( *it == "Spouse" )
(*itLE)->setText( ent.spouse() );
if ( *it == "Birthday" )
(*itLE)->setText( ent.birthday() );
if ( *it == "Anniversary" )
(*itLE)->setText( ent.anniversary() );
if ( *it == "Nickname" )
(*itLE)->setText( ent.nickname() );
if ( *it == "Children" )
(*itLE)->setText( ent.children() );
QStringList::Iterator itV;
for ( it = slChooserNames->begin(), itV = slChooserValues->begin(); it != slChooserNames->end(); ++it, ++itV ) {
- if ( *it == "Business Phone" )
+ if ( *it == "Business Phone" || *it == "Work Phone" )
*itV = ent.businessPhone();
if ( *it == "Business 2 Phone" )
*itV = ent.business2Phone();
- if ( *it == "Business Fax" )
+ if ( *it == "Business Fax" || *it == "Work Fax" )
*itV = ent.businessFax();
- if ( *it == "Business Mobile" )
+ if ( *it == "Business Mobile" || *it == "work Mobile" )
*itV = ent.businessMobile();
if ( *it == "Company Phone" )
*itV = ent.companyPhone();
if ( *it == "Default Email" )
*itV = ent.defaultEmail();
if ( *it == "Emails" )
*itV = ent.emails();
if ( *it == "Home Phone" )
*itV = ent.homePhone();
if ( *it == "Home 2 Phone" )
*itV = ent.home2Phone();
if ( *it == "Home Fax" )
*itV = ent.homeFax();
if ( *it == "Home Mobile" )
*itV = ent.homeMobile();
if ( *it == "Car Phone" )
*itV = ent.carPhone();
if ( *it == "ISDN Phone" )
*itV = ent.ISDNPhone();
if ( *it == "Other Phone" )
*itV = ent.otherPhone();
- if ( *it == "Business Pager" )
+ if ( *it == "Business Pager" || *it == "Work Pager" )
*itV = ent.businessPager();
if ( *it == "Home Pager")
*itV = ent.homePager();
if ( *it == "AIM IM" )
*itV = ent.AIMIM();
if ( *it == "ICQ IM" )
*itV = ent.ICQIM();
if ( *it == "Jabber IM" )
*itV = ent.jabberIM();
if ( *it == "MSN IM" )
*itV = ent.MSNIM();
if ( *it == "Yahoo IM" )
*itV = ent.yahooIM();
if ( *it == "Home Web Page" )
*itV = ent.homeWebpage();
- if ( *it == "Business Web Page" )
+ if ( *it == "Business Web Page" || *it == "Work Web Page" )
*itV = ent.businessWebpage();
cmbCat->setCategories( ent.categories(), "Contacts", tr("Contacts") );
QString gender = ent.gender();
cmbGender->setCurrentItem( gender.toInt() );
txtNote->setText( ent.notes() );
+ slotCmbChooser1Change( cmbChooserField1->currentItem() );
+ slotCmbChooser2Change( cmbChooserField2->currentItem() );
+ slotCmbChooser3Change( cmbChooserField3->currentItem() );
+ slotAddressTypeChange( cmbAddress->currentItem() );
void ContactEditor::saveEntry() {
if ( useFullName == TRUE ) {
txtFirstName->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_F ) );
txtMiddleName->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_M ) );
txtLastName->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_L ) );
txtSuffix->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_S ) );
useFullName = FALSE;
/*if ( ent.firstName() != txtFirstName->text() ||
ent.lastName != txtLastName->text() ||
ent.middleName != txtMiddleName->text() ) {
ent.setFirstName( txtFirstName->text() );
ent.setLastName( txtLastName->text() );
ent.setMiddleName( txtMiddleName->text() );
ent.setFileAs( cmbFileAs->currentText() );
ent.setCategories( cmbCat->currentCategories() );
if (hasTitle)
ent.setJobTitle( txtJobTitle->text() );
if (hasCompany)
ent.setCompany( txtOrganization->text() );
if (hasNotes)
ent.setNotes( txtNote->text() );
if (hasStreet) {
ent.setHomeStreet( (*slHomeAddress)[0] );
ent.setBusinessStreet( (*slBusinessAddress)[0] );
if (hasStreet2) {
ent.setHomeStreet2( (*slHomeAddress)[1] );
ent.setBusinessStreet2( (*slBusinessAddress)[1] );
if (hasPOBox) {
ent.setHomePOBox( (*slHomeAddress)[2] );
ent.setBusinessPOBox( (*slBusinessAddress)[2] );
if (hasCity) {
ent.setHomeCity( (*slHomeAddress)[3] );
ent.setBusinessCity( (*slBusinessAddress)[3] );
if (hasState) {
ent.setHomeState( (*slHomeAddress)[4] );
ent.setBusinessState( (*slBusinessAddress)[4] );
if (hasZip) {
ent.setHomeZip( (*slHomeAddress)[5] );
ent.setBusinessZip( (*slBusinessAddress)[5] );
+ if (hasCountry) {
+ ent.setHomeCountry( (*slHomeAddress)[6] );
+ ent.setBusinessCountry( (*slBusinessAddress)[6] );
+ }
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
QListIterator<QLineEdit> itLE( listValue );
for ( it = slDynamicEntries->begin(); it != slDynamicEntries->end(); ++it, ++itLE) {
if ( *it == "Department" )
ent.setDepartment( (*itLE)->text() );
if ( *it == "Company" )
ent.setCompany( (*itLE)->text() );
if ( *it == "Office" )
ent.setOffice( (*itLE)->text() );
if ( *it == "Profession" )
ent.setProfession( (*itLE)->text() );
if ( *it == "Assistant" )
ent.setAssistant( (*itLE)->text() );
if ( *it == "Manager" )
ent.setManager( (*itLE)->text() );
if ( *it == "Spouse" )
ent.setSpouse( (*itLE)->text() );
if ( *it == "Birthday" )
ent.setBirthday( (*itLE)->text() );
if ( *it == "Anniversary" )
ent.setAnniversary( (*itLE)->text() );
if ( *it == "Nickname" )
ent.setNickname( (*itLE)->text() );
if ( *it == "Children" )
ent.setChildren( (*itLE)->text() );
QStringList::ConstIterator itV;
for ( it = slChooserNames->begin(), itV = slChooserValues->begin(); it != slChooserNames->end(); ++it, ++itV ) {
- if ( *it == "Business Phone" )
+ if ( *it == "Business Phone" || *it == "Work Phone" )
ent.setBusinessPhone( *itV );
if ( *it == "Business 2 Phone" )
ent.setBusiness2Phone( *itV );
- if ( *it == "Business Fax" )
+ if ( *it == "Business Fax" || *it == "Work Fax" )
ent.setBusinessFax( *itV );
- if ( *it == "Business Mobile" )
+ if ( *it == "Business Mobile" || *it == "Work Mobile" )
ent.setBusinessMobile( *itV );
if ( *it == "Company Phone" )
ent.setCompanyPhone( *itV );
- if ( *it == "Default Email" )
- ent.setDefaultEmail( *itV );
- if ( *it == "Emails" )
+ //if ( *it == "Default Email" )
+ //ent.setDefaultEmail( *itV );
+ if ( *it == "Emails" ) {
+ QString allemail;
+ QString defaultmail;
+ parseEmailFrom( *itV, defaultmail, allemail );
+ ent.setDefaultEmail( defaultmail );
ent.setEmails( *itV );
+ }
if ( *it == "Home Phone" )
ent.setHomePhone( *itV );
if ( *it == "Home 2 Phone" )
ent.setHome2Phone( *itV );
if ( *it == "Home Fax" )
ent.setHomeFax( *itV );
if ( *it == "Home Mobile" )
ent.setHomeMobile( *itV );
if ( *it == "Car Phone" )
ent.setCarPhone( *itV );
if ( *it == "ISDN Phone" )
ent.setISDNPhone( *itV );
if ( *it == "Other Phone" )
ent.setOtherPhone( *itV );
- if ( *it == "Business Pager" )
+ if ( *it == "Business Pager" || *it == "Work Pager" )
ent.setBusinessPager( *itV );
if ( *it == "Home Pager" )
ent.setHomePager( *itV );
if ( *it == "AIM IM" )
ent.setAIMIM( *itV );
if ( *it == "ICQ IM" )
ent.setICQIM( *itV );
if ( *it == "Jabber IM" )
ent.setJabberIM( *itV );
if ( *it == "MSN IM" )
ent.setMSNIM( *itV );
if ( *it == "Yahoo IM" )
ent.setYahooIM( *itV );
if ( *it == "Home Web Page" )
ent.setHomeWebpage( *itV );
- if ( *it == "Business Web Page" )
+ if ( *it == "Business Web Page" || *it == "Work Web Page" )
ent.setBusinessWebpage( *itV );
int gender = cmbGender->currentItem();
ent.setGender( QString::number( gender ) );
QString str = txtNote->text();
if ( !str.isNull() )
ent.setNotes( str );
void parseEmailFrom( const QString &txt, QString &strDefaultEmail,
QString &strAll )
int where,
if ( txt.isEmpty() )
// find the first
where = txt.find( ',' );
if ( where < 0 ) {
strDefaultEmail = txt;
strAll = txt;
} else {
strDefaultEmail = txt.left( where ).stripWhiteSpace();
strAll = strDefaultEmail;
while ( where > -1 ) {
strAll.append(" ");
start = where;
where = txt.find( ',', where + 1 );
if ( where > - 1 )
strAll.append( txt.mid(start + 1, where - start - 1).stripWhiteSpace() );
else // grab until the end...
strAll.append( txt.right(txt.length() - start - 1).stripWhiteSpace() );
void parseEmailTo( const QString &strDefaultEmail,
const QString &strOtherEmail, QString &strBack )
// create a comma dilimeted set of emails...
// use the power of short circuiting...
bool foundDefault = false;
QString strTmp;
int start = 0;
int where;
// start at the beginng.
strBack = strDefaultEmail;
where = 0;
while ( where > -1 ) {
start = where;
where = strOtherEmail.find( ' ', where + 1 );
if ( where > 0 ) {
strTmp = strOtherEmail.mid( start, where - start ).stripWhiteSpace();
} else
strTmp = strOtherEmail.right( strOtherEmail.length() - start ).stripWhiteSpace();
if ( foundDefault || strTmp != strDefaultEmail ) {
strBack.append( ", " );
strBack.append( strTmp );
} else