authormickeyl <mickeyl>2003-05-07 13:44:23 (UTC)
committer mickeyl <mickeyl>2003-05-07 13:44:23 (UTC)
commit4619398b4712062e65d1919156edea38785c590e (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent83f53eede83728c131b1134ae0a674a7d8f6f00a (diff)
fix bug kergoth introduced in rev 1.43
fd was an integer static to the function which means that the assignment only happens once. This is ok, when we don't close the device, but not if we close it after usage. Thanks to eilers for confirming! I wonder why noone else spotted this...
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/libopie/odevice.cpp b/libopie/odevice.cpp
index 62e3569..7d862cd 100644
--- a/libopie/odevice.cpp
+++ b/libopie/odevice.cpp
@@ -539,904 +539,904 @@ void ODevice::touchSound ( )
if ( snd. isFinished ( ))
snd. play ( );
* This method will return a list of leds
* available on this device
* @return a list of LEDs.
QValueList <OLed> ODevice::ledList ( ) const
return QValueList <OLed> ( );
* This does return the state of the LEDs
QValueList <OLedState> ODevice::ledStateList ( OLed /*which*/ ) const
return QValueList <OLedState> ( );
* @return the state for a given OLed
OLedState ODevice::ledState ( OLed /*which*/ ) const
return Led_Off;
* Set the state for a LED
* @param which Which OLed to use
* @param st The state to set
* @return success or failure
bool ODevice::setLedState ( OLed which, OLedState st )
Q_UNUSED( which )
Q_UNUSED( st )
return false;
* @return if the device has a light sensor
bool ODevice::hasLightSensor ( ) const
return false;
* @return a value from the light senso
int ODevice::readLightSensor ( )
return -1;
* @return the light sensor resolution whatever that is ;)
int ODevice::lightSensorResolution ( ) const
return 0;
* @return a list of hardware buttons
const QValueList <ODeviceButton> &ODevice::buttons ( )
initButtons ( );
return *d-> m_buttons;
* @return The amount of time that would count as a hold
uint ODevice::buttonHoldTime ( ) const
return d-> m_holdtime;
* This method return a ODeviceButton for a key code
* or 0 if no special hardware button is available for the device
* @return The devicebutton or 0l
* @see ODeviceButton
const ODeviceButton *ODevice::buttonForKeycode ( ushort code )
initButtons ( );
for ( QValueListConstIterator<ODeviceButton> it = d-> m_buttons-> begin ( ); it != d-> m_buttons-> end ( ); ++it ) {
if ( (*it). keycode ( ) == code )
return &(*it);
return 0;
void ODevice::reloadButtonMapping ( )
initButtons ( );
Config cfg ( "ButtonSettings" );
for ( uint i = 0; i < d-> m_buttons-> count ( ); i++ ) {
ODeviceButton &b = ( *d-> m_buttons ) [i];
QString group = "Button" + QString::number ( i );
QCString pch, hch;
QCString pm, hm;
QByteArray pdata, hdata;
if ( cfg. hasGroup ( group )) {
cfg. setGroup ( group );
pch = cfg. readEntry ( "PressedActionChannel" ). latin1 ( );
pm = cfg. readEntry ( "PressedActionMessage" ). latin1 ( );
// pdata = decodeBase64 ( buttonFile. readEntry ( "PressedActionArgs" ));
hch = cfg. readEntry ( "HeldActionChannel" ). latin1 ( );
hm = cfg. readEntry ( "HeldActionMessage" ). latin1 ( );
// hdata = decodeBase64 ( buttonFile. readEntry ( "HeldActionArgs" ));
b. setPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( pch, pm, pdata ));
b. setHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( hch, hm, hdata ));
void ODevice::remapPressedAction ( int button, const OQCopMessage &action )
initButtons ( );
QString mb_chan;
if ( button >= (int) d-> m_buttons-> count ( ))
ODeviceButton &b = ( *d-> m_buttons ) [button];
b. setPressedAction ( action );
mb_chan=b. pressedAction ( ). channel ( );
Config buttonFile ( "ButtonSettings" );
buttonFile. setGroup ( "Button" + QString::number ( button ));
buttonFile. writeEntry ( "PressedActionChannel", (const char*) mb_chan);
buttonFile. writeEntry ( "PressedActionMessage", (const char*) b. pressedAction ( ). message ( ));
// buttonFile. writeEntry ( "PressedActionArgs", encodeBase64 ( b. pressedAction ( ). data ( )));
QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "deviceButtonMappingChanged()" );
void ODevice::remapHeldAction ( int button, const OQCopMessage &action )
initButtons ( );
if ( button >= (int) d-> m_buttons-> count ( ))
ODeviceButton &b = ( *d-> m_buttons ) [button];
b. setHeldAction ( action );
Config buttonFile ( "ButtonSettings" );
buttonFile. setGroup ( "Button" + QString::number ( button ));
buttonFile. writeEntry ( "HeldActionChannel", (const char *) b. heldAction ( ). channel ( ));
buttonFile. writeEntry ( "HeldActionMessage", (const char *) b. heldAction ( ). message ( ));
// buttonFile. writeEntry ( "HeldActionArgs", decodeBase64 ( b. heldAction ( ). data ( )));
QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "deviceButtonMappingChanged()" );
* iPAQ
void iPAQ::init ( )
d-> m_vendorstr = "HP";
d-> m_vendor = Vendor_HP;
QFile f ( "/proc/hal/model" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) {
QTextStream ts ( &f );
d-> m_modelstr = "H" + ts. readLine ( );
if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3100" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H31xx;
else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3600" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H36xx;
else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3700" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H37xx;
else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3800" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H38xx;
else if ( d-> m_modelstr == "H3900" )
d-> m_model = Model_iPAQ_H39xx;
d-> m_model = Model_Unknown;
f. close ( );
switch ( d-> m_model ) {
case Model_iPAQ_H31xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H38xx:
d-> m_rotation = Rot90;
case Model_iPAQ_H36xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H37xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H39xx:
d-> m_rotation = Rot270;
f. setName ( "/etc/familiar-version" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) {
d-> m_systemstr = "Familiar";
d-> m_system = System_Familiar;
QTextStream ts ( &f );
d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( ). mid ( 10 );
f. close ( );
} else {
f. setName ( "/etc/oz_version" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) {
d-> m_systemstr = "OpenEmbedded/iPaq";
d-> m_system = System_Familiar;
QTextStream ts ( &f );
ts.setDevice ( &f );
d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( );
f. close ( );
m_leds [0] = m_leds [1] = Led_Off;
m_power_timer = 0;
void iPAQ::initButtons ( )
if ( d-> m_buttons )
if ( isQWS( ) )
QWSServer::setKeyboardFilter ( this );
d-> m_buttons = new QValueList <ODeviceButton>;
for ( uint i = 0; i < ( sizeof( ipaq_buttons ) / sizeof( i_button )); i++ ) {
i_button *ib = ipaq_buttons + i;
ODeviceButton b;
if (( ib-> model & d-> m_model ) == d-> m_model ) {
b. setKeycode ( ib-> code );
b. setUserText ( QObject::tr ( "Button", ib-> utext ));
b. setPixmap ( Resource::loadPixmap ( ib-> pix ));
b. setFactoryPresetPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( ib-> fpressedservice ), ib-> fpressedaction ));
b. setFactoryPresetHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( ib-> fheldservice ), ib-> fheldaction ));
d-> m_buttons-> append ( b );
reloadButtonMapping ( );
QCopChannel *sysch = new QCopChannel ( "QPE/System", this );
connect ( sysch, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )), this, SLOT( systemMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )));
//#include <linux/h3600_ts.h> // including kernel headers is evil ...
typedef struct {
unsigned char OffOnBlink; /* 0=off 1=on 2=Blink */
unsigned char TotalTime; /* Units of 5 seconds */
unsigned char OnTime; /* units of 100m/s */
unsigned char OffTime; /* units of 100m/s */
typedef struct {
unsigned char mode;
unsigned char pwr;
unsigned char brightness;
#define LED_ON OD_IOW( 'f', 5, LED_IN )
#define FLITE_ON OD_IOW( 'f', 7, FLITE_IN )
QValueList <OLed> iPAQ::ledList ( ) const
QValueList <OLed> vl;
vl << Led_Power;
if ( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx )
vl << Led_BlueTooth;
return vl;
QValueList <OLedState> iPAQ::ledStateList ( OLed l ) const
QValueList <OLedState> vl;
if ( l == Led_Power )
vl << Led_Off << Led_On << Led_BlinkSlow << Led_BlinkFast;
else if ( l == Led_BlueTooth && d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx )
vl << Led_Off; // << Led_On << ???
return vl;
OLedState iPAQ::ledState ( OLed l ) const
switch ( l ) {
case Led_Power:
return m_leds [0];
case Led_BlueTooth:
return m_leds [1];
return Led_Off;
bool iPAQ::setLedState ( OLed l, OLedState st )
static int fd = ::open ( "/dev/touchscreen/0", O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK );
if ( l == Led_Power ) {
if ( fd >= 0 ) {
LED_IN leds;
::memset ( &leds, 0, sizeof( leds ));
leds. TotalTime = 0;
leds. OnTime = 0;
leds. OffTime = 1;
leds. OffOnBlink = 2;
switch ( st ) {
case Led_Off : leds. OffOnBlink = 0; break;
case Led_On : leds. OffOnBlink = 1; break;
case Led_BlinkSlow: leds. OnTime = 10; leds. OffTime = 10; break;
case Led_BlinkFast: leds. OnTime = 5; leds. OffTime = 5; break;
if ( ::ioctl ( fd, LED_ON, &leds ) >= 0 ) {
m_leds [0] = st;
return true;
return false;
bool iPAQ::filter ( int /*unicode*/, int keycode, int modifiers, bool isPress, bool autoRepeat )
int newkeycode = keycode;
switch ( keycode ) {
// H38xx/H39xx have no "Q" key anymore - this is now the Mail key
case HardKey_Menu: {
if (( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx ) ||
( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H39xx )) {
newkeycode = HardKey_Mail;
// Rotate cursor keys 180°
case Key_Left :
case Key_Right:
case Key_Up :
case Key_Down : {
if (( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H31xx ) ||
( d-> m_model == Model_iPAQ_H38xx )) {
newkeycode = Key_Left + ( keycode - Key_Left + 2 ) % 4;
// map Power Button short/long press to F34/F35
case Key_SysReq: {
if ( isPress ) {
if ( m_power_timer )
killTimer ( m_power_timer );
m_power_timer = startTimer ( 500 );
else if ( m_power_timer ) {
killTimer ( m_power_timer );
m_power_timer = 0;
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Suspend, 0, true, false );
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Suspend, 0, false, false );
newkeycode = Key_unknown;
if ( newkeycode != keycode ) {
if ( newkeycode != Key_unknown )
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, newkeycode, modifiers, isPress, autoRepeat );
return true;
return false;
void iPAQ::timerEvent ( QTimerEvent * )
killTimer ( m_power_timer );
m_power_timer = 0;
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Backlight, 0, true, false );
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent ( -1, HardKey_Backlight, 0, false, false );
void iPAQ::alarmSound ( )
#ifndef QT_NO_SOUND
static Sound snd ( "alarm" );
int fd;
int vol;
bool vol_reset = false;
if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/sound/mixer", O_RDWR )) >= 0 ) {
if ( ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_READ( 0 ), &vol ) >= 0 ) {
Config cfg ( "qpe" );
cfg. setGroup ( "Volume" );
int volalarm = cfg. readNumEntry ( "AlarmPercent", 50 );
if ( volalarm < 0 )
volalarm = 0;
else if ( volalarm > 100 )
volalarm = 100;
volalarm |= ( volalarm << 8 );
if ( ::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_WRITE( 0 ), &volalarm ) >= 0 )
vol_reset = true;
snd. play ( );
while ( !snd. isFinished ( ))
qApp-> processEvents ( );
if ( fd >= 0 ) {
if ( vol_reset )
::ioctl ( fd, MIXER_WRITE( 0 ), &vol );
::close ( fd );
bool iPAQ::setSoftSuspend ( bool soft )
bool res = false;
int fd;
if (( fd = ::open ( "/proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode", O_WRONLY )) >= 0 ) {
if ( ::write ( fd, soft ? "1" : "0", 1 ) == 1 )
res = true;
::perror ( "write to /proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode" );
::close ( fd );
::perror ( "/proc/sys/ts/suspend_button_mode" );
return res;
bool iPAQ::setDisplayBrightness ( int bright )
bool res = false;
int fd;
if ( bright > 255 )
bright = 255;
if ( bright < 0 )
bright = 0;
if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/touchscreen/0", O_WRONLY )) >= 0 ) {
bl. mode = 1;
bl. pwr = bright ? 1 : 0;
bl. brightness = ( bright * ( displayBrightnessResolution ( ) - 1 ) + 127 ) / 255;
res = ( ::ioctl ( fd, FLITE_ON, &bl ) == 0 );
::close ( fd );
return res;
int iPAQ::displayBrightnessResolution ( ) const
switch ( model ( )) {
case Model_iPAQ_H31xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H36xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H37xx:
return 128; // really 256, but >128 could damage the LCD
case Model_iPAQ_H38xx:
case Model_iPAQ_H39xx:
return 64;
return 2;
bool iPAQ::hasLightSensor ( ) const
return true;
int iPAQ::readLightSensor ( )
int fd;
int val = -1;
if (( fd = ::open ( "/proc/hal/light_sensor", O_RDONLY )) >= 0 ) {
char buffer [8];
if ( ::read ( fd, buffer, 5 ) == 5 ) {
char *endptr;
buffer [4] = 0;
val = ::strtol ( buffer + 2, &endptr, 16 );
if ( *endptr != 0 )
val = -1;
::close ( fd );
return val;
int iPAQ::lightSensorResolution ( ) const
return 256;
* Zaurus
void Zaurus::init ( )
d-> m_vendorstr = "Sharp";
d-> m_vendor = Vendor_Sharp;
QFile f ( "/proc/filesystems" );
QString model;
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly ) && ( QTextStream ( &f ). read ( ). find ( "\tjffs2\n" ) >= 0 )) {
d-> m_vendorstr = "OpenZaurus Team";
d-> m_systemstr = "OpenZaurus";
d-> m_system = System_OpenZaurus;
f. close ( );
f. setName ( "/etc/oz_version" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly )) {
QTextStream ts ( &f );
d-> m_sysverstr = ts. readLine ( );//. mid ( 10 );
f. close ( );
else {
d-> m_systemstr = "Zaurus";
d-> m_system = System_Zaurus;
f. setName ( "/proc/cpuinfo" );
if ( f. open ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
QTextStream ts ( &f );
QString line;
while( line = ts. readLine ( ) ) {
if ( line. left ( 8 ) == "Hardware" )
int loc = line. find ( ":" );
if ( loc != -1 )
model = line. mid ( loc + 2 ). simplifyWhiteSpace( );
if ( model == "SHARP Corgi" ) {
d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLC700;
d-> m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-C700";
} else if ( model == "SHARP Poodle" ) {
d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SLB600;
d-> m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-B500 or SL-5600";
} else if ( model = "Sharp-Collie" ) {
d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SL5500;
d-> m_modelstr = "Zaurus SL-5500 or SL-5000d";
} else {
d-> m_model = Model_Zaurus_SL5500;
d-> m_modelstr = "Zaurus (Model unknown)";
bool flipstate = false;
switch ( d-> m_model ) {
case Model_Zaurus_SLA300:
d-> m_rotation = Rot0;
case Model_Zaurus_SLC700:
// Note: need to 1) set flipstate based on physical screen orientation
// and 2) check to see if the user overrode the rotation direction
// using appearance, and if so, remove that item from the Config to
// ensure the rotate applet flips us back to the previous state.
if ( flipstate ) {
// 480x640
d-> m_rotation = Rot0;
d-> m_direction = CW;
} else {
// 640x480
d-> m_rotation = Rot270;
d-> m_direction = CCW;
case Model_Zaurus_SLB600:
case Model_Zaurus_SL5500:
case Model_Zaurus_SL5000:
d-> m_rotation = Rot270;
m_leds [0] = Led_Off;
void Zaurus::initButtons ( )
if ( d-> m_buttons )
d-> m_buttons = new QValueList <ODeviceButton>;
struct z_button * pz_buttons;
int buttoncount;
switch ( d-> m_model ) {
case Model_Zaurus_SLC700:
pz_buttons = z_buttons_c700;
buttoncount = ARRAY_SIZE(z_buttons_c700);
pz_buttons = z_buttons;
buttoncount = ARRAY_SIZE(z_buttons);
for ( int i = 0; i < buttoncount; i++ ) {
struct z_button *zb = pz_buttons + i;
ODeviceButton b;
b. setKeycode ( zb-> code );
b. setUserText ( QObject::tr ( "Button", zb-> utext ));
b. setPixmap ( Resource::loadPixmap ( zb-> pix ));
b. setFactoryPresetPressedAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( zb-> fpressedservice ), zb-> fpressedaction ));
b. setFactoryPresetHeldAction ( OQCopMessage ( makeChannel ( zb-> fheldservice ), zb-> fheldaction ));
d-> m_buttons-> append ( b );
reloadButtonMapping ( );
QCopChannel *sysch = new QCopChannel ( "QPE/System", this );
connect ( sysch, SIGNAL( received( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )), this, SLOT( systemMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )));
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
//#include <asm/sharp_char.h> // including kernel headers is evil ...
#define SHARP_BUZ_TOUCHSOUND 1 /* touch panel sound */
#define SHARP_BUZ_KEYSOUND 2 /* key sound */
#define SHARP_BUZ_SCHEDULE_ALARM 11 /* schedule alarm */
/* --- for SHARP_BUZZER device --- */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_TOUCHSOUND 1 /* touch panel sound */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_KEYSOUND 2 /* key sound */
//#define SHARP_PDA_ILLCLICKSOUND 3 /* illegal click */
//#define SHARP_PDA_WARNSOUND 4 /* warning occurred */
//#define SHARP_PDA_ERRORSOUND 5 /* error occurred */
//#define SHARP_PDA_CRITICALSOUND 6 /* critical error occurred */
//#define SHARP_PDA_SYSSTARTSOUND 7 /* system start */
//#define SHARP_PDA_SYSTEMENDSOUND 8 /* system shutdown */
//#define SHARP_PDA_APPSTART 9 /* application start */
//#define SHARP_PDA_APPQUIT 10 /* application ends */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_SCHEDULE_ALARM 11 /* schedule alarm */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_DAILY_ALARM 12 /* daily alarm */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_GOT_PHONE_CALL 13 /* phone call sound */
//#define SHARP_BUZ_GOT_MAIL 14 /* mail sound */
typedef struct sharp_led_status {
int which; /* select which LED status is wanted. */
int status; /* set new led status if you call SHARP_LED_SETSTATUS */
} sharp_led_status;
#define SHARP_LED_MAIL_EXISTS 9 /* mail status (exists or not) */
// #include <asm/sharp_apm.h> // including kernel headers is evil ...
#define APM_IOCGEVTSRC OD_IOR( 'A', 203, int )
#define APM_IOCSEVTSRC OD_IORW( 'A', 204, int )
#define APM_EVT_POWER_BUTTON (1 << 0)
void Zaurus::buzzer ( int sound )
- static int fd = ::open ( "/dev/sharp_buz", O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK );
+ int fd = ::open ( "/dev/sharp_buz", O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK );
if ( fd >= 0 ) {
::ioctl ( fd, SHARP_BUZZER_MAKESOUND, sound );
::close ( fd );
void Zaurus::alarmSound ( )
void Zaurus::touchSound ( )
void Zaurus::keySound ( )
QValueList <OLed> Zaurus::ledList ( ) const
QValueList <OLed> vl;
vl << Led_Mail;
return vl;
QValueList <OLedState> Zaurus::ledStateList ( OLed l ) const
QValueList <OLedState> vl;
if ( l == Led_Mail )
vl << Led_Off << Led_On << Led_BlinkSlow;
return vl;
OLedState Zaurus::ledState ( OLed which ) const
if ( which == Led_Mail )
return m_leds [0];
return Led_Off;
bool Zaurus::setLedState ( OLed which, OLedState st )
static int fd = ::open ( "/dev/sharp_led", O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK );
if ( which == Led_Mail ) {
if ( fd >= 0 ) {
struct sharp_led_status leds;
::memset ( &leds, 0, sizeof( leds ));
leds. which = SHARP_LED_MAIL_EXISTS;
bool ok = true;
switch ( st ) {
case Led_Off : leds. status = LED_MAIL_NO_UNREAD_MAIL; break;
case Led_On : leds. status = LED_MAIL_NEWMAIL_EXISTS; break;
case Led_BlinkSlow: leds. status = LED_MAIL_UNREAD_MAIL_EX; break;
default : ok = false;
if ( ok && ( ::ioctl ( fd, SHARP_LED_SETSTATUS, &leds ) >= 0 )) {
m_leds [0] = st;
return true;
return false;
bool Zaurus::setSoftSuspend ( bool soft )
bool res = false;
int fd;
if ((( fd = ::open ( "/dev/apm_bios", O_RDWR )) >= 0 ) ||
(( fd = ::open ( "/dev/misc/apm_bios",O_RDWR )) >= 0 )) {
int sources = ::ioctl ( fd, APM_IOCGEVTSRC, 0 ); // get current event sources
if ( sources >= 0 ) {
if ( soft )
if ( ::ioctl ( fd, APM_IOCSEVTSRC, sources ) >= 0 ) // set new event sources
res = true;
perror ( "APM_IOCGEVTSRC" );
perror ( "APM_IOCGEVTSRC" );
::close ( fd );
perror ( "/dev/apm_bios or /dev/misc/apm_bios" );
return res;
bool Zaurus::setDisplayBrightness ( int bright )
bool res = false;
int fd;
if ( bright > 255 )
bright = 255;
if ( bright < 0 )
bright = 0;
if (( fd = ::open ( "/dev/fl", O_WRONLY )) >= 0 ) {
int bl = ( bright * 4 + 127 ) / 255; // only 4 steps on zaurus
if ( bright && !bl )
bl = 1;
res = ( ::ioctl ( fd, FL_IOCTL_STEP_CONTRAST, bl ) == 0 );
::close ( fd );
return res;
int Zaurus::displayBrightnessResolution ( ) const
return 5;