authormickeyl <mickeyl>2003-10-05 13:12:45 (UTC)
committer mickeyl <mickeyl>2003-10-05 13:12:45 (UTC)
commit634a68b636a0fa24232029b79ffa915a5621b2be (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentdc9510f788212a6be063349461540e4bea690f51 (diff)
* start with preparations for scanning wired networks
* dhcp recognition now works nicely
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
-rwxr-xr-xpics/wellenreiter/service.pngbin0 -> 863 bytes
9 files changed, 148 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/onetutils.cpp b/libopie2/opienet/onetutils.cpp
index 08c40b4..ad0e89d 100644
--- a/libopie2/opienet/onetutils.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opienet/onetutils.cpp
@@ -53,18 +53,23 @@ using namespace std;
// static initializer for broadcast and unknown MAC Adresses
const unsigned char __broadcast[6] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
const OMacAddress& OMacAddress::broadcast = OMacAddress( __broadcast );
const unsigned char __unknown[6] = { 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44, 0x44 };
const OMacAddress& OMacAddress::unknown = OMacAddress( __unknown );
+//TODO: Incorporate Ethernet Manufacturer database here! (inline or so)
+ memcpy( _bytes, __unknown, 6 );
-//TODO: Incorporate Ethernet Manufacturer database here!
OMacAddress::OMacAddress( unsigned char* p )
memcpy( _bytes, p, 6 );
OMacAddress::OMacAddress( const unsigned char* p )
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/onetutils.h b/libopie2/opienet/onetutils.h
index 9611518..18731ba 100644
--- a/libopie2/opienet/onetutils.h
+++ b/libopie2/opienet/onetutils.h
@@ -46,16 +46,17 @@ class OWirelessNetworkInterface;
* OMacAddress
class OMacAddress
// QString c'tor? -zecke
+ OMacAddress();
OMacAddress( unsigned char* );
OMacAddress( const unsigned char* );
OMacAddress( struct ifreq& );
QString manufacturer() const;
QString toString( bool substitute = false ) const;
const unsigned char* native() const;
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp b/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp
index 7a6f61b..313f5bb 100644
--- a/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp
@@ -103,16 +103,39 @@ void OPacket::updateStats( QMap<QString,int>& stats, QObjectList* l )
updateStats( stats, const_cast<QObjectList*>( o->children() ) );
o = l->next();
+void OPacket::dumpStructure( QObjectList* l )
+ QString packetString( "[ |" + _dumpStructure( l ) + " ]" );
+ qDebug( "OPacket::dumpStructure: %s", (const char*) packetString );
+QString OPacket::_dumpStructure( QObjectList* l )
+ if (!l) return QString::null;
+ QObject* o = l->first();
+ QString str(" ");
+ while ( o )
+ {
+ str.append( o->name() );
+ str.append( " |" );
+ str += _dumpStructure( const_cast<QObjectList*>( o->children() ) );
+ o = l->next();
+ }
+ return str;
QString OPacket::dump( int bpl ) const
static int index = 0;
int len = _hdr.caplen;
QString str;
str.sprintf( "\n<----- Packet #%04d Len = 0x%X (%d) ----->\n\n", index, len, len );
str.append( "0000: " );
@@ -1111,17 +1134,19 @@ OPacket* OPacketCapturer::next()
OPacket* p = new OPacket( dataLink(), header, pdata, 0 );
// packets shouldn't be inserted in the QObject child-parent hierarchy,
// because due to memory constraints they will be deleted as soon
// as possible - that is right after they have been processed
// by emit() [ see below ]
//TODO: make gathering statistics optional, because it takes time
p->updateStats( _stats, const_cast<QObjectList*>( p->children() ) );
+ #ifndef NODEBUG
+ p->dumpStructure( const_cast<QObjectList*>( p->children() ) );
+ #endif
return p;
qWarning( "OPacketCapturer::next() - no packet received!" );
return 0;
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/opcap.h b/libopie2/opienet/opcap.h
index a031dd1..f0d1d81 100644
--- a/libopie2/opienet/opcap.h
+++ b/libopie2/opienet/opcap.h
@@ -128,16 +128,21 @@ class OPacket : public QObject
int caplen() const;
int len() const;
QString dump( int = 32 ) const;
void updateStats( QMap<QString,int>&, QObjectList* );
+ void dumpStructure( QObjectList* );
+ QString _dumpStructure( QObjectList* );
+ private:
const packetheaderstruct _hdr; // pcap packet header
const unsigned char* _data; // pcap packet data
const unsigned char* _end; // end of pcap packet data
* OEthernetPacket - DLT_EN10MB frame
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
index 245290d..9d6ed6a 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
@@ -334,16 +334,64 @@ void MScanListView::identify( const OMacAddress& macaddr, const QString& ip )
qDebug( "D'oh! Received identification, but item not yet in list... ==> Handle this!" );
MLogWindow::logwindow()->log( QString().sprintf( "WARNING: Unhandled identification %s = %s!",
(const char*) macaddr.toString(), (const char*) ip ) );
+void MScanListView::addService( const QString& name, const OMacAddress& macaddr, const QString& ip )
+ qDebug( "addService '%s', Server = %s = %s", (const char*) name, (const char*) macaddr.toString(), (const char*) ip );
+ //TODO: Refactor that out, we need it all over the place.
+ // Best to do it in a more comfortable abstraction in OListView
+ // (Hmm, didn't I already start something in this direction?)
+ QListViewItemIterator it( this );
+ for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( it.current()->text( col_ap ) == macaddr.toString(true) )
+ {
+ MScanListItem* subitem = static_cast<MScanListItem*>( it.current()->firstChild() );
+ while ( subitem && ( subitem->text( col_essid ) != name ) )
+ {
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ qDebug( "subitemtext: %s", (const char*) subitem->text( col_essid ) );
+ #endif
+ subitem = static_cast<MScanListItem*> ( subitem->nextSibling() );
+ }
+ if ( subitem )
+ {
+ // we have already seen this item, it's a dupe
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ qDebug( "%s is a dupe - ignoring...", (const char*) name );
+ #endif
+ subitem->receivedBeacon(); //FIXME: sent data bit
+ return;
+ }
+ // never seen that - add new item
+ MScanListItem* item = new MScanListItem( it.current(), "service", "N/A", false, -1, -1 );
+ item->setText( col_essid, name );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ qDebug( "D'oh! Received identification, but item not yet in list... ==> Handle this!" );
+ MLogWindow::logwindow()->log( QString().sprintf( "WARNING: Unhandled service addition %s = %s!",
+ (const char*) macaddr.toString(), (const char*) ip ) );
void MScanListView::contextMenuRequested( QListViewItem* item, const QPoint&, int col )
if ( !item ) return;
MScanListItem* itm = static_cast<MScanListItem*>( item );
qDebug( "contextMenuRequested on item '%s' (%s) in column: '%d'",
(const char*) itm->text(0), (const char*) itm->type, col );
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.h b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.h
index 2703b6a..a9b74f1 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.h
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.h
@@ -37,16 +37,17 @@ class MScanListView: public OListView
virtual ~MScanListView();
virtual OListViewItem* childFactory();
virtual void serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const;
virtual void serializeFrom( QDataStream& s );
public slots:
void addNewItem( const QString& type, const QString& essid, const OMacAddress& macaddr, bool wep, int channel, int signal, const GpsLocation& location );
+ void addService( const QString& name, const OMacAddress& macaddr, const QString& ip );
void fromDStraffic( const OMacAddress& from, const OMacAddress& to, const OMacAddress& via );
void toDStraffic( const OMacAddress& from, const OMacAddress& to, const OMacAddress& via );
void WDStraffic( const OMacAddress& from, const OMacAddress& to, const OMacAddress& viaFrom, const OMacAddress& viaTo );
void IBSStraffic( const OMacAddress& from, const OMacAddress& to, const OMacAddress& via );
void identify( const OMacAddress&, const QString& ipaddr );
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.cpp b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.cpp
index 405eda8..7394742 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.cpp
@@ -189,55 +189,84 @@ void Wellenreiter::handleBeacon( OPacket* p, OWaveLanManagementPacket* beacon )
if ( prism )
graphwindow->traffic( ds->channel(), prism->signalStrength() );
graphwindow->traffic( ds->channel(), 95 );
-void Wellenreiter::handleData( OPacket* p, OWaveLanDataPacket* data )
+void Wellenreiter::handleWlanData( OPacket* p, OWaveLanDataPacket* data, OMacAddress& from, OMacAddress& to )
OWaveLanPacket* wlan = (OWaveLanPacket*) p->child( "802.11" );
if ( wlan->fromDS() && !wlan->toDS() )
netView()->fromDStraffic( wlan->macAddress3(), wlan->macAddress1(), wlan->macAddress2() );
+ from = wlan->macAddress3();
+ to = wlan->macAddress2();
else if ( !wlan->fromDS() && wlan->toDS() )
netView()->toDStraffic( wlan->macAddress2(), wlan->macAddress3(), wlan->macAddress1() );
+ from = wlan->macAddress2();
+ to = wlan->macAddress3();
else if ( wlan->fromDS() && wlan->toDS() )
netView()->WDStraffic( wlan->macAddress4(), wlan->macAddress3(), wlan->macAddress1(), wlan->macAddress2() );
+ from = wlan->macAddress4();
+ to = wlan->macAddress3();
netView()->IBSStraffic( wlan->macAddress2(), wlan->macAddress1(), wlan->macAddress3() );
+ from = wlan->macAddress2();
+ to = wlan->macAddress1();
+void Wellenreiter::handleEthernetData( OPacket* p, OEthernetPacket* data, OMacAddress& from, OMacAddress& to )
+ from = data->sourceAddress();
+ to = data->destinationAddress();
+ netView()->addNewItem( "station", "<wired>", from, false, -1, 0, GpsLocation( 0, 0 ) );
+void Wellenreiter::handleIPData( OPacket* p, OIPPacket* ip, OMacAddress& source, OMacAddress& dest )
OARPPacket* arp = (OARPPacket*) p->child( "ARP" );
if ( arp )
qDebug( "Received ARP traffic (type '%s'): ", (const char*) arp->type() );
if ( arp->type() == "REQUEST" )
netView()->identify( arp->senderMacAddress(), arp->senderIPV4Address().toString() );
else if ( arp->type() == "REPLY" )
netView()->identify( arp->senderMacAddress(), arp->senderIPV4Address().toString() );
netView()->identify( arp->targetMacAddress(), arp->targetIPV4Address().toString() );
- OIPPacket* ip = (OIPPacket*) p->child( "IP" );
- if ( ip )
+ ODHCPPacket* dhcp = (ODHCPPacket*) p->child( "DHCP" );
+ if ( dhcp )
+ {
+ qDebug( "Received DHCP '%s' packet", (const char*) dhcp->type() );
+ if ( dhcp->type() == "OFFER" )
- qDebug( "Received IP packet." );
+ qDebug( "ADDSERVICE: '%s' ('%s') seems to be a DHCP server.", (const char*) source.toString(), (const char*) dhcp->serverAddress().toString() );
+ //netView()->addNewItem( "station", "<wired>", from, false, -1, 0, GpsLocation( 0, 0 ) );
+ netView()->identify( source, dhcp->serverAddress().toString() );
+ netView()->addService( "DHCP", source, dhcp->serverAddress().toString() );
+ }
QObject* Wellenreiter::childIfToParse( OPacket* p, const QString& protocol )
if ( configwindow->parsePackets->isProtocolChecked( protocol ) )
if ( configwindow->parsePackets->protocolAction( protocol ) == "Discard!" )
@@ -293,26 +322,43 @@ void Wellenreiter::receivePacket( OPacket* p )
// check if we received a beacon frame
OWaveLanManagementPacket* beacon = static_cast<OWaveLanManagementPacket*>( childIfToParse( p, "802.11 Management" ) );
if ( beacon && beacon->managementType() == "Beacon" )
handleBeacon( p, beacon );
+ OMacAddress source;
+ OMacAddress dest;
//TODO: WEP check here
- // check for a data frame
- OWaveLanDataPacket* data = static_cast<OWaveLanDataPacket*>( childIfToParse( p, "802.11 Data" ) );
- if ( data )
+ // check for a wireless data frame
+ OWaveLanDataPacket* wlan = static_cast<OWaveLanDataPacket*>( childIfToParse( p, "802.11 Data" ) );
+ if ( wlan )
+ {
+ handleWlanData( p, wlan, source, dest );
+ }
+ // check for a wired data frame
+ OEthernetPacket* eth = static_cast<OEthernetPacket*>( childIfToParse( p, "Ethernet" ) );
+ if ( eth )
+ {
+ handleEthernetData( p, eth, source, dest );
+ }
+ // check for a ip frame
+ OIPPacket* ip = static_cast<OIPPacket*>( childIfToParse( p, "IP" ) );
+ if ( ip )
- handleData( p, data );
+ handleIPData( p, ip, source, dest );
- handleNotification( p );
+ //handleNotification( p );
void Wellenreiter::stopClicked()
if ( iface )
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.h b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.h
index 43f6f99..ed96375 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.h
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.h
@@ -23,16 +23,19 @@
using namespace Opie;
class QTimerEvent;
class QPixmap;
class OPacket;
class OWaveLanManagementPacket;
class OWaveLanDataPacket;
+class OEthernetPacket;
+class OMacAddress;
+class OIPPacket;
class OPacketCapturer;
class OWirelessNetworkInterface;
class WellenreiterConfigWindow;
class MLogWindow;
class MHexWindow;
class GPS;
class Wellenreiter : public WellenreiterBase {
@@ -63,17 +66,19 @@ class Wellenreiter : public WellenreiterBase {
void joinNetwork(const QString&,const QString&,int,const QString&);
void startedSniffing();
void stoppedSniffing();
void handleBeacon( OPacket* p, OWaveLanManagementPacket* beacon );
- void handleData( OPacket* p, OWaveLanDataPacket* data );
+ void handleWlanData( OPacket* p, OWaveLanDataPacket* data, OMacAddress& from, OMacAddress& to );
+ void handleEthernetData( OPacket* p, OEthernetPacket* data, OMacAddress& from, OMacAddress& to );
+ void handleIPData( OPacket* p, OIPPacket* ip, OMacAddress& from, OMacAddress& to );
void handleNotification( OPacket* p );
void doAction( const QString& action, const QString& protocol, OPacket* p );
QObject* childIfToParse( OPacket* p, const QString& protocol );
bool checkDumpPacket( OPacket* p );
#ifdef QWS
OSystem _system; // Opie Operating System identifier
diff --git a/pics/wellenreiter/service.png b/pics/wellenreiter/service.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4e06a0a
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/pics/wellenreiter/service.png
Binary files differ