authordrw <drw>2004-04-06 15:52:02 (UTC)
committer drw <drw>2004-04-06 15:52:02 (UTC)
commit31a82304d62ab4943c0926c35cce552e2164eaf4 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parente97648cdac8aba383e69e87c2d60644eb3bcc18d (diff)
Do not override menu font size, use font as defined in Appearance settings, and fixed compiler warning
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/TEWidget.cpp b/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/TEWidget.cpp
index cc88555..93348f4 100644
--- a/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/TEWidget.cpp
+++ b/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/TEWidget.cpp
@@ -716,193 +716,193 @@ void TEWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
if (actSel == 0) return;
// don't extend selection while pasting
if (ev->state() & MidButton) return;
//if ( !contentsRect().contains(ev->pos()) ) return;
QPoint tL = contentsRect().topLeft();
int tLx = tL.x();
int tLy = tL.y();
int scroll = scrollbar->value();
// int hScroll = hScrollbar->value();
// we're in the process of moving the mouse with the left button pressed
// the mouse cursor will kept catched within the bounds of the text in
// this widget.
// Adjust position within text area bounds. See FIXME above.
QPoint pos = ev->pos();
if ( pos.x() < tLx+blX ) pos.setX( tLx+blX );
if ( pos.x() > tLx+blX+columns*font_w-1 ) pos.setX( tLx+blX+columns*font_w );
if ( pos.y() < tLy+bY ) pos.setY( tLy+bY );
if ( pos.y() > tLy+bY+lines*font_h-1 ) pos.setY( tLy+bY+lines*font_h-1 );
// check if we produce a mouse move event by this
if ( pos != ev->pos() ) cursor().setPos(mapToGlobal(pos));
if ( pos.y() == tLy+bY+lines*font_h-1 )
scrollbar->setValue(scrollbar->value()+yMouseScroll); // scrollforward
if ( pos.y() == tLy+bY )
scrollbar->setValue(scrollbar->value()-yMouseScroll); // scrollback
QPoint here = QPoint((pos.x()-tLx-blX)/font_w,(pos.y()-tLy-bY)/font_h);
QPoint ohere;
bool swapping = FALSE;
if ( word_selection_mode )
// Extend to word boundaries
int i;
int selClass;
bool left_not_right = ( here.y() < iPntSel.y() ||
here.y() == iPntSel.y() && here.x() < iPntSel.x() );
bool old_left_not_right = ( pntSel.y() < iPntSel.y() ||
pntSel.y() == iPntSel.y() && pntSel.x() < iPntSel.x() );
swapping = left_not_right != old_left_not_right;
// Find left (left_not_right ? from here : from start)
QPoint left = left_not_right ? here : iPntSel;
i = loc(left.x(),left.y());
selClass = charClass(image[i].c);
while ( left.x() > 0 && charClass(image[i-1].c) == selClass )
{ i--; left.rx()--; }
// Find left (left_not_right ? from start : from here)
QPoint right = left_not_right ? iPntSel : here;
i = loc(right.x(),right.y());
selClass = charClass(image[i].c);
while ( right.x() < columns-1 && charClass(image[i+1].c) == selClass )
{ i++; right.rx()++; }
// Pick which is start (ohere) and which is extension (here)
if ( left_not_right )
here = left; ohere = right;
here = right; ohere = left;
if (here == pntSel && scroll == scrollbar->value()) return; // not moved
if ( word_selection_mode ) {
if ( actSel < 2 || swapping ) {
emit beginSelectionSignal( ohere.x(), ohere.y() );
} else if ( actSel < 2 ) {
emit beginSelectionSignal( pntSel.x(), pntSel.y() );
actSel = 2; // within selection
pntSel = here;
emit extendSelectionSignal( here.x(), here.y() );
void TEWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
//printf("release [%d,%d] %d\n",ev->x()/font_w,ev->y()/font_h,ev->button());
if ( ev->button() == LeftButton)
- if (QABS(ev->x() - mouse_down_x) < 3
+ if (QABS(ev->x() - mouse_down_x) < 3
&& QABS(ev->y() - mouse_down_y) < 3
&& ev->y() < qApp->desktop()->height()/8) {
emit setFullScreen(false);
if ( actSel > 1 ) emit endSelectionSignal(preserve_line_breaks);
preserve_line_breaks = TRUE;
actSel = 0;
//FIXME: emits a release event even if the mouse is
// outside the range. The procedure used in `mouseMoveEvent'
// applies here, too.
QPoint tL = contentsRect().topLeft();
int tLx = tL.x();
int tLy = tL.y();
if (!mouse_marks && !(ev->state() & ShiftButton))
emit mouseSignal( 3, // release
(ev->x()-tLx-blX)/font_w + 1,
(ev->y()-tLy-bY)/font_h + 1 );
void TEWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* ev)
if ( ev->button() != LeftButton) return;
QPoint tL = contentsRect().topLeft();
int tLx = tL.x();
int tLy = tL.y();
QPoint pos = QPoint((ev->x()-tLx-blX)/font_w,(ev->y()-tLy-bY)/font_h);
// pass on double click as two clicks.
if (!mouse_marks && !(ev->state() & ShiftButton))
emit mouseSignal( 0, pos.x()+1, pos.y()+1 ); // left button
emit mouseSignal( 3, pos.x()+1, pos.y()+1 ); // release
emit mouseSignal( 0, pos.x()+1, pos.y()+1 ); // left button
emit clearSelectionSignal();
QPoint bgnSel = pos;
QPoint endSel = QPoint((ev->x()-tLx-blX)/font_w,(ev->y()-tLy-bY)/font_h);
int i = loc(bgnSel.x(),bgnSel.y());
iPntSel = bgnSel;
word_selection_mode = TRUE;
// find word boundaries...
int selClass = charClass(image[i].c);
// set the start...
int x = bgnSel.x();
while ( x > 0 && charClass(image[i-1].c) == selClass )
{ i--; x--; }
emit beginSelectionSignal( bgnSel.x(), bgnSel.y() );
// set the end...
i = loc( endSel.x(), endSel.y() );
x = endSel.x();
while( x < columns-1 && charClass(image[i+1].c) == selClass )
{ i++; x++ ; }
actSel = 2; // within selection
emit extendSelectionSignal( endSel.x(), endSel.y() );
emit endSelectionSignal(preserve_line_breaks);
preserve_line_breaks = TRUE;
void TEWidget::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent * )
// do nothing, to prevent repainting
void TEWidget::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent * )
// do nothing, to prevent repainting
bool TEWidget::focusNextPrevChild( bool next )
if (next)
return false; // This disables changing the active part in konqueror
// when pressing Tab
return QFrame::focusNextPrevChild( next );
@@ -1296,134 +1296,134 @@ void TEWidget::makeImage()
//FIXME: rename 'calcGeometry?
image = (ca*) malloc(lines*columns*sizeof(ca));
// calculate the needed size
QSize TEWidget::calcSize(int cols, int lins) const
int frw = width() - contentsRect().width();
int frh = height() - contentsRect().height();
int scw = (scrollLoc==SCRNONE?0:scrollbar->width());
return QSize( font_w*cols + 2*rimX + frw + scw, font_h*lins + 2*rimY + frh );
QSize TEWidget::sizeHint() const
return size();
void TEWidget::styleChange(QStyle &)
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* */
/* Drag & Drop */
/* */
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void TEWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* e)
e->accept(QTextDrag::canDecode(e) ||
void TEWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent* event)
// The current behaviour when url(s) are dropped is
// * if there is only ONE url and if it's a LOCAL one, ask for paste or cd
// * in all other cases, just paste
// (for non-local ones, or for a list of URLs, 'cd' is nonsense)
QStrList strlist;
int file_count = 0;
dropText = "";
bool bPopup = true;
if(QUriDrag::decode(event, strlist)) {
if (strlist.count()) {
for(const char* p = strlist.first(); p; p = {
if(file_count++ > 0) {
dropText += " ";
bPopup = false; // more than one file, don't popup
KURL url(p);
if (url.isLocalFile()) {
dropText += url.path(); // local URL : remove protocol
else {
dropText += url.prettyURL();
bPopup = false; // a non-local file, don't popup
if (bPopup)
// m_drop->popup(pos() + event->pos());
if (currentSession) {
// kdDebug() << "Drop:" << dropText.local8Bit() << "\n";
else if(QTextDrag::decode(event, dropText)) {
// kdDebug() << "Drop:" << dropText.local8Bit() << "\n";
if (currentSession) {
// Paste it
-void TEWidget::drop_menu_activated(int item)
+void TEWidget::drop_menu_activated(int /*item*/)
switch (item)
case 0: // paste
// KWM::activate((Window)this->winId());
case 1: // cd ...
currentSession->getEmulation()->sendString("cd ");
struct stat statbuf;
if ( ::stat( QFile::encodeName( dropText ), &statbuf ) == 0 )
if ( !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) )
KURL url;
url.setPath( dropText );
dropText = true, false ); // remove filename
dropText.replace(QRegExp(" "), "\\ "); // escape spaces
// KWM::activate((Window)this->winId());
void TEWidget::setWrapAt(int columns)
vcolumns = columns;
diff --git a/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/konsole.cpp b/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/konsole.cpp
index c5df47f..cbea7bd 100644
--- a/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/konsole.cpp
+++ b/core/apps/embeddedkonsole/konsole.cpp
@@ -417,201 +417,192 @@ void Konsole::init(const char* _pgm, QStrList & _args)
s = familyNames[j];
if ( s.contains('-') )
int i = s.find('-');
s = s.right( s.length() - i - 1 ) + " [" + s.left( i ) + "]";
s[0] = s[0].upper();
QValueList<int> sizes = fontDB.pointSizes( familyNames[j] );
printf("family[%d] = %s with %d sizes\n", j, familyNames[j].latin1(),
if (sizes.count() > 0)
QPopupMenu *sizeMenu;
QFont f;
int last_width = -1;
sizeMenu = NULL;
for(uint i = 0; i < (uint)sizes.count() + 4; i++)
// printf("family %s size %d ", familyNames[j].latin1(), sizes[i]);
// need to divide by 10 on the Z, but not otherwise
int size;
if (i >= (uint)sizes.count())
// try for expandable fonts
size = sizes[sizes.count()-1] + 2 * (i - sizes.count() + 1);
printf("sizes[%d] = %d\n", i, sizes[i]);
size = sizes[i];
f = QFont(familyNames[j], size);
QFontMetrics fm(f);
// don't trust f.fixedPitch() or f.exactMatch(), they lie!!
if (fm.width("l") == fm.width("m")
&& (i < (uint)sizes.count()
|| fm.width("m") > last_width))
if (i < (uint)sizes.count())
last_width = fm.width("m");
if (sizeMenu == NULL)
sizeMenu = new QPopupMenu();
int id = sizeMenu->insertItem(QString("%1").arg(size), fontIndex);
sizeMenu->setItemParameter(id, fontIndex);
sizeMenu->connectItem(id, this, SLOT(setFont(int)));
QString name = s + " " + QString::number(size);
fonts.append(new VTFont(name, f, familyNames[j], familyNum, size));
if (familyNames[j] == cfgFontName && size == cfgFontSize)
cfont = fontIndex;
printf("FOUND: %s family %s size %d\n", name.latin1(), familyNames[j].latin1(), size);
if (sizeMenu)
fontList->insertItem(s, sizeMenu, familyNum + 1000);
if (cfont < 0 || cfont >= (int)fonts.count())
cfont = 0;
// create terminal emulation framework ////////////////////////////////////
nsessions = 0;
tab = new EKNumTabWidget(this);
// tab->setMargin(tab->margin()-5);
connect(tab, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget*)), this, SLOT(switchSession(QWidget*)));
// create terminal toolbar ////////////////////////////////////////////////
setToolBarsMovable( FALSE );
menuToolBar = new QToolBar( this );
menuToolBar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE );
QMenuBar *menuBar = new QMenuBar( menuToolBar );
- bool c7xx = false;
- if (qApp->desktop()->width() > 600 || qApp->desktop()->height() > 600)
- {
- c7xx = true;
- }
- QFont menuFont;
- menuFont.setPointSize(c7xx? 18 : 10);
- qApp->setFont(menuFont, true);
configMenu = new QPopupMenu( this);
colorMenu = new QPopupMenu( this);
scrollMenu = new QPopupMenu( this);
editCommandListMenu = new QPopupMenu( this);
configMenu->insertItem(tr("Command List"), editCommandListMenu);
bool listHidden;
if( cfg.readEntry("Hidden","FALSE") == "TRUE")
ec_cmdlist = editCommandListMenu->insertItem( tr( "Show command list" ));
ec_cmdlist = editCommandListMenu->insertItem( tr( "Hide command list" ));
tabMenu = new QPopupMenu(this);
tm_bottom = tabMenu->insertItem(tr("Bottom" ));
tm_top = tabMenu->insertItem(tr("Top"));
tm_hidden = tabMenu->insertItem(tr("Hidden"));
configMenu->insertItem(tr("Tabs"), tabMenu);
tabPos = tm_top;
else if (tmp=="Bottom")
tabPos = tm_bottom;
tabPos = tm_hidden;
cm_bw = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Black on White"));
cm_wb = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "White on Black"));
cm_gb = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Green on Black"));
// cm_bt = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Black on Transparent"));
cm_br = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Black on Pink"));
cm_rb = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Pink on Black"));
cm_gy = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Green on Yellow"));
cm_bm = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Blue on Magenta"));
cm_mb = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Magenta on Blue"));
cm_cw = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Cyan on White"));
cm_wc = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "White on Cyan"));
cm_bb = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Blue on Black"));
cm_ab = colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Amber on Black"));
cm_default = colorMenu->insertItem(tr("default"));
#ifdef QT_QWS_OPIE
colorMenu->insertItem(tr( "Custom"));
configMenu->insertItem(tr( "Colors") ,colorMenu);
sessionList = new QPopupMenu(this);
sessionList-> insertItem ( Resource::loadPixmap ( "konsole/Terminal" ), tr( "new session" ), this,
SLOT(newSession()) );
// connect( fontList, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( fontChanged(int) ));
connect( configMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( configMenuSelected(int) ));
connect( colorMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( colorMenuIsSelected(int) ));
connect( tabMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( tabMenuSelected(int) ));
connect( scrollMenu, SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(scrollMenuSelected(int)));
connect( editCommandListMenu,SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(editCommandListMenuSelected(int)));
connect( sessionList, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT( sessionListSelected(int) ) );
menuBar->insertItem( tr("View"), configMenu );
menuBar->insertItem( tr("Fonts"), fontList );
menuBar->insertItem( tr("Sessions"), sessionList );
toolBar = new QToolBar( this );
QAction *a;
// Button Commands
a = new QAction( tr("New"), Resource::loadPixmap( "konsole/Terminal" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( newSession() ) );