path: root/libopie/otabwidget.cpp
authorzecke <zecke>2002-10-11 22:32:31 (UTC)
committer zecke <zecke>2002-10-11 22:32:31 (UTC)
commitffa7f45a2100b7c438a437fce2d3a47608bd36e3 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
treeccfa8b0c7490d2a271ff7f5edc19ae8e14e277f1 /libopie/otabwidget.cpp
parentc8c961b4106f49f544195733cef17af5f15f6bb8 (diff)
Fix from drw for his widget. This sounds a bit paradox
Remove Page and Inserting one again crashed... This patch fixes this problem
Diffstat (limited to 'libopie/otabwidget.cpp') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/libopie/otabwidget.cpp b/libopie/otabwidget.cpp
index 1f3fbb0..6ef4034 100644
--- a/libopie/otabwidget.cpp
+++ b/libopie/otabwidget.cpp
@@ -33,267 +33,269 @@
#include <qpe/config.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <opie/otabbar.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qwidgetstack.h>
OTabWidget::OTabWidget( QWidget *parent, const char *name, TabStyle s, TabPosition p )
: QWidget( parent, name )
if ( s == Global )
Config config( "qpe" );
config.setGroup( "Appearance" );
tabBarStyle = ( TabStyle ) config.readNumEntry( "TabStyle", (int) IconTab );
if ( tabBarStyle <= Global || tabBarStyle > IconList)
tabBarStyle = IconTab;
QString pos = config.readEntry( "TabPosition", "Top");
if ( pos == "Bottom" )
tabBarPosition = Bottom;
tabBarPosition = Top;
tabBarStyle = s;
tabBarPosition = p;
widgetStack = new QWidgetStack( this, "widgetstack" );
widgetStack->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Raised );
widgetStack->setLineWidth( style().defaultFrameWidth() );
tabBarStack = new QWidgetStack( this, "tabbarstack" );
tabBar = new OTabBar( tabBarStack, "tabbar" );
tabBarStack->addWidget( tabBar, 0 );
connect( tabBar, SIGNAL( selected( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotTabBarSelected( int ) ) );
tabList = new QComboBox( false, tabBarStack, "tablist" );
tabBarStack->addWidget( tabList, 1 );
connect( tabList, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotTabListSelected( int ) ) );
if ( tabBarStyle == TextTab || tabBarStyle == IconTab )
tabBarStack->raiseWidget( tabBar );
else if ( tabBarStyle == TextList || tabBarStyle == IconList )
tabBarStack->raiseWidget( tabList );
if ( tabBarPosition == Bottom )
tabBar->setShape( QTabBar::RoundedBelow );
- tabs.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
+ //tabs.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
currentTab= 0x0;
void OTabWidget::addTab( QWidget *child, const QString &icon, const QString &label )
QPixmap iconset = loadSmooth( icon );
QTab * tab = new QTab();
if ( tabBarStyle == IconTab )
tab->label = QString::null;
tab->label = label;
if ( tabBarStyle == IconTab || tabBarStyle == IconList)
tab->iconset = new QIconSet( iconset );
int tabid = tabBar->addTab( tab );
if ( tabBarStyle == IconTab || tabBarStyle == IconList )
tabList->insertItem( iconset, label, -1 );
tabList->insertItem( label );
widgetStack->addWidget( child, tabid );
widgetStack->raiseWidget( child );
OTabInfo *tabinfo = new OTabInfo( tabid, child, icon, label );
tabs.append( tabinfo );
selectTab( tabinfo );
void OTabWidget::removePage( QWidget *childwidget )
if ( childwidget )
OTabInfo *tab = tabs.first();
while ( tab && tab->control() != childwidget )
tab =;
if ( tab && tab->control() == childwidget )
tabBar->setTabEnabled( tab->id(), FALSE );
tabBar->removeTab( tabBar->tab( tab->id() ) );
int i = 0;
while ( i < tabList->count() && tabList->text( i ) != tab->label() )
if ( tabList->text( i ) == tab->label() )
tabList->removeItem( i );
widgetStack->removeWidget( childwidget );
tabs.remove( tab );
+ delete tab;
+ currentTab = tabs.current();
void OTabWidget::setCurrentTab( QWidget *childwidget )
OTabInfo *newtab = tabs.first();
while ( newtab && newtab->control() != childwidget )
newtab =;
if ( newtab && newtab->control() == childwidget )
selectTab( newtab );
void OTabWidget::setCurrentTab( const QString &tabname )
OTabInfo *newtab = tabs.first();
while ( newtab && newtab->label() != tabname )
newtab =;
if ( newtab && newtab->label() == tabname )
selectTab( newtab );
OTabWidget::TabStyle OTabWidget::tabStyle() const
return tabBarStyle;
void OTabWidget::setTabStyle( TabStyle s )
tabBarStyle = s;
OTabWidget::TabPosition OTabWidget::tabPosition() const
return tabBarPosition;
void OTabWidget::setTabPosition( TabPosition p )
tabBarPosition = p;
void OTabWidget::slotTabBarSelected( int id )
OTabInfo *newtab = tabs.first();
while ( newtab && newtab->id() != id )
newtab =;
if ( newtab && newtab->id() == id )
selectTab( newtab );
void OTabWidget::slotTabListSelected( int index )
OTabInfo *newtab = index );
if ( newtab )
selectTab( newtab );
QPixmap OTabWidget::loadSmooth( const QString &name )
QImage image = Resource::loadImage( name );
QPixmap pixmap;
pixmap.convertFromImage( image.smoothScale( 16, 16 ) );
return pixmap;
void OTabWidget::selectTab( OTabInfo *tab )
if ( tabBarStyle == IconTab )
if ( currentTab )
- tabBar->tab( currentTab->id() )->setText( QString::null );
+ tabBar->tab( currentTab->id() )->setText( "" );
tabBar->tab( tab->id() )->setText( tab->label() );
currentTab = tab;
tabBar->setCurrentTab( tab->id() );
widgetStack->raiseWidget( tab->control() );
emit currentChanged( tab->control() );
void OTabWidget::setUpLayout()
QSize t( tabBarStack->sizeHint() );
if ( t.width() > width() )
t.setWidth( width() );
int lw = widgetStack->lineWidth();
if ( tabBarPosition == Bottom )
tabBarStack->setGeometry( QMAX(0, lw-2), height() - t.height() - lw, t.width(), t.height() );
widgetStack->setGeometry( 0, 0, width(), height()-t.height()+QMAX(0, lw-2) );
tabBarStack->setGeometry( QMAX(0, lw-2), 0, t.width(), t.height() );
widgetStack->setGeometry( 0, t.height()-lw, width(), height()-t.height()+QMAX(0, lw-2));
if ( autoMask() )
QSize OTabWidget::sizeHint() const
QSize s( widgetStack->sizeHint() );
QSize t( tabBarStack->sizeHint() );
return QSize( QMAX( s.width(), t.width()), s.height() + t.height() );
void OTabWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * )