path: root/libopie
authorzecke <zecke>2002-10-28 21:47:58 (UTC)
committer zecke <zecke>2002-10-28 21:47:58 (UTC)
commit98d46aa752026d53b4cf4ea8572fdf7c89f4c6c0 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
tree3e4a873011de405e5402d7eb53ae1c5c2867246a /libopie
parentb963230163fc8069731374a19390fd0e5cb42532 (diff)
Almost done with the new data flow
only OFileSelector needs to adapt it now... Besides that make it compile with the new api Add a configure and a to actually build ofileselector and a MANIFEST to explain some basics of the now a days a bit bigger interface
Diffstat (limited to 'libopie') (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
13 files changed, 482 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/MANIFEST b/libopie/ofileselector/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2730a1c
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/MANIFEST
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+dunno if that is to call a manifest but here is
+an quick overview how the OFileSelector is implemented
+and whats the whole purpose is.
+OFileSelector is meant to be extendable by design. It's divided
+into a shell the class OFileSelector which is a dispatcher
+between worlds and gives a common interface to the programmer.
+Then there is the OLister class which is a lister of files.
+It's responsible for taking care of a filesystem... but it's not limited
+to local filesystem. You can have a FTP lister, Bluetooth Device Lister,
+IrdaDevice Lister, Local Documents Lister, a PIM Lister an X-Ref lister...
+they will operate on the level of filesystems....
+A OFileView is the other part of the FileSelector it's responsible
+for the things represented to the USER.
+There is a ListView and a IconView and possible more views to come.
+Then there is a PixmapProvider which is responsible for providing pixmaps
+for a mimetype. This can be used for something like a Pixmap preview....
+The lister is told to reparse() then it adds it things to the mainview
+on selection the URL get's generated in more than one step.
+1. The UI notifies the lister about activation
+2. The Lister assembles the URL
+3. the Lister notifies the OFileSelector
+4. the OFileSelector emits a signal
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/configure b/libopie/ofileselector/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c66fd82
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# Configures to build the Qtopia Environment
+# Copyright 1999-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
+touch .test.qpe.
+if [ '!' -f ${OPIEDIR}/.test.qpe. ];
+ rm .test.qpe.
+ echo
+ echo
+ echo ' The environment variable $OPIEDIR is not set correctly. It is currently'
+ echo ' set to "'$OPIEDIR'", but it should be set to this directory,'
+ echo ' which is "'`pwd`'".'
+ echo
+ echo ' Please read the INSTALL file for instructions on how to set $OPIEDIR'
+ echo ' correctly. If you have set $OPIEDIR in your .profile or .login, you '
+ echo ' will need to log out and log in again to make the setting effective.'
+ echo
+ echo
+ exit 1
+rm .test.qpe.
+if [ '!' -f $TMAKEPATH/tmake.conf ]
+ # You have tmake. We'll regenerate the file for you...
+ echo ' The environment variable $TMAKEPATH is not set correclty. '
+ echo ' It should be set to the tmake path'
+ echo
+ echo ' Please read the INSTALL file for instructions on how to set $TMAKEPATH'
+ echo ' to the environment variable correctly.'
+ exit 1
+VERSION_MAJ=$(sed -n -e 's/.*QPE_VERSION "\([0-9]*\)\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*.*".*/\1/p' <library/version.h)
+VERSION_MIN=$(sed -n -e 's/.*QPE_VERSION "[0-9]*\.\([0-9]\)\.[0-9]*.*".*/\1/p' <library/version.h)
+VERSION_PAT=$(sed -n -e 's/.*QPE_VERSION "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.\([0-9]*\).*".*/\1/p' <library/version.h)
+if grep -q 'VERSION_STR.*"3' $QTDIR/include/qglobal.h
+ QT3=yes
+ QT3=no
+# Parse the arguments, setting things to "yes" or "no".
+while [ -n "$1" ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ -platform|-xplatform) # No difference since we don't need to build moc, etc.
+ shift; PLATFORM=$1
+ ;;
+ -release)
+ ;;
+ -debug)
+ DEBUG=-debug
+ ;;
+ -shared)
+ SHARING=shared
+ ;;
+ -static)
+ SHARING=static
+ ;;
+ -qconfig)
+ # optional way to specify the qconfig-qpe.h is to pass -qconfig qpe
+ shift; QCONFIGARG=DEFINES+=QCONFIG='\"'$1'\"' # Don't quote me on that.
+ ;;
+ -make)
+ shift; TOMAKE="$TOMAKE $1"
+ ;;
+ -qt3)
+ QT3=yes
+ ;;
+ *)
+ HELP=yes;;
+ esac
+ shift
+if [ '!' -f $TARGET ]
+ if [ -f configs/linux-$PLATFORM-g++-$SHARING$DEBUG ]
+ then
+ else
+ echo
+ echo ' The specified platform/compiler not supported: ' $TARGET
+ echo
+ exit 2
+ fi
+# Next, emit a usage message if something failed.
+if [ "$HELP" = "yes" ]; then
+ cat <<EOF
+Usage: $0 [-debug] [-release] [-shared] [-static] [-qt3] [-platform ...]
+The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. Here is a short explanation of
+each option:
+ * -release ........... Compile and link Qt with debugging turned off.
+ -debug ............. Compile and link Qt with debugging turned on.
+ * -shared ............ Create and use a shared Qt library (
+ -static ............ Create and use a static Qt library (libqt.a)
+ -qt3 ............... Configure for use with Qt 3.x
+ -platform target ... The platform you are building on ($PLATFORM)
+ exit 0;
+CUSTOM=`echo $PLATFORM | sed -n -e "s/.*-\(.*\)-.*/\1/p"`
+if [ -f library/custom-$CUSTOM.h ]
+ rm -f library/custom.h
+ ln -s custom-$CUSTOM.h library/custom.h
+mkdir -p include/qpe
+( cd include/qpe && rm -f *.h; ln -s ../../library/*.h .; ln -s ../../library/backend/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; )
+mkdir -p include/qtopia
+( cd include/qtopia && rm -f *.h; ln -s ../../library/*.h .; )
+mkdir -p include/qtopia/private
+( cd include/qtopia/private && rm -f *.h; ln -s ../../../library/backend/*.h .; )
+mkdir -p include/opie
+( cd include/opie && rm -f *.h; ln -s ../../libopie/*.h .; rm -f *_p.h; )
+( cd include/opie && ln -s ../../libsql/*.h .; )
+( cd include/opie && ln -s ../../libopie/pim/*.h .; )
+( cd include/opie && ln -fs ../../libopie/ofileselector/*.h .; )
+echo Creating makefiles...
+# Set version for library directly
+# Version 1.5.0 right now for compat.
+sed -e 's/^\(VERSION.*= \).*/\1'1.5.0.$VERSION_PAT/ <library/ >library/
+mv library/ library/
+if [ "$QT3" = yes ]
+if [ -f $TMAKEPATH/tmake.conf ]
+ # You have tmake. We'll regenerate the file for you...
+ echo "Makefiles will be regenerated."
+if [ -z "$TOMAKE" ]
+ TOMAKE=`make showcomponents`
+for a in $TOMAKE ; do
+ N=$a/Makefile
+ M=$a/
+ O=$a/Makefile.add
+ f=`basename $a`
+ if [ -f "$TMAKEPATH/tmake.conf" -a -f "$a/$" ]
+ then
+ ( cd $a;
+ tmake $QCONFIGARG CONFIG+=embedded $VCONFIG \
+ -t $H/qt/tmake/propagate.t $ |
+ sed -e "s|$QTDIR|\$(QTDIR)|g" -e "s|$OPIEDIR|\$(OPIEDIR)|g" >;
+ )
+ echo -n "."
+# echo Building $N..
+ appname=`grep '^TARGET' $a/$ | sed 's/^TARGET.*=//' | tr -d " \t"`
+ translation=`grep '^TRANSLATION.*[^+]=.*' $a/$ | sed 's,^TRANSL.*=.*i18n\/.*\/,,' | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's,\.ts.*,,' | sed 's,^lib,,' `
+ if [ -n "$translation" -a -n "$appname" ]
+ then
+ if [ "$appname" != "$translation" ]
+ then
+ echo
+ echo "Warning: translation and appname disagree in $a/$"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ cat > $N <<EOF
+# Automatically generated from $M
+# Build options from $1
+ SED=
+ if [ "$f" = "embeddedkonsole" ]
+ then
+ case $PLATFORM in
+ *x86*|*generic*|*ipaq*|*sharp*)
+ SED="$SED /^LIBS.*=/s/\$/ -lutil/;"
+ ;; *)
+ SED=
+ esac
+ elif [ "$f" = "libmpeg3" ]
+ then
+ # Patch our file with the platform specifics for the libmpeg3 library
+ # Use the C++ compiler to compile the .c files (because the fixed-point classes are C++ code)
+ SED='s/\$(CC)/\$(CXX)/;'
+ case $PLATFORM
+ in
+ # For x86 turn on using floating point, compile mmx and css code
+ *x86*)
+ # "-funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -march=i486"
+ SED="$SED /SOURCES.*=/s/=/= video\\/mmxidct.S video\\/reconmmx.s\ /;"
+ # For generic turn on using floating point
+ ;; *generic*)
+ # For the ipaq use fixed point maths, don't compile the mmx or css code
+ ;; *ipaq*|*sharp*)
+ ;; *)
+ # For 'other platforms', turn off optimizations and use fixed point
+ esac
+ elif [ "$f" = "libmad" ]
+ then
+ # Patch our file with the platform specifics for the libmad library
+ case $PLATFORM
+ in
+ # For x86 use intel optimizations
+ *x86*)
+ # For the ipaq use ARM asm optimizations
+ ;; *ipaq*|*sharp*)
+ SED="$SED /SOURCES.*=/s/=/= idmt_arm.S /;"
+ # For generic platforms use the C 64-bit implementation
+ ;; *generic*)
+ # For 'other platforms' use the ARM code
+ ;; *)
+ SED="$SED /SOURCES.*=/s/=/= idmt_arm.S /;"
+ esac
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$PLATFORM_CFLAGS" ]
+ then
+ # Append the addition c-flags we have defined
+ fi
+ cat $TARGET >> $N
+ if [ -n "$SED" ]
+ then
+ sed -e "$SED" $M >> $N
+ else
+ cat $M >> $N
+ fi
+ cat >> $N <<EOF
+ lupdate $
+ lrelease $
+ if [ -f "$O" ]
+ then
+ cat >> $N $O
+ fi
+echo "Opie is now configured for building. Just run $MAKE (or $MAKE single)."
+echo "To reconfigure, run $MAKE clean and configure."
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/ b/libopie/ofileselector/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fa43fc
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+CONFIG += qte warn_on release
+HEADERS = ofontmenu.h \
+ ocolorbutton.h \
+ ofileselector/odefaultfactories.h \
+ ofileselector/ofiledialog.h \
+ ofileselector/ofilelistview.h \
+ ofileselector/ofileselector.h \
+ ofileselector/ofileselectoritem.h \
+ ofileselector/ofileseleczormain.h \
+ ofileselector/ofileview.h \
+ ofileselector/olister.h \
+ ofileselector/olocallister.h \
+ ofileselector/opixmapprovider.h \
+ tododb.h \
+ ocheckitem.h todoevent.h todoresource.h \
+ todovcalresource.h xmltree.h \
+ colordialog.h colorpopupmenu.h \
+ oclickablelabel.h oprocctrl.h \
+ oprocess.h odevice.h \
+ otimepicker.h otabwidget.h \
+ otabbar.h otabinfo.h \
+ ofontselector.h \
+ pim/opimrecord.h \
+ pim/otodo.h \
+ pim/orecordlist.h \
+ pim/opimaccesstemplate.h \
+ pim/opimaccessbackend.h \
+ pim/otodoaccess.h \
+ pim/otodacessbackend.h \
+ pim/ocontact.h \
+ pim/ocontactaccess.h \
+ pim/ocontactaccessbackend.h \
+ pim/ocontactaccessbackend_xml.h \
+ pim/obackendfactory.h \
+ pim/opimcache.h \
+ pim/otodoaccessvcal.h \
+ pim/orecur.h \
+ orecurrancewidget.h
+# pim/otodoaccesssql.h \
+ ocolorbutton.cpp \
+ ofileselector/odefaultfactories.cpp \
+ ofileselector/ofiledialog.cpp \
+ ofileselector/ofilefactory.cpp \
+ ofileselector/ofilelistview.cpp \
+ ofileselector/ofileselector.cpp \
+ ofileselector/ofileselectoritem.cpp \
+ ofileselector/ofileselectormain.cpp \
+ ofileselector/ofileview.cpp \
+ ofileselector/olister.cpp \
+ ofileselector/olocallister.cpp \
+ ofileselector/opixmapprovider.cpp \
+ \
+ ocheckitem.cpp tododb.cpp todoevent.cpp \
+ todovcalresource.cpp colordialog.cpp \
+ colorpopupmenu.cpp oclickablelabel.cpp \
+ oprocctrl.cpp oprocess.cpp \
+ odevice.cpp otimepicker.cpp \
+ otabwidget.cpp otabbar.cpp \
+ ofontselector.cpp \
+ pim/otodo.cpp \
+ pim/opimrecord.cpp \
+ pim/otodoaccess.cpp \
+ pim/otodoaccessbackend.cpp \
+ pim/otodoaccessxml.cpp \
+ pim/ocontact.cpp \
+ pim/ocontactaccess.cpp \
+ pim/otodoaccessvcal.cpp \
+ pim/orecur.cpp \
+ orecurrancewidget.cpp
+# pim/otodoaccesssql.cpp \
+TARGET = opie
+#VERSION = 1.0.0
+# LIBS += -lopiesql
+INTERFACES = otimepickerbase.ui orecurrancebase.ui
+TRANSLATIONS = ../i18n/de/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/en/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/es/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/fr/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/hu/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/ja/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/ko/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/no/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/pl/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/pt/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/pt_BR/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/sl/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/zh_CN/libopie.ts \
+ ../i18n/zh_TW/libopie.ts
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/ofilelistview.cpp b/libopie/ofileselector/ofilelistview.cpp
index 9cfdc48..fe8acf0 100644
--- a/libopie/ofileselector/ofilelistview.cpp
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/ofilelistview.cpp
@@ -1,203 +1,201 @@
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qpe/mimetype.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include "ofileselector.h"
#include "ofileselectoritem.h"
#include "ofilelistview.h"
OFileListView::OFileListView( QWidget* parent, OFileSelector* sel)
: QListView( parent ), OFileView( sel )
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( viewport(),
addColumn(" " );
addColumn(tr("Name"), 135 );
addColumn(tr("Size"), -1 );
addColumn(tr("Date"), 60 );
addColumn(tr("Mime Type"), -1 );
QHeader *head = header();
setSorting( 1 );
setAllColumnsShowFocus( TRUE );
connect(this, SIGNAL(selectionChanged() ),
this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged() ) );
connect(this, SIGNAL(currentChanged(QListViewItem *) ),
this, SLOT(slotCurrentChanged(QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect(this, SIGNAL(mouseButtonClicked(int, QListViewItem*, const QPoint &, int) ),
this, SLOT(slotClicked( int, QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int) ) );
connect(this, SIGNAL(mouseButtonPressed(int, QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int )),
this, SLOT(slotRightButton(int, QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ) ) );
OFileListView::~OFileListView() {
void OFileListView::clear() {
void OFileListView::addFile( const QPixmap& pix,
const QString&,
QFileInfo* info,
- const QString& /*extra*/,
+ const QString& extra,
bool isSymlink ) {
QString dir;
QString name;
bool locked = false;
dir = info->dirPath( true );
if( isSymlink )
name = info->fileName() + " -> " +info->dirPath() + "/" + info->readLink();
else {
name = info->fileName();
if( ( selector()->mode() == OFileSelector::Open && !info->isReadable() ) ||
( selector()->mode() == OFileSelector::Save && !info->isWritable() ) ){
locked = true;
new OFileSelectorItem( this, pix, name,
QString::number( info->size() ),
- dir, locked );
+ dir, locked, extra );
void OFileListView::addFile( const QPixmap&,
const QString& /*mime*/, const QString& /*dir*/,
const QString& /*file*/,
const QString& /*extra*/,
bool /*isSyml*/ ) {
void OFileListView::addDir( const QPixmap& pix, const QString&,
QFileInfo* info,
- const QString& /*extra */,
+ const QString& extra ,
bool symlink ) {
bool locked = false;
QString name;
name = symlink ? info->fileName() + "->" + info->dirPath(true) + "/" +info->readLink() : info->fileName() ;
new OFileSelectorItem( this, pix, name,
QString::number( info->size() ),
- info->dirPath( true ), locked,
+ info->dirPath( true ), locked, extra,
true );
void OFileListView::addDir( const QPixmap&,
const QString& /*mime*/, const QString& /*dir*/,
const QString& /*file*/,
const QString& /*extra*/,
bool ) {
void OFileListView::addSymlink( const QPixmap&,
const QString& /*mime*/,
QFileInfo* /*info*/,
const QString& /*extra*/,
bool /*isSym*/ ) {
void OFileListView::addSymlink(const QPixmap&,
const QString& /*m*/, const QString& /*path*/,
const QString& /*file*/,
const QString& /*extra*/,
bool /*isSym*/ ) {
void OFileListView::cd( const QString& ) {
QWidget* OFileListView::widget() {
return this;
QString OFileListView::selectedName()const{
QListViewItem *item = currentItem();
if (!item )
return QString::null;
return item->text( 1 );
+QString OFileListView::selectedExtra()const{
+ QListViewItem* item = currentItem();
+ if (!item) return QString::null;
+ OFileSelectorItem* fit = (OFileSelectorItem*)fit;
+ return fit->extra();
QStringList OFileListView::selectedNames()const {
QStringList list;
list << selectedName();
return list;
QString OFileListView::selectedPath()const {
return QString::null;
QStringList OFileListView::selectedPaths()const {
QStringList list;
-b list << selectedPath();
+ list << selectedPath();
return list;
int OFileListView::fileCount() {
return childCount();
void OFileListView::sort() {
void OFileListView::slotSelectionChanged() {
void OFileListView::slotCurrentChanged( QListViewItem* item) {
if (!item )
OFileSelectorItem* sel = (OFileSelectorItem*) item;
qWarning("current changed");
if(!sel->isDir() ){
updateLine( sel->text(1) );
if (selector()->mode() == OFileSelector::Fileselector ) {
QStringList str = QStringList::split("->", sel->text(1) );
- QString path =sel->directory() + "/" + str[0].stripWhiteSpace();
- DocLnk lnk( path );
- fileSelected(lnk );
- fileSelected( path );
+ fileSelected(sel->directory(), str[0].stripWhiteSpace(),sel->extra() );
void OFileListView::slotClicked( int button, QListViewItem* item,
const QPoint&, int ) {
if ( !item )
if( button != Qt::LeftButton )
OFileSelectorItem *sel = (OFileSelectorItem*)item;
if(!sel->isLocked() ){
QStringList str = QStringList::split("->", sel->text(1) );
if( sel->isDir() ){
- changedDir( sel->directory() + "/" + str[0].stripWhiteSpace() );
+ changedDir( sel->directory(), str[0].stripWhiteSpace(),sel->extra() );
updateLine( str[0].stripWhiteSpace() );
- QString path = sel->directory();
- path += "/";
- path += str[0].stripWhiteSpace();
- DocLnk lnk( path );
- fileSelected( path );
- fileSelected( lnk );
+ fileSelected( sel->directory(),str[0].stripWhiteSpace(), sel->extra() );
void OFileListView::slotRightButton( int button, QListViewItem* item,
const QPoint&, int ) {
if (!item || (button != Qt::RightButton ))
/* raise contextmenu */
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/ofilelistview.h b/libopie/ofileselector/ofilelistview.h
index 0f625ec..f2eac57 100644
--- a/libopie/ofileselector/ofilelistview.h
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/ofilelistview.h
@@ -1,67 +1,69 @@
#include <qlistview.h>
#include <qpixmap.h>
#include "ofileview.h"
class OFileListView : public QListView, public OFileView {
OFileListView( QWidget* parent, OFileSelector* );
void clear();
void addFile( const QPixmap&,
const QString& mine,
QFileInfo* info,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE );
void addFile( const QPixmap&,
const QString& mime,
const QString& dir,
const QString& file,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool = false );
void addDir( const QPixmap&,
const QString& mime,
+ QFileInfo* info,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
- QFileInfo* info, bool = FALSE );
+ bool = FALSE );
void addDir( const QPixmap&,
const QString& mime, const QString& dir,
const QString& file,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool = FALSE );
void addSymlink( const QPixmap&,
const QString& mime,
QFileInfo* info,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool = FALSE );
void addSymlink( const QPixmap&,
const QString& mine, const QString& path,
const QString& file,
- const QString& extra,
+ const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE );
void cd( const QString& path );
QWidget* widget();
void sort();
QString selectedName()const ;
QStringList selectedNames()const;
QString selectedPath()const;
QStringList selectedPaths()const;
+ QString selectedExtra()const;
int fileCount();
private slots:
void slotSelectionChanged();
void slotCurrentChanged(QListViewItem* );
void slotClicked( int, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int );
void slotRightButton(int, QListViewItem*, const QPoint&, int );
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/ofileselector.cpp b/libopie/ofileselector/ofileselector.cpp
index 0ccb3cb..255e79e 100644
--- a/libopie/ofileselector/ofileselector.cpp
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/ofileselector.cpp
@@ -1,1099 +1,1101 @@
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qabstractlayout.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qlistview.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qwidgetstack.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qpe/applnk.h>
#include <qpe/global.h>
#include <qpe/mimetype.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qpe/storage.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "ofileview.h"
#include "ofileselectormain.h"
#include "ofileselector.h"
#include "olocallister.h"
#include "olister.h"
#include "odefaultfactories.h"
QMap<QString,QPixmap> *OFileSelector::m_pixmaps = 0;
namespace {
/* let's find the index for a specified string */
int indexByString( const QComboBox *box, const QString &str ){
int index= 0;
for(int i= 0; i < box->count(); i++ ){
/* found */
if( str == box->text(i ) ){
index= i;
return index;
OFileSelector::OFileSelector( QWidget *wid, int mode, int selector,
const QString &dirName,
const QString &fileName,
const QMap<QString,QStringList>& mimeTypes)
: QWidget( wid, "OFileSelector")
m_mimetypes = mimeTypes;
if (mode == Save )
m_name = fileName;
m_mode = mode;
m_selector = selector;
m_currentDir = dirName;
OFileSelector::OFileSelector(const QString &mimeFilter, QWidget *parent,
const char *name, bool newVisible,
bool closeVisible )
: QWidget( parent, name )
/* update the mimefilter */
if (!mimeFilter.isEmpty() ) {
QStringList list = QStringList::split(";", mimeFilter );
m_mimetypes.insert(mimeFilter, list );
m_currentDir = QPEApplication::documentDir();
m_mode = Fileselector;
m_selector = Normal;
m_shClose = closeVisible;
m_shNew = newVisible;
m_shLne = false;
m_shPerm = false;
m_shYesNo = false;
void OFileSelector::setNewVisible( bool visible )
m_shNew = visible;
if (m_new )
void OFileSelector::setCloseVisible( bool visible )
m_shClose = visible;
if( m_close )
void OFileSelector::reread()
if( m_selector == Normal )
const DocLnk *OFileSelector::selected()
DocLnk *lnk = new DocLnk(selectedDocument() );
return lnk;
void OFileSelector::setYesCancelVisible( bool show )
initializeYes(); // FIXME if YesCancel is not shown we will initialize it to hide it :(
m_shYesNo = show;
if( m_shYesNo )
void OFileSelector::setToolbarVisible( bool show )
m_shTool = show;
if(!m_shTool ){
void OFileSelector::setPermissionBarVisible( bool show )
m_shPerm = show;
if( m_shPerm )
void OFileSelector::setLineEditVisible( bool show )
if( show ){
// check if we showed before this is the way to go
if( m_shLne && m_boxName != 0 )
m_shLne = show;
void OFileSelector::setChooserVisible( bool show )
m_shChooser = show;
if( m_shChooser )
QCheckBox* OFileSelector::permissionCheckbox()
if( m_selector == Normal )
return 0l;
return m_checkPerm;
bool OFileSelector::setPermission()const
return m_checkPerm == 0 ? false : m_checkPerm->isChecked();
void OFileSelector::setPermissionChecked( bool check )
if( m_checkPerm )
m_checkPerm->setChecked( check );
void OFileSelector::setMode(int mode) // FIXME do direct raising
m_mode = mode;
if( m_selector == Normal )
void OFileSelector::setShowDirs(bool dir)
m_dir = dir;
if ( m_selector != Fileselector )
void OFileSelector::setCaseSensetive(bool caSe )
m_case = caSe;
if ( m_selector != Fileselector )
void OFileSelector::setShowFiles(bool show )
m_files = show;
bool OFileSelector::cd(const QString &path )
m_currentDir = path;
return true;
void OFileSelector::setSelector(int mode )
QString text;
switch( mode ){
case Normal:
text = tr("Documents");
case Extended:
text = tr("List View");
case ExtendedAll:
text = tr("All List View");
slotViewCheck( text );
void OFileSelector::setPopupFactory(OPopupMenuFactory */*popup*/ )
/* m_custom = popup;
m_showPopup = true;
//void OFileSelector::updateL
QString OFileSelector::selectedName() const
QString name;
if( m_selector == Normal ){
DocLnk lnk = m_select->selectedDocument();
name = lnk.file();
}else {
if ( m_shLne ) {
name = m_currentDir + "/" +m_edit->text();
name = m_currentDir + "/" + currentView()->selectedName();
return name;
QStringList OFileSelector::selectedNames()const
QStringList list;
if( m_selector == Normal ){
list << selectedName();
}else {
list << selectedName(); // FIXME implement multiple Selections
return list;
/** If mode is set to the Dir selection this will return the selected path.
QString OFileSelector::selectedPath()const
QString path;
if( m_selector == Normal ){
path = QPEApplication::documentDir();
} /* normal case to do */
return path;
QStringList OFileSelector::selectedPaths() const
QStringList list;
list << selectedPath();
return list;
QString OFileSelector::directory()const
if( m_selector == Normal )
return QPEApplication::documentDir();
return QDir(m_currentDir).absPath();
int OFileSelector::fileCount()
int count;
switch( m_selector ){
case Normal:
count = m_select->fileCount();
case Extended:
case ExtendedAll:
count = currentView()->fileCount();
return count;
DocLnk OFileSelector::selectedDocument() const
DocLnk lnk;
switch( m_selector ){
case Normal:{
lnk = m_select->selectedDocument();
case Extended:
case ExtendedAll:
lnk = DocLnk( selectedName() );
return lnk;
QValueList<DocLnk> OFileSelector::selectedDocuments() const
QValueList<DocLnk> docs;
docs.append( selectedDocument() );
return docs;
// slots internal
void OFileSelector::slotOk()
emit ok();
void OFileSelector::slotCancel()
emit cancel();
/* switch the views */
void OFileSelector::slotViewCheck(const QString &sel)
setView( sel );
QString OFileSelector::currentMimeType() const{
QString mime;
QString currentText;
if (m_shChooser && m_mimeCheck )
currentText = m_mimeCheck->currentText();
qWarning("CurrentText" + currentText );
if (tr("All") == currentText ) return QString::null;
else if (currentText.isEmpty() ) {
}else {
QMap<QString, QStringList>::ConstIterator it;
it = m_mimetypes.find( currentText );
if ( it != m_mimetypes.end() ) {
mime =";");
mime = currentText;
return mime;
void OFileSelector::slotMimeCheck(const QString &mime)
if( m_selector == Normal ){
m_mimeCheck->setCurrentItem(indexByString( m_mimeCheck, mime) );
}else{ // others
qWarning("Mime %s", mime.latin1() );
if(m_shChooser ){
qWarning("Current Text %s", m_mimeCheck->currentText().latin1() );
//m_mimeCheck->setCurrentItem(indexByString( m_mimeCheck, mime) );
* Ok if a non dir gets inserted into this combobox
* we need to change it
* QFileInfo and dirPath will give us the right Dir
void OFileSelector::slotLocationActivated(const QString &file)
QString name = file.left( file.find("<-", 0, TRUE ) );
QFileInfo info( name );
if ( info.isFile() )
cd(info.dirPath( TRUE ) ); //absolute
cd(name );
void OFileSelector::slotInsertLocationPath(const QString &currentPath, int count)
QStringList pathList;
bool underDog = FALSE;
for(int i=0;i<count;i++) {
pathList << m_location->text(i);
if( m_location->text(i) == currentPath)
underDog = TRUE;
if( !underDog) {
if( currentPath.left(2)=="//")
pathList.append( currentPath.right(currentPath.length()-1) );
pathList.append( currentPath );
m_location->insertStringList( pathList,-1);
* Do not crash anymore
* don't try to change dir to a file
void OFileSelector::locationComboChanged()
QFileInfo info( m_location->lineEdit()->text() );
qWarning("info %s %s", info.dirPath(true).latin1(), m_location->lineEdit()->text().latin1() );
if (info.isFile() )
cd(info.dirPath(TRUE) ); //absolute path
cd( m_location->lineEdit()->text() );
void OFileSelector::init()
m_lay = new QVBoxLayout( this );
m_lay->setSpacing(0 );
/* take care of the main view... */
//if( m_shChooser ) // the Chooser for the view and Mimetypes
/* initialize the file lister */
if( m_selector == Normal ){
QString mime;
if (!m_autoMime) {
if (!m_mimetypes.isEmpty() ) {
QMap<QString, QStringList>::Iterator it;
it = m_mimetypes.begin(); // cause we're in the init
mime =";");
if( m_shLne ) // the LineEdit with the current FileName
if( m_shPerm ) // the Permission QCheckBox
if( m_shYesNo ) // the Yes No button row
initializeYes( );
if (m_selector != Normal )
void OFileSelector::updateMimes()
if( m_autoMime ){
m_mimetypes.insert( tr("All"), QString::null );
if( m_selector == Normal ){
DocLnkSet set;
Global::findDocuments(&set, QString::null );
QListIterator<DocLnk> dit( set.children() );
for( ; dit.current(); ++dit ){
if( !m_mimetypes.contains( (*dit)->type() ) )
m_mimetypes.insert( (*dit)->type(), (*dit)->type() );
}// else done in reparse
void OFileSelector::initVars()
if( m_mimetypes.isEmpty() )
m_autoMime = true;
m_autoMime = false;
m_shClose = false;
m_shNew = false;
m_shTool = true;
m_shPerm = false;
m_shLne = true;
m_shChooser = true;
m_shYesNo = true;
m_case = false;
m_dir = true;
m_files = true;
m_showPopup = false;
m_mainView = 0l;
m_fileView = 0l;
m_lister = 0l;
if(m_pixmaps == 0 ) // init the pixmaps
// pointers
m_location = 0;
m_mimeCheck = 0;
m_viewCheck = 0;
m_homeButton = 0;
m_docButton = 0;
m_hideButton = 0;
m_ok = 0;
m_cancel = 0;
m_reread = 0;
m_up = 0;
m_View = 0;
m_checkPerm = 0;
m_pseudo = 0;
m_pseudoLayout = 0;
m_select = 0;
m_lay = 0;
m_Oselector = 0;
m_boxToolbar = 0;
m_boxOk = 0;
m_boxName = 0;
m_boxView = 0;
m_edit = 0;
m_fnLabel = 0;
m_new = 0;
m_close = 0;
void OFileSelector::initializeName()
/** Name Layout Line
* This is the Layout line arranged in
* horizontal way each components
* are next to each other
* but we will only do this if
* we didn't initialize a while ago.
if( m_boxName == 0 ){
m_boxName = new QHBox( this ); // remove this this? or use a QHBox
m_fnLabel = new QLabel( m_boxName );
m_fnLabel->setText( tr("Name:") );
m_edit = new QLineEdit( m_boxName );
m_edit->setText( m_name );
//m_boxName->addWidget( m_fnLabel );
m_boxName->setMargin( 5 );
m_boxName->setSpacing( 8 );
//m_boxName->setStretchFactor(m_edit, 100 ); // 100 is stretch factor
m_lay->addWidget( m_boxName, 0 ); // add it to the topLevel layout
}// else we already initialized
// maybe show the components?
void OFileSelector::initializeYes()
/** The Save Cancel bar
if( m_boxOk == 0 ){
m_boxOk = new QHBox( this );
m_ok = new QPushButton( tr("&Save"),m_boxOk , "save" );
m_cancel = new QPushButton( tr("C&ancel"), m_boxOk, "cancel" );
//m_boxOk->addWidget( m_ok );
//m_boxOk->addWidget( m_cancel );
m_boxOk->setMargin( 5 );
m_boxOk->setSpacing( 10 );
m_lay->addWidget( m_boxOk, 0 );
connect( m_ok, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this, SLOT(slotOk() ) );
connect( m_cancel, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this, SLOT( slotCancel() ) );
* OK m_mimeCheck is a QComboBox we now want to fill
* out that combobox
* if automime we need to update the mimetypes
void OFileSelector::updateMimeCheck() {
if (m_autoMime ) {
//m_mimeCheck->insertItem( tr("All") );
QMap<QString, QStringList>::Iterator it;
for (it = m_mimetypes.begin(); it != m_mimetypes.end(); ++it ) {
m_mimeCheck->insertItem( it.key() );
void OFileSelector::initializeChooser()
if( m_boxView == 0 ){
m_boxView = new QHBox( this );
m_viewCheck = new QComboBox( m_boxView, "view check");
m_mimeCheck = new QComboBox( m_boxView, "mime check");
m_boxView->setSpacing( 8 );
m_lay->addWidget(m_boxView, 0 );
connect( m_viewCheck, SIGNAL( activated(const QString & ) ),
this, SLOT( slotViewCheck(const QString & ) ) );
connect( m_mimeCheck, SIGNAL( activated(const QString & ) ),
this, SLOT( slotMimeCheck( const QString & ) ) );
/* generate the buttons for the toolbar */
void OFileSelector::initToolbar() {
m_mainView = new OFileSelectorMain( this );
/* now generate the tool bar */
qWarning( "toolbar" );
m_pseudo = new QWidget( m_mainView, "Pseudo Widget" );
m_pseudoLayout = new QVBoxLayout( m_pseudo );
m_boxToolbar = new QHBox( m_pseudo );
m_boxToolbar->setSpacing( 0 );
// tool bar members now
m_location = new QComboBox( m_boxToolbar );
m_location->setEditable( TRUE );
m_location->setDuplicatesEnabled( FALSE );
connect( m_location, SIGNAL(activated(const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT(slotLocationActivated(const QString& )) );
connect( m_location->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(returnPressed() ) ,
this, SLOT(locationComboChanged() ) );
// UP Button
m_up = new QPushButton( Resource::loadIconSet("up"), QString::null,
m_boxToolbar, "cdUpButton" );
m_up->setFixedSize( QSize(20, 20 ) );
connect( m_up, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(cdUP() ) );
m_up->setFlat( TRUE );
// Home Button
m_homeButton = new QPushButton(Resource::loadIconSet("home"),
QString::null, m_boxToolbar );
m_homeButton->setFixedSize( QSize(20, 20 ) );
connect(m_homeButton, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT(slotHome() ) );
m_homeButton->setFlat( TRUE );
// Documents Button
m_docButton = new QPushButton( Resource::loadIconSet("DocsIcon"),
QString::null, m_boxToolbar,
"docsButton" );
m_docButton->setFixedSize( QSize(20, 20 ) );
m_docButton->setFlat( true );
connect( m_docButton, SIGNAL(clicked() ),
this, SLOT(slotDoc() ) );
// close button
m_close = new QPushButton( Resource::loadIconSet( "close"), "",
m_boxToolbar );
connect( m_close, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SIGNAL(closeMe() ) );
m_close->setFixedSize( 20, 20 );
m_boxToolbar->setFixedHeight( 20 );
m_pseudoLayout->addWidget(m_boxToolbar );
/* init the locations */
if( !m_shTool ){
m_location->hide( );
m_up->hide( );
m_homeButton->hide( );
m_docButton->hide( );
if(!m_shClose )
m_mainView->setToolbar( m_pseudo );
m_lay->addWidget( m_mainView, 100 );
/* put default locations into the bar */
void OFileSelector::initLocations () {
// let;s fill the Location ComboBox
StorageInfo storage;
const QList<FileSystem> &fs = storage.fileSystems();
QListIterator<FileSystem> it ( fs );
for( ; it.current(); ++it ){
const QString disk = (*it)->name();
const QString path = (*it)->path();
m_location->insertItem(path+ "<-"+disk );
int count = m_location->count();
m_location->insertItem( m_currentDir );
m_location->setCurrentItem( count );
void OFileSelector::initializePerm()
if( m_checkPerm == 0 ){
m_checkPerm = new QCheckBox(tr("Set Permission"), this, "perm");
m_checkPerm->setChecked( false );
m_lay->addWidget( m_checkPerm );
void OFileSelector::initPics()
m_pixmaps = new QMap<QString,QPixmap>;
QPixmap pm = Resource::loadPixmap( "folder" );
QPixmap lnk = Resource::loadPixmap( "opie/symlink" );
QPainter painter( &pm );
painter.drawPixmap( pm.width()-lnk.width(), pm.height()-lnk.height(), lnk );
pm.setMask( pm.createHeuristicMask( FALSE ) );
m_pixmaps->insert("dirsymlink", pm );
QPixmap pm2 = Resource::loadPixmap( "lockedfolder" );
QPainter pen(&pm2 );
pen.drawPixmap(pm2.width()-lnk.width(), pm2.height()-lnk.height(), lnk );
pm2.setMask( pm2.createHeuristicMask( FALSE ) );
m_pixmaps->insert("symlinkedlocked", pm2 );
// if a mime complies with the m_mimeCheck->currentItem
bool OFileSelector::compliesMime( const QString &path, const QString &mime )
if( mime == "All" )
return true;
MimeType type( path );
if( == mime )
return true;
return false;
/* check if the mimetype in mime
* complies with the one which is current
* We've the mimetype of the file
* We need to get the stringlist of the current mimetype
* mime = image/jpeg
* QStringList = 'image/*'
* or QStringList = image/jpeg;image/png;application/x-ogg
* or QStringList = application/x-ogg;image/*;
* with all these mime filters it should get acceptes
* to do so we need to look if mime is contained inside
* the stringlist
* if it's contained return true
* if not ( I'm no RegExp expert at all ) we'll look if a '/*'
* is contained in the mimefilter and then we will
* look if both are equal until the '/'
bool OFileSelector::compliesMime( const QString& mime ) {
qWarning("mimetype is %s", mime.latin1() );
QString currentText;
if (m_shChooser )
currentText = m_mimeCheck->currentText();
qWarning("current text is %s", currentText.latin1() );
QMap<QString, QStringList>::Iterator it;
QStringList list;
if ( currentText == tr("All") ) return true;
else if ( currentText.isEmpty() && !m_mimetypes.isEmpty() ) {
it = m_mimetypes.begin();
list =;
}else if ( currentText.isEmpty() ) return true;
it = m_mimetypes.find(currentText );
if ( it == m_mimetypes.end() ) qWarning("not there"), list << currentText;
else qWarning("found"), list =;
if ( list.contains(mime) ) return true;
qWarning("list doesn't contain it ");
QStringList::Iterator it2;
int pos;
for ( it2 = list.begin(); it2 != list.end(); ++it2 ) {
pos = (*it2).findRev("/*");
if ( pos >= 0 ) {
if ( mime.contains( (*it2).left(pos) ) ) return true;
return false;
void OFileSelector::slotFileSelected( const QString &string )
if( m_shLne )
m_edit->setText( string );
emit fileSelected( string );
void OFileSelector::slotFileBridgeSelected( const DocLnk &lnk )
slotFileSelected( );
// emit fileSelected( lnk );
void OFileSelector::slotDelete()
OFileSelectorItem *sel = (OFileSelectorItem*)m_View->currentItem();
QStringList list = QStringList::split("->", sel->text(1) );
if( sel->isDir() ){
QString str = QString::fromLatin1("rm -rf ") + sel->directory() +"/" + list[0]; //better safe than sorry
switch ( QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Delete"),tr("Do you really want to delete\n")+list[0],
tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,1,1) ) {
case 0:
::system(str.utf8().data() );
} else {
QFile::remove( list[0] );
m_View->takeItem( sel );
delete sel;
void OFileSelector::cdUP()
QDir dir( m_currentDir );
if(dir.exists() ){
m_currentDir = dir.absPath();
int count = m_location->count();
slotInsertLocationPath( m_currentDir, count);
m_location->setCurrentItem( indexByString( m_location, m_currentDir));
//this wont work in all instances
void OFileSelector::slotHome()
cd(QDir::homeDirPath() );
void OFileSelector::slotDoc()
cd(QPEApplication::documentDir() );
void OFileSelector::slotNavigate( )
// fill the View with life
void OFileSelector::reparse()
if( m_selector == Normal )
if( m_shChooser)
qWarning("reparse %s", m_mimeCheck->currentText().latin1() );
QString currentMimeType;
// let's update the mimetype
if( m_autoMime ){
// ok we can change mimetype so we need to be able to give a selection
if( m_shChooser ) {
currentMimeType = m_mimeCheck->currentText();
// let's find possible mimetypes
m_mimetypes = currentLister()->mimeTypes( m_currentDir );
// add them to the chooser
m_mimeCheck->setCurrentItem( indexByString( m_mimeCheck, currentMimeType ) );
currentMimeType = m_mimeCheck->currentText();
}else { // no autoMime
// let the mimetype be set from out side the m_mimeCheck FEATURE
if( m_shChooser )
currentMimeType = m_mimeCheck->currentText();
// now we got our mimetypes we can add the files
currentLister()->reparse( m_currentDir );
/* we're done with adding let's sort */
if( m_shTool ){
m_location->insertItem( m_currentDir );
// reenable painting and updates
/* switch lister to @param lister */
void OFileSelector::setLister(const QString& lister) {
QStringList listerList = factory()->lister();
if (listerList.contains(lister) ) {
delete (OLister*) m_lister;
m_lister = factory()->lister( lister, this );
}else if (!m_lister ) {
* if we do not have a lister
* we need to take the default one
m_lister = new OLocalLister(this);
m_listerName = lister;
void OFileSelector::setView( const QString& lis ) {
qWarning("setView ");
if ( lis == tr("Documents") ) {
m_selector = Normal;
delete m_lister;
delete m_fileView;
m_lister = 0l;
m_fileView = 0l;
}else {
qWarning("lis %s", lis.latin1() );
QString list;
delete m_lister;
delete m_fileView;
delete m_select;
m_lister =0l;
m_fileView = 0l;
m_select = 0l;
if ( lis.startsWith("All") ) {
m_selector = ExtendedAll;
list = lis.mid(4 ).stripWhiteSpace();
} else{
list = lis;
m_selector = Extended;
m_fileView = factory()->view( list, this, m_mainView );
m_mainView->setWidget( m_fileView->widget() );
* the factory
void OFileSelector::initFactory() {
m_fileFactory = new OFileFactory();
m_fileFactory->addLister(tr("Files"), newLocalLister );
m_fileFactory->addView(tr("List View"), newFileListView );
/* the factory is just a dummy */
m_fileFactory->addView(tr("Documents"), newFileListView );
void OFileSelector::fillList() {
qWarning("fill list");
if (!m_viewCheck )
QStringList list = factory()->views();
qWarning("views: " + list.join(";") );
for (QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
qWarning( (*it) );
if ( (*it) == tr("Documents") ) {
m_viewCheck->insertItem( (*it) );
m_viewCheck->insertItem( (*it) );
m_viewCheck->insertItem( tr("All ") + (*it) );
OFileFactory* OFileSelector::factory() {
return m_fileFactory;
OFileView* OFileSelector::currentView() {
return m_fileView;
OFileView* OFileSelector::currentView() const{
return m_fileView;
int OFileSelector::filter() {
int filter;
if ( m_selector == ExtendedAll )
filter = QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs | QDir::Hidden | QDir::All;
filter = QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs | QDir::All ;
return filter;
int OFileSelector::sorting() {
int sort;
if (m_case )
sort = ( QDir::IgnoreCase | QDir::Name | QDir::DirsFirst | QDir::Reversed );
sort = ( QDir::Name | QDir::DirsFirst | QDir::Reversed );
return sort;
void OFileSelector::internFileSelected( const QString& s) {
emit fileSelected( s );
+ DocLnk lnk( s );
+ internFileSelected( lnk );
void OFileSelector::internFileSelected( const DocLnk& d ) {
emit fileSelected( d );
void OFileSelector::internContextMenu() {
emit contextMenu();
void OFileSelector::internChangedDir( const QString& s) {
emit dirSelected( s );
cd(s );
void OFileSelector::internChangedDir( const QDir& s) {
emit dirSelected( s );
QPixmap OFileSelector::pixmap( const QString& s ) {
return (*m_pixmaps)[s];
OLister* OFileSelector::currentLister()const {
return m_lister;
void OFileSelector::initializeOldSelector() {
delete m_select;
// we need to initialize but keep the selected mimetype
/* we default not to show close and new buttons */
QString mime = currentMimeType();
qWarning("MimeType " + mime );
m_select = new FileSelector( mime ,
m_mainView, "fileselector",
m_select->setCategorySelectVisible( FALSE );
m_select->setTypeComboVisible( FALSE );
connect(m_select, SIGNAL(fileSelected( const DocLnk & ) ),
this, SLOT( slotFileBridgeSelected(const DocLnk & ) ) );
connect(m_select, SIGNAL(closeMe() ),
this, SIGNAL(closeMe() ) );
//connect to close me and other signals as well
m_mainView->setWidget( m_select );
* initialize the listview
* we will call fillList
* setLister
* with QString::null to get the default
* setView with either Files or All Files
* depending on Extended
void OFileSelector::initializeView() {
if (m_selector == Extended ) {
setView( tr("List View") );
setView( tr("All List View") );
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/ofileselectoritem.cpp b/libopie/ofileselector/ofileselectoritem.cpp
index d31046b..4ef8fe3 100644
--- a/libopie/ofileselector/ofileselectoritem.cpp
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/ofileselectoritem.cpp
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
#include "ofileselectoritem.h"
OFileSelectorItem::OFileSelectorItem( QListView*view,
const QPixmap& pix,
const QString& path,
const QString& date,
const QString& size,
const QString& dir,
- const QString& extra,
bool isLocked,
+ const QString& extra,
bool isDir )
: QListViewItem( view )
setPixmap( 0, pix );
setText( 1, path );
setText( 2, size );
setText( 3, date );
m_dir = isDir;
m_locked = isLocked;
m_dirStr = dir;
m_extra = extra;
OFileSelectorItem::~OFileSelectorItem() {
bool OFileSelectorItem::isLocked()const {
return m_locked;
QString OFileSelectorItem::directory()const {
return m_dirStr;
bool OFileSelectorItem::isDir()const {
return m_dir;
QString OFileSelectorItem::path() const {
return text(1);
QString OFileSelectorItem::key( int id, bool ) {
QString ke;
if( id == 0 || id == 1 ){ // name
if( m_dir ){
ke.append("0" );
ke.append( text(1) );
ke.append("1" );
ke.append( text(1) );
}else if( id == 2 ){ // size
return text(2);
}else if( id == 3 ){ // date
return text(3);
return ke;
-QString OFileSelector::extra()const {
+QString OFileSelectorItem::extra()const {
return m_extra;
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/ofileview.cpp b/libopie/ofileselector/ofileview.cpp
index 72d2f60..4203ca3 100644
--- a/libopie/ofileselector/ofileview.cpp
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/ofileview.cpp
@@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qpe/applnk.h>
#include "ofileselector.h"
+#include "olister.h"
#include "ofileview.h"
OFileView::OFileView( OFileSelector* sel)
: m_sel( sel )
OFileView::~OFileView() {
void OFileView::fileSelected( const QString& dir,const QString& file,const QString& extra ) {
m_sel->currentLister()->fileSelected( dir,file,extra );
void OFileView::contextMenu() {
void OFileView::changedDir( const QString& s, const QString& file, const QString& extra) {
m_sel->currentLister()->changedDir( s, file,extra );
OFileSelector* OFileView::selector() const {
return m_sel;
void OFileView::updateLine( const QString& str ) {
if (m_sel->m_shLne )
m_sel->m_edit->setText( str );
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/ofileview.h b/libopie/ofileselector/ofileview.h
index 808587f..e84a3e1 100644
--- a/libopie/ofileselector/ofileview.h
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/ofileview.h
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
               =. This file is part of the OPIE Project
             .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 zecke <>
 _;:,     .>    :=|. This library is free software; you can
.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU Library General Public
.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
 - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
    .%`+i>       _;_.
    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This library is distributed in the hope that
     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
..}^=.=       =       ; Library General Public License for more
++=   -.     .`     .: details.
 :     =  ...= . :.=-
 -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
  -_. . .   )=.  = Library General Public License along with
    --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef ofileview_h
#define ofileview_h
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
class QFileInfo;
class QDir;
class DocLnk;
* A OFileView is a specialised View for the
* OFileSelector
* With a View you can chage the user visible
* representation of a OFileLister
* OFileView is just a basic interface which helps you to
* write new views
class OFileSelector;
class OFileView {
OFileView( OFileSelector* );
virtual ~OFileView();
virtual void clear() = 0;
virtual void addFile(const QPixmap&,
const QString &mine,
QFileInfo *info,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE ) = 0;
virtual void addFile(const QPixmap&,
const QString& mine, const QString& dir,
const QString& file,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool = FALSE ) = 0;
virtual void addDir (const QPixmap&,
const QString &mine,
QFileInfo *info,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE ) = 0;
virtual void addDir (const QPixmap&,
const QString& mine, const QString& dir,
const QString& file,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool = FALSE) = 0;
virtual void addSymlink(const QPixmap&,
const QString &mime,
QFileInfo *info,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE ) = 0;
virtual void addSymlink(const QPixmap&,
const QString& mine,
const QString& path,
const QString& file,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE ) = 0;
virtual void cd(const QString &path ) = 0;
virtual QWidget* widget() = 0;
virtual QString selectedName()const = 0;
virtual QStringList selectedNames()const = 0;
virtual QString selectedPath()const = 0;
virtual QStringList selectedPaths()const = 0;
+ virtual QString selectedExtra()const = 0;
virtual int fileCount() = 0;
virtual void sort() =0;
* @param dir The dir name
* @param file The file name
* @param extra The extra information
- void fileSelected(const QString &dir, const QString& file, const QString& extra = QString::nulll);
+ void fileSelected(const QString &dir, const QString& file, const QString& extra = QString::null);
void contextMenu();
* @param dir The dir name
* @param file The file name
* @param extra The extra informations
void changedDir(const QString &dir, const QString& file, const QString& extra = QString::null);
- void changedDir(const QDir & );
/* updates the file name line of the FileSelector */
void updateLine( const QString& );
OFileSelector* selector()const;
OFileSelector* m_sel;
class OFileViewFactory {
OFileViewFactory() {} ;
virtual ~OFileViewFactory() = 0;
OFileView* newView(QWidget *parent, const char *name );
QString name()const;
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/olister.cpp b/libopie/ofileselector/olister.cpp
index 378c69d..ea09940 100644
--- a/libopie/ofileselector/olister.cpp
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/olister.cpp
@@ -1,162 +1,171 @@
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include "olister.h"
#include "ofileview.h"
#include "opixmapprovider.h"
#include "ofileselector.h"
OLister::OLister( OFileSelector* view)
: m_view( view ), m_acc( 0l )
m_prov = new OPixmapProvider( view );
OLister::~OLister() {
delete m_prov;
void OLister::setPixmapProvider( OPixmapProvider* prov ) {
delete m_prov;
m_prov = prov;
bool OLister::showFiles()const {
return m_view->showFiles();
bool OLister::showDirs()const {
return m_view->showDirs();
void OLister::addFile( const QString& mine,
QFileInfo* info,
const QString& extra,
bool isSymlink ) {
int t = isSymlink ? OPixmapProvider::File | OPixmapProvider::Symlink :
QPixmap pix = provider()->pixmap(t, mine,
view()->currentView()->addFile( pix,
isSymlink );
void OLister::addFile( const QString& mine,
const QString& path,
const QString& file,
const QString& extra,
bool isSymlink ) {
int t = isSymlink ? OPixmapProvider::File | OPixmapProvider::Symlink :
QPixmap pix = provider()->pixmap(t, mine, path, file );
view()->currentView()->addFile( pix,
isSymlink );
void OLister::addDir( const QString& mine,
QFileInfo* info,
const QString& extra,
bool isSymlink ) {
int t = isSymlink ? OPixmapProvider::Dir | OPixmapProvider::Symlink :
QPixmap pix = provider()->pixmap(t, mine, info );
view()->currentView()->addDir( pix,
isSymlink );
void OLister::addDir( const QString& mine,
const QString& path,
const QString& dir,
const QString& extra,
bool isSymlink ) {
int t = isSymlink ? OPixmapProvider::Dir | OPixmapProvider::Symlink :
QPixmap pix = provider()->pixmap(t, mine, path, dir );
view()->currentView()->addDir( pix,
isSymlink );
void OLister::addSymlink( const QString& mine,
QFileInfo* info,
const QString& extra,
bool isSymlink ) {
QPixmap pix = provider()->pixmap( OPixmapProvider::Symlink, mine, info );
view()->currentView()->addSymlink( pix,
isSymlink );
void OLister::addSymlink( const QString& mine,
const QString& path,
const QString& name,
const QString& extra,
bool isSymlink ) {
QPixmap pix = provider()->pixmap( OPixmapProvider::Symlink, mine,
path, name );
view()->currentView()->addSymlink( pix,
isSymlink );
OFileSelector* OLister::view() {
return m_view;
OPixmapProvider* OLister::provider() {
return m_prov;
bool OLister::compliesMime( const QString& mime ) {
return view()->compliesMime( mime );
+void OLister::internFileSelected( const QString& dir ) {
+ view()->internFileSelected( dir );
+void OLister::internChangedDir( const QString& dir ) {
+ view()->internChangedDir( dir );
OListerCmbAccess* OLister::comboBox() {
if (!m_acc )
m_acc = new OListerCmbAccess( view()->m_location );
return m_acc;
-OListerCmbAccess::OListerCmbAccess(QComboBox* box )
+OListerCmbAccess::OListerCmbAccess(QComboBox* cmb )
: m_cmb( cmb )
OListerCmbAccess::~OListerCmbAccess() {
void OListerCmbAccess::clear() {
if ( m_cmb )
void OListerCmbAccess::setCurrentItem( const QString& add, bool FORCE_ADD) {
if ( !m_cmb ) return;
int c = m_cmb->count();
for ( int i = 0; i < m_cmb->count(); i++ ) {
if ( m_cmb->text(i) == add ) {
- bo->setCurrentItem( i );
+ m_cmb->setCurrentItem( i );
+ if (!FORCE_ADD ) return;
m_cmb->insertItem(add );
m_cmb->setCurrentItem( c );
void OListerCmbAccess::insert( const QString& str ) {
if ( m_cmb )
m_cmb->insertItem( str );
QString OListerCmbAccess::currentText()const {
QString str;
if (m_cmb )
str = m_cmb->currentText();
return str;
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/olister.h b/libopie/ofileselector/olister.h
index 79d5409..cd84316 100644
--- a/libopie/ofileselector/olister.h
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/olister.h
@@ -1,125 +1,128 @@
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
class QComboBox;
class OPixmapProvider;
class OFileSelector;
class OListerCmbAccess;
* lister is something like KIO but very
* very basic and currently only for
* populating our views.
* This is a base class which needs to be implemented.
* @see OLocalLister for a filesystem based implementation
class OLister {
OLister( OFileSelector* );
virtual ~OLister();
virtual void reparse(const QString& path) = 0;
* return a list of available mimetypes
virtual QMap<QString, QStringList> mimeTypes( const QString& dir ) = 0;
void setPixmapProvider( OPixmapProvider* );
/* some way a slot */
- void fileSelected( const QString& dir, const QString& file, const QString& extra ) = 0;
- void changeDir( const QString& dir, const QString& file, const QString& extra ) = 0;
+ virtual void fileSelected( const QString& dir, const QString& file, const QString& extra ) = 0;
+ virtual void changedDir( const QString& dir, const QString& file, const QString& extra ) = 0;
* I hate too big classes
* this is a way to group
* access to a ComboBox
* which might exist or
* not in a secure way
OListerCmbAccess* comboBox();
bool showFiles()const;
bool showDirs()const;
bool compliesMime( const QString& mime );
void addFile( const QString& mine,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE );
void addFile( const QString& mine,
const QString& path,
const QString& file,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE );
void addDir( const QString& mine,
+ const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE );
void addDir( const QString& mine,
const QString& path,
const QString& dir,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE );
void addSymlink( const QString& mine,
QFileInfo* info,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE);
void addSymlink( const QString& mine,
const QString& path,
const QString& name,
const QString& extra = QString::null,
bool isSymlink = FALSE );
OFileSelector* view();
OPixmapProvider* provider();
+ void internFileSelected( const QString& file );
+ void internChangedDir( const QString& dir );
OFileSelector* m_view;
OPixmapProvider* m_prov;
OListerCmbAccess* m_acc;
class Private;
Private *d;
class OListerCmbAccess {
friend class OLister;
OListerCmbAccess( QComboBox* = 0l);
* clears the combobox
void clear();
* set's @param add to be the current Item
* if the item is not present it'll be removed
void setCurrentItem( const QString& add, bool FORECE_ADD = TRUE );
* inserts the the String at
* a non predictable position... The position is determined
* by the QComboBox code
void insert( const QString& );
QString currentText()const;
class Private;
Private* d;
QComboBox* m_cmb;
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/olocallister.cpp b/libopie/ofileselector/olocallister.cpp
index 2306b14..5d7884d 100644
--- a/libopie/ofileselector/olocallister.cpp
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/olocallister.cpp
@@ -1,119 +1,125 @@
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qpe/mimetype.h>
#include "ofileselector.h"
#include "olocallister.h"
OLocalLister::OLocalLister( OFileSelector* file )
: OLister( file )
OLocalLister::~OLocalLister() {
QMap<QString, QStringList> OLocalLister::mimeTypes( const QString& curDir ) {
QMap<QString, QStringList> mimes;
// let's find possible mimetypes
QDir dir( curDir );
dir.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Readable );
dir.setSorting( QDir::Size );
const QFileInfoList *list = dir.entryInfoList();
QFileInfoListIterator it( *list );
QFileInfo *fi;
while( (fi=it.current() ) ) {
/* skip .desktop */
if( fi->extension() == QString::fromLatin1("desktop") ){
MimeType type( fi->absFilePath() );
if( !mimes.contains( ) ){
mimes.insert(, );
return mimes;
* FIXME mimecheck
* use mime check for that
* filter dirs
* filter filters
* filter files
* filter mimetypes
void OLocalLister::reparse( const QString& path ) {
QString currentMimeType;
QDir dir( path );
dir.setSorting( view()->sorting() );
dir.setFilter( view()->filter() );
const QFileInfoList *list = dir.entryInfoList();
QFileInfoListIterator it( *list );
QFileInfo *fi;
while( (fi=it.current() ) ){
if( fi->fileName() == QString::fromLatin1("..") ||
fi->fileName() == QString::fromLatin1(".") ){
if( fi->isSymLink() ){
QString file = fi->dirPath( true ) + "/" + fi->readLink();
* 5 tries to prevent dos attack
for( int i = 0; i<=4; i++) {
QFileInfo info( file );
if( !info.exists() ){
- addSymlink( currentMimeType, fi, TRUE );
+ addSymlink( currentMimeType, fi, QString::null, TRUE );
}else if( info.isDir() ){
if (!showDirs() )
- addDir( currentMimeType, fi,
+ addDir( currentMimeType, fi, QString::null,
}else if( info.isFile() ){
/* if not show files skip it */
if (!showFiles() )
/* check if we comply to the mimetype */
MimeType type( info.absFilePath() );
if (compliesMime( ) )
- addFile( currentMimeType, fi, TRUE );
+ addFile( currentMimeType, fi, QString::null, TRUE );
}else if( info.isSymLink() ){
file = info.dirPath(true ) + "/" + info.readLink() ;
}else if( i == 4){
addSymlink( currentMimeType, fi );
}else if( fi->isDir() ){
if (showDirs() )
addDir( currentMimeType, fi );
}else if( fi->isFile() ){
if ( showFiles() )
addFile( currentMimeType, fi );
} // of while loop
+/* more accepting it code */
+void OLocalLister::fileSelected( const QString& dir, const QString& file, const QString& ) {
+ internFileSelected( dir + "/" + file );
+void OLocalLister::changedDir( const QString& dir, const QString& file, const QString& ) {
+ internChangedDir( dir + "/" + file );
diff --git a/libopie/ofileselector/olocallister.h b/libopie/ofileselector/olocallister.h
index 0a06102..01e6f3c 100644
--- a/libopie/ofileselector/olocallister.h
+++ b/libopie/ofileselector/olocallister.h
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
#include "olister.h"
class OLocalLister : public OLister {
OLocalLister( OFileSelector* );
void reparse( const QString& path );
QMap<QString, QStringList> mimeTypes(const QString& dir );
+ void fileSelected( const QString& dir, const QString& file, const QString& );
+ void changedDir( const QString& dir, const QString& file,const QString& );