-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/imapwrapper.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/nntpwrapper.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/pop3wrapper.cpp | 6 |
3 files changed, 12 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/imapwrapper.cpp b/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/imapwrapper.cpp index 230cf53..657c2ba 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/imapwrapper.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/imapwrapper.cpp @@ -1,1065 +1,1067 @@ #include <stdlib.h> #include <libetpan/libetpan.h> #include <qpe/global.h> +#include <opie2/oapplication.h> #include "imapwrapper.h" #include "mailtypes.h" #include "logindialog.h" using namespace Opie::Core; IMAPwrapper::IMAPwrapper( IMAPaccount *a ) : AbstractMail() { account = a; m_imap = 0; m_Lastmbox = ""; } IMAPwrapper::~IMAPwrapper() { logout(); } /* to avoid to often select statements in loops etc. we trust that we are logged in and connection is established!*/ int IMAPwrapper::selectMbox(const QString&mbox) { if (mbox == m_Lastmbox) { return MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR; } int err = mailimap_select( m_imap, (char*)mbox.latin1()); if ( err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { qDebug("error selecting mailbox: %s",m_imap->imap_response); m_Lastmbox = ""; return err; } m_Lastmbox = mbox; return err; } void IMAPwrapper::imap_progress( size_t current, size_t maximum ) { + qApp->processEvents(); qDebug( "IMAP: %i of %i", current, maximum ); } bool IMAPwrapper::start_tls(bool force_tls) { int err; bool try_tls; mailimap_capability_data * cap_data = 0; err = mailimap_capability(m_imap,&cap_data); if (err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage("error getting capabilities!"); qDebug("error getting capabilities!"); return false; } clistiter * cur; for(cur = clist_begin(cap_data->cap_list) ; cur != NULL;cur = clist_next(cur)) { struct mailimap_capability * cap; cap = (struct mailimap_capability *)clist_content(cur); if (cap->cap_type == MAILIMAP_CAPABILITY_NAME) { if (strcasecmp(cap->cap_data.cap_name, "STARTTLS") == 0) { try_tls = true; break; } } } if (cap_data) { mailimap_capability_data_free(cap_data); } if (try_tls) { err = mailimap_starttls(m_imap); if (err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR && force_tls) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Server has no TLS support!")); qDebug("Server has no TLS support!"); try_tls = false; } else { mailstream_low * low; mailstream_low * new_low; low = mailstream_get_low(m_imap->imap_stream); if (!low) { try_tls = false; } else { int fd = mailstream_low_get_fd(low); if (fd > -1 && (new_low = mailstream_low_ssl_open(fd))!=0) { mailstream_low_free(low); mailstream_set_low(m_imap->imap_stream, new_low); } else { try_tls = false; } } } } return try_tls; } void IMAPwrapper::login() { const char *server, *user, *pass; uint16_t port; int err = MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR; if (account->getOffline()) return; /* we are connected this moment */ /* TODO: setup a timer holding the line or if connection closed - delete the value */ if (m_imap) { err = mailimap_noop(m_imap); if (err!=MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { logout(); } else { mailstream_flush(m_imap->imap_stream); return; } } server = account->getServer().latin1(); port = account->getPort().toUInt(); if ( account->getUser().isEmpty() || account->getPassword().isEmpty() ) { LoginDialog login( account->getUser(), account->getPassword(), NULL, 0, true ); login.show(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == login.exec() ) { // ok user = login.getUser().latin1(); pass = login.getPassword().latin1(); } else { // cancel qDebug( "IMAP: Login canceled" ); return; } } else { user = account->getUser().latin1(); pass = account->getPassword().latin1(); } m_imap = mailimap_new( 20, &imap_progress ); /* connect */ bool ssl = false; bool try_tls = false; bool force_tls = false; if ( account->ConnectionType() == 2 ) { ssl = true; } if (account->ConnectionType()==1) { force_tls = true; } if ( ssl ) { qDebug( "using ssl" ); err = mailimap_ssl_connect( m_imap, (char*)server, port ); } else { err = mailimap_socket_connect( m_imap, (char*)server, port ); } if ( err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR && err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR_AUTHENTICATED && err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR_NON_AUTHENTICATED ) { QString failure = ""; if (err == MAILIMAP_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED) { failure="Connection refused"; } else { failure="Unknown failure"; } Global::statusMessage(tr("error connecting imap server: %1").arg(failure)); mailimap_free( m_imap ); m_imap = 0; return; } if (!ssl) { try_tls = start_tls(force_tls); } bool ok = true; if (force_tls && !try_tls) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Server has no TLS support!")); qDebug("Server has no TLS support!"); ok = false; } /* login */ if (ok) { err = mailimap_login_simple( m_imap, (char*)user, (char*)pass ); if ( err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { Global::statusMessage(tr("error logging in imap server: %1").arg(m_imap->imap_response)); ok = false; } } if (!ok) { err = mailimap_close( m_imap ); mailimap_free( m_imap ); m_imap = 0; } } void IMAPwrapper::logout() { int err = MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR; if (!m_imap) return; err = mailimap_logout( m_imap ); err = mailimap_close( m_imap ); mailimap_free( m_imap ); m_imap = 0; m_Lastmbox = ""; } void IMAPwrapper::listMessages(const QString&mailbox,QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<RecMail> > &target ) { int err = MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR; clist *result = 0; clistcell *current; mailimap_fetch_type *fetchType = 0; mailimap_set *set = 0; login(); if (!m_imap) { return; } /* select mailbox READONLY for operations */ err = selectMbox(mailbox); if ( err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { return; } int last = m_imap->imap_selection_info->sel_exists; if (last == 0) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Mailbox has no mails")); return; } else { } /* the range has to start at 1!!! not with 0!!!! */ set = mailimap_set_new_interval( 1, last ); fetchType = mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_empty(); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetchType,mailimap_fetch_att_new_envelope()); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetchType,mailimap_fetch_att_new_flags()); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetchType,mailimap_fetch_att_new_internaldate()); mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att_list_add(fetchType,mailimap_fetch_att_new_rfc822_size()); err = mailimap_fetch( m_imap, set, fetchType, &result ); mailimap_set_free( set ); mailimap_fetch_type_free( fetchType ); QString date,subject,from; if ( err == MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { mailimap_msg_att * msg_att; int i = 0; for (current = clist_begin(result); current != 0; current=clist_next(current)) { ++i; msg_att = (mailimap_msg_att*)current->data; RecMail*m = parse_list_result(msg_att); if (m) { m->setNumber(i); m->setMbox(mailbox); m->setWrapper(this); target.append(m); } } Global::statusMessage(tr("Mailbox has %1 mails").arg(target.count())); } else { Global::statusMessage(tr("Error fetching headers: %1").arg(m_imap->imap_response)); } if (result) mailimap_fetch_list_free(result); } QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >* IMAPwrapper::listFolders() { const char *path, *mask; int err = MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR; clist *result = 0; clistcell *current = 0; clistcell*cur_flag = 0; mailimap_mbx_list_flags*bflags = 0; QValueList<FolderP>* folders = new QValueList<FolderP>(); login(); if (!m_imap) { return folders; } /* * First we have to check for INBOX 'cause it sometimes it's not inside the path. * We must not forget to filter them out in next loop! * it seems like ugly code. and yes - it is ugly code. but the best way. */ QString temp; mask = "INBOX" ; mailimap_mailbox_list *list; err = mailimap_list( m_imap, (char*)"", (char*)mask, &result ); QString del; bool selectable = true; bool no_inferiors = false; if ( err == MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { current = result->first; for ( int i = result->count; i > 0; i-- ) { list = (mailimap_mailbox_list *) current->data; // it is better use the deep copy mechanism of qt itself // instead of using strdup! temp = list->mb_name; del = list->mb_delimiter; current = current->next; if ( (bflags = list->mb_flag) ) { selectable = !(bflags->mbf_type==MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_FLAGS_SFLAG&& bflags->mbf_sflag==MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_SFLAG_NOSELECT); for(cur_flag=clist_begin(bflags->mbf_oflags);cur_flag;cur_flag=clist_next(cur_flag)) { if ( ((mailimap_mbx_list_oflag*)cur_flag->data)->of_type==MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_OFLAG_NOINFERIORS) { no_inferiors = true; } } } folders->append( new IMAPFolder(temp,del,selectable,no_inferiors,account->getPrefix())); } } else { qDebug("error fetching folders: %s",m_imap->imap_response); } mailimap_list_result_free( result ); /* * second stage - get the other then inbox folders */ mask = "*" ; path = account->getPrefix().latin1(); if (!path) path = ""; qDebug(path); err = mailimap_list( m_imap, (char*)path, (char*)mask, &result ); if ( err == MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { current = result->first; for ( current=clist_begin(result);current!=NULL;current=clist_next(current)) { no_inferiors = false; list = (mailimap_mailbox_list *) current->data; // it is better use the deep copy mechanism of qt itself // instead of using strdup! temp = list->mb_name; if (temp.lower()=="inbox") continue; if (temp.lower()==account->getPrefix().lower()) continue; if ( (bflags = list->mb_flag) ) { selectable = !(bflags->mbf_type==MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_FLAGS_SFLAG&& bflags->mbf_sflag==MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_SFLAG_NOSELECT); for(cur_flag=clist_begin(bflags->mbf_oflags);cur_flag;cur_flag=clist_next(cur_flag)) { if ( ((mailimap_mbx_list_oflag*)cur_flag->data)->of_type==MAILIMAP_MBX_LIST_OFLAG_NOINFERIORS) { no_inferiors = true; } } } del = list->mb_delimiter; folders->append(new IMAPFolder(temp,del,selectable,no_inferiors,account->getPrefix())); } } else { qDebug("error fetching folders %s",m_imap->imap_response); } if (result) mailimap_list_result_free( result ); return folders; } RecMail*IMAPwrapper::parse_list_result(mailimap_msg_att* m_att) { RecMail * m = 0; mailimap_msg_att_item *item=0; clistcell *current,*c,*cf; mailimap_msg_att_dynamic*flist; mailimap_flag_fetch*cflag; int size; QBitArray mFlags(7); QStringList addresslist; if (!m_att) { return m; } m = new RecMail(); for (c = clist_begin(m_att->att_list); c!=NULL;c=clist_next(c) ) { current = c; size = 0; item = (mailimap_msg_att_item*)current->data; if (item->att_type!=MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ITEM_STATIC) { flist = (mailimap_msg_att_dynamic*)item->att_data.att_dyn; if (!flist->att_list) { continue; } cf = flist->att_list->first; for (cf = clist_begin(flist->att_list); cf!=NULL; cf = clist_next(cf)) { cflag = (mailimap_flag_fetch*)cf->data; if (cflag->fl_type==MAILIMAP_FLAG_FETCH_OTHER && cflag->fl_flag!=0) { switch (cflag->fl_flag->fl_type) { case MAILIMAP_FLAG_ANSWERED: /* \Answered flag */ mFlags.setBit(FLAG_ANSWERED); break; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_FLAGGED: /* \Flagged flag */ mFlags.setBit(FLAG_FLAGGED); break; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_DELETED: /* \Deleted flag */ mFlags.setBit(FLAG_DELETED); break; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_SEEN: /* \Seen flag */ mFlags.setBit(FLAG_SEEN); break; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_DRAFT: /* \Draft flag */ mFlags.setBit(FLAG_DRAFT); break; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_KEYWORD: /* keyword flag */ break; case MAILIMAP_FLAG_EXTENSION: /* \extension flag */ break; default: break; } } else if (cflag->fl_type==MAILIMAP_FLAG_FETCH_RECENT) { mFlags.setBit(FLAG_RECENT); } } continue; } if (item->att_data.att_static->att_type==MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ENVELOPE) { mailimap_envelope * head = item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_env; m->setDate(head->env_date); m->setSubject(convert_String((const char*)head->env_subject)); //m->setSubject(head->env_subject); if (head->env_from!=NULL) { addresslist = address_list_to_stringlist(head->env_from->frm_list); if (addresslist.count()) { m->setFrom(addresslist.first()); } } if (head->env_to!=NULL) { addresslist = address_list_to_stringlist(head->env_to->to_list); m->setTo(addresslist); } if (head->env_cc!=NULL) { addresslist = address_list_to_stringlist(head->env_cc->cc_list); m->setCC(addresslist); } if (head->env_bcc!=NULL) { addresslist = address_list_to_stringlist(head->env_bcc->bcc_list); m->setBcc(addresslist); } /* reply to address, eg. email. */ if (head->env_reply_to!=NULL) { addresslist = address_list_to_stringlist(head->env_reply_to->rt_list); if (addresslist.count()) { m->setReplyto(addresslist.first()); } } if (head->env_in_reply_to!=NULL) { QString h(head->env_in_reply_to); while (h.length()>0 && h[0]=='<') { h.remove(0,1); } while (h.length()>0 && h[h.length()-1]=='>') { h.remove(h.length()-1,1); } if (h.length()>0) { m->setInreply(QStringList(h)); } } if (head->env_message_id) { m->setMsgid(QString(head->env_message_id)); } } else if (item->att_data.att_static->att_type==MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_INTERNALDATE) { #if 0 mailimap_date_time*d = item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_internal_date; QDateTime da(QDate(d->dt_year,d->dt_month,d->dt_day),QTime(d->dt_hour,d->dt_min,d->dt_sec)); qDebug("%i %i %i - %i %i %i",d->dt_year,d->dt_month,d->dt_day,d->dt_hour,d->dt_min,d->dt_sec); qDebug(da.toString()); #endif } else if (item->att_data.att_static->att_type==MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_RFC822_SIZE) { size = item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_rfc822_size; } } /* msg is already deleted */ if (mFlags.testBit(FLAG_DELETED) && m) { delete m; m = 0; } if (m) { m->setFlags(mFlags); m->setMsgsize(size); } return m; } RecBodyP IMAPwrapper::fetchBody(const RecMailP&mail) { RecBodyP body = new RecBody(); const char *mb; int err = MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR; clist *result = 0; clistcell *current; mailimap_fetch_att *fetchAtt = 0; mailimap_fetch_type *fetchType = 0; mailimap_set *set = 0; mailimap_body*body_desc = 0; mb = mail->getMbox().latin1(); login(); if (!m_imap) { return body; } err = selectMbox(mail->getMbox()); if ( err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { return body; } /* the range has to start at 1!!! not with 0!!!! */ set = mailimap_set_new_interval( mail->getNumber(),mail->getNumber() ); fetchAtt = mailimap_fetch_att_new_bodystructure(); fetchType = mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att(fetchAtt); err = mailimap_fetch( m_imap, set, fetchType, &result ); mailimap_set_free( set ); mailimap_fetch_type_free( fetchType ); if (err == MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR && (current=clist_begin(result)) ) { mailimap_msg_att * msg_att; msg_att = (mailimap_msg_att*)current->data; mailimap_msg_att_item*item = (mailimap_msg_att_item*)msg_att->att_list->first->data; QValueList<int> path; body_desc = item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_body; traverseBody(mail,body_desc,body,0,path); } else { qDebug("error fetching body: %s",m_imap->imap_response); } if (result) mailimap_fetch_list_free(result); return body; } QStringList IMAPwrapper::address_list_to_stringlist(clist*list) { QStringList l; QString from; bool named_from; clistcell *current = NULL; mailimap_address * current_address=NULL; if (!list) { return l; } unsigned int count = 0; for (current=clist_begin(list);current!= NULL;current=clist_next(current)) { from = ""; named_from = false; current_address=(mailimap_address*)current->data; if (current_address->ad_personal_name){ from+=convert_String((const char*)current_address->ad_personal_name); from+=" "; named_from = true; } if (named_from && (current_address->ad_mailbox_name || current_address->ad_host_name)) { from+="<"; } if (current_address->ad_mailbox_name) { from+=QString(current_address->ad_mailbox_name); from+="@"; } if (current_address->ad_host_name) { from+=QString(current_address->ad_host_name); } if (named_from && (current_address->ad_mailbox_name || current_address->ad_host_name)) { from+=">"; } l.append(QString(from)); if (++count > 99) { break; } } return l; } encodedString*IMAPwrapper::fetchRawPart(const RecMailP&mail,const QValueList<int>&path,bool internal_call) { encodedString*res=new encodedString; int err; mailimap_fetch_type *fetchType; mailimap_set *set; clistcell*current,*cur; mailimap_section_part * section_part = 0; mailimap_section_spec * section_spec = 0; mailimap_section * section = 0; mailimap_fetch_att * fetch_att = 0; login(); if (!m_imap) { return res; } if (!internal_call) { err = selectMbox(mail->getMbox()); if ( err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { return res; } } set = mailimap_set_new_single(mail->getNumber()); clist*id_list = 0; /* if path == empty then its a request for the whole rfc822 mail and generates a "fetch <id> (body[])" statement on imap server */ if (path.count()>0 ) { id_list = clist_new(); for (unsigned j=0; j < path.count();++j) { uint32_t * p_id = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(*p_id)); *p_id = path[j]; clist_append(id_list,p_id); } section_part = mailimap_section_part_new(id_list); section_spec = mailimap_section_spec_new(MAILIMAP_SECTION_SPEC_SECTION_PART, NULL, section_part, NULL); } section = mailimap_section_new(section_spec); fetch_att = mailimap_fetch_att_new_body_section(section); fetchType = mailimap_fetch_type_new_fetch_att(fetch_att); clist*result = 0; err = mailimap_fetch( m_imap, set, fetchType, &result ); mailimap_set_free( set ); mailimap_fetch_type_free( fetchType ); if (err == MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR && (current=clist_begin(result)) ) { mailimap_msg_att * msg_att; msg_att = (mailimap_msg_att*)current->data; mailimap_msg_att_item*msg_att_item; for(cur = clist_begin(msg_att->att_list) ; cur != NULL ; cur = clist_next(cur)) { msg_att_item = (mailimap_msg_att_item*)clist_content(cur); if (msg_att_item->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_ITEM_STATIC) { if (msg_att_item->att_data.att_static->att_type == MAILIMAP_MSG_ATT_BODY_SECTION) { char*text = msg_att_item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_body_part; /* detach - we take over the content */ msg_att_item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_body_part = 0L; res->setContent(text,msg_att_item->att_data.att_static->att_data.att_body_section->sec_length); } } } } else { qDebug("error fetching text: %s",m_imap->imap_response); } if (result) mailimap_fetch_list_free(result); return res; } /* current_recursion is for recursive calls. current_count means the position inside the internal loop! */ void IMAPwrapper::traverseBody(const RecMailP&mail,mailimap_body*body,RecBodyP&target_body, int current_recursion,QValueList<int>recList,int current_count) { if (!body || current_recursion>=10) { return; } switch (body->bd_type) { case MAILIMAP_BODY_1PART: { QValueList<int>countlist = recList; countlist.append(current_count); RecPartP currentPart = new RecPart(); mailimap_body_type_1part*part1 = body->bd_data.bd_body_1part; QString id(""); currentPart->setPositionlist(countlist); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < countlist.count();++j) { id+=(j>0?" ":""); id+=QString("%1").arg(countlist[j]); } qDebug("ID = %s",id.latin1()); currentPart->setIdentifier(id); fillSinglePart(currentPart,part1); /* important: Check for is NULL 'cause a body can be empty! And we put it only into the mail if it is the FIRST part */ if (part1->bd_type==MAILIMAP_BODY_TYPE_1PART_TEXT && target_body->Bodytext().isNull() && countlist[0]==1) { QString body_text = fetchTextPart(mail,countlist,true,currentPart->Encoding()); target_body->setDescription(currentPart); target_body->setBodytext(body_text); if (countlist.count()>1) { target_body->addPart(currentPart); } } else { target_body->addPart(currentPart); } if (part1->bd_type==MAILIMAP_BODY_TYPE_1PART_MSG) { traverseBody(mail,part1->bd_data.bd_type_msg->bd_body,target_body,current_recursion+1,countlist); } } break; case MAILIMAP_BODY_MPART: { QValueList<int>countlist = recList; clistcell*current=0; mailimap_body*current_body=0; unsigned int ccount = 1; mailimap_body_type_mpart*mailDescription = body->bd_data.bd_body_mpart; for (current=clist_begin(mailDescription->bd_list);current!=0;current=clist_next(current)) { current_body = (mailimap_body*)current->data; if (current_body->bd_type==MAILIMAP_BODY_MPART) { RecPartP targetPart = new RecPart(); targetPart->setType("multipart"); fillMultiPart(targetPart,mailDescription); countlist.append(current_count); targetPart->setPositionlist(countlist); target_body->addPart(targetPart); QString id(""); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < countlist.count();++j) { id+=(j>0?" ":""); id+=QString("%1").arg(countlist[j]); } qDebug("ID(mpart) = %s",id.latin1()); } traverseBody(mail,current_body,target_body,current_recursion+1,countlist,ccount); if (current_body->bd_type==MAILIMAP_BODY_MPART) { countlist = recList; } ++ccount; } } break; default: break; } } void IMAPwrapper::fillSinglePart(RecPartP&target_part,mailimap_body_type_1part*Description) { if (!Description) { return; } switch (Description->bd_type) { case MAILIMAP_BODY_TYPE_1PART_TEXT: target_part->setType("text"); fillSingleTextPart(target_part,Description->bd_data.bd_type_text); break; case MAILIMAP_BODY_TYPE_1PART_BASIC: fillSingleBasicPart(target_part,Description->bd_data.bd_type_basic); break; case MAILIMAP_BODY_TYPE_1PART_MSG: target_part->setType("message"); fillSingleMsgPart(target_part,Description->bd_data.bd_type_msg); break; default: break; } } void IMAPwrapper::fillSingleTextPart(RecPartP&target_part,mailimap_body_type_text*which) { if (!which) { return; } QString sub; sub = which->bd_media_text; qDebug("Type= text/%s",which->bd_media_text); target_part->setSubtype(sub.lower()); target_part->setLines(which->bd_lines); fillBodyFields(target_part,which->bd_fields); } void IMAPwrapper::fillSingleMsgPart(RecPartP&target_part,mailimap_body_type_msg*which) { if (!which) { return; } target_part->setSubtype("rfc822"); qDebug("Message part"); /* we set this type to text/plain */ target_part->setLines(which->bd_lines); fillBodyFields(target_part,which->bd_fields); } void IMAPwrapper::fillMultiPart(RecPartP&target_part,mailimap_body_type_mpart*which) { if (!which) return; QString sub = which->bd_media_subtype; target_part->setSubtype(sub.lower()); if (which->bd_ext_mpart && which->bd_ext_mpart->bd_parameter && which->bd_ext_mpart->bd_parameter->pa_list) { clistcell*cur = 0; mailimap_single_body_fld_param*param=0; for (cur = clist_begin(which->bd_ext_mpart->bd_parameter->pa_list);cur!=NULL;cur=clist_next(cur)) { param = (mailimap_single_body_fld_param*)cur->data; if (param) { target_part->addParameter(QString(param->pa_name).lower(),QString(param->pa_value)); } } } } void IMAPwrapper::fillSingleBasicPart(RecPartP&target_part,mailimap_body_type_basic*which) { if (!which) { return; } QString type,sub; switch (which->bd_media_basic->med_type) { case MAILIMAP_MEDIA_BASIC_APPLICATION: type = "application"; break; case MAILIMAP_MEDIA_BASIC_AUDIO: type = "audio"; break; case MAILIMAP_MEDIA_BASIC_IMAGE: type = "image"; break; case MAILIMAP_MEDIA_BASIC_MESSAGE: type = "message"; break; case MAILIMAP_MEDIA_BASIC_VIDEO: type = "video"; break; case MAILIMAP_MEDIA_BASIC_OTHER: default: if (which->bd_media_basic->med_basic_type) { type = which->bd_media_basic->med_basic_type; } else { type = ""; } break; } if (which->bd_media_basic->med_subtype) { sub = which->bd_media_basic->med_subtype; } else { sub = ""; } qDebug("Type = %s/%s",type.latin1(),sub.latin1()); target_part->setType(type.lower()); target_part->setSubtype(sub.lower()); fillBodyFields(target_part,which->bd_fields); } void IMAPwrapper::fillBodyFields(RecPartP&target_part,mailimap_body_fields*which) { if (!which) return; if (which->bd_parameter && which->bd_parameter->pa_list && which->bd_parameter->pa_list->count>0) { clistcell*cur; mailimap_single_body_fld_param*param=0; for (cur = clist_begin(which->bd_parameter->pa_list);cur!=NULL;cur=clist_next(cur)) { param = (mailimap_single_body_fld_param*)cur->data; if (param) { target_part->addParameter(QString(param->pa_name).lower(),QString(param->pa_value)); } } } mailimap_body_fld_enc*enc = which->bd_encoding; QString encoding(""); switch (enc->enc_type) { case MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_7BIT: encoding = "7bit"; break; case MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_8BIT: encoding = "8bit"; break; case MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_BINARY: encoding="binary"; break; case MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_BASE64: encoding="base64"; break; case MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_QUOTED_PRINTABLE: encoding="quoted-printable"; break; case MAILIMAP_BODY_FLD_ENC_OTHER: default: if (enc->enc_value) { char*t=enc->enc_value; encoding=QString(enc->enc_value); enc->enc_value=0L; free(t); } } if (which->bd_description) { target_part->setDescription(QString(which->bd_description)); } target_part->setEncoding(encoding); target_part->setSize(which->bd_size); } void IMAPwrapper::deleteMail(const RecMailP&mail) { mailimap_flag_list*flist; mailimap_set *set; mailimap_store_att_flags * store_flags; int err; login(); if (!m_imap) { return; } err = selectMbox(mail->getMbox()); if ( err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { return; } flist = mailimap_flag_list_new_empty(); mailimap_flag_list_add(flist,mailimap_flag_new_deleted()); store_flags = mailimap_store_att_flags_new_set_flags(flist); set = mailimap_set_new_single(mail->getNumber()); err = mailimap_store(m_imap,set,store_flags); mailimap_set_free( set ); mailimap_store_att_flags_free(store_flags); if (err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error deleting mail: %s",m_imap->imap_response); return; } qDebug("deleting mail: %s",m_imap->imap_response); /* should we realy do that at this moment? */ err = mailimap_expunge(m_imap); if (err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error deleting mail: %s",m_imap->imap_response); } qDebug("Delete successfull %s",m_imap->imap_response); } void IMAPwrapper::answeredMail(const RecMailP&mail) { mailimap_flag_list*flist; mailimap_set *set; mailimap_store_att_flags * store_flags; int err; login(); if (!m_imap) { return; } err = selectMbox(mail->getMbox()); if ( err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { return; } flist = mailimap_flag_list_new_empty(); mailimap_flag_list_add(flist,mailimap_flag_new_answered()); store_flags = mailimap_store_att_flags_new_add_flags(flist); set = mailimap_set_new_single(mail->getNumber()); err = mailimap_store(m_imap,set,store_flags); mailimap_set_free( set ); mailimap_store_att_flags_free(store_flags); if (err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error marking mail: %s",m_imap->imap_response); return; } } QString IMAPwrapper::fetchTextPart(const RecMailP&mail,const QValueList<int>&path,bool internal_call,const QString&enc) { QString body(""); encodedString*res = fetchRawPart(mail,path,internal_call); encodedString*r = decode_String(res,enc); delete res; if (r) { if (r->Length()>0) { body = r->Content(); } delete r; } return body; } QString IMAPwrapper::fetchTextPart(const RecMailP&mail,const RecPartP&part) { return fetchTextPart(mail,part->Positionlist(),false,part->Encoding()); } encodedString* IMAPwrapper::fetchDecodedPart(const RecMailP&mail,const RecPartP&part) { encodedString*res = fetchRawPart(mail,part->Positionlist(),false); encodedString*r = decode_String(res,part->Encoding()); delete res; return r; } encodedString* IMAPwrapper::fetchRawPart(const RecMailP&mail,const RecPartP&part) { return fetchRawPart(mail,part->Positionlist(),false); } int IMAPwrapper::deleteAllMail(const FolderP&folder) { login(); if (!m_imap) { return 0; } mailimap_flag_list*flist; mailimap_set *set; mailimap_store_att_flags * store_flags; int err = selectMbox(folder->getName()); if ( err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR ) { return 0; } int last = m_imap->imap_selection_info->sel_exists; if (last == 0) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Mailbox has no mails!")); return 0; } flist = mailimap_flag_list_new_empty(); mailimap_flag_list_add(flist,mailimap_flag_new_deleted()); store_flags = mailimap_store_att_flags_new_set_flags(flist); set = mailimap_set_new_interval( 1, last ); err = mailimap_store(m_imap,set,store_flags); mailimap_set_free( set ); mailimap_store_att_flags_free(store_flags); if (err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("error deleting mail: %s").arg(m_imap->imap_response)); return 0; } qDebug("deleting mail: %s",m_imap->imap_response); /* should we realy do that at this moment? */ err = mailimap_expunge(m_imap); if (err != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("error deleting mail: %s").arg(m_imap->imap_response)); return 0; } qDebug("Delete successfull %s",m_imap->imap_response); return 1; } int IMAPwrapper::createMbox(const QString&folder,const FolderP&parentfolder,const QString& delemiter,bool getsubfolder) { if (folder.length()==0) return 0; login(); if (!m_imap) {return 0;} QString pre = account->getPrefix(); if (delemiter.length()>0 && pre.findRev(delemiter)!=pre.length()-1) { pre+=delemiter; } if (parentfolder) { pre += parentfolder->getDisplayName()+delemiter; } pre+=folder; if (getsubfolder) { if (delemiter.length()>0) { pre+=delemiter; } else { Global::statusMessage(tr("Cannot create folder %1 for holding subfolders").arg(pre)); return 0; } } qDebug("Creating %s",pre.latin1()); int res = mailimap_create(m_imap,pre.latin1()); if (res != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("%1").arg(m_imap->imap_response)); return 0; } return 1; } int IMAPwrapper::deleteMbox(const FolderP&folder) { if (!folder) return 0; login(); if (!m_imap) {return 0;} int res = mailimap_delete(m_imap,folder->getName()); if (res != MAILIMAP_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("%1").arg(m_imap->imap_response)); return 0; } return 1; } void IMAPwrapper::statusFolder(folderStat&target_stat,const QString & mailbox) { mailimap_status_att_list * att_list =0; mailimap_mailbox_data_status * status=0; clistiter * cur = 0; int r = 0; target_stat.message_count = 0; target_stat.message_unseen = 0; target_stat.message_recent = 0; login(); if (!m_imap) { return; } diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/nntpwrapper.cpp b/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/nntpwrapper.cpp index cc36f32..cfded43 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/nntpwrapper.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/nntpwrapper.cpp @@ -1,284 +1,288 @@ #include "nntpwrapper.h" #include "logindialog.h" #include "mailtypes.h" #include <qfile.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <libetpan/libetpan.h> #define HARD_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT 5242880 using namespace Opie::Core; NNTPwrapper::NNTPwrapper( NNTPaccount *a ) : Genericwrapper() { account = a; m_nntp = NULL; msgTempName = a->getFileName()+"_msg_cache"; last_msg_id = 0; } NNTPwrapper::~NNTPwrapper() { logout(); QFile msg_cache(msgTempName); if (msg_cache.exists()) { msg_cache.remove(); } } void NNTPwrapper::nntp_progress( size_t current, size_t maximum ) { qDebug( "NNTP: %i of %i", current, maximum ); } RecBodyP NNTPwrapper::fetchBody( const RecMailP &mail ) { int err = NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR; char *message = 0; size_t length = 0; RecBodyP body = new RecBody(); login(); if ( !m_nntp ) { return body; } mailmessage * mailmsg; if (mail->Msgsize()>HARD_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT) { qDebug("Message to large: %i",mail->Msgsize()); return body; } QFile msg_cache(msgTempName); cleanMimeCache(); if (mail->getNumber()!=last_msg_id) { if (msg_cache.exists()) { msg_cache.remove(); } msg_cache.open(IO_ReadWrite|IO_Truncate); last_msg_id = mail->getNumber(); err = mailsession_get_message(m_nntp->sto_session, mail->getNumber(), &mailmsg); err = mailmessage_fetch(mailmsg,&message,&length); msg_cache.writeBlock(message,length); } else { QString msg=""; msg_cache.open(IO_ReadOnly); message = new char[4096]; memset(message,0,4096); while (msg_cache.readBlock(message,4095)>0) { msg+=message; memset(message,0,4096); } delete message; message = (char*)malloc(msg.length()+1*sizeof(char)); memset(message,0,msg.length()+1); memcpy(message,msg.latin1(),msg.length()); /* transform to libetpan stuff */ mailmsg = mailmessage_new(); mailmessage_init(mailmsg, NULL, data_message_driver, 0, strlen(message)); generic_message_t * msg_data; msg_data = (generic_message_t *)mailmsg->msg_data; msg_data->msg_fetched = 1; msg_data->msg_message = message; msg_data->msg_length = strlen(message); } body = parseMail(mailmsg); /* clean up */ if (mailmsg) mailmessage_free(mailmsg); if (message) free(message); return body; } void NNTPwrapper::listMessages(const QString & which, QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<RecMail> > &target ) { login(); if (!m_nntp) return; uint32_t res_messages,res_recent,res_unseen; mailsession_status_folder(m_nntp->sto_session,(char*)which.latin1(),&res_messages,&res_recent,&res_unseen); parseList(target,m_nntp->sto_session,which,true); } void NNTPwrapper::login() { if (account->getOffline()) return; /* we'll hold the line */ if ( m_nntp != NULL ) return; const char *server, *user, *pass; QString User,Pass; uint16_t port; int err = NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR; server = account->getServer().latin1(); port = account->getPort().toUInt(); user = pass = 0; if ( ( account->getUser().isEmpty() || account->getPassword().isEmpty() ) && account->getLogin() ) { LoginDialog login( account->getUser(), account->getPassword(), NULL, 0, true ); login.show(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == login.exec() ) { // ok User = login.getUser().latin1(); Pass = login.getPassword().latin1(); } else { // cancel qDebug( "NNTP: Login canceled" ); return; } } else { User = account->getUser().latin1(); Pass = account->getPassword().latin1(); } if (User.isEmpty()) { user=0; pass = 0; } else { user=User.latin1(); pass=Pass.latin1(); } // bool ssl = account->getSSL(); m_nntp=mailstorage_new(NULL); int conntypeset = account->ConnectionType(); int conntype = 0; if ( conntypeset == 3 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_COMMAND; } else if ( conntypeset == 2 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_TLS; } else if ( conntypeset == 1 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_STARTTLS; } else if ( conntypeset == 0 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_TRY_STARTTLS; } nntp_mailstorage_init(m_nntp,(char*)server, port, NULL, CONNECTION_TYPE_PLAIN, NNTP_AUTH_TYPE_PLAIN, (char*)user,(char*)pass,0,0,0); err = mailstorage_connect( m_nntp ); if (err != NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR) { qDebug( QString( "FEHLERNUMMER %1" ).arg( err ) ); // Global::statusMessage(tr("Error initializing folder")); mailstorage_free(m_nntp); m_nntp = 0; + } else { + mailsession * session = m_nntp->sto_session; + newsnntp * news = ( ( nntp_session_state_data * )session->sess_data )->nntp_session; + news->nntp_progr_fun = &nntp_progress; } } void NNTPwrapper::logout() { int err = NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR; if ( m_nntp == NULL ) return; mailstorage_free(m_nntp); m_nntp = 0; } QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >* NNTPwrapper::listFolders() { QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >* folders = new QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >(); QStringList groups; if (account) { groups = account->getGroups(); } for ( QStringList::Iterator it = groups.begin(); it != groups.end(); ++it ) { folders->append(new Folder((*it),".")); } return folders; } /* we made this method in raw nntp access of etpan and not via generic interface * 'cause in that case there will be doubled copy operations. eg. the etpan would * copy that stuff into its own structures and we must copy it into useable c++ * structures for our frontend. this would not make sense, so it is better to reimplement * the stuff from generic interface of etpan but copy it direct to qt classes. */ QStringList NNTPwrapper::listAllNewsgroups(const QString&mask) { login(); QStringList res; clist *result = 0; clistcell *current = 0; newsnntp_group_description *group; if ( m_nntp ) { mailsession * session = m_nntp->sto_session; newsnntp * news = ( ( nntp_session_state_data * )session->sess_data )->nntp_session; int err = NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR; if (mask.isEmpty()) { err = newsnntp_list(news, &result); } else { /* taken from generic wrapper of etpan */ QString nmask = mask+".*"; err = newsnntp_list_active(news, nmask.latin1(), &result); } if ( err == NEWSNNTP_NO_ERROR && result) { for ( current=clist_begin(result);current!=NULL;current=clist_next(current) ) { group = ( newsnntp_group_description* ) current->data; if (!group||!group->grp_name||strlen(group->grp_name)==0) continue; res.append(group->grp_name); } } } if (result) { newsnntp_list_free(result); } return res; } void NNTPwrapper::answeredMail(const RecMailP&) {} void NNTPwrapper::statusFolder(folderStat&target_stat,const QString&) { login(); target_stat.message_count = 0; target_stat.message_unseen = 0; target_stat.message_recent = 0; if (!m_nntp) return; int r = mailsession_status_folder(m_nntp->sto_session,0,&target_stat.message_count, &target_stat.message_recent,&target_stat.message_unseen); } encodedString* NNTPwrapper::fetchRawBody(const RecMailP&mail) { char*target=0; size_t length=0; encodedString*res = 0; mailmessage * mailmsg = 0; int err = mailsession_get_message(m_nntp->sto_session, mail->getNumber(), &mailmsg); err = mailmessage_fetch(mailmsg,&target,&length); if (mailmsg) mailmessage_free(mailmsg); if (target) { res = new encodedString(target,length); } return res; } MAILLIB::ATYPE NNTPwrapper::getType()const { return account->getType(); } const QString&NNTPwrapper::getName()const{ return account->getAccountName(); } void NNTPwrapper::deleteMail(const RecMailP&) { } int NNTPwrapper::deleteAllMail(const FolderP&) { } diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/pop3wrapper.cpp b/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/pop3wrapper.cpp index 1b7a1b4..5467547 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/pop3wrapper.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/pop3wrapper.cpp @@ -1,258 +1,264 @@ #include <stdlib.h> #include "pop3wrapper.h" #include "mailtypes.h" #include "logindialog.h" #include <libetpan/libetpan.h> #include <qpe/global.h> #include <qfile.h> //#include <qstring.h> /* we don't fetch messages larger than 5 MB */ #define HARD_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT 5242880 using namespace Opie::Core; POP3wrapper::POP3wrapper( POP3account *a ) : Genericwrapper() { account = a; m_pop3 = NULL; msgTempName = a->getFileName()+"_msg_cache"; last_msg_id = 0; } POP3wrapper::~POP3wrapper() { logout(); QFile msg_cache(msgTempName); if (msg_cache.exists()) { msg_cache.remove(); } } void POP3wrapper::pop3_progress( size_t current, size_t maximum ) { qDebug( "POP3: %i of %i", current, maximum ); } RecBodyP POP3wrapper::fetchBody( const RecMailP &mail ) { int err = MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; char *message = 0; size_t length = 0; RecBodyP body = new RecBody(); login(); if ( !m_pop3 ) { return body; } mailmessage * mailmsg; if (mail->Msgsize()>HARD_MSG_SIZE_LIMIT) { qDebug("Message to large: %i",mail->Msgsize()); return body; } QFile msg_cache(msgTempName); cleanMimeCache(); if (mail->getNumber()!=last_msg_id) { if (msg_cache.exists()) { msg_cache.remove(); } msg_cache.open(IO_ReadWrite|IO_Truncate); last_msg_id = mail->getNumber(); err = mailsession_get_message(m_pop3->sto_session, mail->getNumber(), &mailmsg); err = mailmessage_fetch(mailmsg,&message,&length); msg_cache.writeBlock(message,length); } else { QString msg=""; msg_cache.open(IO_ReadOnly); message = new char[4096]; memset(message,0,4096); while (msg_cache.readBlock(message,4095)>0) { msg+=message; memset(message,0,4096); } delete message; message = (char*)malloc(msg.length()+1*sizeof(char)); memset(message,0,msg.length()+1); memcpy(message,msg.latin1(),msg.length()); /* transform to libetpan stuff */ mailmsg = mailmessage_new(); mailmessage_init(mailmsg, NULL, data_message_driver, 0, strlen(message)); generic_message_t * msg_data; msg_data = (generic_message_t *)mailmsg->msg_data; msg_data->msg_fetched = 1; msg_data->msg_message = message; msg_data->msg_length = strlen(message); } body = parseMail(mailmsg); /* clean up */ if (mailmsg) mailmessage_free(mailmsg); if (message) free(message); return body; } void POP3wrapper::listMessages(const QString &, QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<RecMail> > &target ) { login(); if (!m_pop3) return; uint32_t res_messages,res_recent,res_unseen; mailsession_status_folder(m_pop3->sto_session,"INBOX",&res_messages,&res_recent,&res_unseen); parseList(target,m_pop3->sto_session,"INBOX"); Global::statusMessage( tr("Mailbox contains %1 mail(s)").arg(res_messages)); } void POP3wrapper::login() { if (account->getOffline()) return; /* we'll hold the line */ if ( m_pop3 != NULL ) return; const char *server, *user, *pass; uint16_t port; int err = MAILPOP3_NO_ERROR; server = account->getServer().latin1(); port = account->getPort().toUInt(); if ( account->getUser().isEmpty() || account->getPassword().isEmpty() ) { LoginDialog login( account->getUser(), account->getPassword(), NULL, 0, true ); login.show(); if ( QDialog::Accepted == login.exec() ) { // ok user = login.getUser().latin1(); pass = login.getPassword().latin1(); } else { // cancel qDebug( "POP3: Login canceled" ); return; } } else { user = account->getUser().latin1(); pass = account->getPassword().latin1(); } // bool ssl = account->getSSL(); m_pop3=mailstorage_new(NULL); int conntypeset = account->ConnectionType(); int conntype = 0; if ( conntypeset == 3 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_COMMAND; } else if ( conntypeset == 2 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_TLS; } else if ( conntypeset == 1 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_STARTTLS; } else if ( conntypeset == 0 ) { conntype = CONNECTION_TYPE_TRY_STARTTLS; } //(ssl?CONNECTION_TYPE_TLS:CONNECTION_TYPE_PLAIN); pop3_mailstorage_init(m_pop3,(char*)server, port, NULL, conntype, POP3_AUTH_TYPE_PLAIN, (char*)user,(char*)pass,0,0,0); err = mailstorage_connect(m_pop3); if (err != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug( QString( "FEHLERNUMMER %1" ).arg( err ) ); Global::statusMessage(tr("Error initializing folder")); mailstorage_free(m_pop3); m_pop3 = 0; + } else { + mailsession * session = m_pop3->sto_session; + mailpop3 * mail = ( ( pop3_session_state_data * )session->sess_data )->pop3_session; + if (mail) { + mail->pop3_progr_fun = &pop3_progress; + } } } void POP3wrapper::logout() { if ( m_pop3 == NULL ) return; mailstorage_free(m_pop3); m_pop3 = 0; } QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >* POP3wrapper::listFolders() { QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Folder> >* folders = new QValueList<FolderP>(); FolderP inb=new Folder("INBOX","/"); folders->append(inb); return folders; } void POP3wrapper::deleteMail(const RecMailP&mail) { login(); if (!m_pop3) return; int err = mailsession_remove_message(m_pop3->sto_session,mail->getNumber()); if (err != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("error deleting mail")); } } void POP3wrapper::answeredMail(const RecMailP&) {} int POP3wrapper::deleteAllMail(const FolderP&) { login(); if (!m_pop3) return 0; int res = 1; uint32_t result = 0; int err = mailsession_messages_number(m_pop3->sto_session,NULL,&result); if (err != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Error getting folder info")); return 0; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < result; ++i) { err = mailsession_remove_message(m_pop3->sto_session,i+1); if (err != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Error deleting mail %1").arg(i+1)); res=0; } break; } return res; } void POP3wrapper::statusFolder(folderStat&target_stat,const QString&) { login(); target_stat.message_count = 0; target_stat.message_unseen = 0; target_stat.message_recent = 0; if (!m_pop3) return; int r = mailsession_status_folder(m_pop3->sto_session,0,&target_stat.message_count, &target_stat.message_recent,&target_stat.message_unseen); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error getting folter status."); } } encodedString* POP3wrapper::fetchRawBody(const RecMailP&mail) { char*target=0; size_t length=0; encodedString*res = 0; mailmessage * mailmsg = 0; int err = mailsession_get_message(m_pop3->sto_session, mail->getNumber(), &mailmsg); err = mailmessage_fetch(mailmsg,&target,&length); if (mailmsg) mailmessage_free(mailmsg); if (target) { res = new encodedString(target,length); } return res; } MAILLIB::ATYPE POP3wrapper::getType()const { return account->getType(); } const QString&POP3wrapper::getName()const{ return account->getAccountName(); } |