34 files changed, 1 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/camera/gui/mainwindow.h b/noncore/multimedia/camera/gui/mainwindow.h index 451ad5f..d93cca1 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/camera/gui/mainwindow.h +++ b/noncore/multimedia/camera/gui/mainwindow.h @@ -1,107 +1,105 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2003 Michael 'Mickey' Lauer. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Opie Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef MAINWINDOW_H #define MAINWINDOW_H #include <qmainwindow.h> -#include <qdatetime.h> #include <qimage.h> #include <qpixmap.h> -#include <qdatetime.h> class QAction; class QActionGroup; class QIconSet; class QTimerEvent; class QToolButton; class QLabel; class MainWindowBase; class QCopChannel; class PreviewWidget; class CameraMainWindow: public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: CameraMainWindow( QWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = "mainwindow", WFlags f = 0 ); virtual ~CameraMainWindow(); public slots: void changeZoom( int ); void systemMessage( const QCString&, const QByteArray& ); void showContextMenu(); void resoMenuItemClicked( QAction* ); void qualityMenuItemClicked( QAction* ); void zoomMenuItemClicked( QAction* ); void flipMenuItemClicked( QAction* ); void outputToMenuItemClicked( QAction* ); void outputMenuItemClicked( QAction* ); void prefixItemChoosen(); void appendSettingsChoosen(); void shutterClicked(); void updateCaption(); protected: void init(); void startVideoCapture(); void stopVideoCapture(); void postProcessVideo( const QString&, const QString& ); void performCapture( const QString& ); virtual void timerEvent( QTimerEvent* ); protected slots: void doSomething(); // solely for debugging purposes private: PreviewWidget* preview; int _rotation; QCopChannel* _sysChannel; QActionGroup* resog; QActionGroup* qualityg; QActionGroup* zoomg; QActionGroup* flipg; QActionGroup* outputTog; QAction* custom; QAction* docfolder; QActionGroup* outputg; QString flip; int quality; int zoom; int captureX; int captureY; QString captureFormat; QString outputTo; QString prefix; bool appendSettings; bool _capturing; int _pics; int _videos; QTime _time; int _videopics; int _capturefd; int _framerate; unsigned char* _capturebuf; }; #endif diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/audiowidget.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/audiowidget.cpp index f3eafab..452117c 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/audiowidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/audiowidget.cpp @@ -1,326 +1,324 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 L. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "audiowidget.h" -#include "mediaplayerstate.h" -#include "playlistwidget.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> namespace { const int xo = -2; // movable x offset const int yo = 22; // movable y offset const MediaWidget::SkinButtonInfo skinInfo[] = { { MediaWidget::Play, "play", MediaWidget::ToggleButton }, { MediaWidget::Stop, "stop", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::Next, "next", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::Previous, "prev", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::VolumeUp, "up", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::VolumeDown, "down", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::Loop, "loop", MediaWidget::ToggleButton }, { MediaWidget::PlayList, "playlist", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::Forward, "forward", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::Back, "back", MediaWidget::NormalButton } }; const uint buttonCount = sizeof( skinInfo ) / sizeof( skinInfo[ 0 ] ); void changeTextColor( QWidget * w) { QPalette p = w->palette(); p.setBrush( QColorGroup::Background, QColor( 167, 212, 167 ) ); p.setBrush( QColorGroup::Base, QColor( 167, 212, 167 ) ); w->setPalette( p ); } } AudioWidget::AudioWidget( PlayListWidget &playList, MediaPlayerState &mediaPlayerState, QWidget* parent, const char* name) : MediaWidget( playList, mediaPlayerState, parent, name ), songInfo( this ), slider( Qt::Horizontal, this ), time( this ), audioSliderBeingMoved( false ) { setCaption( tr("OpiePlayer") ); loadSkin(); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( loopingToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setLooping(bool) ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( isSeekableToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setSeekable(bool) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( forwardClicked() ), this, SLOT( skipFor() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( backClicked() ), this, SLOT( skipBack() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( forwardReleased() ), this, SLOT( stopSkip() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( backReleased() ), this, SLOT( stopSkip() ) ); // Intialise state setLength( mediaPlayerState.length() ); setPosition( mediaPlayerState.position() ); setLooping( mediaPlayerState.isFullscreen() ); // setPaused( mediaPlayerState->paused() ); setPlaying( mediaPlayerState.isPlaying() ); } AudioWidget::~AudioWidget() { // mediaPlayerState->setPlaying(false); } MediaWidget::GUIInfo AudioWidget::guiInfo() { return GUIInfo( QString::null /* infix */, ::skinInfo, ::buttonCount ); } void AudioWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e ) { int h = height(); int w = width(); songInfo.setGeometry( QRect( 2, 2, w - 4, 20 ) ); slider.setFixedWidth( w - 110 ); slider.setGeometry( QRect( 15, h - 22, w - 90, 20 ) ); slider.setBackgroundOrigin( QWidget::ParentOrigin ); time.setGeometry( QRect( w - 85, h - 30, 70, 20 ) ); upperLeftOfButtonMask.rx() = ( w - buttonUpImage.width() ) / 2; upperLeftOfButtonMask.ry() = (( h - buttonUpImage.height() ) / 2) - 10; MediaWidget::resizeEvent( e ); } void AudioWidget::sliderPressed() { audioSliderBeingMoved = TRUE; } void AudioWidget::sliderReleased() { audioSliderBeingMoved = FALSE; if ( slider.width() == 0 ) return; long val = long((double)slider.value() * mediaPlayerState.length() / slider.width()); mediaPlayerState.setPosition( val ); } void AudioWidget::setPosition( long i ) { // qDebug("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<set position %d",i); updateSlider( i, mediaPlayerState.length() ); } void AudioWidget::setLength( long max ) { updateSlider( mediaPlayerState.position(), max ); } void AudioWidget::setDisplayType( MediaPlayerState::DisplayType mediaType ) { if ( mediaType == MediaPlayerState::Audio ) { // startTimer( 150 ); QPEApplication::showWidget( this ); return; } killTimers(); hide(); } void AudioWidget::loadSkin() { loadDefaultSkin( guiInfo() ); songInfo.setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); // changeTextColor( &songInfo ); // songInfo.setBackgroundColor( QColor( 167, 212, 167 )); // songInfo.setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame); songInfo.setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Sunken ); // songInfo.setForegroundColor(Qt::white); slider.setFixedHeight( 20 ); slider.setMinValue( 0 ); slider.setMaxValue( 1 ); slider.setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); slider.setBackgroundPixmap( backgroundPixmap ); // Config cofg("qpe"); // cofg.setGroup("Appearance"); // QColor backgroundcolor = QColor( cofg.readEntry( "Background", "#E5E1D5" ) ); time.setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); time.setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter ); // time.setFrame(FALSE); // changeTextColor( &time ); resizeEvent( 0 ); } void AudioWidget::setSeekable( bool isSeekable ) { if ( !isSeekable ) { qDebug("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<file is STREAMING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); if( !slider.isHidden()) { slider.hide(); } disconnect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionChanged(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) ); disconnect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionUpdated(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) ); disconnect( &slider, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), this, SLOT( sliderPressed() ) ); disconnect( &slider, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), this, SLOT( sliderReleased() ) ); } else { // this stops the slider from being moved, thus // does not stop stream when it reaches the end slider.show(); qDebug( " CONNECT SET POSTION " ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionChanged(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionUpdated(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) ); connect( &slider, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), this, SLOT( sliderPressed() ) ); connect( &slider, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), this, SLOT( sliderReleased() ) ); } } static QString timeAsString( long length ) { int minutes = length / 60; int seconds = length % 60; return QString("%1:%2%3").arg( minutes ).arg( seconds / 10 ).arg( seconds % 10 ); } void AudioWidget::updateSlider( long i, long max ) { time.setText( timeAsString( i ) + " / " + timeAsString( max ) ); // qDebug( timeAsString( i ) + " / " + timeAsString( max ) ) ; if ( max == 0 ) { return; } // Will flicker too much if we don't do this // Scale to something reasonable int width = slider.width(); int val = int((double)i * width / max); if ( !audioSliderBeingMoved ) { if ( slider.value() != val ) { slider.setValue( val ); } if ( slider.maxValue() != width ) { slider.setMaxValue( width ); } } } void AudioWidget::skipFor() { skipDirection = +1; startTimer( 50 ); mediaPlayerState.setPosition( mediaPlayerState.position() + 2 ); } void AudioWidget::skipBack() { skipDirection = -1; startTimer( 50 ); mediaPlayerState.setPosition( mediaPlayerState.position() - 2 ); } void AudioWidget::stopSkip() { killTimers(); } void AudioWidget::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) { if ( skipDirection == +1 ) { mediaPlayerState.setPosition( mediaPlayerState.position() + 2 ); } else if ( skipDirection == -1 ) { mediaPlayerState.setPosition( mediaPlayerState.position() - 2 ); } } void AudioWidget::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *e) { switch ( e->key() ) { ////////////////////////////// Zaurus keys case Key_Home: break; case Key_F9: //activity hide(); // qDebug("Audio F9"); e->accept(); break; case Key_F10: //contacts break; case Key_F11: //menu mediaPlayerState.toggleBlank(); e->accept(); break; case Key_F12: //home break; case Key_F13: //mail mediaPlayerState.toggleBlank(); e->accept(); break; case Key_Space: { e->accept(); mediaPlayerState.togglePaused(); } break; case Key_Down: // toggleButton(6); emit lessClicked(); emit lessReleased(); // toggleButton(6); e->accept(); break; case Key_Up: // toggleButton(5); emit moreClicked(); emit moreReleased(); // toggleButton(5); e->accept(); break; case Key_Right: // toggleButton(3); mediaPlayerState.setNext(); // toggleButton(3); e->accept(); break; case Key_Left: // toggleButton(4); mediaPlayerState.setPrev(); // toggleButton(4); e->accept(); break; case Key_Escape: { } break; }; } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/inputDialog.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/inputDialog.cpp index ebde9c6..05dc2d1 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/inputDialog.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/inputDialog.cpp @@ -1,74 +1,67 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002,2003 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 L. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "inputDialog.h" -#include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> -#include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qlineedit.h> -#include <qlayout.h> -#include <qvariant.h> -#include <qpushbutton.h> -#include <qwhatsthis.h> InputDialog::InputDialog( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl ) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ) { if ( !name ) { setName( "InputDialog" ); } resize( 234, 115); setMaximumSize( QSize( 240, 40)); setCaption( tr( name ) ); QPushButton *browserButton; //browserButton = new QPushButton( Resource::loadIconSet("fileopen"),"",this,"BrowseButton"); //browserButton->setGeometry( QRect( 205, 10, 22, 22)); //connect( browserButton, SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(browse())); LineEdit1 = new QLineEdit( this, "LineEdit1" ); LineEdit1->setGeometry( QRect( 4, 10, 190, 22 ) ); LineEdit1->setFocus(); } /* * return the current text(input) */ QString InputDialog::text() const { return LineEdit1->text(); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ InputDialog::~InputDialog() { } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/lib.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/lib.cpp index 664ec65..a42b8e5 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/lib.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/lib.cpp @@ -1,433 +1,432 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 LJP <> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qgfx_qws.h> -#include <qdirectpainter_qws.h> #include <assert.h> #include "xinevideowidget.h" #include "frame.h" #include "lib.h" typedef void (*display_xine_frame_t) (void *user_data, uint8_t* frame, int width, int height,int bytes ); extern "C" { xine_vo_driver_t* init_video_out_plugin( xine_t *xine, void* video, display_xine_frame_t, void * ); int null_is_showing_video( const xine_vo_driver_t* self ); void null_set_show_video( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int show ); int null_is_fullscreen( const xine_vo_driver_t* self ); void null_set_fullscreen( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int screen ); int null_is_scaling( const xine_vo_driver_t* self ); void null_set_scaling( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int scale ); void null_set_gui_width( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int width ); void null_set_gui_height( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int height ); void null_set_mode( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, int depth, int rgb ); void null_set_videoGamma( const xine_vo_driver_t* self , int value ); void null_display_handler( const xine_vo_driver_t* self, display_xine_frame_t t, void* user_data ); void null_preload_decoders( xine_stream_t *stream ); } using namespace XINE; Lib::Lib( InitializationMode initMode, XineVideoWidget* widget ) { m_initialized = false; m_duringInitialization = false; m_video = false; m_wid = widget; printf("Lib"); QString configPath = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Settings/opiexine.cf"; // get the configuration // not really OO, should be an extra class, later if ( !QFile::exists(configPath) ) { QFile f(configPath); f.open(IO_WriteOnly); QTextStream ts( &f ); ts << "misc.memcpy_method:glibc\n"; ts << "# uncomment if you experience double speed audio \n #audio.oss_sync_method:softsync\n"; ts << "codec.ffmpeg_pp_quality:3\n"; ts << "audio.num_buffers:50\n"; ts << "audio.size_buffers:4096\n"; ts << "video.num_buffers:20\n"; ts << "video.size_buffers:4096\n"; ts << "audio.out_num_audio_buf:16\n"; ts << "audio.out_size_audio_buf:8096\n"; ts << "audio.out_size_zero_buf:1024\n"; ts << "audio.passthrough_offset:0\n"; f.close(); } if ( initMode == InitializeImmediately ) { initialize(); m_initialized = true; } else start(); } void Lib::run() { qDebug( "Lib::run() started" ); initialize(); m_initialized = true; qDebug( "Lib::run() finished" ); } void Lib::initialize() { m_duringInitialization = true; m_xine = xine_new( ); QString configPath = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Settings/opiexine.cf"; xine_config_load( m_xine, QFile::encodeName( configPath ) ); xine_init( m_xine ); // allocate oss for sound // and fb for framebuffer m_audioOutput = xine_open_audio_driver( m_xine, "oss", NULL ); m_videoOutput = ::init_video_out_plugin( m_xine, NULL, xine_display_frame, this ); //xine_open_video_driver( m_xine, NULL, XINE_VISUAL_TYPE_FB, NULL); // null_display_handler( m_videoOutput, xine_display_frame, this ); m_stream = xine_stream_new (m_xine, m_audioOutput, m_videoOutput ); if (m_wid != 0 ) { printf( "!0\n" ); setWidget( m_wid ); } m_queue = xine_event_new_queue (m_stream); xine_event_create_listener_thread (m_queue, xine_event_handler, this); ::null_preload_decoders( m_stream ); m_duringInitialization = false; } Lib::~Lib() { assert( isRunning() == false ); assert( m_initialized ); // free( m_config ); xine_close( m_stream ); xine_event_dispose_queue( m_queue ); xine_dispose( m_stream ); xine_exit( m_xine ); /* FIXME either free or delete but valgrind bitches against both */ //free( m_videoOutput ); //delete m_audioOutput; } void Lib::resize ( const QSize &s ) { assert( m_initialized || m_duringInitialization ); if ( s. width ( ) && s. height ( ) ) { ::null_set_gui_width( m_videoOutput, s. width() ); ::null_set_gui_height( m_videoOutput, s. height() ); } } int Lib::majorVersion() { int major, minor, sub; xine_get_version ( &major, &minor, &sub ); return major; } int Lib::minorVersion() { int major, minor, sub; xine_get_version ( &major, &minor, &sub ); return minor; } int Lib::subVersion() { int major, minor, sub; xine_get_version ( &major, &minor, &sub ); return sub; } int Lib::play( const QString& fileName, int startPos, int start_time ) { assert( m_initialized ); // FIXME actually a hack imho. Should not be needed to dispose the whole stream // but without we get wrong media length reads from libxine for the second media //xine_dispose ( m_stream ); QString str = fileName.stripWhiteSpace(); //m_stream = xine_stream_new (m_xine, m_audioOutput, m_videoOutput ); //m_queue = xine_event_new_queue (m_stream); //xine_event_create_listener_thread (m_queue, xine_event_handler, this); if ( !xine_open( m_stream, str.utf8().data() ) ) { return 0; } return xine_play( m_stream, startPos, start_time); } void Lib::stop() { assert( m_initialized ); qDebug("<<<<<<<< STOP IN LIB TRIGGERED >>>>>>>"); xine_stop( m_stream ); } void Lib::pause( bool toggle ) { assert( m_initialized ); xine_set_param( m_stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, toggle ? XINE_SPEED_PAUSE : XINE_SPEED_NORMAL ); } int Lib::speed() const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_param ( m_stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED ); } void Lib::setSpeed( int speed ) { assert( m_initialized ); xine_set_param ( m_stream, XINE_PARAM_SPEED, speed ); } int Lib::status() const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_status( m_stream ); } int Lib::currentPosition() const { assert( m_initialized ); int pos, time, length; xine_get_pos_length( m_stream, &pos, &time, &length ); return pos; } int Lib::currentTime() const { assert( m_initialized ); int pos, time, length; xine_get_pos_length( m_stream, &pos, &time, &length ); if ( time > 0 ) { return time/1000; } else { return 0; } } int Lib::length() const { assert( m_initialized ); int pos, time, length; /* dilb: patch to solve the wrong stream length reported to the GUI*/ int iRetVal=0, iTestLoop=0; do { iRetVal = xine_get_pos_length( m_stream, &pos, &time, &length ); if (iRetVal) {/* if the function didn't return 0, then pos, time and length are valid.*/ return length/1000; } /*don't poll too much*/ usleep(100000); iTestLoop++; } while ( iTestLoop < 10 ); /* if after 1s, we still don't have any valid stream, then return -1 (this value could be used to make the stream unseekable, but it should never occur!! Mr. Murphy ? :) ) */ return -1; } bool Lib::isSeekable() const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_stream_info( m_stream, XINE_STREAM_INFO_SEEKABLE ); } void Lib::seekTo( int time ) { assert( m_initialized ); //xine_trick_mode ( m_stream, XINE_TRICK_MODE_SEEK_TO_TIME, time ); NOT IMPLEMENTED YET IN XINE :_( // since its now milliseconds we need *1000 xine_play( m_stream, 0, time*1000 ); } Frame Lib::currentFrame() const { assert( m_initialized ); Frame frame; return frame; }; QString Lib::metaInfo( int number) const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_meta_info( m_stream, number ); } int Lib::error() const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_error( m_stream ); }; void Lib::ensureInitialized() { if ( m_initialized ) return; qDebug( "waiting for initialization thread to finish" ); wait(); qDebug( "initialization thread finished!" ); } void Lib::setWidget( XineVideoWidget *widget ) { m_wid = widget; resize ( m_wid-> size ( ) ); ::null_set_mode( m_videoOutput, qt_screen->depth(), qt_screen->pixelType() ); m_wid->repaint(); } void Lib::receiveMessage( ThreadUtil::ChannelMessage *msg, SendType sendType ) { assert( sendType == ThreadUtil::Channel::OneWay ); handleXineEvent( msg->type() ); delete msg; } void Lib::handleXineEvent( const xine_event_t* t ) { send( new ThreadUtil::ChannelMessage( t->type ), OneWay ); } void Lib::handleXineEvent( int type ) { assert( m_initialized ); if ( type == XINE_EVENT_UI_PLAYBACK_FINISHED ) { emit stopped(); } } void Lib::setShowVideo( bool video ) { assert( m_initialized ); m_video = video; ::null_set_show_video( m_videoOutput, video ); } bool Lib::isShowingVideo() const { assert( m_initialized ); return ::null_is_showing_video( m_videoOutput ); } bool Lib::hasVideo() const { assert( m_initialized ); return xine_get_stream_info( m_stream, 18 ); } void Lib::showVideoFullScreen( bool fullScreen ) { assert( m_initialized ); ::null_set_fullscreen( m_videoOutput, fullScreen ); } bool Lib::isVideoFullScreen() const { assert( m_initialized ); return ::null_is_fullscreen( m_videoOutput ); } void Lib::setScaling( bool scale ) { assert( m_initialized ); ::null_set_scaling( m_videoOutput, scale ); } void Lib::setGamma( int value ) { assert( m_initialized ); ::null_set_videoGamma( m_videoOutput, value ); } bool Lib::isScaling() const { assert( m_initialized ); return ::null_is_scaling( m_videoOutput ); } void Lib::xine_event_handler( void* user_data, const xine_event_t* t ) { ( (Lib*)user_data)->handleXineEvent( t ); } void Lib::xine_display_frame( void* user_data, uint8_t *frame, int width, int height, int bytes ) { ( (Lib*)user_data)->drawFrame( frame, width, height, bytes ); } void Lib::drawFrame( uint8_t* frame, int width, int height, int bytes ) { assert( m_initialized ); if ( !m_video ) { qWarning("not showing video now"); return; } assert( m_wid ); m_wid-> setVideoFrame ( frame, width, height, bytes ); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/main.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/main.cpp index b0a22b2..00f72d1 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/main.cpp @@ -1,29 +1,26 @@ -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> -#include "mediaplayerstate.h" -#include "playlistwidget.h" #include "mediaplayer.h" #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<PlayListWidget> ) #if 0 int main(int argc, char **argv) { QPEApplication a(argc,argv); MediaPlayerState st( 0, "mediaPlayerState" ); PlayListWidget pl( st, 0, "playList" ); pl.showMaximized(); MediaPlayer mp( pl, st, 0, "mediaPlayer" ); QObject::connect( &pl, SIGNAL( skinSelected() ), &mp, SLOT( reloadSkins() ) ); a.showMainDocumentWidget(&pl); return a.exec(); } #endif diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediaplayer.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediaplayer.cpp index 1e6bc4d..a236775 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediaplayer.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediaplayer.cpp @@ -1,405 +1,401 @@ #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> -#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include "mediaplayer.h" -#include "playlistwidget.h" #include "audiowidget.h" #include "videowidget.h" #include "volumecontrol.h" -#include "lib.h" -#include "mediaplayerstate.h" // for setBacklight() #include <linux/fb.h> #include <sys/file.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #define FBIOBLANK 0x4611 MediaPlayer::MediaPlayer( PlayListWidget &_playList, MediaPlayerState &_mediaPlayerState, QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ), volumeDirection( 0 ), mediaPlayerState( _mediaPlayerState ), playList( _playList ) { m_audioUI = 0; m_videoUI = 0; m_xineControl = 0; xine = new XINE::Lib( XINE::Lib::InitializeInThread ); fd=-1;fl=-1; playList.setCaption( tr( "OpiePlayer: Initializating" ) ); qApp->processEvents(); // QPEApplication::grabKeyboard(); // EVIL connect( qApp,SIGNAL( aboutToQuit()),SLOT( cleanUp()) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( playingToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setPlaying(bool) ) ); // What is pauseCheck good for? (Simon) // connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( pausedToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( pauseCheck(bool) ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( next() ), this, SLOT( next() ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( prev() ), this, SLOT( prev() ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( blankToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT ( blank(bool) ) ); volControl = new VolumeControl; Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); cfg.setGroup("PlayList"); QString currentPlaylist = cfg.readEntry( "CurrentPlaylist", "default"); playList.setCaption( tr( "OpiePlayer: " ) + QFileInfo(currentPlaylist).baseName() ); m_skinLoader = new SkinLoader; m_skinLoader->schedule( AudioWidget::guiInfo() ); m_skinLoader->schedule( VideoWidget::guiInfo() ); m_skinLoader->start(); } MediaPlayer::~MediaPlayer() { // this shold never happen, but one never knows... if ( xine ) { xine->ensureInitialized(); delete xine; } delete m_xineControl; delete m_audioUI; delete m_videoUI; delete volControl; } void MediaPlayer::pauseCheck( bool b ) { if ( b && !mediaPlayerState.isPlaying() ) { mediaPlayerState.setPaused( FALSE ); } } void MediaPlayer::play() { mediaPlayerState.setPlaying( FALSE ); mediaPlayerState.setPlaying( TRUE ); } void MediaPlayer::setPlaying( bool play ) { if ( !play ) { return; } if ( mediaPlayerState.isPaused() ) { mediaPlayerState.setPaused( FALSE ); return; } QString tickerText, time, fileName; if ( playList.currentTab() != PlayListWidget::CurrentPlayList ) { //if playing in file list.. play in a different way // random and looping settings enabled causes problems here, // since there is no selected file in the playlist, but a selected file in the file list, // so we remember and shutoff l = mediaPlayerState.isLooping(); if(l) { mediaPlayerState.setLooping( false ); } r = mediaPlayerState.isShuffled(); mediaPlayerState.setShuffled( false ); } PlayListWidget::Entry playListEntry = playList.currentEntry(); fileName = playListEntry.name; xineControl()->play( playListEntry.file ); long seconds = mediaPlayerState.length(); time.sprintf("%li:%02i", seconds/60, (int)seconds%60 ); if( fileName.left(4) == "http" ) { fileName = QFileInfo( fileName ).baseName(); if ( xineControl()->getMetaInfo().isEmpty() ) { tickerText = tr( " File: " ) + fileName; } else { tickerText = xineControl()->getMetaInfo(); } } else { if ( xineControl()->getMetaInfo().isEmpty() ) { tickerText = tr( " File: " ) + fileName + tr( ", Length: " ) + time + " "; } else { tickerText = xineControl()->getMetaInfo() + " Length: " + time + " "; } } audioUI()->setTickerText( tickerText ); } void MediaPlayer::prev() { if( playList.currentTab() == PlayListWidget::CurrentPlayList ) { //if using the playlist if ( playList.prev() ) { play(); } else if ( mediaPlayerState.isLooping() ) { if ( playList.last() ) { play(); } } else { mediaPlayerState.setList(); } } } void MediaPlayer::next() { if(playList.currentTab() == PlayListWidget::CurrentPlayList) { //if using the playlist if ( playList.next() ) { play(); } else if ( mediaPlayerState.isLooping() ) { if ( playList.first() ) { play(); } } else { mediaPlayerState.setList(); } } else { //if playing from file list, let's just stop qDebug("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<stop for filelists"); mediaPlayerState.setPlaying(false); mediaPlayerState.setDisplayType( MediaPlayerState::MediaSelection ); if(l) mediaPlayerState.setLooping(l); if(r) mediaPlayerState.setShuffled(r); } qApp->processEvents(); } void MediaPlayer::startDecreasingVolume() { volumeDirection = -1; startTimer( 100 ); volControl->decVol(2); } void MediaPlayer::startIncreasingVolume() { volumeDirection = +1; startTimer( 100 ); volControl->incVol(2); } bool drawnOnScreenDisplay = FALSE; unsigned int onScreenDisplayVolume = 0; const int yoff = 110; void MediaPlayer::stopChangingVolume() { killTimers(); // Get rid of the on-screen display stuff drawnOnScreenDisplay = FALSE; onScreenDisplayVolume = 0; int w=0; int h=0; if( !xineControl()->hasVideo() ) { w = audioUI()->width(); h = audioUI()->height(); audioUI()->repaint( ( w - 200 ) / 2, h - yoff, 200 + 9, 70, FALSE ); } else { w = videoUI()->width(); h = videoUI()->height(); videoUI()->repaint( ( w - 200 ) / 2, h - yoff, 200 + 9, 70, FALSE ); } } void MediaPlayer::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) { if ( volumeDirection == +1 ) { volControl->incVol( 2 ); } else if ( volumeDirection == -1 ) { volControl->decVol( 2 ); } // TODO FIXME // huh?? unsigned int v= 0; v = volControl->volume(); v = v / 10; if ( drawnOnScreenDisplay && onScreenDisplayVolume == v ) { return; } int w=0; int h=0; if( !xineControl()->hasVideo() ) { w = audioUI()->width(); h = audioUI()->height(); if ( drawnOnScreenDisplay ) { if ( onScreenDisplayVolume > v ) { audioUI()->repaint( ( w - 200 ) / 2 + v * 20 + 0, h - yoff + 40, ( onScreenDisplayVolume - v ) * 20 + 9, 30, FALSE ); } } drawnOnScreenDisplay = TRUE; onScreenDisplayVolume = v; QPainter p( audioUI() ); p.setPen( QColor( 0x10, 0xD0, 0x10 ) ); p.setBrush( QColor( 0x10, 0xD0, 0x10 ) ); QFont f; f.setPixelSize( 20 ); f.setBold( TRUE ); p.setFont( f ); p.drawText( (w - 200) / 2, h - yoff + 20, tr("Volume") ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { if ( v > i ) { p.drawRect( ( w - 200 ) / 2 + i * 20 + 0, h - yoff + 40, 9, 30 ); } else { p.drawRect( ( w - 200 ) / 2 + i * 20 + 3, h - yoff + 50, 3, 10 ); } } } else { w = videoUI()->width(); h = videoUI()->height(); if ( drawnOnScreenDisplay ) { if ( onScreenDisplayVolume > v ) { videoUI()->repaint( (w - 200) / 2 + v * 20 + 0, h - yoff + 40, ( onScreenDisplayVolume - v ) * 20 + 9, 30, FALSE ); } } drawnOnScreenDisplay = TRUE; onScreenDisplayVolume = v; QPainter p( videoUI() ); p.setPen( QColor( 0x10, 0xD0, 0x10 ) ); p.setBrush( QColor( 0x10, 0xD0, 0x10 ) ); QFont f; f.setPixelSize( 20 ); f.setBold( TRUE ); p.setFont( f ); p.drawText( (w - 200) / 2, h - yoff + 20, tr( "Volume" ) ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { if ( v > i ) { p.drawRect( (w - 200) / 2 + i * 20 + 0, h - yoff + 40, 9, 30 ); } else { p.drawRect( (w - 200) / 2 + i * 20 + 3, h - yoff + 50, 3, 10 ); } } } } void MediaPlayer::blank( bool b ) { fd=open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR); #ifdef QT_QWS_SL5XXX fl= open( "/dev/fl", O_RDWR ); #endif if (fd != -1) { if ( b ) { qDebug("do blanking"); #ifdef QT_QWS_SL5XXX ioctl( fd, FBIOBLANK, 1 ); if(fl !=-1) { ioctl( fl, 2 ); ::close(fl); } #else ioctl( fd, FBIOBLANK, 3 ); #endif isBlanked = TRUE; } else { qDebug("do unblanking"); ioctl( fd, FBIOBLANK, 0); #ifdef QT_QWS_SL5XXX if(fl != -1) { ioctl( fl, 1); ::close(fl); } #endif isBlanked = FALSE; } close( fd ); } else { qDebug("<< /dev/fb0 could not be opened >>"); } } void MediaPlayer::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *e) { switch ( e->key() ) { ////////////////////////////// Zaurus keys case Key_Home: break; case Key_F9: //activity break; case Key_F10: //contacts break; case Key_F11: //menu break; case Key_F12: //home qDebug("Blank here"); // mediaPlayerState->toggleBlank(); break; case Key_F13: //mail qDebug("Blank here"); // mediaPlayerState->toggleBlank(); break; } } void MediaPlayer::cleanUp() {// this happens on closing Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); mediaPlayerState.writeConfig( cfg ); playList.writeDefaultPlaylist( ); // QPEApplication::grabKeyboard(); // QPEApplication::ungrabKeyboard(); } void MediaPlayer::recreateAudioAndVideoWidgets() const { delete m_skinLoader; delete m_xineControl; delete m_audioUI; delete m_videoUI; m_audioUI = new AudioWidget( playList, mediaPlayerState, 0, "audioUI" ); m_videoUI = new VideoWidget( playList, mediaPlayerState, 0, "videoUI" ); connect( m_audioUI, SIGNAL( moreClicked() ), this, SLOT( startIncreasingVolume() ) ); connect( m_audioUI, SIGNAL( lessClicked() ), this, SLOT( startDecreasingVolume() ) ); connect( m_audioUI, SIGNAL( moreReleased() ), this, SLOT( stopChangingVolume() ) ); connect( m_audioUI, SIGNAL( lessReleased() ), this, SLOT( stopChangingVolume() ) ); connect( m_videoUI, SIGNAL( moreClicked() ), this, SLOT( startIncreasingVolume() ) ); connect( m_videoUI, SIGNAL( lessClicked() ), this, SLOT( startDecreasingVolume() ) ); connect( m_videoUI, SIGNAL( moreReleased() ), this, SLOT( stopChangingVolume() ) ); connect( m_videoUI, SIGNAL( lessReleased() ), this, SLOT( stopChangingVolume() ) ); if ( !xine ) xine = new XINE::Lib( XINE::Lib::InitializeImmediately ); m_xineControl = new XineControl( xine, m_videoUI->vidWidget(), mediaPlayerState ); xine = 0; } AudioWidget *MediaPlayer::audioUI() const { if ( !m_audioUI ) recreateAudioAndVideoWidgets(); return m_audioUI; } VideoWidget *MediaPlayer::videoUI() const { if ( !m_videoUI ) recreateAudioAndVideoWidgets(); return m_videoUI; } XineControl *MediaPlayer::xineControl() const { if ( !m_xineControl ) recreateAudioAndVideoWidgets(); return m_xineControl; } void MediaPlayer::reloadSkins() { audioUI()->loadSkin(); videoUI()->loadSkin(); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediaplayerstate.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediaplayerstate.cpp index 40fa1a4..203ff91 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediaplayerstate.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediaplayerstate.cpp @@ -1,264 +1,259 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 L. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // this file is based on work by trolltech -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> -#include <qpe/qlibrary.h> #include <qpe/config.h> -#include <qvaluelist.h> -#include <qobject.h> -#include <qdir.h> #include "mediaplayerstate.h" #include <assert.h> //#define MediaPlayerDebug(x) qDebug x #define MediaPlayerDebug(x) MediaPlayerState::MediaPlayerState( QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ) { Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); readConfig( cfg ); streaming = false; seekable = true; } MediaPlayerState::~MediaPlayerState() { } void MediaPlayerState::readConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("Options"); fullscreen = cfg.readBoolEntry( "FullScreen" ); scaled = cfg.readBoolEntry( "Scaling" ); looping = cfg.readBoolEntry( "Looping" ); shuffled = cfg.readBoolEntry( "Shuffle" ); videoGamma = cfg.readNumEntry( "VideoGamma" ); playing = FALSE; streaming = FALSE; paused = FALSE; curPosition = 0; curLength = 0; m_displayType = MediaSelection; } void MediaPlayerState::writeConfig( Config& cfg ) const { cfg.setGroup( "Options" ); cfg.writeEntry( "FullScreen", fullscreen ); cfg.writeEntry( "Scaling", scaled ); cfg.writeEntry( "Looping", looping ); cfg.writeEntry( "Shuffle", shuffled ); cfg.writeEntry( "VideoGamma", videoGamma ); } MediaPlayerState::DisplayType MediaPlayerState::displayType() const { return m_displayType; } // slots void MediaPlayerState::setIsStreaming( bool b ) { streaming = b; } void MediaPlayerState::setIsSeekable( bool b ) { seekable = b; emit isSeekableToggled(b); } void MediaPlayerState::setFullscreen( bool b ) { if ( fullscreen == b ) { return; } fullscreen = b; emit fullscreenToggled(b); } void MediaPlayerState::setBlanked( bool b ) { if ( blanked == b ) { return; } blanked = b; emit blankToggled(b); } void MediaPlayerState::setScaled( bool b ) { if ( scaled == b ) { return; } scaled = b; emit scaledToggled(b); } void MediaPlayerState::setLooping( bool b ) { if ( looping == b ) { return; } looping = b; emit loopingToggled(b); } void MediaPlayerState::setShuffled( bool b ) { if ( shuffled == b ) { return; } shuffled = b; emit shuffledToggled(b); } void MediaPlayerState::setPaused( bool b ) { if ( paused == b ) { paused = FALSE; emit pausedToggled(FALSE); return; } paused = b; emit pausedToggled(b); } void MediaPlayerState::setPlaying( bool b ) { if ( playing == b ) { return; } playing = b; stopped = !b; emit playingToggled(b); } void MediaPlayerState::setStopped( bool b ) { if ( stopped == b ) { return; } stopped = b; emit stopToggled(b); } void MediaPlayerState::setPosition( long p ) { if ( curPosition == p ) { return; } curPosition = p; emit positionChanged(p); } void MediaPlayerState::updatePosition( long p ){ if ( curPosition == p ) { return; } curPosition = p; emit positionUpdated(p); } void MediaPlayerState::setVideoGamma( int v ){ if ( videoGamma == v ) { return; } videoGamma = v; emit videoGammaChanged( v ); } void MediaPlayerState::setLength( long l ) { if ( curLength == l ) { return; } curLength = l; emit lengthChanged(l); } void MediaPlayerState::setDisplayType( DisplayType displayType ) { if ( m_displayType == displayType ) return; m_displayType = displayType; emit displayTypeChanged( m_displayType ); } void MediaPlayerState::setPrev(){ emit prev(); } void MediaPlayerState::setNext() { emit next(); } void MediaPlayerState::setList() { setPlaying( FALSE ); setDisplayType( MediaSelection ); } void MediaPlayerState::setVideo() { setDisplayType( Video ); } void MediaPlayerState::setAudio() { setDisplayType( Audio ); } void MediaPlayerState::toggleFullscreen() { setFullscreen( !fullscreen ); } void MediaPlayerState::toggleScaled() { setScaled( !scaled); } void MediaPlayerState::toggleLooping() { setLooping( !looping); } void MediaPlayerState::toggleShuffled() { setShuffled( !shuffled); } void MediaPlayerState::togglePaused() { setPaused( !paused); } void MediaPlayerState::togglePlaying() { setPlaying( !playing); } void MediaPlayerState::toggleBlank() { setBlanked( !blanked); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediawidget.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediawidget.cpp index 08c62a2..563ccf5 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediawidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/mediawidget.cpp @@ -1,263 +1,262 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2002 Simon Hausmann <simon@lst.de> (C) 2002 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> (C) 2002 L. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> (C) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <assert.h> #include "mediawidget.h" -#include "playlistwidget.h" #include "skin.h" MediaWidget::MediaWidget( PlayListWidget &_playList, MediaPlayerState &_mediaPlayerState, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ), mediaPlayerState( _mediaPlayerState ), playList( _playList ) { connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( displayTypeChanged(MediaPlayerState::DisplayType) ), this, SLOT( setDisplayType(MediaPlayerState::DisplayType) ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( lengthChanged(long) ), this, SLOT( setLength(long) ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( playingToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setPlaying(bool) ) ); setBackgroundMode( NoBackground ); } MediaWidget::~MediaWidget() { } void MediaWidget::setupButtons( const SkinButtonInfo *skinInfo, uint buttonCount, const Skin &skin ) { buttonMask = skin.buttonMask( skinInfo, buttonCount ); buttons.clear(); buttons.reserve( buttonCount ); for ( uint i = 0; i < buttonCount; ++i ) { Button button = setupButton( skinInfo[ i ], skin ); buttons.push_back( button ); } } MediaWidget::Button MediaWidget::setupButton( const SkinButtonInfo &buttonInfo, const Skin &skin ) { Button button; button.command = buttonInfo.command; button.type = buttonInfo.type; button.mask = skin.buttonMaskImage( buttonInfo.fileName ); return button; } void MediaWidget::loadDefaultSkin( const GUIInfo &guiInfo ) { Skin skin( guiInfo.fileNameInfix ); skin.setCachable( false ); loadSkin( guiInfo.buttonInfo, guiInfo.buttonCount, skin ); } void MediaWidget::loadSkin( const SkinButtonInfo *skinInfo, uint buttonCount, const Skin &skin ) { backgroundPixmap = skin.backgroundPixmap(); buttonUpImage = skin.buttonUpImage(); buttonDownImage = skin.buttonDownImage(); setupButtons( skinInfo, buttonCount, skin ); } void MediaWidget::closeEvent( QCloseEvent * ) { mediaPlayerState.setList(); } void MediaWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *pe ) { QPainter p( this ); if ( mediaPlayerState.isFullscreen() ) { // Clear the background p.setBrush( QBrush( Qt::black ) ); return; } QPixmap buffer( size() ); QPainter bufferedPainter( &buffer ); bufferedPainter.drawTiledPixmap( rect(), backgroundPixmap, QPoint( 0, 0 ) ); paintAllButtons( bufferedPainter ); p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, buffer ); } void MediaWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e ) { QPixmap pixUp = combineImageWithBackground( buttonUpImage, backgroundPixmap, upperLeftOfButtonMask ); QPixmap pixDn = combineImageWithBackground( buttonDownImage, backgroundPixmap, upperLeftOfButtonMask ); for ( ButtonVector::iterator it = buttons.begin(); it != buttons.end(); ++it ) { Button &button = *it; if ( button.mask.isNull() ) continue; button.pixUp = addMaskToPixmap( pixUp, button.mask ); button.pixDown = addMaskToPixmap( pixDn, button.mask ); } QWidget::resizeEvent( e ); } MediaWidget::Button *MediaWidget::buttonAt( const QPoint &position ) { if ( position.x() <= 0 || position.y() <= 0 || position.x() >= buttonMask.width() || position.y() >= buttonMask.height() ) return 0; int pixelIdx = buttonMask.pixelIndex( position.x(), position.y() ); for ( ButtonVector::iterator it = buttons.begin(); it != buttons.end(); ++it ) if ( it->command + 1 == pixelIdx ) return &( *it ); return 0; } void MediaWidget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { Button *button = buttonAt( event->pos() - upperLeftOfButtonMask ); if ( !button ) { QWidget::mousePressEvent( event ); return; } switch ( button->command ) { case VolumeUp: emit moreClicked(); return; case VolumeDown: emit lessClicked(); return; case Back: emit backClicked(); return; case Forward: emit forwardClicked(); return; default: break; } } void MediaWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { Button *button = buttonAt( event->pos() - upperLeftOfButtonMask ); if ( !button ) { QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( event ); return; } if ( button->type == ToggleButton ) toggleButton( *button ); handleCommand( button->command, button->isDown ); } void MediaWidget::makeVisible() { } void MediaWidget::handleCommand( Command command, bool buttonDown ) { switch ( command ) { case Play: mediaPlayerState.togglePaused(); return; case Stop: mediaPlayerState.setPlaying(FALSE); return; case Next: if( playList.currentTab() == PlayListWidget::CurrentPlayList ) mediaPlayerState.setNext(); return; case Previous: if( playList.currentTab() == PlayListWidget::CurrentPlayList ) mediaPlayerState.setPrev(); return; case Loop: mediaPlayerState.setLooping( buttonDown ); return; case VolumeUp: emit moreReleased(); return; case VolumeDown: emit lessReleased(); return; case PlayList: mediaPlayerState.setList(); return; case Forward: emit forwardReleased(); return; case Back: emit backReleased(); return; case FullScreen: mediaPlayerState.setFullscreen( true ); makeVisible(); return; default: assert( false ); } } bool MediaWidget::isOverButton( const QPoint &position, int buttonId ) const { return ( position.x() > 0 && position.y() > 0 && position.x() < buttonMask.width() && position.y() < buttonMask.height() && buttonMask.pixelIndex( position.x(), position.y() ) == buttonId + 1 ); } void MediaWidget::paintAllButtons( QPainter &p ) { for ( ButtonVector::const_iterator it = buttons.begin(); it != buttons.end(); ++it ) paintButton( p, *it ); } void MediaWidget::paintButton( const Button &button ) { QPainter p( this ); paintButton( p, button ); } void MediaWidget::paintButton( QPainter &p, const Button &button ) { if ( button.isDown ) p.drawPixmap( upperLeftOfButtonMask, button.pixDown ); else p.drawPixmap( upperLeftOfButtonMask, button.pixUp ); } void MediaWidget::setToggleButton( Command command, bool down ) { for ( ButtonVector::iterator it = buttons.begin(); it != buttons.end(); ++it ) if ( it->command == command ) { setToggleButton( *it, down ); return; } } void MediaWidget::setToggleButton( Button &button, bool down ) { if ( down != button.isDown ) toggleButton( button ); } void MediaWidget::toggleButton( Button &button ) { button.isDown = !button.isDown; paintButton( button ); } QPixmap MediaWidget::combineImageWithBackground( const QImage &image, const QPixmap &background, const QPoint &offset ) { QPixmap pix( image.size() ); QPainter p( &pix ); p.drawTiledPixmap( pix.rect(), background, offset ); p.drawImage( 0, 0, image ); return pix; } QPixmap MediaWidget::addMaskToPixmap( const QPixmap &pix, const QBitmap &mask ) { QPixmap result( pix ); result.setMask( mask ); return result; } /* vim: et sw=4 ts=4 */ diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/om3u.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/om3u.cpp index 69e87e7..26d5e15 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/om3u.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/om3u.cpp @@ -1,163 +1,150 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 L. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ -#include "playlistwidget.h" #include "om3u.h" -#include <qpe/applnk.h> -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> -#include <qpe/storage.h> -#include <qpe/mimetype.h> -#include <qpe/global.h> -#include <qpe/resource.h> - -#include <qdir.h> -#include <qregexp.h> -#include <qstring.h> -#include <qtextstream.h> -#include <qstringlist.h> -#include <qcstring.h> + //extern PlayListWidget *playList; Om3u::Om3u( const QString &filePath, int mode) : QStringList (){ qDebug("<<<<<<<new m3u "+filePath); f.setName(filePath); f.open(mode); } Om3u::~Om3u(){} void Om3u::readM3u() { // qDebug("<<<<<<reading m3u "+f.name()); QTextStream t(&f); t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); QString s; while ( !t.atEnd() ) { s=t.readLine(); // qDebug(s); if( s.find( "#", 0, TRUE) == -1 ) { if( s.left(2) == "E:" || s.left(2) == "P:" ) { s = s.right( s.length() -2 ); QFileInfo f( s ); QString name = f.baseName(); name = name.right( name.length() - name.findRev( "\\", -1, TRUE ) -1 ); s=s.replace( QRegExp( "\\" ), "/" ); append(s); // qDebug(s); } else { // is url QString name; name = s; append(name); } } } } void Om3u::readPls() { //it's a pls file QTextStream t( &f ); t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); QString s; while ( !t.atEnd() ) { s = t.readLine(); if( s.left(4) == "File" ) { s = s.right( s.length() - s.find("=",0,true)-1 ); s = s.stripWhiteSpace(); s.replace( QRegExp( "%20" )," "); // qDebug( "adding " + s + " to playlist" ); // numberofentries=2 // File1=http // Title // Length // Version // File2=http s = s.replace( QRegExp( "\\" ), "/" ); QFileInfo f( s ); QString name = f.baseName(); if( name.left( 4 ) == "http" ) { name = s.right( s.length() - 7); } else { name = s; } name = name.right( name.length() - name.findRev( "\\", -1, TRUE) - 1 ); if( s.at( s.length() - 4) == '.') // if this is probably a file append(s); else { //if its a url // if( name.right( 1 ).find( '/' ) == -1) { // s += "/"; // } append(s); } } } } void Om3u::write() { //writes list to m3u file QString list; QTextStream t(&f); t.setEncoding(QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8); if(count()>0) { for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { // qDebug(*it); t << *it << "\n"; } } // f.close(); } void Om3u::add(const QString &filePath) { //adds to m3u file append(filePath); } void Om3u::remove(const QString &filePath) { //removes from m3u list QString list, currentFile; if(count()>0) { for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) { currentFile=*it; // qDebug(*it); if( filePath != currentFile) list += currentFile+"\n"; } f.writeBlock( list, list.length() ); } } void Om3u::deleteFile(const QString &/*filePath*/) {//deletes m3u file f.close(); f.remove(); } void Om3u::close() { //closes m3u file f.close(); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistselection.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistselection.cpp index 2019b3a..015896f 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistselection.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistselection.cpp @@ -1,214 +1,206 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ -#include <qpe/applnk.h> -#include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qpe/config.h> -#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qimage.h> #include <qheader.h> -#include <qlistview.h> -#include <qlist.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> #include "playlistselection.h" #include <stdlib.h> class PlayListSelectionItem : public QListViewItem { public: PlayListSelectionItem( QListView *parent, const DocLnk *f ) : QListViewItem( parent ), fl( f ) { setText( 0, f->name() ); setPixmap( 0, f->pixmap() ); } ~PlayListSelectionItem() { }; const DocLnk *file() const { return fl; } private: const DocLnk *fl; }; PlayListSelection::PlayListSelection( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QListView( parent, name ) { // qDebug("starting playlistselector"); // #ifdef USE_PLAYLIST_BACKGROUND // setStaticBackground( TRUE ); // setBackgroundPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "opieplayer/background" ) ); // setBackgroundPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "launcher/opielogo" ) ); // #endif // addColumn("Title",236); // setAllColumnsShowFocus( TRUE ); addColumn( tr( "Playlist Selection" ) ); header()->hide(); setSorting( -1, FALSE ); } PlayListSelection::~PlayListSelection() { } // #ifdef USE_PLAYLIST_BACKGROUND void PlayListSelection::drawBackground( QPainter *p, const QRect &r ) { // qDebug("drawBackground"); p->fillRect( r, QBrush( white ) ); // QImage logo = Resource::loadImage( "launcher/opielogo" ); // if ( !logo.isNull() ) // p->drawImage( (width() - logo.width()) / 2, (height() - logo.height()) / 2, logo ); } // #endif void PlayListSelection::contentsMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { if ( event->state() == QMouseEvent::LeftButton ) { QListViewItem *currentItem = selectedItem(); QListViewItem *itemUnder = itemAt( QPoint( event->pos().x(), event->pos().y() - contentsY() ) ); if ( currentItem && currentItem->itemAbove() == itemUnder ) moveSelectedUp(); else if ( currentItem && currentItem->itemBelow() == itemUnder ) moveSelectedDown(); } } const DocLnk *PlayListSelection::current() { PlayListSelectionItem *item = (PlayListSelectionItem *)selectedItem(); if ( item ) return item->file(); return NULL; } void PlayListSelection::addToSelection( const DocLnk &lnk ) { PlayListSelectionItem *item = new PlayListSelectionItem( this, new DocLnk( lnk ) ); QListViewItem *current = selectedItem(); if ( current ) item->moveItem( current ); setSelected( item, TRUE ); ensureItemVisible( selectedItem() ); } void PlayListSelection::removeSelected() { QListViewItem *item = selectedItem(); delete item; setSelected( currentItem(), TRUE ); ensureItemVisible( selectedItem() ); } void PlayListSelection::moveSelectedUp() { QListViewItem *item = selectedItem(); if ( item && item->itemAbove() ) item->itemAbove()->moveItem( item ); ensureItemVisible( selectedItem() ); } void PlayListSelection::moveSelectedDown() { QListViewItem *item = selectedItem(); if ( item && item->itemBelow() ) item->moveItem( item->itemBelow() ); ensureItemVisible( selectedItem() ); } bool PlayListSelection::prev() { QListViewItem *item = selectedItem(); if ( item && item->itemAbove() ) setSelected( item->itemAbove(), TRUE ); else return FALSE; ensureItemVisible( selectedItem() ); return TRUE; } bool PlayListSelection::next() { QListViewItem *item = selectedItem(); if ( item && item->itemBelow() ) setSelected( item->itemBelow(), TRUE ); else return FALSE; ensureItemVisible( selectedItem() ); return TRUE; } bool PlayListSelection::first() { QListViewItem *item = firstChild(); if ( item ) setSelected( item, TRUE ); else return FALSE; ensureItemVisible( selectedItem() ); return TRUE; } bool PlayListSelection::last() { QListViewItem *prevItem = NULL; QListViewItem *item = firstChild(); while ( ( item = item->nextSibling() ) ) prevItem = item; if ( prevItem ) setSelected( prevItem, TRUE ); else return FALSE; ensureItemVisible( selectedItem() ); return TRUE; } void PlayListSelection::unSelect() { //QListViewItem *item = selectedItem(); setSelected( currentItem(), FALSE); } void PlayListSelection::writeCurrent( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("PlayList"); QListViewItem *item = selectedItem(); if ( item ) cfg.writeEntry("current", item->text(0) ); qDebug(item->text(0)); } void PlayListSelection::setSelectedItem(const QString &strk ) { unSelect(); QListViewItemIterator it( this ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { // qDebug( it.current()->text(0)); if( strk == it.current()->text(0)) { // qDebug( "We have a match "+strk); setSelected( it.current(), TRUE); ensureItemVisible( it.current() ); return; } } // setSelected( item, TRUE ); // ensureItemVisible( selectedItem() ); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistwidget.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistwidget.cpp index 0a84268..84aba55 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistwidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistwidget.cpp @@ -1,1043 +1,1042 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002,2003 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 L. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qtoolbar.h> #include <opie/ofiledialog.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include "playlistselection.h" #include "playlistwidget.h" #include "mediaplayer.h" -#include "mediaplayerstate.h" #include "inputDialog.h" #include "om3u.h" #include "playlistfileview.h" //only needed for the random play #include <assert.h> PlayListWidget::PlayListWidget(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : PlayListWidgetGui( parent, "playList" ) , currentFileListView( 0 ) { mediaPlayerState = new MediaPlayerState(0, "mediaPlayerState" ); m_mp = new MediaPlayer(*this, *mediaPlayerState, 0, "mediaPlayer"); d->tbAddToList = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Add to Playlist" ), "opieplayer2/add_to_playlist", this , SLOT(addSelected() ) ); d->tbRemoveFromList = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Remove from Playlist" ), "opieplayer2/remove_from_playlist", this , SLOT(removeSelected() ) ); d->tbPlay = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Play" ), "opieplayer2/play", this , SLOT( btnPlay(bool) ), TRUE ); d->tbShuffle = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Randomize" ),"opieplayer2/shuffle", mediaPlayerState, SLOT( setShuffled(bool) ), TRUE ); d->tbLoop = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Loop" ), "opieplayer2/loop", mediaPlayerState, SLOT( setLooping(bool) ), TRUE ); (void)new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Clear List" ), this, SLOT( clearList() ) ); (void)new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Add all audio files" ), this, SLOT( addAllMusicToList() ) ); (void)new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Add all video files" ), this, SLOT( addAllVideoToList() ) ); (void)new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Add all files" ), this, SLOT( addAllToList() ) ); pmPlayList->insertSeparator(-1); (void)new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Add File" ), this,SLOT( openFile() ) ); (void)new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr("Add URL"), this,SLOT( openURL() ) ); pmPlayList->insertSeparator(-1); (void)new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Save Playlist" ), this, SLOT(writem3u() ) ); pmPlayList->insertSeparator(-1); (void)new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Rescan for Audio Files" ), audioView, SLOT( scanFiles() ) ); (void)new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Rescan for Video Files" ), videoView, SLOT( scanFiles() ) ); pmView->insertItem( Resource::loadPixmap("fullscreen") , tr( "Full Screen"), mediaPlayerState, SLOT( toggleFullscreen() ) ); Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); bool b= cfg.readBoolEntry("FullScreen", 0); mediaPlayerState->setFullscreen( b ); pmView->setItemChecked( -16, b ); (void)new ToolButton( vbox1, tr( "Move Up" ), "opieplayer2/up", d->selectedFiles, SLOT(moveSelectedUp() ) ); (void)new ToolButton( vbox1, tr( "Remove" ), "opieplayer2/cut", d->selectedFiles, SLOT(removeSelected() ) ); (void)new ToolButton( vbox1, tr( "Move Down" ), "opieplayer2/down", d->selectedFiles, SLOT(moveSelectedDown() ) ); QVBox *stretch2 = new QVBox( vbox1 ); connect( tbDeletePlaylist, ( SIGNAL( released() ) ), SLOT( deletePlaylist() ) ); connect( pmView, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), this, SLOT( pmViewActivated(int) ) ); connect( skinsMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ) , this, SLOT( skinsMenuActivated(int) ) ); connect( d->selectedFiles, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ), this,SLOT( playlistViewPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ) ); connect( audioView, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ), this,SLOT( viewPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ) ); connect( audioView, SIGNAL( returnPressed(QListViewItem*) ), this,SLOT( playIt(QListViewItem*) ) ); connect( audioView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) ), this, SLOT( addToSelection(QListViewItem*) ) ); connect( videoView, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ), this,SLOT( viewPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ) ); connect( videoView, SIGNAL( returnPressed(QListViewItem*) ), this,SLOT( playIt(QListViewItem*) ) ); connect( videoView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) ), this, SLOT( addToSelection(QListViewItem*) ) ); connect( playLists, SIGNAL( fileSelected(const DocLnk&) ), this, SLOT( loadList(const DocLnk&) ) ); connect( tabWidget, SIGNAL ( currentChanged(QWidget*) ), this, SLOT( tabChanged(QWidget*) ) ); connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( playingToggled(bool) ), d->tbPlay, SLOT( setOn(bool) ) ); connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( loopingToggled(bool) ), d->tbLoop, SLOT( setOn(bool) ) ); connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( shuffledToggled(bool) ), d->tbShuffle, SLOT( setOn(bool) ) ); connect( d->selectedFiles, SIGNAL( doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) ), this, SLOT( playIt(QListViewItem*) ) ); connect ( gammaSlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), mediaPlayerState, SLOT( setVideoGamma(int) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(skinSelected() ), m_mp, SLOT( reloadSkins() ) ); // see which skins are installed populateSkinsMenu(); initializeStates(); channel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/Application/opieplayer2", this ); connect( channel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)), this, SLOT( qcopReceive(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)) ); cfg.setGroup("PlayList"); QString currentPlaylist = cfg.readEntry( "CurrentPlaylist", "default"); loadList(DocLnk( currentPlaylist ) ); tabWidget->showPage( playListTab ); } PlayListWidget::~PlayListWidget() { delete d; delete m_mp; } void PlayListWidget::initializeStates() { d->tbPlay->setOn( mediaPlayerState->isPlaying() ); d->tbLoop->setOn( mediaPlayerState->isLooping() ); d->tbShuffle->setOn( mediaPlayerState->isShuffled() ); d->playListFrame->show(); } void PlayListWidget::writeDefaultPlaylist() { Config config( "OpiePlayer" ); config.setGroup( "PlayList" ); QString filename=QPEApplication::documentDir() + "/default.m3u"; QString currentString = config.readEntry( "CurrentPlaylist", filename); if( currentString == filename) { Om3u *m3uList; // qDebug("<<<<<<<<<<<<<default>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); if( d->selectedFiles->first() ) { m3uList = new Om3u(filename, IO_ReadWrite | IO_Truncate); do { // qDebug(d->selectedFiles->current()->file()); m3uList->add( d->selectedFiles->current()->file() ); } while ( d->selectedFiles->next() ); m3uList->write(); m3uList->close(); delete m3uList; } } } void PlayListWidget::addToSelection( const DocLnk& lnk ) { d->setDocumentUsed = FALSE; if( QFileInfo( lnk.file() ).exists() || lnk.file().left(4) == "http" ) { d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk ); } // writeCurrentM3u(); } void PlayListWidget::clearList() { while ( first() ) { d->selectedFiles->removeSelected(); } Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); cfg.setGroup("PlayList"); cfg.writeEntry("CurrentPlaylist","default"); setCaption("OpiePlayer"); } void PlayListWidget::viewPressed( int mouse, QListViewItem *, const QPoint& , int) { switch (mouse) { case LeftButton: break; case RightButton: { QPopupMenu m; m.insertItem( tr( "Play Selected" ), this, SLOT( playSelected() )); m.insertItem( tr( "Add to Playlist" ), this, SLOT( addSelected() )); m.exec( QCursor::pos() ); } break; } } void PlayListWidget::playlistViewPressed( int mouse, QListViewItem *, const QPoint& , int ) { switch (mouse) { case LeftButton: break; case RightButton: { QPopupMenu m; m.insertItem( tr( "Play" ), this, SLOT( playSelected() )); m.insertItem( tr( "Remove" ), this, SLOT( removeSelected() )); m.exec( QCursor::pos() ); } break; } } void PlayListWidget::addAllToList() { audioView->populateView(); QListViewItemIterator audioIt( audioView ); DocLnk lnk; QString filename; // iterate through all items of the listview for ( ; audioIt.current(); ++audioIt ) { filename = audioIt.current()->text(3); lnk.setName( QFileInfo(filename).baseName() ); //sets name lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk); } videoView->populateView(); QListViewItemIterator videoIt( videoView ); for ( ; videoIt.current(); ++videoIt ) { filename = videoIt.current()->text(3); lnk.setName( QFileInfo(filename).baseName() ); //sets name lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk); } tabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); writeCurrentM3u(); d->selectedFiles->first(); } void PlayListWidget::addAllMusicToList() { audioView->populateView(); QListViewItemIterator audioIt( audioView ); DocLnk lnk; QString filename; // iterate through all items of the listview for ( ; audioIt.current(); ++audioIt ) { filename = audioIt.current()->text(3); lnk.setName( QFileInfo(filename).baseName() ); //sets name lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk); } tabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); writeCurrentM3u(); d->selectedFiles->first(); } void PlayListWidget::addAllVideoToList() { videoView->populateView(); QListViewItemIterator videoIt( videoView ); DocLnk lnk; QString filename; for ( ; videoIt.current(); ++videoIt ) { filename = videoIt.current()->text(3); lnk.setName( QFileInfo(filename).baseName() ); //sets name lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk); } tabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); writeCurrentM3u(); d->selectedFiles->first(); } void PlayListWidget::setDocument( const QString& fileref ) { // qDebug( "<<<<<<<<set document>>>>>>>>>> "+fileref ); fromSetDocument = TRUE; QFileInfo fileInfo(fileref); if ( !fileInfo.exists() ) { QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Invalid File" ), tr( "There was a problem in getting the file." ) ); return; } clearList(); QString extension = fileInfo.extension(false); if( extension.find( "m3u", 0, false) != -1 || extension.find( "pls", 0, false) != -1 ) { readListFromFile( fileref ); } else { clearList(); DocLnk lnk; lnk.setName( fileInfo.baseName() ); //sets name lnk.setFile( fileref ); //sets file name addToSelection( lnk ); writeCurrentM3u(); d->setDocumentUsed = TRUE; mediaPlayerState->setPlaying( FALSE ); mediaPlayerState->setPlaying( TRUE ); } } void PlayListWidget::useSelectedDocument() { d->setDocumentUsed = FALSE; } const DocLnk *PlayListWidget::current() const { // this is fugly assert( currentTab() == CurrentPlayList ); const DocLnk *lnk = d->selectedFiles->current(); if ( !lnk ) { d->selectedFiles->first(); lnk = d->selectedFiles->current(); } assert( lnk ); return lnk; } bool PlayListWidget::prev() { if ( mediaPlayerState->isShuffled() ) { const DocLnk *cur = current(); int j = 1 + (int)(97.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); for ( int i = 0; i < j; i++ ) { if ( !d->selectedFiles->next() ) d->selectedFiles->first(); } if ( cur == current() ) if ( !d->selectedFiles->next() ) { d->selectedFiles->first(); } return TRUE; } else { if ( !d->selectedFiles->prev() ) { if ( mediaPlayerState->isLooping() ) { return d->selectedFiles->last(); } else { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } } bool PlayListWidget::next() { //qDebug("<<<<<<<<<<<<next()"); if ( mediaPlayerState->isShuffled() ) { return prev(); } else { if ( !d->selectedFiles->next() ) { if ( mediaPlayerState->isLooping() ) { return d->selectedFiles->first(); } else { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } } bool PlayListWidget::first() { return d->selectedFiles->first(); } bool PlayListWidget::last() { return d->selectedFiles->last(); } void PlayListWidget::saveList() { writem3u(); } void PlayListWidget::loadList( const DocLnk & lnk) { QString name = lnk.name(); if( name.length()>0) { setCaption("OpiePlayer: "+name); clearList(); readListFromFile(lnk.file()); tabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); } } void PlayListWidget::addSelected() { assert( inFileListMode() ); QListViewItemIterator it( currentFileListView ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) { QString filename = it.current()->text(3); DocLnk lnk; lnk.setName( QFileInfo( filename ).baseName() ); //sets name lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk ); } currentFileListView->clearSelection(); writeCurrentM3u(); } void PlayListWidget::removeSelected() { d->selectedFiles->removeSelected( ); writeCurrentM3u(); } void PlayListWidget::playIt( QListViewItem *it) { if(!it) return; mediaPlayerState->setPlaying(FALSE); mediaPlayerState->setPlaying(TRUE); d->selectedFiles->unSelect(); } void PlayListWidget::addToSelection( QListViewItem *it) { d->setDocumentUsed = FALSE; if(it) { if ( currentTab() == CurrentPlayList ) return; DocLnk lnk; QString filename; filename=it->text(3); lnk.setName( QFileInfo(filename).baseName() ); //sets name lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk); writeCurrentM3u(); // tabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); } } void PlayListWidget::tabChanged(QWidget *) { d->tbPlay->setEnabled( true ); disconnect( audioView, SIGNAL( itemsSelected(bool) ), d->tbPlay, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); disconnect( videoView, SIGNAL( itemsSelected(bool) ), d->tbPlay, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); currentFileListView = 0; switch ( currentTab() ) { case CurrentPlayList: { if( !tbDeletePlaylist->isHidden() ) { tbDeletePlaylist->hide(); } d->tbRemoveFromList->setEnabled(TRUE); d->tbAddToList->setEnabled(FALSE); d->tbPlay->setEnabled( !d->selectedFiles->isEmpty() ); } break; case AudioFiles: { audioView->populateView(); if( !tbDeletePlaylist->isHidden() ) { tbDeletePlaylist->hide(); } d->tbRemoveFromList->setEnabled(FALSE); d->tbAddToList->setEnabled(TRUE); connect( audioView, SIGNAL( itemsSelected(bool) ), d->tbPlay, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); d->tbPlay->setEnabled( audioView->hasSelection() ); currentFileListView = audioView; } break; case VideoFiles: { videoView->populateView(); if( !tbDeletePlaylist->isHidden() ) { tbDeletePlaylist->hide(); } d->tbRemoveFromList->setEnabled(FALSE); d->tbAddToList->setEnabled(TRUE); connect( videoView, SIGNAL( itemsSelected(bool) ), d->tbPlay, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); d->tbPlay->setEnabled( videoView->hasSelection() ); currentFileListView = videoView; } break; case PlayLists: { if( tbDeletePlaylist->isHidden() ) { tbDeletePlaylist->show(); } playLists->reread(); d->tbAddToList->setEnabled(FALSE); d->tbPlay->setEnabled( false ); } break; }; } void PlayListWidget::btnPlay(bool b) { // mediaPlayerState->setPlaying(false); mediaPlayerState->setPlaying(b); insanityBool=FALSE; } void PlayListWidget::deletePlaylist() { switch( QMessageBox::information( this, (tr("Remove Playlist?")), (tr("You really want to delete\nthis playlist?")), (tr("Yes")), (tr("No")), 0 )){ case 0: // Yes clicked, QFile().remove(playLists->selectedDocument().file()); QFile().remove(playLists->selectedDocument().linkFile()); playLists->reread(); break; case 1: // Cancel break; }; } void PlayListWidget::playSelected() { btnPlay( TRUE); } bool PlayListWidget::inFileListMode() const { TabType tab = currentTab(); return tab == AudioFiles || tab == VideoFiles; } void PlayListWidget::openURL() { // // http://somafm.com/star0242.m3u QString filename, name; InputDialog *fileDlg; fileDlg = new InputDialog(this,tr("Add URL"),TRUE, 0); fileDlg->exec(); if( fileDlg->result() == 1 ) { filename = fileDlg->text(); qDebug( "Selected filename is " + filename ); // Om3u *m3uList; DocLnk lnk; Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); cfg.setGroup("PlayList"); if(filename.left(4) == "http") { QString m3uFile, m3uFilePath; if(filename.find(":",8,TRUE) != -1) { //found a port m3uFile = filename.left( filename.find( ":",8,TRUE)); m3uFile = m3uFile.right( 7); } else if(filename.left(4) == "http"){ m3uFile=filename; m3uFile = m3uFile.right( m3uFile.length() - 7); } else{ m3uFile=filename; } lnk.setName( filename ); //sets name lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name // lnk.setIcon("opieplayer2/musicfile"); d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk ); writeCurrentM3u(); d->selectedFiles->setSelectedItem( lnk.name()); } else if( filename.right( 3) == "m3u" || filename.right(3) == "pls" ) { readListFromFile( filename ); } else { lnk.setName( QFileInfo(filename).baseName() ); //sets name lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk); writeCurrentM3u(); d->selectedFiles->setSelectedItem( lnk.name()); } } delete fileDlg; } void PlayListWidget::openFile() { QString filename, name; Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); cfg.setGroup("Dialog"); MimeTypes types; QStringList audio, video, all; audio << "audio/*"; audio << "playlist/plain"; audio << "application/ogg"; audio << "audio/x-mpegurl"; video << "video/*"; video << "playlist/plain"; all += audio; all += video; types.insert("All Media Files", all ); types.insert("Audio", audio ); types.insert("Video", video ); QString str = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 1, cfg.readEntry("LastDirectory",QPEApplication::documentDir()),"", types, 0 ); if(str.left(2) == "//") { str=str.right(str.length()-1); } cfg.writeEntry( "LastDirectory" ,QFileInfo( str ).dirPath() ); if( !str.isEmpty() ) { qDebug( "Selected filename is " + str ); filename = str; DocLnk lnk; if( filename.right( 3) == "m3u" || filename.right(3) == "pls" ) { readListFromFile( filename ); } else { lnk.setName( QFileInfo(filename).baseName() ); //sets name lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk ); writeCurrentM3u(); d->selectedFiles->setSelectedItem( lnk.name() ); } } } void PlayListWidget::readListFromFile( const QString &filename ) { qDebug( "read list filename " + filename ); QFileInfo fi(filename); Om3u *m3uList; QString s, name; m3uList = new Om3u( filename, IO_ReadOnly ); if(fi.extension(false).find("m3u",0,false) != -1 ) m3uList->readM3u(); else if(fi.extension(false).find("pls",0,false) != -1 ) m3uList->readPls(); DocLnk lnk; for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = m3uList->begin(); it != m3uList->end(); ++it ) { s = *it; // qDebug(s); if(s.left(4)=="http") { lnk.setName( s ); //sets file name lnk.setIcon("opieplayer2/musicfile"); lnk.setFile( s ); //sets file name } else { //is file lnk.setName( QFileInfo(s).baseName()); if(s.left(1) != "/") { lnk.setFile( QFileInfo(filename).dirPath()+"/"+s); } else { lnk.setFile( s); } } d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk ); } Config config( "OpiePlayer" ); config.setGroup( "PlayList" ); config.writeEntry("CurrentPlaylist",filename); config.write(); currentPlayList=filename; m3uList->close(); delete m3uList; d->selectedFiles->setSelectedItem( s); setCaption(tr("OpiePlayer: ")+ QFileInfo(filename).baseName()); } // writes current playlist to current m3u file */ void PlayListWidget::writeCurrentM3u() { qDebug("writing to current m3u"); Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); cfg.setGroup("PlayList"); QString currentPlaylist = cfg.readEntry("CurrentPlaylist","default"); Om3u *m3uList; m3uList = new Om3u( currentPlaylist, IO_ReadWrite | IO_Truncate ); if( d->selectedFiles->first()) { do { // qDebug( "add writeCurrentM3u " +d->selectedFiles->current()->file()); m3uList->add( d->selectedFiles->current()->file() ); } while ( d->selectedFiles->next() ); // qDebug( "<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" ); m3uList->write(); m3uList->close(); } delete m3uList; } /* writes current playlist to m3u file */ void PlayListWidget::writem3u() { //InputDilog *fileDlg; //fileDlg = new InputDialog( this, tr( "Save m3u Playlist " ), TRUE, 0); //fileDlg->exec(); Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); cfg.setGroup("Dialog"); MimeTypes types; QStringList audio, video, all; audio << "audio/*"; audio << "playlist/plain"; audio << "audio/x-mpegurl"; video << "video/*"; video << "playlist/plain"; all += audio; all += video; types.insert("All Media Files", all ); types.insert("Audio", audio ); types.insert("Video", video ); QString str = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 1, cfg.readEntry("LastDirectory",QPEApplication::documentDir()),"", types, 0 ); if(str.left(2) == "//") str=str.right(str.length()-1); cfg.writeEntry("LastDirectory" ,QFileInfo(str).dirPath()); QString name, filename, list; Om3u *m3uList; if( !str.isEmpty() ) { name = str; // name = fileDlg->text(); // qDebug( filename ); if( name.find("/",0,true) != -1) {// assume they specify a file path filename = name; name = name.right(name.length()- name.findRev("/",-1,true) - 1 ); } else //otherwise dump it somewhere noticable filename = QPEApplication::documentDir() + "/" + name; if( filename.right( 3 ) != "m3u" ) //needs filename extension filename += ".m3u"; if( d->selectedFiles->first()) { //ramble through playlist view m3uList = new Om3u( filename, IO_ReadWrite | IO_Truncate); do { m3uList->add( d->selectedFiles->current()->file()); } while ( d->selectedFiles->next() ); // qDebug( list ); m3uList->write(); m3uList->close(); delete m3uList; //delete fileDlg; DocLnk lnk; lnk.setFile( filename); lnk.setIcon("opieplayer2/playlist2"); lnk.setName( name); //sets file name // qDebug(filename); Config config( "OpiePlayer" ); config.setGroup( "PlayList" ); config.writeEntry("CurrentPlaylist",filename); currentPlayList=filename; if(!lnk.writeLink()) { qDebug("Writing doclink did not work"); } setCaption(tr("OpiePlayer: ") + name); } } } void PlayListWidget::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { switch ( e->key() ) { ////////////////////////////// Zaurus keys case Key_F9: //activity // if(audioUI->isHidden()) // audioUI->showMaximized(); break; case Key_F10: //contacts // if( videoUI->isHidden()) // videoUI->showMaximized(); break; case Key_F11: //menu break; case Key_F12: //home // doBlank(); break; case Key_F13: //mail // doUnblank(); break; case Key_Q: //add to playlist addSelected(); break; case Key_R: //remove from playlist removeSelected(); break; // case Key_P: //play // qDebug("Play"); // playSelected(); // break; case Key_Space: // playSelected(); puh break; case Key_1: tabWidget->setCurrentPage( 0 ); break; case Key_2: tabWidget->setCurrentPage( 1 ); break; case Key_3: tabWidget->setCurrentPage( 2 ); break; case Key_4: tabWidget->setCurrentPage( 3 ); break; case Key_Down: if ( !d->selectedFiles->next() ) d->selectedFiles->first(); break; case Key_Up: if ( !d->selectedFiles->prev() ) // d->selectedFiles->last(); break; } } void PlayListWidget::pmViewActivated(int index) { // qDebug("%d", index); switch(index) { case -16: { mediaPlayerState->toggleFullscreen(); bool b=mediaPlayerState->isFullscreen(); pmView->setItemChecked( index, b); Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); cfg.writeEntry( "FullScreen", b ); } break; }; } void PlayListWidget::populateSkinsMenu() { int item = 0; defaultSkinIndex = 0; QString skinName; Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); cfg.setGroup("Options" ); QString skin = cfg.readEntry( "Skin", "default" ); QDir skinsDir( QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/pics/opieplayer2/skins" ); skinsDir.setFilter( QDir::Dirs ); skinsDir.setSorting(QDir::Name ); const QFileInfoList *skinslist = skinsDir.entryInfoList(); QFileInfoListIterator it( *skinslist ); QFileInfo *fi; while ( ( fi = it.current() ) ) { skinName = fi->fileName(); // qDebug( fi->fileName() ); if( skinName != "." && skinName != ".." && skinName !="CVS" ) { item = skinsMenu->insertItem( fi->fileName() ) ; } if( skinName == "default" ) { defaultSkinIndex = item; } if( skinName == skin ) { skinsMenu->setItemChecked( item, TRUE ); } ++it; } } void PlayListWidget::skinsMenuActivated( int item ) { for(unsigned int i = defaultSkinIndex; i > defaultSkinIndex - skinsMenu->count(); i-- ) { skinsMenu->setItemChecked( i, FALSE ); } skinsMenu->setItemChecked( item, TRUE ); { Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); cfg.setGroup("Options"); cfg.writeEntry("Skin", skinsMenu->text( item ) ); } emit skinSelected(); } PlayListWidget::TabType PlayListWidget::currentTab() const { static const TabType indexToTabType[ TabTypeCount ] = { CurrentPlayList, AudioFiles, VideoFiles, PlayLists }; int index = tabWidget->currentPageIndex(); assert( index < TabTypeCount && index >= 0 ); return indexToTabType[ index ]; } PlayListWidget::Entry PlayListWidget::currentEntry() const { if ( currentTab() == CurrentPlayList ) { const DocLnk *lnk = current(); return Entry( lnk->name(), lnk->file() ); } return Entry( currentFileListPathName() ); } QString PlayListWidget::currentFileListPathName() const { return currentFileListView->currentItem()->text( 3 ); } void PlayListWidget::qcopReceive(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data) { qDebug("qcop message "+msg ); QDataStream stream ( data, IO_ReadOnly ); if ( msg == "play()" ) { //plays current selection btnPlay( true); } else if ( msg == "stop()" ) { mediaPlayerState->setPlaying( false); } else if ( msg == "togglePause()" ) { mediaPlayerState->togglePaused(); } else if ( msg == "next()" ) { //select next in list mediaPlayerState->setNext(); } else if ( msg == "prev()" ) { //select previous in list mediaPlayerState->setPrev(); } else if ( msg == "toggleLooping()" ) { //loop or not loop mediaPlayerState->toggleLooping(); } else if ( msg == "toggleShuffled()" ) { //shuffled or not shuffled mediaPlayerState->toggleShuffled(); } else if ( msg == "volUp()" ) { //volume more // emit moreClicked(); // emit moreReleased(); } else if ( msg == "volDown()" ) { //volume less // emit lessClicked(); // emit lessReleased(); } else if ( msg == "play(QString)" ) { //play this now QString file; stream >> file; setDocument( (const QString &) file); } else if ( msg == "add(QString)" ) { //add to playlist QString file; stream >> file; QFileInfo fileInfo(file); DocLnk lnk; lnk.setName( fileInfo.baseName() ); //sets name lnk.setFile( file ); //sets file name addToSelection( lnk ); } else if ( msg == "rem(QString)" ) { //remove from playlist QString file; stream >> file; } } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistwidgetgui.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistwidgetgui.cpp index 33fe188..2ff190d 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistwidgetgui.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/playlistwidgetgui.cpp @@ -1,194 +1,193 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 L. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qtoolbar.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qmenubar.h> #include "playlistselection.h" #include "playlistwidget.h" #include "mediaplayerstate.h" #include "inputDialog.h" #include "playlistfileview.h" -#include "mediaplayerstate.h" PlayListWidgetGui::PlayListWidgetGui(QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QMainWindow( parent, name ) { d = new PlayListWidgetPrivate; d->setDocumentUsed = FALSE; setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); // Create Toolbar QToolBar *toolbar = new QToolBar( this ); toolbar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); // Create Menubar QMenuBar *menu = new QMenuBar( toolbar ); menu->setMargin( 0 ); bar = new QToolBar( this ); bar->setLabel( tr( "Play Operations" ) ); tbDeletePlaylist = new QPushButton( Resource::loadIconSet( "trash" ), "", bar, "close" ); tbDeletePlaylist->setFlat( TRUE ); tbDeletePlaylist->setFixedSize( 20, 20 ); tbDeletePlaylist->hide(); pmPlayList = new QPopupMenu( this ); menu->insertItem( tr( "File" ), pmPlayList ); pmView = new QPopupMenu( this ); menu->insertItem( tr( "View" ), pmView ); pmView->isCheckable(); skinsMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); pmView->insertItem( tr( "Skins" ), skinsMenu ); skinsMenu->isCheckable(); gammaMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); pmView->insertItem( tr( "Gamma (Video)" ), gammaMenu ); gammaSlider = new QSlider( QSlider::Vertical, gammaMenu ); gammaSlider->setRange( -40, 40 ); gammaSlider->setTickmarks( QSlider::Left ); gammaSlider->setTickInterval( 20 ); gammaSlider->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::StrongFocus ); gammaSlider->setValue( 0 ); gammaSlider->setMinimumHeight( 50 ); gammaLCD = new QLCDNumber( 3, gammaMenu ); gammaLCD-> setFrameShape ( QFrame::NoFrame ); gammaLCD-> setSegmentStyle ( QLCDNumber::Flat ); gammaMenu->insertItem( gammaSlider ); gammaMenu->insertItem( gammaLCD ); connect( gammaSlider, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), gammaLCD, SLOT( display(int) ) ); vbox5 = new QVBox( this ); QVBox *vbox4 = new QVBox( vbox5 ); QHBox *hbox6 = new QHBox( vbox4 ); tabWidget = new QTabWidget( hbox6, "tabWidget" ); playListTab = new QWidget( tabWidget, "PlayListTab" ); tabWidget->insertTab( playListTab, "Playlist"); QGridLayout *Playout = new QGridLayout( playListTab ); Playout->setSpacing( 2); Playout->setMargin( 2); // Add the playlist area QVBox *vbox3 = new QVBox( playListTab ); d->playListFrame = vbox3; QHBox *hbox2 = new QHBox( vbox3 ); d->selectedFiles = new PlayListSelection( hbox2 ); vbox1 = new QVBox( hbox2 ); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( d->selectedFiles->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); QVBox *stretch1 = new QVBox( vbox1 ); // add stretch Playout->addMultiCellWidget( vbox3, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); QWidget *aTab; aTab = new QWidget( tabWidget, "aTab" ); QGridLayout *Alayout = new QGridLayout( aTab ); Alayout->setSpacing( 2 ); Alayout->setMargin( 2 ); // no m3u's here please audioView = new PlayListFileView( "audio/mpeg;audio/x-wav;application/ogg", "opieplayer2/musicfile", aTab, "Audioview" ); Alayout->addMultiCellWidget( audioView, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); tabWidget->insertTab( aTab, tr( "Audio" ) ); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( audioView->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); QWidget *vTab; vTab = new QWidget( tabWidget, "vTab" ); QGridLayout *Vlayout = new QGridLayout( vTab ); Vlayout->setSpacing( 2 ); Vlayout->setMargin( 2 ); videoView = new PlayListFileView( "video/*", "opieplayer2/videofile", vTab, "Videoview" ); Vlayout->addMultiCellWidget( videoView, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( videoView->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); tabWidget->insertTab( vTab, tr( "Video" ) ); //playlists list QWidget *LTab; LTab = new QWidget( tabWidget, "LTab" ); QGridLayout *Llayout = new QGridLayout( LTab ); Llayout->setSpacing( 2 ); Llayout->setMargin( 2 ); playLists = new FileSelector( "playlist/plain;audio/x-mpegurl", LTab, "fileselector" , FALSE, FALSE ); Llayout->addMultiCellWidget( playLists, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); tabWidget->insertTab( LTab, tr( "Lists" ) ); setCentralWidget( vbox5 ); } PlayListWidgetGui::~PlayListWidgetGui() { } void PlayListWidgetGui::setView( char view ) { if ( view == 'l' ) showMaximized(); else hide(); } void PlayListWidgetGui::setActiveWindow() { // qDebug("SETTING active window"); // When we get raised we need to ensure that it switches views MediaPlayerState::DisplayType origDisplayType = mediaPlayerState->displayType(); mediaPlayerState->setDisplayType( MediaPlayerState::MediaSelection ); // invalidate mediaPlayerState->setDisplayType( origDisplayType ); // now switch back } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/skin.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/skin.cpp index 742e495..7c38983 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/skin.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/skin.cpp @@ -1,324 +1,322 @@ /* Copyright (C) 2002 Simon Hausmann <simon@lst.de> (C) 2002 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> (C) 2002 L. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> (C) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "skin.h" #include "singleton.h" #include <qcache.h> -#include <qmap.h> #include <qtimer.h> -#include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <assert.h> struct SkinData { typedef QMap<QString, QImage> ButtonMaskImageMap; QPixmap backgroundPixmap; QImage buttonUpImage; QImage buttonDownImage; QImage buttonMask; ButtonMaskImageMap buttonMasks; }; class SkinCache : public Singleton<SkinCache> { public: SkinCache(); SkinData *lookupAndTake( const QString &skinPath, const QString &fileNameInfix ); void store( const QString &skinPath, const QString &fileNameInfix, SkinData *data ); private: typedef QCache<SkinData> DataCache; typedef QCache<QPixmap> BackgroundPixmapCache; template <class CacheType> void store( const QCache<CacheType> &cache, const QString &key, CacheType *data ); DataCache m_cache; BackgroundPixmapCache m_backgroundPixmapCache; }; Skin::Skin( const QString &name, const QString &fileNameInfix ) : m_fileNameInfix( fileNameInfix ) { init( name ); } Skin::Skin( const QString &fileNameInfix ) : m_fileNameInfix( fileNameInfix ) { init( defaultSkinName() ); } Skin::~Skin() { if ( m_isCachable ) SkinCache::self().store( m_skinPath, m_fileNameInfix, d ); else delete d; } void Skin::init( const QString &name ) { m_isCachable = true; m_skinPath = "opieplayer2/skins/" + name; d = SkinCache::self().lookupAndTake( m_skinPath, m_fileNameInfix ); } QPixmap Skin::backgroundPixmap() const { if ( d->backgroundPixmap.isNull() ) d->backgroundPixmap = loadImage( QString( "%1/background" ).arg( m_skinPath ) ); return d->backgroundPixmap; } QImage Skin::buttonUpImage() const { if ( d->buttonUpImage.isNull() ) d->buttonUpImage = loadImage( QString( "%1/skin%2_up" ).arg( m_skinPath ).arg( m_fileNameInfix ) ); return d->buttonUpImage; } QImage Skin::buttonDownImage() const { if ( d->buttonDownImage.isNull() ) d->buttonDownImage = loadImage( QString( "%1/skin%2_down" ).arg( m_skinPath ).arg( m_fileNameInfix ) ); return d->buttonDownImage; } QImage Skin::buttonMask( const MediaWidget::SkinButtonInfo *skinButtonInfo, uint buttonCount ) const { if ( !d->buttonMask.isNull() ) return d->buttonMask; QSize buttonAreaSize = buttonUpImage().size(); d->buttonMask = QImage( buttonAreaSize, 8, 255 ); d->buttonMask.fill( 0 ); for ( uint i = 0; i < buttonCount; ++i ) addButtonToMask( skinButtonInfo[ i ].command + 1, buttonMaskImage( skinButtonInfo[ i ].fileName ) ); return d->buttonMask; } void Skin::addButtonToMask( int tag, const QImage &maskImage ) const { if ( maskImage.isNull() ) return; uchar **dest = d->buttonMask.jumpTable(); for ( int y = 0; y < d->buttonMask.height(); y++ ) { uchar *line = dest[y]; for ( int x = 0; x < d->buttonMask.width(); x++ ) if ( !qRed( maskImage.pixel( x, y ) ) ) line[x] = tag; } } QImage Skin::buttonMaskImage( const QString &fileName ) const { SkinData::ButtonMaskImageMap::Iterator it = d->buttonMasks.find( fileName ); if ( it == d->buttonMasks.end() ) { QString prefix = m_skinPath + QString::fromLatin1( "/skin%1_mask_" ).arg( m_fileNameInfix ); QString path = prefix + fileName; it = d->buttonMasks.insert( fileName, loadImage( path ) ); } return *it; } QString Skin::defaultSkinName() { Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" ); cfg.setGroup( "Options" ); return cfg.readEntry( "Skin", "default" ); } QImage Skin::loadImage( const QString &fileName ) { return QImage( Resource::findPixmap( fileName ) ); } SkinCache::SkinCache() { // let's say we cache two skins (audio+video) at maximum m_cache.setMaxCost( 2 ); // ... and one background pixmap m_backgroundPixmapCache.setMaxCost( 1 ); } SkinData *SkinCache::lookupAndTake( const QString &skinPath, const QString &fileNameInfix ) { QString key = skinPath + fileNameInfix; SkinData *data = m_cache.take( key ); if ( !data ) data = new SkinData; else qDebug( "SkinCache: hit" ); QPixmap *bgPixmap = m_backgroundPixmapCache.find( skinPath ); if ( bgPixmap ) { qDebug( "SkinCache: hit on bgpixmap" ); data->backgroundPixmap = *bgPixmap; } else data->backgroundPixmap = QPixmap(); return data; } void SkinCache::store( const QString &skinPath, const QString &fileNameInfix, SkinData *data ) { QPixmap *backgroundPixmap = new QPixmap( data->backgroundPixmap ); data->backgroundPixmap = QPixmap(); QString key = skinPath + fileNameInfix; if ( m_cache.find( key, false /*ref*/ ) != 0 || !m_cache.insert( key, data ) ) delete data; if ( m_backgroundPixmapCache.find( skinPath, false /*ref*/ ) != 0 || !m_backgroundPixmapCache.insert( skinPath, backgroundPixmap ) ) delete backgroundPixmap; } SkinLoader::IncrementalLoader::IncrementalLoader( const Info &info ) : m_skin( info.skinName, info.fileNameInfix ), m_info( info ) { m_currentState = LoadBackgroundPixmap; } SkinLoader::IncrementalLoader::LoaderResult SkinLoader::IncrementalLoader::loadStep() { switch ( m_currentState ) { case LoadBackgroundPixmap: qDebug( "load bgpixmap" ); m_skin.backgroundPixmap(); m_currentState = LoadButtonUpImage; break; case LoadButtonUpImage: qDebug( "load upimage" ); m_skin.buttonUpImage(); m_currentState = LoadButtonDownImage; break; case LoadButtonDownImage: qDebug( "load downimage" ); m_skin.buttonDownImage(); m_currentState = LoadButtonMasks; m_currentButton = 0; break; case LoadButtonMasks: qDebug( "load button masks %i", m_currentButton ); m_skin.buttonMaskImage( m_info.buttonInfo[ m_currentButton ].fileName ); m_currentButton++; if ( m_currentButton >= m_info.buttonCount ) m_currentState = LoadButtonMask; break; case LoadButtonMask: qDebug( "load whole mask" ); m_skin.buttonMask( m_info.buttonInfo, m_info.buttonCount ); return LoadingCompleted; } return MoreToCome; } SkinLoader::SkinLoader() : m_currentLoader( 0 ), m_timerId( -1 ) { } SkinLoader::~SkinLoader() { qDebug( "SkinLoader::~SkinLoader()" ); killTimers(); delete m_currentLoader; } void SkinLoader::schedule( const MediaWidget::GUIInfo &guiInfo ) { schedule( Skin::defaultSkinName(), guiInfo ); } void SkinLoader::schedule( const QString &skinName, const MediaWidget::GUIInfo &guiInfo ) { pendingSkins << Info( skinName, guiInfo ); } void SkinLoader::start() { assert( m_timerId == -1 ); m_timerId = startTimer( 100 /* ms */ ); qDebug( "SkinLoader::start() %d jobs", pendingSkins.count() ); } void SkinLoader::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *ev ) { if ( ev->timerId() != m_timerId ) { QObject::timerEvent( ev ); return; } if ( !m_currentLoader ) { if ( pendingSkins.isEmpty() ) { qDebug( "all jobs done" ); killTimer( m_timerId ); m_timerId = -1; // ### qt3: use deleteLater(); QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( deleteMe() ) ); return; } Info nfo = *pendingSkins.begin(); pendingSkins.remove( pendingSkins.begin() ); m_currentLoader = new IncrementalLoader( nfo ); qDebug( "new loader %i jobs left", pendingSkins.count() ); } if ( m_currentLoader->loadStep() == IncrementalLoader::LoadingCompleted ) { delete m_currentLoader; m_currentLoader = 0; } qDebug( "finished step" ); } void SkinLoader::deleteMe() { delete this; } /* vim: et sw=4 ts=4 */ diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/videowidget.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/videowidget.cpp index a4d09f5..0625376 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/videowidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/videowidget.cpp @@ -1,303 +1,301 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 L. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "videowidget.h" -#include "mediaplayerstate.h" -#include "playlistwidget.h" #ifdef Q_WS_QWS # define USE_DIRECT_PAINTER # include <qdirectpainter_qws.h> # include <qgfxraster_qws.h> #endif namespace { const int xo = 2; // movable x offset const int yo = 0; // movable y offset const MediaWidget::SkinButtonInfo skinInfo[] = { { MediaWidget::Play, "play", MediaWidget::ToggleButton }, { MediaWidget::Stop, "stop", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::Next, "fwd", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::Previous, "back", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::VolumeUp, "up", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::VolumeDown, "down", MediaWidget::NormalButton }, { MediaWidget::FullScreen, "full", MediaWidget::ToggleButton } }; const uint buttonCount = sizeof( skinInfo ) / sizeof( skinInfo[ 0 ] ); } VideoWidget::VideoWidget( PlayListWidget &playList, MediaPlayerState &mediaPlayerState, QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : MediaWidget( playList, mediaPlayerState, parent, name ), scaledWidth( 0 ), scaledHeight( 0 ), videoSliderBeingMoved( false ) { setCaption( tr("OpiePlayer - Video") ); videoFrame = new XineVideoWidget ( this, "Video frame" ); connect ( videoFrame, SIGNAL( videoResized(const QSize&)), this, SIGNAL( videoResized(const QSize&))); connect ( videoFrame, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT ( backToNormal() ) ); slider = 0; loadSkin(); setLength( mediaPlayerState.length() ); setPosition( mediaPlayerState.position() ); setFullscreen( mediaPlayerState.isFullscreen() ); setPlaying( mediaPlayerState.isPlaying() ); } VideoWidget::~VideoWidget() { } MediaWidget::GUIInfo VideoWidget::guiInfo() { return GUIInfo( "V" /* infix */, ::skinInfo, ::buttonCount ); } void VideoWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e ) { int h = height(); int w = width(); //int Vh = 160; //int Vw = 220; slider->setFixedWidth( w - 20 ); slider->setGeometry( QRect( 15, h - 22, w - 90, 20 ) ); slider->setBackgroundOrigin( QWidget::ParentOrigin ); slider->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); slider->setBackgroundPixmap( backgroundPixmap ); upperLeftOfButtonMask.rx() = 0;// ( imgUp->width() ) / 2; if(w>h) upperLeftOfButtonMask.ry() = 0; else upperLeftOfButtonMask.ry() = 185;//(( Vh - imgUp->height() ) / 2) - 10; MediaWidget::resizeEvent( e ); } void VideoWidget::sliderPressed() { videoSliderBeingMoved = TRUE; } void VideoWidget::sliderReleased() { videoSliderBeingMoved = FALSE; if ( slider->width() == 0 ) { return; } long val = long((double)slider->value() * mediaPlayerState.length() / slider->width()); mediaPlayerState.setPosition( val ); } void VideoWidget::setPosition( long i ) { updateSlider( i, mediaPlayerState.length() ); } void VideoWidget::setLength( long max ) { updateSlider( mediaPlayerState.position(), max ); } void VideoWidget::setDisplayType( MediaPlayerState::DisplayType displayType ) { if ( displayType == MediaPlayerState::Video ) { makeVisible(); return; } // Effectively blank the view next time we show it so it looks nicer scaledWidth = 0; scaledHeight = 0; hide(); } void VideoWidget::loadSkin() { loadDefaultSkin( guiInfo() ); delete slider; slider = new QSlider( Qt::Horizontal, this ); slider->setMinValue( 0 ); slider->setMaxValue( 1 ); slider->setBackgroundPixmap( backgroundPixmap ); //slider->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); resizeEvent( 0 ); } void VideoWidget::updateSlider( long i, long max ) { // Will flicker too much if we don't do this if ( max == 0 ) { return; } int width = slider->width(); int val = int((double)i * width / max); if ( !mediaPlayerState.isFullscreen() && !videoSliderBeingMoved ) { if ( slider->value() != val ) { slider->setValue( val ); } if ( slider->maxValue() != width ) { slider->setMaxValue( width ); } } } void VideoWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { if ( mediaPlayerState.isFullscreen() ) { mediaPlayerState.setFullscreen( FALSE ); makeVisible(); } MediaWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( event ); } void VideoWidget::backToNormal() { mediaPlayerState.setFullscreen( FALSE ); makeVisible(); setToggleButton( FullScreen, false ); } void VideoWidget::makeVisible() { if ( mediaPlayerState.isFullscreen() ) { showFullScreen(); resize( qApp->desktop()->size() ); videoFrame-> setGeometry ( 0, 0, width ( ), height ( )); slider->hide(); disconnect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionChanged(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) ); disconnect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionUpdated(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) ); disconnect( slider, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), this, SLOT( sliderPressed() ) ); disconnect( slider, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), this, SLOT( sliderReleased() ) ); } else { showNormal(); showMaximized(); QWidget *d = QApplication::desktop(); int w = d->width(); int h = d->height(); if(w>h) { int newW=(w/2)-(246/2); //this will only work with 320x240 videoFrame->setGeometry( QRect( newW, 4, 240, 170 ) ); } else { videoFrame->setGeometry( QRect( 0, 30, 240, 170 ) ); } if ( !mediaPlayerState.isSeekable() ) { if( !slider->isHidden()) { slider->hide(); } disconnect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionChanged(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) ); disconnect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionUpdated(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) ); disconnect( slider, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), this, SLOT( sliderPressed() ) ); disconnect( slider, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), this, SLOT( sliderReleased() ) ); } else { slider->show(); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionChanged(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionUpdated(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) ); connect( slider, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), this, SLOT( sliderPressed() ) ); connect( slider, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), this, SLOT( sliderReleased() ) ); } } } void VideoWidget::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *e) { switch ( e->key() ) { ////////////////////////////// Zaurus keys case Key_Home: break; case Key_F9: //activity break; case Key_F10: //contacts // hide(); break; case Key_F11: //menu break; case Key_F12: //home break; case Key_F13: //mail break; case Key_Space: { if(mediaPlayerState.isPlaying()) { mediaPlayerState.setPlaying(FALSE); } else { mediaPlayerState.setPlaying(TRUE); } } break; case Key_Down: // toggleButton(6); emit lessClicked(); emit lessReleased(); // toggleButton(6); break; case Key_Up: // toggleButton(5); emit moreClicked(); emit moreReleased(); // toggleButton(5); break; case Key_Right: mediaPlayerState.setNext(); break; case Key_Left: mediaPlayerState.setPrev(); break; case Key_Escape: break; }; } XineVideoWidget* VideoWidget::vidWidget() { return videoFrame; } void VideoWidget::setFullscreen ( bool b ) { setToggleButton( FullScreen, b ); } void VideoWidget::setPlaying( bool b) { setToggleButton( Play, b ); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/volumecontrol.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/volumecontrol.cpp index 271b84e..b3f5f8d 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/volumecontrol.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/volumecontrol.cpp @@ -1,61 +1,59 @@ -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include "qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h" -#include <qmessagebox.h> #include "volumecontrol.h" int VolumeControl::volume() { Config cfg( "qpe" ); cfg. setGroup( "Volume" ); m_volumePerc = cfg. readNumEntry( "VolumePercent", 50 ); return m_volumePerc; } void VolumeControl::setVolume( int volumePerc ) { Config cfg("qpe"); cfg.setGroup("Volume"); if ( volumePerc > 100 ) { volumePerc = 100; } if ( volumePerc < 0 ) { volumePerc = 0; } m_volumePerc = volumePerc; cfg.writeEntry("VolumePercent", volumePerc ); QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "volumeChange(bool)" ) << false; // QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "setVolume(int,int)" ) << 0, volumePerc; } void VolumeControl::incVol( int ammount ) { int oldVol = volume(); setVolume( oldVol + ammount); } void VolumeControl::decVol( int ammount ) { int oldVol = volume(); setVolume( oldVol - ammount); } VolumeControl::VolumeControl( ) { volume(); } VolumeControl::~VolumeControl() { QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "volumeChange(bool)" ) << false; } void VolumeControl::setMute(bool on) { QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "volumeChange(bool)" ) << on; } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinecontrol.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinecontrol.cpp index 70f2ffd..8f11b2e 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinecontrol.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinecontrol.cpp @@ -1,272 +1,271 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 Max Reiss <harlekin@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 L. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qtimer.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include "xinecontrol.h" -#include "mediaplayerstate.h" #include "xinevideowidget.h" XineControl::XineControl( XineVideoWidget *xineWidget, MediaPlayerState &_mediaPlayerState, QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ), mediaPlayerState( _mediaPlayerState ), xineVideoWidget( xineWidget ) { libXine = new XINE::Lib( XINE::Lib::InitializeImmediately, xineWidget ); init(); } XineControl::XineControl( XINE::Lib *xine, XineVideoWidget *xineWidget, MediaPlayerState &_mediaPlayerState, QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ), libXine( xine ), mediaPlayerState( _mediaPlayerState ), xineVideoWidget( xineWidget ) { xine->ensureInitialized(); xine->setWidget( xineWidget ); init(); } void XineControl::init() { connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( pausedToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( pause(bool) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( positionChanged(long) ), &mediaPlayerState, SLOT( updatePosition(long) ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( playingToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( stop(bool) ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( fullscreenToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setFullscreen(bool) ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionChanged(long) ), this, SLOT( seekTo(long) ) ); connect( &mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( videoGammaChanged(int) ), this, SLOT( setGamma(int) ) ); connect( libXine, SIGNAL( stopped() ), this, SLOT( nextMedia() ) ); connect( xineVideoWidget, SIGNAL( videoResized(const QSize&) ), this, SLOT( videoResized(const QSize&) ) ); disabledSuspendScreenSaver = FALSE; } XineControl::~XineControl() { #if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP) if ( disabledSuspendScreenSaver ) { disabledSuspendScreenSaver = FALSE; // Re-enable the suspend mode QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverMode(int)" ) << QPEApplication::Enable; } #endif delete libXine; } void XineControl::play( const QString& fileName ) { hasVideoChannel = FALSE; hasAudioChannel = FALSE; m_fileName = fileName; qDebug("<<FILENAME: " + fileName + ">>>>"); if ( !libXine->play( fileName, 0, 0 ) ) { QMessageBox::warning( 0l , tr( "Failure" ), getErrorCode() ); // toggle stop so the the play button is reset mediaPlayerState.setPlaying( false ); return; } mediaPlayerState.setPlaying( true ); MediaPlayerState::DisplayType displayType; if ( !libXine->hasVideo() ) { displayType = MediaPlayerState::Audio; qDebug("HAS AUDIO"); libXine->setShowVideo( false ); hasAudioChannel = TRUE; } else { displayType = MediaPlayerState::Video; qDebug("HAS VIDEO"); libXine->setShowVideo( true ); hasVideoChannel = TRUE; } // determine if slider is shown mediaPlayerState.setIsSeekable( libXine->isSeekable() ); // which gui (video / audio) mediaPlayerState.setDisplayType( displayType ); #if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP) if ( !disabledSuspendScreenSaver ) { disabledSuspendScreenSaver = TRUE; // Stop the screen from blanking and power saving state QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverMode(int)" ) << ( displayType == MediaPlayerState::Video ? QPEApplication::Disable : QPEApplication::DisableSuspend ); } #endif length(); position(); } void XineControl::nextMedia() { mediaPlayerState.setNext(); } void XineControl::setGamma( int value ) { libXine->setGamma( value ); } void XineControl::stop( bool isSet ) { if ( !isSet ) { libXine->stop(); #if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP) if ( disabledSuspendScreenSaver ) { disabledSuspendScreenSaver = FALSE; // Re-enable the suspend mode QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "setScreenSaverMode(int)" ) << QPEApplication::Enable; } #endif } } /** * Pause playback * @isSet */ void XineControl::pause( bool isSet) { libXine->pause( isSet ); } /** * get current time in playback */ long XineControl::currentTime() { // todo: jede sekunde überprüfen m_currentTime = libXine->currentTime(); return m_currentTime; QTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, SLOT( currentTime() ) ); } /** * Set the length of the media file */ void XineControl::length() { m_length = libXine->length(); mediaPlayerState.setLength( m_length ); } /** * Reports the position the xine backend is at right now * @return long the postion in seconds */ long XineControl::position() { m_position = ( currentTime() ); mediaPlayerState.updatePosition( m_position ); long emitPos = (long)m_position; emit positionChanged( emitPos ); if( mediaPlayerState.isPlaying() ) { // needs to be stopped the media is stopped QTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, SLOT( position() ) ); } return m_position; } /** * Set videoplayback to fullscreen * @param isSet */ void XineControl::setFullscreen( bool isSet ) { libXine->showVideoFullScreen( isSet ); } QString XineControl::getMetaInfo() { QString returnString; if ( !libXine->metaInfo( 0 ).isEmpty() ) { returnString += tr( " Title: " + libXine->metaInfo( 0 ) ); } if ( !libXine->metaInfo( 1 ).isEmpty() ) { returnString += tr( " Comment: " + libXine->metaInfo( 1 ) ); } if ( !libXine->metaInfo( 2 ).isEmpty() ) { returnString += tr( " Artist: " + libXine->metaInfo( 2 ) ); } if ( !libXine->metaInfo( 3 ).isEmpty() ) { returnString += tr( " Genre: " + libXine->metaInfo( 3 ) ); } if ( !libXine->metaInfo( 4 ).isEmpty() ) { returnString += tr( " Album: " + libXine->metaInfo( 4 ) ); } if ( !libXine->metaInfo( 5 ).isEmpty() ) { returnString += tr( " Year: " + libXine->metaInfo( 5 ) ); } return returnString; } QString XineControl::getErrorCode() { int errorCode = libXine->error(); qDebug( QString("ERRORCODE: %1 ").arg(errorCode) ); if ( errorCode == 1 ) { return tr( "No input plugin found for this media type" ); } else if ( errorCode == 2 ) { return tr( "No demux plugin found for this media type" ); } else if ( errorCode == 3 ) { return tr( "Demuxing failed for this media type" ); } else if ( errorCode == 4 ) { return tr( "Malformed MRL" ); } else { return tr( "Some other error" ); } } /** * Seek to a position in the track * @param second the second to jump to */ void XineControl::seekTo( long second ) { libXine->seekTo( (int)second ); } void XineControl::videoResized ( const QSize &s ) { libXine->resize( s ); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp index 0833784..b55750a 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp @@ -1,278 +1,275 @@ /* This file is part of the Opie Project Copyright (c) 2002 Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> Copyright (c) 2002 Holger Freyther <zecke@handhelds.org> =. .=l. .>+-= _;:, .> :=|. This program is free software; you can .> <`_, > . <= redistribute it and/or modify it under :`=1 )Y*s>-.-- : the terms of the GNU General Public .="- .-=="i, .._ License as published by the Free Software - . .-<_> .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License, ._= =} : or (at your option) any later version. .%`+i> _;_. .i_,=:_. -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that + . -:. = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; : .. .:, . . . without even the implied warranty of =_ + =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A _.=:. : :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ..}^=.= = ; Library General Public License for more ++= -. .` .: details. : = ...= . :.=- -. .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU -_. . . )=. = Library General Public License along with -- :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qimage.h> -#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qgfx_qws.h> #include <qdirectpainter_qws.h> #include <qgfx_qws.h> #include <qsize.h> #include <qapplication.h> -#include <qpainter.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include "xinevideowidget.h" // 0 deg rot: copy a line from src to dst (use libc memcpy) // 180 deg rot: copy a line from src to dst reversed static inline void memcpy_rev ( void *dst, void *src, size_t len ) { len >>= 1; ((char *) src ) += ( len << 1 ); while ( len-- ) *((short int *) dst )++ = *--((short int *) src ); } // 90 deg rot: copy a column from src to dst static inline void memcpy_step ( void *dst, void *src, size_t len, size_t step ) { len >>= 1; while ( len-- ) { *((short int *) dst )++ = *((short int *) src ); ((char *) src ) += step; } } // 270 deg rot: copy a column from src to dst reversed static inline void memcpy_step_rev ( void *dst, void *src, size_t len, size_t step ) { len >>= 1; ((char *) src ) += ( len * step ); while ( len-- ) { ((char *) src ) -= step; *((short int *) dst )++ = *((short int *) src ); } } XineVideoWidget::XineVideoWidget ( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QWidget ( parent, name, WRepaintNoErase | WResizeNoErase ) { setBackgroundMode ( NoBackground ); m_logo = 0; m_buff = 0; m_bytes_per_line_fb = qt_screen-> linestep ( ); m_bytes_per_pixel = ( qt_screen->depth() + 7 ) / 8; m_rotation = 0; } XineVideoWidget::~XineVideoWidget ( ) { delete m_logo; } void XineVideoWidget::clear ( ) { m_buff = 0; repaint ( false ); } QSize XineVideoWidget::videoSize() const { QSize s = size(); bool fs = ( s == qApp->desktop()->size() ); // if we are in fullscreen mode, do not rotate the video // (!! the paint routine uses m_rotation + qt_screen-> transformOrientation() !!) m_rotation = fs ? - qt_screen->transformOrientation() : 0; if ( fs && qt_screen->isTransformed() ) s = qt_screen->mapToDevice( s ); return s; } void XineVideoWidget::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * ) { if ( m_buff == 0 ) { QPainter p ( this ); p. fillRect ( rect ( ), black ); if ( m_logo ) p. drawImage ( 0, 0, *m_logo ); } else { // Qt needs to be notified which areas were really updated .. strange QArray <QRect> qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects; { QDirectPainter dp ( this ); int rot = dp. transformOrientation ( ) + m_rotation; // device rotation + custom rotation uchar *fb = dp. frameBuffer ( ); uchar *frame = m_buff; // where is the video frame in fb coordinates QRect framerect = qt_screen-> mapToDevice ( QRect ( mapToGlobal ( m_thisframe. topLeft ( )), m_thisframe. size ( )), QSize ( qt_screen-> width ( ), qt_screen-> height ( ))); qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects. resize ( dp. numRects ( )); for ( int i = dp. numRects ( ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { const QRect &clip = dp. rect ( i ); qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects [ i ] = qt_screen-> mapFromDevice ( clip, QSize ( qt_screen-> width ( ), qt_screen-> height ( ))); uchar *dst = fb + ( clip. x ( ) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + ( clip. y ( ) * m_bytes_per_line_fb ); // clip x/y in the fb uchar *src = frame; // Adjust the start the source data based on the rotation (xine frame) switch ( rot ) { case 0: src += ((( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame )); break; case 1: src += ((( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame ) + (( framerect. height ( ) - 1 ) * m_bytes_per_pixel )); break; case 2: src += ((( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame ) + (( framerect. height ( ) - 1 ) * m_bytes_per_line_frame )); break; case 3: src += ((( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame )); break; default: break; } // all of the following widths/heights are fb relative (0deg rotation) uint leftfill = 0; // black border on the "left" side of the video frame uint framefill = 0; // "width" of the video frame uint rightfill = 0; // black border on the "right" side of the video frame uint clipwidth = clip. width ( ) * m_bytes_per_pixel; // "width" of the current clip rect if ( clip. left ( ) < framerect. left ( )) leftfill = (( framerect. left ( ) - clip. left ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) <? clipwidth; if ( clip. right ( ) > framerect. right ( )) rightfill = (( clip. right ( ) - framerect. right ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) <? clipwidth; framefill = clipwidth - ( leftfill + rightfill ); for ( int y = clip. top ( ); y <= clip. bottom ( ); y++ ) { if (( y < framerect. top ( )) || ( y > framerect. bottom ( ))) { // "above" or "below" the video -> black memset ( dst, 0, clipwidth ); } else { if ( leftfill ) memset ( dst, 0, leftfill ); // "left" border -> black if ( framefill ) { // blit in the video frame // see above for an explanation of the different memcpys switch ( rot ) { case 0: memcpy ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill & ~1 ); break; case 1: memcpy_step ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill, m_bytes_per_line_frame ); break; case 2: memcpy_rev ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill ); break; case 3: memcpy_step_rev ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill, m_bytes_per_line_frame ); break; default: break; } } if ( rightfill ) memset ( dst + leftfill + framefill, 0, rightfill ); // "right" border -> black } dst += m_bytes_per_line_fb; // advance one line in the framebuffer // advance one "line" in the xine frame data switch ( rot ) { case 0: src += m_bytes_per_line_frame; break; case 1: src -= m_bytes_per_pixel; break; case 2: src -= m_bytes_per_line_frame; break; case 3: src += m_bytes_per_pixel; break; default: break; } } } } { // QVFB hack by Martin Jones // We need to "touch" all affected clip rects with a normal QPainter in addition to the QDirectPainter QPainter p ( this ); for ( int i = qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects. size ( ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { p. fillRect ( QRect ( mapFromGlobal ( qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects [ i ]. topLeft ( )), qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects [ i ]. size ( )), QBrush ( NoBrush )); } } } } QImage *XineVideoWidget::logo ( ) const { return m_logo; } void XineVideoWidget::setLogo ( QImage* logo ) { delete m_logo; m_logo = logo; } void XineVideoWidget::setVideoFrame ( uchar* img, int w, int h, int bpl ) { bool rot90 = (( -m_rotation ) & 1 ); if ( rot90 ) { // if the rotation is 90 or 270 we have to swap width / height int d = w; w = h; h = d; } m_lastframe = m_thisframe; m_thisframe. setRect (( width ( ) - w ) / 2, ( height ( ) - h ) / 2, w , h ); m_buff = img; m_bytes_per_line_frame = bpl; // only repaint the area that *really* needs to be repainted repaint ((( m_thisframe & m_lastframe ) != m_lastframe ) ? m_lastframe : m_thisframe, false ); } void XineVideoWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * ) { emit videoResized( videoSize() ); } void XineVideoWidget::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * /*me*/ ) { emit clicked(); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opierec/main.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opierec/main.cpp index 714907c..74a175b 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opierec/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opierec/main.cpp @@ -1,30 +1,29 @@ /*************************************************************************** main.cpp - main routine ***************************************************************************/ //// main.cpp //// copyright 2001, 2002, by L. J. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> /*************************************************************************** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "qtrec.h" -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #ifdef PDAUDIO int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QPEApplication a(argc, argv); QtRec qtrec; a.showMainWidget( &qtrec); return a.exec(); } #else #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<QtRec> ) #endif diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opierec/qtrec.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opierec/qtrec.cpp index f2035ef..1c64ab1 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opierec/qtrec.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opierec/qtrec.cpp @@ -1,1035 +1,1034 @@ /**************************************************************************** // qtrec.cpp Created: Thu Jan 17 11:19:58 2002 copyright 2002 by L.J. Potter <ljp@llornkcor.com> ****************************************************************************/ #define DEV_VERSION #include "pixmaps.h" #include "qtrec.h" #include "waveform.h" -#include "device.h" #include <pthread.h> extern "C" { #include "adpcm.h" } #include <sys/soundcard.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/storage.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qcombobox.h> //#include <qdatetime.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qslider.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <math.h> #include <mntent.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/soundcard.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/vfs.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #ifdef PDAUDIO //ALSA #include <alsa/asoundlib.h> static int deviceSampleRates[8] = { 32000, 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000, -1 }; static int deviceBitRates[] = { 8, 16, 24, 32, -1 }; #else //OSS static int deviceSampleRates[6] = { 11025, 16000, 22050, 32000, 44100, -1 }; static int deviceBitRates[] = { 8, 16, -1 }; #endif #if defined(QT_QWS_SL5XXX) ///#if defined(QT_QWS_EBX) #define DSPSTROUT "/dev/dsp" #define DSPSTRIN "/dev/dsp1" #define DSPSTRMIXEROUT "/dev/mixer" #define DSPSTRMIXERIN "/dev/mixer1" #else #define DSPSTROUT "/dev/dsp" #define DSPSTRIN "/dev/dsp" #define DSPSTRMIXERIN "/dev/mixer" #define DSPSTRMIXEROUT "/dev/mixer" #endif //#define ZAURUS 0 struct adpcm_state encoder_state; struct adpcm_state decoder_state; typedef struct { int sampleRate; /* int fragSize; */ /* int blockSize; */ int resolution; //bitrate int channels; //number of channels int fd; //file descriptor int sd; //sound device descriptor int numberSamples; //total number of samples int SecondsToRecord; // number of seconds that should be recorded float numberOfRecordedSeconds; //total number of samples recorded int samplesToRecord; //number of samples to be recorded int inVol; //input volume int outVol; //output volume int format; //wavfile format PCM.. ADPCM const char *fileName; //name of fiel to be played/recorded } fileParameters; fileParameters filePara; bool monitoring, recording, playing; bool stopped; QLabel *timeLabel; QSlider *timeSlider; int sd; Waveform* waveform; Device *soundDevice; #ifdef THREADED void quickRec() #else void QtRec::quickRec() #endif { qDebug("%d", filePara.numberSamples/filePara.sampleRate * filePara.channels); qDebug("samples %d, rate %d, channels %d", filePara.numberSamples, filePara.sampleRate, filePara.channels); int total = 0; // Total number of bytes read in so far. int bytesWritten, number; bytesWritten = 0; number = 0; QString num; int level = 0; int threshold = 0; // int bits = filePara.resolution; // qDebug("bits %d", bits); if( filePara.resolution == 16 ) { //AFMT_S16_LE) // qDebug("AFMT_S16_LE size %d", filePara.SecondsToRecord); // qDebug("samples to record %d", filePara.samplesToRecord); // qDebug("%d", filePara.sd); level = 7; threshold = 0; if( filePara.format == WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { // qDebug("start recording WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM"); // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> char abuf[ BUFSIZE/2 ]; short sbuf[ BUFSIZE ]; short sbuf2[ BUFSIZE ]; memset( abuf, 0, BUFSIZE/2); memset( sbuf, 0, BUFSIZE); memset( sbuf2, 0, BUFSIZE); for(;;) { if ( stopped) { // qDebug("quickRec:: stopped"); break; } // number=::read( filePara.sd, sbuf, BUFSIZE); number = soundDevice ->devRead( filePara.sd, sbuf, BUFSIZE); if(number <= 0) { perror("recording error "); qDebug( "%s %d", filePara.fileName, number); stopped = true; return; } //if(stereo == 2) { // adpcm_coder( sbuf2, abuf, number/2, &encoder_state); adpcm_coder( sbuf, abuf, number/2, &encoder_state); bytesWritten = ::write( filePara.fd , (short *)abuf, number/4); waveform->newSamples( (const short *)abuf, bytesWritten ); total += bytesWritten; filePara.numberSamples = total; timeSlider->setValue( total); filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds = (float)total / (float)filePara.sampleRate * (float)2 / filePara.channels; qApp->processEvents(); if( total >= filePara.samplesToRecord) { stopped = true; break; } } } else { // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WAVE_FORMAT_PCM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> qDebug("start recording WAVE_FORMAT_PCM"); short inbuffer[ BUFSIZE ], outbuffer[ BUFSIZE ]; memset( inbuffer, 0, BUFSIZE); memset( outbuffer, 0, BUFSIZE); for(;;) { if ( stopped) { qDebug("quickRec:: stopped"); stopped = true; break; // stop if playing was set to false return; } number = soundDevice->devRead( filePara.sd, (short *)inbuffer, BUFSIZE); waveform->newSamples( inbuffer, number ); if( number <= 0) { perror( "recording error "); qDebug( filePara.fileName); stopped = true; return; } bytesWritten = ::write( filePara.fd , inbuffer, number); if( bytesWritten < 0) { perror("File writing error "); stopped = true; return; } total += bytesWritten; filePara.numberSamples = total; if( filePara.SecondsToRecord != 0) timeSlider->setValue( total); // printf("Writing number %d, bytes %d,total %d\r",number, bytesWritten , total); // fflush(stdout); filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds = (float)total / (float)filePara.sampleRate / (float)2/filePara.channels; qApp->processEvents(); if( total >= filePara.samplesToRecord) { stopped = true; break; } } } //end main loop } else { // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< format = AFMT_U8; unsigned char unsigned_inbuffer[ BUFSIZE ], unsigned_outbuffer[ BUFSIZE ]; memset( unsigned_inbuffer, 0, BUFSIZE); memset( unsigned_outbuffer, 0, BUFSIZE); for(;;) { if ( stopped) { qDebug("quickRec:: stopped"); break; // stop if playing was set to false } number = ::read( filePara.sd, unsigned_inbuffer, BUFSIZE); bytesWritten = ::write( filePara.fd , unsigned_inbuffer, number); if(bytesWritten < 0) { stopped = true; QMessageBox::message("Note","There was a problem\nwriting to the file"); perror("File writing error "); return; } total += bytesWritten; filePara.numberSamples = total; // printf("\nWriting number %d, bytes %d,total %d \r",number, bytesWritten , total); // fflush(stdout); if( filePara.SecondsToRecord !=0) timeSlider->setValue( total); filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds = (float)total / (float)filePara.sampleRate; qApp->processEvents(); if( total >= filePara.samplesToRecord) { stopped = true; break; } } //end main loop } } /// END quickRec() #ifdef THREADED void playIt() #else void QtRec::playIt() #endif { int bytesWritten = 0; int number = 0; int total = 0; // Total number of bytes read in so far. if( filePara.resolution == 16 ) { //AFMT_S16_LE) { if( filePara.format == WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { char abuf[ BUFSIZE / 2 ]; short sbuf[ BUFSIZE ]; short sbuf2[ BUFSIZE * 2 ]; memset( abuf, 0, BUFSIZE / 2); memset( sbuf, 0, BUFSIZE); memset( sbuf2, 0, BUFSIZE * 2); // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for(;;) { // play loop if ( stopped) { break; return; }// stop if playing was set to false number = ::read( filePara.fd, abuf, BUFSIZE / 2); adpcm_decoder( abuf, sbuf, number * 2, &decoder_state); // for (int i=0;i< number * 2; 2 * i++) { //2*i is left channel // sbuf2[i+1]=sbuf2[i]=sbuf[i]; // } bytesWritten = write ( filePara.sd, sbuf, number * 4); waveform->newSamples( (const short *)sbuf, number ); // if(filePara.channels==1) // total += bytesWritten/2; //mono // else total += bytesWritten; filePara.numberSamples = total/4; filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds = (float)total / (float)filePara.sampleRate / 2; timeSlider->setValue( total/4); // timeString.sprintf("%.2f", filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds); // if(filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds>1) // timeLabel->setText( timeString+ tr(" seconds")); // printf("playing number %d, bytes %d, total %d\n",number, bytesWritten, total/4); // fflush(stdout); qApp->processEvents(); if( /*total >= filePara.numberSamples || */ bytesWritten == 0) { // if( total >= filePara.numberSamples ){//|| secCount > filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds ) { stopped = true; break; } } } else { // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WAVE_FORMAT_PCM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> short inbuffer[ BUFSIZE ], outbuffer[ BUFSIZE ]; memset( inbuffer, 0, BUFSIZE); memset( outbuffer, 0, BUFSIZE); for(;;) { // play loop if ( stopped) { break; return; } // stop if playing was set to false number = ::read( filePara.fd, inbuffer, BUFSIZE); // for (int i=0;i< number * 2; 2 * i++) { //2*i is left channel // // for (int i=0;i< number ; i++) { //2*i is left channel // outbuffer[i+1]= outbuffer[i]=inbuffer[i]; // } bytesWritten = ::write( filePara.sd, inbuffer, number); waveform->newSamples( inbuffer, bytesWritten ); //-------------->>>> out to device // total+=bytesWritten; // if(filePara.channels==1) // total += bytesWritten/2; //mono // else total += bytesWritten; timeSlider->setValue( total); filePara.numberSamples = total; filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds = (float)total / (float)filePara.sampleRate / (float)2; // timeString.sprintf("%.2f",filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds); // timeLabel->setText( timeString + tr(" seconds")); qApp->processEvents(); if( /*total >= filePara.numberSamples || */ bytesWritten == 0) { qWarning("Jane! Stop this crazy thing!"); stopped = true; // playing = false; break; } } printf("\nplaying number %d, bytes %d, total %d\r",number, bytesWritten, total); fflush(stdout); } //end loop } else { /////////////////////////////// format = AFMT_U8; unsigned char unsigned_inbuffer[ BUFSIZE ]; //, unsigned_outbuffer[BUFSIZE]; memset( unsigned_inbuffer, 0, BUFSIZE); for(;;) { // main loop if (stopped) { break; // stop if playing was set to false return; } number = ::read( filePara.fd, unsigned_inbuffer, BUFSIZE); //data = (val >> 8) ^ 0x80; // unsigned_outbuffer = (unsigned_inbuffer >> 8) ^ 0x80; bytesWritten = write ( filePara.sd, unsigned_inbuffer, number); waveform->newSamples( (const short *)unsigned_inbuffer, bytesWritten ); total += bytesWritten; timeSlider->setValue( total); filePara.numberSamples = total; filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds = (float)total / (float)filePara.sampleRate; // timeString.sprintf("%.2f",filePara.numberOfRecordedSeconds); // timeLabel->setText( timeString + tr(" seconds")); qApp->processEvents(); if( /*total >= filePara.numberSamples || */ bytesWritten == 0) { // if( total >= filePara.numberSamples ) { stopped = true; break; } // printf("Writing number %d, bytes %d, total %d, numberSamples %d\r",number, bytesWritten , total, filePara.numberSamples); // fflush(stdout); } } } QtRec::QtRec( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QWidget( parent, name, fl ) { if ( !name ) setName( "OpieRec" ); init(); initConfig(); initConnections(); renameBox = 0; // open sound device to get volumes Config hwcfg("OpieRec"); hwcfg.setGroup("Hardware"); soundDevice = new Device( this, hwcfg.readEntry( "Audio",DSPSTROUT), hwcfg.readEntry( "Mixer",DSPSTRMIXEROUT), false); // soundDevice = new Device( this, hwcfg.readEntry( "Audio","hw:0"), hwcfg.readEntry( "Mixer","hw:0"), false); // soundDevice->setDeviceFormat(AFMT_S16_LE); // soundDevice->setDeviceChannels(1); // soundDevice->setDeviceRate( 22050); getInVol(); getOutVol(); soundDevice->closeDevice( true); soundDevice->sd = -1; soundDevice = 0; wavFile = 0; if( soundDevice) delete soundDevice; initIconView(); if( autoMute) doMute( true); ListView1->setFocus(); playing = false; } QtRec::~QtRec() { } void QtRec::cleanUp() { if( !stopped) { stopped = true; endRecording(); } ListView1->clear(); if( autoMute) doMute(false); if( wavFile) delete wavFile; // if(soundDevice) delete soundDevice; } void QtRec::init() { needsStereoOut = false; QPixmap image3( ( const char** ) image3_data ); QPixmap image4( ( const char** ) image4_data ); QPixmap image6( ( const char** ) image6_data ); stopped = true; setCaption( tr( "OpieRecord " ) + QString::number(VERSION) ); QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( this ); layout->setSpacing( 2); layout->setMargin( 2); TabWidget = new QTabWidget( this, "TabWidget" ); layout->addMultiCellWidget(TabWidget, 0, 7, 0, 7); // TabWidget->setTabShape(QTabWidget::Triangular); ///**********<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>*************** tab = new QWidget( TabWidget, "tab" ); QGridLayout *layout1 = new QGridLayout( tab); layout1->setSpacing( 2); layout1->setMargin( 2); timeSlider = new QSlider( 0,100,10,0, QSlider::Horizontal, tab, (const char *) "timeSlider" ); layout1->addMultiCellWidget( timeSlider, 1, 1, 0, 3); timeLabel = new QLabel( tab, "TimeLabel" ); layout1->addMultiCellWidget( timeLabel, 0, 0, 0, 3); playLabel2 = new QLabel(tab, "PlayLabel2" ); playLabel2->setText(tr("Play") ); playLabel2->setFixedHeight( 18); layout1->addMultiCellWidget( playLabel2, 0, 0, 4, 4); Stop_PushButton = new QPushButton( tab, "Stop_PushButton" ); layout1->addMultiCellWidget( Stop_PushButton, 1, 1, 4, 4); Stop_PushButton->setFixedSize( 22, 22); Stop_PushButton->setPixmap( image4 ); toBeginningButton = new QPushButton( tab, "Beginning_PushButton" ); layout1->addMultiCellWidget(toBeginningButton, 1, 1, 5, 5); toBeginningButton->setFixedSize( 22, 22); toBeginningButton->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("fastback") ); toEndButton = new QPushButton( tab, "End_PushButton" ); layout1->addMultiCellWidget( toEndButton, 1, 1, 6, 6); toEndButton->setFixedSize( 22, 22); toEndButton->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "fastforward" ) ); QLabel *recLabel2; recLabel2 = new QLabel( tab, "recLabel2" ); recLabel2->setText(tr("Rec")); recLabel2->setFixedHeight( 18); layout1->addMultiCellWidget( recLabel2, 0, 0, 7, 7); Rec_PushButton = new QPushButton( tab, "Rec_PushButton" ); layout1->addMultiCellWidget( Rec_PushButton, 1, 1, 7, 7); Rec_PushButton->setFixedSize( 22, 22); Rec_PushButton->setPixmap( image6 ); t = new QTimer( this ); connect( t, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( timerBreak() ) ); rewindTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( rewindTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( rewindTimerTimeout() ) ); forwardTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( forwardTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( forwardTimerTimeout() ) ); deleteSoundButton = new QPushButton( tab, "deleteSoundButton" ); layout1->addMultiCellWidget( deleteSoundButton, 1, 1, 8, 8); deleteSoundButton->setText( tr( "Delete" ) ); ListView1 = new QListView( tab, "IconView1" ); layout1->addMultiCellWidget( ListView1, 2, 2, 0, 8); ListView1->addColumn( tr( "Name" ) ); ListView1->setColumnWidth( 0, 140); ListView1->setSorting( 1, false); ListView1->addColumn( tr( "Time" ) ); //in seconds ListView1->setColumnWidth( 1, 50); ListView1->addColumn( tr("Location") ); ListView1->setColumnWidth( 2, 50); ListView1->addColumn( tr("Date") ); ListView1->setColumnWidth( 3, 63); ListView1->setColumnWidthMode( 0, QListView::Manual); ListView1->setColumnAlignment( 1, QListView::AlignCenter); ListView1->setColumnAlignment( 2, QListView::AlignRight); ListView1->setColumnAlignment( 3, QListView::AlignLeft); ListView1->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true ); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( ListView1->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold); TabWidget->insertTab( tab, tr( "Files" ) ); ///**********<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>*************** tab_3 = new QWidget( TabWidget, "tab_3" ); QGridLayout *glayout3 = new QGridLayout( tab_3 ); glayout3->setSpacing( 2); glayout3->setMargin( 2); //////////////////////////////////// sampleGroup = new QGroupBox( tab_3, "samplegroup" ); sampleGroup->setTitle( tr( "Sample Rate" ) ); sampleGroup->setFixedSize( 95,50); sampleRateComboBox = new QComboBox( false, sampleGroup, "SampleRateComboBox" ); sampleRateComboBox->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 20, 80, 25 ) ); //#ifndef QT_QWS_EBX QString s; int z = 0; while( deviceSampleRates[z] != -1) { sampleRateComboBox->insertItem( s.setNum( deviceSampleRates[z], 10)); z++; } glayout3->addMultiCellWidget( sampleGroup, 0, 0, 0, 0); sizeGroup= new QGroupBox( tab_3, "sizeGroup" ); sizeGroup->setTitle( tr( "Limit Size" ) ); sizeGroup->setFixedSize( 80, 50); sizeLimitCombo = new QComboBox( false, sizeGroup, "sizeLimitCombo" ); sizeLimitCombo ->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 20, 70, 25 ) ); sizeLimitCombo->insertItem(tr("Unlimited")); for(int i=1;i<13; i++) { sizeLimitCombo->insertItem( QString::number( i * 5)); } glayout3->addMultiCellWidget( sizeGroup, 0, 0, 1, 1); dirGroup = new QGroupBox( tab_3, "dirGroup" ); dirGroup->setTitle( tr( "File Directory" ) ); dirGroup->setFixedSize( 130, 50); directoryComboBox = new QComboBox( false, dirGroup, "dirGroup" ); directoryComboBox->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 15, 115, 25 ) ); glayout3->addMultiCellWidget( dirGroup, 1, 1, 0, 0); bitGroup = new QGroupBox( tab_3, "bitGroup" ); bitGroup->setTitle( tr( "Bit Depth" ) ); bitGroup->setFixedSize( 65, 50); bitRateComboBox = new QComboBox( false, bitGroup, "BitRateComboBox" ); z = 0; while( deviceBitRates[z] != -1) { bitRateComboBox->insertItem( s.setNum( deviceBitRates[z], 10) ); z++; } bitRateComboBox->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 20, 50, 25 ) ); glayout3->addMultiCellWidget( bitGroup, 1, 1, 1, 1); compressionCheckBox = new QCheckBox ( tr("Wave Compression (smaller files)"), tab_3 ); autoMuteCheckBox = new QCheckBox ( tr("Auto Mute"), tab_3 ); stereoCheckBox = new QCheckBox ( tr("Stereo Channels"), tab_3 ); glayout3->addMultiCellWidget( compressionCheckBox, 2, 2, 0, 3); glayout3->addMultiCellWidget( autoMuteCheckBox, 3, 3, 0, 0); glayout3->addMultiCellWidget( stereoCheckBox, 3, 3, 1, 1); tab_5 = new QWidget( TabWidget, "tab_5" ); QHBoxLayout *Layout19a; Layout19a = new QHBoxLayout( tab_5); Layout19a->setSpacing( 2 ); Layout19a->setMargin( 0 ); Layout15 = new QVBoxLayout( this); Layout15->setSpacing( 2 ); Layout15->setMargin( 0 ); Layout15b = new QVBoxLayout( this); Layout15b->setSpacing( 2 ); Layout15b->setMargin( 0 ); TextLabel2 = new QLabel( tab_5, "InputLabel" ); TextLabel2->setText( tr( "In")); TextLabel2->setFixedWidth( 35); Layout15->addWidget( TextLabel2 ); TextLabel3 = new QLabel( tab_5, "OutputLabel" ); TextLabel3->setText( tr( "Out" ) ); Layout15b->addWidget( TextLabel3 ); InputSlider = new QSlider( -100, 0, 10, 0, QSlider::Vertical, tab_5, (const char *) "InputSlider" ); InputSlider->setTickmarks( QSlider::Both); Layout15->addWidget( InputSlider); OutputSlider = new QSlider( -100,0,10,0, QSlider::Vertical,tab_5,(const char *) "OutputSlider" ); OutputSlider->setTickmarks( QSlider::Both); Layout15b->addWidget( OutputSlider ); outMuteCheckBox = new QCheckBox ( tr("mute"), tab_5 ); Layout15->addWidget( outMuteCheckBox ); inMuteCheckBox = new QCheckBox ( tr("mute"), tab_5 ); inMuteCheckBox-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::NoFocus ); Layout15b->addWidget( inMuteCheckBox ); Layout19a->addLayout( Layout15 ); Layout19a->addLayout( Layout15b ); fillDirectoryCombo(); TabWidget->insertTab( tab_3, tr( "Options" ) ); TabWidget->insertTab( tab_5, tr( "Volume" ) ); waveform = new Waveform( this, "waveform" ); // waveform->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)3, waveform->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); waveform->setMinimumSize( QSize( 0, 50 ) ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( waveform, 8, 8, 0, 7 ); waveform->setBackgroundColor ( black ); } void QtRec::initIconView() { ListView1->clear(); Config cfg("OpieRec"); cfg.setGroup("Sounds"); QString temp; QPixmap image0( ( const char** ) image0_data ); int nFiles = cfg.readNumEntry("NumberofFiles",0); // qDebug("init number of files %d", nFiles); for(int i=1;i<= nFiles;i++) { QListViewItem * item; QString fileS, mediaLocation, fileDate, filePath; temp.sprintf( "%d",i); temp = cfg.readEntry( temp,""); //reads currentFile filePath = cfg.readEntry( temp,""); //currentFileName QFileInfo info(filePath); fileDate = info.lastModified().toString(); fileS = cfg.readEntry( filePath, "0" );// file length in seconds mediaLocation = getStorage( filePath); if( info.exists()) { item = new QListViewItem( ListView1, temp, fileS, mediaLocation, fileDate); item->setPixmap( 0, image0); if( currentFileName == filePath) ListView1->setSelected( item, true); } } } void QtRec::initConnections() { connect( qApp,SIGNAL( aboutToQuit()),SLOT( cleanUp()) ); connect( toBeginningButton, SIGNAL( pressed()), this, SLOT( rewindPressed() )); connect( toBeginningButton, SIGNAL( released()), this, SLOT( rewindReleased() )); connect( toEndButton, SIGNAL( pressed()), this, SLOT( FastforwardPressed() )); connect( toEndButton, SIGNAL( released()), this, SLOT( FastforwardReleased() )); connect( deleteSoundButton, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT( deleteSound() )); connect( Stop_PushButton, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT( doPlayBtn() )); connect( Rec_PushButton, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT( newSound() ) ); connect( TabWidget, SIGNAL( currentChanged(QWidget*)), this, SLOT(thisTab(QWidget*) )); connect( OutputSlider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased()), this, SLOT( changedOutVolume()) ); connect( InputSlider, SIGNAL(sliderReleased()), this, SLOT( changedInVolume()) ); connect( sampleRateComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT( changesamplerateCombo(int)) ); connect( bitRateComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT( changebitrateCombo(int)) ); connect( directoryComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT( changeDirCombo(int)) ); connect( sizeLimitCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT( changeSizeLimitCombo(int)) ); connect( stereoCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( changeStereoCheck(bool)) ); connect( outMuteCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( doVolMuting(bool)) ); connect( inMuteCheckBox , SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( doMicMuting(bool)) ); connect( ListView1,SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem*)), this,SLOT( itClick(QListViewItem*))); connect( ListView1, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)), this,SLOT( listPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)) ); connect( timeSlider, SIGNAL( sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT( changeTimeSlider(int) )); connect( timeSlider, SIGNAL( sliderPressed()), this, SLOT( timeSliderPressed() )); connect( timeSlider, SIGNAL( sliderReleased()), this, SLOT( timeSliderReleased() )); connect( compressionCheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( compressionSelected(bool))); connect( autoMuteCheckBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool)), this, SLOT( slotAutoMute(bool))); } void QtRec::initConfig() { int index, fred, i; Config cfg("OpieRec"); cfg.setGroup("Settings"); index = cfg.readNumEntry("samplerate",22050); bool ok; for(int ws=0;ws<sampleRateComboBox->count();ws++) { fred = sampleRateComboBox->text(ws).toInt(&ok, 10); if( index == fred) { filePara.sampleRate = fred; sampleRateComboBox->setCurrentItem(ws); } } i = cfg.readNumEntry("bitrate",16); if(i == 16) bitRateComboBox->setCurrentItem( 1); else if(i == 24) bitRateComboBox->setCurrentItem( 2); else if(i == 32) bitRateComboBox->setCurrentItem( 3); else bitRateComboBox->setCurrentItem( 0); filePara.resolution = i; i = cfg.readNumEntry("sizeLimit", 5 ); QString temp; sizeLimitCombo->setCurrentItem((i/5)); stereoCheckBox->setChecked( cfg.readBoolEntry("stereo", 1)); if( stereoCheckBox->isChecked()) { filePara.channels = 2; } else { filePara.channels = 1; } compressionCheckBox->setChecked( cfg.readBoolEntry("wavCompression",1)); if( compressionCheckBox->isChecked()) { bitRateComboBox->setEnabled(false); bitRateComboBox->setCurrentItem(0); filePara.resolution=16; } autoMuteCheckBox->setChecked( cfg.readBoolEntry("useAutoMute",0)); if( autoMuteCheckBox->isChecked()) slotAutoMute(true); else slotAutoMute(false); Config cofg( "qpe"); cofg.setGroup( "Volume"); outMuteCheckBox->setChecked( cofg.readBoolEntry( "Mute",0)); inMuteCheckBox->setChecked( cofg.readBoolEntry( "MicMute",0)); } void QtRec::stop() { qWarning("STOP"); setRecordButton(false); if( !recording) endPlaying(); else endRecording(); timeSlider->setValue(0); } void QtRec::doPlayBtn() { if(!stopped) { playLabel2->setText(tr("Play")); stop(); } else { if(ListView1->currentItem() == 0) return; playLabel2->setText(tr("Stop")); currentFile = ListView1->currentItem()->text(0); start(); } } void QtRec::start() { //play if( stopped) { QPixmap image3( ( const char** ) image3_data ); Stop_PushButton->setPixmap( image3 ); Stop_PushButton->setDown( true); stopped = false; paused = false; secCount = 1; if( openPlayFile()) if( setupAudio( false)) //recording is false doPlay(); } } bool QtRec::rec() { //record QString timeString; timeString.sprintf("%.0f", 0.0); timeLabel->setText( timeString+ " seconds"); if(!stopped) { monitoring = true; return false; } else { secCount = 1; playLabel2->setText(tr("Stop")); monitoring = false; setRecordButton( true); if( setupAudio( true)) if(setUpFile()) { int fileSize = 0; Config cfg("OpieRec"); cfg.setGroup("Settings"); // qDebug( "<<<<<<<Device bits %d, device rate %d, device channels %d", // soundDevice->getDeviceBits(), // soundDevice->getDeviceRate(), // soundDevice->getDeviceChannels()); //filePara.sampleRate = cfg.readNumEntry("samplerate", 22050); // qDebug("sample rate is %d", filePara.sampleRate); filePara.SecondsToRecord = getCurrentSizeLimit(); // qDebug("size limit %d sec", filePara.SecondsToRecord); int diskSize = checkDiskSpace( (const QString &) wavFile->trackName()); if( filePara.SecondsToRecord == 0) { fileSize = diskSize; } else if( filePara.format == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { // qDebug("WAVE_FORMAT_PCM"); fileSize = (filePara.SecondsToRecord ) * filePara.channels * filePara.sampleRate * ( filePara.resolution / 8) + 1000; } else { // qDebug("WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM"); fileSize = ((filePara.SecondsToRecord) * filePara.channels * filePara.sampleRate * ( filePara.resolution / 8) ) / 4 + 250; } filePara.samplesToRecord = fileSize; qDebug("filesize should be %d, bits %d, rate %d", filePara.samplesToRecord, filePara.resolution, filePara.sampleRate); if( paused) { paused = false; } // else { qDebug("Setting timeslider %d", filePara.samplesToRecord); // if(fileSize != 0) timeSlider->setRange(0, filePara.samplesToRecord); // } if( diskSize < fileSize/1024) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Low Disk Space"), tr("You are running low of\nrecording space\n" "or a card isn't being recognized")); stopped = true; //we need to be stopped stop(); } else { QString msg; msg.sprintf("%d, %d, %d", filePara.sampleRate, filePara.channels, filePara.resolution); #ifdef DEV_VERSION setCaption( msg); #endif filePara.fileName=currentFile.latin1(); qDebug("Start recording thread"); stopped = false; #ifdef THREADED pthread_t thread1; pthread_create( &thread1, NULL, (void * (*)(void *))quickRec, NULL/* &*/); #endif toBeginningButton->setEnabled( false); toEndButton->setEnabled( false); startTimer(1000); #ifndef THREADED quickRec(); #endif } } //end setUpFile } //end setupAudio return true; } /* This happens when a tab is selected*/ void QtRec::thisTab(QWidget* widg) { if(widg != NULL) { int index = TabWidget->currentPageIndex(); if(index == 0) { //file page } if(index == 1) { //control page fillDirectoryCombo(); // soundDevice->getOutVol(); // soundDevice->getInVol(); } if( index==2) { //help page } qApp->processEvents(); update(); } } void QtRec::getOutVol( ) { filePara.outVol = soundDevice->getOutVolume(); // qDebug("out vol %d", filePara.outVol); OutputSlider->setValue( -filePara.outVol); } void QtRec::getInVol() { filePara.inVol = soundDevice->getInVolume(); // qDebug("in vol %d", filePara.inVol); InputSlider->setValue( -filePara.inVol); } void QtRec::changedOutVolume() { soundDevice->changedOutVolume( -OutputSlider->value()); } void QtRec::changedInVolume( ) { soundDevice->changedInVolume( -InputSlider->value()); } bool QtRec::setupAudio( bool b) { bool ok; int sampleformat, stereo, flags; diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opierec/wavFile.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opierec/wavFile.cpp index 1d58bb3..35bc14d 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opierec/wavFile.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opierec/wavFile.cpp @@ -1,312 +1,311 @@ //wavFile.cpp #include "wavFile.h" #include "qtrec.h" #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qdir.h> -#include <qpe/timestring.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/vfs.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <math.h> #include <mntent.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> WavFile::WavFile( QObject * parent,const QString &fileName, bool makeNwFile, int sampleRate, int channels, int resolution, int format ) : QObject( parent) { //qDebug("new wave file"); bool b = makeNwFile; wavSampleRate=sampleRate; wavFormat=format; wavChannels=channels; wavResolution=resolution; useTmpFile=false; if( b) { newFile(); } else { openFile(fileName); } } bool WavFile::newFile() { // qDebug("Set up new file"); Config cfg("OpieRec"); cfg.setGroup("Settings"); currentFileName=cfg.readEntry("directory",QDir::homeDirPath()); QString date; QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); date = dt.toString();//TimeString::dateString( QDateTime::currentDateTime(),false,true); date.replace(QRegExp("'"),""); date.replace(QRegExp(" "),"_"); date.replace(QRegExp(":"),"."); date.replace(QRegExp(","),""); QString currentFile=date; if(currentFileName.right(1).find("/",0,true) == -1) currentFileName += "/" + date; else currentFileName += date; currentFileName+=".wav"; // qDebug("set up file for recording: "+currentFileName); char pointer[] = "/tmp/opierec-XXXXXX"; int fd = 0; if( currentFileName.find("/mnt",0,true) == -1 && currentFileName.find("/tmp",0,true) == -1 ) { // if destination file is most likely in flash (assuming jffs2) // we have to write to a different filesystem first useTmpFile = true; if(( fd = mkstemp( pointer)) < 0 ) { perror("mkstemp failed"); return false; } // qDebug("Opening tmp file %s",pointer); track.setName( pointer); } else { //just use regular file.. no moving useTmpFile = false; track.setName( currentFileName); } if(!track.open( IO_ReadWrite | IO_Truncate)) { QString errorMsg=(QString)strerror(errno); qDebug(errorMsg); QMessageBox::message("Note", "Error opening file.\n" +errorMsg); return false; } else { setWavHeader( track.handle() , &hdr); } return true; } WavFile::~WavFile() { closeFile(); } void WavFile::closeFile() { if(track.isOpen()) track.close(); } int WavFile::openFile(const QString ¤tFileName) { // qDebug("open play file "+currentFileName); closeFile(); track.setName(currentFileName); if(!track.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { QString errorMsg=(QString)strerror(errno); qDebug("<<<<<<<<<<< "+errorMsg+currentFileName); QMessageBox::message("Note", "Error opening file.\n" +errorMsg); return -1; } else { parseWavHeader( track.handle()); } return track.handle(); } bool WavFile::setWavHeader(int fd, wavhdr *hdr) { strncpy((*hdr).riffID, "RIFF", 4); // RIFF strncpy((*hdr).wavID, "WAVE", 4); //WAVE strncpy((*hdr).fmtID, "fmt ", 4); // fmt (*hdr).fmtLen = 16; // format length = 16 if( wavFormat == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { (*hdr).fmtTag = 1; // PCM // qDebug("set header WAVE_FORMAT_PCM"); } else { (*hdr).fmtTag = WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM; //intel ADPCM // qDebug("set header WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM"); } // (*hdr).nChannels = 1;//filePara.channels;// ? 2 : 1*/; // channels (*hdr).nChannels = wavChannels;// ? 2 : 1*/; // channels (*hdr).sampleRate = wavSampleRate; //samples per second (*hdr).avgBytesPerSec = (wavSampleRate)*( wavChannels*(wavResolution/8)); // bytes per second (*hdr).nBlockAlign = wavChannels*( wavResolution/8); //block align (*hdr).bitsPerSample = wavResolution; //bits per sample 8, or 16 strncpy((*hdr).dataID, "data", 4); write( fd,hdr, sizeof(*hdr)); qDebug("writing header: bitrate%d, samplerate %d, channels %d", wavResolution, wavSampleRate, wavChannels); return true; } bool WavFile::adjustHeaders(int fd, int total) { lseek(fd, 4, SEEK_SET); int i = total + 36; write( fd, &i, sizeof(i)); lseek( fd, 40, SEEK_SET); write( fd, &total, sizeof(total)); qDebug("adjusting header %d", total); return true; } int WavFile::parseWavHeader(int fd) { qDebug("Parsing wav header"); char string[4]; int found; short fmt; unsigned short ch, bitrate; unsigned long samplerrate, longdata; if (read(fd, string, 4) < 4) { qDebug(" Could not read from sound file.\n"); return -1; } if (strncmp(string, "RIFF", 4)) { qDebug(" not a valid WAV file.\n"); return -1; } lseek(fd, 4, SEEK_CUR); if (read(fd, string, 4) < 4) { qDebug("Could not read from sound file.\n"); return -1; } if (strncmp(string, "WAVE", 4)) { qDebug("not a valid WAV file.\n"); return -1; } found = 0; while (!found) { if (read(fd, string, 4) < 4) { qDebug("Could not read from sound file.\n"); return -1; } if (strncmp(string, "fmt ", 4)) { if (read(fd, &longdata, 4) < 4) { qDebug("Could not read from sound file.\n"); return -1; } lseek(fd, longdata, SEEK_CUR); } else { lseek(fd, 4, SEEK_CUR); if (read(fd, &fmt, 2) < 2) { qDebug("Could not read format chunk.\n"); return -1; } if (fmt != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM && fmt != WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM) { qDebug("Wave file contains unknown format." " Unable to continue.\n"); return -1; } wavFormat = fmt; // compressionFormat=fmt; qDebug("compressionFormat is %d", fmt); if (read(fd, &ch, 2) < 2) { qDebug("Could not read format chunk.\n"); return -1; } else { wavChannels = ch; qDebug("File has %d channels", ch); } if (read(fd, &samplerrate, 4) < 4) { qDebug("Could not read from format chunk.\n"); return -1; } else { wavSampleRate = samplerrate; // sampleRate = samplerrate; qDebug("File has samplerate of %d",(int) samplerrate); } lseek(fd, 6, SEEK_CUR); if (read(fd, &bitrate, 2) < 2) { qDebug("Could not read format chunk.\n"); return -1; } else { wavResolution=bitrate; // resolution = bitrate; qDebug("File has bitrate of %d", bitrate); } found++; } } found = 0; while (!found) { if (read(fd, string, 4) < 4) { qDebug("Could not read from sound file.\n"); return -1; } if (strncmp(string, "data", 4)) { if (read(fd, &longdata, 4)<4) { qDebug("Could not read from sound file.\n"); return -1; } lseek(fd, longdata, SEEK_CUR); } else { if (read(fd, &longdata, 4) < 4) { qDebug("Could not read from sound file.\n"); return -1; } else { wavNumberSamples = longdata; qDebug("file has length of %d \nlasting %d seconds", (int)longdata, (int)(( longdata / wavSampleRate) / wavChannels) / ( wavChannels*( wavResolution/8)) ); // wavSeconds = (( longdata / wavSampleRate) / wavChannels) / ( wavChannels*( wavResolution/8)); return longdata; } } } lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); return 0; } QString WavFile::trackName() { return track.name(); } int WavFile::wavHandle(){ return track.handle(); } int WavFile::getFormat() { return wavFormat; } int WavFile::getResolution() { return wavResolution; } int WavFile::getSampleRate() { return wavSampleRate; } int WavFile::getNumberSamples() { return wavNumberSamples; } bool WavFile::isTempFile() { return useTmpFile; } int WavFile::getChannels() { return wavChannels; } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opierec/waveform.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opierec/waveform.cpp index 05be373..9cc40b4 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/opierec/waveform.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/opierec/waveform.cpp @@ -1,160 +1,159 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "waveform.h" -#include <qlabel.h> #include <qpainter.h> Waveform::Waveform( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl ) : QWidget( parent, name, fl ) { pixmap = 0; windowSize = 100; samplesPerPixel = 8000 / (5 * windowSize); currentValue = 0; numSamples = 0; windowPosn = 0; window = 0; } void Waveform::changeSettings( int frequency, int channels ) { makePixmap(); // qWarning("change waveform %d, %d", frequency, channels); samplesPerPixel = frequency * channels / (5 * windowSize); qWarning("Waveform::changeSettings %d", samplesPerPixel); if ( !samplesPerPixel ) samplesPerPixel = 1; currentValue = 0; numSamples = 0; windowPosn = 0; draw(); } Waveform::~Waveform() { if ( window ) delete[] window; if ( pixmap ) delete pixmap; } void Waveform::reset() { makePixmap(); currentValue = 0; numSamples = 0; windowPosn = 0; draw(); } void Waveform::newSamples( const short *buf, int len ) { // Cache the object values in local variables. int samplesPerPixel = this->samplesPerPixel; int currentValue = this->currentValue; int numSamples = this->numSamples; short *window = this->window; int windowPosn = this->windowPosn; int windowSize = this->windowSize; // Average the incoming samples to scale them to the window. while ( len > 0 ) { currentValue += *buf++; --len; if ( ++numSamples >= samplesPerPixel ) { window[windowPosn++] = (short)(currentValue / numSamples); if ( windowPosn >= windowSize ) { this->windowPosn = windowPosn; draw(); windowPosn = 0; } numSamples = 0; currentValue = 0; } } // Copy the final state back to the object. //qWarning("%d, %d, %d", currentValue, numSamples, windowPosn); this->currentValue = currentValue; this->numSamples = numSamples; this->windowPosn = windowPosn; } void Waveform::makePixmap() { if ( !pixmap ) { pixmap = new QPixmap( size() ); windowSize = pixmap->width(); window = new short [windowSize]; } } void Waveform::draw() { pixmap->fill( Qt::black ); QPainter painter; painter.begin( pixmap ); painter.setPen( Qt::green ); int middle = pixmap->height() / 2; int mag; short *window = this->window; int posn; int size = windowPosn; for( posn = 0; posn < size; ++posn ) { mag = (window[posn] * middle / 32768); painter.drawLine(posn, middle - mag, posn, middle + mag); } if ( windowPosn < windowSize ) { painter.drawLine(windowPosn, middle, windowSize, middle); } painter.end(); paintEvent( 0 ); } void Waveform::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { QPainter painter; painter.begin( this ); if ( pixmap ) { painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, *pixmap ); } else { painter.setPen( Qt::green ); QSize sz = size(); painter.drawLine(0, sz.height() / 2, sz.width(), sz.height() / 2); } painter.end(); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/fretboard.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/fretboard.cpp index 0687d00..bf78e4c 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/fretboard.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/fretboard.cpp @@ -1,234 +1,233 @@ // // FretBoard class to display interface for chord finder application // // Copyright (c) 2001 Camilo Mesias // camilo@mesias.co.uk // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. //#include <FL/Fl.H> //#include <FL/Fl_Widget.H> //#include <FL/fl_draw.H> #include <stdio.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include "fretboard.h" #include <qpainter.h> void FretBoard::refresh(){ ce.calculate(); emit nameChanged(QString(ce.label())); for (int i=0;i<6;i++){ Finger(i, ce.finger(i)); // yuk switch (i) { case 0: emit s1nameChanged(QString(ce.name(i))); break; case 1: emit s2nameChanged(QString(ce.name(i))); break; case 2: emit s3nameChanged(QString(ce.name(i))); break; case 3: emit s4nameChanged(QString(ce.name(i))); break; case 4: emit s5nameChanged(QString(ce.name(i))); break; case 5: emit s6nameChanged(QString(ce.name(i))); break; } } update(); } FretBoard::FretBoard(QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ), ce() { ce.base(9); ce.chord(0); ce.fret(0); ce.span(1); ce.vary(7); ce.tune(0); refresh(); // setPalette( QPalette( QColor( 250, 250, 200) ) ); stringtop_pix = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/stringtop_s"); string_pix = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/string_s"); finger_pix = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/justfing_s"); mute_pix = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/muted_s"); // box(FL_NO_BOX); // finger[0] = OPEN; // finger[1] = OPEN; // finger[2] = OPEN; // finger[3] = OPEN; // finger[4] = OPEN; // finger[5] = OPEN; initial_fret = 0; // label(FL_NORMAL_LABEL, "Chord"); } // int FretBoard::Finger(int f){ // if (f < 0 || f > 5){ // fprintf(stderr, "Error - finger value was %d\n", f); // return 0; // } // return finger[f]; // } void FretBoard::Finger(int f, int position){ if (f < 0 || f > 5){ fprintf(stderr, "Error - finger2 value was %d\n", f); return; } finger[f] = position; } // void FretBoard::draw(void) { // draw_box(); // draw_label(); // } // void FretBoard::draw_label(void) { // align(FL_ALIGN_CENTER | FL_ALIGN_TOP | FL_ALIGN_WRAP); // this->Fl_Widget::draw_label(); // } //void FretBoard::draw_box(void) { void FretBoard::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *){ // fl_color(FL_WHITE); // Fl_Widget::draw_box(); // fl_color(FL_BLACK); QPainter p( this ); p.setBrush(black); p.translate(0, 0); // draw each string for (int f=0; f<=5; f++){ // draw a string starting from the highest visible fret for (int pp=0; pp<=6; pp++){ int this_fret = initial_fret + pp; int cx = /* x() + */ 28*f; int cy = /* y() + */ pp*30; // fl_color(FL_WHITE); // fl_rectf(cx, cy, 24, 24); // p.setBrush(white); // p.setPen(NoPen); // p.drawRect( QRect(cx, cy, 24, 24) ); // fl_color(FL_BLACK); // p.setBrush(black); // p.setPen(black); // draw the string unless at top if (this_fret!=0){ // fl_line(cx+12, cy, cx+12, cy+23); // p.drawLine(cx+12, cy, cx+12, cy+23); } // draw mutes if at top if (pp == 0 && finger[f] == MUTED){ p.drawPixmap(cx,cy,mute_pix); // fl_line(cx+4, cy+19, cx+19, cy+4); // p.drawLine(cx+4, cy+19, cx+19, cy+4); // fl_line(cx+5, cy+19, cx+20, cy+4); // p.drawLine(cx+5, cy+19, cx+20, cy+4); // fl_line(cx+4, cy+4, cx+19, cy+19); // p.drawLine(cx+4, cy+4, cx+19, cy+19); // fl_line(cx+5, cy+4, cx+20, cy+19); // p.drawLine(cx+5, cy+4, cx+20, cy+19); } if (this_fret==0){ // above, blank }else if(this_fret==1){ // top p.drawPixmap(cx,cy,stringtop_pix); }else{ // normal p.drawPixmap(cx,cy,string_pix); } // frets at bottom // thick line if at top // int x0 = (f==0)?(cx+12):cx; // int x1 = (f==5)?(cx+12):(cx+23); // for (int offset=23; offset>((this_fret==0)?20:22); offset--){ // fl_line(x0, cy+offset, x1, cy+offset); // p.drawLine(x0, cy+offset, x1, cy+offset); // } // finger if at that position if ((initial_fret==0 && pp == finger[f]) || (initial_fret!=0 && pp == finger[f]-8)){ p.drawPixmap(cx,cy,finger_pix); // fl_color(FL_WHITE); // p.setBrush(white); // p.setPen(NoPen); // fl_rectf(cx+4, cy+4, 16, 16); // p.drawRect( QRect(cx+4, cy+4, 16, 16)); // fl_color(FL_BLACK); //p.setPen(black); // fl_line(cx+4, cy+11, cx+7, cy+16); //p.drawLine(cx+4, cy+11, cx+7, cy+16); // fl_line(cx+7, cy+16, cx+12, cy+19); //p.drawLine(cx+7, cy+16, cx+12, cy+19); // fl_line(cx+12, cy+19, cx+16, cy+16); //p.drawLine(cx+12, cy+19, cx+16, cy+16); // fl_line(cx+16, cy+16, cx+19, cy+12); //p.drawLine(cx+16, cy+16, cx+19, cy+12); // fl_line(cx+19, cy+12, cx+16, cy+7); //p.drawLine(cx+19, cy+12, cx+16, cy+7); // fl_line(cx+16, cy+7, cx+12, cy+4); //p.drawLine(cx+16, cy+7, cx+12, cy+4); // fl_line(cx+11, cy+4, cx+7, cy+7); //p.drawLine(cx+11, cy+4, cx+7, cy+7); // fl_line(cx+7, cy+7, cx+4, cy+11); //p.drawLine(cx+7, cy+7, cx+4, cy+11); } } } p.end(); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/gs.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/gs.cpp index fdcfb74..69d9d75 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/gs.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/gs.cpp @@ -1,465 +1,463 @@ //#include <FL/Fl.H> //#include <FL/Fl_Widget.H> //#include <FL/fl_draw.H> #include <stdio.h> //#include <qpixmap.h> #include "gs.h" #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/soundcard.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> //#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qmessagebox.h> -#include <qstring.h> gs::gs() { finger[0] = OPEN; finger[1] = OPEN; finger[2] = OPEN; finger[3] = OPEN; finger[4] = OPEN; finger[5] = OPEN; tuning[0] = 0; tuning[1] = 0; tuning[2] = 0; tuning[3] = 0; tuning[4] = 0; tuning[5] = 0; initial_fret = 0; audio_fd = -1; pb_rate0 = 0; pb_rate1 = 0; pb_rate2 = 0; pb_rate3 = 0; pb_rate4 = 0; pb_rate5 = 0; pb_rate6 = 0; pb_oct0 = 0; pb_oct1 = 0; pb_oct2 = 0; pb_oct3 = 0; pb_oct4 = 0; pb_oct5 = 0; pb_oct6 = 0; // initialise reverb buffer reverb = (signed short *)malloc(1024 * sizeof(signed short)); for (reverb_ptr=0;reverb_ptr<1024;reverb_ptr++){ reverb[reverb_ptr] = 0; } reverb_ptr = 0; reverb_max = 1024; // load sampled 'E' string int samplen = 25000; signed short *dsp_buf = (signed short *)malloc(samplen * sizeof(signed short)); signed short *dsp_buf_ptr = dsp_buf; int raw_fd; QString path = getenv( "OPIEDIR" ); path.append( "/share/powerchord/acguitar.raw" ); raw_fd = open( (const char*) path, O_RDONLY); if (raw_fd < 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open raw file (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); exit(-1); } int totread = 0; int i; while (totread < samplen*2){ int want = samplen*2 - totread; int numread = read(raw_fd, dsp_buf_ptr, want); fprintf(stderr, "read %d bytes\n", numread); totread += numread; dsp_buf_ptr += numread/2; if (numread == 0){ fprintf(stderr, "failed to read bytes\n"); exit(-1); } } close(raw_fd); // scale down a bit for mixing for (i=0;i<samplen;i++){ dsp_buf[i] /= 6; } set_tonebank(0, dsp_buf, samplen); set_tonebank(1, dsp_buf, samplen); set_tonebank(2, dsp_buf, samplen); set_tonebank(3, dsp_buf, samplen); set_tonebank(4, dsp_buf, samplen); set_tonebank(5, dsp_buf, samplen); set_tonebank(6, dsp_buf, samplen); } void gs::set_tonebank(int tb, signed short *buf, int length) { switch(tb){ case 0: tonebank0 = buf; tonebank_length0 = length; break; case 1: tonebank1 = buf; tonebank_length1 = length; break; case 2: tonebank2 = buf; tonebank_length2 = length; break; case 3: tonebank3 = buf; tonebank_length3 = length; break; case 4: tonebank4 = buf; tonebank_length4 = length; break; case 5: tonebank5 = buf; tonebank_length5 = length; break; case 6: tonebank6 = buf; tonebank_length6 = length; break; } } void gs::Finger(int f, int position){ if (f < 0 || f > 5){ fprintf(stderr, "Error - finger2 value was %d\n", f); return; } finger[f] = position; } void gs::Tuning(int t[6]){ for (int i=0;i<6;i++){ tuning[i] = t[i]; } } // length in ps (seconds x 10^-9) of the period of a note. // we use these as ratios in a breshenham-like algorithm to // scale a deep note to a higher pitch // They are derived from f(A) = 440Hz and multiply each successive // semitone by the 12th root of 2 (such that after 12 multiplications for // 12 semitones you have a note exactly 2x the frequency of the initial one, // - an octave higher in other words.) int gs::note_periods[12] = { 90703, 85612, 80802, 76272, 71991, 67950, 64137, 60537, 57139, 53932, 50905, 48048 }; int gs::octave_step[6] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 }; int gs::Play(){ int format; int channels; int speed; frames = 0; if (audio_fd == -1){ if ( (audio_fd = open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY, 0) ) == -1){ audio_fd = -1; return 1; } format = AFMT_S16_NE; if (ioctl(audio_fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &format) == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "Error SNDCTL DSP SETFMT, %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } channels = 1; if (ioctl(audio_fd, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS, &channels) == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "Error SNDCTL DSP CHANNELS, %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } speed = 11025; if (ioctl(audio_fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &speed) == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "Error SNDCTL DSP SPEED, %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(0); } // buffering q's // audio_buf_info info; // if (ioctl(audio_fd, SNDCTL_DSP_GETOSPACE, &info) == -1){ // fprintf(stderr, "Error SNDCTL DSP GETOSPACE, %s\n", strerror(errno)); // exit(0); // } // fprintf(stderr, "fragments %d\nfragstotal %d\nfragsize %d\nbytes %d\n", info.fragments, info.fragstotal, info.fragsize, info.bytes); // audio math. // A4 = 440Hz // +1 octave = 2x freq // -1 octave = /2 freq. // +1 semitone = *= 12 root 2; // ie. * 1.059463094 // tones, approx Hz, samples at 11025 // A4 440 25 // A#4 466 24 // B4 494 22 // C4 523 21 // C#4 554 20 // D4 587 19 // D#4 622 18 // E4 659 17 // F4 698 16 // F#4 740 15 // G4 784 14 // G#4 831 13 } else{ fprintf(stderr, "Already playing\n"); } return 0; } void gs::note_start(int chan, int note, int octave) { switch (chan){ case 0: pb_rate0 = note_periods[note]; pb_oct0 = octave_step[octave]; pb_ratio0 = 0; pb_rsc0 = 0; break; case 1: pb_rate1 = note_periods[note]; pb_oct1 = octave_step[octave]; pb_ratio1 = 0; pb_rsc1 = 0; break; case 2: pb_rate2 = note_periods[note]; pb_oct2 = octave_step[octave]; pb_ratio2 = 0; pb_rsc2 = 0; break; case 3: pb_rate3 = note_periods[note]; pb_oct3 = octave_step[octave]; pb_ratio3 = 0; pb_rsc3 = 0; break; case 4: pb_rate4 = note_periods[note]; pb_oct4 = octave_step[octave]; pb_ratio4 = 0; pb_rsc4 = 0; break; case 5: pb_rate5 = note_periods[note]; pb_oct5 = octave_step[octave]; pb_ratio5 = 0; pb_rsc5 = 0; break; case 6: pb_rate6 = note_periods[note]; pb_oct6 = octave_step[octave]; pb_ratio6 = 0; pb_rsc6 = 0; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Bad channel\n"); exit(-1); } } void gs::write_buffer(){ int num_read; num_read = write(audio_fd, (void *)audio_buf, BUFSIZE*2); // fprintf(stderr, "Wrote %d bytes\n", num_read); } void gs::fill_buffer() { frames ++; int i; for (i=0;i<BUFSIZE;i++){ audio_buf[i] = 0; if (pb_rate0){ audio_buf[i] += tonebank0[pb_rsc0]; pb_rsc0 += pb_oct0; pb_ratio0 += 90703; pb_ratio0 -= pb_rate0; if (pb_ratio0 >= pb_rate0){ pb_rsc0 += pb_oct0; pb_ratio0 -= pb_rate0; } if (pb_rsc0 >= tonebank_length0) pb_rate0 = 0; } if (pb_rate1){ audio_buf[i] += tonebank1[pb_rsc1]; pb_rsc1 += pb_oct1; pb_ratio1 += 90703; pb_ratio1 -= pb_rate1; if (pb_ratio1 >= pb_rate1){ pb_rsc1 += pb_oct1; pb_ratio1 -= pb_rate1; } if (pb_rsc1 >= tonebank_length1) pb_rate1 = 0; } if (pb_rate2){ audio_buf[i] += tonebank2[pb_rsc2]; pb_rsc2 += pb_oct2; pb_ratio2 += 90703; pb_ratio2 -= pb_rate2; if (pb_ratio2 >= pb_rate2){ pb_rsc2 += pb_oct2; pb_ratio2 -= pb_rate2; } if (pb_rsc2 >= tonebank_length2) pb_rate2 = 0; } if (pb_rate3){ audio_buf[i] += tonebank3[pb_rsc3]; pb_rsc3 += pb_oct3; pb_ratio3 += 90703; pb_ratio3 -= pb_rate3; if (pb_ratio3 >= pb_rate3){ pb_rsc3 += pb_oct3; pb_ratio3 -= pb_rate3; } if (pb_rsc3 >= tonebank_length3) pb_rate3 = 0; } if (pb_rate4){ audio_buf[i] += tonebank4[pb_rsc4]; pb_rsc4 += pb_oct4; pb_ratio4 += 90703; pb_ratio4 -= pb_rate4; if (pb_ratio4 >= pb_rate4){ pb_rsc4 += pb_oct4; pb_ratio4 -= pb_rate4; } if (pb_rsc4 >= tonebank_length4) pb_rate4 = 0; } if (pb_rate5){ audio_buf[i] += tonebank5[pb_rsc5]; pb_rsc5 += pb_oct5; pb_ratio5 += 90703; pb_ratio5 -= pb_rate5; if (pb_ratio5 >= pb_rate5){ pb_rsc5 += pb_oct5; pb_ratio5 -= pb_rate5; } if (pb_rsc5 >= tonebank_length5) pb_rate5 = 0; } if (pb_rate6){ audio_buf[i] += tonebank6[pb_rsc6]; pb_rsc6 += pb_oct6; pb_ratio6 += 90703; pb_ratio6 -= pb_rate6; if (pb_ratio6 >= pb_rate6){ pb_rsc6 += pb_oct6; pb_ratio6 -= pb_rate6; } if (pb_rsc6 >= tonebank_length6) pb_rate6 = 0; } // do reverb signed short rtmp = reverb[reverb_ptr]; reverb[reverb_ptr] /= 2; reverb[reverb_ptr] += audio_buf[i]/4; audio_buf[i] += rtmp; reverb_ptr++; if (reverb_ptr >= reverb_max) reverb_ptr = 0; } } void gs::Stop(){ if (audio_fd == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "Already stopped\n"); } else{ //ioctl(audio_fd, SNDCTL_DSP_RESET, 0); close(audio_fd); audio_fd = -1; } } gs::~gs() {} diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/powerchord.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/powerchord.cpp index 79a26ea..31d517b 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/powerchord.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/powerchord.cpp @@ -1,28 +1,27 @@ #include "powerchord.h" -#include <qpushbutton.h> /* * Constructs a Example which is a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f' */ Powerchord::Powerchord( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : PowerchordBase( parent, name, fl ) { // connect(quit, SIGNAL(clicked), this, SLOT(goodBye())); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ Powerchord::~Powerchord() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } /* * A simple slot... not very interesting. */ void Powerchord::goodBye() { close(); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/powerchordbase.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/powerchordbase.cpp index 7978426..4fb5dda 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/powerchordbase.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/powerchord/powerchordbase.cpp @@ -1,592 +1,585 @@ /**************************************************************************** ** Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'powerchordbase.ui' ** ** Created: Sun Jan 13 23:05:11 2002 ** by: The User Interface Compiler (uic) ** ** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! ****************************************************************************/ #include "powerchordbase.h" #include "fretboard.h" #include "vumeter.h" -#include "gs.h" #include <qcombobox.h> -#include <qframe.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlistbox.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qlayout.h> -#include <qvariant.h> #include <qtooltip.h> -#include <qwhatsthis.h> -#include <qimage.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> -#include <qbitmap.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> /* * Constructs a PowerchordBase which is a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f' */ PowerchordBase::PowerchordBase( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QWidget( parent, name, fl ) { simulation_timer = 0; audio_timer = 0; // setPalette( QPalette( QColor( 232, 227, 215) ) ); // QPixmap image0(QString("/opt/Qtopia/pics/powerchord/image0")); QPixmap image1 = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/image1"); QPixmap image2 = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/image2"); QPixmap image3 = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/image3"); QPixmap image4 = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/image4"); QPixmap image5 = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/image5"); image6 = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/image6"); image_open = Resource::loadPixmap( "powerchord/image_open"); // image0.setMask(image0.createHeuristicMask()); image1.setMask(image1.createHeuristicMask()); // image2.setMask(image2.createHeuristicMask()); // image3.setMask(image3.createHeuristicMask()); // image4.setMask(image4.createHeuristicMask()); // image5.setMask(image5.createHeuristicMask()); // image6->setMask(image6->createHeuristicMask()); // image_open->setMask(image_open->createHeuristicMask()); if ( !name ) setName( "PowerchordBase" ); resize( 240, 284 ); setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)5, sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); setMinimumSize( QSize( 240, 284 ) ); setMaximumSize( QSize( 240, 284 ) ); setCaption( tr( "Powerchord" ) ); tabs = new QTabWidget( this, "tabs" ); tabs->setEnabled( TRUE ); tabs->setGeometry( QRect( 0, 0, 240, 286 ) ); tabs->setTabPosition( QTabWidget::Bottom ); tab = new QWidget( tabs, "tab" ); chordkey = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab, "chordkey" ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "maj" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "min" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "7th" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "m7" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "maj7" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "6th" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "m6th" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "aug" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "dim" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "sus4" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "7sus4" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "9th" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "add9" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "m9th" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "maj9" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "sus2" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "7sus2" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "11th" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "m11th" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "13th" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "m13th" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "maj13" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "6/9" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "flat5" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "7#9" ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( QString::fromUtf8( "ø7" ) ) ); chordkey->insertItem( tr( "5" ) ); chordkey->setGeometry( QRect( 40, 0, 51, 21 ) ); chordfret = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab, "chordfret" ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "open" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "1st" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "2nd" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "3rd" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "4th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "5th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "6th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "7th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "8th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "9th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "10th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "11th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "12th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "13th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "14th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "15th" ) ); chordfret->insertItem( tr( "16th" ) ); chordfret->setGeometry( QRect( 90, 0, 55, 21 ) ); //cxm less 5 width chordnote = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab, "chordnote" ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "C" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "C#" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "D" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "Eb" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "E" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "F" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "F#" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "G" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "G#" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "A" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "Bb" ) ); chordnote->insertItem( tr( "B" ) ); chordnote->setGeometry( QRect( 0, 0, 40, 21 ) ); chordnote->setCurrentItem( 9 ); QWidget* privateLayoutWidget = new QWidget( tab, "Layout1" ); privateLayoutWidget->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 232, 160, 20 ) ); Layout1 = new QHBoxLayout( privateLayoutWidget ); Layout1->setSpacing( 6 ); Layout1->setMargin( 0 ); s1_1 = new QLabel( privateLayoutWidget, "s1_1" ); s1_1->setText( tr( "E" ) ); s1_1->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); Layout1->addWidget( s1_1 ); s1_2 = new QLabel( privateLayoutWidget, "s1_2" ); s1_2->setText( tr( "A" ) ); s1_2->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); Layout1->addWidget( s1_2 ); s1_3 = new QLabel( privateLayoutWidget, "s1_3" ); s1_3->setText( tr( "E" ) ); s1_3->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); Layout1->addWidget( s1_3 ); s1_4 = new QLabel( privateLayoutWidget, "s1_4" ); s1_4->setText( tr( "A" ) ); s1_4->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); Layout1->addWidget( s1_4 ); s1_5 = new QLabel( privateLayoutWidget, "s1_5" ); s1_5->setText( tr( "C#" ) ); s1_5->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); Layout1->addWidget( s1_5 ); s1_6 = new QLabel( privateLayoutWidget, "s1_6" ); s1_6->setText( tr( "E" ) ); s1_6->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); Layout1->addWidget( s1_6 ); // sound_label = new QLabel( tab, "sound_label" ); // sound_label->setGeometry( QRect( 185, 160, 32, 17 ) ); // sound_label->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, sound_label->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); // sound_label->setPixmap( image0 ); // sound_label->pixmap()->setMask(*image0.mask()); // sound_label->setScaledContents( TRUE ); // sound_label->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteButton ); // sound_label->setBackgroundColor(this->backgroundColor()); // sound_label->setPalette( QPalette( QColor( 232, 227, 215) ) ); Frame6 = new QFrame( tab, "Frame6" ); Frame6->setGeometry( QRect( 170, 145, 66, 10 ) ); Frame6->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine ); Frame6->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); chordshow_label = new QLabel( tab, "chordshow_label" ); chordshow_label->setGeometry( QRect( 185, 60, 32, 17 ) ); // chordshow_label->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, (QSizePolicy::SizeType)0, chordshow_label->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); chordshow_label->setFrameShape( QLabel::NoFrame ); chordshow_label->setPixmap( image1 ); chordshow_label->setScaledContents( TRUE ); // chordshow_label->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteButton ); transport_rec = new QPushButton( tab, "transport_rec" ); transport_rec->setGeometry( QRect( 170, 80, 30, 30 ) ); transport_rec->setText( tr( "" ) ); transport_rec->setPixmap( image2 ); play_sound = new QPushButton( tab, "play_sound" ); play_sound->setGeometry( QRect( 170, 180, 60, 55 ) ); play_sound->setText( tr( "" ) ); play_sound->setPixmap( image3 ); Frame6_2 = new QFrame( tab, "Frame6_2" ); Frame6_2->setGeometry( QRect( 170, 45, 66, 10 ) ); Frame6_2->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine ); Frame6_2->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); transport_play = new QPushButton( tab, "transport_play" ); transport_play->setEnabled( FALSE ); transport_play->setGeometry( QRect( 200, 80, 30, 30 ) ); transport_play->setText( tr( "" ) ); transport_play->setPixmap( image3 ); transport_rew = new QPushButton( tab, "transport_rew" ); transport_rew->setEnabled( FALSE ); transport_rew->setGeometry( QRect( 170, 110, 30, 30 ) ); transport_rew->setText( tr( "" ) ); transport_rew->setPixmap( image4 ); transport_fwd = new QPushButton( tab, "transport_fwd" ); transport_fwd->setEnabled( FALSE ); transport_fwd->setGeometry( QRect( 200, 110, 30, 30 ) ); transport_fwd->setText( tr( "" ) ); transport_fwd->setPixmap( image5 ); chordname = new QLabel( tab, "chordname" ); chordname->setGeometry( QRect( 146, 0, 90, 20 ) ); //cxm moved l 5 chordname->setText( tr( "A" ) ); chordname->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); QToolTip::add( chordname, tr( "" ) ); synth = new gs(); tuner = new gt(); frets = new FretBoard( tab, "frets" ); frets->setGeometry( QRect( 0, 20, 168, 210 ) ); tabs->insertTab( tab, tr( "Guitar" ) ); tab_2 = new QWidget( tabs, "tab_2" ); optlab2 = new QLabel( tab_2, "optlab2" ); optlab2->setGeometry( QRect( 9, 58, 120, 41 ) ); optlab2->setText( tr( "Alternative tunings are possible" ) ); optlab2->setAlignment( int( QLabel::WordBreak | QLabel::AlignVCenter | QLabel::AlignLeft ) ); span = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab_2, "span" ); span->insertItem( tr( "2" ) ); span->insertItem( tr( "3" ) ); span->insertItem( tr( "4" ) ); span->insertItem( tr( "5" ) ); span->insertItem( tr( "6" ) ); span->setGeometry( QRect( 180, 20, 50, 21 ) ); span->setCurrentItem( 1 ); TextLabel1 = new QLabel( tab_2, "TextLabel1" ); TextLabel1->setGeometry( QRect( 3, 109, 226, 140 ) ); TextLabel1->setText( tr( QString::fromUtf8( "©2002 Camilo Mesias\n" "camilo@mesias.co.uk\n" "Version 0.0.7 beta" ) ) ); TextLabel1->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignBottom | QLabel::AlignLeft ) ); tuning = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab_2, "tuning" ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "EADGBE" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "EBEG#BE" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "EAEAC#E" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "EADF#BE" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "EADGCF" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "DADGAD" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "DGCGCD" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "DADF#AD" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "DADGBE" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "DGDGBD" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "DADACD" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "CGCGAE" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "FADGBE" ) ); tuning->insertItem( tr( "G minor" ) ); tuning->setGeometry( QRect( 140, 70, 91, 21 ) ); optlab1 = new QLabel( tab_2, "optlab1" ); optlab1->setGeometry( QRect( 8, 8, 160, 40 ) ); optlab1->setText( tr( "Span: the greatest number of frets over which you want chords to be generated" ) ); optlab1->setAlignment( int( QLabel::WordBreak | QLabel::AlignVCenter | QLabel::AlignLeft ) ); tabs->insertTab( tab_2, tr( "Options" ) ); Tuner = new QWidget( tabs, "Tuner" ); Frame4 = new QFrame( Tuner, "Frame4" ); Frame4->setGeometry( QRect( 0, 0, 230, 126 ) ); Frame4->setFrameShape( QFrame::Box ); Frame4->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); vu = new VUMeter( Frame4, "vu" ); vu->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 5, 220, 115 ) ); tuner_note = new QComboBox( FALSE, Tuner, "tuner_note" ); tuner_note->insertItem( tr( "auto" ) ); tuner_note->insertItem( tr( "E" ) ); tuner_note->insertItem( tr( "D" ) ); tuner_note->insertItem( tr( "G" ) ); tuner_note->insertItem( tr( "A" ) ); tuner_note->insertItem( tr( "B" ) ); tuner_note->insertItem( tr( "C" ) ); tuner_note->insertItem( tr( "F" ) ); tuner_note->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 160, 90, 20 ) ); Frame8 = new QFrame( Tuner, "Frame8" ); Frame8->setGeometry( QRect( -2, 188, 231, 10 ) ); Frame8->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine ); Frame8->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); tuner_start = new QPushButton( Tuner, "tuner_start" ); tuner_start->setGeometry( QRect( 100, 155, 91, 30 ) ); tuner_start->setText( tr( "Start" ) ); tuner_lab1 = new QLabel( Tuner, "tuner_lab1" ); tuner_lab1->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 130, 100, 21 ) ); tuner_lab1->setText( tr( "Tuner operation" ) ); tuner_lab2 = new QLabel( Tuner, "tuner_lab2" ); tuner_lab2->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 200, 100, 16 ) ); tuner_lab2->setText( tr( "Pitch calibration" ) ); tuner_calib_note = new QComboBox( FALSE, Tuner, "tuner_calib_note" ); tuner_calib_note->insertItem( tr( "A" ) ); tuner_calib_note->insertItem( tr( "C" ) ); tuner_calib_note->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 225, 90, 21 ) ); tuner_calib_freq = new QSpinBox( Tuner, "tuner_calib_freq" ); tuner_calib_freq->setGeometry( QRect( 105, 225, 71, 21 ) ); tuner_calib_freq->setSuffix( tr( "Hz" ) ); tuner_calib_freq->setWrapping( TRUE ); tuner_calib_freq->setMaxValue( 500 ); tuner_calib_freq->setMinValue( 300 ); tuner_calib_freq->setValue( 440 ); tuner_lab3 = new QLabel( Tuner, "tuner_lab3" ); tuner_lab3->setGeometry( QRect( 185, 225, 40, 21 ) ); tuner_lab3->setText( tr( "Pitch" ) ); tuner_pic1 = new QLabel( Tuner, "tuner_pic1" ); tuner_pic1->setGeometry( QRect( 195, 155, 31, 31 ) ); tuner_pic1->setFrameShape( QLabel::NoFrame ); tuner_pic1->setPixmap( image6 ); tuner_pic1->setScaledContents( TRUE ); tabs->insertTab( Tuner, tr( "Tuner" ) ); tab_3 = new QWidget( tabs, "tab_3" ); chordlistlab1 = new QLabel( tab_3, "chordlistlab1" ); chordlistlab1->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 5, 216, 16 ) ); chordlistlab1->setText( tr( "Chord list" ) ); chordlist = new QListBox( tab_3, "chordlist" ); chordlist->setGeometry( QRect( 5, 25, 220, 200 ) ); list_remove_btn = new QPushButton( tab_3, "list_remove_btn" ); list_remove_btn->setGeometry( QRect( 150, 230, 71, 25 ) ); list_remove_btn->setText( tr( "Remove" ) ); tabs->insertTab( tab_3, tr( "Chords" ) ); // hope this does what it's supposed to!! // setPalette( QPalette( QColor( 232, 227, 215) ) ); // signals and slots connections //cxm connect( tuning, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), frets, SLOT( Tune(int) ) ); connect( span, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), frets, SLOT( Span(int) ) ); connect( transport_rec, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( transport_rec_cb() )); connect( play_sound, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( play_chord_cb() )); connect( tuner_start, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( tuner_start_cb() )); connect( tuner_note, SIGNAL( textChanged(const QString&) ), vu, SLOT( AnnotL(const QString&) )); connect( this, SIGNAL( frequency_change(int) ), vu, SLOT( Value(int) )); connect( chordnote, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), frets, SLOT( Base(int) ) ); connect( chordkey, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), frets, SLOT( Chord(int) ) ); connect( chordfret, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), frets, SLOT( Fret(int) ) ); connect( list_remove_btn, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( list_remove_cb() ) ); connect( frets, SIGNAL( s1nameChanged(const QString&) ), s1_1, SLOT( setText(const QString&) ) ); connect( frets, SIGNAL( s2nameChanged(const QString&) ), s1_2, SLOT( setText(const QString&) ) ); connect( frets, SIGNAL( s3nameChanged(const QString&) ), s1_3, SLOT( setText(const QString&) ) ); connect( frets, SIGNAL( s4nameChanged(const QString&) ), s1_4, SLOT( setText(const QString&) ) ); connect( frets, SIGNAL( s5nameChanged(const QString&) ), s1_5, SLOT( setText(const QString&) ) ); connect( frets, SIGNAL( s6nameChanged(const QString&) ), s1_6, SLOT( setText(const QString&) ) ); connect( frets, SIGNAL( nameChanged(const QString&) ), chordname, SLOT( setText(const QString&) ) ); } static int known=0; #include <qmessagebox.h> void PowerchordBase::transport_rec_cb(){ chordlist->insertItem(chordname->text(),-1); if (!known){ QMessageBox::information(this, "Powerchord", "This chord has been saved\ninto the list of chords,\nfor later playback."); known = 1; } } void PowerchordBase::list_remove_cb(){ if (chordlist->count() > 0){ chordlist->removeItem(0); } } void PowerchordBase::play_chord_cb(){ // QMessageBox::information(this, "Coming soon!", "This button plays\nthe chord by synthesizing\nthe sound of the notes."); if (audio_timer){ audio_timer->stop(); // set pixmap? synth->Stop(); delete(audio_timer); audio_timer = 0; }else{ // get notes from chord engine int note; int base; int octave; note = frets->ce.noteindex(0); if (note >= 0){ // fprintf(stderr, "Note was %d\n", note); base = note % 12; octave = note / 12; synth->note_start(0, base, octave); }else{ // subtle bug here - replay second note if 1st one muted note = frets->ce.noteindex(1); base = note % 12; octave = note / 12; synth->note_start(1, base, octave); } // init synth if (synth->Play()){ // error QMessageBox::information(this, "Powerchord", "Unable to open device for sound playback - check that no other application is using it."); return; } synth->fill_buffer(); // start timer audio_timer = new QTimer(); connect(audio_timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( audio_cb() )); // set pixmap on player? audio_timer->start(19); // 19 msec (fudge factor!!) } } void PowerchordBase::audio_cb(){ // play the next bit of audio until quiet // strum timing #define INTERVAL 2 if ((synth->Frames() % INTERVAL) == 0){ int string = synth->Frames() / INTERVAL; if (string <= 5){ int note; int base; int octave; note = frets->ce.noteindex(string); // check not muted... if (note > 0){ base = note % 12; octave = note / 12; synth->note_start(string, base, octave); } } } if (synth->Playing()){ synth->write_buffer(); synth->fill_buffer(); }else{ audio_timer->stop(); // set pixmap? synth->Stop(); delete(audio_timer); audio_timer = 0; } } // the real tuner // void PowerchordBase::tuner_start_cb(){ // if (tuner->Listening()){ // simulation_timer->stop(); // tuner->Stop(); // tuner_pic1->setPixmap( *image6 ); // }else{ // tuner_pic1->setPixmap( *image_open ); // if (!simulation_timer){ // simulation_timer = new QTimer(); // connect(simulation_timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( tuner_cb() )); // } // simulation_timer->start(50); // tuner->Listen(); // } // } void PowerchordBase::tuner_cb(){ if (tuner->Listening()){ tuner->read_buffer(); tuner->process_buffer(); // update gui // do something with the note: tuner->Note() emit frequency_change(tuner->Tuning()); }else{ simulation_timer->stop(); tuner->Stop(); tuner_pic1->setPixmap( image6 ); } } void PowerchordBase::tuner_start_cb(){ if (0 == QMessageBox::information(this, "Powerchord", "Using the microphone,\nthe note's frequency\nis analysed. This\nis a simulation.", "OK", "Cancel", 0, 1)){ if (simulation_timer){ simulation_timer->stop(); }else{ simulation_timer = new QTimer(); connect(simulation_timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( tuner_simulation_cb() )); } simulation_x = -45; simulation_v = 0; simulation_iter = 0; tuner_pic1->setPixmap( image_open ); simulation_timer->start(100); } } #include <stdio.h> void PowerchordBase::tuner_simulation_cb(){ if (simulation_x < -10 || simulation_x > 10){ simulation_v = (simulation_v/2)-(simulation_x/5); } simulation_x += simulation_v; simulation_iter++; if (simulation_x > 50){ simulation_x = 50; } if (simulation_x < -50){ simulation_x = -50; } if (simulation_iter > 50){ simulation_timer->stop(); emit frequency_change(0); tuner_pic1->setPixmap( image6 ); }else{ emit frequency_change(simulation_x); } } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ PowerchordBase::~PowerchordBase() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } void PowerchordBase::change_handler() { qWarning( "PowerchordBase::change_handler(): Not implemented yet!" ); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/showimg/ImageFileSelector.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/showimg/ImageFileSelector.cpp index d2b65a9..79ee925 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/showimg/ImageFileSelector.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/showimg/ImageFileSelector.cpp @@ -1,271 +1,260 @@ -#include "qpe/global.h" -#include "qpe/applnk.h" -#include "qpe/lnkproperties.h" -#include "qpe/applnk.h" #include "qpe/qpeapplication.h" #include <stdlib.h> -#include <qdir.h> -#include <qwidget.h> -#include <qheader.h> -#include <qimage.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> -#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qscrollview.h> #include "ImageFileSelector.h" ThumbWidget::ThumbWidget(QPixmap p,QString text,const DocLnk& f,QWidget *parent,int w) : QWidget( parent ),fl(f) { setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); if ( w!=-1 ) setMinimumSize(w,p.height()+24); else setMinimumSize(p.width(),p.height()+24); description=new QLabel(text,this); description->setBackgroundColor(colorGroup().base()); description->setAlignment(AlignCenter); description->setGeometry(0,height()-24,width(),24); pixmap=p; } void ThumbWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { description->setGeometry(0,height()-24,width(),24); } void ThumbWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e ) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setClipRect(e->rect()); painter.fillRect(0,0,width(),height(),QColor(255,255,255)); painter.drawPixmap((width() - pixmap.width()) / 2,0, pixmap); } void ThumbWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* ) { emit clicked(fl); } ImageFileSelectorItem::ImageFileSelectorItem( QListView *parent, const DocLnk &f) : QListViewItem( parent ), fl( f ) { setText( 0, f.name() ); QFileInfo fi(f.file()); setText( 1, (fi.extension()).upper() ); setPixmap( 0, f.pixmap() ); } ImageFileSelectorItem::~ImageFileSelectorItem() { } ImageFileSelector::ImageFileSelector( CURRENT_VIEW scv,QWidget *parent,const char * ) : QWidgetStack(parent) { detailed=new QListView(this); detailed->addColumn (tr("Title")); detailed->addColumn (tr("Type")); detailed->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true ); tList.setAutoDelete(true); thumb =new QScrollView(this); thumb->setVScrollBarMode (QScrollView::Auto ); thumb->viewport()->setBackgroundColor(colorGroup().base()); background=new QWidget(0); background->setBackgroundColor(colorGroup().base()); thumb->addChild(background); gl = new QGridLayout(background,1,2,4,4); connect( detailed, SIGNAL( mouseButtonClicked(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ), this, SLOT( fileClicked(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ) ); connect( detailed, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ), this, SLOT( filePressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ) ); connect( detailed, SIGNAL( returnPressed(QListViewItem*) ), this, SLOT( fileClicked(QListViewItem*) ) ); cView=UNKNOWN; setView(scv); reread(); } ImageFileSelector::~ImageFileSelector() { } void ImageFileSelector::switchView() { CURRENT_VIEW v=cView; if ( v==DETAILED ) v=THUMBNAIL; else v=DETAILED; setView(v); } void ImageFileSelector::setView(CURRENT_VIEW v) { if ( v==cView ) return; cView=v; if ( cView!=DETAILED ) { raiseWidget(thumb); updateSizes(); } else { raiseWidget(detailed); updateSizes(); } } void ImageFileSelector::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { updateSizes(); } void ImageFileSelector::updateSizes() { int ww=(detailed->width()-detailed->frameWidth()*2); double w=(double)ww*0.70; detailed->setColumnWidth(0,(int)w); detailed->setColumnWidth(1,ww-(int)w); background->setMinimumWidth(thumb->visibleWidth()); thumb->updateScrollBars(); } void ImageFileSelector::reread(bool) { // qDebug("reread"); ImageFileSelectorItem *item = (ImageFileSelectorItem *)detailed->selectedItem(); QString oldFile; if ( item ) oldFile = item->file().file(); detailed->clear(); tList.clear(); DocLnkSet files; Global::findDocuments(&files, "image/*"); count = files.children().count(); QListIterator<DocLnk> dit( files.children() ); // int y=0; // int x=4; // int totalHeight=4; ThumbWidget *l=0; int width=80; gl->expand(dit.count()/2,2); int i,j; i=j=0; detailed->setUpdatesEnabled(false); thumb->setUpdatesEnabled(false); for ( ; dit.current(); ++dit ) { item = new ImageFileSelectorItem( detailed, **dit ); if ( item->file().file() == oldFile ) detailed->setCurrentItem( item ); } QListViewItemIterator it( detailed ); ImageFileSelectorItem *ii; // iterate through all items of the listview for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { ii=(ImageFileSelectorItem *)it.current(); QImage img( ii->file().file() ); if( !img.isNull()) { img=img.smoothScale(64,64); QPixmap pix; pix.convertFromImage(img); l=new ThumbWidget(pix,ii->file().name(),ii->file(),background,width); l->setBackgroundColor(colorGroup().base()); gl->addWidget(l,j,i); i++; if ( i==2 ) { i=0; j++; } tList.append(l); connect(l,SIGNAL(clicked(const DocLnk&)),this,SLOT(thumbClicked(const DocLnk&))); } } if ( !detailed->selectedItem() ) detailed->setCurrentItem( detailed->firstChild() ); detailed->setUpdatesEnabled(true); thumb->setUpdatesEnabled(true); detailed->update(); thumb->update(); } int ImageFileSelector::fileCount() { return count; } const DocLnk * ImageFileSelector::selected() { qDebug("image selected"); ImageFileSelectorItem *item = (ImageFileSelectorItem *) detailed->selectedItem(); if ( item ) return new DocLnk( item->file() ); return 0; } void ImageFileSelector::fileClicked( int button, QListViewItem *i, const QPoint &, int ) { if ( !i ) return; if ( button == Qt::LeftButton ) { fileClicked( i ); } } // pressed to get 'right down' void ImageFileSelector::filePressed( int, QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ) { } void ImageFileSelector::fileClicked( QListViewItem *i) { if ( !i ) return; emit fileSelected( ( (ImageFileSelectorItem*)i )->file() ); emit closeMe(); } void ImageFileSelector::thumbClicked(const DocLnk &f) { emit fileSelected( f ); emit closeMe(); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/showimg/main.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/showimg/main.cpp index efb1c68..1c864e9 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/showimg/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/showimg/main.cpp @@ -1,27 +1,26 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "showimg.h" -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<ImageViewer> )
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/showimg/settingsdialog.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/showimg/settingsdialog.cpp index 55d555a..202bd0c 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/showimg/settingsdialog.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/showimg/settingsdialog.cpp @@ -1,88 +1,86 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "settingsdialog.h" #include <qslider.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> -#include <qradiobutton.h> -#include <qbuttongroup.h> SettingsDialog::SettingsDialog( QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags f ) : SettingsDialogBase( parent, name, modal, f ) { connect( delaySlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(delayChanged(int)) ); } void SettingsDialog::setDelay( int d ) { delaySlider->setValue( d ); delayChanged( d ); } int SettingsDialog::delay() const { return delaySlider->value(); } void SettingsDialog::setRepeat( bool r ) { repeatCheck->setChecked( r ); } bool SettingsDialog::repeat() const { return repeatCheck->isChecked(); } void SettingsDialog::delayChanged( int d ) { delayText->setText( QString::number( d ) + " s" ); } void SettingsDialog::setReverse(bool r) { reverseCheck->setChecked(r); } bool SettingsDialog::reverse() const { return reverseCheck->isChecked(); } void SettingsDialog::setRotate(bool r) { rotateCheck->setChecked(r); } bool SettingsDialog::rotate() const { return rotateCheck->isChecked(); } void SettingsDialog::setFastLoad(bool f) { fastLoadCheck->setChecked(f); } bool SettingsDialog::fastLoad() const { return fastLoadCheck->isChecked(); } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/showimg/settingsdialogbase.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/showimg/settingsdialogbase.cpp index e0c5bb0..7a64e89 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/showimg/settingsdialogbase.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/showimg/settingsdialogbase.cpp @@ -1,106 +1,102 @@ /**************************************************************************** ** Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'settingsdialogbase.ui' ** ** Created: Sun Nov 3 07:29:03 2002 ** by: The User Interface Compiler (uic) ** ** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost! ****************************************************************************/ #include "settingsdialogbase.h" #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> -#include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qslider.h> #include <qlayout.h> -#include <qvariant.h> -#include <qtooltip.h> -#include <qwhatsthis.h> /* * Constructs a SettingsDialogBase which is a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f' * * The dialog will by default be modeless, unless you set 'modal' to * TRUE to construct a modal dialog. */ SettingsDialogBase::SettingsDialogBase( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl ) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ) { if ( !name ) setName( "SettingsDialogBase" ); resize( 246, 201 ); setCaption( tr( "Preferences" ) ); SettingsDialogBaseLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); SettingsDialogBaseLayout->setSpacing( 6 ); SettingsDialogBaseLayout->setMargin( 6 ); GroupBox1 = new QGroupBox( this, "GroupBox1" ); GroupBox1->setTitle( tr( "Slide Show" ) ); GroupBox1->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); GroupBox1->layout()->setSpacing( 0 ); GroupBox1->layout()->setMargin( 0 ); GroupBox1Layout = new QVBoxLayout( GroupBox1->layout() ); GroupBox1Layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); GroupBox1Layout->setSpacing( 6 ); GroupBox1Layout->setMargin( 11 ); Layout3 = new QGridLayout; Layout3->setSpacing( 6 ); Layout3->setMargin( 0 ); TextLabel1 = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "TextLabel1" ); TextLabel1->setText( tr( "Delay between pictures" ) ); Layout3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); delaySlider = new QSlider( GroupBox1, "delaySlider" ); delaySlider->setMinValue( 2 ); delaySlider->setMaxValue( 60 ); delaySlider->setLineStep( 2 ); delaySlider->setOrientation( QSlider::Horizontal ); delaySlider->setTickmarks( QSlider::Right ); delaySlider->setTickInterval( 10); Layout3->addWidget( delaySlider, 1, 0 ); delayText = new QLabel( GroupBox1, "delayText" ); delayText->setMinimumSize( QSize( 25, 0 ) ); delayText->setText( tr( "s" ) ); delayText->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignVCenter | QLabel::AlignRight ) ); Layout3->addWidget( delayText, 1, 1 ); GroupBox1Layout->addLayout( Layout3 ); repeatCheck = new QCheckBox( GroupBox1, "repeatCheck" ); repeatCheck->setText( tr( "Repeat slideshow" ) ); GroupBox1Layout->addWidget( repeatCheck ); reverseCheck = new QCheckBox( GroupBox1, "reverseCheck" ); reverseCheck->setText( tr( "Show pictures in reverse" ) ); GroupBox1Layout->addWidget( reverseCheck ); SettingsDialogBaseLayout->addWidget( GroupBox1 ); rotateCheck = new QCheckBox( this, "rotateCheck" ); rotateCheck->setText( tr( "Load pictures rotated 90 degrees" ) ); SettingsDialogBaseLayout->addWidget( rotateCheck ); fastLoadCheck = new QCheckBox( this, "fastLoadCheck" ); fastLoadCheck->setText( tr( "Fast load pictures" ) ); SettingsDialogBaseLayout->addWidget( fastLoadCheck ); fastLoadCheck->hide(); //FIXME // QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); // layout->addItem( spacer, 10, 0 ); } /* * Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources */ SettingsDialogBase::~SettingsDialogBase() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/showimg/showimg.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/showimg/showimg.cpp index 02a1d91..82eac33 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/showimg/showimg.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/showimg/showimg.cpp @@ -1,1076 +1,1063 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ // // Full-screen and rotation options contributed by Robert Wittams <robert@wittams.com> // #include "showimg.h" #include "ImageFileSelector.h" #include "settingsdialog.h" #include <opie/ofiledialog.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qpe/fileselector.h> -#include <qpe/applnk.h> -#include <qfileinfo.h> #include <math.h> #include <qmenubar.h> -#include <qwidgetstack.h> #include <qpe/qpetoolbar.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qfiledialog.h> -#include <qmessagebox.h> -#include <qpopupmenu.h> -#include <qscrollview.h> -#include <qlabel.h> -#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qkeycode.h> -#include <qapplication.h> -#include <qclipboard.h> -#include <qtimer.h> #include <qspinbox.h> ControlsDialog::ControlsDialog(const QString &caption,QImage image,int *brightness,QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent,0,true) { setCaption(caption); if ( parent ) { setPalette(parent->palette()); } b=brightness; img=image; setMinimumSize(140,80); QGridLayout *gl= new QGridLayout(this,2,2,4,4); pixmap =new ImageWidget(this);; QPixmap pm; pm.convertFromImage(img); pixmap->setPixmap(pm); pixmap->setMinimumSize(pm.width(),pm.height()); gl->addMultiCellWidget(pixmap,0,0,0,2,AlignCenter); QLabel *l=new QLabel(tr("Brightness")+":",this); gl->addWidget(l,1,0,AlignLeft); spb=new QSpinBox(-100,100,2,this); gl->addWidget(spb,1,1,AlignRight); spb->setValue(0); connect(spb,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this, SLOT(bValueChanged(int))); } void ControlsDialog::bValueChanged(int value) { QImage nImage=img; nImage.detach(); ImageViewer::intensity(nImage, (float)value/100); QPixmap pm; pm.convertFromImage(nImage); pixmap->setPixmap(pm); pixmap->repaint(false); } void ControlsDialog::accept() { *b=spb->value(); done(1); } //=========================================================================== InfoDialog::InfoDialog(const QString &caption, const QStringList text,QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent,0,true) { setCaption(caption); if ( parent ) { setPalette(parent->palette()); } QString labels[]={ tr("File Name"),tr("Format"),tr("File Size"),tr("Size"),tr("Colors"),tr("Alpha") }; setMinimumSize(180,80); int num=ImageViewer::LAST+1; if ( text[ImageViewer::ALPHA].isEmpty() ) num--; QGridLayout *gl= new QGridLayout(this,num,2,4,2); QLabel *l; int count=0; for ( int i=0;i<num;i++ ) { if ( i==1 ) { QFrame *frm=new QFrame(this); frm->setFrameStyle(QFrame::HLine|QFrame::Sunken); gl->addMultiCellWidget(frm,i,i,0,1); } else { l=new QLabel( tr( labels[count] )+":",this); gl->addWidget(l,i,0,AlignLeft); l=new QLabel(text[count],this); gl->addWidget(l,i,1,AlignRight); count++; } } } void InfoDialog::displayInfo(const QString &caption, const QStringList text, QWidget *parent) { InfoDialog *dlg=new InfoDialog(caption,text,parent); dlg->exec(); delete dlg; } //=========================================================================== ImagePane::ImagePane( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { vb = new QVBoxLayout( this ); image = new QScrollView(this,0,WResizeNoErase|WNorthWestGravity); pic=new ImageWidget(image); image->addChild(pic); connect(pic, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( imageClicked() )); vb->addWidget( image ); } void ImagePane::setPixmap( const QPixmap &pm ) { pic->setPixmap( pm ); pic->resize(pm.width(),pm.height()); image->updateScrollBars (); pic->repaint(false); } void ImagePane::imageClicked() { emit clicked(); } //=========================================================================== /* Draws the portion of the scaled pixmap that needs to be updated */ void ImageWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e ) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setClipRect(e->rect()); painter.fillRect(0,0,width(),height(),QColor(0,0,0)); if ( pixmap.size() != QSize( 0, 0 ) ) { // is an image loaded? painter.drawPixmap((width() - pixmap.width()) / 2, (height() - pixmap.height()) / 2, pixmap); } } void ImageWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { emit clicked(); } //=========================================================================== ImageViewer::ImageViewer( QWidget *parent, const char *name, int wFlags ) : QMainWindow( parent, name, WResizeNoErase ), filename( 0 ), bFromDocView( FALSE ) { setCaption( tr("Image Viewer") ); setIcon( Resource::loadPixmap( "ImageViewer" ) ); Config cfg("Image Viewer"); cfg.setGroup("Image Viewer"); showThumbView=cfg.readBoolEntry("ShowThumbnails",false); isSized=cfg.readBoolEntry("SizeToScreen",true); isFullScreen = FALSE; setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); toolBar = new QToolBar( this ); toolBar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); menuBar = new QMenuBar( toolBar ); current=menuBar; fileMenuFile = new QPopupMenu(this); //menuBarmenubarFile->insertItem( tr("File"), fileMenu ); fileMenuFile->insertItem(tr("Open"), this, SLOT(openFile()), 0); viewMenuFile = new QPopupMenu( this ); //menubarFile->insertItem( tr("View"), viewMenu ); viewMenuFile->insertItem( tr("Thumbnail View"), this, SLOT(switchThumbView()), 0, SHOW_THUMBNAILS ); viewMenuFile->setItemChecked ( SHOW_THUMBNAILS, showThumbView ); optionsMenuFile = new QPopupMenu( this); //menubarFile->insertItem( tr("Options"),optionsMenu ); slideAction = new QAction( tr( "Slide show" ), Resource::loadIconSet( "slideshow" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); slideAction->setToggleAction( TRUE ); connect( slideAction, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( slideShow(bool) ) ); slideAction->addTo( optionsMenuFile); // slideAction->addTo( toolBar ); // optionsMenuFile->insertItem( tr("Slideshow") ); optionsMenuFile->insertSeparator(); optionsMenuFile->insertItem( tr("Preferences.."), this, SLOT(settings()), 0); // optionsMenuFile->insertItem( tr("Help"), this, SLOT(help()), 0); QStrList fmt = QImage::outputFormats(); fileMenuView = new QPopupMenu( this ); //menubarView->insertItem( tr("File"),fileMenu ); fileMenuView->insertItem( tr("Image Info ..."),this, SLOT(displayInfoDialog()),0 ); fileMenuView->insertSeparator(); viewMenuView = new QPopupMenu(this ); viewMenuView->setCheckable ( true ); //menubarView->insertItem( tr("View"),viewMenu ); viewMenuView->insertItem(tr("Horizontal flip"), this, SLOT(hFlip()), 0); viewMenuView->insertItem(tr("Vertical flip"), this, SLOT(vFlip()), 0); stack = new QWidgetStack( this ); stack->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ) ); setCentralWidget( stack ); imagePanel = new ImagePane( stack ); connect(imagePanel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(normalView())); ImageFileSelector::CURRENT_VIEW cv; if(showThumbView) cv=ImageFileSelector::THUMBNAIL; else cv=ImageFileSelector::DETAILED; qDebug("cv = %d",cv); fileSelector = new ImageFileSelector( cv,stack, "fs"); //switchThumbView(); //fileSelector = new ImageFileSelector("image/*", stack, "fs"); //fileSelector->setNewVisible(FALSE); //fileSelector->setCloseVisible(FALSE); connect( fileSelector, SIGNAL( closeMe() ), this, SLOT( closeFileSelector() ) ); connect( fileSelector, SIGNAL( fileSelected(const DocLnk&) ), this, SLOT( openFile(const DocLnk&) ) ); imageList = fileSelector->fileList(); slideAction->setEnabled( imageList.count() != 0); iconToolBar = new QToolBar(this); QAction *a; a = new QAction( tr( "Open ..." ), Resource::loadPixmap( "fileopen" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( open() ) ); a->addTo( fileMenuView); a->addTo( iconToolBar ); a = new QAction( tr( "Rotate 90"), Resource::loadPixmap( "rotate90" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( rot90() ) ); a->addTo( iconToolBar ); a->addTo( viewMenuView ); a = new QAction( tr( "Rotate 180" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "repeat" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( rot180() ) ); a->addTo( iconToolBar ); a->addTo( viewMenuView ); a = new QAction( tr( "Rotate 270"), Resource::loadPixmap( "rotate270" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( rot270() ) ); //a->addTo( iconToolBar ); a->addTo( viewMenuView ); viewMenuView->insertSeparator(); viewMenuView->insertItem(tr("Brightness ..."), this, SLOT(displayControlsDialog()), 0); viewMenuView->insertItem(tr("Black And White"), this, SLOT(blackAndWhite()), 0,BLACKANDWHITE); viewMenuView->insertSeparator(); sss = new QAction( tr( "Scale to Screen"), Resource::loadPixmap( "scale" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0,true); connect( sss, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( switchSizeToScreen() ) ); sss->addTo( iconToolBar ); sss->addTo( viewMenuView ); sss->setOn(isSized); viewMenuView->insertSeparator(); a = new QAction( tr( "Fullscreen" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "fullscreen" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fullScreen() ) ); a->addTo( iconToolBar ); a->addTo( viewMenuView); a = new QAction( tr( "Stop Slideshow" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "quit_icon" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( stopSlideShow() ) ); a->addTo( iconToolBar ); a->addTo( viewMenuView); Config config( "ImageViewer" ); config.setGroup( "SlideShow" ); slideDelay = config.readNumEntry( "Delay", 2); slideRepeat = config.readBoolEntry( "Repeat", FALSE ); slideReverse = config.readBoolEntry("Reverse", FALSE); config.setGroup("Default"); rotateOnLoad = config.readBoolEntry("Rotate", FALSE); fastLoad = config.readBoolEntry("FastLoad", TRUE); slideTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( slideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slideUpdate()) ); switchToFileSelector(); setMouseTracking( TRUE ); } ImageViewer::~ImageViewer() { Config cfg("Image Viewer"); cfg.setGroup("Image Viewer"); cfg.writeEntry("ShowThumbnails",(int)showThumbView); cfg.writeEntry("SizeToScreen",(int)isSized); cfg.setGroup( "SlideShow" ); cfg.writeEntry( "Delay", slideDelay); cfg.writeEntry( "Repeat", slideRepeat ); cfg.writeEntry("Reverse", slideReverse); cfg.setGroup("Default"); cfg.writeEntry("Rotate", rotateOnLoad); cfg.writeEntry("FastLoad", fastLoad); delete imagePanel; // in case it is fullscreen } void ImageViewer::help() { } void ImageViewer::settings() { SettingsDialog dlg( this, 0, TRUE ); dlg.setDelay( slideDelay ); dlg.setRepeat( slideRepeat ); dlg.setReverse( slideReverse ); dlg.setRotate(rotateOnLoad); dlg.setFastLoad(fastLoad); if ( QPEApplication::execDialog(&dlg) == QDialog::Accepted ) { qDebug("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); slideDelay = dlg.delay(); slideRepeat = dlg.repeat(); slideReverse = dlg.reverse(); rotateOnLoad = dlg.rotate(); fastLoad = dlg.fastLoad(); Config config( "ImageViewer" ); config.setGroup( "SlideShow" ); config.writeEntry( "Delay", slideDelay ); config.writeEntry( "Repeat", slideRepeat ); config.writeEntry("Reverse", slideReverse); config.setGroup("Default"); config.writeEntry("Rotate", rotateOnLoad); config.writeEntry("FastLoad", fastLoad); } } void ImageViewer::switchSizeToScreen() { isSized=!isSized; sss->setOn(isSized); updateImage(); } void ImageViewer::updateImage() { if ( isSized ) { imagePanel->setPixmap(pmScaled); } else { imagePanel->setPixmap(pm); } } void ImageViewer::switchThumbView() { showThumbView=!showThumbView; viewMenuFile->setItemChecked ( SHOW_THUMBNAILS, showThumbView ); fileSelector->switchView(); } void ImageViewer::switchToFileSelector() { stack->raiseWidget(fileSelector); menuBar->clear(); menuBar->insertItem( tr("File"), fileMenuFile ); menuBar->insertItem( tr("View"), viewMenuFile ); menuBar->insertItem( tr("Options"), optionsMenuFile ); iconToolBar->hide(); imagePanel->disable(); slideShow(false); } void ImageViewer::switchToImageView() { stack->raiseWidget(imagePanel); menuBar->clear(); menuBar->insertItem( tr("File"), fileMenuView ); menuBar->insertItem( tr("View"), viewMenuView ); viewMenuView->setItemEnabled(BLACKANDWHITE,true); iconToolBar->show(); imagePanel->setPosition(0,0); } void ImageViewer::setDocument(const QString& fileref) { delayLoad = fileref; switchToImageView(); QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(doDelayedLoad()) ); } void ImageViewer::doDelayedLoad() { show(delayLoad); } void ImageViewer::show() { normalView(); QMainWindow::show(); } void ImageViewer::show(const QString& fileref) { // qDebug("Show "+fileref); bFromDocView = TRUE; closeFileSelector(); DocLnk link(fileref); if ( link.isValid() ) { openFile(link); } else { filename = fileref; updateCaption( fileref ); loadImage( fileref ); } } void ImageViewer::openFile() { MimeTypes types; QStringList image; image << "image/*"; types.insert("Images", image); QString str = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 1,QPEApplication::documentDir(),"", types, 0 ); DocLnk link(str); // if ( link.isValid() ) openFile(link); } void ImageViewer::openFile( const DocLnk &link ) { closeFileSelector(); // DocLnk link(file); qDebug("open "+link.name()); updateCaption( link.name() ); loadImage( link.file() ); if (slideTimer->isActive()) { slideTimer->start(slideDelay * 1000, FALSE); } } void ImageViewer::open() { switchToFileSelector(); } void ImageViewer::closeFileSelector() { switchToImageView(); } void ImageViewer::updateCaption( QString name ) { int sep = name.findRev( '/' ); if ( sep >= 0 ) name = name.mid( sep+1 ); setCaption( name + tr(" - Image Viewer") ); } /* This function loads an image from a file. */ void ImageViewer::loadImage( const char *fileName ) { filename = fileName; if ( filename ) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor( waitCursor ); // this might take time //imagePanel->statusLabel()->setText( tr("Loading image...") ); qApp->processEvents(); bool ok = image.load(filename, 0); if ( ok ) { ok = reconvertImage(); updateImageInfo(filename); } if ( !ok ) { pm.resize(0,0); // couldn't load image update(); } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // restore original cursor } // fastLoad ? ", Fast" : "", // fastLoad ? QMAX(imagewidth/maxsize, imageheight/maxsize) : 1); // matrix.reset(); rotated90 = FALSE; if (rotateOnLoad) { rotated90 = TRUE; rot90(); // matrix.rotate( -90.0 ); } switchToImageView(); updateImage(); } bool ImageViewer::loadSelected() { bool ok = false; if ( stack->visibleWidget() == fileSelector ) { const DocLnk *link = fileSelector->selected(); if ( link ) { if ( link->file() != filename ) { updateCaption( link->name() ); filename = link->file(); qApp->processEvents(); ok = image.load(filename, 0); if ( ok ) { updateImageInfo(filename); ok = reconvertImage(); } if ( !ok ) pm.resize(0,0); } } } if ( !image.isNull() ) { ok = true; closeFileSelector(); } return ok; } bool ImageViewer::reconvertImage() { bool success = FALSE; if ( image.isNull() ) return FALSE; QApplication::setOverrideCursor( waitCursor ); // this might take time if ( pm.convertFromImage(image /*, conversion_flags */ ) ) { pmScaled = QPixmap(); scale(); success = TRUE; // load successful } else { pm.resize(0,0); // couldn't load image } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // restore original cursor return success; // TRUE if loaded OK } int ImageViewer::calcHeight() { if ( !isFullScreen ) return imagePanel->paneHeight(); else return qApp->desktop()->height(); } /* This functions scales the pixmap in the member variable "pm" to fit the widget size and puts the resulting pixmap in the member variable "pmScaled". */ void ImageViewer::scale() { int h = calcHeight(); if ( image.isNull() ) return; QApplication::setOverrideCursor( waitCursor ); // this might take time if ( imagePanel->paneWidth() == pm.width() && h == pm.height() ) { // no need to scale if widget pmScaled = pm; // size equals pixmap size } else { double hs = (double)h / (double)image.height(); double ws = (double)imagePanel->paneWidth() / (double)image.width(); double scaleFactor = (hs > ws) ? ws : hs; int smoothW = (int)(scaleFactor * image.width()); int smoothH = (int)(scaleFactor * image.height()); pmScaled.convertFromImage( image.smoothScale( smoothW, smoothH ) /*, conversion_flags */ ); } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); // restore original cursor } /* The resize event handler, if a valid pixmap was loaded it will call scale() to fit the pixmap to the new widget size. */ void ImageViewer::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ) { if ( pm.size() == QSize( 0, 0 ) ) // we couldn't load the image return; int h = calcHeight(); if ( imagePanel->paneWidth() != pmScaled.width() || h != pmScaled.height() ) { // if new size, scale(); // scale pmScaled to window } if ( image.hasAlphaBuffer() ) erase(); } void ImageViewer::hFlip() { // matrix.scale( -1.0, 1.0 ); setImage(image.mirror(TRUE,FALSE)); } void ImageViewer::vFlip() { // matrix.scale( 1.0, -1.0 ); setImage(image.mirror(FALSE,TRUE)); } void ImageViewer::rot180() { // matrix.rotate( 180.0 ); setImage(image.mirror(TRUE,TRUE)); } void ImageViewer::rot90() { QImage oldimage; oldimage = image.convertDepth(32); // matrix.rotate( -90.0 ); setImage(rotate(oldimage,Rotate90)); } void ImageViewer::rot270() { QImage oldimage; oldimage = image.convertDepth(32); // matrix.rotate(90.0); setImage(rotate(oldimage,Rotate270)); } void ImageViewer::blackAndWhite() { viewMenuView->setItemEnabled(BLACKANDWHITE,false); setImage(toGray(image,false)); } void ImageViewer::displayControlsDialog() { int w=80; int h=w; QImage small; if ( image.width()<w ||image.height()<h ) small=image.smoothScale(w,h); else small=image.copy(0,0,w,h); int newB=0; ControlsDialog *dlg=new ControlsDialog("Image Viewer",small,&newB,this); dlg->exec(); if ( newB ) { intensity(image,(float)newB/100); setImage(image); } } void ImageViewer::displayInfoDialog() { QStringList ls; for ( int i=0;i<LAST;i++ ) ls.append(imageInfo[i]); InfoDialog::displayInfo("Image Viewer",ls,this); } void ImageViewer::normalView() { if ( !imagePanel->parentWidget() ) { isFullScreen = FALSE; stack->addWidget( imagePanel, 1 ); switchToImageView(); if ( isSized ) scale(); updateImage(); } } void ImageViewer::stopSlideShow() { if (slideTimer->isActive()) slideTimer->stop(); } void ImageViewer::fullScreen() { // Full-screen option // contributed by Robert Wittams <robert@wittams.com> if ( imagePanel->parentWidget() && loadSelected() ) { isFullScreen = TRUE; imagePanel->reparent(0,QPoint(0,0)); imagePanel->resize(qApp->desktop()->width(), qApp->desktop()->height()); if ( isSized ) scale(); updateImage(); imagePanel->showFullScreen(); } } void ImageViewer::setImage(const QImage& newimage) { image = newimage; reconvertImage(); updateImage(); } void ImageViewer::updateImageInfo(QString &filePath) { for ( int i=0;i<LAST;i++ ) { imageInfo[i]=""; } imageInfo[FORMAT]=QImage::imageFormat (filePath ); QFileInfo fi(filePath); imageInfo[PATH]=fi.fileName(); imageInfo[FILE_SIZE]=QString::number(fi.size())+" (bytes)"; QString message("%1x%2"); imageInfo[SIZE]=QString("%1x%2"); imageInfo[SIZE]=imageInfo[SIZE].arg(image.width()).arg(image.height()); if ( image.numColors() > 0 ) { imageInfo[COLORS]=tr("%1 colors").arg(image.numColors()); } else if ( image.depth() >= 16 ) { imageInfo[COLORS]=tr(" True color"); } if ( image.hasAlphaBuffer() ) { if ( image.depth() == 8 ) { int i; bool alpha[256]; int nalpha=0; for ( i=0; i<256; i++ ) alpha[i] = FALSE; for ( i=0; i<image.numColors(); i++ ) { int alevel = image.color(i) >> 24; if ( !alpha[alevel] ) { alpha[alevel] = TRUE; nalpha++; } } imageInfo[ALPHA]=tr("%1 alpha levels").arg(nalpha); } else { imageInfo[ALPHA]=tr("8-bit alpha channel"); } } } void ImageViewer::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e ) { if ( stack->visibleWidget() == imagePanel && !bFromDocView ) { e->ignore(); open(); } else { bFromDocView = FALSE; e->accept(); } } // Intensity,toGray and rotate code courtesy of KDE project. QImage& ImageViewer::intensity(QImage &image, float percent) { int segColors = image.depth() > 8 ? 256 : image.numColors(); unsigned char *segTbl = new unsigned char[segColors]; int pixels = image.depth() > 8 ? image.width()*image.height() : image.numColors(); unsigned int *data = image.depth() > 8 ? (unsigned int *)image.bits() : (unsigned int *)image.colorTable(); bool brighten = (percent >= 0); if ( percent < 0 ) percent = -percent; if ( brighten ) { // keep overflow check out of loops for ( int i=0; i < segColors; ++i ) { int tmp = (int)(i*percent); if ( tmp > 255 ) tmp = 255; segTbl[i] = tmp; } } else { for ( int i=0; i < segColors; ++i ) { int tmp = (int)(i*percent); if ( tmp < 0 ) tmp = 0; segTbl[i] = tmp; } } if ( brighten ) { // same here for ( int i=0; i < pixels; ++i ) { int r = qRed(data[i]); int g = qGreen(data[i]); int b = qBlue(data[i]); int a = qAlpha(data[i]); r = r + segTbl[r] > 255 ? 255 : r + segTbl[r]; g = g + segTbl[g] > 255 ? 255 : g + segTbl[g]; b = b + segTbl[b] > 255 ? 255 : b + segTbl[b]; data[i] = qRgba(r, g, b,a); } } else { for ( int i=0; i < pixels; ++i ) { int r = qRed(data[i]); int g = qGreen(data[i]); int b = qBlue(data[i]); int a = qAlpha(data[i]); r = r - segTbl[r] < 0 ? 0 : r - segTbl[r]; g = g - segTbl[g] < 0 ? 0 : g - segTbl[g]; b = b - segTbl[b] < 0 ? 0 : b - segTbl[b]; data[i] = qRgba(r, g, b, a); } } delete [] segTbl; return image; } QImage& ImageViewer::toGray(QImage &img, bool fast) { if ( img.width() == 0 || img.height() == 0 ) return img; if ( fast ) { if ( img.depth() == 32 ) { register uchar * r(img.bits()); register uchar * g(img.bits() + 1); register uchar * b(img.bits() + 2); uchar * end(img.bits() + img.numBytes()); while ( r != end ) { *r = *g = *b = (((*r + *g) >> 1) + *b) >> 1; // (r + b + g) / 3 r += 4; g += 4; b += 4; } } else { for ( int i = 0; i < img.numColors(); i++ ) { register uint r = qRed(img.color(i)); register uint g = qGreen(img.color(i)); register uint b = qBlue(img.color(i)); register uint gray = (((r + g) >> 1) + b) >> 1; img.setColor(i, qRgba(gray, gray, gray, qAlpha(img.color(i)))); } } } else { int pixels = img.depth() > 8 ? img.width()*img.height() : img.numColors(); unsigned int *data = img.depth() > 8 ? (unsigned int *)img.bits() : (unsigned int *)img.colorTable(); int val, i; for ( i=0; i < pixels; ++i ) { val = qGray(data[i]); data[i] = qRgba(val, val, val, qAlpha(data[i])); } } return img; } QImage ImageViewer::rotate(QImage &img, RotateDirection r) { QImage dest; int x, y; if ( img.depth() > 8 ) { unsigned int *srcData, *destData; switch ( r ) { case Rotate90: dest.create(img.height(), img.width(), img.depth()); for ( y=0; y < img.height(); ++y ) { srcData = (unsigned int *)img.scanLine(y); for ( x=0; x < img.width(); ++x ) { destData = (unsigned int *)dest.scanLine(x); destData[img.height()-y-1] = srcData[x]; } } break; case Rotate180: dest.create(img.width(), img.height(), img.depth()); for ( y=0; y < img.height(); ++y ) { srcData = (unsigned int *)img.scanLine(y); destData = (unsigned int *)dest.scanLine(img.height()-y-1); for ( x=0; x < img.width(); ++x ) destData[img.width()-x-1] = srcData[x]; } break; case Rotate270: dest.create(img.height(), img.width(), img.depth()); for ( y=0; y < img.height(); ++y ) diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/editinst.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/editinst.cpp index 5616569..ccb4560 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/editinst.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/editinst.cpp @@ -1,111 +1,110 @@ #include "editinst.h" -#include <qlabel.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> Menu::InstEditDialog::InstEditDialog(TonleiterData* data,QWidget* parent,const char* name) :QDialog(parent,name,true,0),data(data) { setCaption("Tonleiter::"+tr("Instrument")); QBoxLayout* masterlayout=new QBoxLayout(this,QBoxLayout::TopToBottom); instid=data->getCurrentInstrumentID(); stringlist.setAutoDelete(true); QBoxLayout* toplayout=new QBoxLayout(masterlayout,QBoxLayout::LeftToRight); //Name combo + Add + Delete boxInst=new QComboBox(this,"boxInst"); boxInst->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); connect(boxInst,SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(setCurrentInstrumetID(int))); for(int i=0;i<data->noOfInstruments();i++) { Instrument inst=data->getInstrument(i); QString name=inst.instName(); if(name.isNull()) continue; boxInst->insertItem(name,i); } boxInst->setCurrentItem(instid); toplayout->addWidget(boxInst); QPushButton* addButton=new QPushButton(tr("Add"),this,"addButton"); connect(addButton,SIGNAL(pressed()),this,SLOT(addInstrument())); toplayout->addWidget(addButton); QPushButton* delButton=new QPushButton(tr("Delete"),this,"delButton"); connect(delButton,SIGNAL(pressed()),this,SLOT(deleteInstrument())); toplayout->addWidget(delButton); QPushButton* addhighButton=new QPushButton(tr("Add High String"),this,"addhighButton"); masterlayout->addWidget(addhighButton); scrollview=new QScrollView(this); scrollview->setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOn); scrollview->setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); stringwidget=new QVBox(scrollview->viewport()); stringwidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum,QSizePolicy::Minimum)); stringwidget->setSpacing(10); scrollview->addChild(stringwidget); scrollview->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); masterlayout->addWidget(scrollview); loadInstrument(); QPushButton* addlowButton=new QPushButton(tr("Add Low String"),this,"addlowButton"); masterlayout->addWidget(addlowButton); //make dialog fit the screen QPEApplication::showDialog( this ); } //**************************************************************************** Menu::InstEditDialog::~InstEditDialog() { } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::InstEditDialog::setCurrentInstrumetID(int id) { saveInstrument(); instid=id; data->setCurrentInstrumetID(id); loadInstrument(); } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::InstEditDialog::addInstrument() { } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::InstEditDialog::deleteInstrument() { } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::InstEditDialog::addLowString() { } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::InstEditDialog::addHighString() { } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::InstEditDialog::deleteString(int id) { } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::InstEditDialog::saveInstrument() { //auto delete is set to true so widgets _should_ be deleted stringlist.clear(); } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::InstEditDialog::loadInstrument() { stringlist.clear(); Instrument inst=data->getInstrument(instid); qDebug("load Instrument : %d strings",inst.noOfStrings()); for(uint s=0;s<inst.noOfStrings();s++) { stringlist.append(new EditStringWidget(inst.string(s),stringwidget)); } } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/editstringwidget.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/editstringwidget.cpp index d22bbc5..33dc6e1 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/editstringwidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/editstringwidget.cpp @@ -1,32 +1,31 @@ #include "editstringwidget.h" -#include <qlabel.h> #include <qlayout.h> using namespace Data; Menu::EditStringWidget::EditStringWidget(int note,QWidget* parent,const char* name,WFlags f) :QFrame(parent,name,f) { QBoxLayout* layout=new QBoxLayout(this,QBoxLayout::LeftToRight,10); boxNote=new QComboBox(this,"boxNote"); boxNote->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); //connect(boxNote,SIGNAL(activated(int)),data,SLOT(setCurrentNote(int))); layout->addWidget(boxNote,1,1); for(int a=0;a<12;a++) boxNote->insertItem(Note::notenames[a],a); boxNote->setCurrentItem(note-12*Note::getOctaveOfNote(note)); layout->addWidget(boxNote); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); setFrameShape(QFrame::Panel); setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); } //**************************************************************************** Menu::EditStringWidget::~EditStringWidget() { } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/mainwidget.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/mainwidget.cpp index b9c3d01..db16541 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/mainwidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/mainwidget.cpp @@ -1,45 +1,44 @@ #include "mainwidget.h" -#include <qwidget.h> #include <qlayout.h> MainWidget::MainWidget(QWidget* parent,const char* name,WFlags f) :QMainWindow(parent,name,f) { setCaption("Tonleiter"); data=new Data::TonleiterData(this); QWidget* mainwidget=new QWidget(this,"mainwidget"); setCentralWidget(mainwidget); QBoxLayout* mainlayout=new QBoxLayout(mainwidget,QBoxLayout::TopToBottom); menuwidget=new Menu::MenuWidget(data,mainwidget); mainlayout->addWidget(menuwidget); fretboard=new Graph::FretBoard(data,mainwidget); connect(fretboard,SIGNAL(pressed()),this,SLOT(fretboardPressed())); mainlayout->addWidget(fretboard); showmenu=true; } //**************************************************************************** MainWidget::~MainWidget() { } //**************************************************************************** void MainWidget::fretboardPressed() { if(showmenu) { menuwidget->hide(); showmenu=false; } else { menuwidget->show(); showmenu=true; } } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/menuwidget.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/menuwidget.cpp index 56a2f8a..91d052e 100644 --- a/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/menuwidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/multimedia/tonleiter/menuwidget.cpp @@ -1,107 +1,105 @@ #include "menuwidget.h" -#include <qlabel.h> -#include <qlayout.h> #include "editinst.h" #include "editscale.h" Menu::MenuWidget::MenuWidget(TonleiterData* data,QWidget* parent,const char* name,WFlags f) :QWidget(parent,name,f),data(data) { QGridLayout* layout=new QGridLayout(this,3,3,10,-1,"menulayout"); //Instrument QLabel* instLabel=new QLabel(tr("Instr."),this,"instLabel"); instLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); layout->addWidget(instLabel,0,0); boxInst=new QComboBox(this,"boxInst"); boxInst->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); connect(boxInst,SIGNAL(activated(int)),data,SLOT(setCurrentInstrumetID(int))); layout->addWidget(boxInst,0,1); editInst=new QPushButton(tr("Edit"),this,"editInst"); editInst->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); connect(editInst,SIGNAL(pressed()),this,SLOT(editInstPressed())); layout->addWidget(editInst,0,2); //Note QLabel* noteLabel=new QLabel(tr("Note"),this,"noteLabel"); noteLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); layout->addWidget(noteLabel,1,0); boxNote=new QComboBox(this,"boxNote"); boxNote->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); connect(boxNote,SIGNAL(activated(int)),data,SLOT(setCurrentNote(int))); layout->addWidget(boxNote,1,1); for(int a=0;a<12;a++) boxNote->insertItem(Note::notenames[a],a); boxNote->setCurrentItem(data->getCurrentBaseNote()); noteCheck=new QCheckBox(tr("show"),this,"noteCheck"); noteCheck->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); noteCheck->setChecked(data->isDrawNames()); connect(noteCheck,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),data,SLOT(setDrawNames(bool))); layout->addWidget(noteCheck,1,2); //Scale QLabel* scaleLabel=new QLabel(tr("Scale"),this,"scaleLabel"); scaleLabel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); layout->addWidget(scaleLabel,2,0); boxScale=new QComboBox(this,"boxScale"); boxScale->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); connect(boxScale,SIGNAL(activated(int)),data,SLOT(setCurrentScaleID(int))); layout->addWidget(boxScale,2,1); editScale=new QPushButton(tr("Edit"),this,"editScale"); editScale->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); connect(editScale,SIGNAL(pressed()),this,SLOT(editScalePressed())); layout->addWidget(editScale,2,2); updateBoxes(); setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding,QSizePolicy::Maximum)); } //**************************************************************************** Menu::MenuWidget::~MenuWidget() { } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::MenuWidget::editInstPressed() { InstEditDialog* instdialog=new InstEditDialog(data,this); instdialog->exec(); } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::MenuWidget::editScalePressed() { ScaleEditDialog* scaledialog=new ScaleEditDialog(data,this); scaledialog->exec(); } //**************************************************************************** void Menu::MenuWidget::updateBoxes() { boxInst->clear(); for(int i=0;i<data->noOfInstruments();i++) { Instrument inst=data->getInstrument(i); QString name=inst.instName(); if(name.isNull()) continue; boxInst->insertItem(name,i); } boxInst->setCurrentItem(data->getCurrentInstrumentID()); boxScale->clear(); for(int s=0;s<data->noOfScales();s++) { Scale scale=data->getScale(s); QString name=scale.scaleName(); if(name.isNull()) continue; boxScale->insertItem(name,s); } boxScale->setCurrentItem(data->getCurrentScaleID()); } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** |