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1 files changed, 3 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/taskeditorstatus.cpp b/core/pim/todo/taskeditorstatus.cpp
index 9a5fe7a..b11fdab 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/taskeditorstatus.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/todo/taskeditorstatus.cpp
@@ -1,174 +1,177 @@
               =. This file is part of the OPIE Project
             .=l. Copyright (c) 2002 <>
 _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can
.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU General Public
.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
 - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
    .%`+i>       _;_.
    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that
     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
..}^=.=       =       ; Library General Public License for more
++=   -.     .`     .: details.
 :     =  ...= . :.=-
 -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
  -_. . .   )=.  = General Public License along with
    --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "taskeditorstatus.h"
#include <opie/otodo.h>
#include <opie/opimmaintainer.h>
#include <opie/opimstate.h>
#include <qpe/datebookmonth.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qpe/timestring.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qcombobox.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qscrollview.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+// FIXME add the hack slots instead of setPopup!!!!
+// drw you shouldn't have removed them
TaskEditorStatus::TaskEditorStatus( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
: QWidget( parent, name, fl )
QDate curDate = QDate::currentDate();
m_start = m_comp = m_due = curDate;
QString curDateStr = TimeString::longDateString( curDate );
QVBoxLayout *vb = new QVBoxLayout( this );
QScrollView *sv = new QScrollView( this );
vb->addWidget( sv );
sv->setResizePolicy( QScrollView::AutoOneFit );
sv->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
QWidget *container = new QWidget( sv->viewport() );
sv->addChild( container );
QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( container, 7, 3, 4, 4 );
// Status
QLabel *label = new QLabel( tr( "Status:" ), container );
layout->addWidget( label, 0, 0 );
QWhatsThis::add( label, tr( "Click here to set the current status of this task." ) );
cmbStatus = new QComboBox( FALSE, container );
cmbStatus->insertItem( tr( "Started" ) );
cmbStatus->insertItem( tr( "Postponed" ) );
cmbStatus->insertItem( tr( "Finished" ) );
cmbStatus->insertItem( tr( "Not started" ) );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( cmbStatus, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
QWhatsThis::add( cmbStatus, tr( "Click here to set the current status of this task." ) );
// Progress
label = new QLabel( tr( "Progress:" ), container );
layout->addWidget( label, 1, 0 );
QWhatsThis::add( label, tr( "Select progress made on this task here." ) );
cmbProgress = new QComboBox( FALSE, container );
cmbProgress->insertItem( tr( "0 %" ) );
cmbProgress->insertItem( tr( "20 %" ) );
cmbProgress->insertItem( tr( "40 %" ) );
cmbProgress->insertItem( tr( "60 %" ) );
cmbProgress->insertItem( tr( "80 %" ) );
cmbProgress->insertItem( tr( "100 %" ) );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( cmbProgress, 1, 1, 1, 2 );
QWhatsThis::add( cmbProgress, tr( "Select progress made on this task here." ) );
// Start date
ckbStart = new QCheckBox( tr( "Start Date:" ), container );
layout->addWidget( ckbStart, 2, 0 );
QWhatsThis::add( ckbStart, tr( "Click here to set the date this task was started." ) );
connect( ckbStart, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotStartChecked() ) );
btnStart = new QPushButton( curDateStr, container );
btnStart->setEnabled( FALSE );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( btnStart, 2, 2, 1, 2 );
QWhatsThis::add( btnStart, tr( "Click here to set the date this task was started." ) );
QPopupMenu *popup = new QPopupMenu( this );
m_startBook = new DateBookMonth( popup, 0, TRUE );
popup->insertItem( m_startBook );
btnStart->setPopup( popup );
connect( m_startBook, SIGNAL( dateClicked( int, int, int ) ),
this, SLOT( slotStartChanged( int, int, int ) ) );
// Due date
ckbDue = new QCheckBox( tr( "Due Date:" ), container );
layout->addWidget( ckbDue, 3, 0 );
QWhatsThis::add( ckbDue, tr( "Click here to set the date this task needs to be completed by." ) );
connect( ckbDue, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotDueChecked() ) );
btnDue = new QPushButton( curDateStr, container );
btnDue->setEnabled( FALSE );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( btnDue, 3, 3, 1, 2 );
QWhatsThis::add( btnDue, tr( "Click here to set the date this task needs to be completed by." ) );
popup = new QPopupMenu( this );
m_dueBook = new DateBookMonth( popup, 0, TRUE );
popup->insertItem( m_dueBook );
btnDue->setPopup( popup );
connect( m_dueBook, SIGNAL( dateClicked( int, int, int ) ),
this, SLOT( slotDueChanged( int, int, int ) ) );
// Completed
ckbComp = new QCheckBox( tr( "Completed:" ), container );
layout->addWidget( ckbComp, 4, 0 );
QWhatsThis::add( ckbComp, tr( "Click here to mark this task as completed." ) );
connect( ckbComp, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotCompChecked() ) );
btnComp = new QPushButton( curDateStr, container );
btnComp->setEnabled( FALSE );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( btnComp, 4, 4, 1, 2 );
QWhatsThis::add( btnComp, tr( "Click here to set the date this task was completed." ) );
popup = new QPopupMenu( this );
m_compBook = new DateBookMonth( popup, 0, TRUE );
popup->insertItem( m_compBook );
btnComp->setPopup( popup );
connect( m_compBook, SIGNAL( dateClicked( int, int, int ) ),
this, SLOT( slotCompChanged( int, int, int ) ) );
QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem( 5, 5, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding );
layout->addItem( spacer, 5, 0 );
// Maintainer mode
label = new QLabel( tr( "Maintainer Mode:" ), container );
layout->addWidget( label, 6, 0 );
QWhatsThis::add( label, tr( "Click here to set the maintainer's role." ) );
cmbMaintMode = new QComboBox( FALSE, container );
cmbMaintMode->insertItem( tr( "Nothing" ) );
cmbMaintMode->insertItem( tr( "Responsible" ) );
cmbMaintMode->insertItem( tr( "Done By" ) );
cmbMaintMode->insertItem( tr( "Coordinating" ) );
layout->addMultiCellWidget( cmbMaintMode, 6, 6, 1, 2 );
QWhatsThis::add( cmbMaintMode, tr( "Click here to set the maintainer's role." ) );
// Maintainer
label = new QLabel( tr( "Maintainer:" ), container );
layout->addWidget( label, 7, 0 );
QWhatsThis::add( label, tr( "This is the name of the current task maintainer." ) );
txtMaintainer = new QLabel( tr( "test" ), container );
txtMaintainer->setTextFormat( QLabel::RichText );
layout->addWidget( txtMaintainer, 7, 1 );
QWhatsThis::add( txtMaintainer, tr( "This is the name of the current task maintainer." ) );
tbtMaintainer = new QToolButton( container );
tbtMaintainer->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "todo/more" ) );
layout->addWidget( tbtMaintainer, 7, 2 );
QWhatsThis::add( tbtMaintainer, tr( "Click here to select the task maintainer." ) );
void TaskEditorStatus::load( const OTodo &todo )