Side-by-side diff
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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/core/launcher/desktop.cpp b/core/launcher/desktop.cpp
index d5c16b3..85ba160 100644
--- a/core/launcher/desktop.cpp
+++ b/core/launcher/desktop.cpp
@@ -66,263 +66,263 @@ public:
int keyCode;
QString channel, message;
typedef QValueList<QCopKeyRegister> KeyRegisterList;
KeyRegisterList keyRegisterList;
static Desktop* qpedesktop = 0;
static int loggedin=0;
static void login(bool at_poweron)
if ( !loggedin ) {
QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/Desktop", "unlocked()" );
bool Desktop::screenLocked()
return loggedin == 0;
Priority is number of alerts that are needed to pop up
class DesktopPowerAlerter : public QMessageBox
DesktopPowerAlerter( QWidget *parent, const char *name = 0 )
: QMessageBox( tr("Battery Status"), "Low Battery",
QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Default,
QMessageBox::NoButton, QMessageBox::NoButton,
parent, name, FALSE )
currentPriority = INT_MAX;
alertCount = 0;
void alert( const QString &text, int priority );
void hideEvent( QHideEvent * );
int currentPriority;
int alertCount;
void DesktopPowerAlerter::alert( const QString &text, int priority )
if ( alertCount < priority )
if ( priority > currentPriority )
currentPriority = priority;
setText( text );
void DesktopPowerAlerter::hideEvent( QHideEvent *e )
QMessageBox::hideEvent( e );
alertCount = 0;
currentPriority = INT_MAX;
DesktopApplication::DesktopApplication( int& argc, char **argv, Type appType )
: QPEApplication( argc, argv, appType )
QTimer *t = new QTimer( this );
connect( t, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(psTimeout()) );
t->start( 10000 );
ps = new PowerStatus;
pa = new DesktopPowerAlerter( 0 );
channel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/Desktop", this );
connect( channel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&, const QByteArray&)),
this, SLOT(receive(const QCString&, const QByteArray&)) );
delete ps;
delete pa;
void DesktopApplication::receive( const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data )
QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly );
if (msg == "keyRegister(int key, QString channel, QString message)")
int k;
QString c, m;
stream >> k;
stream >> c;
stream >> m;
qWarning("KeyRegisterRecieved: %i, %s, %s", k, (const char*)c, (const char *)m);
else if (msg == "suspend()"){
emit power();
enum MemState { Unknown, VeryLow, Low, Normal } memstate=Unknown;
#ifdef Q_WS_QWS
bool DesktopApplication::qwsEventFilter( QWSEvent *e )
if ( e->type == QWSEvent::Key ) {
QWSKeyEvent *ke = (QWSKeyEvent *)e;
if ( !loggedin && ke->simpleData.keycode != Key_F34 )
return TRUE;
bool press = ke->simpleData.is_press;
+ bool autoRepeat = ke ->simpleData.is_auto_repeat;
if (!keyRegisterList.isEmpty())
KeyRegisterList::Iterator it;
for( it = keyRegisterList.begin(); it != keyRegisterList.end(); ++it )
- if ((*it).getKeyCode() == ke->simpleData.keycode)
+ if ((*it).getKeyCode() == ke->simpleData.keycode && !autoRepeat)
QCopEnvelope((*it).getChannel().utf8(), (*it).getMessage().utf8());
if ( !keyboardGrabbed() ) {
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_F9 ) {
if ( press ) emit datebook();
return TRUE;
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_F10 ) {
if ( !press && cardSendTimer ) {
emit contacts();
delete cardSendTimer;
} else if ( press ) {
cardSendTimer = new QTimer();
cardSendTimer->start( 2000, TRUE );
connect( cardSendTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( sendCard() ) );
return TRUE;
/* menu key now opens application menu/toolbar
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_F11 ) {
if ( press ) emit menu();
return TRUE;
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_F12 ) {
while( activePopupWidget() )
if ( press ) emit launch();
return TRUE;
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_F13 ) {
if ( press ) emit email();
return TRUE;
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_F34 ) {
if ( press ) emit power();
return TRUE;
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_SysReq ) {
if ( press ) emit power();
return TRUE;
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_F35 ) {
if ( press ) emit backlight();
return TRUE;
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_F32 ) {
if ( press ) QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/Desktop", "startSync()" );
return TRUE;
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_F31 && !ke->simpleData.modifiers ) {
if ( press ) emit symbol();
return TRUE;
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_NumLock ) {
if ( press ) emit numLockStateToggle();
if ( ke->simpleData.keycode == Key_CapsLock ) {
if ( press ) emit capsLockStateToggle();
if ( press )
} else {
if ( e->type == QWSEvent::Mouse ) {
QWSMouseEvent *me = (QWSMouseEvent *)e;
static bool up = TRUE;
if ( me->simpleData.state&LeftButton ) {
if ( up ) {
up = FALSE;
} else {
up = TRUE;
return QPEApplication::qwsEventFilter( e );
void DesktopApplication::psTimeout()
qpedesktop->checkMemory(); // in case no events are being generated
*ps = PowerStatusManager::readStatus();
if ( (ps->batteryStatus() == PowerStatus::VeryLow ) ) {
pa->alert( tr( "Battery is running very low." ), 6 );
if ( ps->batteryStatus() == PowerStatus::Critical ) {
pa->alert( tr( "Battery level is critical!\n"
"Keep power off until power restored!" ), 1 );
if ( ps->backupBatteryStatus() == PowerStatus::VeryLow ) {
pa->alert( tr( "The Back-up battery is very low.\nPlease charge the back-up battery." ), 3 );
void DesktopApplication::sendCard()
delete cardSendTimer;
cardSendTimer = 0;
QString card = getenv("HOME");
card += "/Applications/addressbook/businesscard.vcf";
if ( QFile::exists( card ) ) {
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Obex", "send(QString,QString,QString)");
QString mimetype = "text/x-vCard";
e << tr("business card") << card << mimetype;
#if defined(CUSTOM_SOUND_IMPL)