Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/core/launcher/applauncher.cpp b/core/launcher/applauncher.cpp
index f161e98..a8779a5 100644
--- a/core/launcher/applauncher.cpp
+++ b/core/launcher/applauncher.cpp
@@ -278,350 +278,350 @@ void AppLauncher::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *e )
// qDebug("Checking in on %s", appKillerName.latin1());
// We store this incase the application responds while we're
// waiting for user input so we know not to delete ourselves.
appKillerBox = new QMessageBox(tr("Application Problem"),
tr("<p>%1 is not responding.</p>").arg(appKillerName) +
tr("<p>Would you like to force the application to exit?</p>"),
QMessageBox::Warning, QMessageBox::Yes,
QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Default,
if (appKillerBox->exec() == QMessageBox::Yes) {
// qDebug("Killing the app!!! Bwuhahahaha!");
int pid = pidForName(appKillerName);
if ( pid > 0 )
kill( pid );
appKillerName = QString::null;
delete appKillerBox;
appKillerBox = 0;
QObject::timerEvent( e );
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
void AppLauncher::sigStopped(int sigPid, int sigStatus)
int exitStatus = 0;
bool crashed = WIFSIGNALED(sigStatus);
if ( !crashed ) {
if ( WIFEXITED(sigStatus) )
exitStatus = WEXITSTATUS(sigStatus);
} else {
exitStatus = WTERMSIG(sigStatus);
QMap<int,QString>::Iterator it = runningApps.find( sigPid );
if ( it == runningApps.end() ) {
if ( sigPid == qlPid ) {
qDebug( "quicklauncher stopped" );
qlPid = 0;
qlReady = FALSE;
QFile::remove("/tmp/qcop-msg-quicklauncher" );
QTimer::singleShot( 2000, this, SLOT(createQuickLauncher()) );
if ( sigPid == -1 )
qDebug("non-qtopia application exited (disregarded)");
qDebug("==== no pid matching %d in list, definite bug", sigPid);
QString appName = *it;
QMap<QString,int>::Iterator hbit = waitingHeartbeat.find(appName);
if ( hbit != waitingHeartbeat.end() ) {
killTimer( *hbit );
waitingHeartbeat.remove( hbit );
if ( appName == appKillerName ) {
appKillerName = QString::null;
delete appKillerBox;
appKillerBox = 0;
/* we must disable preload for an app that crashes as the system logic relies on preloaded apps
actually being loaded. If eg. the crash happened in the constructor, we can't automatically reload
the app (withouth some timeout value for eg. 3 tries (which I think is a bad solution)
bool preloadDisabled = FALSE;
if ( !DocumentList::appLnkSet ) return;
const AppLnk* app = DocumentList::appLnkSet->findExec( appName );
if ( !app ) return; // QCop messages processed to slow?
if ( crashed && app->isPreloaded() ) {
Config cfg("Launcher");
QStringList apps = cfg.readListEntry("Apps",',');
QString exe = app->exec();
preloadDisabled = TRUE;
// clean up
if ( exitStatus ) {
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "notBusy(QString)");
e << app->exec();
// debug info
for (it = runningApps.begin(); it != runningApps.end(); ++it) {
qDebug("running according to internal list: %s, with pid %d", (*it).data(), it.key() );
if ( crashed ) {
QString sig;
switch( exitStatus ) {
case SIGABRT: sig = "SIGABRT"; break;
case SIGALRM: sig = "SIGALRM"; break;
case SIGBUS: sig = "SIGBUS"; break;
case SIGFPE: sig = "SIGFPE"; break;
case SIGHUP: sig = "SIGHUP"; break;
case SIGILL: sig = "SIGILL"; break;
case SIGKILL: sig = "SIGKILL"; break;
case SIGPIPE: sig = "SIGPIPE"; break;
case SIGQUIT: sig = "SIGQUIT"; break;
case SIGSEGV: sig = "SIGSEGV"; break;
case SIGTERM: sig = "SIGTERM"; break;
case SIGTRAP: sig = "SIGTRAP"; break;
default: sig = QString("Unkown %1").arg(exitStatus);
if ( preloadDisabled )
sig += tr("<qt><p>Fast loading has been disabled for this application. Tap and hold the application icon to reenable it.</qt>");
QString str = tr("<qt><b>%1</b> was terminated due to signal code %2</qt>").arg( app->name() ).arg( sig );
QMessageBox::information(0, tr("Application terminated"), str );
} else {
if ( exitStatus == 255 ) { //could not find app (because global returns -1)
QMessageBox::information(0, tr("Application not found"), tr("<qt>Could not locate application <b>%1</b></qt>").arg( app->exec() ) );
} else {
- QFileInfo fi(OGlobal::tempDirPath() + "qcop-msg-" + appName);
+ QFileInfo fi(QString::fromLatin1("/tmp/qcop-msg-") + appName);
if ( fi.exists() && fi.size() ) {
emit terminated(sigPid, appName);
qWarning("Re executing obmitted for %s", appName.latin1() );
// execute( appName, QString::null );
emit terminated(sigPid, appName);
void AppLauncher::sigStopped(int sigPid, int sigStatus)
qDebug("Unhandled signal : AppLauncher::sigStopped(int sigPid, int sigStatus)");
#endif // Q_OS_WIN32
bool AppLauncher::isRunning(const QString &app)
for (QMap<int,QString>::ConstIterator it = runningApps.begin(); it != runningApps.end(); ++it) {
if ( *it == app ) {
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
pid_t t = ::__getpgid( it.key() );
if ( t == -1 ) {
qDebug("appLauncher bug, %s believed running, but pid %d is not existing",, it.key() );
runningApps.remove( it.key() );
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
bool AppLauncher::executeBuiltin(const QString &c, const QString &document)
Global::Command* builtin = OGlobal::builtinCommands();
QGuardedPtr<QWidget> *running = OGlobal::builtinRunning();
// Attempt to execute the app using a builtin class for the app
if (builtin) {
for (int i = 0; builtin[i].file; i++) {
if ( builtin[i].file == c ) {
if ( running[i] ) {
if ( !document.isNull() && builtin[i].documentary )
Global::setDocument(running[i], document);
} else {
running[i] = builtin[i].func( builtin[i].maximized );
#ifndef QT_NO_COP
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "notBusy(QString)" );
e << c; // that was quick ;-)
return TRUE;
// Convert the command line in to a list of arguments
QStringList list = QStringList::split(QRegExp(" *"),c);
QString ap=list[0];
if ( ap == "suspend" ) { // No tr
QWSServer::processKeyEvent( 0xffff, Qt::Key_F34, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE );
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
bool AppLauncher::execute(const QString &c, const QString &docParam, bool noRaise)
// Convert the command line in to a list of arguments
QStringList list = QStringList::split(QRegExp(" *"),c);
if ( !docParam.isEmpty() )
list.append( docParam );
QString appName = list[0];
if ( isRunning(appName) ) {
QCString channel = "QPE/Application/";
channel += appName.latin1();
// Need to lock it to avoid race conditions with QPEApplication::processQCopFile
- QFile f(OGlobal::tempDirPath() + "qcop-msg-" + appName);
+ QFile f(QString::fromLatin1("/tmp/qcop-msg-") + appName);
if ( !noRaise && | IO_Append) ) {
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
flock(f.handle(), LOCK_EX);
QDataStream ds(&f);
QByteArray b;
QDataStream bstream(b, IO_WriteOnly);
if ( !f.size() ) {
ds << channel << QCString("raise()") << b;
if ( !waitingHeartbeat.contains( appName ) && appKillerName != appName ) {
int id = startTimer(RAISE_TIMEOUT_MS);
waitingHeartbeat.insert( appName, id );
if ( !docParam.isEmpty() ) {
bstream << docParam;
ds << channel << QCString("setDocument(QString)") << b;
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
flock(f.handle(), LOCK_UN);
if ( QCopChannel::isRegistered(channel) ) // avoid unnecessary warnings
return TRUE;
QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr("Error"), tr("<qt>Could not find the application %1</qt>").arg(c),
tr("OK"), 0, 0, 0, 1 );
QStrList slist;
unsigned j;
for ( j = 0; j < list.count(); j++ )
slist.append( list[j].utf8() );
const char **args = new const char *[slist.count() + 1];
for ( j = 0; j < slist.count(); j++ )
args[j] =;
args[j] = NULL;
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
#ifdef Q_OS_MACX
if ( qlPid && qlReady && QFile::exists( QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"plugins/application/lib"+args[0] + ".dylib" ) ) {
if ( qlPid && qlReady && QFile::exists( QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"plugins/application/lib"+args[0] + ".so" ) ) {
#endif /* Q_OS_MACX */
qDebug( "Quick launching: %s", args[0] );
if ( getuid() == 0 )
setpriority( PRIO_PROCESS, qlPid, 0 );
QCString qlch("QPE/QuickLauncher-");
qlch += QString::number(qlPid);
QCopEnvelope env( qlch, "execute(QStrList)" );
env << slist;
runningApps[qlPid] = QString(args[0]);
emit launched(qlPid, QString(args[0]));
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "busy()");
qlPid = 0;
qlReady = FALSE;
QTimer::singleShot( getuid() == 0 ? 800 : 1500, this, SLOT(createQuickLauncher()) );
} else {
int pid = ::vfork();
if ( !pid ) {
for ( int fd = 3; fd < 100; fd++ )
::close( fd );
::setpgid( ::getpid(), ::getppid() );
// Try bindir first, so that foo/bar works too
::execv( QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"bin/"+args[0], (char * const *)args );
::execvp( args[0], (char * const *)args );
_exit( -1 );
runningApps[pid] = QString(args[0]);
emit launched(pid, QString(args[0]));
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "busy()");
QProcess *proc = new QProcess(this);
if (proc){
for (int i=0; i < slist.count(); i++)
connect(proc, SIGNAL(processExited()), this, SLOT(processExited()));
if (!proc->start()){
qDebug("Unable to start application %s", args[0]);
PROCESS_INFORMATION *procInfo = (PROCESS_INFORMATION *)proc->processIdentifier();
if (procInfo){
DWORD pid = procInfo->dwProcessId;
runningApps[pid] = QString(args[0]);
emit launched(pid, QString(args[0]));
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "busy()");
qDebug("Unable to read process inforation #1 for %s", args[0]);
qDebug("Unable to create process for application %s", args[0]);
return FALSE;
delete [] args;
return TRUE;
void AppLauncher::kill( int pid )
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
::kill( pid, SIGTERM );
for ( QProcess *proc = runningAppsProc.first(); proc; proc = ) {
if ( proc->processIdentifier() == pid ) {
int AppLauncher::pidForName( const QString &appName )
diff --git a/core/launcher/main.cpp b/core/launcher/main.cpp
index bf06e75..9e53bb0 100644
--- a/core/launcher/main.cpp
+++ b/core/launcher/main.cpp
@@ -1,203 +1,203 @@
** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include "server.h"
#include "serverapp.h"
#include "taskbar.h"
#include "stabmon.h"
#include "launcher.h"
#include "firstuse.h"
#include <opie2/oglobal.h>
#include <qtopia/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qtopia/network.h>
#include <qtopia/config.h>
//#include <qtopia/custom.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#ifdef QWS
#include <qwindowsystem_qws.h>
#include <qtopia/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
#include <qtopia/alarmserver.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#ifndef Q_OS_WIN32
#include <unistd.h>
#include <process.h>
#include "calibrate.h"
#include "../login/qdmdialogimpl.h"
#ifdef Q_WS_QWS
#include <qkeyboard_qws.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <opie2/odevice.h>
using namespace Opie;
static void cleanup()
- QDir dir( OGlobal::tempDirPath(), "qcop-msg-*" );
+ QDir dir( "/tmp", "qcop-msg-*" );
QStringList stale = dir.entryList();
QStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it = stale.begin(); it != stale.end(); ++it ) {
dir.remove( *it );
static void refreshTimeZoneConfig()
/* ### FIXME timezone handling */
#if 0
// We need to help WorldTime in setting up its configuration for
// the current translation
// BEGIN no tr
const char *defaultTz[] = {
// END no tr
TimeZone curZone;
QString zoneID;
int zoneIndex;
Config cfg = Config( "WorldTime" );
cfg.setGroup( "TimeZones" );
if (!cfg.hasKey( "Zone0" )){
// We have no existing timezones use the defaults which are untranslated strings
QString currTz = TimeZone::current().id();
QStringList zoneDefaults;
zoneDefaults.append( currTz );
for ( int i = 0; defaultTz[i] && zoneDefaults.count() < 6; i++ ) {
if ( defaultTz[i] != currTz )
zoneDefaults.append( defaultTz[i] );
zoneIndex = 0;
for (QStringList::Iterator it = zoneDefaults.begin(); it != zoneDefaults.end() ; ++it){
cfg.writeEntry( "Zone" + QString::number( zoneIndex ) , *it);
// We have an existing list of timezones refresh the
// translations of TimeZone name
zoneIndex = 0;
while (cfg.hasKey( "Zone"+ QString::number( zoneIndex ))){
zoneID = cfg.readEntry( "Zone" + QString::number( zoneIndex ));
curZone = TimeZone( zoneID );
if ( !curZone.isValid() ){
qDebug( "initEnvironment() Invalid TimeZone %s", zoneID.latin1() );
cfg.writeEntry( "ZoneName" + QString::number( zoneIndex ), );
void initEnvironment()
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
// Config file requires HOME dir which uses QDir which needs the winver
Config config("locale");
config.setGroup( "Location" );
QString tz = config.readEntry( "Timezone", getenv("TZ") ).stripWhiteSpace();
// if not timezone set, pick New York
if (tz.isNull() || tz.isEmpty())
tz = "America/New_York";
setenv( "TZ", tz, 1 );
config.writeEntry( "Timezone", tz);
config.setGroup( "Language" );
QString lang = config.readEntry( "Language", getenv("LANG") ).stripWhiteSpace();
if( lang.isNull() || lang.isEmpty())
lang = "en_US";
setenv( "LANG", lang, 1 );
config.writeEntry("Language", lang);
#if 0
setenv( "QWS_SIZE", "240x320", 0 );
QString env(getenv("QWS_DISPLAY"));
if (env.contains("Transformed")) {
int rot;
// transformed driver default rotation is controlled by the hardware.
Config config("qpe");
config.setGroup( "Rotation" );
if ( ( rot = config.readNumEntry( "Rot", -1 ) ) == -1 )
rot = ODevice::inst ( )-> rotation ( ) * 90;
setenv("QWS_DISPLAY", QString("Transformed:Rot%1:0").arg(rot), 1);
QPEApplication::defaultRotation ( ); /* to ensure deforient matches reality */
static void initKeyboard()
Config config("qpe");
config.setGroup( "Keyboard" );
int ard = config.readNumEntry( "RepeatDelay" );
int arp = config.readNumEntry( "RepeatPeriod" );
if ( ard > 0 && arp > 0 )
qwsSetKeyboardAutoRepeat( ard, arp );
QString layout = config.readEntry( "Layout", "us101" );
Server::setKeyboardLayout( layout );
static bool firstUse()
bool needFirstUse = FALSE;
if ( QWSServer::mouseHandler() &&
QWSServer::mouseHandler() ->inherits("QCalibratedMouseHandler") ) {