Side-by-side diff
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2 files changed, 112 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp b/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp
index cc8ce7f..f1f2b4b 100644
--- a/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp
@@ -1,171 +1,173 @@
                This file is part of the Opie Project
              Copyright (C) 2003 by the Wellenreiter team:
Martin J. Muench <>
Max Moser <
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <>
 _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can
.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU Library General Public
.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
 - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
    .%`+i>       _;_.
    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that
     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
    : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
..}^=.=       =       ; Library General Public License for more
++=   -.     .`     .: details.
 :     =  ...= . :.=-
 -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
  -_. . .   )=.  = Library General Public License along with
    --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
/* OPIE */
#include <opie2/opcap.h>
/* QT */
#include <qapplication.h> // don't use oapplication here (will decrease reusability in other projects)
#include <qsocketnotifier.h>
#include <qobjectlist.h>
+#include "udp_ports.h"
* OPacket
OPacket::OPacket( int datalink, packetheaderstruct header, const unsigned char* data, QObject* parent )
:QObject( parent, "Generic" ), _hdr( header ), _data( data )
//qDebug( "OPacket::OPacket(): (Len %d, CapLen %d)" /*, ctime((const time_t*) header.ts.tv_sec)*/, header.len, header.caplen );
_end = (unsigned char*) data + header.len;
//qDebug( "OPacket::data @ %0x, end @ %0x", data, _end );
switch ( datalink )
case DLT_EN10MB:
qDebug( "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet. Datalink = ETHERNET" );
new OEthernetPacket( _end, (const struct ether_header*) data, this );
case DLT_IEEE802_11:
qDebug( "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet. Datalink = IEEE802.11" );
new OWaveLanPacket( _end, (const struct ieee_802_11_header*) data, this );
qDebug( "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet. Datalink = PRISM_HEADER" );
new OPrismHeaderPacket( _end, (const struct prism_hdr*) (unsigned char*) data, this );
qWarning( "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet over unsupported datalink (type %d)!", datalink );
timevalstruct OPacket::timeval() const
return _hdr.ts;
int OPacket::caplen() const
return _hdr.caplen;
void OPacket::updateStats( QMap<QString,int>& stats, QObjectList* l )
if (!l) return;
QObject* o = l->first();
while ( o )
updateStats( stats, const_cast<QObjectList*>( o->children() ) );
o = l->next();
QString OPacket::dump( int bpl ) const
static int index = 0;
int len = _hdr.caplen;
QString str;
str.sprintf( "\n<----- Packet #%04d Len = 0x%X (%d) ----->\n\n", index, len, len );
str.append( "0000: " );
QString tmp;
QString bytes;
QString chars;
for ( int i = 0; i < len; ++i )
tmp.sprintf( "%02X ", _data[i] ); bytes.append( tmp );
if ( (_data[i] > 31) && (_data[i]<128) ) chars.append( _data[i] );
else chars.append( '.' );
if ( !((i+1) % bpl) )
str.append( bytes );
str.append( ' ' );
str.append( chars );
str.append( '\n' );
tmp.sprintf( "%04X: ", i+1 ); str.append( tmp );
bytes = "";
chars = "";
if ( (len % bpl) )
str.append( bytes.leftJustify( 1 + 3*bpl ) );
str.append( chars );
str.append( '\n' );
return str;
int OPacket::len() const
return _hdr.len;
* OEthernetPacket
OEthernetPacket::OEthernetPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct ether_header* data, QObject* parent )
:QObject( parent, "Ethernet" ), _ether( data )
qDebug( "Source = %s", (const char*) sourceAddress().toString() );
qDebug( "Destination = %s", (const char*) destinationAddress().toString() );
if ( sourceAddress() == OMacAddress::broadcast )
qDebug( "Source is broadcast address" );
if ( destinationAddress() == OMacAddress::broadcast )
qDebug( "Destination is broadcast address" );
switch ( type() )
@@ -229,357 +231,368 @@ OIPPacket::OIPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct iphdr* data, QObjec
QHostAddress OIPPacket::fromIPAddress() const
return EXTRACT_32BITS( &_iphdr->saddr );
QHostAddress OIPPacket::toIPAddress() const
return EXTRACT_32BITS( &_iphdr->saddr );
int OIPPacket::tos() const
return _iphdr->tos;
int OIPPacket::len() const
return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_iphdr->tot_len );
int OIPPacket::id() const
return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_iphdr->id );
int OIPPacket::offset() const
return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_iphdr->frag_off );
int OIPPacket::ttl() const
return _iphdr->ttl;
int OIPPacket::protocol() const
return _iphdr->protocol;
int OIPPacket::checksum() const
return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_iphdr->check );
* OARPPacket
OARPPacket::OARPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct myarphdr* data, QObject* parent )
:QObject( parent, "ARP" ), _arphdr( data )
qDebug( "OARPPacket::OARPPacket(): decoding ARP header..." );
qDebug( "ARP type seems to be %02d - '%s'", EXTRACT_16BITS( &_arphdr->ar_op ), (const char*) type() );
qDebug( "Sender: MAC %s = IP %s", (const char*) senderMacAddress().toString(), (const char*) senderIPV4Address().toString() );
qDebug( "Target: MAC %s = IP %s", (const char*) targetMacAddress().toString(), (const char*) targetIPV4Address().toString() );
QString OARPPacket::type() const
switch ( EXTRACT_16BITS( &_arphdr->ar_op ) )
case 1: return "REQUEST";
case 2: return "REPLY";
case 3: return "RREQUEST";
case 4: return "RREPLY";
case 8: return "InREQUEST";
case 9: return "InREPLY";
case 10: return "NAK";
default: qWarning( "OARPPacket::type(): invalid ARP type!" ); return "<unknown>";
QHostAddress OARPPacket::senderIPV4Address() const
return EXTRACT_32BITS( &_arphdr->ar_sip );
QHostAddress OARPPacket::targetIPV4Address() const
return EXTRACT_32BITS( &_arphdr->ar_tip );
OMacAddress OARPPacket::senderMacAddress() const
return OMacAddress( _arphdr->ar_sha );
OMacAddress OARPPacket::targetMacAddress() const
return OMacAddress( _arphdr->ar_tha );
* OUDPPacket
OUDPPacket::OUDPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct udphdr* data, QObject* parent )
:QObject( parent, "UDP" ), _udphdr( data )
qDebug( "OUDPPacket::OUDPPacket(): decoding UDP header..." );
+ qDebug( "fromPort = %d", fromPort() );
+ qDebug( " toPort = %d", toPort() );
+ // TODO: Make this a case or a hash if we know more udp protocols
+ if ( fromPort() == UDP_PORT_BOOTPS || fromPort() == UDP_PORT_BOOTPC ||
+ toPort() == UDP_PORT_BOOTPS || toPort() == UDP_PORT_BOOTPC )
+ {
+ qDebug( "seems to be part of a DHCP conversation => creating DHCP packet." );
+ new ODHCPPacket( end, (const struct dhcp_packet*) (data+1), this );
+ }
int OUDPPacket::fromPort() const
- return _udphdr->source;
+ return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_udphdr->source );
int OUDPPacket::toPort() const
- return _udphdr->dest;
+ return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_udphdr->dest );
int OUDPPacket::length() const
- return _udphdr->len;
+ return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_udphdr->len );
int OUDPPacket::checksum() const
- return _udphdr->check;
+ return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_udphdr->check );
* ODHCPPacket
ODHCPPacket::ODHCPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct dhcp_packet* data, QObject* parent )
:QObject( parent, "DHCP" ), _dhcphdr( data )
qDebug( "ODHCPPacket::ODHCPPacket(): decoding DHCP information..." );
* OTCPPacket
OTCPPacket::OTCPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct tcphdr* data, QObject* parent )
:QObject( parent, "TCP" ), _tcphdr( data )
qDebug( "OTCPPacket::OTCPPacket(): decoding TCP header..." );
int OTCPPacket::fromPort() const
- return _tcphdr->source;
+ return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_tcphdr->source );
int OTCPPacket::toPort() const
- return _tcphdr->dest;
+ return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_tcphdr->dest );
int OTCPPacket::seq() const
- return _tcphdr->seq;
+ return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_tcphdr->seq );
int OTCPPacket::ack() const
- return _tcphdr->ack_seq;
+ return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_tcphdr->ack_seq );
int OTCPPacket::window() const
- return _tcphdr->window;
+ return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_tcphdr->window );
int OTCPPacket::checksum() const
- return _tcphdr->check;
+ return EXTRACT_16BITS( &_tcphdr->check );
* OPrismHeaderPacket
OPrismHeaderPacket::OPrismHeaderPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct prism_hdr* data, QObject* parent )
:QObject( parent, "Prism" ), _header( data )
qDebug( "OPrismHeaderPacket::OPrismHeaderPacket(): decoding PRISM header..." );
qDebug( "Signal Strength = %d", data-> );
new OWaveLanPacket( end, (const struct ieee_802_11_header*) (data+1), this );
unsigned int OPrismHeaderPacket::signalStrength() const
return _header->;
* OWaveLanPacket
OWaveLanPacket::OWaveLanPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct ieee_802_11_header* data, QObject* parent )
:QObject( parent, "802.11" ), _wlanhdr( data )
qDebug( "OWaveLanPacket::OWaveLanPacket(): decoding IEEE 802.11 header..." );
qDebug( "type: %0X", type() );
qDebug( "subType: %0X", subType() );
qDebug( "duration: %d", duration() );
qDebug( "powermanagement: %d", usesPowerManagement() );
qDebug( "payload is encrypted: %s", usesWep() ? "yes" : "no" );
qDebug( "MAC1: %s", (const char*) macAddress1().toString() );
qDebug( "MAC2: %s", (const char*) macAddress2().toString() );
qDebug( "MAC3: %s", (const char*) macAddress3().toString() );
qDebug( "MAC4: %s", (const char*) macAddress4().toString() );
switch ( type() )
case T_MGMT: new OWaveLanManagementPacket( end, (const struct ieee_802_11_mgmt_header*) data, this ); break;
case T_DATA: new OWaveLanDataPacket( end, (const struct ieee_802_11_data_header*) data, this ); break;
case T_CTRL: new OWaveLanControlPacket( end, (const struct ieee_802_11_control_header*) data, this ); break;
default: qDebug( "OWaveLanPacket::OWaveLanPacket(): Warning: Unknown major type '%d'!", type() );
int OWaveLanPacket::duration() const
return _wlanhdr->duration;
OMacAddress OWaveLanPacket::macAddress1() const
return OMacAddress( _wlanhdr->mac1 );
OMacAddress OWaveLanPacket::macAddress2() const
return OMacAddress( _wlanhdr->mac2 );
OMacAddress OWaveLanPacket::macAddress3() const
return OMacAddress( _wlanhdr->mac3 );
OMacAddress OWaveLanPacket::macAddress4() const
return OMacAddress( _wlanhdr->mac4 );
int OWaveLanPacket::subType() const
return FC_SUBTYPE( EXTRACT_LE_16BITS( &_wlanhdr->frame_control ) );
int OWaveLanPacket::type() const
return FC_TYPE( EXTRACT_LE_16BITS( &_wlanhdr->frame_control ) );
int OWaveLanPacket::version() const
return FC_VERSION( EXTRACT_LE_16BITS( &_wlanhdr->frame_control ) );
bool OWaveLanPacket::fromDS() const
return FC_FROM_DS( EXTRACT_LE_16BITS( &_wlanhdr->frame_control ) );
bool OWaveLanPacket::toDS() const
return FC_TO_DS( EXTRACT_LE_16BITS( &_wlanhdr->frame_control ) );
bool OWaveLanPacket::usesPowerManagement() const
return FC_POWER_MGMT( EXTRACT_LE_16BITS( &_wlanhdr->frame_control ) );
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/udp_ports.h b/libopie2/opienet/udp_ports.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e92497
--- a/dev/null
+++ b/libopie2/opienet/udp_ports.h
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * This file has been generated by doing
+ * find . -name "*"|xargs grep -h '#define UDP_PORT' > udp_ports.h
+ * in the root directory of Ethereal 0.9.15. Cudos to the Ethereal Team.
+ * -- Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <>
+ */
+#define UDP_PORT_AODV 654
+#define UDP_PORT_LENGTH 2
+#define UDP_PORT_RAS1 1718
+#define UDP_PORT_RAS2 1719
+#define UDP_PORT_CPHA 8116
+#define UDP_PORT_DDTP 1052
+#define UDP_PORT_CUPS 631
+#define UDP_PORT_DLSW 2067
+#define UDP_PORT_ISAKMP 500
+#define UDP_PORT_L2TP 1701
+#define UDP_PORT_IAPP 2313
+#define UDP_PORT_HSRP 1985
+#define UDP_PORT_SSDP 1900
+#define UDP_PORT_TACACS 49
+#define UDP_PORT_CLDAP 389
+#define UDP_PORT_VINES 573
+#define UDP_PORT_NBNS 137
+#define UDP_PORT_NBDGM 138
+#define UDP_PORT_XYPLEX 173
+#define UDP_PORT_PIM_RP_DISC 496
+#define UDP_PORT_SLIMP3_V1 1069
+#define UDP_PORT_SLIMP3_V2 3483
+#define UDP_PORT_RMCP 623
+#define UDP_PORT_SYSLOG 514
+#define UDP_PORT_SNMP 161
+#define UDP_PORT_SNMP_TRAP 162
+#define UDP_PORT_TFTP 69
+#define UDP_PORT_TIME 37
+#define UDP_PORT_STUN 3478
+#define UDP_PORT_SRVLOC 427
+#define UDP_PORT_TZSP 0x9090
+#define UDP_PORT_WCCP 2048
+#define UDP_PORT_MSPROXY 1745
+#define UDP_PORT_BOOTPS 67
+#define UDP_PORT_BOOTPC 68
+#define UDP_PORT_XDMCP 177
+#define UDP_PORT_DNS 53
+#define UDP_PORT_MDNS 5353
+#define UDP_PORT_ICP 3130
+#define UDP_PORT_ICQ 4000
+#define UDP_PORT_IPX 213 /* RFC 1234 */
+#define UDP_PORT_LDP 646
+#define UDP_PORT_LLC1 12000
+#define UDP_PORT_LLC2 12001
+#define UDP_PORT_LLC3 12002
+#define UDP_PORT_LLC4 12003
+#define UDP_PORT_LLC5 12004
+#define UDP_PORT_MIP 434
+#define UDP_PORT_NCP 524
+#define UDP_PORT_NTP 123
+#define UDP_PORT_RIP 520
+#define UDP_PORT_SAP 9875
+#define UDP_PORT_SIP 5060
+#define UDP_PORT_TIMED 525
+#define UDP_PORT_RIPNG 521
+#define UDP_PORT_WSP 9200 /* wap-wsp */
+#define UDP_PORT_WTP_WSP 9201 /* wap-wsp-wtp */
+#define UDP_PORT_WTLS_WSP 9202 /* wap-wsp-s */
+#define UDP_PORT_WTLS_WTP_WSP 9203 /* wap-wsp-wtp-s */
+#define UDP_PORT_WSP_PUSH 2948 /* wap-wsp */
+#define UDP_PORT_WTLS_WSP_PUSH 2949 /* wap-wsp-s */
+#define UDP_PORT_WHO 513
+#define UDP_PORT_SFLOW 6343
+#define UDP_PORT_LAPLINK 1547
+#define UDP_PORT_NETFLOW 2055
+#define UDP_PORT_RX_LOW 7000
+#define UDP_PORT_RX_HIGH 7009
+#define UDP_PORT_PCLI 9000
+#define UDP_PORT_ARTNET 0x1936
+#define UDP_PORT_TERREDO 3544
+#define UDP_PORT_RADIUS 1645
+#define UDP_PORT_RADIUS_NEW 1812
+#define UDP_PORT_RADACCT 1646
+#define UDP_PORT_RADACCT_NEW 1813