Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 23 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp
index 9e6ba8d..107695a 100644
--- a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp
+++ b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp
@@ -24,49 +24,53 @@
#include "fontDialog.h"
#include <opie/ofileselector.h>
#include <opie/ofiledialog.h>
#include <qpe/fontdatabase.h>
#include <qpe/global.h>
#include <qpe/fileselector.h>
#include <qpe/applnk.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qpe/config.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qpe/qpemenubar.h>
#include <qpe/qpetoolbar.h>
#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qcolordialog.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qobjectlist.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qspinbox.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include <qwidgetstack.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qcombo.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //getenv
/* XPM */
static char * filesave_xpm[] = {
"16 16 78 1",
" c None",
". c #343434",
"+ c #A0A0A0",
"@ c #565656",
"# c #9E9E9E",
"$ c #525252",
"% c #929292",
"& c #676767",
"* c #848484",
"= c #666666",
"- c #D8D8D8",
"; c #FFFFFF",
"> c #DBDBDB",
@@ -277,32 +281,39 @@ TextEdit::TextEdit( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f )
a = new QAction( tr( "Cut" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "cut" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCut() ) );
a->addTo( editBar );
a->addTo( edit );
a = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "copy" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCopy() ) );
a->addTo( editBar );
a->addTo( edit );
a = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "paste" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPaste() ) );
a->addTo( editBar );
a->addTo( edit );
+ a = new QAction( tr( "Insert Time and Date" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "paste" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
+ connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPasteTimeDate() ) );
+ a->addTo( edit );
a = new QAction( tr( "Find..." ), Resource::loadPixmap( "find" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 );
connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editFind() ) );
a->addTo( bar );
a->addTo( edit );
int defsize;
bool defb, defi, wrap;
Config cfg("TextEdit");
defsize = cfg.readNumEntry("FontSize",10);
defb = cfg.readBoolEntry("Bold",FALSE);
defi = cfg.readBoolEntry("Italic",FALSE);
wrap = cfg.readBoolEntry("Wrap",TRUE);
@@ -498,33 +509,33 @@ void TextEdit::setWordWrap(bool y)
editor->setWordWrap(y ? QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth : QMultiLineEdit::NoWrap );
editor->setEdited( state );
void TextEdit::fileNew()
// if( !bFromDocView ) {
// saveAs();
// }
void TextEdit::fileOpen()
Config cfg("TextEdit");
- bool b=FALSE;
+ // bool b=FALSE;
QMap<QString, QStringList> map;
map.insert(tr("All"), QStringList() );
QStringList text;
text << "text/*";
map.insert(tr("Text"), text );
text << "*";
map.insert(tr("All"), text );
QString str = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 2,"/", QString::null, map);
if(!str.isEmpty() )
openFile( str );
void TextEdit::doSearchBar()
@@ -969,16 +980,25 @@ void TextEdit::receive(const QCString&msg, const QByteArray&) {
void TextEdit::doAbout() {
QMessageBox::about(0,"Text Edit","Text Edit is copyright\n"
"2000 Trolltech AS, and\n"
"2002 by L.J.Potter \\n"
"and is licensed under the GPL");
void TextEdit::doAdvanced(bool b) {
Config cfg("TextEdit");
+void TextEdit::editPasteTimeDate() {
+ QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
+ QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ cb->setText( dt.toString());
+ editor->paste();
diff --git a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.h b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.h
index aec6427..a2badaa 100644
--- a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.h
+++ b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.h
@@ -56,32 +56,33 @@ public:
TextEdit( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f = 0 );
QPopupMenu *font;
QAction *nStart, *nFileDlgOpt, *nAdvanced;
bool edited, edited1;
void openFile( const QString & );
QCopChannel * channel;
public slots:
void editorChanged();
void receive(const QCString&, const QByteArray&);
bool fileIs, useAdvancedFeatures;
void closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e );
void doSearchBar();
private slots:
+ void editPasteTimeDate();
void doAdvanced(bool);
void doAbout();
void setDocument(const QString&);
void changeFont();
void fileNew();
void fileRevert();
void fileOpen();
void changeStartConfig(bool);
bool save();
bool saveAs();
void cleanUp();
void editCut();
void editCopy();
void editPaste();