Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
8 files changed, 26 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.cpp b/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.cpp
index d552928..924fde1 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/todo/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -46,33 +46,33 @@
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include "quickeditimpl.h"
#include "todotemplatemanager.h"
#include "templateeditor.h"
#include "tableview.h"
#include "textviewshow.h"
#include "todoeditor.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
-using namespace Opie::Core;
+using Opie::Core::OApplicationFactory;
OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<Todo::MainWindow> )
using namespace Opie;
using namespace Todo;
MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget* parent,
const char* name, WFlags )
: Opie::OPimMainWindow( "Todolist", parent, name, WType_TopLevel | WStyle_ContextHelp )
if (!name)
setName("todo window");
m_syncing = false;
m_showing = false;
m_counter = 0;
m_tempManager = new TemplateManager();
@@ -283,52 +283,52 @@ QPopupMenu* MainWindow::contextMenu( int , bool recur ) {
m_duplicateAction->addTo( menu );
* if this event recurs we allow
* to detach it.
* remove all
if ( recur ) {
; // FIXME
return menu;
QPopupMenu* MainWindow::options() {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Options" << oendl;
+ owarn << "Options" << oendl;
return m_options;
QPopupMenu* MainWindow::edit() {
return m_edit;
QToolBar* MainWindow::toolbar() {
return m_tool;
OPimTodoAccess::List MainWindow::list()const {
return m_todoMgr.list();
OPimTodoAccess::List MainWindow::sorted( bool asc, int sortOrder ) {
int cat = 0;
if ( m_curCat != QWidget::tr("All Categories") )
cat = currentCatId();
if ( m_curCat == QWidget::tr("Unfiled") )
cat = -1;
- Opie::Core::owarn << " Category " << cat << " " << m_curCat << oendl;
+ owarn << " Category " << cat << " " << m_curCat << oendl;
int filter = 1;
if (!m_completed )
filter |= 4;
if (m_overdue)
filter |= 2;
return m_todoMgr.sorted( asc, sortOrder, filter, cat );
OPimTodoAccess::List MainWindow::sorted( bool asc, int sortOrder, int addFilter) {
int cat = 0;
if ( m_curCat != QWidget::tr("All Categories") )
cat = currentCatId();
if ( m_curCat == QWidget::tr("Unfiled") )
@@ -361,33 +361,33 @@ void MainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent* e ) {
if (m_stack->visibleWidget() == currentShow()->widget() ) {
m_showing = false;
* we should have flushed and now we're still saving
* so there is no need to flush
if (m_syncing ) {
bool quit = false;
if ( m_todoMgr.saveAll() ){
- Opie::Core::owarn << "saved" << oendl;
+ owarn << "saved" << oendl;
quit = true;
}else {
if ( QMessageBox::critical( this, QWidget::tr("Out of space"),
QWidget::tr("Todo was unable\n"
"to save your changes.\n"
"Free up some space\n"
"and try again.\n"
"\nQuit Anyway?"),
!= QMessageBox::No ) {
quit = true;
@@ -524,33 +524,33 @@ void MainWindow::slotDeleteCompleted() {
currentView()->updateView( );
void MainWindow::slotFind() {
void MainWindow::slotEdit() {
slotEdit( currentView()->current() );
* set the category
void MainWindow::setCategory( int c) {
if ( c <= 0 ) return;
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Iterating over cats " << c << oendl;
+ owarn << "Iterating over cats " << c << oendl;
for ( unsigned int i = 1; i < m_catMenu->count(); i++ )
m_catMenu->setItemChecked(i, c == (int)i );
if (c == 1 ) {
m_curCat = QString::null;
setCaption( QWidget::tr("Todo") + " - " + QWidget::tr("All Categories" ) );
}else if ( c == (int)m_catMenu->count() - 1 ) {
m_curCat = QWidget::tr("Unfiled");
setCaption( QWidget::tr("Todo") + " - " + QWidget::tr("Unfiled") );
}else {
m_curCat = m_todoMgr.categories()[c-2];
setCaption( QWidget::tr("Todo") + " - " + m_curCat );
m_catMenu->setItemChecked( c, true );
@@ -668,33 +668,35 @@ void MainWindow::raiseCurrentView() {
// due QPE/Application/todolist show(int)
// we might not have the populateCategories slot called once
// we would show the otodo but then imediately switch to the currentView
// if we're initially showing we shouldn't raise the table
// in returnFromView we fix up m_showing
if (m_showing ) return;
m_stack->raiseWidget( m_curView->widget() );
void MainWindow::slotShowDue(bool ov) {
m_overdue = ov;
currentView()->showOverDue( ov );
void MainWindow::slotShow( int uid ) {
if ( uid == 0 ) return;
- Opie::Core::owarn << "slotShow" << oendl;
+ owarn << "slotShow" << oendl;
currentShow()->slotShow( event( uid ) );
m_stack->raiseWidget( currentShow()->widget() );
void MainWindow::slotShowNext() {
int l = currentView()->next();
if (l!=0)
void MainWindow::slotShowPrev() {
int l = currentView()->prev();
if (l!=0)
void MainWindow::slotEdit( int uid ) {
if (uid == 0 ) return;
if(m_syncing) {
@@ -727,33 +729,33 @@ void MainWindow::updateTodo( const OPimTodo& ev) {
m_todoMgr.update( ev.uid() , ev );
/* The view changed it's configuration
* update the view menu
void MainWindow::slotUpdate3( QWidget* ) {
void MainWindow::updateList() {
void MainWindow::setReadAhead( uint count ) {
if (m_todoMgr.todoDB() )
m_todoMgr.todoDB()->setReadAhead( count );
void MainWindow::slotQuickEntered() {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "entered" << oendl;
+ owarn << "entered" << oendl;
OPimTodo todo = quickEditor()->todo();
if (todo.isEmpty() )
m_todoMgr.add( todo );
currentView()->addEvent( todo );
QuickEditBase* MainWindow::quickEditor() {
return m_curQuick;
void MainWindow::slotComplete( int uid ) {
slotComplete( event(uid) );
void MainWindow::slotComplete( const OPimTodo& todo ) {
OPimTodo to = todo;
@@ -774,33 +776,33 @@ void MainWindow::slotComplete( const OPimTodo& todo ) {
if ( to.hasRecurrence() && to.isCompleted() ) {
OPimTodo to2( to );
/* the spinned off one won't recur anymore */
to.setRecurrence( OPimRecurrence() );
OPimRecurrence rec = to2.recurrence();
rec.setStart( to.dueDate() );
to2.setRecurrence( rec );
* if there is a next occurence
* from the duedate of the last recurrance
QDate date;
if ( to2.recurrence().nextOcurrence( to2.dueDate().addDays(1), date ) ) {
int dayDiff = to.dueDate().daysTo( date );
- Opie::Core::owarn << "day diff is " << dayDiff << oendl;
+ owarn << "day diff is " << dayDiff << oendl;
QDate inval;
/* generate a new uid for the old record */
to.setUid( 1 );
/* add the old one cause it has a new UID here cause it was spin off */
m_todoMgr.add( to );
* update the due date
* start date
* and complete date
to2.setDueDate( date );
rec.setStart( date );
to2.setRecurrence( rec ); // could be Monday, TuesDay, Thursday every week
@@ -937,41 +939,41 @@ namespace {
bool found = false;
QDateTime oldDt = (*oldIt).dateTime();
for (newIt= newAls.begin(); newIt != newAls.end(); ++newIt ) {
if ( oldDt == (*newIt).dateTime() ) {
found = true;
if (!found)
nonMatching.append( (*oldIt) );
return nonMatching;
void addAlarms( const OPimNotifyManager::Alarms& als, int uid ) {
OPimNotifyManager::Alarms::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = als.begin(); it != als.end(); ++it ) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Adding alarm for " << (*it).dateTime().toString() << oendl;
+ owarn << "Adding alarm for " << (*it).dateTime().toString() << oendl;
AlarmServer::addAlarm( (*it).dateTime(), "QPE/Application/todolist", "alarm(QDateTime,int)", uid );
void removeAlarms( const OPimNotifyManager::Alarms& als, int uid ) {
OPimNotifyManager::Alarms::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = als.begin(); it != als.end(); ++it ) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Removinf alarm for " << (*it).dateTime().toString() << oendl;
+ owarn << "Removinf alarm for " << (*it).dateTime().toString() << oendl;
AlarmServer::deleteAlarm( (*it).dateTime(), "QPE/Application/todolist", "alarm(QDateTime,int)", uid );
void MainWindow::handleAlarms( const OPimTodo& oldTodo, const OPimTodo& newTodo) {
* if oldTodo is not empty and has notifiers we need to find the deleted ones
if(!oldTodo.isEmpty() && oldTodo.hasNotifiers() ) {
OPimNotifyManager::Alarms removed;
OPimNotifyManager::Alarms oldAls = oldTodo.notifiers().alarms();
if (!newTodo.hasNotifiers() )
removed = oldAls;
removed = findNonMatching( oldAls, newTodo.notifiers().alarms() );
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/otaskeditor.cpp b/core/pim/todo/otaskeditor.cpp
index 55a3dd5..bbc177d 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/otaskeditor.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/todo/otaskeditor.cpp
@@ -22,33 +22,32 @@ OTaskEditor::OTaskEditor( const OPimTodo& to)
init( to );
OTaskEditor::~OTaskEditor() {
void OTaskEditor::init( int cur ) {
OPimTodo to;
to.setUid( 1 ); // generate a new uid
if ( cur != 0 )
to.setCategories( cur );
void OTaskEditor::init( const OPimTodo& to ) {
load( to );
OPimTodo OTaskEditor::todo()const{
- Opie::Core::owarn << "saving!" << oendl;
OPimTodo to ( m_todo );
m_overView->save( to );
m_stat->save( to );
to.setRecurrence( m_rec->recurrence() );
m_alarm->save( to );
return to;
void OTaskEditor::load(const OPimTodo& to) {
m_overView->load( to );
m_stat->load( to );
m_rec->setRecurrence( to.recurrence(), to.hasDueDate() ? to.dueDate() : QDate::currentDate() );
m_alarm->load( to );
m_todo = to;
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/tableview.cpp b/core/pim/todo/tableview.cpp
index 0b1c579..b7458d8 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/tableview.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/todo/tableview.cpp
@@ -182,47 +182,47 @@ int TableView::prev() {
if ( currentRow() - 1 < 0 ) return 0;
setCurrentCell( currentRow() -1, currentColumn() );
return sorted().uidAt( currentRow() );
QString TableView::currentRepresentation() {
OPimTodo to = sorted()[currentRow()];
return to.summary().isEmpty() ? to.description().left(20) : to.summary() ;
/* show overdue */
void TableView::showOverDue( bool ) {
void TableView::updateView( ) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "update view" << oendl;
+ owarn << "update view" << oendl;
m_row = false;
static int id;
id = startTimer(4000 );
/* FIXME we want one page to be read!
* Calculate that screensize
todoWindow()->setReadAhead( 4 );
OPimTodoAccess::List::Iterator it, end;
it = sorted().begin();
end = sorted().end();
- Opie::Core::owarn << "setTodos" << oendl;
+ owarn << "setTodos" << oendl;
QTime time;
m_enablePaint = false;
setUpdatesEnabled( false );
viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( false );
setNumRows( it.count() );
if ( it.count() == 0 )
// int elc = time.elapsed();
setUpdatesEnabled( true );
viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( true );
m_enablePaint = true;
@@ -242,60 +242,60 @@ void TableView::addEvent( const OPimTodo&) {
* find the event
* and then replace the complete row
void TableView::replaceEvent( const OPimTodo& ev) {
addEvent( ev );
* re aligning table can be slow too
* FIXME: look what performs better
* either this or the old align table
void TableView::removeEvent( int ) {
void TableView::setShowCompleted( bool b) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Show Completed " << b << oendl;
+ owarn << "Show Completed " << b << oendl;
void TableView::setShowDeadline( bool b ) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Show Deadline " << b << oendl;
+ owarn << "Show Deadline " << b << oendl;
if ( b )
showColumn( 3 );
hideColumn( 3 );
// Try to intelligently size columns
// TODO - would use width() below, but doesn't have valid value at time of c'tor
int col2width = 238;
int width = m_pic_completed.width();
setColumnWidth( 0, width );
col2width -= width;
width = fontMetrics().boundingRect( horizontalHeader()->label( 1 ) ).width() + 8;
setColumnWidth( 1, width );
col2width -= width;
if ( b ) {
width = fontMetrics().boundingRect( horizontalHeader()->label( 3 ) ).width() + 8;
setColumnWidth( 3, width );
col2width -= width;
setColumnWidth( 2, col2width );
void TableView::setShowCategory( const QString& str) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "setShowCategory" << oendl;
+ owarn << "setShowCategory" << oendl;
if ( str != m_oleCat || m_first )
m_oleCat = str;
m_first = false;
void TableView::clear() {
void TableView::slotClicked(int row, int col, int,
const QPoint& point) {
if ( m_editorWidget.cellWidget() ) {
//setCellContentFromEditor(m_editorWidget.cellRow(), m_editorWidget.cellCol() );
endEdit(m_editorWidget.cellRow(), m_editorWidget.cellCol(),
true, true );
@@ -334,57 +334,57 @@ void TableView::slotClicked(int row, int col, int,
showTodo( ui );
case 3: {
TodoView::edit( ui );
void TableView::slotPressed(int row, int col, int,
const QPoint& point) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "pressed row " << row << " col " << col << " x:" << point.x()
+ owarn << "pressed row " << row << " col " << col << " x:" << point.x()
<< "+y:" << point.y() << oendl;
m_prevP = point;
/* TextColumn column */
if ( col == 2 && cellGeometry( row, col ).contains( point ) )
m_menuTimer->start( 750, TRUE );
void TableView::slotValueChanged( int, int ) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Value Changed" << oendl;
+ owarn << "Value Changed" << oendl;
void TableView::slotCurrentChanged(int, int ) {
QWidget* TableView::widget() {
return this;
* We need to overwrite sortColumn
* because we want to sort whole row
* based
* We event want to set the setOrder
* to a sort() and update()
void TableView::sortColumn( int col, bool asc, bool ) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "bool " << asc << oendl;
+ owarn << "bool " << asc << oendl;
setSortOrder( col );
setAscending( asc );
void TableView::viewportPaintEvent( QPaintEvent* e) {
if (m_enablePaint )
QTable::viewportPaintEvent( e );
* This segment is copyrighted by TT
* it was taken from their todolist
* application this code is GPL
void TableView::paintCell(QPainter* p, int row, int col, const QRect& cr, bool ) {
const QColorGroup &cg = colorGroup();
@@ -481,33 +481,33 @@ QWidget* TableView::createEditor(int row, int col, bool )const {
combo->setCurrentItem( sorted()[row].priority()-1 );
return combo;
/* summary */
case 2:{
QLineEdit* edit = new QLineEdit( viewport() );
edit->setText( sorted()[row].summary() );
return edit;
case 0:
return 0l;
void TableView::setCellContentFromEditor(int row, int col ) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "set cell content from editor" << oendl;
+ owarn << "set cell content from editor" << oendl;
if ( col == 1 ) {
QWidget* wid = cellWidget(row, 1 );
if ( wid->inherits("QComboBox") ) {
int pri = ((QComboBox*)wid)->currentItem() + 1;
OPimTodo todo = sorted()[row];
if ( todo.priority() != pri ) {
todo.setPriority( pri );
TodoView::update( todo.uid(), todo );
}else if ( col == 2) {
QWidget* wid = cellWidget(row, 2);
if ( wid->inherits("QLineEdit") ) {
QString text = ((QLineEdit*)wid)->text();
OPimTodo todo = sorted()[row];
@@ -565,33 +565,33 @@ void TableView::timerEvent( QTimerEvent* ) {
* Then we check if they're some pixel horizontal away
* if the distance between the two points is greater than
* 8 we mark the underlying todo as completed and do a repaint
* BUG: When clicking on the Due column and it's scrollable
* the todo is marked as completed...
* REASON: QTable is doing auto scrolling which leads to a move
* in the x coordinate and this way it's able to pass the
* m_completeStrokeWidth criteria
* WORKAROUND: strike through needs to strike through the same
* row and two columns!
void TableView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* e) {
int row = rowAt(m_prevP.y());
int colOld = columnAt(m_prevP.x() );
int colNew = columnAt(e->x() );
- Opie::Core::owarn << "colNew: " << colNew << " colOld: " << colOld << oendl;
+ owarn << "colNew: " << colNew << " colOld: " << colOld << oendl;
if ( row == rowAt( e->y() ) && row != -1 &&
colOld != colNew ) {
TodoView::complete( sorted()[row] );
QTable::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( e );
void TableView::contentsMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) {
QTable::contentsMouseMoveEvent( e );
void TableView::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* event) {
if ( m_editorWidget.cellWidget() ) {
// setCellContentFromEditor(m_editorWidget.cellRow(), m_editorWidget.cellCol() );
endEdit(m_editorWidget.cellRow(), m_editorWidget.cellCol(),
true, true );
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/templatedialog.cpp b/core/pim/todo/templatedialog.cpp
index 32327a6..8d72297 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/templatedialog.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/todo/templatedialog.cpp
@@ -38,27 +38,23 @@ TemplateDialog::TemplateDialog( QWidget* widget )
connect(m_rem, SIGNAL(clicked() ),
this, SLOT(slotRemove() ) );
connect(m_lne, SIGNAL(returnPressed() ),
this, SLOT(slotReturn() ) );
TemplateDialog::~TemplateDialog() {
// Qt does delete our widgets
QListView* TemplateDialog::listView() {
return m_list;
QLineEdit* TemplateDialog::edit() {
return m_lne;
void TemplateDialog::slotAdd() {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Not Implemented here" << oendl;
void TemplateDialog::slotRemove() {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Not Implemented here" << oendl;
void TemplateDialog::slotEdit() {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Not Implemented here" << oendl;
void TemplateDialog::slotReturn() {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Not Implemented here" << oendl;
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/todoeditor.cpp b/core/pim/todo/todoeditor.cpp
index 7857d52..a1c559d 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/todoeditor.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/todo/todoeditor.cpp
@@ -18,34 +18,32 @@ Editor::~Editor() {
OPimTodo Editor::newTodo( int cur,
QWidget*) {
OTaskEditor *e = self();
e->setCaption( QObject::tr("Enter Task") );
e->init( cur );
int ret = QPEApplication::execDialog( e );
if ( QDialog::Accepted == ret ) {
m_accepted = true;
m_accepted = false;
OPimTodo ev = e->todo();
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Todo uid" << oendl;
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Todo " << ev.summary() << " " << ev.progress() << " " << ev.isCompleted() << oendl;
return ev;
OPimTodo Editor::edit( QWidget *,
const OPimTodo& todo ) {
OTaskEditor *e = self();
e->init( todo );
e->setCaption( QObject::tr( "Edit Task" ) );
int ret = QPEApplication::execDialog( e );
OPimTodo ev = e->todo();
if ( ret == QDialog::Accepted )
m_accepted = true;
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/todomanager.cpp b/core/pim/todo/todomanager.cpp
index 7826747..c4b8fbc 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/todomanager.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/todo/todomanager.cpp
@@ -27,42 +27,42 @@
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
#include <qpe/categoryselect.h>
#include "todomanager.h"
using namespace Todo;
TodoManager::TodoManager( QObject *obj )
: QObject( obj ) {
m_db = 0l;
QTime time;
int el = time.elapsed();
- Opie::Core::owarn << "QTimer for loading " << el/1000 << oendl;
+ owarn << "QTimer for loading " << el/1000 << oendl;
TodoManager::~TodoManager() {
delete m_db;
OPimTodo TodoManager::event(int uid ) {
return m_db->find( uid );
void TodoManager::updateList() {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "update lists" << oendl;
+ owarn << "update lists" << oendl;
m_list = m_db->allRecords();
OPimTodoAccess::List TodoManager::list() const{
return m_list;
OPimTodoAccess::List TodoManager::sorted( bool asc, int so, int f, int cat ) {
return m_db->sorted( asc, so, f, cat );
OPimTodoAccess::List::Iterator TodoManager::overDue() {
int filter = 2 | 1;
m_list = m_db->sorted(m_asc, m_sortOrder, filter, m_ca );
m_it = m_list.begin();
return m_it;
OPimTodoAccess::List::Iterator TodoManager::fromTo( const QDate& start,
const QDate& end ) {
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/todotemplatemanager.cpp b/core/pim/todo/todotemplatemanager.cpp
index 0b20d5a..7690d37 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/todotemplatemanager.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/todo/todotemplatemanager.cpp
@@ -23,55 +23,52 @@ void TemplateManager::load() {
OPimTodoAccess todoDB(xml );
OPimTodoAccess::List::Iterator it;
OPimTodoAccess::List list = todoDB.allRecords();
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
OPimTodo ev = (*it);
conf.setGroup( QString::number( ev.uid() ) );
QString str = conf.readEntry("Name", QString::null );
if (str.isEmpty() )
m_templates.insert( str, ev );
void TemplateManager::save() {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Saving!!!!" << oendl;
Config conf("todolist_templates");
OPimTodoAccessXML *res = new OPimTodoAccessXML( "template",
m_path );
OPimTodoAccess db(res);
QMap<QString, OPimTodo>::Iterator it;
for ( it = m_templates.begin(); it != m_templates.end(); ++it ) {
OPimTodo ev =;
conf.setGroup( QString::number( ev.uid() ) );
- Opie::Core::owarn << "Name " << it.key() << oendl;
conf.writeEntry("Name", it.key() );
db.add( ev );
void TemplateManager::addEvent( const QString& str,
const OPimTodo& ev) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "AddEvent " << str << oendl;
OPimTodo todo = ev;
if( ev.uid() == 0 )
todo.setUid(1); // generate a new uid
m_templates.replace( str, todo );
void TemplateManager::removeEvent( const QString& str ) {
m_templates.remove( str );
QStringList TemplateManager::templates() const {
QStringList list;
QMap<QString, OPimTodo>::ConstIterator it;
for (it = m_templates.begin(); it != m_templates.end(); ++it ) {
list << it.key();
diff --git a/core/pim/todo/todoview.cpp b/core/pim/todo/todoview.cpp
index 03e1060..3d2c982 100644
--- a/core/pim/todo/todoview.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/todo/todoview.cpp
@@ -20,42 +20,42 @@ TodoView::~TodoView() {
MainWindow* TodoView::todoWindow() {
return m_main;
OPimTodo TodoView::event(int uid ) {
return m_main->event( uid );
OPimTodoAccess::List TodoView::list(){
return todoWindow()->list();
OPimTodoAccess::List TodoView::sorted()const{
return m_sort;
void TodoView::sort() {
m_sort = todoWindow()->sorted(m_asc,m_sortOrder );
- Opie::Core::owarn << "m_sort.count() = " << m_sort.count() << oendl;
+ owarn << "m_sort.count() = " << m_sort.count() << oendl;
void TodoView::sort(int sort) {
m_sort = todoWindow()->sorted(m_asc, m_sortOrder, sort );
void TodoView::setSortOrder( int order ) {
m_sortOrder = order;
void TodoView::setAscending( bool b ) {
- Opie::Core::owarn << "setAscending " << b << oendl;
+ owarn << "setAscending " << b << oendl;
m_asc = b;
void TodoView::update(int, const SmallTodo& ) {
//m_main->slotUpate1( uid, to );
void TodoView::update(int , const OPimTodo& ev ) {
m_main->updateTodo( ev );
void TodoView::showTodo( int uid ) {
m_main->slotShow( uid );
void TodoView::edit( int uid ) {
m_main->slotEdit( uid );
void TodoView::remove( int uid ) {
m_main->m_todoMgr.remove( uid );