-rw-r--r-- | core/apps/textedit/fileSaver.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp | 52 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/apps/textedit/textedit.h | 6 |
3 files changed, 51 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/core/apps/textedit/fileSaver.cpp b/core/apps/textedit/fileSaver.cpp index d78f2e8..4e80735 100644 --- a/core/apps/textedit/fileSaver.cpp +++ b/core/apps/textedit/fileSaver.cpp @@ -1,202 +1,202 @@ /**************************************************************************** ** copyright 2001 ljp ljp@llornkcor.com ** Created: Fri Dec 14 08:16:46 2001 fileSaver.cpp ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "fileSaver.h" #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <unistd.h> fileSaver::fileSaver( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl , const QString currentFileName ) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ) { if ( !name ) setName( "fileSaver" ); resize( 240, 280 ); setCaption(tr( name ) ); QFileInfo fi(currentFileName); QString tmpFileName=fi.fileName(); // qDebug( tmpFileName); dirLabel = new QLabel(this, "DirLabel"); dirLabel->setText(currentDir.canonicalPath()); dirLabel->setGeometry(10,20,230,15); QPushButton *homeButton; homeButton = new QPushButton(Resource::loadIconSet("home"),"",this,"homeButton"); homeButton->setGeometry(200,4,25,25); connect(homeButton,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(homeButtonPushed()) ); ListView = new QListView( this, "ListView" ); ListView->addColumn( tr( "Name" ) ); ListView->setColumnWidth(0,140); ListView->setSorting( 2, FALSE); ListView->addColumn( tr( "Size" ) ); ListView->setColumnWidth(1,59); ListView->setColumnWidthMode(0,QListView::Manual); ListView->setColumnAlignment(1,QListView::AlignRight); // ListView->setMultiSelection(true); // ListView->setSelectionMode(QListView::Extended); ListView->setAllColumnsShowFocus( TRUE ); ListView->setGeometry( QRect( 10,35,220,125)); fileEdit= new QLineEdit(this); fileEdit->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 162, 205, 17)); fileEdit->setText( tmpFileName); filePermCheck = new QCheckBox( this, "SetFilePerms" ); filePermCheck->setText("set file permissions"); filePermCheck->setGeometry(10, 178, 150,17); // signals and slots connections connect( ListView, SIGNAL(doubleClicked( QListViewItem*)), SLOT(listDoubleClicked(QListViewItem *)) ); connect( ListView, SIGNAL(pressed( QListViewItem*)), SLOT(listClicked(QListViewItem *)) ); // tmpFileName=fi.FilePath(); // qDebug( tmpFileName); currentDir.setPath( QDir::currentDirPath() ); populateList(); move(0,15); - + fileEdit->setFocus(); } fileSaver::~fileSaver() { } void fileSaver::populateList() { ListView->clear(); currentDir.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs | QDir::Hidden ); currentDir.setSorting(/* QDir::Size*/ /*| QDir::Reversed | */QDir::DirsFirst); currentDir.setMatchAllDirs(TRUE); currentDir.setNameFilter("*"); QString fileL, fileS; const QFileInfoList *list = currentDir.entryInfoList( /*QDir::All*/ /*, QDir::SortByMask*/); QFileInfoListIterator it(*list); QFileInfo *fi; while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { if (fi->isSymLink() ){ QString symLink=fi->readLink(); // qDebug("Symlink detected "+symLink); QFileInfo sym( symLink); fileS.sprintf( "%10li", sym.size() ); fileL.sprintf( "%s -> %s", sym.fileName().data(),sym.absFilePath().data() ); } else { // // qDebug("Not a dir: "+currentDir.canonicalPath()+fileL); fileS.sprintf( "%10li", fi->size() ); fileL.sprintf( "%s",fi->fileName().data() ); if( QDir(QDir::cleanDirPath(currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+fileL)).exists() ) { fileL+="/"; // qDebug(currentDir.canonicalPath()+fileL); } } item= new QListViewItem( ListView,fileL,fileS ); ++it; } ListView->setSorting( 2, FALSE); dirLabel->setText(currentDir.canonicalPath()); } void fileSaver::upDir() { // qDebug(currentDir.canonicalPath()); } void fileSaver::listDoubleClicked(QListViewItem *selectedItem) { } void fileSaver::listClicked(QListViewItem *selectedItem) { QString strItem=selectedItem->text(0); QString strSize=selectedItem->text(1); // qDebug("strItem is "+strItem); strSize.stripWhiteSpace(); // qDebug(strSize); if(strItem.find("@",0,TRUE) !=-1 || strItem.find("->",0,TRUE) !=-1 ) { //if symlink QString strItem2=strItem.right( (strItem.length()-strItem.find("->",0,TRUE)) -4); // qDebug("strItem symlink is "+strItem2); if(QDir(strItem2).exists() ) { currentDir.cd(strItem2, TRUE); populateList(); } } else { // not a symlink if(strItem.find(". .",0,TRUE) && strItem.find("/",0,TRUE)!=-1 ) { if(QDir(QDir::cleanDirPath(currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+strItem)).exists() ) { strItem=QDir::cleanDirPath(currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+strItem); currentDir.cd(strItem,FALSE); // qDebug("Path is "+strItem); populateList(); } else { currentDir.cdUp(); populateList(); } if(QDir(strItem).exists()){ currentDir.cd(strItem, TRUE); populateList(); } } // else // if( QFile::exists(strItem ) ) { // qDebug("We found our files!!"); // OnOK(); } //end not symlink chdir(strItem.latin1()); } void fileSaver::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e ) { if(e->isAccepted()) { e->accept(); } else { qDebug("not accepted"); done(-1); } } void fileSaver::accept() { selectedFileName = fileEdit->text(); QString path = currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/" + selectedFileName; if( path.find("//",0,TRUE) ==-1 ) { selectedFileName = path; } else { selectedFileName = currentDir.canonicalPath()+selectedFileName; } qDebug("going to save "+selectedFileName); done(1); } void fileSaver::homeButtonPushed() { chdir( QDir::homeDirPath().latin1() ); currentDir.cd( QDir::homeDirPath(), TRUE); populateList(); update(); } diff --git a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp index 0f19da9..03f3a1e 100644 --- a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp +++ b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.cpp @@ -1,902 +1,940 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ // changes added by L. J. Potter Sun 02-17-2002 21:31:31 #include "textedit.h" #include "fileBrowser.h" #include "fileSaver.h" #include "filePermissions.h" #include "fontDialog.h" #include <qpe/fontdatabase.h> #include <qpe/global.h> #include <qpe/fileselector.h> #include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/qpemenubar.h> #include <qpe/qpetoolbar.h> //#include <qpe/finddialog.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qcolordialog.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qobjectlist.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qwidgetstack.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> //getenv /* XPM */ static char * filesave_xpm[] = { "16 16 78 1", " c None", ". c #343434", "+ c #A0A0A0", "@ c #565656", "# c #9E9E9E", "$ c #525252", "% c #929292", "& c #676767", "* c #848484", "= c #666666", "- c #D8D8D8", "; c #FFFFFF", "> c #DBDBDB", ", c #636363", "' c #989898", ") c #2D2D2D", "! c #909090", "~ c #AEAEAE", "{ c #EAEAEA", "] c #575757", "^ c #585858", "/ c #8A8A8A", "( c #828282", "_ c #6F6F6F", ": c #C9C9C9", "< c #050505", "[ c #292929", "} c #777777", "| c #616161", "1 c #3A3A3A", "2 c #BEBEBE", "3 c #2C2C2C", "4 c #7C7C7C", "5 c #F6F6F6", "6 c #FCFCFC", "7 c #6B6B6B", "8 c #959595", "9 c #4F4F4F", "0 c #808080", "a c #767676", "b c #818181", "c c #B8B8B8", "d c #FBFBFB", "e c #F9F9F9", "f c #CCCCCC", "g c #030303", "h c #737373", "i c #7A7A7A", "j c #7E7E7E", "k c #6A6A6A", "l c #FAFAFA", "m c #505050", "n c #9D9D9D", "o c #333333", "p c #7B7B7B", "q c #787878", "r c #696969", "s c #494949", "t c #555555", "u c #949494", "v c #E6E6E6", "w c #424242", "x c #515151", "y c #535353", "z c #3E3E3E", "A c #D4D4D4", "B c #0C0C0C", "C c #353535", "D c #474747", "E c #ECECEC", "F c #919191", "G c #7D7D7D", "H c #000000", "I c #404040", "J c #858585", "K c #323232", "L c #D0D0D0", "M c #1C1C1C", " ...+ ", " @#$%&..+ ", " .*=-;;>,..+ ", " ')!~;;;;;;{]..", " ^/(-;;;;;;;_:<", " [}|;;;;;;;{12$", " #34-55;;;;678$+", " 90ab=c;dd;e1fg ", " [ahij((kbl0mn$ ", " op^q^^7r&]s/$+ ", "@btu;vbwxy]zAB ", "CzDEvEv;;DssF$ ", "G.H{E{E{IxsJ$+ ", " +...vEKxzLM ", " +...z]n$ ", " +... "}; #if QT_VERSION < 300 class QpeEditor : public QMultiLineEdit { // Q_OBJECT public: QpeEditor( QWidget *parent, const char * name = 0 ) : QMultiLineEdit( parent, name ) { clearTableFlags(); setTableFlags( Tbl_vScrollBar | Tbl_autoHScrollBar ); } //public slots: void find( const QString &txt, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards ); /* signals: void notFound(); void searchWrapped(); */ private: }; void QpeEditor::find ( const QString &txt, bool caseSensitive, bool backwards ) { static bool wrap = FALSE; int line, col; if ( wrap ) { if ( !backwards ) line = col = 0; wrap = FALSE; // emit searchWrapped(); } else { getCursorPosition( &line, &col ); } //ignore backwards for now.... if ( !backwards ) { for ( ; ; ) { if ( line >= numLines() ) { wrap = TRUE; //emit notFound(); break; } int findCol = getString( line )->find( txt, col, caseSensitive ); if ( findCol >= 0 ) { setCursorPosition( line, findCol, FALSE ); col = findCol + txt.length(); setCursorPosition( line, col, TRUE ); //found = TRUE; break; } line++; col = 0; } } } #else #error "Must make a QpeEditor that inherits QTextEdit" #endif static int u_id = 1; static int get_unique_id() { return u_id++; } static const int nfontsizes = 6; static const int fontsize[nfontsizes] = {8,10,12,14,18,24}; TextEdit::TextEdit( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f ) : QMainWindow( parent, name, f ), bFromDocView( FALSE ) { doc = 0; setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); setIcon( Resource::loadPixmap( "TextEditor" ) ); QPEToolBar *bar = new QPEToolBar( this ); bar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); menu = bar; QPEMenuBar *mb = new QPEMenuBar( bar ); QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *edit = new QPopupMenu( this ); - QPopupMenu *font = new QPopupMenu( this ); + font = new QPopupMenu( this ); bar = new QPEToolBar( this ); editBar = bar; QAction *a = new QAction( tr( "New" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "new" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileNew() ) ); a->addTo( bar ); a->addTo( file ); a = new QAction( tr( "Open" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "fileopen" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileOpen() ) ); // a->addTo( bar ); a->addTo( file ); a = new QAction( tr( "Browse" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "fileopen" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( newFileOpen() ) ); a->addTo( bar ); a->addTo( file ); a = new QAction( tr( "Save" ), QPixmap(( const char** ) filesave_xpm ) , QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( save() ) ); // a->addTo( bar ); file->insertSeparator(); a->addTo( file ); a = new QAction( tr( "Save As" ), QPixmap(( const char** ) filesave_xpm ) , QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( saveAs() ) ); a->addTo( file ); a = new QAction( tr( "Cut" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "cut" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCut() ) ); a->addTo( editBar ); a->addTo( edit ); a = new QAction( tr( "Copy" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "copy" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCopy() ) ); a->addTo( editBar ); a->addTo( edit ); a = new QAction( tr( "Paste" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "paste" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPaste() ) ); a->addTo( editBar ); a->addTo( edit ); a = new QAction( tr( "Find..." ), Resource::loadPixmap( "find" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editFind() ) ); edit->insertSeparator(); a->addTo( bar ); a->addTo( edit ); int defsize; bool defb, defi, wrap; Config cfg("TextEdit"); cfg.setGroup("View"); defsize = cfg.readNumEntry("FontSize",10); defb = cfg.readBoolEntry("Bold",FALSE); defi = cfg.readBoolEntry("Italic",FALSE); wrap = cfg.readBoolEntry("Wrap",TRUE); zin = new QAction( tr("Zoom in"), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( zin, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( zoomIn() ) ); zin->addTo( font ); zout = new QAction( tr("Zoom out"), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( zout, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( zoomOut() ) ); zout->addTo( font ); font->insertSeparator(); #if 0 QAction *ba = new QAction( tr("Bold"), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( ba, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setBold(bool) ) ); ba->setToggleAction(TRUE); ba->addTo( font ); QAction *ia = new QAction( tr("Italic"), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( ia, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setItalic(bool) ) ); ia->setToggleAction(TRUE); ia->addTo( font ); ba->setOn(defb); ia->setOn(defi); font->insertSeparator(); #endif QAction *wa = new QAction( tr("Wrap lines"), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( wa, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setWordWrap(bool) ) ); wa->setToggleAction(TRUE); wa->addTo( font ); font->insertSeparator(); font->insertItem("Font", this, SLOT(changeFont()) ); + font->insertSeparator(); + nStart = new QAction( tr("Start with new file"), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); + connect( nStart, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( changeStartConfig(bool) ) ); + nStart->setToggleAction(TRUE); + nStart->addTo( font ); + mb->insertItem( tr( "File" ), file ); mb->insertItem( tr( "Edit" ), edit ); mb->insertItem( tr( "View" ), font ); searchBar = new QPEToolBar(this); addToolBar( searchBar, "Search", QMainWindow::Top, TRUE ); searchBar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); searchEdit = new QLineEdit( searchBar, "searchEdit" ); searchBar->setStretchableWidget( searchEdit ); connect( searchEdit, SIGNAL( textChanged( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( search() ) ); a = new QAction( tr( "Find Next" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "next" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( findNext() ) ); a->addTo( searchBar ); a->addTo( edit ); a = new QAction( tr( "Close Find" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "close" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( findClose() ) ); a->addTo( searchBar ); edit->insertSeparator(); a = new QAction( tr( "Delete" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "close" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editDelete() ) ); a->addTo( edit ); searchBar->hide(); editorStack = new QWidgetStack( this ); setCentralWidget( editorStack ); searchVisible = FALSE; fileSelector = new FileSelector( "text/*", editorStack, "fileselector" , TRUE, TRUE); //buggy connect( fileSelector, SIGNAL( closeMe() ), this, SLOT( showEditTools() ) ); connect( fileSelector, SIGNAL( newSelected( const DocLnk &) ), this, SLOT( newFile( const DocLnk & ) ) ); connect( fileSelector, SIGNAL( fileSelected( const DocLnk &) ), this, SLOT( openFile( const DocLnk & ) ) ); // fileOpen(); editor = new QpeEditor( editorStack ); editor->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken ); editorStack->addWidget( editor, get_unique_id() ); resize( 200, 300 ); // setFontSize(defsize,TRUE); FontDatabase fdb; QFont defaultFont=editor->font(); QFontInfo fontInfo(defaultFont); cfg.setGroup("Font"); QString family = cfg.readEntry("Family", fontInfo.family()); QString style = cfg.readEntry("Style", fdb.styleString(defaultFont)); int i_size = cfg.readNumEntry("Size", fontInfo.pointSize()/10); QString charSet = cfg.readEntry("CharSet", QFont::encodingName( fontInfo.charSet()) ); defaultFont = fdb.font(family,style,i_size,charSet); editor->setFont( defaultFont); wa->setOn(wrap); updateCaption(); + cfg.setGroup("View"); + if(cfg.readEntry("startNew","TRUE") == "TRUE") { + nStart->setOn(TRUE); fileNew(); + } else { + fileOpen(); + } + } TextEdit::~TextEdit() { // save(); Config cfg("TextEdit"); cfg.setGroup("View"); QFont f = editor->font(); cfg.writeEntry("FontSize",f.pointSize()); cfg.writeEntry("Bold",f.bold()); cfg.writeEntry("Italic",f.italic()); cfg.writeEntry("Wrap",editor->wordWrap() == QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth); } void TextEdit::zoomIn() { setFontSize(editor->font().pointSize()+1,FALSE); } void TextEdit::zoomOut() { setFontSize(editor->font().pointSize()-1,TRUE); } void TextEdit::setFontSize(int sz, bool round_down_not_up) { int s=10; for (int i=0; i<nfontsizes; i++) { if ( fontsize[i] == sz ) { s = sz; break; } else if ( round_down_not_up ) { if ( fontsize[i] < sz ) s = fontsize[i]; } else { if ( fontsize[i] > sz ) { s = fontsize[i]; break; } } } QFont f = editor->font(); f.setPointSize(s); editor->setFont(f); zin->setEnabled(s != fontsize[nfontsizes-1]); zout->setEnabled(s != fontsize[0]); } void TextEdit::setBold(bool y) { QFont f = editor->font(); f.setBold(y); editor->setFont(f); } void TextEdit::setItalic(bool y) { QFont f = editor->font(); f.setItalic(y); editor->setFont(f); } void TextEdit::setWordWrap(bool y) { bool state = editor->edited(); editor->setWordWrap(y ? QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth : QMultiLineEdit::NoWrap ); editor->setEdited( state ); } void TextEdit::fileNew() { if( !bFromDocView ) { saveAs(); } newFile(DocLnk()); } void TextEdit::fileOpen() { // if ( !save() ) { // if ( QMessageBox::critical( this, tr( "Out of space" ), // tr( "Text Editor was unable to\n" // "save your changes.\n" // "Free some space and try again.\n" // "\nContinue anyway?" ), // QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::Escape, // QMessageBox::No|QMessageBox::Default ) // != QMessageBox::Yes ) // return; // else { // delete doc; // doc = 0; // } // } menu->hide(); editBar->hide(); searchBar->hide(); clearWState (WState_Reserved1 ); editorStack->raiseWidget( fileSelector ); fileSelector->reread(); updateCaption(); } void TextEdit::newFileOpen() { browseForFiles=new fileBrowser(this,"Open File",TRUE,0, "*"); if( browseForFiles->exec() != -1 ) { QString selFile= browseForFiles->selectedFileName; QStringList fileList=browseForFiles->fileList; qDebug(selFile); QStringList::ConstIterator f; QString fileTemp; for ( f = fileList.begin(); f != fileList.end(); f++ ) { fileTemp = *f; fileTemp.right( fileTemp.length()-5); QString fileName = fileTemp; if( fileName != "Unnamed" || fileName != "Empty Text" ) { currentFileName = fileName; qDebug("please open "+currentFileName); openFile(fileName ); } } } delete browseForFiles; editor->setEdited( true ); } #if 0 void TextEdit::slotFind() { FindDialog frmFind( "Text Editor", this ); connect( &frmFind, SIGNAL(signalFindClicked(const QString &, bool, bool, int)), editor, SLOT(slotDoFind( const QString&,bool,bool))); //case sensitive, backwards, [category] connect( editor, SIGNAL(notFound()), &frmFind, SLOT(slotNotFound()) ); connect( editor, SIGNAL(searchWrapped()), &frmFind, SLOT(slotWrapAround()) ); frmFind.exec(); } #endif void TextEdit::fileRevert() { clear(); fileOpen(); } void TextEdit::editCut() { #ifndef QT_NO_CLIPBOARD editor->cut(); #endif } void TextEdit::editCopy() { #ifndef QT_NO_CLIPBOARD editor->copy(); #endif } void TextEdit::editPaste() { #ifndef QT_NO_CLIPBOARD editor->paste(); #endif } void TextEdit::editFind() { searchBar->show(); searchVisible = TRUE; searchEdit->setFocus(); } void TextEdit::findNext() { editor->find( searchEdit->text(), FALSE, FALSE ); } void TextEdit::findClose() { searchVisible = FALSE; searchBar->hide(); } void TextEdit::search() { editor->find( searchEdit->text(), FALSE, FALSE ); } void TextEdit::newFile( const DocLnk &f ) { DocLnk nf = f; nf.setType("text/plain"); clear(); editorStack->raiseWidget( editor ); setWState (WState_Reserved1 ); editor->setFocus(); doc = new DocLnk(nf); qDebug("newFile "+currentFileName); updateCaption(currentFileName); } void TextEdit::openFile( const QString &f ) { bFromDocView = TRUE; DocLnk nf; nf.setType("text/plain"); nf.setFile(f); currentFileName=f; QFileInfo fi( currentFileName); nf.setName(fi.baseName()); qDebug("openFile string"+currentFileName); openFile(nf); showEditTools(); // Show filename in caption QString name = f; int sep = name.findRev( '/' ); if ( sep > 0 ) name = name.mid( sep+1 ); updateCaption( name ); } void TextEdit::openFile( const DocLnk &f ) { // clear(); bFromDocView = TRUE; FileManager fm; QString txt; currentFileName=f.name(); qDebug("openFile doclnk " + currentFileName); if ( !fm.loadFile( f, txt ) ) { // ####### could be a new file qDebug( "Cannot open file" ); //return; } fileNew(); if ( doc ) delete doc; doc = new DocLnk(f); editor->setText(txt); editor->setEdited( false); qDebug("openFile doclnk "+currentFileName); doc->setName(currentFileName); updateCaption(); } void TextEdit::showEditTools() { // if ( !doc ) // close(); // clear(); fileSelector->hide(); menu->show(); editBar->show(); if ( searchVisible ) searchBar->show(); // updateCaption(); editorStack->raiseWidget( editor ); setWState (WState_Reserved1 ); } /*! unprompted save */ bool TextEdit::save() { QString file = doc->file(); + qDebug(file); QString name= doc->name(); - + qDebug(name); QString rt = editor->text(); + if( !rt.isEmpty() ) { + if(name.isEmpty()) { + saveAs(); + } else { currentFileName= name ; qDebug("saveFile "+currentFileName); struct stat buf; mode_t mode; stat(file.latin1(), &buf); mode = buf.st_mode; doc->setName( name); FileManager fm; if ( !fm.saveFile( *doc, rt ) ) { return false; } editor->setEdited( false ); chmod( file.latin1(), mode); + } return true; } + return false; +} /*! prompted save */ bool TextEdit::saveAs() { // qDebug("saveAsFile "+currentFileName); // case of nothing to save... /// there's always something to save // if ( !doc )//|| !bFromDocView) // { // qDebug("no doc"); // return true; // } if ( !editor->edited() ) { delete doc; doc = 0; return true; } QString rt = editor->text(); qDebug(currentFileName); if( currentFileName.isEmpty() || currentFileName == "Unnamed") { qDebug("do silly TT filename thing"); if ( doc->name().isEmpty() ) { QString pt = rt.simplifyWhiteSpace(); int i = pt.find( ' ' ); QString docname = pt; if ( i > 0 ) docname = pt.left( i ); // remove "." at the beginning while( docname.startsWith( "." ) ) docname = docname.mid( 1 ); docname.replace( QRegExp("/"), "_" ); // cut the length. filenames longer than that don't make sense and something goes wrong when they get too long. if ( docname.length() > 40 ) docname = docname.left(40); if ( docname.isEmpty() ) docname = "Unnamed"; doc->setName(docname); currentFileName=docname; } } - fileSaveDlg=new fileSaver(this,"Save File",TRUE, 0, currentFileName); + fileSaveDlg=new fileSaver(this,"Save File As?",TRUE, 0, currentFileName); qDebug("wanna save filename "+currentFileName); fileSaveDlg->exec(); if( fileSaveDlg->result() == 1 ) { QString fileNm=fileSaveDlg->selectedFileName; qDebug("saving filename "+fileNm); QFileInfo fi(fileNm); currentFileName=fi.fileName(); if(doc) { - qDebug("doclnk exists"); // QString file = doc->file(); // doc->removeFiles(); delete doc; DocLnk nf; nf.setType("text/plain"); nf.setFile( fileNm); doc = new DocLnk(nf); // editor->setText(rt); - qDebug("openFile doclnk "+currentFileName); +// qDebug("openFile doclnk "+currentFileName); doc->setName( currentFileName); updateCaption( currentFileName); FileManager fm; if ( !fm.saveFile( *doc, rt ) ) { return false; } if( fileSaveDlg->filePermCheck->isChecked() ) { filePermissions *filePerm; filePerm = new filePermissions(this, "Permissions",true,0,(const QString &)fileNm); filePerm->exec(); editor->setEdited( false ); if( filePerm) delete filePerm; } } } if(fileSaveDlg) delete fileSaveDlg; return true; } void TextEdit::clear() { delete doc; doc = 0; editor->clear(); } void TextEdit::updateCaption( const QString &name ) { if ( !doc ) setCaption( tr("Text Editor") ); else { QString s = name; if ( s.isNull() ) s = doc->name(); if ( s.isEmpty() ) { s = tr( "Unnamed" ); currentFileName=s; } setCaption( s + " - " + tr("Text Editor") ); } } void TextEdit::setDocument(const QString& fileref) { bFromDocView = TRUE; qDebug("setDocument "+fileref); bFromDocView = TRUE; if(fileref.find(".desktop",0,TRUE) == -1) { openFile(fileref); } else { openFile(DocLnk(fileref)); } } void TextEdit::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e ) { if ( editorStack->visibleWidget() == fileSelector && !bFromDocView ) { e->ignore(); repaint(); // fileRevert(); } else { bFromDocView = FALSE; e->accept(); } } void TextEdit::accept() { + QString file = doc->file(); + if (file.find("_.txt",0,TRUE) ==-1) save(); - close(); -// fileOpen(); //godamn thats obnoxious! lemme out!!! + else { + QFile(file).remove(); + } + exit(0); + } void TextEdit::changeFont() { FontDatabase fdb; QFont defaultFont=editor->font(); QFontInfo fontInfo(defaultFont); Config cfg("TextEdit"); cfg.setGroup("Font"); QString family = cfg.readEntry("Family", fontInfo.family()); QString style = cfg.readEntry("Style", fdb.styleString(defaultFont)); int i_size = cfg.readNumEntry("Size", fontInfo.pointSize()/10); QString charSet = cfg.readEntry("CharSet", QFont::encodingName( fontInfo.charSet()) ); defaultFont = fdb.font(family,style,i_size,charSet); FontDialog *fontDlg; fontDlg=new FontDialog(this,"FontDialog",TRUE); fontDlg->exec(); QFont myFont=fontDlg->selectedFont; editor->setFont( myFont); delete fontDlg; } void TextEdit::editDelete() { switch ( QMessageBox::warning(this,"Text Editor","Do you really want\nto delete the current file\nfrom the disk?\nThis is irreversable!!","Yes","No",0,0,1) ) { case 0: if(doc) { doc->removeFiles(); clear(); setCaption( tr("Text Editor") ); } break; case 1: // exit break; }; } + +void TextEdit::changeStartConfig( bool b ) { + + Config cfg("TextEdit"); + cfg.setGroup("View"); + if(b) { + qDebug("bool"); + cfg.writeEntry("startNew","TRUE"); + } else { + cfg.writeEntry("startNew","FALSE"); + } + update(); +} diff --git a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.h b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.h index 781061a..fb58738 100644 --- a/core/apps/textedit/textedit.h +++ b/core/apps/textedit/textedit.h @@ -1,114 +1,118 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ // additions made by L.J. Potter Sun 02-17-2002 22:27:46 #ifndef TEXTEDIT_H #define TEXTEDIT_H #define QTEXTEDIT_OPEN_API #include "fileBrowser.h" #include "fileSaver.h" #include <qpe/filemanager.h> #include <qmainwindow.h> #include <qmultilineedit.h> #include <qlist.h> #include <qmap.h> +class QAction; class QWidgetStack; class QToolButton; class QPopupMenu; class QToolBar; class QLineEdit; class QAction; class FileSelector; class QpeEditor; +class QPopupMenu; class TextEdit : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: TextEdit( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f = 0 ); ~TextEdit(); - + QPopupMenu *font; + QAction *nStart; void openFile( const QString & ); protected: void closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e ); private slots: void setDocument(const QString&); void changeFont(); void fileNew(); void fileRevert(); void fileOpen(); void newFileOpen(); + void changeStartConfig(bool); bool save(); bool saveAs(); void editCut(); void editCopy(); void editPaste(); void editFind(); void editDelete(); void findNext(); void findClose(); void search(); void accept(); void newFile( const DocLnk & ); void openFile( const DocLnk & ); void showEditTools(); void zoomIn(); void zoomOut(); void setBold(bool y); void setItalic(bool y); void setWordWrap(bool y); private: void colorChanged( const QColor &c ); void clear(); void updateCaption( const QString &name=QString::null ); void setFontSize(int sz, bool round_down_not_up); private: QWidgetStack *editorStack; FileSelector *fileSelector; fileSaver *fileSaveDlg; fileBrowser *browseForFiles; QpeEditor* editor; QToolBar *menu, *editBar, *searchBar; QLineEdit *searchEdit; DocLnk *doc; bool searchVisible; bool bFromDocView; QAction *zin, *zout; QString currentFileName; }; #endif |