22 files changed, 53 insertions, 55 deletions
@@ -1,86 +1,86 @@ 1. How to use the Opie build system ==================================== There's a tutorial document at: http://www.uv-ac.de/opiedev/opiedev.html The API reference currently is at: http://handhelds.org/~zecke/apidocs/index.html You will need qvfb, uic and (if you want to develop applications) designer compiled and linked against qt-x11. That means you must download and configure/make it. wget ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-x11-2.3.2.tar.gz (Alternatively, you can get static binaries from http://www.vanille.de/tools) The recommended version of Qt embedded is qt-embedded-2.3.7 You can get it from: ftp://ftp.trolltech.com/qt/source/qt-embedded-2.3.7.tar.bz2 Set QTDIR to point to your qt/embedded source tree, such as: export QTDIR=/opt/qt-2.3.7 You need to do set the OPIEDIR environment variable: export OPIEDIR=`pwd` or export OPIEDIR=~/projects/sources/opie or whereever you placed the Opie sources. You need to adjust your runtime library search path, so that the Qt/Embedded and Opie libraries can be found: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OPIEDIR/lib:$QTDIR/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH You have to apply the qte<version>-all.patch to the Qt/Embedded sources and copy the qconfig-qpe.h file to $QTDIR/src/tools: cd $QTDIR; cat $OPIEDIR/qt/qte<version>*.patch | patch -p0 cp $OPIEDIR/qt/qpe-config.h $QTDIR/src/tools You are now ready to configure and build Qt/Embedded cd $QTDIR echo 'yes' | ./configure -qconfig qpe -depths 4,16,24,32 -system-jpeg -system-libpng -system-zlib -no-xft -qvfb make Once you have these compiled, be sure to set the PATH to ensure your (cross)compiler is available. Then do the following in the opie source tree: make clean make menuconfig Now you can move through the menu and select or deselect anything.. Exit and save the configuration and enter "make" to create opie... Have fun with it ! If you get into trouble there are other makefile targets make clean-configs is a useful one. 2. Used Libraries ================ The following Libraries are used in Opie. -For a successfull build you must install these librarys and headers. +For a successful build you must install these librarys and headers. The versions are known-good versions. If you successfully try newer ones, commit a new README or send a mail to opie-devel@handhelds.org * libsdl 1.2 http://www.libsdl.org/download-1.2.php * libxine 1.0 beta 11 http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/xine/ * libpcap 0.7.2 http://www.tcpdump.org/release/ * libetpan 0.31 http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/libetpan/ + patch in noncore/net/mail/libetpanstuff * libsqlite 2.8.6 http://www.sqlite.org/download.html diff --git a/core/opiealarm/opiealarm.c b/core/opiealarm/opiealarm.c index 90a743f..422865c 100644 --- a/core/opiealarm/opiealarm.c +++ b/core/opiealarm/opiealarm.c @@ -1,384 +1,384 @@ /* * opiealarm.c * * This program is for extracting the event time/date out * of /var/run/resumeat and setting the RTC alarm to that time/date. * It is designed to run via a script just before the iPAQ * is suspended and right after the iPAQ resumes operation. * * written and copyrighted by Robert Griebl <sandman@handhelds.org> */ #include <stdio.h> #include <linux/rtc.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #define PIDFILE "/var/run/opiealarm.pid" #define TIMEFILE "/var/run/resumeat" #define APMFILE "/proc/apm" int resume ( int resuspend ); int suspend ( int fix_rtc ); int main ( int argc, char **argv ); int fork_with_pidfile ( void ); int kill_with_pidfile ( void ); void remove_pidfile ( void ); void usage ( void ); void sig_handler_child ( int sig ); void sig_handler_parent ( int sig ); int onac ( void ); static int opiealarm_was_running; static pid_t parent_pid = 0; void sig_handler_child ( int sig ) { // child got SIGUSR2 -> cleanup pidfile and exit remove_pidfile ( ); exit ( 0 ); } void sig_handler_parent ( int sig ) { // parent got SIGUSR1 -> safe to exit now parent_pid = 0; exit ( 0 ); } void usage ( void ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Usage: opiealarm -s [-f] | -r [-a]\n\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "\t-s\tSuspend mode: set RTC alarm\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "\t-f \tFix RTC, if RTC and system have more than 5sec difference (suspend mode)\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "\t-r\tResume mode: kill running opiealarm\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "\t-a <x>\tResuspend in <x> seconds (resume mode)\n\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } int fork_with_pidfile ( void ) { FILE *fp; pid_t pid; pid = fork ( ); if ( pid > 0 ) { // We can not just exit now, because the kernel could suspend // the iPAQ just before the child process sets the RTC. // Solution: just wait for SIGUSR1 - the child process will // signal this when it thinks it is safe to exit. signal ( SIGUSR1, sig_handler_parent ); while ( 1 ) sleep ( 1000 ); exit ( 0 ); } else if ( pid < 0 ) { perror ( "forking failed" ); return 0; } // sleep( 60 ); // child process needs to react to SIGUSR2. This is sent when // a new opiealarm process is started. signal ( SIGUSR2, sig_handler_child ); // save pid if (( fp = fopen ( PIDFILE, "w" ))) { fprintf ( fp, "%d", getpid ( )); fclose ( fp ); // detach close ( 0 ); close ( 1 ); close ( 2 ); setpgid ( 0, 0 ); return 1; } else { perror ( PIDFILE ); return 0; } } int kill_with_pidfile ( void ) { FILE *fp; pid_t pid; int res = 0; // terminate a running opiealarm child process // return 1 if we really killed one if (( fp = fopen ( PIDFILE, "r" ))) { if ( fscanf ( fp, "%d", &pid ) == 1 ) res = ( kill ( pid, SIGUSR2 ) == 0 ) ? 1 : 0; fclose ( fp ); } return res; } void remove_pidfile ( void ) { // child is about to exit - cleanup unlink ( PIDFILE ); signal ( SIGUSR2, SIG_DFL ); } int main ( int argc, char **argv ) { int mode = 0; int ac_resusp = 0; int fix_rtc = 0; int opt; while (( opt = getopt ( argc, argv, "a:frs" )) != EOF ) { switch ( opt ) { case 's': mode = 's'; break; case 'r': mode = 'r'; break; case 'a': ac_resusp = atoi ( optarg ); if ( ac_resusp < 30 ) { ac_resusp = 120; fprintf ( stderr, "Warning: resuspend timeout must be >= 30 sec. -- now set to 120 sec\n" ); } break; case 'f': fix_rtc = 1; break; default: usage ( ); } } if ( geteuid ( ) != 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "You need root priviledges to run opiealarm." ); return 2; } if ( !mode ) usage ( ); parent_pid = getpid ( ); // kill running opiealarm opiealarm_was_running = kill_with_pidfile ( ); remove_pidfile ( ); switch ( mode ) { case 'r': opt = resume ( ac_resusp ); break; case 's': default : opt = suspend ( fix_rtc ); break; } parent_pid = 0; return opt; } int suspend ( int fix_rtc ) { FILE *fp = NULL; char buf [64]; time_t alrt, syst, rtct; struct tm alr, sys, rtc; int fd; int rtc_sys_diff; if ( !fork_with_pidfile ( )) return 3; // we are the child process from here on ... tzset ( ); // not sure if it is really needed -- it probably doesn't hurt ... time ( &syst );// get the UNIX system time sys = *localtime ( &syst ); do { if (( fd = open ( "/dev/misc/rtc", O_RDWR )) < 0 ) if (( fd = open ( "/dev/rtc", O_RDWR )) < 0 ) break; // ( 1, "rtc" ); memset ( &rtc, 0, sizeof ( struct tm )); // get the RTC time if ( ioctl ( fd, RTC_RD_TIME, &rtc ) < 0 ) break; // ( 1, "ioctl RTC_RD_TIME" ); rtct = mktime ( &rtc ); rtc_sys_diff = ( syst - rtct ) - sys. tm_gmtoff; // calculate the difference between system and hardware time if ( fix_rtc && (( rtc_sys_diff < -3 ) || ( rtc_sys_diff > 3 ))) { struct tm set; set = *gmtime ( &syst ); // if the difference between system and hardware time is more than 3 seconds, // we have to set the RTC (hwclock --systohc), or alarms won't work reliably. if ( ioctl ( fd, RTC_SET_TIME, &set ) < 0 ) break; // ( 1, "ioctl RTC_SET_TIME" ); } // read the wakeup time from TIMEFILE if (!( fp = fopen ( TIMEFILE, "r" ))) break; // ( 1, TIMEFILE ); if ( !fgets ( buf, sizeof( buf ) - 1, fp )) break; // ( 1, TIMEFILE ); fclose ( fp ); fp = NULL; alrt = atoi ( buf ); // get the alarm time if ( alrt == 0 ) break; // ( 0, TIMEFILE " contains an invalid time description" ); alrt -= 5; // wake up 5 sec before the specified time alr = *gmtime ( &alrt ); if ( ioctl ( fd, RTC_ALM_SET, &alr ) < 0 ) // set RTC alarm time break; // ( 1, "ioctl RTC_ALM_SET" ); if ( ioctl ( fd, RTC_AIE_ON, 0 ) < 0 ) break; // ( 1, "ioctl RTC_AIE_ON" ); // enable RTC alarm irq // tell the parent it is safe to exit now .. we have set the RTC alarm kill ( parent_pid, SIGUSR1 ); if ( read ( fd, buf, sizeof( unsigned long )) < 0 ) // wait for the RTC alarm irq break; // ( 1, "read rtc alarm" ); // iPAQ woke up via RTC irq -- otherwise we would have received a SIGUSR2 // from the "resume instance" of opiealarm. if ( ioctl ( fd, RTC_AIE_OFF, 0 ) < 0 ) // disable RTC alarm irq break; // ( 1, "ioctl RTC_AIE_OFF" ); close ( fd ); fd = -1; remove_pidfile ( ); return 0; } while ( 0 ); if ( fp != NULL ) fclose ( fp ); if ( fd != -1 ) close ( fd ); kill ( parent_pid, SIGUSR1 ); while ( 1 ) // pretend that we are waiting on RTC, so opiealarm -r can kill us sleep ( 1000 ); // if we don't do this, the "resuspend on AC" would be triggerd return 0; } int onac ( void ) { FILE *fp; int on = 0; // check the apm proc interface for AC status if (( fp = fopen ( APMFILE, "r" ))) { int ac = 0; if ( fscanf ( fp, "%*[^ ] %*d.%*d 0x%*x 0x%x 0x%*x 0x%*x %*d%% %*i %*c", &ac ) == 1 ) on = ( ac == 0x01 ) ? 1 : 0; fclose ( fp ); } return on; } int resume ( int resuspend ) { FILE *fp; // re-suspend when on AC (optional) when woken up via RTC if ( !opiealarm_was_running ) { // if opiealarm -s didn't wake up via RTC, the old process gets killed // by kill_by_pidfile(), which is recorded in opiealarm_was_running if ( resuspend && onac ( )) { time_t start, now; char *argv [4]; if ( !fork_with_pidfile ( )) return 4; // we can't wait for the resuspend timeout in the parent process. // so we fork and tell the parent it can exit immediatly kill ( parent_pid, SIGUSR1 ); // sleep <resuspend> seconds - this method is much more precise than sleep() ! time ( &start ); do { sleep ( 1 ); time ( &now ); } while (( now - start ) < resuspend ); if ( onac ( )) { // still on ac ? argv[0] = "qcop"; argv[1] = "QPE/Desktop"; argv[2] = "suspend()"; argv[3] = 0; // hard coded for now ...but needed // another way would be to simulate a power-button press setenv ( "LOGNAME", "root", 1 ); setenv ( "HOME", "/root", 1 ); setenv ( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "/opt/QtPalmtop/lib", 1 ); setenv ( "QTDIR", "/opt/QtPalmtop", 1 ); remove_pidfile ( ); - // no need for system() since this process is no longer usefull anyway + // no need for system() since this process is no longer useful anyway execv ( "/opt/QtPalmtop/bin/qcop", argv ); perror ( "exec for qcop failed" ); return 5; } } } return 0; } diff --git a/etc/dict/words b/etc/dict/words index 1568032..0f14205 100644 --- a/etc/dict/words +++ b/etc/dict/words @@ -1,20928 +1,20928 @@ Aarhus Aaron Ababa aback abaft abandon abandoned abandoning abandonment abandons abase abased abasement abasements abases abash abashed abashes abashing abasing abate abated abatement abatements abater abates abating Abba abbe abbey abbeys abbot abbots Abbott abbreviate abbreviated abbreviates abbreviating abbreviation abbreviations Abby abdomen abdomens abdominal abduct abducted abduction abductions abductor abductors abducts Abe abed Abel Abelian Abelson Aberdeen Abernathy aberrant aberration aberrations abet abets abetted abetter abetting abeyance abhor abhorred abhorrent abhorrer abhorring abhors abide abided abides abiding Abidjan Abigail Abilene abilities ability abject abjection abjections abjectly abjectness abjure abjured abjures abjuring ablate ablated ablates ablating ablation ablative ablaze able abler ablest ably Abner abnormal abnormalities abnormality abnormally Abo aboard abode abodes abolish abolished abolisher abolishers abolishes abolishing abolishment abolishments abolition abolitionist abolitionists abominable abominate aboriginal aborigine aborigines abort aborted aborting abortion abortions abortive abortively aborts Abos abound abounded abounding abounds about above aboveboard aboveground abovementioned abrade abraded abrades abrading Abraham Abram Abrams Abramson abrasion abrasions abrasive abreaction abreactions abreast abridge abridged abridges abridging abridgment abroad abrogate abrogated abrogates abrogating abrupt abruptly abruptness abscess abscessed abscesses abscissa abscissas abscond absconded absconding absconds absence absences absent absented absentee absenteeism absentees absentia absenting absently absentminded absents absinthe absolute absolutely absoluteness absolutes absolution absolve absolved absolves absolving absorb absorbed absorbency absorbent absorber absorbing absorbs absorption absorptions absorptive abstain abstained abstainer abstaining abstains abstention abstentions abstinence abstract abstracted abstracting abstraction abstractionism abstractionist abstractions abstractly abstractness abstractor abstractors abstracts abstruse abstruseness absurd absurdities absurdity absurdly Abu abundance abundant abundantly abuse abused abuses abusing abusive abut abutment abuts abutted abutter abutters abutting abysmal abysmally abyss abysses Abyssinia Abyssinian Abyssinians acacia academia academic academically academics academies academy Acadia Acapulco accede acceded accedes accelerate accelerated accelerates accelerating acceleration accelerations accelerator accelerators accelerometer accelerometers accent accented accenting accents accentual accentuate accentuated accentuates accentuating accentuation accept acceptability acceptable acceptably acceptance acceptances accepted accepter accepters accepting acceptor acceptors accepts access accessed accesses accessibility accessible accessibly accessing accession accessions accessories accessors accessory accident accidental accidentally accidently accidents acclaim acclaimed acclaiming acclaims acclamation acclimate acclimated acclimates acclimating acclimatization acclimatized accolade accolades accommodate accommodated accommodates accommodating accommodation accommodations accompanied accompanies accompaniment accompaniments accompanist accompanists accompany accompanying accomplice accomplices accomplish accomplished accomplisher accomplishers accomplishes accomplishing accomplishment accomplishments accord accordance accorded accorder accorders according accordingly accordion accordions accords accost accosted accosting accosts account accountability accountable accountably accountancy accountant accountants accounted accounting accounts Accra accredit accreditation accreditations accredited accretion accretions accrue accrued accrues accruing acculturate acculturated acculturates acculturating acculturation accumulate accumulated accumulates accumulating accumulation accumulations accumulator accumulators accuracies accuracy accurate accurately accurateness accursed accusal accusation accusations accusative accuse accused accuser accuses accusing accusingly accustom accustomed accustoming accustoms ace aces acetate acetone acetylene Achaean Achaeans ache ached aches achievable achieve achieved achievement achievements achiever achievers achieves achieving Achilles aching acid acidic acidities acidity acidly acids acidulous Ackerman Ackley acknowledge acknowledgeable acknowledged acknowledgement acknowledgements acknowledger acknowledgers acknowledges acknowledging acknowledgment acknowledgments acme acne acolyte acolytes acorn acorns acoustic acoustical acoustically acoustician acoustics acquaint acquaintance acquaintances acquainted acquainting acquaints acquiesce acquiesced acquiescence acquiescent acquiesces acquiescing acquirable acquire acquired acquires acquiring acquisition acquisitions acquisitive acquisitiveness acquit acquits acquittal acquitted acquitter acquitting acre acreage acres acrid acrimonious acrimony acrobat acrobatic acrobatics acrobats acronym acronyms acropolis across acrylic act Acta Actaeon acted acting actinium actinometer actinometers action actions activate activated activates activating activation activations activator activators active actively activism activist activists activities activity Acton actor actors actress actresses Acts actual actualities actuality actualization actually actuals actuarial actuarially actuate actuated actuates actuating actuator actuators acuity acumen acute acutely acuteness acyclic acyclically ad Ada adage adages adagio adagios Adair Adam adamant adamantly Adams Adamson adapt adaptability adaptable adaptation adaptations adapted adapter adapters adapting adaptive adaptively adaptor adaptors adapts add added addend addenda addendum adder adders addict addicted addicting addiction addictions addicts adding Addis Addison addition additional additionally additions additive additives additivity address addressability addressable addressed addressee addressees addresser addressers addresses addressing Addressograph adds adduce adduced adduces adducible adducing adduct adducted adducting adduction adductor adducts Adelaide Adele Adelia Aden adept adequacies adequacy adequate adequately adhere adhered adherence adherent adherents adherer adherers adheres adhering adhesion adhesions adhesive adhesives adiabatic adiabatically adieu Adirondack Adirondacks adjacency adjacent adjective adjectives adjoin adjoined adjoining adjoins adjourn adjourned adjourning adjournment adjourns adjudge adjudged adjudges adjudging adjudicate adjudicated adjudicates adjudicating adjudication adjudications adjunct adjuncts adjure adjured adjures adjuring adjust adjustable adjustably adjusted adjuster adjusters adjusting adjustment adjustments adjustor adjustors adjusts adjutant adjutants Adkins Adler Adlerian administer administered administering administerings administers administrable administrate administration administrations administrative administratively administrator administrators admirable admirably admiral admirals admiralty admiration admirations admire admired admirer admirers admires admiring admiringly admissibility admissible admission admissions admit admits admittance admitted admittedly admitter admitters admitting admix admixed admixes admixture admonish admonished admonishes admonishing admonishment admonishments admonition admonitions ado adobe adolescence adolescent adolescents Adolph Adolphus Adonis adopt adopted adopter adopters adopting adoption adoptions adoptive adopts adorable adoration adore adored adores adorn adorned adornment adornments adorns adrenal adrenaline Adrian Adriatic Adrienne adrift adroit adroitness ads adsorb adsorbed adsorbing adsorbs adsorption adulate adulating adulation adult adulterate adulterated adulterates adulterating adulterer adulterers adulterous adulterously adultery adulthood adults adumbrate adumbrated adumbrates adumbrating adumbration advance advanced advancement advancements advances advancing advantage advantaged advantageous advantageously advantages advent adventist adventists adventitious adventure adventured adventurer adventurers adventures adventuring adventurous adverb adverbial adverbs adversaries adversary adverse adversely adversities adversity advert advertise advertised advertisement advertisements advertiser advertisers advertises advertising advice advisability advisable advisably advise advised advisedly advisee advisees advisement advisements adviser advisers advises advising advisor advisors advisory advocacy advocate advocated advocates advocating Aegean aegis Aeneas Aeneid Aeolus aerate aerated aerates aerating aeration aerator aerators aerial aerials aeroacoustic Aerobacter aerobic aerobics aerodynamic aerodynamics aeronautic aeronautical aeronautics aerosol aerosolize aerosols aerospace Aeschylus Aesop aesthetic aesthetically aesthetics afar affable affair affairs affect affectation affectations affected affecting affectingly affection affectionate affectionately affections affective affects afferent affianced affidavit affidavits affiliate affiliated affiliates affiliating affiliation affiliations affinities affinity affirm affirmation affirmations affirmative affirmatively affirmed affirming affirms affix affixed affixes affixing afflict afflicted afflicting affliction afflictions afflictive afflicts affluence affluent afford affordable afforded affording affords affricate affricates affright affront affronted affronting affronts Afghan Afghanistan Afghans aficionado afield afire aflame afloat afoot afore aforementioned aforesaid aforethought afoul afraid afresh Africa African Africanization Africanizations Africanize Africanized Africanizes Africanizing Africans Afrikaans Afrikaner Afrikaners aft after aftereffect afterglow afterimage afterlife aftermath aftermost afternoon afternoons aftershock aftershocks afterthought afterthoughts afterward afterwards again against Agamemnon agape agar agate agates Agatha age aged Agee ageless agencies agency agenda agendas agent agents ager agers ages Aggie Aggies agglomerate agglomerated agglomerates agglomeration agglutinate agglutinated agglutinates agglutinating agglutination agglutinin agglutinins aggrandize aggravate aggravated aggravates aggravation aggregate aggregated aggregately aggregates aggregating aggregation aggregations aggression aggressions aggressive aggressively aggressiveness aggressor aggressors aggrieve aggrieved aggrieves aggrieving aghast agile agilely agility aging agitate agitated agitates agitating agitation agitations agitator agitators agleam aglow Agnes Agnew agnostic agnostics ago agog agonies agonize agonized agonizes agonizing agonizingly agony agrarian agree agreeable agreeably agreed agreeing agreement agreements agreer agreers agrees Agricola agricultural agriculturally agriculture ague Agway ah ahead Ahmadabad Ahmedabad aid Aida aide aided Aides aiding aids Aiken ail Aileen aileron ailerons ailing ailment ailments aim aimed aimer aimers aiming aimless aimlessly aims Ainu Ainus air airbag airbags airborne Airbus aircraft airdrop airdrops aired Airedale airer airers Aires airfare airfield airfields airflow airfoil airfoils airframe airframes airily airing airings airless airlift airlifts airline airliner airlines airlock airlocks airmail airmails airman airmen airplane airplanes airport airports airs airship airships airspace airspeed airstrip airstrips airtight airway airways airy aisle Aitken ajar Ajax Akers akimbo akin Akron Al Alabama Alabamans Alabamian alabaster alacrity Aladdin Alameda Alamo Alamos Alan Alar alarm alarmed alarming alarmingly alarmist alarms alas Alaska Alaskan Alastair alba albacore Albania Albanian Albanians Albany albatross albeit Alberich Albert Alberta Alberto Albrecht Albright album albumin albums Albuquerque Alcestis alchemy Alcibiades Alcmena Alcoa alcohol alcoholic alcoholics alcoholism alcohols Alcott alcove alcoves Aldebaran Alden alder alderman aldermen Aldrich ale Alec Aleck alee alert alerted alertedly alerter alerters alerting alertly alertness alerts Aleut Aleutian Alex Alexander Alexandra Alexandre Alexandria Alexandrine Alexei Alexis Alfa alfalfa Alfonso Alfred Alfredo alfresco alga algae algaecide algebra algebraic algebraically algebras Algenib Alger Algeria Algerian Algiers alginate ALGOL Algol Algonquian Algonquin algorithm algorithmic algorithmically algorithms Alhambra Ali alias aliased aliases aliasing alibi alibis Alice Alicia alien alienate alienated alienates alienating alienation aliens alight align aligned aligning alignment alignments aligns alike aliment aliments alimony Alison Alistair alive alkali alkaline alkalis alkaloid alkaloids alkyl all Allah Allan allay allayed allaying allays allegation allegations allege alleged allegedly alleges Alleghenies Allegheny allegiance allegiances alleging allegoric allegorical allegorically allegories allegory Allegra allegretto allegrettos allele alleles allemande Allen Allendale Allentown allergic allergies allergy alleviate alleviated alleviates alleviating alleviation alley alleys alleyway alleyways alliance alliances allied allies alligator alligators Allis Allison alliteration alliterations alliterative allocatable allocate allocated allocates allocating allocation allocations allocator allocators allophone allophones allophonic allot allotment allotments allots allotted allotter allotting allow allowable allowably allowance allowances allowed allowing allows alloy alloys Allstate allude alluded alludes alluding allure allurement alluring allusion allusions allusive allusiveness ally allying Allyn alma Almaden almanac almanacs almighty almond almonds almoner almost alms almsman alnico aloe aloes aloft aloha alone aloneness along alongside aloof aloofness aloud Alpert alpha alphabet alphabetic alphabetical alphabetically alphabetics alphabetize alphabetized alphabetizes alphabetizing alphabets alphanumeric Alpheratz Alphonse alpine Alps already Alsatian Alsatians also Alsop Altair altar altars alter alterable alteration alterations altercation altercations altered alterer alterers altering alternate alternated alternately alternates alternating alternation alternations alternative alternatively alternatives alternator alternators alters Althaea although altitude altitudes altogether Alton Altos altruism altruist altruistic altruistically alum aluminum alumna alumnae alumni alumnus alundum Alva Alvarez alveolar alveoli alveolus Alvin always Alyssa am Amadeus amain amalgam amalgamate amalgamated amalgamates amalgamating amalgamation amalgams Amanda amanuensis amaretto Amarillo amass amassed amasses amassing amateur amateurish amateurishness amateurism amateurs amatory amaze amazed amazedly amazement amazer amazers amazes amazing amazingly Amazon Amazons ambassador ambassadors amber ambiance ambidextrous ambidextrously ambient ambiguities ambiguity ambiguous ambiguously ambition ambitions ambitious ambitiously ambivalence ambivalent ambivalently amble ambled ambler ambles ambling ambrosial ambulance ambulances ambulatory ambuscade ambush ambushed ambushes Amdahl Amelia ameliorate ameliorated ameliorating amelioration amen amenable amend amended amending amendment amendments amends amenities amenity amenorrhea Amerada America American Americana Americanism Americanization Americanizations Americanize Americanizer Americanizers Americanizes Americans Americas americium Ames Amharic Amherst amiable amicable amicably amid amide amidst Amiga amigo amino amiss amity Amman Ammerman ammo ammonia ammoniac ammonium ammunition amnesty Amoco amoeba amoebae amoebas amok among amongst Amontillado amoral amorality amorist amorous amorphous amorphously amortize amortized amortizes amortizing Amos amount amounted amounter amounters amounting amounts amour amperage ampere amperes ampersand ampersands Ampex amphetamine amphetamines amphibian amphibians amphibious amphibiously amphibology amphitheater amphitheaters ample amplification amplified amplifier amplifiers amplifies amplify amplifying amplitude amplitudes amply ampoule ampoules amputate amputated amputates amputating Amsterdam Amtrak amulet amulets amuse amused amusedly amusement amusements amuser amusers amuses amusing amusingly Amy amyl an Anabaptist Anabaptists Anabel anachronism anachronisms anachronistically anaconda anacondas Anacreon anaerobic anagram anagrams Anaheim anal Analects analog analogical analogies analogous analogously analogue analogues analogy analyses analysis analyst analysts analytic analytical analytically analyticities analyticity analyzable analyze analyzed analyzer analyzers analyzes analyzing anaphora anaphoric anaphorically anaplasmosis anarchic anarchical anarchism anarchist anarchists anarchy Anastasia anastomoses anastomosis anastomotic anathema Anatole Anatolia Anatolian anatomic anatomical anatomically anatomy ancestor ancestors ancestral ancestry anchor anchorage anchorages anchored anchoring anchorite anchoritism anchors anchovies anchovy ancient anciently ancients ancillary and Andalusia Andalusian Andalusians Andean anders Andersen Anderson Andes anding Andorra Andover Andre Andrea Andrei Andrew Andrews Andromache Andromeda Andy anecdotal anecdote anecdotes anechoic anemia anemic anemometer anemometers anemometry anemone anesthesia anesthetic anesthetically anesthetics anesthetize anesthetized anesthetizes anesthetizing anew angel Angela Angeleno Angelenos Angeles angelic Angelica Angelina Angeline Angelo angels anger angered angering angers Angie angiography angle angled angler anglers Angles Anglia Anglican Anglicanism Anglicanize Anglicanizes Anglicans angling Anglo Anglophilia Anglophobia Angola Angora angrier angriest angrily angry angst angstrom anguish anguished angular angularly Angus Anheuser anhydrous anhydrously aniline animal animals animate animated animatedly animately animateness animates animating animation animations animator animators animism animized animosity anion anionic anions anise aniseikonic anisotropic anisotropy Anita Ankara ankle ankles Ann Anna annal Annalist Annalistic annals Annapolis Anne Annette annex annexation annexed annexes annexing Annie annihilate annihilated annihilates annihilating annihilation anniversaries anniversary annotate annotated annotates annotating annotation annotations announce announced announcement announcements announcer announcers announces announcing annoy annoyance annoyances annoyed annoyer annoyers annoying annoyingly annoys annual annually annuals annuity annul annular annuli annulled annulling annulment annulments annuls annulus annum annunciate annunciated annunciates annunciating annunciator annunciators anode anodes anodize anodized anodizes anoint anointed anointing anoints anomalies anomalous anomalously anomaly anomic anomie anon anonymity anonymous anonymously anorexia another Anselm Anselmo ANSI answer answerable answered answerer answerers answering answers ant Antaeus antagonism antagonisms antagonist antagonistic antagonistically antagonists antagonize antagonized antagonizes antagonizing antarctic Antarctica Antares ante anteater anteaters antecedent antecedents antedate antelope antelopes antenna antennae antennas anterior anthem anthems anther anthologies anthology Anthony anthracite anthropological anthropologically anthropologist anthropologists anthropology anthropomorphic anthropomorphically anti antibacterial antibiotic antibiotics antibodies antibody antic anticipate anticipated anticipates anticipating anticipation anticipations anticipatory anticoagulation anticompetitive antics antidisestablishmentarianism antidote antidotes Antietam antiformant antifundamentalist antigen antigens Antigone antihistorical Antilles antimicrobial antimony antinomian antinomy Antioch antipathy antiphonal antipode antipodes antiquarian antiquarians antiquate antiquated antique antiques antiquities antiquity antiredeposition antiresonance antiresonator antisemitic antisemitism antiseptic antisera antiserum antislavery antisocial antisubmarine antisymmetric antisymmetry antithesis antithetical antithyroid antitoxin antitoxins antitrust antler antlered Antoine Antoinette Anton Antonio Antonovics Antony ants Antwerp anus anvil anvils anxieties anxiety anxious anxiously any anybody anyhow anymore anyone anyplace anything anytime anyway anywhere aorta apace Apaches Apalachicola apart apartment apartments apathetic apathy ape aped aperiodic aperiodicity aperture apes Apetalous apex aphasia aphasic aphelion aphid aphids aphonic aphorism aphorisms Aphrodite apiaries apiary apical apiece aping apish aplenty aplomb apocalypse apocalyptic Apocrypha apocryphal apogee apogees Apollinaire Apollo Apollonian apologetic apologetically apologia apologies apologist apologists apologize apologized apologizes apologizing apology apostate apostle apostles apostolic apostrophe apostrophes apothecary apothegm apotheoses apotheosis Appalachia Appalachian Appalachians appall appalled appalling appallingly Appaloosas appanage apparatus apparel appareled apparent apparently apparition apparitions appeal appealed appealer appealers appealing appealingly appeals appear appearance appearances appeared appearer appearers appearing appears appease appeased appeasement appeases appeasing appellant appellants appellate appellation append appendage appendages appended appender appenders appendices appendicitis appending appendix appendixes appends appertain appertains appetite appetites appetizer appetizing Appia Appian applaud applauded applauding applauds applause apple Appleby applejack apples Appleton appliance appliances applicability applicable applicant applicants application applications applicative applicatively applicator applicators applied applier appliers applies applique apply applying appoint appointed appointee appointees appointer appointers appointing appointive appointment appointments appoints Appomattox apportion apportioned apportioning apportionment apportionments apportions apposite appraisal appraisals appraise appraised appraiser appraisers appraises appraising appraisingly appreciable appreciably appreciate appreciated appreciates appreciating appreciation appreciations appreciative appreciatively apprehend apprehended apprehensible apprehension apprehensions apprehensive apprehensively apprehensiveness apprentice apprenticed apprentices apprenticeship apprise apprised apprises apprising approach approachability approachable approached approacher approachers approaches approaching approbate approbation appropriate appropriated appropriately appropriateness appropriates appropriating appropriation appropriations appropriator appropriators approval approvals approve approved approver approvers approves approving approvingly approximate approximated approximately approximates approximating approximation approximations appurtenance appurtenances apricot apricots April Aprils apron aprons apropos apse apsis apt aptitude aptitudes aptly aptness aqua aquaria aquarium Aquarius aquatic aqueduct aqueducts aqueous aquifer aquifers Aquila Aquinas Arab arabesque Arabia Arabian Arabianize Arabianizes Arabians Arabic Arabicize Arabicizes arable Arabs Araby Arachne arachnid arachnids Aramco Arapaho arbiter arbiters arbitrarily arbitrariness arbitrary arbitrate arbitrated arbitrates arbitrating arbitration arbitrator arbitrators arbor arboreal arbors arc arcade arcaded arcades Arcadia Arcadian arcane arced arch archaic archaically archaicness archaism archaize archangel archangels archbishop archdiocese archdioceses arched archenemy archeological archeologist archeology Archer archers archery arches archetype archfool Archibald Archie Archimedes arching archipelago archipelagoes architect architectonic architects architectural architecturally architecture architectures archival archive archived archiver archivers archives archiving archivist archly arcing arclike ARCO arcs arcsine arctangent arctic Arcturus Arden ardent ardently ardor arduous arduously arduousness are area areas arena arenas Arequipa Ares Argentina Argentinian Argive Argo argon Argonaut argonauts Argonne Argos argot arguable arguably argue argued arguer arguers argues arguing argument argumentation argumentative arguments Argus Ariadne Arianism Arianist Arianists arid aridity Aries aright arise arisen ariser arises arising arisings aristocracy aristocrat aristocratic aristocratically aristocrats Aristotelian Aristotle arithmetic arithmetical arithmetically arithmetics arithmetize arithmetized arithmetizes Arizona ark Arkansan Arkansas Arlen Arlene Arlington arm Armada armadillo armadillos Armageddon Armagnac armament armaments Armata armchair armchairs Armco armed Armenia Armenian armer armers armful armhole armies arming armistice armload Armonk armor armored armorer armory Armour armpit armpits arms Armstrong army Arnold aroma aromas aromatic arose around arousal arouse aroused arouses arousing ARPA ARPANET Arpanet arpeggio arpeggios arrack Arragon arraign arraigned arraigning arraignment arraignments arraigns arrange arranged arrangement arrangements arranger arrangers arranges arranging arrant array arrayed arrays arrears arrest arrested arrester arresters arresting arrestingly arrestor arrestors arrests Arrhenius arrival arrivals arrive arrived arrives arriving arrogance arrogant arrogantly arrogate arrogated arrogates arrogating arrogation arrow arrowed arrowhead arrowheads arrows arroyo arroyos arsenal arsenals arsenic arsine arson art Artemia Artemis arterial arteries arteriolar arteriole arterioles arteriosclerosis artery artful artfully artfulness arthritis arthropod arthropods Arthur artichoke artichokes article articles articulate articulated articulately articulateness articulates articulating articulation articulations articulator articulators articulatory Artie artifact artifacts artifice artificer artifices artificial artificialities artificiality artificially artificialness artillerist artillery artisan artisans artist artistic artistically artistry artists artless arts Arturo artwork Aruba Aryan Aryans as asbestos ascend ascendancy ascendant ascended ascendency ascendent ascender ascenders ascending ascends ascension ascensions ascent ascertain ascertainable ascertained ascertaining ascertains ascetic asceticism ascetics ASCII ascot ascribable ascribe ascribed ascribes ascribing ascription aseptic ash ashamed ashamedly ashen Asher ashes Asheville Ashland Ashley ashman Ashmolean ashore ashtray ashtrays Asia Asian Asians Asiatic Asiaticization Asiaticizations Asiaticize Asiaticizes Asiatics aside Asilomar asinine ask askance asked asker askers askew asking asks asleep asocial asp asparagus aspect aspects aspen aspersion aspersions asphalt asphyxia aspic aspirant aspirants aspirate aspirated aspirates aspirating aspiration aspirations aspirator aspirators aspire aspired aspires aspirin aspiring aspirins ass assail assailant assailants assailed assailing assails Assam assassin assassinate assassinated assassinates assassinating assassination assassinations assassins assault assaulted assaulting assaults assay assayed assaying assemblage assemblages assemble assembled assembler assemblers assembles assemblies assembling assembly assent assented assenter assenting assents assert asserted asserter asserters asserting assertion assertions assertive assertively assertiveness asserts asses assess assessed assesses assessing assessment assessments assessor assessors asset assets assiduity assiduous assiduously assign assignable assigned assignee assignees assigner assigners assigning assignment assignments assigns assimilate assimilated assimilates assimilating assimilation assimilations assist assistance assistances assistant assistants assistantship assistantships assisted assisting assists associate associated associates associating association associational associations associative associatively associativity associator associators assonance assonant assort assorted assortment assortments assorts assuage assuaged assuages assume assumed assumes assuming assumption assumptions assurance assurances assure assured assuredly assurer assurers assures assuring assuringly Assyria Assyrian Assyrianize Assyrianizes Assyriology Astaire Astaires Astarte astatine aster asterisk asterisks asteroid asteroidal asteroids asters asthma Aston astonish astonished astonishes astonishing astonishingly astonishment Astor Astoria astound astounded astounding astounds astral astray astride astringency astringent astrology astronaut astronautics astronauts astronomer astronomers astronomical astronomically astronomy astrophysical astrophysics astute astutely astuteness Asuncion asunder asylum asymmetric asymmetrically asymmetry asymptomatically asymptote asymptotes asymptotic asymptotically asynchronism asynchronous asynchronously asynchrony at Atalanta Atari atavistic Atchison ate atemporal Athabascan atheism atheist atheistic atheists Athena Athenian Athenians Athens atherosclerosis athlete athletes athletic athleticism athletics Atkins Atkinson Atlanta Atlantic Atlantica Atlantis atlas atmosphere atmospheres atmospheric atoll atolls atom atomic atomically atomics atomization atomize atomized atomizes atomizing atoms atonal atonally atone atoned atonement atones atop Atreus atrocious atrociously atrocities atrocity atrophic atrophied atrophies atrophy atrophying Atropos attach attache attached attacher attachers attaches attaching attachment attachments attack attackable attacked attacker attackers attacking attacks attain attainable attainably attained attainer attainers attaining attainment attainments attains attempt attempted attempter attempters attempting attempts attend attendance attendances attendant attendants attended attendee attendees attender attenders attending attends attention attentional attentionality attentions attentive attentively attentiveness attenuate attenuated attenuates attenuating attenuation attenuator attenuators attest attested attesting attests attic Attica attics attire attired attires attiring attitude attitudes attitudinal Attlee attorney attorneys attract attracted attracting attraction attractions attractive attractively attractiveness attractor attractors attracts attributable attribute attributed attributes attributing attribution attributions attributive attributively attrition attune attuned attunes attuning Atwater Atwood atypical atypically Auberge Aubrey auburn Auckland auction auctioneer auctioneers audacious audaciously audaciousness audacity audible audibly audience audiences audio audiogram audiograms audiological audiologist audiologists audiology audiometer audiometers audiometric audiometry audit audited auditing audition auditioned auditioning auditions auditor auditorium auditors auditory audits Audrey Audubon Auerbach Augean auger augers aught augment augmentation augmented augmenting augments augur augurs august Augusta Augustan Augustine augustly augustness Augustus aunt aunts aura aural aurally auras Aurelius aureole aureomycin Auriga aurora Auschwitz auscultate auscultated auscultates auscultating auscultation auscultations auspice auspices auspicious auspiciously austere austerely austerity Austin Australia Australian Australianize Australianizes Australis Austria Austrian Austrianize Austrianizes authentic authentically authenticate authenticated authenticates authenticating authentication authentications authenticator authenticators authenticity author authored authoring authoritarian authoritarianism authoritative authoritatively authorities authority authorization authorizations authorize authorized authorizer authorizers authorizes authorizing authors authorship autism autistic auto autobiographic autobiographical autobiographies autobiography autocollimator autocorrelate autocorrelation autocracies autocracy autocrat autocratic autocratically autocrats autodecrement autodecremented autodecrements autodialer autofluorescence autograph autographed autographing autographs autoincrement autoincremented autoincrements autoindex autoindexing automata automate automated automates automatic automatically automating automation automaton automobile automobiles automotive autonavigator autonavigators autonomic autonomous autonomously autonomy autopilot autopilots autopsied autopsies autopsy autoregressive autos autosuggestibility autotransformer autumn autumnal autumns auxiliaries auxiliary avail availabilities availability available availably availed availer availers availing avails avalanche avalanched avalanches avalanching avant avarice avaricious avariciously avenge avenged avenger avenges avenging Aventine Aventino avenue avenues aver average averaged averages averaging Avernus averred averrer averring avers averse aversion aversions avert averted averting averts Avery Avesta avian aviaries aviary aviation aviator aviators avid avidity avidly Avignon avionic avionics Avis Aviv avocado avocados avocation avocations Avogadro avoid avoidable avoidably avoidance avoided avoider avoiders avoiding avoids Avon avouch avow avowal avowed avows await awaited awaiting awaits awake awaken awakened awakening awakens awakes awaking award awarded awarder awarders awarding awards aware awareness awash away awe awed awesome awful awfully awfulness awhile awkward awkwardly awkwardness awl awls awning awnings awoke awry ax axed Axel axer axers axes axial axially axing axiological axiom axiomatic axiomatically axiomatization axiomatizations axiomatize axiomatized axiomatizes axiomatizing axioms axis axle axles axolotl axolotls axon axons aye Ayers ayes Aylesbury azalea azaleas Azerbaijan azimuth azimuths Azores Aztec Aztecan azure Babbage babble babbled babbles babbling Babcock babe Babel Babelize Babelizes babes babied babies Babka baboon baboons Babul baby babyhood babying babyish Babylon Babylonian Babylonians Babylonize Babylonizes babysit babysitting baccalaureate Bacchus Bach bachelor bachelors bacilli bacillus back backache backaches backarrow backbend backbends backboard backbone backbones backdrop backdrops backed backer backers backfill backfiring background backgrounds backhand backing backlash backlog backlogged backlogs backorder backpack backpacks backplane backplanes backplate backs backscatter backscattered backscattering backscatters backside backslash backslashes backspace backspaced backspaces backspacing backstage backstairs backstitch backstitched backstitches backstitching backstop backtrack backtracked backtracker backtrackers backtracking backtracks backup backups Backus backward backwardness backwards backwater backwaters backwoods backyard backyards bacon bacteria bacterial bacterium bad bade Baden badge badger badgered badgering badgers badges badlands badly badminton badness Baffin baffle baffled baffler bafflers baffling bag bagatelle bagatelles bagel bagels baggage bagged bagger baggers bagging baggy Baghdad Bagley bagpipe bagpipes Bagrodia Bagrodias bags bah Bahama Bahamas Bahrein bail Bailey Baileys bailiff bailiffs bailing Baird Bairdi Bairn bait baited baiter baiting baits Baja bake baked Bakelite baker bakeries bakers Bakersfield bakery bakes Bakhtiari baking baklava Baku balalaika balalaikas balance balanced balancer balancers balances balancing Balboa balconies balcony bald balding baldly baldness Baldwin bale baleful baler bales Balfour Bali Balinese balk Balkan Balkanization Balkanizations Balkanize balkanized Balkanizes balkanizing Balkans balked balkiness balking balks balky ball ballad ballads Ballard Ballards ballast ballasts balled baller ballerina ballerinas ballers ballet ballets ballgown balling ballistic ballistics balloon ballooned ballooner ballooners ballooning balloons ballot ballots ballpark ballparks ballplayer ballplayers ballroom ballrooms balls ballyhoo balm balms balmy balsa balsam Baltic Baltimore Baltimorean balustrade balustrades Balzac Bamako Bamberger Bambi bamboo ban Banach banal banally banana bananas Banbury Bancroft band bandage bandaged bandages bandaging banded bandied bandies banding bandit bandits bandpass bands bandstand bandstands bandwagon bandwagons bandwidth bandwidths bandy bandying bane baneful bang banged banging Bangladesh bangle bangles Bangor bangs Bangui banish banished banishes banishing banishment banister banisters banjo banjos bank banked banker bankers banking bankrupt bankruptcies bankruptcy bankrupted bankrupting bankrupts Banks banned banner banners banning banquet banqueting banquetings banquets bans banshee banshees bantam banter bantered bantering banters Bantu Bantus baptism baptismal baptisms Baptist Baptiste baptistery baptistries baptistry Baptists baptize baptized baptizes baptizing bar barb Barbados Barbara barbarian barbarians barbaric barbarism barbarities barbarity barbarous barbarously barbecue barbecued barbecues barbed barbell barbells barber barbital barbiturate barbiturates Barbour barbs Barcelona Barclay bard bards bare bared barefaced barefoot barefooted barely bareness barer bares barest barflies barfly bargain bargained bargaining bargains barge barges barging Barhop baring baritone baritones barium bark barked barker barkers barking barks barley Barlow barn Barnabas Barnard Barnes Barnet Barnett Barney Barnhard barns barnstorm barnstormed barnstorming barnstorms Barnum barnyard barnyards barometer barometers barometric baron baroness baronial baronies barons barony baroque baroqueness Barr barrack barracks barrage barrages barred barrel barrelled barrelling barrels barren barrenness Barrett barricade barricades barrier barriers barring barringer Barrington Barron barrow Barry Barrymore Barrymores bars Barstow Bart bartender bartenders barter bartered bartering barters Barth Bartholomew Bartlett Bartok Barton basal basalt Bascom base baseball baseballs baseband baseboard baseboards based Basel baseless baseline baselines basely baseman basement basements baseness baser bases bash bashed bashes bashful bashfulness bashing BASIC Basic basic basically basics Basie basil basin basing basins basis bask basked basket basketball basketballs baskets basking Basque bass basses basset Bassett bassinet bassinets bastard bastards baste basted bastes basting bastion bastions bat Batavia batch batched Batchelder batches Bateman Bates bath bathe bathed bather bathers bathes bathing bathos bathrobe bathrobes bathroom bathrooms baths bathtub bathtubs Bathurst Batista baton batons Bator bats battalion battalions batted Battelle batten battens batter battered batteries battering batters battery batting battle battled battlefield battlefields battlefront battlefronts battleground battlegrounds battlement battlements battler battlers battles battleship battleships battling bauble baubles baud Baudelaire Bauer Bauhaus Bausch bauxite Bavaria Bavarian bawdy bawl bawled bawling bawls Baxter bay Bayda bayed Bayes Bayesian baying Baylor bayonet bayonets Bayonne bayou bayous Bayport Bayreuth bays bazaar bazaars be beach beached beaches beachhead beachheads beaching beacon beacons bead beaded beading beadle beadles beads beady beagle beagles beak beaked beaker beakers beaks beam beamed beamer beamers beaming beams bean beanbag beaned beaner beaners beaning beans bear bearable bearably beard bearded beardless beards Beardsley bearer bearers bearing bearings bearish bears beast beastly beasts beat beatable beatably beaten beater beaters beatific beatification beatify beating beatings beatitude beatitudes beatnik beatniks Beatrice beats beau Beauchamps Beaujolais Beaumont Beauregard beaus beauteous beauteously beauties beautifications beautified beautifier beautifiers beautifies beautiful beautifully beautify beautifying beauty beaver beavers Beaverton becalm becalmed becalming becalms became because Bechtel beck Becker Beckman beckon beckoned beckoning beckons Becky become becomes becoming becomingly bed bedazzle bedazzled bedazzlement bedazzles bedazzling bedbug bedbugs bedded bedder bedders bedding bedevil bedeviled bedeviling bedevils bedfast Bedford bedlam bedpost bedposts bedraggle bedraggled bedridden bedrock bedroom bedrooms beds bedside bedspread bedspreads bedspring bedsprings bedstead bedsteads bedtime bee Beebe beech Beecham beechen beecher beef beefed beefer beefers beefing beefs beefsteak beefy beehive beehives been beep beeps beer beers bees beet Beethoven beetle beetled beetles beetling beets befall befallen befalling befalls befell befit befits befitted befitting befog befogged befogging before beforehand befoul befouled befouling befouls befriend befriended befriending befriends befuddle befuddled befuddles befuddling beg began beget begets begetting beggar beggarly beggars beggary begged begging begin beginner beginners beginning beginnings begins begot begotten begrudge begrudged begrudges begrudging begrudgingly begs beguile beguiled beguiles beguiling begun behalf behave behaved behaves behaving behavior behavioral behaviorally behaviorism behavioristic behaviors behead beheading beheld behemoth behemoths behest behind behold beholden beholder beholders beholding beholds behoove behooves beige Beijing being beings Beirut Bela belabor belabored belaboring belabors belated belatedly belay belayed belaying belays belch belched belches belching Belfast belfries belfry Belgian Belgians Belgium Belgrade belie belied belief beliefs belies believable believably believe believed believer believers believes believing belittle belittled belittles belittling Belize bell Bella Bellamy Bellatrix bellboy bellboys belle belles Belleville bellhop bellhops bellicose bellicosity bellies belligerence belligerent belligerently belligerents Bellingham Bellini bellman bellmen Bellovin bellow bellowed bellowing bellows bells bellum bellwether bellwethers Bellwood belly bellyache -bellyfull +bellyful Belmont Beloit belong belonged belonging belongings belongs beloved below Belshazzar belt belted belting Belton belts Beltsville Belushi bely belying bemoan bemoaned bemoaning bemoans Ben Benares bench benched benches benchmark benchmarking benchmarks bend bendable Bender benders bending Bendix bends beneath Benedict Benedictine benediction benedictions Benedikt benefactor benefactors beneficence beneficences beneficent beneficial beneficially beneficiaries beneficiary benefit benefited benefiting benefits benefitted benefitting Benelux benevolence benevolent Bengal Bengali benighted benign benignly Benjamin Bennett Bennington Benny Benson bent Bentham Bentley Bentleys Benton Benz Benzedrine benzene Beograd Beowulf bequeath bequeathal bequeathed bequeathing bequeaths bequest bequests berate berated berates berating Berea bereave bereaved bereavement bereavements bereaves bereaving bereft Berenices Beresford beret berets Bergen Bergland Berglund Bergman Bergson Bergsten Bergstrom beribboned beriberi Beringer Berkeley berkelium Berkowitz Berkshire Berkshires Berlin Berliner Berliners Berlinize Berlinizes Berlioz Berlitz Berman Bermuda Bern Bernadine Bernard Bernardine Bernardino Bernardo berne Bernet Bernhard Bernice Bernie Berniece Bernini Bernoulli Bernstein Berra berries berry berserk Bert berth Bertha berths Bertie Bertram Bertrand Berwick beryl beryllium beseech beseeches beseeching beset besets besetting beside besides besiege besieged besieger besiegers besieging besmirch besmirched besmirches besmirching besotted besotter besotting besought bespeak bespeaks bespectacled bespoke Bess Bessel Bessemer Bessemerize Bessemerizes Bessie best bested bestial besting bestir bestirring bestow bestowal bestowed bests bestseller bestsellers bestselling bet beta betatron betel Betelgeuse Bethesda Bethlehem betide betray betrayal betrayed betrayer betraying betrays betroth betrothal betrothed bets Betsey Betsy Bette better bettered bettering betterment betterments betters Betties betting Betty between betwixt bevel beveled beveling bevels beverage beverages Beverly bevy bewail bewailed bewailing bewails beware bewhiskered bewilder bewildered bewildering bewilderingly bewilderment bewilders bewitch bewitched bewitches bewitching beyond Bhagavad-Gita Bhutan Bialystok Bianco biannual bias biased biases biasing bib bibbed bibbing Bible bibles biblical biblically bibliographic bibliographical bibliographies bibliography bibliophile bibs bicameral bicarbonate bicentennial bicep biceps bicker bickered bickering bickers biconcave biconnected biconvex bicycle bicycled bicycler bicyclers bicycles bicycling bid biddable bidden bidder bidders biddies bidding Biddle biddy bide bidirectional bids Bien biennial biennium Bienville bier Bierce bifocal bifocals bifurcate big Bigelow bigger biggest Biggs bight bights bigness bigot bigoted bigotry bigots biharmonic bijection bijections bijective bijectively bike bikes biking bikini bikinis bilabial bilateral bilaterally Bilbao Bilbo bile bilge bilges bilinear bilingual bilk bilked bilking bilks bill billboard billboards billed biller billers billet billeted billeting billets billiard billiards Billie Billiken Billikens billing Billings billion billions billionth billow billowed billows bills Biltmore bimetallic bimetallism Bimini bimodal bimolecular bimonthlies bimonthly bin binaries binary binaural bind binder binders binding bindings binds bing binge binges Bingham Binghamton bingo Bini binocular binoculars binomial bins binuclear biochemical biochemist biochemistry biofeedback biographer biographers biographic biographical biographically biographies biography biological biologically biologist biologists biology biomedical biomedicine biophysical biophysicist biophysics biopsies biopsy bioscience biosphere biostatistic biosynthesize biota biotic bipartisan bipartite biped bipeds biplane biplanes bipolar biracial birch birchen birches bird birdbath birdbaths birdie birdied birdies birdlike birds birefringence birefringent Birgit Birmingham Birminghamize Birminghamizes birth birthday birthdays birthed birthplace birthplaces birthright birthrights births Biscayne biscuit biscuits bisect bisected bisecting bisection bisections bisector bisectors bisects bishop bishops Bismarck Bismark bismuth bison bisons bisque bisques Bissau bistable bistate bit bitch bitches bite biter biters bites biting bitingly bitmap BITNET bits bitten bitter bitterer bitterest bitterly bitterness bitternut bitterroot bitters bittersweet bitumen bituminous bitwise bivalve bivalves bivariate bivouac bivouacs biweekly bizarre Bizet blab blabbed blabbermouth blabbermouths blabbing blabs black blackberries blackberry blackbird blackbirds blackboard blackboards Blackburn blacked blacken blackened blackening blackens blacker blackest Blackfeet Blackfoot Blackfoots blacking blackjack blackjacks blacklist blacklisted blacklisting blacklists blackly blackmail blackmailed blackmailer blackmailers blackmailing blackmails Blackman Blackmer blackness blackout blackouts blacks blacksmith blacksmiths Blackstone Blackwell Blackwells bladder bladders blade blades Blaine Blair Blake Blakey blamable blame blamed blameless blamelessness blamer blamers blames blameworthy blaming blanch Blanchard Blanche blanched blanches blanching bland blandly blandness blank blanked blanker blankest blanket blanketed blanketer blanketers blanketing blankets blanking blankly blankness blanks Blanton blare blared blares blaring blase blaspheme blasphemed blasphemes blasphemies blaspheming blasphemous blasphemously blasphemousness blasphemy blast blasted blaster blasters blasting blasts blatant blatantly Blatz blaze blazed blazer blazers blazes blazing bleach bleached bleacher bleachers bleaches bleaching bleak bleaker bleakly bleakness blear bleary bleat bleating bleats bled bleed bleeder bleeding bleedings bleeds Bleeker blemish blemishes blend blended blender blending blends Blenheim bless blessed blessing blessings blew blight blighted blimp blimps blind blinded blinder blinders blindfold blindfolded blindfolding blindfolds blinding blindingly blindly blindness blinds blink blinked blinker blinkers blinking blinks Blinn blip blips bliss blissful blissfully blister blistered blistering blisters blithe blithely blitz blitzes blitzkrieg blizzard blizzards bloat bloated bloater bloating bloats blob blobs bloc Bloch block blockade blockaded blockades blockading blockage blockages blocked blocker blockers blockhouse blockhouses blocking blocks blocs bloke blokes Blomberg Blomquist blond blonde blondes blonds blood bloodbath blooded bloodhound bloodhounds bloodied bloodiest bloodless bloods bloodshed bloodshot bloodstain bloodstained bloodstains bloodstream bloody bloom bloomed bloomers Bloomfield blooming Bloomington blooms blooper blossom blossomed blossoms blot blots blotted blotting blouse blouses blow blower blowers blowfish blowing blown blowout blows blowup blubber bludgeon bludgeoned bludgeoning bludgeons blue blueberries blueberry bluebird bluebirds bluebonnet bluebonnets bluefish blueness blueprint blueprints bluer blues bluest bluestocking bluff bluffing bluffs bluing bluish Blum Blumenthal blunder blunderbuss blundered blundering blunderings blunders blunt blunted blunter bluntest blunting bluntly bluntness blunts blur blurb blurred blurring blurry blurs blurt blurted blurting blurts blush blushed blushes blushing bluster blustered blustering blusters blustery Blythe boa boar board boarded boarder boarders boarding boardinghouse boardinghouses boards Boarsh boast boasted boaster boasters boastful boastfully boasting boastings boasts boat boater boaters boathouse boathouses boating boatload boatloads boatman boatmen boats boatsman boatsmen boatswain boatswains boatyard boatyards bob bobbed Bobbie bobbin bobbing bobbins Bobbsey bobby bobolink bobolinks Bobrow bobs bobwhite bobwhites Boca bode Bodenheim bodes bodice bodied bodies bodily Bodleian body bodybuilder bodybuilders bodybuilding bodyguard bodyguards bodyweight Boeing Boeotia Boeotian Boer Boers bog Bogart Bogartian bogeymen bogged boggle boggled boggles boggling Bogota bogs bogus Boheme Bohemia Bohemian Bohemianism Bohr boil boiled boiler boilerplate boilers boiling boils Bois Boise boisterous boisterously bold bolder boldest boldface boldly boldness Bolivia Bolivian boll Bologna Bolshevik Bolsheviks Bolshevism Bolshevist Bolshevistic Bolshoi bolster bolstered bolstering bolsters bolt bolted bolting Bolton bolts Boltzmann bomb bombard bombarded bombarding bombardment bombards bombast bombastic Bombay bombed bomber bombers bombing bombings bombproof bombs bonanza bonanzas Bonaparte Bonaventure bond bondage bonded bonder bonders bonding bonds bondsman bondsmen bone boned boner boners bones bonfire bonfires bong Bonham Boniface boning Bonn bonnet bonneted bonnets Bonneville Bonnie bonny Bontempo bonus bonuses bony boo boob booboo booby book bookcase bookcases booked booker bookers bookie bookies booking bookings bookish bookkeeper bookkeepers bookkeeping booklet booklets bookmark books bookseller booksellers bookshelf bookshelves bookstore bookstores bookworm boolean Booleans boom boomed boomerang boomerangs booming booms boon Boone Boonton boor boorish boors boos boost boosted booster boosting boosts boot bootable booted Bootes booth booths booting Bootle bootleg bootlegged bootlegger bootleggers bootlegging bootlegs boots bootstrap bootstrapped bootstrapping bootstraps booty booze borate borates borax Bordeaux bordello bordellos Borden border bordered bordering borderings borderland borderlands borderline borders bore Borealis Boreas bored boredom borer bores Borg boric boring Boris born borne Borneo boron borough boroughs Borroughs borrow borrowed borrower borrowers borrowing borrows Bosch Bose bosom bosoms Bosporus boss bossed bosses Bostitch Boston Bostonian Bostonians bosun Boswell Boswellize Boswellizes botanical botanist botanists botany botch botched botcher botchers botches botching both bother bothered bothering bothers bothersome Botswana bottle bottled bottleneck bottlenecks bottler bottlers bottles bottling bottom bottomed bottoming bottomless bottoms botulinus botulism Boucher bouffant bough boughs bought boulder boulders boulevard boulevards bounce bounced bouncer bounces bouncing bouncy bound boundaries boundary bounded bounden bounding boundless boundlessness bounds bounteous bounteously bounties bountiful bounty bouquet bouquets Bourbaki bourbon bourgeois bourgeoisie Bourne boustrophedon boustrophedonic bout boutique bouts Bouvier bovine bovines bow Bowditch bowdlerize bowdlerized bowdlerizes bowdlerizing Bowdoin bowed bowel bowels Bowen bower bowers Bowes bowing bowl bowled bowler bowlers bowline bowlines bowling bowls bowman bows bowstring bowstrings box boxcar boxcars boxed boxer boxers boxes Boxford boxing boxtop boxtops boxwood boy Boyce boycott boycotted boycotts Boyd boyfriend boyfriends boyhood boyish boyishness Boyle Boylston boys bra brace braced bracelet bracelets braces bracing bracket bracketed bracketing brackets brackish Bradbury Bradford Bradley Bradshaw Brady brae braes brag Bragg bragged bragger bragging brags Brahmaputra Brahms Brahmsian braid braided braiding braids Braille brain Brainard Brainards brainchild brained braining brains brainstem brainstems brainstorm brainstorms brainwash brainwashed brainwashes brainwashing brainy brake braked brakeman brakes braking bramble brambles brambly bran branch branched branches branching branchings Branchville brand branded Brandeis Brandel Brandenburg branding brandish brandishes brandishing Brandon brands Brandt brandy brandywine Braniff Brannon bras brash brashly brashness Brasilia brass brasses brassiere Brasstown brassy brat brats Braun bravado brave braved bravely braveness braver bravery braves bravest braving bravo bravos brawl brawler brawling brawn bray brayed brayer braying brays braze brazed brazen brazenly brazenness brazes brazier braziers Brazil Brazilian brazing Brazzaville breach breached breacher breachers breaches breaching bread breadboard breadboards breadbox breadboxes breaded breading breads breadth breadwinner breadwinners break breakable breakables breakage breakaway breakdown breakdowns breaker breakers breakfast breakfasted breakfaster breakfasters breakfasting breakfasts breaking breakpoint breakpoints breaks breakthrough breakthroughes breakthroughs breakup breakwater breakwaters breast breasted breasts breastwork breastworks breath breathable breathe breathed breather breathers breathes breathing breathless breathlessly breaths breathtaking breathtakingly breathy bred breech breeches breed breeder breeding breeds breeze breezes breezily breezy Bremen bremsstrahlung Brenda Brendan Brennan Brenner Brent Bresenham Brest brethren Breton Bretons Brett breve brevet breveted breveting brevets brevity brew brewed brewer breweries brewers brewery brewing brews Brewster Brian briar briars bribe bribed briber bribers bribery bribes bribing Brice brick brickbat bricked bricker bricklayer bricklayers bricklaying bricks bridal bride bridegroom brides bridesmaid bridesmaids Bridewell bridge bridgeable bridged bridgehead bridgeheads Bridgeport bridges Bridget Bridgetown Bridgewater bridgework bridging bridle bridled bridles bridling Brie brief briefcase briefcases briefed briefer briefest briefing briefings briefly briefness briefs Brien brier brig brigade brigades brigadier brigadiers Brigadoon brigantine Briggs Brigham bright brighten brightened brightener brighteners brightening brightens brighter brightest brightly brightness Brighton brigs brilliance brilliancy brilliant brilliantly Brillouin brim brimful brimmed brimming brimstone Brindisi brindle brindled brine bring bringer bringers bringing brings brink Brinkley brinkmanship briny Brisbane brisk brisker briskly briskness bristle bristled bristles bristling Bristol Britain Britannic Britannica britches British Britisher Britishly Briton Britons Brittany Britten brittle brittleness broach broached broaches broaching broad broadband broadcast broadcasted broadcaster broadcasters broadcasting broadcastings broadcasts broaden broadened broadener broadeners broadening broadenings broadens broader broadest broadly broadness broadside Broadway brocade brocaded broccoli brochure brochures Brock Broglie broil broiled broiler broilers broiling broils broke broken brokenly brokenness broker brokerage brokers Bromfield bromide bromides bromine Bromley bronchi bronchial bronchiole bronchioles bronchitis bronchus Brontosaurus Bronx bronze bronzed bronzes brooch brooches brood brooder brooding broods brook Brookdale Brooke brooked Brookfield Brookhaven Brookline Brooklyn Brookmont brooks broom brooms broomstick broomsticks broth brothel brothels brother brotherhood brotherliness brotherly brothers brought brow browbeat browbeaten browbeating browbeats brown Browne browned Brownell browner brownest Brownian brownie brownies browning brownish brownness browns brows browse browsing Bruce Bruckner Bruegel bruise bruised bruises bruising Brumidi brunch brunches brunette Brunhilde Bruno Brunswick brunt brush brushed brushes brushfire brushfires brushing brushlike brushy brusque brusquely Brussels brutal brutalities brutality brutalize brutalized brutalizes brutalizing brutally brute brutes brutish Bruxelles Bryan Bryant Bryce Bryn bubble bubbled bubbles bubbling bubbly Buchanan Bucharest Buchenwald Buchwald buck buckboard buckboards bucked bucket buckets bucking buckle buckled buckler buckles Buckley buckling Bucknell bucks buckshot buckskin buckskins buckwheat Bucky bucolic bud Budapest Budd budded Buddha Buddhism Buddhist Buddhists buddies budding buddy budge budged budges budget budgetary budgeted budgeter budgeters budgeting budgets budging buds Budweiser Budweisers Buehring Buena Buenos buff buffalo buffaloes buffer buffered buffering buffers buffet buffeted buffeting buffetings buffets buffoon buffoons buffs bug bugaboo Bugatti bugeyed bugged bugger buggers buggies bugging buggy bugle bugled bugler bugles bugling bugs Buick build builder builders building buildings builds buildup buildups built builtin Bujumbura bulb Bulba bulbs Bulgaria Bulgarian bulge bulged bulging bulk bulked bulkhead bulkheads bulks bulky bull bulldog bulldogs bulldoze bulldozed bulldozer bulldozes bulldozing bulled bullet bulletin bulletins bullets bullfrog bullied bullies bulling bullion bullish bullock bulls bullseye bully bullying bulwark bum bumble bumblebee bumblebees bumbled bumbler bumblers bumbles bumbling Bumbry bummed bumming bump bumped bumper bumpers bumping bumps bumptious bumptiously bumptiousness bums bun bunch bunched bunches bunching Bundestag bundle bundled bundles bundling Bundoora Bundy bungalow bungalows bungle bungled bungler bunglers bungles bungling bunion bunions bunk bunker bunkered bunkers bunkhouse bunkhouses bunkmate bunkmates bunks bunnies bunny buns Bunsen bunt bunted bunter bunters bunting bunts Bunyan buoy buoyancy buoyant buoyed buoys Burbank Burch burden burdened burdening burdens burdensome bureau bureaucracies bureaucracy bureaucrat bureaucratic bureaucrats bureaus burgeon burgeoned burgeoning burgess burgesses burgher burghers burglar burglaries burglarize burglarized burglarizes burglarizing burglarproof burglarproofed burglarproofing burglarproofs burglars burglary Burgundian Burgundies Burgundy burial buried buries Burke Burkes burl burlesque burlesques Burlingame Burlington burly Burma Burmese burn Burne burned burner burners Burnes Burnett Burnham burning burningly burnings burnish burnished burnishes burnishing burns Burnside Burnsides burnt burntly burntness burp burped burping burps Burr Burroughs burrow burrowed burrower burrowing burrows burrs bursa bursitis burst burstiness bursting bursts bursty Burt Burton Burtt Burundi bury burying bus busboy busboys Busch bused buses bush bushel bushels bushes bushing Bushnell bushwhack bushwhacked bushwhacking bushwhacks bushy busied busier busiest busily business businesses businesslike businessman businessmen busing buss bussed busses bussing bust bustard bustards busted buster bustle bustling busts busy but butane butcher butchered butchers butchery butler butlers butt butte butted butter butterball buttercup buttered butterer butterers butterfat Butterfield butterflies butterfly buttering buttermilk butternut butters buttery buttes butting buttock buttocks button buttoned buttonhole buttonholes buttoning buttons buttress buttressed buttresses buttressing Buttrick butts butyl butyrate buxom Buxtehude Buxton buy buyer buyers buying buys buzz Buzzard buzzards buzzed buzzer buzzes buzzing buzzword buzzwords buzzy by bye Byers bygone bylaw bylaws byline bylines bypass bypassed bypasses bypassing byproduct byproducts Byrd Byrne Byron Byronic Byronism Byronize Byronizes bystander bystanders byte bytes byway byways byword bywords Byzantine Byzantinize Byzantinizes Byzantium cab cabal cabana cabaret cabbage cabbages cabdriver cabin cabinet cabinets cabins cable cabled cables cabling caboose Cabot cabs cache cached caches caching cackle cackled cackler cackles cackling cacti cactus cadaver cadence cadenced Cadillac Cadillacs cadres Cady Caesar Caesarian Caesarize Caesarizes cafe cafes cafeteria cage caged cager cagers cages caging Cahill caiman Cain Caine cairn Cairo cajole cajoled cajoles cajoling Cajun Cajuns cake caked cakes caking Calais calamities calamitous calamity Calceolaria calcify calcium CALCOMP CalComp Calcomp calculate calculated calculates calculating calculation calculations calculative calculator calculators calculi calculus Calcutta Calder caldera Caldwell Caleb calendar calendars calf calfskin Calgary Calhoun caliber calibers calibrate calibrated calibrates calibrating calibration calibrations calico California Californian Californians Caligula caliph caliphs Calkins call callable Callaghan Callahan Callan called caller callers calling calliope Callisto callous calloused callously callousness calls callus calm calmed calmer calmest calming calmingly calmly calmness calms caloric calorie calories calorimeter calorimetric calorimetry Caltech calumny Calvary calve Calvert calves Calvin Calvinist Calvinize Calvinizes calypso cam Cambodia Cambrian Cambridge Camden came camel Camelot camels Camembert camera cameraman cameramen cameras Cameron Cameroon Cameroun Camilla Camille Camino camouflage camouflaged camouflages camouflaging camp campaign campaigned campaigner campaigners campaigning campaigns Campbell Campbellsport camped camper campers campfire campground camping camps campsite campus campuses can Canaan Canada Canadian Canadianization Canadianizations Canadianize Canadianizes Canadians canal canals canaries canary Canaveral Canberra cancel canceled canceling cancellation cancellations cancels cancer cancerous cancers Candace candid candidacy candidate candidates Candide candidly candidness candied candies candle candlelight candler candles candlestick candlesticks Candlewick candor candy cane caner Canfield canine Canis canister canker cankerworm cannabis canned cannel canner canners cannery cannibal cannibalize cannibalized cannibalizes cannibalizing cannibals canning cannister cannisters cannon cannonball cannons cannot canny canoe canoes Canoga canon canonic canonical canonicalization canonicalize canonicalized canonicalizes canonicalizing canonically canonicals canons Canopus canopy cans cant Cantabrigian cantaloupe cantankerous cantankerously canteen Canterbury cantilever canto canton Cantonese cantons cantor cantors Canute canvas canvases canvass canvassed canvasser canvassers canvasses canvassing canyon canyons cap capabilities capability capable capably capacious capaciously capaciousness capacitance capacitances capacities capacitive capacitor capacitors capacity cape caper capers capes Capet Capetown capillary Capistrano capita capital capitalism capitalist capitalists capitalization capitalizations capitalize capitalized capitalizer capitalizers capitalizes capitalizing capitally capitals Capitan capitol Capitoline capitols capped capping Cappy caprice capricious capriciously capriciousness Capricorn caps Capsicum capstan capstone capsule captain captained captaining captains caption captions captivate captivated captivates captivating captivation captive captives captivity captor captors capture captured capturer capturers captures capturing Caputo capybara car Caracas caramel caravan caravans caraway carbohydrate carbolic Carboloy carbon carbonate carbonates carbonation Carbondale Carbone Carbones carbonic carbonization carbonize carbonized carbonizer carbonizers carbonizes carbonizing carbons carborundum carbuncle carcass carcasses carcinogen carcinogenic carcinoma card cardboard carder cardiac Cardiff cardinal cardinalities cardinality cardinally cardinals Cardiod cardiology cardiovascular cards care cared careen career careers carefree careful carefully carefulness careless carelessly carelessness cares caress caressed caresser caresses caressing caret caretaker Carey Cargill cargo cargoes Carib Caribbean caribou caricature caring Carl Carla Carleton Carletonian Carlin Carlisle Carlo carload Carlsbad Carlsbads Carlson Carlton Carlyle Carmela Carmen Carmichael carnage carnal carnation Carnegie carnival carnivals carnivorous carnivorously carol Carolina Carolinas Caroline Carolingian Carolinian Carolinians carols Carolyn carp Carpathia Carpathians carpenter carpenters carpentry carpet carpeted carpeting carpets carport Carr Carrara carriage carriages Carrie carried carrier carriers carries carrion Carroll carrot carrots Carruthers carry carrying carryover carryovers cars Carson cart carted cartel carter carters Cartesian Carthage Carthaginian cartilage carting cartographer cartographic cartography carton cartons cartoon cartoons cartridge cartridges carts cartwheel Carty Caruso carve carved carver carves carving carvings Casanova cascadable cascade cascaded cascades cascading case cased casement casements cases casework Casey cash cashed casher cashers cashes cashew cashier cashiers cashing cashmere casing casings casino cask casket caskets casks Caspian Cassandra casserole casseroles cassette Cassiopeia Cassite Cassites Cassius cassock cast caste caster casters castes castigate Castillo casting castle castled castles castor Castro Castroism casts casual casually casualness casuals casualties casualty cat cataclysmic Catalan Catalina catalog cataloged cataloger cataloging catalogs Catalonia catalyst catalysts catalytic catapult cataract catastrophe catastrophes catastrophic Catawba catch catchable catcher catchers catches catching categorical categorically categories categorization categorize categorized categorizer categorizers categorizes categorizing category cater catered caterer catering caterpillar caterpillars caters cathedral cathedrals Catherine Catherwood catheter catheters cathode cathodes Catholic Catholicism Catholicisms Catholics Cathy catlike catnip cats Catskill Catskills catsup cattail cattle cattleman cattlemen Caucasian Caucasians Caucasus Cauchy caucus caught cauldron cauldrons cauliflower caulk causal causality causally causation causations cause caused causer causes causeway causeways causing caustic causticly caustics caution cautioned cautioner cautioners cautioning cautionings cautions cautious cautiously cautiousness cavalier cavalierly cavalierness cavalry cave caveat caveats caved caveman cavemen Cavendish cavern cavernous caverns caves caviar cavil Caviness caving cavities cavity caw cawing Cayley Cayuga cease ceased ceaseless ceaselessly ceaselessness ceases ceasing Cecil Cecilia Cecropia cedar cede ceded ceding Cedric ceiling ceilings Celanese Celebes celebrate celebrated celebrates celebrating celebration celebrations celebrities celebrity celerity celery Celeste celestial celestially Celia cell cellar cellars celled cellist cellists cellophane cells cellular cellulose Celsius Celt Celtic Celticize Celticizes cement cemented cementing cements cemeteries cemetery Cenozoic censor censored censoring censors censorship censure censured censurer censures census censuses cent centaur centenary centennial center centered centering centerpiece centerpieces centers centigrade centimeter centimeters centipede centipedes central Centralia centralism centralist centralization centralize centralized centralizes centralizing centrally CENTREX Centrex centrifugal centrifuge centripetal centrist centroid cents centuries century Cepheus ceramic Cerberus cereal cereals cerebellum cerebral ceremonial ceremonially ceremonialness ceremonies ceremony Ceres CERN certain certainly certainties certainty certifiable certificate certificates certification certifications certified certifier certifiers certifies certify certifying Cervantes Cesare cessation cessations Cessna Cetus Ceylon Cezanne Cezannes Chablis Chablises Chad Chadwick chafe chafer chaff chaffer Chaffey chaffing chafing chagrin chain chained chaining chains chair chaired chairing chairlady chairman chairmen chairperson chairpersons chairs chairwoman chairwomen chalice chalices chalk chalked chalking chalks challenge challenged challenger challengers challenges challenging Chalmers chamber chambered chamberlain chamberlains chambermaid Chambers chameleon champagne Champaign champion championed championing champions championship championships Champlain chance chanced chancellor Chancellorsville chancery chances chancing chandelier chandeliers Chandigarh Chang change changeability changeable changeably changed changeover changer changers changes changing channel channeled channeling channelled channeller channellers channelling channels Channing chant chanted chanter chanticleer chanticleers Chantilly chanting chants Chao chaos chaotic chap chapel chapels chaperon chaperone chaperoned chaplain chaplains Chaplin Chapman chaps chapter chapters char character characteristic characteristically characteristics characterizable characterization characterizations characterize characterized characterizer characterizers characterizes characterizing characters charcoal charcoaled charge chargeable charged charger chargers charges charging chariot chariots charisma charismatic charitable charitableness charities charity Charlemagne Charlemagnes Charles Charleston Charley Charlie Charlotte Charlottesville charm charmed charmer charmers charming charmingly charms Charon chars chart Charta chartable charted charter chartered chartering charters charting chartings Chartres chartreuse charts Charybdis chase chased chaser chasers chases chasing chasm chasms chassis chaste chastely chasteness chastise chastised chastiser chastisers chastises chastising chastity chat chateau chateaus Chatham Chattahoochee Chattanooga chattel chatter chattered chatterer chattering chatters chatting chatty Chaucer chauffeur chauffeured Chauncey Chautauqua cheap cheapen cheapened cheapening cheapens cheaper cheapest cheaply cheapness cheat cheated cheater cheaters cheating cheats check checkable checkbook checkbooks checked checker checkerboard checkerboarded checkerboarding checkers checking checklist checkout checkpoint checkpoints checks checksum checksummed checksumming checksums checkup cheek cheekbone cheeks cheeky cheer cheered cheerer cheerful cheerfully cheerfulness cheerily cheeriness cheering cheerleader cheerless cheerlessly cheerlessness cheers cheery cheese cheesecloth cheeses cheesy cheetah chef chefs Chekhov Chelsea chemical chemically chemicals chemise chemist chemistries chemistry chemists Chen Cheney Cheng cherish cherished cherishes cherishing Cheriton Cherokee Cherokees cherries cherry cherub cherubim cherubs Cheryl Chesapeake Cheshire chess chest Chester Chesterfield Chesterton chestnut chestnuts chests Chevrolet Chevy chew chewed chewer chewers chewing chews Cheyenne Cheyennes Chiang chic Chicago Chicagoan Chicagoans Chicana Chicanas chicanery Chicano Chicanos chick chickadee chickadees Chickasaws chicken chickens chicks chide chided chides chiding chief chiefly chiefs chieftain chieftains chiffon child childbirth childhood childish childishly childishness childlike children Chile Chilean Chiles chili chill chilled chiller chillers chillier chilliness chilling chillingly chills chilly chime chimera chimes chimney chimneys chimpanzee chin China Chinaman Chinamen Chinas Chinatown Chinese Ching chink chinked chinks chinned chinner chinners chinning Chinook chins chintz chip chipmunk chipmunks Chippendale Chippewa chips chiropractor chirp chirped chirping chirps chisel chiseled chiseler chisels Chisholm chit chivalrous chivalrously chivalrousness chivalry Chloe chlorine chloroform chlorophyll chloroplast chloroplasts chock chocks chocolate chocolates Choctaw Choctaws choice choices choicest choir choirs choke choked choker chokers chokes choking cholera Chomsky choose chooser choosers chooses choosing chop Chopin chopped chopper choppers chopping choppy chops choral chord chordate chorded chording chords chore choreograph choreography chores choring chortle chorus chorused choruses chose chosen Chou chowder Chris Christ christen Christendom christened christening christens Christensen Christenson Christian Christiana Christianity Christianization Christianizations Christianize Christianizer Christianizers Christianizes Christianizing Christians Christiansen Christianson Christie Christina Christine Christlike Christmas Christoffel Christoph Christopher Christy chromatogram chromatograph chromatography chrome chromium chromosphere chronic chronicle chronicled chronicler chroniclers chronicles chronograph chronography chronological chronologically chronologies chronology chrysanthemum Chrysler chubbier chubbiest chubbiness chubby chuck chuckle chuckled chuckles chucks chum Chungking chunk chunks chunky church churches churchgoer churchgoing Churchill Churchillian churchly churchman churchmen churchwoman churchwomen churchyard churchyards churn churned churning churns chute chutes chutzpah cicada Cicero Ciceronian Ciceronianize Ciceronianizes cider cigar cigarette cigarettes cigars cilia Cincinnati cinder Cinderella cinders Cindy cinema cinematic Cinerama cinnamon cipher ciphers ciphertext ciphertexts circa Circe circle circled circles circlet circling circuit circuitous circuitously circuitry circuits circulant circular circularity circularly circulate circulated circulates circulating circulation circumcise circumcision circumference circumflex circumlocution circumlocutions circumnavigate circumnavigated circumnavigates circumpolar circumscribe circumscribed circumscribing circumscription circumspect circumspection circumspectly circumstance circumstanced circumstances circumstantial circumstantially circumvent circumventable circumvented circumventing circumvents circus circuses cistern cisterns citadel citadels citation citations cite cited cites cities citing citizen citizens citizenship Citroen citrus city cityscape citywide civet civic civics civil civilian civilians civility civilization civilizations civilize civilized civilizes civilizing civilly clad cladding claim claimable claimant claimants claimed claiming claims Claire clairvoyant clairvoyantly clam clamber clambered clambering clambers clamor clamored clamoring clamorous clamors clamp clamped clamping clamps clams clan clandestine clang clanged clanging clangs clank clannish clap clapboard Clapeyron clapping claps Clara Clare Claremont Clarence Clarendon clarification clarifications clarified clarifies clarify clarifying clarinet clarity Clark Clarke Clarridge clash clashed clashes clashing clasp clasped clasping clasps class classed classes classic classical classically classics classifiable classification classifications classified classifier classifiers classifies classify classifying classmate classmates classroom classrooms classy clatter clattered clattering Claude Claudia Claudio Claus clause Clausen clauses Clausius claustrophobia claustrophobic claw clawed clawing claws clay clays Clayton clean cleaned cleaner cleaners cleanest cleaning cleanliness cleanly cleanness cleans cleanse cleansed cleanser cleansers cleanses cleansing cleanup clear clearance clearances cleared clearer clearest clearing clearings clearly clearness clears Clearwater cleavage cleave cleaved cleaver cleavers cleaves cleaving cleft clefts clemency Clemens clement Clemente Clemson clench clenched clenches clergy clergyman clergymen clerical clerk clerked clerking clerks Cleveland clever cleverer cleverest cleverly cleverness cliche cliches click clicked clicking clicks client clientele clients cliff Clifford cliffs Clifton climate climates climatic climatically climatology climax climaxed climaxes climb climbed climber climbers climbing climbs clime climes clinch clinched clincher clinches cling clinging clings clinic clinical clinically clinician clinics clink clinked clinker Clint Clinton Clio clip clipboard clipped clipper clippers clipping clippings clips clique cliques clitoris Clive cloak cloakroom cloaks clobber clobbered clobbering clobbers clock clocked clocker clockers clocking clockings clocks clockwatcher clockwise clockwork clod clods clog clogged clogging clogs cloister cloisters clone cloned clones cloning close closed closely closeness closenesses closer closers closes closest closet closeted closets closeup closing closure closures clot cloth clothe clothed clothes clotheshorse clothesline clothing Clotho clotting cloture cloud cloudburst clouded cloudier cloudiest cloudiness clouding cloudless clouds cloudy clout clove clover cloves clown clowning clowns club clubbed clubbing clubhouse clubroom clubs cluck clucked clucking clucks clue clues Cluj clump clumped clumping clumps clumsily clumsiness clumsy clung cluster clustered clustering clusterings clusters clutch clutched clutches clutching clutter cluttered cluttering clutters Clyde Clytemnestra coach coached coacher coaches coaching coachman coachmen coagulate coal coalesce coalesced coalesces coalescing coalition coals coarse coarsely coarsen coarsened coarseness coarser coarsest coast coastal coasted coaster coasters coasting coastline coasts coat coated Coates coating coatings coats coattail coauthor coax coaxed coaxer coaxes coaxial coaxing cobalt Cobb cobble cobbler cobblers cobblestone COBOL Cobol cobra cobweb cobwebs coca cocaine Cochise Cochran Cochrane cock cocked cocking cockpit cockroach cocks cocktail cocktails cocky coco cocoa coconut coconuts cocoon cocoons cod Coddington coddle code coded codeine coder coders codes codeword codewords codfish codicil codification codifications codified codifier codifiers codifies codify codifying coding codings codpiece Cody coed coeditor coeducation coefficient coefficients coequal coerce coerced coerces coercible coercing coercion coercive coexist coexisted coexistence coexisting coexists cofactor coffee coffeecup coffeepot coffees coffer coffers Coffey coffin coffins Coffman cog cogent cogently cogitate cogitated cogitates cogitating cogitation cognac cognition cognitive cognitively cognizance cognizant cogs cohabitation cohabitations Cohen cohere cohered coherence coherent coherently coheres cohering cohesion cohesive cohesively cohesiveness Cohn cohort coil coiled coiling coils coin coinage coincide coincided coincidence coincidences coincident coincidental coincides coinciding coined coiner coining coins coke cokes colander Colby cold colder coldest coldly coldness colds Cole Coleman Coleridge Colette Colgate colicky coliform coliseum collaborate collaborated collaborates collaborating collaboration collaborations collaborative collaborator collaborators collagen collapse collapsed collapses collapsible collapsing collar collarbone collared collaring collars collate collateral colleague colleagues collect collected collectible collecting collection collections collective collectively collectives collector collectors collects college colleges collegian collegiate collide collided collides colliding collie Collier collies Collins collision collisions colloidal colloquia colloquial colloquium colloquy collusion Cologne Colombia Colombian Colombians Colombo colon colonel colonels colonial colonially colonials colonies colonist colonists colonization colonize colonized colonizer colonizers colonizes colonizing colons colony color Colorado colored colorer colorers colorful coloring colorings colorless colors colossal Colosseum colt colts Columbia Columbian Columbus column columnize columnized columnizes columnizing columns Comanche comb combat combatant combatants combated combating combative combats combed comber combers combination combinational combinations combinator combinatorial combinatorially combinatoric combinatorics combinators combine combined combines combing combings combining combs combustible combustion Comdex come comeback comedian comedians comedic comedies comedy comeliness comely comer comers comes comestible comet cometary comets comfort comfortabilities comfortability comfortable comfortably comforted comforter comforters comforting comfortingly comforts comic comical comically comics Cominform coming comings comma command commandant commandants commanded commandeer commander commanders commanding commandingly commandment commandments commando commands commas commemorate commemorated commemorates commemorating commemoration commemorative commence commenced commencement commencements commences commencing commend commendation commendations commended commending commends commensurate comment commentaries commentary commentator commentators commented commenting comments commerce commercial commercially commercialness commercials commission commissioned commissioner commissioners commissioning commissions commit commitment commitments commits committed committee committeeman committeemen committees committeewoman committeewomen committing commodities commodity commodore commodores common commonalities commonality commoner commoners commonest commonly commonness commonplace commonplaces commons commonwealth commonwealths commotion communal communally commune communes communicant communicants communicate communicated communicates communicating communication communications communicative communicator communicators communion communist communists communities community commutative commutativity commute commuted commuter commuters commutes commuting compact compacted compacter compactest compacting compaction compactly compactness compactor compactors compacts companies companion companionable companions companionship company comparability comparable comparably comparative comparatively comparatives comparator comparators compare compared compares comparing comparison comparisons compartment compartmentalize compartmentalized compartmentalizes compartmentalizing compartmented compartments compass compassion compassionate compassionately compatibilities compatibility compatible compatibles compatibly compel compelled compelling compellingly compels compendium compensate compensated compensates compensating compensation compensations compensatory compete competed competence competency competent competently competes competing competition competitions competitive competitively competitor competitors compilation compilations compile compiled compiler compilers compiles compiling complacency complain complained complainer complainers complaining complains complaint complaints complement complementary complemented complementer complementers complementing complements complete completed completely completeness completes completing completion completions complex complexes complexion complexities complexity complexly compliance compliant complicate complicated complicates complicating complication complications complicator complicators complicity complied compliment complimentary complimented complimenter complimenters complimenting compliments comply complying component componentry components componentwise compose composed composedly composer composers composes composing composite composites composition compositional compositions compost composure compound compounded compounding compounds comprehend comprehended comprehending comprehends comprehensibility comprehensible comprehension comprehensive comprehensively compress compressed compresses compressible compressing compression compressive compressor comprise comprised comprises comprising compromise compromised compromiser compromisers compromises compromising compromisingly Compton comptroller comptrollers compulsion compulsions compulsive compulsory compunction Compuserve computability computable computation computational computationally computations compute computed computer computerize computerized computerizes computerizing computers computes computing comrade comradely comrades comradeship con Conakry Conant concatenate concatenated concatenates concatenating concatenation concatenations concave conceal concealed concealer concealers concealing concealment conceals concede conceded concedes conceding conceit conceited conceits conceivable conceivably conceive conceived conceives conceiving concentrate concentrated concentrates concentrating concentration concentrations concentrator concentrators concentric concept conception conceptions concepts conceptual conceptualization conceptualizations conceptualize conceptualized conceptualizes conceptualizing conceptually concern concerned concernedly concerning concerns concert concerted concertmaster concerto concerts concession concessions conciliate conciliatory concise concisely conciseness conclave conclude concluded concludes concluding conclusion conclusions conclusive conclusively concoct concomitant concord concordant Concorde Concordia concourse concrete concretely concreteness concretes concretion concubine concur concurred concurrence concurrencies concurrency concurrent concurrently concurring concurs concussion condemn condemnation condemnations condemned condemner condemners condemning condemns condensation condense condensed condenser condenses condensing condescend condescending condition conditional conditionally conditionals conditioned conditioner conditioners conditioning conditions condom condone condoned condones condoning conduce conducive conduciveness conduct conductance conducted conducting conduction conductive conductivity conductor conductors conducts conduit cone cones Conestoga confectionery confederacy confederate confederates confederation confederations confer conferee conference conferences conferred conferrer conferrers conferring confers confess confessed confesses confessing confession confessions confessor confessors confidant confidants confide confided confidence confidences confident confidential confidentiality confidentially confidently confides confiding confidingly configurable configuration configurations configure configured configures configuring confine confined confinement confinements confiner confines confining confirm confirmation confirmations confirmatory confirmed confirming confirms confiscate confiscated confiscates confiscating confiscation confiscations conflagration conflict conflicted conflicting conflicts confluent confocal conform conformal conformance conformed conforming conformity conforms confound confounded confounding confounds confront confrontation confrontations confronted confronter confronters confronting confronts Confucian Confucianism Confucius confuse confused confuser confusers confuses confusing confusingly confusion confusions congenial congenially congenital congest congested congestion congestive conglomerate Congo Congolese congratulate congratulated congratulation congratulations congratulatory congregate congregated congregates congregating congregation congregations congress congresses congressional congressionally congressman congressmen congresswoman congresswomen congruence congruent conic conifer coniferous conjecture conjectured conjectures conjecturing conjoined conjugal conjugate conjunct conjuncted conjunction conjunctions conjunctive conjunctively conjuncts conjuncture conjure conjured conjurer conjures conjuring Conklin Conley Connally connect connected connectedness Connecticut connecting connection connectionless connections connective connectives connectivity connector connectors connects Connelly Conner Connie connivance connive connoisseur connoisseurs Connors connotation connotative connote connoted connotes connoting connubial conquer conquerable conquered conquerer conquerers conquering conqueror conquerors conquers conquest conquests Conrad Conrail conscience consciences conscientious conscientiously conscious consciously consciousness conscript conscription consecrate consecration consecutive consecutively consensual consensus consent consented consenter consenters consenting consents consequence consequences consequent consequential consequentialities consequentiality consequently consequents conservation conservationist conservationists conservations conservatism conservative conservatively conservatives conservator conserve conserved conserves conserving consider considerable considerably considerate considerately consideration considerations considered considering considers consign consigned consigning consigns consist consisted consistency consistent consistently consisting consists consolable consolation consolations console consoled consoler consolers consoles consolidate consolidated consolidates consolidating consolidation consoling consolingly consonant consonants consort consorted consorting consortium consorts conspicuous conspicuously conspiracies conspiracy conspirator conspirators conspire conspired conspires conspiring constable constables Constance constancy constant Constantine Constantinople constantly constants constellation constellations consternation constituencies constituency constituent constituents constitute constituted constitutes constituting constitution constitutional constitutionality constitutionally constitutions constitutive constrain constrained constraining constrains constraint constraints constrict construct constructed constructibility constructible constructing construction constructions constructive constructively constructor constructors constructs construe construed construing consul consular consulate consulates consuls consult consultant consultants consultation consultations consultative consulted consulting consults consumable consume consumed consumer consumers consumes consuming consummate consummated consummately consummation consumption consumptions consumptive consumptively contact contacted contacting contacts contagion contagious contagiously contain containable contained container containers containing containment containments contains contaminate contaminated contaminates contaminating contamination contemplate contemplated contemplates contemplating contemplation contemplations contemplative contemporaries contemporariness contemporary contempt contemptible contemptuous contemptuously contend contended contender contenders contending contends content contented contenting contention contentions contently contentment contents contest contestable contestant contested contester contesters contesting contests context contexts contextual contextually contiguity contiguous contiguously continent continental continentally continents contingencies contingency contingent contingents continual continually continuance continuances continuation continuations continue continued continues continuing continuities continuity continuous continuously continuum contortions contour contoured contouring contours contraband contraception contraceptive contract contracted contracting contraction contractions contractor contractors contracts contractual contractually contradict contradicted contradicting contradiction contradictions contradictory contradicts contradistinction contradistinctions contrapositive contrapositives contraption contraptions contrariness contrary contrast contrasted contraster contrasters contrasting contrastingly contrasts contribute contributed contributes contributing contribution contributions contributor contributorily contributors contributory contrite contrition contrivance contrivances contrive contrived contriver contrives contriving control controllability controllable controllably controlled controller controllers controlling controls controversial controversies controversy controvertible contumacious contumacy conundrum conundrums Convair convalescent convect convene convened convenes convenience conveniences convenient conveniently convening convent convention conventional conventionally conventions convents converge converged convergence convergent converges converging conversant conversantly conversation conversational conversationally conversations converse conversed conversely converses conversing conversion conversions convert converted converter converters convertibility convertible converting converts convex convey conveyance conveyances conveyed conveyer conveyers conveying conveyor conveys convict convicted convicting conviction convictions convicts convince convinced convincer convincers convinces convincing convincingly convivial convoke convoluted convolution convoy convoyed convoying convoys convulse convulsion convulsions Conway coo cooing cook cookbook Cooke cooked cookery cookie cookies cooking cooks cooky cool cooled cooler coolers coolest Cooley Coolidge coolie coolies cooling coolly coolness cools coon coons coop cooped cooper cooperate cooperated cooperates cooperating cooperation cooperations cooperative cooperatively cooperatives cooperator cooperators coopers coops coordinate coordinated coordinates coordinating coordination coordinations coordinator coordinators Coors cop cope coped Copeland Copenhagen Copernican Copernicus copes copied copier copiers copies coping copings copious copiously copiousness coplanar copper Copperfield copperhead coppers copra coprocessor cops copse copy copying copyright copyrightable copyrighted copyrights copywriter coquette coral Corbett Corcoran cord corded corder cordial cordiality cordially cords core cored corer corers cores Corey coriander coring Corinth Corinthian Corinthianize Corinthianizes Corinthians Coriolanus cork corked corker corkers corking corks corkscrew cormorant corn cornea Cornelia Cornelian Cornelius Cornell corner cornered corners cornerstone cornerstones cornet cornfield cornfields corning Cornish cornmeal corns cornstarch cornucopia Cornwall Cornwallis corny corollaries corollary Coronado coronaries coronary coronation coroner coronet coronets coroutine coroutines corporal corporals corporate corporately corporation corporations corps corpse corpses corpulent corpus corpuscular corral correct correctable corrected correcting correction corrections corrective correctively correctives correctly correctness corrector corrects correlate correlated correlates correlating correlation correlations correlative correspond corresponded correspondence correspondences correspondent correspondents corresponding correspondingly corresponds corridor corridors corrigenda corrigendum corrigible corroborate corroborated corroborates corroborating corroboration corroborations corroborative corrode corrosion corrosive corrugate corrupt corrupted corrupter corruptible corrupting corruption corruptions corrupts corset Corsica Corsican cortex Cortez cortical Cortland Corvallis Corvus Corydoras Cosgrove cosine cosines cosmetic cosmetics cosmic cosmology cosmopolitan cosmos cosponsor Cossack cost Costa costed Costello costing costly costs costume costumed costumer costumes costuming cosy cot cotangent cotillion cots cottage cottager cottages cotton cottonmouth cottons cottonseed cottonwood Cottrell cotyledon cotyledons couch couched couches couching cougar cough coughed coughing coughs could coulomb Coulter council councillor councillors councilman councilmen councils councilwoman councilwomen counsel counseled counseling counselled counselling counsellor counsellors counselor counselors counsels count countable countably counted countenance counter counteract counteracted counteracting counteractive counterargument counterattack counterbalance counterclockwise countered counterexample counterexamples counterfeit counterfeited counterfeiter counterfeiting counterflow countering counterintuitive counterman countermeasure countermeasures countermen counterpart counterparts counterpoint counterpointing counterpoise counterproductive counterproposal counterrevolution counters countersink countersunk countess counties counting countless countries country countryman countrymen countryside countrywide counts county countywide couple coupled coupler couplers couples coupling couplings coupon coupons courage courageous courageously courier couriers course coursed courser courses coursing court courted courteous courteously courter courters courtesan courtesies courtesy courthouse courthouses courtier courtiers courting courtly Courtney courtroom courtrooms courts courtship courtyard courtyards cousin cousins covalent covariant cove covenant covenants Covent Coventry cover coverable coverage covered covering coverings coverlet coverlets covers covert covertly coves covet coveted coveting covetous covetousness covets cow Cowan coward cowardice cowardly cowboy cowboys cowed cower cowered cowerer cowerers cowering coweringly cowers cowherd cowhide cowing cowl cowlick cowling cowls coworker cows cowslip cowslips coyote coyotes coypu cozier coziness cozy crab crabapple crabs crack cracked cracker crackers cracking crackle crackled crackles crackling crackpot cracks cradle cradled cradles craft crafted crafter craftiness crafting crafts craftsman craftsmen craftspeople craftsperson crafty crag craggy crags Craig cram Cramer cramming cramp cramps crams cranberries cranberry Crandall crane cranes Cranford crania cranium crank crankcase cranked crankier crankiest crankily cranking cranks crankshaft cranky cranny Cranston crash crashed crasher crashers crashes crashing crass crate crater craters crates cravat cravats crave craved craven craves craving Crawford crawl crawled crawler crawlers crawling crawls Cray crayon Crays craze crazed crazes crazier craziest crazily craziness crazing crazy creak creaked creaking creaks creaky cream creamed creamer creamers creamery creaming creams creamy crease creased creases creasing create created creates creating creation creations creative creatively creativeness creativity creator creators creature creatures credence credential credibility credible credibly credit creditable creditably credited crediting creditor creditors credits credulity credulous credulousness Cree creed creeds creek creeks creep creeper creepers creeping creeps creepy Creighton cremate cremated cremates cremating cremation cremations crematory Creole Creon crepe crept crescent crescents crest crested crestfallen crests Crestview Cretaceous Cretaceously Cretan Crete cretin crevice crevices crew crewcut crewed crewing crews crib cribs cricket crickets cried crier criers cries crime Crimea Crimean crimes criminal criminally criminals criminate crimson crimsoning cringe cringed cringes cringing cripple crippled cripples crippling crises crisis crisp Crispin crisply crispness crisscross criteria criterion critic critical critically criticism criticisms criticize criticized criticizes criticizing critics critique critiques critiquing critter croak croaked croaking croaks Croatia Croatian crochet crochets crock crockery Crockett crocks crocodile crocus croft Croix Cromwell Cromwellian crook crooked crooks crop cropped cropper croppers cropping crops Crosby cross crossable crossbar crossbars crossed crosser crossers crosses crossing crossings crossly crossover crossovers crosspoint crossroad crosstalk crosswalk crossword crosswords crotch crotchety crouch crouched crouching crow crowd crowded crowder crowding crowds crowed crowing Crowley crown crowned crowning crowns crows Croydon crucial crucially crucible crucified crucifies crucifix crucifixion crucify crucifying crud cruddy crude crudely crudeness cruder crudest cruel crueler cruelest cruelly cruelty Cruickshank cruise cruiser cruisers cruises cruising crumb crumble crumbled crumbles crumbling crumbly crumbs crummy crumple crumpled crumples crumpling crunch crunched crunches crunchier crunchiest crunching crunchy crusade crusader crusaders crusades crusading crush crushable crushed crusher crushers crushes crushing crushingly Crusoe crust crustacean crustaceans crusts crutch crutches crux cruxes Cruz cry crying cryogenic crypt cryptanalysis cryptanalyst cryptanalytic cryptic cryptogram cryptographer cryptographic cryptographically cryptography cryptologist cryptology crystal crystalline crystallize crystallized crystallizes crystallizing crystals cub Cuba Cuban Cubanize Cubanizes Cubans cubbyhole cube cubed cubes cubic cubs cuckoo cuckoos cucumber cucumbers cuddle cuddled cuddly cudgel cudgels cue cued cues cuff cufflink cuffs cuisine Culbertson culinary cull culled culler culling culls culminate culminated culminates culminating culmination culpa culpable culprit culprits cult cultivable cultivate cultivated cultivates cultivating cultivation cultivations cultivator cultivators cults cultural culturally culture cultured cultures culturing Culver Culvers Cumberland cumbersome Cummings Cummins cumulative cumulatively Cunard cunnilingus cunning Cunningham cunningly cup cupboard cupboards Cupertino cupful Cupid cupped cupping cups curable curably curb curbing curbs curd curdle cure cured cures curfew curfews curing curiosities curiosity curious curiouser curiousest curiously curl curled curler curlers curlicue curling curls curly Curran currant currants currencies currency current currently currentness currents curricular curriculum curriculums curried curries curry currying curs curse cursed curses cursing cursive cursor cursorily cursors cursory curt curtail curtailed curtails curtain curtained curtains curtate Curtis curtly curtness curtsies curtsy curvaceous curvature curve curved curves curvilinear curving Cushing cushion cushioned cushioning cushions Cushman cusp cusps custard Custer custodial custodian custodians custody custom customarily customary customer customers customizable customization customizations customize customized customizer customizers customizes customizing customs cut cutaneous cutback cute cutest cutlass cutlet cutoff cutout cutover cuts cutter cutters cutthroat cutting cuttingly cuttings cuttlefish Cuvier Cuzco Cyanamid cyanide cybernetic cybernetics cyberspace Cyclades cycle cycled cycles cyclic cyclically cycling cycloid cycloidal cycloids cyclone cyclones Cyclops cyclotron cyclotrons Cygnus cylinder cylinders cylindrical cymbal cymbals cynic cynical cynically Cynthia cypress Cyprian Cypriot Cyprus Cyril Cyrillic Cyrus cyst cysts cytology cytoplasm czar Czech Czechization Czechizations Czechoslovakia Czerniak dabble dabbled dabbler dabbles dabbling Dacca Dacron dactyl dactylic dad Dada Dadaism Dadaist Dadaistic daddy Dade dads Daedalus daemon daemons daffodil daffodils dagger Dahl dahlia Dahomey Dailey dailies daily Daimler daintily daintiness dainty dairy Dairylea daisies daisy Dakar Dakota dale dales Daley Dalhousie Dali Dallas Dalton Daly Dalzell dam damage damaged damager damagers damages damaging Damascus damask dame damming damn damnation damned damning damns Damocles Damon damp dampen dampens damper damping dampness dams damsel damsels Dan Dana Danbury dance danced dancer dancers dances dancing dandelion dandelions dandy Dane Danes danger dangerous dangerously dangers dangle dangled dangles dangling Daniel Daniels Danielson Danish Danization Danizations Danize Danizes Danny Dante Danube Danubian Danville Danzig Daphne Dar dare dared darer darers dares daresay daring daringly Darius dark darken darker darkest darkly darkness darkroom Darlene darling darlings Darlington darn darned darner darning darns DARPA Darrell Darrow Darry dart darted darter darting Dartmouth darts Darwin Darwinian Darwinism Darwinistic Darwinize Darwinizes dash dashboard dashed dasher dashers dashes dashing dashingly data database databases datagram datagrams Datamation Datamedia date dated dateline dater dates dating dative Datsun datum Daugherty daughter daughterly daughters daunt daunted dauntless Dave David Davidson Davie Davies Davinich Davis Davison Davy dawn dawned dawning dawns Dawson day daybreak daydream daydreaming daydreams daylight daylights days daytime Dayton Daytona daze dazed dazzle dazzled dazzler dazzles dazzling dazzlingly De deacon deacons deactivate dead deaden deadline deadlines deadlock deadlocked deadlocking deadlocks deadly deadness deadwood deaf deafen deafer deafest deafness deal dealer dealers dealership dealing dealings deallocate deallocated deallocating deallocation deallocations deals dealt dean Deane Deanna deans dear Dearborn dearer dearest dearly dearness dearth dearths death deathbed deathly deaths debacle debar debase debatable debate debated debater debaters debates debating debauch debauchery Debbie Debby debilitate debilitated debilitates debilitating debility debit debited Deborah Debra debrief debris debt debtor debts debug debugged debugger debuggers debugging debugs debunk Debussy debutante DEC decade decadence decadent decadently decades decal decathlon Decatur decay decayed decaying decays Decca decease deceased deceases deceasing decedent deceit deceitful deceitfully deceitfulness deceive deceived deceiver deceivers deceives deceiving decelerate decelerated decelerates decelerating deceleration December Decembers decencies decency decennial decent decently decentralization decentralized deception deceptions deceptive deceptively decertify decibel decidability decidable decide decided decidedly decides deciding deciduous decimal decimals decimate decimated decimates decimating decimation decipher deciphered decipherer deciphering deciphers decision decisions decisive decisively decisiveness deck decked Decker decking deckings decks declaration declarations declarative declaratively declaratives declarator declaratory declare declared declarer declarers declares declaring declassify declination declinations decline declined decliner decliners declines declining DECnet decode decoded decoder decoders decodes decoding decodings decolletage decollimate decompile decomposability decomposable decompose decomposed decomposes decomposing decomposition decompositions decompress decompression decorate decorated decorates decorating decoration decorations decorative decorum decouple decoupled decouples decoupling decoy decoys decrease decreased decreases decreasing decreasingly decree decreed decreeing decrees decrement decremented decrementing decrements decrypt decrypted decrypting decryption decrypts DECstation DECsystem DECtape dedicate dedicated dedicates dedicating dedication deduce deduced deducer deduces deducible deducing deduct deducted deductible deducting deduction deductions deductive Dee deed deeded deeding deeds deem deemed deeming deemphasize deemphasized deemphasizes deemphasizing deems deep deepen deepened deepening deepens deeper deepest deeply deeps deer Deere deface default defaulted defaulter defaulting defaults defeat defeated defeating defeats defecate defect defected defecting defection defections defective defects defend defendant defendants defended defender defenders defending defends defenestrate defenestrated defenestrates defenestrating defenestration defense defenseless defenses defensible defensive defer deference deferment deferments deferrable deferred deferrer deferrers deferring defers defiance defiant defiantly deficiencies deficiency deficient deficit deficits defied defies defile defiling definable define defined definer defines defining definite definitely definiteness definition definitional definitions definitive deflate deflater deflect defocus Defoe deforest deforestation deform deformation deformations deformed deformities deformity defraud defray defrost deftly defunct defy defying degeneracy degenerate degenerated degenerates degenerating degeneration degenerative degradable degradation degradations degrade degraded degrades degrading degree degrees dehumidify dehydrate deify deign deigned deigning deigns Deimos Deirdre Deirdres deities deity dejected dejectedly DeKalb DeKastere Del Delaney Delano Delaware delay delayed delaying delays delegate delegated delegates delegating delegation delegations delete deleted deleter deleterious deletes deleting deletion deletions Delft Delhi Delia deliberate deliberated deliberately deliberateness deliberates deliberating deliberation deliberations deliberative deliberator deliberators delicacies delicacy delicate delicately delicatessen delicious deliciously delight delighted delightedly delightful delightfully delighting delights Delilah delimit delimitation delimited delimiter delimiters delimiting delimits delineament delineate delineated delineates delineating delineation delinquency delinquent delirious deliriously delirium deliver deliverable deliverables deliverance delivered deliverer deliverers deliveries delivering delivers delivery dell Della dells Dellwood Delmarva Delphi Delphic Delphically Delphinus delta deltas delude deluded deludes deluding deluge deluged deluges delusion delusions deluxe delve delves delving demagnify demagogue demand demanded demander demanding demandingly demands demarcate demeanor demented demerit Demeter demigod demise demo democracies democracy democrat democratic democratically democrats demodulate demodulator demographic demolish demolished demolishes demolition demon demoniac demonic demons demonstrable demonstrate demonstrated demonstrates demonstrating demonstration demonstrations demonstrative demonstratively demonstrator demonstrators demoralize demoralized demoralizes demoralizing DeMorgan demote demountable Dempsey demultiplex demultiplexed demultiplexer demultiplexers demultiplexing demur demythologize den denature Deneb Denebola Deneen deniable denial denials denied denier denies denigrate denigrated denigrates denigrating denizen Denmark Dennis Denny denominate denomination denominations denominator denominators denotable denotation denotational denotationally denotations denotative denote denoted denotes denoting denounce denounced denounces denouncing dens dense densely denseness denser densest densities density dent dental dentally dented denting dentist dentistry dentists Denton dents denture denude denumerable denunciate denunciation Denver deny denying deodorant deoxyribonucleic depart departed departing department departmental departments departs departure departures depend dependability dependable dependably depended dependence dependencies dependency dependent dependently dependents depending depends depict depicted depicting depicts deplete depleted depletes depleting depletion depletions deplorable deplore deplored deplores deploring deploy deployed deploying deployment deployments deploys deport deportation deportee deportment depose deposed deposes deposit depositary deposited depositing deposition depositions depositor depositors depository deposits depot depots deprave depraved depravity deprecate depreciate depreciated depreciates depreciation depress depressed depresses depressing depression depressions deprivation deprivations deprive deprived deprives depriving depth depths deputies deputy dequeue dequeued dequeues dequeuing derail derailed derailing derails derby Derbyshire dereference deregulate deregulated Derek deride derision derivable derivation derivations derivative derivatives derive derived derives deriving derogatory derrick derriere dervish Des Descartes descend descendant descendants descended descendent descender descenders descending descends descent descents describable describe described describer describes describing description descriptions descriptive descriptively descriptives descriptor descriptors descry desecrate desegregate desert deserted deserter deserters deserting desertion desertions deserts deserve deserved deserves deserving deservingly deservings desiderata desideratum design designate designated designates designating designation designations designator designators designed designer designers designing designs desirability desirable desirably desire desired desires desiring desirous desist desk desks desktop Desmond desolate desolately desolation desolations despair despaired despairing despairingly despairs despatch despatched desperado desperate desperately desperation despicable despise despised despises despising despite despoil despondent despot despotic despotism despots dessert desserts dessicate destabilize destination destinations destine destined destinies destiny destitute destitution destroy destroyed destroyer destroyers destroying destroys destruct destruction destructions destructive destructively destructiveness destructor destuff destuffing destuffs desuetude desultory desynchronize detach detached detacher detaches detaching detachment detachments detail detailed detailing details detain detained detaining detains detect detectable detectably detected detecting detection detections detective detectives detector detectors detects detente detention deter detergent deteriorate deteriorated deteriorates deteriorating deterioration determinable determinacy determinant determinants determinate determinately determination determinations determinative determine determined determiner determiners determines determining determinism deterministic deterministically deterred deterrent deterring detest detestable detested detour detract detractor detractors detracts detriment detrimental Detroit deuce deus deuterium Deutsch devastate devastated devastates devastating devastation develop developed developer developers developing development developmental developments develops deviant deviants deviate deviated deviates deviating deviation deviations device devices devil devilish devilishly devils devious devise devised devises devising devisings devoid devolve Devon Devonshire devote devoted devotedly devotee devotees devotes devoting devotion devotions devour devoured devourer devours devout devoutly devoutness dew dewdrop dewdrops Dewey Dewitt dewy Dexedrine dexterity Dhabi diabetes diabetic diabolic diachronic diacritical diadem diagnosable diagnose diagnosed diagnoses diagnosing diagnosis diagnostic diagnostician diagnostics diagonal diagonally diagonals diagram diagrammable diagrammatic diagrammatically diagrammed diagrammer diagrammers diagramming diagrams dial dialect dialectic dialects dialed dialer dialers dialing dialog dialogs dialogue dialogues dials dialup dialysis diamagnetic diameter diameters diametric diametrically diamond diamonds Diana Diane Dianne diaper diapers diaphragm diaphragms diaries diarrhea diary diatribe diatribes dibble dice dichotomize dichotomy dickens Dickerson Dickinson Dickson dicky dictate dictated dictates dictating dictation dictations dictator dictatorial dictators dictatorship diction dictionaries dictionary dictum dictums did didactic diddle Dido die Diebold died Diego diehard dielectric dielectrics diem dies diesel diet dietary dieter dieters dietetic dietician dietitian dietitians Dietrich diets Dietz differ differed difference differences different differentiable differential differentials differentiate differentiated differentiates differentiating differentiation differentiations differentiators differently differer differers differing differs difficult difficulties difficultly difficulty diffract diffuse diffused diffusely diffuser diffusers diffuses diffusible diffusing diffusion diffusions diffusive dig digest digested digestible digesting digestion digestive digests digger diggers digging diggings digit digital digitalis digitally digitization digitize digitized digitizes digitizing digits dignified dignify dignitary dignities dignity digram digress digressed digresses digressing digression digressions digressive digs dihedral Dijkstra Dijon dike dikes dilapidate dilatation dilate dilated dilates dilating dilation dildo dilemma dilemmas diligence diligent diligently dill Dillon dilogarithm dilute diluted dilutes diluting dilution dim DiMaggio dime dimension dimensional dimensionality dimensionally dimensioned dimensioning dimensions dimes diminish diminished diminishes diminishing diminution diminutive dimly dimmed dimmer dimmers dimmest dimming dimness dimple dims din Dinah dine dined diner diners dines ding dinghy dinginess dingo dingy dining dinner dinners dinnertime dinnerware dinosaur dint Diocletian diode diodes Diogenes Dion Dionysian Dionysus Diophantine diopter diorama dioxide dip diphtheria diphthong diploma diplomacy diplomas diplomat diplomatic diplomats dipole dipped dipper dippers dipping dippings dips Dirac dire direct directed directing direction directional directionality directionally directions directive directives directly directness director directorate directories directors directory directrices directrix directs dirge dirges Dirichlet dirt dirtier dirtiest dirtily dirtiness dirts dirty Dis disabilities disability disable disabled disabler disablers disables disabling disadvantage disadvantageous disadvantages disaffected disaffection disagree disagreeable disagreed disagreeing disagreement disagreements disagrees disallow disallowed disallowing disallows disambiguate disambiguated disambiguates disambiguating disambiguation disambiguations disappear disappearance disappearances disappeared disappearing disappears disappoint disappointed disappointing disappointment disappointments disapproval disapprove disapproved disapproves disarm disarmament disarmed disarming disarms disassemble disassembled disassembles disassembling disassembly disaster disasters disastrous disastrously disband disbanded disbanding disbands disburse disbursed disbursement disbursements disburses disbursing disc discard discarded discarding discards discern discerned discernibility discernible discernibly discerning discerningly discernment discerns discharge discharged discharges discharging disciple disciples disciplinary discipline disciplined disciplines disciplining disclaim disclaimed disclaimer disclaims disclose disclosed discloses disclosing disclosure disclosures discomfort disconcert disconcerting disconcertingly disconnect disconnected disconnecting disconnection disconnects discontent discontented discontinuance discontinue discontinued discontinues discontinuities discontinuity discontinuous discord discordant discount discounted discounting discounts discourage discouraged discouragement discourages discouraging discourse discourses discover discovered discoverer discoverers discoveries discovering discovers discovery discredit discredited discreet discreetly discrepancies discrepancy discrete discretely discreteness discretion discretionary discriminant discriminate discriminated discriminates discriminating discrimination discriminatory discs discuss discussant discussed discusses discussing discussion discussions disdain disdaining disdains disease diseased diseases disembowel disengage disengaged disengages disengaging disentangle disentangling disfigure disfigured disfigures disfiguring disgorge disgrace disgraced disgraceful disgracefully disgraces disgruntle disgruntled disguise disguised disguises disgust disgusted disgustedly disgustful disgusting disgustingly disgusts dish dishearten disheartening dished dishes dishevel dishing dishonest dishonestly dishonesty dishonor dishonorable dishonored dishonoring dishonors dishwasher dishwashers dishwashing dishwater disillusion disillusioned disillusioning disillusionment disillusionments disinclined disingenuous disinterested disinterestedness disjoint disjointed disjointly disjointness disjunct disjunction disjunctions disjunctive disjunctively disjuncts disk diskette diskettes disks dislike disliked dislikes disliking dislocate dislocated dislocates dislocating dislocation dislocations dislodge dislodged dismal dismally dismay dismayed dismaying dismember dismembered dismemberment dismembers dismiss dismissal dismissals dismissed dismisser dismissers dismisses dismissing dismount dismounted dismounting dismounts Disney Disneyland disobedience disobedient disobey disobeyed disobeying disobeys disorder disordered disorderly disorders disorganized disown disowned disowning disowns disparage disparate disparities disparity dispassionate dispatch dispatched dispatcher dispatchers dispatches dispatching dispel dispell dispelled dispelling dispels dispensary dispensation dispense dispensed dispenser dispensers dispenses dispensing dispersal disperse dispersed disperses dispersing dispersion dispersions displace displaced displacement displacements displaces displacing display displayable displayed displayer displaying displays displease displeased displeases displeasing displeasure disposable disposal disposals dispose disposed disposer disposes disposing disposition dispositions dispossessed disproportionate disprove disproved disproves disproving dispute disputed disputer disputers disputes disputing disqualification disqualified disqualifies disqualify disqualifying disquiet disquieting Disraeli disregard disregarded disregarding disregards disrespectful disrupt disrupted disrupting disruption disruptions disruptive disrupts dissatisfaction dissatisfactions dissatisfactory dissatisfied dissect dissects dissemble disseminate disseminated disseminates disseminating dissemination dissension dissensions dissent dissented dissenter dissenters dissenting dissents dissertation dissertations disservice dissident dissidents dissimilar dissimilarities dissimilarity dissipate dissipated dissipates dissipating dissipation dissociate dissociated dissociates dissociating dissociation dissolution dissolutions dissolve dissolved dissolves dissolving dissonant dissuade distaff distal distally distance distances distant distantly distaste distasteful distastefully distastes distemper distempered distempers distill distillation distilled distiller distillers distillery distilling distills distinct distinction distinctions distinctive distinctively distinctiveness distinctly distinctness distinguish distinguishable distinguished distinguishes distinguishing distort distorted distorting distortion distortions distorts distract distracted distracting distraction distractions distracts distraught distress distressed distresses distressing distribute distributed distributes distributing distribution distributional distributions distributive distributivity distributor distributors district districts distrust distrusted disturb disturbance disturbances disturbed disturber disturbing disturbingly disturbs disuse ditch ditches dither ditto ditty Ditzel diurnal divan divans dive dived diver diverge diverged divergence divergences divergent diverges diverging divers diverse diversely diversification diversified diversifies diversify diversifying diversion diversionary diversions diversities diversity divert diverted diverting diverts dives divest divested divesting divestiture divests divide divided dividend dividends divider dividers divides dividing divine divinely diviner diving divining divinities divinity divisibility divisible division divisional divisions divisive divisor divisors divorce divorced divorcee divulge divulged divulges divulging Dixie Dixiecrats Dixieland Dixon dizziness dizzy Djakarta Dmitri Dnieper do Dobbin Dobbs Doberman Doc docile dock docked docket docks dockside dockyard doctor doctoral doctorate doctorates doctored doctors doctrinaire doctrinal doctrine doctrines document documentaries documentary documentation documentations documented documenter documenters documenting documents Dodd dodecahedra dodecahedral dodecahedron dodge dodged dodger dodgers dodging Dodington Dodson doe doer doers does dog Doge dogged doggedly doggedness dogging doghouse dogma dogmas dogmatic dogmatism dogs Dogtown Doherty doing doings Dolan doldrum dole doled doleful dolefully doles doll dollar dollars dollies dolls dolly Dolores dolphin dolphins domain domains dome domed Domenico domes Domesday domestic domestically domesticate domesticated domesticates domesticating domestication domicile dominance dominant dominantly dominate dominated dominates dominating domination domineer domineering Domingo Dominic Dominican Dominicans Dominick dominion Dominique domino don Donahue Donald Donaldson donate donated donates donating donation done Doneck donkey donkeys Donna Donnelly Donner donnybrook donor Donovan dons doodle Dooley Doolittle doom doomed dooming dooms doomsday door doorbell doorkeeper doorman doormen doors doorstep doorsteps doorway doorways dope doped doper dopers dopes doping Doppler Dora Dorado Dorcas Dorchester Doreen Doria Doric Doricize Doricizes Doris dormant dormitories dormitory Dorothea Dorothy Dorset Dortmund dosage dose dosed doses dossier dossiers Dostoevsky dot dote doted dotes doting dotingly dots dotted dotting double doubled Doubleday doubleheader doubler doublers doubles doublet doubleton doublets doubling doubloon doubly doubt doubtable doubted doubter doubters doubtful doubtfully doubting doubtless doubtlessly doubts Doug dough Dougherty doughnut doughnuts Douglas Douglass dove dover doves dovetail Dow dowager dowel Dowling down downcast downed downers Downey downfall downfallen downgrade downhill Downing downlink downlinks download downloaded downloading downloads downplay downplayed downplaying downplays downpour downright Downs downside downstairs downstream downtown downtowns downtrodden downturn downward downwards downy dowry Doyle doze dozed dozen dozens dozenth dozes dozing drab Draco Draconian draft drafted draftee drafter drafters drafting drafts draftsman draftsmen drafty drag dragged dragging dragnet dragon dragonfly dragonhead dragons dragoon dragooned dragoons drags drain drainage drained drainer draining drains drake dram drama Dramamine dramas dramatic dramatically dramatics dramatist dramatists drank drape draped draper draperies drapers drapery drapes drastic drastically draught draughts Dravidian draw drawback drawbacks drawbridge drawbridges drawer drawers drawing drawings drawl drawled drawling drawls drawn drawnly drawnness draws dread dreaded dreadful dreadfully dreading dreadnought dreads dream dreamboat dreamed dreamer dreamers dreamily dreaming dreamlike dreams dreamt dreamy dreariness dreary dredge dregs drench drenched drenches drenching dress dressed dresser dressers dresses dressing dressings dressmaker dressmakers drew Drexel Dreyfuss dried drier driers dries driest drift drifted drifter drifters drifting drifts drill drilled driller drilling drills drily drink drinkable drinker drinkers drinking drinks drip dripping drippy drips Driscoll drive driven driver drivers drives driveway driveways driving drizzle drizzly droll dromedary drone drones drool droop drooped drooping droops droopy drop droplet dropout dropped dropper droppers dropping droppings drops drosophila drought droughts drove drover drovers droves drown drowned drowning drownings drowns drowsiness drowsy drubbing drudge drudgery drug druggist druggists drugs drugstore drum drumhead drummed drummer drummers drumming Drummond drums drunk drunkard drunkards drunken drunkenness drunker drunkly drunks Drury dry Dryden drying dryly dual dualism dualities duality Duane dub dubbed Dubhe dubious dubiously dubiousness Dublin dubs Dubuque duchess duchesses duchy duck ducked ducking duckling ducks duct ducts dud Dudley due duel dueling duels dues duet Duffy dug Dugan duke dukes dull dulled duller Dulles dullest dulling dullness dulls dully Duluth duly dumb dumbbell dumbbells dumber dumbest dumbly dumbness dummies dummy dump dumped dumper dumping dumps Dumpty Dunbar Duncan dunce dunces Dundee dune Dunedin dunes dung dungeon dungeons Dunham dunk Dunkirk Dunlap Dunlop Dunn Dunne dupe duplex duplicable duplicate duplicated duplicates duplicating duplication duplications duplicator duplicators duplicity DuPont Dupont DuPonts Duponts Duquesne durabilities durability durable durably Durango duration durations Durer Durers duress Durham during Durkee Durkin Durrell Durward Dusenberg Dusenbury dusk duskiness dusky Dusseldorf dust dustbin dusted duster dusters dustier dustiest Dustin dusting dusts dusty Dutch dutchess Dutchman Dutchmen duties dutiful dutifully dutifulness Dutton duty Dvorak dwarf dwarfed dwarfs dwarves dwell dwelled dweller dwellers dwelling dwellings dwells dwelt Dwight dwindle dwindled dwindling Dwyer dyad dyadic dye dyed dyeing dyer dyers dyes dying Dyke Dylan dynamic dynamically dynamics dynamism dynamite dynamited dynamites dynamiting dynamo dynastic dynasties dynasty dyne dysentery dyspeptic dystrophy each Eagan eager eagerly eagerness eagle eagles ear eardrum eared earl earlier earliest earliness earls early earmark earmarked earmarking earmarkings earmarks earn earned earner earners earnest earnestly earnestness earning earnings earns Earp earphone earring earrings ears earsplitting earth earthen earthenware earthliness earthling earthly Earthman Earthmen earthmover earthquake earthquakes earths earthworm earthworms earthy ease eased easel easement easements eases easier easiest easily easiness easing east eastbound easter eastern easterner easterners easternmost Easthampton Eastland Eastman eastward eastwards Eastwick Eastwood easy easygoing eat eaten eater eaters eating eatings Eaton eats eaves eavesdrop eavesdropped eavesdropper eavesdroppers eavesdropping eavesdrops ebb ebbing ebbs Eben ebony eccentric eccentricities eccentricity eccentrics Eccles ecclesiastical echelon echo echoed echoes echoing eclectic eclipse eclipsed eclipses eclipsing ecliptic Ecole ecology econometric Econometrica economic economical economically economics economies economist economists economize economized economizer economizers economizes economizing economy ecosystem ecstasy ecstatic Ecuador Ecuadorian Ed Eddie eddies eddy Eden Edenization Edenizations Edenize Edenizes Edgar edge edged Edgerton edges Edgewater Edgewood edging edible edict edicts edifice edifices Edinburgh Edison edit edited Edith editing edition editions editor editorial editorially editorials editors edits Edmonds Edmondson Edmonton Edmund Edna Edsger Eduard Eduardo educable educate educated educates educating education educational educationally educations educator educators Edward Edwardian Edwardine Edwards Edwin Edwina eel eelgrass eels eerie eerily effect effected effecting effective effectively effectiveness effector effectors effects effectually effectuate effeminate efficacy efficiencies efficiency efficient efficiently Effie effigy effort effortless effortlessly effortlessness efforts egalitarian Egan egg egged egghead egging eggplant eggs eggshell ego egocentric egos egotism egotist Egypt Egyptian Egyptianization Egyptianizations Egyptianize Egyptianizes Egyptians Egyptize Egyptizes Egyptology Ehrlich Eichmann Eiffel eigenfunction eigenstate eigenvalue eigenvalues eigenvector eight eighteen eighteens eighteenth eightfold eighth eighthes eighties eightieth eights eighty Eileen Einstein Einsteinian Eire Eisenhower Eisner either ejaculate ejaculated ejaculates ejaculating ejaculation ejaculations eject ejected ejecting ejects Ekberg eke eked ekes Ekstrom Ektachrome elaborate elaborated elaborately elaborateness elaborates elaborating elaboration elaborations elaborators Elaine elapse elapsed elapses elapsing elastic elastically elasticity Elba elbow elbowing elbows elder elderly elders eldest Eldon Eleanor Eleazar elect elected electing election elections elective electives elector electoral electorate electors Electra electric electrical electrically electricalness electrician electricity electrification electrify electrifying electro electrocardiogram electrocardiograph electrocute electrocuted electrocutes electrocuting electrocution electrocutions electrode electrodes electroencephalogram electroencephalograph electroencephalography electrolysis electrolyte electrolytes electrolytic electromagnetic electromechanical electron electronic electronically electronics electrons electrophoresis electrophorus elects elegance elegant elegantly elegy element elemental elementals elementary elements Elena elephant elephants elevate elevated elevates elevation elevator elevators eleven elevens eleventh elf Elgin Eli elicit elicited eliciting elicits elide eligibility eligible Elijah eliminate eliminated eliminates eliminating elimination eliminations eliminator eliminators Elinor Eliot Elisabeth Elisha elision elite elitist Elizabeth Elizabethan Elizabethanize Elizabethanizes Elizabethans elk Elkhart elks Ella Ellen Ellie Elliot Elliott ellipse ellipses ellipsis ellipsoid ellipsoidal ellipsoids elliptic elliptical elliptically Ellis Ellison Ellsworth Ellwood elm Elmer Elmhurst Elmira elms Elmsford Eloise elope eloquence eloquent eloquently Elroy else Elsevier elsewhere Elsie Elsinore Elton elucidate elucidated elucidates elucidating elucidation elude eluded eludes eluding elusive elusively elusiveness elves Elvis Ely Elysee Elysees Elysium em emaciate emaciated emacs emanate emanating emancipate emancipation Emanuel emasculate embalm embargo embargoes embark embarked embarks embarrass embarrassed embarrasses embarrassing embarrassment embassies embassy embed embedded embedding embeds embellish embellished embellishes embellishing embellishment embellishments ember embezzle emblem embodied embodies embodiment embodiments embody embodying embolden embrace embraced embraces embracing embroider embroidered embroideries embroiders embroidery embroil embryo embryology embryos emerald emeralds emerge emerged emergence emergencies emergency emergent emerges emerging emeritus Emerson Emery emigrant emigrants emigrate emigrated emigrates emigrating emigration Emil Emile Emilio Emily eminence eminent eminently emissary emission emit emits emitted emitter emitting Emma Emmanuel Emmett Emory emotion emotional emotionally emotions empathy emperor emperors emphases emphasis emphasize emphasized emphasizes emphasizing emphatic emphatically empire empires empirical empirically empiricist empiricists employ employable employed employee employees employer employers employing employment employments employs emporium empower empowered empowering empowers empress emptied emptier empties emptiest emptily emptiness empty emptying emulate emulated emulates emulating emulation emulations emulator emulators en enable enabled enabler enablers enables enabling enact enacted enacting enactment enacts enamel enameled enameling enamels encamp encamped encamping encamps encapsulate encapsulated encapsulates encapsulating encapsulation encased enchant enchanted enchanter enchanting enchantment enchantress enchants encipher enciphered enciphering enciphers encircle encircled encircles enclose enclosed encloses enclosing enclosure enclosures encode encoded encoder encoders encodes encoding encodings encompass encompassed encompasses encompassing encore encounter encountered encountering encounters encourage encouraged encouragement encouragements encourages encouraging encouragingly encroach encrust encrypt encrypted encrypting encryption encryptions encrypts encumber encumbered encumbering encumbers encyclopedia encyclopedias encyclopedic end endanger endangered endangering endangers endear endeared endearing endears endeavor endeavored endeavoring endeavors ended endemic ender enders endgame Endicott ending endings endless endlessly endlessness endorse endorsed endorsement endorses endorsing endow endowed endowing endowment endowments endows endpoint ends endurable endurably endurance endure endured endures enduring enduringly enema enemas enemies enemy energetic energies energize energy enervate enfeeble Enfield enforce enforceable enforced enforcement enforcer enforcers enforces enforcing enfranchise Eng engage engaged engagement engagements engages engaging engagingly Engel Engels engender engendered engendering engenders engine engineer engineered engineering engineers engines England Englander Englanders Engle Englewood English Englishize Englishizes Englishman Englishmen engrave engraved engraver engraves engraving engravings engross engrossed engrossing engulf enhance enhanced enhancement enhancements enhances enhancing Enid enigma enigmatic enjoin enjoined enjoining enjoins enjoy enjoyable enjoyably enjoyed enjoying enjoyment enjoys enlarge enlarged enlargement enlargements enlarger enlargers enlarges enlarging enlighten enlightened enlightening enlightenment enlist enlisted enlistment enlists enliven enlivened enlivening enlivens enmities enmity ennoble ennobled ennobles ennobling ennui Enoch enormities enormity enormous enormously Enos enough enqueue enqueued enqueues enquire enquired enquirer enquires enquiry enrage enraged enrages enraging enrapture enrich enriched enriches enriching Enrico enroll enrolled enrolling enrollment enrollments enrolls ensemble ensembles ensign ensigns enslave enslaved enslaves enslaving ensnare ensnared ensnares ensnaring Ensolite ensue ensued ensues ensuing ensure ensured ensurer ensurers ensures ensuring entail entailed entailing entails entangle enter entered entering enterprise enterprises enterprising enters entertain entertained entertainer entertainers entertaining entertainingly entertainment entertainments entertains enthusiasm enthusiasms enthusiast enthusiastic enthusiastically enthusiasts entice enticed enticer enticers entices enticing entire entirely entireties entirety entities entitle entitled entitles entitling entity entomb entrance entranced entrances entrap entreat entreated entreaty entree entrench entrenched entrenches entrenching entrepreneur entrepreneurial entrepreneurs entries entropy entrust entrusted entrusting entrusts entry enumerable enumerate enumerated enumerates enumerating enumeration enumerative enumerator enumerators enunciation envelop envelope enveloped enveloper envelopes enveloping envelops envied envies envious enviously enviousness environ environing environment environmental environments environs envisage envisaged envisages envision envisioned envisioning envisions envoy envoys envy enzyme Eocene epaulet epaulets ephemeral Ephesian Ephesians Ephesus Ephraim epic epicenter epics Epicurean Epicurize Epicurizes Epicurus epidemic epidemics epidermis epigram epileptic epilogue Epiphany episcopal Episcopalian Episcopalianize Episcopalianizes episode episodes epistemological epistemology epistle epistles epitaph epitaphs epitaxial epitaxially epithet epithets epitomize epitomized epitomizes epitomizing epoch epochs epsilon Epsom Epstein equal equaled equaling equalities equality equalization equalize equalized equalizer equalizers equalizes equalizing equally equals equate equated equates equating equation equations equator equatorial equators equestrian equidistant equilateral equilibrate equilibria equilibrium equilibriums equinox equip equipment equipoise equipped equipping equips equitable equitably equity equivalence equivalences equivalent equivalently equivalents equivocal equivocally era eradicate eradicated eradicates eradicating eradication eras erasable erase erased eraser erasers erases erasing Erasmus Erastus erasure Erato Eratosthenes ere erect erected erecting erection erections erector erectors erects erg ergo ergodic Eric Erich Erickson Ericsson Erie Erik Erikson Eris Erlang Erlenmeyer Erlenmeyers ermine ermines Erne Ernest Ernestine Ernie Ernst erode Eros erosion erotic erotica err errand errant errata erratic erratum erred erring erringly Errol erroneous erroneously erroneousness error errors errs ersatz Erskine erudite erupt eruption Ervin Erwin escalate escalated escalates escalating escalation escapable escapade escapades escape escaped escapee escapees escapes escaping Escherichia eschew eschewed eschewing eschews escort escorted escorting escorts escrow Eskimo Eskimoized Eskimoizeds Eskimos Esmark esoteric Espagnol especial especially espionage Esposito espouse espoused espouses espousing esprit espy esquire esquires essay essayed essays Essen essence essences Essenize Essenizes essential essentially essentials Essex establish established establishes establishing establishment establishments estate estates esteem esteemed esteeming esteems Estella Estes Esther esthetics estimate estimated estimates estimating estimation estimations Estonia Estonian et etch etching eternal eternally eternities eternity Ethan Ethel ether ethereal ethereally Ethernet Ethernets ethers ethic ethical ethically ethics Ethiopia Ethiopians ethnic etiquette Etruria Etruscan etymology eucalyptus Eucharist Euclid Euclidean Eugene Eugenia Euler Eulerian Eumenides Eunice eunuch eunuchs euphemism euphemisms euphoria euphoric Euphrates Eurasia Eurasian eureka Euripides Europa Europe European Europeanization Europeanizations Europeanize Europeanized Europeanizes Europeans Eurydice Euterpe euthanasia Eva evacuate evacuated evacuation evade evaded evades evading evaluate evaluated evaluates evaluating evaluation evaluations evaluative evaluator evaluators Evangeline Evans Evanston Evansville evaporate evaporated evaporating evaporation evaporative evasion evasive Eve Evelyn even evened evenhanded evenhandedly evenhandedness evening evenings evenly evenness evens Evensen event eventful eventfully events eventual eventualities eventuality eventually ever Eveready Everest Everett Everglade Everglades evergreen Everhart everlasting everlastingly evermore every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere evict evicted evicting eviction evictions evicts evidence evidenced evidences evidencing evident evidently evil eviller evilly evils evince evinced evinces evoke evoked evokes evoking evolute evolutes evolution evolutionary evolutions evolve evolved evolves evolving ewe Ewen ewes Ewing ex exacerbate exacerbated exacerbates exacerbating exacerbation exacerbations exact exacted exacting exactingly exaction exactions exactitude exactly exactness exacts exaggerate exaggerated exaggerates exaggerating exaggeration exaggerations exalt exaltation exalted exalting exalts exam examination examinations examine examined examiner examiners examines examining example examples exams exasperate exasperated exasperates exasperating exasperation excavate excavated excavates excavating excavation excavations exceed exceeded exceeding exceedingly exceeds excel excelled excellence excellences excellency excellent excellently excelling excels except excepted excepting exception exceptionable exceptional exceptionally exceptions excepts excerpt excerpted excerpts excess excesses excessive excessively exchange exchangeable exchanged exchanges exchanging exchequer exchequers excise excised excises excising excision excitable excitation excitations excite excited excitedly excitement excites exciting excitingly exciton exclaim exclaimed exclaimer exclaimers exclaiming exclaims exclamation exclamations exclamatory exclude excluded excludes excluding exclusion exclusionary exclusions exclusive exclusively exclusiveness exclusivity excommunicate excommunicated excommunicates excommunicating excommunication excrete excreted excretes excreting excretion excretions excretory excruciate excursion excursions excusable excusably excuse excused excuses excusing exec executable execute executed executes executing execution executional executioner executions executive executives executor executors exemplar exemplary exemplification exemplified exemplifier exemplifiers exemplifies exemplify exemplifying exempt exempted exempting exemption exempts exercise exercised exerciser exercisers exercises exercising exert exerted exerting exertion exertions exerts Exeter exhale exhaled exhales exhaling exhaust exhausted exhaustedly exhausting exhaustion exhaustive exhaustively exhausts exhibit exhibited exhibiting exhibition exhibitions exhibitor exhibitors exhibits exhilarate exhort exhortation exhortations exhume exigency exile exiled exiles exiling exist existed existence existent existential existentialism existentialist existentialists existentially existing exists exit exited exiting exits exodus exorbitant exorbitantly exorcism exorcist exoskeleton exotic expand expandable expanded expander expanders expanding expands expanse expanses expansible expansion expansionism expansions expansive expect expectancy expectant expectantly expectation expectations expected expectedly expecting expectingly expects expediency expedient expediently expedite expedited expedites expediting expedition expeditions expeditious expeditiously expel expelled expelling expels expend expendable expended expending expenditure expenditures expends expense expenses expensive expensively experience experienced experiences experiencing experiment experimental experimentally experimentation experimentations experimented experimenter experimenters experimenting experiments expert expertise expertly expertness experts expiration expirations expire expired expires expiring explain explainable explained explainer explainers explaining explains explanation explanations explanatory expletive explicit explicitly explicitness explode exploded explodes exploding exploit exploitable exploitation exploitations exploited exploiter exploiters exploiting exploits exploration explorations exploratory explore explored explorer explorers explores exploring explosion explosions explosive explosively explosives exponent exponential exponentially exponentials exponentiate exponentiated exponentiates exponentiating exponentiation exponentiations exponents export exportation exported exporter exporters exporting exports expose exposed exposer exposers exposes exposing exposition expositions expository exposure exposures expound expounded expounder expounding expounds express expressed expresses expressibility expressible expressibly expressing expression expressions expressive expressively expressiveness expressly expulsion expunge expunged expunges expunging expurgate exquisite exquisitely exquisiteness extant extemporaneous extend extendable extended extending extends extensibility extensible extension extensions extensive extensively extent extents extenuate extenuated extenuating extenuation exterior exteriors exterminate exterminated exterminates exterminating extermination external externally extinct extinction extinguish extinguished extinguisher extinguishes extinguishing extirpate extol extort extorted extortion extra extract extracted extracting extraction extractions extractor extractors extracts extracurricular extramarital extraneous extraneously extraneousness extraordinarily extraordinariness extraordinary extrapolate extrapolated extrapolates extrapolating extrapolation extrapolations extras extraterrestrial extravagance extravagant extravagantly extravaganza extremal extreme extremely extremes extremist extremists extremities extremity extricate extrinsic extrovert exuberance exult exultation Exxon eye eyeball eyebrow eyebrows eyed eyeful eyeglass eyeglasses eyeing eyelash eyelid eyelids eyepiece eyepieces eyer eyers eyes eyesight eyewitness eyewitnesses eying Ezekiel Ezra Faber Fabian fable fabled fables fabric fabricate fabricated fabricates fabricating fabrication fabrics fabulous fabulously facade facaded facades face faced faces facet faceted facets facial facile facilely facilitate facilitated facilitates facilitating facilities facility facing facings facsimile facsimiles fact faction factions factious facto factor factored factorial factories factoring factorization factorizations factors factory facts factual factually faculties faculty fade faded fadeout fader faders fades fading Fafnir fag Fagin fags Fahey Fahrenheit Fahrenheits fail failed failing failings fails failsoft failure failures fain faint fainted fainter faintest fainting faintly faintness faints fair Fairbanks Fairchild fairer fairest Fairfax Fairfield fairies fairing fairly Fairmont fairness Fairport fairs Fairview fairy fairyland faith faithful faithfully faithfulness faithless faithlessly faithlessness faiths fake faked faker fakes faking falcon falconer falcons Falk Falkland Falklands fall fallacies fallacious fallacy fallen fallibility fallible falling Fallopian fallout fallow falls Falmouth false falsehood falsehoods falsely falseness falsification falsified falsifies falsify falsifying falsity Falstaff falter faltered falters fame famed fames familial familiar familiarities familiarity familiarization familiarize familiarized familiarizes familiarizing familiarly familiarness families familism family famine famines famish famous famously fan fanatic fanaticism fanatics fancied fancier fanciers fancies fanciest fanciful fancifully fancily fanciness fancy fancying fanfare fanfold fang fangled fangs fanned Fannies fanning Fanny fanout fans fantasies fantasize fantastic fantasy FAQ far farad Faraday faraway Farber farce farces fare fared fares farewell farewells farfetched Fargo farina faring Farkas Farley farm farmed farmer farmers farmhouse farmhouses farming Farmington farmland farms farmyard farmyards Farnsworth Farrell farsighted farther farthest farthing fascicle fascinate fascinated fascinates fascinating fascination fascism fascist fashion fashionable fashionably fashioned fashioning fashions fast fasted fasten fastened fastener fasteners fastening fastenings fastens faster fastest fastidious fasting fastness fasts fat fatal fatalities fatality fatally fatals fate fated fateful fates father fathered fatherland fatherly fathers fathom fathomed fathoming fathoms fatigue fatigued fatigues fatiguing Fatima fatness fats fatten fattened fattener fatteners fattening fattens fatter fattest fatty faucet Faulkner Faulknerian fault faulted faulting faultless faultlessly faults faulty faun fauna Fauntleroy Faust Faustian Faustus favor favorable favorably favored favorer favoring favorite favorites favoritism favors Fawkes fawn fawned fawning fawns Fayette Fayetteville faze Fe fear feared fearful fearfully fearing fearless fearlessly fearlessness fears fearsome feasibility feasible feast feasted feasting feasts feat feather featherbed featherbedding feathered featherer featherers feathering Featherman feathers featherweight feathery feats feature featured features featuring Februaries February fecund fed Fedders federal federalist federally federals federation Fedora fee feeble feebleness feebler feeblest feebly feed feedback feeder feeders feeding feedings feeds feel feeler feelers feeling feelingly feelings feels Feeney fees feet feign feigned feigning Felder Feldman Felice Felicia felicities felicity feline Felix fell fellatio felled felling Fellini fellow fellows fellowship fellowships felon felonious felony felt felts female females feminine femininity feminism feminist femur femurs fen fence fenced fencer fencers fences fencing fend Fenton Fenwick Ferber Ferdinand Ferdinando Ferguson Fermat ferment fermentation fermentations fermented fermenting ferments Fermi fern Fernando ferns ferocious ferociously ferociousness ferocity Ferreira Ferrer ferret ferried ferries ferrite ferry fertile fertilely fertility fertilization fertilize fertilized fertilizer fertilizers fertilizes fertilizing fervent fervently fervor fervors Fess festival festivals festive festively festivities festivity fetal fetch fetched fetches fetching fetchingly fetid fetish fetter fettered fetters fettle fetus feud feudal feudalism feuds fever fevered feverish feverishly fevers few fewer fewest fewness fiance fiancee fiasco fiat fib fibbing fiber Fiberglas fibers Fibonacci fibrosities fibrosity fibrous fibrously fickle fickleness fiction fictional fictionally fictions fictitious fictitiously fiddle fiddled fiddler fiddles fiddlestick fiddlesticks fiddling Fidel fidelity fidget fiducial fief fiefdom field fielded fielder fielders fielding Fields fieldwork fiend fiendish fierce fiercely fierceness fiercer fiercest fiery fife fifteen fifteens fifteenth fifth fifties fiftieth fifty fig Figaro fight fighter fighters fighting fights figs figurative figuratively figure figured figures figuring figurings Fiji Fijian Fijians filament filaments file filed filename filenames filer files filial filibuster filing filings Filipino Filipinos Filippo fill fillable filled filler fillers filling fillings Fillmore fills filly film filmed filming films filter filtered filtering filters filth filthier filthiest filthiness filthy fin final finality finalization finalize finalized finalizes finalizing finally finals finance financed finances financial financially financier financiers financing find finder finders finding findings finds fine fined finely fineness finer fines finesse finessed finessing finest finger fingered fingering fingerings fingernail fingerprint fingerprints fingers fingertip finicky fining finish finished finisher finishers finishes finishing finite finitely finiteness fink Finland Finley Finn Finnegan Finnish Finns finny fins Fiorello Fiori fir fire firearm firearms fireboat firebreak firebug firecracker fired fireflies firefly firehouse firelight fireman firemen fireplace fireplaces firepower fireproof firer firers fires fireside Firestone firewall firewood fireworks firing firings firm firmament firmed firmer firmest firming firmly firmness firms firmware first firsthand firstly firsts fiscal fiscally Fischbein Fischer fish fished fisher fisherman fishermen fishers fishery fishes fishing Fishkill fishmonger fishpond fishy Fisk Fiske fission fissure fissured fist fisted fisticuff fists fit Fitch Fitchburg fitful fitfully fitly fitness fits fitted fitter fitters fitting fittingly fittings Fitzgerald Fitzpatrick Fitzroy five fivefold fives fix fixate fixated fixates fixating fixation fixations fixed fixedly fixedness fixer fixers fixes fixing fixings fixture fixtures Fizeau fizzle fizzled flabbergast flabbergasted flack flag flagellate flagged flagging Flagler flagpole flagrant flagrantly flags Flagstaff flail flair flak flake flaked flakes flaking flaky flam flamboyant flame flamed flamer flamers flames flaming flammable Flanagan Flanders flank flanked flanker flanking flanks flannel flannels flap flaps flare flared flares flaring flash flashback flashed flasher flashers flashes flashing flashlight flashlights flashy flask flat flatbed flatly flatness flats flatten flattened flattening flatter flattered flatterer flattering flattery flattest flatulent flatus flatworm flaunt flaunted flaunting flaunts flavor flavored flavoring flavorings flavors flaw flawed flawless flawlessly flaws flax flaxen flea fleas fled Fledermaus fledged fledgling fledglings flee fleece fleeces fleecy fleeing flees fleet fleetest fleeting fleetly fleetness fleets Fleischman Fleisher Fleming Flemings Flemish Flemished Flemishes Flemishing flesh fleshed fleshes fleshing fleshly fleshy Fletcher Fletcherize Fletcherizes flew flex flexibilities flexibility flexible flexibly flick flicked flicker flickering flicking flicks flier fliers flies flight flights flimsy flinch flinched flinches flinching fling flings flint flinty flip flipflop flipped flips flirt flirtation flirtatious flirted flirting flirts flit flitting Flo float floated floater floating floats flock flocked flocking flocks flog flogging flood flooded flooding floodlight floodlit floods floor floored flooring floorings floors flop floppies floppily flopping floppy flops flora floral Florence Florentine florid Florida Floridian Floridians florin florist floss flossed flosses flossing flotation flotilla flounder floundered floundering flounders flour floured flourish flourished flourishes flourishing flow flowchart flowcharting flowcharts flowed flower flowered floweriness flowering flowerpot flowers flowery flowing flown flows Floyd flu fluctuate fluctuates fluctuating fluctuation fluctuations flue fluency fluent fluently fluff fluffier fluffiest fluffy fluid fluidity fluidly fluids fluke flung flunked fluoresce fluorescent flurried flurry flush flushed flushes flushing flute fluted fluting flutter fluttered fluttering flutters flux fly flyable flyer flyers flying Flynn foal foam foamed foaming foams foamy fob fobbing focal focally foci focus focused focuses focusing focussed fodder foe foes fog Fogarty fogged foggier foggiest foggily fogging foggy fogs fogy foible foil foiled foiling foils foist fold folded folder folders folding foldout folds Foley foliage folk folklore folks folksong folksy follies follow followed follower followers following followings follows folly Folsom Fomalhaut fond fonder fondle fondled fondles fondling fondly fondness font Fontaine Fontainebleau Fontana fonts food foods foodstuff foodstuffs fool fooled foolhardy fooling foolish foolishly foolishness foolproof fools foot footage football footballs footbridge Foote footed footer footers footfall foothill foothold footing footman footnote footnotes footpath footprint footprints footstep footsteps for forage foraged forages foraging foray forays forbade forbear forbearance forbears Forbes forbid forbidden forbidding forbids force forced forceful forcefully forcefulness forcer forces forcible forcibly forcing ford Fordham fords fore forearm forearms foreboding forecast forecasted forecaster forecasters forecasting forecastle forecasts forefather forefathers forefinger forefingers forego foregoes foregoing foregone foreground forehead foreheads foreign foreigner foreigners foreigns foreman foremost forenoon forensic forerunners foresee foreseeable foreseen foresees foresight foresighted forest forestall forestalled forestalling forestallment forestalls forested forester foresters forestry forests foretell foretelling foretells foretold forever forewarn forewarned forewarning forewarnings forewarns forfeit forfeited forfeiture forgave forge forged forger forgeries forgery forges forget forgetful forgetfulness forgets forgettable forgettably forgetting forging forgivable forgivably forgive forgiven forgiveness forgives forgiving forgivingly forgot forgotten fork forked forking forklift forks forlorn forlornly form formal formalism formalisms formalities formality formalization formalizations formalize formalized formalizes formalizing formally formant formants format formation formations formative formatively formats formatted formatter formatters formatting formed former formerly Formica Formicas formidable forming Formosa Formosan forms formula formulae formulas formulate formulated formulates formulating formulation formulations formulator formulators fornication Forrest forsake forsaken forsakes forsaking Forsythe fort forte Fortescue FORTH forthcoming forthright forthwith fortier forties fortieth fortification fortifications fortified fortifies fortify fortifying fortiori fortitude fortnight fortnightly FORTRAN Fortran fortress fortresses forts fortuitous fortuitously fortunate fortunately fortune fortunes forty forum forums forward forwarded forwarder forwarding forwardness forwards Foss fossil foster fostered fostering fosters fought foul fouled foulest fouling foully foulmouth foulness fouls found foundation foundations founded founder foundered founders founding foundling foundries foundry founds fount fountain fountains founts four fourfold Fourier fours fourscore foursome foursquare fourteen fourteens fourteenth fourth fowl fowler fowls fox foxes Foxhall fraction fractional fractionally fractions fracture fractured fractures fracturing fragile fragment fragmentary fragmentation fragmented fragmenting fragments fragrance fragrances fragrant fragrantly frail frailest frailty frame framed framer frames framework frameworks framing Fran franc Francaise France Frances Francesca Francesco franchise franchises Francie Francine Francis Franciscan Franciscans Francisco Francize Francizes Franco Francois Francoise francs frank franked Frankel franker frankest Frankfort Frankfurt Frankie franking Franklinization Franklinizations frankly frankness franks Franny frantic frantically Franz Fraser fraternal fraternally fraternities fraternity Frau fraud frauds fraudulent fraught fray frayed fraying Frayne frays Frazier frazzle freak freakish freaks freckle freckled freckles Fred Freddie Freddy Frederic Frederick Fredericks Fredericksburg Frederico Fredericton Fredholm Fredrick Fredrickson free freed Freedman freedom freedoms freeing freeings freely freeman Freemason Freemasonry Freemasons freeness Freeport freer frees freest freestyle Freetown freeway freewheel freeze freezer freezers freezes freezing Freida freight freighted freighter freighters freighting freights French Frenchize Frenchizes Frenchman Frenchmen frenetic frenzied frenzy freon frequencies frequency frequent frequented frequenter frequenters frequenting frequently frequents fresco frescoes fresh freshen freshened freshener fresheners freshening freshens fresher freshest freshly freshman freshmen freshness freshwater Fresnel Fresno fret fretful fretfully fretfulness Freud Freudian Freudianism Freudianisms Freudians Frey Freya friar friars fricative fricatives Frick friction frictionless frictions Friday Fridays fried Friedman Friedrich friend friendless friendlier friendliest friendliness friendly friends friendship friendships fries Friesland frieze friezes frigate frigates Frigga fright frighten frightened frightening frighteningly frightens frightful frightfully frightfulness frigid Frigidaire frill frills fringe fringed Frisbee Frisia Frisian frisk frisked frisking frisks frisky Frito fritter Fritz frivolity frivolous frivolously fro frock frocks frog frogs frolic frolics from front frontage frontal fronted frontier frontiers frontiersman frontiersmen fronting fronts frost Frostbelt frostbite frostbitten frosted frosting frosts frosty froth frothing frothy frown frowned frowning frowns froze frozen frozenly Fruehauf frugal frugally fruit fruitful fruitfully fruitfulness fruition fruitless fruitlessly fruits frustrate frustrated frustrates frustrating frustration frustrations fry Frye Fuchs Fuchsia fudge fuel fueled fueling fuels fugitive fugitives fugue Fuji Fujitsu Fulbright Fulbrights fulcrum fulfill fulfilled fulfilling fulfillment fulfillments fulfills full fuller Fullerton fullest fullness fully fulminate Fulton fumble fumbled fumbling fume fumed fumes fuming fun function functional functionalities functionality functionally functionals functionary functioned functioning functions functor functors fund fundamental fundamentally fundamentals funded funder funders funding funds funeral funerals funereal fungal fungi fungible fungicide fungus funk funnel funneled funneling funnels funnier funniest funnily funniness funny fur furies furious furiouser furiously furlong furlough Furman furnace furnaces furnish furnished furnishes furnishing furnishings furniture furrier furrow furrowed furrows furry furs further furthered furthering furthermore furthermost furthers furthest furtive furtively furtiveness fury fuse fused fuses fusing fusion fuss fussing fussy futile futility future futures futuristic fuzz fuzzier fuzziness fuzzy gab gabardine gabbing Gaberones gable gabled gabler gables Gabon Gaborone Gabriel Gabrielle gad gadfly gadget gadgetry gadgets Gaelic Gaelicization Gaelicizations Gaelicize Gaelicizes gag gagged gagging gaging gags gaieties gaiety Gail gaily gain gained gainer gainers Gaines Gainesville gainful gaining gains gait gaited gaiter gaiters Gaithersburg galactic Galahad Galapagos Galatea Galatean Galateans Galatia Galatians galaxies galaxy Galbreath gale Galen Galilean Galilee Galileo gall Gallagher gallant gallantly gallantry gallants galled galleried galleries gallery galley galleys galling gallon gallons gallop galloped galloper galloping gallops Galloway gallows galls gallstone Gallup Galois Galt Galveston Galvin Galway Gambia gambit gamble gambled gambler gamblers gambles gambling gambol game gamed gamely gameness games gaming gamma gander Gandhi Gandhian gang Ganges gangland gangling gangplank gangrene gangs gangster gangsters Gannett gantry Ganymede gap gape gaped gapes gaping gaps garage garaged garages garb garbage garbages garbed garble garbled Garcia garden gardened gardener gardeners gardening gardens Gardner Garfield Garfunkel gargantuan gargle gargled gargles gargling Garibaldi garland garlanded garlic garment garments garner garnered Garnett garnish Garrett garrison garrisoned Garrisonian Garry garter garters Garth Garvey Gary gas Gascony gaseous gaseously gases gash gashes gasket gaslight gasoline gasp gasped Gaspee gasping gasps gassed gasser Gasset gassing gassings gassy Gaston gastric gastrointestinal gastronome gastronomy gate gated Gates gateway gateways gather gathered gatherer gatherers gathering gatherings gathers gating Gatlinburg gator Gatsby gauche gaudiness gaudy gauge gauged gauges Gauguin Gaul Gaulle Gauls gaunt Gauntley gauntness Gaussian Gautama gauze gave gavel Gavin gawk gawky gay gayer gayest gayety Gaylor Gaylord gayly gayness Gaynor gaze gazed gazelle gazer gazers gazes gazette gazing gear geared gearing gears Geary gecko geese Gehrig Geiger Geigy geisha gel gelatin gelatine gelatinous geld gelled gelling gels gem Gemini Geminid Gemma gems gender genders gene genealogy general generalist generalists generalities generality generalization generalizations generalize generalized generalizer generalizers generalizes generalizing generally generals generate generated generates generating generation generations generative generator generators generic generically generosities generosity generous generously generousness genes Genesco genesis genetic genetically Geneva Genevieve genial genially genie genius geniuses Genoa genre genres gent genteel gentile gentle gentleman gentlemanly gentlemen gentleness gentler gentlest gentlewoman gently gentry genuine genuinely genuineness genus geocentric geodesic geodesy geodetic Geoff Geoffrey geographer geographic geographical geographically geography geological geologist geologists geology geometric geometrical geometrically geometrician geometries geometry geophysical geophysics George Georges Georgetown Georgia Georgian Georgians geosynchronous Gerald Geraldine geranium Gerard Gerber gerbil Gerhard Gerhardt geriatric germ German germane Germania Germanic Germans Germantown Germany germicide germinal germinate germinated germinates germinating germination germs Gerome Gerry Gershwin Gershwins Gertrude gerund Gestapo gesture gestured gestures gesturing get getaway gets getter getters getting Getty Gettysburg geyser Ghana Ghanian ghastly Ghent ghetto ghost ghosted ghostly ghosts Giacomo giant giants gibberish Gibbons Gibbs Gibby Gibraltar Gibson giddiness Giddings giddy Gideon Gifford gift gifted gifts gig gigabit gigabits gigabyte gigabytes gigacycle gigahertz gigantic gigavolt gigawatt giggle giggled giggles giggling Gil Gilbertson Gilchrist gild gilded gilding gilds Gilead Giles Gilkson gill Gillespie Gillette Gilligan gills Gilmore gilt Gimbel gimmick gimmicks gin Gina ginger gingerbread gingerly gingham ginghams Ginn Gino gins Ginsberg Ginsburg Gioconda Giorgio Giovanni Gipsies Gipsy giraffe giraffes gird girder girders girdle girl girlfriend girlie girlish girls girt girth gist Giuliano Giuseppe give giveaway given giver givers gives giving glacial glacier glaciers glad gladden gladder gladdest glade gladiator gladly gladness Gladstone Gladys glamor glamorous glamour glance glanced glances glancing gland glands glandular glare glared glares glaring glaringly Glasgow glass glassed glasses glassy Glaswegian glaucoma glaze glazed glazer glazes glazing gleam gleamed gleaming gleams glean gleaned gleaner gleaning gleanings gleans Gleason glee gleeful gleefully glees glen Glenda Glendale Glenn glens Glidden glide glided glider gliders glides glimmer glimmered glimmering glimmers glimpse glimpsed glimpses glint glinted glinting glints glisten glistened glistening glistens glitch glitter glittered glittering glitters gloat global globally globe globes globular globularity gloom gloomily gloomy Gloria Gloriana glories glorification glorified glorifies glorify glorious gloriously glory glorying gloss glossaries glossary glossed glosses glossing glossy glottal Gloucester glove gloved glover glovers gloves gloving glow glowed glower glowers glowing glowingly glows glue glued glues gluing glut glutton Glynn gnash gnat gnats gnaw gnawed gnawing gnaws gnome gnomon gnu go Goa goad goaded goal goals goat goatee goatees goats gobble gobbled gobbler gobblers gobbles Gobi goblet goblets goblin goblins god Goddard goddess goddesses godfather Godfrey godhead godlike godly godmother godmothers Godot godparent gods godsend godson Godwin Godzilla goes Goethe Goff goggles Gogh going goings gold Golda Goldberg golden goldenly goldenness goldenrod Goldfield goldfish golding Goldman golds goldsmith Goldstein Goldstine Goldwater Goleta golf golfer golfers golfing Goliath golly Gomez gondola gone goner gong gongs Gonzales Gonzalez good goodby goodbye Goode goodies goodly Goodman goodness Goodrich goods goodwill Goodwin goody Goodyear goof goofed goofs goofy goose gopher Gordian Gordon gore Goren gorge gorgeous gorgeously gorges gorging Gorham gorilla gorillas Gorky Gorton gory gosh gospel gospelers gospels gossip gossiped gossiping gossips got Gotham Gothic Gothically Gothicism Gothicize Gothicized Gothicizer Gothicizers Gothicizes Gothicizing GOTO GOTOs gotten Gottfried Goucher Gouda gouge gouged gouges gouging Gould gourd gourmet gout govern governance governed governess governing government governmental governmentally governments governor governors governs gown gowned gowns grab grabbed grabber grabbers grabbing grabbings grabs grace graced graceful gracefully gracefulness graces Gracie gracing gracious graciously graciousness grad gradation gradations grade graded grader graders grades gradient gradients grading gradings gradual gradually graduate graduated graduates graduating graduation graduations Grady Graff graft grafted grafter grafting Grafton grafts graham grahams grail grain grained graining grains gram grammar grammarian grammars grammatic grammatical grammatically grams granaries granary grand grandchild grandchildren granddaughter grander grandest grandeur grandfather grandfathers grandiose grandly grandma grandmother grandmothers grandnephew grandness grandniece grandpa grandparent grands grandson grandsons grandstand grange granite granny granola grant granted grantee granter granting grantor grants granularity granulate granulated granulates granulating Granville grape grapefruit grapes grapevine graph graphed graphic graphical graphically graphics graphing graphite graphs grapple grappled grappling grasp graspable grasped grasping graspingly grasps grass grassed grassers grasses grassier grassiest grassland grassy grate grated grateful gratefully gratefulness grater grates gratification gratified gratify gratifying grating gratings gratis gratitude gratuities gratuitous gratuitously gratuitousness gratuity grave gravel gravelly gravely graven graveness graver Graves gravest gravestone graveyard gravitate gravitation gravitational gravity gravy gray grayed grayer grayest graying grayness Grayson graze grazed grazer grazing grease greased greases greasy great greater greatest greatly greatness Grecian Grecianize Grecianizes Greece greed greedily greediness greedy Greek Greekize Greekizes Greeks green Greenbelt Greenberg Greenblatt Greenbriar Greene greener greenery greenest Greenfeld Greenfield greengrocer greenhouse greenhouses greening greenish Greenland greenly greenness greens Greensboro Greensville Greentree Greenville greenware Greenwich Greer greet greeted greeter greeting greetings greets Greg gregarious Gregg Gregorian Gregory grenade grenades Grendel Grenier Grenoble Grenville Gresham Greta Gretchen grew grey greyest greyhound greying grid griddle gridiron grids grief griefs grievance grievances grieve grieved griever grievers grieves grieving grievingly grievous grievously Griffith grill grilled grilling grills grim grimace Grimaldi grime grimed Grimes grimly Grimm grimness grin grind grinder grinders grinding grindings grinds grindstone grindstones grinning grins grip gripe griped gripes griping gripped gripping grippingly grips Gris grisly grist Griswold grit grits gritty grizzly groan groaned groaner groaners groaning groans grocer groceries grocers grocery groggy groin groom groomed grooming grooms Groot groove grooved grooves grope groped gropes groping gross grossed grosser grosses grossest Grosset grossing grossly Grossman grossness Grosvenor grotesque grotesquely grotesques Groton grotto grottos ground grounded grounder grounders grounding grounds groundwork group grouped grouping groupings groups grouse grove grovel groveled groveling grovels Grover grovers groves grow grower growers growing growl growled growling growls grown grownup grownups grows growth growths grub grubby grubs grudge grudges grudgingly gruesome gruff gruffly grumble grumbled grumbles grumbling Grumman grunt grunted grunting grunts Grusky Gruyere Guadalupe Guam guano guarantee guaranteed guaranteeing guaranteer guaranteers guarantees guaranty guard guarded guardedly guardhouse Guardia guardian guardians guardianship guarding guards Guatemala Guatemalan gubernatorial Guelph Guenther guerrilla guerrillas guess guessed guesses guessing guesswork guest guests Guggenheim Guhleman Guiana guidance guide guidebook guidebooks guided guideline guidelines guides guiding guild guilder guilders guile Guilford guilt guiltier guiltiest guiltily guiltiness guiltless guiltlessly guilty guinea Guinevere guise guises guitar guitars Gujarat Gujarati gulch gulches gulf gulfs gull Gullah gulled gullies gulling gulls gully gulp gulped gulps gum gumming gumption gums gun Gunderson gunfire gunman gunmen Gunnar gunned gunner gunners gunnery gunning gunny gunplay gunpowder guns gunshot Gunther gurgle Gurkha guru Gus gush gushed gusher gushes gushing gust Gustafson Gustav Gustave Gustavus gusto gusts gusty gut Gutenberg Guthrie guts gutsy gutter guttered gutters gutting guttural guy Guyana guyed guyer guyers guying guys Gwen Gwyn gymnasium gymnasiums gymnast gymnastic gymnastics gymnasts gypsies gypsy gyro gyrocompass gyroscope gyroscopes ha Haag Haas habeas Haberman Habib habit habitat habitation habitations habitats habits habitual habitually habitualness hack hacked hacker hackers Hackett hacking hackneyed hacks hacksaw had Hadamard Haddad haddock Hades Hadley Hadrian Hafiz hag Hagen Hager haggard haggardly haggle Hagstrom Hague Hahn Haifa hail hailed hailing hails hailstone hailstorm Haines hair haircut haircuts hairier hairiness hairless hairpin hairs hairy Haiti Haitian Hal halcyon hale haler Haley half halfhearted halfway Halifax hall Halley Hallinan hallmark hallmarks hallow hallowed Halloween halls hallucinate hallway hallways halogen Halpern Halsey Halstead halt halted halter halters halting haltingly halts halve halved halvers Halverson halves halving ham Hamal Hamburg hamburger hamburgers Hamey Hamilton Hamiltonian Hamiltonians hamlet hamlets Hamlin hammer hammered hammering hammers Hammett hamming hammock hammocks Hammond hamper hampered hampers Hampshire Hampton hams hamster Han Hancock hand handbag handbags handbook handbooks handcuff handcuffed handcuffing handcuffs handed Handel handful handfuls handgun handicap handicapped handicaps handier handiest handily handiness handing handiwork handkerchief handkerchiefs handle handled handler handlers handles handling handmaid handout hands handshake handshakes handshaking handsome handsomely handsomeness handsomer handsomest handwriting handwritten handy Haney Hanford hang hangar hangars hanged hanger hangers hanging hangman hangmen hangout hangover hangovers hangs Hankel Hanley Hanlon Hanna Hannah Hannibal Hanoi Hanover Hanoverian Hanoverianize Hanoverianizes Hanoverize Hanoverizes Hans Hansel Hansen Hanson Hanukkah hap Hapgood haphazard haphazardly haphazardness hapless haplessly haplessness haply happen happened happening happenings happens happier happiest happily happiness happy Hapsburg harass harassed harasses harassing harassment Harbin harbinger harbor harbored harboring harbors Harcourt hard hardboiled hardcopy harden harder hardest hardhat Hardin hardiness Harding hardly hardness hardscrabble hardship hardships hardware hardwired hardworking hardy hare harelip harem hares hark harken Harlan Harlem Harley harlot harlots harm harmed harmful harmfully harmfulness harming harmless harmlessly harmlessness Harmon harmonic harmonics harmonies harmonious harmoniously harmoniousness Harmonist Harmonistic Harmonistically harmonize harmony harms harness harnessed harnessing Harold harp harper harpers harping Harpy harried harrier Harriet Harriman Harrington Harris Harrisburg Harrison Harrisonburg harrow harrowed harrowing harrows harry harsh harsher harshly harshness hart Hartford Hartley Hartman Harvard Harvardize Harvardizes harvest harvested harvester harvesting harvests Harvey Harveyize Harveyizes Harveys has hash hashed hasher hashes hashing hashish Haskell Haskins hassle haste hasten hastened hastening hastens hastily hastiness Hastings hasty hat hatch hatched hatchet hatchets hatching Hatchure hate hated hateful hatefully hatefulness hater hates Hatfield Hathaway hating hatred hats Hatteras Hattie Hattiesburg Hattize Hattizes Haugen haughtily haughtiness haughty haul hauled hauler hauling hauls haunch haunches haunt haunted haunter haunting haunts Hausa Hausdorff Hauser Havana have haven havens haves Havilland having havoc Hawaii Hawaiian hawk hawked hawker hawkers Hawkins hawks Hawley Hawthorne hay Hayden Haydn Hayes haying Haynes Hays haystack Hayward Haywood hazard hazardous hazards haze hazel hazes haziness hazy he head headache headaches headed header headers headgear heading headings headland headlands headlight headline headlined headlines headlining headlong headmaster headphone headquarters headroom heads headset headway heal healed healer healers Healey healing heals health healthful healthfully healthfulness healthier healthiest healthily healthiness healthy Healy heap heaped heaping heaps hear heard hearer hearers hearing hearings hearken hears hearsay Hearst heart heartbeat heartbreak hearten heartiest heartily heartiness heartless hearts Heartwood hearty heat heatable heated heatedly heater heaters heath heathen heather Heathkit Heathman heating heats heave heaved heaven heavenly heavens heaver heavers heaves heavier heaviest heavily heaviness heaving heavy heavyweight Hebe Hebraic Hebraicize Hebraicizes Hebrew Hebrews Hebrides Hecate heck heckle Heckman hectic Hecuba Hedda hedge hedged hedgehog hedgehogs hedges hedonism hedonist heed heeded heedless heedlessly heedlessness heeds heel heeled heelers heeling heels hefty Hegel Hegelian Hegelianize Hegelianizes hegemony Heidegger Heidelberg heifer height heighten heightened heightening heightens heights Heine Heinlein heinous heinously Heinrich Heinz Heinze heir heiress heiresses heirs Heisenberg Heiser held Helen Helena Helene Helga helical helicopter heliocentric Heliopolis helium helix hell Hellenic Hellenization Hellenizations Hellenize Hellenized Hellenizes Hellenizing Hellespont hellfire hellish Hellman hello hells helm helmet helmets Helmholtz helmsman Helmut help helped helper helpers helpful helpfully helpfulness helping helpless helplessly helplessness helpmate helps Helsinki Helvetica hem Hemingway hemisphere hemispheres hemlock hemlocks hemoglobin hemorrhoid hemostat hemostats hemp hempen Hempstead hems hen hence henceforth henchman henchmen Henderson Hendrick Hendricks Hendrickson Hendrix Henley Hennessey Hennessy Henning henpeck Henri Henrietta hens hepatitis Hepburn her Hera Heraclitus herald heralded heralding heralds herb Herbert herbivore herbivorous herbs Herculean Hercules herd herded herder herding herds here hereabout hereabouts hereafter hereby hereditary heredity Hereford herein hereinafter hereof heres heresy heretic heretics hereto heretofore hereunder herewith heritage heritages Herkimer Herman Hermann Hermes hermetic hermetically hermit Hermite hermitian hermits Hermosa Hernandez hero Herodotus heroes heroic heroically heroics heroin heroine heroines heroism heron herons herpes Herr herring herrings Herrington hers Herschel herself Hersey Hershel Hershey hertz Hertzog hesitant hesitantly hesitate hesitated hesitates hesitating hesitatingly hesitation hesitations Hesperus Hess Hesse Hessian Hessians Hester heterogeneity heterogeneous heterogeneously heterogeneousness heterogenous heterosexual Hetman Hettie Hetty Heublein heuristic heuristically heuristics Heusen Heuser hew hewed hewer Hewett Hewitt Hewlett hews hex hexadecimal hexagon hexagonal hexagonally hexagons hey Heywood hi Hiatt Hiawatha Hibbard hibernate Hibernia hick Hickey Hickeys Hickman Hickok hickory Hicks hid hidden hide hideous hideously hideousness hideout hideouts hides hiding hierarchal hierarchic hierarchical hierarchically hierarchies hierarchy Hieronymus Higgins high higher highest Highfield highland highlander highlands highlight highlighted highlighting highlights highly highness highnesses highway highwayman highwaymen highways hijack hijacked hike hiked hiker hikes hiking hilarious hilariously hilarity Hilbert Hildebrand hill Hillary hillbilly Hillcrest Hillel hillock hills Hillsboro Hillsdale hillside hillsides hilltop hilltops hilt Hilton hilts him Himalaya Himalayas Himmler himself hind hinder hindered hindering hinders Hindi hindrance hindrances hindsight Hindu Hinduism Hindus Hindustan Hines hinge hinged hinges Hinkle Hinman Hinsdale hint hinted hinting hints hip hippo Hippocrates Hippocratic hippopotamus hips Hiram hire hired hirer hirers hires Hirey hiring hirings Hiroshi Hiroshima Hirsch his Hispanic Hispanicize Hispanicizes Hispanics hiss hissed hisses hissing histogram histograms historian historians historic historical historically histories history hit Hitachi hitch Hitchcock hitched hitchhike hitchhiked hitchhiker hitchhikers hitchhikes hitchhiking hitching hither hitherto Hitler Hitlerian Hitlerism Hitlerite Hitlerites hits hitter hitters hitting hive Hoagland hoar hoard hoarder hoarding hoariness hoarse hoarsely hoarseness hoary Hobart Hobbes hobbies hobble hobbled hobbles hobbling Hobbs hobby hobbyhorse hobbyist hobbyists Hobday Hoboken hockey hodgepodge Hodges Hodgkin hoe hoes Hoff Hoffman hog hogging hogs hoist hoisted hoisting hoists Hokan Holbrook Holcomb hold holden holder holders holding holdings holds hole holed holes holiday holidays holies holiness holistic Holland Hollandaise Hollander Hollerith Hollingsworth Hollister hollow Holloway hollowed hollowing hollowly hollowness hollows holly Hollywood Hollywoodize Hollywoodizes Holm Holman Holmdel Holmes holocaust Holocene hologram holograms Holst Holstein holy Holyoke Holzman Hom homage home home-brew homed homeless homely homemade homemaker homemakers homeomorphic homeomorphism homeomorphisms homeopath homeowner homer Homeric homers homes homesick homesickness homespun homestead homesteader homesteaders homesteads homeward homewards homework homicidal homicide homing homo homogeneities homogeneity homogeneous homogeneously homogeneousness homomorphic homomorphism homomorphisms homosexual Honda Hondo Honduras hone honed honer hones honest honestly honesty honey honeybee honeycomb honeycombed honeydew honeymoon honeymooned honeymooner honeymooners honeymooning honeymoons honeysuckle Honeywell honing Honolulu honor honorable honorableness honorably honoraries honorarium honorary honored honorer honoring honors Honshu hood hooded hoodlum hoods hoodwink hoodwinked hoodwinking hoodwinks hoof hoofs hook hooked hooker hookers hooking hooks hookup hookups hoop hooper hoops Hoosier Hoosierize Hoosierizes hoot hooted hooter hooting hoots Hoover Hooverize Hooverizes hooves hop hope hoped hopeful hopefully hopefulness hopefuls hopeless hopelessly hopelessness hopes Hopi hoping Hopkins Hopkinsian hopper hoppers hopping hops Horace Horatio horde hordes horizon horizons horizontal horizontally hormone hormones horn Hornblower horned hornet hornets horns horny Horowitz horrendous horrendously horrible horribleness horribly horrid horridly horrified horrifies horrify horrifying horror horrors horse horseback horseflesh horsefly horseman horseplay horsepower horses horseshoe horseshoer horticulture Horton Horus hose hoses hospitable hospitably hospital hospitality hospitalize hospitalized hospitalizes hospitalizing hospitals host hostage hostages hosted hostess hostesses hostile hostilely hostilities hostility hosting hosts hot hotel hotels hotly hotness Hottentot hotter hottest Houdaille Houdini Houghton hound hounded hounding hounds hour hourglass hourly hours house houseboat housebroken housed houseflies housefly household householder householders households housekeeper housekeepers housekeeping houses housetop housetops housewife housewifely housewives housework housing Houston hovel hovels hover hovered hovering hovers how Howard Howe Howell however howl howled howler howling howls Hoyt Hrothgar hub Hubbard Hubbell Huber Hubert hubris hubs Huck huddle huddled huddling Hudson hue hues Huey Huffman hug huge hugely hugeness hugging Huggins Hugh Hughes Hugo huh hull hulls hum human humane humanely humaneness humanitarian humanities humanity humanly humanness humans humble humbled humbleness humbler humblest humbling humbly Humboldt humbug Hume humerus humid humidification humidified humidifier humidifiers humidifies humidify humidifying humidity humidly humiliate humiliated humiliates humiliating humiliation humiliations humility hummed Hummel humming hummingbird humor humored humorer humorers humoring humorous humorously humorousness humors hump humpback humped Humphrey Humpty hums Hun hunch hunched hunches hundred hundredfold hundreds hundredth hung Hungarian Hungary hunger hungered hungering hungers hungrier hungriest hungrily hungry hunk hunks Huns hunt hunted Hunter hunters hunting Huntington Huntley hunts huntsman Huntsville Hurd hurdle hurl hurled hurler hurlers hurling Huron Hurons hurrah hurricane hurricanes hurried hurriedly hurries hurry hurrying Hurst hurt hurting hurtle hurtling hurts Hurwitz husband husbandry husbands hush hushed hushes hushing husk husked husker huskiness husking husks husky hustle hustled hustler hustles hustling Huston hut hutch Hutchins Hutchinson Hutchison huts Huxley Huxtable hyacinth Hyades Hyannis hybrid Hyde hydra hydrant hydraulic hydro hydrodynamic hydrodynamics hydrogen hydrogens hyena hygiene Hyman hymen hymn hymns hyper hyperbola hyperbolic hypertext hyphen hyphenate hyphens hypnosis hypnotic hypocrisies hypocrisy hypocrite hypocrites hypodermic hypodermics hypotheses hypothesis hypothesize hypothesized hypothesizer hypothesizes hypothesizing hypothetical hypothetically hysteresis hysterical hysterically Ian Iberia Iberian Ibero- ibex ibid ibis Ibn Ibsen Icarus ice iceberg icebergs icebox iced Iceland Icelandic ices icicle iciness icing icings icon iconoclasm iconoclast icons icosahedra icosahedral icosahedron icy Ida Idaho idea ideal idealism idealistic idealization idealizations idealize idealized idealizes idealizing ideally ideals ideas idem idempotency idempotent identical identically identifiable identifiably identification identifications identified identifier identifiers identifies identify identifying identities identity ideological ideologically ideology idiocy idiom idiosyncrasies idiosyncrasy idiosyncratic idiot idiotic idiots idle idled idleness idler idlers idles idlest idling idly idol idolatry idols if Ifni igloo ignite ignition ignoble ignominious ignoramus ignorance ignorant ignorantly ignore ignored ignores ignoring Igor Ike Iliad Iliadize Iliadizes ill illegal illegalities illegality illegally illegitimate illicit illicitly Illinois illiteracy illiterate illness illnesses illogical illogically ills illuminate illuminated illuminates illuminating illumination illuminations illusion illusions illusive illusively illusory illustrate illustrated illustrates illustrating illustration illustrations illustrative illustratively illustrator illustrators illustrious illustriousness illy Ilona Ilyushin image Imagen imagery images imaginable imaginably imaginary imagination imaginations imaginative imaginatively imagine imagined imagines imaging imagining imaginings imbalance imbalances imbecile imbibe Imbrium imitate imitated imitates imitating imitation imitations imitative immaculate immaculately immaterial immaterially immature immaturity immediacies immediacy immediate immediately immemorial immense immensely immerse immersed immerses immersion immigrant immigrants immigrate immigrated immigrates immigrating immigration imminent diff --git a/help/opie-sh/node3.html b/help/opie-sh/node3.html index 8d16696..f3f1e73 100644 --- a/help/opie-sh/node3.html +++ b/help/opie-sh/node3.html @@ -1,71 +1,71 @@ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <!--Converted with LaTeX2HTML 2002-1 (1.68) original version by: Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds * revised and updated by: Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan * with significant contributions from: Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others --> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>What it is for</TITLE> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="What it is for"> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="opie-sh-howto"> <META NAME="resource-type" CONTENT="document"> <META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="global"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META 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SRC="file:/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/icons/contents.gif"></A> <BR> <B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html72" HREF="node4.html">What it can do</A> <B> Up:</B> <A NAME="tex2html68" HREF="node2.html">Introduction</A> <B> Previous:</B> <A NAME="tex2html62" HREF="node2.html">Introduction</A>   <B> <A NAME="tex2html70" HREF="node1.html">Contents</A></B> <BR> <BR> <!--End of Navigation Panel--> <H2><A NAME="SECTION00021000000000000000"> What it is for</A> </H2> -Opie-sh is designed to be a frontend to Opie that can be used from the console. This is especially usefull for creating interactive shell scripts, as it will use the Opie interface (which is presumably familiar to the user) instead of a text based interface (which can be confusing). It can also be convinient for prototyping an app that you want to write for Opie without actually bothering to break out the cross compiler. Opie-sh does not use an Opie specific libs, so you can just as easily use it with Qtopia. +Opie-sh is designed to be a frontend to Opie that can be used from the console. This is especially useful for creating interactive shell scripts, as it will use the Opie interface (which is presumably familiar to the user) instead of a text based interface (which can be confusing). It can also be convinient for prototyping an app that you want to write for Opie without actually bothering to break out the cross compiler. Opie-sh does not use an Opie specific libs, so you can just as easily use it with Qtopia. <P> <BR><HR> <ADDRESS> 2002-05-15 </ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML> diff --git a/help/opie-sh/node9.html b/help/opie-sh/node9.html index b047cf9..e4358ad 100644 --- a/help/opie-sh/node9.html +++ b/help/opie-sh/node9.html @@ -1,121 +1,121 @@ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <!--Converted with LaTeX2HTML 2002-1 (1.68) original version by: Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds * revised and updated by: Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan * with significant contributions from: Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others --> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Icons</TITLE> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Icons"> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="opie-sh-howto"> <META NAME="resource-type" CONTENT="document"> <META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="global"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="LaTeX2HTML v2002-1"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Style-Type" CONTENT="text/css"> <LINK REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="opie-sh-howto.css"> <LINK REL="previous" HREF="node8.html"> <LINK REL="up" HREF="node6.html"> <LINK REL="next" HREF="node10.html"> </HEAD> <BODY > <!--Navigation Panel--> <A NAME="tex2html144" HREF="node10.html"> <IMG WIDTH="37" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="next" SRC="file:/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/icons/next.gif"></A> <A NAME="tex2html140" HREF="node6.html"> <IMG WIDTH="26" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="up" SRC="file:/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/icons/up.gif"></A> <A NAME="tex2html136" HREF="node8.html"> <IMG WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="previous" SRC="file:/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/icons/prev.gif"></A> <A NAME="tex2html142" HREF="node1.html"> <IMG WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="contents" SRC="file:/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/icons/contents.gif"></A> <BR> <B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html145" HREF="node10.html">Fileviewer</A> <B> Up:</B> <A NAME="tex2html141" HREF="node6.html">Usage</A> <B> Previous:</B> <A NAME="tex2html137" HREF="node8.html">Buttons</A>   <B> <A NAME="tex2html143" HREF="node1.html">Contents</A></B> <BR> <BR> <!--End of Navigation Panel--> <H3><A NAME="SECTION00031300000000000000"> Icons</A> </H3> There are three icons that you can display with a message box: information, warning, and error. These are designed to help inform the user what type of message you are giving them. <P> An information icon is specified with the ``-I'' flag, and should be used for outputing non-critical information to the user, or asking them a simple question. It is also the default icon, and will be used if you do not specify another one. Example: <P> <PRE> opie-sh -m -I </PRE> <P> -A warning icon is specified with the ``-w'' flag, and should be used for problems that the user should know about, but that will not necessarily cause the program to stop working. For example, if the program cannot find a configureation file, you might pop up a warning, notifying the user that the default configuration will be used. This is also usefull for asking the user if they want to continue doing something that might damage the system (editing rc scripts, for instance). Example: +A warning icon is specified with the ``-w'' flag, and should be used for problems that the user should know about, but that will not necessarily cause the program to stop working. For example, if the program cannot find a configureation file, you might pop up a warning, notifying the user that the default configuration will be used. This is also useful for asking the user if they want to continue doing something that might damage the system (editing rc scripts, for instance). Example: <P> <PRE> opie-sh -m -w </PRE> <P> An error icon is specified with the ``-e'' flag, and should be used for problems that will cause the program to stop running, or otherwise do the wrong thing. It should be used sparingly, as it signifies that something is seriously wrong. Example: <P> <PRE> opie-sh -m -e </PRE> <P> <HR> <!--Navigation Panel--> <A NAME="tex2html144" HREF="node10.html"> <IMG WIDTH="37" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="next" SRC="file:/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/icons/next.gif"></A> <A NAME="tex2html140" HREF="node6.html"> <IMG WIDTH="26" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="up" SRC="file:/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/icons/up.gif"></A> <A NAME="tex2html136" HREF="node8.html"> <IMG WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="previous" SRC="file:/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/icons/prev.gif"></A> <A NAME="tex2html142" HREF="node1.html"> <IMG WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" ALT="contents" SRC="file:/usr/local/share/lib/latex2html/icons/contents.gif"></A> <BR> <B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html145" HREF="node10.html">Fileviewer</A> <B> Up:</B> <A NAME="tex2html141" HREF="node6.html">Usage</A> <B> Previous:</B> <A NAME="tex2html137" HREF="node8.html">Buttons</A>   <B> <A NAME="tex2html143" HREF="node1.html">Contents</A></B> <!--End of Navigation Panel--> <ADDRESS> 2002-05-15 </ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML> diff --git a/noncore/apps/odict/eng_ita.dic b/noncore/apps/odict/eng_ita.dic index f338faa..6db2389 100644 --- a/noncore/apps/odict/eng_ita.dic +++ b/noncore/apps/odict/eng_ita.dic @@ -1,13486 +1,13484 @@ # tarzeau, gnu@fuckmicrosoft.com, www.linuks.mine.nu, 22/august/2001 # i have made this dictionary using ergane and release it under the gpl 2 # for whoever wishes to use it (i use it with ding on debian gnu/linux) # # "Not only does Ergane cost nothing, but the wordlists generated with her # are also free of copyright and can be copied, distributed and changed # without legal restrictions. You can use them in any way you like, even for # commercial purposes!" - http://www.travlang.com/Ergane/ a\un A bomb\bomba atòmica a hundred\cento a little\qualcosa a long time ago\da molto tempo a thousand\mille aangles\cantuccio aback\sorprende, attònito, sorprende abandon\lasciare, abbandonare abandon ship\ridurre, rilassare, degradare abandonment\quesito abasement\umiliazione abash\svergognare abashes\umiliato abashment\smacco abasing\umiliante abate\rilassare, diminuire abatement\detrazione, falcidia, cancellazione abating\diminutivo abattoir\mattatoio, mattatoio abbey\badìa abbot\abate abbreviate\accorciare, abbreviare, ridurre abbreviation\abbreviamento abbreviatory\abbreviativo abbroachement\accaparrare ABC\alfabeto abdicate\abbandonare abdomen\basso ventre abdominal\addominale abduct\rapire aberrant\errore abet\poggiare, fiancheggiare, appogiare, ordire abets\favorito abetter\aiutante abhor\avere in orrore abhorrence\orrore abhors\detestato abiding\restante abidingly\fido ability\abilitazione, disinvoltura, capacità abject\miserabile, sprezzante, infame abjectness\abiezione abjuration\abiura abjure\abiurare, annullare ablation\ablazione ablaze\fiammeggiante, ardente able\adatto, capace, in grado, idoneo, abile abloom\fioritura ably\esperto abnegate\abnegare abnormal\abnorme abnormally\abnorme abode\soggiorno aboil\bollente abolish\annullare, abolire abolishment\abolizione abolition\abrogazione abominable\mostruoso abominably\abominabile abominate\avere in orrore abominates\detestato aboriginally\unigenito aborigine\essere originario di abort\abortire abortion\aborto abortional\abortivo abortive\prematuro abortiveness\sterilità about\intorno, verso, attorno, circa about turn\dietro front above\al di sopra, sopra, sù above all\principalmente, anzitutto, sopratutto aboveboard\onesto abrasive\acuto, escoriare abridge\abbreviare, accorciare abridgement\accorciature abroad\all'estero, in ogni direzione abrogate\licenziare, annullare, levatura, abolire abrogation\abolizione, disdetta abrupt\rapido abruptness\asperità abscess\ulcera, ascesso abscond\fuggire absconder\profugo absence\mancare, assenza absence of smell\mancanza di odore absent\mancante, restar lontano, assente absinthe\vermut absolute\intero, assolutamente absolute element\elemento absolutely\assolutamente, infatti, incondizionato, davvero absolution\assoluzione absolve\assòlvere absorb\fagocitare, smorzare, neutralizzare absorbed in thought\assorto nei pensieri absorbing\interesante abstaining\comprendente abstemious\astinente abstemiousness\astinenza abstentious\astinente abstract\astratto abstract of account\estratto di conto abstractedly\astratto abstractly\astratto abstruse\ermetico absurd\assurdo absurdism\nonsenso abundance\abbondanza abundance of words\verbosità abuse\abuso abusive\offensivo, insulto abusively\offensivo abusiveness\abuso abut\accostare abutter\confinante abutting\limitrofo abysm\abisso abysms\abissi abyss\abisso abyssal\cupo AC\corrente alternata acacia\acacia academic\accadèmico academically\accadèmico academics\accadèmico academy\accadèmia academy of arts\accadèmia di belle arti accede\accedere, concordare accede to\associare accedence\accessione accelerate\accelerare accelerates\accellerato accelerating\accelerativo acceleration\accelerazione accelerator\acceleratore accent\accento, accentuare accentuate\accentatura accept\accogliere, gradire, assùmere, accettare acceptability\accettabilità acceptable\adottàbile, ammissibile acceptableness\gradevolezza acceptance\accoglienza, decrescenza, accettazione acceptation\accezione accepter\acquirente acceptor\destinatario, acquirente accepts\accettato access\entratura accessable\abbordabile accessed\afferrato accessibility\accessibilità accessible\abbordabile accessibly\abbordabile accession\incremento, assunzione del potere accessory equipment\annessi accident\incidente, accidente accidental\accidentale, infelice accidentally\per disgrazia, inavvertitamente accidentprone\sfortuna accidents\incidenti acclaim\applaudire, applauso, acclamare acclamation\applauso acclimate\abituare acclimatize\acclimatare accolade\distinzione, lode accommodate\albergare, accantonare accommodating\compiacente accommodatingly\compiacente accommodation\aggiustamento, rifornimento, alloggiamento accomodate\aiutare accomodation\alloggio accomodations\quartieri accompanied\accompagnato accompanies\accompagnato accompany\accompagnare accomplice\complice accomplish\compiere, eseguire, effettuare, cómpiere accomplishable\ottenibile accomplished\perfetto accord\accordo, accordare, unisono, concordanza accordance\concordanza accordant\congruente according\conforme a according to\secondo, conforme a according to contract\come fissato nel contratto according to instruction\normale according to schedule\entro la data fissata accordingly\in conformità accordion\fisarmonica, fisarmònica accords\accordato accost\rivolgere la parola account\calcolo, càlcolo, conto, rapporto account carried forward\dizione account debtor\acquirente account holder\intestatario accountable\responsabile accountancy\contabilità accountant\contabile accounting\registrare, resa dei conti accounting clerk\contabile accounting department\contabilità accounting year\esercizio accounts clerk\contabile accounts current\estratto di conto accredit\vidimare accretion\incremento, aumento di valore, sviluppo accretion of discount\incremento accrual\incremento accrue\sorgere accruement\origine accumulate\accumulare, immagazzinare, ammassare accumulation\ammassamento, cumulazione, immagazzinamento accumulator\accumulatore accuracy\fedeltà accurate\senza errori accurately\esatta accurateness\fedeltà accursed\maledetto accursedly\maledetta accursedness\volatilizzazione accusal\imputazione accusation\accusa, imputazione accusativeness\imputazione accuse\addebitare, caricare, accusare accused\accusata, accusato accuser\accusatore accustom\abituare accustoming\assuefazione acerbity\acerbità aces\assi acess\entratura ache\penoso, dolere, pena aches\dolere achievable\eseguìbile, ottenibile achieve\conseguire, cómpiere, compiere, eseguire achievement\lavoro, realizzazione achieves\raggiunto achiness\pena achinesses\dolere aching\doloroso achy\doloroso acid\acido acidify\inacidire acidulous\acetoso acknowledging\riconoscente acknowledgment\riconoscimento acme\cùlmine, momento culminante acmes\culminare acolyte\chierico acorn\ghianda acoustic\acùstico, acùstica acoustics\acùstica acquaint\notificare acquaintance\conoscenza, conoscente acquaintanceship\conoscenza acquainted\noto acquiesce\acconsentire, sopportare acquiescent\devoto acquiesces\sopporta acquirable\ottenibile acquire\acquistare, procurare acquisition\rilevamento acquit\assòlvere acrid\erosivo acridly\erosivo acridness\acerbità acrimonies\acuire acrimonious\accanito acronym\abbreviamento across\diàmetro, attraverso, sopra, oltretomba across from\di fronte, contro act\atto, vertere, azione, agire, funzionare, legge act for\rappresentare act in place of\rappresentare, vertere act of volition\volizione action\effetto, azione, lamentela, procedimento actionable\querelabile active\attivo activity\attività actor\attore actress\attrice actual\reale, veramente, veramente actuality\realtà actualize\attuare actually\veramente, reale actuate\attivare actuation\impulso acumen\acume acute\nitido, intensivo acuteness\finezza ad\denuncia, annuncio, avviso, inserzione adage\proverbio adagio\lungo adapt\uniformare adaptable\applicàbile adaptation\adattamento adaption\adattamento adaptor\adattamento add\aggiungere, integrare, addizionare, sommare addend\aggiunta addenda\serbar rancore addends\aggiunta addendum\appendice addicted\maniaco addiction\mania addictiveness\pendio addition\addizione, addizionare, aggiunta additional\addizionale additional occupation\professione secondaria additional payment\pagamento supplementare additives\complementi addle\viziare address\rivolgere la parola, indirizzo, nominativo address book\annuario address table\annuario addresses\indirizzi ade\facciata adept\esperto, campione adequate\equo, appropriato adhere\incollare, obbligarsi adherence\attaccare adheres\garantisce adhesion\adesivo, glùtine, glutinoso adhesive\glutinoso, glùtine adhesive plaster\cerotto adhesiveness\viscosità adieu\addio adipose\grassello adjacence\dintorni adjacencies\vicinità adjacency\confinare adjacent\limitrofo adjective\aggettivo, aggetivo adjoining\attìguo, limitrofo adjoining room\la camera accanto adjourn\aggiornare adjudicate\opinare, decidere adjudication\decisione adjudicator\giudice della giuria adjure\giurare adjuring\affermante adjust\emendare, correggere adjustable\regolabile adjustment\adattamento adjustment of average\regolazione adjusts\contraffato administer\amministrare administrates\amministrato administration\economato administrative appeal\reclamo administrative machinery\apparato amministrativo administrative tribunal\tribunale amministrativo admint\amméttere admirability\grandiosità admirable\ammiràbile, sorprendente admirably\ammiràbile admiral\ammiraglio admire\ammirare admirer\ammiratore, veneratore admissible\ammissibile admissibly\ammissibile admission\ingresso admission into warehouse\immagazzinaggio admit\amméttere admit of\amméttere admonish\esortare, diffidare admonishing\esortativo admonishingly\monitorio admonishment\ammonizione admonition\ammonizione ado\boriosita adopt\mi incarico, adottare, mi incarico adoptability\gradevolezza adoptable\adottàbile adoptive\supposto adoration\venerazione, adorazione adorations\adorazione adore\adorare, venerare adored\adorato adores\venerato adroit\esperto adulate\lusingare adulating\accarezzevole adulation\lisciatura adulator\adulatore adult\adulto adulterate\affatturare adulterates\fatturato adulterer\adultero adulteress\adultera adulterousness\adulterio adultery\adulterio, adulterino adumbration\denotazione adumbrative\accennante advance\anticipo, avanzare, avvicinarse, avanzamento advance payment\pagamento anticipato advanced\avanzare, progredito advanced ignition\accensione anticipata advancement\avanzamento, avanzamento, ascensione advantage\vantaggio, guadagno advantageous\vantaggioso advantages\vantaggi advantagious\utile, vantaggioso advent\inizio adventurousness\audacia adverb\avverbio, avverbio adverbially\avverbiale adversaries\avversario adverse\sfavorevole advert\denuncia, inserzione advertence\richiamare advertent\dimostrativo advertise\annunziare, inserire advertisement\inserzione, annuncio, pubblicità, denuncia, avviso advertiser\inserente advertises\inserito advertising\pubblicità, reclame advice\consigliere, consiglio advisable\consigliabile advise\consigliare aerial view\veduta aerea aeronautics\navigazione aerea aeroplane\aeroplano, velivolo aerospace\etere aesthetic\estetico aestheticism\estetismo affable\benevolo, cortese, gradevole affair\affare, faccenda affect\commuòvere, concèrnere affected\mosse affection\affetto, affezione affectionate\amoroso affirmatively\confermante afflict\infestare afflicted\tormentò affluentin\ricco di afraid\paura Africa\Africa African\africano after\in, dopochè, dopo, dopo questo afternoon\pomeriggio afterwards\in, in seguito, dopo questo afteryears\periodo conseguente again\da capo, nuovamente against\in confronto, inverso, contro against it\in confronto age\vecchiezza, età aged\annoso agelong\fisso agency\agenzia, filiale agenda\ordine del giorno agent\agente aggrandize\accrèscere aggravate\peggiorare aggressive\bellicoso aggrieve\angustiare agile\agile agitate\discùtere agonize\martirizzare agony\agonìa, angoscia agree\assentire, stipulare, concordare agreeable\placevole, gradévole agreeably\piacevolmente agreed\concorde agreement\accordo agricultural\agrario agriculture\agricoltura agriculturist\agricoltore aguish\febbrile ahead\davanti, avanti aid\aiutare aim\scopo, proposito aimed\mirai air\aria, arietta, etere air-fresher\deodorante air-plane\aeroplano air cooled\raffreddato ad aria air mail\posta aerea air out\ventilare, arieggiare, aerare air pump\pompa pneumatica aircraft\velivolo airfield\aeròdromo airline\aviolinea airplane\aeroplano, velivolo airplanes\aeroplani airport\aeroporto aitchbone\lonza alarm\allarme, alarmo alarm clock\sveglia alas\purtroppo alcohol\alcool ale\birra aleatory\incerto, malsicuro alert\allarme alga\alga aliation\nutrimento alibi\scusa, scusa alive\vivo all\ogni cosa, tutti all of a sudden\improvvisamente all one colour\unicolore all the same\eguale all the time\ininterrottamente allegation\affermazione allergy\allergìa alley\viuzza, vicolo allhallows\ognissanti alliance\alleanza allied\alleato allot\distribuire allow\permettere, amméttere allowance\risarcimento danni allude\allùdere, alludere alluringness\attrattiva allways\ognora almond\mandorla almost\quasi alms\elemòsina alone\solo, unico along\finito alongside\sotto bordo aloud\secondo alphabet\alfabeto alphabetic\alfabètico already\già also\anche alter\variare, alterare alternating current\corrente alternata alternative\alternative although\sebbene altogether\totalmente, tutto aluminium\alluminio always\ognora, sempre amateur\dilettante, amante amazing\sorprendente ambassador\ambasciatore ambiguity\equivoco ambiguous\ambìguo ambition\ambizione ambitious\ambizioso ambitiously\ambizioso ambulance\ambulanza ambulant\ambulatorio ambush\appostamento ameliorate\perfezionare amend\variare, perfezionare amendments\indennizzo amenity\gradevolezza America\Amèrica, America American\americano amerind\indiano ammo\munizione ammunition\munizione amok\ossessione omicida among\in mezzo a, sotto amorousness\innamoratezza amorphousness\informità amount\importo amour propre\fatuità amperage\amperaggio amplifier\amplificatore amplify\amplificare, commentare amputate\amputare amuse\divertire amusing\dilettevole, giocondo, divertente an\un anaemia\anemia anaesthetic\narcosi analgesia\assenza di dolori analyse\analizzare analyze\analizzare anarchy\anarchìa anathema\scomunica anatomy\anatomìa ancestry\presentire anchor\àncora anchors\ancorato anchovy\acciuga ancient\antico, vecchissimo and\e and so on\eccetera andeuten\volere dire anecdote\àneddoto angel\angelo anger\collera, furia angers\disgegnato angina\angina angle\cantuccio, àngolo angled\storto Anglistics\anglìstica angry\stizzito anguish\pena, angoscia, paura animal\animale animalist\scultore animals\animali animate\animare ankle\nocca ankles\nocca annex\attaccare annihilation\annientamento anniversary\anniversario, compleano annotation\commento announce\annunziare annoy\arrabiare, molestare annoyance\dispetto annoyed\stizzito annul\annullare annular\anulare annulment\annullamento answer\rispondere, corrispóndere, rispondere, risposta ant\formica antagonism\antagonismo antenna\antenne anticipate\anticipare antique\antico, tempi passati antiquity\antichità antlered\consacrato ants\formiche anxiety\fastidio anxious\pieno di timore any\facoltativo, qualche anybody\qualcheduno, alcuno anyone\qualunque anywhere\in qualche luogo aosine\coseno apartheid\segregazione razziale apartment\appartamento apathy\apatia ape\scimmia aperitif\aperitivo aperture\abboccatura apiece\a secondo apologize\scusare apology\scusa apostates\infedele apostle\apostolo, apòstolo apostolic\apostòlico apothecaries\farmacista appal\orrore appalling\tremendo, atroce appals\spaventato appanage\sezione apparatus\meccanismo, equipaggio, apparecchio apparatuses\attrezzi apparel\vestimento apparel industry\abbigliamento apparent\evidente, in apparenza apparently\evidente, evidentemente, in apparenza apparentness\manifestazione apparition\fenomeno apparitional\visibile appeal\chiamata, appello appeal to\appello appear\apparire, venni, esibirsi appearance\venni, apparenza, fenomeno, esteriore appears\emersione apped\scambiato appellation\cognome appellative\pregante append\attaccare appendicitis\appendicite appending\fissante appendix\completamento, appendice appends\fissato appetency\libidine appetite\appetito appetizer\aperitivo appetizing\appetitoso applaud\applaudire, acclamare, pettegolare applaudable\ammiràbile applause\applauso apple\mela apple-tree\melo appliance\disposizione, meccanismo applicable\applicàbile applicant\aspirante application\proposta application form\modulo di denuncia, modulo di richiesta applications\applicazioni applicative\appropriato applicatory\utilitario apply\applicare, esasperare appoint\creare, produrre appointed\nominato appointing\nominante appointment\lavorazione apposite\convenévole, opportuno appraisal\valutazione appraise\valutare appraisement\valutazione appraiser\consulente, estimatore appraises\valutato appraising\valutante appraising officer\estimatore appreciable\percettibile appreciably\percettibile appreciate\degnare, apprezzare, valutare appreciated\apprezzato appreciation\valorizzazione, riconoscimento appreciative\riconoscente appreciator\conoscitore appreciatory\riconoscente apprehend\capire apprehensibility\paura apprehensible\comprensìbile apprehension\frutto, arresto apprehensive\diffidgnte apprehensiveness\allarme apprentice\apprendista apprenticeship\istruzione, noviziato apprises\informato approach\avvicinarsi, accesso, avvicinare approachability\accessibilità approachable\abbordabile approbation\nullaosta appropriate\equo, opportuno, convenévole approval\ammissione, nullaosta approve\provato, concedere, approvare approved\provato, esperimentato approving\assenziente approvingly\assenziente approximately\circa, verso approximation\accostamento appurtenance\annessi appurtenant\attinente apricot\albicocca apricots\albicocche April\aprile apron\grembiale aprreciate\degnare, valutare apt\convenévole aptitude\abilitazione, estro aptness\sorte Apulia\Puglia aquaint\noto aquaintance\conoscenza aquanaut\sommozzatore aquarium\acquario aquatic plant\pianta acquatica aquatics\sport acquatico aquiline\piegato arbiter\arbitro arbitral award\lodo arbitrariness\arbitrio arbitrarinesses\arbitrio arbitrary\arbitrario arbitrate\modesta arbitration award\lodo arbitrative\decisivo arbitrator\arbitro arbor\longherone, traversa, asse arbors\assi arbour\pergolato arc\arco, emiciclo arcade\passaggio arch\volta archaeological\archeològico archaeologist\archeòlogo archaeology\archeologia, antiquaria archangel\arcàngelo archbishop\arcivescovo archbishopric\arcivescovado arched\inarcato archenemy\nemico mortale archeologist\archeòlogo archeology\archeologia archie\cannone antiaereo architect\architetto architecture\architettura archive\archivio archway\arcata arclamp\lampada ad arco arclight\luce ad arco arcs\archi ardent\appassionato, ardente, entusiasmato ardently\focoso ardor\entusiasmo ardour\calore, entusiasmo arduous\faticoso, faticoso arduously\faticoso arduousness\difficoltà arduousnesses\difficoltà are\siete, sono are absent\manchi are astonished\ti stupisci area\area, territorio, superficie, superficie, località arena\arena arg\argomento Argentina\Argentina Argentine\Argentino arguable\disputàbile, opinabile argue\litigare argument\questione, argomento, dimostrazione argumentatively\litigigioso arid\secco, asciutto aridness\siccità aries\ariete arise\sorgere aristocracy\aristocrazìa, aristocrazia aristocratic\aristocràtico arithmetic\fare i conti, càlcolo ark\arca arm\regolare, manica, armare, povero arm-chair\poltrona arm rest\bracciuolo armament\armamento armature\àncora, corridore armchair\poltrona arme\arme armed\armato armed forces\forze armate armistice\armistizio armor\armamento armored\loricato armors\corazza armour\corazza, armamento armoured\loricato armrest\bracciuolo arms\armi army\armata, esercito, esèrcito aroma\aroma aromatic\aromàtico arousal\eccitazione arraign\oppugnare arrange\predisporre, sistemare, ordinare, stipulare arrangement\ordinamento, ordine, allegato arraying\ordinativo arrearage\arretrato arrears\arretrato, debitare arrest\detenzione, arrestare, arresto arrestingly\imponente arrival\venuta, emersione, arrivo arrive\arrivare, giungere arrived\arrivato arriving\giungere arrogance\arroganza, alterigia arrogant\arrogante, fierezza arrogantly\orgoglioso arrogation\arroganza art\arte, art arterial road\arteria stradale artful\astuto artfulness\furberia artichoke\carciofo article\oggetto, artìcolo, quota articles\artìcolo articulately\distinto articulateness\limpidezza articulates\articolato articulative\sereno artifical\artefatto artifice\disposizione artificer\pirotecnico artificial\artefatto artificial person\ente morale artificialness\leccatura artillery\artiglierìa artisan\artéfice artist\quattrocentista artistic\artìstico artists\quattrocentista artless\natura secondo artwork\modello as\come, quite as a basic principle\in linea di massima as a loan\a titolo di prestito as a precaution\per ragioni di sicurezza as a result\di conseguenza as directed\come ordinato as far as I am concerned\quanto a me as good as new\come nuovo as if\quasi che as much\per quanto as soon as\appena che as yet\finora ascend\esalare ascendancy\influsso ascended\salii ascendency\ascensione ascending\crescente, ascendente ascension\esalare ascensions\ascendente ascent\ascensione, ascensione ascertain\accertare, verificare ascertainable\accertabile ascertainment\accertamento ascribe\attribuire ash\cenere, frassino ash-tray\portacenere ash tree\fràssino ash wednesday\le Céneri ashamed\umiliato Asia\Asia Asian\asiatico asinine\idiotico, stupido asininely\ocaggine ask\pregano, chièdere, invitare, esìgere, interrogare ask for\esìgere ask request\pregano askance\obliquo asked\esortato, domandai asked for\pregarono askew\obliquo asks for\prega asleep\dormiente asparagus\asparago aspect\cera, lato, apparenza, aspetto aspen\tremula asperity\asperità asperse\calunniare asphyxia\morte per asfissia asphyxiate\affogare aspirant\candidato aspired\aspirai aspirin\aspirina ass\àsino, allocco assailable\attaccabile assassin\attentatore, uccisore assassinate\assassinare assassins\attentatore assault\assalire, assalto assaulting\aggressivo assayer\esaminatore assayers\esaminatore assays\esamina assemblage\adunata, quantità assemble\montare, assembrare assembler\montatore assembles\adunati assembling\montaggio assembly\accumulazione, allineamento, montaggio assembly line\fettuccia assembly line work\lavorazione a catena assembly operator\montatore assemblyman\montatore assent\promessa, assentire assentation\consenso assert\affermare, far valere assert a claim\esigenza asserters\sostenitore assertion\affermazione, spiegazione assertive\esplicito assertiveness\arrogarsi assertor\sostenitore assertors\sostenitore asserts\asserito assess\quotare, valutare, quotare assesses\tassato assessment\inclinazione, valutazione, estimo assessor\assessore asset\vantaggio, brìscola assiduous\assiduo assiduousness\voga assiduousnesses\voga assign\delegare assignation\assegnazione, assegnazione, vaglia assimilable\comparàbile assimilate\uniformare, fagocitare assist\promuovere, aiutare assistance\appoggio assistant\collaboratore, assistente, aiutante assisted\aiutai assists\aiuta assn\comitiva assoc\fasciatura associate\attinente, collaboratore, socio associated\unito association\fasciatura assort\aggruppare, assortire, compilare assorted\mischiato assortment\assortimento, collezione assortment of goods\assortimento assorts\assortito assuage\allattamento, contentare assuagement\lenimento assumable\adottàbile assume\supporre, mi incarico, mi incarico, assùmere assumed\supposto assumedly\supposto assumption\accettazione, supposizione assumptive\supposto assurance\confidenza, assicurazione assure\assicurare, assicurare, mettere al sicuro assured\assicurai assuredly\sicuramente assuredness\certezza assures\assicurai assurgent\ascendente aster\àstero asterisk\stellina asthma\asma asthmas\asma astonish\sorprendere, stupirsi, sorprendere, stupire astonishes\sorprende, attònito, sorprende astonishing\strano astonishment\stupore astounds\sbalordito astray\smarrire astride\a cavalcioni astringence\severità astringences\severità astringency\occlusione astringent\astringente astrodome\cupola astrodomes\cupola astrology\astrologìa astronomer\astrònomo astute\perspicace astuteness\acume asunder\in due asylum\asilo asymmetry\obliqua at\a, al, negli at best\nel migliore dei casi at due date\nel termine stabilito at first\primo, prima at home\in casa at it\in questo at last\finalmente, infine, alla fine at least\almeno, per lo meno at nighttime\di notte at no charge\esente dalle tasse, gratuito at noon\a mezzogiorno at once\tosto, direttamente, subito at present\presente at the earliest\al più presto at the latest\al piu tardi at the moment\attualmente at the opening\accensione at the outset\prima at the same time\contemporaneamente, simultaneo at the time\a suo tempo at the top\sù, sopra at this\a questo proposito at what\presso al quale ate\mangiai athirst\assetato athlete\atleta, sportivo athletes\sportivo athletics\atleta leggera atman\battelliere atmosphere\atmosfera atom\àtomo atomic age\era atomica atomic bomb\bomba atòmica atomic number\numero ordinale atomization\nebulizzazione atone\espiare, espiare atoned\scontai atonement\espiatorio atonements\espiare atones\sconti atop\sopra atrium\vestìbolo atrocity\atto mostruoso atrophy\scomparsa attach\legare saldamente, affigere, legamento attached\installato, immobile attachment\attinenza, fortificazione attack\assalire, attacco, assalto attacks\accessi attain\ottenere, conseguire attains\raggiunto attanuate\annacquare, mitigare attempt\esperimentare, esperimento, attentato, operazione attend\evàdere, servire, partecipare, assìstere, visitare attend to\servire attendance\presenza, manutenzione attender\famulo attends\accompagnato attention\attenzione attention getter\che attrae lo sguardo attentive\attento attenuate\annacquare attenuating\diminutivo attest\giurare attestation\testimonianza, legalizzazione attests\convalidato attic\abbaino, deposito, soffitta attire\abbigliare attitude\punto di vista, posizione, intenzione, portamento attitudinize\posare attorney at law\legale attorney in fact\facente funzione attract\vestire, adescare attracting\attrazione attraction\attrazione attractiveness\attrattiva attribute\contrassegno, allegare, qualità attribution\acconmodamento attrition\snervamento attritional\logorante attune\votare attunes\esatto aubergine\melanzana auction\licitazione audaciousness\audacia audacity\audacia, audacia audibilities\udibilità audibility\udibilità audible\udibile, acùstico audience\uditorio, spettatore, udienza audio tape\nastro magnetico audio transmission\collegamento radiofonico audit\revisione audit of annual accounts\esame finale auger\trapano augment\accrèscere, ingrandire augmentation\ingrandimento augments\ingrandito augur\promettere augury\profezia August\agosto augustly\maestoso augustness\elevatezza aunt\zia aura\odore aurae\olezzi auras\olezzi aureate\àureo auspicious\opportuno auspiciousness\felcità austere\solido, severo austereness\astinenza austerity\limitazione austral\meridionale Austria\Austria Austrian\austrìaco austrian\austrìaco Austrian\Austriaco autarchy\autocrazìa authenticate\vidimare, documentare authenticated\convalidato authenticates\convalidato authentication\legalizzazione, documentazione authenticity\credibilità, legalità author\quattrocentista, autore authoress\scrittrice authoritative\imperioso authorize\autorizzare authorized\autorizzato automat\autòma automatic\automatico automobile\vettura autumn\autunno auxiliary\ausiliare available\ottenibile, disponìbile avalanche\lavina avenue\viale average\mediocrità, media avers\asserito aviary\voliera aviation\navigazione aerea, aeronàutica aviations\navigazione aerea aviator\pilota, aviatore avoid\evitare avouch\garantire awake\destare awash\inondato away\perso, lontano, strada awful\tremendo, mostruoso awoke\svegliato axis\asse baboon\babbuino baby\bebè babycar\vetturetta bachelor\cèlibe back\dosso, addietro, suolo background\sfondo backlock\arretrato backwardly\arretrato bacon\lardo bacterium\microbo bad\cattivo bad habit\cattiva abitudine bad luck\guaio, sfortuna badger\tasso badly\male bag\sacco, tasca, sacchetto, cartoccio, astuccio baggage\bagaglio bail\cauzione bails\salva bait\adescamento, esca bake\cuòcere baker\fornaio bakery\panetteria balance\bilancio, livellare, equilibrio balance of payments\bilancia dei pagamenti balancing\resa dei conti balcony\balcone, terrazzino bald\pelato balderdash\sciocchezza bale\appallottolare balky\caparbio ball\pallone, palla Baltic Sea\Bàltico banana\banana band\cappella, fettuccia bandage\fasciatura, fascia, bendatura bandaged\fasciatura bandit\rapinatore, bandito banister\balaustrada bank\sponda, banca, riva bank account\conto bancario bank cheque\assegno bancario bank deposit\deposito in banca Bank holiday\festa bank transfer\trasferimento bancario banker\banchiere banknote\biglietto di banca bankroll\finanziare bankrupt\fallimento bankruptcy\fallimentare, fallimento banner\bandiera banquet\banchetto banter\punzecchiare baptism\battésimo bar\verga, sbarrare barbaric\bàrbaro barber\parrucchiere barbershop\negozio da parrucchiere bare\denudare barely\appena bargain\mercanteggiare barge\barchetta bark\abbaio, corteccia, scorza barley\orzo barn\granaio barometer\baròmetro baron\barone baroness\baronessa barracks\caserma, caserna barrel\barile barren\eremo barrier\blocco, barriera base\base, piedistallo basic\base basis\base basket\canestro, cesto basset\cane bassotto bastardly\abnorme bath\bagno, lavacro bath room\stanza da bagno bath tub\vasca da bagno bathe\fanno il bagno bathing\fanno il bagno bathing trunks\calzoncini da bagno bathroom\lavacro, stanza da bagno baths attendant\bagnaiuolo batiste\batista baton\battitoio battery\accumulatore, batteria battle\combattimento, battaglia bawd\ruffiana bay\seno, baia bayonet\baionetta be\devoto, sua be amazed\stupire be ashamed\vergognarsi be astonished\stupire be called\avere il nome di be effected\risultare be enough\bastare be in force\valere be late\tardare be liable\obbligarsi be missing\mancare be mistaken\fallare be responsible\obbligarsi be seated\star seduto, accomodarsi be silent\tacere be sufficient\bastare be there\esistenza be valid\valere beach\lido, spiaggia beads\spumare beagle\segugio beak\becco beaks\becchi beam\raggio, traversa bean\fava bear\orso beard\barba beards\barbe bearishly\goffa bearishness\zoticaggine bears\orsi beat\picchiare beat up\bastonare beaten\picchiato beauteously\più bello beauty\bellezza beckon\accennare become\venni bed\letto bedlam\manicomio bedroom\càmera da letto bedstead\lettiera bee\ape bee-keeper\apicoltore beech\faggio beeches\registrare beer\birra beetle\coleottero before\prima che befuddle\ubriacare beg\pregano, questuare beggar\accattapane begin\comincio, esordire beginner\esordiente beginning\principio beginnung\inizio behave\comportamento behaviour\comportamento behead\decapitare behind\indietro, dietro behind it\là dietro beige\bigio beings\persone belated\ritardato Belgian\Belga Belgium\Belgio belief\fede believable\credibile believe\crédere believed\credei bell\campanello, campana bellboy\valletto bellicosity\bellicosità belly\pancia, rumine belong to\appartenere belongings\possesso below\sotto, abbasso, successivo, sotto belt\cintura, cinghia bend\piegare, piegare, virata, curvatura bends\piega beneath\abbasso, sotto benefactor\benefattore beneficence\beneficenza benefit\guadagnare, guadagno benevolent\benèvolo benighted\ottenebrato berry\bacca berth\abbordo beside\accosto besides\d'altronde, inoltre best\migliore bestrew\aspèrgere bet\scommettere bethink\riflettere betray\tradire betrayal\fellonia betrothment\fidanzamento better\migliore between\in mezzo, frà bewilderment\garbuglio beyond\oltretomba Bible\Bibbia bicycle\velocipede bid\precetto bidders\offerente bidding\precetto big\grande big landowner\latifondista bike\velocipede bill\biglietto di banca, càlcolo, becco bill of exchange\vicenda bill of fare\listino billion\miliardo bind\legare, legamento binding\legatura binoculars\cannocchiale biology\biografià birch\betulla bird\uccello bird of prey\uccello rapace birth\parto, natività birthday\compleanno bishop\véscovo bistoury\scalpello bite\morso, mordere bites\mordi bitter\birra, acerbo, amaro bitterness\esacerbazione bivouac\accampamento bizarre\singolare bl\biasimo black\nera, negro, nero, negro blackberry\mora blackboard\lavagna blackener\più nero blackly\negro blackmail\ricatto blackmailer\ricattatore blackout\perdita, panna bladder\soffio, vescica blade\spada, taglio, falda blame\biàsimo, criticare, colpa, biasimo blank\biglietto non vincente, bianco blanket\coltre, coperta blast\esplosione bleak\eremo bleed\buttare sangue bleiben\rimanere blend\mistura bless\benedire blessing\benedizione blest\benedetto blind\cieco blissfulness\letizia blister\soffio block\blocco, sbarrare block of flats\edifizio blockade\embargo blockading\bloccante blockage\bloccaggio blocked\bloccato blood\sangue blood pressure\pressione del sangue bloods\stirpe bloody\insanguinato bloom\fiore, fiorire blossom\fioritura blouse\blusa blow\fendente, soffiare, folata, battuta blow up\esplòdere, gonfiare blue\turchino blueberry\mirtillo blunt\spuntato board\bordo, scarto, tavola, commissione boarding school\collegio boat\barca, barchetta boat trip\viaggio in barca body\addome, corpo bodyguard\guardia del corpo boil\forùncolo, cuòcere boiled\cotto boiling\cuòcere, bollente boiling hot\bollente, cocente bold\grassello boletus\porcino bolt\dardo, chiavistello bomb\bomba bombastic\ampolloso bombthrower\lanciabombe bond\saltellare bone\osso, spina bonnet\cofano book\libro, registrare bookbindery\legatoria bookcase\libreria booking office\biglietterià, forziere bookkeeping\contabilità bookseller\libraio bookshop\libreria boot\portabagagli, stivale booth\casotto bootless\inutile bootlicking\accarezzevole booze\acquavite border\limitrofo, frontiera, lembo border crossing\valico di confing bordering\cingente bore\calibro, annoiare borealis\bòrea boring\trapanazione, uggioso born\nacqui, nato borrow\farsi prestare boss\capo, imprenditore botanize\erborizzare both\entrambi bother\frastornare bottle\bottiglia, boccetta bottle opener\apribottiglia bottom\suolo, natica bough\ramo bound\abbrivo, slancio boundary\frontiera bourgeous\civico boutique\impresa bow\prua, arco bow tie\mosca bowl\scodella, palla bowlegs\ercolino box\palco, scatola boxcars\vagone merci boxer\pugile boxing\pugilato boy\giovinetto, ragazzo boyfriends\amici bracelet\braccialetto braces\bretelle brain\cervello brainless\ingenuo brains\mente brake\estro, frenare branch\filiale, ramo branches\rami brand\marchio brass\ottone brass band\fanfara brave\coraggioso, valoroso Brazil\Brasile Brazilian\Brasiliano bread\pagnotta break\vomico breakdown\perdita, panna breakdown service\servizio recupero automezzi breakfast\colazione breast\torace breath\lena, alito, etere breathe\fiatare breathe out\esalare breathing\respirazione breech\fermatura breed\procreare, razza bribing\corrompente brick\mattone bride\fidanzato, fidanzata bridegroom\fidanzata, fidanzato bridge\ponte brief\breve briefs\mutande brigaded\uniti bright\fulgente, brillante, squillante, saggio, savio brighter\centesimo brightness\chiarezza brilliant\geniale, fastoso bring\portare bringing\portante brisk\vivace Britain\Gran-Bretagna brittle\friabile, fragile broad\largo broadcast\mando broadcasting\radio brochure\brossura broken\rotto, avarìa broker\sensale bronchitis\bronchite bronze\bronzo bronzy\abbronzato brooch\spilla brood\cova broom\scopa brother\fratello brother in law\cognato brothers\fratelli brothers and sisters\fratelli brown\marrone bruise\livido, contusione brush\pennello, spazzola brusque\pesce persico brutal\brutale brutality\brutalivà bubble\soffio bucket\secchio buckle\fibbia bud\boccio buddies\camerati buddle\sè budget\governo della casa budgie\pappagallo ondato buggies\carrozzella build\edificare, fabbricare builder\muratore building\edificio, edifizio building site\cantiere builds\costruisce buildup\disposizione built\costruii built in\installato bulb\lampadina bulky\ingombrante bull\toro bulletin\rapporto bullfight\corrida bullion\lingotto bullwhip\frusta bumblebee\calabrone bump\accidentalità, ammaccatura, gobba bunch of flowers\struzzo burden\addossare, aggravio burglar\scassinatore burglary\scasso burial\tomba burn\ustione, bruciare, accendere, pungere, ardere burnisher\lucidatore burp\ruttare, eruttare burst\scoppiare, crepare bus\corriera, autobus bush\boschetto, arbusto, cespuglio bushwhack\appostare business\affare, affari, faccenda business deal\affare, faccenda businessman\commerciante, omo bussed\baciai busy\diligente, occupato but\ma, però butcher\macellaio, macellaio butcher's shop\macelleria butter\burro butterfly\farfalla buttock\natica button\bottone, tasto buy\comprare, acquistare buy up\accaparrare buyer\acquirente, compratore buyout\accaparramento buzzer\vibratore by\presso by heart\a memoria by letter\per lettera by mistake\inavvertitamente by now\già by return of post\a posta corrente by telephone\telefonico bye\rivedersi, arrivederci, addio bypass\elusi cab\tassì, vettura di piazza cabaret\cabaret cabbage\cavolo, càvolo cabel\cavo cabin\cabina, cabina, capanna cabinet\armadio cabinetmaker\ebanista cable\cavo cable-car\funivia caboodle\masnada cadaver\cadavere cadidate\candidato cage\gabbia cake\torta, focaccia calabash\zucca calculate\calcolare, fare i conti calculation\calcolo, calcolo calendar\calendario calf\vitello calibre\calibro caliph\califfo call\fama, chiamare, chiamata call on\visitare callbox\cabina telefònica calm\equilibrato, calmare, ristoro, calmo, calma calm down\calmare calorie\caloria camel\cammello camera\apparecchio fotogràfico, macchina fotografica camp\campeggiare camp-bed\branda campaign\lotta elettorale campfire\fuoco da campo camping site\campeggio campsite\campeggio can\può, potere, barattolo, bidone canal\canale cancel\stornare cancellation\cancellazione, rifiuto, storno cancer\granchio candle\candela candy\caramella cane\bastone cannon\cannone canoe\canoa, canoa canst\puoi cantata\cantata canteen\mensa canvas\stoffa cap\cappa, berretto, coprire, tappo capable\adatto, abile, idoneo, capace capacitor\condensatore capacity\capacità cape\promontorio, ferraiolo capital\metropoli, capitale capitalism\capitalismo capitalize\capitalizzare capitally\capitale capitol\metropoli capitualte\capitolare capon\cappone caprice\capriccio capsize\capovòlgersi, ribaltabile captian\capitano, capitano captor\colui che piglia capture\rilevamento, accalappiare car\vettura, automobile car park\parcheggio carafe\carato carat\carato caravan\roulotte card\carta di giuoco card-index\schedario cardboard\cartone cardigan\giacca a maglia cardinal\cardinale cardinal number\numero cardinale cards\carte care\fedeltà career\pista, carriera careful\accurato, prudente carefully\minuzioso careless\abborracciatamente, incauto, leggiero carelessness\dimenticanza, negligenza caress\carezza, accarezzare, accarezzare carfe\caraffa cargo\nave da carico, carico carnation\garofano carnival\carnevale, carnevale carp\carpione carpark\parcheggio carpet\tappeto carriage\azzardare carriage paid\esente da tasse di porto carriageway\corsia carrot\carota corta, carota carry on\continuare a fare carry out\effettuare carryover\rimanenza cart\carretto cartage\carreggio cartel\lega cartilage\cartilagine cartoon\caricatura cartridge\cartuccia case\tasca, valigia, affare, astuccio, decadimento cash\denaro in contanti, incassare, incassare cash on delivery\rimborso assegno cash payment\pagamento in contanti cash up\regolare cashdesk\forziere cashier\cassiere cask\barile caskets\cassettino casserole\casseruola cassette\cassetta cast iron\ghisa caste\casta castes\cassone castigation\punizione castigatory\punente castle\torre, castello castrate\castrare castrates\castrato castration\accapponatura casts\getta casual\occasionale, accidentale casually\occasionale casualness\apatìa casualties\incidenti cat\gatto, gatta cataclysmal\catastrofale catacomb\catacomba catalog\catàlogo catalogue\catàlogo catalyst\catalizzatore, acceleratore catapult\avventare, catapulta catarrh\catarro catastrophe\catàstrofe catastrophic\catastrofale catch\accalappiare, cogliere catch a cold\raffreddarsi, costipato catch up with\a prendere catchword\lemma catchy\difficile catechism\catechismo catechumen\principiante categorical\categorico category\categoria, ceto catena\catena catenate\concatenare catenation\congiuntura catering\alimentazione caterpillar\bruco caterwaul\miagolare catharsis\rilassamento cathartic\lustrale cathedral\cattedrale catholic\cattòlico catkin\gattino catlike\felino catnap\pisolino catnip\bella cats\gatte cattle\bovini, bestiame cattle plague\epizoozia cattlebreeding\zootecnico caugh\tossire caught\prigioniero cauliflower\cavolfiore cause\cagionare, ragione, cagione, causo causes\cagionato causeway\diga causing\cagionante caustic\nitido, erosivo cauterization\bruciare cauterizing\erosivo caution\fedeltà, precauzione cautions\prudente cavalier\cavalcatore cavalierly\spontaneo cavalry\cavalleria cave\cavità, grotta caveat\preservamento cavern\cavità cavernously\cupo caviar\caviale caw\gracchiare cease\cessare ceaseless\incessante ceasing\finente cedar\cedro ceiling\soffitto ceilings\copro celebrant\ufficiante celebrate\festeggiare, ufficiare celebrated\famoso celebrating\ufficiante celebration\fisso celery\sedano celestial\celestiale cell nucleus\nucleo cellulare cellar\cantina cellarer\cantiniere cellars\cantina cello\violonvello cement\cemento cemented\cementato cementery\camposanto cemetery\camposanto, cimitero censorship\censura censure\criticare censures\biasima census\censimento centenary\secolo centennial\centenario center\centrare center line\linea centrale, asse centimeter\centìmetro centimeters\centìmetro centimetre\centìmetro central\centrale central heating\calorìfero centralization\accentramento centralize\accentrare centralizing\accentratore centre\espediente, metà, epicenvro centrifugal\centrifugale centrifugal force\forza centrifuga century\secolo cereals\cereali cerebral apoplexy\apoplessìa cerebrale cerebric\cervello ceremonial\solenne, cerimoniale ceremonial act\cerimonia ceremonially\cerimoniale ceremonies\festeggiare ceremoniousness\solennità ceremony\cerimònia certain\sicuramente, sicuro certainly\ovvio, certamente certainty\certezza certificate\attestazione, attestato, testimonianza, atto certificates\certificati certification\documentazione, attestazione certified\convalidato certify\certificare certitude\certezza cervical\collo cervix\collottola cession\cessione chadband\ipocrita chafer\coleottero chafers\coleottero chaff\loppa chaffer\mercanteggiare chagrin\dispetto chain\catena chain reaction\reazione a catena chains\incatenare chair\presidenza, sedia chairman\presidente chairmanship\presidenza chairs\seggiole chalice\calice chalk\cretàceo, creta challenge\sfidare, disfida challenge trophy\premio trasmissibile chalybeate\ferroso chamber\camera chamber music\musica da camera chamberlain\ciambellano chambermaid\cameriera chameleon\camaleonte chamois\camoscio champ\campione, mastico champagne\spumante champed\masticai champing\masticante champion\campione championship\maestranza champs\mastica chance\felcità, occorrenza chancellor\cancelliere change\convertire, alternare, alterare, variazione change in the weather\cambiamento di tempo changeability\variabilità changeable\variàbile changeableness\variabilità changeover\commutazione channel\programma channeling\direttivo chanticleer\rubinetto chanticleers\galli chaos\viluppo, caos chap\crepatura, fante chapel\cappella chaperonage\accompagnamento chaplet\ghirlanda chapter\capitolo, settore char\simbolo character\natura, simbolo characteristic\caratteristico, contrassegno, qualità characters\simbolo, personalità charge\caricato, lamentela, tassa, aggravio, delegare charge off\copiare charged\aggravio charges\oberato charges with\incaricato charitable\benèfico charitableness\bontà charity\amore del prossimo, mantenimento charm\attrattiva, grazia charming\gentile, grazioso, incantevole, incantevole charmingly\incantevole charmingness\attrattiva charmingnesses\fascini charmless\insipido charms\fascini chars\simbolo chart\tabella charwoman\donna delle pulizie chary\prudente chase\inseguimento, cacciare, caccia chasm\abisso, spaccature chassis\chassis, telaio, orbita chaste\pudico chasten\punire chasteness\nettezza chastise\castigare chastisement\castigo chastising\punitivo chastity\castità chat\farneticare, chiacchierare chattel\possesso chatterbox\ciarlone chatterer\chiacchierone chattily\loquace chatty\lingwacciuto, facondo chauffeur\autista cheap\economico, di valore scadente cheat\barare, imbrogliare, abbindolare cheater\abbindolatore check\esaminare, assaggiare, verificare, prova, assegno check card\carta assegno checkbook\libretto degli assegni checked\quadrettato checker\esaminatore checkers\esaminatore checking\controllo checks\esamina checkup\controllo, esame cheek\guancia, mascella cheekily\insolente cheekiness\impertinenza cheeks\cuòcere cheeky\insolente cheer\esultare cheerful\pieno di gioia, festevole cheerfulness\giovialità cheerily\lieto cheeriness\ilarità cheerless\sconsolato cheers\salute cheery\lieto cheese\formaggio cheesiness\scipitezza cheesy\senza gusto chef\cuoco chemical\chìmico chemicals\prodotti chimici chemist\chimico, farmacista chemistry\chìmica cheque\assegno cheque book\libretto degli assegni cheque card\carta assegno cherish\coltivare cherishable\apprezzàbile cherished\stimai cherisher\estimatore cherishes\stima cherries\ciliege cherry\ciliegia cherry-tree\ciliegio cherubic\angèlico chess\scacco chess board\scacchiera chest\torace, cassapanca, valigia, cassone chestiness\immaginazione chestnut\castagna chestnut-tree\castagno chevy\dare la cacia chew\mastico chewed\masticato, masticai chewing gum\gomma da masticare chews\mastica chic\stile chicanery\vessazione chick\stile, pulcino chicken\pollo, galletto chicken broth\brodo di pollo chickenpox\varicella chickens\polli chicks\pulcino chid\biasimato chide\criticare chides\biasima chief\capo chiefly\principalmente, in prima linea chilblain\gelone child\fanciullo, fanciulla, fanciullesco child to be baptized\battezzando childbearing\parto childbirth\parto childhood\fanciullezza childish\fanciullesco children\bambini chilean\cileno chillier\radiatore chilly\fresco, frigido chime\suonare chimeric\fantastico chimney sweep\spazzacamino chimp\scimpanzè chimpanzee\scimpanzè chin\mento chin beard\barbetta China\Cina china\porcellana chinaware\porcellana Chinese\Cinese chink\fessura, tinntinnare chintzy\senza gusto chirpy\vivace chirrup\schioccare chiseler\lestofante chiselers\lestofante chit\fantolino chivalrous\galante chive\erba cipollina, cipollina chlorine\varechina chock\cùneo chockerel\galletto chocolate\cioccolata choice\assortimento, selezione, eletta choir\coro choke\tordo, affogare choked\strangolato cholera\colera chomp\mastico chomped\masticai chomps\mastica chooses\sceglie choosy\schizzinoso chop\tritare, costoletta chops\basette choral society\società corale chorally\coro chord\accordo, còttimo choreography\coreografia chorus\ritornello, coro chose\scelto chosen\scelto chow\foraggio chows\foraggio Christ\Cristo christen\battezzare christian\cristiano Christmas\Natale Christmas Eve\vigilia di Natale chrome\cromo chromium\cromo chronic\cronico chronicle\crònaca chronologic\cronologico chronological\cronologico chronology\cronologìa chronometer\cronometro chronometry\cronometraggio chubb lock\antifurto chubby\grossolano chucked\gettai chucks\getta chummily\socievole chumminess\veglia danzante chump\allocco chunk\ceppo chunkily\cumulo chunky\robusto church\chiesa churches\chiese churl\villanzone churlish\villano chute\solco cicada\cicala cicerone\cicerone cider\vino de mele cigar\sigaro cigarette\sigaretta cigarette holder\bocchino cigarette lighter\accendino cinder\cenere cine camera\cinepresa cinecamera\cinepresa cinema\cìnematògrafo cinnabar\cinabro ciphers\calcola circle\cerchia circles\cerchi circlet\circolo circuit\circùito, tratto, circolazione circuitry\elettronica circular\rotondo, sferico circular path\orbita circular saw\sega circolare circular tour\giro turìstico circularization\notifica circularize\notificare circularly\sferico circulate\circolare, girare, roteare circulation\circolazione circumference\volume circumference of the earth\circonferenza della terra circumferences\circonferenze circumlocutory\verboso circumspect\prudente circumspection\oculavezza circumspectness\precauzione circumstance\circostanza circumstances\circostanze circumstantial\largamente circumvent\elusi, impedire circus\circo cit\citazione cite\citare cites\citato citizenship\naturalità city\città, centro city centre\centro city map\piantina civic\urbano civil\civico civil servant\funzionario civility\cortesia civilly\educato ckeck off\sganciare clack\valvola, strepitare claim\pretendere, affermazione, esigenza, affermare claim for compensation\diritto di risarcimento clairvoyant\veggente clamber\arrampicarsi clambering\rampicante clammily\glutinoso clamminess\viscosità clamming\impedente clamor\smaniare clamored\smaniai clamoring\smanioso clamors\smania clamour\gridare clamoured\gridai clamouring\urlante clamours\grida clamp\durare, consolidare clamping\fissante clamps\fissato clan\parentado clandestine\segreto clandestineness\segretezza clangor\suono clangorous\risonante clap\pettegolare, applaudire, applauso claret\vino rosso clarification\chiarificazione clarify\chiarificare, chiarificare clarinet\clarinetto clarity\limpidezza clash\schiacciare class\categoria, ceto class book\libro di scuola classic\clàssico classical\clàssico classicist\conoscitore classics\clàssico classiness\eleganza clause\frase, clausola clavicle\clavìcola claw\artiglio, graffiare, grinfie, unghia clay\argilla clayey\argilloso clean\forbire, lustrare, lindo cleaned\pulito cleaning\esrwrgazione cleanly\pulito cleanness\lindezza cleanse\forbire cleansing\lustrale clear\forbire, sereno, esente, distinto clear as daylight\chiaro come il sole clear away\rimuovere clear up\chiarire clearance\chiarificazione clearance sale\liquidazione cleared\sparecchiato cleared away\rimosso clearer\centesimo clearly\sereno cleats\fissato cleavability\viscosità cleavage\fenditura cleave\incollare clefts\fèndere clem\morire di fame clemency\indulgenza clerk\funzionario clever\lesto, sveglio, esperto, saggio, furbo, savio cleverly\saggio cleverness\saggezza cliche\stereotipo client\committente, compratore cliff\faraglione climacteric period\menopausa climactical\climàtico climate\clima climatic\climàtico climax\momento culminante climb\arrampicarsi, montare climber\alpinista climbing\arrampicarsi, alpinismo clime\località clinch\decidere clincher\brìscola clinching\decisivo clingy\affezionato clinic\clinica clinical\clinico clink\suonare clitoris\clitoride cloak room attendant\guardarobiera cloakroom\vestiario clock\orologio clod\zolla clogging\impedente clone\abbozzare, alterare clones\immagine close\argomentare, chiudere, ostruire closed\chiuso, bloccato closefisted\esoso closely\impermabile closeness\vicinità closes\chiudi closest\venturo closet\armadio closing\chiusa closing time\cessazione del lavoro closure\chiusa, ostruire clot\quagliarsi, cumulo cloth\stoffa, stoffa, ordito, vestire clothes\vestimento clothesline\corda per stendere la biancher clothespin\molletta clothing\vestimento clothing industry\abbigliamento clots\cumulo cloture\fermatura cloud\nube, nuvolo, ombrosità cloudburst\nubifragio clouded\annuvolato cloudily\nuvolo clouds\nuvole cloudy\nuvolo, annuvolato, torbido clouldless\sereno clout\lobo cloy\disgustare club\casino, bastonare, unione clumpy\globuloso clutch\frizione coach\autobus coagulate\quagliarsi coal\carbone coalition\coalizione coarse\zotico coast\costa coat\cappotto, pelle, strato coating\strato, strato cobat\combattimento cocaine\cocaina cock\rubinetto cocoa\cacao coconut\noce di cocco cocoon\bozzolo code\codice codliver oil\olio di fegato di merluzzo coffee\caffè coffee pot\bricco coffin\feretro coin\moneta, zecca coincidence\emergenza cold\raffreddore, raffreddore, frigido, aver freddo cold air\aria fredda coldhearted\insensibile colic\còlica collapse\crollare collar\bàvero colleague\collega collect\incassare, raccogliere, ritirare collectedly\rassegnato collection\incasso, collezkone collective\in comune college\collegio, collegio colleges\accademia colloidal\gelatinoso colonel\colonello colossal\gigantesco colossus\orco colour\tinta, colorazione colour blind\daltonico coloured\colorato colourful\colorato colourless\scolorato column\colonna, spaccature comb\pettinare, pettine combat\lottare combats\combattuto combine\unirsi, complesso industriale combustion\ustione come\venni come about\accadere, succedere come close\avvicinarse come closer\avvicinarse come out\andare a passeggio come to a halt\fermarsi come to mind\ricordare comedian\comico comedy\commèdia, commedia comes\venni comet\cometa comfort\consolazione comfortable\còmodo, accogliente comfortably\piacevolmente comforter\consolatore comforting\consolante comic\comico comical\comico comma\virgola command\comandare, comando, dominare commemorate\rimembrare commend\elogiare comment\commento commentary\relazione commenttre\comméttere commerce\commercio commission\commissione commit\comméttere commit oneself\sè commit suicide\uccidere commit to\obbligarsi common\sciolto, ordinario, comune commonalty\universalità commonly\frequente commonplace\luogo comune commotion\agitazione community\comunità compact\compatto compactly\compatto companionship\cooperativa company\ditta, comitiva, impresa, intraprendere companyof\comitiva comparable\comparàbile compare\paragonare comparison\confronto compartment\scompartimento compass\bùssola compassion\simpatia compatible\compatibile compensate\livellare, indennizzante compensation\compromesso, abbuono, indennizzo compete\concorrere competence\competenza competition\concorrenza competitive exam\esame competiton\concorso complain\lamentare, appesantire complainingly\querulo complaint\reclamazione, lamentela, reclamo complement\completamento complete\completare, esplodere, ultimare, finire, integrare completely\completamente completion\compimento complex\complesso complicated\intricato, largamente, complicato compliment\complimento, lisciatura component\componente composer\compositore composition\trattato composure\tranquillità comprehend\rinchiudere, comprendere, capire comprehension\comprensione comprehensive\scuola superiore compression\pressione compromise\compromesso compulsory\obbligatorio computable\computàbile computation\calcolo compute\calcolare computer\calcolatore conceal\nascosi, occultare conception\concezione concern\allarme, concèrnere concert\concerto conciliation\riconciliazione concise\breve conclude\finire conclusion\conclusione concrete\calcestruzzo condemn\condannare, maledire condition\condizione conditional\condizionale conditioned\condizionale condolence\condoglianze conducing\servente conduct\comportamento, esercitare conductor\bigliettaio cone\birillo, cartoccio confectionery shop\pasticceria conference\congresso confess\confessare, confessarsi confession\confessione confidence\fiducia, confidenza confidential\famigliare confirm\certificare confirmation\convalidazione confirmed\confermato confiscate\confiscare conflict\conflitto confornt\confrontare confront\contrastare confrontation\opposizione confuse\scambiare confusion\garbuglio, quiproquo, viluppo congelation\congelarsi congest\ostruire congestion\calca, afflusso di sangue congratulate\felicitarsi, congratularsi congratulations\felicitazione conical\cònico conifer\conifera conjugate\coniugare conjugation\coniugazione conjunction\congiunzione connect\copulare, attaccare, legare connection\congiuntura, coincidenza conquer\conquistare conquest\conquista conscience\coscienza conscientious\coscenzioso conscious\evoluto consecutive\consecutivo consent\consenso, concordare, assentire consequence\successione, consequenza conservative\conservativo consider\riflettere, considerare considerable\considerevole, rilevante, vistoso considerably\rilevante consideration\considerazione consignor\mittente consist\essere di consistency\coerenza consolation\consolazione console\consolare consort\circolare conspiracy\congiura constant\fermo constipation\occlusione constitute\formare constrictive\corto construction\edificazkone constructions\costruzioni constuct\fabbricare consul\console consulate\consolato, consulato consult\interrogare consulting service\consultazione consume\esaurire consumer\consumente, consumatore consummation\compimento consumption\consumo contact\congiuntura contagious\contagioso contain\comprèndere container\recipiente contamination\infezione contemplate\considerare contemplates\esaminato contemplation\considerazione contempt\vilipendi content\soddisfatto, contentezza contented\soddisfatto contentiously\accattabrighe contents\volume contest\contestare contiguous\limitrofo continent\continente, parte della terra contingency\eventualità contingently\eventuale continual\continuativo, permanente continually\continuamente continuation\continuazione continue\proseguire, continuare a fare continuous\incessante continuously\incessante contour\contorno contract\contratto contractor\imprenditore contradict\contraddire contrast\antagonismo contribute\concórrere contribution\quota contributions\contributi contrition\pentimento control\dominare, vigilare, controllo convalescence\convalescenza convenient\vantaggioso, utilitario convention\congresso conversation\conversazione, collòquio, discorso converses\parla convert\commutare converted\trasformato convex\inarcato convey\far noto conveyor\impianto di trasporto convicted\condannai convince\persuadere, persuadere convoy\convoglio cook\cuòcere, cuoco, cuoca cook book\libro delle ricette cooked\cotto cooker\focolaio cooking\bollore, cuòcere cool\fresco cool down\refrigerare cooperation\collaborazione cooperative\cooperativa coopertaion\collaborazione coping\cresta copious\opimo copper\rame copy\copia, copiare, copia coquettish\civettuolo, vano coral\corallo cord\cordicella, spago cordial\cordiale, succo, affettuoso cords\spaghi core\nucleare cork\tappare, sughero corkscrew\cavatappi corn\mirino, granturco corner\àngolo coronary\infarto corporeal\corporale corpse\salma correct\corretto, perfezionare, emendare, correggere correction\riforma, emendazione correspond\corrispóndere correspond to\corrispóndere correspondence\corrispondenza, corrispondenza corridor\corridoio corrosion\corrosione corrupt\corrotto corruption\favoritismo cosmetic\cosmetica cossack\cosacco cost\costare cost free\gratuito costly\caro, costoso costs\spese cosy\accogliente cotton\cotone cotton wool\ovatta couch\divano, sofà couchette\carrozza a cuccette cough\tossire council\consigliere councillor\consigliere counsel\consiglio counsellor\vademecum counted\contai counter\numeratore counter-attack\contrattacco counteragent\antidoto counterfeit\falsare counterfeiting\falsificante countermand\stornare country\terreno, campagna countryside\campagna county\provincia coup de pied\calcio couple\abbinare, paio courage\fibra course\quotazione, decorso, tratto, itinerario court\cortile, pietanza courteous\educato courts\giustizia courtyard\cortile cousin\cugina, cugino cover\copro, rivestimento, callotta, coprire covet\bramare cow\vaccino, vacca cowardliness\vigliaccheria crabbedness\uggia crack\sciogliere, crepatura, schiacciare crackdown\razzia cracked\fesso crackled\fesso crackup\fallimento cradle\culla crafted\fatto a mano craftiness\furberia craftsman\artéfice cramp\spasma crane\gru crasser\rozzissimo crater\cratère crave\intagliare craves\supplica crawler\rettile crayfish\aragosta, gambero, gambero di fiume, granchio crazy\pazzo creak\scricchiolare cream\crema, panna, panna creamery\vacceria create\produrre, produrre, abbordo, attìngere creation\cultura, nomina, creazione creator\fattore credit\avere, accreditare, credito creditor\creditore creep\strisciare crepitate\schiacciare crescent\mezza luna crest\pettine crew\frotta, equipaggio crime\crimine criminal\malfattore critical\crìtico criticism\crìtica croak\gracidare crockery\porcellana crocodile\coccodrillo crook\lestofante, pezzente crooked\storto crop\raccolto cross\incrociare, croce, attraversare, attraversare cross check\controprova crossing\crociata crossover\trasferimento crowd\calca, spingere, quantità crown\corona crucifix\crocifisso crude\grezzo cruel\crudele cruelty\efferatezza, maltrattamento cruise\crociera crunch\rosicchiare crush\tritare, quantità crusted\incallito crutch\gruccia cry\grido, gridare cube sugar\zucchero in zollette cubes\cubo cubicle\cella cucumber\cetriolo culinary\cuoco cultivate\allevare cultivates\coltivato cultivation\coltura cultural\culturale culture\civiltà cultured\colto cuneiform\cuneiforme cup\calice, tazza cupboard\armadio curable\curàbile cure\guarire curiosity\curiosità, curiosità curious\memorabile, curioso curl\riccio curler\bigodini currency reform\riforma monetaria current\corrente, attuale, forza, volgente, presente currently\oggigiorno curse\maledire curser\blasfemo cursor\lancetta curtain\cortina, sipario curve\curvatura cushion\smorzare, cuscino custom\usanza, usanza, uso customer\avventore customs\dogana customs clearance\operazioni doganali customs declaration\dichiarazione doganale customs duty\dogana customs inspection\controllo doganale customs office\ufficio doganale cut\tagliato, taglio, intaccatura, tagliare cutaneous\epidermide cutlery\posate cutlet\costoletta cutout\estirpare cuttlefish\calamaro cycle\circolazione, andare in bicicletta cyclist\ciclista cylinder\cilindro cypres\cipresso Dad\papà dad\papà Daddy\papà dagger\pugnale dahlia\dalia daily\quotidiano daintily\viziato dam\diga damage\difetto, lesione, ledere damaged\guasto damaging\lesivo damnably\abominabile damp\umido dance\ballare, pallone, ballo dance-hall\locale da ballo danced\ballai dancer\ballerino Dane\danese danger\pericolo dangerous\pericoloso dangerousness\pericolosità dangle\ciondolare dangling\penzolante daredevils\spavaldo dark\accigliato, ermetico, oscurità darken\oscurare darkness\oscurità, oscurità darling\prediletto dash\lineetta di sospensione dashboard\cruscottò dastard\codardo data\fatti date\data, dattero date of birth\data di nàscita dated\sorpassa daughter\figlia daughter-in-law\nuora daughters\figlie dawdle\gingillare dawn\crepùscolo, aurora, albeggiare, alba day\giorno day in day out\tutti i giorni day off\feria daydreamers\sognatore days\giorni daze\assordare dazzle\accecare dead\morto dead-end street\vicolo cieco dead body\salma dead man\morta deadlock\bloccaggio deaf\gòmena, sordo deaf-mute\sordomuto deafening\assordante deafness\sordità dear\caro dearth\difetto deatch\sciogliere death\morte debate\dibattito debilitation\indebolimento debris\ruderi debt\colpa debtor\debitore debunk\smascherare deburns\basette debutant\esordiente decade\decennio decant\travasare decanter\caraffa decapitation\decapitazione deceive\abbindolare decelerate\allentare December\dicembre decent\fecente, gentile decide\decìdersi, decìdere decimal\decimale decision\risoluzione, decisione, deliberazione decisive\decisivo deck chair\sedia a sdraio declaim\declamarg declaration of value\valore dichiarato declare\dichiarare, addaziare, estrinsecare decline\rifiutare decorate\adornare, guarnire decoration\onorificenza decrease\togliere, abbassarsi, diminuzione, abbassarsi decree\emanazione decuples\decuplicato deduct\falcidiare, conseguire deductible\esitabile deduction\remissione deed\documento deep\cupo deepest\profondissima deer\capriolo defaulters\debitore defaulting\moroso defeasibly\oppugnabile defeat\sconfitta, vincere defecation\evacuazione defect\avarìa defective\avarìa, guasto defence\difesa defend\difèndere deficiency\mancare deficient\difettivo deficit\deficit, deficit definitely\fisso deflection\aberrazione defraud\abbindolare defrayal\pagamento defy\sfidare degrade\degradare degree\grado, licensa dehumidifies\asciuga dehydrate\essiccare delay\tardare, spostare, ritardo, ritardo delayed\rallentato delete\estinguere, verniciare deliberate\riflettere, voluto deliberately\apposta delibrate\consigliare delicacy\attenzione delicate\esile, elegante delicateness\delicatezza delicatessen shop\macelleria delicious\squisito deliciously\squisito delight\uzzolo delighted\lieto, allietare, lietissimo delightful\incantevole, delizioso delineate\abbozzare delinquencies\trascorrere delinquency\criminalità deliquesces\si scioglie delirium\delirio deliver\estradare, fornire delivery\estradizione, fornitura, parto deluge\dilagare, dilagare delve\indagare demand\richiesta, esìgere, richiesta democracy\democrazia democrat\democratico demolishing\distruttivo demon\demonio demonstrate\provare, presentare demonstration\presentazione demonstrator\dimostrante demoralize\scoraggiare Denmark\Dinamarca denominators\denominatore denouncers\accusatore dense\impermabile dental\dentistico dentist\odontoiatra dentistry\odontoiatria denunciation\denuncia deny\negare, abnegare department\compartimento, area department store\emporio departure\dipartita, espatrio, partenza depend\dipèndere dependence\dipendenza dependent\dipendente depilate\depilare deplore\lamentare deposed\decadere deposit\pagare, depositare, incluso deprecation\disapprovazione deprecatory\contrario depreciate\copiare, degradare depreciating\degradante depreciation\deprezzamento depredators\saccheggiatore depress\angustiare depresses\angustiato depressing\angustiante depressingly\pietoso depressiveness\abbattimento deprivation\perdita, rapina deprive\sottrarre deprives\derubato depth\fondo deputize\creare deputized\nominato deputizing\nominante derail\deragliare derailment\deviamento derange\frastornare deranged\disturbato derangement\disturbo deranges\disturba derate\degradare deride\canzonare derider\beffatore derision\scherno derisive\beffardo derisiveness\beffa derivation\derivazione derivative\funzione, derivazione derive\derivare, derivazione dermis\epidermide derrick\albero di carico derriere\natica descandent\discendente descend\discéndere descend from\venire descendant\discendente, discendente descendants\seguire descended\discéndere descreet\decente describe\descrivere, dipìngere describing\descrivente description\descrizione desecration\violazione desert\deserto desertion\diserzione, lasciare deserve\guadagnare deserves\guadagna desiccate\disseccare desiderata\difettare desideratum\difetto design\progetto, disegno, abbozzare, progettazione designable\eseguìbile designate\fissare designating\qualificazione designation\traguardo designed\progettato desire\desiderare, esìgere, bramare, voto desired\desiderato, desiderai, desiderato desires\desidera, desiderato desirous\ansioso desirously\ansioso desistance\spazio desk\scrivania deskill\semplificare desolate\desolare desolateness\devastazione desolates\desolato desolation\devastazione despair\disperare, disperazione despairs\disperato despatched\mandai despatcher\mittente despatches\manda desperate\disperato despise\disprezzare despiser\spregiatore despises\disprezzato despite\vilipendi, nonostante despoil\saccheggiare despoiler\saccheggiatore despoiling\saccheggiante despond\abbattersi desponded\disperato despondency\scoraggiamento despondent\scoraggiato dessert\dessert dessing gown\accappatoio destination\assegnazione, destinazione destination of the journey\meta del viaggio destine\fissare destines\fisso destining\determinativo destiny\destino destitution\povertà destroy\anniento, distrùggere destroyer\torpediniere destroying\distruttivo destruction\devastazione, distruzione, annientamento destructs\distrutto detach\sciogliere detached\rilevato detachment\compartimento detail\dettaglio detail work\lavoro minuzioso detailed\singole, per esteso detain\impedire detainee\detenuto detainment\detenzione detect\accertare, riconoscere, scoprire detection\scoperta detector\raddrizzatore detects\scoperto detent\blocco detente\rilassamento detention\arresto, detenzione deteriorate\peggiorare determinant\determinativo determinate\fisso determinateness\determinatezza determination\deliberazione, risoluzione, determinatezza determine\decidere, fissare, decìdere determined\fisso, deciso determining\ultimazione deterministic\deciso detest\odio, avere in orrore detestable\abominabile detestableness\esecrabilità detestation\abominio detests\detestato dethrone\detronizzare detonate\battere detonation\detonazione detour\deviazione, allugare la strada detoxicate\disintossicare detract\sottrarre detraction\detrazione detractive\degradante detractor\calunniatore detriment\difetto detrimental\dannoso detriments\svantaggi detrital\macerie detritus\pietrisco deuce\diàvolo deuced\maledetto deucedly\estremo deuces\diàvolo devastate\desolare devastates\desolato devastating\distruttivo, disatroso devastation\devastazione develop\sviluppare development\evoluzione, origine develops\evoluto develpo\sviluppare deviant\aberrazione deviate\declinare deviation\aberrazione device\meccanismo, apparecchio, elemento devices\valutario devil\diàvolo devilish\diabolico devilishly\maledetto devilry\diavoleria devils\diàvolo devious\errato deviser\fabbricatore devitalize\estenuare devoid\vuoto devolve\cèdere, cèdere devolvement\voltura, voltura devote\cedere devoted\devoto devotedness\dedizione devotee\nudista devotion\devozione, meditazione devour\divorare devourer\mangione dew\gòmena, rugiada dewily\umido dexterous\lesto, sveglio diagnose\diàgnosi diagnosis\diàgnosi diagram\schema, progetto, tabella dial\quadrante, numero, eleggere dialect\dialetto dialects\dialetti dialed\scelto dialer\elettorato dialog\dialogo dialogs\dialoghi dialogue\dialogo diameter\diàmetro diamond\diamante diamond-shaped\ruta diamonds\diamanti diaper\fascia diaphanous\vaporoso, permeabile diaphragm\membrana diaphragmatic\vaporoso diarrhea\diarrea diarrhoea\diarrea diary\diario, taccuino dice\cubo dice box\bòssolo dicey\rischioso dicks\ficcanaso dicky\acciaccoso dictate\dettare dictation\dettato, dettare dictionary\lessico, elenco, dizionario diddler\abbindolatore die\estinguersi died\morii dies\muore diesease\malattia diesel engine\motore diesel diesel fuel\carburante diesel diet\dieta dietetics\dietètica differ\declinare, distinquere differ from\declinare difference\differenza difference of opinion\dissenso differences\differenze different\differente, in altro modo differently minded\dissidente differentness\varietà difficult\pesante difficult to understand\ermetico difficulties\difficoltà difficulty\difficoltà diffident\timido diffract\piegare diffraction\flessione diffractive\piegante diffusely\verboso diffuses\sparge diffusiveness\diffusione dig up\disotterrare digest\digerire digestible\benefico digestive\eupeptico diggers\tombe digit\ente, cifra dignified\puro dignifiedly\meritevole dignify\onorare dignifying\onorifico dignity\decoro, elevatezza dike\argine dikes\argini dilapidate\rovinare dilapidated\pericolante dilapidation\decadenza dilatable\espansivo dilatation\dilatazione dilate\ampliare dilates\allargato dilation\estensione diligent\diligente dilute\annacquare dilutes\diluito diluvian\diluvio dim\semibuio, torbida, appannato dimensioning\dilatazione diminish\rimpicciolire, diminuire diminishing\diminutivo diminutive\piccolo diminutively\minuscolo diminutiveness\piccolezza dimly\torbida dimple\arricciare dimwitted\imbecille din\rimbombare diner\vagone ristorante dinghy\canotto pneumatico dining room\cenàcolo, stanza da pranzo dinky\bellino dinner\pranzo, desinare dint\ammaccatura diode\diodo dip\salsa diploma\testimonianza diplomacy\diplomazia diplomat\diplomatico diplomatic\diplomatico dippy\storto direct\dirigere, regolare direct current\corrente continua direct hit\colpo in pieno directed\aggiustato direction\direzione, guida directive\vaglia director\direttore, regista directory\annuario, elenco directs\dirige dirge\nenia dirigible\dirigìbile dirk\pugnale dirt\sudiciume, lordura dirtiness\lordura, porcheria dirty\imbrattare, insudiciare, fangoso disabled\inabile al lavoro disabuse\chiarire disaccord\contrarietà disadvantage\pregiudizio disadvantageous\svantaggioso disadvantages\difetto disaffected\malcontento disaffirmation\rifiuto disagreeability\guaio disagreeable\dispiacévole disagreeableness\guaio disagreement\questione, discrepanza, disaccordo disallow\rifiutare disappear\scomparire, andar perduto disappoint\deludere disappointment\disillusione disapprobation\disapprovazione disapproval\disapprovazione, dispiacere disapprove\disapprovare disapproving\disapprovante disarm\disarmare disarmament\disarmo disarment\disarmo disarrange\disordinare disassemble\scomporre disassembles\scomposto disassembly\smontaggio disassociates\separa disaster\guaio, malanno disastrous\catastrofale disband\decomporre disbanding\dissolvente disbandment\dissoluzione disbelief\miscredenza disbelieve\mettere in dubbio disburden\sgravare disburdening\sgravante disburse\liquidare disbursement\emissione disburses\pagato disc\lastra, fetta disc brake\freno a disco discard\deporre discern\distinquere, riconoscere discerningly\crìtico discharge\assòlvere, licenziato, scaricare disciple\più giovane disciplinarian\superiore discipline\disciplina disclose\svelare, scoperchiare, far noto disclosing\svelante disclosure\notifica, rivelazione discombobulate\disordinare discombobulated\astruso discomfit\vincere discommode\molestare discommodes\molestato discommoding\molestante discompose\agitare discomposure\eccitazione disconcertedness\imbarazzo disconcerting\spiacevole disconnected\separai disconnectedly\separato disconnectedness\separazione disconnection\separazione disconnects\separa disconsolate\sconsolato discontent\malcontento discontinuity\interruzione discontinuous\interrotto discord\disaccordo discordance\dissonanza discordancy\disaccordo discount\sconto discourage\scoraggiare discouraging\scoraggiante discover\scoperchiare, scoprire discoverable\accertabile discoverer\scopritore discoverers\scopritore discovers\scoperto discovery\scoperta discreditable\disonorevole discreditably\disonorevole discreet\decente, riservato discrepancy\discrepanza discrete\separato, separato, singolo discretion\tatto, discrezione discretionary\elasticità di azione discursiveness\volubilità discus\disco discuss\trattare, discùtere discussible\opinabile discussion\conferenza disdain\disprezzare, trascurare disdainful\sprezzante disdains\disprezza, disprezzato disease\malattia diseased\egro disembark\toccare terra disembarkment\approdo disencumber\sgravare disencumbering\sgravante disestablishment\separazione disfavor\disapprovare disfavoring\disapprovante disfavour\disapprovare disfiguration\sfigurazione disfigure\deformare disfigurement\sfigurazione disfiguring\sfigurante disgracefulness\disonore disgruntles\stizzato disguise\travestire disgust\disgustare, nauseare, indignare disgusting\fetente disgusts\indignato dish\scodella, pietanza disharmonious\disarmònico dishearten\scoraggiare disheartened\scoraggiato dishes\tribunali dishevelment\garbuglio dishonest\disonesto dishonesty\disonestà dishonors\disonorato dishwasher\lavastoviglie dishwater\lavatura disinclination\avversione disinclined\contrario disinfection\desinfezione disingenuous\insincero disinherit\diseredare disintegrate\decomporre, sfasciarsi disintegrates\decomposto disintegration\decomposizione disinter\esumare disjoin\separare disjoined\separato disjoins\separa disjoint\scomporre disjoints\scomposto disk\fetta disk brake\freno a disco dislikable\ripugnante dislike\avversione dislocate\lussare dislodges\distante dislodging\allontanante disloyal\infedele dismal\spaventoso, abominevole, orrendo, fosco dismantle\smontare dismantlement\smontaggio dismay\costernazione dismayed\costernato dismember\scomporre dismiss\licenziato, licenziare, esonerare dismissal\disdetta, dimissione disobedience\disubbidienza disobedient\disubbidienza disobey\disubbidire, trascurare disorder\disordine disorderliness\disordine disorderly\non regolato disoriented\labile disparaging\sprezzante disparity\varietà dispassion\realità dispassionateness\tranquillità dispatch of goods\gestione merci dispel\esiliare dispelled\cacciare dispensable\dispensabile dispensaries\farmacie dispense\distribuire dispenses\distribuito dispersal\distrazione dispersiveness\diffusione dispirit\scoraggiare dispirited\scoraggiato dispiritedness\scoraggiamento dispise\disprezzare displacement\spazio display\vetrina, veduta, esposizione, denuncia, emersione displays\presenta displease\dispiacere displeasing\dispiacévole disposable\disponìbile disposal\disposizione dispose\ordinare, provocare, evàdere, ordinare, disporre dispossess\espropriare disprovable\confutabile disprove\confutare disproves\confutato disputatious\litigigioso disputatiously\accattabrighe dispute\dìsputa, questione disquiet\inquietare disquieting\inquietante disquietude\inquietudine disquisition\dissertazione disregard\trascurare disrepair\decadenza disreputableness\vigliaccheria disrepute\disonore disrupt\separare disrupting\lacerante disruption\disfacimento disruptiveness\decomposizione dissatisfied\malcontento dissatisfy\dispiacere dissemble\nascosi dissembler\ipocrita disseminate\spargere disseminates\sparge dissension\dissenso disservice\difetto, dissenso dissimulation\occultamento dissipated\libertino dissociate\separare dissociated\separai dissociates\separa dissociation\escrezione dissoluble\dissolùbile dissolute\licenzioso dissoluteness\licenziosità dissolution\dissoluzione dissolvable\dissolùbile dissolve\decomporre dissolving\dissolvente dissonance\dissonanza dissuade\dissuadere dissuasion\dissuadere distaction\diversione distance\spazio, ablazione distances\spazi distant\distante, vasto distantness\vastità distaste\disgusto distasteful\laido distend\stendere distensibility\duttilità distensible\espansivo distill\distillare distinction\distinzione distinctly\differente distinguish\mettere in evidenza, distinquere distinguishable\distinguìbile distinguished\esimio, differenza distinguishing mark\attributo distortion\deformazione, storcimento distract\distrarre, disordinare distracted\sconvolto distractibility\distrazione distraction\diversione distrain\pignorare distrained\pignorato distraint\pignoramento distraught\perplesso, costernato distress\paura, infestare, afflìggere, penuria distressed\tormentò distributable\erogabile distribute\spartire, distribuire distributing\erogazione distribution\erogazione district\provincia, distretto, circondario distrust\diffidenza distrustfulness\ombrosità disturb\frastornare disturbs\disturba divan\divano dive\mi tuffo dived\mi tuffai diver\sommozzatore diversely\differente diversion\diversione, deviazione divest\denudare divide\spartire, dividere divided\divisi divine\divino divisible\divisìbile division\compartimento, divisione divorce\divorzio divorced\divorziato dizziness\capogiro do\fare do without\privo doc\dottore docile\arrendevole docks\impianti portuali doctor\dottore, medico doctrine\istruzione document\documento, documento, atto documentary\documentato documents\documenti dodder\tremare does\fà dog\cane dogs\cani doldrums\ristagno doll\bambola dolor\tormento dolphin\delfino dome\cupola domestic\nazionale domestic help\donna delle pulizie domestically\domèstico dominate\dominare dominion\egemonia donate\regalare donation\erogazione, donazione donkey\àsino door\porta dose\dose dot\punto dots\punti double\doppio, sosia, duplicare double bed\letto a due piazze double room\càmera doppia doubt\mettere in dubbio, dubitare, dubbio doubtfully\dubbioso doubts\dubbio dough\pasta dove\piccione down\abbasso, abbasso, abbasso, a basso downfall\decadenza, naufragio downwards\abbasso doze\dormicchiare dozen\dozzina draft\lettera di cambio draftsman\disegnatore drag\trascinare drag along\entusiasmare dragon\drago drama\dramma dramatic\drammàtico draught\sasso draw\disegnare, attìngere drawback\pregiudizio drawer\espositore, cassetto drawing\disegno drawing-pin\cìmice dreadful\atroce dream\sognare, sogno dreams\sogna dreary\abominevole, orrendo, spaventoso dress\vestito, vestire, sè, abbigliare dressing\fasciatura dressing gown\veste da camera dressmaker\sarto dribble\sbavare drift\abortire drill\forare drink\bevanda, bere drinker\bevitore drinking\edule, bere, bevibile drive\volare, andara, spingere, giro drive away\cacciare driver\mandriano, guidatore drivers\guidatore driving\andara driving licence\patente di guida drizzle\pioggerella, piovigginare drop\goccia, depressione drought\siccità drown\affogare drowsy\assonnato drum\tamburo drummers\tamburino drunk\ebbro drunkard\ubriacone drunken\ebbro drunkenness\ebbrezza dry\asciutto, asciugare, asciugare, secco duchess\duchessa, duca duck\ànatra dud\proiettile inesploso due\scaduto, tassa duke\duca, duchessa dull\appannato, insipido dune\duna duplicate\ciclostilare duplicator\autogràfico durable\fermo, durevole duration\durata during\durante dust\polvere dustbin\secchio delle immondizie dustcloud\nembo di ponvere Dutchman\olandese, Olandese duteous\conscio del proprio dovere duty\dogana duty-free\esente da dazio dwarf\nano dying\morente dynamism\energia dynamite\dinamite each\ogni, qualunque, ogni each one\ogni eager\ansioso, zelante eagle\aquila, àquila ear\orecchio ear specialist\otoiatra eardrum\timpano earlier\ancor prima earn\guadagnare earnest\serio, grave earnings\guadagno, guadagno earring\orecchino ears\orecchie earth\mondo, terra earthquake\terremoto earths\portare a terra easier\più leggero easily\poco pesante east\est East\est Easter\pasqua eastern\orientale easy\semplice, poco pesante eat\mangiare eatable\edule ebb\bassa eccentricity\eccentricità echo\eco eclipse\oscurità eclipse of the sun\eclissi solare ecology\tutela delle bellezze naturali economic situation\congiuntura economical\econòmico economy\industria e commercio edge\lembo, spigolo, àngolo edgy\emozionato, nervoso edifice\edifizio edifies\edificato edifyingly\edificante edition\imposta, emissione editor\editore editorial\editoriale, redazione editorials\editoriale educate\educare, educare, formare, istruire education\creanza, cultura, educazione effect\effetto effective\veramente effectuating\cagionante efficiency\economicità, efficienza efficient\valente effort\fatica, fatica egalitarianism\istruzione egg\uovo eggs\uova Egypt\Egitto eight\otto eighteen\diciotto eighty\ottanta either\o ejaculation\eiaculazione ejaculatory\espulskvo eject\espellere elaborate\elaborare elaboration\elaborazione elapse\decorrere elastic\elàstico elation\ilarità elbow\gomito elec\elèttrico elected\scelto election\elezione electric\elèttrico electric circuit\circùito electrical\elèttrico electrician\elettricismo electricity\elettricità electrocardiogram\elettrocarfiogramma electrolytically\elettrolitico electron\elettrone electron tube\valvola elettronica electronics\elettronica electrostatics\elettrostatica elects\sceglie elegance\eleganza elegancy\bellezza elegant\elegante elegantly\elegante element\elemento element group\gruppo elemental\elementare, natura secondo elementariness\semplicità elementary school\scuola elementare elements\elementi elephant\elefante elevate\mettere in evidenza elevator\ascensore, elevatore eleven\undici eleventh\undecimo elfin\elfo eligible\appropriato eliminate\eliminare eliminating\eliminare elimination\eliminazione eliminative\allontanante elk\alce ell\ulna ellipse\ellisse ellipsis\ellittico elm\olmo elongate\stendere, longitudinale elongation\allungamento elope\sfuggire elopement\evasione eloquence\eloquenza eloquent\facondo else\se no, in altro modo, in caso contrario elsewhere\in qualche altro posto, altrove elucidate\commentare elude\schivare eluding\evasivo elusion\sotterfugio elusive\ingannevole elysian\celestiale emaciated\emaciato emanate\emanare emancipation\emancipazione emancipator\liberatore emasculate\evirare emasculation\evirazione embarasses\umiliato embarassing\spiacevole embargo on imports\embargo embark\imbarcare embarkation\imbarco embarkment\imbarco embarrassment\imbarazzo embassy\messaggio, ambasciata embattle\allineare embellish\abbellire embellishment\abbellimento embezzlement\vuoto di cassa embitterment\esacerbazione emblazon\adornare emblazonment\gioielli emblazonments\gioielli emblem\emblema, stemma embodiment\presentazione embolden\incoraggiare embolism\embolia emboss\coniare embrace\abbracciare embracement\abbracciamento embroil\complicare embryo\embrione embryologic\embrionale embryological\embrionale emend\emendare, correggere, perfezionare emerald\smeraldo emerge\apparire, emersione, venni, esibirsi, emersione emergence\fenomeno emergency brake\freno di emergenza emergency exit\uscita di sicurezza emersion\emersione emetic\vomitatorio emigrant\emigrante emigrate\espatriare emigration\emigrazione eminent\esimio emission\emanazione emit\emettere, mando emitter\trasmettitore emotion\commozione emotional\sensitivo emperor\imperatore emphasize\sottolineare, mettere in evidenza, accentuare emphasized\allargato emphasizes\accentato emphatic\esplicito empire\ricco, impero empiric\empirico empirical\empirico empiricist\empirico emplacement\posizione emplastic\glùtine employ\occupare employee\impiegata, collaboratore, impiegato employer\ditta, datore di lavoro, capo employmen\occupazione employment\ente, funzione emporium\emporio empower\autorizzare empress\imperatrice emptily\vuotaggine emptiness\vuotaggine empty\vuotare, vuoto, evacuare empyreal\celestiale emulate\emulare emulates\gareggiare, emulare emulation\emulazione, emulazione emulative\zelante emulsion\emulsione enable\accèndere, possibilitare, rilasciare, permettere enabling\rilascio enact\decretare enactment\ordinanza enamel\verniciare enamel varnish\vernice enchant\incantare enchanter\mago enchanting\dilettevole, incantevole enchantingly\incantevole enchantress\maga enchase\spingere encircle\circondare encirclement\accerchiamento encircling\circondante enclose\allegare, accludere, circondare, rinchiudere enclosed\accluso enclosure\allegato, supplemento encompass\circondare encore\giunta encounter\incontro, incontrare encountered\incontro encounters\incontrato encourage\incoraggiare, promuovere encroach\abusare encroachment\intervento encrypted\latente encryption\nascondere encumber\gravare encumbered\oberato encumberingly\molestante encumbers\oberato encumbrance\aggravio encyclopaedia\enciclopedia, enciclopedia encyclopedically\enciclopedico end\al punto più estremo, chiusa, traguardo, finire end of work\cessazione del lavoro endanger\mettere in pericolo endangerment\pericolo endangerments\rischi endangers\in pericolo endearment\affettuosità endeavor\incomodare endeavors\incomodato endeavour\fatica endeavours\incomodato ending\ultimazione endless\illimitato endocrine\endocrino endogenous\endogeno endorsement\aggiunta, notabene endowment\erezione, donazione endpoint\punto finale endurable\sopportabile endurance\indulgenza, perseveranza endures\sopporta enduring\restante enduringness\perseveranza enema\enterocnisma energetic\energico energize\accèndere energy\energia enervation\debolezza enervations\indebolire enfeeble\estenuare enfeeblement\estenuazione enfold\abbracciare enforce\estorsi enforcement\costrizione enfranchise\esimere enfranchises\liberato enfranchising\liberante engage\noleggiare, obbligarsi, obbligare engaged\occupato engagement book\taccuino engages\obbligato engaging\impegnativo engenders\generato engine\locomotiva, ordigno, motore, gruppo motore engine fitter\fabbro meccanico engineer\ingengnere, ingegnere engineman\macchinista England\Inghilterra English\inglese engorge\ostruire engorgement\occlusione engorges\costipato engrained\incallito engross\confiscare engrossing\emozionante engrossingly\avvincente engulf\affondare enhanced\ingrandito enhancement\aumento enigmatic\enigmistico enjoy oneself\divertirsi enjoyable\edule, placevole, letificante enjoyment\voluttà enjoys\godi enlarge\ampliare, ingrandire enlargement\ingrandimento enlarges\allargato, ingrandito enlist\far partecipare enlisting\cooperante enlists\partecipato enlivening\vivificatore enlivenment\ravvivamento enmity\inimicizia ennoble\nobilitare, raffinare ennoblement\elevamento ennobles\raffinato ennui\uggia enormity\enormità enormous\gigantesco, poderoso, esorbitanve enormously\esorbitanve enough\abbastanza enquiry\inchiesta, informazione, richiesta enrich\arricchire enrol\immatricolare enroll\mettere a libro enrollment\registrazione enrols\obbligarsi ensconce\nascondere ensconces\latente enshrinement\venerazione enshrines\venerato enshroud\avvòlgere enslave\soggiogare ensue\conseguire ensuing\seguente ensure\garantire entanglement\viluppo enter\somministrare, penetrare, registrazione, petizione enterprise\intraprendere, operazione entertain\mantenere, distrarre entertaining\divertente entertainment\spasso, conversazione, divertimento enthrall\incantare enthuses\entusiasmato enthusiasm\entusiasmo enthusiast\entusiasta enthusiastic\entusiasmato entire\globale entirely\completamente entity\essenza, esistenza entlarge\espandere entombment\funerale entrails\frattaglie entrance\entrata, ingresso, entrata entrant\partecipante entrepreneur\imprenditore entrie\principio entrust\confidare entry\entrare, ingresso, accessione, petizione, entrata enumerate\numerare enumerated\enumerato enumeration\enumerazione envelop\avvòlgere, infagottare envelope\involucro, compressa, velare envelopes\evoluto envier\invidiatore enviers\invidiatore envious\invidioso enviousness\invidia environ\circondare environment\dintorni environs\dintorni envy\invidiare, invidia enzyme\enzima ephemeral\volatile ephemerally\fuggitiva epic\epopea, epico epic poem\epopea epicure\vitaiolo epicures\vitaiolo epidemic\epidemìa, lue epidemic plague\lue epidemic typhus\febbre petecchiale epidermis\epidermide, epidèrmide epigrammatic\epigrammatico epileptically\epiettico epilog\epilogo epilogue\epilogo episcopal\episcopale episode\episodio epitaph\epivaffio epitome\compendio epoch\epoca epoch making\precursore equability\simmetria equable\proporzionato, uniforme equal\pari equality\uquaglianza equalization\eguagliamento equalize\eguagliare equanimity\equanimità equate\equiparare equated\equiparato equation\equazione, compromesso equatorial\equatoriale equestrian\cavalcatore equidistance\ablazione equilateral\equilatero equilibrate\equilibrare equilibration\equilibrio equilibrium\equilibrio equine\equino equinox\equinozio equip\equipaggiare, corredare equipage\equipaggio equipment\fornitura, equipaggio equitable\equanime equity\giustizia equivalence\equivalenza equivalent\equivalente equivalently\equivalente equivocal\ambiguo, ambìguo equivocally\ambìguo equivocalness\equivoco era\era, epoca eradication\estirpazione erasable\estinguibile erase\estinguere, verniciare erased\spento eraser\grattino ere\prima che erect\rizzare, ergere erection\montaggio erectly\rizzato erector\costruttore erosion\erosione erotic\erotico erotically\erotico err\fallare errantry\vagolare errata\errore di stampa erratum\errore di stampa erring\errante erroneous\erroneo, difettoso error\vizio, errore error in reasoning\errore di ragionamento error of justice\errore giudiziario errors\errori eructate\eruttare erudite\erudito eruption\esplosione escalator\scala mobile escapade\scappatella escape\evasione, evadere, sfuggire escapee\profugo escapement\impedimento eschew\temere escort\seguito, scorta escorts\accompagnato esentially\importante Eskimo\eschimese esophagus\esòfago especially\extra, principalmente, sopratutto espionage\spionaggio espousal\entrare espouse\fiancheggiare esprit\mente esquire\vossignoria essay\trattato, dissertazione, esperimento essayist\autore essence\essenza essential\essenziale, importante, necessario establish\fissare, fondare established\introdotto, dimostrato establishes\ergere establishment\stabilimento, organizzazione estate\fattoria estate car\vettura familiare esteem\stima, attenzione esteems\stima ester\estere esthetic\estetico estimate\valutazione, valutare, fabbisogno, valutare estimated\stimai estimates\stima estimating\calcolo estimation\estimo estrange\alienare eternal\eterno eternalize\eternare eternalizes\eternato eternally\in eterno, eterno eternity\eternità ether\ètere ethereal\etereo ethers\ètere ethic\etico ethical\etico ethics\etica, etica ethnic\etnico ethnology\etnologia ethos\atmosfera ethyl\etile etymology\etimologia eulogist\encomiatore eulogistic\lodativo eulogize\esaltare eunuch\eunuco, castrato euphemism\eufemismo euphonious\armonioso euphony\eufonia euphoria\euforia euphoric\euforico Europe\Europa European\europeo euthanasia\eutanasia evacuate\vuotare, rimuovere, lasciare evadable\evitabile evade\schivare evader\fuggitivo evangelic\evangelico evaporate\vaporare evaporated milk\latte condensato evaporation\vaporizzazione, esalazione evaporator\vaporizzatore evasion\elusione evasive\evasivo eve\vigilia even\anzi, perfino, personalmente, una volta, pari even with\pari evened\equilibrato evenness\ugualità event\manifestazione eventide\vecchiaia events\avvenimenti eventual\alla fine eventuality\eventualità eventually\eventuale eventuate\entrare eventuation\entrare ever\a secondo ever since\da allora evergreen\sempreverde everlasting\eterno, incessante, durabile evermore\continuamente every\ogni, ogni, qualunque, tutti every one\qualunque every time\ogni volta everyone\ognuno, qualunque everything\tutto, ogni cosa everywhere\dappertutto evidence\dimostrazione, prova evidencing\provante evident\plausibile evil\cattivo evil minded\mal disposto evildoer\malfattore evils\peccati evinces\affermato evolution\evoluzione evolve\sviluppare evolvement\esplicazione exacerbates\accanito exacerbation\animosità exact\minuzioso exacting\esigente exactingly\esigente exactingness\puntualità exaction\fregagione exactly\pari, giustamente, giusto, minuzioso exactness\fedeltà exaggerate\esagerare exaggerated\esagerai exaggeratedly\eccessivo exaggeratedness\eccessività exaggerates\esagera exaggerating\esagerativo exaggeration\esagerazione exalt\glorificare exaltation\elevamento exam\esame examination\esame, esami examiner\esaminatore examines\esamina example\esempio, modello examples\esempi exasperation\animosità excavate\disotterrare excavation\escavazione excavator\cava fango exceed\eccedere, eccedere, oltrepassare, oltrepassare exceedable\oltrepassabile, oltrepassabile exceeding\insolito exceedingly\oltremodo excel\superare, superare excellent\esimio, grandioso, eccellentissimo excepted\eccetto exception\eccezionale exceptional\eccezionale exceptionally\in via eccezionale exceptions\eccezzioni excerpt\compendio excess\eccedenza, eccedenza excessive\esuberante, esuberante, libertino excessively\oltremodo exchange\scambio, scambiare, cambio exchequer\forziere excise\daziare excitable\irritabile excitation\eccitamento, eccitazione excite\agitare excited\accalorato excitement\eccitazione exciter\eccitatore excites\emozionato exciting\vomico, emozionante exclaim\esclamare exclamation\esclamazione exclamation mark\esclamativo exclude\escludere excluding\esclusivo exclusion\estromissione exclusive\esclusivamente, esclusivo exclusive rights\esclusività di spaccio exclusively\soltanto excptional\eccezzionale excrement\eliminazione excruciation\tormento excursion\escursione excusable\veniale excuse\scusa, scusare, scusa excuse me\scusa, permesso, scusatemi excusing\scusante execute\fare executing\realizzazione execution\realizzazione execution of sentence\esecuzione della pena executioner\giustiziere executioners\giustiziere executive\esecutivo, esercente executor\esecutore testamentario exemplification\definizione exemplify\commentare exempt from punishment\impune exeption\eccezionale exercise\uso, esercitare, esercitare exercise book\fascìcolo exercised\esercitato exert\adoperare exerts\aspira exess pressure\sovrapressione exhale\esalare exhaust\scappamento, ottundere exhaust pipe\scappamento exhausted\stanco exhaustive\per esteso exhibit\espongo exhibition\messa, esposizione exhibitor\espositore exhumation\esumazione exiguity\urgenza exil\esilio exile\esule exist\esistere, esistenza, stare, esistere, esistere existance\esistenza existence\esistenza, esistenza exit\esito, esito exonerate\sgravare exorbitant\esuberante, esuberante exorcists\esorcista exotic\esotico expand\ampliare, stendere, espandere expanded\allargato expanding\estensivo expanse\superficie expansion\estensione expect\attendere, fare i conti expectation\attesa expection\attesa, visuale expedience\opportunità expediency\opportunità expedient\opportuno, utile expedite\promuovere, effettuare expedition\spedizione expel\espulso expenditure\dispendio, costare expends\consumato expenpiture\dispendio expense\emissione, dispendio, spese, spese expenses\spese, costare expensive\caro, costoso experience\esperienza expert\esperto, apprèndere, specialista, esperto expertly\pratico expiation\espiatorio expiration\decadenza, decorso expire\decorrere, decadere expired\scaduto expiry\decorso explain\esporre, dichiarare, commentare explaining\espositivo explanation\definizione, interpretazione, spiegazione explanatory\esplicativo explicable\esplicabile explication\definizione explicit\esplicito, distinto explicitely\per esteso explode\esplòdere exploit\utilizzare exploration\esplorazione explore\esplorare, esplorare explorer\scienziato explosion\esplosione exponent\rappresentante, esponente export\effettuare, esportazione, esportare, esporto exporter\esportatore expose\esporre, scoperchiare, espone exposed\scoperto exposure meter\esposìmetro express\direttìssimo express letter\lettera urgente express train\direttìssimo expression\espressione expressive\espressivo expropriate\espropriare expropriation\espropriazione extend\allungare, ampliare, estendersi extension\dilatazione, estensione extensive\sostanzioso, vasto extent\volume, dilatazione extenuate\annacquare exterior\esterno exterminate\estirpare external\estrinseco extinction\estinguere extinguish\cancellare, estinguere, spengere extra\extra extract\compendio, estrassi, estrarre extraction\estrazione del carbone extraordinary\insolito, eccezionale extremely\estremamente, assai, molto eye\occhio eyes\oculare fabric\ordito fabulous\fantastico face\viso, contrastare fact\realtà factors\fattori factory\ditta, fabbrica fail\mancare, arrenare, andare fallito, abortire failure\colpo fallito, fallimentare, fiasco faint\deliquio faintness\malessere, debolezza fair\fecente, esposizione, biondo, messa fairy\fata faith\fede faithful\fido fakir\fachiro fall\caduta, abbassarsi, depressione, autunno fall asleep\prender sonno fall ill\ammalarsi fallen\decadere fallibly\fallibile false\fasullo, imitato falsity\errore fame\vanto familiar\fida families\familiare family\famiglia famine\fame famishes\morto di fame famous\famoso, famoso fan\ventilatore, scompartimenti, ammiratore fanatic\fanatico fanaticism\fanatismo fancier\dilettante fanfaronade\fanfaronata fanning\sventolante fantasises\fantasticato fantastic\frenetico, fantastico far\vasto farce\tiro fare\tariffa farewell\separazione, addio farm\fattoria farmer\agricoltore, contadina, contadino farmhouse\masseria fascinating\emozionante fascism\fascismo fascist\fascista fashion\moda fast\presto, quadragesimale fasten\bendare, legare saldamente, legamento, consolidare fat\grassello, grosso fatal\letale fatalist\fatalista fate\destino father\padre, babbo fatility\destino fatless\scremato fatty\untuoso fault\disturbo faultless\corretto, senza errori faults\vizio faulty\avarìa fauna\fauna favour\favore, favore, favoreggiare favourable\opportuno feal\carne di vitello fear\angoscia, temere, paura, temere fearful\angoscioso fearless\intrepido feast\fisso, banchetto feather\penna, piuma February\febbraio Federal Chancellor\cancelliere federale federally\federativo fee\costare, tassa, onorario, paga feebleness\debolezza feed\mangiare, foderare, allattamento, alimentare feel\toccare, percepire, tastare feel ashamed\vergognarsi feel sick\nausea feelers\antenna feet\piedi felicitation\felicitazione felloe\cerchione fellow\uomo, fante felonious\criminale felt\sentii female relative\parente female worker\lavorante fencing\scherma ferment\fermento, fermentare fern\felce ferruginous\ferroso ferry\traghetto fertile\opimo fertility\fertilità festal\festivo festoon\festone fetch\portare, prendere fetishism\feticismo fever\febbre few\poca, alquanti fib\raccontare frottole, bugìa fibre\fibra fiction\invenzione, ipotesi field\territorio, area, quadretto, campo fierceness\fierezza fifteen\quindici fifteenth\quindicesimo fifth\quinto fifty\cinquanta fig\vigliacco fig-tree\fico fight\duellare, litigare, zuffa, combattimento, lottare fighter\lottatore figure\figura, novero, cifra figureskating\pattinaggio artistico filament\fibra, filamento file\lima, ordinare, deporre, documento file card\scheda filings\limatura fill\émpiere, incassare fill up\fare benzina, fare il pieno filler\penna stilografica filling station\distributore di benzina film\film, filmare filter\filtro filth\sudiciume filthy\sporco fin\pinna final\finale finally\finalmente, alla fine finance\finanziare, finanze financial\finanziario find\trovare find out\scoprire fine\multa, elegante, contravvenzione fine arts\arte finery\gioielli finger\dito fingering\toccante fingers\dito finish\finire, appretare, preparare finished\perfetto Finland\Finlandia finn\pinna Finn\finlandese fir\abete fire\buttare fuori, fuoco, incendio, sparare fire brigade\vigili del fuoco firedepartment\vigili del fuoco fireman\vigile del fuoco fireplace\fumaiolo fireside\fumaiolo firing\sparare firm\comitiva, ditta first\primo, dapprima first-aid kit\bendaggi, cassetta di medicazione first-aid post\guardia mèdica first letter\lettera iniziale first name\nome di battesimo first of all\dapprima firstly\dapprima fiscal\fiscale, erariale fish\pescare, pescare, pesce fisherman\pescatore fishing boat\peschereccio fission\fenditura fist\pugno fit\accompagnarsi, montare five\cinque five-year plan\quinquennale fix\fissare, fissare, fisso fix up\sistemare, predisporre fixation\fortificazione fixed\stabilito fixing\fortificazione fixity\fermezza fixtures\inventario flag\bandiera, stendardo flame\fiamma, vampa flange\flangia flank\fianco flash\fulmine, scintillare flash of lightning\fulmine flashlight\flash flat\appartamento, piatto flatten\levigare flatter\lusingare flavored\condito flavorless\insipido flavour\aroma flavoured\condito flavourless\insipido flaw\difetto, lancio, vizio flawed\difettoso flawless\corretto, senza errori flaws\vizio flax\lino flax mill\linidicio flay\angariare flea\pulce fleam\lancetta fleckless\senza macchia flecks\crusca flection\flessione fled\pulce flee\fuggo fleece\vello fleeciness\dolcezza fleecy\lanuto fleeing\fuggente flees\fugge fleet\naviglio fleeting\volatile flesh wound\ferita carnosa fleshliness\sensualità fleshly\carnale fleshy\carnoso flew\volai flex\piegare flexible\flessìbile, elàstico flexing\piegante flexion\curvatura flexuose\curvato flicked\picchiai flicker\vacillare, svolazzare, sfavillare flier\volantino flies\vola flight\fuga, evasione, volante flight schedule\orario di volo flightier\fuggitivo flightiness\sventatezza flighty\sventato flimsily\labkle flinch\cèdere flint\acciarino flintier\più duro flintiness\durezza flinty\duro di cuore flippant\frivolo flipper\pinna, pinna flirtation\flirt flirtatious\civettuolo flirtatiousness\amoretto flitch of bacon\lardone float\zattera, nuotare, spingere floatage\nuotare floatation\vertere floater\fondatore floaters\fondatore floats\pende floccus\lanuggine flock\mandria floggings\randello flood\alta marea, alluvione, alluvione flood light\faro, illuminazione floodlight\faro, illuminazione floods\inondare floor\pavimento, suolo floosie\farfallina floosy\farfallina floozie\farfallina floozy\farfallina floppily\floscio floppiness\fiacchezza florescence\fioritura florid\flòrido floridly\fiorito flotage\nuotare flotation\fondazione flotsam\relitti flour\farina flourish\fiorire flourishing\efflorescente, flòrido floury\farinaceo flout\canzonare flow\fluviale, corrente, fluire flow to\affiuire flow together\confluire flower\fiore, fioritura flower-bed\aiuola flowerily\fiorito flowerpot\vaso di fiori flowing off\emissario, decorso flown\volato flu\influenza fluctuating\variàbile fluctuation\oscillazione, ondeggiamento flue\accendino fluff\lanuggine fluffily\poco stretto fluffy\lanuginoso fluid\liquidità, fluido, liquido fluidity\liquidità fluidly\liquido fluidness\liquidità flukiness\emergenza flummox\sbalordire flung\scagliato flunkey\servitore flunkeydom\servitù flunky\servitore fluorine\fluoro flurries\inquieto flurry\folata di vento flush\arrossire, risciacquare, vuotare flushes\dirige fluster\disordinare flute\flauto flutes\flautare flutter\svolazzare flux\fluviale fluxion\fluire fluxional\liquido fly\andara, mosca, volare fly by night\nottolone fly flap\ammazzamosche fly screen\rete contro le mosche fly weight\peso mosca fly wheel\volano flycatcher\acchiappamosche flycatchers\acchiappamosche flyer\aviatore flying\volante flying time\durata di volo, durata del volo flypaper\acchiappamosche flyweight\peso mosca flywheel\volano foaled\gettato foalfoot\farfara foals\getta foam\schiuma foam bath\bagno di schiuma foamed\schiumato focal length\distanza focale fodder\foraggio foetus\feto fog\foschia, velare, nebbia, annebbiare foggy\nebbioso fogs\oscurato foil\foglia laminata foist\attaccare fold\grinza, pizzicotto, giùngere foldable\pieghevole folding rule\metro piegabile folds\giùngere folk\gente folk song\canto popolare folks\gente, volgo folksiness\veglia danzante follow\conseguire, inseguire follow up\inseguire follower\nudista, seguace following\in, seguente folly\stoltezza fondle\vezzeggiare fondling\carezza fondness\affettuosità food\vivanda, alimento, generi alimentari, alimente foodstuff\alimentgèneri fook\idiota fool\allocco, pazzo, idiota fooled\imbrogliato foolish\stolto, stupido, sciocco foolish woman\pazza foolishness\stoltezza foolproof\facile come bere un uovo foot\base, gamba, zampa, piede foot brake\freno a pedale football\pallone football player\calciatore footbath\pediluvio footboard\pedana footboy\valletto, fattorino footer\zampa footfalls\passi footgear\calzatura foothold\alt footle\nonsenso footlights\luci della ribalta footlocker\cassapanca footloose\sciolto footman\servitore footnote\nota a piè pagina footpad\ladrone footstep\pedata footsteps\pedate foozles\guastato fop\zerbinotto foppery\leziosaggine for\per, poichè, per, durante for days\che dura per giorni for free\ufo for hire\affittàbile for instance\per esempio for it\in luogo di questo for my sake\quanto a me for nothing\ufo for the rest\inoltre, d'altronde for what\per che cosa for years\per molti anni forage\accaparrare foraying\saccheggiante forbad\proibire forbade\divieto forbearance\tolleranza forbearing\indulgente forbearingly\indulgente forbears\antenati forbid\proibire forbidden\insufficiente, proibito forbiddingness\divieto forbore\omettere force\effetto, costrizione, forza, balìa, vigente force of gravity\gravitazione forceful\valido forcible\violento forearm\avambraccio forebears\antenati forebodes\presenta foreclose\escludere foreclosing\esclusivo forefather\antenato forefathers\presentire forefront\facciata foregoing\antecedente forehand\vantaggio forehanded\provvidenziale forehandedly\provvidenziale forehandedness\precauzione forehead\fronte foreign\straniero, estero foreign currency\valutario foreign language\lingua stranigra foreign languages\stranieri foreign legion\legiong strankgra foreign öanguage\lingua stranigra foreign trade\commercio èstero foreigner\straniera, forestiere, straniero foreignness\natura differente foreknow\prevedere foreknowledge\previsione foreman\campione foremast\albero di trinchetto forename\nome di battesimo forenoon\mattina forensic\giudiziario foreplay\preludio forerunner\annunziatore foresail\vela di trinchetto foresails\vela di trinchetto foresee\asttrarre, prevedere foreseeable\prevedibile foresight\previsione, precauzione foresightedness\previsione forest\selva, bosco forestall\impedire forests\selve foretell\predire forethought\precauzione forever\ognora foreward\avanti forewarn\preallarme foreword\prefazione forfeiture\perdita forfend\prevenire forfends\prevenuto forgather\convenire forge\falsare, formare, forgiare, inventare forged money\moneta falsa forger\falsificatore, fabbricatore, fabbro forgery\falsificazione forget\dimentico, obliare forgetfulness\dimenticàggine forgets\dimentichi forgive\perdonare, perdono forgiven\perdonato forgiveness\perdono forgives\perdona forgiving\conciliante forgot\dimenticai forjudge\espropriare fork\diramazione, biforcazione forks\biforcare forlornly\abbadonato form\formare, modulo, plasmare, formare, forma form boards\cassaforma form error\vizio di forma formal\formale, formale formality\formalità formalization\etichetta formally\esplicito, formale format\formato formation\cultura, origine formative\formante former\ancor prima formerly\davanti, ancor prima, un tempo formfeed\forma formic\formiche formidability\enormità formidable\opimo formidably\tremendo forming\formante formless\informe formlessness\informità formula\formula, schema, ricetta formulate\formulare forsake\lasciare forsakes\abbandoni forsook\abbandonai forsooth\in verità forswear\abiurare forte\vigoria fortes\confortare forth\in fuori forthcoming\sovrastare forthright\scoperto forthrightness\onestà forthwith\immediato fortieth\quarantesimo fortification\fortificazione fortifies\confermato fortify\amplificare, consolidare fortress\fortezza fortuities\casi fortuitous\accidentale fortuitousness\accidentalità fortunately\fortunatamente fortune\patrimonio fortuneteller\chiromante fortunetelling\profetizzare forward\anteriore, spedire forwarding agency\spedizione forwarding agent\spedizioniere forwarding department\reparto spedizione forwardly\corrivo forwardness\precocità fossick\frugare fossil\fossile foster\orchestrare fosterling\raccomandato fought\combattuto foul\fangoso foully\fangoso foulness\lordura found\fondare, trovato found again\ritrovato found of results\trovato found out\scoperto foundation\base, fondazione founder\costitutore, fondatore foundling\trovatello foundry\fonderìa fount\fonte fountain\sorgente, origine, fontano, fontana a getto, pozzo fountains\fontana a getto founts\scaturire four\quattro four engined\quadrimotore four fold\quadruplice four footed\quadrupede four handed\quadrumane four hundred\quattrocento four sided\quadrilatero four wire circuit\linea telefonica fourfold\quadruplice fourscore\ottanta fourteen\quattordici fourth\quarta fovea\abisso foveae\abissi fowl\volàtili fowling\uccellatura fox\volpino fox hunting\caccia alla volpe foxy\furbo fracas\rivolta fraction\frattura, pezzettino, frazione fraction number\numero frazionario fractional\esiguo fractionally\rotto fractionary\frammento fractions\rotture fractiousness\eccitabilità fracture\frattura delle ossa, frattura fractured\rotto fractures\rotture fragile\fragile fragility\fragilità fragment\frammento fragrance\fragranza, odore fragrances\olezzi fragrancies\olezzi fragrancy\fragranza fragrant\profumante frail\acciaccoso, fragile frame\comporre, orbita, formare, telaio, intelaiatura framer\formatore frameworks\tralicci France\Francia franchise\esclusiva frangible\fragile frank\onesto frankly\liberamente, scoperto frankness\franchezza frantically\selvaggio franticness\accesso di rabbia franticnesses\accessi di rabbia fraternal\fraterno fraternities\onorificenza fraternization\affratellamento fraud\frode frauds\imbroglione fraudulent\fraudolento fraught\gremito fray\zuffa frazzle\stracciare freakiness\pazzia freakish\bisbètico freaky\comico freckle\lentiggine, macchiolina freckled\lentigginoso freckles\crusca free\rilasciare, esente, esimere, tempo libero free lance\di professione libera free of charge\esente dalle tasse, ufo free post\busta affrancata free thinker\libero pensatore free time\tempo libero free trade\libero scambio free wheel\mozzo libero freebie\gratuito freebooter\pirata freedman\liberto freedom\libertà freedom of action\elasticità di azione freedom of the press\libertà di stampa freehand\a mano libera freehanded\liberale freehearted\candido freeing\liberante freelance\indipendente freeloader\scroccone freeloaders\scroccone freely\esente freer\pretendente frees\liberato freeway\autostrada freeze\aver freddo freeze to death\morire assiderato freezed\gelai freezer\frigorifero freezes\congelato freezing\congelarsi freezing cold\gelo freight\noleggiare, carico freight car\vagone merci freight train\treno merci freightage\trasporto freighter\nave da carico freights\spedire Frenchman\francese frenzied\pazzo frequency\frequenza frequent\frequente frequently\spesso fresh\novellino freshening\vivificatore freshly\novellino freshness\freschezza fretful\stizzito fretfulness\uggia friar\frate frictionless\senza difficoltà friday\venerdì Friday\venerdí fridge\frigorìfero fried\arrosto fried egg\uovo al tegame frief\cruccio friend\camerata, amica, conoscente, amico friendless\senza amici friendliness\cortesia friendly\cortese, benevolo, gradevole, amichévole, amicale friends\amici friendship\amicizia fries\cuocio friezes\frisone frigate\fregata fright\spaventi, spavento, paura frightening\terrificante frightens\spaventato frightful\tremendo frigid\frigido frill\arricciare frisky\allegro fritters\frittata, frittella fritters away\sprecato frivolous\frivolo, leggiero frizz\arricciare frizzle\grillare frock\vestito frog\rana frogs\rane frolic\celia frolics\scherzo frolicsome\licenzioso from\da, dalla, dalla, dalla from there\quindi from where\donde frond\vèntola front\facciata, facciata front court\vestibolo frontally\frontale frontier\frontiera frost\maturo, gelo frost damage\danni procurati dal gelo frostbite\assideramento frostbitten\assiderato frosty\freddoloso froth\schiuma frothily\vuoto frown\disapprovare fruit\frutti, frutto, frutta fruit juice\succo di frutta fruiterer\fruttivéndolo frustration\disillusione frying pan\padella fudge\pettinante fuel\olio combustibile, carburante fuite\evasione fulful\adempire full\gremito fully booked\gremito fumigation\desinfezione fun\spasso, sollazzare function\funzionare, posizione, impiego, funzione fundamental\in linea di massima funds\capitale funeral\sepoltura, funerale fungus\fungo funnel\imbuto funny\divertente, comico, giocondo, dilettevole fur\pelle, pelliccia fureur\furia furious\arrabbiato furiousnis\farnetico furlough\licenziare furnish\fornire furnishing\organizzazione furniture\mobilia, mobili furrow\solco furs\pelli further\promotore, ulteriormente fuse\valvola, fóndere fusion\fusione future\in futuro gacier\ghiacciaio gain\prodotto gainful\lucroso gainsay\negare gales\tempeste gallant\galante gallbladder\fiele gallery\esposizione, gallerìa gallop\galoppo gallows\patibolo game\giuoco games\giuochi gamete\cellula gammer\mammina gang\masnada gangrene\incendio gaol\prigione gap\buca, spazio garage\officina, autorimessa garbage can\secchio delle immondizie garde\guardia garden\giardino, verziere gardener\giardiniere gargle\gargarizzare garland\festone garlic\aglio garment\veste garnishes\guarnito gas\gas, benzina gaseous\gassiforme gash\taglio gasoline\benzina gasp\anelare gate\valvola, porta, stolto gatekeepers\portiere gather\raccogliere, raccogliere, cògliere gauche\maldestro gaudy trash\robetta gaunt\magro gavels\martello gear\andamento gearshift\leva del cambio gel\gel General\general generalize\generalizzare generally\generalmente generate\produrre, abbordo generation\generazione generator\generatore generous\liberale, liberale genital\venereo genius\genio gentian\genziana gentle\dolce, placido gentleman s\signore gentleness\cortesia gently\placido, lungo genuine\vero genuinly\davvero, infatti geography\geografìa geometry\geometrìa germ\germe, microbo German\tedesco Germany\Germània, Germania germinable\germinativo germs\germi gesture\gesto get\arrivare, cogliere, ricevere, venni, prendere get bored\annoiarsi get drunk\ubriacarsi get engaged\fidanzarsi get excited\esaltarsi get ill\ammalarsi get rid of\eliminare get to know\apprèndere get up\levarsi, esaltare get used to\abituarsi, abituare getaway\evasione ghastly\abominevole ghost\fantasma giant\orco, gigantesco gib\perno gift\presente, talento gigantic\gigantesco, gigantesco giggle\ridacchiare giggling\ridacchiante gime\regime giraffe\giraffa girdle\cintura, fascetta girl\ragazza girlfriend\amica girlie\bimba give\dare, regalare give advice\consigliare give away\regalare, regalare give birth to\partorire give notice\licenziare, licenziato, annunziare give up\cedere, abbandonare givers\oblatore glacier\ghiacciaio glad\lieto glance\occhiata gland\glàndola glans\ghianda glare\accecare glass\calice, vetro glasses\occhiali, lente gleam\barlume glide\vertere glided\scivolai glider\veleggiatore glitter\fronzoli gloaming\crepùscolo globe\globo, orbe terracqueo gloomy\accigliato glorify\glorificare glorious\glorioso glory\vanto glove\guanto glow\ardore, barlume gloweringly\incandescente glucose\glucosio glue\glùtine, glùtine gnarl\nocchio go\andarsene, andara, andare go away\far fagotto, andàrsene go by\trascorrere go mountain climbing\alpinismo go on\continuare a fare go on strike\scioperare go out\andare a passeggio, entrare go shopping\fare acquisti go to bed\andare a letto goal\scopo, proposito, stolto, traguardo goalkeeper\portiere goat\capra goats\capre gobbets\pezzo god\dio God\Iddio, Iddìo, Dio goddess\dea godfather\padrino godmother\comare gold\oro golden\àureo golf\golfo gone\andato good\buono good-natured\gradevole, benevolo, cortese good bye\arrivederla good health\salute good morning\buon giorno good night\felice notte goodbye\arrivederci, addio goodness\bontà Goodness\Iddìo goods train\treno merci goods truck\vagone merci goos\ingrassare goose\oca gooseberry\ribes gorge\burrone gosling\paperotto gourd\zucca gourmet\buongustaio gout\artrite government\governo govt\governo grace\grazia, grazia graceful\grazioso gradation\digradamento grade\sorta gradually\poco per volta gram\grammo grammar\grammatica grammar school\ginnasio gramme\grammo grandfather\nonno grandioseness\grandiosità grandmother\nonna grandson\abiatico granite\granito grant\largire, borsa di studio, accordare granule\granello grape\uva, gràppolo grapefruit\pompelmo grapevine\vite graph\grafico grasp\comprendere, prendere, impaccare grass\erba grasshopper\locusta grassland\prato grate\crocchiare grateful\grato gratefulness\gratitudine grater\grattugia graticule\reticolo gratification\soddisfazione gratifies\accontentato gratify\contentare gratifying\letificante gratings\traliccio gratitude\gratitudine gratuitousness\libera volontà grave\pesante, tomba, grave gravedigger\necroforo gravel\ghiaia gravel pit\cava di ghiaia graves\tombe gravestone\lapide graveyard\camposanto, cimitero gravitation\gravitazione gravity\gravitazione, pesantezza gray\grigio graze\graffio grease\grassello, ingrassare, untume, ingrassare grease drop\occhio di grasso greasy\untuoso great\grande, importante great-grandfather\bisnonno great-grandmother\bisnonna Great Britain\Gran-Bretagna greatly\insolito greatness\grossezza Greece\Grecia greed\avidità, avidità greedy\vorace Greek\Greco green\verde greener\più verde greenhorn\avannotto greenhouse\serra greenish\verdognolo greenly\semplice greenness\ingenuità greet\salutare, salutare greeting\vale gregariousness\veglia danzante gremlin\folletto grepped\cercato grew\crescita grey\grigio greyhound\levriere grid\traliccio griddlecake\frittata griddlecakes\frittata grids\traliccio grief\pena grieve\crucciare grills\graticole grim\grifagno grimace\smorfia grimaces\buffoneria grimly\grifagno grimy\fangoso grin\ghigno grind\crocchiare, trascinare, tritare grinded\rullato grindingly\faticoso grindstone\cote grip\impaccare, prendere gripe\acchiappare griping\acchiappare grips\manici gritty\coraggioso groan\gèmito groaned\gemei, emesso un gemito groaning\sospiro groans\geme groat\centesimo grocer\merciaio grocery\negozio di generi alimentari groggily\ebbro groin\listello groomed\curato groove\traccia, intaccare, solco, scanalatura groovy\in ordine grope\tastare gross\grosso, lordo grossness\grossezza grossnesses\confortare grotto\grotta ground\suolo, suolo, massa ground-floor\pianterreno groundwork\base group\gruppo grouse\borbottare grouser\querulone grovel\strisciare groveler\adulatore grow\allevare, créscere, venni grow again\ricrescere grow old\invecchiare grower\allevatore growers\allevatore growl\ringhiare growled\ringhiato growler\brontolone growling\ringhiante growlingly\ronzante growls\ringhiare grows stiff\irrigidito growth\evoluzione, sviluppo grub\divorai grubbed\scavai grubby\sudicio grudge\invidiare grudging\invidioso grueling\assassino gruelling\estenuante gruellingly\assassino gruesomeness\efferatezza gruff\ripido gruffly\ripide gruffness\asperità grumble\ronzare, borbottare grumpiness\uggia grunt\grugnire guarantee\garantire, garanzia, garanzia guaranteed\garantito guarantor\garante guaranty\garantire, garanzia guard\proteggere, caporale, sorvegliare, bigliettaio guarded\difeso guardedly\prudente guardedness\precauzione guarders\guardia guardian\tutore, guardiano guardian angel\angelo custode guardianship\tutela guards\custodito guarentee\garanzia gubernatorial\luogotenente gudgeon\zaffo guesswork\supposizione guest\ospite guest house\pensione guests\ospiti guidable\dirigìbile guide\introduzione, cicerone, regolare guide book\introduzione guidebook\guida turistica guided tour\guida guides\segnavia guiding\primario guild\corporazione guilt\colpa guiltier\colpevole guiltily\colpevole guiltiness\colpa guilty\conscio della propria colpa, colpevole guinea pig\cavia guise\figura guises\plasmare guitar\chitarra gulf\golfo gullet\fauci gullible\facile a credere gullibly\facile a credere gullies\scoli gully\solco gulp\ingoio gun\rivoltella, pistola, cannone, fucile gun powder\polvere pirica gunfight\sparatoria gunner\cannoniere gunpowder\polvere da sparo gust\folata di vento gustiness\burrasca gusto\gusto gutless\vigliacco gutlessness\vigliaccheria gutsy\vorace gutter\solco, tombino, grondala guy\àncora, ancorare gym\ginnàstica gymnasium\palestra gymnastics\far ginnastica, ginnàstica gynaecologist\ginecologo, ginecòlogo gypping\vertiginoso gypsum\gesso gypsy\zingaro gyrate\roteare gyrating\roteante gyration\girata gyroscopic\trottola habit\costumanza, qualità habitable\abitabile habitably\abitabile habitant\abitante habitually\consueto habitualness\costumanza habituation\assuefazione hack\zappa, fendente hackles up\irritato had\avuto had a temperature\febbricitante had to\dovuto haemorrhoids\emorròidi haep up\ammonticchiare hafts\manici hag\fattucchiera haggard\consunto, selvaggio haggardly\selvaggia haggle\mercanteggiare hail\grandinare, grandine, gràndine hailed\grandinò, grandinato hair\capelli, pettinante, capello hair style\pettinatura hair tonic\lozione haircutter\parrucchiere hairdo\pettinatura hairdresser\parrucchiere, parrucchiere hairdressing\pettinante haired\capelluto hairpin\forcina hairstyle\pettinatura hairy\capelloso, capelluto haistyle\pettinatura hale\sano half\mezzo, metà half-caste\ibrido half length portrait\busto half moon\mezza luna half wit\imbecille halfhearted\svogliato halfheartedness\apatìa hall\sala, sala, corridoio, vestìbolo hallowing\adorante halls\risuonare hallucination\allucinazione hallway\vestìbolo halt\fermarsi, alt, durare halted\interrotto haltingly\zoppicante halve\dimezzare ham\prosciutto hamburger\polpetta di carne hammer\martello hammer blow\martellata hammered\martellare hammering\martellante hammock\amaca hamper\impedire hamsters\accaparrare hand\mano, manuale, lancetta hand gear\leva hand luggage\bagaglio a mano hand over\porgere, porgere handbag\borsa handbill\volantino handbook\manuale handbrake\freno a mano handcar\dresina handed over\consegnato handgun\pistola handiwork\lavorato a mano handkerchief\fazzoletto handle\servire, gambo, orecchia handles\manici handling\cura, servizio, maneggio handmade\fatto a mano handout\volantino handrail\balaustrada hands\mani, mano hands over\predominio handset\ascoltatore handsomely\graziosa handsomeness\bellezza handstand\verticale handwork\arte handy\utilitario hang\appiccare, vertere, pendere hang over\sporgenze hangar\hangar hangdog\avanzo di galera hanger\staffa, nudista, gruccia hangman\carnéfice hangout\casotto hangover\malessere hankering\esìgere hans\contadino hap\emergenza haphazard\accidentale haphazardness\accidentalità hapless\disgraziato haplessly\infelice happen\avvenire, succedere, passare, accadere happily\fortunatamente happiness\beatitùdine, felcità, contentezza happy\lieto, avventurato harass\inquietare harasses\inquieto harassing\inquietante harassment\turbamento harbinger\precursore harbor\porto harbour\porto hard\solido, faticoso, pesante hard copy\espressione hard cured\asciugato hard hearted\duro di cuore hardening\indurire harder\più duro hardhead\allocco hardheadedness\ostinatezza hardly\difficilmente, appena hardness\durezza hardtop\berlina hardy\sempreverde, ardito, accanito hare\lepre harelip\leporino haricot\fagiuolo hark\orecchiare harken\orecchiare harlot\prostituta harm\penoso, difetto, prevenzione, guaio harmed\ferita harmful\dannoso harmless\innocuo harmonic\armonico harmonious\armonico harmoniousness\armonia harmony\concordia, armonia harness\porcellana harp\arpa harpoon\fiocina harrow\érpice harrowingly\penoso harrows\erpicare harry\saccheggiare harrying\saccheggiante harsh\scabro harvest\raccolto, raccogliere harvests\raccogliere hass\astio haste\furia hastening\accelerativo hastiness\furia hasty\frettoloso hat\cappello, berretto hatchet\ascia hatching\tratteggio hate\odio, astio hated\odioso hateful\odiabile, odioso hatefulness\malignità hater\odiatore hatred\astio hats\cappelli haughtily\orgoglioso haughtiness\alterigia haughty\orgoglioso haul\estrassi haul off\trascinare haulage\avanzamento, trasporto, trascinare hauled\tirai hauler\rimorchiatore hauls\tira haunch\lombo haunches\lombarde haunt\inseguire haunter\inseguitore haunts\inseguito hauteur\alterigia have\prendere, avere, possedere have a swim\fanno il bagno have an accident\avere un infortunio have breakfast\far colazione have not\spiantato have on\aver addosso have to\debbono having\dopochè, possesso hawk\astore, falco hawked\cacciai hawkish\usuraio hawks\falchi hay\fieno hayloft\fienile haywire\pericolante hazard\azzardo, rischio hazardous\rischioso haze\foschia, vapore hazel\nocciolo hazelnut\nocciola, nocciuola hazily\nebbioso haziness\vaporosità hazy\nebbioso he\lui, esso he d\aveva he goat\caprone he who\quello che head\capoccia, testa head quarters\quartiere generale head waiter\capocameriere headache\mal di testa headaches\stare in pensiero, mal di testa headdress\pettinatura headless\sventato headlight\faro headline\grande titolo headman\guida headmaster\rettore, direttore headmen\guida headmost\colonello headphone\cuffia heads\teste headsail\vela di trinchetto headsman\giustiziere headwaiter\capocameriere headway\avanzamento heal\guarire healable\curàbile healer\empirico health insurance\cassa ammalati health insurance company\cassa ammalati healthful\sano healthfully\sana healthily\sano healthy\sano heap\quantità, cùmulo, macereto hear\sentisti heard\sentii hearing\ascolto hearken\orecchiare hears\sente heart\cuore heartbroken\rotto heartburn\bruciare di stòmaco hearted\incoraggiare hearten\incoraggiare hearth\focolaio heartless\insensibile heartlessly\insensibile hearts\cuori hearty\cordiale, affettuoso hearty kiss\bacione heat\calore, ardore, riscaldare, calore heat flash\emissione di calore heat treatment\trattamento termico heat up\riscaldare heatedly\emozionato heater\riscaldamento heaters\radiatore heath\landa heathen\etnico heather\erica heating\riscaldamento, riscaldare heats\accaldato heatwave\ondata di caldo heaven\cielo heavenliness\divinità heavenly\celestiale heavier\più pesante heavily\difficilmente heavy\pesante, veemente, grosso heavy shower\acquata heavy weight\peso massimo heavyset\grande, voluminoso, produttivo heavyweight\peso massimo hebraic\ebraico hectare\ettaro hector\intimidire hectoring\intimidente hedge\siepe hedgehog\riccio hedger\scansafatiche hedgerow\siepe heedfulness\attenzione heel\calcagno, alìnea hefty\valido hegemonic\altissimo height\altitudine, grossezza, elevazione heightens\ingrandito heinous\empio Heir\erede heiress\erede heirs\ereditare heist\rubare helicopter\elicottero helicopters\elicottero heliography\fototipìa hell\inferno hellish\infernale hellishness\esecrabilità hello\per cortesìa, ciao, si, pronto helm\tassa helmet\casco helmsman\nocchiero help\aiuto, aiutare, collaborazione helped\aiutai, aiutato helper\aiutante helpfulness\utilità helpless\impacciato, perplesso helpmate\aiutante helps\aiuta helve\gambo hem\vivagno hemisphere\emisfero, emiciclo hemoglobin\emoglobina hemophiliac\emofilo hemorrhoids\emorròidi hemp\cànapa hen\gallina hence\per questo, indi, in consequenza henchman\nudista heptagon\ettagono her\lei, al suo, a lui, di ella, gli herb\erbe herb tea\tisana herbaceous\erbaceo herbage\erbe herbal\vegetale herbal lore\botanica herbivorous\erbivoro herbs\erbe hercules\ercole herd\mandria here\quite, ecco, quì, qua here are\ecco here is\ecco hereditarily\ereditario hereditary\ereditario hereditary enemy\nemico secolare heredity\ereditarietà hereon\appresso heresy\eresia heretic\eretico heretical\eretico hereticalness\eresia heretofore\in altri tempi hereupon\appresso heritability\ereditarietà heritable\ereditario heritage\erede, eredità hermaphrodite\ermafrodito hermetic\ermetico, ermetico hermetical\ermetico, ermetico hermit\eremita hermitage\clausura hernia\frattura hero\eroe heroin\eroina heroine\eroina heroism\eroismo herring\aringa herrings\aringhe hers\di ella hesitance\esitare hesitancy\esitazione hesitant\esitante hesitate\esitare hesitates\esita hesitating\esitante hesitation\ritardo, interruzione heterogeneity\eterogeneità heterogeneous\eterogeneo heteropolar\multipolare hew\lavorare hewn\picchiato hexagonally\esagono hexed\maledetta hexes\maledetto hey\eh heyday\momento culminante hiatus\buca hick\balordo hidden\latente, latente hidden safe\cassetto segreto hide\nascondere, nascosi hideaway\nascondiglio hideous\abominevole, abominabile hideousness\esecrabilità hiding place\latebra hie\volare high\altissimo, elevato high mountain-chain\alta montagna high tide\alta marea higher\più alto highest\altissimo highhandedness\arbitrarietà highlight\momento culminante highly\elevato highly paid\largamente retribuito highly sensitive\ultrasensibile hijack\rapire hiking\escursionismo hill\collina, pendio, eminenza hilly\collinoso him\a lui, lui hinder\impedire hint\alludere, suggerimento, riferimento hip\anca hippopotamus\ippopotamo, ippopotamo his\di ella, al suo, suo hissing\rumoreggiare history\storia, storia hit\picchiare hive\alveare hoar\onorando hoard\accaparrare hoarse\rauco, scabro hoaw\lazzo, scherzo hobby\hobby hockey\hockey hoggish\àvido hogs\maiali hold\durare, comprèndere hold-up\rapina hold out\resistere hold tight\impaccare holder\titolare holdup\aggressione hole\fossa holes\buchi holiday\vacanze holidaymaker\persona in ferie holidays\ferie holifay\festa Holland\Olanda Hollander\olandese holliday\ferie hollow\concavo holy\santo home\ospizio, patria, nazionale homemaker\padrona di casa homesickness\nostalgia homicide\omicidio colposo hommage\omaggio homoeopathy\omeopatia homogeneous\omogeneo honest\onesto honey\miele honeymoon\luna di miele honorarium\onorario honour\onorabilità honourable\onorando hood\cuffia, cappuccio, cofano, cappotta hoof\zoccolo hook\gancio hooky\curvato hoot\urlare hope\sperare, speranza hopeful\speranzoso hopefully\spero hopeless\irrimediabilmente horizon\orizzonte horn\cornetta horoscope\oroscopo horrible\mostruoso, orrendo, spaventoso horror\orrore, spaventi, orrore horse\cavallo horse-radish\barbaforte horsefly\estro horsepower\cavallo vapore horseradish\barbaforte horses\equino horticultural\giardinaggio horticulture\giardinaggio hose\tubo hospice\ospizio hospital\nosocomio, clinica, ospedale host\ospitante hostage\ostaggio hostile\nemico hot\torrido hotel\albergo hotel lobby\hall hotel servant\garzone hour\lezione house\casa house number\numero di casa household\governo della casa houses\case housewife\padrona di casa housing\alloggiamento hover\vertere how\come however\in ogni modo, qualunque sia, pure howl\urlare hubcap\coppa coriruota huge\gigantesco hull\torso hulled\sbucciato human\umano human being\persona humanely\umano humanity\umanità humidity\umidità humility\umiltà humor\umorismo humorous\umoristico hunchbacked\gobbo hundred\cento hundredweight\mezzo quintale hung on\resistere Hungarian\ungherese, unghurese Hungary\Ungheria hunger\fame hungry\affamato hunt\caccia, cacciare hunter\cacciatore hurdler\ostacolista hurl\avventare hurricane\uragano hurry\volare, furia hurry up\affrettarsi hurt\dolere, ferire, penoso husband\consorte, sposo, coniuge, marito, omo hussar\ussaro hut\capanna hygiene\igiene hygienic\igienico hygienics\igiene hyper\sopra hypocrisy\ipocrisia hypocrite\ipocrita hypoth\ipotesi hypothesis\ipotesi hysteric\isterico hywhy\per quale scopo I\me, a me, io ibidem\nello stesso luogo ice\ghiaccio, gelato ice cream\gelato iceberg\iceberg icepack\banchisa icy\ghiacciato idea\nozione, idea, idea, pensiero ideal\ideale identical\identico identification card\legittimazione identity card\legittimazione ideology\ideologia idiot\idiota idiotic\stupido, idiotico idle\pigro, ozioso, passivo idol\idolo idyllically\idìllico if\caso che, se, come se ignition\accensione ignoramus\ignorante ignorance\ignoranza ignorant\ignorante ignore\ignorare ill\egro, malato ill will\malevolenza illconsidered\inconsiderato illdisposed\mal disposto illegal\illegale, illegale illegitimately\extraconiugale illiterate\incolto illiterately\incolto illness\malattia illogical\illogico illuminate\illuminare illusion\illusione illustrious\famoso image\dipinto imaginary\immaginario imagination\immaginazione, fantasìa imagine\immaginarsi imitate\imitare immediate\immediato immediately\direttamente, immediato, subito immense\smisurato immigrant\immigrante immigration\immigrazione immobile\immobile immortal\immortale immoveable property\immobili immoveables\immobili immun\facente immunity\immunità immure\carcerare imp\briccone impact\influsso imparity\disuguaglianza impart\prestare impatience\impazienza impatient\impaziente imperative\legante impertinent\sfacciato impetuous\veemente impiousness\empietà implementation\realizzazione implies\anzidetto imploringly\insistere impolite\scortese imponderably\imponderabile import\importare, importo, introdurren, importazione important\vistoso, rilevante, importante importent\importante importer\importatore importing\importazione impossible\impossibile impove\perfezionare impress\impressione, impressionare impression\impressione imprison\carcerare imprisonment\detenzione, aresto improtance\levatura improve\perfezionare, migliorare improvement\emendazione improvise\improvvisare improvises\estemporaneo impute\attribuire in\negli in a muddle\viluppo in as much\quite in due course\nel termine stabilito in due time\nel termine stabilito in duplicate\doppio in exchange for\contro in fact\veramente in front of it\innanzi in italics\corsivo in love\innamorato in question\incerto in the end\alla fine in the meantime\nel frattemoi in toto\totalmente in triplicate\triplo in vain\invano, inutilmente, inutile in writing\scritto inaccessible\irraggiungibile inaccurate\inesatto inadequate\insufficiente inboard\di dentro incandescent\incandescente incapable\inadatto, incapace incest\incesto incinerates\arde incipient\cominciante incite\eccitare incline\piegare, declinazione inclines\piega include\abbracciare, rinchiudere included\incluso inclusive\inclusivamente income\reddito incomprehensible\incomprensibile inconceivable\incomprensibile incontestable\incontestabile inconvenient\sconveniente incorrect\infondato, difettoso, fasullo incorruptibly\incorruttibile increase\accrèscere, aumento, aumentare, ingrandire increments\aumentare incriminate\addebitare incrustation\travestimento incurable\inguaribile indecent\indecente indeed\infatti, davvero, veramente indefinite\vago independent\indipendente, indipendente indeterminate\torbido index\indice, riferimento Indian corn\granturco indiarubber\caucciù indicate\millantare, indicare, denunziare indictable\punibile indifferent\apàtico indigenous\unigenito indigestible\indigesto indignant\indignato indignation\sdegno indirect\mediato, indiretto indispensable\indispensabile, indispensabile individual\individuale, individuo indivisibly\indivisibile induce\provocare indulgence\indulgenza industrious\valente, diligente industriously\diligente industry\applicazione, diligenza, industria inefficient\inefficiente, incapace ineptitude\ocaggine inequality\disuguaglianza inertia\accidia inessential\accidentale inevitable\inevitabile inevitably\immancabile inexpensive\economico inexperienced\novizio infallible\infallibile infamous\infame infant\fanciullo, fanciulla infantile\fanciullesco infarct\infarto infatuating\seducente infect\infettare infected\appuntare infection\infezione inferior\di valore scadente infernal\infernale infinite\infinito infinitive\infinitivo inflammable\accendibile, combustìbile inflammation\infiammabilità inflation\inflazione inflexible\rigido influence\influsso, influire influential\influente influenza\influenza inform\insegnare, informare, far noto, informare informally\disinvolto information\informazione, ragguaglio ingenious\ingegnoso ingenuous\semplice, sincero ingot\lingotto ingotiron\acciaio fuso inhabit\abitiamo, abitare inhabitant\abitatore, abitante inhabits\abitato inhalation\aspirazione inhale\succhiare, aspirare inherit\ereditare inhuman\disumano inhumanly\disumano iniquitous\infame initial\iniziale initials\abbreviamento inject\spruzzare injection\siringa injured\ferito injury\ferita ink\inchiostro inland\territorio nazionale Inland Revenue\ufficio delle finanze inletted\incastrato inn\osteria inner\interno, interiore innocence\innocenza inobservance\dimenticanza inoculate\vaccinare inpayment\pagamento input\petizione inquire\informarsi inquiry\informazione, richiesta, richiesta, inchiesta inquisitorial\curioso inscription\iscrizione insect\insetto insecure\malsicuro insemination\fecondazione insert\introdurren inside\di dentro insider\iniziato insignias\distintivo insignificant\irrilevante, insignificante insignificantly\senza importanza insitute\istituto insolence\impertinenza insolent\sfacciato, insolente insolvency\insolvenza insolvent\insolvente insomnia\insonnia insouciance\spensieratezza inspect\ispezionare, controllare inspection\controllo, ispezione inspector\controllore inspiration\eccitamento, idea inspire\fanatizzare install\mettere, mettere, allineare installation\installazione, allineamento instant\momento instantly\direttamente instead\invece instead of\invece, invece di instead off\invece di instinctiveness\naturalezza institue\istituto institutional\legale instruct\assegnare, delegare instruction\insegnamento, vaglia, educazione instructional\ordini instructor\negli, educatore instructors\insegnante instrument\strumento insufficient\insufficiente insult\affronto, oltraggiare, oltraggiare insurance\assicurazione insure\assicurare insured\assicurato intact\intatto intelligence\intelligenza intelligent\intelligente intemperate\smoderato intensity\intensità intensive\intensivo intention\proposito interbreed\incrociare interest\interessare, interesse interested\interessato, appassionato interesting\interesante interference\intromissione intergrate\integrare interior\interiore, interiore interject\obiettare interlock\ingranare intermingles\miscredenza internal\nazionale international\internazinale internist\internista interpreter\traduttore interrogation\interrogatorio interruption\interruzione intersect\incrociare intersection\crociata interval\spazio intervene\intervenire intervention\intervento intestine\budello intimate\intimo intimidate\intimidire into\negli intolerable\intollerabile intonation\cadenza intrepid\ardito, coraggioso intrigue\intrigo, intrigare introduce\presentare introducir\introdurren introduction\introduzione, introduzione intromission\ammissione intrusion\penetrare intumescence\gonfiatura intwain\in due inutile\disùtile invade\ricordare invalid\nullo invalidate\estenuare invalidation\estenuazione invasion\invasione inveigles\sedotta invent\inventare invention\invenzione inventor\fabbricatore inventory\inventario invest\abbordo, investire investigation\vìsita investment bonds\effetti investor\risparmiatore invitation\invito invite\invitare, invitare invoice\càlcolo Ireland\Irlanda iris\iride Irishman\Irlandese iron\ferro, ferro da stiro ironworks\ferriera irony\ironia irrecognizable\irriconoscibile irrecoverable\insostituibile irreducibly\minimale irregular\eteroclito irresponsive\privo di comprensione irrevocable\irrevocabile irrigate\annaffiare, bagnare irritate\esacerbare irritating\stizzito irruption\penetrare island\isola islet\isoletta isolated\unico issue\emettere it\a lui Italian\Italiano Italy\Italia itch\prudere item\artìcolo iterates\ripetuto iternal\interno itinerary\itinerario, tratto its\di ella, al suo ivory\avorio jack\cricco, spina jacket\giubba jag\crepatura jail\prigione jam\calca, marmellata jammerfellow\nato con la camicia jampacked\rinzeppato January\gennaio Japan\Giappone Japanese\Giapponese japanese\nipponico jazz\jazz jealous\geloso jealousness\gelosia jealousy\gelosia jelly\gelatina jellyfish\medusa jennyass\asina jerk\stratto, folata jeryhouse\catapecchia jest\scherzare jesting\lepido jet\raggio, jet jet plane\jet jetty\molo Jew\giudeo jewel\gemma jeweller\gioielliere jiff\momento jiggle\vacillare jingle\sonare il campanello, tinntinnare jinx\guaio job\lavoro, professione, posizione, quesito, posizione joblessness\disoccupazione join\legare, copulare, unirsi, sè, guarnizione joiner\falegname joint\guarnizione, articolazione, cuocio joke\scherzo, celia, lazzo, scherzare, tiro jolt\folata, scuotere, stratto journalist\giornalista journey\itinerario, viaggio in macchina, viaggio, tratto joy\consolazione joyce\elezione joyful\festevole, giocondo joyously\pieno di gioia jucystory\interesante judge\giudice, giudicare judgement\giudizio judicial\giudiziario judicious\perspicace judo\judo jug\orcia, vaso, caraffa, carato juice\succo juicily\succoso juicy\succoso July\luglio jump\saltellare, saltare, lancio jumper\maglia, spina, pullover June\giugno jungle\giungla junto\cricca jupon\sottana juridical\giurìdico jurisdiction\giurisdizione jurist\giurista juristic\giurìdico, giurìdico jury\giuria just\equanime, soltanto justice\giustizia, giustizia justification\giustificazione kayak\kayak keen\ansioso, nitido keep\osservare, trattenere, mantenere, rimanere, durare key\chiave, tasto keyboard\tastiera, pianola kibble\tritare kick\calcio, pedata, sgambettare kicked\colpii kidnap\rapire kidney\rene kill\uccidere killer\uccisore killjoys\guastafeste kilo\chilo kilogram\chilogrammo kilogramme\chilogrammo kilometer\chilòmetro kilometre\chilòmetro kilometres\chilòmetro kind\fare, benevolo, cortese, valevole, gentile, sorta kindle\infiammare kindly\valevole kingdom\regno kingfisher\alcione kinswoman\conggiunto kiosk\edìcola kirk\chiesa kiss\bacio, baciano kit\tasca, astuccio kitchen\cucina kitchenware\cocci kleenex\fazzoletto di carta knead\impastare kneader\massaggiatore knee\ginocchio kneeing\ginocchioni kneel\inginocchiarsi knife\coltello knit\lavorare a maglia knock\battuta, battere, urtare knock down\travolto knock out\abbàttere knockknees\gambe a x knockout\precipitazione knop\bottone knot\nodo know\potere, conoscere, sapere knowable\riconoscibile knowingly\deliberato knowledge\sapere, nozione knownmake\notificare knuckle\articolazione Koran\corano kremlin\cremlino label\scudo labelling\distinzione laboratory\laboratorio labour\lavoro labour exchange\ufficio del lavoro labyrinth\labirinto lace\punta, cordonare laceration\ferita carnosa lack\mancare, strettezza, difetto lack of clarity\poca chiarezza lacked\mancai lacquer\vernice ladylike\da signora lager\birra lake\navale, lago lama\lama lamb\agnello lamp\lampada, fanalino lance\lancia land\terreno, terra, toccare terra landing\approdo lands\terre landscape\paesaggio landslide\frana landsman\terraiuolo lane\viale, traccia, vìcolo, vicolo, strada language\idioma languages\lingue lanky\allampanato lantern\lampione large\grande, ampio largeintestine\intestino lark\allodola larva\larva larynx\laringe lasciviousness\lascivia lash\flagellare lass\ragazza last\ultimo, durare, scorso, infine, continuare last but one\penultimo last will\testamento later\più tarda lateral\laterale lathe\tornio laugh\ridere laugh at\deridere laughter\risata, ridere laurel\alloro lavatory\latrina, abbigliatura law\legge lawcourt\pietanza lawful\legittimo, legale lawn\smaniare lawsuit\procedimento lawyer\legale, giurista lay\posare layby\luogo di sosta layer\strato layers\stratificare laying\posare layman\laico laze\battere la fiacca lazy\ozioso, pigro lazybones\infingardo lead\condurre, piombo leader\guida leading in\introduzione leaf\sfogliare, falda, foglia leaf through\sfogliare leaflet\volantino, memorandum leak\falla lean\sostenere, scremato, sporgere leap\saltare learn\apprèndere, apprèndere, imparare learned\erudito, colto learning\apprèndere lease\prendere in affitto, noleggiare leaseholder\appaltatore least\meno di tutti leather\cuoio leave\andàrsene, lasciare in eredità, lasciare lectern\leggio lecture\dizione ledges\cornicioni leeriness\astuzia left\sinistra, sinistro, a sinistra left luggage\depòsito bagagli left side\sinistra lefthanded\mancino leg\gamba, zampa legal\giurìdico, giudiziario, legittimo, legale legal decision\sentenza legal procedure\procedimento legale legal process\via legale legality\legittimità legalize\legalizzare legally\legale legation\legazione legato\vincolato legend\spiegazione, leggenda legible\leggkbile legionnaire\legionario legislation\legislazione legislative\legislativo legislatively\legislativo legislator\legiferatore legit\vero legitimate\legittimo, legittimo legitimate portion\legittima legitimize\legittimare legs\gambe leisure\ozio leisure time\tempo libero lemon\limone lemonade\limonata lems\oggettivo lemures\lemuri lend\prestare, imprestare lends\presta length\volume, durata lengthen\allungare lengths\longitudinale lengthwise\lunghesso leniency\indulgenza lenient\indulgente leniently\indulgente lenitive\leniente lense\lente lent\prestai lentil\lenticchia, lente leopard\leopardo leprosy\lebbra leprously\lebbroso lesbian\lesbio lesion\fegriva less\minore, meno lessen\rimpicciolire lessens\diminuito lesson\lezione, lezione let\appigionare, lasciare let down\abbassamento let in\incastrato let know\informare lethargic\floscio, letargico lethargy\letargia lets\lasciare, lasci, amméttere letter\epistolare, lettera alfabetica letter box\cassetta postale letter of attorney\autorizzazione letter of credit\lettera di credito lettering\iscrizione letters\lettere, lettere lettuce\lattuga leukaemia\leucemia leukemia\leucemia levee\diga level\pianura, livello, appianare, gradino, posizione levelheaded\digiuno levelness\ugualità lever\leva levers\leva levy\esaltare levying\alzante lewd\lascivo lewdness\lascivia lexical\lessicale lexicon\lessico liability\responsabilità, responsabilità liable\responsabile, responsabile, obbligato liable to duty\soggetto a dogana liana\liana liar\bugiardo lib\esimere libation\libazione libbard\leopardo libellist\calunniatore libellous\calunnioso liberal\liberale liberalism\liberalismo liberalization\liberalizzazione liberalize\liberalizzare liberally\liberale liberates\liberato liberating\liberante liberation\liberazione liberator\liberatore, Redentore libertinism\licenziosità liberty\libertà liberty of action\libertà di movimento libra\bilancia libraried\collezionato library\biblioteca libs\liberato lice\cimici licence\nullaosta, licensa, modulo, patente di guida licence number\numero di matricola license\permettere, licensa licentious\licenzioso licentiousness\licenziosità lichen\liciene licit\legalitario lick\lambire lickings\randello licorice\liquirizia lid\callotta, palpebra lidded\limitato lids\callotta lie\circostanza, mentire, bugìa, giacere lie down\sdraiarsi lied\mentito lies\giace lieu\invece life\stare, durata della vita life insurance\assicurazione sulla vita life span\durata della vita lifebelt\salvagente lifeboat\lancia di salvataggio lifeguard\bagnaiuolo lifeless\esanime lifelessness\mancanza di vita lifelike\naturale lifelong\vitalizio lifetime\stare lift\sollevare un pò, ascensore, elevatore, sollevare lifted\sollevai liftings\sollevo lifts\ascensori ligate\legamento ligated\fettuccia ligating\legante light\lampada, poco pesante, rado, schiarire, accesi light hearted\sereno light meter\esposìmetro light up\illuminare lighten\schiarire, agevolare lighter\accendino lightheaded\leggiero lighthearted\festevole lightheartedness\giovialità lighthouse\faro lighting\illuminazione lighting technology\luministica lightly\poco pesante lightness\facilità lightning\baleno, lampeggiare, fulmine lignite\lignite likable\gentile like\simile, pari, come like this\cosi liked him\piacque likelihood\verosimiglianza likeliness\verosimiglianza likely\presumibile, verosìmile liken\paragonare likeness\assomiglianza likens\confrontato likewise\altrettanto, ugualmente lilac\sambuco lilies\liliaceo lilt\canticchiare liltingly\festevole lily\giglio limb\membro limber\poco stretto limbs\arti lime\calce lime-tree\tiglio lime like\calcareo limelight\luci della ribalta limit\delimitare, frontiera limitation\limitazione limitative\limitante limited\corto limiting\limitante limitless\sconfinato limp\zoppicare limpid\vaporoso limpidness\limpidezza limping\zoppicante limply\spossato limpness\fiacchezza limy\calcinoso linden-tree\tiglio line\riga, direzione, collezione, solco, riga, riga line by line\a righe line up\fare la fila lineage\derivazione linen\di lino linen cupboard\armadio della biancheria lineprinter\stampatore liner\nave di linea lineup\allineamento lingering\esitante lingua\lingua linguistic\linguistico, idiomàtico linguistical\idiomàtico, linguistico linguistics\linguistica liniment\linimento liniments\linimento link\copulare, legamento, attaccare linnen\di lino linnet\fanello linoleum\linoleum lion\leone lioness\leonessa lionize\fantasticare lions\leonino lip\labbra lipstick\rossetto liqueur\liquore liquid\liquido, liquidità liquid manure\liquame liquidate\estingere, liquidare liquidates\estingue liquidation\estinzione liquidator\liquidatore liquidly\liquido liquidness\liquidità lissome\duttile lissomely\duttile list\numerare, elenco, registro listen\ascoltare, sentisti, udizione listen carefully\orecchiare listen to\udizione, ascoltare listener\ascoltatore, ascoltatore listening\ascoltante listens to\sente listless\svogliato, svogliato listlessness\svogliatezza litany\litania lite\la crema literacy\cultura literal\letteralmente, letterale literary\letterario literature\letteratura lithe\duttile litheness\duttilità lithograph\litografia lithographic\litografico lithogrph\litografare, litografia litigious\litigigioso litre\litro litter\strame little\piccolo, minuscolo littleness\nonnulla littlest\piccolissimo liturgic\liturgico liturgy\liturgia live\abitiamo, stare live in\abitare live to see\vissi live together\convìvere lived\vivei liveliness\vivezza, slancio lively\allegro, vivo, vivace liver\epatico lives\vive livestock\bestiame living\vivo living-room\stanza living room\stanza lizard\lucertola lo\vedi load\caricato loaded\caricato loads\carica loaf\pagnotta loafing\oziosità loan\credito, prestito loath\contrario loathe\avere in orrore loathes\detestato loathly\disdegnoso loathsome\laido lobe\lobulo lobster\aragosta local\nostrano, locale locale\scena locality\località, abitato localization\localizzazione localize\localizzare locally\locale locate\mettere, localizzare, accertare, mettere located\posto location\circostanza locations\ente locator\lancetta loch\seno, lago lochs\mari loci\posti lock\serratura, chiudere, chiavistello, fermatura lock away\carcerare lock out\blocco lock up\rinchiudere, carcerare lockable\chiudibile locket\medaglione locks\serrature locks up\ostruito locomotion\progressione locomotive\locomotiva locution\locuzione, frase lode\andamento lodestone\magnete lodge\depositare lodger\subinquilino loft\deposito loftiness\elevatezza lofty\elevato, patetico log\registrare log off\notifica della partenza log on\dichiarazione di soggiorno logarithm\logaritmo logarithmic\logaritmico logarithmically\logaritmico logged\registrato loggerhead\allocco logic\logica logical\logico logically\logico logs\ceppi loin\lombo loiter\gingillare loitered\gingillato loiterer\poltrone lollipop\succio londoner\londinese lone wolf\solitario loneliness\solitudine lonely\unico loner\solitario long\vasto, lungo long-distance call\comunicazione interurbana long ago\da molto tempo long sighted\presbite long term\a lunga scadenza longed\bramai longer\più lungo longevity\longevità longhair\quattrocentista longing\ansioso longingly\ansioso longish\oblungo look\cera, notabilità, occhiata look after\badare, serbare look ahead\prevedere look at\notabilità look for\esaminare, cercare, cerco look for something\cerco look out\attenzione look through\intravvedere looked\visto looking through\intravvedente lookouts\attèndere looks at\esaminato lookup\considerare, cerco loony\pazzo loop\cappio loops\inghiottire loose\lasco, lasciare, poco stretto, floscio loose connection\contatto lasco loose contact\contatto lasco loosely\poco stretto loosen\allentare looser\perdente loot\saccheggiare looter\saccheggiatore looting\saccheggiante lopes\salta lopsided\obliquo lopsidedly\obliqua lopsidedness\parzialità loquacious\verboso, lingwacciuto Lord\signore lord\padrone lordly\liberale lordship\dominio lorries\furgone lorry\camion, furgone lose\perdere, perdo lose weight\togliere, dimagrare losers\perdente loses\perde loss\perdita, perdita loss of hair\caduta dei capelli losses\perdite lost\perduto lost motion\a vuoto lost property office\ufficio oggetti smarriti lot\gruppo, quantità, compagnia, cùmulo lotion\lozione lots\mescolare lottery\estrazione, lotteria loud\secondo loud speaker\altoparlante loudly\liuto, forte loudmouth\lingwacciuto loudness\sonorità loudspeaker\altoparlante lounge\salotto, atrio lounger\poltrone louse\spidocchiare, pidocchio lousiness\vigliaccheria lousy\laido, bidonato lout\tanghero loutish\villano lovableness\gentilezza love\amore, amare love letter\lettera amorosa loved\amai loveless\insensibile lovelessness\insensibilità loveliness\amenità lovely\ameno, incantevole, placevole, delizioso lover of\amante loves\ama lovingly\amante low\inferiore, inferiore low carbon steel\ferro battuto low level\basso livello low level flight\volo a bassa quota low tide\bassa lower\abbassamento, abbassare, sotto lower jaw\maschella loweringly\accigliato lowers\abbassa lowlands\bassopiano lowliness\bassezza lowly\inferiore lowness\fondo loyal\fido, leale loyalness\lealtà loyalty\lealtà lozenger\caramella lubbers\tanghero lubricant\lubrificativo lubricate\ingrassare lubrication\lubrificazione lubricative\lubrificativo lubricious\untuoso lucent\fulgente lucid\squillante, distinto lucidity\limpidezza lucidly\chiara luck\felcità, prospettiva luckily\fortunatamente luckiness\felcità lucky\avventurato lucky chance\colpo di fortuna lucky devil\nato con la camicia ludicrous\sciocco lues\lue lug\abbrivo luggage\bagaglio luggage van\bagagliaio lugubrious\lugubre lugubriousness\tristezza lukewarm\tiepido lukewarmly\tiepido lull\ristagno, ninnare lull to sleep\addormentare lullaby\ninna nanna lulling to sleep\narcotico lumbago\lombaggine luminescence\luminescenza luminous\fulgente, squillante luminousness\nitore lump\cumulo, ammaccatura, gnocco lump sugar\zucchero in zollette lumpy\globuloso lunacy\pazzia lunar eclipse\eclissi lunare lunatic\pazza lunatics\pazza lunch\desinare luncheons\desinare lunches\desinare lungs\polmone lure\adescamento lurid\acuto luring\allettante lurk\guatare lurking\guatante lushly\succoso lust\uzzolo, voluttà luster\lumiera lusters\lumiera lustful\lascivo, lussurioso lustfulness\lascivia lustily\lascivo lustre\nitore lustrously\raggioso lusty\valido, benportante lute\mastice luxuriancy\opulenza luxurious\lussuoso luxury\lusso luxury hotel\albergo di lusso lye\liscivia lying\giacente lymph\linfa lymphatic\linfatico lynch\linciare lynchlaw\linciaggio lynx\lince lyre\lira lyric\lirico lyric poetry\lirica lyrics\lirica maced\condito machiavellians\senza scrupoli machinable\automatico machinate\intrigare machination\intrigo machinator\intrigante machine\ordigno machinery\macchinario machinist\macchinista mackerel\sgombro maculate\imbrattare mad\arrabbiato, cattivo, pazzo, pazzo Madam\signora madding\farnetico mademoiselle\signorina madge\gazza madhouse\manicomio madly\pazzo madmen\pazzo madness\follia, pazzia maelstrom\vortice magazine\periodico magenta\violetto magic\magico, magia magicians\mago magistrate\magistrato magistrates\giudice conciliatore magnanimous\generoso magnanimousness\generosità magnate\magnate magnesium\magnesio magnet\magnete magnetic\magnetico magnetical\magnetico magnetically\magnetico magnetism\magnetismo magnificence\magnificenza magnificent\fastoso, grandioso magnificently\fastoso magnifies\ingrandito magnitude\grossezza magnolia\magnolia magpie\gazza maid\domestica, fantesca maiden\vergine maidenliness\verginità maidly\vergine maidservant\fantesca mail\spedire, posta, a posta corrente mail box\cassetta postale mailbox\cassetta postale mailorder\lavorazione main\essenziale mainland\continente, terraferma mainline\linea principale mainly\in prima linea maintain\fiancheggiare, mantenere, ottengo maintainable\durevole maintainer\sostenitore maintenance\economato, manutenzione maize\granturco majestic\maestoso majesty\maestà major\maggiore, in prima linea majority\maggioranza make\bàttersela, fabbricare, confezionare, marchio make a mistake\equivocare make an effort\affaticare make fun of\canzonare make up your mind\decidere, decìdersi makes\fabbricare, bàttersela makeshift\espediente makeup\liscio, liscio makeups\truccare making\facente, fattura maladroit\indiscreto malady\malattia malapropos\non appropriato malarkey\sciocchezza malcontent\malcontento male\maschile, spina male connector\spina malediction\crimine, esecrazione malefactor\malfattore maleficent\maligno males\uomini malevolence\malevolenza malevolent\malintenzionato malfeasance\trascorrere malicious\malintenzionato maliciously\malizioso malign\nefasto malignancy\malevolenza malignant\maligno malinger\simulare malingerer\simulatore malleability\duttilità malleable\espansivo malleableness\duttilità, duttilità mallow\malva malodorousness\lezzo maltreat\maltrattare maltreatment\maltrattamento malts\malto mamma\mamma mammal\mammifero man\persona, uomo, omo manacle\legame manage\condurre, amministrare, dirigere manageability\arrendevolezza management\maneggio, direzione, economato manager\conduttore, guida, imprenditore, direttore manciple\fattore mandamus\comando mandarin\mandarino mandate\mandato mandatory\obbligatorio mandolin\mandolino mane\criniera manege\pista maneuver\manovra maneuverable\mobile manganese\manganese mange\rogna manger\greppia mangle\dilaniare mangles\dilaniato mangy\rognoso mania\mania maniac\pazzo maniacal\pazzo manifest\notificare manifestation\manifestazione manifestly\evidente manifests\affermato manifold\ciclostilare, copia mankind\umanità manly\maschile manner\metodo, esibirsi, fare manoeuvre\manovra manometer\manometro mansard\soffitta manservant\famulo mansion\villa manslaughter\omicidio colposo mantas\copro mantle\velare mantrap\tranello manual\manuale, manuale manufacture\confezionare, prodotto, fabbricare manufacturer\fabbricatore manufacturers\artéfice manufacturing fault\difetto di fabbricazione manufacutre\fabbricare manumit\mettere in libertà many\molti many a\parecchio many an\parecchio map\elaborare, carta geografica map of the city\piantina maraud\saccheggiare marauder\saccheggiatore marble\pallina, marmo march\marciare March\marzo march\camminare margin\lembo marjoram\maggiorana mark\censura, simbolo, marcare, marchio, designare market\mercato, alìnea, commercio marketplace\mercato marking\marcatura marksman\tiratore marriage\sposalizio, sposalizio, matrimonio married\sposato, matrimoniale marrow\midollo marrowy\midolloso martens\martora martyr\martire marvellous\superbo marvels\si stupisce masculine\maschile masher\donnaiuolo mask\maschera mass\massa massage\massaggio massive\compatto mast\ingrassamento master\dominare masterpiece\capo lavoro masters\campione masturbation\onanismo mat\stuoia match\fiammifero mate\accoppiare material\stoffa, materiale, materia, stoffa material demage\danno alle cose maternal\materno mathematics\matematica matrimony\stato matrimoniale matron\matrona matt\appannato matter\stoffa, materia, materiale mattress\materasso mature\maturo matured\maturato matureness\maturità maturity\maturità maximum speed\velocità massima May\maggio may\potere maybe\chissà, forse mayor\sindaco maze\labirinto me\me, biasimo, io, a me meal\pietanza mealies\granturco mean\esoso, supporre, infame, volere dire meaning\levatura means\espediente meantime\nel frattemoi meanwhile\nel frattemoi measles\morbillo measurable\misurabile measure\proporzione, tatto, misurare, misura measure out\dosare meat\carne meatball\crocchetta meatless\scarno mechanic\meccanico mechanical\meccanico mechanically\a macchina mechanics\meccanica mechanism\ordigno medal\medaglia mediation\mediazione medicament\medicamento medicine\medicina, medicina mediocre\mediocre medulla\midollo meeds\salari meet\incontrare meet again\rivedersi meeting\incontro, incontro melancholiness\malinconia melody\melodia melon\melone melt\sciogliere, fusione melted\sciolto melting\fusione member\membro membrane\membrana memorize\immagazzinare, memorizzare memory\ricordo, ricordo, deposito men\uomini mendaciousness\bugiarderia mending\rappezzare menstruate\mestruare mental\spirituale mentality\mentalità mention\menzionare menu\menu, listino menue\menu mercenaries\mercenario mercenary\mercenario merchant\commerciante mercifully\misericordioso mercury\argento vivo mercy\impietosire merely\solamente meridian\meridiano merry\festevole, lieto, giocondo mess\viluppo message\messaggio, comunicazione, nuova messenger\fattorino met\incontrato metal\metallo metaling\acciottolatura metallic\metallico meteorologist\meteorologo meter\metro method\metodo methodic\come prestabilito metre\metro mew\miagolare mi\miglio mice\topi microbe\microbo microscope\microscopio middle\espediente, metà middle age\medio evo midnight\mezzanotte midwife\levatrice migraine\emicrania Milan\Milano mile\miglio milk\latte milky\latteo mill\mulino milled\macinato millimetres\millimetro million\milione mind\mente, giudizio, accezione, osservare mine\miei, me, miniera mineral water\acqua minerale minister\parroco, ministro ministry\ministero mink\visone minor\insignificante minority\minoranza, minorità mint\menta minus\meno minute\minuto minutes\rapporto miracles\miracolo mirror\specchio mirrorfinish\lucentezza perfetta miscarry\arrenare mischances\incidenti mischief\malanno mischievous\birichino misdeed\misfatto miserable\afflitto, malinconia, disgraziato, lamentoso misery\penuria, miserabile misfortune\guaio mishap\sfortuna mishmashes\miscuglio misprint\errore di stampa Miss\signorina miss\perdere missile\razzo missing\mancante mission\missione mist\nebbia, foschia mistake\errore, vizio, granchiolino mistakenly\erroneamente mistrust\diffidenza misty\nebbioso misunderstanding\equivoco mitigated\mitigato mix\mischiare, mischio mix up\scambiare mixed\mischiato mixture\mistura mm\mese moan\borbottare, gèmito moans\geme mobile\mobile, mobile mode\modo model\indossatrice, modello modeling\formante moderat\moderare modern\moderno modernize\modernizzare modest\pudico, semplice modeste\semplice modification\modificazione, modificazione modify\modificare, alterare, variare modulate\regolare modulation\regolazione module\modulo mointain chain\montagne moisten\umettare molar\dente molare moldable\formabile molecule\molecola molestation\noia molt\mutarsi moment\momento momentary\momentaneamente monarchy\monarchia monastery\convento monday\lunedì Monday\lunedí mondays\il lunedì money\denaro, soldi, quattrini monies\denari monitory\monitorio monk\frate monkey\scimmia monkeyshine\scemenze monochromatical\unicolore monogamy\monogamia monopoly\esclusiva, esclusiva monotonous\monotono, monotono monotony\monotonia monpoly\esclusiva monster\mostro, mostro monstrance\ostensorio monstrosities\mostro monstrous\mostro monstrousness\enormità month\mese monthly\mensile, mensilmente monument\monumento mood\bisbètico, capriccio, atmosfera, ànimo moody\bisbètico moon\luna moonlight\lume di luna moony\lunato moose\alce mopping up\epurazione moral\morale, etico morale\moralità morality\moralità morally\morale morals\moralità morass\pantano mordant\mordente more\più largo, di più more often\più spesso moreover\inoltre, d'altronde, ulteriormente moribund\morente moribundity\mortalità morn\oriente morning\mattina, oriente morning pint\brindisi mattutino moronic\deficenza morose\indispettito moroseness\uggia morsel\boccone mortal\letale, mortale mortal fear\angoscia mortale mortal sin\peccato mortale mortality\mortalità mortar\mortaio, calcina mortgage\ipoteca mortify\umiliare mortifying\umiliante mortuaries\obitorio mosaic\mosaico mosque\moschea mosquito\anòfele, zanzara moss\muschio mossiness\dolcezza most\altissimo, maggior parte, grossissimo most beautiful\bellissima mostly\in prima linea mother\madre motherly\materno moths\tarma motion\movimento motionless\immobile motive\motivo motor\motore motorbike\motocicletta motorcycle\motocicletta motorcyclist\motociclista motorway\autostrada motto\divisa mould\forma mount\montare mountain\montagna mountaineer\alpinista mountaineering\alpinismo mountains\montagne mounting\montaggio mourning\bruno mouse\topo, sorcio moustache\baffi mouth\boca, abboccatura, muso, bocca, imboccatura mouthwash\collutorio move\muovere, imbarazzato, cambiare casa, trasloco move in\esigere movement\movimento moving\pigliante mow\falciatura mple\tempia Mr\signore Mrs\signora muck\sudiciume mud\fango muddles\guastato muddy\torbido mug\orcia, calice muggings\furti mulberry-tree\gelso mulct\contravvenzione mule\mulo multi-lingual\poliglotta multiple\molteplice multiplication\moltiplicare multiply\moltiplicare multitudinously\numeroso Mum\mamma Mummy\mamma mumps\orecchioni municipal\urbano murder\assassinare, omicidio colposo, omicidio murderer\uccisore murkiness\oscurità murmur\farfugliare muscle\muscolo museum\museo mushroom\fungo music\musica musical\musicale musician\musicista muslim\musulmano mussel\gongola, conchiglia mussels\conchiglie must\debbono mustard\senape mute\muto mutineer\ammutinato muzzle\muso, ceffo my\miei, mio myrthle\mirto mysterious\misterioso mystery\indovinello, segreto mystic\mistico nail\chiodo, inchiodare nailenamel\smalto per le unghie naive\semplice naked\spennato name\reputazione, nomare, cognome nameable\nominabile nameday\onomastico namely\vale a dire nanny\bambinaia nap\pisolino nape of the neck\collottola napkin\salvietta nappy\fascia narcissus\narciso narcotizing\narcotizzante narrators\narratore narrow\venni, magro nasal\nasale nasty\spaventoso, orrendo nation\nazione national\nazionale, statale nationalism\nazionalismo nationalistic\nazionalistico nationality\naturalità, nazionalità nationalization\nazionalizzazione native\natio, unigenito native country\patria native language\lingua materna nativity\natività natural\ovvio, natura secondo naturally\ovvio, naturalmente nature\indole nature reserve\parco nazionale naught\nullità nausea\nausea nauseously\nauseante naval\marina navel\ombelico navigable\navigabile navigator\nocchiero, navigatore navy\marina near by\accanto nearly\quasi neat\gioielli necessary\necessario, necessario, occorrente necessity\necessità neck\collo, collottola neckerchief\fazzoletto da collo necklace\catena, collana necromancy\esorcismo nectar\nettare need\aver bisogno, usare, richiesta, bisogno, richiesta needle\ago, spilla needy\nullatenente nefariousness\nefandezza negation\negazione negative\lastra, contrario neglect\negligere negotiate\discùtere negotiation\negoziato negotiator\negoziatore negro\negro neighbour\vicinale neighbourhood\vicinato neither\nè neophyte\principiante neozoic\evo moderno nephew\nipote nerve\nervo nerved\nerboruto nervous\nervoso nest\nido nests\nidi net\ordito net price\prezzo netto net weight\peso netto netting\intreccio network\ordito network of roads\rete stradale neurology\neurologia neurosis\neorosi neurotics\nevrotico neutral\neutrale neutralization\neutralizzazione neutralize\neutralizzare never\giammai, mai nevertheless\però, nonostante new\novizio new-born baby\neonato newborn\rinato news\notizie, novità newspaper\gazzetta next\prossimo, venturo next to\accanto next to me\accanto a me nibble\rosicchiare nice\simpatico, buono, gentile, placevole, caro nick\intaccatura nickel\nichelio nickname\nomignolo nicotine\nicotina niece\nipote night\notturno night watchman\guardiano notturno nightclub\cabaret nightdress\camicia da notte nightingale\usignuolo nightowl\gufo nil\nullità nimble\agile nine\nove nine hundred\novecento ninefold\nonuplo nineteen\diciannove ninety\novantina nip\pizzicare nit\lendine no\no, non di uno, non, nessuno, non uno no at all\di nessuna specie no more than\altrettanto poco no one\non di uno, nessuno no parking\divieto di parcheggio noble\nobile nobleman\nobildonna nocturnal\notturno nocturnally\notturno nod\annuire nodule\nodulo nogood\vitellone noise\fracasso, rumore noiseless\silenzioso noisy\secondo nomad\nomade nomination\nomina non-swimmer\non nuotatore nonagon\nonagono nondisclosure\segretezza none\non uno nonfading\resistente alla luce nonplus\imbarazzo nonsense\nonsenso nonstop\incessante nonu\sconveniente noodles\pasta, ingozzare noon\mezzodì nor\nè nordic\nordico, settentrionale normal\normale normative\normativo north\nord North\nord north\bòrea northern\nordico, settentrionale northwest\nordovest Norway\Norvegia Norwegian\Norvegese nose\fiuto noses\nasale nosologist\patologo nostril\narice nostrils\nari not\non, no not a\non uno not any\nessuno, non di uno not as yet\non ancora not even\neppure notarization\legalizzazione notary\notaio notch\intaccatura note\notazione, appunto, notabene, ordito note down\vergare, appuntare notebook\taccuino notepaper\carta da lèttere nothing\nulla notice\cartellone, affisso, appunto, percepire, scudo notice of departure\notifica della partenza notification\leva notify\informare, informare notion\nozione notoriety\notorietà nourishment\cibo, alimente, nutrimento novel\romanzo novelty\novità November\novembre novice\principiante now\attualmente, ebbene nowadays\oggigiorno nowhere\in nessun luogo nub\bottone nuclear disintegration\disintegrazione nucleare nuclear energy\energia nucleare nuclear fission\fissioneînucleare nuclear physics\fisicaînucleare nuclear reactor\reattore nucleare nucleonics\fisicaînucleare nucleus\nucleare, nucleo cellulare nude\spennato nudely\spolto nudeness\nudità nudity\nudità nugatory\senza valore numb\assordare number\novero, numerare, numero, numero number of pieces\numero di pezzi numbered\numerato numbering\numerazione numbers\pagare numbing\assordante numbly\rigido numbs\assordato numerable\numerabile numeral\cifra numerate\numerare numeration\numerazione, enumerazione numeric\numerico numerical\numerico numerous\numeroso numismatic\numismatico nun\monaca nuptial\nuziale nuptially\nuziale nuptials\nozze nurse\allattamento, coltivare, badare nursed\succhiato nursemaid\bambinaia nurseries\stanza dei bambini nursery\stanza dei bambini nursery school\asilo infantile nursling\poppante nutmeg\noce moscata nutria\nutria nutriment\alimento nutrimental\nutritivo nutrition\nutrimento nutritious\nutritivo nuttiness\gustosità nutty\piccante nuzzle\vezzeggiare nylon\nailon oafish\ingenuo, stupido oafishness\ocaggine oak\quercia oar\remo oars\remo, canottaggio oarsman\vogatore oasis\oasi oat\biada oath\giuramento, bestemmia, giuramento oaths\giuramenti oats\avena, biada obedience\obbedienza obedient\obbediente, obbediente obese\corpulento obesity\obesità obey\obbedire obfuscate\abbuiare obfuscation\oscuramento obfuscatory\accigliato obituary\necrologio object\traguardo, oggetto objection\eccezione objectionable\insufficiente objective\realistico, traguardo, oggettivo, reale objectivity\oggettività, realtà objector\avversario objectors\avversario objects\oggetti objurgate\criticare objurgates\biasima objurgation\biàsimo oblation\sacrificio obligate\obbligare obligates\obbligato obligation\obbligo obligatory\obbligatorio, impegnativo oblige\obbligare, obbligare obliges\obbligato obliging\impegnativo, zelante oblique\obliquo obliqueness\obliquità obliquity\obliqua obliterate\estingere obliterates\estingue oblivion\oblio oblivious\smemorato obliviousness\dimenticàggine oblong\rettangolare, rettangolo obloquy\calunnia obscene\osceno obscenity\lascivia obscuration\oscuramento obscure\ermetico obscurely\ermetico obscureness\oscurità obscures\oscurato obscurities\poca chiarezza obsequious\servile observable\percettibile, notevole observance\osservanza observation\ottemperanza, osservazione observe\percepire, osservare, vigilare, compiere, eseguire observes\osservato observing\attento obsess\inseguire, infestare obsessed\energumeno obsesses\tormenta obsession\ubbia, ossessione obsolete\arcàico obstacle\ostacolo obstetrics\ostetricia obstinacy\cocciutaggine obstinate\ostinato obstinateness\ostinatezza obstruct\sbarrare obstructing\impedente obstruction\disturbo obstructive\ritroso, inpeditivo obstructs\ostruito obtain\ricevere, procurare, conseguire, ottengo obtainable\ottenibile obtuse angled\ottusangolo obtuseness\ottusita obviate\ovviare, impedire obviating\preventivo obviation\prevenzione obvious\ovvio, flagrante, distinto obviously\evidentemente occasion\occorrenza occasional\occasionale occasionally\occasionale occlude\ostruire occludes\costipato occlusion\occlusione occult\latente occupancy\occupczione occupant\abitatore occupation\professione, occupazione, lavoro, arte occupational\per lavoro occupied\occupato occupies\occupato occupy\incassare, occupare occur\accadere, succedere, esibirsi, entrare occurance\fenomeno occurances\capitare occured\scoperto occurence\emersione occuring\nascondere occurre\esistere, esibirsi occurred\scoperto occurrences\avvenimenti ocean\oceano oceanic\oceanico oceans\oceani ocher\ocra octagon\ottagono October\ottobre octopus\calamaro, polipo ocular\immediato odd\dìspari, memorabile, caratteristico, strano odds\disuguaglianza odious\odioso odor\profumo odoriferous\fragrante odoriferously\profumante odorless\inodoro odorlessness\mancanza di odore odorous\odorifero odors\profumo odour\profumo odourless\inodoro odyssey\peregrinazione oesophagus\esòfago of\dalla, sopra, da, della of course\natura secondo of its\di lui of which\di questo off\da, distante, dalla, perso, strada offed\andato via offence\trascorrere, affronto, infrazione offend\oltraggiare offense\affronto offensive\offensiva, allusivo offensively\offensivo offer\licitazione, licitare, offrire, offerto offers\indicare, offerto offhanded\spontaneo offhandedly\spontaneo offical\ufficiale office\ufficio, impiego officeboy\fattorino officer\funzionario officers\ufficiali official\ufficiale, ufficiale, funzionario official in charge\referendario officiant\officiante offish\riservato offset\compromesso offshoot\rampollo offspring\discendente often\spesso ogle\vagheggiamento ogre\mostro oil\oleato oiled\oleato ointment\unguento OK\bene okay\in ordine, buono, bene okays\concede old age pensioner\pensionato old as the hills\vecchissimo old man\vecchio, vecchia old people's home\ospizio per i vecchi olden\invecchiare oleanders\oleandro oleomargarine\margarina oligarchy\oligarchia olive\oliva olive-tree\olivo Olympic\olimpionico omelette\frittata ominous\infausto ominously\infausto omission\ellisse, omissione omit\omettere, omettere, trascurare omitted\mancante omnibus\omnibus omnipresence\onnipresenza omnipresent\onnipresente omniscience\onniscienza omniscient\onniscienta omstamce\esempio on\sopra, a, negli, in on a trial basis\a titolo di prova on hand\disponibile on her part\da parte sua on it\appresso on Monday\il lunedì on one hand\da un lato on purpose\apposta on the move\per strada on the other side\oltretomba on the other side of\attraverso on the way\per strada on time\tempestivo, puntuale on top\sopra on top of it\appresso on your part\da parte tua once\subito, subito, una volta once more\nuovamente oncoming traffic\traffico in senso opposto one\uno, una one after another\di seguito one after the other\di seguito one hundred\cento one thousand\mille one time\eccezzionale, una volta one way\senso unico one way street\senso unico one year old\di un anno oneness\elemento onerous\noioso oneself\personalmente onion\cipolla onlooker\spettatore only\singolo, solo, soltanto, unico only just\appena onomatopoeic\onomatopeico onset\assalto onslaught\assalto onto\a ontological\ontologico ontologically\ontologico onus\obbligo onward\più largo ooziness\effluvio opacity\opaco opalescence\iridere opalescent\iridescente opaque\torbido, ermetico, opaco opaqueness\opacità open\aprirei, esordire, lievitazione, disserrare open fire\fuoco nel caminetto open handed\liberale opener\apriscatola openers\apriscatola openhanded\liberale opening\accensione openly\scoperto openness\franchezza opens\apre operate\funzionare, esercitare, servire operating\servizio operation\fase di lavorazione, operazione, servizio operational\aziendale operationally\aziendale operatively\operativo operetta\operetta ophthalmitis\oftalmia ophthalmology\oculistica ophthalmoscope\oftalmoscopio opine\supporre opinion\veduta, parere, presa di posizione oposite\viceversa opponent\avversario opportune\opportuno opportunism\opportunismo opportunistic\opportunistico opportunity\eventualità, occorrenza oppose\contrapporre opposed\opposto opposed to\opposto opposing\opposto opposite\di fronte, opposto, contrario opposite side\parte opposta opposition\opposizione, antagonismo oppositional\contrario oppress\premere, deprìmere oppressing\oppressivo oppression\oppressione oppressive\premente oppressiveness\pressione oppressor\vessatore oppressors\vessatore opprobrium\disonore opression\oppressione opt\optare optative\ottativo opted\elessi optic\ottico optic nerve\nervo ottico optical\ottico optician\occhialaio opticians\occhialaio opticnerve\nervo ottico optics\ottica optimism\ottimismo optimist\ottimista optimistic\ottimisvico option\alternative, opzione optional subject\materia facoltativa options\complementi opts\sceglie opulence\pienezza opulent\opimo or\ovvero or else\se no, in caso contrario oracle\oracolo oral\orale orange\arancia, arancione orange-tree\arancio oration\orazione orator\oratore oratorical\oratorio orb\palla orbicular\globoso orbit\orbita orbital\sferico orbs\appallottolare orchestra\orchestra orchid\orchidea order\comandare, ordine, lavorazione, comando, dominare order some more\ordinare ancora order to pay\ordine di pagamento ordered\comandai orderer\committente ordering\ordinatore orderliness\ordinatezza ordinal number\numero ordinale ordinance\ordinanza, ordinamento ordinary\normale, ordinario ordnance\artiglierìa ordure\mota ore\minerale organ\organo organisation\organizzazione organise\organizzare, allestire organiser\negli organism\organismo organization\organizzazione organize\organizzare, ordinare organizer\organizzatore, organizzatore organs\organi orgy\orgia Orient\oriente orientally\orientale orientate\orientare orientation\orientamento orifice\abboccatura, apertura origin\origine, origine, principio original\originale, originale, originario original sin\peccato originale originally\originale, originario originate\causo originated\sorto origination\ragione originator\punto di partenza, fabbricatore, mittente ornament\ornamento ornamentation\decorazione ornate\sovraccaricare ornery\ordinario orthodontists\odontotecnico orthographical\verticale oscillate\ondeggiamento, vibrare, brandire oscillating\vibratile oscillation\oscillazione oscillatory\vibratile, periodico ostentation\ostentazione ostentatious\ostentativo ostentatiousness\fanfaronata ostracism\esilio ostracize\esiliare ostracized\esule ostrich\struzzo other\diversi, altro others\diversi otherwise\in caso contrario, se no otiose\ozioso oubliette\carcere ouch\uh ought\dovevo ought to\devi ounce\oncia our\nostra, nostro ours\nostra, nostro ourselves\a noi oust\espropriare ouster\espropriazione out\da, al di fuori di out of\da, al di fuori di out of date\sorpassa out of it\indi outbreak\esplosione outburst\erompere outclass\superare, superare outcome\risultato outdated\sorpassa, arcàico outdistance\sorpassare outdistanced\sorpassai outdoor\al di fuori outdoors\al di fuori outer\esterno outermost\estremo outfit\fornitura, equipaggio outflow\emissario outgoing\uscente outgrowth\protuberanza outing\escursione outlandishness\strano outlaw\bandito, proscritto outlay\dispendio outlet\presa di corrente outlier\caso speciale outline\contorno, disegno outlines\abbozzi outlive\sopravvivere outlived\sopravvissi outlives\sopravvive outlook\vedute outlying\al di fuori di outmoded\arcàico outmost\estremo outnumber\superare, superare outpatient\ambulatorio outpost\avamposto outpour\sfogo outpouring\emanare output\esito, prodotto, lavoro, emissione, emettere outrage\atrocità outrageous\indignante, scellerato outrageously\scellerato, inaudito outrageousness\sfrenatezza outrange\superare, superare outright\completo outrun\oltrepassare, oltrepassare outs\opposizione outset\principio outshine\eclissare outside\al di fuori, al di fuori di outspokenness\franchezza outstanding\arretrato outward\estrinseco outwardly\estrinseco outwards\fuori casa outworn\logoro oval\ovale ovate\oviforme oven\stufa over\di quà, esuberante, sopra, da, esuberante, finito over here\qua, di quà over it\al di sopra over there\quite, costì, al di là overabundance\pienezza overabundant\opimo overall\camice overawe\intimidire overawing\intimidente overbearance\arroganza overbearing\arrogante overbid\offrire di più overcall\offrire di più overcast\coperto, annuvolato overclouded\annuvolato overclouds\annuvolato overcoat\cappotto overcomes\superato overcoming\superante overconfidence\presunzione overconfident\misurare overcrowded\ingombrato overdid\esagerai overdo\esagerare overdoes\esagera overdoing\esagerativo overdone\eccessivo overdose\dosi eccessiva overdue\tardato, moroso overeater\mangione overfatigue\sovraffaticamento, sovraffaticamento overfilled\ingombrato overflow\traboccare overfly\sorvolare overglaze\velatura overhang\prominenza overhaul\sorpassare overhauled\sorpassai overhauls\sorpassa overhead\sù overhear\origliare overlaborate\largamente overlapped\violato overload\sovraccaricare overloading\sovraccarico overman\caporale overmaster\espugnare overmastering\vincente overnight stay\pernottamento, pernottamento overpass\trasferimento overpays\esagerare overplayed\esagerai overplaying\esagerativo overplays\esagera overridden\intestato, intestato override\levatura oversalt\salare troppo oversalts\troppo salato overseas\oltremarino, oltremarino oversee\vigilare overseer\caporale oversees\vigilato overshadow\ombreggiare, ombreggiare overshoot\oltrepassare, oltrepassare oversight\granchiolino overstate\esagerare overstated\esagerai overstatement\esagerazione overstates\esagera overstating\esagerativo overstep\oltrepassare, oltrepassare overstretches\esaltato, esaltato overstuffs\ingombrato overtake\sorpassare, a prendere overtaken\sorpassai overtakes\sorpassa overtired\sovraffaticato, sovraffaticato overtook\sorpassai overtop\cèdere, cèdere overvalues\sopravvalutato overview\vista generale overweening\arrogante overweight\sovrappeso overwrought\stanco ovoid\oviforme ovule\uovo owe\debitare owl\civetta owlet\civetta own\proprio, possedere own weight\peso specifico owner\proprietario, titolare ox\bue oxes\sgobbare oxidation\ossidazione oxygen\ossigeno oyster\ostrica ozeanic\oceanico ozone\ozono ozonize\ozonizzare ozonizer\ozonizzatore pace\gradino, passo pachyderm\pachiderma pacific\pacifico pacification\soddisfazione pacifist\pacifista pack\impaccare pack animal\giumento pack up\appacchettare package\pacchetto, appacchettare, imballaggio, impaccatura packaging\imballaggio packed\impaccato packer\imballatore packet\impaccatura, pacchetto packetize\giuntare packets\pacchetti packing\imballaggio pact\patto, pacchetto pad\blocco padded\imbottito paddies\accessi di rabbia paddle\pagaia paediatrician\pediatra page\lato, valletto, pagina paid\pagato pail\secchio pain\pena, penoso pained\tormentato painful\doloroso painless\indolore painstakingly\accurato paint\dipingere, tinta painter\pittore painting\pittura pair\paio palace\palazzo palaface\viso pallido palatal\palato palaver\conversazione pale\pallido, scolorito palliating\eufemico palliatives\leniente pally\in amocizia palm-tree\palma palmy\glorioso pan\padella, pentola pancake\frittata pane\fetta panel\tavola panic\panico pant\anelare pantaloons\pantaloni panther\pantera pants\mutande paper\documento, carta, gazzetta paper money\carta moneta papermoney\carta moneta papers\documenti paperweight\fermacarte pappus\lanuggine par\uquaglianza parachute\paracadute parade\parata paradise\paradiso paradises\paradisi paradox\paradossale paradoxical\paradossale paraffin-oil\petrolio paragons\esemplare paragraph\alìnea, settore, paragrafo parallel\parallelo paralysed\accidenttato paralysis\paralisi parameter\parametro parasite\parassita parasol\ombrellino parcel\pacchetto parcels\pacchetto parcener\coerede pardon\venia parents\genitori park\parco, parcheggiare parking\parcheggiare parking lot\parcheggio parliament\parlamento parlour\salotto paroxysm\attacco parrot\pappagallo parsley\prezzemolo part\sezione partaken\partecipato participant\partecipante participate in\far partecipare participation\partecipazione, partecipazione, collaborazione particle\particola particular\extra, vale a dire particularity\particolarità particularly\extra parting\separazione partisanship\nepotismo partition\divisione partly\parziale partner\partner, socio partridge\pernice party\partito pass\passare, trascorrere, lasciapassare pass on\inoltrare passable\valicabile passage\andamento, varco passenger\passeggero passenger ship\nave passeggeri passengers\passeggeri passion\ardore, passione passive\passivo, inerte passport\valico, passaporto past\trascorso, ancor prima paste\massa, pasta pastime\hobby, passatempo pastor\parroco pastry\pasta, biscotti pasty\appiccicoso patcher\rappezzatore patchy\macchiato pateau\altipiano patent\brevetto paternal\paterno paternity\paternità paternoster\elevatore path\viale, sentiero pathfinders\giovane esploratore pathologically\patologico patience\indulgenza patient\indulgente patriotism\patriottismo patrol\pattuglia pattern\esemplare, campione di merce paunch\rumine, pancia paw\zampa, gamba pawn\contadino, deposito pay\stipendio, liquidare, pagare pay by instalments\pagar tutto payable\scaduto payment\pagamento, rimborso assegno pea\pisello peace\pesca, pace, pace peaceably\pacifico peaceful\equilibrato, pacifico peacock\pavone peak\cùlmine peak period\massima attività pean\lauda peanut\arachide pear\pera pear-tree\pero pearl\perla peat\torba pebble\ciòttolo peculiar\estroso, caratteristico pedal\pedale pedantic\meticoloso pedestrian\pedone peel\sbucciare peg\aringa pen\penna stilografica, penna penalize\punire penalty\castigo pencil\lapis pendulous\pendente pendulum\pendolo penetrate\penetrare peninsula\penisola penny\centesimo pension\assegnamento, reddito pentecost\pentecoste people\volgo, persone, gente pep\slancio pepper\pepe per\al, tramite per cent\percento perceive\percepire perceptible\percettibile percolator\caffettiera peregrination\peregrinazione perfect\legittimo, perfetto perform\spingere, effettuare, apparire, cómpiere perfume\profumo perfumery\profumeria perhaps\forse, chissà perigee\perigeo peril\pericolo perils\rischi period\periodo periodical\periodico periphery\periferia, volume perm\ondulazione permanente permanency\posizione permanente permanent\permanente, fisso, durabile permission\nullaosta, licenza permit\permettere, permettere, nullaosta, modulo perpendicular\verticale perpetual\contìnuo perpetuates\eternato perplexed\sbalordito, perplesso perseverance\perseveranza persevere\sopportare person\persona personal\personalmente personality\personalità personnel\personale perspiration\sudore persuade\persuadere, persuadere persuades\convinto, convinto pertaining\concernente pertinent\equo pessimistic\pessimistico petrol\benzina petrol can\latta di benzina petrol station\distributore di benzina petroleum\petrolio pharmaceutics\farmaceutica pharmacist\farmacista pharmacy\farmacìa pharynx\faringe phase\fase phaseouts\dipanare phenomenon\fenomeno phessant\fagiano philogic\linguistico philologist\filòlogo philosophy\filosofìa phoenix\fenice phone\telefono phone box\cabina telefònica photo\foto, dipinto, accettazione photocell\fotocellula photograph\fagocitare, fotografare phrase\formulare, frase, volta physical\fìsico physics\fisica pianist\pianista piano\pianoforte pick\cògliere pick up\levatura, ritirare pickpocket\borsaiuolo picture\dipinto, accettazione picturesque\pittoresco pie\pasta piece\porzione, pezzo pier\molo piety\riverenza pig\maiale, porco pigeon\colomba, piccione pigeon hole\casella postale piggishness\avidità pile\catasta, cùmulo pilferage\ladreria pilgrim\pellegrino pill\pillola pillage\saccheggio pillar\pilastro, colonna pillar box\cassetta postale pillars\pilastro pillow\guanciale pillowy\soffice pilot\pilota, andara, volare, pilota pimping\ruffianeria pimples\pustola pin\perno pinch\pizzicare pine\pino pine-apple\ananasso pine tree\pino pineapple\ananasso pink\rosa pious\pio pipe\fischietto, tubo piped\condotto pipping\tubazione pirate\pirata pirogue\canoa piss\pisciare pistol\pistola pit\fossa, abisso pit in order\ordinare pitchblack\nero come la pece pitcher\orcia pith\midollo pitiably\deplorévole pitiless\spietato pity\peccato, compassione, compianto placable\condisendente placard\cartellone, manifesto place\mettere, spazio, ente, mettere, posto place of birth\luogo di nativo place of destination\destinazione place of residence\residenza plagiarism\plagio plain\pianura, piano, modesto plaint\lamentela plait\treccia plan\progetto, progettare plane\aeroplano, velivolo, progetto planet\pianeta planned economy\economia pianificata plant\allegato, vegetale, pianta plaque\lastra plaquette\placca plaster\lastricato plastic\plastico, plastica plate\piatto, scudo, lastra plateau\altipiano platform\banchina della stazione play\giuocare, pezzo, giuoco, spettacolo player\giocatore plaza\piazza plc\anònimsocietà pleasant\gradévole, compiacente, simpatico pleasantly\piacevolmente please\favore, per cortesìa pleased\soddisfatto, lieto pleasure\consolazione, voluttà, volli, dilettarsi, favore pleat\grinza, pizzicotto pledge\deposito plentiful\opimo plethora\afflusso di sangue plot\congiura, parcella, complotto ploughing\lavoro campestre plow\arare plug\spina, tappo plum\prugna plumbable\esplorabile plumber\lattoniere plunge\mi tuffo plural\plurale, plurale plus\compreso, e, sovrappiù plywood\legno compensato pneumonia\polmonite poacher\bracconiere pocket\tasca, casella podium\piedistallo poem\poesia poet\vate poetical\poetico poetry\poesia point\regolare, punta, punto point of view\punto di vista pointer\lancetta poise\equilibrio poison\veleno, avvelenare poisonous\virulento poke\immagazzinare Poland\Polonia polar\polare pole\polo Pole\Polacco police\polizia police-station\questura police station\commissariato, comissariato di Pùblica Sicure policeman\poliziotto, vigile policewoman\poliziotta policy\politica polio\poliomielite polish\brunire, créscere polite\educato politeness\cortesia politician\politico politics\politica poll\inchiesta pollute\insudiciare polyp\polipo pond\vasca, laghetto, stagno pony\frangette poor\umile, povero pope\papa poplar\pioppo poplars\pioppi poppy\papavero popular\popolare, ben voluto popularization\volgarizzamento popularize\volgarizzare population\popolazione porcelain\porcellana porch\portale pore\poro port\porto, coincidenza port side\babordo portable\mobile portage\trasporto portentous\nefasto porter\portiere, facchino portion\pezzo, porzione Portugal\Portogallo Portuguese\Portoghese poshly\elegantissimo position\posizione, posizione, ente, circostanza, orientare positive\positivo posses\possedere possess\possedere possession\possesso possessor\titolare possibility\eventualità, capacità possible\eventuale, fattibile possibly\forse post\palo, stanga, cassetta postale, obiettare, posta post office\ufficio postale post office box\casella postale postage\affrancatura postage paid\franco postage stamp\francobollo postal\postale postal-order\vaglia postal address\indirizzo postale postcard\cartolina postale postcode\numero di codice poster\manifesto, cartellone, affisso postponement\spostamento pot\vaso potable\bevibile potables\bevande potato\patata potent\valido potential\fattibile pots\pentole pottage\zuppa di verdura poultry\volàtili pound\libbra pour\mescere, versare poured\versai pout\ammusare poverty\povertà powder\cipria power\forza, potenza power-station\centrale elettrica powerful\poderoso, valido powerless\impotente practicable\eseguìbile practical\utilitario practice\applicare practise\esercitare, esercitare pragmatize\razionalizzare praise\lode, elogiare pram\carrozzella prawn\granchiolino pray\pregano prayer\preghiera precious\prezioso precipice\abisso precise\minuzioso precisely\minuzioso precision\fedeltà predicative\asserente predictate\verificare preexamination\esame preliminare preface\prefazione prefer\preferire preferably\piuttosto pregnancy\gravidanza pregnant\gràvida pregnantly\gràvida prehistory\preistoria preignition\accensione anticipata prejudice\pregiudizio preliminary\introduttivo premature\parto prematuro, prematuro premises\edifizio preoccupied\assorto prepare\preparare, appretare prepay\pestare prepaywnent\acconto prepossession\prevenzione preposterous\ridicolo presaged\presentii presbyter\vecchissimo prescribe\decretare prescript\prescrizione prescription\prescrizione, ricetta presence\presenza present\presenza, presente, presente, mettere avanti presentiment\presentimento preservative\preservativo preserve\mantenere president\presidente press\premere, pressare, premo pressure\pressione presuppose\presupporre pretended\presunto pretentious\immaginario prettify\abbellire pretty\vano, carino, civettuolo prevent\troncare, prevenire, impedire preventative\impedimento previously\davanti prey\bottino price\tariffa, costo price ticket\cartellino del prezzo priceless\impagabile prick\pungere pricking\lancinante prickled\punsi pride\fierezza priest\sacerdote primeval forest\foresta vergine primitive\primitivo primly\rigido prince\principe, principe princess\principessa principle\principio printed form\modulo printer\stampatore printing\pressione printing office\tipografia prior\ancor prima prison\càrcere, prigione prisoner\detenuto private\privato private room\càmera privata prize\sorte, costo prized\stimai probability\verosimiglianza probably\probabile, probabilmente, verosìmile, supposto probe\catètere problem\problema procedure\procedura proceeding\procedura proceeds\guadagno procure\procurare produce\produrre producer\fabbricatore, produttore product\prodotto, prodotto production\produzione, fattura productive\produttivo profanely\laico professional\professionista, per lavoro professor\professore proffer\offerto profile\profilo profit\guadagno, profitto, guadagnare profitable\lucrativo, lucroso profitably\lucrativo prognosis\prognosi program\programma programme\spedizione progress\avanzamento progressed\progredito prohibited\proibito, insufficiente prohibition\divieto projectile\proiettile projector\faro promise\promettere, promessa promote\promuovere pronounce\espresso pronunciation\pronuncia proof\percento, dimostrazione prop\sostegno propagate\procreare propellant\carburante proper name\nome proprio property\possesso, fattoria, proprietà propoganda\propaganda proportion\riferimento, dosaggio proposal\appoggiatura propulsion\impulso prorata\proporzionale proscibe\proibire prosecutor\procuratore di stato prospective customer\interessato prospectus\prospetto prosperous\benestante prosperousness\successo protect\riparare, proteggere, proteggere protection\protezione protegee\raccomandato protest\eccezione, protesta Protestant\protestante, evangelico protocol\protocollo protuberance\ammaccatura, gobba proud\fierezza provably\comprovàbile prove\provare proved\esperimentato proverb\proverbio provide\provvedere, ovviare provided that\se provisioners\mantenitore provocation\disfida provoke\sfidare, esacerbare, cagionare proximity\vicinità psychiatrist\psichiatra psychologist\psicologo pub\bètvola puberty\pubertà public\pubblico, pubblico public limited company\anònimsocietà public square\piazza publication\pubblicazione, notifica publicity\reclame, pubblicità publish\pubblicare, pubblicare publisher\editore pudding\budino puff\alito puffpaste\pasta sfoglia pugilists\pugile pull\estrassi pulley\paranco pullover\pullover pulls\tira pulp\pappa pulse\polso pump\pompa punch\battuta punctiliously\formale punctual\puntuale punctuality\puntualità puncture\scoppiare, crepare punish\castigare, punire punishment\castigo, punizione punitive\punitivo puny\gràcile pupil\pupilla, allievo puppet\marionetta, burattino puppyhood\epoca della pubertà purchase\comprare, compra, compera, decrescenza, acquistare purchaser\compratore pure\pulito, pudico purgatory\purgatorio purge\epurazione purify\forbire purl\orlare purple\lilla purpose\scopo, proposito purse\borsa pursuit\inseguimento pursuit interceptor\torpediniere pus\materia purulenta push\urtare, pigiare, spingere, spingere, folata put\mettere, posare, mettere, dare put a stamp on\francare put down\sdraiarsi put in\somministrare put in order\ammettere put off\spegnere put on\accèndere, vestire put on stamps\pestare put on weight\perdere la linea, créscere put onto\affigere put out\spengere put up\allineare, ergere, rizzare putty\spatola, mastice pyjamas\pigiama pyramid\piramide quadruplicate\quadruplice quaff\sbevazzare qualified\qualificato quality\qualità quantifies\abilitato quantitative\quantitativo quantity\quantità, quantità quarrel\questione, litigare quarry\cava di pietra quavers\trema queen\regina quenchable\estinguibile querulousness\riluttanza question\chièdere, interrogare, quesito question mark\punto interrogativo questionable\diffidgnte questionnaire\questionario queue up\fare la fila quick\agile, rapido quicker\più veloce quickly\presto quickness\velocità quicksilver\argento vivo quiet\pacifico, sommesso, calmo quietly\sommesso quince\cotogna quinquagenarian\cinquantenne quintuple\quintuplicare quintuplet\quinquigemini quintuplicate\quintuplice quota\quota quotation\citazione, valore corrente quotation marks\virgolette quote\gravare, calcolare quotidian\quotidiano quotient\quoziente, frattura rabbit\lepre, coniglio rabies\idrofobia race\razza, corsa races\corse racing car\vettura da corsa radar\radar radiance\radiazione radiate\irradiare radiator\radiatore radically\radicale radio\radio radio receiver\destinatario radio set\radio radioacitivity\radioattività radioscopic\trasparente radish\rafano, ravanello radius\raggio radix\radice raffish\licenzioso raffle\sorteggiare, estrazione raffles\sorteggiato raft\zattera rag\lobo rag bag\donnaccia rag money\carta moneta rage\furia rages\attacca, sosta fermata ragged\cencioso raging\farnetico rags\lobo, straccio ragtag\gentaglia raid\razzia, aggressione raiding\aggressivo rail\rotaia, binario railcar\automotrice railing\balaustrada railroad\orbita, ferroviario railroad embankment\argine della ferrovia railroader\ferroviere rails\binario railway\ferroviario, orbita railway carriage\vettura railway station\stazione railwayman\ferroviere rain\pioggia, agitarsi, piovere rain cloud\nuvola piovosa rainbow\arcobaleno raincoat\impermabile raindrop\goccia di pioggia rainfall\agitarsi, precipitazione rainily\piovoso rainproof\impermabile rainstorm\piovasco rainwater\acqua piovana rainy\piovoso rainy weather\tempo piovoso raise\sollevare un pò, ergere, causo, esaltare raisin\zibibbo rake\rastrello, rastrello rambler\viatore rambler rose\rosa rampicante ramblers\viatore rambunctiousness\selvaggia ramification\diramazione ramifies\diramato ramp\rampa rampage\smaniare rampaged\smaniai rampages\smania rampaging\smanioso rampant\selvaggio rampantly\selvaggia rampart\baluardo ramshackle\pericolante ramshackle hut\catapecchia ran\corsi ranch\fattoria rancid\laido rancor\astio rancorous\accanito randy\lascivo range\tavolozza, portata, area, fila ranger\guardia forestale, guardiaboschi rank\gradino, pianura, rango rankled\divorai rankles\divori rankly\opimo ransom\riscatto ranting\clamoroso rap\scapaccione rape\violare, rubare rapes\violentata, violazione rapid\rapido, impetuoso rapidity\velocità rapidly\veloce rapidness\velocità rapier\spada rapport\concordanza rapt\sommerso raptly\sommerso raptures\esplosione rapturing\delizioso rapturousness\entusiasmo rarefield\diluito rarely\raro rareness\rarità rascality\bricconata rash\eczema, eczema rasp\limare raspberry\lampone raster\reticolo rat\ratto ratable\apprezzàbile rate\ritmo, rata, rapporto, tariffa, parte rather\preferire, veramente, abbastanza, anzi ratification\convalidazione ratifies\confermato ratify\certificare, omologare ratio\riferimento ration\pezzo, razione rational\razionale rationalization\razionalizzazione rationalize\razionalizzare rationally\ragionevole rationing\razionamento ratter\cacciatore di ratti rattler\chiacchierone rattlers\chiacchierone rattlesnake\serpente a sonagli rattly\fragile ratty\mordace raucous\scabro raunchiness\sudiciume ravage\desolare raven\corvo ravenous\vorace ravenous appetite\fame da lupi ravenousness\avidità, rapacità, fame da lupi ravens\corvi raving\smanioso, rabbioso raving mad\frenetico raving madness\frenesia ravisher\seduttore raw\grezzo, scabro rawness\brutalivà ray\raggio, emettere rayon staple\lana sintetica raze\abbattere razz\canzonare, orchestrare reabsorb\riassorbire reach\portata, conseguire, estendersi reachable\ottenibile reaches\raggiunto react\reagire reaction\reazione reaction time\momento dello spavento reactionary\reazionario reactionist\reazionario reactive\retroattivo reactor\reattore read\leggere read in\somministrare readability\leggibilità readable\leggibile readably\leggibile reader\lettore, lettore reading\esegesi, letta readmission\riammissione readmit\riammettere reads\leggi ready\essere disposto, largo, pronto, disposto ready for battle\pronto a combattere ready for delivery\consegnabile, pronto per la spedizione ready for shipment\pronto per la spedizione ready to leave\pronto al viaggio ready to start\pronto alla partenza real\reale, veramente, vero real estate\immobili realism\realismo reality\realtà realizable\negoziabile realization\realizzazione realize\riconoscere, realizzare, comprendere, attuare really\reale, davvero, infatti realm\ricco ream\ampliare reams\allargato reap\raccogliere reaper\falciatore rear view\veduta posteriore reared\allevato rearing\educativo reason\ragione reasonable\adottàbile, ragionevole reasoning\pensare reassure\calmare rebate\riduzione rebated\rimborsato rebel\ribelle, indignare rebellion\ribellione rebirth\rinascita reborn\rinato rebuke\biàsimo, biasimo rebut\estenuare rebuttal\confutazione recalcitrant\renitente recall\ricordare recd\ottengo recede\farsi indietro receipt\entrata, quietanza, quietanzare receipts\introiti receive\fagocitare, accettare, ricevere, ottengo received\ricevette receiver\destinatario, ascoltatore receives\ricevere, riceve receives empor up\riceve receiving\ricevente recency\novità recent\novizio, moderno recently\dianzi, recentemente recentness\novità reception\accettazione receptive\sensitivo recess\interruzione recesses\ricalcare recidivism\reversione recidivistic\recidivo recidivous\recidivo recieve\ottengo recipe\ricetta recipient\destinatario reciprocal\viceversa reciprocality\contraccambio reciprocate\ripagare reciprocation\azione reciproca reciprocity\vicendevolezza recital\dizione, concerto reckless\spericolato reckon\fare i conti reckon up\saldare reckoner\calcolatore reckoning\resa dei conti reclaim\reclamare recline\posare reclined\posai reclines\posa recluse\eremita reclusive\unico recognition\convalidazione, riconoscimento recognize\riconoscere, riconoscere, riconoscere recognized\riconosciuto recollection\ricordo recommend\raccomandare recommendation\raccomandazione recommendatory\raccomandante recommending\raccomandante recommends\raccomanda recompenses\premiato reconcile\conciliare reconciles\riconciliato reconciliation\riconciliazione recondite\ermetico reconditely\farsi scuro recondition\sorpassare reconstruction\ricostruzione, rinnovo record\nota, registrare, record, fetta, registrare record card\scheda record player\giradischi record section\ufficio registrazioni recorded\sollevato, registrato recorded delivery letter\immatricolare recording\accettazione records office\registratura recoup\indennizzante recouping\indennizzante recoupment\indennizzo recource\capitare recourse\regresso recovery\emendazione, ristabilimento recreance\vigliaccheria recreantly\vigliaccheria recreation home\convalescenziario recreations\ristabilimento recruit\coscritto, assoldare, integrare rectangle\rettangolo rectangular\rettangolare rectification\emendazione rectifier\raddrizzatore rectify\emendare rector\parroco recumbency\giacere recumbent\giacente recuperation\ristabilimento recurrence\replica red\vermiglio, rosso Red Indian\indiano red wine\vino rosso redact\pubblicare redbreast\pettirosso reddish\rossastro redecorate\rinnovare redecoration\restauro redeem\rilevare redeemable\estinguibile redeemed\quietanzato, estingere redeemer\Redentore redefine\cambiare il nome redemptive\salvante redevelopment\risanamento redness\rossore redolence\odore redolency\fragranza redolently\profumante redouble\duplicare redoubt\trincea redound\buttare redress\eliminare redresses\eliminato redressing\eliminatorio redskin\indiano reduce\diminuire, ridurre, rimpicciolire, degradare reduction\depressione, riduzione, remissione redundant\senza lavoro reduplicate\duplicare reef\scogliera reek\lezzo reeking\puzzolente reel\fettuccia, bobina refection\rinfresco referable\relativamente referee\arbitro reference\biasimo, riferimento, raccomandazione, riferimento referenced\accennato referral\raccomandazione referring to this\analogo refineries\raffineria reflect\riflettere, riflettere reflection\immagine riflessa, ragionamento fallace reflex\rispecchiamento, riflesso reform\riformare, riforma reforming\emendativo reforms\migliorato refracted\incolto refracting\rompente refractory\renitente refracts\rompe refrain\ritenere, ritornello, ritornello refresh\ristorare refresher\rinfresco refreshing\ristorante refreshingly\ristorante refreshment\ristoro refreshment room\buffè refrigerate\raffreddare refrigerated\raffreddai refrigerates\raffredda refrigerator\frigorìfero refuel\fare benzina refugee\profugo refulgence\nitore refulgent\brillante refulgently\brillante refund\restituire, abbonare refusal\rifiuto, rifiuto, rifiuto refuse\rifiutare, rifiutare refusing\contrario refutability\confutazione refutable\confutabile refutation\confutazione refute\confutare refuted\confutato refutes\confutato regales\lieto regally\lieto regard\attenzione, stimare, riguardo, considerare regarding\relativamente regards\saluti regime\regime regiment\reggimento region\località, territorio, regione regional\locale register\registrare, estimo, registrare, abbandonare registration\registrazione, dichiarazione di soggiorno registration form\modulo di denuncia registration office\anàgrafe registrations\annunci registry\estimo regive\restituire regressive\regressivo regret\pentirsi, compianto, lamentare regretful\spiacente regretfulness\compianto regrets\pentito regrettable\spiacevole regrettingly\spiacente regular\regolare regular guest\assiduo regularity\regolarità regularization\regolazione regularize\regolare regularly\spesso regulate\regolare regulation\regolazione, prescrizione, ordinamento regulations\statuto regulator\regolatore regurgitate\vòmito regurgitation\vòmito rehabilitate\sanare rehabilitates\sanato rehearsal\prova reign\sovrano reign of terror\regno del terrore reimburse\abbonare, indennizzante, restituire reimbursement\indennizzo reimbursing\indennizzante rein\freno reinforce\amplificare reinforces\rafforzato reiterates\ripetuto reiterativeness\replica reject\rifiutare, buttare rejoice\esultare rejoicing\giovialità rejoinder\contraccambio rejuvenate\ringiovanire rejuvenates\ringiovanito relapse\ricadere relate\narrare related\imparentato relatedness\parentela relation\riferimento, rapporto relationship\riferimento relative\parente, relativo, conggiunto relatively\relativamente, relativo relativeness\relatività relax\rilassare relaxation\rilassamento relaxed\rilassato release\mettere in libertà, sciogliere relevant\competente reliability\fidatezza reliable\provato relief\faccilitazione relieve\mitigare, agevolare religion\religione religious\religioso relished\godei reluctantly\malvolentieri remain\rimanere remainder\rimanenza remark\avvertenza, accòrgersi remarkable\notevole remember\ricordare, rimembrare remerkable\notevole reminder\ricordo, ammonizione remit\trasferire remonstrant\esortativo remote\distante, vasto removal\disdetta, dimissione remove\discostare, spostare remove hair\depilare remunerates\premiato remuneration\stipendio rename\cambiare il nome renew\allungare, rinnovare renewal\allungamento, rinnovamento rent\noleggiare, affitto, appigionare renunciation\rinuncia rep\fama repair\riparazione, accomodare repay\rimborsare repeat\ripetere repetition\replica replace\sostituire replacement\indennizzo, pezzo di ricambio replenish\integrare replicate\ripetere reply\risposta, contrariamente, corrispóndere report\rapporto, cronaca, insegnare represent\figurare, rappresentare representation\rappresentanza, presentazione representative\rappresentante repressor\oppressore reprieve\ultimo tempo concesso reprimand\biasimo, biàsimo, biasimo reproduction\restituzione reproof\biasimo reptile\rettile republic\repubblica republican\repubblicano repudiate\rifiutare repugnance\disgusto reputation\fama, notabilità reputations\nominale request\pregano, per cortesìa require\necessitare, esìgere, usare, aver bisogno requirement\bisogno requiring\bisognò rescindment\abolizione rescue\salvataggio, salvare research\indagare, ricerca research worker\scienziato resemble\assomigliarsi reserved\riservato reservoirs\recipiente residence\residenza residue\arretrato resign\farsi indietro resign oneself\devoto, rinunciare resignedness\devozione resin\resina resistance\difesa resistor\resistenza resolution\dissoluzione, deliberazione resolutions\propositi resources\espediente respect\rispettare, rispetto, stimare respectably\onorabile respected\notevole respectfully\con la massima stima respectively\rispettivamente respire\fiatare respiring\respirante respites\prolungare il termine respond\rispondere response\suscettibilità responsibility\responsabilità responsible\responsabile rest\giacere, sè, riposarsi, sosta fermata rest stop\luogo di sosta restaurant\osteria, ristorante restlessness\inquietudine restrict\limitare restriction\limitazione restrictively\limitativo result\devoto, risultato, risultato resulting\ottenuto resum\raccolta retail\commercio al dettaglio retail trade\commercio al dettaglio retailer\dettagliante retain\trattenere retaliation\rappresaglia retards\rallentato retch\strangolare retina\retina retinue\seguito retired\pensionato retired person\pensionato retirement\pensionamento retrieve\riavere retrograde\ritornare retry\ripetere return\ritorno, rimborsare return flight\volo di ritorno revaluation\valorizzazione revalue\valorizzare reveal\scoperchiare, scoprire revenge\vendetta reversal\ritorno revile\vituperare reviser\revisione revision\revisione revolt\rivolta revolution\giro, rivoluzione revolver\rivoltella reward\gratificare, compenso rhythm\ritmo rib\còstola ribbon\fettuccia ribs\nervatura rice\riso rich\ricco richer\ricco richness\opulenza ride\giro, andare a corsa ridicule\canzonare ridiculous\ridicolo, idiotico riding\andare a corsa rifle\fucile, carabina right\esatto, a destra, destro, retto right-hand side\destra right away\subito righteous\dabbene rightful\legittimo righthand\destro rigid\rigido rigmarole\chiàcchiera rigorous\severo rim\cerchione rime\rima ring\circolo, sonare il campanello, anello, campanello ring the bell\suonare riot\rivolta rip\crepatura ripe\maturo rise\lievitazione, esalare, aumento, levarsi, alzarsi risk\rischiare, rischio risky\rischioso risque\lubrico rite\usanza, rito ritual\usanza, rito ritually\solenne rival\rivale rivalry\rivalità river\fiume, fluviale riverbed\letto del fiume rivet\biglietto non vincente road\contrada, strada di campagna, cammino road conditions\viabilità road map\carta turìstica road sign\cartello stradale roar\ruggito, ruggire roast\cuocio robbery\rapina robe\roba, cavo robot\robot rock\dondolare, masso, roccia rocket\razzo rockingchair\sedia a dondolo rocky\roccioso rod\marcire, verga, marcire rode\cavalcata rodent\roditore roe\capriolo roguery\marioleria roistering\clamoroso role\ruolo, funzione roll\ruolo, panino, panino, rotolare roll chair\sedia a rotelle roll skate\pattino a rotelle roll up\avvoltare rollback\ripetere, replica roller\ruolo, rullo roller-blind\persiana rollicking\licenzioso rolling mill\laminatoio romantic\romantico romantically\romantico romanticism\romanticismo romanticist\romantico romanticize\fantasticare rood\verga roof\tetto roofer\copritetto roofs\tetti rook\abbindolare rookie\esordiente room\camera, spazio roomed\abitai roomer\subinquilino roomy\ampio roost\dormire rooster\rubinetto roosting\dormiente roosts\dorme root\radice rooted\radicato roots\radici rope\gòmena, cavo ropes\corde ropy\glutinoso roster\registro rosy\roseo rot\marcire rotary current\corrente polifase rotate\rotare rotates\rotato rotation\rotazione, giro rotation of the earth\rotazione della terra rotational\alternativo rotten\mostruoso, putrido rottened\marcio rottenly\pigro rottenness\putrefazione rottens\marcio rotund\rotondo rough\scabro, rozzo, ineguale, valutato, zotico roughhouse\maltrattare roughly\valutato, zotico roughness\villania round\rotondo, arrotondare round off\arrotondare roundabout\giostra, verboso roundly\rotondo roundup\leva route\direzione, cammino, strada, dirigere, itinerario routes\stirato rove\andare in giro row\canottaggio, riga, fila rowdyism\brutalità rowing boat\barchetta rows\mettere in fila royal\reale royalism\reame royally\reale rub\fregare rubbed with ointment\unguentato rubber\gomma rubber band\elastico rubber dinghy\canotto pneumatico rubber tape\nastro isolante rubberizes\gommato rubbing\strofinare, fregare rubbish\spazzatura rubdown\lavata di capo rube\imbecille rubicund\rossastro rubicundity\rossore ruby\rubino ruby coloured\rosso vino rucksack\zaino ruction\zuffa, sommossa rudder\remo, tassa ruddily\rossastro ruddiness\rossore ruddy\vermiglio rudely\zotico rudeness\villania rudimental\elementare rue\pentirsi rueful\querulo rues\pentito ruffian\villanzone ruffianly\grezzo ruffle\irrigidire ruffled up\irrigidito rugs\tappeti ruin\viziare, rovina, rovinare ruination\distruzione ruined\distrussi rule\prescrizione, norma, dominio, regnare, criterio ruler\regolo, regolatore, sovrano rules\regolare, dominato rumble\rumoreggiare ruminative\pensieroso rumor\vociferare rumour\fama rump\torso rumpus\sommossa run\esercitare, circolare, affiuenza, fuga, correre run away\scappare run over\travolto runaround\schivare rundown\decorrere, spiegazione rung\suonato, gradino runner\corridore running\decollare, corro, corre running start\abbrivo runt\nano runts\nani runty\minuscolo rupee\rupia rupture\frantumare, frattura rupturing\lacerante rural\villereccio ruse\pizzicotto rush\affiuenza, furia, spingere, smaniare, pigiare rush mat\stuoia rush order\commissione urgente rusk\biscotto Russia\Russia Russian\Russo rust\arrugginire, griglia rusted\arrugginito, arrugginito rustic\rurale, semplice, villereccio rustily\rugginoso rusting\arrugginire rustle\crepitìo, rubare rustled\acciaio rustles\ruba rustless\inossidabile rustproof\inossidabile rusts\arrugginito rusty\rugginoso rutabaga\navone ruth\compassione rye\segale sabdwich\pane imburrato sable\zibellino sables\zibellino sabot\zoccolo sabotage\sabotaggio, sabotare sabre\sciabola sac\sacchetto saccharated\zuccherino sack\licenziare, buttare fuori, sacco sackful\sacco sackfuls\sacco, sacchi sacred\santo sacredly\santa sacredness\santità sacrifice\sacrificio, sacrificare sacrilege\sacrilegio sacrileges\sacrilegio sacrilegious\scellerato sacristan\sagrestano sacs\sacchetto sad\afflitto, lugubre saddle\sella saddle fast\saldo in sella saddler\sellaio saddles\sella sadism\sadismo sadly\lugubre sadness\tristezza safe\sicuramente safe keeping\preservamento safeguard\valvola safeguarded\assicurai safeguards\assicurato safekeeping\preservamento safely\sicuramente safeness\fidatezza, sicurezza safety\sicurezza safety belt\cintura di sicurezza safety lock\antifurto saffron\zafferano sag\depressione sagacious\saggio sagaciously\furba sagaciousness\saggezza sage\salvia sageness\saggezza sagittarius\tiratore sail\veleggiare sailer\veliero sailing\veleggiare sailing boat\barca a vela sailing ship\nave a vela sailor\navigatore, marinaio sails\veleggiare, vela saint\santa sainthood\santuario saintliness\santità saints\santificare salacious\lussurioso salaciousness\voluttà salad\insalata salads\insalate salary\stipendio sale\registro, véndita saleable\esitabile sales clerk\venditore sales price\prezzo di vendita sales terms\condizioni di vendita salesgirl\venditrice salesman\venditore saline\salina saliva\saliva, raggio salivary\glàndola salivale salivary gland\glàndola salivale sallow\pallido, pallido, scolorato sallowness\pallore salmon\salmone salon\salotto, negozio da parrucchiere saloon\bètvola salt\sale salt water\acqua salsa saltily\salato saltpeter\nitro salts\sali, salare saltwater\acqua salsa salty\salato salubriously\sana salute\salutare salvages\salva salvation\salvataggio salver\vassoio salves\unguentare same\pari sammy\pasta sample\prova, esemplare sanatorium\casa di salute sanctify\santificare sanctimonious\ipocrita sanctity\santità sanctuary\santuario sand\sabbia sand bank\banco di sabbia sand glass\clessidra sand paper\carta smeriglio sand pit\cava di sabbia sandal\sandalo sandpaper\carta vetrata sandstorm\tempesta di sabbia sandy\arenoso sane\sano di mente sanguinary\crudele sanguineous\insanguinato sanitarium\luogo climatico sanitary\igiènico sanitary towel\fascia assorbente sanitation\risanamento sanity\ragione sap\succo saphire\zaffiro sapience\saggezza sapless\scipito sapphire\zaffiro sappy\succoso sartorial\sarto sash\ciarpa sash window\finestra scorrevole sashayed\scivolai sashays\scivolo sassed\inveii sasses\inveisce sassiness\impertinenza sassy\insolente, sfacciato sat\sedei sateen\raso satellite\satellite satiable\saziante satiably\saziante satiate\saziare satiated\saziato satiating\saziante satiation\satollamento satiety\sazietà satin\raso satirize\canzonare satisfaction\contentezza, soddisfazione satisfactory\soddisfacente satisfiable\soddisfacente satisfied\soddisfatto satisfies\accontentato satisfy\accontentare sattelite\satellite saturate\saziare saturating\saziante saturation\satollamento Saturday\sabato saturday\sabato saturnine\fosco sauce\guazzetto saucepan\pentola saucer\sottocoppa saucer eyed\occhioni saucily\insolente sauciness\esosità saucy\sfacciato, gioielli, saccente sauna\sauna saunter\gironzolare sausage\salsiccia, salsiccia arrosto sausages\salsicce savable\durevole savage\crudele savannah\savana save\salvare, assicurare, serbare, risparmiare saved\sicuro saver\risparmiatore savers\risparmiatore saving\immagazzinare savings\libretto di risparmio, risparmio savings account\conto di risparmio savings bank\cassa di risparmio savior\Redentore savor\degnare, gustare, usufruire savored\godei savors\godi savour\costare, usufruire savoy\verza savvied\giudizio savvier\più furbo savvies\comprende saw\segare, sega sawed\segato sawn\segato saws\segare sax\sassofono saxon\sassone saxophone\sassofono say goodbye\promulgare, licenziarsi say thank you\ringraziare sayings\detti scabies\scabbia scabiesious\rognoso scaffold\patibolo scaffolding\intelaiatura, base scale\criterio, squama, piatto della bilancia scales\hangar scandal\scandalo scans\esamina scant\scarso scantily\scarso scantiness\spilorceria scantness\strettezza scanty\scarso, scarso scapegoat\espiatorio scapula\scapola scapular\spalla scar\strato erboso scarce\raro, scarso, raro scarce goods\scarseggiante scarcely\paggio, appena scarcity\strettezza scare\spaventi scarf\scialle, fazzoletto da collo scarify\scalfire scariness\spavento scarlet\scarlattina scarped\dirupato scary\angoscioso scathe\affronto scathing\offensivo scavenging\lustrale sceened\riparato scenario\copione scene\scena, scena, tribuna, svolgimento scenery\ornamento scenic\del paesaggio scent\sostanza odorosa, odore scented\subdorato scepticism\scetticismo scewed\avvitato schedele\ordito schedule\tabella, registro schema\schema schematic\schematico schematically\schematico scheme\disegno, schema schist\ardesia schists\ardesia schlep\trascinare schnapps\acquavite schnooks\idioti scholarliness\erudizione scholarly\erudito scholarship\erudizione, borsa di studio school\scuola school day friend\amico della gioventù school leaving examination\maturità classica school year\anno scolastico schoolhouses\istruire schooling\istruzione schoolmate\amico scolastico schools\istruire sciatic\sciatica sciatica\sciatica science\scienza scientific\scientifico scientifical\scientifico scientist\scienziato scintillate\fiammeggiare scintillating\lampante scission\fenditura scissors\forbice scoff\scherno scoffer\beffatore scold\inveire, sgridare scoop\mestola, attìngere scoopful\badile scoot\mozzare scooter\motoretta scope\orbita, portata scopes\zone scorch\bruciare scorched\arsi scorcher\senzazione scorches\arde scorching\cocente score\sparare, partitura scorers\proteggere scorn\disprezzare, vilipendi, scherno scornful\beffardo, sprezzante scornfulness\vilipendi scorns\disprezzato scorpion\scorpione scorpios\scorpioni Scot\Scozzese scot\paratia Scotland\Scozia Scotsman\Scozzese scoundrel\furfante, mascalzone scour\vagare scourge\frustare scouring\vagabondo scout\ricognitore scoutmaster\guida scow\più leggero scrabble\strisciare scragg\scheletro scram\mozzare scrambled\uovo strapazzato scrambling\rampicante scrap\ferraglia scrape\raschiare, graffiare scrape off\grattare scraper\scarafaggio scrapers\raschiare scratch\graffio, verniciare, graffiare, scalfire scratch oneself\graffiare scratched\grattato scrawniest\piccolissimo scrawny\snello scream\gridare screamed\gridai screaming\urlante screams\grida scree\pietrisco screech\stridere screeching\stridente screen\schermo, reticolo, schermo screened\riparato screenplay\copione screw driver\cacciavite screwball\mattoide screwdriver\cacciavite screwiness\pazzia screws\avvitato screwy\pazzo scribal error\errore ortografico scribe\scalfire scribed\scrivei scribing\scalfire script\copione scripture\documento scroll\sfogliare scrolls\spostare scrounge\scroccare scroungers\ladri scrub\strofinare, strofinare scrubbed\strofinato scrubber\spazzola scruff\sporco scruffiness\sudiciume scruple\scupolo scruples\scupolo scrupulous\diffidgnte scruter\esplorare scrutinize\assaggiare scrutinized\esaminai scrutinizes\esamina scud\volare scuff\logorio scuffproof\indistruttibile sculler\vogatore scullers\vogatore sculpt\formare sculpting\formante sculptor\scultore sculptors\scultore scurf\crosta scurvier\infame scurvily\infame scuttle\rovinare se\ipotesi sea\navale, mare seaboard\riviera seacoasts\littoraneo seafarer\navigatore seagull\gabbiano seal\siggillare, sigillo, foca, guarnizione sealing gasket\guarnizione seals\strisciare, foche seam\vivagno, scanalatura seaman\marinaio seamen\marinai seamstress\cucitrice sear\abbronzare search\cerco, indagare searcher\cercatore searches\mania searchingly\verdastro sears\arsiccio seas\mari seashell\coccia seasick\malato di mare seaside\riviera, costa seaside resort\stazione balneare, località balneare season\stagione, stagione, aromatizzare seasonable\stagionale seasonal surcharge\aumento stagionale seasoned\maturo seasoning\condimento seasonings\aromatizzare seat\seggio seaweed\alga second\secondo secondary\accidentale, secondario secret\riservato, segreto, segreto secretariat\segretariato secretary\segretaria, segretario secretion\eliminazione secrets\segreti sect\setta section\taglio sector\settore, area security\sicurezza seduce\sedurre seduction\seduzione seductress\seduttrice sedulous\assiduo see\vedere, visitare seed\germe, seme, seme seek\cercare, cerco seer\profeta seize\confiscare, prendere, impaccare, acchiappare seldom\raramente select\selezionare selection\selezione, eletta self acting\automàtico self confidence\fiducia in sê sell out\esaurire semi\mezzo semi automatical\semiautomatico semicolon\punto e virgola senate\senato, consiglio federale send\mando, mandare sender\mittente senior\superiore sensation\sensazione sense\levatura, accezione senselessly\senza senso senses\giudizio sensible\ragionevole, ragionevole sensitive\sensibile, sensibile sensitivity\sensibilità sensual\sensuale sensuality\sensualità sensuously\libidine sentence\punizione, condannare, frase sentiments\emozioni sentinels\custodito separate\separato, separato, separare separating\singola September\settembre sequence\successione serendipity\scoperta serene\sereno serenity\ilarità serializing\ordinatore serials\in fila series\seria series of reactions\reazione a catena serious\pesante, serio, grave seriously\serio, serio serpent\serpente serpentine\contorto servant\domèstica, famulo serve\servire, servire, servire service\attèndere, servizio, funzione, manutenzione service station\distributore di benzina serviceman\soldato serving\porzione session\seduta set\assortimento, stabilito, mettere, apparecchio set up\allineare, sè, fondare setting\naufragio, missione setting up\succursale settle\fissare, liquidare settlement\accordo seven\sette seventeen\diciassette, diciasette seventieth\settantesimo seventy\settanta several\alquanti, parecchi several times\talvolta severe\severo sew\cucire sewage\acqua di scarico sewing\saldatura sex\sesso sexual\storico shack\capanna shade\ombra, tinta shadow\ombrosità, ombra shadowy\incerto shake\scuotere shale\sasso shall\dovere shallop\scialuppa sham\simulare shame\pudore, disonore shape\formare, formare, forma share\partecipazione, spartire, parte shareholder\azionista shark\pescecane sharp\nitido, acuto, stridulo, elevato sharp witted\perspicace sharpen\acuire, trascinare she\lei sheaf\covone shears\forbice sheath\involucro shed\granaio, hangar sheep\pecora sheepherders\pecoraio sheerly\solamente sheet\lenzuolo, falda, foglia sheet metal\latta, lamiera shelf\scaffale shell\conchiglia, proiettile shelter\protezione, riparare, ricovero, riparo, rifugio shepherd\pecoraio shift\muovere shifting\trasferimento shine\splendere, brillare shiners\far lume shining\brillante, fulgente ship\vascello, spedire, trasportare shipboy\mozzo shipes\navi shipment\spedizione shirt\camicia shit\merda shiver\aver dei brividi shock\scandalizzare, crollo shock absorber\ammortizzatore shoe\scarpa shoot\sparare shooting\sparare shop\impresa shop-window\vetrina shop assistant\venditore shop operation\fase di lavorazione shopping\comperare, compera shopping street\via dei negozi shore\sponda, costa short\breve short-sighted\miope short-term\sollecito short circuit\corto circuito shortage\strettezza, difetto shorten\abbreviare shortfall\deficit shortly\prossimamente shot\sparo shoulder\spalla shout\esclamare, gridare, grido shovel\vanga, badile show\indicare, espongo, messa shower\doccia, rovescio shrill\elevato, stridulo shrimp\granchiolino shrink\restringere shrub\arbusto shut\chiudere shutout\esclusivo shutter\imposta shy\timido, timido sick\egro, malato sick person\malata sickle\falce sickness\malattia side\lato sideboard\armadio sides\laterale sideshow\questione secondaria sidewards\a lato siege\assedio sieve\cola sieved\settimo sifter\cola sigh\sospirare sight\cosa notevole, aspetto sightless\cieco sightlessly\cieca sightliness\cospicuità sightseeing\curioso, ispezione sightseer\escursionista sign\affisso, scudo, firmare, simbolo sign over\volturare, volturare signal\segnale signaling\denunciante signalize\segnalare signatories\firmatario signature\firma signed\marcato signer\firmatario signets\sigillo significant\importante signification\accezione, levatura signify\volere dire signifying\importante signor\signore signora\signora signoras\donne signorina\signorina signors\signori signpost\segnavia, scudo signposts\insegne signs\simbolo signs and symbols\leggenda silence\calma, tacere, ristoro silencer\silenziatore silences\tace silent\sommesso, muto, calma, equilibrato, calmo silently\calmo silentness\calma silicic\ciottolo silk\seta silkily\serico silkiness\dolcezza silks\di seta silkworm\baco da seta sill\soglia silliness\ocaggine silly\stolto, sciocco silt\insabbiare silver\argènteo, argento similar\pari, consimile, simile similarity\omogeneità similarly\simile simile\paragone similitude\assomiglianza simmer\bollore simpatico\simpatico simper\sciocco simple\semplice simple minded\ingenuo simpleminded\semplice simplemindedness\semplicità simpleness\semplicità simpletons\pennellare simplicity\semplicità simplification\semplificazione simplify\semplificare simply\semplice simular\simile simulate\simulare, simulare simulated\artefatto simultaneous\simultaneo simultaneously\simultaneo sin\peccato since\da, da allora, perchè since then\da allora sincere\sincero sincerely\umilissimo, sincera sinful\peccaminoso sing\cantare singable\cantàbile singer\cantante singing\canto singings\canti single\nubile, singolo single lane\a senso unico single phase\monofase single room\càmera sìngola single ticket\biglietto sémplice singled\divorziato singly\singolo sings\canta singular\singolare singularness\stranezza sinister\nefasto sink\abbassarsi, catinella, abbassarsi, lavello sinking\affondamento sinks\abbassa sinned\peccato sinner\peccatore sins\peccati sinuous\contorto sip\sorso sir\signore sire\testimoniare sirloin\lonza sissy\effeminato sister\sorella sister in law\cognata sit\star seduto sit down\accomodarsi site\posto, circostanza site of crime\luogo del fatto sits\siede sitting\seduto sitting room\salotto situate\allineare, mettere, mettere situated\posto situation\situazione, posizione, circostanza six\sei sixfold\sestuplo sixteen\sedici sixteenth\sedicesimo, sedicesima sixth\sesto, sesta sixty\sessanta size\grossezza size of shoe\numero di scarpa sizzle\grillare skating\pattinaggio artistico skating ring\pista di ghiaccio skating rink\pista di ghiaccio skein\capestro skeins\capestri skeleton\scheletro skeletons\scheletri skepticalness\scetticismo skepticism\scetticismo sketch\abbozzo, abbozzare sketchily\volatile, abbozzaticcio, superficiale sketchiness\poca chiarezza sketchy\torbido skews\storto ski\sci skid\discesa a valle, avventare skiful\esperto skilful\apprèndere, azzeccato -skilfull\apprèndere skill\sorte, disinvoltura skilled\versato skilled worker\operaio specializzato skillet\tegame skillful\lesto, sveglio, esperto skillfulness\disinvoltura skimp\lesinare skimpiest\piccolissimo skimpily\scarso skimpiness\strettezza skimpy\scarso skin\epidèrmide, epidermide skinny\scremato, magro, secco skins\pelli, pelli skip\saltellare, lancio skipper\marinaio skirt\gonna skirting board\battiscopa skit\satira skittle\birillo skittle alley\gioco dei birilli skivvy\biancherìa ìntima skulker\lima sorda skunk\puzzola sky\cielo skylark\lodola skyrocket\razzo skyscraper\grattacielo, grattacielo skyscrapers\grattacielo slab\frantumare slack\lasco, floscio slack joint\contatto lasco slack period\ristagno slacken\rilassare, rilassare slackens\rilassato slacker\scansafatiche slacks\pantaloni slake\allattamento slam\sbattere slammed\sbattuto slander\calunniare slanderer\calunniatore slanderous\calunnioso slanderousness\calunnia slant\declinazione slanting\obliquo, obliquo slantingly\obliqua slap\picchiare, ceffone slap in the face\ceffone slaphappy\avventurato slaps in the face\schiaffeggiare slash\taglio slat\picchiare slate\ardesia, abusare slatted\picchiai slattern\donnaccia slaughter\macellare slaughter cattle\bestiame da macello slaughter house\mattatoio slaughtered\macellato slaughterhouse\mattatoio slave\schiava, schiavo slave trader\negriere slavered\sbavato slavery\schiavitù slay\uccidere slayer\strangolatore, uccisore slays\uccide sleazily\sciatto sleazy\untuoso sleek\netto sleekly\liscia sleep\dormire, sonno, dormicchiare sleeper\vagone letto sleeping car\vagone letto sleeping pill\sonnifero sleepless\insonne sleeplessness\insonnia sleeps\dorme sleeve\manica sleight\disinvoltura slender\esile, snello, snello slice\tagliare, pezzo, fetta sliced\taglio slicing\tagliente slick\brunire slicker\imbroglione slickness\disinvoltura slide\spingere slides\spinge sliding roof\tetto scorrevole sliding window\finestra scorrevole slight\magro, scarso, oltraggiare, labkle slightness\esiguità slim\togliere, snello slime\muco sling\avventare slingshot\fionda slingshots\avventare slink\strisciare slinks\striscia slip\scivolare, ordito, vizio slip of paper\ordito slipcover\involucro protettivo slipper\pantofola, ciabatta slippery\lubrico slippy\agile slipshod\sciatto slipup\vizio slithery\lubrico slits\fessure sliver\scheggiare slob\donnaccia, balordo slobber\poltiglia slobbery\sdolcinato slogs\bastonato sloop\scialuppa slope\discesa, pendio, pista sloped\obliquo sloping\obliquo slopingly\obliquo sloppiness\sciatteria sloppy\sciatto slosh\spruzzare slot\fèndere sloth\pigrizia slothful\pigro slothfulness\pigrizia slouchily\strascicato slouchy\strascicato slow\fiacco, guardingo, lungo slow down\tardare, allentare slow match\miccia slow motion\rallentatore slow motion apparatur\rallentatore slow worm\orbettino slowdown\allentare slower\più lento slowly\placido, lungo, lenta slowness\lentezza slue\voltare slug\picchiare, lumaca sluggard\pigro slugged\picchiai sluice\cateratta, emanare slum\catapecchia slumber\dormicchiare, sopore slumbered\pisolato slumberous\assonnato slumberously\assonnato slump\crollo dei prezzi slunk\strisciato slur\calunniare slush\neve bagnata slut\donnaccia sluttish\sciatto sly\furbo slyness\astuzia slynesses\astuzia smack\schioccare un bacio small\piccolo, minuscolo small blister\vescicola small bottle\flacone small box\cassettino small car\vetturetta small crumb\briciola small house\casetta small intestine\intestino small letter\lettera minuscola small parcel\pacchetto small piece\pezzettino small ship\navicella small wheel\rotellina smallpox\vaioloso smart\furbo, stile smartly\furbo smartness\scaltrezza smash\schiacciare smashed\sfracellato smashup\fallimento smear\ingrassare smeary\untuoso smell\profumo, odorato, odoro smelling\odorifero smells\profuma, odora smelly\muffaticcio smelt\fusione smelting\fondente smile\sorridere smile at\sorridere smirkingly\leccato smith\fabbro smithereens\brandello smithies\forgiare smithy\fucina smock\camice smoke\fumo, fumare smoked\fumato, affumicato smoker\fumatore smokers\fumatore smokestack\fumaiuolo smokily\fumoso smoking\affumicare smooch\pomiciare smooth\levigare, netto smoothed\lisciato smoothly\equilibrato smother\affogare smudge\insudiciare smudginess\lordura smudgy\untuoso smuggle\contrabbandare smuggled\contrabbandato smuggler\contrabbandiere smuggling\contrabbando smutty\fangoso snack\spuntino snag\nocchio snaggy\nocchieruto snail\chiocciola snake\serpente snake bite\morso di serpe snake venom\veleno di serpente snaky\perfido snap\dipinto, accertare, accettazione snapping\accertamento snappish\dentellato snaps\acchiappa snare\accalappiare, tranello snared\acchiappai snares\acchiappa snarl\ringhiare snarling\ringhiante snatched up\accogliticcio sneak\strisciare sneerer\beffatore sneeze\starnutire snicker\ridacchiare snickering\ridacchiante sniff\sbuffare sniffy\sdegnoso, muffaticcio snigger\ridacchiare, ghigno snipe\beccaccia sniper\bersagliere snivel\singhiozzare snobbish\borioso snooper\ficcanaso snoopy\curioso snoozing\sonnecchiante snore\russare snort\sbuffare snot\moccio snottily\moccioso snottiness\vigliaccheria snotty\moccioso snout\ceffo snow\nevicare, neve snow chains\catene da neve snow covered\nevoso snow flake\fiocco di neve snow flurry\nevischio snow plough\spazzaneve snow storm\tempesta di neve snow white\niveo snowball\palla di neve snowballing\accelerativo snowcap\colibri snowcapped\nevoso snowfall\nevata snowflake\fiocco di neve snowily\nevoso snowing\nevicare snowman\pupazzo di neve snowstorm\tempesta di neve snowy\nevoso snuff\raffreddore snuffler\ficcanaso snuggle\accarezzare snugly\accogliente so\orbene, cosi, cosiffatto so far\finora so long\arrivederci soak\ammollare soaker\sbevazzatore soap\sapone soap bubble\bolla di sapone soaps\insaponare soapstone\lardite soar\esalare soaring\ascendente sob\singhiozzare sober\digiuno soberingly\realistico soberly\digiuno sobriquet\nomignolo soccer\pallone sociable\socievole sociably\socievole social\sociale, socievole society\comitiva sock\picchiare, calzetta socked\picchiai socket\legatura, presa di corrente sofa\sofà soft\placido, soffice, dolce soft boiled\bazzotto soft parts\parti molli softies\imbecille softly\soffice softness\flessibilità, dolcezza soggily\umido sogginess\umidità soggy\umido soigne\coltivare soil\terra, insudiciare, suolo soils\insudiciato sojourner\ospite sojourners\ospiti solace\consolare solaces\consola solar eclipse\eclissi solare solar energy\energia solare solar system\sistema solare sold\vende solder\ferruminare solder joint\saldatura solderable\saldabile soldering iron\saldatoio soldier\soldato sole\solo, suola, sogliola sole distributors\esclusività di spaccio solemn\solenne solemnity\solennità solemnness\solennità solenoid\bobina solicitor\legale solid\compatto, fisso, solido, attendìbile solidness\fermezza solitary\singolo, solo soloist\solista soluble\solubile solution\dissoluzione solve\sciogliere, chiarire solvent\solvente somber\fosco some\qualche, alquanti, qualcosa, parecchio somebody\qualcheduno, alcuno someplace\in qualche luogo somersault\salto something\qualcosa, qualcosa sometimes\talvolta somewhere\in qualche luogo son\figlio, figliuolo son-in-law\gènero sonata\sonata song\canzone soon\prossimamente soothe\calmare soothsayer\chiromante sophomore\allievo soprano\soprano sorb\sorbo sore throat\angina sorenesses\dolere sorrow\pena, fastidio sorrowful\afflitto, disgraziato sorry\scusa, afflitto, purtroppo sort\fare, sorta, razza, assortire sortie\perdita sorties\perdite sot\sbevazzatore sound\sano, solido, suono, secondo, rumore, suono sound-proof\isolamento acustico soup\minestra sour\acido source\sorgente, origine, fonte south\ostro, sud southwester\libeccio souvenir\ricordo Soviet Union\unione Sovietica sow\seminare sown\seminato sox\calzetta spa\località balneare space\spazio, buca spaceship\veicolo spaziale spacious\ampio spade\vanga, badile Spain\Spagna spangle\fronzoli Spaniard\Spagnuolo spare\tempo libero spare part\pezzo di ricambio spark\trasmettere alla radio sparkle\sfavillare sparklers\diamanti sparkling wine\spumante sparrow\passero, astore spasm\spasma spatula\spatola speak\discorrere, favellare speak to\rivolgere la parola speaker\altoparlante speaking\parla spear\lancia special field\ramo di competenza special language\linguaggio tecnico special offer\offerta speciale specialist\specialista, specialista specialist shop\negozio specializzato specialize\specializzare species\fare specimen\esemplare spectacles\occhiali, lente spectator\spettatore spectators\spettatore speech\idioma, orazione speed\numero dei giri, volare, andatura, velocità speed limit\limite di velocità speed up\accelerare spell\compitare spend\emettere, passare, largire sperm\sperma spice\aromatizzare, spezie spicule\spilla spider\ragno spiders\filare spill\versamtento spinach\spinaci, spinacci spinner\mattoide spirit\mente spirit level\livella spiritlessness\insulsaggine spirits\acquavite spit\spiedo, saliva spite\nonostante, rancore spitefulness\malignità splendit\brillante splendor\magnificenza split\fèndere spoil\viziare spoils\bottino spoke\raggio spokeswoman\oratrice sponge\spugna spongy\spugnoso spontaneous\spontaneo spook\apparizione spoon\cucchiaio spoor\traccia sports\sport sports car\vettura sportiva sports ground\campo sportivo sports shirt\camicia sportiva sportsman\sportivo spot\posto, macchia sprawl\espandersi spray\raggio, nebulizzare spread\espandersi, verniciare, spargere spreads\allarghi spring\piuma, sorgente, abbrivo, saltare, slancio, fonte springiness\elasticità springtime\primavera spur\sprone spurt\spruzzare spy\spia spying\spionaggio squabblers\attaccabriche square\quadrangolo, quadrato, quadro, spigoloso, piazza square metre\metro quadrato squash\succo squeal\tradire squeeze\premere squid\calamaro squint\strabico squirrel\scoiattolo squirt\spruzzare stable\stanla, stalla stable in value\di valore fisso stadium\stadio staff\personale, redazione staffer\impiegato stage\fase, tribuna, scena, piedistallo staggers\oscilla stain\macchia, insudiciare, imbrattare staircase\scala stairs\scala stake\stanga, missione stall\posizione, stalla stamp\bollo, bollare, francobollo stand\stare, granaio, continuare standalone\indipendente standing\in piedi standing order\incarico permanente staple\affissare star\stella, vedette stardom\vanto starling\vedette stars\stelle start\esordire, decollare, principio, comincio, inizio start up\decollare starter\avviamento state\esporre, posizione, asserzioni statedly\stabilito stately\prestante statement\asserzione, estratto di conto, costatazione statue\statua stay\soggiorno stay here\rimanere stays\rimane, stà steady\continuo, proporzionato steak\bistecca steal\sotrarre, rubare steam\vapore steamer\vapore steamership\vapore steel\acciao, acciaio steelwork\acciaieria steep\erto steer\dirigere steering wheel\volante stem\tronco, sollevare stench\lezzo step\passo, procedere, gradino step by step\graduale stern\poppa stewards\fattore stewed fruit\composta stick\incollare, bastone, ficcare sticky\glutinoso stiff\rigido still\pari, però, calmo, ancora stillborn\nato morto stimulate\eccitare, esacerbare sting\colpo, pungere stingy\avareggiare stink\puzzare, lezzo stipulate\fissare stir\muovere, commuòvere stock\immagazzinare Stock Exchange\borsellino stockfish\baccalà stocking\calza, calza maglia stole\acciaio stomach\ventricolo stomp\beccheggiare stone\sasso, pierra stoniness\durezza stool\sgabello stop\ostruire, alt, fermare, fermarsi, fermata, finire storage\immagazzinaggio, deposito, immagazzinamento storage battery\accumulatore store\immagazzinare, campeggio, immagazzinare storefront\facciata storing\accampato stork\cicogna storm\tempesta, burrasca story\farsa, rapporto, fiaba, racconto, storia storybook\libro di fiabe stove\stufa strabismus\strabico straight\pari straight away\subito straighten out\drizzare strain\aggravio, fatica strait\stretto strange\strano, caratteristico, straniero, estroso strangling\strozzare strap\cinghia straw\paglia strawbeery\fràgola strawberry\fragola, fràgola stream\corrente, ruscello streamline\modernizzare street\via, contrada streets\strade strengh\forza, potenza strenght\forza strength\forza, vigoria strengthen\amplificare stress\accentuare, accento stretch\estendersi, stirato, espandere, stendere stretcher\bara strews\sparge strict\severo stride\passo stridently\tagliente strike\affìggere, sciopero, picchiare, scioperare striked\scioperai string\spago, cordicella strip\lista, denudare, smontare striped\zebrato stroke\accarezzare, riga stroll\passeggiare strong\poderoso, benportante strongest\fortissima struggle\combattimento student\studente study\fare gli studi superiori stuff\stoffa, materiale stuffed\farcito stuffing\otturazione stuffs\inzeppa stuffy\muffaticcio stumble\incespicare stumps\sbalordito stun\assordare stupefy\ottundere stupefying\assordante stupid\stupido, idiotico, balordo stupid thing\ocaggine stupide\stupido stupidity\ocaggine stupor\stupirsi sturdy\valido stutter\tartagliare sty\stalla style\taglio, eloquio subject\oggetti, casella, assoggettato, soggetto, tema subject matter\tema subjected\assoggetai subjects\assogetta subjugating\vincente sublime\elevato submarine\sommergibile submission\soggiogamento submit\sottoporre, soggiogare subscribe\abbonarsi subscriber\partecipante, abbonato subscription\abbonamento subsidy\sovvenzione subsist\esistere subsribe\firmare substance\sostanza substandard\di valore scadente substitute\facente funzione substitution\indennizzo subsume\prendere subterfuge\scusa subtle\astuto, perspicace subtract\falcidiare suburb\sobborgo suburbia\borgo subverts\rovinato succeed\seguire, riuscire success\successo successful\correttamente successfully\correttamente successive\consecutivo successor\seguace succumb\soccombere such\cosiffatto such as\come suck\succhiare, succhiare suck in\aspirare, succhiare suckle\allattare suddenly\improvvisamente suffer\soffrire, patire suffering\soffrire suffice\bastare sufficiently\abbastanza suffix\aggiunta suffocate\affogare suffocation\affogare sugar\zucchero sugar bowl\zuccheriera suggestion\appoggiatura suggestions\proposte suicide\suicidio suit\procedimento, vestito suitable\appropriato suitcase\valigia suitor\pretendente sulfurous\fervoroso sulk\ammusare sulkiness\capriccio sum up\addizionare summary\raccolta summation\addizione summer\estate, estivo summer holidays\vacanze estive summerly\estivo summit\cùlmine summon\chiamare summoner\fattorino sumptuous\fastoso, lussuoso sun\sole sunbathing\bagno di sole sunburned\abbronzito Sunday\doménica, domenica sunflower\elianto sunny\soleggiato sunstroke\insolazione super\favolosamente supercharger\mantice supercilious\orgoglioso superficial\superficiale superior\migliore, più alto, superiore superlarge\grossissimo supernal\ultraterreno supernatural\ultraterreno supervise\vigilare supervision\supervisione supplement\completamento, integrare supplier\fornitore supply\fornitura, rifornimento, provvedere, fornire support\sostenere, appogiare, appoggio, poggiare, sostegno supporte\fiancheggiare supposable\supposto suppose\assùmere, supporre supposition\supposizione suppository\ugola suppression\vuoto di cassa sure\sicuramente sureness\certezza surer\più sicuro surface\superficie, superficie surge\frangenti surgeon\chirurgo surgery\chirurgìa, pratica surmount\eccedere, eccedere surprise\sorprendere, sorprendere surprised\sorprende, sorprende surprising\strano, sorprendente surrender\consegnare surround\circondare surroundings\dintorni survival\sopportare, sopportare survive\sopravvivere survives\sopravvive suspect\dubitare, supporre, presentire suspence\rinvio suspended\interrotto suspension\molleggio suspicion\sospetto, ombrosità suspicious\sospetto, diffidgnte sustain\poggiare, appogiare, sostenere swabian\svevo swallow\rondine, ingoio, divorare swamp\palude swan\cigno swarthy\farsi scuro swatter\ammazzamosche sweat\sudare, sudore sweater\maglia, pullover Swede\Svedese Sweden\Svezia sweep\scopare, spazzare, ribaltabile sweet\caramella, dolce, dessert, abboccato sweetness\dolciume sweets\dolci swell\enfiare, frangenti swiftly\presto swill\risciacquare swim\nuotare, fanno il bagno swimmer\nuoto swimming\nuotare, fanno il bagno swimming-pool\piscina swimming trunks\calzoncini da bagno swims\nuota swindle\capogiro, marioleria swindler\lestofante swing\altalena, brandire swings\dondolare Swiss\Svizzero switch\interruttore switch off\spegnere, posare, estinguere switch on\accèndere Switzerland\Svizzera swollen\gonfiezza swoops\acchiappa sword\acciaio syllable\sillaba symbol\simbolo symbolic\allegorico sympathy\simpatia, simpatia symphony\sinfonia synchronize\doppiare syntactic error\vizio di forma syphilis\lue syringe\siringa system\sistema, circùito tab stop\tabulatore table\elenco, tàvola, tavola, tabella, tavolo table wine\vino da tàvola tablecloth\tovaglia tachometers\contagiri tact\tatto tactic\tattica tactical\tàttica tactics\tattica tactility\tangibilità tacts\tempi tag\scudo, cartellino taifun\ciclone tail\coda tailor\sarto take\acchiappare, intervenire energicamente, accettare take a photo\fotografare take advantage of\abusare take along\prendere take away\discostare, togliere take care\precauzione take care of\evàdere take from\togliere take in\accogliere, accettare take in tow\trascinare take into account\accreditare take off\decollare take out\cavare take over\mi incarico, mi incarico take part\partecipare take place\passare, avere luogo take turns\alternare taken\occupato taker\acquirente taking over\mi incarico, mi incarico takingback\ritiro tale\racconto, storia, fiaba talent\talento talk\favellare, discorso, discorrere, collòquio talk over\trattare talkative\verboso tall\grande, elevato tan\abbrunire tandem\di seguito tangent\toccante tank\corazza, serbatoio tankard\orcia tankards\orci tanker\nave cisterna tap\rubinetto, rubinetto tape\fettuccia, nastro magnetico tapeworm\verme solitario tappets\pollice tar\catrame target\traguardo tariff\addaziare, tariffa tart\torta, acido task\lavoro, occupare, quesito taste\costare, gustare tastelessly\insipido tasty\gustoso tattle\pettegolare tattoo\tatuaggio, tatuare taught\erudito tax\tassa, daziare, erariale tax-free\libero da imposte taxi\tassì taxi-driver\tassista taxicab\tassì taylors\sarto tea\tè teach\istruire, rendere edotto teaching\insegnamento team\equipaggio tear\crepatura, lacrima teardrops\lacrimale tearful\piagnucoloso tease\irritare, punzecchiare teaspoonful\cucchiaino technical\tecnico technique\tecnica technology\tecnica, tecnologia teenage\giovanile teetotaller\astinente telephone\telefono telephone number\numero telefonico telephone subscriber\abbonato telephonically\telefonico telescope\telescopio televise\cèdere, cèdere television\televisione tell\narrare tell off\inveire teller\cassiere telly\televisione temper\temperamento, furia temperate\moderato temperature\febbre, temperatura tempest\tempesta template\sagoma temple\tempia tempting\allettante tempts\traviato ten\dieci tenant\noleggiatore tend\piegare, coltivare tendency\declinazione tender\dolce tenderly\esile tenderness\affettuosità tennis court\campo di tennis tense\in tensione tension\voltaggio tergiversate\disdirsi tergiversation\sotterfugio term\espressione, nozione, vocàbolo terminal\capolìnea, entro la data fissata termination\ultimazione terminus\capolìnea terrain\terreno terrestrial\terreno terrible\tremendo, terribile terrified\spaventato terrorist\terrorista terrorize\terrorizzare test\prova, esamino, provare, prova test drive\giro di prova testicle\coglione testicles\coglione testify\asserzioni, attestare tete a tete\famigliare text\testo texts\testi textual\letterale texture\ordito thank\ringraziare, ringraziare thankful\grato thankfulness\gratitudine thankless\ingrato thanklessness\ingratitudine thanks\ringraziato, grazie thanks to\grazie that\quei, quei, questi, quite, perchè, che, di allora that is\cioè a dire that much\tanto that one\là, il that way\cosi thats why\per questo thaw\sciogliere, disgelare the\il, il, della, là the bereaved\sopravvissuto the book\il libro the day after tomorrow\dopodomani, posdomani, dopodomani the day before yesterday\avantieri the like\ugualmente the one\quello che the public\pubblico the same\il medesimo theatre\teatro theatrics\giuochi thee\te theft\ladrocinio thefts\furti their\di ella theirs\di ella them\loro, essi theme\oggetti, tema then\allora, conseguentemente thenceforth\dà là theoretic\accademicamente theoretical\accademicamente theory\gamma there\là, costì, quite, morto thereafter\dopo questo thereby\presso therefor\per questo therefore\quindi, per questo, conseguentemente therein\in ciò therewith\onde thermal\caldo thermal unit\unità di calore thermally\calore thermionic\torrido these\quei, questi these days\oggigiorno they\essi thick\grosso, impermabile thick skinned\insensibile thicket\folto thickhead\allocco thickly\grosso thickness\grossezza, vigoria thickset\impermabile thieve\rubare thieved\acciaio thieveries\ladri thievery\ladrocinio thieves\ruba, ladri thigh\femorale, fèmore thimble\digitale thin\magro thing\materia things\cose, cose think\pensare, riflettere, crédere, supporre think about\riflettere think ahead\anticipare think back\ripensare thinkable\figuràbile thinker\filosofo thinking\pensante thinks\pensa thinly\magro thins\diluito third\terza, terzo, terzo third party\terza third party insurance\assicurazione di responsabilit thirds\dividere in tre parti thirst\sete thirst for revenge\brama di vendetta thirsty\assetato thirteen\tredici thirteenth\tredicesimo thirtieth\trentesimo thirty\trenta this\questi, questo, ciò, il this evening\stasera this morning\stamattina this one\questi this time\questa volta thistle\cardo thisway\qua thither\là tho\sebbene thorax\cassa toracica thorn\spina thorns\spine thorough\completo, verdastro, accurato thoroughly\verdastro those\questi, quei, quei, questo, questi thou\tu though\sebbene thought\pensato, pensiero thought about\pensato thoughtful\pensieroso, guardingo thoughts\pensai thousand\mille thrash\gettare a terra thrashes\bastonato thrashing\svolazzare, sovraccarico thrashings\trebbiare, bruciacchiare thread\filamento thready\fibroso threat\minaccia threaten\minacciare threatening\minacciante threatening letter\lettera minatoria threateningly\minacciante three\tre three coloured\tricolore three figure\a tre cifre three months\trimestre three phase\trifase three wheeler\triciclo threefold\triplo threepart\tripartito threescore\sessanta thresh\trebbiare threshes\percuote threshold\soglia thrice\trevolte thrift\economìa thriftlessness\dissipazione thrifty\econòmico thrill\emozionare thrilling\emozionante thrills\emozionato thrive\prosperare throaty\scabro throb\battere thrombose\trombosi thrombosis\trombosi throne\trono throng\affluenza throttle\troncare, strozzare through\per mezzo di ciò through and through\in tutto e per tutto throw\tiro, alzata, gettare throw in\obiettare throwaway\buttar via throwdown\gettare a terra thrower\lanciatore thrown\buttato, gettato throws\getti, getta thrum\tinntinnare thrush\tordo thrushes\strozzare thrust\urtare thrusts\urti thruway\autostrada thud\rimbombare thug\facinoroso thumb\pollice thumbs\pollice thunder\tuono thunderbolt\fulmine thunderclap\colpo di tuono thunderstorm\temporale, maltempo thursday\giovedì Thursday\giovedí thus\per mezzo di ciò, cosi, quindi, orbene thwart\frastornare thwarted\frastornare thwarts\sventato thy\tua thyme\timo thyroid\ghiandola tiroide tibia\stinco tic\ticchio tick\segnare a croce tick off\sganciare, segnare a croce ticket\sorte, biglietto, biglietto ticket collector\bigliettaio ticket office\biglietterià ticketed\punito tickle\solleticare tickled\solleticato tickler\taccuino ticklish\solleticoso tidal\alta marea tidbit\ghiottonerìa tide\marea, bassa tideland\bassofondo tides\marea tidiness\ordine tidings\nuova tidy\lindo, ammettere, ordinato tie\legamento, legare, legare saldamente, cravatta tie up\legare tier\fila tiger\tigre tigerish\selvaggio tigerishly\selvaggia tight\teso, scarso, fisso, impermabile tighten\teso, astringere, fisso tightrope\cavo tightrope walker\equilibrista tightropes\corde tights\calza maglia tile\mattonella tiler\copritetto tiling\coprente till\forziere, arare till now\finora tills\coltivato tilt\ribaltabile, piegare timbal\timpano timber\legno, legname da costruzione time\tempo, epoca, cronologico, marchio, lezione, tatto time delay\ritardo time lag\ritardo time lapse\accelleratore time lapse camera\accelleratore time of probation\tirocinio time saving\risparmio di tempo, che risparmia tempo timekeeper\cronometro timeliness\puntualità timely\conforme al tempo, tempestivo timer\cronometro times\tempi timesaving\che risparmia tempo timeserver\opportunista timeserving\opportunistico timeworn\arcàico timid\timoroso timide\timido timidity\timorosità timidly\angoscioso timorous\timoroso tin\latta, apriscàtole, barattolo tin opener\apriscàtole tin plate\latta tincturing\colorante ting\sonare il campanello tinge\suonare tingle\prurire tingling\arzillo tinkle\sonare il campanello tinkling\scampanellio tinned food\conserva tinplate\latta bianca tint\tinta, tinta, colorazione tinting\colorante tintinnabulation\suonare tiny\minuscolo tip\suggerimento, al punto più estremo, riferimento tip over\mozzicone tipped over\ribaltato tipper\vagoncino ribaltabile tipping wagon\vagoncino ribaltabile tippler\sbevazzatore tipsily\malfermo tiptoe\strisciare tiptoes\striscia tiptop\perfetto tire\faticare tired\stracco tiredness\sfinitezza tires\cerchiatura tiring\faticoso tissue\ordito tissue handkerchief\fazzoletto di carta tissue paper\velina titillate\solleticare titivate\agghindare titivation\abbellimento title\titolo, titolo, titolo, nominale titled\nominai titles\nominale titling\denominazione titmouse\cincia titter\ridacchiare tittering\ridacchiante titular\titolo to\a tavola, in to-day\oggi to abuse\abusare to appear\emersione to appease\calmare to assemble\montare, montare, compilare to assume\supporre, lasciare, assùmere to attract\vestire to be\sua to be ashamed\vergognarsi to be at\sua to be imminent\sovrastare to be in store\sovrastare to bear\esercitare to beep\zirlare to broadcast\cèdere, mando, cèdere to cancel\verniciare to cause\causo to claim\affermare, pretendere to clash\collidere to compete\concorrere to conjure up\evocare to consider\considerare to consume\esaurire to create\produrre to deliver\fornire to detect\scoprire to develop\sviluppare to deviate\declinare to device\sviluppare to drone\ronzare, rimbombare to embark\imbarcare to employ\occupare to expect\attendere to expose\comprométtere to fizzle\insabbiato to flare up\effervescenza to force\obbligare to give notice of depature\notificare la partenza to impend\sovrastare to increase\aumentare, accrèscere to launch\varare, decollare to me\me to my\della mia to offer\offerto, licitare to predict\predire, vaticinare to present\regalare to press\spingere to produce\fabbricare, produrre to promise\promettere to provide\fornire, licitare to raise\sollevare un pò to realise\realizzare to require\necessitare to reveal\asserzioni, svelare to rush\smaniare, spingere to shatter\frantumare to slash\stracciare to some extent\in certo qual modo to spoil\viziare to subject\soggiogare to such an extent\talmente to support\fiancheggiare, promuovere to suppose\assùmere to survive\sopportare, sopravvivere, sopportare to suspect\sospettare, supporre to the effect that\mirante a to the right\a destra to transmit\mando to treat\considerare toad\rospo toadies\leccapiedi toady\leccapiedi toast\brindisi, brindare tobacco\tabacco tobacco pouch\borsa del tabacco tobacconist's\tabaccheria today\oggi toddle\trotterellare toddy\grog toes\dita dei piedi tog\vestire together\contemporaneamente, unitamente, insieme, comune together with\velluto toggle\bavaglio, verificare toiled\tormentò toiler\lavorante toilet\gabinetto, abbigliatura toilet paper\carta igiènica toils\tormenta toilsome\faticoso tolerance\tolleranza tolerate\amméttere, tollerare, sopportare tolerated\ammesso tolerates\sopporta tolerating\indulgente toleration\sopportazione tollable\soggetto a dogana tolled\picchiai tolling\convincente tomato\pomodoro tomb\sepolcro tomboyish\selvaggio tombstone\lapide tomfoolery\ocaggine tomorrow\domani, oriente tomorrow morning\domattina tomtit\cincia tone\suono toneless\afono tones\voce, pronuncia tongue\idioma, lingua tongues\linguale tonicity\elasticità toning bath\viraggio tonque\lingua tony\stile too\anche, a tavola, troppo, oltremodo too expensive\impagabile too little\troppo poco too much\troppo took\prese took over\mi incaricai, mi incaricai toolmaker\attrezzista tooth\dente tooth decay\carie toothbrush\spazzolino da denti toothless\sdentata, sdentato toothpaste\dentifricio toothpick\stuzzicadenti toothsome\gustoso top\principio, cùlmine, sù, fermatura, cappotta top floor\soffitta topic\volume, tema topical\conforme al tempo topmast\severità topmost\colonello topples\cade torch\fiàccola torches\fiaccole tormented\inquieto torn off\stracciato torn up\stracciato torpedo boat\lanciasiluri torpid\assordato torpidity\anestesia torpidness\accidia torridness\ustione tortoise\tartaruga torture\tortura, tormento torture chamber\stanza di tortura torus\circolo toss\avventare total\intero, completo, tutta total weight\peso complessivo totaled\contai totality\complesso totally\completo totals\conta tots\conta totter\barcollare touch\affisso, inpugnare, toccare touchdown\ottenere touched\afferrato touchiness\suscettibilità touching\afferrante touchy\irritabile, sensibile tough\ostinato tougher\più duro toughing\commovente toughly\solido toughs\lestofante tour\circolazione, giro turistico, giro turìstico tourism\escursionismo tourist\escursionista, escursionista tourist class\classe turìstica tourist party\gruppo turìstico tourist traffic\movimento turistico tournament\competizione, giostra tourney\giostra tousles\arruffato tout\arruolare tow\trascinare, trascinare, estrassi tow off\trascinare tow rope\cavo di rimorchio toward\arrendevole towards\in, a tavola, inverso towel\asciugamano toweled\asciugato towels\asciugamani tower\torre towering\poderoso town\città town-hall\municipio town-planing\urbanistica town council\assessore municipale townplan\piantina township\congreguari towrope\cavo di rimorchio toxic\virulento toxin\veleno toxins\veleni toy\giocàttolo toyed\giocai track\binario track hound\segugio tracking\inseguire trackless\senza traccia tract\territorio tractive\boccata trade\impresa, arte, ramo di commercio, commercio trade union\sindacato trade unionist\sindacalista tradeoff\cambio tradeoffs\scambio tradesman\omo, signora tradeunion\sindacato tradeunionist\sindacalista tradition\tradizione, tradizione traduce\calunniare traffic\traffico traffic light\semaforo traffic lights\semaforo, semafori, semaforo traffic sign\cartello stradale trafficking\commercio tragedy\tragedia, tragedia tragic\tragico trailer\nudista train\ammaestrare, educare, allenamento, ferroviario train of thought\ragionamento trained\esercitato trainee\apprendista trainer\allenatore trainers\allenatore training\istruzione, educazione training ship\nave scuola trains\treni traipse\strascicare tram\tram tramp\vagabondaggio transaction\evasione transcendence\elevatezza transfer\trasferire, imbarazzato, cessione, trasportare transform\convertire, commutare, alterare transient\corruttìbile transit\tragitto translate\tradurre, tradurre translation\traduzione, traduzione transmarine\oltremarino, oltremarino transmission\spedizione transmit\cèdere, cèdere transmitter\trasmettitore transparent\vaporoso transplant\trapiantare transport\avanzamento, trasporto, trasportare transubstantiate\commutare transversal\obliquo trap\tranello trascan\secchio delle immondizie trashcan\cestino travel\andara travel agency\ufficio viaggi travel office\ufficio viaggi traveler\viaggiatore traveller\viaggiatore, viaggiatore travelling bag\borsa da viaggio travelling expenses\spese di viaggio tray\vassoio tread\pedata treasure\tesoro treat\coltivare treatment\elettorale, cura tree\albero, àlbero tree-trunk\tronco tremendous\grandioso, poderoso tremulously\tremante trend\declinazione trial\esperimento, procedimento triangle\triangolo tribulation\tormento trick\trucco, furberia tricky\intricato tricolors\tricolore trifles\quisquilie trimly\curato tringing\tinntinnare, sonare il campanello trip\escursione, tratto, incespicare tripod\cavalletto triviality\insulsaggine troop\truppa trot\trottare trouble\fastidio, disturbo, fatica, penuria, problema troublesome\noioso trough\per mezzo di ciò trousers\pantaloni trout\trota truck\camion true\vero trump\brìscola trumpet\tromba trunk\tronco, torso trust\confidenza trusted\fidai truth\verità try\esperimentare, provare tube\tubetto, tubo, tubo Tuesday\martedì, martedí tug\trascinare tulip\tulipano tumour\tumore tuna\tonno tuna-fish\tonno tune\melodia tunes\esatto tuning\votazione tunnel\galleria tunny\tonno turbine\turbina Turk\Turco turkey\tacchino Turkey\Turchia turn\fila, girata, voltarsi, girare turn around\voltare turn off\posare turn on\accèndere turn round\ritornare turn screw\cacciavite turnings\trucioli turnip\rapa turnover\movimento degli affari turret\torretta turtle\tartaruga TV\televisione twain\paio twelve\dodici twenty\venti twenty-three\ventitré twerps\uomini twiddled\giocai twiddles\gioca twins\gemelli twirl\girare twist\storcere, girata twitch\ticchio two\due two hundred\duecento twofold\dùplice twoseater\biposto tympanum\timpano type\fare, scommettere, tipo, sorta, vergare typhoon\tifone typical\tipico tyran\tiranno tyrant\tiranno udder\mammella ugly\laido ulcers\ulcere ultimate\alla fin fine ultimately\finalmente ultrared\ultrarosso umbrageous\ombreggiato umbrella\parapioggia, ombrello umpire\arbitro unabating\incessante unable\inadatto, incapace unable to work\inabile al lavoro unaltered\immutato unanimous\a una voce unanimously\a una voce unattempted\intentato unauthorized\non autorizzato unavailable\trasceso unavoidable\inevitabile unbeknownst\sconosciuto unbelievable\incredibile unboundedly\illimitato unburdened\licenziato uncertain\incerto, malsicuro uncertainty\incertezza unchallengeable\irrefutabile uncle\zio uncloaking\svelante uncomfortable\scomodo unconditional\incondizionato unconscious\inconsapevole unconstitutional\anticostituzionale uncork\stappare unction\unzione unctious\untuoso unctuous\cremoso unctuousness\unzione uncurable\inguaribile uncurbed\sbrogliato undate\ondulato undazzled\intatto undecent\indecente undecided\incerto undeck\scoprire undefeated\inbattuto undefiled\pulito undefined\vago undeliberate\senza volere undelightful\mostruoso undemanding\senza esigenza undeniably\incontestabile under\là sotto, sotto, abbasso under age\minorenne under carriage\carrello under developed\arretrato under it\là sotto underage\minorenne underarm\avambraccio underbid\offrire sotto costo undercarriage\carrello undercover\riservato undercut\offrire sotto costo underestimate\sottovalutare undergo\vissi undergraduate\studente underground\sotterraneo, sottosuolo underground railway\ferrovia sotterranea undergrowth\sterpaglia underhand\segreto underlie\soccombere underline\sottolineare undermine\minare underneath\sotto underpants\mutande underrate\sottovalutare underscore\sottolineare undersell\offrire sotto costo undershirt\maglia underside\parte inferiore undersigned\firmato undersized\minuscolo underskirt\sottana understand\capire, comprendere understanded\giudizio, nozione understanding\comprensione understands\comprende undertake\intraprendere undertaken\intrapreso undertakes\intraprende undertaking\intraprendere undertakings\esercizi undertook\intrapresi undervalue\sottovalutare underwear\biancherìa ìntima underworld\regno dei morti underwrite\garantire, firmare underwrites\garantito underwriting\assicurazione underwritten\garantito undesignated\vago undesigning\sincero undetermined\vago undeveloped\embrionale undies\biancherìa ìntima undigested\non digerito undilated\non diluito undischarged\non pagato undisclosed\anònimo undistinguishable\indistinto undisturbed\indisturbato undivorced\sposato undoable\solubile undreamt\inaudito undubbed\anònimo undue\insufficiente undulated\ondulatorio undying\immortale unearth\disotterrare unease\inquietudine uneasily\sconfortevole uneasy\sconfortevole uneatable\immangiabile uneligible\disadatto unembarrassed\spudorato unemphatic\indistinto unemployable\inservibile unemployed\senza lavoro unemployment\disoccupazione unendurable\insopportabile unenjoyable\immangiabile unenriched\non annunciato unenslaved\esente unequable\sleale unequably\sleale unequal\ineguale unequaled\senza esempio unequivocal\univoco unescorted\unico unessential\accidentale unestimable\inestimabile unethical\senza scrupoli uneven\ineguale unexcelled\insuperato unexceptional\senza eccezione unexpected\inatteso unexperienced\novizio unexplicit\indistinto unfailing\senza errori, attendìbile unfairly\sleale unfaithful\infedele, infedele unfaltering\inflessibile unfathomable\inpenetrabile unfatiguing\instancabile unfavorable\sfavorevole unfavourable\sfavorevole unfeeling\insensibile unfeigned\vero unfeminine\maschile unfertile\sterile unfetter\esimere unfinished\incompiuta unfirm\malfermo unfit\inadatto, inabile al lavoro, disadatto unfit for work\incapace al lavoro unfitness\inattitudine unfitted\disadatto unfitting\sconveniente unfix\sciogliere unflagging\instancabile unflavored\senza gusto unflinching\deciso unflustered\equilibrato unfold\esplicare unforced\spontaneo unforeseen\imprevisto unforgettable\indimenticabile unforgivable\inperdonabile unforgivably\inperdonabile unforgotten\indimenticato unformal\poco stretto unfortunately\per disgrazia, purtroppo unfrank\disonesto unfrequent\raro unfrequently\rara unfriendly\scortese unfruitful\infecondo ungainliness\zoticaggine ungentlemanly\sconveniente ungirt\poco stretto ungiving\insensibile ungraceful\grossolano ungracefully\goffa ungraciousness\sfavore ungrateful\ingrato ungratefully\ingrato ungratefulness\ingratitudine, ingratitudine ungrudging\senza invidia unhalted\sbrogliato unhappily\per disgrazia unhappiness\miserabile unhappy\disgraziato, afflitto unharbored\scoperto unharmed\illeso unharmfully\sicura unheated\inosservato unhesitant\volonteroso unhesitating\immediato unhomogeneous\ineguale unhuman\disumano unicellular\unicellulare unicoloured\unicolore unicorn\liocorno unidentified\sconosciuto unidimensional\lineare unification\unificazione unified\uniti unifies\unito uniform\unito uniformity\uniformità unilateral\unilaterale unillumined\ignorante unimaginable\inimmaginabile unimaginative\senza immagginazione unimagined\imprevisto unimpeachable\intoccabile unimpeded\indisturbato unimportance\cosa di nessuna importanza unimportant\senza importanza unimportntant\senza importanza uninformed\ignorante uninhabited\disabitato unintelligently\insulso unintended\senza volere unintentional\senza volere uninterrupted\durabile, incessante unintimate\scomodo union\unione, unione, sindacato, lega unique\singolo, unico, straordinario, eccezzionale unison\unisono unisonous\congruente unit\meccanismo, elemento, semplice unitary\unito unite\unificare, unirsi united\uniti, in comune unites\unito unity\elemento, concordia universalize\generalizzare universally\notorio universally known\notorio universe\universo university\università, accademia university graduate\accadèmico unkind\scortese, insensibile unkindly\insensibile unkindness\insensibilità unknowable\ignorante unknown\sconosciuto unlabored\facilmente unlade\scaricare unlawful\illegale unleaded\senza piombo unlearn\disimparare unless\tranne che unlettered\incolto unlevel\dìspari unlicensed\non permesso unlifelike\imitato unlimited\illimitato unlink\separare unlinked\sciolto unliquidated\non pagato unliteral\figurato unload\scaricare, scaricare unloaded\scaricato unloading\scaricare unloading point\deposito unlock\disserrare unloving\frigido unluckily\per disgrazia unlucky\disgraziato, infelice unlucky fellow\corvo del malaugurio unmagical\insipido unmake\levatura unmannerly\screanzato unmarried\nubile unmasculine\femminino unmask\comprométtere unmasking\smascherante unmerciful\spietato unmindful\sconsiderato unmistakably\inconfondibile unmistaken\sicuramente unmodified\immutato unmovable\immobile unmoved\impassibile unnecessary\inutile unneighborly\scortese unnoted\inosservato unnoticeable\inosservato unnoticed\inosservato unobjectionable\legittimo unobscured\sereno unobservant\disattento unobtainable\irraggiungibile unoccupied\vacante unoffending\innocuo unofficial\ufficioso unostentatious\senza esigenza unpaid\non pagato unpalatably\cattiva unparallel\eccezzionale unpassable\sconveniente unperceived\inosservato unpitying\spietato unpleasant\laido, dispiacévole unpleasantness\spiacevolezza unpleasing\dispiacévole unpredictable\imprevedibile unpremeditated\estemporàneo unpretentious\senza esigenza unpreventable\inevitabile, estemporàneo unprimitive\colto unprincipled\incostante unprofessional\incompetente unpromising\fallito unpromisingly\fallito unpropitious\sfavorevole unprotected\indifeso unprotected game\libera cacciagione unquestionable\indiscutibile unquiet\secondo unquietly\liuto unreachable\irraggiungibile unreadably\illeggìbile unreal\fantomatico, spettrale unrealistic\irrealistico unreasonable\irragionevole unreasonableness\insensatezza unreckonable\imprevedibile unrecognized\non riconosciuto unreflecting\sbadato unregulated\non regolato unrelenting\inflessibile unremitting\incessante unremorseful\spietato unrepentant\impenitente unresting\incessante unrestrained\sbrogliato unrestricted\illimitato unright\sleale unrighteous\abietto unripe\acerbo unrude\educato unruffled\netto unruly\disattento unsalaried\non pagato unsatisfied\insoddisfatto unschooled\incolto unscrew\avvitare unscrupulous\senza scrupoli, scoscenziato unseat\esonerare unseeable\invisibile unseeing\cieco unselfish\altruista unselfishness\altruismo unsettle\inquietare unsettles\inquieto unsettling\inquietante unshackle\esimere unshackles\liberato unshackling\liberante unshapely\deforme unsheltered\senza tetto unshrinking\intrepido unskimmed milk\latte integrale unsmiling\grave unsoiled\lindo unsolicited\non richiesto unsolicitous\volontario unsophisticatedly\ingenua unsounded\fasullo unstable\labile, volubile unstableness\incertezza unstably\malsicuro unsteadily\malfermo unsteadiness\incertezza unsteady\volubile unstopping\aprente unstudied\natura secondo unsubstantiated\infondato unsubtle\rozzo, zotico unsuitable\disadatto unsuited\disadatto unsure\malsicuro unsureness\incertezza unsurpassed\insuperato unsympathetic\antipàtico untainted\senza macchia untarnished\immacolato unthankful\ingrato unthankfulness\ingratitudine unthinkable\impensabile unthought\sconsiderato untimeliness\tempo inopportuno untimely\prematuro untirable\instancabile unto\a tavola untrapped\esente untried\intentato untroubled\indisturbato untruth\menzogna untwine\lievitazione unusable\inservibile unusual\strano, inconsueto unusually\raro unusualness\stranezza unutterable\indicibile unvaried\immutato unveil\svelare unveiling\svelante unventilated\muffaticcio unversed\novizio unwarily\incauto unwarped\spassionato unwarranted\non autorizzato unwary\incauto unwavering\incrollabile unwearable\intollerabile unweary\instancabile unwed\nubile unwell\indisposto unwillingly\malvolentieri unwillingness\disgusto unwind\dipanare unwinds\rilassato unwise\imprudente unwitting\senza volere unwontedly\inconsueto unworried\spensierato unworthy\indegno unwounded\illeso unwrought\grezzo up\sù, a, sù, sù up above\sù up there\lassù upbraiding\rimprovero upbringing\creanza upchuck\vòmito upcoming\prossimamente upgrade\estensione, ampliare upgrades\trasportato upgrading\estensione upheaval\elevamento uphold\durare upholster\imbottire upholsterer\tappezziere upkeep\manutenzione uplift\esaltare uplifting\alzante upon\a upper arm\braccio superiore upper case character\lettera maiuscola uppish\impettito uppity\baldanzoso upraise\esaltare upraising\alzante upright\pari, verticale uprise\levarsi uproar\eccitazione uproariously\liuto upshot\risultato upstage\arrivista upstairs\in alto, sù upturn\incremento upwards\sù uranium\uranio urban\urbano urge\premura, incoraggiare urgency\urgenza urgent\urgente, legante urine\orina, uroscopia urn\urna us\noi, a noi usable\usabile usage\uso use\uso, adoperare use up\esaurire used\usato useful\utile -usefull\utile useless\inutile, disùtile, inservibile user\utente uses\usato usual\usuale, ordinario usually\ordinario usuries\usura usury\usura Utopian\utopico utter\estrinsecare vacant\vacante vacation\vacanze, ferie vaccinate\vaccinare vaccination\vaccinazione vaccine\vaccino vacuum\vuotaggine vacuum cleaner\aspirapòlvere vagabond\vagabondaggio vagina\fòdero vailable\disponìbile vain\vano valerian\valeriana valid\valevole validity\validità validness\validità valley\valle valorize\valorizzare valse\valzer valuable\pregiato valuables\valori value\valutare, valore valuejudgment\valutazione valve\valvola, valvola vanguard\avanguardia vanilla\vainiglia vanish\scomparire vanity\fatuità vaporizer\vaporizzatore vapors\evaporazione vapour\vapore variable\variàbile variance\contrarietà variation\aberrazione varicosity\varice various\differente variousness\varietà varnish\vernice vary\variare vascular\recipiente vase\vaso, vaso da fiori vast\vasto vault\volta vaulted\volta veal\carne di vitello veda\sapere vegetable\pianta vegetable soup\zuppa di verdura vegetables\legume vegetatively\vegetativo vehicle\carro, veicolo veil\veletta vein\vena, vena veined\venato velocity\velocità velvet\velluto vending machine\autòma vendue\licitazione vengeance\vendetta vengeful\vendicativo venom\veleno ventilate\ventilare, arieggiare, aerare ventilating\ventilazione venturous\rischioso veraciousness\veridicità verbal\orale verdict\giudizio verifield\giustezza verify\verificare, esaminare verity\verità vermicide\vermifugo vermilion\cinabro verminous\impidocchiato versatile\multilaterale version\versione, emissione vertical\verticale vessel\recipiente, vascello vest\maglia vet\veterinario vetoed\divieto vex\molestare vexation\rancore, nonostante via\sopra viaduct\viadotto viand\vettovaglia vice\vizio vicious\vizioso victim\sacrificio victor\vincitore victorious\vittorioso victory\vincita victualer\fornitore victuals\commestìbili videotaping\nota vie\gareggiare viennese\viennese view\parere, concezione, vista, veduta, visuale viewer\negli, spettatore viewpoint\belvedere views\vedute vigorous\benportante, energico vile\infame villa\villa village\villaggio villain\pezzente vine\vite, vigna vintage\annata vintner\vinaio violation\infrazione violator\violatore violence\balìa violent\violento, veemente violent temper\irascibilità violet\viola violin\violino viper\biscia viral\virus virgin\intatto, nuovo di fabbrica virginity\verginità viril\maschile virtual\virtuale virtue\virtù virtuoso\campione virtuous\virtuoso virtuousness\virtù visa\visto visible\visibile visibleness\visibilità visionary\visionario visit\ispezionare, visitare, visita, vìsita visitor\visitatore visors\ombrelli vital\importante vitality\vitalità vitamin\vitamina vitiation\depravazione viticulture\enofilo vituperation\vituperio vividly\chiara vocabulary\dizionario vocalists\cantante vocation\appello vocational\per lavoro vodka\vodka voice\voce voiceclerk\fatturista void\vuotaggine volcano\vulano volitive\essere disposto voltage\voltaggio volume\volume, volume voluntary\volontario volunteer\volontario, volontario volution\voluta vomit\vòmito voracious\vorace, àvido vote\voce, eleggere, votazione, votare, elezione vouch\obbligarsi voucher\biglietto di garanzia vulcanize\vulcanizzare vulnerability\vulnerabilità vulnerable\vulnerabile vulture\avvoltoio wadding\incluso wade\sguazzare wads\fardello wage\stipendio wages\stipendio waist\vita waistband\lega waiter\cameriere wake\destare wake up\svegliarsi walk\camminare, corro, giro walked\andai wall\parete, muro wallet\portamonete wallpaper\tappezzeria walnut-tree\noce waltz\valzer want\vuole, volere wants\desiderare war\guerra, guerre wardens\guardiana wardrobe\vestiario warehouse\campeggio warm up\riscaldare warmth\calore warn\dissuadere warn out\stanco warning\ammonizione warrant\mandato di cattura warrantirs\facoltà warranty\garanzia warship\nave da guerra was absent\mancai was allowed\potei was astonished\mi stupii was called\mi chiamavo was cold\gelai was valid\valsi wash\lavare washbasin\catinella washer\lavatore washing\lavabiancheria washing machine\lavabiancheria wasp\vespa waste\sperperare, eremo waste of time\perdita di tempo waste water\acqua di scarico wastes\sperperato watch\orologio, sorvegliare watch dog\cane da guardia watch television\televisione watchdog\cane da guardia watcher\guardia watchful\vigile watchfulness\vigilanza watchmaker\orologiaio water\diluviare, annaffiare, acqua, bagnare water colour\acquerello water for rinsing\lavatura water gun\autopompa water melon\anguria water rat\lupo di mare water sports\sport acquatico watercolor\acquerello waterfall\cascata watergate\cateratta watering can\annaffiatoio watermark\filigrana watermarks\filigrana watermelon\anguria waterproof\impermabile watertight\impermabile watery\acquoso wattle\ostacolo watts\bassofondo wave\flutto, sventolare, soffiare, svolazzare, onda wave about\brandire wave to\accennare wavelike\ondulatorio waver\svolazzare, barcollare, ondeggiamento, vertere wavered\oscillai wavering\vacilncnve wavers\oscilla wavily\ondulato wavy\ondulato wax\cera, créscere wax candle\candela di cera wax figure\figura di cera waxwork\figura di cera waxy\cèreo way\cammino, strada, strada, direzione way bill\lettera di porto way out\esito, passaggio wayfarer\viaggiatore waylay\appostare wayward\bisbètico waywardness\cocciutaggine WC\abbigliatura we\noi altri, noi weak\gràcile, debole, labkle weaken\indebolire, debilitare weakening\indebolimento weakling\codardo weakly\gràcile weakness\mancare, debolezza, debolezza weakness of character\debolezza di carattere weaknesses\indebolire wealth\opulenza wealthier\ricco wealthily\ricco wealthiness\opulenza wealthy\ricco, benestante, facoltoso wean\divezzare weans\divezzo weapon\armi, arma, arme weapond\armato weaponless\disarmato weaponries\armi weapons\nucleare wear\abbigliare wear and tear\logorio wear out\logorare wearer\vettore weariness\sfinitezza wearout\logorio weary\stracco weather chart\carta meteorologica weather forecast\bollettino meteorològico weather observation\meteorologia weather vane\voltagabbana weave\tessere weaver\tessitore weavers\tessitrice wedding\nozze, sposalizio wedding dress\abito da sposa wedding ring\anello matrimoniale wedge\mania, cùneo wedge shaped\cuneiforme wedges\cunei Wednesday\mercoledí wednesday\mercoledì wee\minuscolo weed\erbaccia weeding\sarchiare week\settimana weekend\fine settimana weekly\ebdomadario, settimanalmente weekly paper\ebdomadario weeks\settimane ween\sperare weep\lacrimare weeps\piange, piansi weigh\pesare weighable\pesabile weightily\pesante weights\pesi weighty\pesante welcome\salutare, gradito, desiderato, benvenuto weld\saldare welding\sudore, saldare welfare\benessere, assistenza pubblica well\bene, benessere, pozzo, sano, interamente, ebbene well behaved\educato well built\benfatto well deserved\benemèrito well fed\ben nutrito well meant\con buone intenzioni well off\benestante well read\erudito well thought out\ponderato well tried\esperimentato well understood\beninteso well well\così così wellfare\benessere welling\scaturente wells\pozzo welter weight\welter welters\ondeggiamento wench\prostituta wenches\fornicare wend\dirìgersi went up\salii wept\piansi were\sua werewolf\lupo mannaro west\ovest West\ovest western\occidentale westwards\verso ovest wet\umido, inumidire, bagnato wether\montone wetly\bagnato wetness\fradicezza whack\legnare whacked\picchiai whacking\convincente whale\balena whaler\baleniere whalers\baleniere wham\battuta whammy\assalto whams\colpi wharf\molo what\che, che cosa whatever\checché wheat\frumento, grano wheel\ruota wheel barrow\carriola wheel chair\sedia a rotelle wheel suspension\sospensione delle ruote wheelbarrows\carriola wheelchair\sedia a rotelle wheeled\carreggiabile wheeler\veicolo wheels\arruotare, ruote wheeze\anelare wheezy\affannoso whelp\cucciolo when\laddove, appena che, quando, allorché whence\donde whenever\ogni qual volta whensoever\qualvolta where\ove, presso al quale, dove whereabout\rimanenza, luogo di soggiorno whereas\presso al quale whereby\per cui, presso al quale wherefore\per quale scopo wherefrom\donde whereof\a che cosa whereon\onde wheresoever\dovunque whereto\ove wherry\yole whether\come se whetstone\cote whey\siero which\che whichever\che whiffed\soffiai whiffing\soffiante whiffs\soffia while\finchè, laddove, durante, tratto di tempo whilst\laddove, durante whim\capriccio whimper\mugolare whimsical\bizzaro whimsy\capriccio whine\mugolare whinny\nitrire whip\frusta whipped cream\panna montata whips\frustare whirlpool\vortice whirlpools\vortice whirlwind\turbine whisper\sussurrare whisper to\sussurrare whistle\fischio, fischietto, zufolare whistled\fischio whistles\zufolare, fischia whit\un pochino white\bianco white cabbage\cavolo bianco white haired\canuto white hot\incandescente white wine\vernaccia whitely\biancastro whiteness\bianca whiter\uomo bianco whites\sai whitethorn\biancospino whitish\biancastro whitlow\circolazione Whitsun\pentecoste whitsuntide\pentecoste whittle\intagliare whiz\grillare who\che, chi whoever\chiunque whole\tutta wholehearted\serio wholeness\interezza wholesale dealer\grossista wholesaler\grossista wholesome\sano wholesomely\sana wholly\interamente whom\chi whooping cough\tosse canina whoopingcough\tosse canina whopping\colossale whore\prostituta whores\fornicare whorl\voluta whose\di questo, di che whoseever\che why\per quale ragione wick\stoppino wicked\malizioso, cattivo wickedness\nequizia wide\largo, vasto, latitudine widely\vasto widely ramified\molto ramificato wideness\vastità widespread\molto diffuso widget\fatto giuochi di prestigio widow\védova widowed\védovo widower\védovo width\latitudine, vastità wielding\esercente wife\moglie, femmina, signora wig\parrucca wihtout\senza wild\licenzioso wild boar\verro wilderness\luogo selvaggio wilful\intenzionale will\volli, favore, testamento, volere, diventa will less\abulico will power\volitivo willed\voglioso willful\intenzionale willing\disposto, volonteroso, essere disposto, vuole willingly\volontieri, volontiere willow\salcio wimble\trapano win\guadagnare, vincere wind\avvoltare, avvolgere, soffiare, vento wind force\velocità del vento wind gauge\anemometro wind mill\mulino a vento wind tunnel\canale aerodinamico wind up\avvoltare windcheater\giacca a vento window\fetta, finestra, finestrino, oblo window pane\lastra window seat\posto alla finestra window sill\davanzale windows\finestrino windscreen\parabrezzo windshield\parabrezzo windy\ventoso wine\vino wine cask\botte di vino wine cellars\casa vinicola wine glas\bicchiere da vino wine growing\enofilo wine list\lista dei vini wine merchant\vinaio wine store\bottiglierìa wine tavern\fiaschetteria winegrower\viticoltore wines\vini wing of a door\battente winner\vincitore winning\vittorioso wins\vince winter\verno winter sleep\letargo winter sports\sport invernale winterly\invernale wintertime\verno wipes out\estingue wire\cavo, fil di ferro wire brush\spazzola metallica wire fencing\traliccio wires\fili wisdom\saggezza, saggezza, freccia wisdom tooth\dente del giudizio wise\saggio, ragionevole wiseacre\saputello wish\voto wished\desiderato wishes\desidero wishing\volitivo wisp\strofinaccio wistful\malinconico wistfully\malinconico wit\giudizio witch\maga, fattucchiera witchcraft\stregoneria witcheries\forza magica witches\stregare with\con with it\onde with pleasure\volontiere with what\con che cosa withal\presso withdraw\levare withdrawn\ritirato wither\appassire, sfiorire withers\sfiorito withhold\ritenere within\dentro, frà within the company\aziendale without\senza without contradiction\non contradditorio without engagement\non impegnativo without exception\senza eccezione without fail\immancabile without holding on\a mano libera without notice\senza avviso without permission\non permesso without result\senza esito without using cash\senza denaro in contanti witness\testimonio witnesses\testimoniare witnessing\testimoniante wits\giudizio witted\sensato witticism\lazzo wittily\faceto wizard\fattucchiera wobbliness\incertezza wobbly\malfermo woes\soffrire woken\svegliato wolf\lupo wolfish\lupino wolfish appetite\fame da lupo wolves\lupi woman\donna, signora, morta woman hairdresser\parrucchiera womanliness\femminilità women\donne women folk\donne womenfolk\donne won\vinsi, vinto wonder\miracolo, stupore, chièdere wonder of the world\prodigio wondered\sorpreso wonderful\favolosamente, grandioso, magnifico wonderfulness\splendore wondering\stupefatto wonderingly\attònito wonderment\stupore wondrous\meraviglioso wondrousness\stupirsi woo\arruolare wood\legno, selva, boschetto, legna wood grouse\urogallo woodpecker\picchio woods\bosco, selve woodsman\guardiaboschi woodstrawberry\fragola dei boschi woodworker\legnaiolo woody\legnoso wool\lana wool spinning mill\lanificio woollen\volere, laneria woolly\lanuto wools\lana woozily\farraginoso word\formulare, parola, vocàbolo wording\lettera wordlessness\mutezza words\parole wore\portai work\lavorare, funzionare, lavorare, opera, occupazione work in a factory\lavoro in fabbrica work out\calcolare worked up\irritato, nervoso, emozionato working hours\orario di lavoro working time\orario di lavoro workman\artéfice workmanship\equipaggio works council\consiglio aziendale workshop\corso avanzato, officina workshops\officine world\mondo world domination\dominio del mondo world economy\economia mondiale world history\storia universale world outlook\concezione del mondo world record\primato mondiale world war\guerra mondiale worldliness\mondanità worldly\laico worldly innocent\estraneo al mondo worm\baco, verme wormwood\vermut worn\portato worn out\liso worried\pieno di timore, affannoso worries\stare in pensiero worriment\seccatura worrisome\noioso worry\fastidio, stare in pensiero, disturba, arrabiare worryingly\inquietante worse\più cattivo, peggiore worship\venerare, adorare, venerazione worshiper\veneratore worships\venerato worst\cattivissima worth\valore worth seeing\da vedere worthily\equo worthiness\valore worthless\senza valore worthwhile\redditizio worthy\meritevole would\volei, decoro would like\vuole would like to\vuole wound\fegriva, ferire woven\tessuto wow\successone wraith\fantasma wraiths\lemuri wrangle\questione wrangled\litigai wrangles\litiga wrap\infagottare, involgere, avvolgere, avvòlgere wrap up\avvòlgere wrapper\involucro wrappers\involgere wrath\furia wrathful\adirato wreak\spingere wreaks\esercita wreath\ghirlanda wreck\naufragio, disfare, guaio wrecked\distrussi wrecking service\servizio recupero automezzi wrecks\distrutto, sporcato wren\scricciolo wrench\chiave wrest\arraffare wrestle\lottare wrestled\rango wrestler\lottatore, lottatore wretchedness\miserabile wrinkle\trucco, grinza, suggerimento, pizzicotto wrinkled\increspato wrinkles\corrugare wrist\polso wristband\braccialetto writ\documento writ of execution\esecutorio write\vergare, scrivere write down\appuntare write error\errore ortografico write fault error\errore ortografico write out\appuntare, emettere write poetry\comporre versi writer\quattrocentista, autore writes\scrive writing\vergare, scrittura writing paper\carta da scrivere written\scritto wrong\fasullo, inverso, non giusto, colpevole wrong conclusion\argomentazione sbagliata wrongdoer\malfattore wrongly\erroneamente wrongous\illegale wrongously\illegale wrote\scrivei wrought\lavorato wroughtiron\ferro battuto wry\obliquo wryly\storto wryness\obliqua xenophobia\xenofobia xenophobic\xenofobo yacht\yacht yachting\velismo yachtsman\veliero yachtswoman\veleggiatrice yahoo\mascalzone yank\estrarre yankeedoodle\canto popolare yap\muso yaps\bocche yard\ulna, cortile yards\cortili yardstick\criterio yarn\filo yarns\fili yarrow\achillea yawn\sbadigliare yawns\sbadiglia yclept\nominato ye\il yea\si yeah\sereno year\anno year of birth\anno di nascita year of construction\anno di costruzione yearbook\effemeride yearbooks\annali yearlong\di un anno yearly\ànnuo, annualmente yearning\ansia yeast\fondaccio yegg\vagabondaggio yell\gridare, stridere yelled\gridai yeller\urlavore yellow\giallo yellow boletus\porcino yellowish\giallastro yells\grida yep\si yes\sì, si yesterday\ieri yet\però, ancora, già yew\tasso yield\cedere, lavoro, prodotto yieldingness\flessibilità yodel\gorgheggiare yoga\yoga yoghurt\yogurt yogurt\yogurt yoke\staffa, giogo yolk\tuorlo yon\quei you\a te, a loro, tu, voi, si, te, loro you are allowed\puoi you ve\hai young\novellino young lady\signorina young pig\maialetto younger\più giovane youngling\giovanetto youngster\giovinetto your\tua, vostra, i tuoi, vostro, di essa, tuo, di ella your equals\tuo pari yours\il vostro, a te, di ella, vostra, i tuoi yourself\personalmente yourselves\in persona youth\adolescenza youth group\gruppo di gióvani youth hostel\albergo per la gioventù youth welfare office\ufficio assistenza giovanile youthful\giovanile youthfully\novellino yule tide\periodo natalizio zaniness\scemo zap\verniciare zeal\voga zealous\zelante zealousness\voga zebra\zebra zenith\vertice zephyr\zeffiro zero\nullità zestfulness\favore zesty\entusiasmato zigzag\zigzag zinc\zinco zinced\zincare zip code\numero di codice zipper\chiusura lampo zippy\vivificatore zo\in, a tavola zodiac\zodiaco zone\area, territorio, zona zones\zonale zoological\zoologico zoological gardens\giardino zoologico zoologist\zoologo zoology\zoologia, zoologia diff --git a/noncore/apps/opie-console/filereceive.cpp b/noncore/apps/opie-console/filereceive.cpp index e387273..452be60 100644 --- a/noncore/apps/opie-console/filereceive.cpp +++ b/noncore/apps/opie-console/filereceive.cpp @@ -1,162 +1,162 @@ #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include <qsocketnotifier.h> #include "io_layer.h" #include "procctl.h" #include "filereceive.h" FileReceive::FileReceive( Type t, IOLayer* lay, const QString& dir ) : ReceiveLayer(lay, dir ), m_type( t ) { m_fd = -1; m_not = 0l; m_proc = 0l; } FileReceive::~FileReceive() { } void FileReceive::receive() { receive( currentDir() ); } void FileReceive::receive( const QString& dir ) { m_prog = -1; m_fd = layer()->rawIO(); m_curDir = dir; if (pipe( m_comm ) < 0 ) m_comm[0] = m_comm[1] = 0; if (pipe( m_info ) < 0 ) m_info[0] = m_info[1] = 0; m_pid = fork(); switch( m_pid ) { case -1: //emit error slotExec(); break; /* child */ case 0: { setupChild(); char* typus = NULL; switch(m_type ) { case SZ: break; case SX: typus = "-X"; break; case SY: typus = "--ymodem"; break; } /* we should never return from here */ if( m_type == SX ) // FIXME: file name should be configurable - currently we ensure it // doesn't get overwritten by -E (--rename) execlp("rz", "rz", typus, "--overwrite", QObject::tr("SynchronizedFile").latin1(), NULL ); else execlp("rz", "rz", typus, "--overwrite", NULL ); char resultByte = 1; if (m_info[1] ) ::write(m_info[1], &resultByte, 1 ); _exit( -1 ); break; } default: { if ( m_info[1] ) close( m_info[1] ); if ( m_info[0] ) for (;;) { char resultByte; int len; len = read(m_info[0], &resultByte, 1 ); /* len == 1 start up failed */ if ( len == 1 ) { emit error( StartError, tr("Could not start") ); return; } if ( len == -1 ) if ( (errno == ECHILD ) || (errno == EINTR ) ) continue; // len == 0 or something like this break; } if ( m_info[0] ) close( m_info[0] ); m_not = new QSocketNotifier(m_comm[0], QSocketNotifier::Read ); connect(m_not, SIGNAL(activated(int) ), this, SLOT(slotRead() ) ); if ( pipe(m_term) < 0 ) m_term[0] = m_term[1] = 0; ProcCtl::self()->add(m_pid, m_term[1] ); m_proc = new QSocketNotifier(m_term[0], QSocketNotifier::Read ); connect(m_proc, SIGNAL(activated(int) ), this, SLOT(slotExec() ) ); } break; } } void FileReceive::cancel() { ::kill(m_pid, 9 ); } void FileReceive::setupChild() { changeDir( currentDir() ); /* * we do not want to read from our * information channel */ if (m_info[0] ) close(m_info[0] ); /* * FD_CLOEXEC will close the - * fd on successfull exec + * fd on successful exec */ if (m_info[1] ) fcntl(m_info[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC ); if (m_comm[0] ) close( m_comm[0] ); /* * now set the communication * m_fd STDIN_FILENO * STDOUT_FILENO * STDERR_FILENO */ dup2( m_fd, STDIN_FILENO ); dup2( m_fd, STDOUT_FILENO ); dup2( m_comm[1], STDERR_FILENO ); } void FileReceive::slotRead() { QByteArray ar(4096); int len = read(m_comm[0], ar.data(), 4096 ); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { // printf("%c", ar[i] ); } ar.resize( len ); QString str( ar ); } void FileReceive::slotExec() { char buf[2]; ::read(m_term[0], buf, 1 ); delete m_proc; delete m_not; m_not = m_proc = 0l; close( m_term[0] ); close( m_term[1] ); close( m_comm[0] ); close( m_comm[1] ); layer()->closeRawIO(m_fd); emit received(QString::null); } diff --git a/noncore/apps/opie-console/filetransfer.cpp b/noncore/apps/opie-console/filetransfer.cpp index 221838c..5144941 100644 --- a/noncore/apps/opie-console/filetransfer.cpp +++ b/noncore/apps/opie-console/filetransfer.cpp @@ -1,251 +1,251 @@ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <qcstring.h> #include <qsocketnotifier.h> #include <opie/oprocess.h> #include "procctl.h" #include "filetransfer.h" FileTransfer::FileTransfer( Type t, IOLayer* lay ) : FileTransferLayer( lay ), m_type( t ), m_pid ( 0 ) { signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); m_pid = 0; m_not = 0l; m_proc = 0l; } FileTransfer::~FileTransfer() { } /** * now we will send the file. * * we request an fd. The IOLayer should be closed * then we will setup a pipe for progress communication * then we will dup2 the m_fd in the forked process * to do direct IO from and to the fd */ void FileTransfer::sendFile( const QString& file ) { m_prog =-1; m_fd = layer()->rawIO(); // // m_fd = ::open("/dev/ttyS0", O_RDWR); m_file = file; if ( pipe( m_comm ) < 0 ) m_comm[0] = m_comm[1] = 0; if ( pipe( m_info ) < 0 ) m_info[0] = m_info[1] = 0; m_pid = fork(); switch( m_pid ) { case -1: emit error( StartError, tr("Was not able to fork") ); slotExec(); break; case 0:{ setupChild(); /* exec */ char* verbose = "-vv"; char* binray = "-b"; char* typus; switch(m_type ) { default: case SZ: typus = ""; break; case SX: typus = "-X"; break; case SY: typus = "--ymodem"; break; } /* we should never return from here */ execlp("sz", "sz", verbose, binray, file.latin1(), typus, NULL ); /* communication for error!*/ char resultByte =1; if (m_info[1] ) write(m_info[1], &resultByte, 1 ); _exit( -1 ); break; } default:{ if ( m_info[1] ) close( m_info[1] ); if ( m_info[0] ) for (;;) { char resultByte; int len; len = read(m_info[0], &resultByte, 1 ); /* len == 1 start up failed */ if ( len == 1 ) { emit error( StartError, tr("Could not start") ); return; } if ( len == -1 ) if ( (errno == ECHILD ) || (errno == EINTR ) ) continue; // len == 0 or something like this break; } if ( m_info[0] ) close( m_info[0] ); /* replace by QSocketNotifier!!! */ m_not = new QSocketNotifier(m_comm[0], QSocketNotifier::Read ); connect(m_not, SIGNAL(activated(int) ), this, SLOT(slotRead() ) ); if ( pipe(m_term) < 0 ) m_term[0] = m_term[1] = 0; ProcCtl::self()->add(m_pid, m_term[1] ); m_proc = new QSocketNotifier(m_term[0], QSocketNotifier::Read ); connect(m_proc, SIGNAL(activated(int) ), this, SLOT(slotExec() ) ); } break; } } /* * let's call the one with the filename */ void FileTransfer::sendFile( const QFile& file ) { sendFile( file.name() ); } /* * setting up communication * between parent child and ioLayer */ void FileTransfer::setupChild() { /* * we do not want to read from our * information channel */ if (m_info[0] ) close(m_info[0] ); /* * FD_CLOEXEC will close the - * fd on successfull exec + * fd on successful exec */ if (m_info[1] ) fcntl(m_info[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC ); if (m_comm[0] ) close( m_comm[0] ); /* * now set the communication * m_fd STDIN_FILENO * STDOUT_FILENO * STDERR_FILENO */ dup2( m_fd, STDIN_FILENO ); dup2( m_fd, STDOUT_FILENO ); dup2( m_comm[1], STDERR_FILENO ); } /* * read from the stderr of the child * process */ void FileTransfer::slotRead() { QByteArray ar(4096); int len = read(m_comm[0], ar.data(), 4096 ); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { // printf("%c", ar[i] ); } ar.resize( len ); QString str( ar ); QStringList lis = QStringList::split(' ', str ); /* * Transfer finished.. either complete or incomplete */ if ( lis[0].simplifyWhiteSpace() == "Transfer" ) { return; } /* * do progress reading */ slotProgress( lis ); } /* * find the progress */ void FileTransfer::slotProgress( const QStringList& list ) { if ( m_type != SZ ) return; bool complete = true; int min, sec; int bps; unsigned long sent, total; min = sec = bps = -1; sent = total = 0; // Data looks like this // 0 1 2 3 4 5 // Bytes Sent 65536/11534336 BPS:7784 ETA 24:33 QStringList progi = QStringList::split('/', list[2].simplifyWhiteSpace() ); sent = progi[0].toULong(&complete ); if (!complete ) return; total = progi[1].toULong(&complete ); if (!complete || total == 0) { return; } double pro = (double)sent/total; int prog = pro * 100; // speed progi = QStringList::split(':', list[3].simplifyWhiteSpace() ); bps = progi[1].toInt(); // time progi = QStringList::split(':', list[5].simplifyWhiteSpace() ); min = progi[0].toInt(); sec = progi[1].toInt(); if ( prog > m_prog ) { m_prog = prog; emit progress(m_file, m_prog, bps, -1, min , sec ); } } void FileTransfer::cancel() { if(m_pid > 0) ::kill(m_pid,9 ); } void FileTransfer::slotExec() { char buf[2]; ::read(m_term[0], buf, 1 ); delete m_proc; delete m_not; m_proc = m_not = 0l; close( m_term[0] ); close( m_term[1] ); close( m_comm[0] ); close( m_comm[1] ); layer()->closeRawIO( m_fd ); emit sent(); m_pid = 0; } diff --git a/noncore/net/opieftp/opieftp.cpp b/noncore/net/opieftp/opieftp.cpp index 3250627..2b29d83 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieftp/opieftp.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opieftp/opieftp.cpp @@ -1,1515 +1,1515 @@ /*************************************************************************** opieftp.cpp ------------------- ** Created: Sat Mar 9 23:33:09 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by ljp email : ljp@llornkcor.com * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ //#define DEVELOPERS_VERSION #include "opieftp.h" extern "C" { #include "../ftplib/ftplib.h" } #include "inputDialog.h" #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/mimetype.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qprogressbar.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qlistbox.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> QProgressBar *ProgressBar; static netbuf *conn=NULL; static int log_progress(netbuf *, int xfered, void *) { // int fsz = *(int *)arg; // int pct = (xfered * 100) / fsz; // printf("%3d%%\r", pct); // fflush(stdout); ProgressBar->setProgress(xfered); qApp->processEvents(); return 1; } OpieFtp::OpieFtp( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : QMainWindow( parent, name, fl ) { setCaption( tr( "OpieFtp" ) ); fuckeduphack=FALSE; QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout( this ); layout->setSpacing( 2); layout->setMargin( 2); connect( qApp,SIGNAL( aboutToQuit()),SLOT( cleanUp()) ); QMenuBar *menuBar = new QMenuBar(this); // QToolBar *menuBar = new QToolBar(this); // menuBar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); QWMatrix matrix; QPixmap pix(Resource::loadPixmap( "UnknownDocument" )); matrix.scale( .4, .4); unknownXpm = pix.xForm(matrix); connectionMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); localMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); remoteMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); tabMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( menuBar, 0, 0, 0, 2 ); menuBar->insertItem( tr( "Connection" ), connectionMenu); // menuBar->insertItem( tr( "Local" ), localMenu); // menuBar->insertItem( tr( "Remote" ), remoteMenu); menuBar->insertItem( tr( "View" ), tabMenu); tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "Local" ), localMenu); tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "Remote" ), remoteMenu); connectionMenu->insertItem( tr( "New" ), this, SLOT( newConnection() )); connectionMenu->insertItem( tr( "Connect" ), this, SLOT( connector() )); connectionMenu->insertItem( tr( "Disconnect" ), this, SLOT( disConnector() )); localMenu->insertItem( tr( "Show Hidden Files" ), this, SLOT( showHidden() )); localMenu->insertSeparator(); localMenu->insertItem( tr( "Upload" ), this, SLOT( localUpload() )); localMenu->insertItem( tr( "Make Directory" ), this, SLOT( localMakDir() )); localMenu->insertItem( tr( "Rename" ), this, SLOT( localRename() )); localMenu->insertSeparator(); localMenu->insertItem( tr( "Delete" ), this, SLOT( localDelete() )); localMenu->setCheckable(TRUE); remoteMenu->insertItem( tr( "Download" ), this, SLOT( remoteDownload() )); remoteMenu->insertItem( tr( "Make Directory" ), this, SLOT( remoteMakDir() )); remoteMenu->insertItem( tr( "Rename" ), this, SLOT( remoteRename() )); remoteMenu->insertSeparator(); remoteMenu->insertItem( tr( "Delete" ), this, SLOT( remoteDelete() )); tabMenu->insertSeparator(); tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "Switch to Local" ), this, SLOT( switchToLocalTab() )); tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "Switch to Remote" ), this, SLOT( switchToRemoteTab() )); tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "Switch to Config" ), this, SLOT( switchToConfigTab() )); tabMenu->insertSeparator(); // tabMenu->insertItem( tr( "About" ), this, SLOT( doAbout() )); tabMenu->setCheckable(TRUE); cdUpButton = new QToolButton( this,"cdUpButton"); cdUpButton->setPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap("up")); cdUpButton ->setFixedSize( QSize( 20, 20 ) ); connect( cdUpButton ,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT( upDir()) ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( cdUpButton, 0, 0, 3, 3 ); cdUpButton->hide(); // docButton = new QPushButton(Resource::loadIconSet("DocsIcon"),"",this,"docsButton"); // docButton->setFixedSize( QSize( 20, 20 ) ); // connect( docButton,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT( docButtonPushed()) ); // docButton->setFlat(TRUE); // layout->addMultiCellWidget( docButton, 0, 0, 6, 6 ); homeButton = new QToolButton(this,"homeButton"); homeButton->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("home")); homeButton->setFixedSize( QSize( 20, 20 ) ); connect(homeButton,SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(homeButtonPushed()) ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( homeButton, 0, 0, 4, 4); homeButton->hide(); TabWidget = new QTabWidget( this, "TabWidget" ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( TabWidget, 1, 1, 0, 4 ); // TabWidget->setTabShape(QTabWidget::Triangular); tab = new QWidget( TabWidget, "tab" ); tabLayout = new QGridLayout( tab ); tabLayout->setSpacing( 2); tabLayout->setMargin( 2); Local_View = new QListView( tab, "Local_View" ); // Local_View->setResizePolicy( QListView::AutoOneFit ); Local_View->addColumn( tr("File"),150); Local_View->addColumn( tr("Date"),-1); Local_View->setColumnAlignment(1,QListView::AlignRight); Local_View->addColumn( tr("Size"),-1); Local_View->setColumnAlignment(2,QListView::AlignRight); Local_View->setAllColumnsShowFocus(TRUE); Local_View->setMultiSelection( TRUE); Local_View->setSelectionMode(QListView::Extended); Local_View->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::ClickFocus); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( Local_View->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold); tabLayout->addWidget( Local_View, 0, 0 ); connect( Local_View, SIGNAL( clicked( QListViewItem*)), this,SLOT( localListClicked(QListViewItem *)) ); // connect( Local_View, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem*)), // this,SLOT( localListClicked(QListViewItem *)) ); connect( Local_View, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed( int, QListViewItem *, const QPoint&, int)), this,SLOT( ListPressed(int, QListViewItem *, const QPoint&, int)) ); TabWidget->insertTab( tab, tr( "Local" ) ); tab_2 = new QWidget( TabWidget, "tab_2" ); tabLayout_2 = new QGridLayout( tab_2 ); tabLayout_2->setSpacing( 2); tabLayout_2->setMargin( 2); Remote_View = new QListView( tab_2, "Remote_View" ); Remote_View->addColumn( tr("File"),150); Remote_View->addColumn( tr("Date"),-1); // Remote_View->setColumnAlignment(1,QListView::AlignRight); Remote_View->addColumn( tr("Size"),-1); Remote_View->setColumnAlignment(2,QListView::AlignRight); Remote_View->setColumnAlignment(3,QListView::AlignCenter); Remote_View->addColumn( tr("Dir"),-1); Remote_View->setColumnAlignment(4,QListView::AlignRight); Remote_View->setAllColumnsShowFocus(TRUE); Remote_View->setMultiSelection( FALSE); Remote_View->setSelectionMode(QListView::Extended); Remote_View->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::ClickFocus); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( Remote_View->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold); connect( Remote_View, SIGNAL( clicked( QListViewItem*)), this,SLOT( remoteListClicked(QListViewItem *)) ); connect( Remote_View, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed( int, QListViewItem *, const QPoint&, int)), this,SLOT( RemoteListPressed(int, QListViewItem *, const QPoint&, int)) ); tabLayout_2->addWidget( Remote_View, 0, 0 ); TabWidget->insertTab( tab_2, tr( "Remote" ) ); tab_3 = new QWidget( TabWidget, "tab_3" ); tabLayout_3 = new QGridLayout( tab_3 ); tabLayout_3->setSpacing( 2); tabLayout_3->setMargin( 2); TextLabel1 = new QLabel( tab_3, "TextLabel1" ); TextLabel1->setText( tr( "Username" ) ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); UsernameComboBox = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab_3, "UsernameComboBox" ); UsernameComboBox->setEditable(TRUE); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( UsernameComboBox, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); connect( UsernameComboBox,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),this, SLOT( UsernameComboBoxEdited(const QString & ) )); TextLabel2 = new QLabel( tab_3, "TextLabel2" ); TextLabel2->setText( tr( "Password" ) ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel2, 0, 0, 2, 3 ); PasswordEdit = new QLineEdit( "", tab_3, "PasswordComboBox" ); PasswordEdit->setEchoMode(QLineEdit::Password); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( PasswordEdit, 1, 1, 2, 3 ); connect( PasswordEdit,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),this, SLOT( PasswordEditEdited(const QString & ) )); //PasswordEdit->setFixedWidth(85); TextLabel3 = new QLabel( tab_3, "TextLabel3" ); TextLabel3->setText( tr( "Remote server" ) ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel3, 2, 2, 0, 1 ); ServerComboBox = new QComboBox( FALSE, tab_3, "ServerComboBox" ); ServerComboBox->setEditable(TRUE); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( ServerComboBox, 3, 3, 0, 1 ); connect(ServerComboBox,SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,SLOT(serverComboSelected(int ) )); connect(ServerComboBox,SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),this, SLOT(serverComboEdited(const QString & ) )); QLabel *TextLabel5 = new QLabel( tab_3, "TextLabel5" ); TextLabel5->setText( tr( "Remote path" ) ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel5, 2, 2, 2, 3 ); remotePath = new QLineEdit( "/", tab_3, "remotePath" ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( remotePath, 3, 3, 2, 3 ); TextLabel4 = new QLabel( tab_3, "TextLabel4" ); TextLabel4->setText( tr( "Port" ) ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( TextLabel4, 4, 4, 0, 1 ); PortSpinBox = new QSpinBox( tab_3, "PortSpinBox" ); PortSpinBox->setButtonSymbols( QSpinBox::UpDownArrows ); PortSpinBox->setMaxValue(32786); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( PortSpinBox, 4, 4, 1, 1); serverListView = new QListBox( tab_3, "ServerListView" ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( serverListView , 5, 5, 0, 5); connect( serverListView, SIGNAL( highlighted( const QString &)), this,SLOT( serverListClicked( const QString &) ) ); connectServerBtn = new QPushButton( tr("Connect"), tab_3 , "ConnectButton" ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( connectServerBtn, 6, 6, 0, 1); connectServerBtn->setToggleButton(TRUE); connect(connectServerBtn,SIGNAL( toggled( bool)),SLOT( connectorBtnToggled(bool) )); newServerButton= new QPushButton( tr("Add"), tab_3 , "NewServerButton" ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( newServerButton, 6, 6, 2, 2); connect( newServerButton,SIGNAL( clicked()),SLOT( NewServer() )); QPushButton *deleteServerBtn; deleteServerBtn = new QPushButton( tr("Delete"), tab_3 , "OpenButton" ); tabLayout_3->addMultiCellWidget( deleteServerBtn, 6, 6, 3, 3); connect(deleteServerBtn,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(deleteServer())); QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); tabLayout_3->addItem( spacer, 5, 0 ); TabWidget->insertTab( tab_3, tr( "Config" ) ); connect(TabWidget,SIGNAL(currentChanged(QWidget *)), this,SLOT(tabChanged(QWidget*))); currentDir.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs/* | QDir::Hidden*/ | QDir::All); currentDir.setPath( QDir::currentDirPath()); // currentDir.setSorting(/* QDir::Size*/ /*| QDir::Reversed | */QDir::DirsFirst); currentPathCombo = new QComboBox( FALSE, this, "currentPathCombo" ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( currentPathCombo, 3, 3, 0, 4); currentPathCombo ->setFixedWidth(220); currentPathCombo->setEditable(TRUE); currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentDir.canonicalPath()); connect( currentPathCombo, SIGNAL( activated( const QString & ) ), this, SLOT( currentPathComboActivated( const QString & ) ) ); connect( currentPathCombo->lineEdit(),SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this,SLOT(currentPathComboChanged())); ProgressBar = new QProgressBar( this, "ProgressBar" ); layout->addMultiCellWidget( ProgressBar, 4, 4, 0, 4); ProgressBar->setMaximumHeight(10); filterStr="*"; b=FALSE; populateLocalView(); readConfig(); // ServerComboBox->setCurrentItem(currentServerConfig); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(2); } OpieFtp::~OpieFtp() { } void OpieFtp::cleanUp() { if(conn) FtpQuit(conn); QString sfile=QDir::homeDirPath(); if(sfile.right(1) != "/") sfile+="/._temp"; else sfile+="._temp"; QFile file( sfile); if(file.exists()) file.remove(); Config cfg("opieftp"); cfg.setGroup("Server"); cfg.writeEntry("currentServer", currentServerConfig); exit(0); } void OpieFtp::tabChanged(QWidget *) { if (TabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 0) { currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentDir.canonicalPath()); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(0),TRUE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(1),FALSE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(2),FALSE); if(cdUpButton->isHidden()) cdUpButton->show(); if(homeButton->isHidden()) homeButton->show(); } if (TabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 1) { currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentRemoteDir ); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(1),TRUE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(0),FALSE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(2),FALSE); if(cdUpButton->isHidden()) cdUpButton->show(); homeButton->hide(); } if (TabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 2) { tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(2),TRUE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(0),FALSE); tabMenu->setItemChecked(tabMenu->idAt(1),FALSE); cdUpButton->hide(); homeButton->hide(); } } void OpieFtp::newConnection() { UsernameComboBox->lineEdit()->setText(""); PasswordEdit->setText( "" ); ServerComboBox->lineEdit()->setText( ""); remotePath->setText( currentRemoteDir = "/"); PortSpinBox->setValue( 21); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(2); } void OpieFtp::serverComboEdited(const QString & ) { // if( ServerComboBox->text(currentServerConfig) != edit /*edit.isEmpty() */) { // qDebug("ServerComboEdited"); // // currentServerConfig = -1; // } } void OpieFtp::UsernameComboBoxEdited(const QString &) { // currentServerConfig = -1; } void OpieFtp::PasswordEditEdited(const QString & ) { // currentServerConfig = -1; } void OpieFtp::connectorBtnToggled(bool On) { if(On) { connector(); } else { disConnector(); } } void OpieFtp::connector() { // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); // qApp->processEvents(); currentRemoteDir=remotePath->text(); if( ServerComboBox->currentText().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Ftp"),tr("Please set the server info"),tr("Ok"),0,0); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(2); ServerComboBox->setFocus(); connectServerBtn->setOn(FALSE); connectServerBtn->setText( tr("Connect")); return; } FtpInit(); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(1); QString ftp_host = ServerComboBox->currentText(); QString ftp_user = UsernameComboBox->currentText(); QString ftp_pass = PasswordEdit->text(); QString port=PortSpinBox->cleanText(); port.stripWhiteSpace(); Config cfg("opieftp"); cfg.setGroup("Server"); // int current=cfg.readNumEntry("currentServer", 1); // if(ftp_host!= cfg.readEntry(QString::number( current))) // currentServerConfig=-1; // cfg.setGroup(QString::number(current)); // if( ftp_user != cfg.readEntry("Username")) // currentServerConfig=-1; // if(ftp_pass != cfg.readEntry(cfg.readEntry("Username"))) // currentServerConfig=-1; if(ftp_host.find("ftp://",0, TRUE) != -1 ) ftp_host=ftp_host.right(ftp_host.length()-6); ftp_host+=":"+port; if (!FtpConnect( ftp_host.latin1(), &conn)) { QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),tr("Unable to connect to\n")+ftp_host); connectServerBtn->setOn(FALSE); connectServerBtn->setText( tr("Connect")); return ; } if (!FtpLogin( ftp_user.latin1(), ftp_pass.latin1(),conn )) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to log in\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); if(conn) FtpQuit(conn); connectServerBtn->setOn(FALSE); connectServerBtn->setText( tr("Connect")); return ; } remoteDirList("/") ; setCaption(ftp_host); if( currentServerConfig == -1) writeConfig(); connectServerBtn->setText( tr("Disconnect")); // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); } void OpieFtp::disConnector() { if(conn) FtpQuit(conn); setCaption("OpieFtp"); currentRemoteDir="/"; Remote_View->clear(); connectServerBtn->setText( tr("Connect")); connectServerBtn->setOn(FALSE); setCaption("OpieFtp"); } void OpieFtp::localUpload() { int fsz; // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); // qApp->processEvents(); QList<QListViewItem> * getSelectedItems( QListView * Local_View ); QListViewItemIterator it( Local_View ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) { QString strItem = it.current()->text(0); QString localFile = currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+strItem; QString remoteFile= currentRemoteDir+strItem; QFileInfo fi(localFile); if( !fi.isDir()) { fsz=fi.size(); ProgressBar->setTotalSteps(fsz); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK, (long) log_progress, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_IDLETIME, (long) 1000, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKARG, (long) &fsz, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKBYTES, (long) fsz/10, conn); qDebug("Put: %s, %s",localFile.latin1(),remoteFile.latin1()); if( !FtpPut( localFile.latin1(), remoteFile.latin1(),FTPLIB_IMAGE, conn ) ) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to upload\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); } } else { QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),tr("Cannot upload directories")); } ProgressBar->reset(); nullifyCallBack(); it.current()->setSelected(FALSE); } //end currentSelected } for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { Local_View->clearSelection(); } Local_View->clearFocus(); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(1); remoteDirList( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); //this also calls populate // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); } void OpieFtp::nullifyCallBack() { FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK, 0, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_IDLETIME, 0, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKARG, 0, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKBYTES, 0, conn); } void OpieFtp::remoteDownload() { // qApp->processEvents(); int fsz; // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); QList<QListViewItem> * getSelectedItems( QListView * Remote_View ); QListViewItemIterator it( Remote_View ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) { QString strItem = it.current()->text(0); // strItem=strItem.right(strItem.length()-1); QString localFile = currentDir.canonicalPath(); if(localFile.right(1).find("/",0,TRUE) == -1) localFile += "/"; localFile += strItem; // QString localFile = currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+strItem; QString remoteFile= currentRemoteDir+strItem; if (!FtpSize( remoteFile.latin1(), &fsz, FTPLIB_ASCII, conn)) fsz = 0; QString temp; temp.sprintf( remoteFile+" "+" %dkb", fsz); ProgressBar->setTotalSteps(fsz); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACK, (long) log_progress, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_IDLETIME, (long) 1000, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKARG, (long) &fsz, conn); FtpOptions(FTPLIB_CALLBACKBYTES, (long) fsz/10, conn); qDebug("Get: %s, %s",localFile.latin1(),remoteFile.latin1()); if(!FtpGet( localFile.latin1(), remoteFile.latin1(),FTPLIB_IMAGE, conn ) ) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to download \n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); } ProgressBar->reset(); nullifyCallBack(); it.current()->setSelected(FALSE); } } for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { Remote_View->clearSelection(); } Remote_View->setFocus(); TabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); populateLocalView(); // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); } bool OpieFtp::remoteDirList(const QString &dir) { QString tmp = QDir::homeDirPath(); if(tmp.right(1) != "/") tmp+="/._temp"; else tmp+="._temp"; // qDebug("Listing remote dir "+tmp); // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); if (!FtpDir( tmp.latin1(), dir.latin1(), conn) ) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to list the directory\n")+dir+"\n%s",FtpLastResponse(conn) ); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); return false; } populateRemoteView() ; // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); return true; } bool OpieFtp::remoteChDir(const QString &dir) { // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); if (!FtpChdir( dir.latin1(), conn )) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to change directories\n")+dir+"\n%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); // qDebug(msg); // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); return FALSE; } // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); return TRUE; } void OpieFtp::populateLocalView() { Local_View->clear(); currentDir.setSorting(/* QDir::Size*/ /*| QDir::Reversed | */QDir::DirsFirst); currentDir.setMatchAllDirs(TRUE); currentDir.setNameFilter(filterStr); QString fileL, fileS, fileDate; bool isDir=FALSE; const QFileInfoList *list = currentDir.entryInfoList( /*QDir::All*/ /*, QDir::SortByMask*/); QFileInfoListIterator it(*list); QFileInfo *fi; while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { if (fi->isSymLink() ){ QString symLink=fi->readLink(); // qDebug("Symlink detected "+symLink); QFileInfo sym( symLink); fileS.sprintf( "%10i", sym.size() ); fileL.sprintf( "%s -> %s", fi->fileName().data(),sym.absFilePath().data() ); fileDate = sym.lastModified().toString(); } else { // qDebug("Not a dir: "+currentDir.canonicalPath()+fileL); fileS.sprintf( "%10i", fi->size() ); fileL.sprintf( "%s",fi->fileName().data() ); fileDate= fi->lastModified().toString(); if( QDir(QDir::cleanDirPath(currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+fileL)).exists() ) { fileL+="/"; isDir=TRUE; // qDebug( fileL); } } if(fileL !="./" && fi->exists()) { item = new QListViewItem( Local_View,fileL, fileDate, fileS ); QPixmap pm; if(isDir || fileL.find("/",0,TRUE) != -1) { if( !QDir( fi->filePath() ).isReadable()) pm = Resource::loadPixmap( "lockedfolder" ); else pm= Resource::loadPixmap( "folder" ); item->setPixmap( 0,pm ); } else { if( !fi->isReadable() ) pm = Resource::loadPixmap( "locked" ); else { MimeType mt(fi->filePath()); pm=mt.pixmap(); //sets the correct pixmap for mimetype if(pm.isNull()) pm = unknownXpm; } } if( fileL.find("->",0,TRUE) != -1) { // overlay link image pm= Resource::loadPixmap( "folder" ); QPixmap lnk = Resource::loadPixmap( "opie/symlink" ); QPainter painter( &pm ); painter.drawPixmap( pm.width()-lnk.width(), pm.height()-lnk.height(), lnk ); pm.setMask( pm.createHeuristicMask( FALSE ) ); } item->setPixmap( 0,pm); } isDir=FALSE; ++it; } Local_View->setSorting( 3,FALSE); currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentDir.canonicalPath() ); fillCombo( (const QString &)currentDir); } bool OpieFtp::populateRemoteView( ) { // qDebug("populate remoteview"); QString sfile=QDir::homeDirPath(); if(sfile.right(1) != "/") sfile+="/._temp"; else sfile+="._temp"; QFile file( sfile); Remote_View->clear(); QString s, File_Name; QListViewItem *itemDir=NULL, *itemFile=NULL; QRegExp monthRe(" [JFMASOND][eapuecoe][brynlgptvc] [ 0-9][0-9] [ 0-9][0-9][:0-9][0-9][0-9] "); QString fileL, fileS, fileDate; if ( file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { QTextStream t( &file ); // use a text stream while ( !t.eof()) { s = t.readLine(); if(s.find("total",0,TRUE) == 0) continue; int len, month = monthRe.match(s, 0, &len); fileDate = s.mid(month + 1, len - 2); // minus spaces fileL = s.right(s.length() - month - len); if(s.left(1) == "d") fileL = fileL+"/"; fileS = s.mid(month - 8, 8); // FIXME fileS = fileS.stripWhiteSpace(); if(s.left(1) == "d" || fileL.find("/",0,TRUE) != -1) { QListViewItem * item = new QListViewItem( Remote_View, fileL, fileDate, fileS,"d"); item->setPixmap( 0, Resource::loadPixmap( "folder" )); // if(itemDir) item->moveItem(itemDir); itemDir=item; } else { QListViewItem * item = new QListViewItem( Remote_View, fileL, fileDate, fileS,"f"); item->setPixmap( 0, Resource::loadPixmap( "fileopen" )); // if(itemFile) item->moveItem(itemDir); item->moveItem(itemFile); itemFile=item; } } QListViewItem * item1 = new QListViewItem( Remote_View, "../"); item1->setPixmap( 0, Resource::loadPixmap( "folder" )); file.close(); if( file.exists()) file. remove(); } else - qDebug("temp file not opened successfullly "+sfile); + qDebug("temp file not opened successfully "+sfile); Remote_View->setSorting( 4,TRUE); return true; } void OpieFtp::remoteListClicked(QListViewItem *selectedItem) { if( selectedItem) { // if(selectedItem!= NULL) { // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); QString oldRemoteCurrentDir = currentRemoteDir; QString strItem=selectedItem->text(0); strItem=strItem.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if(strItem == "../") { // the user wants to go ^ if( FtpCDUp( conn) == 0) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to cd up\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); // qDebug(msg); } char path[256]; if( FtpPwd( path,sizeof(path),conn) == 0) { //this is easier than fudging the string QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to get working dir\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); // qDebug(msg); } currentRemoteDir=path; } else { if(strItem.find("->",0,TRUE) != -1) { //symlink on some servers strItem=strItem.right( strItem.length() - strItem.find("->",0,TRUE) - 2 ); strItem = strItem.stripWhiteSpace(); currentRemoteDir = strItem; if( !remoteChDir( (const QString &)strItem)) { currentRemoteDir = oldRemoteCurrentDir; strItem=""; // qDebug("RemoteCurrentDir1 "+oldRemoteCurrentDir); } } else if(strItem.find("/",0,TRUE) != -1) { // this is a directory if( !remoteChDir( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir + strItem)) { currentRemoteDir = oldRemoteCurrentDir; strItem=""; // qDebug("RemoteCurrentDir1 "+oldRemoteCurrentDir); } else { currentRemoteDir = currentRemoteDir+strItem; } } else { // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); return; } } remoteDirList( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); //this also calls populate if(currentRemoteDir.right(1) !="/") currentRemoteDir +="/"; currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentRemoteDir); fillRemoteCombo( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); Remote_View->ensureItemVisible(Remote_View->firstChild()); } } void OpieFtp::localListClicked(QListViewItem *selectedItem) { if(selectedItem!= NULL) { QString strItem=selectedItem->text(0); QString strSize=selectedItem->text(1); strSize=strSize.stripWhiteSpace(); if(strItem.find("@",0,TRUE) !=-1 || strItem.find("->",0,TRUE) !=-1 ) { //if symlink // is symlink QString strItem2 = strItem.right( (strItem.length() - strItem.find("->",0,TRUE)) - 4); if(QDir(strItem2).exists() ) { currentDir.cd(strItem2, TRUE); populateLocalView(); } } else { // not a symlink if(strItem.find(". .",0,TRUE) && strItem.find("/",0,TRUE)!=-1 ) { if(QDir(QDir::cleanDirPath(currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+strItem)).exists() ) { strItem=QDir::cleanDirPath(currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+strItem); currentDir.cd(strItem,FALSE); populateLocalView(); } else { currentDir.cdUp(); populateLocalView(); } if(QDir(strItem).exists()){ currentDir.cd(strItem, TRUE); populateLocalView(); } } else { strItem=QDir::cleanDirPath(currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+strItem); if( QFile::exists(strItem ) ) { // qDebug("upload "+strItem); return; } } //end not symlink chdir(strItem.latin1()); } Local_View->ensureItemVisible(Local_View->firstChild()); } } void OpieFtp::doLocalCd() { localListClicked( Local_View->currentItem()); } void OpieFtp:: doRemoteCd() { remoteListClicked( Remote_View->currentItem()); } void OpieFtp::showHidden() { if (!b) { currentDir.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs | QDir::Hidden | QDir::All); localMenu->setItemChecked(localMenu->idAt(0),TRUE); // currentDir.setSorting(/* QDir::Size*/ /*| QDir::Reversed | */QDir::DirsFirst); b=TRUE; } else { currentDir.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs/* | QDir::Hidden*/ | QDir::All); localMenu->setItemChecked(localMenu->idAt(0),FALSE); // currentDir.setSorting(/* QDir::Size*/ /*| QDir::Reversed | */QDir::DirsFirst); b=FALSE; } populateLocalView(); } void OpieFtp::ListPressed( int mouse, QListViewItem *item, const QPoint &, int) { // if(item) if (mouse == 2) { showLocalMenu(item); } } void OpieFtp::RemoteListPressed( int mouse, QListViewItem *item, const QPoint &, int ) { if(mouse == 2) { showRemoteMenu(item); } } void OpieFtp::showRemoteMenu(QListViewItem * item) { QPopupMenu * m;// = new QPopupMenu( Local_View ); m = new QPopupMenu(this); if(item != NULL ) { if( item->text(0).find("/",0,TRUE) != -1) m->insertItem( tr( "Change Directory" ), this, SLOT( doRemoteCd() )); else m->insertItem( tr( "Download" ), this, SLOT( remoteDownload() )); } m->insertItem( tr( "Make Directory" ), this, SLOT( remoteMakDir() )); m->insertItem( tr("Rescan"), this, SLOT( populateLocalView() )); m->insertItem( tr( "Rename" ), this, SLOT( remoteRename() )); m->insertSeparator(); m->insertItem( tr( "Delete" ), this, SLOT( remoteDelete() )); m->exec( QCursor::pos() ); delete m; } void OpieFtp::showLocalMenu(QListViewItem * item) { QPopupMenu *m; m = new QPopupMenu( this); m->insertItem( tr( "Show Hidden Files" ), this, SLOT( showHidden() )); m->insertSeparator(); if(item != NULL ) { if( item->text(0).find("/",0,TRUE) !=-1) m->insertItem( tr( "Change Directory" ), this, SLOT( doLocalCd() )); else m->insertItem( tr( "Upload" ), this, SLOT( localUpload() )); } m->insertItem( tr( "Make Directory" ), this, SLOT( localMakDir() )); m->insertItem( tr("Rescan"), this, SLOT( populateRemoteView() )); m->insertItem( tr( "Rename" ), this, SLOT( localRename() )); m->insertSeparator(); m->insertItem( tr( "Delete" ), this, SLOT( localDelete() )); m->setCheckable(TRUE); if (b) m->setItemChecked(m->idAt(0),TRUE); else m->setItemChecked(m->idAt(0),FALSE); m->exec( QCursor::pos() ); delete m; } void OpieFtp::localMakDir() { InputDialog *fileDlg; fileDlg = new InputDialog(this,tr("Make Directory"),TRUE, 0); fileDlg->exec(); if( fileDlg->result() == 1 ) { QString filename = fileDlg->LineEdit1->text(); currentDir.mkdir( currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+filename); } populateLocalView(); } void OpieFtp::localDelete() { QList<QListViewItem> * getSelectedItems( QListView * Local_View ); QListViewItemIterator it( Local_View ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) { QString f = it.current()->text(0); it.current()->setSelected(FALSE); // QString f = Local_View->currentItem()->text(0); if(QDir(f).exists() ) { switch ( QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Delete"),tr("Do you really want to delete\n")+f+ tr(" ?\nIt must be empty"),tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,0,1) ) { case 0: { f=currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+f; QString cmd="rmdir "+f; system( cmd.latin1()); } break; case 1: // exit break; }; } else { switch ( QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Delete"),tr("Do you really want to delete\n")+f +" ?",tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,0,1) ) { case 0: { f=currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+f; QString cmd="rm "+f; system( cmd.latin1()); } break; case 1: // exit break; }; } } } populateLocalView(); } void OpieFtp::remoteMakDir() { InputDialog *fileDlg; fileDlg = new InputDialog(this,tr("Make Directory"),TRUE, 0); fileDlg->exec(); if( fileDlg->result() == 1 ) { QString filename = fileDlg->LineEdit1->text();//+".playlist"; QString tmp=currentRemoteDir+filename; // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); if(FtpMkdir( tmp.latin1(), conn) == 0) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to make directory\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); } // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); remoteDirList( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); //this also calls populate } } void OpieFtp::remoteDelete() { QList<QListViewItem> * getSelectedItems( QListView * Remote_View ); QListViewItemIterator it( Remote_View ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isSelected() ) { QString f = it.current()->text(0); // QString f = Remote_View->currentItem()->text(0); // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); if( f.right(1) =="/") { QString path= currentRemoteDir+f; switch ( QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Delete"),tr("Do you really want to delete\n")+f+"?" ,tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,0,1) ) { case 0: { f=currentDir.canonicalPath()+"/"+f; if(FtpRmdir( path.latin1(), conn) ==0) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to remove directory\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); } remoteDirList( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); //this also calls populate } break; }; } else { switch ( QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Delete"),tr("Do you really want to delete\n")+f+"?" ,tr("Yes"),tr("No"),0,0,1) ) { case 0: { QString path= currentRemoteDir+f; if(FtpDelete( path.latin1(), conn)==0) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to delete file\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); } remoteDirList( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); //this also calls populate } break; }; } } } // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); } void OpieFtp::remoteRename() { QString curFile = Remote_View->currentItem()->text(0); InputDialog *fileDlg; fileDlg = new InputDialog(this,tr("Rename"),TRUE, 0); fileDlg->setTextEdit((const QString &)curFile); fileDlg->exec(); if( fileDlg->result() == 1 ) { QString oldName = currentRemoteDir +"/"+ curFile; QString newName = currentRemoteDir +"/"+ fileDlg->LineEdit1->text();//+".playlist"; // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "busy()" ); if(FtpRename( oldName.latin1(), newName.latin1(),conn) == 0) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to rename file\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); } // QCopEnvelope ( "QPE/System", "notBusy()" ); remoteDirList( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); //this also calls populate } } void OpieFtp::localRename() { QString curFile = Local_View->currentItem()->text(0); InputDialog *fileDlg; fileDlg = new InputDialog(this,tr("Rename"),TRUE, 0); fileDlg->setTextEdit((const QString &)curFile); fileDlg->exec(); if( fileDlg->result() == 1 ) { QString oldname = currentDir.canonicalPath() + "/" + curFile; QString newName = currentDir.canonicalPath() + "/" + fileDlg->LineEdit1->text();//+".playlist"; if( rename(oldname.latin1(), newName.latin1())== -1) QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),tr("Could not rename")); } populateLocalView(); } void OpieFtp::currentPathComboActivated(const QString & currentPath) { if (TabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 0) { chdir( currentPath.latin1() ); currentDir.cd( currentPath, TRUE); populateLocalView(); update(); } else { // chdir( currentPath.latin1() ); // currentDir.cd( currentPath, TRUE); // populateList(); // update(); } } void OpieFtp::fillCombo(const QString ¤tPath) { currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText(currentPath); if( localDirPathStringList.grep(currentPath,TRUE).isEmpty() ) { currentPathCombo->clear(); localDirPathStringList.prepend(currentPath ); currentPathCombo->insertStringList( localDirPathStringList,-1); } currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText(currentPath); if( remoteDirPathStringList.grep(currentPath,TRUE).isEmpty() ) { currentPathCombo->clear(); remoteDirPathStringList.prepend(currentPath ); currentPathCombo->insertStringList( remoteDirPathStringList,-1); } } void OpieFtp::fillRemoteCombo(const QString ¤tPath) { currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText(currentPath); if( remoteDirPathStringList.grep(currentPath,TRUE).isEmpty() ) { currentPathCombo->clear(); remoteDirPathStringList.prepend(currentPath ); currentPathCombo->insertStringList( remoteDirPathStringList,-1); } } void OpieFtp::currentPathComboChanged() { QString oldRemoteCurrentDir = currentRemoteDir; // qDebug("oldRemoteCurrentDir "+oldRemoteCurrentDir); if (TabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 0) { if(QDir( currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->text()).exists()) { currentDir.setPath( currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->text() ); populateLocalView(); } else { QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),tr("That directory does not exist")); } } if (TabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 1) { currentRemoteDir = currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->text(); if(currentRemoteDir.right(1) !="/") { currentRemoteDir = currentRemoteDir +"/"; currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentRemoteDir ); } if( !remoteChDir( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir) ) { currentRemoteDir = oldRemoteCurrentDir; currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentRemoteDir ); } remoteDirList( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); } } void OpieFtp::switchToLocalTab() { TabWidget->setCurrentPage(0); } void OpieFtp::switchToRemoteTab() { TabWidget->setCurrentPage(1); } void OpieFtp::switchToConfigTab() { TabWidget->setCurrentPage(2); } void OpieFtp::readConfig() { fillCombos(); Config cfg("opieftp"); cfg.setGroup("Server"); currentServerConfig = cfg.readNumEntry("currentServer", -1); // qDebug("Reading %d", currentServerConfig); serverComboSelected( currentServerConfig-1); } void OpieFtp::writeConfig() { qDebug("write config"); Config cfg("opieftp"); cfg.setGroup("Server"); QString username, remoteServerStr, remotePathStr, password, port, temp; int numberOfEntries = cfg.readNumEntry("numberOfEntries",0); if( currentServerConfig == -1) { for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfEntries; i++) { temp.setNum(i); cfg.setGroup("Server"); QString tempStr = cfg.readEntry( temp,""); } temp.setNum( numberOfEntries + 1); cfg.setGroup("Server"); remoteServerStr = cfg.readEntry( temp,""); int divider = remoteServerStr.length() - remoteServerStr.find(":",0,TRUE); remoteServerStr = remoteServerStr.left(remoteServerStr.length()-divider); temp.setNum(numberOfEntries+1); cfg.setGroup("Server"); cfg.writeEntry( temp, ServerComboBox->currentText() +":"+PortSpinBox->cleanText() ); cfg.writeEntry("currentServer", numberOfEntries+1); currentServerConfig = numberOfEntries+1; qDebug("setting currentserverconfig to %d", currentServerConfig); cfg.setGroup(temp); if(!newServerName.isEmpty()) cfg.writeEntry("ServerName", newServerName); cfg.writeEntry("RemotePath", remotePath->text()); cfg.writeEntry("Username", UsernameComboBox->currentText()); cfg.writeEntryCrypt( UsernameComboBox->currentText(), PasswordEdit->text()); cfg.setGroup("Server"); cfg.writeEntry("numberOfEntries", QString::number(numberOfEntries + 1 )); } } void OpieFtp::clearCombos() { qDebug("clearing"); ServerComboBox->clear(); UsernameComboBox->clear(); PasswordEdit->clear(); serverListView->clear(); } void OpieFtp::fillCombos() { clearCombos(); Config cfg("opieftp"); cfg.setGroup("Server"); QString username, remoteServerStr, remotePathStr, password, port, temp; int numberOfEntries = cfg.readNumEntry("numberOfEntries",0); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfEntries; i++) { temp.setNum(i); qDebug(temp); cfg.setGroup("Server"); remoteServerStr = cfg.readEntry( temp,""); qDebug( remoteServerStr); int divider = remoteServerStr.length() - remoteServerStr.find(":",0,TRUE); port = remoteServerStr.right( divider - 1); bool ok; PortSpinBox->setValue( port.toInt(&ok,10)); remoteServerStr = remoteServerStr.left(remoteServerStr.length()-divider); qDebug( "remote server string "+remoteServerStr); ServerComboBox->insertItem( remoteServerStr ); cfg.setGroup(temp); username = cfg.readEntry(temp); UsernameComboBox->insertItem(username); password = cfg.readEntryCrypt(username,""); PasswordEdit->setText(password); serverListView->insertItem( cfg.readEntry("ServerName")); } } void OpieFtp::serverComboSelected(int index) { currentServerConfig = index+1; qDebug("server combo selected %d", index+1); QString username, remoteServerStr, remotePathStr, password, port, temp; // remoteServerStr = ServerComboBox->text(index); Config cfg("opieftp"); cfg.setGroup("Server"); // int numberOfEntries = cfg.readNumEntry("numberOfEntries",0); temp.setNum(index+1); remoteServerStr = cfg.readEntry( temp,""); qDebug("Group" +temp); cfg.setGroup(temp); // qDebug(temp); int divider = remoteServerStr.length() - remoteServerStr.find(":",0,TRUE); port = remoteServerStr.right( divider - 1); bool ok; int portInt = port.toInt(&ok,10); if( portInt == 0) portInt = 21; ServerComboBox->lineEdit()->setText(remoteServerStr.left( remoteServerStr.find(":",0,TRUE))); PortSpinBox->setValue( portInt); remotePath->setText(cfg.readEntry("RemotePath", "/")); username = cfg.readEntry("Username", "anonymous"); UsernameComboBox->lineEdit()->setText(username); qDebug(username); // qDebug("Password is "+cfg.readEntryCrypt(username, "me@opieftp.org")); PasswordEdit->setText(cfg.readEntryCrypt(username, "me@opieftp.org")); // UsernameComboBox // PasswordEdit cfg.setGroup("Server"); temp.sprintf("%d",currentServerConfig); cfg.writeEntry("currentServer", temp); fuckeduphack = TRUE; serverListView->setCurrentItem( index); fuckeduphack=FALSE; qDebug("server list set selected %d",index); update(); } void OpieFtp::deleteServer() { QString username, remoteServerStr, remotePathStr, password, port, temp, servername; remoteServerStr = ServerComboBox->currentText( ); username = UsernameComboBox->currentText(); servername=serverListView->currentText(); Config cfg("opieftp"); cfg.setGroup("Server"); QString tempname; int numberOfEntries = cfg.readNumEntry("numberOfEntries",0); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfEntries; i++) { temp.setNum(i); // cfg.setGroup("Server"); cfg.setGroup(QString::number(i)); tempname=cfg.readEntry( "ServerName",""); if( tempname.find( servername,0,TRUE) != -1 ) { // servername.find( cfg.readEntry("ServerName")) != -1 && // remoteServerStr.find( cfg.readEntry("RemotePath")) != -1 && // username.find( cfg.readEntry("Username")) != -1) { serverListView->removeItem(i); qDebug("OK DELETE "+tempname); cfg.removeEntry(QString::number(i)); for ( ; i <= numberOfEntries; i++) { cfg.setGroup("Server"); cfg.writeEntry("Server", QString::number(numberOfEntries + 1 )); cfg.setGroup(QString::number(i+1)); //get next server config servername=cfg.readEntry("ServerName"); remoteServerStr=cfg.readEntry("RemotePath"); username=cfg.readEntry("Username"); password=cfg.readEntryCrypt( username); cfg.setGroup(QString::number(i)); cfg.writeEntry("RemotePath", remoteServerStr); cfg.writeEntry("ServerName", servername); cfg.writeEntry("Username", username); cfg.writeEntryCrypt( username, password); } cfg.setGroup("Server"); cfg.writeEntry("numberOfEntries", QString::number(numberOfEntries - 1 )); } } cfg.setGroup(QString::number(numberOfEntries)); cfg.removeEntry("Server"); cfg.removeEntry("RemotePath"); cfg.removeEntry("ServerName"); username=cfg.readEntry("Username"); cfg.removeEntry("Username"); cfg.removeEntry(username); currentServerConfig=currentServerConfig-1; fillCombos(); update(); } void OpieFtp::upDir() { if (TabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 0) { QString current = currentDir.canonicalPath(); QDir dir(current); dir.cdUp(); current = dir.canonicalPath(); chdir( current.latin1() ); currentDir.cd( current, TRUE); populateLocalView(); update(); } else { if( FtpCDUp( conn) == 0) { QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to cd up\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); // qDebug(msg); } char path[256]; if( FtpPwd( path,sizeof(path),conn) == 0) { //this is easier than fudging the string QString msg; msg.sprintf(tr("Unable to get working dir\n")+"%s",FtpLastResponse(conn)); msg.replace(QRegExp(":"),"\n"); QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),msg); // qDebug(msg); } currentRemoteDir=path; remoteDirList( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); //this also calls populate if(currentRemoteDir.right(1) !="/") currentRemoteDir +="/"; currentPathCombo->lineEdit()->setText( currentRemoteDir); fillRemoteCombo( (const QString &)currentRemoteDir); } } void OpieFtp::docButtonPushed() { QString current = QPEApplication::documentDir(); chdir( current.latin1() ); currentDir.cd( current, TRUE); populateLocalView(); update(); } void OpieFtp::homeButtonPushed() { QString current = QDir::homeDirPath(); chdir( current.latin1() ); currentDir.cd( current, TRUE); populateLocalView(); update(); } void OpieFtp::doAbout() { QMessageBox::message("OpieFtp","Opie ftp client is copyright 2002 by\n" "L.J.Potter<llornkcor@handhelds.org>\n" "and uses ftplib copyright 1996-2000\n" "by Thomas Pfau, pfau@cnj.digex.net\n\n" "and is licensed by the GPL"); } void OpieFtp::NewServer() { InputDialog *fileDlg; fileDlg = new InputDialog(this,tr("New Server name"),TRUE, 0); fileDlg->exec(); Config cfg("opieftp"); if( fileDlg->result() == 1 ) { newServerName = fileDlg->LineEdit1->text(); for(int i=1;i<serverListView->count();i++) { cfg.setGroup( QString::number(i)); if(cfg.readEntry("ServerName").find(newServerName,0,TRUE) != -1) { QMessageBox::message(tr("OpieFtp"),tr("Sorry name already taken")); return; } } currentServerConfig =-1; writeConfig(); serverListView->insertItem( newServerName ); serverListView->setCurrentItem( serverListView->count()); } } void OpieFtp::serverListClicked( const QString &item) { if(item.isEmpty()) return; Config cfg("opieftp"); qDebug("highltined "+item); int numberOfEntries = cfg.readNumEntry("numberOfEntries",0); for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfEntries; i++) { cfg.setGroup(QString::number(i)); if(cfg.readEntry( "ServerName").find(item) != -1 && !fuckeduphack) serverComboSelected(i-1); } } void OpieFtp::timerOut() { } diff --git a/noncore/settings/backup/backuprestore.cpp b/noncore/settings/backup/backuprestore.cpp index 477e24d..93bedf6 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/backup/backuprestore.cpp +++ b/noncore/settings/backup/backuprestore.cpp @@ -1,471 +1,471 @@ #include "backuprestore.h" //#include "output.h" #include "errordialog.h" #include <qapplication.h> #include <qmultilineedit.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qheader.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlist.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qtextview.h> #include <qpe/storage.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <dirent.h> #define HEADER_NAME 0 #define HEADER_BACKUP 1 #define BACKUP_LOCATION 2 #define EXTENSION ".bck" const QString tempFileName = "/tmp/backup.err"; BackupAndRestore::BackupAndRestore( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : BackupAndRestoreBase(parent, name, fl) { this->showMaximized(); backupList->header()->hide(); restoreList->header()->hide(); connect(backupButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(backup())); connect(restoreButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(restore())); connect(backupList, SIGNAL(clicked( QListViewItem * )), this, SLOT(selectItem(QListViewItem*))); connect(restoreSource, SIGNAL(activated( int )), this, SLOT(sourceDirChanged(int))); connect(updateList, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT( fileListUpdate())); //add directorys for backing up applicationSettings = new QListViewItem(backupList, "Application Settings", "", "Settings/"); selectItem(applicationSettings); applicationSettings = new QListViewItem(backupList, "Application Data", "", "Applications/"); selectItem(applicationSettings); documents= new QListViewItem(backupList, "Documents", "", "Documents/"); selectItem(documents); scanForApplicationSettings(); backupLocations.insert( "Documents", QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents" ); if (StorageInfo::hasCf()) { backupLocations.insert("CF", "/mnt/cf"); } if (StorageInfo::hasSd() || StorageInfo::hasMmc()) { backupLocations.insert("SD", "/mnt/card"); } Config config("BackupAndRestore"); //read last locations config.setGroup("LastLocation"); QString lastStoreLocation = config.readEntry( "LastStoreLocation", "" ); QString lastRestoreLocation = config.readEntry( "LastRestoreLocation", "" ); int locationIndex = 0; QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it; for( it = backupLocations.begin(); it != backupLocations.end(); ++it ) { storeToLocation->insertItem(it.key()); restoreSource->insertItem(it.key()); //check for last locations if ( it.key() == lastStoreLocation ) storeToLocation->setCurrentItem( locationIndex ); if ( it.key() == lastRestoreLocation ) restoreSource->setCurrentItem( locationIndex ); locationIndex++; } // Read the list of items to ignore. QList<QString> dontBackupList; dontBackupList.setAutoDelete(true); config.setGroup("DontBackup"); int total = config.readNumEntry("Total", 0); for(int i = 0; i < total; i++) { dontBackupList.append(new QString(config.readEntry(QString("%1").arg(i), ""))); } QList<QListViewItem> list; getAllItems(backupList->firstChild(), list); for(uint i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { QString text = list.at(i)->text(HEADER_NAME); for(uint i2 = 0; i2 < dontBackupList.count(); i2++) { if(*dontBackupList.at(i2) == text) { selectItem(list.at(i)); break; } } } } BackupAndRestore::~BackupAndRestore() { QList<QListViewItem> list; getAllItems(backupList->firstChild(), list); Config config("BackupAndRestore"); config.setGroup("DontBackup"); config.clearGroup(); int count = 0; for(uint i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { if(list.at(i)->text(HEADER_BACKUP) == "") { config.writeEntry(QString("%1").arg(count), list.at(i)->text(HEADER_NAME)); count++; } } config.writeEntry("Total", count); // Remove Temp File if ( QFile::exists( tempFileName ) ) QFile::remove( tempFileName ); } QList<QListViewItem> BackupAndRestore::getAllItems(QListViewItem *item, QList<QListViewItem> &list) { while(item) { if(item->childCount() > 0) getAllItems(item->firstChild(), list); list.append(item); item = item->nextSibling(); } return list; } /** * Selects and unselects the item by setting the HEADER_BACKUP to B or !. * and changing the icon to match * @param currentItem the item to swich the selection choice. */ void BackupAndRestore::selectItem(QListViewItem *currentItem) { if(!currentItem) return; if(currentItem->text(HEADER_BACKUP) == "B") { currentItem->setPixmap(HEADER_NAME, Resource::loadPixmap("backup/null")); currentItem->setText(HEADER_BACKUP, ""); } else { currentItem->setPixmap(HEADER_NAME, Resource::loadPixmap("backup/check")); currentItem->setText(HEADER_BACKUP, "B"); } } void BackupAndRestore::scanForApplicationSettings() { QDir d( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/" + QString( applicationSettings->text(BACKUP_LOCATION) ) ); d.setFilter( QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks ); const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList(); QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); QFileInfo *fi; while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { //qDebug((d.path()+"/"+fi->fileName()).latin1()); if ( ( fi->fileName() != "." ) && ( fi->fileName() != ".." ) ) { QListViewItem *newItem = new QListViewItem(applicationSettings, fi->fileName()); selectItem(newItem); } ++it; } } /** * The "Backup" button has been pressed. Get a list of all of the files that * should be backed up. If there are no files, emit and error and exit. * Determine the file name to store the backup in. Backup the file(s) using * tar and gzip --best. Report failure or success */ void BackupAndRestore::backup() { QString backupFiles; if(getBackupFiles(backupFiles, NULL) == 0) { QMessageBox::critical(this, "Message", "No items selected.",QString("Ok") ); return; } setCaption(tr("Backup and Restore... working...")); QString outputFile = backupLocations[storeToLocation->currentText()]; QDateTime datetime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QString dateString = QString::number( datetime.date().year() ) + QString::number( datetime.date().month() ).rightJustify(2, '0') + QString::number( datetime.date().day() ).rightJustify(2, '0'); outputFile += "/" + dateString; QString t = outputFile; int c = 1; while(QFile::exists(outputFile + EXTENSION)) { outputFile = t + QString("%1").arg(c); c++; } // We execute tar and compressing its output with gzip.. // The error output will be written into a temp-file which could be provided // for debugging.. qDebug( "Storing file: %s", outputFile.latin1() ); outputFile += EXTENSION; QString commandLine = QString( "(tar -C %1 -c %2 | gzip > %3 ) 2> %4" ).arg( QDir::homeDirPath() ) .arg( backupFiles ) .arg( outputFile.latin1() ) .arg( tempFileName.latin1() ); qDebug( commandLine ); int r = system( commandLine ); if(r != 0) { perror("Error: "); QString errorMsg= tr( "Error from System:\n" ) + (QString)strerror( errno ); switch( QMessageBox::critical(this, tr( "Message" ), tr( "Backup Failed!" ) + "\n" + errorMsg, QString( tr( "Ok" ) ), QString( tr( "Details" ) ) ) ) { case 1: qWarning("Details pressed !"); ErrorDialog* pErrDialog = new ErrorDialog( this, NULL, true ); QFile errorFile( tempFileName ); if ( errorFile.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { QTextStream t( &errorFile ); QString s; while ( !t.eof() ) { // until end of file... s += t.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' } errorFile.close(); pErrDialog->m_textarea->setText( s ); } else { pErrDialog->m_textarea->setText( "Unable to open File: /tmp/backup.er" ); } pErrDialog->showMaximized(); pErrDialog->exec(); delete pErrDialog; break; } setCaption(tr("Backup and Restore.. Failed !!")); return; } else { - QMessageBox::information(this, tr( "Message" ), tr( "Backup Successfull." ), QString(tr( "Ok" ) ) ); + QMessageBox::information(this, tr( "Message" ), tr( "Backup Successful." ), QString(tr( "Ok" ) ) ); } //write store-location Config config( "BackupAndRestore" ); config.setGroup( "LastLocation" ); config.writeEntry( "LastStoreLocation", storeToLocation->currentText() ); setCaption(tr("Backup and Restore")); } /*** * Get a list of all of the files to backup. */ int BackupAndRestore::getBackupFiles(QString &backupFiles, QListViewItem *parent) { QListViewItem * currentItem; QString currentHome; if(!parent) currentItem = backupList->firstChild(); else { currentItem = parent->firstChild(); currentHome = parent->text(BACKUP_LOCATION); } uint count = 0; while( currentItem != 0 ) { if(currentItem->text(HEADER_BACKUP) == "B" ) { if(currentItem->childCount() == 0 ) { if(parent == NULL) backupFiles += currentItem->text(BACKUP_LOCATION); else backupFiles += currentHome + currentItem->text(HEADER_NAME); backupFiles += " "; count++; } else { count += getBackupFiles(backupFiles, currentItem); } } currentItem = currentItem->nextSibling(); } return count; } void BackupAndRestore::sourceDirChanged(int selection) { restoreList->clear(); rescanFolder(backupLocations[restoreSource->text(selection)]); } void BackupAndRestore::fileListUpdate() { qWarning("void BackupAndRestore::fileListUpdate()"); restoreList->clear(); rescanFolder( backupLocations[restoreSource->currentText()] ); } /** * Scans directory for any backup files. Will recursivly go down, * but will not follow symlinks. * @param directory - the directory to look in. */ void BackupAndRestore::rescanFolder(QString directory) { //qDebug(QString("rescanFolder: ") + directory.latin1()); QDir d(directory); if(!d.exists()) return; d.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden | QDir::Dirs); const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList(); QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); QFileInfo *file; while ( (file=it.current()) ) { // for each file... // If it is a dir and not .. or . then add it as a tab and go down. if(file->isDir()) { if(file->fileName() != ".." && file->fileName() != ".") { rescanFolder(directory + "/" + file->fileName()); } } else { // If it is a backup file add to list. if(file->fileName().contains(EXTENSION)) (void)new QListViewItem(restoreList, file->fileName()); } ++it; } } /** * Restore a backup file. * Report errors or success */ void BackupAndRestore::restore() { QListViewItem *restoreItem = restoreList->currentItem(); if(!restoreItem) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr( "Message" ), tr( "Please select something to restore." ),QString( tr( "Ok") ) ); return; } setCaption(tr("Backup and Restore... working...")); QString restoreFile = backupLocations[restoreSource->currentText()]; restoreFile += "/" + restoreItem->text(0); qDebug( restoreFile ); QString commandLine = QString( "tar -C %1 -zxf %2 2> %3" ).arg( QDir::homeDirPath() ) .arg( restoreFile.latin1() ) .arg( tempFileName.latin1() ); qDebug( commandLine ); int r = system( commandLine ); if(r != 0) { QString errorMsg= tr( "Error from System:\n" ) + (QString)strerror( errno ); switch( QMessageBox::critical(this, tr( "Message" ), tr( "Restore Failed." ) + "\n" + errorMsg, QString( tr( "Ok") ), QString( tr( "Details" ) ) ) ) { case 1: qWarning("Details pressed !"); ErrorDialog* pErrDialog = new ErrorDialog( this, NULL, true ); QFile errorFile( tempFileName ); if ( errorFile.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { QTextStream t( &errorFile ); QString s; while ( !t.eof() ) { // until end of file... s += t.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' } errorFile.close(); pErrDialog->m_textarea->setText( s ); } else { pErrDialog->m_textarea->setText( tr( "Unable to open File: %1" ).arg( "/tmp/backup.er" ) ); } pErrDialog->showMaximized(); pErrDialog->exec(); delete pErrDialog; setCaption(tr("Backup and Restore.. Failed !!")); return; break; } } else { - QMessageBox::information(this, tr( "Message" ), tr( "Restore Successfull." ), QString( tr( "Ok") ) ); + QMessageBox::information(this, tr( "Message" ), tr( "Restore Successful." ), QString( tr( "Ok") ) ); } //write restore-location Config config( "BackupAndRestore" ); config.setGroup( "LastLocation" ); config.writeEntry( "LastRestoreLocation", restoreSource->currentText() ); setCaption(tr("Backup and Restore")); } // backuprestore.cpp diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interface.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interface.cpp index 69b55d1..b00b899 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interface.cpp +++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interface.cpp @@ -1,302 +1,302 @@ /** * $Author$ * $Date$ */ #include "interface.h" #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #define IFCONFIG "/sbin/ifconfig" #define DHCP_INFO_DIR "/etc/dhcpc" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> Interface::Interface(QObject * parent, const char * name, bool newSatus): QObject(parent, name), hardwareName("Unknown"), moduleOwner(NULL), status(newSatus), attached(false), dhcp(false), macAddress(""), ip(""), broadcast(""), subnetMask(""){ refresh(); } /** * Set status * @param newStatus - the new status * emit updateInterface */ void Interface::setStatus(bool newStatus){ if(status != newStatus){ status = newStatus; refresh(); } }; /** * Set if attached or not (802.11 card pulled out for example) * @param isAttached - if attached * emit updateInterface */ void Interface::setAttached(bool isAttached){ attached = isAttached; emit(updateInterface(this)); }; /** * Set Hardware name * @param name - the new name * emit updateInterface */ void Interface::setHardwareName(const QString &name){ hardwareName = name; emit(updateInterface(this)); }; /** * Set Module owner * @param owner - the new owner * emit updateInterface */ void Interface::setModuleOwner(Module *owner){ moduleOwner = owner; emit(updateInterface(this)); }; /** * Try to start the interface. */ void Interface::start(){ // check to see if we are already running. if(true == status){ emit (updateMessage("Unable to start interface,\n already started")); return; } int ret = system(QString("%1 %2 up").arg(IFCONFIG).arg(this->name()).latin1()); - // See if it was successfull... + // See if it was successful... if(ret != 0){ emit (updateMessage("Starting interface failed")); return; } status = true; refresh(); - emit (updateMessage("Start successfull")); + emit (updateMessage("Start successful")); } /** * Try to stop the interface. */ void Interface::stop(){ // check to see if we are already stopped. if(false == status){ emit (updateMessage("Unable to stop interface,\n already stopped")); return; } int ret = system(QString("%1 %2 down").arg(IFCONFIG).arg(this->name()).latin1()); if(ret != 0){ emit (updateMessage("Stopping interface failed")); return; } status = false; refresh(); - emit (updateMessage("Stop successfull")); + emit (updateMessage("Stop successful")); } /** * Try to restart the interface. */ void Interface::restart(){ stop(); start(); } /** * Try to refresh the information about the interface. * First call ifconfig, then check the dhcp-info file - * @return bool true if successfull. + * @return bool true if successful. */ bool Interface::refresh(){ // See if we are up. if(status == false){ macAddress = ""; ip = ""; subnetMask = ""; broadcast = ""; dhcp = false; dhcpServerIp = ""; leaseObtained = ""; leaseExpires = ""; emit(updateInterface(this)); return true; } QString fileName = QString("/tmp/%1_ifconfig_info").arg(this->name()); int ret = system(QString("LANG=C %1 %2 > %3").arg(IFCONFIG).arg(this->name()).arg(fileName).latin1()); if(ret != 0){ qDebug(QString("Interface: Ifconfig return value: %1, is not 0").arg(ret).latin1()); return false; } QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)){ qDebug(QString("Interface: Can't open file: %1").arg(fileName).latin1()); return false; } // Set to the defaults macAddress = ""; ip = ""; subnetMask = ""; broadcast = ""; QTextStream stream( &file ); QString line; while ( !stream.eof() ) { line = stream.readLine(); if(line.contains("HWaddr")){ int mac = line.find("HWaddr"); macAddress = line.mid(mac+7, line.length()); } if(line.contains("inet addr")){ int ipl = line.find("inet addr"); int space = line.find(" ", ipl+10); ip = line.mid(ipl+10, space-ipl-10); } if(line.contains("Mask")){ int mask = line.find("Mask"); subnetMask = line.mid(mask+5, line.length()); } if(line.contains("Bcast")){ int mask = line.find("Bcast"); int space = line.find(" ", mask+6); broadcast = line.mid(mask+6, space-mask-6); } } file.close(); QFile::remove(fileName); // DHCP TESTING // reset DHCP info dhcpServerIp = ""; leaseObtained = ""; leaseExpires = ""; dhcp = false; QString dhcpDirectory(DHCP_INFO_DIR); QDir d(dhcpDirectory); if(!d.exists(dhcpDirectory)) dhcpDirectory = "/var/run"; // See if we have QString dhcpFile(QString(dhcpDirectory+"/dhcpcd-%1.info").arg(this->name())); // If there is no DHCP information then exit now with no errors. if(!QFile::exists(dhcpFile)){ emit(updateInterface(this)); return true; } file.setName(dhcpFile); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)){ qDebug(QString("Interface: Can't open file: %1").arg(dhcpFile).latin1()); return false; } // leaseTime and renewalTime and used if pid and deamon exe can be accessed. int leaseTime = 0; int renewalTime = 0; stream.setDevice( &file ); while ( !stream.eof() ) { line = stream.readLine(); if(line.contains("DHCPSIADDR=")) dhcpServerIp = line.mid(11, line.length()); if(line.contains("LEASETIME=")) leaseTime = line.mid(10, line.length()).toInt(); if(line.contains("RENEWALTIME=")) renewalTime = line.mid(12, line.length()).toInt(); } file.close(); //qDebug(QString("Interface: leaseTime: %1").arg(leaseTime).latin1()); //qDebug(QString("Interface: renewalTime: %1").arg(renewalTime).latin1()); // Get the pid of the deamond dhcpFile = (QString(dhcpDirectory+"/dhcpcd-%1.pid").arg(this->name())); file.setName(dhcpFile); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)){ qDebug(QString("Interface: Can't open file: %1").arg(dhcpFile).latin1()); return false; } int pid = -1; stream.setDevice( &file ); while ( !stream.eof() ) { line = stream.readLine(); pid = line.toInt(); } file.close(); if( pid == -1){ qDebug("Interface: Could not get pid of dhcpc deamon."); return false; } // Get the start running time of the deamon fileName = (QString("/proc/%1/stat").arg(pid)); file.setName(fileName); stream.setDevice( &file ); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)){ qDebug(QString("Interface: Can't open file: %1").arg(fileName).latin1()); return false; } while ( !stream.eof() ) { line = stream.readLine(); } file.close(); long time = 0; // Grab the start time // pid com state ppid pgrp session tty_nr tpgid flags sscanf(line.latin1(), "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u " // minflt cminflt majflt cmajflt utime stime cutime cstime priority "%*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %*d %*d %*d " // nice 0 itrealvalue starttime "%*d %*d %*d %lu", (long*) &time); time = time/100; QDateTime datetime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); // Get the uptime of the computer. QFile f("/proc/uptime"); if ( f.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { // file opened successfully QTextStream t( &f ); // use a text stream int sec = 0; t >> sec; datetime = datetime.addSecs((-1*sec)); f.close(); } else{ qDebug("Interface: Can't open /proc/uptime to retrive uptime."); return false; } datetime = datetime.addSecs(time); //qDebug(QString("Interface: %1 %2").arg(datetime.toString()).arg(pid).latin1()); // Calculate the start and renew times leaseObtained = datetime.toString(); // Calculate the start and renew times datetime = datetime.addSecs(leaseTime); leaseExpires = datetime.toString(); dhcp = true; emit(updateInterface(this)); return true; } // interface.cpp diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfaces.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfaces.cpp index 436e449..6b161ae 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfaces.cpp +++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfaces.cpp @@ -1,712 +1,712 @@ #include "interfaces.h" #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qregexp.h> // The three stanza's #define AUTO "auto" #define IFACE "iface" #define MAPPING "mapping" /** * Constructor. Reads in the interfaces file and then split the file up by * the \n for interfaces variable. * @param useInterfacesFile if an interface file other then the default is * desired to be used it should be passed in. */ Interfaces::Interfaces(QString useInterfacesFile){ acceptedFamily.append(INTERFACES_FAMILY_INET); acceptedFamily.append(INTERFACES_FAMILY_IPX); acceptedFamily.append(INTERFACES_FAMILY_INET6); interfacesFile = useInterfacesFile; QFile file(interfacesFile); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly)){ qDebug("Interfaces: Can't open file: %s for reading.", interfacesFile.latin1() ); currentIface = interfaces.end(); currentMapping = interfaces.end(); return; } QTextStream stream( &file ); QString line; while ( !stream.eof() ) { line += stream.readLine(); line += "\n"; } file.close(); interfaces = QStringList::split("\n", line, true); currentIface = interfaces.end(); currentMapping = interfaces.end(); } /** - * Get a list of all interfaces in the interface file. Usefull for + * Get a list of all interfaces in the interface file. Useful for * hardware that is not currently connected such as an 802.11b card * not plugged in, but configured for when it is plugged in. * @return Return string list of interfaces. **/ QStringList Interfaces::getInterfaceList(){ QStringList list; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = interfaces.begin(); it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) { QString line = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace(); if(line.contains(IFACE) && line.at(0) != '#'){ line = line.mid(QString(IFACE).length() +1, line.length()); line = line.simplifyWhiteSpace(); int findSpace = line.find(" "); if( findSpace >= 0){ line = line.mid(0, findSpace); list.append(line); } } } return list; } /** * Find out if interface is in an "auto" group or not. * Report any duplicates such as eth0 being in two differnt auto's * @param interface interface to check to see if it is on or not. * @return true is interface is in auto */ bool Interfaces::isAuto(const QString &interface) const { QStringList autoLines = interfaces.grep(QRegExp(AUTO)); QStringList awi = autoLines.grep(QRegExp(interface)); if(awi.count() > 1) qDebug(QString("Interfaces: Found more then auto group with interface: %1.").arg(interface).latin1()); return awi.count() > 0; } /** * Attempt to set the auto option for interface to setAuto. * @param interface the interface to set * @param setAuto the value to set interface to. * @return false if already set to setAuto. * */ bool Interfaces::setAuto(const QString &interface, bool setAuto){ // Don't need to set it if it is already set. if(isAuto(interface) == setAuto) return false; bool changed = false; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = interfaces.begin(); it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) { if((*it).contains(AUTO)){ //We know that they are not in any group so let add to this auto. if(setAuto){ (*it) = (*it) += " " + interface; // Don't care to have such thins as: auto eth0 lo usb0 (*it) = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace(); changed = true; break; } // else see if we need to remove from this one else{ if((*it).contains(interface)){ (*it) = (*it).replace(QRegExp(interface), ""); // if AUTO is the only thing left clear the line if(((*it).simplifyWhiteSpace()).replace(QRegExp(" "),"") == AUTO) (*it) = ""; changed = true; // Don't break because we want to make sure we remove all cases. } } } } // In the case where there is no AUTO field add one. if(!changed && setAuto) interfaces.append(QString(AUTO" %1").arg(interface)); return true; } /** * Set the current interface to interface. This needs to be done before you * can call getFamily(), getMethod, and get/setOption(). * @param interface the name of the interface to set. All whitespace is * removed from the interface name. - * @return bool true if it is successfull. + * @return bool true if it is successful. */ bool Interfaces::setInterface(QString interface){ interface = interface.simplifyWhiteSpace(); interface = interface.replace(QRegExp(" "), ""); return setStanza(IFACE, interface, currentIface); } /** * A quick helper funtion to see if the current interface is set. * @return bool true if set, false otherwise. */ bool Interfaces::isInterfaceSet() const { return (interfaces.end() != currentIface); } /** * Add a new interface of with the settings - family and method * @param interface the name of the interface to set. All whitespace is * removed from the interface name. * @param family the family of this interface inet or inet, ipx or inet6 * Must of one of the families defined in interfaces.h * @param method for the family. see interfaces man page for family methods. - * @return true if successfull. + * @return true if successful. */ bool Interfaces::addInterface(const QString &interface, const QString &family, const QString &method){ qDebug("Interfaces::addInterface(%s)",interface.latin1()); if(0 == acceptedFamily.contains(family)) return false; QString newInterface = interface.simplifyWhiteSpace(); newInterface = newInterface.replace(QRegExp(" "), ""); interfaces.append(""); interfaces.append(QString(IFACE " %1 %2 %3").arg(newInterface).arg(family).arg(method)); return true; } /** * Copies interface with name interface to name newInterface * @param newInterface name of the new interface. - * @return bool true if successfull + * @return bool true if successful */ bool Interfaces::copyInterface(const QString &interface, const QString &newInterface){ qDebug("copy interface %s to %s", interface.latin1(), newInterface.latin1()); if(!setInterface(interface)) return false; // Store the old interface and bump past the stanza line. QStringList::Iterator it = currentIface; it++; // Add the new interface bool error; addInterface(newInterface, getInterfaceFamily(error), getInterfaceMethod(error)); if(!setInterface(newInterface)) return false; QStringList::Iterator newIface = currentIface; newIface++; // Copy all of the lines for ( ; it != interfaces.end(); ++it ){ if(((*it).contains(IFACE) || (*it).contains(MAPPING) || (*it).contains(AUTO))) break; newIface = interfaces.insert(newIface, *it); } return true; } /** * Remove the currently selected interface and all of its options. - * @return bool if successfull or not. + * @return bool if successful or not. */ bool Interfaces::removeInterface(){ return removeStanza(currentIface); } /** * Gets the hardware name of the interface that is currently selected. * @return QString name of the hardware interface (eth0, usb2, wlan1...). * @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise. */ QString Interfaces::getInterfaceName(bool &error){ if(currentIface == interfaces.end()){ error = true; return QString(); } QString line = (*currentIface); line = line.mid(QString(IFACE).length() +1, line.length()); line = line.simplifyWhiteSpace(); int findSpace = line.find(" "); if( findSpace < 0){ error = true; return QString(); } error = false; return line.mid(0, findSpace); } /** * Gets the family name of the interface that is currently selected. * @return QString name of the family (inet, inet6, ipx). * @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise. */ QString Interfaces::getInterfaceFamily(bool &error){ QString name = getInterfaceName(error); if(error) return QString(); QString line = (*currentIface); line = line.mid(QString(IFACE).length() +1, line.length()); line = line.mid(name.length()+1, line.length()); line = line.simplifyWhiteSpace(); int findSpace = line.find(" "); if( findSpace < 0){ error = true; return QString(); } error = false; return line.mid(0, findSpace); } /** * Gets the method of the interface that is currently selected. * @return QString name of the method such as staic or dhcp. * See the man page of interfaces for possible methods depending on the family. * @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise. */ QString Interfaces::getInterfaceMethod(bool &error){ QString name = getInterfaceName(error); if(error) return QString(); QString family = getInterfaceFamily(error); if(error) return QString(); QString line = (*currentIface); line = line.mid(QString(IFACE).length()+1, line.length()); line = line.mid(name.length()+1, line.length()); line = line.mid(family.length()+1, line.length()); line = line.simplifyWhiteSpace(); error = false; return line; } /** * Sets the interface name to newName. * @param newName the new name of the interface. All whitespace is removed. - * @return bool true if successfull. + * @return bool true if successful. */ bool Interfaces::setInterfaceName(const QString &newName){ qDebug("setInterfaceName %s", newName.latin1()); if(currentIface == interfaces.end()) return false; QString name = newName.simplifyWhiteSpace(); name = name.replace(QRegExp(" "), ""); bool returnValue = false; QString tmp = QString("iface %1 %2 %3").arg(name).arg(getInterfaceFamily(returnValue)).arg(getInterfaceMethod(returnValue)); qDebug("setting %s",tmp.latin1()); (*currentIface) = tmp; return !returnValue; } /** * Sets the interface family to newName. * @param newName the new name of the interface. Must be one of the families * defined in the interfaces.h file. - * @return bool true if successfull. + * @return bool true if successful. */ bool Interfaces::setInterfaceFamily(const QString &newName){ if(currentIface == interfaces.end()) return false; if(acceptedFamily.contains(newName)==0) return false; bool returnValue = false; (*currentIface) = QString("iface %1 %2 %3").arg(getInterfaceName(returnValue)).arg(newName).arg(getInterfaceMethod(returnValue)); return !returnValue; } /** * Sets the interface method to newName * @param newName the new name of the interface - * @return bool true if successfull. + * @return bool true if successful. */ bool Interfaces::setInterfaceMethod(const QString &newName){ if(currentIface == interfaces.end()) return false; bool returnValue = false; (*currentIface) = QString("iface %1 %2 %3").arg(getInterfaceName(returnValue)).arg(getInterfaceFamily(returnValue)).arg(newName); return !returnValue; } /** * Get a value for an option in the currently selected interface. For example * calling getInterfaceOption("address") on the following stanza would * return * iface eth0 static * address * @param option the options to get the value. * @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise. * @return QString the options value. QString::null if error == true */ QString Interfaces::getInterfaceOption(const QString &option, bool &error){ return getOption(currentIface, option, error); } /** * Set a value for an option in the currently selected interface. If option * doesn't exist then it is added along with the value. * If value isEmpty() then we will remove the option * * @param option the options to set the value. * @param value the value that option should be set to. * @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise. * @return QString the options value. QString::null if error == true */ bool Interfaces::setInterfaceOption(const QString &option, const QString &value){ if( value.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() ) return removeInterfaceOption( option ); qDebug("iface >%s< option >%s< value >%s<", (*currentIface).latin1(), option.latin1(),value.latin1()); return setOption(currentIface, option, value); } /** * Removes a value for an option in the currently selected interface. * @param option the options to set the value. * @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise. * @return QString the options value. QString::null if error == true */ bool Interfaces::removeInterfaceOption(const QString &option){ return removeOption(currentIface, option); } /** * Removes a value for an option in the currently selected interface. * @param option the options to set the value. * @param value the value that option should be set to. * @param error set to true if any error occurs, false otherwise. * @return QString the options value. QString::null if error == true */ bool Interfaces::removeInterfaceOption(const QString &option, const QString &value){ return removeOption(currentIface, option, value); } /** * Removes all of the options from the currently selected interface. - * @return bool error if if successfull + * @return bool error if if successful */ bool Interfaces::removeAllInterfaceOptions(){ return removeAllOptions(currentIface); } /** * Set the current map to interface's map. This needs to be done before you * can call addMapping(), set/getMap(), and get/setScript(). * @param interface the name of the interface to set. All whitespace is * removed from the interface name. - * @return bool true if it is successfull. + * @return bool true if it is successful. */ bool Interfaces::setMapping(const QString &interface){ QString interfaceName = interface.simplifyWhiteSpace(); interfaceName = interfaceName.replace(QRegExp(" "), ""); return setStanza(MAPPING, interfaceName, currentMapping); } /** * Adds a new Mapping to the interfaces file with interfaces. * @param interface the name(s) of the interfaces to set to this mapping */ void Interfaces::addMapping(const QString &option){ interfaces.append(""); interfaces.append(QString(MAPPING " %1").arg(option)); } /** * Remove the currently selected map and all of its options. - * @return bool if successfull or not. + * @return bool if successful or not. */ bool Interfaces::removeMapping(){ return removeStanza(currentMapping); } /** * Set a map option within a mapping. * @param map map to use * @param value value to go with map - * @return bool true if it is successfull. + * @return bool true if it is successful. */ bool Interfaces::setMap(const QString &map, const QString &value){ return setOption(currentMapping, map, value); } /** * Removes a map option within a mapping. * @param map map to use * @param value value to go with map - * @return bool true if it is successfull. + * @return bool true if it is successful. */ bool Interfaces::removeMap(const QString &map, const QString &value){ return removeOption(currentMapping, map, value); } /** * Get a map value within a mapping. * @param map map to get value of - * @param bool true if it is successfull. + * @param bool true if it is successful. * @return value that goes to the map */ QString Interfaces::getMap(const QString &map, bool &error){ return getOption(currentMapping, map, error); } /** * Sets a script value of the current mapping to argument. * @param argument the script name. - * @return true if successfull. + * @return true if successful. */ bool Interfaces::setScript(const QString &argument){ return setOption(currentMapping, "script", argument); } /** * @param error true if could not retrieve the current script argument. * @return QString the argument of the script for the current mapping. */ QString Interfaces::getScript(bool &error){ return getOption(currentMapping, "script", error); } /** * Helper function used to parse through the QStringList and put pointers in * the correct place. * @param stanza The stanza (auto, iface, mapping) to look for. * @param option string that must be in the stanza's main line. - * @param interator interator to place at location of stanza if successfull. + * @param interator interator to place at location of stanza if successful. * @return bool true if the stanza is found. */ bool Interfaces::setStanza(const QString &stanza, const QString &option, QStringList::Iterator &iterator){ bool found = false; iterator = interfaces.end(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = interfaces.begin(); it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) { QString line = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace(); if(line.contains(stanza) && line.contains(option) && line.at(0) != '#'){ uint point = line.find(option); bool valid = true; if(point > 0){ // There are more chars in the line. check +1 if(line.at(point-1) != ' ') valid = false; } point += option.length(); if(point < line.length()-1){ // There are more chars in the line. check -1 if(line.at(point) != ' ') valid = false; } if(valid){ if(found == true){ qDebug(QString("Interfaces: Found multiple stanza's for search: %1 %2").arg(stanza).arg(option).latin1()); } found = true; iterator = it; } } } return found; } /** * Sets a value of an option in a stanza * @param start the start of the stanza * @param option the option to use when setting value. - * @return bool true if successfull, false otherwise. + * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool Interfaces::setOption(const QStringList::Iterator &start, const QString &option, const QString &value){ if(start == interfaces.end()) return false; qDebug("setting option"); bool found = false; bool replaced = false; QStringList::Iterator insertAt = NULL; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = start; it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) { qDebug(" Interfaces::setOption got line >%s<",(*it).latin1()); // FIXME: was not completly stupid just wrong sice all options got inserted bevore the iface line // but since it works with an empty interfaces file I (tille) will not do anything more if(((*it).contains(IFACE) || (*it).contains(MAPPING) || (*it).contains(AUTO)) ){ if (found) break; // && it != start){ // if(!found && value != ""){ // // Got to the end of the stanza without finding it, so append it. // qDebug(" Got to the end of the stanza without finding it, so append it."); // interfaces.insert(--it, QString("\t%1 %2").arg(option).arg(value)); // } qDebug("found 1"); // interfaces.insert(++it, QString("\t%1 %2").arg(option).arg(value)); found = true; insertAt = it; } if((*it).contains(option) && it != start && (*it).at(0) != '#'){ // Found it in stanza so replace it. qDebug("found 2"); if(found) qDebug(QString("Interfaces: Set Options found more then one value for option: %1 in stanza: %1").arg(option).arg((*start)).latin1()); found = true; replaced = true; (*it) = QString("\t%1 %2").arg(option).arg(value); } } if(!found){ qDebug("! found insert anyway"); QStringList::Iterator p = start; interfaces.insert(++p, QString("\t%1 %2").arg(option).arg(value)); found = true; } if(found && !replaced){ qDebug("found iface but not the option so insert it here..."); interfaces.insert(++insertAt, QString("\t%1 %2").arg(option).arg(value)); } return found; } /** * Removes a stanza and all of its options * @param stanza the stanza to remove - * @return bool true if successfull. + * @return bool true if successful. */ bool Interfaces::removeStanza(QStringList::Iterator &stanza){ if(stanza == interfaces.end()) return false; (*stanza) = ""; return removeAllOptions(stanza); } /** * Removes a option in a stanza * @param start the start of the stanza * @param option the option to remove - * @return bool true if successfull, false otherwise. + * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool Interfaces::removeOption(const QStringList::Iterator &start, const QString &option){ if(start == interfaces.end()) return false; bool found = false; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = start; it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) { if(((*it).contains(IFACE) || (*it).contains(MAPPING) || (*it).contains(AUTO)) && it != start){ // got to the end without finding it break; } if((*it).contains(option) && it != start && (*it).at(0) != '#'){ // Found it in stanza so replace it. if(found) qDebug(QString("Interfaces: Set Options found more then one value for option: %1 in stanza: %1").arg(option).arg((*start)).latin1()); found = true; it = interfaces.remove( it ); // we really want to remove the line --it; // we do ++it later in the head of the for loop } } return found; } /** * Removes a option in a stanza * @param start the start of the stanza * @param option the option to use when setting value. - * @return bool true if successfull, false otherwise. + * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool Interfaces::removeOption(const QStringList::Iterator &start, const QString &option, const QString &value){ if(start == interfaces.end()) return false; bool found = false; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = start; it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) { if(((*it).contains(IFACE) || (*it).contains(MAPPING) || (*it).contains(AUTO)) && it != start){ // got to the end without finding it break; } if((*it).contains(option) && (*it).contains(value) && it != start && (*it).at(0) != '#'){ // Found it in stanza so replace it. if(found) qDebug(QString("Interfaces: Set Options found more then one value for option: %1 in stanza: %1").arg(option).arg((*start)).latin1()); found = true; it = interfaces.remove( it ); // we really want to remove the line --it; // we do ++it later in the head of the for loop } } return found; } /** * Removes all options in a stanza * @param start the start of the stanza - * @return bool true if successfull, false otherwise. + * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool Interfaces::removeAllOptions(const QStringList::Iterator &start){ if(start == interfaces.end()) return false; QStringList::Iterator it = start; it = ++it; for (; it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) { if(((*it).contains(IFACE) || (*it).contains(MAPPING) || (*it).contains(AUTO)) && it != start){ break; } it = interfaces.remove(it); it = --it; } // Leave a space between this interface and the next. interfaces.insert(it, QString("")); return true; } /** * Gets a value of an option in a stanza * @param start the start of the stanza * @param option the option to use when getting the value. * @param bool true if errors false otherwise. * @return QString the value of option QString::null() if error == true. */ QString Interfaces::getOption(const QStringList::Iterator &start, const QString &option, bool &error){ if(start == interfaces.end()){ error = false; return QString(); } QString value; bool found = false; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = start; it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) { if(((*it).contains(IFACE) || (*it).contains(MAPPING) || (*it).contains(AUTO)) && it != start){ break; } if((*it).contains(option) && (*it).at(0) != '#'){ if(found) qDebug(QString("Interfaces: getOption found more then one value: %1 for option: %2 in stanza %3").arg((*it)).arg(option).arg((*start)).latin1()); found = true; QString line = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace(); int space = line.find(" ", option.length()); if(space != -1){ value = line.mid(space+1, line.length()); break; } } } error = !found; return value; } /** * Write out the interfaces file to the file passed into the constructor. * Removes any excess blank lines over 1 line long. - * @return bool true if successfull, false if not. + * @return bool true if successful, false if not. */ bool Interfaces::write(){ QFile::remove(interfacesFile); QFile file(interfacesFile); if (!file.open(IO_ReadWrite)){ qDebug(QString("Interfaces: Can't open file: %1 for writing.").arg(interfacesFile).latin1()); return false; } QTextStream stream( &file ); int whiteSpaceCount = 0; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = interfaces.begin(); it != interfaces.end(); ++it ) { QString line = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace(); line = line.replace(QRegExp(" "),""); if(line.length() == 0) whiteSpaceCount++; else whiteSpaceCount = 0; if(whiteSpaceCount < 2){ qDebug((*it).latin1()); stream << (*it) << '\n'; } } file.close(); return true; } // interfaces.cpp diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfacesetupimp.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfacesetupimp.cpp index e844d8a..78466d0 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfacesetupimp.cpp +++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/interfaces/interfacesetupimp.cpp @@ -1,206 +1,206 @@ #include "interfacesetupimp.h" #include "interface.h" #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qgroupbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <opie/oprocess.h> #ifdef QWS #include <opie/owait.h> #include <qpe/global.h> #include <qapplication.h> #endif #define DNSSCRIPT "changedns" /** * Constuctor. Set up the connection. A profile must be set. */ InterfaceSetupImp::InterfaceSetupImp(QWidget* parent, const char* name, Interface *i, Interfaces *j, WFlags fl) : InterfaceSetup(parent, name, fl), interface(i), interfaces(j), delInterfaces(false){ if (j == 0) { delInterfaces = true; interfaces = new Interfaces; } } /** * Destructor */ InterfaceSetupImp::~InterfaceSetupImp(){ if(delInterfaces) { delete interfaces; } } /** * Save the current settings, then write out the interfaces file and close. */ bool InterfaceSetupImp::saveChanges(){ bool error; QString iface = interfaces->getInterfaceName(error); qDebug("InterfaceSetupImp::saveChanges saves interface %s", iface.latin1() ); if(!saveSettings()) return false; interfaces->write(); if (interface->getStatus()) { QString ifup; ifup += "ifdown "; ifup += iface; ifup += "; ifup "; ifup += iface; ifup += ";"; OProcess restart; restart << "sh"; restart << "-c"; restart << ifup; OWait *owait = new OWait(); Global::statusMessage( tr( "Restarting interface" ) ); owait->show(); qApp->processEvents(); if (!restart.start(OProcess::Block, OProcess::NoCommunication) ) { qWarning("unstable to spawn ifdown/ifup"); } owait->hide(); delete owait; interface->refresh(); } return true; } /** * Save the settings for the current Interface. - * @return bool true if successfull, false otherwise + * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise */ bool InterfaceSetupImp::saveSettings(){ // eh can't really do anything about it other then return. :-D if(!interfaces->isInterfaceSet()) return true; bool error = false; // Loopback case if(interfaces->getInterfaceMethod(error) == INTERFACES_LOOPBACK){ interfaces->setAuto(interface->getInterfaceName(), autoStart->isChecked()); return true; } if(!dhcpCheckBox->isChecked() && (ipAddressEdit->text().isEmpty() || subnetMaskEdit->text().isEmpty())){ QMessageBox::information(this, "Not Saved.", "Please fill in the IP address and\n subnet entries.", QMessageBox::Ok); return false; } // DHCP if(dhcpCheckBox->isChecked()) { interfaces->setInterfaceMethod(INTERFACES_METHOD_DHCP); interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("address"); interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("netmask"); interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("gateway"); interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("up "DNSSCRIPT" -a "); interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("down "DNSSCRIPT" -r "); } else{ interfaces->setInterfaceMethod("static"); interfaces->setInterfaceOption("address", ipAddressEdit->text()); interfaces->setInterfaceOption("netmask", subnetMaskEdit->text()); interfaces->setInterfaceOption("gateway", gatewayEdit->text()); if(!firstDNSLineEdit->text().isEmpty() || !secondDNSLineEdit->text().isEmpty()){ QString dns = firstDNSLineEdit->text() + " " + secondDNSLineEdit->text(); interfaces->setInterfaceOption("up "DNSSCRIPT" -a ", dns); interfaces->setInterfaceOption("down "DNSSCRIPT" -r ", dns); }else{ interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("up "DNSSCRIPT" -a "); interfaces->removeInterfaceOption("down "DNSSCRIPT" -r"); } } // IP Information interfaces->setAuto(interface->getInterfaceName(), autoStart->isChecked()); return true; } /** * The Profile has changed. * @param QString profile the new profile. */ void InterfaceSetupImp::setProfile(const QString &profile){ /* bool error = false; if(interfaces->getInterfaceMethod(error) == INTERFACES_LOOPBACK){ staticGroupBox->hide(); dhcpCheckBox->hide(); leaseTime->hide(); leaseHoursLabel->hide(); } */ QString newInterfaceName = interface->getInterfaceName(); if(profile.length() > 0) newInterfaceName += "_" + profile; // See if we have to make a interface. if(!interfaces->setInterface(newInterfaceName)){ // Add making for this new interface if need too if(profile != ""){ interfaces->copyInterface(interface->getInterfaceName(), newInterfaceName); if(!interfaces->setMapping(interface->getInterfaceName())){ interfaces->addMapping(interface->getInterfaceName()); if(!interfaces->setMapping(interface->getInterfaceName())){ qDebug("InterfaceSetupImp: Added Mapping, but still can't setInterface."); return; } } interfaces->setMap("map", newInterfaceName); interfaces->setScript("getprofile.sh"); } else{ interfaces->addInterface(newInterfaceName, INTERFACES_FAMILY_INET, INTERFACES_METHOD_DHCP); if(!interfaces->setInterface(newInterfaceName)){ qDebug("InterfaceSetupImp: Added interface, but still can't setInterface."); return; } } } // We must have a valid interface to get this far so read some settings. // DHCP bool error = false; if(interfaces->getInterfaceMethod(error) == INTERFACES_METHOD_DHCP) dhcpCheckBox->setChecked(true); else dhcpCheckBox->setChecked(false); // IP Information autoStart->setChecked(interfaces->isAuto(interface->getInterfaceName())); QString dns = interfaces->getInterfaceOption("up "DNSSCRIPT" -a", error); qDebug("dns >%s<",dns.latin1()); if(dns.contains(" ")){ firstDNSLineEdit->setText(dns.mid(0, dns.find(" "))); secondDNSLineEdit->setText(dns.mid(dns.find(" ")+1, dns.length())); }else firstDNSLineEdit->setText(dns); ipAddressEdit->setText(interfaces->getInterfaceOption("address", error)); subnetMaskEdit->setText(interfaces->getInterfaceOption("netmask", error)); if (subnetMaskEdit->text().isEmpty()) subnetMaskEdit->setText( "" ); gatewayEdit->setText(interfaces->getInterfaceOption("gateway", error)); qWarning("InterfaceSetupImp::setProfile(%s)\n", profile.latin1()); qWarning("InterfaceSetupImp::setProfile: iface is %s\n", interfaces->getInterfaceName(error).latin1()); } // interfacesetup.cpp diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/module.h b/noncore/settings/networksettings/module.h index f7d8046..5cc82cd 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/module.h +++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/module.h @@ -1,113 +1,113 @@ #ifndef NETCONF_MODULE_H #define NETCONF_MODULE_H #include <qobject.h> #if QT_VERSION < 300 #include <qlist.h> #else #include <qptrlist.h> #endif #include <qmap.h> #include "interface.h" class QWidget; class QTabWidget; class Module : QObject{ signals: void updateInterface(Interface *i); public: Module(){}; /** * The type of the plugin * and the name of the dcop call */ virtual const QString type() = 0; /** * The current profile has been changed and the module should do any * neccesary changes also. * @param newProfile what the profile should be changed to. */ virtual void setProfile(const QString &newProfile) = 0; /** * get the icon name for this device. * @param Interface* can be used in determining the icon. * @return QString the icon name (minus .png, .gif etc) */ virtual QString getPixmapName(Interface *) = 0; /** * Check to see if the interface i is owned by this module. * @param Interface* interface to check against * @return bool true if i is owned by this module, false otherwise. */ virtual bool isOwner(Interface *){ return false; }; /** * Create and return the WLANConfigure Module * @param Interface *i the interface to configure. * @return QWidget* pointer to this modules configure. */ virtual QWidget *configure(Interface *){ return NULL; } ; /** * Create, and return the Information Module * @param Interface *i the interface to get info on. * @return QWidget* pointer to this modules info. */ virtual QWidget *information(Interface *){ return NULL; }; /** * Get all active (up or down) interfaces * @return QList<Interface> A list of interfaces that exsist that havn't * been called by isOwner() */ virtual QList<Interface> getInterfaces() = 0; /** * Adds possible new interfaces to the list (Example: usb(ppp), ir(ppp), * modem ppp) */ virtual void possibleNewInterfaces(QMap<QString, QString> &list) = 0; /** * Attempts to create a new interface from name * @return Interface* NULL if it was unable to be created. * @param name the type of interface to create */ virtual Interface *addNewInterface(const QString &name) = 0; /** * Attempts to remove the interface, doesn't delete i - * @return bool true if successfull, false otherwise. + * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise. */ virtual bool remove(Interface* i) = 0; /** * get dcop calls */ virtual void receive(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &arg) = 0; QStringList handledInterfaceNames()const { return m_inter; } protected: /** * set which interfaceNames should not be shown cause they're handled * internally of this module.. An already running ppp link or * a tunnel... */ void setHandledInterfaceNames( const QStringList& in) { m_inter = in; } private: QStringList m_inter; }; #endif // module.h diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppmodule.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppmodule.cpp index af05eb7..2462fa4 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppmodule.cpp +++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/ppp/pppmodule.cpp @@ -1,250 +1,250 @@ #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include "modem.h" #include "pppconfig.h" #include "pppmodule.h" #include "pppdata.h" #include "interfaceinformationppp.h" #include "interfaceppp.h" // don't polute global namespace namespace { /* * If network settings is qutting and we've ppp * devices open we need to save the pid_t the PPData * and the interface number */ struct Connection { pid_t pid; QString device; QString name; }; class InterfaceKeeper { public: InterfaceKeeper(); ~InterfaceKeeper(); void addInterface( pid_t, const QString& pppDev, const QString& name ); QMap<QString, Connection> interfaces()const; // will check if still available private: bool isAvailable( pid_t )const; QMap<QString, Connection> m_interfaces; }; } /** * Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces * We also need to restore the state.. it could be that * an interface was up while closing the application * we need to be able to shut it down... */ PPPModule::PPPModule() : Module() { InterfaceKeeper inFace; QMap<QString,Connection> running = inFace.interfaces(); QStringList handledInterfaceNames; QMap<QString,QString> ifaces = PPPData::getConfiguredInterfaces(); QMap<QString,QString>::Iterator it; InterfacePPP *iface; qDebug("getting interfaces"); for( it = ifaces.begin(); it != ifaces.end(); ++it ){ qDebug("ifaces %s %s", it.key().latin1(), it.data().latin1() ); iface = new InterfacePPP( 0, it.key() ); iface->setHardwareName( it.data() ); list.append( (Interface*)iface ); // check if (*it) is one of the running ifaces if ( running.contains( it.data() ) ) { qDebug("iface is running %s", it.key().latin1() ); handledInterfaceNames << running[it.data()].device; iface->setStatus( true ); iface->setPPPDpid( running[it.data()].pid ); iface->modem()->setPPPDevice( running[it.data()].device ); iface->refresh(); } } setHandledInterfaceNames( handledInterfaceNames ); } /** * Delete any interfaces that we own. */ PPPModule::~PPPModule(){ qDebug("PPPModule::~PPPModule() " ); QMap<QString,QString> ifaces; InterfaceKeeper keeper; Interface *i; for ( i=list.first(); i != 0; i=list.next() ){ /* if online save the state */ if ( i->getStatus() ) { qDebug("Iface %s is still up", i->getHardwareName().latin1() ); InterfacePPP* ppp = static_cast<InterfacePPP*>(i); keeper.addInterface( ppp->pppPID(), ppp->pppDev(), ppp->getHardwareName() ); } ifaces.insert( i->getInterfaceName(), i->getHardwareName() ); delete i; } PPPData::setConfiguredInterfaces( ifaces ); } /** * Change the current profile */ void PPPModule::setProfile(const QString &newProfile){ profile = newProfile; } /** * get the icon name for this device. * @param Interface* can be used in determining the icon. * @return QString the icon name (minus .png, .gif etc) */ QString PPPModule::getPixmapName(Interface* ){ return "ppp"; } /** * Check to see if the interface i is owned by this module. * @param Interface* interface to check against * @return bool true if i is owned by this module, false otherwise. */ bool PPPModule::isOwner(Interface *i){ return list.find( i ) != -1; } /** * Create, and return the WLANConfigure Module * @return QWidget* pointer to this modules configure. */ QWidget *PPPModule::configure(Interface *i){ qDebug("return ModemWidget"); PPPConfigWidget *pppconfig = new PPPConfigWidget( (InterfacePPP*)i, 0, "PPPConfig", false, Qt::WDestructiveClose | Qt::WStyle_ContextHelp); return pppconfig; } /** * Create, and return the Information Module * @return QWidget* pointer to this modules info. */ QWidget *PPPModule::information(Interface *i){ // We don't have any advanced pppd information widget yet :-D // TODO ^ return new InterfaceInformationPPP( 0, "InterfaceInformationPPP", i ); } /** * Get all active (up or down) interfaces * @return QList<Interface> A list of interfaces that exsist that havn't * been called by isOwner() */ QList<Interface> PPPModule::getInterfaces(){ // List all of the files in the peer directory qDebug("PPPModule::getInterfaces"); return list; } /** * Attempt to add a new interface as defined by name * @param name the name of the type of interface that should be created given * by possibleNewInterfaces(); * @return Interface* NULL if it was unable to be created. */ Interface *PPPModule::addNewInterface(const QString &newInterface){ InterfacePPP *ifaceppp; Interface *iface; ifaceppp = new InterfacePPP(); PPPConfigWidget imp(ifaceppp, 0, "PPPConfigImp", true); imp.showMaximized(); if(imp.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ){ iface = (InterfacePPP*) ifaceppp; iface->setModuleOwner( this ); list.append( iface ); return iface; }else { delete ifaceppp; iface = NULL; } return iface; } /** * Attempts to remove the interface, doesn't delete i - * @return bool true if successfull, false otherwise. + * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool PPPModule::remove(Interface *i){ return list.remove(i); } void PPPModule::possibleNewInterfaces(QMap<QString, QString> &newIfaces) { newIfaces.insert(QObject::tr("PPP") , QObject::tr("generic ppp device")); } namespace { InterfaceKeeper::InterfaceKeeper( ) { } InterfaceKeeper::~InterfaceKeeper() { Config cfg("ppp_plugin_keeper"); QStringList lst = cfg.groupList(); for (QStringList::Iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) { Connection con; cfg.setGroup( (*it) ); cfg.clearGroup(); } for (QMap<QString, Connection>::Iterator it = m_interfaces.begin(); it != m_interfaces.end(); ++it ) { Connection con = it.data(); cfg.setGroup( con.name ); cfg.writeEntry( "pid", con.pid ); cfg.writeEntry( "device", con.device ); } } void InterfaceKeeper::addInterface(pid_t pid, const QString& dev, const QString& name ) { Connection con; con.pid = pid; con.device = dev; con.name = name; m_interfaces.insert( name, con ); } QMap<QString, Connection> InterfaceKeeper::interfaces()const { Config cfg("ppp_plugin_keeper"); QMap<QString, Connection> ifaces; QStringList lst = cfg.groupList(); for (QStringList::Iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) { Connection con; cfg.setGroup( (*it) ); con.name = (*it); con.pid = cfg.readNumEntry("pid"); con.device = cfg.readEntry("device"); qDebug(" %s %s %d", con.name.latin1(), con.device.latin1(), con.pid ); if ( con.pid != -1 && isAvailable( con.pid ) ) ifaces.insert( con.name, con ); } return ifaces; } bool InterfaceKeeper::isAvailable( pid_t p)const { if (::kill(p, 0 ) == 0 || errno != ESRCH ) { qDebug("isAvailable %d", p); return true; } qDebug("notAvailable %d", p); return false; } } diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/wlan/wextensions.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/wlan/wextensions.cpp index bd7cf93..d1fff88 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/wlan/wextensions.cpp +++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/wlan/wextensions.cpp @@ -1,200 +1,200 @@ #include "wextensions.h" #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <math.h> #define PROCNETWIRELESS "/proc/net/wireless" #define IW_LOWER 0 #define IW_UPPER 256 /** * Constructor. Sets hasWirelessExtensions */ WExtensions::WExtensions(QString interfaceName): hasWirelessExtensions(false), interface(interfaceName) { fd = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ); if(fd == -1) return; const char* buffer[200]; memset( &iwr, 0, sizeof( iwr ) ); iwr.u.essid.pointer = (caddr_t) buffer; iwr.u.essid.length = IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE; iwr.u.essid.flags = 0; // check if it is an IEEE 802.11 standard conform // wireless device by sending SIOCGIWESSID // which also gives back the Extended Service Set ID // (see IEEE 802.11 for more information) const char* iname = interface.latin1(); strcpy( iwr.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name, (const char *)iname ); if ( 0 == ioctl( fd, SIOCGIWESSID, &iwr ) ) hasWirelessExtensions = true; } /** * @return QString the station name of the access point. */ QString WExtensions::station(){ if(!hasWirelessExtensions) return QString(); const char* buffer[200]; iwr.u.data.pointer = (caddr_t) buffer; iwr.u.data.length = IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE; iwr.u.data.flags = 0; if ( 0 == ioctl( fd, SIOCGIWNICKN, &iwr )){ iwr.u.data.pointer[(unsigned int) iwr.u.data.length-1] = '\0'; return QString(iwr.u.data.pointer); } return QString(); } /** * @return QString the essid of the host 802.11 access point. */ QString WExtensions::essid(){ if(!hasWirelessExtensions) return QString(); if ( 0 == ioctl( fd, SIOCGIWESSID, &iwr )){ iwr.u.essid.pointer[(unsigned int) iwr.u.essid.length] = '\0'; return QString(iwr.u.essid.pointer); } return QString(); } /** * @return QString the mode of interface */ QString WExtensions::mode(){ if(!hasWirelessExtensions) return QString(); if ( 0 == ioctl( fd, SIOCGIWMODE, &iwr ) ) return QString("%1").arg(iwr.u.mode == IW_MODE_ADHOC ? "Ad-Hoc" : "Managed"); return QString(); } /** * Get the frequency that the interface is running at. * @return int the frequency that the interfacae is running at. */ double WExtensions::frequency(){ if(!hasWirelessExtensions) return 0; if ( 0 == ioctl( fd, SIOCGIWFREQ, &iwr )) return (double( iwr.u.freq.m ) * pow( 10, iwr.u.freq.e ) / 1000000000); return 0; } /** * Get the channel that the interface is running at. * @return int the channel that the interfacae is running at. */ int WExtensions::channel(){ if(!hasWirelessExtensions) return 0; if ( 0 != ioctl( fd, SIOCGIWFREQ, &iwr )) return 0; // http://www.elanix.com/pdf/an137e.pdf double num = (double( iwr.u.freq.m ) * pow( 10, iwr.u.freq.e ) / 1000000000); double left = 2.401; double right = 2.416; for(int channel = 1; channel<= 15; channel++){ if( num >= left && num <= right ) return channel; left += 0.005; right += 0.005; } qDebug(QString("Unknown frequency: %1, returning -1 for the channel.").arg(num).latin1()); return -1; } /*** * Get the current rate that the card is transmiting at. * @return double the rate, 0 if error. */ double WExtensions::rate(){ if(!hasWirelessExtensions) return 0; if(0 == ioctl(fd, SIOCGIWRATE, &iwr)){ return ((double)iwr.u.bitrate.value)/1000000; } return 0; } /** * @return QString the AccessPoint that the interface is connected to. */ QString WExtensions::ap(){ if(!hasWirelessExtensions) return QString(); if ( 0 == ioctl( fd, SIOCGIWAP, &iwr )){ QString ap; ap = ap.sprintf( "%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X:%.2X", iwr.u.ap_addr.sa_data[0]&0xff, iwr.u.ap_addr.sa_data[1]&0xff, iwr.u.ap_addr.sa_data[2]&0xff, iwr.u.ap_addr.sa_data[3]&0xff, iwr.u.ap_addr.sa_data[4]&0xff, iwr.u.ap_addr.sa_data[5]&0xff ); return ap; } else return QString(); } /** * Get the stats for interfaces * @param signal the signal strength of interface * @param noise the noise level of the interface * @param quality the quality level of the interface - * @return bool true if successfull + * @return bool true if successful */ bool WExtensions::stats(int &signal, int &noise, int &quality){ // gather link quality from /proc/net/wireless if(!QFile::exists(PROCNETWIRELESS)) return false; char c; QString status; QString name; QFile wfile( PROCNETWIRELESS ); if(!wfile.open( IO_ReadOnly )) return false; QTextStream wstream( &wfile ); wstream.readLine(); // skip the first two lines wstream.readLine(); // because they only contain headers while(!wstream.atEnd()){ wstream >> name >> status >> quality >> c >> signal >> c >> noise; if(name == QString("%1:").arg(interface)){ if ( quality > 92 ) qDebug( "WIFIAPPLET: D'oh! Quality %d > estimated max!\n", quality ); if ( ( signal > IW_UPPER ) || ( signal < IW_LOWER ) ) qDebug( "WIFIAPPLET: Doh! Strength %d > estimated max!\n", signal ); if ( ( noise > IW_UPPER ) || ( noise < IW_LOWER ) ) qDebug( "WIFIAPPLET: Doh! Noise %d > estimated max!\n", noise ); //qDebug(QString("q:%1, s:%2, n:%3").arg(quality).arg(signal).arg(noise).latin1()); signal = ( ( signal-IW_LOWER ) * 100 ) / IW_UPPER; noise = ( ( noise-IW_LOWER ) * 100 ) / IW_UPPER; quality = ( quality*100 ) / 92; return true; } } qDebug("WExtensions::statsCard no longer present."); quality = -1; signal = IW_LOWER; noise = IW_LOWER; return false; } // wextensions.cpp diff --git a/noncore/settings/networksettings/wlan/wlanmodule.cpp b/noncore/settings/networksettings/wlan/wlanmodule.cpp index b4c3509..07bf73f 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/networksettings/wlan/wlanmodule.cpp +++ b/noncore/settings/networksettings/wlan/wlanmodule.cpp @@ -1,252 +1,252 @@ #include "wlanmodule.h" #include "wlanimp2.h" #include "infoimp.h" #include "wextensions.h" #include "interfaceinformationimp.h" #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qprogressbar.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> /** * Constructor, find all of the possible interfaces */ WLANModule::WLANModule() : Module(), wlanconfigWiget(0) { } /** * Delete any interfaces that we own. */ WLANModule::~WLANModule(){ Interface *i; for ( i=list.first(); i != 0; i=list.next() ) delete i; } /** * Change the current profile */ void WLANModule::setProfile(const QString &newProfile){ profile = newProfile; } /** * get the icon name for this device. * @param Interface* can be used in determining the icon. * @return QString the icon name (minus .png, .gif etc) */ QString WLANModule::getPixmapName(Interface* ){ return "wlan"; } /** * Check to see if the interface i is owned by this module. * @param Interface* interface to check against * @return bool true if i is owned by this module, false otherwise. */ bool WLANModule::isOwner(Interface *i){ WExtensions we(i->getInterfaceName()); if(!we.doesHaveWirelessExtensions()) return false; i->setHardwareName("802.11b"); list.append(i); return true; } /** * Create, and return the WLANConfigure Module * @return QWidget* pointer to this modules configure. */ QWidget *WLANModule::configure(Interface *i){ WLANImp *wlanconfig = new WLANImp(0, "WlanConfig", i, true, Qt::WDestructiveClose); wlanconfig->setProfile(profile); return wlanconfig; } /** * Create, and return the Information Module * @return QWidget* pointer to this modules info. */ QWidget *WLANModule::information(Interface *i){ WExtensions we(i->getInterfaceName()); if(!we.doesHaveWirelessExtensions()) return NULL; return getInfo( i ); } /** * Get all active (up or down) interfaces * @return QList<Interface> A list of interfaces that exsist that havn't * been called by isOwner() */ QList<Interface> WLANModule::getInterfaces(){ return list; } /** * Attempt to add a new interface as defined by name * @param name the name of the type of interface that should be created given * by possibleNewInterfaces(); * @return Interface* NULL if it was unable to be created. */ Interface *WLANModule::addNewInterface(const QString &){ // We can't add a 802.11 interface, either the hardware will be there // or it wont. return NULL; } /** * Attempts to remove the interface, doesn't delete i - * @return bool true if successfull, false otherwise. + * @return bool true if successful, false otherwise. */ bool WLANModule::remove(Interface*){ // Can't remove a hardware device, you can stop it though. return false; } void WLANModule::receive(const QCString ¶m, const QByteArray &arg) { qDebug("WLANModule::receive "+param); QStringList params = QStringList::split(",",param); int count = params.count(); qDebug("WLANModule got %i params", count ); if (count < 2){ qDebug("Erorr less than 2 parameter"); qDebug("RETURNING"); return; } QDataStream stream(arg,IO_ReadOnly); QString interface; QString action; int countMsgs = 0; stream >> interface; qDebug("got count? >%s<",interface.latin1()); if (interface == "count"){ qDebug("got count"); stream >> action; qDebug("Got count num >%s<", action.latin1()); countMsgs = action.toInt(); } QDialog *toShow; //while (! stream.atEnd() ){ for (int i = 0; i < countMsgs; i++){ qDebug("start stream %d/%d",i,countMsgs); if (stream.atEnd()){ qDebug("end of stream"); return; } stream >> interface; qDebug("got iface"); stream >> action; qDebug("WLANModule got interface %s and acion %s", interface.latin1(), action.latin1()); // find interfaces Interface *ifa=0; for ( Interface *i=list.first(); i != 0; i=list.next() ){ if (i->getInterfaceName() == interface){ qDebug("WLANModule found interface %s",interface.latin1()); ifa = i; } } if (ifa == 0){ qDebug("WLANModule Did not find %s",interface.latin1()); qDebug("skipping"); count = 0; } if (count == 2){ // those should call the interface directly QWidget *info = getInfo( ifa ); info->showMaximized(); if ( action.contains("start" ) ){ ifa->start(); } else if ( action.contains("restart" ) ){ ifa->restart(); } else if ( action.contains("stop" ) ){ ifa->stop(); }else if ( action.contains("refresh" ) ){ ifa->refresh(); } }else if (count == 3){ QString value; if (!wlanconfigWiget){ //FIXME: what if it got closed meanwhile? wlanconfigWiget = (WLANImp*) configure(ifa); toShow = (QDialog*) wlanconfigWiget; } wlanconfigWiget->showMaximized(); stream >> value; qDebug("WLANModule (build 4) is setting %s of %s to %s", action.latin1(), interface.latin1(), value.latin1() ); if (value.isEmpty()){ qDebug("value is empty!!!\nreturning"); return; } if ( action.contains("ESSID") ){ QComboBox *combo = wlanconfigWiget->essid; bool found = false; for ( int i = 0; i < combo->count(); i++) if ( combo->text( i ) == value ){ combo->setCurrentItem( i ); found = true; } if (!found) combo->insertItem( value, 0 ); }else if ( action.contains("Mode") ){ QComboBox *combo = wlanconfigWiget->mode; for ( int i = 0; i < combo->count(); i++) if ( combo->text( i ) == value ){ combo->setCurrentItem( i ); } }else if (action.contains("Channel")){ bool ok; qDebug("converting channel"); int chan = value.toInt( &ok ); if (ok){ qDebug("ok setting channel"); wlanconfigWiget->specifyChan->setChecked( true ); wlanconfigWiget->networkChannel->setValue( chan ); } }else if (action.contains("MacAddr")){ wlanconfigWiget->specifyAp->setChecked( true ); wlanconfigWiget->macEdit->setText( value ); }else qDebug("wlan plugin has no clue"); } qDebug("next stream"); }// while stream qDebug("end of stream"); if (toShow) toShow->exec(); qDebug("returning"); } QWidget *WLANModule::getInfo( Interface *i) { qDebug("WLANModule::getInfo start"); WlanInfoImp *info = new WlanInfoImp(0, i->getInterfaceName(), Qt::WDestructiveClose); InterfaceInformationImp *information = new InterfaceInformationImp(info->tabWidget, "InterfaceSetupImp", i); info->tabWidget->insertTab(information, "TCP/IP", 0); info->tabWidget->setCurrentPage( 0 ); info->tabWidget->showPage( information ); if (info->tabWidget->currentPage() == information ) qDebug("infotab OK"); else qDebug("infotab NOT OK"); qDebug("current idx %d", info->tabWidget->currentPageIndex()); qDebug("WLANModule::getInfo return"); return info; } diff --git a/noncore/settings/tabmanager/tabmanager.cpp b/noncore/settings/tabmanager/tabmanager.cpp index c9d7aed..ff5957c 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/tabmanager/tabmanager.cpp +++ b/noncore/settings/tabmanager/tabmanager.cpp @@ -1,508 +1,508 @@ #include "tabmanager.h" #include "app.h" #include "wait.h" #include "tabapplnk.h" #include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qheader.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #define HOME_APP_DIR QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/apps" #define HOME_APP_INSTALL_DIR "/usr/lib/ipkg/info" #define NEW_FOLDER "EmptyTab" #define NEW_APPLICATION "NewApp" #define APPLICATION_EXTENSION ".desktop" #define APPLICATION_EXTENSION_LENGTH 8 /** * Constructor. Sets up signals. Performs initial scan of applications * and tabs */ TabManager::TabManager( QWidget* parent, const char* name):TabManagerBase(parent, name), changed(false), application(NULL){ rescanFolder(HOME_APP_DIR); // Connect the signals and slots connect(tabList, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem *)), this, SLOT(editItem(QListViewItem*))); (tabList->header())->hide(); connect(tabList, SIGNAL(moveItem(QListViewItem *, QListViewItem *)), this, SLOT(moveApplication(QListViewItem *, QListViewItem *))); } /** * If anything in the tab's have been changed then update the system or alert * the user. */ TabManager::~TabManager(){ if(changed){ // Prompt. //int answer = QMessageBox::warning(this, "Message", "Should your desktop be","Yes", "Cancel", 0, 1 ); //if (answer) // return; QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)"); QString link; //we'll just send an empty string e << link; } } /** * Scans root directory for any tabs or applications. Will recursivly go down, * but will not follow symlinks. * @param directory - the directory to look in. * @param parent - the parent to place any new tabs or apps into. If parent is * NULL then the item is a tab and should be placed as a child of the window. */ void TabManager::rescanFolder(QString directory, QListViewItem* parent){ //qDebug(QString("rescanFolder: ") + directory.latin1()); QDir d; d.setPath(directory); // Show hidden files for .directories d.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden | QDir::Dirs); const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList(); QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); // create list iterator QFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { // for each file... // If it is a dir and not .. or . then add it as a tab and go down. if(fi->isDir()){ if(fi->fileName() != ".." && fi->fileName() != ".") { QListViewItem* newItem; if(!parent) newItem = new QListViewItem(tabList, fi->fileName()); else newItem = new QListViewItem(parent, fi->fileName()); itemList.insert(newItem, directory + "/" + fi->fileName() + "/.directory" ); rescanFolder(directory + "/" + fi->fileName(), newItem); } } else{ // it is a file, if not a .directory add to parent. // Change parents name and icon to reflect icon. if(fi->fileName() == ".directory"){ AppLnk app(directory + "/" + fi->fileName()); if(parent){ parent->setPixmap(0,app.pixmap()); parent->setText(0, app.name()); } } else{ // Add any desktop files found. QListViewItem* newItem; if(directory != HOME_APP_DIR){ if(!parent) newItem = new QListViewItem(tabList, fi->fileName()); else newItem = new QListViewItem(parent, fi->fileName()); if(fi->fileName().right(APPLICATION_EXTENSION_LENGTH) == APPLICATION_EXTENSION){ AppLnk app(directory + "/" + fi->fileName()); newItem->setPixmap(0,app.pixmap()); newItem->setText(0, app.name()); itemList.insert(newItem, directory + "/" + fi->fileName()); } } } } ++it; // goto next list element } } /** * Create a new blank Tab. * Create a physical folder with .directory file * Create a item on the list */ void TabManager::newFolder(){ QDir r; r.mkdir(QString(HOME_APP_DIR) + "/" + NEW_FOLDER); system((QString("echo [Desktop Entry] | cat >> ") + HOME_APP_DIR + "/" + NEW_FOLDER "/.directory").latin1()); system((QString("echo Name=" NEW_FOLDER " | cat >> ") + HOME_APP_DIR + "/" + NEW_FOLDER "/.directory").latin1()); QString homeLocation = QString(HOME_APP_DIR) + "/" + NEW_FOLDER + "/.directory"; QListViewItem *newItem = new QListViewItem(tabList, NEW_FOLDER); itemList.insert(newItem, homeLocation ); // We have changed something. changed = true; } /** * Create a new blank application * Make sure a tab is selected * create physical file * fill file with default information (entry, name, type). */ void TabManager::newApplication(){ QListViewItem *item = tabList->currentItem(); if(!item || item->parent()) return; QString parentDir = itemList[item].mid(0,itemList[item].length()-11); QString homeLocation = parentDir + "/" NEW_APPLICATION APPLICATION_EXTENSION; system((QString("echo [Desktop Entry] | cat >> ") + homeLocation).latin1()); system((QString("echo Name=" NEW_APPLICATION " | cat >> ") + homeLocation).latin1()); int slash = parentDir.findRev('/', -1); QString folderName = parentDir.mid(slash+1, parentDir.length()); system((QString("echo Type=") + folderName + " | cat >> " + homeLocation).latin1()); // Insert into the tree QListViewItem *newItem = new QListViewItem(item, NEW_APPLICATION); itemList.insert(newItem, homeLocation ); // We have changed something. changed = true; } /** * Remove the item. * Check if we can * Prompt user * Delete physical file (Dir, remove .dir, then dir. File, remove file) * Remove from installer if need too. */ void TabManager::removeItem(){ // Make sure we can delete QListViewItem *item = tabList->currentItem(); if(!item) return; if(item->childCount() > 0){ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Message"), tr("Can't remove with applications\nstill in the group."), tr("Ok") ); return; } // Prompt. int answer = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Message"), tr("Are you sure you want to delete?"), tr("Yes"), tr("Cancel"), 0, 1 ); if (answer) return; - bool removeSuccessfull = true; + bool removeSuccessful = true; QString location = itemList[item]; // Remove file (.directory in a Directory case) if(!QFile::remove(location)) - removeSuccessfull = false; + removeSuccessful = false; // Remove directory if(item->parent() == NULL){ // Remove .directory file string location = location.mid(0,location.length()-10); QDir dir; if(!dir.rmdir(location)) - removeSuccessfull = false; + removeSuccessful = false; else - removeSuccessfull = true; + removeSuccessful = true; } // If removing failed. - if(!removeSuccessfull){ + if(!removeSuccessful){ qDebug((QString("removeItem: ") + location).latin1()); QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Message"), tr("Can't remove."), tr("Ok") ); return; } // Remove from the installer so it wont fail. // Don't need to do this sense the current install uses rm -f so no error // Remove from the gui list. itemList.remove(item); if(item->parent()) item->parent()->takeItem(item); delete item; // We have changed something. changed = true; } /** * Helper function. Edits the current item. * calls editItem with the currently selected item. */ void TabManager::editCurrentItem(){ editItem(tabList->currentItem()); } /** * Edit the item that is passed in. * Show application dialog and if anything changed * @param item the item to edit. */ void TabManager::editItem( QListViewItem * item){ if(!item) return; TabAppLnk app(itemList[item]); if(!app.isValid()){ qDebug(QString("editItem: Not a valid applnk file: ") + itemList[item].latin1()); return; } // Fill with all of the icons if(!application){ Wait waitDialog(this, "Wait dialog"); waitDialog.waitLabel->setText(tr("Gathering icons...")); waitDialog.show(); qApp->processEvents(); application = new AppEdit(this, "Application edit", true); QDir d(QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "/pics/"); d.setFilter( QDir::Files); const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList(); QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); // create list iterator QFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { // for each file... QString fileName = fi->fileName(); if(fileName.right(4) == ".png"){ fileName = fileName.mid(0,fileName.length()-4); QPixmap imageOfFile(Resource::loadPixmap(fileName)); QImage foo = imageOfFile.convertToImage(); foo = foo.smoothScale(16,16); imageOfFile.convertFromImage(foo); application->iconLineEdit->insertItem(imageOfFile,fileName); } //qDebug(fi->fileName().latin1()); ++it; } waitDialog.hide(); } int pixmap = -1; QString pixmapText = app.pixmapString(); QComboBox *f = application->iconLineEdit; for(int i = 0; i < application->iconLineEdit->count(); i++){ if(f->text(i) == pixmapText){ pixmap = i; break; } } if(pixmap != -1) application->iconLineEdit->setCurrentItem(pixmap); else if(pixmapText.isEmpty()){ application->iconLineEdit->setCurrentItem(0); } else{ QPixmap imageOfFile(Resource::loadPixmap(pixmapText)); QImage foo = imageOfFile.convertToImage(); foo = foo.smoothScale(16,16); imageOfFile.convertFromImage(foo); application->iconLineEdit->insertItem(imageOfFile,pixmapText,0); application->iconLineEdit->setCurrentItem(0); } application->nameLineEdit->setText(app.name()); application->execLineEdit->setText(app.exec()); application->commentLineEdit->setText(app.comment()); if(item->parent() == NULL){ application->execLineEdit->setEnabled(false); application->TextLabel3->setEnabled(false); application->setCaption(tr("Tab")); } else{ application->execLineEdit->setEnabled(true); application->TextLabel3->setEnabled(true); application->setCaption(tr("Application")); } // Only do somthing if they hit OK application->showMaximized(); if(application->exec() == 0) return; // If nothing has changed exit (hmmm why did they hit ok?) if(app.name() == application->nameLineEdit->text() && app.pixmapString() == application->iconLineEdit->currentText() && app.comment() == application->commentLineEdit->text() && app.exec() == application->execLineEdit->text()) return; // Change the applnk file QString oldName = app.name(); app.setName(application->nameLineEdit->text()); app.setIcon(application->iconLineEdit->currentText()); app.setComment(application->commentLineEdit->text()); app.setExec(application->execLineEdit->text()); if(!app.writeLink()){ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Message"), "Can't save.", tr("Ok") ); return; } // Update the gui icon and name item->setText(0,app.name()); item->setPixmap(0,app.pixmap()); // We have changed something. changed = true; // If we were dealing with a new folder or new application change // the file names. Also change the item location in itemList if(oldName == NEW_FOLDER){ QDir r; QString oldName = itemList[item]; oldName = oldName.mid(0,oldName.length()-11); QString newName = oldName.mid(0,oldName.length()-9); newName = newName + "/" + app.name(); r.rename(oldName, newName); itemList.remove(item); itemList.insert(item, newName + "/.directory" ); } else if(oldName == NEW_APPLICATION){ if(!item->parent()) return; QString parentDir = itemList[item->parent()]; QDir r; QString oldName = itemList[item]; QString newName = oldName.mid(0, parentDir.length()-10); newName = newName + app.name() + APPLICATION_EXTENSION; r.rename(oldName, newName); itemList.remove(item); itemList.insert(item, newName); } } /** * Move an application from one directory to another. * Move in the gui, move in the applnk file, move in the installer. * @param item the application to move * @pearam newGroup the new parent of this application */ void TabManager::moveApplication(QListViewItem *item, QListViewItem *newGroup){ // Can we even move it? if(!item || !item->parent() || newGroup->parent()) return; if(item->parent() == newGroup) return; // Get the new folder, new file name, QString newFolder = itemList[newGroup]; newFolder = newFolder.mid(0,newFolder.length()-11); int slash = newFolder.findRev('/', -1); QString folderName = newFolder.mid(slash+1, newFolder.length()); QString desktopFile = itemList[item]; slash = desktopFile.findRev('/', -1); desktopFile = desktopFile.mid(slash, desktopFile.length()); newFolder = newFolder + desktopFile; // Move file QDir r; if(!r.rename(itemList[item], newFolder)){ QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Message"), "Can't move application.", tr("Ok") ); return; } //qDebug((QString("moveApplication: ") + itemList[item]).latin1()); //qDebug((QString("moveApplication: ") + newFolder).latin1()); // Move in the gui item->parent()->takeItem(item); newGroup->insertItem(item); newGroup->setOpen(true); // Move file in the installer QString installedAppFile; if(findInstalledApplication(desktopFile, installedAppFile)) swapInstalledLocation(installedAppFile, desktopFile, newFolder); else qDebug("moveApplication: No installed app found for dekstop file"); // Move application type AppLnk app(newFolder); app.setType(folderName); app.writeLink(); // Move in our internal list itemList.remove(item); itemList.insert(item, newFolder); // We have changed something. changed = true; } /** * File the installed application that has this desktop file. * Go through each file in HOME_APP_INSTALL_DIR and see if it contains desktop * file * @param desktopFile - the .desktop file to search for [foo.desktop] * @param installedAppFile - location of the app install list - * @return true if successfull, false if file not found. + * @return true if successful, false if file not found. */ bool TabManager::findInstalledApplication(QString desktopFile, QString &installedAppFile){ QDir d; d.setPath(HOME_APP_INSTALL_DIR); d.setFilter( QDir::Files ); const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList(); QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); // create list iterator QFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { // for each file... QFile file(QString(HOME_APP_INSTALL_DIR) + "/" + fi->fileName()); if ( file.open(IO_ReadOnly) ) { // file opened successfully QTextStream stream( &file ); // use a text stream QString line; while ( !stream.eof() ) { // until end of file... line = stream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' if(line.contains(desktopFile)){ installedAppFile = QString(HOME_APP_INSTALL_DIR) + "/" + fi->fileName(); file.close(); return true; } } file.close(); } else qDebug((QString("findInstalledApplication: Can't open file") + HOME_APP_INSTALL_DIR + "/" + fi->fileName()).latin1()); ++it; // goto next list element } return false; } /** * Open a file and replace a file containing the old desktop file with the new. * @param installedAppFile application installed list * @param desktopFile old .desktop file * @param newLocation new .desktop file */ void TabManager::swapInstalledLocation( QString installedAppFile, QString desktopFile, QString newLocation ){ QFile file(installedAppFile); if ( !file.open(IO_ReadOnly) ){ qDebug(QString("swapInstalledLocation: Can't edit file: %1").arg(installedAppFile).latin1()); return; } QTextStream stream( &file ); // use a text stream QString allLines; while ( !stream.eof() ) { // until end of file... QString line = stream.readLine(); // line of text excluding '\n' if(line.contains(desktopFile)) allLines += newLocation; else allLines += line; allLines += '\n'; } file.close(); if ( !file.open(IO_ReadWrite) ){ qDebug(QString("swapInstalledLocation: Can't edit file: %1").arg(installedAppFile).latin1()); return; } QTextStream streamOut( &file ); streamOut << allLines; file.close(); } // tabmanager.cpp diff --git a/noncore/unsupported/mail2/TODO b/noncore/unsupported/mail2/TODO index 4bc434f..3c83fdd 100644 --- a/noncore/unsupported/mail2/TODO +++ b/noncore/unsupported/mail2/TODO @@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ Mail TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- General stuff: - This program needs a name! - If password is empty, ask for it during fetch. - Check if all necessary fields in AccoundEditor are filled. - Seperate Sending and Recieving in configuration. Protocol related: - The IMAP implentation is kinda strange and slow. - The SMTP implentation is goddamn strange. - POP3 support would be nice. - NNTP would be kinda neat, too. - Implent a plugin system. Security related: - GnuPG support. This will require a seperate gpg managing utility in the settings tab. - sMIME? maybe in the distant future. - Integrated SSH tunneling. Mail management: - Header caching - Sieve filtering support? - Enqueueing/Draft support both on the IMAP server and local. Testing: I'm using the courier-imap server at my developement site. I didn't have much opportunity to test on other servers. Giving me test-accounts on other - servers would be helpfull. + servers would be helpful. If you want something added, drop a mail. Comments are always welcome. diff --git a/noncore/unsupported/mail2/folderwidget.cpp b/noncore/unsupported/mail2/folderwidget.cpp index 6c36e92..d27968b 100644 --- a/noncore/unsupported/mail2/folderwidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/unsupported/mail2/folderwidget.cpp @@ -1,314 +1,314 @@ #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qheader.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "folderwidget.h" #include "imaphandler.h" #include "imapbase.h" #include "rename.h" FolderWidgetItem::FolderWidgetItem(Folder &folder, QListView *parent) : QListViewItem(parent), _folder(folder) { setPixmap(0, QPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap("mail/inbox"))); setText(0, _folder.topFolder().account().user() + " (" + _folder.topFolder().account().imapServer() + ")"); setOpen(true); } FolderWidgetItem::FolderWidgetItem(Folder &folder, FolderWidgetItem *parent) : QListViewItem(parent), _folder(folder) { if (_folder.noCache()) { setText(0, QObject::tr("<Foldertree not known.>")); } else { if (folder.fullName().upper() == "INBOX") { setPixmap(0, QPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap("mail/inbox"))); setText(0, QObject::tr("Inbox")); } else { setPixmap(0, QPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap("mail/folder"))); setText(0, folder.fullName()); } setOpen(true); } } FolderWidget::FolderWidget(QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl) : ListViewPlus(parent, name, fl) { header()->hide(); addColumn(""); setSorting(-1); QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu(); menu->insertItem(tr("Rename"), MENU_RENAME); menu->insertItem(tr("Delete"), MENU_DELETE); menu->insertItem(tr("Move"), MENU_MOVE); menu->insertItem(tr("Copy"), MENU_COPY); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem(tr("Create folder"), MENU_CREATE); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem(tr("Rescan folder list"), MENU_RESCAN); setPopup(menu); getAccounts(); connect(menu, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotMenuActivated(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem *)), SLOT(slotItemClicked(QListViewItem *))); } FolderWidget::~FolderWidget() { // TODO: Save folder tree. } void FolderWidget::update() { getAccounts(); } void FolderWidget::getAccounts() { clear(); QValueList<Account> accounts = ConfigFile::getAccounts(); QValueList<Account>::Iterator it; for (it = accounts.begin(); it != accounts.end(); it++) { FolderWidgetItem *item = addAccount(*it); QFile f((QString) getenv("HOME") + "/Applications/mail/foldercache/foldercache-" + (*it).accountName()); if (!f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { Folder folder; folder.setNoCache(true); addFolder(folder, item); } else { QTextStream t(&f); while (!t.atEnd()) { QString separator = t.readLine(); QString fullname = t.readLine(); Folder folder; folder.setSeparator(separator); folder.setFullName(fullname); folder.setTopFolder(item->folder().topFolder()); addFolder(folder, item); } f.close(); } } } FolderWidgetItem *FolderWidget::addAccount(Account &account) { TopFolder tf; tf.setAccount(account); // XXX This has to change!!! The folderwidget may not create an // XXX IMAPHandler!!!! Do this in IMAPHandler! tf.setIMAPHandler(new IMAPHandler(account)); Folder folder; folder.setTopFolder(tf); connect(tf.handler(), SIGNAL(IMAPLookingUpHost()), SLOT(slotIMAPLookingUpHost())); connect(tf.handler(), SIGNAL(IMAPHostFound()), SLOT(slotIMAPHostFound())); connect(tf.handler(), SIGNAL(IMAPConnected()), SLOT(slotIMAPConnected())); connect(tf.handler(), SIGNAL(IMAPDisconnected()), SLOT(slotIMAPDisconnected())); connect(tf.handler(), SIGNAL(IMAPError(int)), SLOT(slotIMAPError(int))); return new FolderWidgetItem(folder, this); } FolderWidgetItem *FolderWidget::addFolder(Folder &folder, FolderWidgetItem *folderWidgetItem) { return new FolderWidgetItem(folder, folderWidgetItem); } void FolderWidget::slotMenuActivated(int itemid) { if (currentItem() == NULL) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>Please select an item first.</p>"), tr("Ok")); return; } if (itemid == MENU_RENAME) { if (((FolderWidgetItem *)currentItem())->folder().fullName().isEmpty()) return; Folder folder = ((FolderWidgetItem *)currentItem())->folder(); QString newName = Rename::rename(folder.fullName(), this); if (newName.isNull()) return; folder.topFolder().handler()->iRename(folder.fullName(), newName); connect(folder.topFolder().handler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), SLOT(slotIMAPRename(IMAPResponse &))); } else if (itemid == MENU_DELETE) { if (((FolderWidgetItem *)currentItem())->folder().fullName().isEmpty()) return; Folder folder = ((FolderWidgetItem *)currentItem())->folder(); int ret = QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Question"), tr("<p>Do you really want to delete <pre>%1</pre>?").arg(folder.fullName()), tr("Yes"), tr("No")); if (ret == 1) return; _createFolder = folder; folder.topFolder().handler()->iDelete(folder.fullName()); connect(folder.topFolder().handler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), SLOT(slotIMAPDelete(IMAPResponse &))); } else if (itemid == MENU_MOVE) { } else if (itemid == MENU_COPY) { } else if (itemid == MENU_CREATE) { Folder folder = (((FolderWidgetItem *)currentItem())->folder()); _createFolder = folder; QString folderName = Rename::getText(tr("Foldername"), tr("<p>Please enter the name of the new folder.</p>"), this); if (folderName.isNull()) return; folder.topFolder().handler()->iCreate(folder.fullName() + folder.separator() + folderName); connect(folder.topFolder().handler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), SLOT(slotIMAPCreate(IMAPResponse &))); } else if (itemid == MENU_RESCAN) { Folder folder = (((FolderWidgetItem *)currentItem())->folder()); _rescanAccount = folder.topFolder().account(); folder.topFolder().handler()->iList("", "*"); connect(folder.topFolder().handler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), SLOT(slotIMAPList(IMAPResponse &))); } } void FolderWidget::slotItemClicked(QListViewItem *item) { if (item == NULL) return; Folder folder = ((FolderWidgetItem *)item)->folder(); if (folder.fullName().isEmpty()) return; emit folderSelected(folder); } void FolderWidget::slotIMAPLookingUpHost() { emit status(tr("Looking up host...")); emit connecting(); } void FolderWidget::slotIMAPHostFound() { emit status(tr("Host found.")); } void FolderWidget::slotIMAPConnected() { emit status(tr("Connected to host.")); emit connected(); } void FolderWidget::slotIMAPError(int error) { if (error == IMAPBase::IMAPErrConnectionRefused) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>The IMAP connection was refused.</p>"), tr("Ok")); } else if (error == IMAPBase::IMAPErrHostNotFound) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>The host was not found.</p>"), tr("Ok")); } else if (error == IMAPBase::IMAPErrSocketRead) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>There was an error while reading from the socket.</p>"), tr("Ok")); } else if (error == IMAPBase::IMAPErrLoginFailed) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>Login failed. Check your password/username.</p>"), tr("Ok")); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>An unknown error was encountered.</p>"), tr("Ok")); } } void FolderWidget::slotIMAPDisconnected() { emit status(tr("Disconnected.")); emit disconnected(); } void FolderWidget::slotIMAPLogin(IMAPResponse &response) { disconnect(response.imapHandler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), this, SLOT(slotIMAPLogin(IMAPResponse &))); if (response.statusResponse().status() == IMAPResponseEnums::OK) { - emit status(tr("Login successfull!")); + emit status(tr("Login successful!")); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>Login failed. Go away.</p>"), tr("Ok")); } } void FolderWidget::slotIMAPRename(IMAPResponse &response) { disconnect(response.imapHandler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), this, SLOT(slotIMAPRename(IMAPResponse &))); if (response.statusResponse().status() == IMAPResponseEnums::OK) { - emit status(tr("Renaming successfull!")); + emit status(tr("Renaming successful!")); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>Renaming failed. (Server said: %1)</p>").arg(response.statusResponse().comment()), tr("Ok")); } } void FolderWidget::slotIMAPDelete(IMAPResponse &response) { disconnect(response.imapHandler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), this, SLOT(slotIMAPDelete(IMAPResponse &))); if (response.statusResponse().status() == IMAPResponseEnums::OK) { - emit status(tr("Deletion successfull!")); + emit status(tr("Deletion successful!")); _rescanAccount = _createFolder.topFolder().account(); _createFolder.topFolder().handler()->iList(".", "*"); connect(_createFolder.topFolder().handler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), SLOT(slotIMAPList(IMAPResponse &))); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>Delete failed. (Server said: %1)</p>").arg(response.statusResponse().comment()), tr("Ok")); } } void FolderWidget::slotIMAPCreate(IMAPResponse &response) { disconnect(response.imapHandler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), this, SLOT(slotIMAPCreate(IMAPResponse &))); if (response.statusResponse().status() == IMAPResponseEnums::OK) { emit status(tr("Folder created. Rescanning...")); _rescanAccount = _createFolder.topFolder().account(); _createFolder.topFolder().handler()->iList(".", "*"); connect(_createFolder.topFolder().handler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), SLOT(slotIMAPList(IMAPResponse &))); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>The folder could not be created. (Server said: %1)</p>").arg(response.statusResponse().comment()), tr("Ok")); } } void FolderWidget::slotIMAPList(IMAPResponse &response) { disconnect(response.imapHandler(), SIGNAL(gotResponse(IMAPResponse &)), this, SLOT(slotIMAPList(IMAPResponse &))); if (response.statusResponse().status() == IMAPResponseEnums::OK) { QDir d((QString) getenv("HOME") + "/Applications/mail/foldercache"); if (!d.exists()) { system("mkdir -p $HOME/Applications/mail/foldercache"); qWarning("Created $HOME/Applications/mail/foldercache."); } QFile f((QString) getenv("HOME") + "/Applications/mail/foldercache/foldercache-" + _rescanAccount.accountName()); if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>Couldn't open folder cache file for writing!</p>"), tr("Ok")); return; } QTextStream t(&f); QValueList<IMAPResponseLIST>::Iterator it; QValueList<IMAPResponseLIST> lists = response.LIST(); for (it = lists.begin(); it != lists.end(); it++) { t << (*it).folderSeparator() << "\n"; t << (*it).folder() << "\n"; } f.close(); emit status(tr("Got folder list.")); getAccounts(); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>Couldn't retrieve the folder list. (Server said: %1)</p>").arg(response.statusResponse().comment()), tr("Ok")); } } diff --git a/qmake/generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp b/qmake/generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp index 8525058..b46005b 100644 --- a/qmake/generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp +++ b/qmake/generators/mac/pbuilder_pbx.cpp @@ -1,983 +1,983 @@ /**************************************************************************** ** $Id$ ** ** Definition of ________ class. ** ** Created : 970521 ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the network module of the Qt GUI Toolkit. ** ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition licenses may use this ** file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License Agreement provided ** with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "pbuilder_pbx.h" #include "option.h" #include <qdir.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX # include <sys/types.h> # include <sys/stat.h> #endif // Note: this is fairly hacky, but it does the job... ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator::ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator(QMakeProject *p) : UnixMakefileGenerator(p) { } bool ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(QTextStream &t) { if(!project->variables()["QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS"].isEmpty()) { /* for now just dump, I need to generated an empty xml or something.. */ fprintf(stderr, "Project file not generated because all requirements not met:\n\t%s\n", var("QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS").latin1()); return TRUE; } project->variables()["MAKEFILE"].clear(); project->variables()["MAKEFILE"].append("Makefile"); if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app" || project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") { return writeMakeParts(t); } else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") { writeSubdirs(t, FALSE); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator::writeMakeParts(QTextStream &t) { int i; QStringList tmp; bool did_preprocess = FALSE; //HEADER t << "// !$*UTF8*$!" << "\n" << "{" << "\n" << "\t" << "archiveVersion = 1;" << "\n" << "\t" << "classes = {" << "\n" << "\t" << "};" << "\n" << "\t" << "objectVersion = " << pbuilderVersion() << ";" << "\n" << "\t" << "objects = {" << endl; //MAKE QMAKE equivlant if(!project->isActiveConfig("no_autoqmake") && project->projectFile() != "(stdin)") { QString mkfile = pbx_dir + Option::dir_sep + "qt_makeqmake.mak"; QFile mkf(mkfile); if(mkf.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Translate)) { debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: Creating file: %s", mkfile.latin1()); QTextStream mkt(&mkf); writeHeader(mkt); mkt << "QMAKE = " << (project->isEmpty("QMAKE_QMAKE") ? QString("$(QTDIR)/bin/qmake") : var("QMAKE_QMAKE")) << endl; writeMakeQmake(mkt); mkf.close(); } QString phase_key = keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_MAKEQMAKE_BUILDPHASE"); mkfile = fileFixify(mkfile, QDir::currentDirPath()); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_BUILDPHASES"].append(phase_key); t << "\t\t" << phase_key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildActionMask = 2147483647;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "files = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "generatedFileNames = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"Qt Qmake\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "neededFileNames = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "shellPath = /bin/sh;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "shellScript = \"make -C " << QDir::currentDirPath() << " -f " << mkfile << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } //DUMP SOURCES QMap<QString, QStringList> groups; QString srcs[] = { "SOURCES", "SRCMOC", "UICIMPLS", QString::null }; for(i = 0; !srcs[i].isNull(); i++) { tmp = project->variables()[srcs[i]]; QStringList &src_list = project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_" + srcs[i]]; for(QStringList::Iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) { QString file = fileFixify((*it)); if(file.endsWith(Option::moc_ext)) continue; bool in_root = TRUE; QString src_key = keyFor(file); if(!project->isActiveConfig("flat")) { QString flat_file = fileFixify(file, QDir::currentDirPath(), Option::output_dir, TRUE); if(QDir::isRelativePath(flat_file) && flat_file.find(Option::dir_sep) != -1) { QString last_grp("QMAKE_PBX_" + srcs[i] + "_HEIR_GROUP"); QStringList dirs = QStringList::split(Option::dir_sep, flat_file); dirs.pop_back(); //remove the file portion as it will be added via src_key for(QStringList::Iterator dir_it = dirs.begin(); dir_it != dirs.end(); ++dir_it) { QString new_grp(last_grp + Option::dir_sep + (*dir_it)), new_grp_key(keyFor(new_grp)), last_grp_key(keyFor(last_grp)); if(dir_it == dirs.begin()) { if(!groups.contains(new_grp)) project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_" + srcs[i]].append(new_grp_key); } else { groups[last_grp] += new_grp_key; } last_grp = new_grp; } groups[last_grp] += src_key; in_root = FALSE; } } if(in_root) src_list.append(src_key); //source reference t << "\t\t" << src_key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXFileReference;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "path = \"" << file << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "refType = " << reftypeForFile(file) << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; //build reference QString obj_key = file + ".o"; obj_key = keyFor(obj_key); t << "\t\t" << obj_key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "fileRef = " << src_key << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXBuildFile;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "settings = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "ATTRIBUTES = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "};" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_OBJ"].append(obj_key); } if(!src_list.isEmpty()) { QString grp; if(srcs[i] == "SOURCES") { if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app" && !project->isEmpty("RC_FILE")) { //Icon QString icns_file = keyFor("ICNS_FILE"); src_list.append(icns_file); t << "\t\t" << icns_file << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXFileReference;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "path = \"" << project->first("RC_FILE") << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "refType = " << reftypeForFile(project->first("RC_FILE")) << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; t << "\t\t" << keyFor("ICNS_FILE_REFERENCE") << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "fileRef = " << icns_file << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXBuildFile;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "settings = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "};" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } grp = "Sources"; } else if(srcs[i] == "SRCMOC") { grp = "Mocables"; } else if(srcs[i] == "UICIMPLS") { grp = "UICables"; } QString grp_key = keyFor(grp); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_GROUPS"].append(grp_key); t << "\t\t" << grp_key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "children = (" << "\n" << varGlue("QMAKE_PBX_" + srcs[i], "\t\t\t\t", ",\n\t\t\t\t", "\n") << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXGroup;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = " << grp << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "refType = 4;" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } } for(QMap<QString, QStringList>::Iterator grp_it = groups.begin(); grp_it != groups.end(); ++grp_it) { t << "\t\t" << keyFor(grp_it.key()) << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXGroup;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "children = (" << "\n" << valGlue(grp_it.data(), "\t\t\t\t", ",\n\t\t\t\t", "\n") << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"" << grp_it.key().section(Option::dir_sep, -1) << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "refType = 4;" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } //PREPROCESS BUILDPHASE (just a makefile) if(!project->isEmpty("UICIMPLS") || !project->isEmpty("SRCMOC") || !project->isEmpty("YACCSOURCES") || !project->isEmpty("LEXSOURCES")) { QString mkfile = pbx_dir + Option::dir_sep + "qt_preprocess.mak"; QFile mkf(mkfile); if(mkf.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Translate)) { did_preprocess = TRUE; debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: Creating file: %s", mkfile.latin1()); QTextStream mkt(&mkf); writeHeader(mkt); mkt << "MOC = " << var("QMAKE_MOC") << endl; mkt << "UIC = " << var("QMAKE_UIC") << endl; mkt << "LEX = " << var("QMAKE_LEX") << endl; mkt << "LEXFLAGS = " << var("QMAKE_LEXFLAGS") << endl; mkt << "YACC = " << var("QMAKE_YACC") << endl; mkt << "YACCFLAGS = " << var("QMAKE_YACCFLAGS") << endl; mkt << "DEL_FILE = " << var("QMAKE_DEL_FILE") << endl; mkt << "MOVE = " << var("QMAKE_MOVE") << endl << endl; mkt << "FORMS = " << varList("UICIMPLS") << endl; mkt << "MOCS = " << varList("SRCMOC") << endl; mkt << "PARSERS ="; if(!project->isEmpty("YACCSOURCES")) { QStringList &yaccs = project->variables()["YACCSOURCES"]; for(QStringList::Iterator yit = yaccs.begin(); yit != yaccs.end(); ++yit) { QFileInfo fi((*yit)); mkt << " " << fi.dirPath() << Option::dir_sep << fi.baseName(TRUE) << Option::yacc_mod << Option::cpp_ext.first(); } } if(!project->isEmpty("LEXSOURCES")) { QStringList &lexs = project->variables()["LEXSOURCES"]; for(QStringList::Iterator lit = lexs.begin(); lit != lexs.end(); ++lit) { QFileInfo fi((*lit)); mkt << " " << fi.dirPath() << Option::dir_sep << fi.baseName(TRUE) << Option::lex_mod << Option::cpp_ext.first(); } } mkt << "\n"; mkt << "preprocess: $(FORMS) $(MOCS) $(PARSERS)" << endl; mkt << "preprocess_clean: mocclean uiclean parser_clean" << endl << endl; mkt << "mocclean:" << "\n"; if(!project->isEmpty("SRCMOC")) mkt << "\t-rm -f $(MOCS)" << "\n"; mkt << "uiclean:" << "\n"; if(!project->isEmpty("UICIMPLS")) mkt << "\t-rm -f $(FORMS)" << "\n"; mkt << "parser_clean:" << "\n"; if(!project->isEmpty("YACCSOURCES") || !project->isEmpty("LEXSOURCES")) mkt << "\t-rm -f $(PARSERS)" << "\n"; writeUicSrc(mkt, "FORMS"); writeMocSrc(mkt, "HEADERS"); writeMocSrc(mkt, "SOURCES"); writeMocSrc(mkt, "UICDECLS"); writeYaccSrc(mkt, "YACCSOURCES"); writeLexSrc(mkt, "LEXSOURCES"); mkf.close(); } QString target_key = keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_PREPROCESS_TARGET"); mkfile = fileFixify(mkfile, QDir::currentDirPath()); t << "\t\t" << target_key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildArgumentsString = \"-f " << mkfile << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildPhases = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildSettings = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "};" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildToolPath = \"/usr/bin/gnumake\";"<< "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildWorkingDirectory = \"" << QDir::currentDirPath() << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "dependencies = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXLegacyTarget;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = QtPreprocessors;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "productName = QtPreprocessors;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "settingsToExpand = 6;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "settingsToPassInEnvironment = 287;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "settingsToPassOnCommandLine = 280;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "shouldsUseHeadermap = 0;" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; QString target_depend_key = keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_PREPROCESS_TARGET_DEPEND"); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_TARGETDEPENDS"].append(target_depend_key); t << "\t\t" << target_depend_key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXTargetDependency;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "target = " << target_key << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } //SOURCE BUILDPHASE if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PBX_OBJ")) { QString grp = "Build Sources", key = keyFor(grp); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_BUILDPHASES"].append(key); t << "\t\t" << key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildActionMask = 2147483647;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "files = (" << "\n" << varGlue("QMAKE_PBX_OBJ", "\t\t\t\t", ",\n\t\t\t\t", "\n") << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"" << grp << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } if(!project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) { //DUMP LIBRARIES QStringList &libdirs = project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_LIBPATHS"]; QString libs[] = { "QMAKE_LIBDIR_FLAGS", "QMAKE_LIBS", QString::null }; for(i = 0; !libs[i].isNull(); i++) { tmp = project->variables()[libs[i]]; for(QStringList::Iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end();) { bool remove = FALSE; QString library, name, opt = (*it).stripWhiteSpace(); if(opt.startsWith("-L")) { QString r = opt.right(opt.length() - 2); fixEnvVariables(r); libdirs.append(r); } else if(opt.startsWith("-l")) { name = opt.right(opt.length() - 2); QString lib("lib" + name); for(QStringList::Iterator lit = libdirs.begin(); lit != libdirs.end(); ++lit) { if(project->isActiveConfig("link_prl")) { - /* This isn't real nice, but it is real usefull. This looks in a prl + /* This isn't real nice, but it is real useful. This looks in a prl for what the library will ultimately be called so we can stick it in the ProjectFile. If the prl format ever changes (not likely) then this will not really work. However, more concerning is that it will encode the version number in the Project file which might be a bad things in days to come? --Sam */ QString prl_file = (*lit) + Option::dir_sep + lib + Option::prl_ext; if(QFile::exists(prl_file)) { QMakeProject proj; if(proj.read(prl_file, QDir::currentDirPath())) { if(!proj.isEmpty("QMAKE_PRL_TARGET")) { library = (*lit) + Option::dir_sep + proj.first("QMAKE_PRL_TARGET"); debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: Found library (%s) via PRL %s (%s)", opt.latin1(), prl_file.latin1(), library.latin1()); remove = TRUE; } } } } if(!remove) { QString extns[] = { ".dylib", ".so", ".a", QString::null }; for(int n = 0; !remove && !extns[n].isNull(); n++) { QString tmp = (*lit) + Option::dir_sep + lib + extns[n]; if(QFile::exists(tmp)) { library = tmp; debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: Found library (%s) via %s", opt.latin1(), library.latin1()); remove = TRUE; } } } } } else if(opt == "-framework") { ++it; if(it == tmp.end()) break; QStringList &fdirs = project->variables()["QMAKE_FRAMEWORKDIR"]; if(fdirs.isEmpty()) fdirs.append("/System/Library/Frameworks/"); for(QStringList::Iterator fit = fdirs.begin(); fit != fdirs.end(); ++fit) { if(QFile::exists((*fit) + QDir::separator() + (*it) + ".framework")) { --it; it = tmp.remove(it); remove = TRUE; library = (*fit) + Option::dir_sep + (*it) + ".framework"; break; } } } else if(opt.left(1) != "-") { remove = TRUE; library = opt; } if(!library.isEmpty()) { if(name.isEmpty()) { int slsh = library.findRev(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) name = library.right(library.length() - slsh - 1); } library = fileFixify(library); QString key = keyFor(library); bool is_frmwrk = (library.endsWith(".framework")); t << "\t\t" << key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = " << (is_frmwrk ? "PBXFrameworkReference" : "PBXFileReference") << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"" << name << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "path = \"" << library << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "refType = " << reftypeForFile(library) << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_LIBRARIES"].append(key); QString obj_key = library + ".o"; obj_key = keyFor(obj_key); t << "\t\t" << obj_key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "fileRef = " << key << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXBuildFile;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "settings = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "};" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_BUILD_LIBRARIES"].append(obj_key); } if(remove) it = tmp.remove(it); else ++it; } project->variables()[libs[i]] = tmp; } } //SUBLIBS BUILDPHASE (just another makefile) if(!project->isEmpty("SUBLIBS")) { QString mkfile = pbx_dir + Option::dir_sep + "qt_sublibs.mak"; QFile mkf(mkfile); if(mkf.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Translate)) { debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: Creating file: %s", mkfile.latin1()); QTextStream mkt(&mkf); writeHeader(mkt); mkt << "SUBLIBS= "; tmp = project->variables()["SUBLIBS"]; QStringList::Iterator it; for(it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) t << "tmp/lib" << (*it) << ".a "; t << endl << endl; mkt << "sublibs: $(SUBLIBS)" << endl << endl; tmp = project->variables()["SUBLIBS"]; for(it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) t << "tmp/lib" << (*it) << ".a" << ":\n\t" << var(QString("MAKELIB") + (*it)) << endl << endl; mkf.close(); } QString phase_key = keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_SUBLIBS_BUILDPHASE"); mkfile = fileFixify(mkfile, QDir::currentDirPath()); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_BUILDPHASES"].append(phase_key); t << "\t\t" << phase_key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildActionMask = 2147483647;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "files = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "generatedFileNames = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"Qt Sublibs\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "neededFileNames = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "shellPath = /bin/sh;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "shellScript = \"make -C " << QDir::currentDirPath() << " -f " << mkfile << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } //LIBRARY BUILDPHASE if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PBX_LIBRARIES")) { tmp = project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_LIBRARIES"]; if(!tmp.isEmpty()) { QString grp("External Frameworks and Libraries"), key = keyFor(grp); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_GROUPS"].append(key); t << "\t\t" << key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "children = (" << "\n" << varGlue("QMAKE_PBX_LIBRARIES", "\t\t\t\t", ",\n\t\t\t\t", "\n") << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXGroup;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"" << grp << "\"" << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "path = \"\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "refType = 4;" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } } { QString grp("Frameworks & Libraries"), key = keyFor(grp); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_BUILDPHASES"].append(key); t << "\t\t" << key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildActionMask = 2147483647;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "files = (" << "\n" << varGlue("QMAKE_PBX_BUILD_LIBRARIES", "\t\t\t\t", ",\n\t\t\t\t", "\n") << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"" << grp << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } if(project->isActiveConfig("resource_fork") && !project->isActiveConfig("console") && project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") { //BUNDLE RESOURCES QString grp("Bundle Resources"), key = keyFor(grp); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_BUILDPHASES"].append(key); t << "\t\t" << key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildActionMask = 2147483647;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "files = (" << "\n" << (!project->isEmpty("RC_FILE") ? keyFor("ICNS_FILE_REFERENCE") : QString("")) << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"" << grp << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } //DUMP EVERYTHING THAT TIES THE ABOVE TOGETHER //PRODUCTS { QString grp("Products"), key = keyFor(grp); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_GROUPS"].append(key); t << "\t\t" << key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "children = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_REFERENCE") << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXGroup;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = Products;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "refType = 4;" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } { //INSTALL BUILDPHASE (sh script) QString targ = project->first("TARGET"); if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app" || (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib" && !project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") && project->isActiveConfig("frameworklib"))) targ = project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); int slsh = targ.findRev(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) targ = targ.right(targ.length() - slsh - 1); fixEnvVariables(targ); QStringList links; if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") { if(project->isActiveConfig("resource_fork") && !project->isActiveConfig("console")) targ += ".app"; } else if(!project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") && !project->isActiveConfig("frameworklib")) { QString li[] = { "TARGET_", "TARGET_x", "TARGET_x.y", QString::null }; for(int n = 0; !li[n].isNull(); n++) { QString t = project->first(li[n]); slsh = t.findRev(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) t = t.right(t.length() - slsh); fixEnvVariables(t); links << t; } } QString script = pbx_dir + Option::dir_sep + "qt_install.sh"; QFile shf(script); if(shf.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Translate)) { debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: Creating file: %s", script.latin1()); QString targ = project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"), cpflags; if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") { targ = project->first("TARGET"); if(project->isActiveConfig("resource_fork") && !project->isActiveConfig("console")) { targ += ".app"; cpflags += "-r "; } } else if(!project->isActiveConfig("frameworklib")) { if(project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) targ = project->first("TARGET"); else targ = project->first("TARGET_"); int slsh = targ.findRev(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) targ = targ.right(targ.length() - slsh - 1); } QTextStream sht(&shf); QString dstdir = project->first("DESTDIR"); fixEnvVariables(dstdir); sht << "#!/bin/sh" << endl; //copy the actual target sht << "OUT_TARG=\"" << targ << "\"\n" << "[ -z \"$BUILD_ROOT\" ] || OUT_TARG=\"${BUILD_ROOT}/${OUT_TARG}\"" << endl; sht << "[ \"$OUT_TARG\" = \"" << (dstdir.isEmpty() ? QDir::currentDirPath() + QDir::separator(): dstdir) << targ << "\" ] || " << "[ \"$OUT_TARG\" = \"" << targ << "\" ] || " << "cp -r \"$OUT_TARG\" " << "\"" << dstdir << targ << "\"" << endl; //rename as a framework if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib" && project->isActiveConfig("frameworklib")) sht << "ln -sf \"" << targ << "\" " << "\"" << dstdir << targ << "\"" << endl; //create all the version symlinks (just to be like unixmake) for(QStringList::Iterator it = links.begin(); it != links.end(); ++it) { if(targ != (*it)) sht << "ln -sf \"" << targ << "\" " << "\"" << dstdir << (*it) << "\"" << endl; } shf.close(); #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX chmod(script.latin1(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG); #endif QString phase_key = keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_INSTALL_BUILDPHASE"); script = fileFixify(script, QDir::currentDirPath()); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_BUILDPHASES"].append(phase_key); t << "\t\t" << phase_key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildActionMask = 8;" << "\n" //only on install! << "\t\t\t" << "files = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "generatedFileNames = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"Qt Install\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "neededFileNames = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "shellPath = /bin/sh;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "shellScript = \"" << script << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } } //ROOT_GROUP t << "\t\t" << keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_ROOT_GROUP") << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "children = (" << "\n" << varGlue("QMAKE_PBX_GROUPS", "\t\t\t\t", ",\n\t\t\t\t", "\n") << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXGroup;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = " << project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "path = \"\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "refType = 4;" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; //REFERENCE t << "\t\t" << keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_REFERENCE") << " = {" << "\n"; if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") { QString targ = project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); if(project->isActiveConfig("resource_fork") && !project->isActiveConfig("console")) { targ += ".app"; t << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXApplicationReference;" << "\n"; } else { t << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXExecutableFileReference;" << "\n"; } QString app = (!project->isEmpty("DESTDIR") ? project->first("DESTDIR") + project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") : QDir::currentDirPath()) + Option::dir_sep + targ; t << "\t\t\t" << "name = " << targ << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "path = \"" << targ << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "refType = " << reftypeForFile(app) << ";" << "\n"; } else { QString lib = project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); if(project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) { lib = project->first("TARGET"); } else if(!project->isActiveConfig("frameworklib")) { if(project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) lib = project->first("TARGET"); else lib = project->first("TARGET_"); } int slsh = lib.findRev(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) lib = lib.right(lib.length() - slsh - 1); t << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXLibraryReference;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "path = " << lib << ";\n" << "\t\t\t" << "refType = " << reftypeForFile(lib) << ";" << "\n"; } t << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; //TARGET t << "\t\t" << keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_TARGET") << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildPhases = (" << "\n" << varGlue("QMAKE_PBX_BUILDPHASES", "\t\t\t\t", ",\n\t\t\t\t", "\n") << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildSettings = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS = \"\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = \"" << fixEnvsList("INCLUDEPATH") << " " << fixEnvs(specdir()) << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS = \"" << var("QMAKE_PBX_LIBPATHS") << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "OPTIMIZATION_CFLAGS = \"\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "OTHER_CFLAGS = \"" << fixEnvsList("QMAKE_CFLAGS") << varGlue("PRL_EXPORT_DEFINES"," -D"," -D","") << varGlue("DEFINES"," -D"," -D","") << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "LEXFLAGS = \"" << var("QMAKE_LEXFLAGS") << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "YACCFLAGS = \"" << var("QMAKE_YACCFLAGS") << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS = \"" << fixEnvsList("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS") << varGlue("PRL_EXPORT_DEFINES"," -D"," -D","") << varGlue("DEFINES"," -D"," -D","") << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "OTHER_REZFLAGS = \"\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "SECTORDER_FLAGS = \"\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "WARNING_CFLAGS = \"\";" << "\n"; #if 1 t << "\t\t\t\t" << "BUILD_ROOT = \"" << QDir::currentDirPath() << "\";" << "\n"; #endif if(!project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) t << "\t\t\t\t" << "OTHER_LDFLAGS = \"" << fixEnvsList("SUBLIBS") << " " << fixEnvsList("QMAKE_LFLAGS") << " " << fixEnvsList("QMAKE_LIBDIR_FLAGS") << " " << fixEnvsList("QMAKE_LIBS") << "\";" << "\n"; if(!project->isEmpty("DESTDIR")) t << "\t\t\t\t" << "INSTALL_PATH = \"" << project->first("DESTDIR") << "\";" << "\n"; if(!project->isEmpty("VERSION") && project->first("VERSION") != "0.0.0") t << "\t\t\t\t" << "DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION = \"" << project->first("VERSION") << "\";" << "\n"; if(!project->isEmpty("OBJECTS_DIR")) t << "\t\t\t\t" << "OBJECT_FILE_DIR = \"" << project->first("OBJECTS_DIR") << "\";" << "\n"; if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") { if(project->isActiveConfig("resource_fork") && !project->isActiveConfig("console")) t << "\t\t\t\t" << "WRAPPER_EXTENSION = app;" << "\n"; t << "\t\t\t\t" << "PRODUCT_NAME = " << project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") << ";" << "\n"; } else { QString lib = project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); if(!project->isActiveConfig("plugin") && project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) { t << "\t\t\t\t" << "LIBRARY_STYLE = STATIC;" << "\n"; lib = project->first("TARGET"); } else { t << "\t\t\t\t" << "LIBRARY_STYLE = DYNAMIC;" << "\n"; if(!project->isActiveConfig("frameworklib")) { if(project->isActiveConfig("plugin")) lib = project->first("TARGET"); else lib = project->first("TARGET_"); } } int slsh = lib.findRev(Option::dir_sep); if(slsh != -1) lib = lib.right(lib.length() - slsh - 1); t << "\t\t\t\t" << "PRODUCT_NAME = " << lib << ";" << "\n"; } tmp = project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_VARS"]; for(QStringList::Iterator it = tmp.begin(); it != tmp.end(); ++it) t << "\t\t\t\t" << (*it) << " = \"" << getenv((*it)) << "\";" << "\n"; t << "\t\t\t" << "};" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "conditionalBuildSettings = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "};" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "dependencies = (" << "\n" << varGlue("QMAKE_PBX_TARGETDEPENDS", "\t\t\t\t", ",\n\t\t\t\t", "\n") << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "productReference = " << keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_REFERENCE") << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "shouldUseHeadermap = 1;" << "\n"; if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") { if(project->isActiveConfig("resource_fork") && !project->isActiveConfig("console")) { t << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXApplicationTarget;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "productSettingsXML = " << "\"" << "<?xml version=" << "\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=" << "\\\"UTF-8\\\"" << "?>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "<!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM \\\"file://localhost/System/" << "Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd\\\">" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "<plist version=\\\"0.9\\\">" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "<dict>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<string>English</string>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<string>" << project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") << "</string>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<key>CFBundleIconFile</key>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<string>" << var("RC_FILE").section(Option::dir_sep, -1) << "</string>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<string>6.0</string>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<string>APPL</string>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<key>CFBundleSignature</key>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<string>????</string>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<key>CFBundleVersion</key>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<string>0.1</string>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<key>CSResourcesFileMapped</key>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t\t" << "<true/>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "</dict>" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "</plist>" << "\";" << "\n"; } else { t << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXToolTarget;" << "\n"; } t << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"" << project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "productName = " << project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") << ";" << "\n"; } else { QString lib = project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET"); if(!project->isActiveConfig("frameworklib")) lib.prepend("lib"); t << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXLibraryTarget;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = \"" << lib << "\";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "productName = " << lib << ";" << "\n"; } if(!project->isEmpty("DESTDIR")) t << "\t\t\t" << "productInstallPath = \"" << project->first("DESTDIR") << "\";" << "\n"; t << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; //DEBUG/RELEASE for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { bool as_release = !i; if(project->isActiveConfig("debug")) as_release = i; QString key = "QMAKE_PBX_" + QString(as_release ? "RELEASE" : "DEBUG"); key = keyFor(key); project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_BUILDSTYLES"].append(key); t << "\t\t" << key << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildRules = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildSettings = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << "COPY_PHASE_STRIP = " << (as_release ? "YES" : "NO") << ";" << "\n"; if(as_release) t << "\t\t\t\t" << "DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS = NO;" << "\n"; t << "\t\t\t" << "};" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXBuildStyle;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "name = " << (as_release ? "Deployment" : "Development") << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; } //ROOT t << "\t\t" << keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_ROOT") << " = {" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "buildStyles = (" << "\n" << varGlue("QMAKE_PBX_BUILDSTYLES", "\t\t\t\t", ",\n\t\t\t\t", "\n") << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "isa = PBXProject;" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "mainGroup = " << keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_ROOT_GROUP") << ";" << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << "targets = (" << "\n" << "\t\t\t\t" << keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_TARGET") << "\n" << "\t\t\t" << ");" << "\n" << "\t\t" << "};" << "\n"; //FOOTER t << "\t" << "};" << "\n" << "\t" << "rootObject = " << keyFor("QMAKE_PBX_ROOT") << ";" << "\n" << "}" << endl; QString mkwrap = fileFixify(pbx_dir + Option::dir_sep + ".." + Option::dir_sep + project->first("MAKEFILE"), QDir::currentDirPath()); QFile mkwrapf(mkwrap); if(mkwrapf.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Translate)) { debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: Creating file: %s", mkwrap.latin1()); QTextStream mkwrapt(&mkwrapf); writeHeader(mkwrapt); const char *cleans = "uiclean mocclean preprocess_clean "; mkwrapt << "#This is a makefile wrapper for PROJECT BUILDER\n" << "all:" << "\n\t" << "cd " << (project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") + ".pbproj/ && pbxbuild") << "\n" << "install: all" << "\n\t" << "cd " << (project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") + ".pbproj/ && pbxbuild install") << "\n" << "distclean clean: preprocess_clean" << "\n\t" << "cd " << (project->first("QMAKE_ORIG_TARGET") + ".pbproj/ && pbxbuild clean") << "\n" << (!did_preprocess ? cleans : "") << ":" << "\n"; if(did_preprocess) mkwrapt << cleans << ":" << "\n\t" << "make -f " << pbx_dir << Option::dir_sep << "qt_preprocess.mak $@" << endl; } return TRUE; } QString ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator::fixEnvs(QString file) { QRegExp reg_var("\\$\\((.*)\\)"); for(int rep = 0; (rep = reg_var.search(file, rep)) != -1; ) { if(project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_VARS"].findIndex(reg_var.cap(1)) == -1) project->variables()["QMAKE_PBX_VARS"].append(reg_var.cap(1)); rep += reg_var.matchedLength(); } return file; } QString ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator::fixEnvsList(QString where) { QString ret; const QStringList &l = project->variables()[where]; for(QStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { fixEnvs((*it)); if(!ret.isEmpty()) ret += " "; ret += (*it); } return ret; } QString ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator::keyFor(QString block) { #if 0 //This make this code much easier to debug.. return block; #endif QString ret; if(!keys.contains(block)) { #if 0 static unsigned int r = 0; ret.sprintf("%024x", ++r); #else //not really necesary, but makes it look more interesting.. static struct { unsigned int a1, a2, a3; } r = { 0, 0, 0 }; if(!r.a1 && !r.a2 && !r.a3) { r.a1 = rand(); r.a2 = rand(); r.a3 = rand(); } switch(rand() % 3) { case 0: ++r.a1; break; case 1: ++r.a2; break; case 2: ++r.a3; break; } ret.sprintf("%08x%08x%08x", r.a1, r.a2, r.a3); #endif ret = ret.upper(); keys.insert(block, ret); } else { ret = keys[block]; } return ret; } bool ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator::openOutput(QFile &file) const { if(project->first("TEMPLATE") != "subdirs") { QFileInfo fi(file); if(fi.extension() != "pbxproj" || file.name().isEmpty()) { QString output = file.name(); if(fi.isDir()) output += QDir::separator(); if(fi.extension() != "pbproj") { if(file.name().isEmpty() || fi.isDir()) output += project->first("TARGET"); output += QString(".pbproj") + QDir::separator(); } else if(output[(int)output.length() - 1] != QDir::separator()) { output += QDir::separator(); } output += QString("project.pbxproj"); file.setName(output); } bool ret = UnixMakefileGenerator::openOutput(file); ((ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator*)this)->pbx_dir = Option::output_dir.section(Option::dir_sep, 0, -1); Option::output_dir = pbx_dir.section(Option::dir_sep, 0, -2); return ret; } return UnixMakefileGenerator::openOutput(file); } /* This function is such a hack it is almost pointless, but it eliminates the warning message from ProjectBuilder that the project file is for an older version. I guess this could be used someday if the format of the output is dependant upon the version of ProjectBuilder as well. */ int ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator::pbuilderVersion() const { QString ret; if(project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PBUILDER_VERSION")) { QString version, version_plist = project->first("QMAKE_PBUILDER_VERSION_PLIST"); if(version_plist.isEmpty()) version_plist = "/Developer/Applications/Project Builder.app/Contents/version.plist"; else version_plist = version_plist.replace(QRegExp("\""), ""); QFile version_file(version_plist); if(version_file.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: version.plist: Reading file: %s", version_plist.latin1()); QTextStream plist(&version_file); bool in_dict = FALSE; QString current_key; QRegExp keyreg("^<key>(.*)</key>$"), stringreg("^<string>(.*)</string>$"); while(!plist.eof()) { QString line = plist.readLine().stripWhiteSpace(); if(line == "<dict>") in_dict = TRUE; else if(line == "</dict>") in_dict = FALSE; else if(in_dict) { if(keyreg.exactMatch(line)) current_key = keyreg.cap(1); else if(current_key == "CFBundleShortVersionString" && stringreg.exactMatch(line)) version = stringreg.cap(1); } } version_file.close(); } else debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: version.plist: Failure to open %s", version_plist.latin1()); if(version.startsWith("2.0")) ret = "38"; else if(version == "1.1") ret = "34"; } else { ret = project->first("QMAKE_PBUILDER_VERSION"); } if(!ret.isEmpty()) { bool ok; int int_ret = ret.toInt(&ok); if(ok) { debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: version.plist: Got version: %d", int_ret); return int_ret; } } debug_msg(1, "pbuilder: version.plist: Fallback to default version"); return 34; //my fallback } QString ProjectBuilderMakefileGenerator::reftypeForFile(QString where) { if(QDir::isRelativePath(where)) return "4"; //relative return "0"; //absolute } diff --git a/x11/ipc/server/ocopserver.cpp b/x11/ipc/server/ocopserver.cpp index 992cb8c..3ee38e9 100644 --- a/x11/ipc/server/ocopserver.cpp +++ b/x11/ipc/server/ocopserver.cpp @@ -1,413 +1,413 @@ #include <errno.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <qcstring.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include "ocopserver.h" OCopServer::OCopServer() : QObject() { setName( "ocopserver"); /* * init the server */ init(); initSocket(); } OCopServer::~OCopServer() { // socket notifiers should be deleted close(m_serverfd ); } void OCopServer::init() { /* * we set SIGPIPE to SIG_IGN * to get EPIPE on reads ;) */ // qWarning("SIGPIPE to be ignored"); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); /* * initialize some variables */ m_server = 0l; m_serverError = 0l; } /** * here we will init our server * socket and bind and do the listen */ void OCopServer::initSocket() { /* get the home dir */ QCString home( getenv("HOME") ); QCString path( home + "/.opie.cop"); if ( ( m_serverfd = socket( PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) ) == -1 ) { qWarning("failed to create server socket"); /* try again later */ QTimer::singleShot( 400, this, SLOT(initSocket() ) ); return; } qWarning( "unlinking file %s", path.data() ); /* unlink previous sockets */ unlink( path.data() ); struct sockaddr_un m_address; memset(&m_address, 0, sizeof(m_address ) ); m_address.sun_family = AF_UNIX; /* unix domain socket */ strcpy(m_address.sun_path, path.data() ); m_adrlaenge = sizeof(m_address.sun_family) + strlen(m_address.sun_path ); /* cast to make it a (sockadr*) */ if (bind(m_serverfd, (struct sockaddr*)&m_address, m_adrlaenge ) == -1 ) { qWarning("Server could not bind try again"); close(m_serverfd); QTimer::singleShot(400, this, SLOT(initSocket() ) ); return; } /* tell the kernel that we're listening and accepting * 5 pending connections */ if (listen(m_serverfd, 5) == -1 ) { qWarning("could not listen"); close(m_serverfd ); QTimer::singleShot(400, this, SLOT(initSocket() ) ); return; } /* * now we will create two QSocketNotifier * which will us notify on reads * and errors * we do this because they integrate * nicely into the QApplication eventloop */ m_server = new QSocketNotifier(m_serverfd, QSocketNotifier::Read, this ); connect( m_server, SIGNAL(activated(int) ), this, SLOT(newOnServer() ) ); m_serverError = new QSocketNotifier( m_serverfd, QSocketNotifier::Exception, this); connect(m_serverError, SIGNAL(activated(int) ), this, SLOT(errorOnServer() ) ); qWarning("done with registering"); } /** * we got the possibility to read * on the server * this is mostly due a connect * on a client side * we will accept it * add it to our list */ void OCopServer::newOnServer() { int fd = accept(); if ( fd < 0 ) return; /* - * we got a successfull new connection + * we got a successful new connection * be happy * set SocketNotifier * connect it * and a OCOPClient */ // qWarning("Heureka new connection %d", fd ); registerClient( fd ); } int OCopServer::accept() { /* * accept it * the socket is currently blocking IIRC */ return ::accept( m_serverfd, (struct sockaddr*)&m_address, &m_adrlaenge ); } void OCopServer::newOnClient( int fd ) { errno = 0; OCOPHead head; memset(&head, 0, sizeof(head) ); int rea = ::read(fd, &head, sizeof(head) ); //qWarning("read %d %d", rea, errno); /* * I should get EPIPE but nothing like this happens * so if rea == 0 and we were signaled by the notifier * we close it and drop the clients... */ if ( rea <= 0 ) { deregisterClient( fd ); return; } /* * OCOPHead */ //qWarning("data %s %d", &bug, rea ); /* * Check the magic * if chcked read till EOF if magic does not match * otherwise do read * channel * func * data into mem * and then send the OCOPPacket * */ if (head.magic == 47 ) { // qWarning("magic match"); QCString channel( head.chlen+1 ); QCString func( head.funclen+1 ); QByteArray data ( head.datalen+1 ); /* * we do not check for errors */ // qWarning("read "); int s = read(fd, channel.data(), head.chlen ); s = read(fd, func.data(), head.funclen ); s = read(fd, data.data(), head.datalen ); // qWarning("read"); /* debug output */ // qWarning("channel %s %d", channel.data(), head.chlen ); // qWarning("func %s %d", func.data(), head.funclen ); /* debug end */ /* * now that we got the complete body * we need to make a package * and then we need to send it to clients * making a package is done here * dispatching it not */ OCOPPacket packet( head.type, channel, func, data ); dispatch( packet, fd ); }else{ // qWarning("magic does not match"); // qWarning("magic %d", head.magic ); } } void OCopServer::registerClient( int fd ) { if (m_clients.contains(fd) ) return; QSocketNotifier* notify = new QSocketNotifier(fd, QSocketNotifier::Read, this ); connect(notify, SIGNAL(activated(int) ), this, SLOT(newOnClient(int) ) ); OCOPClient client; client.fd = fd; client.notify = notify; m_clients.insert( client.fd, client ); // qWarning("clients are up to %d", m_clients.count() ); }; void OCopServer::deregisterClient(int fd ) { QMap<int, OCOPClient>::Iterator it = m_clients.find( fd ); if (it != m_clients.end() ) { /* * TIME_ME * * now delete from all channels * go through all channels * remove the fd from the list * if count becomes 0 remove the channel * otherwise replace QArray<int> */ QMap<QCString, QValueList<int> >::Iterator it2; repeatIt: for ( it2 = m_channels.begin(); it2 != m_channels.end(); ++it2 ) { /* * The channel contains this fd */ // qWarning("Channel %s %d", it2.key().data(), it2.data().count() ); if ( it2.data().contains( fd ) ) { qWarning("contains"); QValueList<int> array = it2.data(); /* * remove channel or just replace */ if ( array.count() == 1 || array.count() == 0) { // qWarning("Invalidate!"); /* is the list now invalidatet? */ m_channels.remove( it2 ); /* That is the first go to of my life * but Iterator remove( Iterator ) * does not exist * it2 = --it2; * does not work reliable too * so the only way is to reiterate :( */ goto repeatIt; }else{ // qWarning("removing count %d %d",fd, array.count() ); QValueList<int>::Iterator it3 = array.find( fd ); it3 = array.remove( it3 ); QCString key = it2.key().copy(); it2 = m_channels.replace( key, array ); } } } // off all channels OCOPClient client = it.data(); delete client.notify; m_clients.remove(fd ); close(fd ); } // qWarning("clients are now at %d", m_clients.count() ); } /** * this function will evaluate * the package and then do the appropriate thins */ void OCopServer::dispatch( const OCOPPacket& packet, int sourceFD ) { // qWarning("packet.type() == %d", packet.type() ); switch( packet.type() ) { case OCOPPacket::Register: registerClient(sourceFD ); break; case OCOPPacket::Unregister: deregisterClient(sourceFD ); break; case OCOPPacket::Call: call( packet, sourceFD ); break; /* not implemented */ case OCOPPacket::Method: break; /* nit implemented */ case OCOPPacket::Reply: break; case OCOPPacket::RegisterChannel: addChannel( packet.channel() , sourceFD ); break; case OCOPPacket::UnregisterChannel: delChannel( packet.channel(), sourceFD ); break; /* not implemented */ case OCOPPacket::Return: break; /* not implemented :( */ case OCOPPacket::Signal: break; case OCOPPacket::IsRegistered: // qWarning("Server:IsRegistered %s", packet.channel().data() ); isRegistered( packet.channel(), sourceFD ); break; }; } void OCopServer::errorOnServer() { /* * something is wrong on the server socket? * what should we do? * FIXME */ } QStringList OCopServer::channels() { QStringList list; { QMap<QCString, QValueList<int> >::Iterator it; for (it = m_channels.begin(); it != m_channels.end(); ++it ) { list << it.key(); }; } return list; } bool OCopServer::isChannelRegistered( const QCString& chan ) const{ return m_channels.contains( chan ); } void OCopServer::addChannel( const QCString& channel, int fd ) { QMap<QCString, QValueList<int> >::Iterator it; it = m_channels.find( channel ); if ( it != m_channels.end() ) { /* could be empty */ QValueList<int> list = it.data(); list.append( fd ); qWarning("Server:count is now in addChannel %d %s", list.count(), channel.data() ); it = m_channels.replace( channel, list ); }else { QValueList<int> ints; ints.append( fd ); m_channels.insert( channel, ints ); } }; void OCopServer::delChannel( const QCString& channel, int fd ) { // qWarning("remove %s, %d", channel.data(), fd ); if (!m_channels.contains( channel ) ) return; QMap<QCString, QValueList<int> >::Iterator it; it = m_channels.find( channel ); if ( it.data().contains(fd) ) { QValueList<int> ints = it.data(); if ( ints.count() == 1 ) m_channels.remove( channel ); else{ QValueList<int> ints = it.data(); QValueList<int>::Iterator rem = ints.find( fd ); rem = ints.remove( rem ); QCString str = it.key().copy(); m_channels.replace( str, ints ); } // qWarning(" channel count is now %d", ints.count() ); } } void OCopServer::isRegistered( const QCString& channel, int fd) { // qWarning("Server:isRegistered %s", channel.data() ); OCOPHead head; QCString func(2); memset(&head, 0, sizeof(head ) ); head.magic = 47; head.type = OCOPPacket::IsRegistered; head.chlen = channel.size(); head.funclen = func.size(); head.datalen = 0; if ( isChannelRegistered( channel ) ) { //is registered func[0] = 1; // qWarning("Server:Channel is Registered %d", head.chlen); }else{ func[0] = 0; // qWarning("Server:Channel is NotRegistered"); } /** * write the head * and then channel * success/failure inside func */ write(fd, &head, sizeof(head) ); write(fd, channel.data(), channel.size() ); write(fd, func.data(), func.size() ); } QValueList<int> OCopServer::clients( const QCString& channel ) { return m_channels[channel]; } void OCopServer::call( const OCOPPacket& p, int ) { QValueList<int> cli = clients( p.channel() ); QValueList<int>::Iterator it; OCOPHead head = p.head(); for (it = cli.begin(); it != cli.end(); ++it ) { // qWarning("Server:calling %d %s %s", (*it), p.channel().data(), p.header().data() ); write( (*it), &head, sizeof(head ) ); /* expl. shared! */ write( (*it), p.channel().data(), p.channel().size() ); write( (*it), p.header().data(), p.header().size() ); write( (*it), p.content().data(), p.content().size() ); }; } |