-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp | 10 |
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp index 9c1492c..ad9de2b 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opieirc/ircmessageparser.cpp @@ -175,386 +175,394 @@ void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalWhoisIdle(IRCMessage *message) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, tr("%1 signed on %2").arg(message->param(1)).arg(dt.toString()))); } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralPing(IRCMessage *message) { m_session->m_connection->sendLine("PONG " + message->allParameters()); } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralNotice(IRCMessage *message) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_SERVERMESSAGE, message->allParameters())); } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralJoin(IRCMessage *message) { QString channelName = message->param(0).lower(); IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(channelName); if (!channel) { /* We joined */ if (mask.nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) { channel = new IRCChannel(channelName); m_session->addChannel(channel); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Nonexistant channel join - desynchronized?"))); } } else { /* Someone else joined */ if (mask.nick() != m_session->m_server->nick()) { if (!channel->getPerson(mask.nick())) { IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (!person) { person = new IRCPerson(message->prefix()); m_session->addPerson(person); } IRCChannelPerson *chanperson = new IRCChannelPerson(person); channel->addPerson(chanperson); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_OTHERJOIN ,tr("%1 joined channel %2").arg( mask.nick() ).arg( channelName )); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(chanperson); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Person has already joined the channel - desynchronized?"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("You already joined the channel - desynchronized?"))); } } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralPart(IRCMessage *message) { QString channelName = message->param(0).lower(); IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(channelName); IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); if (channel) { if (mask.nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) { m_session->removeChannel(channel); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_SELFPART, tr("You left channel %1").arg( channelName )); output.addParam(channel); emit outputReady(output); delete channel; } else { IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { channel->removePerson(person); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_OTHERPART, tr("%1 left channel %2").arg( mask.nick() ).arg( channelName) ); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); delete person; } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Parting person not found - desynchronized?"))); } } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Channel for part not found - desynchronized?"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralPrivMsg(IRCMessage *message) { if (m_session->m_server->nick().lower() == message->param(0).lower() ) { /* IRC Query message detected, verify sender and display it */ IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (!person) { /* Person not yet known, create and add to the current session */ person = new IRCPerson(message->prefix()); m_session->addPerson(person); } IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_QUERYPRIVMSG, message->param(1)); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else if (message->param(0).at(0) == '#' || message->param(0).at(0) == '+') { /* IRC Channel message detected, verify sender, channel and display it */ IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(0).lower()); if (channel) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANPRIVMSG, message->param(1)); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Channel message with unknown sender"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Channel message with unknown channel %1").arg(message->param(0).lower()) )); } } else {emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Received PRIVMSG of unknown type"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralNick(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); m_session->updateNickname(mask.nick(), message->param(0)); /* this way of handling nick changes really sucks if (mask.nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) { We are changing our nickname m_session->m_server->setNick(message->param(0)); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_NICKCHANGE, tr("You are now known as %1").arg( message->param(0))); output.addParam(0); emit outputReady(output); } else { Someone else is RCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { //IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_NICKCHANGE, tr("%1 is now known as %2").arg( mask.nick() ).arg( message->param(0))); new code starts here -- this removes the person from all channels QList<IRCChannel> channels; m_session->getChannelsByPerson(person, channels); QListIterator<IRCChannel> it(channels); for (;it.current(); ++it) { IRCChannelPerson *chanperson = it.current()->getPerson(mask.nick()); it.current()->removePerson(chanperson); chanperson->person->setNick(message->param(0)); it.current()->addPerson(chanperson); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_NICKCHANGE, tr("%1 is now known as %2").arg( mask.nick() ).arg( message->param(0))); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } new code ends here } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Nickname change of an unknown person"))); } }*/ } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralQuit(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { QList<IRCChannel> channels; m_session->getChannelsByPerson(person, channels); QListIterator<IRCChannel> it(channels); for (;it.current(); ++it) { IRCChannelPerson *chanperson = it.current()->getPerson(mask.nick()); it.current()->removePerson(chanperson); delete chanperson; } m_session->removePerson(person); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_QUIT, tr("%1 has quit (%2)" ).arg( mask.nick() ).arg( message->param(0) )); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); delete person; } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown person quit - desynchronized?"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralTopic(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(0).lower()); if (channel) { IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_TOPIC, mask.nick() + tr(" changed topic to ") + "\"" + message->param(1) + "\""); output.addParam(channel); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown channel topic - desynchronized?"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralError(IRCMessage *message) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, message->allParameters())); } void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPPing(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); + if(message->isCTCPReply()) { + unsigned int sentTime = message->param(0).toUInt(); + QDateTime tm; + tm.setTime_t(0); + unsigned int receivedTime = tm.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); + emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CTCP, tr("Received a CTCP PING reply from %1: %2 seconds").arg(mask.nick()).arg(receivedTime-sentTime))); + return; + } m_session->m_connection->sendCTCPReply(mask.nick(), "PING", message->allParameters()); - emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CTCP, tr("Received a CTCP PING from ") + mask.nick())); + emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_CTCP, tr("Received a CTCP PING request from %1").arg(mask.nick()))); //IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); QString dest = message->ctcpDestination(); if (dest.startsWith("#")) { IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(dest.lower()); if (channel) { IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANACTION, tr("Received a CTCP PING from ")+ mask.nick()) ; output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP PING with unknown person - Desynchronized?"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP PING with unknown channel - Desynchronized?"))); } } else { if (message->ctcpDestination() == m_session->m_server->nick()) { IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (!person) { /* Person not yet known, create and add to the current session */ person = new IRCPerson(message->prefix()); m_session->addPerson(person); } IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_QUERYACTION, tr("Received a CTCP PING from ")+ mask.nick() ); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP PING with bad recipient"))); } } } void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPVersion(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CTCP); if(message->isCTCPRequest()) { m_session->m_connection->sendCTCPReply(mask.nick(), "VERSION", APP_VERSION " " APP_COPYSTR); output.setMessage(tr("Received a CTCP VERSION request from ") + mask.nick()); } else { output.setMessage("Received CTCP VERSION reply from " + mask.nick() + ":" + message->param(0)); } emit outputReady(output); } void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPAction(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); QString dest = message->ctcpDestination(); if (dest.startsWith("#")) { IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(dest.lower()); if (channel) { IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (person) { IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANACTION, "*" + mask.nick() + message->param(0)); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP ACTION with unknown person - Desynchronized?"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP ACTION with unknown channel - Desynchronized?"))); } } else { if (message->ctcpDestination() == m_session->m_server->nick()) { IRCPerson *person = m_session->getPerson(mask.nick()); if (!person) { /* Person not yet known, create and add to the current session */ person = new IRCPerson(message->prefix()); m_session->addPerson(person); } IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_QUERYACTION, "*" + mask.nick() + message->param(0)); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("CTCP ACTION with bad recipient"))); } } } void IRCMessageParser::parseCTCPDCC(IRCMessage *message) { QStringList params = QStringList::split(' ', message->param(0).stripWhiteSpace()); if( params.count() != 5) { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Malformed DCC request from ") + IRCPerson(message->prefix()).nick())); return; } //TransferReceiver *foo = new TransferReceiver(params[2].toUInt(), params[3].toUInt(), params[1], params[4].toUInt()); } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralMode(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); if (message->param(0).startsWith("#")) { IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(0).lower()); if (channel) { QString temp, parameters = message->allParameters().right(message->allParameters().length() - channel->channelname().length() - 1); QTextIStream stream(¶meters); bool set = FALSE; while (!stream.atEnd()) { stream >> temp; if (temp.startsWith("+")) { set = TRUE; temp = temp.right(1); } else if (temp.startsWith("-")) { set = FALSE; temp = temp.right(1); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Mode change has unknown type"))); return; } if (temp == "o") { stream >> temp; IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(temp); if (person) { IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANPERSONMODE, person->setOp(mask.nick(), set)); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Mode change with unknown person - Desynchronized?"))); } } else if (temp == "v") { stream >> temp; IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(temp); if (person) { IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_CHANPERSONMODE, person->setVoice(mask.nick(), set)); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Mode change with unknown person - Desynchronized?"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Mode change with unknown flag"))); } } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Mode change with unknown kannel - Desynchronized?"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("User modes not supported yet"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseLiteralKick(IRCMessage *message) { IRCPerson mask(message->prefix()); IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(0).lower()); if (channel) { IRCChannelPerson *person = channel->getPerson(message->param(1)); if (person) { if (person->nick() == m_session->m_server->nick()) { m_session->removeChannel(channel); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_SELFKICK, tr("You were kicked from ") + channel->channelname() + tr(" by ") + mask.nick() + " (" + message->param(2) + ")"); output.addParam(channel); emit outputReady(output); } else { /* someone else got kicked */ channel->removePerson(person); IRCOutput output(OUTPUT_OTHERKICK, person->nick() + tr(" was kicked from ") + channel->channelname() + tr(" by ") + mask.nick()+ " (" + message->param(2) + ")"); output.addParam(channel); output.addParam(person); emit outputReady(output); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown person kick - desynchronized?"))); } } else { emit outputReady(IRCOutput(OUTPUT_ERROR, tr("Unknown channel kick - desynchronized?"))); } } void IRCMessageParser::parseNumericalNames(IRCMessage *message) { /* Name list sent when joining a channel */ IRCChannel *channel = m_session->getChannel(message->param(2).lower()); if (channel != 0) { QString people = message->param(3); QTextIStream stream(&people); QString temp; |