-rw-r--r-- | core/launcher/launcher.cpp | 15 |
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/launcher/launcher.cpp b/core/launcher/launcher.cpp index 779fe54..87a54bf 100644 --- a/core/launcher/launcher.cpp +++ b/core/launcher/launcher.cpp @@ -151,392 +151,407 @@ void LauncherTabWidget::createDocLoadingWidget() } QWidget *space2 = new QWidget( docLoadingVBox ); docLoadingVBox->setStretchFactor( space2, 1 ); cfg.setGroup( "Tab Documents" ); // No tr setTabViewAppearance( docLoadingWidget, cfg ); stack->addWidget( docLoadingWidget, 0 ); } void LauncherTabWidget::initLayout() { layout()->activate(); docView()->setFocus(); categoryBar->showTab("Documents"); } void LauncherTabWidget::appMessage(const QCString& message, const QByteArray&) { if ( message == "nextView()" ) categoryBar->nextTab(); } void LauncherTabWidget::raiseTabWidget() { if ( categoryBar->currentView() == docView() && docLoadingWidgetEnabled ) { stack->raiseWidget( docLoadingWidget ); docLoadingWidget->updateGeometry(); } else { stack->raiseWidget( categoryBar->currentView() ); } } void LauncherTabWidget::tabProperties() { LauncherView *view = categoryBar->currentView(); QPopupMenu *m = new QPopupMenu( this ); m->insertItem( tr("Icon View"), LauncherView::Icon ); m->insertItem( tr("List View"), LauncherView::List ); m->setItemChecked( (int)view->viewMode(), TRUE ); int rv = m->exec( QCursor::pos() ); if ( rv >= 0 && rv != view->viewMode() ) { view->setViewMode( (LauncherView::ViewMode)rv ); } delete m; } void LauncherTabWidget::deleteView( const QString& id ) { LauncherTab *t = categoryBar->launcherTab(id); if ( t ) { stack->removeWidget( t->view ); delete t->view; categoryBar->removeTab( t ); } } LauncherView* LauncherTabWidget::newView( const QString& id, const QPixmap& pm, const QString& label ) { LauncherView* view = new LauncherView( stack ); connect( view, SIGNAL(clicked(const AppLnk*)), this, SIGNAL(clicked(const AppLnk*))); connect( view, SIGNAL(rightPressed(AppLnk*)), this, SIGNAL(rightPressed(AppLnk*))); int n = categoryBar->count(); stack->addWidget( view, n ); LauncherTab *tab = new LauncherTab( id, view, pm, label ); categoryBar->insertTab( tab, n-1 ); if ( id == "Documents" ) docview = view; odebug << "inserting " << id << " at " << n-1 << "" << oendl; Config cfg("Launcher"); setTabAppearance( tab, cfg ); cfg.setGroup( "GUI" ); view->setBusyIndicatorType( cfg.readEntry( "BusyType", QString::null ) ); return view; } LauncherView *LauncherTabWidget::view( const QString &id ) { LauncherTab *t = categoryBar->launcherTab(id); if ( !t ) return 0; return t->view; } LauncherView *LauncherTabWidget::docView() { return docview; } void LauncherTabWidget::setLoadingWidgetEnabled( bool v ) { if ( v != docLoadingWidgetEnabled && docLoadingWidget ) { docLoadingWidgetEnabled = v; raiseTabWidget(); } } void LauncherTabWidget::setLoadingProgress( int percent ) { docLoadingWidgetProgress->setProgress( (percent / 4) * 4 ); } // ### this function could more to LauncherView void LauncherTabWidget::setTabViewAppearance( LauncherView *v, Config &cfg ) { // View QString view = cfg.readEntry( "View", "Icon" ); if ( view == "List" ) // No tr v->setViewMode( LauncherView::List ); QString bgType = cfg.readEntry( "BackgroundType", "Image" ); if ( bgType == "Image" ) { // No tr QString pm = cfg.readEntry( "BackgroundImage", "launcher/opie-background" ); v->setBackgroundType( LauncherView::Image, pm ); } else if ( bgType == "SolidColor" ) { QString c = cfg.readEntry( "BackgroundColor" ); v->setBackgroundType( LauncherView::SolidColor, c ); } else { v->setBackgroundType( LauncherView::Ruled, QString::null ); } QString textCol = cfg.readEntry( "TextColor" ); if ( textCol.isEmpty() ) v->setTextColor( QColor() ); else v->setTextColor( QColor(textCol) ); // bool customFont = cfg.readBoolEntry( "CustomFont", FALSE ); QStringList font = cfg.readListEntry( "Font", ',' ); if ( font.count() == 4 ) v->setViewFont( QFont(font[0], font[1].toInt(), font[2].toInt(), font[3].toInt()!=0) ); // ### FIXME TabColor TabTextColor } // ### Could move to LauncherTab void LauncherTabWidget::setTabAppearance( LauncherTab *tab, Config &cfg ) { cfg.setGroup( QString( "Tab %1" ).arg(tab->type) ); // No tr setTabViewAppearance( tab->view, cfg ); // Tabs QString tabCol = cfg.readEntry( "TabColor" ); if ( tabCol.isEmpty() ) tab->bgColor = QColor(); else tab->bgColor = QColor(tabCol); QString tabTextCol = cfg.readEntry( "TabTextColor" ); if ( tabTextCol.isEmpty() ) tab->fgColor = QColor(); else tab->fgColor = QColor(tabTextCol); } void LauncherTabWidget::paletteChange( const QPalette &p ) { QVBox::paletteChange( p ); QPalette pal = palette(); pal.setColor( QColorGroup::Light, pal.color(QPalette::Active,QColorGroup::Shadow) ); pal.setColor( QColorGroup::Background, pal.active().background().light(110) ); categoryBar->setPalette( pal ); categoryBar->update(); } void LauncherTabWidget::styleChange( QStyle & ) { QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(setProgressStyle()) ); } void LauncherTabWidget::setProgressStyle() { if (docLoadingWidgetProgress) { docLoadingWidgetProgress->setFrameShape( QProgressBar::Box ); docLoadingWidgetProgress->setFrameShadow( QProgressBar::Plain ); docLoadingWidgetProgress->setMargin( 1 ); docLoadingWidgetProgress->setLineWidth( 1 ); } } +/* + * FIXME + * The following NULL check is triggered by inserting, then removing a tab on the fly + * as you would if you had removable media (which I do). Without this check + * the first app launched after a tab removal causes qpe to Segfault. + * This obviously has a more sinister cause, but this works around it with no + * obvious adverse effects. Please FIXME + * bkc - 17/6/2004 + * + */ + void LauncherTabWidget::setBusy(bool on) { if ( on ) currentView()->setBusy(TRUE); else { for ( int i = 0; i < categoryBar->count(); i++ ) { + if (categoryBar->tab(i)) { LauncherView *view = ((LauncherTab *)categoryBar->tab(i))->view; view->setBusy( FALSE ); + } else { + odebug << "Averting Disaster with tab " << i << " == NULL! " << oendl; + } } } } void LauncherTabWidget::setBusyIndicatorType( const QString& str ) { for (int i = 0; i < categoryBar->count(); i++ ) { LauncherView* view = static_cast<LauncherTab*>( categoryBar->tab(i) )->view; view->setBusyIndicatorType( str ); } } LauncherView *LauncherTabWidget::currentView(void) { return (LauncherView*)stack->visibleWidget(); } void LauncherTabWidget::launcherMessage( const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data) { QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); if ( msg == "setTabView(QString,int)" ) { QString id; stream >> id; int mode; stream >> mode; if ( view(id) ) view(id)->setViewMode( (LauncherView::ViewMode)mode ); } else if ( msg == "setTabBackground(QString,int,QString)" ) { QString id; stream >> id; int mode; stream >> mode; QString pixmapOrColor; stream >> pixmapOrColor; if ( view(id) ) view(id)->setBackgroundType( (LauncherView::BackgroundType)mode, pixmapOrColor ); if ( id == "Documents" ) docLoadingWidget->setBackgroundType( (LauncherView::BackgroundType)mode, pixmapOrColor ); } else if ( msg == "setTextColor(QString,QString)" ) { QString id; stream >> id; QString color; stream >> color; if ( view(id) ) view(id)->setTextColor( QColor(color) ); if ( id == "Documents" ) docLoadingWidget->setTextColor( QColor(color) ); } else if ( msg == "setFont(QString,QString,int,int,int)" ) { QString id; stream >> id; QString fam; stream >> fam; int size; stream >> size; int weight; stream >> weight; int italic; stream >> italic; if ( view(id) ) { if ( !fam.isEmpty() ) { view(id)->setViewFont( QFont(fam, size, weight, italic!=0) ); odebug << "setFont: " << fam << ", " << size << ", " << weight << ", " << italic << "" << oendl; } else { view(id)->clearViewFont(); } } }else if ( msg == "setBusyIndicatorType(QString)" ) { QString type; stream >> type; setBusyIndicatorType( type ); }else if ( msg == "home()" ) { if ( isVisibleWindow( static_cast<QWidget*>(parent())->winId() ) ) { if (categoryBar) categoryBar->nextTab(); }else static_cast<QWidget*>(parent())->raise(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Launcher::Launcher() : QMainWindow( 0, "PDA User Interface", QWidget::WStyle_Customize | QWidget::WGroupLeader ) { tabs = 0; tb = 0; Config cfg( "Launcher" ); cfg.setGroup( "DocTab" ); docTabEnabled = cfg.readBoolEntry( "Enable", true ); } void Launcher::createGUI() { setCaption( tr("Launcher") ); // we have a pretty good idea how big we'll be setGeometry( 0, 0, qApp->desktop()->width(), qApp->desktop()->height() ); tb = new TaskBar; tabs = new LauncherTabWidget( this ); setCentralWidget( tabs ); ServerInterface::dockWidget( tb, ServerInterface::Bottom ); tb->show(); qApp->installEventFilter( this ); connect( qApp, SIGNAL(symbol()), this, SLOT(toggleSymbolInput()) ); connect( qApp, SIGNAL(numLockStateToggle()), this, SLOT(toggleNumLockState()) ); connect( qApp, SIGNAL(capsLockStateToggle()), this, SLOT(toggleCapsLockState()) ); connect( tb, SIGNAL(tabSelected(const QString&)), this, SLOT(showTab(const QString&)) ); connect( tabs, SIGNAL(selected(const QString&)), this, SLOT(viewSelected(const QString&)) ); connect( tabs, SIGNAL(clicked(const AppLnk*)), this, SLOT(select(const AppLnk*))); connect( tabs, SIGNAL(rightPressed(AppLnk*)), this, SLOT(properties(AppLnk*))); #if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP) QCopChannel* sysChannel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/System", this ); connect( sysChannel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)), this, SLOT(systemMessage(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)) ); #endif // all documents QImage img( Resource::loadImage( "DocsIcon" ) ); QPixmap pm; pm = img.smoothScale( AppLnk::smallIconSize(), AppLnk::smallIconSize() ); // It could add this itself if it handles docs tabs->newView("Documents", pm, tr("Documents") )->setToolsEnabled( TRUE ); QTimer::singleShot( 0, tabs, SLOT( initLayout() ) ); qApp->setMainWidget( this ); QTimer::singleShot( 500, this, SLOT( makeVisible() ) ); } Launcher::~Launcher() { if ( tb ) destroyGUI(); } bool Launcher::requiresDocuments() const { Config cfg( "Launcher" ); cfg.setGroup( "DocTab" ); return cfg.readBoolEntry( "Enable", true ); } void Launcher::makeVisible() { showMaximized(); } void Launcher::destroyGUI() { delete tb; tb = 0; delete tabs; tabs =0; } bool Launcher::eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent *ev ) { #ifdef QT_QWS_CUSTOM if ( ev->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent *ke = (QKeyEvent *)ev; if ( ke->key() == Qt::Key_F11 ) { // menu key QWidget *active = qApp->activeWindow(); if ( active && active->isPopup() ) active->close(); else { Global::terminateBuiltin("calibrate"); // No tr tb->launchStartMenu(); } return TRUE; } } #else Q_UNUSED(ev); #endif return FALSE; } void Launcher::toggleSymbolInput() |