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1 files changed, 27 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/qpeapplication.cpp b/library/qpeapplication.cpp
index c154689..ba9db71 100644
--- a/library/qpeapplication.cpp
+++ b/library/qpeapplication.cpp
@@ -139,414 +139,441 @@ public:
setFilePath( Global::helpPath() );
const QMimeSource* data(const QString& abs_name) const
const QMimeSource* r = QMimeSourceFactory::data(abs_name);
if ( !r ) {
int sl = abs_name.length();
do {
sl = abs_name.findRev('/',sl-1);
QString name = sl>=0 ? abs_name.mid(sl+1) : abs_name;
int dot = name.findRev('.');
if ( dot >= 0 )
name = name.left(dot);
QImage img = Resource::loadImage(name);
if ( !img.isNull() )
r = new QImageDrag(img);
} while (!r && sl>0);
return r;
static int muted=0;
static int micMuted=0;
static void setVolume(int t=0, int percent=-1)
switch (t) {
case 0: {
Config cfg("Sound");
if ( percent < 0 )
percent = cfg.readNumEntry("Volume",50);
int fd = 0;
if ((fd = open("/dev/mixer", O_RDWR))>=0) {
int vol = muted ? 0 : percent;
// set both channels to same volume
vol |= vol << 8;
ioctl(fd, MIXER_WRITE(0), &vol);
} break;
static void setMic(int t=0, int percent=-1)
switch (t) {
case 0: {
Config cfg("Sound");
if ( percent < 0 )
percent = cfg.readNumEntry("Mic",50);
int fd = 0;
int mic = micMuted ? 0 : percent;
if ((fd = open("/dev/mixer", O_RDWR))>=0) {
ioctl(fd, MIXER_WRITE(SOUND_MIXER_MIC), &mic);
} break;
int qpe_sysBrightnessSteps()
#if defined(QT_QWS_IPAQ)
return 255;
#elif defined(QT_QWS_EBX)
return 4;
return 255; // ?
static int& hack(int& i)
#if QT_VERSION <= 230 && defined(QT_NO_CODECS)
// These should be created, but aren't in Qt 2.3.0
(void)new QUtf8Codec;
(void)new QUtf16Codec;
return i;
static bool forced_off = FALSE;
static int curbl=-1;
static int backlight()
if ( curbl == -1 ) {
// Read from config
Config config( "qpe" );
config.setGroup( "Screensaver" );
curbl = config.readNumEntry("Brightness",255);
return curbl;
static void setBacklight(int bright)
if ( bright == -3 ) {
// Forced on
forced_off = FALSE;
bright = -1;
if ( forced_off && bright != -2 )
if ( bright == -2 ) {
// Toggle between off and on
bright = curbl ? 0 : -1;
forced_off = !bright;
if ( bright == -1 ) {
// Read from config
Config config( "qpe" );
config.setGroup( "Screensaver" );
bright = config.readNumEntry("Brightness",255);
#if defined(QT_QWS_IPAQ) || defined(QT_QWS_EBX)
if ( QFile::exists("/usr/bin/bl") ) {
QString cmd = "/usr/bin/bl 1 ";
cmd += bright<=0 ? "0 " : "1 ";
cmd += QString::number(bright);
#if defined(QT_QWS_EBX)
} else if ( QFile::exists("/dev/fl") ) {
int fd = open("/dev/fl", O_WRONLY);
if (fd >= 0 ) {
int steps = qpe_sysBrightnessSteps();
int bl = ( bright * steps + 127 ) / 255;
if ( bright && !bl ) bl = 1;
bl = ioctl(fd, FL_IOCTL_STEP_CONTRAST, bl);
#elif defined(QT_QWS_IPAQ)
} else if ( QFile::exists("/dev/ts") || QFile::exists("/dev/h3600_ts") ) {
typedef struct {
unsigned char mode;
unsigned char pwr;
unsigned char brightness;
# ifndef FLITE_ON
# ifndef _LINUX_IOCTL_H
# include <linux/ioctl.h>
# endif
# define FLITE_ON _IOW('f', 7, FLITE_IN)
# endif
int fd;
if ( QFile::exists("/dev/ts") )
fd = open("/dev/ts", O_WRONLY);
fd = open("/dev/h3600_ts", O_WRONLY);
if (fd >= 0 ) {
bl.mode = 1;
bl.pwr = bright ? 1 : 0;
bl.brightness = bright;
ioctl(fd, FLITE_ON, &bl);
curbl = bright;
void qpe_setBacklight(int bright) { setBacklight(bright); }
static bool dim_on = FALSE;
static bool lightoff_on = FALSE;
static int disable_suspend = 100;
static bool powerOnline()
return PowerStatusManager::readStatus().acStatus() == PowerStatus::Online;
static bool networkOnline()
return Network::networkOnline();
class QPEScreenSaver : public QWSScreenSaver
+ int LcdOn;
+ int fd;
+ LcdOn = TRUE;
+ // Make sure the LCD is in fact on, (if opie was killed while the LCD is off it would still be off)
+ fd=open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);
+ if (fd != -1) { ioctl(fd,FBIOBLANK,VESA_NO_BLANKING); close(fd); }
void restore()
+ if (!LcdOn) // We must have turned it off
+ {
+ int fd;
+ fd=open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);
+ if (fd != -1) { ioctl(fd,FBIOBLANK,VESA_NO_BLANKING); close(fd); }
+ }
bool save(int level)
+ int fd;
switch ( level ) {
case 0:
if ( disable_suspend > 0 && dim_on ) {
if (backlight() > 1)
setBacklight(1); // lowest non-off
return TRUE;
case 1:
if ( disable_suspend > 1 && lightoff_on ) {
setBacklight(0); // off
return TRUE;
case 2:
+ Config config( "qpe" );
+ config.setGroup( "Screensaver" );
+ if (config.readNumEntry("LcdOffOnly",0) != 0) // We're only turning off the LCD
+ {
+ fd=open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);
+ if (fd != -1) { ioctl(fd,FBIOBLANK,VESA_POWERDOWN); close(fd); }
+ LcdOn = FALSE;
+ }
+ else // We're going to suspend the whole machine
+ {
if ( disable_suspend > 2 && !powerOnline() && !networkOnline() ) {
QWSServer::sendKeyEvent( 0xffff, Qt::Key_F34, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE );
return TRUE;
+ }
return FALSE;
static int ssi(int interval, Config &config, const QString &enable, const QString& value, int def)
if ( !enable.isEmpty() && config.readNumEntry(enable,0) == 0 )
return 0;
if ( interval < 0 ) {
// Restore screen blanking and power saving state
interval = config.readNumEntry( value, def );
return interval;
static void setScreenSaverIntervals(int i1, int i2, int i3)
Config config( "qpe" );
config.setGroup( "Screensaver" );
int v[4];
i1 = ssi(i1, config, "Dim","Interval_Dim", 30);
i2 = ssi(i2, config, "LightOff","Interval_LightOff", 20);
i3 = ssi(i3, config, "","Interval", 60);
//qDebug("screen saver intervals: %d %d %d", i1, i2, i3);
v[0] = QMAX( 1000*i1, 100);
v[1] = QMAX( 1000*i2, 100);
v[2] = QMAX( 1000*i3, 100);
v[3] = 0;
dim_on = ( (i1 != 0) ? config.readNumEntry("Dim",1) : FALSE );
lightoff_on = ( (i2 != 0 ) ? config.readNumEntry("LightOff",1) : FALSE );
if ( !i1 && !i2 && !i3 )
static void setScreenSaverInterval(int interval)
\class QPEApplication qpeapplication.h
\brief The QPEApplication class implements various system services
that are available to all Qtopia applications.
Simply by using QPEApplication instead of QApplication, a plain Qt
application becomes a Qtopia application. It automatically follows
style changes, quits and raises, and in the
case of \link docwidget.html document-oriented\endlink applications,
changes the current displayed document in response to the environment.
\fn void QPEApplication::clientMoused()
\fn void QPEApplication::timeChanged();
This signal is emitted when the time jumps forward or backwards
by more than the normal passage of time.
\fn void QPEApplication::clockChanged( bool ampm );
This signal is emitted when the user changes the style
of clock. If \a ampm is TRUE, the user wants a 12-hour
AM/PM close, otherwise, they want a 24-hour clock.
\fn void QPEApplication::appMessage( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data )
This signal is emitted when a message is received on the
QPE/Application/<i>appname</i> QCop channel for this application.
The slot to which you connect this signal uses \a msg and \a data
in the following way:
void MyWidget::receive( const QCString& msg, const QByteArray& data )
QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly );
if ( msg == "someMessage(int,int,int)" ) {
int a,b,c;
stream >> a >> b >> c;
} else if ( msg == "otherMessage(QString)" ) {
\sa qcop.html
Constructs a QPEApplication just as you would construct
a QApplication, passing \a argc, \a argv, and \a t.
QPEApplication::QPEApplication( int& argc, char **argv, Type t )
: QApplication( hack(argc), argv, t )
int dw = desktop()->width();
if ( dw < 200 ) {
setFont( QFont( "helvetica", 8 ) );
d = new QPEApplicationData;
QMimeSourceFactory::setDefaultFactory(new ResourceMimeFactory);
connect(this, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), this, SLOT(hideOrQuit()));
#if defined(Q_WS_QWS) && !defined(QT_NO_COP)
QString qcopfn("/tmp/qcop-msg-");
qcopfn += QString(argv[0]); // append command name
QFile f(qcopfn);
if ( ) {
flock(f.handle(), LOCK_EX);
sysChannel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/System", this );
connect( sysChannel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString &, const QByteArray &)),
this, SLOT(systemMessage( const QCString &, const QByteArray &)) );
QCString channel = QCString(argv[0]);
d->appName = channel;
channel = "QPE/Application/" + channel;
pidChannel = new QCopChannel( channel, this);
connect( pidChannel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString &, const QByteArray &)),
this, SLOT(pidMessage(const QCString &, const QByteArray &)));
if ( f.isOpen() ) {
d->keep_running = FALSE;
QDataStream ds(&f);
QCString channel, message;
QByteArray data;
while(!ds.atEnd()) {
ds >> channel >> message >> data;
flock(f.handle(), LOCK_UN);
for (int a=0; a<argc; a++) {
if ( qstrcmp(argv[a],"-preload")==0 ) {
argv[a] = argv[a+1];
d->preloaded = TRUE;
} else if ( qstrcmp(argv[a],"-preload-show")==0 ) {
argv[a] = argv[a+1];
d->preloaded = TRUE;
d->forceshow = TRUE;
/* overide stored arguments */
setArgs(argc, argv);
qwsSetDecoration( new QPEDecoration() );
QStringList langs = Global::languageList();
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = langs.begin(); it!=langs.end(); ++it) {
QString lang = *it;
QTranslator * trans;
QString tfn;