-rw-r--r-- | noncore/settings/appearance2/appearance.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | pics/appearance/font.png | bin | 351 -> 0 bytes |
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/appearance2/appearance.cpp b/noncore/settings/appearance2/appearance.cpp index 9a3588c..db863d6 100644 --- a/noncore/settings/appearance2/appearance.cpp +++ b/noncore/settings/appearance2/appearance.cpp @@ -109,511 +109,511 @@ private: QWidget *Appearance::createStyleTab ( QWidget *parent, Config &cfg ) { QWidget* tab = new QWidget( parent, "StyleTab" ); QVBoxLayout* vertLayout = new QVBoxLayout( tab, 3, 3 ); m_style_list = new QListBox( tab, "m_style_list" ); vertLayout->addWidget( m_style_list ); QWhatsThis::add( m_style_list, tr( "Styles control the way items such as buttons and scroll bars appear in all applications.\n\nClick here to select an available style." ) ); m_style_settings = new QPushButton ( tr( "Settings..." ), tab ); connect ( m_style_settings, SIGNAL( clicked ( )), this, SLOT( styleSettingsClicked ( ))); vertLayout-> addWidget ( m_style_settings ); QWhatsThis::add( m_style_settings, tr( "Click here to configure the currently selected style.\n\nNote: This option is not available for all styles." ) ); QString s = cfg. readEntry ( "Style", "Light" ); #if QT_VERSION >= 300 m_style_list->insertStringList(QStyleFactory::styles()); #else m_style_list-> insertItem ( new StyleListItem ( "Windows", new QWindowsStyle ( ))); m_style_list-> insertItem ( new StyleListItem ( "Light", new LightStyle ( ))); m_style_list-> insertItem ( new StyleListItem ( "QPE", new QPEStyle ( ))); #endif { QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir ( ); path.append( "/plugins/styles/" ); QStringList sl = QDir ( path, "lib*.so" ). entryList ( ); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = sl. begin ( ); it != sl. end ( ); ++it ) { QString libstr = path; libstr.append( "/" ); libstr.append( *it ); QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary ( libstr ); StyleInterface *iface; if (( lib-> queryInterface ( IID_Style, (QUnknownInterface **) &iface ) == QS_OK ) && iface ) { StyleListItem *slit = new StyleListItem ( lib, iface ); m_style_list-> insertItem ( slit ); if ( slit-> key ( ) == s ) m_style_list-> setCurrentItem ( slit ); } else delete lib; } } m_original_style = m_style_list-> currentItem ( ); styleClicked ( m_original_style ); connect( m_style_list, SIGNAL( highlighted( int ) ), this, SLOT( styleClicked( int ) ) ); return tab; } QWidget *Appearance::createDecoTab ( QWidget *parent, Config &cfg ) { QWidget* tab = new QWidget( parent, "DecoTab" ); QVBoxLayout* vertLayout = new QVBoxLayout( tab, 3, 3 ); m_deco_list = new QListBox( tab, "m_deco_list" ); vertLayout->addWidget( m_deco_list ); QWhatsThis::add( m_deco_list, tr( "Window decorations control the way the application title bar and its buttons appear.\n\nClick here to select an available decoration." ) ); QString s = cfg. readEntry ( "Decoration" ); m_deco_list-> insertItem ( new DecoListItem ( "QPE" )); { QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir(); path.append( "/plugins/decorations/" ); QStringList sl = QDir ( path, "lib*.so" ). entryList ( ); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = sl. begin ( ); it != sl. end ( ); ++it ) { QString libstr = path; libstr.append( "/" ); libstr.append( *it ); QLibrary *lib = new QLibrary ( libstr ); WindowDecorationInterface *iface; if ( lib-> queryInterface ( IID_WindowDecoration, (QUnknownInterface **) &iface ) == QS_OK ) { DecoListItem *dlit = new DecoListItem ( lib, iface ); m_deco_list-> insertItem ( dlit ); if ( dlit-> key ( ) == s ) m_deco_list-> setCurrentItem ( dlit ); } else delete lib; } } m_original_deco = m_deco_list-> currentItem ( ); if ( m_deco_list-> currentItem ( ) < 0 ) m_deco_list-> setCurrentItem ( 0 ); decoClicked ( m_original_deco ); connect( m_deco_list, SIGNAL( highlighted( int ) ), this, SLOT( decoClicked( int ) ) ); return tab; } QWidget *Appearance::createFontTab ( QWidget *parent, Config &cfg ) { QString familyStr = cfg. readEntry ( "FontFamily", "Helvetica" ); QString styleStr = cfg. readEntry ( "FontStyle", "Regular" ); int size = cfg. readNumEntry ( "FontSize", 10 ); m_fontselect = new OFontSelector ( false, parent, "FontTab" ); m_fontselect-> setSelectedFont ( familyStr, styleStr, size ); QWhatsThis::add( m_fontselect, tr( "Select the desired name, style and size of the default font applications will use." ) ); connect( m_fontselect, SIGNAL( fontSelected ( const QFont & )), this, SLOT( fontClicked ( const QFont & ))); return m_fontselect; } QWidget *Appearance::createColorTab ( QWidget *parent, Config &cfg ) { QWidget *tab = new QWidget( parent, "ColorTab" ); QGridLayout *gridLayout = new QGridLayout( tab, 0, 0, 3, 3 ); gridLayout->setRowStretch ( 3, 10 ); m_color_list = new QListBox ( tab ); gridLayout->addMultiCellWidget ( m_color_list, 0, 3, 0, 0 ); connect( m_color_list, SIGNAL( highlighted( int ) ), this, SLOT( colorClicked( int ) ) ); QWhatsThis::add( m_color_list, tr( "Color schemes are a collection of colors which are used for various parts of the display.\n\nClick here to select an available scheme." ) ); m_color_list-> insertItem ( new ColorListItem ( tr( "Current scheme" ), cfg )); QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir ( ); path.append( "/etc/colors/" ); QStringList sl = QDir ( path ). entryList ( "*.scheme" ); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = sl. begin ( ); it != sl. end ( ); ++it ) { QString name = (*it). left ((*it). find ( ".scheme" )); QString pathstr = path; pathstr.append( *it ); Config config ( pathstr, Config::File ); config. setGroup ( "Colors" ); m_color_list-> insertItem ( new ColorListItem ( name, config )); } m_color_list-> setCurrentItem ( 0 ); QPushButton* tempButton = new QPushButton( tab, "editSchemeButton" ); tempButton->setText( tr( "Edit..." ) ); connect( tempButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( editSchemeClicked() ) ); gridLayout->addWidget( tempButton, 0, 1 ); QWhatsThis::add( tempButton, tr( "Click here to change the colors in the current color scheme." ) ); tempButton = new QPushButton( tab, "deleteSchemeButton" ); tempButton->setText( tr( "Delete" ) ); connect( tempButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( deleteSchemeClicked() ) ); gridLayout->addWidget( tempButton, 1, 1 ); QWhatsThis::add( tempButton, tr( "Click here to delete the color scheme selected in the list to the left." ) ); tempButton = new QPushButton( tab, "saveSchemeButton" ); tempButton->setText( tr( "Save" ) ); connect( tempButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( saveSchemeClicked() ) ); gridLayout->addWidget( tempButton, 2, 1 ); QWhatsThis::add( tempButton, tr( "Click here to name and save the current color scheme." ) ); return tab; } QWidget *Appearance::createAdvancedTab ( QWidget *parent, Config &cfg ) { QWidget *tab = new QWidget ( parent ); QVBoxLayout *vertLayout = new QVBoxLayout( tab, 3, 3 ); QGridLayout *lay = new QGridLayout ( vertLayout, 0, 0, 3, 0 ); m_force = new QCheckBox ( tr( "Force styling for all applications." ), tab ); m_force-> setChecked ( cfg. readBoolEntry ( "ForceStyle" )); lay-> addMultiCellWidget ( m_force, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); QWhatsThis::add( m_force, tr( "Click here to allow all applications to use global appearance settings." ) ); QLabel *l = new QLabel ( tab ); l-> setText ( QString ( "<p>%1</p>" ). arg ( tr( "Disable styling for these applications ( <b>*</b> can be used as a wildcard):" ))); lay-> addMultiCellWidget ( l, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); QWhatsThis::add( l, tr( "If some applications do not display correctly with the global appearance settings, certain features can be turned off for that application.\n\nThis area allows you to select an application and which settings you wish to disable." ) ); m_except = new QListView ( tab ); m_except-> addColumn ( Resource::loadIconSet ( "appearance" ), "", 24 ); - m_except-> addColumn ( Resource::loadIconSet ( "appearance/font" ), "", 24 ); + m_except-> addColumn ( Resource::loadIconSet ( "font" ), "", 24 ); m_except-> addColumn ( Resource::loadIconSet ( "appearance/deco" ), "", 24 ); m_except-> addColumn ( tr( "Binary file(s)" )); m_except-> setColumnAlignment ( 0, AlignCenter ); m_except-> setColumnAlignment ( 1, AlignCenter ); m_except-> setColumnAlignment ( 2, AlignCenter ); m_except-> setAllColumnsShowFocus ( true ); m_except-> setMinimumHeight ( 30 ); m_except-> header ( )-> setClickEnabled ( false ); m_except-> header ( )-> setResizeEnabled ( false ); m_except-> header ( )-> setMovingEnabled ( false ); m_except-> setSorting ( -1 ); lay-> addMultiCellWidget ( m_except, 2, 6, 0, 0 ); QWhatsThis::add( m_except, tr( "If some applications do not display correctly with the global appearance settings, certain features can be turned off for that application.\n\nThis area allows you to select an application and which settings you wish to disable." ) ); connect ( m_except, SIGNAL( clicked ( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int )), this, SLOT( clickedExcept ( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ))); QToolButton *tb = new QToolButton ( tab ); tb-> setIconSet ( Resource::loadIconSet ( "appearance/add" )); tb-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::StrongFocus ); lay-> addWidget ( tb, 2, 1 ); connect ( tb, SIGNAL( clicked ( )), this, SLOT( addExcept ( ))); QWhatsThis::add( tb, tr( "Click here to add an application to the list above." ) ); tb = new QToolButton ( tab ); tb-> setIconSet ( Resource::loadIconSet ( "editdelete" )); tb-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::StrongFocus ); lay-> addWidget ( tb, 3, 1 ); connect ( tb, SIGNAL( clicked ( )), this, SLOT( delExcept ( ))); QWhatsThis::add( tb, tr( "Click here to delete the currently selected application." ) ); tb = new QToolButton ( tab ); tb-> setIconSet ( Resource::loadIconSet ( "up" )); tb-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::StrongFocus ); lay-> addWidget ( tb, 4, 1 ); connect ( tb, SIGNAL( clicked ( )), this, SLOT( upExcept ( ))); QWhatsThis::add( tb, tr( "Click here to move the currently selected application up in the list." ) ); tb = new QToolButton ( tab ); tb-> setIconSet ( Resource::loadIconSet ( "down" )); tb-> setFocusPolicy ( QWidget::StrongFocus ); lay-> addWidget ( tb, 5, 1 ); connect ( tb, SIGNAL( clicked ( )), this, SLOT( downExcept ( ))); QWhatsThis::add( tb, tr( "Click here to move the currently selected application down in the list." ) ); lay-> setRowStretch ( 6, 10 ); lay-> setColStretch ( 0, 10 ); QStringList sl = cfg. readListEntry ( "NoStyle", ';' ); QListViewItem *lvit = 0; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = sl. begin ( ); it != sl. end ( ); ++it ) { int fl = ( *it ). left ( 1 ). toInt ( 0, 32 ); lvit = new ExceptListItem ( m_except, lvit, ( *it ). mid ( 1 ), fl & 0x01, fl & 0x02, fl & 0x04 ); } vertLayout-> addSpacing ( 3 ); QFrame *f = new QFrame ( tab ); f-> setFrameStyle ( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken ); vertLayout-> addWidget ( f ); vertLayout-> addSpacing ( 3 ); QGridLayout* gridLayout = new QGridLayout ( vertLayout, 0, 0, 3, 0 ); int style = cfg. readNumEntry ( "TabStyle", 2 ) - 1; bool tabtop = ( cfg. readEntry ( "TabPosition", "Top" ) == "Top" ); QLabel* label = new QLabel( tr( "Tab style:" ), tab ); gridLayout-> addWidget ( label, 0, 0 ); QWhatsThis::add( label, tr( "Click here to select a desired style for tabbed dialogs (such as this application). The styles available are:\n\n1. Tabs - normal tabs with text labels only\n2. Tabs w/icons - tabs with icons for each tab, text label only appears on current tab\n3. Drop down list - a vertical listing of tabs\n4. Drop down list w/icons - a vertical listing of tabs with icons" ) ); QButtonGroup* btngrp = new QButtonGroup( tab, "buttongroup" ); btngrp-> hide ( ); btngrp-> setExclusive ( true ); m_tabstyle_list = new QComboBox ( false, tab, "tabstyle" ); m_tabstyle_list-> insertItem ( tr( "Tabs" )); m_tabstyle_list-> insertItem ( tr( "Tabs w/icons" )); m_tabstyle_list-> insertItem ( tr( "Drop down list" )); m_tabstyle_list-> insertItem ( tr( "Drop down list w/icons" )); m_tabstyle_list-> setCurrentItem ( style ); gridLayout-> addMultiCellWidget ( m_tabstyle_list, 0, 0, 1, 2 ); QWhatsThis::add( m_tabstyle_list, tr( "Click here to select a desired style for tabbed dialogs (such as this application). The styles available are:\n\n1. Tabs - normal tabs with text labels only\n2. Tabs w/icons - tabs with icons for each tab, text label only appears on current tab\n3. Drop down list - a vertical listing of tabs\n4. Drop down list w/icons - a vertical listing of tabs with icons" ) ); m_tabstyle_top = new QRadioButton( tr( "Top" ), tab, "tabpostop" ); btngrp-> insert ( m_tabstyle_top ); gridLayout-> addWidget( m_tabstyle_top, 1, 1 ); QWhatsThis::add( m_tabstyle_top, tr( "Click here so that tabs appear at the top of the window." ) ); m_tabstyle_bottom = new QRadioButton( tr( "Bottom" ), tab, "tabposbottom" ); btngrp-> insert ( m_tabstyle_bottom ); gridLayout-> addWidget( m_tabstyle_bottom, 1, 2 ); QWhatsThis::add( m_tabstyle_bottom, tr( "Click here so that tabs appear at the bottom of the window." ) ); m_tabstyle_top-> setChecked ( tabtop ); m_tabstyle_bottom-> setChecked ( !tabtop ); m_original_tabstyle = style; m_original_tabpos = tabtop; return tab; } Appearance::Appearance( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags ) : QDialog ( parent, name, true, WStyle_ContextHelp ) { setCaption( tr( "Appearance Settings" ) ); Config config( "qpe" ); config.setGroup( "Appearance" ); QVBoxLayout *top = new QVBoxLayout ( this, 3, 3 ); m_sample = new SampleWindow ( this ); m_sample-> setDecoration ( new DefaultWindowDecoration ( )); QWhatsThis::add( m_sample, tr( "This is a preview window. Look here to see your new appearance as options are changed." ) ); OTabWidget* tw = new OTabWidget ( this, "tabwidget", OTabWidget::Global, OTabWidget::Bottom ); QWidget *styletab; m_color_list = 0; tw-> addTab ( styletab = createStyleTab ( tw, config ), "appearance", tr( "Style" )); - tw-> addTab ( createFontTab ( tw, config ), "appearance/font", tr( "Font" )); + tw-> addTab ( createFontTab ( tw, config ), "font", tr( "Font" )); tw-> addTab ( createColorTab ( tw, config ), "appearance/color", tr( "Colors" ) ); tw-> addTab ( createDecoTab ( tw, config ), "appearance/deco", tr( "Windows" ) ); tw-> addTab ( m_advtab = createAdvancedTab ( tw, config ), "SettingsIcon", tr( "Advanced" ) ); top-> addWidget ( tw, 10 ); top-> addWidget ( m_sample, 1 ); tw-> setCurrentTab ( styletab ); connect ( tw, SIGNAL( currentChanged ( QWidget * )), this, SLOT( tabChanged ( QWidget * ))); m_style_changed = m_font_changed = m_color_changed = m_deco_changed = false; } Appearance::~Appearance() { } void Appearance::tabChanged ( QWidget *w ) { if ( w == m_advtab ) { m_sample-> hide ( ); updateGeometry ( ); // shouldn't be necessary ... } else m_sample-> show ( ); } void Appearance::accept ( ) { bool newtabpos = m_tabstyle_top-> isChecked ( ); int newtabstyle = m_tabstyle_list-> currentItem ( ); Config config ( "qpe" ); config. setGroup ( "Appearance" ); if ( m_style_changed ) { StyleListItem *item = (StyleListItem *) m_style_list-> item ( m_style_list-> currentItem ( )); if ( item ) config.writeEntry( "Style", item-> key ( )); } if ( m_deco_changed ) { DecoListItem *item = (DecoListItem *) m_deco_list-> item ( m_deco_list-> currentItem ( )); if ( item ) config.writeEntry( "Decoration", item-> key ( )); } if (( newtabstyle != m_original_tabstyle ) || ( newtabpos != m_original_tabpos )) { config. writeEntry ( "TabStyle", newtabstyle + 1 ); config. writeEntry ( "TabPosition", newtabpos ? "Top" : "Bottom" ); } if ( m_font_changed ) { config. writeEntry ( "FontFamily", m_fontselect-> fontFamily ( )); config. writeEntry ( "FontStyle", m_fontselect-> fontStyle ( )); config. writeEntry ( "FontSize", m_fontselect-> fontSize ( )); } if ( m_color_changed ) { ColorListItem *item = (ColorListItem *) m_color_list-> item ( m_color_list-> currentItem ( )); if ( item ) item-> save ( config ); } m_except-> setFocus ( ); // if the focus was on the embedded line-edit, we have to move it away first, so the contents are updated QStringList sl; QString exceptstr; for ( ExceptListItem *it = (ExceptListItem *) m_except-> firstChild ( ); it; it = (ExceptListItem *) it-> nextSibling ( )) { int fl = 0; fl |= ( it-> noStyle ( ) ? 0x01 : 0 ); fl |= ( it-> noFont ( ) ? 0x02 : 0 ); fl |= ( it-> noDeco ( ) ? 0x04 : 0 ); exceptstr = QString::number ( fl, 32 ); exceptstr.append( it-> pattern ( )); sl << exceptstr; } config. writeEntry ( "NoStyle", sl, ';' ); config. writeEntry ( "ForceStyle", m_force-> isChecked ( )); config. write ( ); // need to flush the config info first Global::applyStyle ( ); if ( QMessageBox::warning ( this, tr( "Restart" ), tr( "Do you want to restart %1 now?" ). arg ( ODevice::inst ( )-> system ( ) == System_Zaurus ? "Qtopia" : "Opie" ), tr( "Yes" ), tr( "No" ), 0, 0, 1 ) == 0 ) { QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "restart()" ); } QDialog::accept ( ); } void Appearance::done ( int r ) { QDialog::done ( r ); close ( ); } void Appearance::styleClicked ( int index ) { StyleListItem *sli = (StyleListItem *) m_style_list-> item ( index ); m_style_settings-> setEnabled ( sli ? sli-> hasSettings ( ) : false ); if ( m_sample && sli && sli-> style ( )) { int ci = m_color_list ? m_color_list-> currentItem ( ) : -1; m_sample-> setStyle2 ( sli-> style ( ), ci < 0 ? palette ( ) : ((ColorListItem *) m_color_list-> item ( ci ))-> palette ( )); } m_style_changed |= ( index != m_original_style ); } void Appearance::styleSettingsClicked ( ) { StyleListItem *item = (StyleListItem *) m_style_list-> item ( m_style_list-> currentItem ( )); if ( item && item-> hasSettings ( )) { QDialog *d = new QDialog ( this, "SETTINGS-DLG", true ); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout ( d, 3, 0 ); QWidget *w = item-> settings ( d ); if ( w ) { vbox-> addWidget ( w ); d-> setCaption ( w-> caption ( )); d-> showMaximized ( ); bool accepted = ( d-> exec ( ) == QDialog::Accepted ); if ( item-> setSettings ( accepted )) m_style_changed = true; } delete d; } } void Appearance::decoClicked ( int index ) { DecoListItem *dli = (DecoListItem *) m_deco_list-> item ( index ); if ( m_sample ) { if ( dli && dli-> interface ( )) m_sample-> setDecoration ( dli-> interface ( )); else m_sample-> setDecoration ( new DefaultWindowDecoration ( )); m_sample-> repaint ( ); } m_deco_changed |= ( index != m_original_deco ); } void Appearance::fontClicked ( const QFont &f ) { m_font_changed |= ( f != m_sample-> font ( )); m_sample-> setFont ( f ); } void Appearance::colorClicked ( int index ) { ColorListItem *item = (ColorListItem *) m_color_list-> item ( index ); if ( item ) m_sample-> setPalette ( item-> palette ( )); m_color_changed |= ( item-> palette ( ) != qApp-> palette ( )); } void Appearance::editSchemeClicked ( ) { ColorListItem *item = (ColorListItem *) m_color_list-> item ( m_color_list-> currentItem ( )); int cnt = 0; QString labels [QColorGroup::NColorRoles]; QColor colors [QColorGroup::NColorRoles]; for ( QColorGroup::ColorRole role = (QColorGroup::ColorRole) 0; role != QColorGroup::NColorRoles; ((int) role )++ ) { QColor col = item-> color ( role ); if ( col. isValid ( )) { labels [cnt] = item-> label ( role ); colors [cnt] = col; cnt++; } } EditScheme* editdlg = new EditScheme( cnt, labels, colors, this, "editScheme", true ); editdlg-> showMaximized ( ); diff --git a/pics/appearance/font.png b/pics/appearance/font.png Binary files differdeleted file mode 100644 index 2e51cad..0000000 --- a/pics/appearance/font.png +++ b/dev/null |