-rw-r--r-- | core/applets/vmemo/vmemo.cpp | 42 |
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/core/applets/vmemo/vmemo.cpp b/core/applets/vmemo/vmemo.cpp index 622b1df..1ead4dd 100644 --- a/core/applets/vmemo/vmemo.cpp +++ b/core/applets/vmemo/vmemo.cpp @@ -23,626 +23,630 @@ extern "C" { #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <linux/soundcard.h> #include <errno.h> typedef struct _waveheader { u_long main_chunk; /* 'RIFF' */ u_long length; /* filelen */ u_long chunk_type; /* 'WAVE' */ u_long sub_chunk; /* 'fmt ' */ u_long sc_len; /* length of sub_chunk, =16 (chunckSize) format len */ u_short format; /* should be 1 for PCM-code (formatTag) */ u_short modus; /* 1 Mono, 2 Stereo (channels) */ u_long sample_fq; /* samples per second (samplesPerSecond) */ u_long byte_p_sec; /* avg bytes per second (avgBytePerSecond) */ u_short byte_p_spl; /* samplesize; 1 or 2 bytes (blockAlign) */ u_short bit_p_spl; /* 8, 12 or 16 bit (bitsPerSample) */ u_long data_chunk; /* 'data' */ u_long data_length;/* samplecount */ } WaveHeader; #define RIFF 0x46464952 #define WAVE 0x45564157 #define FMT 0x20746D66 #define DATA 0x61746164 #define PCM_CODE 1 #define WAVE_MONO 1 #define WAVE_STEREO 2 struct adpcm_state encoder_state; //struct adpcm_state decoder_state; #define WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM (0x0011) #define WAVE_FORMAT_PCM (0x0001) #include "vmemo.h" #include <opie2/otaskbarapplet.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> int seq = 0; /* XPM */ static char * vmemo_xpm[] = { "16 16 102 2", " c None", ". c #60636A", "+ c #6E6E72", "@ c #68696E", "# c #4D525C", "$ c #6B6C70", "% c #E3E3E8", "& c #EEEEF2", "* c #EAEAEF", "= c #CACAD0", "- c #474A51", "; c #171819", "> c #9B9B9F", ", c #EBEBF0", "' c #F4F4F7", ") c #F1F1F5", "! c #DEDEE4", "~ c #57575C", "{ c #010101", "] c #A2A2A6", "^ c #747477", "/ c #B5B5B8", "( c #AEAEB2", "_ c #69696D", ": c #525256", "< c #181C24", "[ c #97979B", "} c #A7A7AC", "| c #B0B0B4", "1 c #C8C8D1", "2 c #75757B", "3 c #46464A", "4 c #494A4F", "5 c #323234", "6 c #909095", "7 c #39393B", "8 c #757578", "9 c #87878E", "0 c #222224", "a c #414144", "b c #6A6A6E", "c c #020C16", "d c #6B6B6F", "e c #68686D", "f c #5B5B60", "g c #8A8A8F", "h c #6B6B6E", "i c #ADADB2", "j c #828289", "k c #3E3E41", "l c #CFCFD7", "m c #4C4C50", "n c #000000", "o c #66666A", "p c #505054", "q c #838388", "r c #A1A1A7", "s c #A9A9AE", "t c #A8A8B0", "u c #5E5E63", "v c #3A3A3E", "w c #BDBDC6", "x c #59595E", "y c #76767C", "z c #373738", "A c #717174", "B c #727278", "C c #1C1C1E", "D c #3C3C3F", "E c #ADADB6", "F c #54555A", "G c #8B8C94", "H c #5A5A5F", "I c #BBBBC3", "J c #C4C4CB", "K c #909098", "L c #737379", "M c #343437", "N c #8F8F98", "O c #000407", "P c #2D3137", "Q c #B0B1BC", "R c #3B3C40", "S c #6E6E74", "T c #95959C", "U c #74747A", "V c #1D1D1E", "W c #91929A", "X c #42444A", "Y c #22282E", "Z c #B0B2BC", "` c #898A90", " . c #65656A", ".. c #999AA2", "+. c #52535A", "@. c #151B21", "#. c #515257", "$. c #B5B5BE", "%. c #616167", "&. c #1A1D22", "*. c #000713", "=. c #1F1F21", " ", " . + @ # ", " $ % & * = - ", " ; > , ' ) ! ~ ", " { ] ^ / ( _ : ", " < [ } | 1 2 3 ", " 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c ", " d e f g h i j 3 k l m n ", " o p q r s t u v w n ", " o x y z A B C D E n ", " F G H I J K L M N O ", " P Q R S T U V W X ", " Y Z ` b ...+. ", " @.#.$.%.&. ", " *.B =. ", " n n n n n n n n n "}; using namespace Opie::Ui; VMemo::VMemo( QWidget *parent, const char *_name ) : QWidget( parent, _name ) { setFixedHeight( 18 ); setFixedWidth( 14 ); t_timer = new QTimer( this ); connect( t_timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( timerBreak() ) ); Config vmCfg("Vmemo"); vmCfg.setGroup("Defaults"); int toggleKey = setToggleButton(vmCfg.readNumEntry("toggleKey", -1)); useADPCM = vmCfg.readBoolEntry("use_ADPCM", 0); odebug << "toggleKey " << toggleKey << "" << oendl; - if ( QFile::exists ( "/dev/sharp_buz" ) || QFile::exists ( "/dev/sharp_led" )) - systemZaurus=TRUE; - else + +// if ( QFile::exists ( "/dev/sharp_buz" ) || QFile::exists ( "/dev/sharp_led" )) +// systemZaurus=TRUE; +// else systemZaurus=FALSE; myChannel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/VMemo", this ); connect( myChannel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)), this, SLOT(receive(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)) ); if( toggleKey != -1 ) { - // keyRegister(key, channel, message) + qDebug("Register key %d", toggleKey); QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Launcher", "keyRegister(int,QCString,QCString)"); // e << 4096; // Key_Escape // e << Key_F5; //4148 e << toggleKey; e << QString("QPE/VMemo"); e << QString("toggleRecord()"); } if(toggleKey == 1) usingIcon=TRUE; else usingIcon=FALSE; - if( vmCfg.readNumEntry("hideIcon",0) == 1) - hide(); +// if( vmCfg.readNumEntry("hideIcon",0) == 1) +// hide(); recording = FALSE; // } } VMemo::~VMemo() { } int VMemo::position() { return 6; } void VMemo::receive( const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data ) { - odebug << "receive" << oendl; + odebug << "Vmemo receive" << oendl; QDataStream stream( data, IO_ReadOnly ); if (msg == "toggleRecord()") { if (recording) { fromToggle = TRUE; stopRecording(); } else { fromToggle = TRUE; startRecording(); } } } void VMemo::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) { QPainter p(this); p.drawPixmap( 0, 1,( const char** ) vmemo_xpm ); } void VMemo::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent * me) { /* No mousePress/mouseRelease recording on the iPAQ. The REC button on the iPAQ calls these functions mousePressEvent and mouseReleaseEvent with a NULL parameter. */ // if (!systemZaurus && me != NULL) // return; // } if(!recording) startRecording(); else stopRecording(); } void VMemo::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ) { } bool VMemo::startRecording() { Config config( "Vmemo" ); config.setGroup( "System" ); useAlerts = config.readBoolEntry("Alert",1); if(useAlerts) { msgLabel = new QLabel( 0, "alertLabel" ); msgLabel->setText("<B><P><font size=+2>VMemo-Recording</font></B>"); msgLabel->show(); } odebug << "Start recording engines" << oendl; recording = TRUE; if (openDSP() == -1) { recording = FALSE; return FALSE; } config.setGroup("Defaults"); date = TimeString::dateString( QDateTime::currentDateTime(),false,true); date.replace(QRegExp("'"),""); date.replace(QRegExp(" "),"_"); date.replace(QRegExp(":"),"."); date.replace(QRegExp(","),""); QString fName; config.setGroup( "System" ); fName = QPEApplication::documentDir() ; fileName = config.readEntry("RecLocation", fName); int s; s=fileName.find(':'); if(s) fileName=fileName.right(fileName.length()-s-2); odebug << "pathname will be "+fileName << oendl; if( fileName.left(1).find('/') == -1) fileName="/"+fileName; if( fileName.right(1).find('/') == -1) fileName+="/"; fName = "vm_"+ date+ ".wav"; fileName+=fName; odebug << "filename is "+fileName << oendl; // open tmp file here char *pointer; pointer=tmpnam(NULL); odebug << "Opening tmp file " << pointer << "" << oendl; if(openWAV(pointer ) == -1) { QString err("Could not open the temp file\n"); err += fileName; QMessageBox::critical(0, "vmemo", err, "Abort"); ::close(dsp); return FALSE; } if( record() ) { QString cmd; if( fileName.find(".wav",0,TRUE) == -1) fileName += ".wav"; cmd.sprintf("mv %s "+fileName, pointer); // move tmp file to regular file here system(cmd.latin1()); QArray<int> cats(1); cats[0] = config.readNumEntry("Category", 0); QString dlName("vm_"); dlName += date; DocLnk l; l.setFile(fileName); l.setName(dlName); l.setType("audio/x-wav"); l.setCategories(cats); l.writeLink(); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } void VMemo::stopRecording() { show(); odebug << "Stopped recording" << oendl; recording = FALSE; if(useAlerts) { msgLabel->close(); msgLabel=0; delete msgLabel; } t_timer->stop(); Config cfg("Vmemo"); cfg.setGroup("Defaults"); - if( cfg.readNumEntry("hideIcon",0) == 1 ) - hide(); +// if( cfg.readNumEntry("hideIcon",0) == 1 ) +// hide(); } int VMemo::openDSP() { Config cfg("Vmemo"); cfg.setGroup("Record"); speed = cfg.readNumEntry("SampleRate", 22050); channels = cfg.readNumEntry("Stereo", 1) ? 2 : 1; // 1 = stereo(2), 0 = mono(1) if (cfg.readNumEntry("SixteenBit", 1)==1) { format = AFMT_S16_LE; resolution = 16; } else { format = AFMT_U8; resolution = 8; } odebug << "samplerate: " << speed << ", channels " << channels << ", resolution " << resolution << "" << oendl; if(systemZaurus) { dsp = open("/dev/dsp1", O_RDONLY); //Zaurus needs /dev/dsp1 channels=1; //zaurus has one input channel } else { dsp = open("/dev/dsp", O_RDONLY); } if(dsp == -1) { msgLabel->close(); msgLabel=0; delete msgLabel; perror("open(\"/dev/dsp\")"); errorMsg="open(\"/dev/dsp\")\n "+(QString)strerror(errno); QMessageBox::critical(0, "vmemo", errorMsg, "Abort"); return -1; } if(ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT , &format)==-1) { perror("ioctl(\"SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT\")"); return -1; } if(ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS , &channels)==-1) { perror("ioctl(\"SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS\")"); return -1; } if(ioctl(dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED , &speed)==-1) { perror("ioctl(\"SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED\")"); return -1; } if(ioctl(dsp, SOUND_PCM_READ_RATE , &rate)==-1) { perror("ioctl(\"SOUND_PCM_READ_RATE\")"); return -1; } QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "volumeChange(bool)" ) << FALSE; //mute return 1; } int VMemo::openWAV(const char *filename) { track.setName(filename); if(!track.open(IO_WriteOnly|IO_Truncate|IO_Raw)) { errorMsg=filename; return -1; } wav=track.handle(); Config vmCfg("Vmemo"); vmCfg.setGroup("Defaults"); useADPCM = vmCfg.readBoolEntry("use_ADPCM", 0); WaveHeader wh; wh.main_chunk = RIFF; wh.length=0; wh.chunk_type = WAVE; wh.sub_chunk = FMT; wh.sc_len = 16; if(useADPCM) wh.format = WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM;//PCM_CODE; else wh.format = PCM_CODE; wh.modus = channels; wh.sample_fq = speed; wh.byte_p_sec = speed * channels * resolution/8; wh.byte_p_spl = channels * (resolution / 8); wh.bit_p_spl = resolution; wh.data_chunk = DATA; wh.data_length= 0; // qDebug("Write header channels %d, speed %d, b/s %d, blockalign %d, bitrate %d" // , wh.modus, wh.sample_fq, wh.byte_p_sec, wh.byte_p_spl, wh.bit_p_spl ); write (wav, &wh, sizeof(WaveHeader)); return 1; } bool VMemo::record() { length=0; int result, value; QString msg; msg.sprintf("Recording format %d", format); odebug << msg << oendl; Config config("Vmemo"); config.setGroup("Record"); int sRate=config.readNumEntry("SizeLimit", 30); if(sRate > 0) t_timer->start( sRate * 1000+1000, TRUE); // if(systemZaurus) { // } else { // 16 bit only capabilities msg.sprintf("Recording format other"); odebug << msg << oendl; - int bufsize=1024; + int bytesWritten=0; - signed short sound[1024], monoBuffer[1024]; - char abuf[bufsize/2]; - short sbuf[bufsize]; + Config vmCfg("Vmemo"); vmCfg.setGroup("Defaults"); useADPCM = vmCfg.readBoolEntry("use_ADPCM", 0); + int bufsize = vmCfg.readNumEntry("BufferSize",1024); + signed short sound[bufsize], monoBuffer[bufsize]; + char abuf[bufsize / 2]; + short sbuf[bufsize]; + while(recording) { if(useADPCM) - result = read( dsp, sbuf, bufsize); // 8192 + result = ::read(dsp, sbuf, bufsize); // 8192 else - result = read(dsp, sound, 1024); // 8192 + result = ::read(dsp, sound, bufsize); // 8192 if( result <= 0) { perror("recording error "); // odebug << currentFileName << oendl; QMessageBox::message(tr("Note"),tr("error recording")); recording=FALSE; break; return FALSE; } if(useADPCM) { adpcm_coder( sbuf, abuf, result/2, &encoder_state); bytesWritten = ::write(wav, abuf, result/4); } else { - for (int i = 0; i < result; i++) { //since Z is mono do normally - monoBuffer[i] = sound[i]; - } +// for (int i = 0; i < result; i++) { //since Z is mono do normally +// monoBuffer[i] = sound[i]; +// } - length+=write(wav, monoBuffer, result); + length += write(wav, sound, result); } length +=bytesWritten; if(length<0) { recording=false; perror("dev/dsp's is a lookin' messy"); QMessageBox::message("Vmemo","Error writing to file\n"+ fileName); break; return FALSE; } // odebug << "" << length << "\r" << oendl; // fflush(stdout); qApp->processEvents(); } // qDebug("file has length of %d lasting %d seconds", // length, (( length / speed) / channels) / 2 ); // } //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<// value = length+36; lseek(wav, 4, SEEK_SET); write(wav, &value, 4); lseek(wav, 40, SEEK_SET); write(wav, &length, 4); track.close(); odebug << "Track closed" << oendl; if( ioctl( dsp, SNDCTL_DSP_RESET,0) == -1) perror("ioctl(\"SNDCTL_DSP_RESET\")"); ::close(dsp); Config cfgO("OpieRec"); cfgO.setGroup("Sounds"); int nFiles = cfgO.readNumEntry( "NumberofFiles",0); QString currentFileName = fileName; QString currentFile = "vm_"+ date; float numberOfRecordedSeconds=(float) length / (float)speed * (float)2; cfgO.writeEntry( "NumberofFiles", nFiles + 1); cfgO.writeEntry( QString::number( nFiles + 1), currentFile); cfgO.writeEntry( currentFile, currentFileName); QString time; time.sprintf("%.2f", numberOfRecordedSeconds); cfgO.writeEntry( currentFileName, time ); // odebug << "writing config numberOfRecordedSeconds "+time << oendl; cfgO.write(); odebug << "done recording "+fileName << oendl; Config cfg("qpe"); cfg.setGroup("Volume"); QString foo = cfg.readEntry("Mute","TRUE"); if(foo.find("TRUE",0,TRUE) != -1) QCopEnvelope( "QPE/System", "volumeChange(bool)" ) << TRUE; //mute return TRUE; } int VMemo::setToggleButton(int tog) { for( int i=0; i < 10;i++) { switch (tog) { case 0: return -1; break; case 1: return 0; break; case 2: return Key_F24; //was Escape break; case 3: return Key_Space; break; case 4: return Key_F12; break; case 5: return Key_F9; break; case 6: return Key_F10; break; case 7: return Key_F11; break; case 8: return Key_F13; break; }; } return -1; } void VMemo::timerBreak() { //stop stopRecording(); QMessageBox::message("Vmemo","Vmemo recording has ended"); } EXPORT_OPIE_APPLET_v1( VMemo ) |