Side-by-side diff
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1 files changed, 15 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/settings/sysinfo/benchmarkinfo.cpp b/noncore/settings/sysinfo/benchmarkinfo.cpp
index f3a6561..8497c8b 100644
--- a/noncore/settings/sysinfo/benchmarkinfo.cpp
+++ b/noncore/settings/sysinfo/benchmarkinfo.cpp
@@ -195,195 +195,209 @@ void BenchmarkInfo::run()
if ( test_alu->isOn() )
int d = round( dhry_main( DHRYSTONE_RUNS ) );
test_alu->setText( 1, QString().sprintf( "%d dhrys", d ) );
test_alu->setOn( false );
if ( test_fpu->isOn() )
test_fpu->setText( 1, QString().sprintf( "%.2f secs", t.elapsed() / 1000.0 ) );;
test_fpu->setOn( false );
if ( test_txt->isOn() )
int value = textRendering( TEST_DURATION );
test_txt->setText( 1, QString().sprintf( "%d chars/sec", value / TEST_DURATION ) );
test_txt->setOn( false );
if ( test_gfx->isOn() )
int value = gfxRendering( TEST_DURATION );
test_gfx->setText( 1, QString().sprintf( "%.2f gops/sec", value / 4 / TEST_DURATION ) ); // 4 tests
test_gfx->setOn( false );
if ( test_ram->isOn() ) // /tmp is supposed to be in RAM on a PDA
performFileTest( "/tmp/benchmarkFile.dat", test_ram );
if ( test_cf->isOn() )
OStorageInfo storage;
performFileTest( storage.cfPath() + "/benchmarkFile.dat", test_cf );
if ( test_sd->isOn() )
OStorageInfo storage;
performFileTest( storage.sdPath() + "/benchmarkFile.dat", test_sd );
startButton->setText( tr( "&Start Tests!" ) );
int BenchmarkInfo::textRendering( int seconds )
QTime t;
int stop = t.elapsed() + seconds * 1000;
int rr[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128 };
int gg[] = { 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 128, 128 };
int bb[] = { 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 128, 0 };
const QString text( "Opie Benchmark Test" );
int w = QApplication::desktop()->width();
int h = QApplication::desktop()->height();
srand( time( NULL ) );
BenchmarkPaintWidget bpw;
int loops = 0;
while ( t.elapsed() < stop )
int k = rand() % 9;
int s = rand() % 100;
bpw.p.setPen( QColor( rr[ k ], gg[ k ], bb[ k ] ) );
bpw.p.setFont( QFont( "Vera", s ) );
bpw.p.drawText( rand() % w, rand() % h, text, text.length() );
return loops * text.length();
int BenchmarkInfo::gfxRendering( int seconds )
int rr[] = { 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 128 };
int gg[] = { 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 0, 128, 128 };
int bb[] = { 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 128, 0 };
int w = QApplication::desktop()->width();
int h = QApplication::desktop()->height();
srand( time( NULL ) );
BenchmarkPaintWidget bpw;
QTime t;
int stop = t.elapsed() + seconds*1000;
int loops = 0;
while ( t.elapsed() < stop )
int k = rand() % 9;
bpw.p.setPen( QColor( rr[ k ], gg[ k ], bb[ k ] ) );
bpw.p.drawLine( rand()%w, rand()%h, rand()%w, rand()%h );
stop = t.elapsed() + seconds*1000;
while ( t.elapsed() < stop )
int k = rand() % 9;
bpw.p.setPen( QColor( rr[ k ], gg[ k ], bb[ k ] ) );
bpw.p.drawArc( rand()%w, rand()%h, rand()%w, rand()%h, 360 * 16, 360 * 16 );
QBrush br1;
br1.setStyle( SolidPattern );
stop = t.elapsed() + seconds*1000;
while ( t.elapsed() < stop )
int k = rand() % 9;
br1.setColor( QColor( rr[ k ], gg[ k ], bb[ k ] ) );
bpw.p.fillRect( rand()%w, rand()%h, rand()%w, rand()%h, br1 );
QPixmap p = Resource::loadPixmap( "sysinfo/pattern" );
stop = t.elapsed() + seconds*1000;
while ( t.elapsed() < stop )
bpw.p.drawPixmap( rand()%w, rand()%h, p );
return loops;
const unsigned int FILE_TEST_COUNT = 8000;
const unsigned int FILE_TEST_BLOCKSIZE = 1024;
void BenchmarkInfo::performFileTest( const QString& fname, OCheckListItem* item )
QString filename = fname == "/benchmarkFile.dat" ? QString( "/tmp/bla" ) : fname;
odebug << "performing file test on " << filename << oendl;
QString writeCommand = QString( "dd if=/dev/zero of=%1 count=%2 bs=%3 && sync" ).arg( filename )
QString readCommand = QString( "dd if=%1 of=/dev/null count=%2 bs=%3").arg( filename )
::system( "sync" );
odebug << "performing file test on " << filename << oendl;
int write = 0;
int read = 0;
QTime time;
if ( ::system( writeCommand ) == 0 )
write = time.elapsed();
item->setText( 1, tr( "error" ) );
if ( ::system( readCommand ) == 0 )
read = time.elapsed();
item->setText( 1, tr( "error" ) );
QFile::remove( filename );
- item->setText( 1, QString().sprintf( "%.2f kb/s, %.2f kb/s", FILE_TEST_COUNT / ( read / 1000.0 ), FILE_TEST_COUNT / ( write / 1000.0 ) ) );
+ double readSpeed = FILE_TEST_COUNT / ( read / 1000.0 );
+ QString readUnit = "kb/s";
+ if ( readSpeed > 1024 )
+ {
+ readSpeed = readSpeed / 1024.0;
+ readUnit = "mb/s";
+ }
+ double writeSpeed = FILE_TEST_COUNT / ( write / 1000.0 );
+ QString writeUnit = "kb/s";
+ if ( writeSpeed > 1024 )
+ {
+ writeSpeed = writeSpeed / 1024.0;
+ writeUnit = "mb/s";
+ }
+ item->setText( 1, QString().sprintf( "%.2f %s, %.2f %s", readSpeed, readUnit.latin1(), writeSpeed, writeUnit.latin1() ) );
item->setOn( false );