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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp
index 1ac9277..9e86041 100644
--- a/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp
+++ b/noncore/multimedia/opieplayer2/xinevideowidget.cpp
@@ -100,205 +100,207 @@ static inline void memcpy_step_rev ( void *_dst, void *_src, size_t len, size_t
len >>= 1;
char *src_c = static_cast<char*>( _src ) + (len*step);
short int* dst = static_cast<short int*>( _dst );
short int* src = reinterpret_cast<short int*>( src_c );
while ( len-- ) {
src_c -= step;
src = reinterpret_cast<short int*>( src_c );
*dst++ = *src;
XineVideoWidget::XineVideoWidget ( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
: QWidget ( parent, name, WRepaintNoErase | WResizeNoErase )
setBackgroundMode ( NoBackground );
m_logo = 0;
m_buff = 0;
m_bytes_per_line_fb = qt_screen-> linestep ( );
m_bytes_per_pixel = ( qt_screen->depth() + 7 ) / 8;
m_rotation = 0;
XineVideoWidget::~XineVideoWidget ( )
delete m_logo;
void XineVideoWidget::clear ( )
m_buff = 0;
repaint ( false );
QSize XineVideoWidget::videoSize() const
QSize s = size();
bool fs = ( s == qApp->desktop()->size() );
// if we are in fullscreen mode, do not rotate the video
// (!! the paint routine uses m_rotation + qt_screen-> transformOrientation() !!)
m_rotation = fs ? - qt_screen->transformOrientation() : 0;
if ( fs && qt_screen->isTransformed() )
s = qt_screen->mapToDevice( s );
return s;
void XineVideoWidget::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent * )
if ( m_buff == 0 ) {
QPainter p ( this );
p. fillRect ( rect ( ), black );
if ( m_logo )
p. drawImage ( 0, 0, *m_logo );
else {
// Qt needs to be notified which areas were really updated .. strange
QArray <QRect> qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects;
QDirectPainter dp ( this );
int rot = dp. transformOrientation ( ) + m_rotation; // device rotation + custom rotation
uchar *fb = dp. frameBuffer ( );
uchar *frame = m_buff;
// where is the video frame in fb coordinates
QRect framerect = qt_screen-> mapToDevice ( QRect ( mapToGlobal ( m_thisframe. topLeft ( )), m_thisframe. size ( )), QSize ( qt_screen-> width ( ), qt_screen-> height ( )));
qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects. resize ( dp. numRects ( ));
for ( int i = dp. numRects ( ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
const QRect &clip = dp. rect ( i );
qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects [ i ] = qt_screen-> mapFromDevice ( clip, QSize ( qt_screen-> width ( ), qt_screen-> height ( )));
uchar *dst = fb + ( clip. x ( ) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + ( clip. y ( ) * m_bytes_per_line_fb ); // clip x/y in the fb
uchar *src = frame;
// Adjust the start the source data based on the rotation (xine frame)
switch ( rot ) {
case 0: src += ((( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame )); break;
case 1: src += ((( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame ) + (( framerect. height ( ) - 1 ) * m_bytes_per_pixel )); break;
case 2: src += ((( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame ) + (( framerect. height ( ) - 1 ) * m_bytes_per_line_frame )); break;
case 3: src += ((( clip. y ( ) - framerect. y ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) + (( clip. x ( ) - framerect. x ( )) * m_bytes_per_line_frame )); break;
default: break;
// all of the following widths/heights are fb relative (0deg rotation)
uint leftfill = 0; // black border on the "left" side of the video frame
uint framefill = 0; // "width" of the video frame
uint rightfill = 0; // black border on the "right" side of the video frame
uint clipwidth = clip. width ( ) * m_bytes_per_pixel; // "width" of the current clip rect
if ( clip. left ( ) < framerect. left ( ))
leftfill = (( framerect. left ( ) - clip. left ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) <? clipwidth;
if ( clip. right ( ) > framerect. right ( ))
rightfill = (( clip. right ( ) - framerect. right ( )) * m_bytes_per_pixel ) <? clipwidth;
framefill = clipwidth - ( leftfill + rightfill );
for ( int y = clip. top ( ); y <= clip. bottom ( ); y++ ) {
if (( y < framerect. top ( )) || ( y > framerect. bottom ( ))) {
// "above" or "below" the video -> black
memset ( dst, 0, clipwidth );
else {
if ( leftfill )
memset ( dst, 0, leftfill ); // "left" border -> black
if ( framefill ) { // blit in the video frame
// see above for an explanation of the different memcpys
switch ( rot ) {
case 0: memcpy ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill & ~1 ); break;
case 1: memcpy_step ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill, m_bytes_per_line_frame ); break;
case 2: memcpy_rev ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill ); break;
case 3: memcpy_step_rev ( dst + leftfill, src, framefill, m_bytes_per_line_frame ); break;
default: break;
if ( rightfill )
memset ( dst + leftfill + framefill, 0, rightfill ); // "right" border -> black
dst += m_bytes_per_line_fb; // advance one line in the framebuffer
// advance one "line" in the xine frame data
switch ( rot ) {
case 0: src += m_bytes_per_line_frame; break;
case 1: src -= m_bytes_per_pixel; break;
case 2: src -= m_bytes_per_line_frame; break;
case 3: src += m_bytes_per_pixel; break;
default: break;
// QVFB hack by Martin Jones
// We need to "touch" all affected clip rects with a normal QPainter in addition to the QDirectPainter
QPainter p ( this );
for ( int i = qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects. size ( ) - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
p. fillRect ( QRect ( mapFromGlobal ( qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects [ i ]. topLeft ( )), qt_bug_workaround_clip_rects [ i ]. size ( )), QBrush ( NoBrush ));
QImage *XineVideoWidget::logo ( ) const
return m_logo;
void XineVideoWidget::setLogo ( QImage* logo )
delete m_logo;
m_logo = logo;
void XineVideoWidget::setVideoFrame ( uchar* img, int w, int h, int bpl )
bool rot90 = (( -m_rotation ) & 1 );
if ( rot90 ) { // if the rotation is 90 or 270 we have to swap width / height
int d = w;
w = h;
h = d;
m_lastframe = m_thisframe;
m_thisframe. setRect (( width ( ) - w ) / 2, ( height ( ) - h ) / 2, w , h );
m_buff = img;
m_bytes_per_line_frame = bpl;
// only repaint the area that *really* needs to be repainted
repaint ((( m_thisframe & m_lastframe ) != m_lastframe ) ? m_lastframe : m_thisframe, false );
+ // ensure that we always have a valid frame!
+ m_buff = 0;
void XineVideoWidget::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * )
emit videoResized( videoSize() );
void XineVideoWidget::mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * /*me*/ )
emit clicked();