Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
3 files changed, 152 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp b/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp
index 6a9280f..d918193 100644
--- a/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp
@@ -33,4 +33,5 @@
#include <opie2/onetwork.h>
#include <opie2/ostation.h>
+#include <opie2/odebug.h>
/* QT */
@@ -68,6 +69,6 @@ ONetwork* ONetwork::_instance = 0;
- qDebug( "ONetwork::ONetwork()" );
- qDebug( "ONetwork: This code has been compiled against Wireless Extensions V%d", WIRELESS_EXT );
+ odebug << "ONetwork::ONetwork()" << oendl;
+ odebug << "ONetwork: This code has been compiled against Wireless Extensions V" << WIRELESS_EXT << oendl;
@@ -86,5 +87,5 @@ void ONetwork::synchronize()
if ( !hasFile )
- qDebug( "ONetwork: /proc/net/dev not existing. No network devices available" );
+ odebug << "ONetwork: /proc/net/dev not existing. No network devices available" << oendl;
@@ -96,10 +97,10 @@ void ONetwork::synchronize()
s >> str;
str.truncate( str.find( ':' ) );
- qDebug( "ONetwork: found interface '%s'", (const char*) str );
+ odebug << "ONetwork: found interface '" << str << "'" << oendl;
ONetworkInterface* iface;
if ( isWirelessInterface( str ) )
iface = new OWirelessNetworkInterface( this, (const char*) str );
- qDebug( "ONetwork: interface '%s' has Wireless Extensions", (const char*) str );
+ odebug << "ONetwork: interface '" << str << "' has Wireless Extensions" << oendl;
@@ -162,5 +163,5 @@ ONetworkInterface::ONetworkInterface( QObject* parent, const char* name )
_sfd( socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ) ), _mon( 0 )
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::ONetworkInterface()" );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::ONetworkInterface()" << oendl;
@@ -175,5 +176,5 @@ struct ifreq& ONetworkInterface::ifr() const
void ONetworkInterface::init()
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::init()" );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::init()" << oendl;
memset( &_ifr, 0, sizeof( struct ifreq ) );
@@ -181,5 +182,5 @@ void ONetworkInterface::init()
if ( _sfd == -1 )
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::init(): Warning - can't get socket for device '%s'", name() );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::init(): Warning - can't get socket for device '" << name() << "'" << oendl;
@@ -192,7 +193,9 @@ bool ONetworkInterface::ioctl( int call, struct ifreq& ifreq ) const
int result = ::ioctl( _sfd, call, &ifreq );
if ( result == -1 )
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::ioctl (%s) call %s (0x%04X) - Status: Failed: %d (%s)", name(), (const char*) debugmapper->map( call ), call, result, strerror( errno ) );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::ioctl (" << name() << ") call '" << debugmapper->map( call )
+ << "' FAILED! " << result << " (" << strerror( errno ) << ")" << oendl;
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::ioctl (%s) call %s (0x%04X) - Status: Ok.", name(), (const char*) debugmapper->map( call ), call );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::ioctl (" << name() << ") call '" << debugmapper->map( call )
+ << "' - Status: Ok." << oendl;
return ( result != -1 );
@@ -316,5 +319,5 @@ void ONetworkInterface::setMonitoring( OMonitoringInterface* m )
_mon = m;
- qDebug( "ONetwork::setMonitoring(): Installed monitoring driver '%s' on interface '%s'", (const char*) m->name(), name() );
+ odebug << "ONetwork::setMonitoring(): Installed monitoring driver '" << m->name() << "' on interface '" << name() << "'" << oendl;
@@ -328,5 +331,5 @@ OMonitoringInterface* ONetworkInterface::monitoring() const
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::~ONetworkInterface()" );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::~ONetworkInterface()" << oendl;
if ( _sfd != -1 ) ::close( _sfd );
@@ -405,6 +408,5 @@ void OChannelHopper::timerEvent( QTimerEvent* )
_iface->setChannel( *_channel );
emit( hopped( *_channel ) );
- qDebug( "OChannelHopper::timerEvent(): set channel %d on interface '%s'",
- *_channel, (const char*) _iface->name() );
+ odebug << "OChannelHopper::timerEvent(): set channel " << *_channel << " on interface '" << _iface->name() << "'" << oendl;
if ( ++_channel == _channels.end() ) _channel = _channels.begin();
@@ -442,5 +444,5 @@ OWirelessNetworkInterface::OWirelessNetworkInterface( QObject* parent, const cha
:ONetworkInterface( parent, name ), _hopper( 0 )
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::OWirelessNetworkInterface()" );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::OWirelessNetworkInterface()" << oendl;
@@ -460,5 +462,5 @@ struct iwreq& OWirelessNetworkInterface::iwr() const
void OWirelessNetworkInterface::init()
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::init()" );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::init()" << oendl;
memset( &_iwr, 0, sizeof( struct iwreq ) );
@@ -507,5 +509,5 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation()
if ( ::ioctl( _sfd, SIOCGIWRANGE, &wrq ) == -1 )
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation(): SIOCGIWRANGE failed (%s) - using default values.", strerror( errno ) );
+ owarn << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation(): Can't get channel information - using default values." << oendl;
_channels.insert( 2412, 1 ); // 2.412 GHz
_channels.insert( 2417, 2 ); // 2.417 GHz
@@ -531,6 +533,6 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation()
if (max > 0)
- qWarning( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation(): Driver for wireless interface '%s' sucks!\n"
- "It overwrote the buffer end with at least %i bytes!\n", name(), max - sizeof( struct iw_range ) );
+ owarn << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation(): Driver for wireless interface '" << name()
+ << "' sucks! It overwrote the buffer end with at least " << max - sizeof( struct iw_range ) << " bytes!" << oendl;
// </check if the driver overwrites stuff>
@@ -539,5 +541,5 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation()
memcpy( &range, buffer, sizeof range );
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation(): Interface %s reported to have %d channels.", name(), range.num_frequency );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation(): Interface reported to have " << (int) range.num_frequency << " channels." << oendl;
for ( int i = 0; i < range.num_frequency; ++i )
@@ -548,5 +550,5 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation()
memcpy( &_range, buffer, sizeof( struct iw_range ) );
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation(): Information block constructed." );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation(): Information block constructed." << oendl;
@@ -555,5 +557,5 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildInformation()
void OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildPrivateList()
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildPrivateList()" );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildPrivateList()" << oendl;
struct iw_priv_args priv[IW_MAX_PRIV_DEF];
@@ -565,5 +567,5 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildPrivateList()
if ( !wioctl( SIOCGIWPRIV ) )
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildPrivateList(): SIOCGIWPRIV failed (%s) - can't get private ioctl information.", strerror( errno ) );
+ owarn << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildPrivateList(): Can't get private ioctl information." << oendl;
@@ -573,5 +575,5 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildPrivateList()
new OPrivateIOCTL( this, priv[i].name, priv[i].cmd, priv[i].get_args, priv[i].set_args );
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildPrivateList(): Private IOCTL list constructed." );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildPrivateList(): Private ioctl list constructed." << oendl;
@@ -579,10 +581,10 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::buildPrivateList()
void OWirelessNetworkInterface::dumpInformation() const
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::() -------------- dumping information block ----------------" );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::() -------------- dumping information block ----------------" << oendl;
qDebug( " - driver's idea of maximum throughput is %d bps = %d byte/s = %d Kb/s = %f.2 Mb/s", _range.throughput, _range.throughput / 8, _range.throughput / 8 / 1024, float( _range.throughput ) / 8.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0 );
qDebug( " - driver for '%s' has been compiled against WE V%d (source=V%d)", name(), _range.we_version_compiled, _range.we_version_source );
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::() ---------------------------------------------------------" );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::() ---------------------------------------------------------" << oendl;
@@ -611,5 +613,5 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::setChannel( int c ) const
if ( !c )
- qWarning( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setChannel( 0 ) called - fix your application!" );
+ oerr << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setChannel( 0 ) called - fix your application!" << oendl;
@@ -682,5 +684,5 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode( const QString& newMode )
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode(): trying to set mode '%s' (%d)", (const char*) newMode, stringToMode( newMode ) );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode(): trying to set mode " << newMode << oendl;
_iwr.u.mode = stringToMode( newMode );
@@ -696,9 +698,9 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode( const QString& newMode )
if ( mode() == "monitor" )
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode(): SIOCSIWMODE not sufficient - trying fallback to iwpriv..." );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode(): SIOCSIWMODE not sufficient - trying fallback to iwpriv..." << oendl;
if ( _mon )
_mon->setEnabled( false );
- qDebug( "ONetwork(): can't switch monitor mode without installed monitoring interface" );
+ odebug << "ONetwork(): can't switch monitor mode without installed monitoring interface" << oendl;
@@ -708,14 +710,14 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode( const QString& newMode )
if ( wioctl( SIOCSIWMODE ) )
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode(): IW_MODE_MONITOR ok" );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode(): IW_MODE_MONITOR ok" << oendl;
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode(): SIOCSIWMODE not working - trying fallback to iwpriv..." );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode(): SIOCSIWMODE not working - trying fallback to iwpriv..." << oendl;
if ( _mon )
_mon->setEnabled( true );
- qDebug( "ONetwork(): can't switch monitor mode without installed monitoring interface" );
+ odebug << "ONetwork(): can't switch monitor mode without installed monitoring interface" << oendl;
@@ -732,5 +734,5 @@ QString OWirelessNetworkInterface::mode() const
- qDebug( "DEBUG: WE's idea of current mode seems to be '%s'", (const char*) modeToString( _iwr.u.mode ) );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setMode(): WE's idea of current mode seems to be " << modeToString( _iwr.u.mode ) << oendl;
// legacy compatible monitor mode check
@@ -776,14 +778,16 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::setPrivate( const QString& call, int numargs, ..
if ( !priv )
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setPrivate(): interface '%s' does not support private ioctl '%s'", name(), (const char*) call );
+ owarn << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setPrivate(): interface '" << name()
+ << "' does not support private ioctl '" << call << "'" << oendl;
if ( priv->numberSetArgs() != numargs )
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setPrivate(): parameter count not matching. '%s' expects %d arguments, but got %d", (const char*) call, priv->numberSetArgs(), numargs );
+ owarn << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setPrivate(): parameter count not matching. '"
+ << call << "' expects " << priv->numberSetArgs() << ", but got " << numargs << oendl;
- qDebug( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setPrivate(): about to call '%s' on interface '%s'", (const char*) call, name() );
+ odebug << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::setPrivate(): about to call '" << call << "' on interface '" << name() << "'" << oendl;
memset( &_iwr, 0, sizeof _iwr );
va_list argp;
@@ -800,5 +804,5 @@ void OWirelessNetworkInterface::setPrivate( const QString& call, int numargs, ..
void OWirelessNetworkInterface::getPrivate( const QString& call )
- qWarning( "OWirelessNetworkInterface::getPrivate() is not implemented yet." );
+ oerr << "OWirelessNetworkInterface::getPrivate() is not implemented yet." << oendl;
@@ -847,5 +851,5 @@ OStationList* OWirelessNetworkInterface::scanNetwork()
int timeout = 1000000;
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::scanNetwork() - scan started." );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::scanNetwork() - scan started." << oendl;
bool results = false;
@@ -870,5 +874,5 @@ OStationList* OWirelessNetworkInterface::scanNetwork()
else if ( errno == EAGAIN)
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::scanNetwork() - scan in progress..." );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::scanNetwork() - scan in progress..." << oendl;
#if 0
if ( qApp )
@@ -884,16 +888,16 @@ OStationList* OWirelessNetworkInterface::scanNetwork()
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::scanNetwork() - scan finished." );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::scanNetwork() - scan finished." << oendl;
if ( results )
- qDebug( " - result length = %d", );
+ odebug << " - result length = " << << oendl;
if ( ! )
- qDebug( " - no results (empty neighbourhood)" );
+ odebug << " - no results (empty neighbourhood)" << oendl;
return stations;
- qDebug( " - results are in!" );
+ odebug << " - results are in!" << oendl;
dumpBytes( (const unsigned char*) &buffer[0], );
@@ -907,10 +911,10 @@ OStationList* OWirelessNetworkInterface::scanNetwork()
//const char* cmd = *(*_ioctlmap)[we->cmd];
//if ( !cmd ) cmd = "<unknown>";
- qDebug( "reading next event... cmd=%d, len=%d", we->cmd, we->len );
+ odebug << " - reading next event... cmd=" << we->cmd << ", len=" << we->len << oendl;
switch (we->cmd)
- qDebug( "SIOCGIWAP" );
+ odebug << "SIOCGIWAP" << oendl;
stations->append( new OStation() );
stations->last()->macAddress = (const unsigned char*) &we->u.ap_addr.sa_data[0];
@@ -919,5 +923,5 @@ OStationList* OWirelessNetworkInterface::scanNetwork()
- qDebug( "SIOCGIWMODE" );
+ odebug << "SIOCGIWMODE" << oendl;
stations->last()->type = modeToString( we->u.mode );
@@ -925,5 +929,5 @@ OStationList* OWirelessNetworkInterface::scanNetwork()
- qDebug( "SIOCGIWFREQ" );
+ odebug << "SIOCGIWFREQ" << oendl;
stations->last()->channel = _channels[ static_cast<int>(double( we->u.freq.m ) * pow( 10.0, we->u.freq.e ) / 1000000) ];
@@ -931,16 +935,16 @@ OStationList* OWirelessNetworkInterface::scanNetwork()
- qDebug( "SIOCGIWESSID" );
+ odebug << "SIOCGIWESSID" << oendl;
stations->last()->ssid = we->u.essid.pointer;
- case SIOCGIWSENS: qDebug( "SIOCGIWSENS" ); break;
- case SIOCGIWENCODE: qDebug( "SIOCGIWENCODE" ); break;
- case IWEVTXDROP: qDebug( "IWEVTXDROP" ); break; /* Packet dropped to excessive retry */
- case IWEVQUAL: qDebug( "IWEVQUAL" ); break; /* Quality part of statistics (scan) */
- case IWEVCUSTOM: qDebug( "IWEVCUSTOM" ); break; /* Driver specific ascii string */
- case IWEVREGISTERED: qDebug( "IWEVREGISTERED" ); break; /* Discovered a new node (AP mode) */
- case IWEVEXPIRED: qDebug( "IWEVEXPIRED" ); break; /* Expired a node (AP mode) */
- default: qDebug( "unhandled event" );
+ case SIOCGIWSENS: odebug << "SIOCGIWSENS" << oendl; break;
+ case SIOCGIWENCODE: odebug << "SIOCGIWENCODE" << oendl; break;
+ case IWEVTXDROP: odebug << "IWEVTXDROP" << oendl; break; /* Packet dropped to excessive retry */
+ case IWEVQUAL: odebug << "IWEVQUAL" << oendl; break; /* Quality part of statistics (scan) */
+ case IWEVCUSTOM: odebug << "IWEVCUSTOM" << oendl; break; /* Driver specific ascii string */
+ case IWEVREGISTERED: odebug << "IWEVREGISTERED" << oendl; break; /* Discovered a new node (AP mode) */
+ case IWEVEXPIRED: odebug << "IWEVEXPIRED" << oendl; break; /* Expired a node (AP mode) */
+ default: odebug << "unhandled event" << oendl;
@@ -955,5 +959,5 @@ OStationList* OWirelessNetworkInterface::scanNetwork()
- qDebug( " - no results (timeout) :(" );
+ odebug << " - no results (timeout) :(" << oendl;
return stations;
@@ -965,8 +969,12 @@ bool OWirelessNetworkInterface::wioctl( int call, struct iwreq& iwreq ) const
#ifndef NODEBUG
int result = ::ioctl( _sfd, call, &iwreq );
if ( result == -1 )
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::wioctl (%s) call %s (0x%04X) - Status: Failed: %d (%s)", name(), (const char*) debugmapper->map( call ), call, result, strerror( errno ) );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::wioctl (" << name() << ") call '"
+ << debugmapper->map( call ) << "' FAILED! " << result << " (" << strerror( errno ) << ")" << oendl;
- qDebug( "ONetworkInterface::wioctl (%s) call %s (0x%04X) - Status: Ok.", name(), (const char*) debugmapper->map( call ), call );
+ odebug << "ONetworkInterface::wioctl (" << name() << ") call '"
+ << debugmapper->map( call ) << "' - Status: Ok." << oendl;
return ( result != -1 );
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp b/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp
index 635224c..e9b3b2c 100644
--- a/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opienet/opcap.cpp
@@ -31,4 +31,5 @@
/* OPIE */
#include <opie2/opcap.h>
+#include <opie2/odebug.h>
/* QT */
@@ -60,20 +61,20 @@ OPacket::OPacket( int datalink, packetheaderstruct header, const unsigned char*
case DLT_EN10MB:
- qDebug( "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet. Datalink = ETHERNET" );
+ odebug << "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet. Datalink = ETHERNET" << oendl;
new OEthernetPacket( _end, (const struct ether_header*) data, this );
case DLT_IEEE802_11:
- qDebug( "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet. Datalink = IEEE802.11" );
+ odebug << "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet. Datalink = IEEE802.11" << oendl;
new OWaveLanPacket( _end, (const struct ieee_802_11_header*) data, this );
- qDebug( "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet. Datalink = PRISM_HEADER" );
+ odebug << "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet. Datalink = PRISM_HEADER" << oendl;
new OPrismHeaderPacket( _end, (const struct prism_hdr*) (unsigned char*) data, this );
- qWarning( "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet over unsupported datalink (type %d)!", datalink );
+ owarn << "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Packet over unsupported datalink, type " << datalink << "!" << oendl;
@@ -113,5 +114,5 @@ void OPacket::dumpStructure( QObjectList* l )
QString packetString( "[ |" + _dumpStructure( l ) + " ]" );
- qDebug( "OPacket::dumpStructure: %s", (const char*) packetString );
+ odebug << "OPacket::dumpStructure: " << packetString << oendl;
@@ -187,11 +188,11 @@ OEthernetPacket::OEthernetPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct ether_h
- qDebug( "Source = %s", (const char*) sourceAddress().toString() );
- qDebug( "Destination = %s", (const char*) destinationAddress().toString() );
+ odebug << "Source = " << sourceAddress().toString();
+ odebug << "Destination = " << destinationAddress().toString();
if ( sourceAddress() == OMacAddress::broadcast )
- qDebug( "Source is broadcast address" );
+ odebug << "Source is broadcast address" << oendl;
if ( destinationAddress() == OMacAddress::broadcast )
- qDebug( "Destination is broadcast address" );
+ odebug << "Destination is broadcast address" << oendl;
switch ( type() )
@@ -199,6 +200,6 @@ OEthernetPacket::OEthernetPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct ether_h
case ETHERTYPE_IP: new OIPPacket( end, (const struct iphdr*) (data+1), this ); break;
case ETHERTYPE_ARP: new OARPPacket( end, (const struct myarphdr*) (data+1), this ); break;
- case ETHERTYPE_REVARP: { qDebug( "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Ethernet Packet : Type = RARP" ); break; }
- default: qDebug( "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Ethernet Packet : Type = UNKNOWN" );
+ case ETHERTYPE_REVARP: { odebug << "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Ethernet Packet : Type = RARP" << oendl; break; }
+ default: odebug << "OPacket::OPacket(): Received Ethernet Packet : Type = UNKNOWN" << oendl;
@@ -236,11 +237,8 @@ OIPPacket::OIPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct iphdr* data, QObjec
:QObject( parent, "IP" ), _iphdr( data )
- qDebug( "OIPPacket::OIPPacket(): decoding IP header..." );
+ odebug << "OIPPacket::OIPPacket(): decoding IP header..." << oendl;
- //qDebug( "FromAddress: %s", (const char*) inet_ntoa( *src ) );
- //qDebug( " ToAddress: %s", (const char*) inet_ntoa( *dst ) );
- qDebug( "FromAddress: %s", (const char*) fromIPAddress().toString() );
- qDebug( " toAddress: %s", (const char*) toIPAddress().toString() );
+ odebug << "FromAddress = " << fromIPAddress().toString();
+ odebug << " toAddress = " << toIPAddress().toString();
switch ( protocol() )
@@ -248,5 +246,5 @@ OIPPacket::OIPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct iphdr* data, QObjec
case IPPROTO_UDP: new OUDPPacket( end, (const struct udphdr*) (data+1), this ); break;
case IPPROTO_TCP: new OTCPPacket( end, (const struct tcphdr*) (data+1), this ); break;
- default: qDebug( "OIPPacket::OIPPacket(): unknown IP protocol type = %d", protocol() );
+ default: odebug << "OIPPacket::OIPPacket(): unknown IP protocol, type = " << protocol() << oendl;
@@ -319,8 +317,8 @@ OARPPacket::OARPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct myarphdr* data, Q
:QObject( parent, "ARP" ), _arphdr( data )
- qDebug( "OARPPacket::OARPPacket(): decoding ARP header..." );
- qDebug( "ARP type seems to be %02d - '%s'", EXTRACT_16BITS( &_arphdr->ar_op ), (const char*) type() );
- qDebug( "Sender: MAC %s = IP %s", (const char*) senderMacAddress().toString(), (const char*) senderIPV4Address().toString() );
- qDebug( "Target: MAC %s = IP %s", (const char*) targetMacAddress().toString(), (const char*) targetIPV4Address().toString() );
+ odebug << "OARPPacket::OARPPacket(): decoding ARP header..." << oendl;
+ odebug << "ARP type seems to be " << EXTRACT_16BITS( &_arphdr->ar_op ) << " = " << type() << oendl;
+ odebug << "Sender: MAC " << senderMacAddress().toString() << " = IP " << senderIPV4Address().toString() << oendl;
+ odebug << "Target: MAC " << targetMacAddress().toString() << " = IP " << targetIPV4Address().toString() << oendl;
@@ -380,7 +378,7 @@ OUDPPacket::OUDPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct udphdr* data, QOb
- qDebug( "OUDPPacket::OUDPPacket(): decoding UDP header..." );
- qDebug( "fromPort = %d", fromPort() );
- qDebug( " toPort = %d", toPort() );
+ odebug << "OUDPPacket::OUDPPacket(): decoding UDP header..." << oendl;
+ odebug << "fromPort = " << fromPort() << oendl;
+ odebug << " toPort = " << toPort() << oendl;
// TODO: Make this a case or a hash if we know more udp protocols
@@ -389,5 +387,5 @@ OUDPPacket::OUDPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct udphdr* data, QOb
toPort() == UDP_PORT_BOOTPS || toPort() == UDP_PORT_BOOTPC )
- qDebug( "seems to be part of a DHCP conversation => creating DHCP packet." );
+ odebug << "seems to be part of a DHCP conversation => creating DHCP packet." << oendl;
new ODHCPPacket( end, (const struct dhcp_packet*) (data+1), this );
@@ -433,11 +431,11 @@ ODHCPPacket::ODHCPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct dhcp_packet* da
- qDebug( "ODHCPPacket::ODHCPPacket(): decoding DHCP information..." );
- qDebug( "DHCP opcode seems to be %02d - '%s'", _dhcphdr->op, isRequest() ? "REQUEST" : "REPLY" );
- qDebug( "clientAddress: %s", (const char*) clientAddress().toString() );
- qDebug( " yourAddress: %s", (const char*) yourAddress().toString() );
- qDebug( "serverAddress: %s", (const char*) serverAddress().toString() );
- qDebug( " relayAddress: %s", (const char*) relayAddress().toString() );
- qDebug( "parsing DHCP options..." );
+ odebug << "ODHCPPacket::ODHCPPacket(): decoding DHCP information..." << oendl;
+ odebug << "DHCP opcode seems to be " << _dhcphdr->op << ": " << ( isRequest() ? "REQUEST" : "REPLY" ) << oendl;
+ odebug << "clientAddress = " << clientAddress().toString() << oendl;
+ odebug << " yourAddress = " << yourAddress().toString() << oendl;
+ odebug << "serverAddress = " << serverAddress().toString() << oendl;
+ odebug << " relayAddress = " << relayAddress().toString() << oendl;
+ odebug << "parsing DHCP options..." << oendl;
_type = 0;
@@ -450,5 +448,5 @@ ODHCPPacket::ODHCPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct dhcp_packet* da
len = *option++;
- qDebug( "recognized DHCP option #%d, length %d", tag, len );
+ odebug << "recognized DHCP option #" << tag << ", length " << len << oendl;
@@ -458,10 +456,10 @@ ODHCPPacket::ODHCPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct dhcp_packet* da
if ( option >= end )
- qWarning( "DHCP parsing ERROR: sanity check says the packet is at its end!" );
+ owarn << "DHCP parsing ERROR: sanity check says the packet is at its end!" << oendl;
- qDebug( "DHCP type seems to be '%s'", (const char*) type() );
+ odebug << "DHCP type seems to be << " << type() << oendl;
@@ -540,5 +538,5 @@ OTCPPacket::OTCPPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct tcphdr* data, QOb
- qDebug( "OTCPPacket::OTCPPacket(): decoding TCP header..." );
+ odebug << "OTCPPacket::OTCPPacket(): decoding TCP header..." << oendl;
@@ -593,7 +591,7 @@ OPrismHeaderPacket::OPrismHeaderPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct p
- qDebug( "OPrismHeaderPacket::OPrismHeaderPacket(): decoding PRISM header..." );
+ odebug << "OPrismHeaderPacket::OPrismHeaderPacket(): decoding PRISM header..." << oendl;
- qDebug( "Signal Strength = %d", data-> );
+ odebug << "Signal Strength = " << data-> << oendl;
new OWaveLanPacket( end, (const struct ieee_802_11_header*) (data+1), this );
@@ -619,14 +617,14 @@ OWaveLanPacket::OWaveLanPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct ieee_802_
- qDebug( "OWaveLanPacket::OWaveLanPacket(): decoding IEEE 802.11 header..." );
- qDebug( "type: %0X", type() );
- qDebug( "subType: %0X", subType() );
- qDebug( "duration: %d", duration() );
- qDebug( "powermanagement: %d", usesPowerManagement() );
- qDebug( "payload is encrypted: %s", usesWep() ? "yes" : "no" );
- qDebug( "MAC1: %s", (const char*) macAddress1().toString() );
- qDebug( "MAC2: %s", (const char*) macAddress2().toString() );
- qDebug( "MAC3: %s", (const char*) macAddress3().toString() );
- qDebug( "MAC4: %s", (const char*) macAddress4().toString() );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanPacket::OWaveLanPacket(): decoding IEEE 802.11 header..." << oendl;
+ odebug << "type = " << type() << oendl;
+ odebug << "subType = " << subType() << oendl;
+ odebug << "duration = " << duration() << oendl;
+ odebug << "powermanagement = " << usesPowerManagement() << oendl;
+ odebug << "payload is encrypted = " << ( usesWep() ? "yes" : "no" ) << oendl;
+ odebug << "MAC1 = " << macAddress1().toString() << oendl;
+ odebug << "MAC2 = " << macAddress2().toString() << oendl;
+ odebug << "MAC3 = " << macAddress3().toString() << oendl;
+ odebug << "MAC4 = " << macAddress4().toString() << oendl;
switch ( type() )
@@ -635,5 +633,5 @@ OWaveLanPacket::OWaveLanPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct ieee_802_
case T_DATA: new OWaveLanDataPacket( end, (const struct ieee_802_11_data_header*) data, this ); break;
case T_CTRL: new OWaveLanControlPacket( end, (const struct ieee_802_11_control_header*) data, this ); break;
- default: qDebug( "OWaveLanPacket::OWaveLanPacket(): Warning: Unknown major type '%d'!", type() );
+ default: odebug << "OWaveLanPacket::OWaveLanPacket(): Warning: Unknown major type = " << type() << oendl;
@@ -724,6 +722,6 @@ OWaveLanManagementPacket::OWaveLanManagementPacket( const unsigned char* end, co
_body( (const struct ieee_802_11_mgmt_body*) (data+1) )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanManagementPacket::OWaveLanManagementPacket(): decoding frame..." );
- qDebug( "Detected subtype is '%s'", (const char*) managementType() );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanManagementPacket::OWaveLanManagementPacket(): decoding frame..." << oendl;
+ odebug << "Detected subtype is " << managementType() << oendl;
// grab tagged values
@@ -824,5 +822,5 @@ OWaveLanManagementSSID::OWaveLanManagementSSID( const unsigned char* end, const
:QObject( parent, "802.11 SSID" ), _data( data )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanManagementSSID()" );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanManagementSSID()" << oendl;
@@ -851,5 +849,5 @@ OWaveLanManagementRates::OWaveLanManagementRates( const unsigned char* end, cons
:QObject( parent, "802.11 Rates" ), _data( data )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanManagementRates()" );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanManagementRates()" << oendl;
@@ -866,5 +864,5 @@ OWaveLanManagementCF::OWaveLanManagementCF( const unsigned char* end, const stru
:QObject( parent, "802.11 CF" ), _data( data )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanManagementCF()" );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanManagementCF()" << oendl;
@@ -881,5 +879,5 @@ OWaveLanManagementFH::OWaveLanManagementFH( const unsigned char* end, const stru
:QObject( parent, "802.11 FH" ), _data( data )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanManagementFH()" );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanManagementFH()" << oendl;
@@ -896,5 +894,5 @@ OWaveLanManagementDS::OWaveLanManagementDS( const unsigned char* end, const stru
:QObject( parent, "802.11 DS" ), _data( data )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanManagementDS()" );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanManagementDS()" << oendl;
@@ -917,5 +915,5 @@ OWaveLanManagementTim::OWaveLanManagementTim( const unsigned char* end, const st
:QObject( parent, "802.11 Tim" ), _data( data )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanManagementTim()" );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanManagementTim()" << oendl;
@@ -932,5 +930,5 @@ OWaveLanManagementIBSS::OWaveLanManagementIBSS( const unsigned char* end, const
:QObject( parent, "802.11 IBSS" ), _data( data )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanManagementIBSS()" );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanManagementIBSS()" << oendl;
@@ -947,5 +945,5 @@ OWaveLanManagementChallenge::OWaveLanManagementChallenge( const unsigned char* e
:QObject( parent, "802.11 Challenge" ), _data( data )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanManagementChallenge()" );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanManagementChallenge()" << oendl;
@@ -962,5 +960,5 @@ OWaveLanDataPacket::OWaveLanDataPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct i
:QObject( parent, "802.11 Data" ), _header( data )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanDataPacket::OWaveLanDataPacket(): decoding frame..." );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanDataPacket::OWaveLanDataPacket(): decoding frame..." << oendl;
const unsigned char* payload = (const unsigned char*) data + sizeof( struct ieee_802_11_data_header );
@@ -985,9 +983,9 @@ OLLCPacket::OLLCPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct ieee_802_11_802_2
:QObject( parent, "802.11 LLC" ), _header( data )
- qDebug( "OLLCPacket::OLLCPacket(): decoding frame..." );
+ odebug << "OLLCPacket::OLLCPacket(): decoding frame..." << oendl;
if ( !(_header->oui[0] || _header->oui[1] || _header->oui[2]) )
- qDebug( "OLLCPacket::OLLCPacket(): contains an encapsulated Ethernet frame (type=%04X)", EXTRACT_16BITS( &_header->type ) );
+ owarn << "OLLCPacket::OLLCPacket(): contains an encapsulated Ethernet frame (type = " << EXTRACT_16BITS( &_header->type ) << ")" << oendl;
switch ( EXTRACT_16BITS( &_header->type ) ) // defined in linux/if_ether.h
@@ -995,7 +993,6 @@ OLLCPacket::OLLCPacket( const unsigned char* end, const struct ieee_802_11_802_2
case ETH_P_IP: new OIPPacket( end, (const struct iphdr*) (data+1), this ); break;
case ETH_P_ARP: new OARPPacket( end, (const struct myarphdr*) (data+1), this ); break;
- default: qWarning( "OLLCPacket::OLLCPacket(): Unknown Encapsulation (type=%04X)", EXTRACT_16BITS( &_header->type ) );
+ default: owarn << "OLLCPacket::OLLCPacket(): Unknown Encapsulation type = " << EXTRACT_16BITS( &_header->type ) << oendl;
@@ -1014,5 +1011,5 @@ OWaveLanControlPacket::OWaveLanControlPacket( const unsigned char* end, const st
:QObject( parent, "802.11 Control" ), _header( data )
- qDebug( "OWaveLanControlPacket::OWaveLanDataControl(): decoding frame..." );
+ odebug << "OWaveLanControlPacket::OWaveLanDataControl(): decoding frame..." << oendl;
//TODO: Implement this
@@ -1039,5 +1036,5 @@ OPacketCapturer::~OPacketCapturer()
if ( _open )
- qDebug( "OPacketCapturer::~OPacketCapturer(): pcap still open, autoclosing." );
+ odebug << "OPacketCapturer::~OPacketCapturer(): pcap still open, autoclosing." << oendl;
@@ -1049,9 +1046,9 @@ void OPacketCapturer::setBlocking( bool b )
if ( pcap_setnonblock( _pch, 1-b, _errbuf ) != -1 )
- qDebug( "OPacketCapturer::setBlocking(): blocking mode changed successfully." );
+ odebug << "OPacketCapturer::setBlocking(): blocking mode changed successfully." << oendl;
- qDebug( "OPacketCapturer::setBlocking(): can't change blocking mode: %s", _errbuf );
+ odebug << "OPacketCapturer::setBlocking(): can't change blocking mode: " << _errbuf << oendl;
@@ -1063,5 +1060,5 @@ bool OPacketCapturer::blocking() const
if ( b == -1 )
- qDebug( "OPacketCapturer::blocking(): can't get blocking mode: %s", _errbuf );
+ odebug << "OPacketCapturer::blocking(): can't get blocking mode: " << _errbuf << oendl;
return -1;
@@ -1094,9 +1091,9 @@ void OPacketCapturer::close()
- qDebug( "OPacketCapturer::close() --- dumping capturing statistics..." );
- qDebug( "--------------------------------------------------" );
+ odebug << "OPacketCapturer::close() --- dumping capturing statistics..." << oendl;
+ odebug << "--------------------------------------------------" << oendl;
for( QMap<QString,int>::Iterator it = _stats.begin(); it != _stats.end(); ++it )
- qDebug( "%s : %d", (const char*) it.key(), );
- qDebug( "--------------------------------------------------" );
+ odebug << it.key() << " = " << << oendl;
+ odebug << "--------------------------------------------------" << oendl;
@@ -1152,7 +1149,7 @@ OPacket* OPacketCapturer::next()
packetheaderstruct header;
- qDebug( "==> OPacketCapturer::next()" );
+ odebug << "==> OPacketCapturer::next()" << oendl;
const unsigned char* pdata = pcap_next( _pch, &header );
- qDebug( "<== OPacketCapturer::next()" );
+ odebug << "<== OPacketCapturer::next()" << oendl;
if ( pdata && header.len )
@@ -1199,9 +1196,9 @@ bool OPacketCapturer::open( const QString& name )
if ( !handle )
- qWarning( "OPacketCapturer::open(): can't open libpcap with '%s': %s", (const char*) name, _errbuf );
+ owarn << "OPacketCapturer::open(): can't open libpcap with '" << name << "': " << _errbuf << oendl;
return false;
- qDebug( "OPacketCapturer::open(): libpcap [%s] opened successfully.", (const char*) name );
+ odebug << "OPacketCapturer::open(): libpcap [" << name << "] opened successfully." << oendl;
_pch = handle;
_open = true;
@@ -1224,8 +1221,8 @@ bool OPacketCapturer::openDumpFile( const QString& filename )
if ( !dump )
- qWarning( "OPacketCapturer::open(): can't open dump with '%s': %s", (const char*) filename, _errbuf );
+ owarn << "OPacketCapturer::open(): can't open dump with '" << filename << "': " << _errbuf << oendl;
return false;
- qDebug( "OPacketCapturer::open(): dump [%s] opened successfully.", (const char*) filename );
+ odebug << "OPacketCapturer::open(): dump [" << filename << "] opened successfully." << oendl;
_pcd = dump;
@@ -1257,5 +1254,5 @@ bool OPacketCapturer::open( const QFile& file )
if ( handle )
- qDebug( "OPacketCapturer::open(): libpcap opened successfully." );
+ odebug << "OPacketCapturer::open(): libpcap opened successfully." << oendl;
_pch = handle;
_open = true;
@@ -1272,5 +1269,5 @@ bool OPacketCapturer::open( const QFile& file )
- qDebug( "OPacketCapturer::open(): can't open libpcap with '%s': %s", (const char*) name, _errbuf );
+ odebug << "OPacketCapturer::open(): can't open libpcap with '" << name << "': " << _errbuf << oendl;
return false;
@@ -1287,5 +1284,5 @@ bool OPacketCapturer::isOpen() const
void OPacketCapturer::readyToReceive()
- qDebug( "OPacketCapturer::readyToReceive(): about to emit 'receivePacket(p)'" );
+ odebug << "OPacketCapturer::readyToReceive(): about to emit 'receivePacket(p)'" << oendl;
OPacket* p = next();
emit receivedPacket( p );
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/ostation.cpp b/libopie2/opienet/ostation.cpp
index c363f0c..8c989d8 100644
--- a/libopie2/opienet/ostation.cpp
+++ b/libopie2/opienet/ostation.cpp
@@ -30,4 +30,5 @@
#include <opie2/ostation.h>
+#include <opie2/odebug.h>
@@ -37,5 +38,5 @@
- qDebug( "OStation::OStation()" );
+ odebug << "OStation::OStation()" << oendl;
type = "<unknown>";
@@ -50,5 +51,5 @@ OStation::OStation()
- qDebug( "OStation::~OStation()" );
+ odebug << "OStation::~OStation()" << oendl;
@@ -56,5 +57,5 @@ OStation::~OStation()
void OStation::dump()
- qDebug( "------- OStation::dump() ------------" );
+ odebug << "------- OStation::dump() ------------" << oendl;
qDebug( "type: %s", (const char*) type );
qDebug( "mac: %s", (const char*) macAddress.toString() );