77 files changed, 2 insertions, 223 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/games/backgammon/backgammon.cpp b/noncore/games/backgammon/backgammon.cpp index e9e5467..51020a0 100644 --- a/noncore/games/backgammon/backgammon.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/backgammon/backgammon.cpp @@ -1,974 +1,971 @@ #include "backgammon.h" #include "aidialog.h" #include "filedialog.h" #include "playerdialog.h" #include "rulesdialog.h" #include "themedialog.h" -#include <qdatetime.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> -#include <qstring.h> #include <qtimer.h> -#include <qmainwindow.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <stdlib.h> BackGammon::BackGammon(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : QMainWindow(parent, name, fl) { if (!name) setName("BackGammon"); setCaption(tr( "Backgammon") ); setIcon( Resource::loadPixmap( "backgammon" ) ); //general counter varaible int a=0; //the game engine move=new MoveEngine(); //load the default theme Config conf("backgammon"); if(!conf.isValid()) { qDebug("config file does not exist"); conf.setGroup("general"); conf.writeEntry("theme","default"); conf.setGroup("rules"); conf.writeEntry("move_with_pieces_out",false); conf.writeEntry("nice_dice",false); conf.setGroup("display"); conf.writeEntry("small",false); conf.writeEntry("warning",true); conf.setGroup("ai"); conf.writeEntry("rescue",6); conf.writeEntry("eliminate",4); conf.writeEntry("expose",1); conf.writeEntry("protect",5); conf.writeEntry("safe",3); conf.writeEntry("empty",2); } conf.setGroup("general"); theme_name=conf.readEntry("theme","default"); QString theme_file=QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/backgammon/"+theme_name+".theme"; //the rules conf.setGroup("rules"); rules.move_with_pieces_out=conf.readBoolEntry("move_with_pieces_out",false); rules.generous_dice=conf.readBoolEntry("nice_dice",false); move->setRules(rules); //get the AI settings AISettings ai; conf.setGroup("ai"); ai.rescue=conf.readNumEntry("rescue",6); ai.eliminate=conf.readNumEntry("eliminate",4); ai.expose=conf.readNumEntry("expose",1); ai.protect=conf.readNumEntry("protect",5); ai.safe=conf.readNumEntry("safe",3); ai.empty=conf.readNumEntry("empty",2); move->setAISettings(ai); //get the theme component names Config theme(theme_file,Config::File); if(!theme.isValid()) { qDebug("theme file does not exist"); theme.setGroup("theme"); theme.writeEntry("board","casino_board_1"); theme.writeEntry("pieces1","casino_pieces_blue"); theme.writeEntry("pieces2","casino_pieces_white"); theme.writeEntry("dice1","casino_dice"); theme.writeEntry("dice2","casino_dice"); theme.writeEntry("table","casino_table_green"); theme.writeEntry("odds","casino_odds"); } theme.setGroup("theme"); board_name=theme.readEntry("board","casino_board_1"); piecesA_name=theme.readEntry("pieces1","casino_pieces_blue"); piecesB_name=theme.readEntry("pieces2","casino_pieces_white"); diceA_name=theme.readEntry("dice1","casino_dice"); diceB_name=theme.readEntry("dice2","casino_dice"); table_name=theme.readEntry("table","casino_table_green"); odds_name=theme.readEntry("odds","casino_odds"); //the menu QMenuBar* menuBar = new QMenuBar(this); QPopupMenu* gamemenu= new QPopupMenu(this); gamemenu->insertItem(tr( "New" ),this,SLOT(newgame())); gamemenu->insertSeparator(); gamemenu->insertItem(tr( "Load" ),this,SLOT(loadgame())); gamemenu->insertItem(tr( "Save" ),this,SLOT(savegame())); gamemenu->insertSeparator(); gamemenu->insertItem(tr( "Delete" ),this,SLOT(deletegame())); menuBar->insertItem(tr( "Game" ),gamemenu); QPopupMenu* thememenu= new QPopupMenu(this); thememenu->insertItem(tr( "New" ),this,SLOT(newtheme())); thememenu->insertSeparator(); thememenu->insertItem(tr( "Load"),this,SLOT(loadtheme())); thememenu->insertItem(tr( "Save" ),this,SLOT(savetheme())); thememenu->insertSeparator(); thememenu->insertItem(tr( "Default"),this,SLOT(themedefault())); thememenu->insertItem(tr( "Delete" ),this,SLOT(deletetheme())); menuBar->insertItem(tr( "Theme" ),thememenu); QPopupMenu* optionmenu=new QPopupMenu(this); optionmenu->insertItem(tr( "Player" ),this,SLOT(playerselect())); optionmenu->insertSeparator(); optionmenu->insertItem(tr( "AI" ),this,SLOT(modify_AI())); optionmenu->insertItem(tr( "Rules" ),this,SLOT(setrules())); menuBar->insertItem(tr( "Options"),optionmenu); QWidget* mainarea=new QWidget(this); setCentralWidget(mainarea); //the main area QBoxLayout* layout=new QBoxLayout(mainarea,QBoxLayout::TopToBottom); area=new QCanvas(235,235); boardview=new BackGammonView(area,mainarea); boardview->setMaximumHeight(240); layout->addWidget(boardview); connect(boardview,SIGNAL(mouse(int,int)),this,SLOT(mouse(int,int))); //status bar message=new QLabel("<b>Backgammon</b>",mainarea); message->setAlignment(AlignHCenter); layout->addWidget(message); //the marker marker_current=new QCanvasRectangle(area); marker_current->setBrush(QColor(0,0,255)); marker_current->setSize(15,5); marker_current->setZ(1); for(a=0;a<4;a++) { marker_next[a]=new QCanvasRectangle(area); marker_next[a]->setBrush(QColor(0,255,0)); marker_next[a]->setSize(15,5); marker_next[a]->setZ(1); } connect(move,SIGNAL(done_dice1()),this,SLOT(done_dice1())); connect(move,SIGNAL(done_dice2()),this,SLOT(done_dice2())); connect(move,SIGNAL(done_dice3()),this,SLOT(done_dice3())); connect(move,SIGNAL(done_dice4()),this,SLOT(done_dice4())); connect(move,SIGNAL(nomove()),this,SLOT(nomove())); connect(move,SIGNAL(player_finished(int)),this,SLOT(finished(int))); //the pieces p1=new CanvasImageItem*[15]; p1_side=new CanvasImageItem*[15]; QImage piece_1_all(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/pieces/"+piecesA_name)); QImage piece_1_front=piece_1_all.copy(0,0,15,15); QImage piece_1_side=piece_1_all.copy(0,15,15,5); p2=new CanvasImageItem*[15]; p2_side=new CanvasImageItem*[15]; QImage piece_2_all(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/pieces/"+piecesB_name)); QImage piece_2_front=piece_2_all.copy(0,0,15,15); QImage piece_2_side=piece_2_all.copy(0,15,15,5); for(a=0;a<15;a++) { p1[a]=new CanvasImageItem(piece_1_front,area); p1[a]->setSize(15,15); p1_side[a]=new CanvasImageItem(piece_1_side,area); p1_side[a]->setSize(15,5); p2[a]=new CanvasImageItem(piece_2_front,area); p2[a]->setSize(15,15); p2_side[a]=new CanvasImageItem(piece_2_side,area); p2_side[a]->setSize(15,5); } draw(); //the dice QImage dicebgA_all(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/dice/"+diceA_name)); diceA1=new CanvasImageItem*[7]; diceA2=new CanvasImageItem*[7]; QImage dicebgB_all(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/dice/"+diceB_name)); diceB1=new CanvasImageItem*[7]; diceB2=new CanvasImageItem*[7]; QImage oddsbg_all=(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/odds/"+odds_name)); //oddsDice=new CanvasImageItem*[6]; for(a=0;a<7;a++) { QImage dicebgA=dicebgA_all.copy(a*25,0,25,25); diceA1[a]=new CanvasImageItem(dicebgA,area); diceA1[a]->setX(5); diceA1[a]->setY(205-2); diceA1[a]->setZ(1); diceA1[a]->setSize(25,25); diceA2[a]=new CanvasImageItem(dicebgA,area); diceA2[a]->setX(35); diceA2[a]->setY(205-2); diceA2[a]->setZ(1); diceA2[a]->setSize(25,25); QImage dicebgB=dicebgB_all.copy(a*25,0,25,25); diceB1[a]=new CanvasImageItem(dicebgB,area); diceB1[a]->setX(175); diceB1[a]->setY(205-2); diceB1[a]->setZ(1); diceB1[a]->setSize(25,25); diceB2[a]=new CanvasImageItem(dicebgB,area); diceB2[a]->setX(205); diceB2[a]->setY(205-2); diceB2[a]->setZ(1); diceB2[a]->setSize(25,25); /* if(a<6) { QImage oddsbg=oddsbg_all.copy(a*15,0,15,15); oddsDice[a]=new CanvasImageItem(oddsbg,area); oddsDice[a]->setX(110); oddsDice[a]->setY(210-2); oddsDice[a]->setZ(1); oddsDice[a]->setSize(15,15); oddsDice[a]->hide(); } */ } //oddsDice[0]->show(); //set the board QImage boardbg(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/boards/"+board_name)); board=new CanvasImageItem(boardbg,area); board->setX(0); board->setY(0); board->setZ(0); board->setSize(235-2,200-2); board->show(); //the table QImage tablebg(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/table/"+table_name)); table=new CanvasImageItem(tablebg,area); table->setX(0); table->setY(200-2); table->setZ(0); table->setSize(235-2,20); table->show(); //the no move marker QImage nomovebg(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/no_move")); nomove_marker=new CanvasImageItem(nomovebg,area); nomove_marker->setX(0); nomove_marker->setY(200); nomove_marker->setZ(2); nomove_marker->hide(); //default human against computer player1_auto=false; player2_auto=true; //start new game newgame(); } BackGammon::~BackGammon() { //DESTRUCTOR } void BackGammon::newgame() { gameFinished=false; QDateTime now=QDateTime::currentDateTime(); game_name=now.date().toString()+"_"+now.time().toString(); move->reset(); draw(); diceA1_value=7; diceA2_value=7; diceA3_value=7; diceA4_value=7; diceB1_value=7; diceB2_value=7; diceB3_value=7; diceB4_value=7; showdice(); player=2; dice1_played=true; dice2_played=true; dice3_played=true; dice4_played=true; dice_rolled=false; setplayer(); area->update(); } void BackGammon::playerselect() { PlayerDialog* playerdialog=new PlayerDialog(this); playerdialog->setAuto1(player1_auto); playerdialog->setAuto2(player2_auto); if(!playerdialog->exec()) return; player1_auto=playerdialog->getAuto1(); player2_auto=playerdialog->getAuto2(); } void BackGammon::loadgame() { FileDialog* file=new FileDialog(this,"Load Game",".game"); if(!file->exec()) return; game_name=file->filename(); QString game_file=QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/backgammon/"+game_name+".game"; Config game(game_file,Config::File); game.setGroup("dice"); diceA1_value=game.readNumEntry("diceA1_value"); diceA2_value=game.readNumEntry("diceA2_value"); diceA3_value=game.readNumEntry("diceA3_value"); diceA4_value=game.readNumEntry("diceA4_value"); diceB1_value=game.readNumEntry("diceB1_value"); diceB2_value=game.readNumEntry("diceB2_value"); diceB3_value=game.readNumEntry("diceB3_value"); diceB4_value=game.readNumEntry("diceB4_value"); player=game.readNumEntry("player"); dice1_played=game.readBoolEntry("dice1_played"); dice2_played=game.readBoolEntry("dice2_played"); dice3_played=game.readBoolEntry("dice3_played"); dice4_played=game.readBoolEntry("dice4_played"); dice_rolled=game.readBoolEntry("dice_rolled"); player1_auto=game.readBoolEntry("player1_auto"); player2_auto=game.readBoolEntry("player2_auto"); game.setGroup("pieces"); QString label; LoadSave load; for(int a=0;a<28;a++) { label.setNum(a); load.pop[a].total = game.readNumEntry(label,0); } move->loadGame(load); setplayer(); showdice(); draw(); area->update(); } void BackGammon::savegame() { QString game_file=QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/backgammon/"+game_name+".game"; Config game(game_file,Config::File); game.setGroup("dice"); game.writeEntry("diceA1_value",diceA1_value); game.writeEntry("diceA2_value",diceA2_value); game.writeEntry("diceA3_value",diceA3_value); game.writeEntry("diceA4_value",diceA4_value); game.writeEntry("diceB1_value",diceB1_value); game.writeEntry("diceB2_value",diceB3_value); game.writeEntry("diceB3_value",diceB4_value); game.writeEntry("diceB4_value",diceB4_value); game.writeEntry("player",player); game.writeEntry("dice1_played",dice1_played); game.writeEntry("dice2_played",dice2_played); game.writeEntry("dice3_played",dice3_played); game.writeEntry("dice4_played",dice4_played); game.writeEntry("dice_rolled",dice_rolled); game.writeEntry("player1_auto",player1_auto); game.writeEntry("player2_auto",player2_auto); game.setGroup("pieces"); QString label; LoadSave save=move->saveGame(); for(int a=0;a<28;a++) { label.setNum(a); game.writeEntry(label,save.pop[a].total); } QMessageBox::information(this,"Backgammon","Game saved","OK"); } void BackGammon::deletegame() { FileDialog* file=new FileDialog(this,"Delete Game",".game"); if(!file->exec()) return; game_name=file->filename(); QString game_file=QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/backgammon/"+game_name+".game"; if(!QMessageBox::warning(this,"Backgammon","deleted game\n"+game_name+" ?","OK","Cancel")) { QFile(game_file).remove(); } } void BackGammon::newtheme() { ThemeDialog* theme=new ThemeDialog(this); ImageNames names; names.theme=theme_name; names.board=board_name; names.pieces1=piecesA_name; names.pieces2=piecesB_name; names.dice1=diceA_name; names.dice2=diceB_name; names.odds=odds_name; names.table=table_name; theme->setCurrent(names); if(!theme->exec()) return; names=theme->getNames(); theme_name=names.theme; board_name=names.board; piecesA_name=names.pieces1; piecesB_name=names.pieces2; diceA_name=names.dice1; diceB_name=names.dice2; odds_name=names.odds; table_name=names.table; applytheme(); } void BackGammon::loadtheme() { FileDialog* file=new FileDialog(this,"Load Theme",".theme"); if(!file->exec()) return; theme_name=file->filename(); QString theme_file=QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/backgammon/"+theme_name+".theme"; Config theme(theme_file,Config::File); theme.setGroup("theme"); board_name=theme.readEntry("board","board_1"); piecesA_name=theme.readEntry("pieces1","pieces_1"); piecesB_name=theme.readEntry("pieces2","pieces_2"); diceA_name=theme.readEntry("dice1","dice_1"); diceB_name=theme.readEntry("dice2","dice_2"); table_name=theme.readEntry("table","table_1"); odds_name=theme.readEntry("odds","odds_1"); applytheme(); } void BackGammon::savetheme() { if(theme_name=="default") { QMessageBox::information(this,"Backgammon","Sorry\nCannot overwrite default.theme","OK"); return; } QString theme_file=QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/backgammon/"+theme_name+".theme"; if(QMessageBox::information(this,"Backgammon","Save Theme\n"+theme_name,"Yes","No")) return; Config theme(theme_file,Config::File); theme.setGroup("theme"); theme.writeEntry("board",board_name); theme.writeEntry("pieces1",piecesA_name); theme.writeEntry("pieces2",piecesB_name); theme.writeEntry("dice1",diceA_name); theme.writeEntry("dice2",diceB_name); theme.writeEntry("table",table_name); theme.writeEntry("odds",odds_name); } void BackGammon::themedefault() { if(QMessageBox::information(this,"Backgammon","Make Theme\n"+theme_name+"\nthe default theme","Yes","No")) return; Config conf("backgammon"); conf.setGroup("general"); conf.writeEntry("theme",theme_name); } void BackGammon::deletetheme() { FileDialog* file=new FileDialog(this,"Delete Theme",".theme"); if(!file->exec()) return; theme_name=file->filename(); QString theme_file=QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/backgammon/"+theme_name+".theme"; if(!QMessageBox::warning(this,tr( "Backgammon" ),tr( "deleted theme %1?").arg(theme_name),tr( "OK" ),tr( "Cancel" ))) { QFile(theme_file).remove(); } } void BackGammon::modify_AI() { AI_Dialog* ai_mod=new AI_Dialog(this,tr( "Load Theme" ),".theme"); ai_mod->setAISettings(move->getAISettings()); if(!ai_mod->exec()) return; //get the AI settings AISettings ai=ai_mod->getAISettings(); move->setAISettings(ai); //write new settings to conf file Config conf("backgammon"); conf.setGroup("ai"); conf.writeEntry("rescue",ai.rescue); conf.writeEntry("eliminate",ai.eliminate); conf.writeEntry("expose",ai.expose); conf.writeEntry("protect",ai.protect); conf.writeEntry("safe",ai.safe); conf.writeEntry("empty",ai.empty); } void BackGammon::setrules() { RulesDialog* rulesdialog=new RulesDialog(this,tr( "Load Theme" ),".theme"); rulesdialog->setRules(rules); if(!rulesdialog->exec()) return; rules=rulesdialog->getRules(); Config conf("backgammon"); conf.setGroup("rules"); conf.writeEntry("move_with_pieces_out",rules.move_with_pieces_out); conf.writeEntry("nice_dice",rules.generous_dice); move->setRules(rules); } void BackGammon::draw() { Pieces pieces; move->position(pieces); for(int a=0;a<15;a++) { if(!pieces.player1[a].side) { p1[a]->setX(pieces.player1[a].x); p1[a]->setY(pieces.player1[a].y); p1[a]->setZ(pieces.player1[a].z); p1[a]->show(); p1_side[a]->hide(); } else { p1_side[a]->setX(pieces.player1[a].x); p1_side[a]->setY(pieces.player1[a].y); p1_side[a]->setZ(pieces.player1[a].z); p1_side[a]->show(); p1[a]->hide(); } if(!pieces.player2[a].side) { p2[a]->setX(pieces.player2[a].x); p2[a]->setY(pieces.player2[a].y); p2[a]->setZ(pieces.player2[a].z); p2[a]->show(); p2_side[a]->hide(); } else { p2_side[a]->setX(pieces.player2[a].x); p2_side[a]->setY(pieces.player2[a].y); p2_side[a]->setZ(pieces.player2[a].z); p2_side[a]->show(); p2[a]->hide(); } } } void BackGammon::mouse(int x,int y) { if(gameFinished) { newgame(); return; } if(y<=200) //move pieces { if((player==1 && player1_auto) || (player==2 && player2_auto)) return; Marker marker; move->boardpressed(x,y,marker); if(marker.visible_current) { marker_current->setX(marker.x_current); marker_current->setY(marker.y_current); marker_current->show(); } else { marker_current->hide(); } for(int a=0;a<4;a++) { if(marker.visible_next[a]) { marker_next[a]->setX(marker.x_next[a]); marker_next[a]->setY(marker.y_next[a]); marker_next[a]->show(); } else { marker_next[a]->hide(); } } area->update(); } else //roll dice { if(x>=10 && x<=65 && player==1 && !dice_rolled) { dice1_played=false; dice2_played=false; dice3_played=false; dice4_played=false; dice_rolled=true; srand(QTime::currentTime().msec()); diceA1_value=1+(int) (6.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); diceA2_value=1+(int) (6.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); if(diceA1_value==diceA2_value) { diceA3_value=diceA1_value; diceA4_value=diceA1_value; } else { diceA3_value=7; dice3_played=true; diceA4_value=7; dice4_played=true; } showdice(); area->update(); move->diceroll(1,diceA1_value,diceA2_value,diceA3_value,diceA4_value,player1_auto); } else if(x>=160 && x<=225 && player==2 && !dice_rolled) { dice1_played=false; dice2_played=false; dice3_played=false; dice4_played=false; dice_rolled=true; srand(QTime::currentTime().msec()); diceB1_value=1+(int) (6.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); diceB2_value=1+(int) (6.0*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)); if(diceB1_value==diceB2_value) { diceB3_value=diceB1_value; diceB4_value=diceB1_value; } else { diceB3_value=7; dice3_played=true; diceB4_value=7; dice4_played=true; } showdice(); area->update(); move->diceroll(2,diceB1_value,diceB2_value,diceB3_value,diceB4_value,player2_auto); } } } void BackGammon::done_dice1() { dice1_played=true; if(player==1) diceA1_value=7; else diceB1_value=7; setplayer(); showdice(); draw(); area->update(); if(!dice2_played || !dice3_played || !dice4_played) { if(player==1) { move->diceroll(1,diceA1_value,diceA2_value,diceA3_value,diceA4_value,player1_auto); } else { move->diceroll(2,diceB1_value,diceB2_value,diceB3_value,diceB4_value,player2_auto); } } } void BackGammon::done_dice2() { dice2_played=true; if(player==1) diceA2_value=7; else diceB2_value=7; setplayer(); showdice(); draw(); area->update(); if(!dice1_played || !dice3_played || !dice4_played) { if(player==1) { move->diceroll(1,diceA1_value,diceA2_value,diceA3_value,diceA4_value,player1_auto); } else { move->diceroll(2,diceB1_value,diceB2_value,diceB3_value,diceB4_value,player2_auto); } } } void BackGammon::done_dice3() { dice3_played=true; if(player==1) diceA3_value=7; else diceB3_value=7; setplayer(); showdice(); draw(); area->update(); if(!dice1_played || !dice2_played || !dice4_played) { if(player==1) { move->diceroll(1,diceA1_value,diceA2_value,diceA3_value,diceA4_value,player1_auto); } else { move->diceroll(2,diceB1_value,diceB2_value,diceB3_value,diceB4_value,player2_auto); } } } void BackGammon::done_dice4() { dice4_played=true; if(player==1) diceA4_value=7; else diceB4_value=7; setplayer(); showdice(); draw(); area->update(); if(!dice1_played || !dice2_played || !dice3_played) { if(player==1) { move->diceroll(1,diceA1_value,diceA2_value,diceA3_value,diceA4_value,player1_auto); } else { move->diceroll(2,diceB1_value,diceB2_value,diceB3_value,diceB4_value,player2_auto); } } } void BackGammon::nomove() { if(player==1) nomove_marker->setX(0); else nomove_marker->setX(170); nomove_marker->show(); message->setText(tr( "<b>no move</b>" )); dice1_played=true; dice2_played=true; dice3_played=true; dice4_played=true; if(player==1) { diceA1_value=7; diceA2_value=7; diceA3_value=7; diceA4_value=7; } else { diceB1_value=7; diceB2_value=7; diceB3_value=7; diceB4_value=7; } area->update(); QTimer::singleShot(2000,this,SLOT(nomove2())); } void BackGammon::nomove2() { nomove_marker->hide(); setplayer(); showdice(); draw(); area->update(); } void BackGammon::finished(int theplayer) { nomove_marker->hide(); if(theplayer==1) message->setText(tr( "<b>Player 1 wins. Click on board for new game.</b>" )); else message->setText(tr( "<b>Player 2 wins. Click on board for new game.</b>" )); diceA1_value=7; diceA2_value=7; diceB1_value=7; diceB2_value=7; player=0; showdice(); draw(); area->update(); gameFinished=true; } void BackGammon::showdice() { int value_diceA1=diceA1_value-1; if(diceA1_value==7 && diceA3_value!=7) value_diceA1=diceA3_value-1; int value_diceA2=diceA2_value-1; if(diceA2_value==7 && diceA4_value!=7) value_diceA2=diceA4_value-1; int value_diceB1=diceB1_value-1; if(diceB1_value==7 && diceB3_value!=7) value_diceB1=diceB3_value-1; int value_diceB2=diceB2_value-1; if(diceB2_value==7 && diceB4_value!=7) value_diceB2=diceB4_value-1; for(int index=0;index<7;index++) { if(value_diceA1==index) diceA1[index]->show(); else diceA1[index]->hide(); if(value_diceA2==index) diceA2[index]->show(); else diceA2[index]->hide(); if(value_diceB1==index) diceB1[index]->show(); else diceB1[index]->hide(); if(value_diceB2==index) diceB2[index]->show(); else diceB2[index]->hide(); } } void BackGammon::setplayer() { if(dice1_played && dice2_played && dice3_played && dice4_played && player==1) { message->setText(tr( "<b>P2 turn</b>", "P means player" )); dice_rolled=false; player=2; if(player2_auto) QTimer::singleShot(2000,this,SLOT(autoroll_dice2())); } else if(dice1_played && dice2_played && dice3_played && dice4_played && player==2) { message->setText(tr( "<b>P1 turn</b>", "P means player" )); dice_rolled=false; player=1; if(player1_auto) QTimer::singleShot(2000,this,SLOT(autoroll_dice1())); } } void BackGammon::autoroll_dice1() { mouse(20,210); } void BackGammon::autoroll_dice2() { mouse(170,210); } void BackGammon::applytheme() { QImage boardbg(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/boards/"+board_name)); board->setImage(boardbg); QImage tablebg(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/table/"+table_name)); table->setImage(tablebg); QImage piece_1_all(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/pieces/"+piecesA_name)); QImage piece_1_front=piece_1_all.copy(0,0,15,15); QImage piece_1_side=piece_1_all.copy(0,15,15,5); QImage piece_2_all(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/pieces/"+piecesB_name)); QImage piece_2_front=piece_2_all.copy(0,0,15,15); QImage piece_2_side=piece_2_all.copy(0,15,15,5); int a=0; for(a=0;a<15;a++) { p1[a]->setImage(piece_1_front); p1_side[a]->setImage(piece_1_side); p2[a]->setImage(piece_2_front); p2_side[a]->setImage(piece_2_side); } draw(); QImage dicebgA_all(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/dice/"+diceA_name)); QImage dicebgB_all(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/dice/"+diceB_name)); QImage oddsbg_all=(Resource::loadImage("backgammon/odds/"+odds_name)); for(a=0;a<7;a++) { QImage dicebgA=dicebgA_all.copy(a*25,0,25,25); diceA1[a]->setImage(dicebgA); diceA2[a]->setImage(dicebgA); QImage dicebgB=dicebgB_all.copy(a*25,0,25,25); diceB1[a]->setImage(dicebgB); diceB2[a]->setImage(dicebgB); /* if(a<6) { QImage oddsbg=oddsbg_all.copy(a*15,0,15,15); oddsDice[a]->setImage(oddsbg); } */ } } diff --git a/noncore/games/backgammon/filedialog.cpp b/noncore/games/backgammon/filedialog.cpp index a5e71c9..e0a2914 100644 --- a/noncore/games/backgammon/filedialog.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/backgammon/filedialog.cpp @@ -1,65 +1,61 @@ #include "filedialog.h"
#include <qdir.h>
-#include <qfileinfo.h>
-#include <qmessagebox.h>
-#include <qpixmap.h>
-#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
FileDialog::FileDialog(QWidget* parent,QString header,QString extension,const char* name,bool modal,WFlags f)
dirselector=new QListView(this);
fileinput=new QLineEdit(file_name,this);
QPEApplication::showDialog( this );
void FileDialog::selectorclicked(QListViewItem* entry)
void FileDialog::getCurrentDir()
QDir dir(QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/backgammon");
QFileInfoListIterator it(*(dir.entryInfoList()));
QFileInfo* fi;
int ext_length=ext.length();
while((fi=it.current())) // go through all file and subdirs
QString file=fi->fileName();
if(file.right(ext_length)==ext && file)
new QListViewItem(dirselector,file);
QString FileDialog::filename()
return file_name;
diff --git a/noncore/games/backgammon/main.cpp b/noncore/games/backgammon/main.cpp index 58ced10..6316040 100644 --- a/noncore/games/backgammon/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/backgammon/main.cpp @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include "backgammon.h" #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<BackGammon> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/backgammon/moveengine.cpp b/noncore/games/backgammon/moveengine.cpp index 37b73a6..7de7147 100644 --- a/noncore/games/backgammon/moveengine.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/backgammon/moveengine.cpp @@ -1,558 +1,557 @@ #include "moveengine.h" -#include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <stdlib.h> MoveEngine::MoveEngine() : QObject() { int offset=7; int a=0; //counter variable int xfill[]={210,185,170,155,140,125,110,85,70,55,40,25,10,10,25,40,55,70,85,110,125,140,155,170,185,210}; for(a=0;a<26;a++) { x_coord[a]=xfill[a]; } int yfill[]={10,25,40,55,70,10+offset,25+offset,40+offset,55+offset,25,40,55, 25+offset,40+offset,40}; int zfill[]={1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,5}; for(a=0;a<15;a++) { yup_coord[a]=yfill[a]; ylow_coord[a]=185-(yfill[a]); z_coord[a]=zfill[a]; } for(a=0;a<5;a++) { if(a<3) { x_fin1[a]=65+a*15; x_fin2[a]=155-a*15; } y_fin[a]=225-a*5; } z_fin=1; reset(); } MoveEngine::~MoveEngine() {} void MoveEngine::position(Pieces& pieces,bool non_qte) { int player1_counter=0; int player2_counter=0; //non qte styles are smaller !! int offset=(non_qte) ? 5 : 0; for(int a=0;a<28;a++) { for(int b=0;b<abs(population[a].total);b++) { if(population[a].total>0) //player 1 pieces { pieces.player1[player1_counter].x=x_coord[a]-offset; if(a>=0 && a<13) { pieces.player1[player1_counter].y=yup_coord[b]-offset; pieces.player1[player1_counter].z=z_coord[b]; pieces.player1[player1_counter].side=false; player1_counter++; } else if(a>12 && a<26) { pieces.player1[player1_counter].y=ylow_coord[b]-offset; pieces.player1[player1_counter].z=z_coord[b]; pieces.player1[player1_counter].side=false; player1_counter++; } else if(a==26) { if(b<5) { pieces.player1[player1_counter].x=x_fin1[0]-offset; pieces.player1[player1_counter].y=y_fin[b]-offset; pieces.player1[player1_counter].z=z_fin; } else if(b>=5 && b<10) { pieces.player1[player1_counter].x=x_fin1[1]-offset; pieces.player1[player1_counter].y=y_fin[b-5]-offset; pieces.player1[player1_counter].z=z_fin; } else { pieces.player1[player1_counter].x=x_fin1[2]-offset; pieces.player1[player1_counter].y=y_fin[b-10]-offset; pieces.player1[player1_counter].z=z_fin; } pieces.player1[player1_counter].side=true; player1_counter++; } } else if(population[a].total<0) //player 2 pieces { pieces.player2[player2_counter].x=x_coord[a]-offset; if(a>=0 && a<13) { pieces.player2[player2_counter].y=yup_coord[b]-offset; pieces.player2[player2_counter].z=z_coord[b]; pieces.player2[player2_counter].side=false; player2_counter++; } else if(a>12 && a<26) { pieces.player2[player2_counter].y=ylow_coord[b]-offset; pieces.player2[player2_counter].z=z_coord[b]; pieces.player2[player2_counter].side=false; player2_counter++; } else if(a==27) { if(b<5) { pieces.player2[player2_counter].x=x_fin2[0]-offset; pieces.player2[player2_counter].y=y_fin[b]-offset; pieces.player2[player2_counter].z=z_fin; } else if(b>=5 && b<10) { pieces.player2[player2_counter].x=x_fin2[1]-offset; pieces.player2[player2_counter].y=y_fin[b-5]-offset; pieces.player2[player2_counter].z=z_fin; } else { pieces.player2[player2_counter].x=x_fin2[2]-offset; pieces.player2[player2_counter].y=y_fin[b-10]-offset; pieces.player2[player2_counter].z=z_fin; } pieces.player2[player2_counter].side=true; player2_counter++; } } } } } void MoveEngine::diceroll(const int& newplayer,const int& face1,const int& face2,const int& face3,const int& face4,bool computer) { checkstate(); player=newplayer; otherplayer=(player==1) ? 2 : 1; dice[0]=face1; dice[1]=face2; dice[2]=face3; dice[3]=face4; marker_current=-1; if(getPossibleMoves()==0) { emit nomove(); return; // player will be changed } if(!computer) return; //human intervention required QTimer::singleShot(2000,this,SLOT(automove())); } void MoveEngine::automove() { //the maximimum possibility int maxpos=0; //the position in the moves array int from=-1; int to=-1; //dice1 or dice 2 ?? int index_dice=0; for(int counter=0;counter<26;counter++) { int a=(player==1) ? counter : 25-counter; for(int b=0;b<4;b++) { if(moves[a].weight[b]>maxpos) { maxpos=moves[a].weight[b]; from=a; to=moves[a].to[b]; index_dice=b+1; } } } move(from,to,index_dice); } void MoveEngine::boardpressed(const int& x,const int& y,Marker& marker,bool non_qte) { //get the position of the mouse click bool upper=true; bool found=false; int offset=(non_qte) ? 5 : 0; if(y<=85) // board slots 0 to 12 marker.y_current=0; else if(y>=105) //board slots 13 to 25 { marker.y_current=195-2*offset; upper=false; } int index=13; // the clicked board slot while(index<25 && !found) { if(x>=x_coord[index] && x<x_coord[index+1]) { marker.x_current=x_coord[index]; found=true; ; } else { index++; } } if(!found) { marker.x_current=x_coord[25]; index=25; } if(upper) { index=25-index; } int a=0; int usedice=-1; int dice_value=7; for(a=0;a<4;a++) { if(index==marker_next[a] && marker_next[a]!=-1 && dice_value>dice[a]) { usedice=a; dice_value=dice[0]; } } if(usedice!=-1) { move(marker_current,marker_next[usedice],usedice+1); nomarker(marker); return; } if(dice[0]==7 && dice[1]==7 && dice[2]==7 && dice[3]==7) //no dice rolled { nomarker(marker); return; } else if(fieldColor(index)==player) { marker.visible_current=true; marker_current=index; } else { nomarker(marker); return; } for(a=0;a<4;a++) { if(moves[index].weight[a]>0) { int nextfield=moves[index].to[a]; marker.x_next[a]=x_coord[nextfield]; marker_next[a]=nextfield; if(nextfield<13) //upper half marker.y_next[a]=0; else //lower half marker.y_next[a]=195-2*offset; marker.visible_next[a]=true; } else { marker.x_next[a]=0; marker.y_next[a]=0; marker_next[a]=-1; marker.visible_next[a]=false; } } return; } void MoveEngine::reset() { int a=0; for(a=0;a<28;a++) { population[a].total=0; } int p1_index[]={1,1,12,12,12,12,12,17,17,17,19,19,19,19,19}; int p2_index[]={24,24,13,13,13,13,13,8,8,8,6,6,6,6,6}; //int p1_index[]={19,20,21,22,22,23,23,18,18,23,24,24,24,24,24}; //int p2_index[]={6,5,4,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,1,7,7,1,1}; for(a=0;a<15;a++) { population[p1_index[a]].total++; population[p2_index[a]].total--; } player=0; dice[0]=7; dice[1]=7; dice[2]=7; dice[3]=7; marker_current=-1; marker_next[0]=-1; marker_next[1]=-1; marker_next[2]=-1; marker_next[3]=-1; //allclear[0]==false; allclear[1]=false; allclear[2]=false; last_piece[1]=0; last_piece[2]=25; } void MoveEngine::loadGame(const LoadSave& load) { for(int a=0;a<28;a++) { population[a].total=load.pop[a].total; } checkstate(); } LoadSave MoveEngine::saveGame() { LoadSave save; for(int a=0;a<28;a++) { save.pop[a].total=population[a].total; } return save; } AISettings MoveEngine::getAISettings() { return ai; } void MoveEngine::setAISettings(const AISettings& new_ai) { ai=new_ai; } void MoveEngine::setRules(Rules rules) { move_with_pieces_out=rules.move_with_pieces_out; nice_dice=rules.generous_dice; } int MoveEngine::getPossibleMoves() { int homezone[]={0,25,0}; int lastToHomeZone=abs(last_piece[player]-homezone[player]); for(int field=0;field<26;field++) { for(int b=0;b<4;b++) { int dice_tmp=dice[b]; if(dice[b]!=7 && dice[b]> lastToHomeZone) dice_tmp=lastToHomeZone; int nextfield=(player==1) ? field+dice_tmp : field-dice_tmp; if(nice_dice) { if(player==1 && nextfield>homezone[1]) nextfield=homezone[1]; else if(player==2 && nextfield<homezone[2]) nextfield=homezone[2]; } moves[field].weight[b]=0; moves[field].to[b]=nextfield; int out_of_board[]={-1,0,25}; if(!move_with_pieces_out && field!=out_of_board[player] && pieces_out[player]) { continue; } if(dice[b]!=7 && fieldColor(field)==player ) //player can only move his own pieces { if((player==1 && nextfield > homezone[1]) || (player==2 && nextfield < homezone[2])) { moves[field].weight[b]=0; //movement would be far out of board } else if(nextfield==homezone[player] && !allclear[player]) { moves[field].weight[b]=0; //can not rescue pieces until all are in the endzone } else if(nextfield==homezone[player] && allclear[player]) { moves[field].weight[b]=ai.rescue; //rescue your pieces : nuff said ;-) } else if(fieldColor(nextfield)==otherplayer) { if(abs(population[nextfield].total)>1) //can not move to this field moves[field].weight[b]=0; else if(abs(population[nextfield].total)==1) //eliminate opponent : very nice moves[field].weight[b]=ai.eliminate; } else if(fieldColor(nextfield)==player) //nextfield already occupied by player { if(abs(population[field].total)==2) //expose own piece : not diserable moves[field].weight[b]=ai.expose; else if(abs(population[nextfield].total)>1) //own pices already there : safe moves[field].weight[b]=ai.safe; else if(abs(population[nextfield].total)==1) //protect own piece : most importatnt moves[field].weight[b]=ai.protect; } else if(population[nextfield].total==0) //nextfield empty { if(abs(population[field].total)==2) //expose own piece : not diserable moves[field].weight[b]=ai.expose; else moves[field].weight[b]=ai.empty; } else moves[field].weight[b]=0; //default. } else moves[field].weight[b]=0; //dice already used or field not used by player } } int total=0; for(int field=0;field<26;field++) { total+=moves[field].weight[0]+moves[field].weight[1]+moves[field].weight[2]+moves[field].weight[3]; } return total; } void MoveEngine::move(const int& from, int to, const int& dice) { //qDebug("%d moves from %d to %d (%d) with dice %d",player,from,to,to-from,dice); if(player==1 && to==25) to=26; if(player==2 && to==0) to=27; //if space is occupied by enemy move pieces to startzone if(fieldColor(to)==otherplayer) { population[to].total=0; if(otherplayer==1) population[0].total++; else population[25].total--; } if(player==1) { population[from].total--; population[to].total++; } else //player=2 { population[from].total++; population[to].total--; } if(dice==1) emit done_dice1(); else if(dice==2) emit done_dice2(); else if(dice==3) emit done_dice3(); else emit done_dice4(); if(abs(population[26].total)==15) emit player_finished(1); if(abs(population[27].total)==15) emit player_finished(2); } void MoveEngine::checkstate() { //check if pieces are out pieces_out[1]=(population[0].total>0) ? true : false; pieces_out[2]=(population[25].total<0) ? true : false; //check if all pieces are in the endzones allclear[1]=true; allclear[2]=true; last_piece[1]=25; bool found_last_piece1=false; last_piece[2]=0; for(int a=0;a<26;a++) { if(a<19 && population[a].total>0) allclear[1]=false; if(a>6 && population[a].total<0) allclear[2]=false; if(population[a].total>0 && !found_last_piece1) { last_piece[1]=a; found_last_piece1=true; } if(population[a].total<0) last_piece[2]=a; } } void MoveEngine::nomarker(Marker& marker) { marker.visible_current=false; marker_current=-1; for(int a=0;a<4;a++) { marker.x_next[a]=0; marker.y_next[a]=0; marker_next[a]=-1; marker.visible_next[a]=false; } } int MoveEngine::fieldColor(const int& index) const { if(population[index].total>0) return 1; else if(population[index].total<0) return 2; else return 0; } diff --git a/noncore/games/backgammon/themedialog.cpp b/noncore/games/backgammon/themedialog.cpp index f342381..afd6a1b 100644 --- a/noncore/games/backgammon/themedialog.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/backgammon/themedialog.cpp @@ -1,163 +1,161 @@ #include "themedialog.h" #include <qdir.h> -#include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qlabel.h> -#include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> ThemeDialog::ThemeDialog(QWidget* parent,const char* name,bool modal,WFlags f) :QDialog(parent,name,modal,f) { setCaption("Theme Dialog"); QLabel* labelname=new QLabel("name",this); labelname->setGeometry(0,5,40,20); lineName=new QLineEdit("user",this); lineName->setGeometry(40,5,195,20); QLabel* labelboard=new QLabel("board",this); labelboard->setGeometry(0,30,40,20); boxboard=new QComboBox(this,""); boxboard->setGeometry(40,30,195,20); fillBox("boards",boxboard); QLabel* labelpiecesA=new QLabel("pieces1",this); labelpiecesA->setGeometry(0,70,40,20); boxpiecesA=new QComboBox(this); boxpiecesA->setGeometry(40,70,195,20); fillBox("pieces",boxpiecesA); QLabel* labelpiecesB=new QLabel("pieces2",this); labelpiecesB->setGeometry(0,95,40,20); boxpiecesB=new QComboBox(this); boxpiecesB->setGeometry(40,95,195,20); fillBox("pieces",boxpiecesB); QLabel* labeldiceA=new QLabel("dice1",this); labeldiceA->setGeometry(0,135,40,20); boxdiceA=new QComboBox(this); boxdiceA->setGeometry(40,135,195,20); fillBox("dice",boxdiceA); QLabel* labeldiceB=new QLabel("dice2",this); labeldiceB->setGeometry(0,160,40,20); boxdiceB=new QComboBox(this); boxdiceB->setGeometry(40,160,195,20); fillBox("dice",boxdiceB); QLabel* labelodds=new QLabel("odds",this); labelodds->setGeometry(0,200,40,20); boxodds=new QComboBox(this); boxodds->setGeometry(40,200,195,20); fillBox("odds",boxodds); boxodds->setEnabled(false); QLabel* labeltable=new QLabel("table",this); labeltable->setGeometry(0,225,40,20); boxtable=new QComboBox(this); boxtable->setGeometry(40,225,195,20); fillBox("table",boxtable); QPEApplication::showDialog( this ); } ThemeDialog::~ThemeDialog() {} ImageNames ThemeDialog::getNames() { ImageNames names; names.theme=lineName->text(); names.board=boxboard->currentText(); names.pieces1=boxpiecesA->currentText(); names.pieces2=boxpiecesB->currentText(); names.dice1=boxdiceA->currentText(); names.dice2=boxdiceB->currentText(); names.odds=boxodds->currentText(); names.table=boxtable->currentText(); return names; } void ThemeDialog::setCurrent(const ImageNames& current) { int a=0; lineName->setText(current.theme); for(a=0;a<boxboard->count();a++) { if(boxboard->text(a)==current.board) { boxboard->setCurrentItem(a); break; } } for(a=0;a<boxpiecesA->count();a++) { if(boxpiecesA->text(a)==current.pieces1) { boxpiecesA->setCurrentItem(a); break; } } for(a=0;a<boxpiecesB->count();a++) { if(boxpiecesB->text(a)==current.pieces2) { boxpiecesB->setCurrentItem(a); break; } } for(a=0;a<boxdiceA->count();a++) { if(boxdiceA->text(a)==current.dice1) { boxdiceA->setCurrentItem(a); break; } } for(a=0;a<boxdiceB->count();a++) { if(boxdiceB->text(a)==current.dice2) { boxdiceB->setCurrentItem(a); break; } } for(a=0;a<boxodds->count();a++) { if(boxodds->text(a)==current.odds) { boxodds->setCurrentItem(a); break; } } for(a=0;a<boxtable->count();a++) { if(boxtable->text(a)==current.table) { boxtable->setCurrentItem(a); break; } } } void ThemeDialog::fillBox(QString dirname,QComboBox* thebox) { thebox->clear(); QDir dir(QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"/pics/backgammon/"+dirname); dir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files); QFileInfoListIterator it(*(dir.entryInfoList())); QFileInfo* fi; while((fi=it.current())) // go through all file and subdirs { QString file=fi->fileName(); if(file.right(4)==".png") { thebox->insertItem(file.left(file.find(".png"))); } ++it; } delete fi; } diff --git a/noncore/games/bounce/game.cpp b/noncore/games/bounce/game.cpp index 6ded218..c07f453 100644 --- a/noncore/games/bounce/game.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/bounce/game.cpp @@ -1,606 +1,605 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2000 Stefan Schimanski <1Stein@gmx.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> -#include <qimage.h> #include "game.h" #define TILE_SIZE 9 #define TILE_FIRST ((FIELD_WIDTH-2)*(FIELD_HEIGHT-2)) #define TILE_FREE (TILE_FIRST + 0) #define TILE_BORDER (TILE_FIRST + 1) #define TILE_WALLEND (TILE_FIRST + 2) #define TILE_WALLUP (TILE_FIRST + 3) #define TILE_WALLDOWN (TILE_FIRST + 4) #define TILE_WALLLEFT (TILE_FIRST + 5) #define TILE_WALLRIGHT (TILE_FIRST + 6) #define GAME_DELAY 15 #define BALL_ANIM_DELAY 60 #define WALL_DELAY 100 #define MS2TICKS( ms ) ((ms)/GAME_DELAY) Arrow::Arrow(QCanvasPixmapArray* array, QCanvas* canvas) : QCanvasSprite( array, canvas ) { m_vertical = true; move(3,3); } void Arrow::update() { if ( m_vertical ) setFrame( 0 ); else setFrame( 1 ); } void Arrow::changeDirection() { m_vertical = ! m_vertical; update(); } Ball::Ball(QCanvasPixmapArray* array, QCanvas* canvas) : QCanvasSprite( array, canvas ), m_animDelay( 0 ), m_soundDelay( MS2TICKS(BALL_ANIM_DELAY)/2 ) { } void Ball::update() { m_animDelay--; if ( m_animDelay<=0 ) { m_animDelay = MS2TICKS(BALL_ANIM_DELAY); int frameNum = frame(); frameNum++; if ( frameNum>=frameCount() ) frameNum = 0; setFrame( frameNum ); } } void Ball::advance(int stage) { bool reflectX = false; bool reflectY = false; // check for collisions if ( collide(xVelocity(), 0) ) reflectX = true; if ( collide(0, yVelocity()) ) reflectY = true; if ( !reflectX && !reflectY && collide(xVelocity(), yVelocity()) ) reflectX = reflectY = true; // emit collision QRect r = boundingRect(); r.moveBy( xVelocity(), yVelocity() ); JezzField* field = (JezzField *)canvas(); int ul = field->tile( r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE ); int ur = field->tile( r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE ); int bl = field->tile( r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE ); int br = field->tile( r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE ); if ( ul!=TILE_FREE ) field->emitBallCollisiton( this, r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE, ul ); else if ( ur!=TILE_FREE ) field->emitBallCollisiton( this, r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE, ur ); else if ( bl!=TILE_FREE ) field->emitBallCollisiton( this, r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE, bl ); else if ( br!=TILE_FREE ) field->emitBallCollisiton( this, r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE, br ); // apply reflection if ( reflectX ) setXVelocity( -xVelocity() ); if ( reflectY ) setYVelocity( -yVelocity() ); // update field update(); QCanvasSprite::advance( stage ); } bool Ball::collide( double dx, double dy ) { QRect r = boundingRect(); r.moveBy( dx, dy ); JezzField* field = (JezzField *)canvas(); int ul = field->tile( r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE ); int ur = field->tile( r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.top() / TILE_SIZE ); int bl = field->tile( r.left() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE ); int br = field->tile( r.right() / TILE_SIZE, r.bottom() / TILE_SIZE ); return ( ul!=TILE_FREE || ur!=TILE_FREE || bl!=TILE_FREE || br!=TILE_FREE ); } /*************************************************************************/ Wall::Wall( JezzField *field, int x, int y, Direction dir, int tile, QObject *parent, const char *name ) : QObject( parent, name ), m_dir( dir ), m_field( field ), m_startX( x ), m_startY( y ), m_tile( tile ), m_delay( MS2TICKS(WALL_DELAY)/2 ), m_active( true ) { // setup position and direction m_dx = 0; m_dy = 0; switch ( m_dir ) { case Up: m_dy = -1; break; case Down: m_dy = 1; break; case Left: m_dx = -1; break; case Right: m_dx = 1; break; } m_x = m_startX; m_y = m_startY; m_field->setTile( m_x, m_y, m_tile ); } void Wall::finish() { m_active = false; } bool Wall::isFree( int x, int y ) { if ( m_field->tile(x, y)==TILE_FREE ) { // check whether there is a ball at the moment QCanvasItemList cols = m_field->collisions( QRect(x*TILE_SIZE, y*TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE) ); if ( cols.count()==0 ) return true; } return false; } void Wall::update() { } void Wall::advance() { update(); // move wall if ( m_active ) { m_delay--; if ( m_delay<=0 ) { m_delay = MS2TICKS(WALL_DELAY); // set previous tile m_field->setTile( m_x, m_y, m_tile ); // check whether next place is still free if ( isFree(m_x+m_dx, m_y+m_dy) ) { // move ball m_x += m_dx; m_y += m_dy; // set tile m_field->setTile( m_x, m_y, TILE_WALLEND ); } else { finish(); emit finished( this, m_field->tile( m_x+m_dx, m_y+m_dy ) ); } } } } void Wall::fill( bool black ) { if ( m_dx ) { for ( int x=m_startX ; x!=m_x; x+=m_dx ) if ( m_field->tile(x, m_startY)==m_tile ) m_field->setGameTile( x, m_startY, black ); m_field->setGameTile( m_x, m_startY, black ); } else { for ( int y=m_startY ; y!=m_y; y+=m_dy ) if ( m_field->tile(m_startX, y)==m_tile ) m_field->setGameTile( m_startX, y, black ); m_field->setGameTile( m_startX, m_y, black ); } } /*************************************************************************/ JezzField::JezzField( QPixmap tiles, QObject* parent, const char* name ) : QCanvas( parent, name ), m_tiles( tiles ) { setPixmaps( tiles ); } void JezzField::setGameTile( int x, int y, bool black ) { setTile( x, y, black ? TILE_BORDER : TILE_FREE ); } void JezzField::setPixmaps( QPixmap tiles ) { // create new tiles QPixmap allTiles( TILE_SIZE*(FIELD_WIDTH-2), TILE_SIZE*(FIELD_HEIGHT-1) ); // handle default tiles bitBlt( &allTiles, 0, TILE_SIZE*(FIELD_HEIGHT-2), &tiles, 0, 0, tiles.width(), tiles.height() ); // load tiles into canvas setTiles( allTiles, FIELD_WIDTH, FIELD_HEIGHT, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE ); } /*************************************************************************/ JezzView::JezzView(QCanvas* viewing, QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) : QCanvasView( viewing, parent, name, f ), m_vertical( false ) { setResizePolicy( AutoOne ); setHScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff ); setVScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff ); setCursor( sizeHorCursor ); } void JezzView::viewportMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent *ev ) { if ( ev->button() & LeftButton ) { emit buildWall( ev->x()/TILE_SIZE, ev->y()/TILE_SIZE, m_vertical ); } } void JezzView::changeCursor() { m_vertical = !m_vertical; if ( m_vertical ) { setCursor( sizeVerCursor ); } else { setCursor( sizeHorCursor ); } } /*************************************************************************/ JezzGame::JezzGame( int ballNum, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ), m_wall1( 0 ), m_wall2( 0 ), m_text( 0 ), m_running( false ), m_percent( 0 ), m_pictured( false ) { QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"pics/bounce/"; // load gfx m_ballPixmaps = new QCanvasPixmapArray( path + "ball%1.png", 25 ); for ( unsigned n=0; n < m_ballPixmaps->count(); n++ ) m_ballPixmaps->image(n)->setOffset( 0, 0 ); m_arrowPixmaps = new QCanvasPixmapArray( path + "arrow%1.png", 2 ); for ( unsigned n=0; n < m_arrowPixmaps->count(); n++ ) m_arrowPixmaps->image(n)->setOffset( 0, 0 ); QPixmap tiles( path + "tiles.png" ); // create field m_field = new JezzField( tiles, this, "m_field" ); m_field->resize( TILE_SIZE*FIELD_WIDTH, TILE_SIZE*FIELD_HEIGHT ); for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) m_field->setTile( x, 0, TILE_BORDER ); for ( int y=1; y<FIELD_HEIGHT-1; y++ ) { m_field->setTile( 0, y, TILE_BORDER ); for ( int x=1; x<FIELD_WIDTH-1; x++ ) m_field->setTile( x, y, TILE_FREE ); m_field->setTile( FIELD_WIDTH-1, y, TILE_BORDER ); } for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) m_field->setTile( x, FIELD_HEIGHT-1, TILE_BORDER ); connect( m_field, SIGNAL(ballCollision(Ball *, int, int, int)), this, SLOT(ballCollision(Ball *, int, int, int)) ); // create view m_view = new JezzView( m_field, this, "m_view" ); m_view->move( 0, 0 ); m_view->adjustSize(); connect( m_view, SIGNAL(buildWall(int, int, bool)), this, SLOT(buildWall(int, int, bool)) ); // create balls for ( int n=0; n<ballNum; n++ ) { Ball *ball = new Ball( m_ballPixmaps, m_field ); m_balls.append( ball ); ball->setVelocity( ((rand() & 1)*2-1)*2, ((rand() & 1)*2-1)*2 ); ball->setFrame( rand() % 25 ); ball->move( 4*TILE_SIZE + ( rand() - 50 ) % ( (FIELD_WIDTH-8)*TILE_SIZE ), 4*TILE_SIZE + rand() % ( (FIELD_HEIGHT-8)*TILE_SIZE ) ); ball->show(); } // create arrow arrow = new Arrow( m_arrowPixmaps, m_field ); arrow->show(); // create text label m_text = new QCanvasText( m_field ); // create game clock m_clock = new QTimer( this ); connect( m_clock, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tick()) ); m_clock->start( GAME_DELAY ); // setup geometry setFixedSize( m_view->size() ); } JezzGame::~JezzGame() { m_balls.clear(); delete m_view; delete m_field; delete m_ballPixmaps; } void JezzGame::display( QString text, int size ) { qDebug("This function \"display\" shouldn't be called!!!"); if ( !text.isEmpty() ) { QFont font( "Helvetica", size, QFont::Bold ); font.setStyleHint( QFont::Helvetica ); m_text->setFont( font ); m_text->setText( text ); QRect size = m_text->boundingRect(); m_text->move( ( FIELD_WIDTH*TILE_SIZE - size.width() ) / 2, ( FIELD_HEIGHT*TILE_SIZE - size.height() ) / 2 ); m_text->show(); } else { m_text->hide(); } } void JezzGame::start() { m_running = true; } void JezzGame::stop() { m_running = false; } void JezzGame::makeBlack() { // copy current field into buffer for ( int y=0; y<FIELD_HEIGHT; y++ ) for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) m_buf[x][y] = m_field->tile( x, y ); // fill areas that contains a ball for ( Ball *ball=m_balls.first(); ball!=0; ball=m_balls.next() ) fill( ball->x()/TILE_SIZE, ball->y()/TILE_SIZE ); // areas still free can be blacked now for ( int y=0; y<FIELD_HEIGHT; y++ ) for ( int x=0; x<FIELD_WIDTH; x++ ) { if ( m_buf[x][y]==TILE_FREE ) m_field->setGameTile( x, y, true ); } m_field->update(); m_view->repaint(); // count percent value of occupied area int p = percent(); if ( p!=m_percent ) { m_percent = p; emit newPercent( m_percent ); } } int JezzGame::percent() { int notFree = 0; for ( int y=1; y<FIELD_HEIGHT-1; y++ ) for ( int x=1; x<FIELD_WIDTH-1; x++ ) { if ( m_field->tile(x,y)!=TILE_FREE ) notFree++; } return 100 * notFree / ( (FIELD_WIDTH-1) * (FIELD_HEIGHT-1) ); } void JezzGame::fill( int x, int y ) { if ( m_buf[x][y]!=TILE_FREE) return; // go left int _x=x; for ( ; m_buf[_x][y]==TILE_FREE; _x-- ) m_buf[_x][y] = TILE_BORDER; int stopx = _x; // fill above for ( _x=x; _x>stopx; _x-- ) if ( m_buf[_x][y-1]==TILE_FREE ) fill( _x, y-1 ); // fill below for ( _x=x; _x>stopx; _x-- ) if ( m_buf[_x][y+1]==TILE_FREE ) fill( _x, y+1 ); // go right for ( _x=x+1; m_buf[_x][y]==TILE_FREE; _x++ ) m_buf[_x][y] = TILE_BORDER; stopx = _x; // fill above for ( _x=x+1; _x<stopx; _x++ ) if ( m_buf[_x][y-1]==TILE_FREE ) fill( _x, y-1 ); // fill below; for ( _x=x+1; _x<stopx; _x++ ) if ( m_buf[_x][y+1]==TILE_FREE ) fill( _x, y+1 ); } void JezzGame::ballCollision( Ball*, int, int, int tile ) { if ( tile!=TILE_BORDER && tile>TILE_FREE && tile!=TILE_WALLEND ) { // stop walls if ( (tile==TILE_WALLUP || tile==TILE_WALLLEFT) && m_wall1 ) { m_wall1->finish(); m_wall1->fill( false ); delete m_wall1; m_wall1 = 0; } if ( (tile==TILE_WALLDOWN || tile==TILE_WALLRIGHT) && m_wall2 ) { m_wall2->finish(); m_wall2->fill( false ); delete m_wall2; m_wall2 = 0; } // update view m_field->update(); m_view->repaint(); // send death msg emit died(); } } void JezzGame::buildWall( int x, int y, bool vertical ) { if ( !m_running ) return; if ( m_field->tile(x, y)==TILE_FREE ) { // check whether there is a ball at the moment QCanvasItemList cols = m_field->collisions( QRect(x*TILE_SIZE, y*TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE) ); if ( cols.count()>0 ) { //kdDebug() << "Direct collision" << endl; emit ballCollision( (Ball*)cols.first(), x, y, TILE_WALLUP ); return; } // start walls if ( !m_wall1 ) { m_wall1 = new Wall( m_field, x, y, vertical? Wall::Up : Wall::Left, vertical? TILE_WALLUP : TILE_WALLLEFT, this, "m_wall1" ); connect( m_wall1, SIGNAL(finished(Wall *, int)), this, SLOT(wallFinished(Wall *, int)) ); } if ( !m_wall2 ) { m_wall2 = new Wall( m_field, x, y, vertical? Wall::Down: Wall::Right, vertical? TILE_WALLDOWN : TILE_WALLRIGHT, this, "m_wall2" ); connect( m_wall2, SIGNAL(finished(Wall *, int)), this, SLOT(wallFinished(Wall *, int)) ); } } } void JezzGame::wallFinished( Wall *wall, int tile ) { if ( tile==TILE_WALLEND ) { if ( m_wall1 ) { m_wall1->fill( false ); delete m_wall1; m_wall1 = 0; } if ( m_wall2 ) { m_wall2->fill( false ); delete m_wall2; m_wall2 = 0; } } else { if ( m_wall1==wall && m_wall1 ) { m_wall1->fill( true ); delete m_wall1; m_wall1 = 0; } if ( m_wall2==wall && m_wall2 ) { m_wall2->fill( true ); delete m_wall2; m_wall2 = 0; } } m_field->update(); m_view->repaint(); makeBlack(); } void JezzGame::tick() { if ( m_running ) { if ( m_field ) m_field->advance(); if ( m_wall1 ) m_wall1->advance(); if ( m_wall2 ) m_wall2->advance(); } else { for ( Ball *ball=m_balls.first(); ball!=0; ball=m_balls.next() ) ball->update(); if ( m_field ) m_field->update(); if ( m_wall1 ) m_wall1->update(); if ( m_wall2 ) m_wall2->update(); } } void JezzGame::changeCursor() { arrow->changeDirection(); m_view->changeCursor(); } diff --git a/noncore/games/bounce/kbounce.cpp b/noncore/games/bounce/kbounce.cpp index 211f0ff..3b0cb6f 100644 --- a/noncore/games/bounce/kbounce.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/bounce/kbounce.cpp @@ -1,312 +1,308 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2000 Stefan Schimanski <1Stein@gmx.de> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License,Life or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <qlayout.h> #include <qtimer.h> -#include <qlcdnumber.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> -#include <qmainwindow.h> -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include "kbounce.h" #include "game.h" -#include <qlabel.h> KJezzball::KJezzball(QWidget *p, const char* n, WFlags f) : QMainWindow(p,n,f), m_gameWidget( 0 ) { setCaption(tr("Bounce")); // setup variables m_game.level = 1; m_game.score = 0; m_state = Idle; menu = menuBar(); game = new QPopupMenu; game->insertItem(tr("&New game"), this, SLOT(newGame()), Key_N ); game->insertItem(tr("&Pause game"), this, SLOT(pauseGame()), Key_P ); game->insertSeparator(); game->insertItem(tr("&About"), this, SLOT(about())); menu->insertItem( tr("&Game"), game ); // create widgets m_view = new QWidget( this, "m_view" ); setCentralWidget( m_view ); m_layout = new QGridLayout( m_view ); m_layout->setSpacing( 0 ); m_layout->setMargin( 0 ); ScoreLabel = new QLabel( m_view, "ScoreLabel" ); ScoreLabel->setText( tr( "Score: 00" ) ); ScoreLabel->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); m_layout->addWidget( ScoreLabel, 1, 0 ); LivesLabel = new QLabel( m_view, "LivesLabel" ); LivesLabel->setText( tr( "Lives: 0%" ) ); LivesLabel->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); m_layout->addWidget( LivesLabel, 1, 2 ); FilledLabel = new QLabel( m_view, "FilledLabel" ); FilledLabel->setText( tr( "Filled: 00%" ) ); FilledLabel->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); m_layout->addWidget( FilledLabel, 1, 1 ); TimeLabel = new QLabel( m_view, "TimeLabel" ); TimeLabel->setText( tr( "Time: 00" ) ); TimeLabel->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); m_layout->addWidget( TimeLabel, 1, 3 ); // create timers m_nextLevelTimer = new QTimer( this, "m_nextLevelTimer" ); connect( m_nextLevelTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(switchLevel()) ); m_gameOverTimer = new QTimer( this, "m_gameOverTimer" ); connect( m_gameOverTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(gameOverNow()) ); m_timer = new QTimer( this, "m_timer" ); connect( m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(second()) ); // create demo game createLevel( 1 ); } void KJezzball::newGame() { // Check for running game closeGame(); if ( m_state==Idle ) { // update displays m_game.level = 1; m_game.score = 0; setCaption(tr("Bounce Level %1").arg(m_game.level)); ScoreLabel->setText( tr( "Score: %1" ).arg(m_game.score) ); // start new game m_state = Running; createLevel( m_game.level ); startLevel(); } } void KJezzball::about() { QMessageBox::information( this, tr("About"), tr("Written by: Stefan Schimanski\n" "Ported by: Martin Imobersteg\n" "\n" "Click to form walls.\n" "Hit space to switch wall direction.\n" "Try to reduce total space by 75%.\n" "\n" "This program is distributed under\n" "the terms of the GPL v2.") ); } void KJezzball::closeGame() { if ( m_state!=Idle ) { stopLevel(); m_state = Idle; } } void KJezzball::pauseGame() { switch ( m_state ) { case Running: m_state = Paused; m_gameWidget->display( tr("Game paused.\nPress P to continue!") ); stopLevel(); break; case Paused: case Suspend: m_state = Running; m_gameWidget->display( QString::null ); startLevel(); break; case Idle: break; } } void KJezzball::gameOver() { stopLevel(); m_gameOverTimer->start( 100, TRUE ); } void KJezzball::gameOverNow() { m_state = Idle; QString score; score.setNum( m_game.score ); QMessageBox::information( this, "Game Over", tr("Game Over!\nScore: %1").arg(score) ); } void KJezzball::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent *ev ) { if ( m_state==Running ) { stopLevel(); m_state = Suspend; } QMainWindow::focusOutEvent( ev ); } void KJezzball::focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent *ev ) { if ( m_state==Suspend ) { startLevel(); m_state = Running; } QMainWindow::focusInEvent( ev ); } void KJezzball::second() { m_level.time--; TimeLabel->setText( tr( "Time: %1" ).arg(m_level.time) ); if ( m_level.time<=0 ) { gameOver(); } } void KJezzball::died() { m_level.lifes--; LivesLabel->setText( tr( "Lives: %1" ).arg(m_level.lifes) ); if ( m_level.lifes==0 ) gameOver(); } void KJezzball::newPercent( int percent ) { FilledLabel->setText( tr( "Filled: %1%" ).arg(percent) ); if ( percent>=75 ) { m_level.score = m_level.lifes*15 + (percent-75)*2*(m_game.level+5); nextLevel(); } } void KJezzball::createLevel( int level ) { // destroy old game if ( m_gameWidget ) delete m_gameWidget; m_gameWidget = new JezzGame( level+1, m_view, "m_gameWidget" ); m_gameWidget->show(); m_layout->addMultiCellWidget( m_gameWidget, 0, 0, 0, 3 ); connect( m_gameWidget, SIGNAL(died()), this, SLOT(died()) ); connect( m_gameWidget, SIGNAL(newPercent(int)), this, SLOT(newPercent(int)) ); // update displays m_level.lifes = level+1; LivesLabel->setText( tr( "Lives: %1" ).arg(m_level.lifes) ); FilledLabel->setText( tr( "Filled: 0%" ) ); m_level.time = (level+2)*30; TimeLabel->setText( tr( "Time: %1" ).arg(m_level.time) ); m_level.score = 0; } void KJezzball::startLevel() { if ( m_gameWidget ) { m_timer->start( 1000 ); m_gameWidget->start(); } } void KJezzball::stopLevel() { if ( m_gameWidget ) { m_gameWidget->stop(); m_timer->stop(); } } void KJezzball::nextLevel() { stopLevel(); m_nextLevelTimer->start( 100, TRUE ); } void KJezzball::switchLevel() { m_game.score += m_level.score; ScoreLabel->setText( tr( "Score: %1" ).arg(m_game.score) ); QString score; score.setNum( m_level.score ); QString level; level.setNum( m_game.level ); QString foo = QString( tr("Successfully cleared more than 75%.\n") + tr("%1 points: 15 points per life\n").arg(m_level.lifes*15) + tr("%1 points: Bonus\n").arg((m_gameWidget->percent()-75)*2*(m_game.level+5)) + tr("%1 points: Total score\n").arg(score) + tr("On to level %1.\nYou get %2 lives this time!")).arg(m_game.level+1).arg(m_game.level+2); QMessageBox::information( this, "Success", foo ); m_game.level++; createLevel( m_game.level ); startLevel(); } void KJezzball::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *ev ) { if ( ev->key() == Key_Space || ev->key() == Key_Up || ev->key() == Key_Down || ev->key() == Key_Right || ev->key() == Key_Left ) { m_gameWidget->changeCursor(); } else { ev->ignore(); } } diff --git a/noncore/games/bounce/main.cpp b/noncore/games/bounce/main.cpp index 9ea86a6..a070c4b 100644 --- a/noncore/games/bounce/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/bounce/main.cpp @@ -1,24 +1,23 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2000 Stefan Schimanski <schimmi@kde.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include "kbounce.h" #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<KJezzball> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/buzzword/buzzword.cpp b/noncore/games/buzzword/buzzword.cpp index f746065..13eb481 100644 --- a/noncore/games/buzzword/buzzword.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/buzzword/buzzword.cpp @@ -1,182 +1,181 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Imobersteg <imm@gmx.ch> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License,Life or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include <qlayout.h> -#include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qmainwindow.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qgrid.h> #include <qcolor.h> #include <qbutton.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qstringlist.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include "buzzword.h" BuzzLabel::BuzzLabel( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QLabel( parent, name ) { } void BuzzLabel::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if(e->button() == LeftButton) { emit clicked(); } } BuzzItem::BuzzItem( int row, int column, QString text, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QVBox( parent, name ), _row(row), _column(column) { setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Raised ); setLineWidth( 1 ); label = new BuzzLabel(this, "label"); label->setText(text); label->setAlignment( int( QLabel::AlignCenter ) ); connect( label, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(flip()) ); } void BuzzItem::flip() { setLineWidth( 1 ); label->setBackgroundColor(label->colorGroup().highlight()); emit clicked(_row, _column); } BuzzWord::BuzzWord(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QMainWindow( parent, name, fl ) { setCaption(tr("buZzword")); menu = menuBar(); game = new QPopupMenu; game->insertItem(tr("&New game"), this, SLOT(newGame()), Key_N ); menu->insertItem( tr("&Game"), game ); gridVal = 4; grid = NULL; gameOver = false; newGame(); } void BuzzWord::drawGrid() { QStringList l; QString path = QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"share/buzzword/"; QFile f( path + "buzzwords" ); if ( !f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return; QTextStream t( &f ); while (!t.atEnd()) { l << t.readLine(); } f.close(); grid = new QGrid(gridVal, this); // grid->setFixedSize( 480, 480 ); for( int c = 0 ; c < gridVal ; c++ ) { for( int r = 0 ; r < gridVal ; r++ ) { uint pos = rand() % l. count(); QString word = QStringList::split(" ", l[pos]).join("\n"); BuzzItem* bi = new BuzzItem( c, r, word, grid ); connect( bi, SIGNAL(clicked(int, int)), this, SLOT(clicked(int,int)) ); map[c][r] = 0; l.remove( l.at( pos )); } } } void BuzzWord::clicked(int row, int column) { if ( ! gameOver ) { int rowTotal = 0; int columnTotal = 0; map[column][row] = 1; for( int c = 0 ; c < gridVal ; c++ ) { for( int r = 0 ; r < gridVal ; r++ ) { if ( map[c][r] == 1 ) rowTotal++; if ( rowTotal == 4 ) { bingo(); } } rowTotal = 0; } for( int r = 0 ; r < gridVal ; r++ ) { for( int c = 0 ; c < gridVal ; c++ ) { if ( map[c][r] == 1 ) columnTotal++; if ( columnTotal == 4 ) { bingo(); } } columnTotal = 0; } if ( map[0][0] && map[1][1] && map[2][2] && map[3][3] ) bingo(); if ( map[0][3] && map[1][2] && map[2][1] && map[3][0] ) bingo(); } } void BuzzWord::bingo() { gameOver = true; QMessageBox::information( this, "BUZZWORD", tr("<h1><b>BINGO !</b></h1>")); } void BuzzWord::newGame() { gameOver = false; delete grid; drawGrid(); setCentralWidget(grid); } diff --git a/noncore/games/buzzword/main.cpp b/noncore/games/buzzword/main.cpp index 67f2c26..95b3176 100644 --- a/noncore/games/buzzword/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/buzzword/main.cpp @@ -1,24 +1,23 @@ /* * Copyright (C) 2002 Martin Imobersteg <imm@gmx.ch> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License,Life or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> #include "buzzword.h" OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<BuzzWord> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/fifteen/fifteen.cpp b/noncore/games/fifteen/fifteen.cpp index b4e0308..506e87a 100644 --- a/noncore/games/fifteen/fifteen.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/fifteen/fifteen.cpp @@ -1,391 +1,386 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "fifteen.h" #include <qtopia/resource.h> #include <qtopia/config.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qaction.h> -#include <qlayout.h> #include <qpainter.h> -#include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qtoolbar.h> #include <qmenubar.h> -#include <qstringlist.h> -#include <qapplication.h> -#include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> FifteenMainWindow::FifteenMainWindow(QWidget *parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : QMainWindow( parent, name, fl ) { // random seed srand(time(0)); setCaption( tr("Fifteen Pieces") ); QToolBar *toolbar = new QToolBar(this); toolbar->setHorizontalStretchable( FALSE ); QMenuBar *menubar = new QMenuBar( toolbar ); menubar->setMargin(0); QPopupMenu *game = new QPopupMenu( this ); QWidget *spacer = new QWidget( toolbar ); spacer->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); toolbar->setStretchableWidget( spacer ); setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); QVBox *vbox = new QVBox( this ); PiecesTable *table = new PiecesTable( vbox ); setCentralWidget(vbox); QAction *a = new QAction( tr( "Randomize" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "new" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), table, SLOT( slotRandomize() ) ); a->addTo( game ); a->addTo( toolbar ); /* This is pointless and confusing. a = new QAction( tr( "Solve" ), Resource::loadIconSet( "repeat" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), table, SLOT( slotReset() ) ); a->addTo( game ); a->addTo( toolbar ); */ menubar->insertItem( tr( "Game" ), game ); } PiecesTable::PiecesTable(QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QTableView(parent, name), _menu(0), _randomized(false) { // setup table view setFrameStyle(StyledPanel | Sunken); setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); setMouseTracking(true); setNumRows(4); setNumCols(4); // init arrays initMap(); readConfig(); initColors(); // set font QFont f = font(); f.setPixelSize(18); f.setBold( TRUE ); setFont(f); } PiecesTable::~PiecesTable() { writeConfig(); } void PiecesTable::writeConfig() { Config cfg("Fifteen"); cfg.setGroup("Game"); QStringList map; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) map.append( QString::number( _map[i] ) ); cfg.writeEntry("Map", map, '-'); cfg.writeEntry("Randomized", _randomized ); } void PiecesTable::readConfig() { Config cfg("Fifteen"); cfg.setGroup("Game"); QStringList map = cfg.readListEntry("Map", '-'); _randomized = cfg.readBoolEntry( "Randomized", FALSE ); int i = 0; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it ) { _map[i] = (*it).toInt(); i++; if ( i > 15 ) break; } } void PiecesTable::paintCell(QPainter *p, int row, int col) { int w = cellWidth(); int h = cellHeight(); int x2 = w - 1; int y2 = h - 1; int number = _map[col + row * numCols()] + 1; // draw cell background if(number == 16) p->setBrush(colorGroup().background()); else p->setBrush(_colors[number-1]); p->setPen(NoPen); p->drawRect(0, 0, w, h); if (number == 16) return; // draw borders if (height() > 40) { p->setBrush(_colors[number-1].light(130)); p->drawPolygon(light_border); p->setBrush(_colors[number-1].dark(130)); p->drawPolygon(dark_border); } // draw number p->setPen(black); p->drawText(0, 0, x2, y2, AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter, QString::number(number)); } void PiecesTable::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { QTableView::resizeEvent(e); setCellWidth(contentsRect().width()/ numRows()); setCellHeight(contentsRect().height() / numCols()); // // Calculate 3d-effect borders // int cell_w = cellWidth(); int cell_h = cellHeight(); int x_offset = cell_w - int(cell_w * 0.9); // 10% should be enough int y_offset = cell_h - int(cell_h * 0.9); light_border.setPoints(6, 0, 0, cell_w, 0, cell_w - x_offset, y_offset, x_offset, y_offset, x_offset, cell_h - y_offset, 0, cell_h); dark_border.setPoints(6, cell_w, 0, cell_w, cell_h, 0, cell_h, x_offset, cell_h - y_offset, cell_w - x_offset, cell_h - y_offset, cell_w - x_offset, y_offset); } void PiecesTable::initColors() { _colors.resize(numRows() * numCols()); for (int r = 0; r < numRows(); r++) for (int c = 0; c < numCols(); c++) _colors[c + r *numCols()] = QColor(255 - 70 * c,255 - 70 * r, 150); } void PiecesTable::initMap() { _map.resize(16); for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++) _map[i] = i; _randomized = false; } void PiecesTable::randomizeMap() { initMap(); _randomized = true; // find the free position int pos = _map.find(15); int move = 0; while ( move < 333 ) { int frow = pos / numCols(); int fcol = pos - frow * numCols(); // find click position int row = rand()%4; int col = rand()%4; // sanity check if ( row < 0 || row >= numRows() ) continue; if ( col < 0 || col >= numCols() ) continue; if ( row != frow && col != fcol ) continue; move++; // rows match -> shift pieces if(row == frow) { if (col < fcol) { for(int c = fcol; c > col; c--) { _map[c + row * numCols()] = _map[ c-1 + row *numCols()]; } } else if (col > fcol) { for(int c = fcol; c < col; c++) { _map[c + row * numCols()] = _map[ c+1 + row *numCols()]; } } } // cols match -> shift pieces else if (col == fcol) { if (row < frow) { for(int r = frow; r > row; r--) { _map[col + r * numCols()] = _map[ col + (r-1) *numCols()]; } } else if (row > frow) { for(int r = frow; r < row; r++) { _map[col + r * numCols()] = _map[ col + (r+1) *numCols()]; } } } // move free cell to click position _map[pos=(col + row * numCols())] = 15; } repaint(); } void PiecesTable::checkwin() { if(!_randomized) return; int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) if(i != _map[i]) break; if (i == 16) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Fifteen Pieces"), tr("Congratulations!\nYou win the game!")); _randomized = FALSE; } } void PiecesTable::slotRandomize() { randomizeMap(); } void PiecesTable::slotReset() { initMap(); repaint(); } void PiecesTable::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { QTableView::mousePressEvent(e); if (e->button() == RightButton) { // setup RMB pupup menu if(!_menu) { _menu = new QPopupMenu(this); _menu->insertItem(tr("R&andomize Pieces"), mRandomize); _menu->insertItem(tr("&Reset Pieces"), mReset); _menu->adjustSize(); } // execute RMB popup and check result switch(_menu->exec(mapToGlobal(e->pos()))) { case mRandomize: randomizeMap(); break; case mReset: initMap(); repaint(); break; default: break; } } else { // GAME LOGIC // find the free position int pos = _map.find(15); if(pos < 0) return; int frow = pos / numCols(); int fcol = pos - frow * numCols(); // find click position int row = findRow(e->y()); int col = findCol(e->x()); // sanity check if (row < 0 || row >= numRows()) return; if (col < 0 || col >= numCols()) return; if ( row != frow && col != fcol ) return; // valid move? if(row != frow && col != fcol) return; // rows match -> shift pieces if(row == frow) { if (col < fcol) { for(int c = fcol; c > col; c--) { _map[c + row * numCols()] = _map[ c-1 + row *numCols()]; updateCell(row, c, false); } } else if (col > fcol) { for(int c = fcol; c < col; c++) { _map[c + row * numCols()] = _map[ c+1 + row *numCols()]; updateCell(row, c, false); } } } // cols match -> shift pieces else if (col == fcol) { if (row < frow) { for(int r = frow; r > row; r--) { _map[col + r * numCols()] = _map[ col + (r-1) *numCols()]; updateCell(r, col, false); } } else if (row > frow) { for(int r = frow; r < row; r++) { _map[col + r * numCols()] = _map[ col + (r+1) *numCols()]; updateCell(r, col, false); } } } // move free cell to click position _map[col + row * numCols()] = 15; updateCell(row, col, false); // check if the player wins with this move checkwin(); } } diff --git a/noncore/games/go/gowidget.cpp b/noncore/games/go/gowidget.cpp index cf89267..79820b1 100644 --- a/noncore/games/go/gowidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/go/gowidget.cpp @@ -1,464 +1,460 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "gowidget.h" #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpainter.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> #include <qpe/qpetoolbar.h> #include <qmenubar.h> -#include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qapplication.h> //processEvents() #include <qlabel.h> //#include <stdio.h> -#include "amigo.h" -#include "goplayutils.h" static const enum bVal computer_color = BLACK; static int current_handicap = 1; static QBrush *goBrush; //static QImage *newBlackStone; //static QImage *blackStone; //static QImage *whiteStone; static QPixmap *newBlackStone; static QPixmap *blackStone; static QPixmap *whiteStone; static bool smallStones = FALSE; GoMainWidget::GoMainWidget( QWidget *parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) : QMainWindow( parent, name, fl ) { setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); GoWidget *go = new GoWidget(this); setCentralWidget(go); toolbar = new QToolBar(this); toolbar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); addToolBar(toolbar); QMenuBar *mb = new QMenuBar( toolbar ); mb->setMargin(0); QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu( this ); QAction *a = new QAction( tr( "New Game" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), go, SLOT( newGame() ) ); a->addTo( file ); a = new QAction( tr( "Pass" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "pass" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), go, SLOT( pass() ) ); a->addTo( file ); a->addTo( toolbar ); a = new QAction( tr( "Resign" ), Resource::loadPixmap( "reset" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); connect( a, SIGNAL( activated() ), go, SLOT( resign() ) ); a->addTo( file ); a = new QAction( tr( "Two player option" ), QString::null, 0, this, 0 ); a->setToggleAction( TRUE ); connect( a, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), go, SLOT( setTwoplayer(bool) ) ); a->addTo( file ); mb->insertItem( tr( "Game" ), file ); QLabel *turnLabel = new QLabel( toolbar ); turnLabel->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); connect( go, SIGNAL(showTurn(const QPixmap&)), turnLabel, SLOT(setPixmap(const QPixmap&)) ); QLabel * scoreLabel = new QLabel( toolbar ); scoreLabel->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); connect( go, SIGNAL(showScore(const QString&)), scoreLabel, SLOT(setText(const QString&)) ); toolbar->setStretchableWidget( scoreLabel ); go->readConfig(); } void GoMainWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ) { //### this won't work because of the text label... /* if ( width() > height() ) moveToolBar( toolbar, Left ); else moveToolBar( toolbar, Top ); */ } GoWidget *GoWidget::self = 0; GoWidget::GoWidget( QWidget *parent, const char* name) : QWidget( parent, name ) { if ( self ) fatal( "Only one Go widget allowed" ); self = this; twoplayer = FALSE; d = bx = by = 1; QPixmap pix = Resource::loadPixmap( "go/pine" ); goBrush = new QBrush( black, pix ); /* QString fn = Resource::findPixmap("Go-black"); blackStone = new QImage( fn ); fn = Resource::findPixmap("Go-black-highlight"); newBlackStone = new QImage( fn ); fn = Resource::findPixmap("Go-white"); whiteStone = new QImage( fn ); */ blackStone = new QPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap( "Go-black" )); whiteStone = new QPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap( "Go-white" )); newBlackStone = new QPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap( "Go-black-highlight" )); init(); } GoWidget::~GoWidget() { writeConfig(); } void GoWidget::writeConfig() { Config cfg("Go"); cfg.setGroup("Game"); cfg.writeEntry("TwoPlayer", twoplayer); cfg.writeEntry("CurrentPlayer", currentPlayer); cfg.writeEntry("NPassed", nPassed); QString b; for (int i=0; i<19; i++) for (int j=0; j<19; j++) b += board[i][j] == BLACK ? 'B' : board[i][j] == WHITE ? 'W' : '.'; cfg.writeEntry("Board", b); cfg.writeEntry("LastX", lastX); cfg.writeEntry("LastY", lastY); extern int blackPrisoners, whitePrisoners; cfg.writeEntry("BlackPrisoners", blackPrisoners); cfg.writeEntry("WhitePrisoners", whitePrisoners); } void GoWidget::readConfig() { init(); Config cfg("Go"); cfg.setGroup("Game"); twoplayer = cfg.readBoolEntry("TwoPlayer"); currentPlayer = (bVal)cfg.readNumEntry("CurrentPlayer",1); nPassed = cfg.readNumEntry("NPassed",0); QString b = cfg.readEntry("Board"); if ( b.length() == 19*19 ) for (int i=0; i<19; i++) for (int j=0; j<19; j++) { QChar ch = b[j+19*i]; if ( ch != '.' ) GoPlaceStone( ch == 'B' ? BLACK : WHITE, i, j ); } lastX = cfg.readNumEntry("LastX"); lastY = cfg.readNumEntry("LastY"); extern int blackPrisoners, whitePrisoners; blackPrisoners = cfg.readNumEntry("BlackPrisoners",0); whitePrisoners = cfg.readNumEntry("WhitePrisoners",0); reportPrisoners(blackPrisoners,whitePrisoners); emit showTurn( currentPlayer == WHITE ? *whiteStone : *blackStone ); } void GoWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ) { d = QMIN(width(),height())/19; // int r = (d/2-1); bx = (width() - 18*d)/2 ; by = (height() - 18*d)/2 ; if ( d < 10 && !smallStones ) { blackStone->convertFromImage( blackStone->convertToImage().smoothScale(8,8) ); whiteStone->convertFromImage( whiteStone->convertToImage().smoothScale(8,8) ); newBlackStone->convertFromImage( newBlackStone->convertToImage().smoothScale(8,8) ); smallStones = TRUE; } else if ( d >= 10 && smallStones ) { blackStone = new QPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap( "Go-black" )); whiteStone = new QPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap( "Go-white" )); newBlackStone = new QPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap( "Go-black-highlight" )); smallStones = FALSE; } } void GoWidget::init() { lastX = lastY = newX = newY = -1; nPassed = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < 19; i++ ) for ( int j = 0; j < 19; j++ ) board[i][j]=-1; gameActive = TRUE; goRestart(current_handicap); if ( twoplayer ) { currentPlayer = BLACK; } else { doComputerMove(); currentPlayer = WHITE; } emit showTurn( currentPlayer == WHITE ? *whiteStone : *blackStone ); } void GoWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e ) { int i,j; int r = whiteStone->width()/2; QPainter p(this); p.fillRect( bx - d/2, by - d/2, 19*d, 19*d, *goBrush ); int xMin = QMAX( x2board(e->rect().left()), 0 ); int xMax = QMIN( x2board(e->rect().right()), 18 ); int yMin = QMAX( y2board(e->rect().top()), 0 ); int yMax = QMIN( y2board(e->rect().bottom()), 18 ); QColor pine( 255, 186, 89 ); p.setPen( pine.dark() ); for ( i = xMin; i < xMax+1 ; i ++ ) { p.drawLine( bx+i*d, by, bx+i*d, by+18*d ); } for ( j = yMin; j < yMax+1 ; j ++ ) { p.drawLine( bx, by+j*d, bx+18*d, by+j*d); } // dots are at (3,3), (3,9), (3,15) and so on p.setBrush( black ); for ( i = 3; i < xMax+1; i+=6 ) for ( j = 3; j < yMax+1; j+=6 ) p.drawEllipse( bx+i*d-2, by+j*d-2, 5, 5 ); for ( i = xMin; i < xMax+1; i++ ) for ( j = yMin; j < yMax+1; j++ ) { if ( board[i][j] == WHITE || currentPlayer==WHITE && newX == i && newY == j ) p.drawPixmap( bx+i*d - r, by+j*d - r, *whiteStone ); else if ( i == lastX && j == lastY ) p.drawPixmap( bx+i*d - r, by+j*d - r, *newBlackStone ); else if ( board[i][j] == BLACK || currentPlayer==BLACK && newX == i && newY == j) p.drawPixmap( bx+i*d - r, by+j*d - r, *blackStone ); } } void GoWidget::doMove( int x, int y ) { if ( !GoPlaceStone( currentPlayer, x, y ) ) { //printf( "Illegal move (%d,%d)\n", x, y ); return; } //printf( "you do (%d,%d)\n", x, y ); nPassed = 0; if ( twoplayer ) currentPlayer = (currentPlayer==WHITE) ? BLACK : WHITE; else doComputerMove(); emit showTurn( currentPlayer == WHITE ? *whiteStone : *blackStone ); } void GoWidget::pass() { if ( !gameActive ) return; nPassed++; if ( nPassed >= 2 ) endGame(); else if ( !twoplayer ) doComputerMove(); } void GoWidget::resign() { if ( gameActive ) endGame(); } void GoWidget::newGame() { init(); update(); } void GoWidget::endGame() { gameActive = FALSE; int w,b; CountUp( &w, &b); QString s = tr("White %1, Black %2. ").arg(w).arg(b); if ( w > b ) s += tr("White wins."); else if ( w < b ) s += tr("Black wins."); else s += tr("A draw."); emit showScore( s ); } void GoWidget::doComputerMove() { int ox = lastX; int oy = lastY; lastX = lastY = -1; emit showTurn( *blackStone ); refresh( ox, oy); qApp->processEvents(); short int x,y; if ( genMove( computer_color, &x, &y ) ) { lastX = x; lastY = y; //printf( "I do (%d,%d)\n", x, y ); GoPlaceStone(computer_color,x,y); nPassed = 0; } else { emit showScore( tr("I pass") ); nPassed++; if ( nPassed >= 2 ) endGame(); } } void GoWidget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *me ) { if ( !gameActive ) return; int x = x2board(me->x()); int y = y2board(me->y()); showStone(x,y,currentPlayer); } void GoWidget::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *me ) { if ( !gameActive ) return; int x = x2board(me->x()); int y = y2board(me->y()); if ( x != newX || y != newY ) showStone(x,y,currentPlayer); } void GoWidget::showStone( int x, int y, enum bVal c ) { if ( newX > -1 ) { refresh( newX, newY ); newY = newX = -1; } if ( x < 0 || x > 18 || y < 0 || y > 18 ) { newX = newY = -1; return; } if ( board[x][y] == -1 && !Suicide( c, x, y ) ) { newX = x; newY = y; refresh(x,y); } } void GoWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent * ) { if ( gameActive && newX > -1 ) doMove( newX, newY ); newX = newY = -1; } void GoWidget::refresh( int x, int y ) { update( bx+d*x-d/2-1, by+d*y-d/2-1, d+2, d+2 ); } void GoWidget::removeStone(short x, short y) { board[x][y]=-1; refresh( x, y ); } void GoWidget::placeStone (enum bVal c, short x, short y ) { board[x][y]=c; refresh( x, y ); } void GoWidget::reportPrisoners( int blackcnt, int whitecnt ) { QString s = tr( "Prisoners: black %1, white %2" ).arg(blackcnt).arg(whitecnt); emit showScore( s ); } void GoWidget::setTwoplayer( bool b ) { twoplayer = b; } void GoWidget::setHandicap( int h ) { current_handicap = h; } extern "C" { void removestone(short x, short y) { GoWidget::self->removeStone(x,y); } void placestone (enum bVal c, short x, short y ) { GoWidget::self->placeStone(c,x,y); } void intrMoveReport(enum bVal c ,char *coord ,char *reason ) { qDebug( "intrMoveReport colour %d, %s %s", c, coord, reason ); } void intrPrisonerReport( short blackcnt, short whitecnt ) { GoWidget::self->reportPrisoners(blackcnt,whitecnt); } } diff --git a/noncore/games/go/main.cpp b/noncore/games/go/main.cpp index f24e3c3..66f34ab 100644 --- a/noncore/games/go/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/go/main.cpp @@ -1,28 +1,27 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "gowidget.h" -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<GoMainWidget> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/kbill/MCursor.cc b/noncore/games/kbill/MCursor.cc index a3cb340..c581693 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kbill/MCursor.cc +++ b/noncore/games/kbill/MCursor.cc @@ -1,69 +1,64 @@ /*************************************************************************** MCursor.cc - description ------------------- begin : Thu Dec 30 1999 copyright : (C) 1999 by Jurrien Loonstra email : j.h.loonstra@st.hanze.nl ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "MCursor.h" -#include "objects.h" -#include <qcursor.h> -#include <qbitmap.h> -#include <qwidget.h> -#include <qstring.h> #ifdef KDEVER #include <kapp.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #endif #include <iostream> #include <qpe/resource.h> MCursor::~MCursor() { delete cursor; } void MCursor::load(const char *name, int masked) { #ifdef KDEVER QString file, mfile; KStandardDirs dirs; file = dirs.findResource("data","kbill/bitmaps/" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(name) + ".xbm"); QBitmap bitmap, mask; if (bitmap.load(file) == FALSE) { std::cerr << "cannot open " << file << std::endl; exit(1); } if (masked == SEP_MASK) { // mfile.sprintf ("%sbitmaps/%s_mask.xbm", (const char*)dir, name); mfile = file = dirs.findResource("data","kbill/bitmaps/" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(name) + "_mask.xbm"); if (mask.load(mfile) == FALSE) { std::cerr << "cannot open " << file << std::endl; exit(1); } } else mask = bitmap; #endif QBitmap bitmap, mask; bitmap = Resource::loadBitmap("kbill/bitmaps/" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(name)); if (masked == SEP_MASK) mask = bitmap = Resource::loadBitmap("kbill/bitmaps/" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(name) + "_mask.xbm"); else mask = bitmap; cursor = new QCursor(bitmap, mask, bitmap.width() / 2, bitmap.height() / 2); } diff --git a/noncore/games/kbill/Picture.cc b/noncore/games/kbill/Picture.cc index fe0eff8..9d46257 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kbill/Picture.cc +++ b/noncore/games/kbill/Picture.cc @@ -1,72 +1,70 @@ /*************************************************************************** Picture.cc - description ------------------- begin : Thu Dec 30 1999 copyright : (C) 1999 by Jurrien Loonstra email : j.h.loonstra@st.hanze.nl ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "Picture.h" -#include "objects.h" #include <iostream> -#include <qstring.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #ifdef KDEVER #include <kapp.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kdebug.h> #endif void Picture::load(const char *name, int index) { //QString dir = KApplication::kde_datadir(), file; // QString dir = locate("data",""),file; // dir += "/kbill/"; // if (index>=0) // file.sprintf ("%spixmaps/%s_%d.xpm", (const char *)dir, name, index); // else // file.sprintf("%spixmaps/%s.xpm", (const char *)dir, name); #ifdef KDEVER KStandardDirs dirs; QString file; if (index>=0) { //kdDebug() << "Here"; QString sindex; sindex.setNum(index); // kdDebug() << "kbill/pixmaps/" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(name) + "_" + sindex + ".xpm"; file = dirs.findResource("data","kbill/pixmaps/" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(name) + "_" + sindex + ".xpm"); } else { file = dirs.findResource("data","kbill/pixmaps/" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(name) + ".xpm"); } kdDebug() << file << std::endl; pix = new QPixmap(); if (pix->load(file) == FALSE) std::cerr << "cannot open " << file << std::endl; width = pix->width(); height = pix->height(); #endif QString sindex; pix = new QPixmap(); sindex.setNum(index); if (index>=0) pix->load(Resource::findPixmap("kbill/pixmaps/" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(name) +"_"+ sindex)); else pix->load(Resource::findPixmap("kbill/pixmaps/" + QString::fromLocal8Bit(name))); width = pix->width(); height = pix->height(); } QPixmap* Picture::getPixmap() { return pix; } diff --git a/noncore/games/kbill/UI.cpp b/noncore/games/kbill/UI.cpp index 2afaf9b..611cebf 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kbill/UI.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kbill/UI.cpp @@ -1,175 +1,172 @@ /*************************************************************************** UI.cc - description ------------------- begin : Thu Dec 30 1999 copyright : (C) 1999 by Jurrien Loonstra email : j.h.loonstra@st.hanze.nl ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ -#include "kbill.h" #include "objects.h" #include "Strings.h" #ifdef KDEVER #include <kapplication.h> #endif -#include <qpixmap.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> -#include <qnamespace.h> #include "inputbox.h" /**************************/ /* Timer control routines */ /**************************/ UI::~UI() { paint.end(); delete pix; } void UI::restart_timer() { field->startTimer(); } void UI::kill_timer() { field->stopTimer(); } /*******************/ /* Window routines */ /*******************/ void UI::initialize(int *argc, char **argv) { #ifdef KDEVER app = new KApplication(*argc, argv, "kbill"); #endif app = new QPEApplication(*argc, argv); } void UI::graph_init() { pix = new QPixmap(Game::scrwidth, Game::scrheight); paint.begin(pix, field); paint.setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 3)); } void UI::make_mainwin() { main = new KBill(); app->showMainWidget(main,true); main->showMaximized(); field = main->getField(); } void UI::popup_dialog (int dialog) { kill_timer(); switch (dialog) { case Game::ENDGAME: QMessageBox::message(("Endgame"), QT_TR_NOOP(endgamestr)); break; case Game::HIGHSCORE: // QMessageBox::message(("HighScore"), highscorestr); break; case Game::ENTERNAME: { InputBox b(main, 0, ("Enter Name"), QT_TR_NOOP(enternamestr)); bool state = b.exec() == 2; char str[20], *nl; strcpy(str, b.getText()); if (!str[0] || state) strcpy(str, "Anonymous"); else if ((nl = strchr(str, '\n'))) *nl = '\0'; if (strlen(str) > 20) str[20] = 0; /* truncate string if too long */ // scores.recalc(str); } break; case Game::SCORE: QMessageBox::message(("Score"), scorestr); break; } restart_timer(); } /*********************/ /* Graphics routines */ /*********************/ void UI::set_cursor(int cursor) { QCursor *cur; switch (cursor) { case Game::BUCKETC: cur = bucket.cursor.cursor; break; case Game::DOWNC: cur = downcursor.cursor; break; case Game::DEFAULTC: cur = defaultcursor.cursor; break; default: cur = OS.cursor[cursor].cursor; } field->setCursor(*cur); } void UI::load_cursors() { defaultcursor.load("hand_up", MCursor::SEP_MASK); field->setCursor(*defaultcursor.cursor); downcursor.load("hand_down", MCursor::SEP_MASK); } void UI::clear() { paint.eraseRect(0, 0, field->width(), field->height()); } void UI::refresh() { paint.flush(); field->setPixmap(pix); field->repaint(FALSE); } void UI::draw (Picture pict, int x, int y) { paint.drawPixmap(x, y, *pict.pix); } void UI::draw_centered (Picture pict) { draw(pict, (field->width() - pict.width) / 2, (field->height() - pict.height) / 2); } void UI::draw_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { paint.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); } void UI::draw_str(char *str, int x, int y) { paint.drawText(x, y, str); } /******************/ /* Other routines */ /******************/ void UI::set_pausebutton (int action) { main->file->setItemEnabled(main->pauseid, action); } int UI::MainLoop() { return app->exec(); } void UI::update_hsbox(char *str) { highscorestr = str; } void UI::update_scorebox(int level, int score) { scorestr.sprintf ("%s %d:\n%s: %d", QT_TR_NOOP("After Level"), level, QT_TR_NOOP("Your score"), score); } diff --git a/noncore/games/kbill/field.cpp b/noncore/games/kbill/field.cpp index a1b3560..a974ab2 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kbill/field.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kbill/field.cpp @@ -1,84 +1,83 @@ /*************************************************************************** field.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Thu Dec 30 1999 copyright : (C) 1999 by Jurrien Loonstra email : j.h.loonstra@st.hanze.nl ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ -#include <qpainter.h> #include "objects.h" #include "field.h" Field::Field(QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget(parent,name) { setFixedSize(game.scrwidth, game.scrheight); setBackgroundColor(white); timer = new QTimer(this); playing = false; connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(Timer())); } Field::~Field(){ delete timer; } void Field::setPixmap(QPixmap *pix) { this->pix = pix; } // -------------------------------------------------------- void Field::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e){ game.button_press(e->x(), e->y()); } void Field::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e){ game.button_release(e->x(), e->y()); } void Field::enterEvent(QEvent *) { if (playing && !timer->isActive()) { playing = true; timer->start(250, FALSE); } } void Field::leaveEvent(QEvent *) { if (timer->isActive() && playing) { playing = true; timer->stop(); } } void Field::stopTimer() { playing = false; if (timer->isActive()) timer->stop(); } void Field::startTimer() { playing = true; if (!timer->isActive()) timer->start(250, FALSE); } void Field::Timer(){ game.update(); } void Field::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { bitBlt(this, 0, 0, pix); }
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/noncore/games/kbill/inputbox.cpp b/noncore/games/kbill/inputbox.cpp index b191ea8..5087fbb 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kbill/inputbox.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kbill/inputbox.cpp @@ -1,51 +1,50 @@ /*************************************************************************** inputbox.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sat Jan 1 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Jurrien Loonstra email : j.h.loonstra@st.hanze.nl ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "inputbox.h" -#include <qdialog.h> InputBox::InputBox(QWidget *parent, const char *name, const char *caption, const char *text) : QDialog(parent, name, TRUE) { // setCaption(caption); // // question = new QLabel(this); // question->setText(text); // question->setGeometry(10, 10, 240, 50); // // input = new QLineEdit(this); // input->setGeometry(10, 60, 240, 30); // input->setFocus(); // input->setMaxLength(19); // // ok = new QPushButton( "Ok", this ); // ok->setGeometry(10, 100, 100,30 ); // ok->setDefault(TRUE); // connect( ok, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(accept()) ); // // cancel = new QPushButton( "Cancel", this ); // cancel->setGeometry(150, 100, 100,30 ); // connect( cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(reject()) ); } InputBox::~InputBox(){ delete ok; delete cancel; delete question; delete input; } QString InputBox::getText() const{ return input->text(); } diff --git a/noncore/games/kbill/kbill.cpp b/noncore/games/kbill/kbill.cpp index 18a6875..74d7c75 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kbill/kbill.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kbill/kbill.cpp @@ -1,132 +1,128 @@ /*************************************************************************** kbill.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Thu Dec 30 16:55:55 CET 1999 copyright : (C) 1999 by Jurrien Loonstra email : j.h.loonstra@st.hanze.nl ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include <qmessagebox.h> -#include <qmultilinedit.h> #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qtextbrowser.h> -#include <qfont.h> -#include <qwidget.h> #include "kbill.h" -#include "inputbox.h" #include "helpdialog.h" #include "objects.h" #include "Strings.h" KBill::KBill() : QMainWindow() { setCaption(tr("kBill")); file = new QPopupMenu(); file->insertItem(tr("New game"), this, SLOT(NewGame())); pauseid = file->insertItem(tr("Pause game"), this, SLOT(Pause())); //these are dissabled until I fix them //file->insertItem(tr("Warp to level..."), this, SLOT(WarpTo())); //file->insertItem(tr("View high scores"), this, SLOT(ViewHighScores())); help = new QPopupMenu(); help->insertItem(tr("Story of kBill"), this, SLOT(Story())); help->insertItem(tr("Rules"), this, SLOT(Rules())); menu = new QMenuBar(this); menu->insertItem(tr("&File"), file); menu->insertSeparator(); menu->insertItem(tr("&Help"), help); field = new Field(this); //setView(field); //setMainWidget(field); //setMenu(menu); } KBill::~KBill() { } Field* KBill::getField() { return field; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void KBill::Quit() { field->stopTimer(); qApp->quit(); } void KBill::About(){ // field->stopTimer(); // AboutBox about(this); // about.exec(); // field->startTimer(); } void KBill::NewGame() { field->stopTimer(); // if (KMsgBox::yesNo(this, i18n("New Game"), i18n(newgamestr), KMsgBox::QUESTION) == 1) game.start(1); // else field->startTimer(); } void KBill::Pause() { field->stopTimer(); QMessageBox::message(tr("Pause Game"), tr(pausestr), 0); field->startTimer(); } void KBill::WarpTo() { /* field->stopTimer(); InputBox b(this, 0, "Warp To Level", tr(warpstr)); bool status = b.exec() == 1; field->startTimer(); if (status) { bool ok; int level = b.getText().toUInt(&ok); if (ok) { field->startTimer(); game.warp_to_level(level); return; } }*/ } void KBill::ViewHighScores() { //ui.popup_dialog(Game::HIGHSCORE); } void KBill::Story() { field->stopTimer(); HelpDialog *stryDialog = new HelpDialog(this,"helpdialog",1); QString stryString = tr("<b>The Story</b><p>Yet again, the fate of the world rests in your hands! An evil computer hacker, known only by his handle 'Bill', has created the ultimate computer virus. A virus so powerful that it has the power to transmute an ordinary computer into a toaster oven. (oooh!) 'Bill' has cloned himself into a billion-jillion micro-Bills. Their sole purpose is to deliver the nefarious virus, which has been cleverly disguised as a popular operating system. As System Administrator and Exterminator, your job is to keep Bill from succeeding at his task."); stryDialog->setCaption(tr("The story of KBill")); stryDialog->TextBrowser1->setText(stryString); stryDialog->resize(200,200); stryDialog->show(); field->startTimer(); } void KBill::Rules() { field->stopTimer(); HelpDialog *rulesDialog = new HelpDialog(this,"helpdialog",1); rulesDialog->setCaption(tr("The rules of KBill")); QString rulesStr = tr("<b>The Rules</b><p>kBill has been painstakingly designed and researched in order to make it as easy to use for the whole family as it is for little Sally. Years - nay - days of beta testing and consulting with the cheapest of human interface designers have resulted in a game that is easy to use, yet nothing at all like a Macintosh.<p><UL><LI>Whack the Bills (click)</LI><LI>Restart the computer (click)</LI><LI>Pick up stolen OSes & return (drag) them to their respective computers</LI><LI>Drag the bucket to extinguish sparks</LI><LI>Scoring is based on total uptime, with bonuses for killing Bills.</LI></UL><P>As for the rest, you can probably work it out for yourself. We did, so it can't be too hard"); rulesDialog->TextBrowser1->setText(rulesStr); rulesDialog->resize(200,200); rulesDialog->show(); field->startTimer(); } diff --git a/noncore/games/kcheckers/kcheckers.cpp b/noncore/games/kcheckers/kcheckers.cpp index 2eb37e5..a27dd18 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kcheckers/kcheckers.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kcheckers/kcheckers.cpp @@ -1,587 +1,586 @@ #include <qimage.h> -#include <qframe.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qtoolbar.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include "kcheckers.h" #include "echeckers.h" #include "rcheckers.h" #include "pics/logo.xpm" #include "pics/undo.xpm" #include "pics/exit.xpm" #include "pics/help.xpm" #include "pics/wood1.xpm" #include "pics/wood2.xpm" #include "pics/wood3.xpm" #include "pics/green1.xpm" #include "pics/green2.xpm" #include "pics/green3.xpm" #include "pics/marble1.xpm" #include "pics/marble2.xpm" #include "pics/marble3.xpm" #include "pics/biglogo.xpm" #include "pics/man_black.xpm" #include "pics/man_white.xpm" #include "pics/king_black.xpm" #include "pics/king_white.xpm" #include "pics/contexthelp.xpm" QString KCheckers::enNumeration="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132"; QString KCheckers::ruNumeration="B8D8F8H8A7C7E7G7B6D6F6H6A5C5E5G5B4D4F4H4A3C3E3G3B2D2F2H2A1C1E1G1"; const int KCheckers::t[]={6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,17,18,19,20,22,23, 24,25,28,29,30,31,33,34,35,36,39,40,41,42,44,45,46,47}; KCheckers::KCheckers(QWidget *p, const char* n, WFlags ) :QMainWindow(p,n,WStyle_DialogBorder) { setCaption(tr("KCheckers") ); setIcon(QPixmap(biglogo_xpm)); setToolBarsMovable(false); // Make a menubar gameMenu=new QPopupMenu; CHECK_PTR(gameMenu); gameMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(logo_xpm),tr("&New"),this,SLOT(newGame()),CTRL+Key_N); gameMenu->insertSeparator(); undoID=gameMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(undo_xpm),tr("&Undo Move"),this,SLOT(undoMove()),CTRL+Key_Z); gameMenu->insertSeparator(); gameMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(exit_xpm),tr("&Quit"),qApp,SLOT(closeAllWindows()),CTRL+Key_Q); skillMenu=new QPopupMenu; CHECK_PTR(skillMenu); skillMenu->insertItem(tr("&Beginner"),this,SLOT(setSkillBeginner()),CTRL+Key_1,BEGINNER); skillMenu->insertItem(tr("&Novice"), this,SLOT(setSkillNovice()), CTRL+Key_2,NOVICE); skillMenu->insertItem(tr("&Average"), this,SLOT(setSkillAverage()), CTRL+Key_3,AVERAGE); skillMenu->insertItem(tr("&Good"), this,SLOT(setSkillGood()), CTRL+Key_4,GOOD); skillMenu->insertItem(tr("&Expert"), this,SLOT(setSkillExpert()), CTRL+Key_5,EXPERT); skillMenu->insertItem(tr("&Master"), this,SLOT(setSkillMaster()), CTRL+Key_6,MASTER); optionsMenu=new QPopupMenu; CHECK_PTR(optionsMenu); numID=optionsMenu->insertItem(tr("&Show Numeration"),this,SLOT(showNumeration())); optionsMenu->insertSeparator(); optionsMenu->insertItem(tr("&English Rules"),this,SLOT(setRulesEnglish()),0,ENGLISH); optionsMenu->insertItem(tr("&Russian Rules"),this,SLOT(setRulesRussian()),0,RUSSIAN); optionsMenu->insertSeparator(); optionsMenu->insertItem(tr("&Green Board"), this,SLOT(setPatternGreen()), 0,GREEN); optionsMenu->insertItem(tr("&Marble Board"),this,SLOT(setPatternMarble()),0,MARBLE); optionsMenu->insertItem(tr("&Wooden Board"),this,SLOT(setPatternWooden()),0,WOODEN); QPopupMenu* helpMenu=new QPopupMenu; CHECK_PTR(helpMenu); helpMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(contexthelp_xpm),tr("What's This"),this,SLOT(whatsThis()),SHIFT+Key_F1); helpMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(help_xpm),tr("&Rules of Play"),this,SLOT(help()),Key_F1); helpMenu->insertSeparator(); helpMenu->insertItem(QPixmap(logo_xpm),tr("&About KCheckers"),this,SLOT(about())); helpMenu->insertItem(tr("About &Qt"),this,SLOT(aboutQt())); QToolBar* menuToolBar=new QToolBar(this); CHECK_PTR(menuToolBar); QMenuBar* menuBar=new QMenuBar(menuToolBar); CHECK_PTR(menuBar); menuBar->insertItem(tr("&Game"), gameMenu); menuBar->insertItem(tr("&Skill"), skillMenu); menuBar->insertItem(tr("&Options"),optionsMenu); menuBar->insertItem(tr("&Help"), helpMenu); // Restore a settings readConfig(); skillMenu->setItemChecked(skill,true); optionsMenu->setItemChecked(rules,true); optionsMenu->setItemChecked(numID,false); // Make a toolbar QToolBar* emptyToolBar=new QToolBar(this); emptyToolBar->setHorizontalStretchable(true); QToolBar* toolBar=new QToolBar(this); CHECK_PTR(toolBar); QSize buttonSize(24,24); QToolButton* gameButton=new QToolButton(QPixmap(logo_xpm),tr(" New Game ") ,"",this,SLOT(newGame()),toolBar); CHECK_PTR(gameButton); gameButton->setMinimumSize(buttonSize); undoButton=new QToolButton(QPixmap(undo_xpm),tr(" Undo Move "),"",this,SLOT(undoMove()),toolBar); CHECK_PTR(undoButton); undoButton->setMinimumSize(buttonSize); QToolButton* helpButton=new QToolButton(QPixmap(help_xpm),tr(" Rules of Play "),"",this,SLOT(help()),toolBar); CHECK_PTR(helpButton); helpButton->setMinimumSize(buttonSize); // Make a checkers board imageMan1=new QImage(man_black_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageMan1); imageMan2=new QImage(man_white_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageMan2); imageKing1=new QImage(king_black_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageKing1); imageKing2=new QImage(king_white_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageKing2); imageWood1=new QImage(wood1_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageWood1); imageWood2=new QImage(wood2_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageWood2); imageWood3=new QImage(wood3_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageWood3); imageGreen1=new QImage(green1_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageGreen1); imageGreen2=new QImage(green2_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageGreen2); imageGreen3=new QImage(green3_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageGreen3); imageMarble1=new QImage(marble1_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageMarble1); imageMarble2=new QImage(marble2_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageMarble2); imageMarble3=new QImage(marble3_xpm); CHECK_PTR(imageMarble3); QWidget* centralWidget=new QWidget(this); setCentralWidget(centralWidget); QFrame* frame=new QFrame(centralWidget); CHECK_PTR(frame); frame->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box|QFrame::Plain); frame->setFixedSize(SIZE*8+2,SIZE*8+2); statusLabel = new QLabel(centralWidget); statusLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter); QVBoxLayout* vlayout=new QVBoxLayout(centralWidget); vlayout->addStretch(); vlayout->addWidget(frame); vlayout->addStretch(); vlayout->addWidget(statusLabel); vlayout->addStretch(); for(int i=0;i<64;i++) { field[i]=new Field(frame,i); CHECK_PTR(field[i]); } QGridLayout* grid=new QGridLayout(frame,8,8,1,0); CHECK_PTR(grid); for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { for(int k=0;k<4;k++) { grid->addWidget(field[i*8+k+32],i*2, k*2 ); grid->addWidget(field[i*8+k ],i*2, k*2+1); grid->addWidget(field[i*8+k+4 ],i*2+1,k*2 ); grid->addWidget(field[i*8+k+36],i*2+1,k*2+1); } } for(int i=0;i<32;i++) connect(field[i],SIGNAL(click(int)),this,SLOT(click(int))); selected=false; setPattern(pattern); QWhatsThis::add(frame,"A checkers board"); userFirst=false; game=NULL; newGame(); } void KCheckers::readConfig() { Config config("KCheckers"); config.setGroup("KCheckers"); QString entry; entry=config.readEntry("skill","novice"); if(entry=="beginner") skill=BEGINNER; else if(entry=="average") skill=AVERAGE; else if(entry=="good") skill=GOOD; else if(entry=="expert") skill=EXPERT; else if(entry=="master") skill=MASTER; else skill=NOVICE; entry=config.readEntry("rules","english"); if(entry=="russian") rules=RUSSIAN; else rules=ENGLISH; entry=config.readEntry("theme","wooden"); if(entry=="green") pattern=GREEN; else if(entry=="marble") pattern=MARBLE; else pattern=WOODEN; } void KCheckers::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) { Config config("KCheckers"); config.setGroup("KCheckers"); QString entry; if(skill==BEGINNER) entry="beginner"; if(skill==NOVICE) entry="novice"; if(skill==AVERAGE) entry="average"; if(skill==GOOD) entry="good"; if(skill==EXPERT) entry="expert"; if(skill==MASTER) entry="master"; config.writeEntry("skill",entry); if(rules==ENGLISH) entry="english"; if(rules==RUSSIAN) entry="russian"; config.writeEntry("rules",entry); if(pattern==GREEN) entry="green"; if(pattern==MARBLE) entry="marble"; if(pattern==WOODEN) entry="wooden"; config.writeEntry("theme",entry); event->accept(); } void KCheckers::setSkill(int set) { skillMenu->setItemChecked(skill,false); skill=set; skillMenu->setItemChecked(skill,true); game->setLevel(skill); } void KCheckers::setRules(int set) { optionsMenu->setItemChecked(rules,false); rules=set; optionsMenu->setItemChecked(rules,true); colorChange(); newGame(); } void KCheckers::setPattern(int set) { optionsMenu->setItemChecked(pattern,false); pattern=set; optionsMenu->setItemChecked(pattern,true); switch(pattern) { case GREEN: imagePat1=imageGreen1; imagePat2=imageGreen2; imageFrame=imageGreen3; break; case MARBLE: imagePat1=imageMarble1; imagePat2=imageMarble2; imageFrame=imageMarble3; break; case WOODEN: imagePat1=imageWood1; imagePat2=imageWood2; imageFrame=imageWood3; } for(int i=0; i<32;i++) field[i]->setPattern(imagePat2); for(int i=32;i<64;i++) field[i]->setPattern(imagePat1); if(selected) field[from]->setFrame(imageFrame); } void KCheckers::showNumeration() { if(optionsMenu->isItemChecked(numID)) { optionsMenu->setItemChecked(numID,false); for(int i=0;i<32;i++) field[i]->setLabel(""); } else { optionsMenu->setItemChecked(numID,true); drawNumeration(); } } void KCheckers::drawNumeration() { if(rules==ENGLISH) { if(userFirst) for(int i=0;i<32;i++) field[i]->setLabel(enNumeration.mid(i*2,2)); else for(int i=0;i<32;i++) field[i]->setLabel(enNumeration.mid(62-i*2,2)); } else { if(userFirst) for(int i=0;i<32;i++) field[i]->setLabel(ruNumeration.mid(i*2,2)); else for(int i=0;i<32;i++) field[i]->setLabel(ruNumeration.mid(62-i*2,2)); } } void KCheckers::drawBoard(int i) { switch(game->board[t[i]]) { case MAN1: field[i]->setPicture(imageMan1); break; case MAN2: field[i]->setPicture(imageMan2); break; case KING1: field[i]->setPicture(imageKing1); break; case KING2: field[i]->setPicture(imageKing2); break; default: field[i]->setPicture(NULL); } } void KCheckers::help() { QMessageBox::information(this,"Rules of Play", "In the beginning of game you have\n" "12 checkers (men).\n" "The men move forward only.\n" "The men can capture:\n" "- by jumping forward only (english\n" " rules);\n" "- by jumping forward or backward\n" " (russian rules).\n" "A man which reaches the far side of\n" "the board becomes a king.\n" "The kings move forward or\n" "backward:\n" "- to one square only (english rules);\n" "- to any number of squares (russian\n" " rules).\n" "The kings capture by jumping\n" "forward or backward.\n" "Whenever a player is able to make a\n" "capture he must do so.", QMessageBox::Ok|QMessageBox::Default); } void KCheckers::about() { QMessageBox::about(this,"About KCheckers", "KCheckers, a board game. Ver 0.3\n" "(C) 2002, A. Peredri <andi@ukr.net>\n\n" "http://kcheckers.tuxfamily.org\n\n" "Contributors:\n" "S. Rosen <srosen@erols.com>\n\n" "Qtopia version: S.Prud'homme\n" "<prudhomme@laposte.net>\n\n" "This program is distributed under the\n" "terms of the GNU General Public\n" "License."); } void KCheckers::aboutQt() { QMessageBox::aboutQt(this); } void KCheckers::newGame() { if(game) delete game; switch(rules) { case ENGLISH: game=new ECheckers(skill); CHECK_PTR(game); break; case RUSSIAN: game=new RCheckers(skill); CHECK_PTR(game); } unselect(); gameOver=false; gameMenu->setItemEnabled(undoID,false); undoButton->setEnabled(false); colorChange(); for(int i=0;i<32;i++) drawBoard(i); if(optionsMenu->isItemChecked(numID)) drawNumeration(); if(!userFirst) compGo(); statusLabel->setText(tr("Go!")); } // Undo the last computer and user moves void KCheckers::undoMove() { for(int i=0;i<32;i++) { game->board[t[i]]=undoBoard[i]; drawBoard(i); } unselect(); gameOver=false; gameMenu->setItemEnabled(undoID,false); undoButton->setEnabled(false); statusLabel->setText(tr("Go!")); } void KCheckers::colorChange() { userFirst=!userFirst; QImage* image; image=imageMan1; imageMan1=imageMan2; imageMan2=image; image=imageKing1; imageKing1=imageKing2; imageKing2=image; } void KCheckers::unselect() { if(selected) field[from]->setFrame(NULL); selected=false; } void KCheckers::click(int fieldNumber) { if(gameOver) return; switch(game->board[t[fieldNumber]]) { case MAN1: case KING1: // User selected if(!selected) { from=fieldNumber; selected=true; field[fieldNumber]->setFrame(imageFrame); return; } // User reselected else { field[from]->setFrame(NULL); from=fieldNumber; field[fieldNumber]->setFrame(imageFrame); return; } case FREE: if(!selected) return; if(!userGo(fieldNumber)) return; unselect(); if(!(game->checkMove2() || game->checkCapture2())) { gameOver=true; statusLabel->setText(tr("Congratulation! You have won!")); return; } statusLabel->setText(tr("Please wait...")); qApp->processEvents(); compGo(); if(!(game->checkMove1() || game->checkCapture1())) { gameOver=true; statusLabel->setText(tr("You have lost. Game over.")); return; } statusLabel->setText(tr("Go!")); } } void KCheckers::compGo() { int save[32]; for(int i=0;i<32;i++) save[i]=game->board[t[i]]; game->go2(); for(int i=0;i<32;i++) { if(game->board[t[i]]==save[i]) continue; drawBoard(i); } } bool KCheckers::userGo(int to) { int save[32]; for(int i=0;i<32;i++) save[i]=game->board[t[i]]; if(!game->go1(t[from],t[to])) { statusLabel->setText(tr("Incorrect course.")); return false; } for(int i=0;i<32;i++) undoBoard[i]=save[i]; gameMenu->setItemEnabled(undoID,true); undoButton->setEnabled(true); for(int i=0;i<32;i++) { if(game->board[t[i]]==save[i]) continue; drawBoard(i); } return true; } diff --git a/noncore/games/kcheckers/main.cpp b/noncore/games/kcheckers/main.cpp index 6ac570a..e22dbcc 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kcheckers/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kcheckers/main.cpp @@ -1,10 +1,8 @@ -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> -#include <qfont.h> #include "kcheckers.h" #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<KCheckers> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/board.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/board.cpp index f95f699..f82b5f9 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kpacman/board.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/board.cpp @@ -1,425 +1,422 @@ -#include "portable.h" #if defined( KDE2_PORT ) #include <kapp.h> #include <klocale.h> #endif -#include <qrect.h> -#include <qregexp.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include "board.h" #include "bitmaps.h" Board::Board(int size) : QArray<int> (size) { sz = size; // set size of board map = ""; mapName = ""; // no map loaded so far init(None); // initialize varibales } void Board::init(Image image, QString levelName) { prisonEntry = OUT; prisonExit = OUT; fruitHome = OUT; fruitPosition = OUT; pacmanHome = OUT; pacmanPosition = OUT; for (int m = 0; m < 8; m++) { monsterHome[m] = OUT; monsterPosition[m] = OUT; } for (int e = 0; e < 8; e++) { energizerPosition[e] = OUT; } for (int e = 0; e < 8; e++) { tunnelPosition[e] = OUT; } fill(0); numPoints = 0; numEnergizers = 0; numMonsters = 0; numTunnels = 0; if (!levelName.isNull() && !levelName.isEmpty()) if (mapName == levelName) image = File; else { QFile levelFile(levelName); if (!levelFile.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { QString msg = "The levelmap could not be constructed.\n\n" "The file '@LEVELNAME@' does not exist,\n" "or could not be opened for reading."; msg.replace(QRegExp("@LEVELNAME@"), levelName); // QMessageBox::information(0, tr("Initialization Error"), msg); printf("%s\n", msg.data()); } else { map.fill(' ', BoardHeight*BoardWidth); int height = 0; QTextStream levelStream(&levelFile); while (!levelStream.eof() && height < BoardHeight) { QString line = levelStream.readLine(); if (line.find(QRegExp("^ *;")) == -1) { line.replace(QRegExp(";.*"), ""); // strip off comments line.replace(QRegExp("\" *$"), ""); // strip off trailing " line.replace(QRegExp("^ *\""), ""); // strip off leading " map.replace(height*BoardWidth, (line.length() > BoardWidth) ? BoardWidth : line.length(), line.data()); height++; } } mapName = levelName; levelFile.close(); image = File; } } switch (image) { case Intro : // setup(demo_bits); break; case Demo : setup(demo_bits); break; case Level : setup(demo_bits); break; case File : setup((uchar *) map.data()); break; default : break; } } void Board::setup(const uchar *buf) { for ( int index = 0; buf[index] != 0 && index < BoardWidth*BoardHeight; index++ ) { switch (buf[index]) { case '*' : set(index, brick); break; case '+' : set(index, out); break; case '#' : set(index, prison); break; case '-' : set(index, gate); break; case 'E' : set(index, tunnel); break; case '.' : set(index, Point); break; case 'o' : set(index, energizer); break; case 'I' : set(index, prisonentry); break; case 'O' : set(index, prisonexit); break; case 'F' : set(index, fruithome); break; case 'P' : set(index, pacmanhome); break; default : if (buf[index] >= '0' && buf[index] <= '7') { set(index, monsterhome, buf[index]-(uchar)'0'); } } } } bool Board::inBounds(int pos) { return ( pos < 0 || pos > sz-1 ? FALSE : TRUE); } void Board::set(int pos, Square sq, int m) { if (inBounds(pos)) switch (sq) { case out : at(pos) = OUT; break; case Point : at(pos) |= pointBit; numPoints++; break; case tunnel : at(pos) = sq; for (int e = 0; e < numTunnels; e++) { // if tunnel is already on board if (tunnelPosition[e] == pos) // don't do it again. pos = OUT; } if (pos != OUT) { tunnelPosition[numTunnels] = pos; numTunnels++; } break; case energizer : at(pos) |= energizerBit; for (int e = 0; e < numEnergizers; e++) { if (energizerPosition[e] == pos) pos = OUT; } if (pos != OUT) { energizerPosition[numEnergizers] = pos; numEnergizers++; } break; case fruit : at(pos) |= fruitBit; fruitPosition = pos; break; case pacman : at(pos) |= pacmanBit; pacmanPosition = pos; break; case monster : at(pos) |= (monsterBit << m); monsterPosition[m] = pos; break; case prisonentry : prisonEntry = pos; at(pos) = empty; break; case prisonexit : prisonExit = pos; at(pos) = empty; break; case fruithome : fruitHome = pos; at(pos) = empty; break; case pacmanhome : pacmanHome = pos; at(pos) = empty; break; case monsterhome : monsterHome[m] = pos; at(pos) = empty; if (m == 0 && prisonExit == OUT) prisonExit = pos; if (m == 1 && prisonEntry == OUT) prisonEntry = pos; numMonsters++; break; default : at(pos) = sq; } } void Board::reset(int pos, Square sq, int m) { bool found = FALSE; if (inBounds(pos)) switch (sq) { case out : at(pos) = empty; break; case Point : at(pos) &= ~ pointBit; numPoints--; break; case energizer : at(pos) &= ~ energizerBit; for (int e = 0; e < numEnergizers; e++) { // delete the position of the eaten if (found) // energizer in the position array energizerPosition[e-1] = energizerPosition[e]; if (energizerPosition[e] == pos) found = TRUE; } energizerPosition[numEnergizers--] = OUT; break; case fruit : at(pos) &= ~ fruitBit; fruitPosition = OUT; break; case pacman : at(pos) &= ~ pacmanBit; pacmanPosition = OUT; break; case monster : at(pos) &= ~ (monsterBit << m); monsterPosition[m] = OUT; break; default : at(pos) = at(pos) & varBits; } } int Board::position(Square sq, int m) { switch(sq) { case prisonentry : return prisonEntry; case prisonexit : return prisonExit; case fruit : return fruitPosition; case fruithome : return fruitHome; case pacman : return pacmanPosition; case pacmanhome : return pacmanHome; case monster : return monsterPosition[m]; case monsterhome : return monsterHome[m]; case energizer : return energizerPosition[m]; case tunnel : return tunnelPosition[m]; default : return OUT; } } bool Board::isOut(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos)) return (at(pos) == OUT ? TRUE : FALSE); return TRUE; } bool Board::isEmpty(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos)) return ((at(pos) & fixBits) == empty ? TRUE : FALSE); return TRUE; } bool Board::isBrick(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos)) return ((at(pos) & fixBits) == brick ? TRUE : FALSE); return FALSE; } bool Board::isPrison(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos)) return ((at(pos) & fixBits) == prison ? TRUE : FALSE); return FALSE; } bool Board::isGate(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos)) return ((at(pos) & fixBits) == gate ? TRUE : FALSE); return FALSE; } bool Board::isTunnel(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos)) return ((at(pos) & fixBits) == tunnel ? TRUE : FALSE); return FALSE; } bool Board::isPoint(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos) && at(pos) != OUT) return ((at(pos) & pointBit) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); return FALSE; } bool Board::isEnergizer(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos) && at(pos) != OUT) return ((at(pos) & energizerBit) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); return FALSE; } bool Board::isFruit(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos) && at(pos) != OUT) return ((at(pos) & fruitBit) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); return FALSE; } bool Board::isPacman(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos) && at(pos) != OUT) return ((at(pos) & pacmanBit) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); return FALSE; } bool Board::isMonster(int pos) { if (inBounds(pos) && at(pos) != OUT) return ((at(pos) & monsterBits) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE); return FALSE; } bool Board::isWay(int pos, int dir, Square sq) { int p1 = move(pos, dir, 2); if (p1 == OUT) return (sq == out ? TRUE : FALSE); int p2, p3; if (dir == N || dir == S) { p2 = move(p1, E); p3 = move(p1, W); } else { p2 = move(p1, N); p3 = move(p1, S); } switch (sq) { case out : return isOut(p1) | isOut(p2) | isOut(p3); case empty : return isEmpty(p1) & isEmpty(p2) & isEmpty(p3); case brick : return isBrick(p1) | isBrick(p2) | isBrick(p3); case prison : return isPrison(p1) | isPrison(p2) | isPrison(p3); case gate : return isGate(p1) & isGate(p2) & isGate(p3); case tunnel : return isTunnel(p1) & (isTunnel(p2) || isEmpty(p2)) & (isTunnel(p3) || isEmpty(p3)); default : return FALSE; } } bool Board::isJump(int pos, int dir) { switch (dir) { case NW: return pos < BoardWidth || x(pos) == 0; case N: return pos < BoardWidth; case NE: return pos < BoardWidth || x(pos) == BoardWidth-1; case W: return x(pos) == 0; case E: return x(pos) == BoardWidth-1; case SW: return pos >= sz-BoardWidth || x(pos) == 0; case S: return pos >= sz-BoardWidth; case SE: return pos >= sz-BoardWidth || x(pos) == BoardWidth-1; } return FALSE; } int Board::move(int pos, int dir, int steps) { if (steps < 0) { // move backwards dir = turn(dir); // turn around and do your steps steps *= -1; } while (steps-- != 0) { // until all steps are gone switch (dir) { case NW: pos = pos >= BoardWidth && x(pos) > 0 ? (pos-BoardWidth)-1 : sz-1; break; case N: pos = pos >= BoardWidth ? pos-BoardWidth : (sz-BoardWidth)+x(pos); break; case NE: pos = pos >= BoardWidth && x(pos) < BoardWidth-1 ? (pos-BoardWidth)+1 : sz-BoardWidth; break; case W: pos = x(pos) > 0 ? pos-1 : pos+(BoardWidth-1); break; case E: pos = x(pos) < BoardWidth-1 ? pos+1 : pos-(BoardWidth-1); break; case SW: pos = pos < sz-BoardWidth && x(pos) > 0 ? (pos+BoardWidth)-1 : BoardWidth-1; break; case S: pos = pos < sz-BoardWidth ? pos+BoardWidth : x(pos); break; case SE: pos = pos < sz-BoardWidth && x(pos) < BoardWidth-1 ? (pos+BoardWidth)+1 : 0; break; } } return pos; // here we are } int Board::closeup(int pos, int dir, int target) { if (dir == N || dir == S) { if (x(target) < x(pos)) return W; if (x(target) > x(pos)) return E; } else { if (y(target) < y(pos)) return N; if (y(target) > y(pos)) return S; } return dir; } int Board::x(int pos) { return pos % BoardWidth; } int Board::y(int pos) { return pos/BoardWidth; } int Board::turn(int dir) { switch (dir) { case N : return S; case NE : return SW; case E : return W; case SE : return NW; case S : return N; case SW : return NE; case W : return E; case NW : return SE; default : return dir; } } int Board::points() { return numPoints; } int Board::energizers() { return numEnergizers; } int Board::monsters() { return numMonsters; } int Board::tunnels() { return numTunnels; } diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/keys.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/keys.cpp index 07ce135..5200bc2 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kpacman/keys.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/keys.cpp @@ -1,205 +1,200 @@ #include "portable.h" #if defined( KDE2_PORT ) #include <kapp.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kstddirs.h> #include <kaccel.h> #include <keys.h> #include <keys.moc> #elif defined( QPE_PORT ) #include <qaccel.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include "keys.h" #endif #include <qpushbt.h> -#include <qlabel.h> -#include <qframe.h> -#include <qkeycode.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> -#include <qstring.h> Keys::Keys( QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QDialog( parent, name, TRUE ) { //KStandardDirs *dirs = KGlobal::dirs(); QPushButton *okButton = new QPushButton(this); okButton->setText(tr("Ok")); okButton->setFixedSize(okButton->size()); connect( okButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(ok()) ); okButton->move(20,210); QPushButton *defaultButton = new QPushButton(this); defaultButton->setText(tr("Defaults")); defaultButton->setFixedSize(defaultButton->size()); connect( defaultButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(defaults()) ); defaultButton->move(140,210); QPushButton *cancelButton = new QPushButton(this); cancelButton->setText(tr("Cancel")); cancelButton->setFixedSize(cancelButton->size()); connect( cancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(reject()) ); cancelButton->move(260,210); QFrame *separator = new QFrame(this); separator->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken ); separator->setGeometry( 20, 190, 340, 4 ); for ( int x = 0; x < 4; x++) { QLabel *l = new QLabel(this); l->setAlignment(AlignCenter); labels[x] = l; } labels[0]->setGeometry(120, 20, 140, 20 ); labels[1]->setGeometry(120,160, 140, 20 ); labels[2]->setGeometry( 20, 92, 100, 20 ); labels[3]->setGeometry(265, 92, 100, 20 ); QString pixPath; QPushButton *up = new QPushButton(this); pixPath = FIND_APP_DATA( "pics/up.xpm" ); up->setPixmap( QPixmap(pixPath)); up->setFixedSize(up->pixmap()->size()); connect( up, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(butUp()) ); up->move(180, 50); QPushButton *down = new QPushButton(this); pixPath = FIND_APP_DATA( "pics/down.xpm"); down->setPixmap( QPixmap(pixPath)); down->setFixedSize(down->pixmap()->size()); connect( down, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(butDown()) ); down->move(180, 130); QPushButton *left = new QPushButton(this); pixPath = FIND_APP_DATA( "pics/left.xpm"); left->setPixmap( QPixmap(pixPath)); left->setFixedSize(left->pixmap()->size()); connect( left, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(butLeft()) ); left->move(140, 90); QPushButton *right = new QPushButton(this); pixPath = FIND_APP_DATA( "pics/right.xpm"); right->setPixmap( QPixmap(pixPath)); right->setFixedSize(right->pixmap()->size()); connect( right, SIGNAL(clicked()),this, SLOT(butRight()) ); right->move(220, 90); setCaption(tr("Change Direction Keys")); setFixedSize(380, 260); lab = 0; init(); } void Keys::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { uint kCode = e->key() & ~(SHIFT | CTRL | ALT); QString string = KAccel::keyToString(kCode); if (lab != 0) { if ( string.isNull() ) lab->setText(tr("Undefined key")); else lab->setText(string); } else if ( lab == 0 && e->key() == Key_Escape) reject(); } void Keys::butUp() { getKey(0); } void Keys::butDown() { getKey(1); } void Keys::butLeft() { getKey(2); } void Keys::butRight() { getKey(3); } void Keys::getKey(int i) { if ( lab != 0) focusOut(lab); focusIn(labels[i]); } void Keys::focusOut(QLabel *l) { l->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); l->setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor()); l->repaint(); } void Keys::focusIn(QLabel *l) { lab = l; lab->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken ); lab->setBackgroundColor(white); lab->repaint(); } void Keys::defaults() { if ( lab != 0) focusOut(lab); lab = 0; labels[0]->setText("Up"); labels[1]->setText("Down"); labels[2]->setText("Left"); labels[3]->setText("Right"); } void Keys::init() { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); QString up("Up"); up = cfg->readEntry("upKey", (const char*) up); labels[0]->setText(up); QString down("Down"); down = cfg->readEntry("downKey", (const char*) down); labels[1]->setText(down); QString left("Left"); left = cfg->readEntry("leftKey", (const char*) left); labels[2]->setText(left); QString right("Right"); right = cfg->readEntry("rightKey", (const char*) right); labels[3]->setText(right); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Keys::ok() { /* APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); cfg->writeEntry("upKey", (const char*) labels[0]->text() ); cfg->writeEntry("downKey", (const char*) labels[1]->text() ); cfg->writeEntry("leftKey", (const char*) labels[2]->text() ); cfg->writeEntry("rightKey",(const char*) labels[3]->text() ); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); */ accept(); } diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/kpacman.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/kpacman.cpp index df27c76..be2e46d 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kpacman/kpacman.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/kpacman.cpp @@ -1,368 +1,363 @@ #include "portable.h" #if defined( KDE2_PORT ) #include <kpacman.h> #include <kpacman.moc> #include <kcolordlg.h> #elif defined( QPE_PORT ) #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include "kpacman.h" #endif -#include <qkeycode.h> -#include <qcolor.h> -#include <qstring.h> -#include <qpopmenu.h> -#include <qmsgbox.h> Kpacman::Kpacman(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KTMainWindow(parent, name) { schemesPopup = new QList<QPopupMenu>; schemesPopup->setAutoDelete(TRUE); menu(); m_view = new QWidget( this, "m_view" ); m_view->setBackgroundColor( black ); m_layout = new QGridLayout( m_view ); m_layout->setMargin( 7 ); view = new KpacmanWidget( this, QString(name)+"widget"); m_layout->addWidget( view, 0, 0 ); setCaption( tr("KPacman") ); view->referee->setFocus(); connect(view->referee, SIGNAL(setScore(int, int)), view->score, SLOT(setScore(int, int))); connect(view->referee, SIGNAL(setPoints(int)), view->score, SLOT(set(int))); connect(view->referee, SIGNAL(setLifes(int)), view->status, SLOT(setLifes(int))); connect(view->referee, SIGNAL(setLevel(int)), view->status, SLOT(setLevel(int))); connect(view->referee, SIGNAL(forcedHallOfFame(bool)), this, SLOT(forcedHallOfFame(bool))); connect(view->referee, SIGNAL(togglePaused()), this, SLOT(togglePaused())); connect(view->referee, SIGNAL(toggleNew()), this, SLOT(toggleNew())); connect(view->score, SIGNAL(toggleNew()), this, SLOT(toggleNew())); connect(view->score, SIGNAL(forcedHallOfFame(bool)), this, SLOT(forcedHallOfFame(bool))); APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); focusOutPause = !cfg->readBoolEntry("FocusOutPause", TRUE); focusInContinue = !cfg->readBoolEntry("FocusInContinue", TRUE); hideMouseCursor = !cfg->readBoolEntry("HideMouseCursor", TRUE); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); toggleFocusOutPause(); toggleFocusInContinue(); toggleHideMouseCursor(); setCentralWidget( m_view ); } Kpacman::~Kpacman() { /* APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); cfg->writeEntry("FocusOutPause", focusOutPause); cfg->writeEntry("FocusInContinue", focusInContinue); cfg->writeEntry("HideMouseCursor", hideMouseCursor); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); */ delete _menuBar; } void Kpacman::menu() { gamePopup = new QPopupMenu(); CHECK_PTR( gamePopup ); newID = gamePopup->insertItem(tr("&New"), this, SLOT(newKpacman()),Key_F2); pauseID = gamePopup->insertItem(tr("&Pause"), this, SLOT(pauseKpacman()), Key_F3); hofID = gamePopup->insertItem(tr("&Hall of fame"), this, SLOT(toggleHallOfFame()), Key_F4); gamePopup->insertSeparator(); gamePopup->insertItem(tr("&Quit"), this, SLOT(quitKpacman()), CTRL+Key_Q); gamePopup->setCheckable(TRUE); optionsPopup = new QPopupMenu(); CHECK_PTR(optionsPopup); modesPopup = new QPopupMenu(); CHECK_PTR(modesPopup); hideMouseCursorID = optionsPopup->insertItem(tr("&Hide Mousecursor"), this, SLOT(toggleHideMouseCursor()), CTRL+Key_H); optionsPopup->insertSeparator(); if (lookupSchemes() > 0) { optionsPopup->insertItem(tr("&Select graphic scheme"), modesPopup); optionsPopup->insertSeparator(); } focusOutPauseID = optionsPopup->insertItem(tr("&Pause in Background"), this, SLOT(toggleFocusOutPause())); focusInContinueID = optionsPopup->insertItem(tr("&Continue in Foreground"), this, SLOT(toggleFocusInContinue())); optionsPopup->insertSeparator(); optionsPopup->insertItem(tr("Change &keys..."), this, SLOT(confKeys())); #ifndef QPE_PORT QString aboutText = tr("@PACKAGE@ - @VERSION@\n\n" "Joerg Thoennissen (joe@dsite.de)\n\n" "A pacman game for the KDE Desktop\n\n" "The program based on the source of ksnake\n" "by Michel Filippi (mfilippi@sade.rhein-main.de).\n" "The design was strongly influenced by the pacman\n" "(c) 1980 MIDWAY MFG.CO.\n\n" "I like to thank my girlfriend Elke Krueers for\n" "the last 10 years of her friendship.\n"); aboutText.replace(QRegExp("@PACKAGE@"), PACKAGE); aboutText.replace(QRegExp("@VERSION@"), VERSION); QPopupMenu *helpPopup = helpMenu(aboutText, FALSE); #endif //_menuBar = new KMenuBar(this); //CHECK_PTR( _menuBar ); //_menuBar->insertItem(tr("&Game"), gamePopup); //_menuBar->insertItem(tr("&Options"), optionsPopup); //_menuBar->insertSeparator(); #ifndef QPE_PORT _menuBar->insertItem(tr("&Help"), helpPopup); #endif } int Kpacman::lookupSchemes() { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); int ModeCount = cfg->readNumEntry("ModeCount", 0); int Mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", 0); int SchemeCount = cfg->readNumEntry("SchemeCount", 0); int Scheme = cfg->readNumEntry("Scheme", 0); /* if (SchemeCount == 0 || Scheme == -1) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Configuration Error"), tr("There are no schemes defined,\n" "or no scheme is selected.")); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); return 0; } */ connect(modesPopup, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(schemeChecked(int))); modeID.resize(ModeCount > 0 ? ModeCount : 0); if (!schemesPopup->isEmpty()) schemesPopup->clear(); SAVE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); QString ModeGroup; QString ModeName; for (int m = 0; m < ModeCount; m++) { ModeGroup.sprintf("Mode %d", m); cfg->setGroup(ModeGroup); ModeName = cfg->readEntry("Description", ModeGroup); QPopupMenu *p = new QPopupMenu; p->setCheckable(TRUE); connect(p, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(schemeChecked(int))); schemesPopup->append(p); modeID[m] = modesPopup->insertItem(ModeName, schemesPopup->at(m)); modesPopup->setItemEnabled(modeID[m], FALSE); modesPopup->setItemChecked(modeID[m], m == Mode); } schemeID.resize(SchemeCount); schemeMode.resize(SchemeCount); QString SchemeGroup; QString SchemeName; int SchemeMode; for (int i = 0; i < SchemeCount; i++) { SchemeGroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", i); cfg->setGroup(SchemeGroup); SchemeName = cfg->readEntry("Description", SchemeGroup); SchemeMode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); schemeMode[i] = SchemeMode; if (SchemeMode == -1) { schemeID[i] = modesPopup->insertItem(SchemeName); modesPopup->setItemChecked(schemeID[i], i == Scheme); } else { schemeID[i] = schemesPopup->at(SchemeMode)->insertItem(SchemeName); schemesPopup->at(SchemeMode)-> setItemChecked(schemeID[i], i == Scheme); modesPopup->setItemEnabled(modeID[SchemeMode], TRUE); } } RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); return SchemeCount; } void Kpacman::quitKpacman() { APP_QUIT(); } void Kpacman::newKpacman() { if (!gamePopup->isItemEnabled(hofID)) gamePopup->setItemEnabled(hofID, TRUE); if (gamePopup->isItemChecked(hofID)) toggleHallOfFame(); if (gamePopup->isItemChecked(pauseID)) pauseKpacman(); view->referee->play(); } void Kpacman::pauseKpacman() { view->referee->pause(); view->score->setPause(gamePopup->isItemChecked(pauseID)); } void Kpacman::toggleHallOfFame() { gamePopup->setItemChecked(hofID, !gamePopup->isItemChecked(hofID)); view->referee->toggleHallOfFame(); if (gamePopup->isItemChecked(hofID)) { view->referee->lower(); view->status->lower(); } else { view->status->raise(); view->referee->raise(); view->referee->setFocus(); } } /* * Disable or enable the "Hall of fame"-menuitem if the referee says so. * This is done, to disable turning off the "hall of fame"-display, in the automated * sequence of displaying the introduction, the demonstration (or playing) and the * hall of fame. * If on == TRUE then also lower the referee and the status widgets. */ void Kpacman::forcedHallOfFame(bool on) { if (!on && !gamePopup->isItemChecked(hofID)) return; gamePopup->setItemEnabled(hofID, !on); gamePopup->setItemChecked(hofID, on); view->referee->toggleHallOfFame(); if (on) { view->referee->lower(); view->status->lower(); } else { view->status->raise(); view->referee->raise(); view->referee->setFocus(); view->referee->intro(); } } void Kpacman::togglePaused() { static bool checked = FALSE; checked = !checked; gamePopup->setItemChecked( pauseID, checked ); view->score->setPause(gamePopup->isItemChecked(pauseID)); } /* * This disables the "New Game" menuitem to prevent interruptions of the current * play. */ void Kpacman::toggleNew() { gamePopup->setItemEnabled(newID, !gamePopup->isItemEnabled(newID)); } void Kpacman::toggleHideMouseCursor() { hideMouseCursor = !hideMouseCursor; optionsPopup->setItemChecked(hideMouseCursorID, hideMouseCursor); if (hideMouseCursor) view->setCursor(blankCursor); else view->setCursor(arrowCursor); } void Kpacman::toggleFocusOutPause() { focusOutPause = !focusOutPause; optionsPopup->setItemChecked(focusOutPauseID, focusOutPause); view->referee->setFocusOutPause(focusOutPause); } void Kpacman::toggleFocusInContinue() { focusInContinue = !focusInContinue; optionsPopup->setItemChecked(focusInContinueID, focusInContinue); view->referee->setFocusInContinue(focusInContinue); } void Kpacman::confKeys() { Keys *keys = new Keys(); if (keys->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { view->referee->initKeys(); view->score->initKeys(); } delete keys; } void Kpacman::schemeChecked(int id) { int mode = 0, scheme = -1; for (uint s = 0; s < schemeID.size(); s++) { if (schemeID[s] == id) { scheme = s; mode = schemeMode[s]; } if (schemeMode[s] == -1) { modesPopup->setItemChecked(schemeID[s], schemeID[s] == id); } else { modesPopup->setItemChecked(modeID[schemeMode[s]], schemeMode[s] == mode); schemesPopup->at(schemeMode[s])->setItemChecked(schemeID[s], schemeID[s] == id); } } /* APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); cfg->writeEntry("Scheme", scheme); cfg->writeEntry("Mode", mode); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); */ view->setScheme(scheme, mode); view->updateGeometry(); updateGeometry(); update(); repaint(TRUE); show(); } diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/kpacmanwidget.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/kpacmanwidget.cpp index 823d2bf..9631495 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kpacman/kpacmanwidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/kpacmanwidget.cpp @@ -1,158 +1,153 @@ #include "portable.h" #if defined( KDE2_PORT ) #include <kapp.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kstddirs.h> #include <kpacmanwidget.h> #include <kpacmanwidget.moc> #elif defined( QPE_PORT ) #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include "kpacmanwidget.h" #endif -#include <qmessagebox.h> -#include "bitfont.h" -#include "score.h" -#include "referee.h" -#include "status.h" KpacmanWidget::KpacmanWidget( QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QWidget( parent, name ) { score = 0l; referee = 0l; status = 0l; bitfont = NULL; fontName = ""; scheme = mode = -1; confScheme(); score = new Score(this, name, scheme, mode, bitfont); referee = new Referee( this, name, scheme, mode, bitfont); status = new Status(this, name, scheme, mode); setBackgroundColor( black ); } KpacmanWidget::~KpacmanWidget() { } void KpacmanWidget::confMisc(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); //KStandardDirs *dirs = KGlobal::dirs(); QString findPath; if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("Font")) { fontName = cfg->readEntry("Font"); if (fontName.left(1) != "/" && fontName.left(1) != "~") fontName.insert(0, "fonts/"); if (fontName.right(1) == "/") fontName.append("font.xbm"); //findPath = dirs->findResource("appdata", fontName); findPath = FIND_APP_DATA( fontName ); if (!findPath.isEmpty()) fontName = findPath; bitfontFirstChar = cfg->readNumEntry("FontFirstChar", 0x0e); bitfontLastChar = cfg->readNumEntry("FontLastChar", 0x5f); } APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void KpacmanWidget::confScheme() { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); QString lastFontName = fontName; SAVE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); QString newgroup; // if not set, read mode and scheme from the configfile if (mode == -1 && scheme == -1) { scheme = cfg->readNumEntry("Scheme", -1); mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); // if mode is not set in the defGroup-group, lookup the scheme group if (scheme != -1 || mode == -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); } } confMisc(); if (mode != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Mode %d", mode); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confMisc(FALSE); } if (scheme != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confMisc(FALSE); } if (lastFontName != fontName) { if (bitfont != 0) delete bitfont; bitfont = new Bitfont(fontName, bitfontFirstChar, bitfontLastChar); if (bitfont->width() == 0 || bitfont->height() == 0) { QString msg = tr("The bitfont could not be contructed.\n\n" "The file '@FONTNAME@' does not exist,\n" "or is of an unknown format."); msg.replace(QRegExp("@FONTNAME@"), fontName); // QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Initialization Error"), msg); printf("%s\n", msg.data()); } } RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void KpacmanWidget::setScheme(int Scheme, int Mode) { mode = Mode; scheme = Scheme; confScheme(); score->setScheme(Scheme, Mode, bitfont); referee->setScheme(Scheme, Mode, bitfont); status->setScheme(Scheme, Mode); score->repaint(FALSE); referee->repaint(FALSE); status->repaint(FALSE); } void KpacmanWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ) { qWarning("Resize"); referee->setGeometry(0, bitfont->height()*3, referee->width(), referee->height()); referee->setBackgroundColor(BLACK); if(!status ) return; status->setGeometry(0, bitfont->height()*3+referee->height(), referee->width(), status->height()); status->setBackgroundColor(BLACK); score->setGeometry(0, 0, referee->width(), bitfont->height()*3+referee->height()+status->height()); score->setBackgroundColor(BLACK); } diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/monster.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/monster.cpp index 2f402b4..80b4655 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kpacman/monster.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/monster.cpp @@ -1,262 +1,261 @@ #include "monster.h" -#include "board.h" Monster::Monster(Board *b, int mid) { board = b; ID = mid; setREM(0); setHarmless(0, 0, 0); setArrested(0, 0); setFreedom(board->position(prisonexit)); if (mid == 0) setPrison(board->position(prisonentry)); else setPrison(board->position(monsterhome, mid)); actualPosition = lastPosition = OUT; feetPosition = 0; IQ = 0; maxBodyPixmaps = 0; maxEyesPixmaps = 0; } void Monster::setMaxPixmaps(int maxBody, int maxEyes) { if (feetPosition >= (maxBody/10)) feetPosition = 0; maxBodyPixmaps = maxBody; maxEyesPixmaps = maxEyes; } void Monster::setArrested(int ticks, int duration) { actualState = dangerous; pauseDuration = ticks; pause = 0; arrestDuration = arrestLeft = duration; arrestPause = ticks; harmlessLeft = 0; } void Monster::setDangerous(int ticks, int iq) { actualState = dangerous; pauseDuration = ticks; pause = 0; dangerousPause = ticks; harmlessLeft = 0; IQ = iq; } void Monster::setHarmless(int ticks, int hDuration, int wDuration) { actualState = harmless; pauseDuration = ticks; pause = 0; harmlessDuration = harmlessLeft = hDuration; warningDuration = wDuration; } void Monster::setREM(int ticks) { actualState = rem; pauseDuration = ticks; pause = 0; } void Monster::setPosition(int pos) { board->reset(lastPosition, monster, ID); // reset old position on the board actualPosition = lastPosition = pos; // set position of monster board->set(actualPosition, monster, ID); feetPosition = 0; } void Monster::setPrison(int pos) { prisonPosition = pos; } void Monster::setFreedom(int pos) { freedomPosition = pos; } void Monster::setDirection(int dir) { if (dir == X) lastDirection = actualDirection; actualDirection = dir; } monsterState Monster::state() { return actualState; } int Monster::position() { return actualPosition; } int Monster::direction() { return actualDirection; } int Monster::id() { return ID; } bool Monster::move() { if (arrestLeft > 1) arrestLeft--; if (harmlessLeft > 0) { harmlessLeft--; if (harmlessLeft == 0 && actualState == harmless) { actualState = dangerous; pauseDuration = dangerousPause; } } if (pause-- > 0) return FALSE; else pause = pauseDuration; if (actualPosition == OUT) return FALSE; if (actualDirection == X) { if (++feetPosition >= (maxBodyPixmaps/10)) feetPosition = 0; return TRUE; } lastPosition = actualPosition; int d = actualDirection; if (arrestLeft > 1) { // during the arrest, only up and down if (!board->isWay(actualPosition, d, empty) && !board->isWay(actualPosition, d, tunnel)) d = board->turn(actualDirection); } if (arrestLeft == 1) { // going out of the prison if (((d == W || d == E) && board->x(actualPosition) == board->x(freedomPosition)) || ((d == S || d == N) && board->y(actualPosition) == board->y(freedomPosition)) || board->isWay(actualPosition, d, brick) || board->isWay(actualPosition, d, prison)) { d = board->closeup(actualPosition, d, freedomPosition); } while (board->isWay(actualPosition, d, brick) || board->isWay(actualPosition, d, prison)) { if (d == actualDirection) d = rand() % 4; else d = actualDirection; } if (actualState == dangerous) pauseDuration = dangerousPause; } if (arrestLeft == 0) if (actualState == rem) { // on the way to prison d = board->closeup(actualPosition, d, prisonPosition); while (board->isWay(actualPosition, d, brick) || board->isWay(actualPosition, d, prison)) { if (d != actualDirection) // if new direction is not possible, d = actualDirection; // try current direction first. else d = rand() % 4; } } else { // dangerous or harmless movement if (rand() % (int) ((190-IQ)/10) == 0) { d = board->closeup(actualPosition, d, board->position(pacman)); if (actualState == harmless) d = board->turn(d); } else do // try new direction, but not the opposite d = rand() % 4; // direction, to prevent hectic movement. while (d == board->turn(actualDirection)); while ((!board->isWay(actualPosition, d, empty) && !board->isWay(actualPosition, d, tunnel)) || d == board->turn(actualDirection)) { if (d != actualDirection) // if new direction is not possible, d = actualDirection; // try current direction first. else d = rand() % 4; } } actualDirection = d; actualPosition = board->move(actualPosition, actualDirection); if (arrestLeft == 1 && actualPosition == freedomPosition) arrestLeft = 0; if (actualState == rem && actualPosition == prisonPosition) { actualState = dangerous; pauseDuration = arrestPause; arrestLeft = arrestDuration+1; actualDirection = S; } if (actualPosition != lastPosition) { board->reset(lastPosition, monster, ID); board->set(actualPosition, monster, ID); } if (++feetPosition >= (maxBodyPixmaps/10)) feetPosition = 0; return TRUE; } int Monster::body() { if (actualState == rem || actualPosition == OUT) return -1; else if (actualState == harmless) if (harmlessLeft > warningDuration || harmlessLeft % (int) (warningDuration/4.5) > (int) (warningDuration/9)) return ((maxBodyPixmaps/10)*8)+feetPosition; else return ((maxBodyPixmaps/10)*9)+feetPosition; else return ((maxBodyPixmaps/10)*ID)+feetPosition; } int Monster::eyes() { if (actualState == harmless || actualPosition == OUT) return -1; else switch (actualDirection) { case N : return 0; case E : return 1; case S : return 2; case W : return 3; case X : switch (lastDirection) { case N : return 0; case E : return 1; case S : return 2; default : return 3; } default : return -1; } } diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/pacman.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/pacman.cpp index 40f60a8..82524b4 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kpacman/pacman.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/pacman.cpp @@ -1,147 +1,146 @@ #include "pacman.h" -#include "board.h" Pacman::Pacman(Board *b) { board = b; setDemo(FALSE); setAlive(0); actualPosition = lastPosition = OUT; mouthPosition = 0; lastPix = 0; maxPixmaps = 0; } void Pacman::setMaxPixmaps(int max) { if (actualDirection == X && lastPix >= 0) { actualDirection = lastPix / (maxPixmaps/4); if (max < maxPixmaps) mouthPosition = 0; else mouthPosition = lastPix % (maxPixmaps/4); maxPixmaps = max; lastPix = pix(); actualDirection = X; } else maxPixmaps = max; } void Pacman::setAlive(int ticks) { actualState = alive; pauseDuration = ticks; pause = 0; } void Pacman::setPosition(int pos) { board->reset(lastPosition, pacman); actualPosition = lastPosition = pos; board->set(actualPosition, pacman); mouthPosition = 0; } void Pacman::setDirection(int dir, bool forced) { if (forced || board->isWay(actualPosition, dir, empty) || board->isWay(actualPosition, dir, tunnel)) { if (dir == X) lastPix = pix(); actualDirection = dir; nextDirection = X; } else nextDirection = dir; } void Pacman::setDemo(bool yes) { demo = yes; } pacmanState Pacman::state() { return actualState; } int Pacman::position() { return actualPosition; } int Pacman::direction() { return actualDirection; } bool Pacman::move() { if (pause-- > 0) return FALSE; else pause = pauseDuration; if (actualDirection == X || actualPosition == OUT) return FALSE; lastPosition = actualPosition; if (demo) { int d = actualDirection; do // try new direction, but not the opposite d = rand() % 4; // direction, to prevent hectic movement. while (d == board->turn(actualDirection)); while (!board->isWay(actualPosition, d, empty) && !board->isWay(actualPosition, d, tunnel)) { if (d != actualDirection) // if new actualDirection is not possible, d = actualDirection; // try current actualDirection first. else d = rand() % 4; } actualDirection = d; actualPosition = board->move(actualPosition, actualDirection); } else { if (nextDirection != X) if (board->isWay(actualPosition, nextDirection, empty) || board->isWay(actualPosition, nextDirection, tunnel)) { actualDirection = nextDirection; nextDirection = X; } if (board->isWay(actualPosition, actualDirection, empty) || board->isWay(actualPosition, actualDirection, tunnel)) actualPosition = board->move(actualPosition, actualDirection); } if (actualPosition != lastPosition) { board->reset(lastPosition, pacman); board->set(actualPosition, pacman); if (++mouthPosition >= (maxPixmaps/4)) mouthPosition = 0; } return TRUE; } int Pacman::pix() { if (actualPosition != OUT && maxPixmaps > 0) switch (actualDirection) { case N : return ((maxPixmaps/4)*0)+mouthPosition; case E : return ((maxPixmaps/4)*1)+mouthPosition; case S : return ((maxPixmaps/4)*2)+mouthPosition; case W : return ((maxPixmaps/4)*3)+mouthPosition; case X : return lastPix; } return -1; } diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/painter.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/painter.cpp index d8c7460..410d3f5 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kpacman/painter.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/painter.cpp @@ -1,972 +1,964 @@ #include "portable.h" #if defined( KDE2_PORT ) #include <kapp.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kstddirs.h> #elif defined( QPE_PORT ) #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #endif -#include <qcolor.h> -#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> -#include <qbitmap.h> -#include <qrect.h> -#include <qstring.h> - -#include <qmessagebox.h> + #include <qfileinfo.h> #include "painter.h" -#include "board.h" Painter::Painter( Board *b, QWidget *parent, int Scheme, int Mode, Bitfont *font) { w = parent; board = b; pointPix = NULL; wallPix = NULL; prisonPix = NULL; energizerPix = NULL; fruitPix = NULL; pacmanPix = NULL; dyingPix = NULL; eyesPix = NULL; monsterPix = NULL; fruitScorePix = NULL; monsterScorePix = NULL; lastPointPixmapName = ""; lastWallPixmapName = ""; lastPrisonPixmapName = ""; lastEnergizerPixmapName = ""; lastFruitPixmapName = ""; lastPacmanPixmapName = ""; lastDyingPixmapName = ""; lastEyesPixmapName = ""; lastMonsterPixmapName = ""; lastFruitScorePixmapName = ""; lastMonsterScorePixmapName = ""; bitfont = font; scheme = Scheme; mode = Mode; level = 0; confScheme(); } QList<QPixmap> *Painter::loadPixmap(QWidget*, QString pixmapName, QList<QPixmap> *pixmaps) { if (pixmaps == NULL) { pixmaps = new QList<QPixmap>; pixmaps->setAutoDelete(TRUE); } if (!pixmaps->isEmpty()) pixmaps->clear(); QPixmap PIXMAP(pixmapName); if (PIXMAP.isNull() || PIXMAP.mask() == NULL) { QString msg = "The pixmap could not be contructed.\n\n" "The file '@PIXMAPNAME@' does not exist,\n" "or is of an unknown format."; msg.replace(QRegExp("@PIXMAPNAME@"), pixmapName); // QMessageBox::critical(parent, tr("Initialization Error"), msg); printf("%s\n", msg.data()); return 0; } int height = PIXMAP.height(); int width = (height == 0) ? 0 : PIXMAP.width()/(PIXMAP.width()/height); QBitmap BITMAP; QBitmap MASK; BITMAP = *PIXMAP.mask(); MASK.resize(width, height); for (int x = 0; x < PIXMAP.width()/width; x++) { QPixmap *pixmap = new QPixmap(width, height); pixmaps->append(pixmap); bitBlt(pixmap, 0, 0, &PIXMAP, x*width, 0, width, height, QPixmap::CopyROP, TRUE); bitBlt(&MASK, 0, 0, &BITMAP, x*width, 0, width, height, QPixmap::CopyROP, TRUE); pixmap->setMask(MASK); } return pixmaps; } QList<QPixmap> *Painter::textPixmap(QStrList &str, QList<QPixmap> *pixmaps, QColor fg, QColor bg) { if (pixmaps == NULL) { pixmaps = new QList<QPixmap>; pixmaps->setAutoDelete(TRUE); } if (!pixmaps->isEmpty()) pixmaps->clear(); for (uint s = 0; s < str.count(); s++) { QPixmap *pixmap = new QPixmap(bitfont->text(str.at(s), fg, bg)); pixmaps->append(pixmap); } return pixmaps; } QList<QPixmap> *Painter::textPixmap(QString str, QList<QPixmap> *pixmaps, QColor fg, QColor bg) { if (pixmaps == NULL) { pixmaps = new QList<QPixmap>; pixmaps->setAutoDelete(TRUE); } if (!pixmaps->isEmpty()) pixmaps->clear(); QPixmap *pixmap = new QPixmap(bitfont->text(str, fg, bg)); pixmaps->append(pixmap); return pixmaps; } /* Return the point of the upperleft pixel of the block representing that position * on the board. */ QPoint Painter::point(int pos) { return QPoint((board->x(pos)-1)*BlockWidth, (board->y(pos)-1)*BlockHeight); } QRect Painter::rect(int pos, PixMap pix, uint i) { if (pos == OUT) return QRect(); QPixmap *PIXMAP = NULL; switch (pix) { case PacmanPix : PIXMAP = pacmanPix-> at(checkRange(i, pacmanPix->count()-1)); break; case DyingPix : PIXMAP = dyingPix-> at(checkRange(i, dyingPix->count()-1)); break; case MonsterPix : PIXMAP = monsterPix-> at(checkRange(i, monsterPix->count()-1)); break; case EyesPix : PIXMAP = eyesPix-> at(checkRange(i, eyesPix->count()-1)); break; case FruitPix : PIXMAP = fruitPix-> at(checkRange(i, fruitPix->count()-1)); break; case PointPix : PIXMAP = pointPix-> at(checkRange(i, pointPix->count()-1)); break; case EnergizerPix : PIXMAP = energizerPix-> at(checkRange(i, energizerPix->count()-1)); break; case FruitScorePix : PIXMAP = fruitScorePix-> at(checkRange(i, fruitScorePix->count()-1)); break; case MonsterScorePix : PIXMAP = monsterScorePix-> at(checkRange(i,monsterScorePix->count()-1)); break; default : PIXMAP = wallPix-> at(checkRange(i, wallPix->count()-1)); } if (PIXMAP == NULL) return QRect(); QRect rect = PIXMAP->rect(); QPoint point = this->point(pos); rect.moveCenter(QPoint(point.x()-1, point.y()-1)); return rect; } QRect Painter::rect(int pos, QString str, int align) { if (pos == OUT) // return an empty rect if the position return QRect(); // is invalid QPoint point = this->point(pos); QRect rect = bitfont->rect(str); rect.moveCenter(QPoint(point.x()-1, point.y()-1)); int dx = 0; int dy = 0; if (align & QLabel::AlignLeft || align & QLabel::AlignRight) { dx = (str.length()-1) * (bitfont->width()/2); if (align & QLabel::AlignRight) dx *= -1; } if (align & QLabel::AlignTop || align & QLabel::AlignBottom) { dy = bitfont->height()/2; if (align & QLabel::AlignBottom) dy *= -1; } if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) rect.moveBy(dx, dy); return rect; } QRect Painter::rect(QRect r1, QRect r2) { QRect rect; rect.setLeft(r1.left() < r2.left() ? r1.left() : r2.left()); rect.setTop(r1.top() < r2.top() ? r1.top() : r2.top()); rect.setRight(r1.right() > r2.right() ? r1.right() : r2.right()); rect.setBottom(r1.bottom() > r2.bottom() ? r1.bottom() : r2.bottom()); return rect; } void Painter::erase(int pos, PixMap pix, uint i) { if (pos == OUT) return; QRect rect = this->rect(pos, pix, i); bitBlt(&roomPix, rect.x(), rect.y(), &backPix, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); } int Painter::maxPixmaps(PixMap pix) { switch (pix) { case WallPix : return (int) wallPix->count(); case PrisonPix : return (int) prisonPix->count(); case PointPix : return (int) pointPix->count(); case EnergizerPix : return (int) energizerPix->count(); case FruitPix : return (int) fruitPix->count(); case PacmanPix : return (int) pacmanPix->count(); case DyingPix : return (int) dyingPix->count(); case EyesPix : return (int) eyesPix->count(); case MonsterPix : return (int) monsterPix->count(); case FruitScorePix : return (int) fruitScorePix->count(); case MonsterScorePix : return (int) monsterScorePix->count(); default : return 0; } } void Painter::draw(QPoint point, DrawWidget where, QPixmap pix) { switch (where) { case Widget : bitBlt(w, point.x(), point.y(), &pix); break; case RoomPix : bitBlt(&roomPix, point.x(), point.y(), &pix); break; case BackPix : bitBlt(&backPix, point.x(), point.y(), &pix); break; } } void Painter::draw(QRect rect, DrawWidget where, QPixmap pix) { draw(QPoint(rect.x(), rect.y()), where, pix); } void Painter::draw(int pos, DrawWidget where, PixMap pix, uint i) { QPixmap *PIXMAP = NULL; switch (pix) { case PacmanPix : PIXMAP = pacmanPix-> at(checkRange(i, pacmanPix->count()-1)); break; case DyingPix : PIXMAP = dyingPix-> at(checkRange(i, dyingPix->count()-1)); break; case MonsterPix : PIXMAP = monsterPix-> at(checkRange(i, monsterPix->count()-1)); break; case EyesPix : PIXMAP = eyesPix-> at(checkRange(i, eyesPix->count()-1)); break; case FruitPix : PIXMAP = fruitPix-> at(checkRange(i, fruitPix->count()-1)); break; case EnergizerPix : PIXMAP = energizerPix-> at(checkRange(i, energizerPix->count()-1)); break; case FruitScorePix : PIXMAP = fruitScorePix-> at(checkRange(i, fruitScorePix->count()-1)); break; case MonsterScorePix : PIXMAP = monsterScorePix-> at(checkRange(i,monsterScorePix->count()-1)); break; default : ; } if (PIXMAP == NULL) return; QRect rect = PIXMAP->rect(); QPoint point = this->point(pos); rect.moveCenter(QPoint(point.x()-1, point.y()-1)); switch (where) { case Widget : bitBlt(w, rect.x(), rect.y(), PIXMAP); break; case RoomPix : bitBlt(&roomPix, rect.x(), rect.y(), PIXMAP); break; case BackPix : bitBlt(&backPix, rect.x(), rect.y(), PIXMAP); break; } } QPixmap Painter::draw(int pos, DrawWidget where, QString str, QColor fg, QColor bg, int align) { QPixmap TEXT = bitfont->text(str, fg, bg); QRect rect = this->rect(pos, str, align); QPixmap SAVE = QPixmap(rect.width(), rect.height()); switch (where) { case Widget : bitBlt(&SAVE, 0, 0, w, rect.x(), rect.y()); bitBlt(w, rect.x(), rect.y(), &TEXT); break; case RoomPix : bitBlt(&SAVE, 0, 0, &roomPix, rect.x(), rect.y()); bitBlt(&roomPix, rect.x(), rect.y(), &TEXT); break; case BackPix : bitBlt(&SAVE, 0, 0, &backPix, rect.x(), rect.y()); bitBlt(&backPix, rect.x(), rect.y(), &TEXT); break; } return SAVE; } QRect Painter::draw(int col, int row, DrawWidget where, QString str, QColor fg, QColor bg, int align) { QPixmap TEXT = bitfont->text(str, fg, bg); QRect rect = this->rect(row*BoardWidth+col, str, align); draw(rect, where, TEXT); return rect; } void Painter::initPixmaps() { if (lastPointPixmapName != pointPixmapName.at(level)) { pointPix = loadPixmap(w, pointPixmapName.at(level), pointPix); lastPointPixmapName = pointPixmapName.at(level); } if (lastPrisonPixmapName != prisonPixmapName.at(level)) { prisonPix = loadPixmap(w, prisonPixmapName.at(level), prisonPix); lastPrisonPixmapName = prisonPixmapName.at(level); } if (lastEnergizerPixmapName != energizerPixmapName.at(level)) { energizerPix = loadPixmap(w, energizerPixmapName.at(level), energizerPix); lastEnergizerPixmapName = energizerPixmapName.at(level); } if (lastFruitPixmapName != fruitPixmapName.at(level)) { fruitPix = loadPixmap(w, fruitPixmapName.at(level), fruitPix); lastFruitPixmapName = fruitPixmapName.at(level); } if (lastPacmanPixmapName != pacmanPixmapName.at(level)) { pacmanPix = loadPixmap(w, pacmanPixmapName.at(level), pacmanPix); lastPacmanPixmapName = pacmanPixmapName.at(level); } if (lastDyingPixmapName != dyingPixmapName.at(level)) { dyingPix = loadPixmap(w, dyingPixmapName.at(level), dyingPix); lastDyingPixmapName = dyingPixmapName.at(level); } if (lastEyesPixmapName != eyesPixmapName.at(level)) { eyesPix = loadPixmap(w, eyesPixmapName.at(level), eyesPix); lastEyesPixmapName = eyesPixmapName.at(level); } if (lastMonsterPixmapName != monsterPixmapName.at(level)) { monsterPix = loadPixmap(w, monsterPixmapName.at(level), monsterPix); lastMonsterPixmapName = monsterPixmapName.at(level); } if (lastFruitScorePixmapName != fruitScorePixmapName.at(level) || (const char *) *fruitScorePixmapName.at(level) == '\0') { if ((const char *) *fruitScorePixmapName.at(level) == '\0') { fruitScorePix = textPixmap(fruitScoreString, fruitScorePix, PINK); } else { fruitScorePix = loadPixmap(w, fruitScorePixmapName.at(level), fruitScorePix); lastFruitScorePixmapName = fruitScorePixmapName.at(level); } } if (lastMonsterScorePixmapName != monsterScorePixmapName.at(level) || (const char *) *monsterScorePixmapName.at(level) == '\0') { if ((const char *) *monsterScorePixmapName.at(level) == '\0') { monsterScorePix = textPixmap(monsterScoreString, monsterScorePix, CYAN); } else { monsterScorePix = loadPixmap(w, monsterScorePixmapName.at(level), monsterScorePix); lastMonsterScorePixmapName = monsterScorePixmapName.at(level); } } if (lastWallPixmapName != wallPixmapName.at(level)) { wallPix = loadPixmap(w, wallPixmapName.at(level), wallPix); if (wallPix->isEmpty()) { BlockWidth = 0; BlockHeight = 0; } else { BlockWidth = wallPix->at(0)->width(); BlockHeight = wallPix->at(0)->height(); } lastWallPixmapName = wallPixmapName.at(level); } } void Painter::initbackPixmaps() { backgroundColor = BLACK; backPix.resize((BoardWidth-3)*BlockWidth, (BoardHeight-3)*BlockHeight ); backPix.fill(backgroundColor); } void Painter::initRoomPixmap() { roomPix.resize((BoardWidth-3)*BlockWidth, (BoardHeight-3)*BlockHeight ); bitBlt(&roomPix,0,0, &backPix); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < board->size(); x++) { if (board->isBrick(x)) drawBrick(x); if (board->isPrison(x) || board->isGate(x)) drawPrison(x); if (board->isPoint(x)) drawPoint(x); } } void Painter::drawBrick(int pos) { int border = 0; if (board->isBrick(board->move(pos, N ))) border |= (1 << 0); if (board->isBrick(board->move(pos, NE))) border |= (1 << 1); if (board->isBrick(board->move(pos, E ))) border |= (1 << 2); if (board->isBrick(board->move(pos, SE))) border |= (1 << 3); if (board->isBrick(board->move(pos, S ))) border |= (1 << 4); if (board->isBrick(board->move(pos, SW))) border |= (1 << 5); if (board->isBrick(board->move(pos, W ))) border |= (1 << 6); if (board->isBrick(board->move(pos, NW))) border |= (1 << 7); if (board->isOut(board->move(pos, N ))) border |= (1 << 8); if (board->isOut(board->move(pos, NE))) border |= (1 << 9); if (board->isOut(board->move(pos, E ))) border |= (1 << 10); if (board->isOut(board->move(pos, SE))) border |= (1 << 11); if (board->isOut(board->move(pos, S ))) border |= (1 << 12); if (board->isOut(board->move(pos, SW))) border |= (1 << 13); if (board->isOut(board->move(pos, W ))) border |= (1 << 14); if (board->isOut(board->move(pos, NW))) border |= (1 << 15); switch (border & 0xFF) { case 31 : border = 0; break; case 159 : border = 0; break; case 63 : border = 0; break; case 191 : border = 0; break; case 241 : border = 1; break; case 249 : border = 1; break; case 243 : border = 1; break; case 251 : border = 1; break; case 124 : border = 2; break; case 252 : border = 2; break; case 126 : border = 2; break; case 199 : border = 3; break; case 231 : border = 3; break; case 207 : border = 3; break; case 28 : if ((border >> 8) > 0) border = 24; else border = 4; break; case 112 : if ((border >> 8) > 0) border = 27; else border = 5; break; case 7 : if ((border >> 8) > 0) border = 25; else border = 6; break; case 193 : if ((border >> 8) > 0) border = 26; else border = 7; break; case 247 : if ((border & (1 << 11)) > 0) border = 23; else border = 8; break; case 119 : if ((border & (1 << 15)) > 0) border = 8; if ((border & (1 << 11)) > 0) border = 11; break; case 223 : if ((border & (1 << 13)) > 0) border = 20; else border = 9; break; case 221 : if ((border & (1 << 13)) > 0) border = 10; if ((border & (1 << 9)) > 0) border = 9; break; case 253 : if ((border & (1 << 9)) > 0) border = 21; else border = 10; break; case 127 : if ((border & (1 << 15)) > 0) border = 22; else border = 11; break; case 30 : border = 12; break; case 240 : border = 13; break; case 15 : border = 14; break; case 225 : border = 15; break; case 135 : border = 16; break; case 195 : border = 17; break; case 60 : border = 18; break; case 120 : border = 19; break; case 255 : border = 28; break; default : border = -1; } if (border != -1 && border < (int) wallPix->count()) { QRect rect = this->rect(pos, WallPix); bitBlt(&roomPix, rect.x(), rect.y(), wallPix->at((uint) border)); } } void Painter::drawPrison(int pos) { int border = 0; if (board->isPrison(board->move(pos, N ))) border |= (1 << 0); if (board->isPrison(board->move(pos, NE))) border |= (1 << 1); if (board->isPrison(board->move(pos, E ))) border |= (1 << 2); if (board->isPrison(board->move(pos, SE))) border |= (1 << 3); if (board->isPrison(board->move(pos, S ))) border |= (1 << 4); if (board->isPrison(board->move(pos, SW))) border |= (1 << 5); if (board->isPrison(board->move(pos, W ))) border |= (1 << 6); if (board->isPrison(board->move(pos, NW))) border |= (1 << 7); if (board->isGate(board->move(pos, N ))) border |= (1 << 8); if (board->isGate(board->move(pos, NE))) border |= (1 << 9); if (board->isGate(board->move(pos, E ))) border |= (1 << 10); if (board->isGate(board->move(pos, SE))) border |= (1 << 11); if (board->isGate(board->move(pos, S ))) border |= (1 << 12); if (board->isGate(board->move(pos, SW))) border |= (1 << 13); if (board->isGate(board->move(pos, W ))) border |= (1 << 14); if (board->isGate(board->move(pos, NW))) border |= (1 << 15); switch (border & 0xFF) { case 31 : border = 0; break; case 159 : border = 0; break; case 63 : border = 0; break; case 241 : border = 1; break; case 249 : border = 1; break; case 243 : border = 1; break; case 124 : border = 2; break; case 252 : border = 2; break; case 126 : border = 2; break; case 199 : border = 3; break; case 231 : border = 3; break; case 207 : border = 3; break; case 28 : if ((border >> 8) != 0) border = 12; else border = 4; break; case 112 : if ((border >> 8) != 0) border = 13; else border = 5; break; case 7 : if ((border >> 8) != 0) border = 14; else border = 6; break; case 193 : if ((border >> 8) != 0) border = 15; else border = 7; break; case 247 : border = 8; break; case 223 : border = 9; break; case 253 : border = 10; break; case 127 : border = 11; break; default : border = -1; } if (board->isGate(pos)) { if (board->isGate(board->move(pos, N))) border = 17; else border = 16; } if (border != -1 && border < (int) prisonPix->count()) { QRect rect = this->rect(pos, PrisonPix); bitBlt(&roomPix, rect.x(), rect.y(), prisonPix->at((uint) border)); } } void Painter::drawPoint(int pos) { if (!pointPix->isEmpty()) { QRect rect = this->rect(pos, PointPix); bitBlt(&roomPix, rect.x(), rect.y(), pointPix->at(0)); } } QString Painter::decodeHexOctString(QString s) { QString value; QString valids; int pos, xpos = 0, opos = 0; int v, len, leadin; const char *ptr; uchar c; while (((xpos = s.find(QRegExp("\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F]+"), xpos)) != -1) || ((opos = s.find(QRegExp("\\\\[0-7]+"), opos)) != -1)) { if (xpos != -1) { valids = "0123456789abcdef"; leadin = 2; pos = xpos; } else { valids = "01234567"; leadin = 1; pos = opos; } c = '\0'; len = 0; value = s.mid(pos+leadin, 3); ptr = (const char *) value; while (*ptr != '\0' && (v = valids.find(*ptr++, 0, FALSE)) != -1) { c = (c * valids.length()) + v; len++; } value.fill(c, 1); s.replace(pos, len+leadin, value); } return s; } void Painter::fillScoreString(QStrList &list, QArray<int> &values) { if( !list.isEmpty()) list.clear(); QString s; for (uint i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { if (values[i] < 10 || values[i] > 10000) s = "?"; else if (values[i] == 1600) s = "\x1a\x1b"; else if (values[i] < 100) { s = "\x0e"; s.insert(0, char (values[i] / 10 + 0x10)); } else if (values[i] < 1000) { s = "\x0f"; s.insert(0, char (values[i] / 100 + 0x10)); } else { s = "\x0f\x10"; s.insert(0, char (values[i] / 1000 + 0x10)); } list.append(s.data()); } } void Painter::fillArray(QArray<int> &array, QString values, int max) { array.resize(max); int last = 0; bool ok; QString value; for (uint i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { if (values.find(',') < 0 && values.length() > 0) { value = values; values = ""; } if (values.find(',') >= 0) { value = values.left(values.find(',')); values.remove(0,values.find(',')+1); } array[i] = value.toInt(&ok); if (ok) last = array[i]; else array[i] = last; } } void Painter::fillStrList(QStrList &list, QString values, int max) { if (!list.isEmpty()) list.clear(); QString last = ""; QString value; for (uint i = 0; i < (uint) max; i++) { if (values.find(',') < 0 && values.length() > 0) { value = values; values = ""; } if (values.find(',') >= 0) { value = values.left(values.find(',')); values.remove(0,values.find(',')+1); } if (!value.isEmpty()) last = decodeHexOctString(value); list.append(last); } } void Painter::fillPixmapName(QStrList &pixmapName) { QStrList list = pixmapName; if (!pixmapName.isEmpty()) pixmapName.clear(); QString pixmap; QFileInfo fileInfo; for (uint i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { pixmap = list.at(i); if (pixmap.left(1) != "/" && pixmap.left(1) != "~") pixmap = FIND_APP_DATA( pixmapDirectory+pixmap ); fileInfo.setFile(pixmap); if (!fileInfo.isReadable() || !fileInfo.isFile()) pixmap = ""; pixmapName.append(pixmap); } } void Painter::confLevels(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("Levels")) maxLevel = cfg->readNumEntry("Levels", 13); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Painter::confMisc(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("PixmapDirectory")) { pixmapDirectory = cfg->readEntry("PixmapDirectory"); if (pixmapDirectory.left(1) != "/" && pixmapDirectory.left(1) != "~") pixmapDirectory.insert(0, "pics/"); if (pixmapDirectory.right(1) != "/") pixmapDirectory.append("/"); } if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("PointPixmapName")) fillStrList(pointPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("PointPixmapName", "point.xpm"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("WallPixmapName")) fillStrList(wallPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("WallPixmapName", "wall.xpm"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("PrisonPixmapName")) fillStrList(prisonPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("PrisonPixmapName", "prison.xpm"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("EnergizerPixmapName")) fillStrList(energizerPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("EnergizerPixmapName", "switch.xpm"),maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitPixmapName")) fillStrList(fruitPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("FruitPixmapName", "fruit.xpm"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("PacmanPixmapName")) fillStrList(pacmanPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("PacmanPixmapName", "pacman.xpm"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("DyingPixmapName")) fillStrList(dyingPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("DyingPixmapName", "dying.xpm"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("EyesPixmapName")) fillStrList(eyesPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("EyesPixmapName", "eyes.xpm"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("MonsterPixmapName")) fillStrList(monsterPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("MonsterPixmapName", "monster.xpm"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitScorePixmapName")) fillStrList(fruitScorePixmapName, cfg->readEntry("FruitScorePixmapName"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("MonsterScorePixmapName")) fillStrList(monsterScorePixmapName, cfg->readEntry("MonsterScorePixmapName"), maxLevel+1); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Painter::confScoring(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitScore")) fillArray(fruitScore, cfg->readEntry("FruitScore", "100,300,500,,700,,1000,,2000,,3000,,5000"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("MonsterScore")) fillArray(monsterScore, cfg->readEntry("MonsterScore", "200,400,800,1600"), 4); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitScoreString")) fillStrList(fruitScoreString, cfg->readEntry("FruitScoreString"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("MonsterScoreString")) fillStrList(monsterScoreString, cfg->readEntry("MonsterScoreString"), 4); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Painter::confScheme() { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); SAVE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); QString newgroup; // if not set, read mode and scheme from the configfile if (mode == -1 && scheme == -1) { scheme = cfg->readNumEntry("Scheme", -1); mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); // if mode is not set in the defGroup-group, lookup the scheme group if (scheme != -1 || mode == -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); } } confLevels(); if (mode != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Mode %d", mode); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confLevels(FALSE); } if (scheme != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confLevels(FALSE); } RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); confMisc(); confScoring(); if (mode != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Mode %d", mode); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confMisc(FALSE); confScoring(FALSE); } if (scheme != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confMisc(FALSE); confScoring(FALSE); } if ((const char *) *fruitScoreString.at(0) == '\0') fillScoreString(fruitScoreString, fruitScore); if ((const char *) *monsterScoreString.at(0) == '\0') fillScoreString(monsterScoreString, monsterScore); fillPixmapName(pointPixmapName); fillPixmapName(wallPixmapName); fillPixmapName(prisonPixmapName); fillPixmapName(energizerPixmapName); fillPixmapName(fruitPixmapName); fillPixmapName(pacmanPixmapName); fillPixmapName(dyingPixmapName); fillPixmapName(eyesPixmapName); fillPixmapName(monsterPixmapName); fillPixmapName(fruitScorePixmapName); fillPixmapName(monsterScorePixmapName); initPixmaps(); initbackPixmaps(); initRoomPixmap(); RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Painter::setScheme(int Scheme, int Mode, Bitfont *font) { bitfont = font; mode = Mode; scheme = Scheme; confScheme(); } void Painter::setLevel(int Level) { level = Level; initPixmaps(); initbackPixmaps(); initRoomPixmap(); } int Painter::checkRange(int value, int max, int min) { if (value < min) { printf("Painter::checkRange (value = %d, max = %d, min = %d)\n", value, max, min); return min; } else if (value > max) { printf("Painter::checkRange (value = %d, max = %d, min = %d)\n", value, max, min); return max; } else return value; } diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/referee.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/referee.cpp index 1b810d8..2d0f3be 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kpacman/referee.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/referee.cpp @@ -1,1417 +1,1408 @@ #include "portable.h" #if defined( KDE2_PORT ) #include <kapp.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kstddirs.h> #include <kaccel.h> #include <referee.h> #include <referee.moc> #elif defined( QPE_PORT ) #include <qaccel.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include "referee.h" #endif -#include <qdatetm.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <qtimer.h> -#include <qevent.h> -#include <qcolor.h> -#include <qkeycode.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> -#include "board.h" -#include "pacman.h" -#include "monster.h" -#include "fruit.h" -#include "painter.h" Referee::Referee( QWidget *parent, const char *name, int Scheme, int Mode, Bitfont *font) : QWidget( parent, name ) { gameState.resize(12); gameTimer = 0; energizerTimer = 0; focusedPause = FALSE; setFocusPolicy(QWidget::StrongFocus); initKeys(); scheme = Scheme; mode = Mode; confScheme(); board = new Board(BoardWidth*BoardHeight); pix = new Painter(board, this, scheme, mode, font); setFixedSize(pix->levelPix().size()); pacman = new Pacman(board); fruit = new Fruit(board); monsters = new QList<Monster>; monsters->setAutoDelete(TRUE); monsterRect = new QList<QRect>; monsterRect->setAutoDelete(TRUE); energizers = new QList<Energizer>; energizers->setAutoDelete(TRUE); energizerRect = new QList<QRect>; energizerRect->setAutoDelete(TRUE); pacmanRect.setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); fruitRect.setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); QTime midnight( 0, 0, 0 ); srand( midnight.secsTo(QTime::currentTime()) ); lifes = 0; points = 0; emit setLifes(lifes); emit setPoints(points); intro(); } void Referee::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e) { if (gameState.testBit(HallOfFame)) return; QRect rect = e->rect(); if (!rect.isEmpty()) { QPixmap p = pix->levelPix(); bitBlt(this, rect.x(), rect.y(), &p, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); } if ((gameState.testBit(GameOver) || gameState.testBit(Demonstration)) && rect.intersects(pix->rect(board->position(fruithome), tr("GAME OVER")))) pix->draw(board->position(fruithome), Widget, tr("GAME OVER"), RED); for (Energizer *e = energizers->first(); e != 0; e = energizers->next()) { if (e && e->state() == on && rect.intersects(pix->rect(e->position(), EnergizerPix)) && !(e->position() == pacman->position() && gameState.testBit(Scoring))) { if (e->pix() != -1) pix->draw(e->position(), Widget, EnergizerPix, e->pix()); } } if (!gameState.testBit(Init)) { if (!gameState.testBit(Dying) && (fruit->pix() != -1)) if (fruit->state() != active) { if (rect.intersects(pix->rect(fruit->position(), FruitScorePix, fruit->pix()))) pix->draw(fruit->position(), Widget, FruitScorePix, fruit->pix()); } else { if (rect.intersects(pix->rect(fruit->position(), FruitPix, fruit->pix()))) pix->draw(fruit->position(), Widget, FruitPix, fruit->pix()); } for (Monster *m = monsters->first(); m != 0; m = monsters->next()) if (m && m->state() == harmless && rect.intersects(pix->rect(m->position(), MonsterPix)) && !(m->position() == pacman->position() && gameState.testBit(Scoring))) { if (m->body() != -1) pix->draw(m->position(), Widget, MonsterPix, m->body()); if (m->eyes() != -1) pix->draw(m->position(), Widget, EyesPix, m->eyes()); } if (!gameState.testBit(Scoring) && !gameState.testBit(LevelDone) && rect.intersects(pix->rect(pacman->position(), PacmanPix)) && pacman->pix() != -1) pix->draw(pacman->position(), Widget, PacmanPix, pacman->pix()); for (Monster *m = monsters->first(); m != 0; m = monsters->next()) if (m && m->state() != harmless && rect.intersects(pix->rect(m->position(), MonsterPix)) && !(m->position() == pacman->position() && gameState.testBit(Scoring))) { if (m->body() != -1) pix->draw(m->position(), Widget, MonsterPix, m->body()); if (m->eyes() != -1) pix->draw(m->position(), Widget, EyesPix, m->eyes()); } } if (gameState.testBit(Scoring) && rect.intersects(pix->rect(pacman->position(), MonsterScorePix, monstersEaten-1))) pix->draw(pacman->position(), Widget, MonsterScorePix, monstersEaten-1); if (gameState.testBit(Init) && gameState.testBit(Dying) && timerCount < pix->maxPixmaps(DyingPix) && rect.intersects(pix->rect(pacman->position(), PacmanPix))) pix->draw(pacman->position(), Widget, DyingPix, timerCount); if (gameState.testBit(LevelDone) && rect.intersects(pix->rect(pacman->position(), PacmanPix))) pix->draw(pacman->position(), Widget, PacmanPix, pacman->pix()); if (gameState.testBit(Player) && rect.intersects(pix->rect(board->position(monsterhome, 0), tr("PLAYER ONE")))) pix->draw(board->position(monsterhome, 0), Widget, tr("PLAYER ONE"), CYAN); if (gameState.testBit(Ready) && rect.intersects(pix->rect(board->position(fruithome), tr("READY!")))) pix->draw(board->position(fruithome), Widget, tr("READY!"), YELLOW); if (gameState.testBit(Paused) && rect.intersects(pix->rect((BoardWidth*BoardHeight)/2-BoardWidth, tr("PAUSED")))) pix->draw((BoardWidth*BoardHeight)/2-BoardWidth, Widget, tr("PAUSED"), RED, BLACK); } void Referee::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *e ) { if (gameState.testBit(HallOfFame)) return; QRect lastRect; int lastPix; bool moved = FALSE; int eated = 0; if (e->timerId() == energizerTimer) { for (int e = 0; e < board->energizers(); e++) { lastRect = pix->rect(energizers->at(e)->position(), EnergizerPix); lastPix = energizers->at(e)->pix(); if (energizers->at(e)->move()) { moved = TRUE; *energizerRect->at(e) = pix->rect(energizers->at(e)->position(), EnergizerPix); if (lastPix == energizers->at(e)->pix() && lastRect == pix->rect(energizers->at(e)->position(), EnergizerPix)) energizerRect->at(e)->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); else *energizerRect->at(e) = pix->rect(*energizerRect->at(e), lastRect); } } for (int e = 0; e < board->energizers(); e++) if (!energizerRect->at(e)->isNull()) repaint(*energizerRect->at(e), FALSE); return; } timerCount++; lastRect = pix->rect(pacman->position(), PacmanPix); lastPix = pacman->pix(); if (moved = pacman->move()) { // pacman really moved pacmanRect = pix->rect(pacman->position(), PacmanPix); if (lastPix == pacman->pix() && lastRect == pix->rect(pacman->position(), PacmanPix)) pacmanRect.setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); // nothing to do, because the pixmap else // and the position isn't changed. pacmanRect = pix->rect(pacmanRect, lastRect); } else pacmanRect.setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); int pos = pacman->position(); if (moved && board->isMonster(pos) && !gameState.testBit(Dying)) { for (Monster *m = monsters->first(); m != 0; m = monsters->next()) if (m && m->position() == pos) { if (m->state() == harmless && !gameState.testBit(Dying)) { m->setREM(remTicks[level]); m->setDirection(X); // prevent movement before eaten() eated++; if (gameState.testBit(Introducing)) m->setPosition(OUT); } if (m->state() == dangerous && !gameState.testBit(Dying)) killed(); } } if (moved && !gameState.testBit(Dying)) { if (board->isPoint(pos)) { board->reset(pos, Point); score(pointScore); pix->erase(pos, PointPix); } if (board->isEnergizer(pos)) { for (int e = 0; e < board->energizers();e++) { if (energizers->at(e)->position() == pos) { energizers->at(e)->setOff(); energizers->remove(e); energizerRect->remove(e); e = board->energizers(); } } board->reset(pos, energizer); score(energizerScore); monstersEaten = 0; for (Monster *m = monsters->first(); m != 0; m = monsters->next()) if (m && m->state() != rem) { m->setHarmless(harmlessTicks[level], harmlessDurTicks[level], harmlessWarnTicks[level]); if (gameState.testBit(Introducing)) m->setDirection(board->turn(m->direction())); } } if (pos == fruit->position() && fruit->state() == active) { fruit->setEaten(fruitScoreDurTicks[level]); initFruit(FALSE); score(fruitScore[fruit->pix()]); } } if (!gameState.testBit(Introducing)) { if (fruit->state() != active && fruit->pix() >= 0) lastRect = pix->rect(fruit->position(), FruitScorePix, fruit->pix()); else lastRect = pix->rect(fruit->position(), FruitPix, fruit->pix()); lastPix = fruit->pix(); if (fruit->move()) { if (pos == fruit->position() && fruit->state() == active) { fruit->setEaten(fruitScoreDurTicks[level]); initFruit(FALSE); score(fruitScore[fruit->pix()]); } if (fruit->state() != active && fruit->pix() >= 0) fruitRect = pix->rect(fruit->position(), FruitScorePix, fruit->pix()); else fruitRect = pix->rect(fruit->position(), FruitPix, fruit->pix()); if (lastPix == fruit->pix() && lastRect == fruitRect) fruitRect.setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); else fruitRect = pix->rect(fruitRect, lastRect); } else fruitRect.setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } else fruitRect.setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); int lastBodyPix; int lastEyesPix; for (Monster *m = monsters->first(); m != 0; m = monsters->next()) if (m) { lastRect = pix->rect(m->position(), MonsterPix); lastBodyPix = m->body(); lastEyesPix = m->eyes(); if (m->move()) { moved = TRUE; *monsterRect->at(m->id()) = pix->rect(m->position(), MonsterPix); if (lastBodyPix == m->body() && lastEyesPix == m->eyes() && lastRect == pix->rect(m->position(), MonsterPix)) monsterRect->at(m->id())->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); else *monsterRect->at(m->id()) = pix->rect(*monsterRect->at(m->id()), lastRect); if (m->position() == pos && !gameState.testBit(Dying)) { if (m->state() == harmless && !gameState.testBit(Dying)) { m->setREM(remTicks[level]); eated++; if (gameState.testBit(Introducing)) { m->setPosition(OUT); m->setDirection(X); } } if (m->state() == dangerous && !gameState.testBit(Dying)) killed(); } } else monsterRect->at(m->id())->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } for (int m = 0; m < board->monsters(); m++) if (pacmanRect.intersects(*monsterRect->at(m))) { pacmanRect = pix->rect(pacmanRect, *monsterRect->at(m)); monsterRect->at(m)->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } else for (int im = m+1; im < board->monsters(); im++) if (monsterRect->at(m)->intersects(*monsterRect->at(im))) { *monsterRect->at(m) = pix->rect(*monsterRect->at(m), *monsterRect->at(im)); monsterRect->at(im)->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (!pacmanRect.isNull()) repaint(pacmanRect, FALSE); if (!fruitRect.isNull()) repaint(fruitRect, FALSE); for (int m = 0; m < board->monsters(); m++) if (!monsterRect->at(m)->isNull()) repaint(*monsterRect->at(m), FALSE); if (board->points() == 0 && !gameState.testBit(Dying)) levelUp(); if (eated > 0 && !gameState.testBit(Dying)) { timerCount = eated; eaten(); } if (gameState.testBit(Introducing) && moved) introPlay(); } void Referee::repaintFigures() { pacmanRect = pix->rect(pacman->position(), PacmanPix); for (int e = 0; e < board->energizers(); e++) { *energizerRect->at(e) = pix->rect(board->position(energizer, e), EnergizerPix); if (pacmanRect.intersects(*energizerRect->at(e))) { pacmanRect = pix->rect(pacmanRect, *energizerRect->at(e)); energizerRect->at(e)->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } else for (int ie = e+1; ie < board->energizers(); ie++) if (energizerRect->at(e)->intersects(*energizerRect->at(ie))) { *energizerRect->at(e) = pix->rect(*energizerRect->at(e), *energizerRect->at(ie)); energizerRect->at(ie)->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } } if (fruit->pix() != -1 && fruit->state() != active) fruitRect = pix->rect(fruit->position(), FruitScorePix, fruit->pix()); else fruitRect = pix->rect(fruit->position(), FruitPix, fruit->pix()); if (pacmanRect.intersects(fruitRect)) { pacmanRect = pix->rect(pacmanRect, fruitRect); fruitRect.setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } for (int m = 0; m < board->monsters(); m++) { *monsterRect->at(m) = pix->rect(board->position(monster, m), MonsterPix); if (pacmanRect.intersects(*monsterRect->at(m))) { pacmanRect = pix->rect(pacmanRect, *monsterRect->at(m)); monsterRect->at(m)->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } else for (int im = m+1; im < board->monsters(); im++) if (monsterRect->at(m)->intersects(*monsterRect->at(im))) { *monsterRect->at(m) = pix->rect(*monsterRect->at(m), *monsterRect->at(im)); monsterRect->at(im)->setRect(0, 0, 0, 0); } } if (!pacmanRect.isNull()) repaint(pacmanRect, FALSE); if (!fruitRect.isNull()) repaint(fruitRect, FALSE); for (int m = 0; m < board->monsters(); m++) if (!monsterRect->at(m)->isNull()) repaint(*monsterRect->at(m), FALSE); for (int e = 0; e < board->energizers(); e++) if (!energizerRect->at(e)->isNull()) repaint(*energizerRect->at(e), FALSE); } void Referee::initKeys() { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); QString up("Up"); up = cfg->readEntry("upKey", (const char*) up); UpKey = KAccel::stringToKey(up); QString down("Down"); down = cfg->readEntry("downKey", (const char*) down); DownKey = KAccel::stringToKey(down); QString left("Left"); left = cfg->readEntry("leftKey", (const char*) left); LeftKey = KAccel::stringToKey(left); QString right("Right"); right = cfg->readEntry("rightKey", (const char*) right); RightKey = KAccel::stringToKey(right); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Referee::fillArray(QArray<int> &array, QString values, int max) { if (max < 0) max = values.contains(',')+1; array.resize(max); int last = 0; bool ok; QString value; for (uint i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { if (values.find(',') < 0 && values.length() > 0) { value = values; values = ""; } if (values.find(',') >= 0) { value = values.left(values.find(',')); values.remove(0,values.find(',')+1); } array[i] = value.toInt(&ok); if (ok) last = array[i]; else array[i] = last; } } void Referee::fillStrList(QStrList &list, QString values, int max) { if (!list.isEmpty()) list.clear(); QString last = ""; QString value; for (uint i = 0; i < (uint) max; i++) { if (values.find(',') < 0 && values.length() > 0) { value = values; values = ""; } if (values.find(',') >= 0) { value = values.left(values.find(',')); values.remove(0,values.find(',')+1); } if (!value.isEmpty()) last = value; list.append(last); } } void Referee::fillMapName() { QStrList list = mapName; if (!mapName.isEmpty()) mapName.clear(); QString map; QFileInfo fileInfo; for (uint i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { map = list.at(i); if (map.left(1) != "/" && map.left(1) != "~") map = FIND_APP_DATA( mapDirectory+map ); fileInfo.setFile(map); if (!fileInfo.isReadable()) map = ""; mapName.append(map); } } void Referee::confLevels(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("Levels")) maxLevel = cfg->readNumEntry("Levels", 13); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Referee::confMisc(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("PixmapDirectory")) { pixmapDirectory = cfg->readEntry("PixmapDirectory"); if (pixmapDirectory.left(1) != "/" && pixmapDirectory.left(1) != "~") pixmapDirectory.insert(0, "pics/"); if (pixmapDirectory.right(1) != "/") pixmapDirectory.append("/"); } if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("MapDirectory")) { mapDirectory = cfg->readEntry("MapDirectory"); if (mapDirectory.left(1) != "/" && mapDirectory.left(1) != "~") mapDirectory.insert(0, "maps/"); if (mapDirectory.right(1) != "/") mapDirectory.append("/"); } if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("MapName")) fillStrList(mapName, cfg->readEntry("MapName", "map"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("MonsterIQ")) fillArray(monsterIQ, cfg->readEntry("MonsterIQ", "0,170,180,170,180,170,180"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitIQ")) fillArray(fruitIQ, cfg->readEntry("FruitIQ", "0,170,180,170,180,170,180"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitIndex")) fillArray(fruitIndex, cfg->readEntry("FruitIndex", "0"), maxLevel+1); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Referee::confTiming(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("SpeedMS")) fillArray(speed, cfg->readEntry("SpeedMS", "20"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("PacmanTicks")) fillArray(pacmanTicks,cfg->readEntry("PacmanTicks", "3"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("RemTicks")) fillArray(remTicks, cfg->readEntry("RemTicks", "1"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("DangerousTicks")) fillArray(dangerousTicks, cfg->readEntry("DangerousTicks", "3"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("HarmlessTicks")) fillArray(harmlessTicks, cfg->readEntry("HarmlessTicks", "7,6,,5,,4"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("HarmlessDurationTicks")) fillArray(harmlessDurTicks, cfg->readEntry("HarmlessDurationTicks", "375,,,300,,250,200,150"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("HarmlessWarningTicks")) fillArray(harmlessWarnTicks, cfg->readEntry("HarmlessWarningTicks", "135"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("ArrestTicks")) fillArray(arrestTicks, cfg->readEntry("ArrestTicks", "6"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("ArrestDurationTicks")) fillArray(arrestDurTicks, cfg->readEntry("ArrestDurationTicks", "200,,,150"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitTicks")) fillArray(fruitTicks, cfg->readEntry("FruitTicks", "7,6,,5,,4"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitAppearsTicks")) fillArray(fruitAppearsTicks, cfg->readEntry("FruitAppearsTicks", "1000,,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitDurationTicks")) fillArray(fruitDurTicks, cfg->readEntry("FruitDurationTicks", "500,,,400,350,300,,250,200,150"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitScoreDurationTicks")) fillArray(fruitScoreDurTicks, cfg->readEntry("FruitScoreDurationTicks", "150"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("MonsterScoreDurationMS")) monsterScoreDurMS = cfg->readNumEntry("MonsterScoreDurationMS", 1000); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("PlayerDurationMS")) playerDurMS = cfg->readNumEntry("PlayerDurationMS", 3000); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("ReadyDurationMS")) readyDurMS = cfg->readNumEntry("ReadyDurationMS", 2000); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("GameOverDurationMS")) gameOverDurMS = cfg->readNumEntry("GameOverDurationMS", 3000); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("AfterPauseMS")) afterPauseMS = cfg->readNumEntry("AfterPauseMS", 1000); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("DyingPreAnimationMS")) dyingPreAnimationMS = cfg->readNumEntry("DyingPreAnimationMS", 1000); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("DyingAnimationMS")) dyingAnimationMS = cfg->readNumEntry("DyingAnimationMS", 100); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("DyingPostAnimationMS")) dyingPostAnimationMS = cfg->readNumEntry("DyingPostAnimationMS", 500); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("IntroAnimationMS")) introAnimationMS = cfg->readNumEntry("IntroAnimationMS", 800); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("IntroPostAnimationMS")) introPostAnimationMS = cfg->readNumEntry("IntroPostAnimationMS", 1000); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("LevelUpPreAnimationMS")) levelUpPreAnimationMS = cfg->readNumEntry("LevelUpPreAnimationMS", 2000); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("LevelUpAnimationMS")) levelUpAnimationMS = cfg->readNumEntry("LevelUpAnimationMS", 2000); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("EnergizerAnimationMS")) energizerAnimationMS = cfg->readNumEntry("EnergizerAnimationMS", 200); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Referee::confScoring(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("PointScore")) pointScore = cfg->readNumEntry("PointScore", 10); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("EnergizerScore")) energizerScore = cfg->readNumEntry("EnergizerScore", 50); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("FruitScore")) fillArray(fruitScore, cfg->readEntry("FruitScore", "100,300,500,,700,,1000,,2000,,3000,,5000"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("MonsterScore")) fillArray(monsterScore, cfg->readEntry("MonsterScore", "200,400,800,1600"), 4); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("ExtraLifeScore")) fillArray(extraLifeScore, cfg->readEntry("ExtraLifeScore", "10000"), -1); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Referee::confScheme() { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); SAVE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); QString newgroup; // if not set, read mode and scheme from the configfile if (mode == -1 && scheme == -1) { scheme = cfg->readNumEntry("Scheme", -1); mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); // if mode is not set in the defGroup-group, lookup the scheme group if (scheme != -1 || mode == -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); } } confLevels(); if (mode != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Mode %d", mode); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confLevels(FALSE); } if (scheme != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confLevels(FALSE); } RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); confMisc(); confTiming(); confScoring(); if (mode != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Mode %d", mode); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confMisc(FALSE); confTiming(FALSE); confScoring(FALSE); } if (scheme != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confMisc(FALSE); confTiming(FALSE); confScoring(FALSE); } fillMapName(); RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Referee::setScheme(int Scheme, int Mode, Bitfont *font) { mode = Mode; scheme = Scheme; confScheme(); pix->setScheme(scheme, mode, font); pacman->setMaxPixmaps(pix->maxPixmaps(PacmanPix)); fruit->setMaxPixmaps(pix->maxPixmaps(FruitPix)); for (Monster *m = monsters->first(); m != 0; m = monsters->next()) if (m) m->setMaxPixmaps(pix->maxPixmaps(MonsterPix), pix->maxPixmaps(EyesPix)); for (Energizer *e = energizers->first(); e != 0; e = energizers->next()) if (e) e->setMaxPixmaps(pix->maxPixmaps(EnergizerPix)); if (gameState.testBit(Introducing)) for (int i = 0; i < (gameState.testBit(Init) ? timerCount : 15); i++) introPaint(i); setFixedSize(pix->levelPix().size()); repaint(); } void Referee::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *k ) { uint key = k->key(); if ( !gameState.testBit(Playing) && ( key == Key_Up || key == Key_Down || key == Key_Left || key == Key_Right ) ) play(); if (gameState.testBit(Paused) || gameState.testBit(HallOfFame) || gameState.testBit(Demonstration) || gameState.testBit(Dying) || gameState.testBit(Ready) || gameState.testBit(LevelDone) || !gameState.testBit(Playing)) return; if (key == UpKey) pacman->setDirection(N); else if (key == DownKey) pacman->setDirection(S); else if (key == RightKey) pacman->setDirection(E); else if (key == LeftKey) pacman->setDirection(W); #ifdef CHEATS else if (key == Key_L) { printf("levelUp()\n"); levelUp(); } else if (key == Key_F) { printf("fruit->move(TRUE)\n"); fruit->move(TRUE); repaint(FALSE); } else if (key == Key_E) { printf("setLifes(++lifes)\n"); emit setLifes(++lifes); } #endif else { k->ignore(); return; } k->accept(); } void Referee::score(int p) { if (!gameState.testBit(Playing)) return; if ((points += p) < 0) points = 0; emit setPoints(points); if (points >= nextExtraLifeScore) { emit setLifes(++lifes); if (extraLifeScoreIndex < (int) extraLifeScore.size()-1) extraLifeScoreIndex++; if (extraLifeScore[extraLifeScoreIndex] < 0) nextExtraLifeScore = extraLifeScore[extraLifeScoreIndex] * -1; else nextExtraLifeScore += extraLifeScore[extraLifeScoreIndex]; } } void Referee::eaten() { if (gameState.testBit(Ready)) return; stop(); if (monstersEaten < 4) monstersEaten++; gameState.setBit(Scoring); score(monsterScore[monstersEaten-1]); repaint(pix->rect(pix->rect(pacman->position(), MonsterPix), pix->rect(pacman->position(), MonsterScorePix, monstersEaten-1))); if (--timerCount > 0) QTimer::singleShot( monsterScoreDurMS, this, SLOT(eaten())); else { for (Monster *m = monsters->first(); m != 0; m = monsters->next()) if (m && m->direction() == X && !gameState.testBit(Introducing)) m->setDirection(N); if (monstersEaten != 4 || !gameState.testBit(Introducing)) QTimer::singleShot( monsterScoreDurMS, this, SLOT(start())); } } void Referee::toggleHallOfFame() { gameState.toggleBit(HallOfFame); } void Referee::hallOfFame() { if (gameState.testBit(HallOfFame)) // If the HallOfFame is switched on manually, toggle the toggleHallOfFame(); // bit twice. emit setLevel(0); // Clear status display for hall of fame emit setScore(level, 0); emit forcedHallOfFame(TRUE); } void Referee::pause() { static int pausedTimer = 0; if (!gameState.testBit(Paused)) { pausedTimer = gameTimer; stop(); stopEnergizer(); gameState.setBit(Paused); repaint(pix->rect((BoardWidth*BoardHeight)/2-BoardWidth, tr("PAUSED")), FALSE); } else { gameState.clearBit(Paused); repaint(pix->rect((BoardWidth*BoardHeight)/2-BoardWidth, tr("PAUSED")), FALSE); if (pausedTimer) { pausedTimer = 0; start(); } } emit togglePaused(); } void Referee::intro() { stop(); stopEnergizer(); bool paused = gameState.testBit(Paused); gameState.fill(FALSE); gameState.setBit(Introducing); gameState.setBit(Init); if (paused) gameState.setBit(Paused); level = 0; emit setLevel(level); board->init(Intro); pix->setLevel(level); initPacman(); initFruit(); initMonsters(); initEnergizers(); repaint(); monstersEaten = 0; timerCount = 0; introPlay(); } void Referee::introMonster(int id) { Monster *m = new Monster(board, id); m->setPosition((10+id*6)*BoardWidth+10); m->setDirection(E); m->setDangerous(dangerousTicks[level], monsterIQ[level]); m->setMaxPixmaps(pix->maxPixmaps(MonsterPix), pix->maxPixmaps(EyesPix)); if (m->body() != -1) pix->draw(m->position(), RoomPix, MonsterPix, m->body()); if (m->eyes() != -1) pix->draw(m->position(), RoomPix, EyesPix, m->eyes()); repaint(pix->rect(m->position(), MonsterPix), FALSE); m->setPosition(OUT); } void Referee::introPaint(int t) { QString pts; switch (t) { case 0 : repaint(pix->draw(16, 6, RoomPix, tr("CHARACTER"), WHITE, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); repaint(pix->draw(36, 6, RoomPix, tr("/"), WHITE, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); repaint(pix->draw(40, 6, RoomPix, tr("NICKNAME"), WHITE, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); break; case 1 : introMonster(0); break; case 2 : repaint(pix->draw(16, 10, RoomPix, tr("-SHADOW"), RED, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); break; case 3 : repaint(pix->draw(38, 10, RoomPix, tr("\"BLINKY\""), RED, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); break; case 4 : introMonster(1); break; case 5 : repaint(pix->draw(16, 16, RoomPix, tr("-SPEEDY"), PINK, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); break; case 6 : repaint(pix->draw(38, 16, RoomPix, tr("\"PINKY\""), PINK, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); break; case 7 : introMonster(2); break; case 8 : repaint(pix->draw(16, 22, RoomPix, tr("-BASHFUL"), CYAN, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); break; case 9 : repaint(pix->draw(38, 22, RoomPix, tr("\"INKY\""), CYAN, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); break; case 10 : introMonster(3); break; case 11 : repaint(pix->draw(16, 28, RoomPix, tr("-POKEY"), ORANGE, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); break; case 12 : repaint(pix->draw(38, 28, RoomPix, tr("\"CLYDE\""), ORANGE, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); break; case 13 : pts.sprintf("%d", pointScore); repaint(pix->draw(28, 44, RoomPix, pts.data(), WHITE, QColor(), AlignRight), FALSE); repaint(pix->draw(31, 44, RoomPix, "\x1C\x1D\x1E", WHITE, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); pts.sprintf("%d", energizerScore); repaint(pix->draw(28, 48, RoomPix, pts.data(), WHITE, QColor(), AlignRight), FALSE); repaint(pix->draw(31, 48, RoomPix, "\x1C\x1D\x1E", WHITE, QColor(), AlignLeft), FALSE); break; case 14 : // "@ 1980 MIDWAY MFG.CO." #if defined( KDE2_PORT ) repaint(pix->draw(30, 58, RoomPix, "© 1998-2002 J.THÖNNISSEN", PINK), FALSE); #elif defined( QPE_PORT ) repaint(pix->draw(30, 55, RoomPix, "© 1998-2002 J.THÖNNISSEN", PINK), FALSE); repaint(pix->draw(29, 58, RoomPix, tr("QTOPIA PORT: CATALIN CLIMOV"), GREEN), FALSE); repaint(pix->draw(29, 61, RoomPix, tr("PRESS CURSOR TO START"), GREEN), FALSE); #endif break; } } void Referee::introPlay() { if (!gameState.testBit(Introducing) || gameState.testBit(Ready)) return; if (gameState.testBit(Paused) || gameState.testBit(HallOfFame)) { QTimer::singleShot(afterPauseMS, this, SLOT(introPlay())); return; } if (!gameState.testBit(Init)) { if (monstersEaten == 4) { stop(); QTimer::singleShot(introPostAnimationMS, this, SLOT(demo())); } if (pacman->direction() == W) { int id = -1; if (pacman->position() == 37*BoardWidth-6) id = 0; else if (board->isMonster(37*BoardWidth-6)) for (Monster *m = monsters->first(); m != 0; m = monsters->next()) if (m && m->position() == 37*BoardWidth-6) { id = m->id(); id++; break; } if (id >= 0 && id <= 4) for (Monster *m = monsters->first(); m != 0; m = monsters->next()) if (m && m->id() == id && m->position() == OUT) { m->setPosition(37*BoardWidth-1); m->setDirection(W); m->setDangerous(dangerousTicks[level], monsterIQ[level]); board->set(37*BoardWidth-1, monsterhome, id); repaint(pix->rect(m->position(), MonsterPix)); break; } } return; } if (timerCount < 15) introPaint(timerCount); switch (timerCount) { case 13 : board->set(44*BoardWidth+22, Point); pix->drawPoint(44*BoardWidth+22); repaint(pix->rect(44*BoardWidth+22, PointPix), FALSE); energizers->at(0)->setPosition(48*BoardWidth+22); energizers->at(0)->setOn(); repaint(pix->rect(48*BoardWidth+22, EnergizerPix), FALSE); break; case 14 : energizers->at(1)->setPosition(36*BoardWidth+10); energizers->at(1)->setOn(); repaint(pix->rect(36*BoardWidth+10, EnergizerPix), FALSE); for (int pos = 8; pos < BoardWidth; pos++) { board->set(34*BoardWidth+pos, out); board->set(38*BoardWidth+pos, out); } board->set(36*BoardWidth+8, out); break; case 15 : gameState.clearBit(Init); initPacman(); pacman->setDemo(TRUE); pacman->setPosition(37*BoardWidth-1); repaintFigures(); start(); return; } if (timerCount++ < 15) QTimer::singleShot(introAnimationMS, this, SLOT(introPlay())); } void Referee::demo() { if (gameState.testBit(Ready)) return; if (gameState.testBit(Paused) || gameState.testBit(HallOfFame)) { QTimer::singleShot(afterPauseMS, this, SLOT(demo())); return; } stop(); stopEnergizer(); gameState.fill(FALSE); gameState.setBit(Init); gameState.setBit(Demonstration); level = 0; emit setLevel(level); board->init(Demo, mapName.at(0)); pix->setLevel(level); initPacman(); initFruit(); initMonsters(); initEnergizers(); gameState.clearBit(Init); repaint(); timerCount = 0; QTimer::singleShot(playerDurMS, this, SLOT(start())); } void Referee::play() { stop(); stopEnergizer(); gameState.fill(FALSE); gameState.setBit(Init); gameState.setBit(Playing); gameState.setBit(Player); gameState.setBit(Ready); lifes = 3; level = 1; points = 0; extraLifeScoreIndex = 0; nextExtraLifeScore = extraLifeScore[extraLifeScoreIndex]; if (nextExtraLifeScore < 0) nextExtraLifeScore *= -1; board->init(Level, mapName.at(level)); pix->setLevel(level); initPacman(); initFruit(); initMonsters(); initEnergizers(); repaint(); emit toggleNew(); emit setLifes(lifes); emit setLevel(level); emit setPoints(points); repaint(pix->rect(board->position(monsterhome, 0), tr("PLAYER ONE")), FALSE); repaint(pix->rect(board->position(fruithome), tr("READY!")), FALSE); timerCount = 0; QTimer::singleShot(playerDurMS, this, SLOT(ready())); } void Referee::ready() { if (gameState.testBit(Paused) || gameState.testBit(HallOfFame)) { QTimer::singleShot(afterPauseMS, this, SLOT(ready())); return; } if (gameState.testBit(Player)) { emit setLifes(--lifes); gameState.clearBit(Player); gameState.clearBit(Init); repaint(pix->rect(board->position(monsterhome, 0), tr("PLAYER ONE")), FALSE); repaintFigures(); QTimer::singleShot(playerDurMS, this, SLOT(ready())); return; } if (gameState.testBit(Ready)) { gameState.clearBit(Ready); repaint(pix->rect(board->position(fruithome), tr("READY!")), FALSE); start(); } else { gameState.setBit(Ready); gameState.clearBit(Init); repaint(pix->rect(board->position(fruithome), tr("READY!")), FALSE); QTimer::singleShot(readyDurMS, this, SLOT(ready())); } } void Referee::levelUp() { stop(); stopEnergizer(); gameState.setBit(LevelDone); pacman->setPosition(pacman->position()); // set mouthPosition to "0" repaint(pix->rect(pacman->position(), PacmanPix)); timerCount = 0; QTimer::singleShot(levelUpPreAnimationMS, this, SLOT(levelUpPlay())); } void Referee::levelUpPlay() { if (gameState.testBit(Ready)) return; if (gameState.testBit(Paused) || gameState.testBit(HallOfFame)) { QTimer::singleShot(afterPauseMS, this, SLOT(levelUpPlay())); return; } switch (timerCount) { case 0 : gameState.setBit(Init); setOnEnergizers(); repaintFigures(); break; case 1 : gameState.clearBit(LevelDone); repaint(pix->rect(pacman->position(), PacmanPix)); break; } if (timerCount++ < 2) { QTimer::singleShot(levelUpAnimationMS, this, SLOT(levelUpPlay())); return; } gameState.clearBit(Init); if (gameState.testBit(Demonstration)) { hallOfFame(); return; } if (level < maxLevel) level++; board->init(Level, mapName.at(level)); pix->setLevel(level); initPacman(); initFruit(); initMonsters(); initEnergizers(); repaint(); emit setLevel(level); ready(); } void Referee::start() { if (gameState.testBit(Ready)) return; if (gameState.testBit(Paused) || gameState.testBit(HallOfFame)) { QTimer::singleShot(afterPauseMS, this, SLOT(start())); return; } if (gameState.testBit(Scoring)) { gameState.clearBit(Scoring); repaint(pix->rect(pix->rect(pacman->position(), MonsterPix), pix->rect(pacman->position(), MonsterScorePix, monstersEaten-1))); } if (!gameTimer) gameTimer = startTimer( speed [level] ); if (!energizerTimer) energizerTimer = startTimer( energizerAnimationMS ); } void Referee::start(int t) { gameTimer = startTimer(t); } void Referee::stop() { if (gameTimer) { killTimer (gameTimer); gameTimer = 0; } } void Referee::stopEnergizer() { if (energizerTimer) { killTimer (energizerTimer); energizerTimer = 0; } } void Referee::killed() { if (gameState.testBit(Ready)) return; if (!gameState.testBit(Dying)) { gameState.setBit(Dying); pacman->setDirection(X, TRUE); for (Monster *m = monsters->first(); m != 0; m = monsters->next()) if (m) m->setDirection(X); QTimer::singleShot(dyingPreAnimationMS, this, SLOT(killed())); } else { stop(); if (gameState.testBit(Paused) || gameState.testBit(HallOfFame)) { QTimer::singleShot(afterPauseMS, this, SLOT(killed())); return; } gameState.setBit(Init); repaintFigures(); timerCount = 0; killedPlay(); } } void Referee::killedPlay() { if (!gameState.testBit(Dying) || gameState.testBit(Ready)) return; if (gameState.testBit(Paused) || gameState.testBit(HallOfFame)) { QTimer::singleShot(afterPauseMS, this, SLOT(killedPlay())); return; } if (timerCount <= pix->maxPixmaps(DyingPix)) { repaint(pix->rect(pacman->position(), PacmanPix), FALSE); if (timerCount >= pix->maxPixmaps(DyingPix)-1 || timerCount == 0) QTimer::singleShot(dyingPostAnimationMS, this, SLOT(killedPlay())); else QTimer::singleShot(dyingAnimationMS, this, SLOT(killedPlay())); timerCount++; } else { gameState.clearBit(Dying); stopEnergizer(); if (lifes == 0) { gameState.setBit(GameOver); gameState.clearBit(Playing); for (int e = 0; e < board->energizers(); e++) { energizers->at(e)->setOff(); repaint(pix->rect(board->position(energizer, e), EnergizerPix), FALSE); } repaint(pix->rect(board->position(fruithome), tr("GAME OVER")), FALSE); QTimer::singleShot(gameOverDurMS, this, SLOT(hallOfFame())); } else { gameState.clearBit(Init); initPacman(); initFruit(); initMonsters(); initEnergizers(); emit setLifes(--lifes); repaintFigures(); ready(); } } } void Referee::initPacman() { pacman->setMaxPixmaps(pix->maxPixmaps(PacmanPix)); pacman->setDemo(gameState.testBit(Demonstration)); pacman->setPosition(board->position(pacmanhome)); pacman->setDirection(W, TRUE); pacman->setAlive(pacmanTicks[level]); } void Referee::initFruit(bool fullInitialization) { if (fullInitialization) { fruit->setMaxPixmaps(pix->maxPixmaps(FruitPix)); if (fruitIndex[level] == 0) fruit->setLevel(level, fruitAppearsTicks[level], fruitDurTicks[level], fruitTicks[level]); else if (fruitIndex[level] < 0) fruit->setLevel(pix->maxPixmaps(FruitPix)+1, fruitAppearsTicks[level], fruitDurTicks[level], fruitTicks[level]); else fruit->setLevel(fruitIndex[level], fruitAppearsTicks[level], fruitDurTicks[level], fruitTicks[level]); } if (board->tunnels() > 0) fruit->setMovement(board->position(tunnel, rand() % board->tunnels()), board->position(tunnel, rand() % board->tunnels()), fruitIQ[level]); } void Referee::initMonsters() { if( !monsters->isEmpty()) monsters->clear(); if( !monsterRect->isEmpty()) monsterRect->clear(); for (int id = 0; id < (gameState.testBit(Introducing) ? 4 : board->monsters()); id++) { Monster *m = new Monster(board, id); monsters->append(m); QRect *r = new QRect(); monsterRect->append(r); if (!gameState.testBit(Introducing)) { m->setFreedom(board->position(prisonexit)); m->setDangerous(dangerousTicks[level], monsterIQ[level]); if (id == 0) m->setPrison(board->position(prisonentry)); else { m->setPrison(board->position(monsterhome, id)); m->setArrested(arrestTicks[level], arrestDurTicks[level]*id); } m->setPosition(board->position(monsterhome, id)); switch(id) { case 0 : m->setDirection(W); break; case 1 : m->setDirection(N); break; default : m->setDirection(S); } } m->setMaxPixmaps(pix->maxPixmaps(MonsterPix), pix->maxPixmaps(EyesPix)); } } void Referee::initEnergizers() { if( !energizers->isEmpty()) energizers->clear(); if( !energizerRect->isEmpty()) energizerRect->clear(); for (int id = 0; id < (gameState.testBit(Introducing) ? 2 : board->energizers()); id++) { Energizer *e = new Energizer(board); energizers->append(e); QRect *r = new QRect(); energizerRect->append(r); if (!gameState.testBit(Introducing)) { e->setPosition(board->position(energizer, id)); e->setOn(); } e->setMaxPixmaps(pix->maxPixmaps(EnergizerPix)); } } void Referee::setOnEnergizers() { for (int e = 0; e < board->energizers(); e++) { energizers->at(e)->setOn(); } } void Referee::setFocusOutPause(bool FocusOutPause) { focusOutPause = FocusOutPause; } void Referee::setFocusInContinue(bool FocusInContinue) { focusInContinue = FocusInContinue; } void Referee::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *) { if (focusInContinue && focusedPause && gameState.testBit(Paused) && gameState.testBit(Playing)) { pause(); } } void Referee::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *) { if (focusOutPause && !gameState.testBit(Paused) && gameState.testBit(Playing)) { focusedPause = TRUE; pause(); } } diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/score.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/score.cpp index e91771b..6878b81 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kpacman/score.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/score.cpp @@ -1,581 +1,575 @@ #include "portable.h" #if defined( KDE2_PORT ) #include <score.h> #include <score.moc> #include <kaccel.h> #include <kapp.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kstddirs.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> #elif defined( QPE_PORT ) #include <qaccel.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include "score.h" #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> -#include <qstring.h> -#include <qdstream.h> -#include <qkeycode.h> #include <qtimer.h> -#include <qfileinfo.h> -#include "bitfont.h" Score::Score(QWidget *parent, const char *name, int Scheme, int Mode, Bitfont *font) : QWidget(parent, name) { setFocusPolicy(QWidget::StrongFocus); paused = FALSE; lastScore = -1; lastPlayer = -1; cursorBlinkTimer = 0; cursorBlinkMS = -1; cursor.x = -1; cursor.y = -1; cursor.on = FALSE; cursor.chr = QChar('?'); initKeys(); scheme = Scheme; mode = Mode; confScheme(); bitfont = font; highscoreFile.setName(locateHighscoreFilePath().filePath()); read(); for (int p = 0; p < maxPlayer; p++) { playerScore[p] = 0; playerName[p] = getenv("LOGNAME"); if (playerName[p].length() < minPlayerNameLength) playerName[p].setExpand(minPlayerNameLength-1, ' '); for (uint i = 0; i < playerName[p].length(); i++) if (playerName[p].at(i) < bitfont->firstChar() || playerName[p].at(i) > bitfont->lastChar()) playerName[p].at(i) = playerName[p].at(i).upper(); } } Score::~Score() { // write(); } void Score::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e) { if (rect(1, 0, tr(" 1UP ")).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix; QColor fg = BLACK; if (cursor.on || paused || lastPlayer != 0) fg = WHITE; pix = bitfont->text(tr(" 1UP "), fg, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(1), y(0), &pix); } if (rect(8, 0, tr(" HIGH SCORE ")).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr(" HIGH SCORE "), WHITE, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(8), y(0), &pix); } if (maxPlayer > 1 && rect(21, 0, tr(" 2UP ")).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix; QColor fg = BLACK; if (cursor.on || paused || lastPlayer != 1) fg = WHITE; pix = bitfont->text(tr(" 2UP "), fg, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(21), y(0), &pix); } QString s; s.sprintf("%6d0", playerScore[0]/10); if (rect(0, 1, s).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(s, WHITE, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(0), y(1), &pix); } s.sprintf("%8d0", HighScore/10); if (rect(8, 1, s).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(s, WHITE, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(8), y(1), &pix); } if (lastScore >= 0) { if (rect(1, 4*1.25, tr(" CONGRATULATIONS ")).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr(" CONGRATULATIONS "), YELLOW, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(1), y(4*1.25), &pix); } if (rect(1, 6*1.25, tr(" YOU HAVE ARCHIEVED ")).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr(" YOU HAVE ARCHIEVED "), CYAN, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(1), y(6*1.25), &pix); } if (rect(1, 7*1.25, tr(" A SCORE IN THE TOP 10. ")).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr(" A SCORE IN THE TOP 10. "), CYAN, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(1), y(7*1.25), &pix); } if (rect(1, 8*1.25, tr(" ")).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr(" "), CYAN, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(1), y(8*1.25), &pix); } } if (rect(1, 9.5*1.25, tr("RNK SCORE NAME DATE")).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr("RNK SCORE NAME DATE"), WHITE, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(1), y(9.5*1.25), &pix); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { s.sprintf("%2d%9d %-3.3s %-8.8s", i+1, hallOfFame[i].points, hallOfFame[i].name.utf8().data(), formatDate(hallOfFame[i].moment.date()).data()); if (rect(1, (11+i)*1.25, s).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(s, (i == lastScore) ? YELLOW : WHITE, BLACK); bitBlt(this, x(1), y((11+i)*1.25), &pix); } } if (cursor.x != -1 && cursor.y != -1 && cursor.on) { if (rect(cursor.x, (cursor.y*1.25), cursor.chr).intersects(e->rect())) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(cursor.chr, BLACK, YELLOW); bitBlt(this, x(cursor.x), y(cursor.y*1.25), &pix); } } if (paused) { QPixmap pix = bitfont->text(tr("PAUSED"), RED, BLACK); QRect r = bitfont->rect(tr("PAUSED")); r.moveCenter(QPoint(this->width()/2, this->height()/2)); bitBlt(this, r.x(), r.y(), &pix); } } void Score::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) { cursor.on = !cursor.on; if (paused) return; if (cursor.x != -1 && cursor.y != -1) repaint(rect(cursor.x, cursor.y*1.25, cursor.chr), FALSE); scrollRepeat = FALSE; if (lastPlayer == 0) repaint(rect(1, 0, tr(" 1UP ")), FALSE); if (lastPlayer == 1) repaint(rect(21, 0, tr(" 2UP ")), FALSE); } void Score::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *k) { if (lastScore < 0 || lastPlayer < 0 || lastPlayer >= maxPlayer || paused) { k->ignore(); return; } int x = cursor.x; int y = cursor.y; uint key = k->key(); if (scrollRepeat && (key == UpKey || key == Key_Up || key == DownKey || key == Key_Down)) { k->ignore(); return; } if (key != Key_Return) { if (key == RightKey || key == Key_Right) if (++cursor.x > 16) cursor.x = 14; if (key == LeftKey || key == Key_Left) if (--cursor.x < 14) cursor.x = 16; if (key == UpKey || key == Key_Up) if (cursor.chr.unicode() < bitfont->lastChar()) cursor.chr = cursor.chr.unicode()+1; else cursor.chr = bitfont->firstChar(); if (key == DownKey || key == Key_Down) if (cursor.chr.unicode() > bitfont->firstChar()) cursor.chr = cursor.chr.unicode()-1; else cursor.chr = bitfont->lastChar(); if (cursor.x == x && cursor.y == y && cursor.chr == hallOfFame[lastScore].name.at(cursor.x-14)) { uint ascii = k->ascii(); if (ascii < bitfont->firstChar() || ascii > bitfont->lastChar()) ascii = toupper(ascii); if (ascii >= bitfont->firstChar() && ascii <= bitfont->lastChar()) { cursor.chr = ascii; hallOfFame[lastScore].name.at(cursor.x-14) = cursor.chr; if (++cursor.x > 16) cursor.x = 14; } } } if (key == Key_Return) { playerName[lastPlayer] = hallOfFame[lastScore].name; write(); read(); lastScore = -1; cursor.x = -1; cursor.y = -1; // killTimers(); emit toggleNew(); end(); } if (x != cursor.x || y != cursor.y) { if (cursor.x != -1) cursor.chr = hallOfFame[lastScore].name.at(cursor.x-14); scrollRepeat = FALSE; repaint(rect(x, y*1.25, cursor.chr), FALSE); } else hallOfFame[lastScore].name.at(cursor.x-14) = cursor.chr; if (key == UpKey || key == Key_Up || key == DownKey || key == Key_Down) scrollRepeat = TRUE; else repaint(rect(cursor.x, cursor.y*1.25, cursor.chr), FALSE); } void Score::initKeys() { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); QString up("Up"); up = cfg->readEntry("upKey", (const char*) up); UpKey = KAccel::stringToKey(up); QString down("Down"); down = cfg->readEntry("downKey", (const char*) down); DownKey = KAccel::stringToKey(down); QString left("Left"); left = cfg->readEntry("leftKey", (const char*) left); LeftKey = KAccel::stringToKey(left); QString right("Right"); right = cfg->readEntry("rightKey", (const char*) right); RightKey = KAccel::stringToKey(right); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Score::confTiming(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("CursorBlinkMS")) cursorBlinkMS = cfg->readNumEntry("CursorBlinkMS", 250); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("HallOfFameMS")) hallOfFameMS = cfg->readNumEntry("HallOfFameMS", 7000); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("AfterPauseMS")) afterPauseMS = cfg->readNumEntry("AfterPauseMS", 1000); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Score::confScheme() { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); SAVE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); QString newgroup; // if not set, read mode and scheme from the configfile if (mode == -1 && scheme == -1) { scheme = cfg->readNumEntry("Scheme", -1); mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); // if mode is not set in the defGroup-group, lookup the scheme group if (scheme != -1 || mode == -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); } } int oldCursorBlinkMS = cursorBlinkMS; confTiming(); if (mode != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Mode %d", mode); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confTiming(FALSE); } if (scheme != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confTiming(FALSE); } if (cursorBlinkMS != oldCursorBlinkMS) { if (cursorBlinkTimer) killTimer(cursorBlinkTimer); cursorBlinkTimer = startTimer(cursorBlinkMS); } RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Score::setScheme(int Scheme, int Mode, Bitfont *font) { mode = Mode; scheme = Scheme; confScheme(); bitfont = font; for (int p = 0; p < maxPlayer; p++) for (uint i = 0; i < playerName[p].length(); i++) if (playerName[p].at(i) < bitfont->firstChar() || playerName[p].at(i) > bitfont->lastChar()) playerName[p].at(i) = playerName[p].at(i).upper(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) for (uint j = 0; j < hallOfFame[i].name.length(); j++) if (hallOfFame[i].name.at(j) < bitfont->firstChar() || hallOfFame[i].name.at(j) > bitfont->lastChar()) hallOfFame[i].name.at(j) = hallOfFame[i].name.at(j).upper(); if (cursor.chr.unicode() < bitfont->firstChar() || cursor.chr.unicode() > bitfont->lastChar()) cursor.chr = cursor.chr.upper(); } void Score::set(int score) { set(score, 0); } void Score::set(int score, int player) { if (player < 0 || player >= maxPlayer) return; lastPlayer = player; playerScore[lastPlayer] = score; QString s; s.sprintf("%6d0", playerScore[lastPlayer]/10); repaint(rect(0, 1, s), FALSE); if (score > HighScore) { HighScore = score; s.sprintf("%8d0", HighScore/10); repaint(rect(8, 1, s), FALSE); } } /* * Set the score for player after the game if over. If the score is in the * high scores then the hall of fame is updated (shifted) and the scoreboard * is shown. */ void Score::setScore(int level, int player) { lastScore = -1; if (player < 0 || player >= maxPlayer || level == 0) { if (level != 0) emit toggleNew(); QTimer::singleShot(hallOfFameMS, this, SLOT(end())); return; } lastPlayer = player; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) if ( playerScore[lastPlayer] > hallOfFame[i].points) { lastScore = i; break; } if (lastScore < 0) { emit toggleNew(); QTimer::singleShot(hallOfFameMS, this, SLOT(end())); return; } for (int i = 9; i > lastScore && i > 0; i--) hallOfFame[i] = hallOfFame[i-1]; hallOfFame[lastScore].points = playerScore[lastPlayer]; hallOfFame[lastScore].levels = level; hallOfFame[lastScore].moment = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); hallOfFame[lastScore].name = playerName[lastPlayer]; cursor.x = 14; cursor.y = 11+lastScore; cursor.chr = hallOfFame[lastScore].name.at(cursor.x-14); // startTimer(cursorBlinkMS); setFocus(); } /* * Read the highscores, if no file or a file shorter than 4 bytes (versions before 0.2.4 stores only * the points of one highscore) exists - the highscores were initialized with default values. */ void Score::read() { if (highscoreFile.exists() && highscoreFile.size() > 4) { if (highscoreFile.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { QDataStream s(&highscoreFile); char *name; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { s >> hallOfFame[i].points >> hallOfFame[i].levels >> hallOfFame[i].duration >> hallOfFame[i].moment >> name; hallOfFame[i].name = QString::fromLatin1(name); delete(name); } highscoreFile.close(); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { hallOfFame[i].points = 5000; hallOfFame[i].levels = 0; hallOfFame[i].duration = QTime(); hallOfFame[i].moment = QDateTime(); hallOfFame[i].name = "???"; } // write(); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) for (uint j = 0; j < hallOfFame[i].name.length(); j++) if (hallOfFame[i].name.at(j) < bitfont->firstChar() || hallOfFame[i].name.at(j) > bitfont->lastChar()) hallOfFame[i].name.at(j) = hallOfFame[i].name.at(j).upper(); HighScore = hallOfFame[0].points; } void Score::write() { if (highscoreFile.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { QDataStream s(&highscoreFile); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) s << hallOfFame[i].points << hallOfFame[i].levels << hallOfFame[i].duration << hallOfFame[i].moment << hallOfFame[i].name.latin1(); highscoreFile.close(); } } void Score::setPause(bool Paused) { paused = Paused; QRect r = bitfont->rect(tr("PAUSED")); r.moveCenter(QPoint(this->width()/2, this->height()/2)); repaint(r, TRUE); // repaint 1UP or 2UP repaint(FALSE); } void Score::end() { if (paused) { QTimer::singleShot(afterPauseMS, this, SLOT(end())); return; } // repaint 1UP or 2UP lastPlayer = -1; repaint(FALSE); emit forcedHallOfFame(FALSE); } /* * Return the date in a formatted QString. The format can be changed using internationalization * of the string "YY/MM/DD". Invalid QDate's where returned as "00/00/00". */ QString Score::formatDate(QDate date) { QString s = tr("@YY@/@MM@/@DD@"); QString dd; dd.sprintf("%02d", date.isValid() ? date.year() % 100 : 0); s.replace(QRegExp("@YY@"), dd); dd.sprintf("%02d", date.isValid() ? date.month() : 0); s.replace(QRegExp("@MM@"), dd); dd.sprintf("%02d", date.isValid() ? date.day() : 0); s.replace(QRegExp("@DD@"), dd); return s; } QRect Score::rect(int col, float row, QString str, int align) { QRect r = bitfont->rect(str); r.moveBy(x(col), y(row)); int dx = 0; int dy = 0; if (align & AlignLeft || align & AlignRight) { dx = (str.length()-1) * (bitfont->width()/2); if (align & AlignRight) dx *= -1; } if (align & AlignTop || align & AlignBottom) { dy = bitfont->height()/2; if (align & AlignBottom) dy *= -1; } if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) r.moveBy(dx, dy); return r; } int Score::x(int col) { return col*bitfont->width(); } int Score::y(float row) { return (int) (row*(bitfont->height()+bitfont->height()/4)); } /** * Ermittelt die zu benutzende "highscore"-Datei, in die auch geschrieben werden kann. * Über den "highscoreFilePath"-KConfig-Eintrag, kann abweichend von der Standardlokation * der Standort der "highscore"-Datei spezifiziert werden. * Wenn die systemweite "highscore"-Datei nicht beschrieben werden kann, wird mit einer * privaten Datei gearbeitet. */ QFileInfo Score::locateHighscoreFilePath() { return privateHighscoreFileInfo; } diff --git a/noncore/games/kpacman/status.cpp b/noncore/games/kpacman/status.cpp index 2a17c21..02ff63d 100644 --- a/noncore/games/kpacman/status.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/kpacman/status.cpp @@ -1,368 +1,366 @@ #include "portable.h" #if defined( KDE2_PORT ) #include <kapp.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kstddirs.h> #include <status.h> #include <status.moc> #elif defined( QPE_PORT ) #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include "status.h" #endif -#include <qpixmap.h> #include <qbitmap.h> -#include <qstring.h> #include <qmsgbox.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> Status::Status( QWidget *parent, const char *name, int Scheme, int Mode ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { qWarning("Status::Status"); actualLifes = 0; actualLevel = 0; lifesPix = NULL; levelPix = NULL; scheme = Scheme; mode = Mode; level = 0; confScheme(); } QList<QPixmap> *Status::loadPixmap(QWidget *parent, QString pixmapName, QList<QPixmap> *pixmaps) { if (pixmaps == NULL) { pixmaps = new QList<QPixmap>; pixmaps->setAutoDelete(TRUE); } if (!pixmaps->isEmpty()) pixmaps->clear(); QPixmap PIXMAP(pixmapName); if (PIXMAP.isNull() || PIXMAP.mask() == NULL) { QString msg = tr("The pixmap could not be contructed.\n\n" "The file '@PIXMAPNAME@' does not exist,\n" "or is of an unknown format."); msg.replace(QRegExp("@PIXMAPNAME@"), pixmapName); QMessageBox::information(parent, tr("Initialization Error"), (const char *) msg); return 0; } int height = PIXMAP.height(); int width = (height == 0) ? 0 : PIXMAP.width()/(PIXMAP.width()/height); QBitmap BITMAP; QBitmap MASK; BITMAP = *PIXMAP.mask(); MASK.resize(width, height); for (int x = 0; x < PIXMAP.width()/width; x++) { QPixmap *pixmap = new QPixmap(width, height); pixmaps->append(pixmap); bitBlt(pixmap, 0, 0, &PIXMAP, x*width, 0, width, height, CopyROP, TRUE); bitBlt(&MASK, 0, 0, &BITMAP, x*width, 0, width, height, CopyROP, TRUE); pixmap->setMask(MASK); } return pixmaps; } void Status::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *) { for (int x = 0; x < actualLifes && !lifesPix->isEmpty(); x++) bitBlt(this, lifesPix->at(0)->width()+(lifesPix->at(0)->width()*x), (height()-lifesPix->at(0)->height())/2, lifesPix->at(0), 0, 0, lifesPix->at(0)->width(), lifesPix->at(0)->height()); for (int x = 0; x < actualLevel && !levelPix->isEmpty(); x++) { erase((width()-levelPix->at(x)->width()*2)-(levelPix->at(x)->width()*levelPos[x]), (height()-levelPix->at(x)->height())/2, levelPix->at(x)->width(), levelPix->at(x)->height()); bitBlt(this, (width()-levelPix->at(x)->width()*2)-(levelPix->at(x)->width()*levelPos[x]), (height()-levelPix->at(x)->height())/2, levelPix->at(x), 0, 0, levelPix->at(x)->width(), levelPix->at(x)->height()); } } void Status::initPixmaps() { if (lastLifesPixmapName != lifesPixmapName.at(level)) { lifesPix = loadPixmap(this, lifesPixmapName.at(level), lifesPix); lastLifesPixmapName = lifesPixmapName.at(level); } if (lastLevelPixmapName != levelPixmapName.at(level)) { levelPix = loadPixmap(this, levelPixmapName.at(level), levelPix); lastLevelPixmapName = levelPixmapName.at(level); } } QString Status::decodeHexOctString(QString s) { QString value; QString valids; int pos, xpos = 0, opos = 0; int v, len, leadin; const char *ptr; uchar c; while (((xpos = s.find(QRegExp("\\\\x[0-9a-fA-F]+"), xpos)) != -1) || ((opos = s.find(QRegExp("\\\\[0-7]+"), opos)) != -1)) { if (xpos != -1) { valids = "0123456789abcdef"; leadin = 2; pos = xpos; } else { valids = "01234567"; leadin = 1; pos = opos; } c = '\0'; len = 0; value = s.mid(pos+leadin, 3); ptr = (const char *) value; while (*ptr != '\0' && (v = valids.find(*ptr++, 0, FALSE)) != -1) { c = (c * valids.length()) + v; len++; } value.fill(c, 1); s.replace(pos, len+leadin, value); } return s; } void Status::fillArray(QArray<int> &array, QString values, int max) { array.resize(max); int last = 0; bool ok; QString value; for (uint i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { if (values.find(',') < 0 && values.length() > 0) { value = values; values = ""; } if (values.find(',') >= 0) { value = values.left(values.find(',')); values.remove(0,values.find(',')+1); } array[i] = value.toInt(&ok); if (ok) last = array[i]; else array[i] = last; } } void Status::fillStrList(QStrList &list, QString values, int max) { if (!list.isEmpty()) list.clear(); QString last = ""; QString value; for (uint i = 0; i < (uint) max; i++) { if (values.find(',') < 0 && values.length() > 0) { value = values; values = ""; } if (values.find(',') >= 0) { value = values.left(values.find(',')); values.remove(0,values.find(',')+1); } if (!value.isEmpty()) last = decodeHexOctString(value); list.append(last); } } void Status::fillPixmapName(QStrList &pixmapName) { QStrList list = pixmapName; if (!pixmapName.isEmpty()) pixmapName.clear(); QString pixmap; QFileInfo fileInfo; for (uint i = 0; i < list.count(); i++) { pixmap = list.at(i); if (pixmap.left(1) != "/" && pixmap.left(1) != "~") pixmap = FIND_APP_DATA( pixmapDirectory+pixmap ); fileInfo.setFile(pixmap); if (!fileInfo.isReadable() || !fileInfo.isFile()) pixmap = ""; pixmapName.append(pixmap); } } void Status::confLevels(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("Levels")) maxLevel = cfg->readNumEntry("Levels", 13); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Status::confMisc(bool defGroup) { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("LevelPosition")) fillArray(levelPos, cfg->readEntry("LevelPosition", "0,1,2,3,,4,,5,,6,,7"), maxLevel); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("PixmapDirectory")) { pixmapDirectory = cfg->readEntry("PixmapDirectory"); if (pixmapDirectory.left(1) != "/" && pixmapDirectory.left(1) != "~") pixmapDirectory.insert(0, "pics/"); if (pixmapDirectory.right(1) != "/") pixmapDirectory.append("/"); } if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("LifesPixmapName")) fillStrList(lifesPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("LifesPixmapName", "lifes.xpm"), maxLevel+1); if (defGroup || cfg->hasKey("LevelPixmapName")) fillStrList(levelPixmapName, cfg->readEntry("LevelPixmapName", "fruit.xpm"), maxLevel+1); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Status::confScheme() { APP_CONFIG_BEGIN( cfg ); SAVE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); QString newgroup; // if not set, read mode and scheme from the configfile if (mode == -1 && scheme == -1) { scheme = cfg->readNumEntry("Scheme", -1); mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); // if mode is not set in the defGroup-group, lookup the scheme group if (scheme != -1 || mode == -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); mode = cfg->readNumEntry("Mode", -1); RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); } } confLevels(); if (mode != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Mode %d", mode); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confLevels(FALSE); } if (scheme != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confLevels(FALSE); } RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); confMisc(); if (mode != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Mode %d", mode); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confMisc(FALSE); } if (scheme != -1) { newgroup.sprintf("Scheme %d", scheme); cfg->setGroup(newgroup); confMisc(FALSE); } fillPixmapName(lifesPixmapName); fillPixmapName(levelPixmapName); initPixmaps(); setFixedHeight(minHeight()); RESTORE_CONFIG_GROUP( cfg, oldgroup ); APP_CONFIG_END( cfg ); } void Status::setScheme(int Scheme, int Mode) { mode = Mode; scheme = Scheme; confScheme(); repaint(); } int Status::minHeight() { if (lifesPix->isEmpty() && levelPix->isEmpty()) return 0; if (levelPix->isEmpty()) return lifesPix->at(0)->height(); if (lifesPix->isEmpty()) return levelPix->at(0)->height(); return (lifesPix->at(0)->height() > levelPix->at(0)->height()) ? lifesPix->at(0)->height() : levelPix->at(0)->height(); } int Status::minWidth() { if (lifesPix->isEmpty() && levelPix->isEmpty()) return 0; if (levelPix->isEmpty()) return lifesPix->at(0)->width(); if (lifesPix->isEmpty()) return levelPix->at(0)->width(); return (lifesPix->at(0)->width() > levelPix->at(0)->width()) ? lifesPix->at(0)->width() : levelPix->at(0)->width(); } void Status::setLifes(int lifes) { actualLifes = lifes; repaint(); } void Status::setLevel(int Level) { level = Level; initPixmaps(); actualLevel = (level > (int) levelPix->count()) ? (int) levelPix->count() : level; repaint(); } diff --git a/noncore/games/mindbreaker/mindbreaker.cpp b/noncore/games/mindbreaker/mindbreaker.cpp index e1f43d0..2b924c6 100644 --- a/noncore/games/mindbreaker/mindbreaker.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/mindbreaker/mindbreaker.cpp @@ -1,957 +1,953 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "mindbreaker.h" #include <qtopia/resource.h> #include <qtopia/config.h> #include <qtopia/qpeapplication.h> #include <qtoolbar.h> -#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> -#include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> -#include <qlabel.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> static int pegRTTI = 3393393; static int adjusted_panel_height; static int adjusted_panel_width; static int adjusted_bin_margin; static int adjusted_peg_size; static int adjusted_answerpeg_size; static int adjusted_title_height; static int adjusted_title_width; static int adjusted_first_peg_x_diff; static int adjusted_first_peg_y_diff; static int adjusted_peg_spacing; static int adjusted_answerpegx; static int adjusted_answerpegy; static int adjusted_answerpeg_xdiff; static int adjusted_answerpeg_ydiff; static int adjusted_board_height; static int adjusted_board_width; static void setupBoardSize(int w, int h) { adjusted_panel_width = w * 3/4; adjusted_title_width = w * 3/4; adjusted_title_height = h/10; adjusted_panel_height = (h-adjusted_title_height)/9; adjusted_bin_margin = w * 10/240; adjusted_peg_size = adjusted_panel_height*3/4; adjusted_answerpeg_size = QMIN(adjusted_panel_width*15/180,adjusted_panel_height*15/25); // looks a bit dodgy on larger sizes if ( adjusted_peg_size > 40 ) adjusted_peg_size = 40; adjusted_first_peg_x_diff = w * 31/240-adjusted_peg_size/2; adjusted_first_peg_y_diff = (adjusted_panel_height - adjusted_peg_size)/2; adjusted_peg_spacing = w * 30/240; // looks a bit dodgy on larger sizes (still does though, but not as much...) if ( adjusted_answerpeg_size > 22 ) adjusted_answerpeg_size = 22; adjusted_answerpegx = adjusted_panel_width * 159/180 - adjusted_answerpeg_size/2; adjusted_answerpegy = adjusted_panel_height/3 - adjusted_answerpeg_size/2; adjusted_answerpeg_xdiff = adjusted_panel_width * 10/180; adjusted_answerpeg_ydiff = adjusted_panel_height * 9/25; adjusted_board_height = adjusted_title_height + (adjusted_panel_height * 9); adjusted_board_width = adjusted_panel_width + (adjusted_bin_margin * 2) + adjusted_peg_size; // qDebug("Adjusted width %d height %d", adjusted_board_width, adjusted_board_height); } /* helper class, */ class Peg : public QCanvasRectangle { public: Peg(QCanvas *canvas, int type, int go = -1, int pos = -1); int rtti() const {return pegRTTI; } void advance(int phase); bool hit( const QPoint &) const; /* a placed peg is one that has been set down on the board correctly and should not be moved, only copied */ bool placed() const; void setPlaced(bool); int pegGo() const; int pegPos() const; void setPegPos(int); int type() const; static void buildImages(); static QImage imageForType(int t); static int eggLevel; protected: void drawShape(QPainter &); private: static QVector<QImage> normalPegs; static QVector<QImage> specialPegs; bool isplaced; int pegtype; int peg_go; int peg_pos; int aniStep; }; int Peg::eggLevel = 0; QVector<QImage> Peg::normalPegs; QVector<QImage> Peg::specialPegs; void Peg::buildImages() { QImage pegs = Resource::loadImage("mindbreaker/pegs"); int x = 0; int y = 0; int i; eggLevel = 0; normalPegs.resize(10); for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { normalPegs.insert(i, new QImage(pegs.copy(x, y, peg_size, peg_size). smoothScale(adjusted_peg_size, adjusted_peg_size) )); x += peg_size; } specialPegs.resize(5); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { specialPegs.insert(i, new QImage(pegs.copy(x,y,peg_size, peg_size). smoothScale(adjusted_peg_size, adjusted_peg_size) )); x += peg_size; } QImage image = Resource::loadImage("mindbreaker/mindbreaker"); /* copy from master image to functional images */ x = 0; y = panel_height; normalPegs.insert(8, new QImage( image.copy(x, y, panel_width, panel_height). smoothScale( adjusted_panel_width, adjusted_panel_height) )); y += panel_height; y += title_height; normalPegs.insert(9, new QImage(image.copy(x, y, title_width, title_height). smoothScale( adjusted_title_width, adjusted_title_height) )); y += title_height; x = 6 * peg_size; normalPegs.insert(6, new QImage(image.copy(x, y, answerpeg_size, answerpeg_size). smoothScale( adjusted_answerpeg_size, adjusted_answerpeg_size) )); x += answerpeg_size; normalPegs.insert(7, new QImage(image.copy(x, y, answerpeg_size, answerpeg_size). smoothScale( adjusted_answerpeg_size, adjusted_answerpeg_size) )); } QImage Peg::imageForType(int t) { if (eggLevel > t ) { if( t < 5) { return *specialPegs[t]; } else { return *normalPegs[rand() % 6]; } } return *normalPegs[t]; } Peg::Peg(QCanvas *canvas , int t, int g, int p) : QCanvasRectangle(canvas) { setSize(normalPegs[t]->width(), normalPegs[t]->height() ); pegtype = t; isplaced = FALSE; peg_pos = p; peg_go = g; aniStep = rand() % 6; setAnimated(TRUE); } void Peg::advance(int phase) { if (phase == 0) aniStep = (++aniStep) % 6; else { hide(); show(); } } void Peg::drawShape(QPainter &p ) { if ((pegtype == 5) && eggLevel > 5) { p.drawImage(int(x()), int(y()), *normalPegs[aniStep]); } else p.drawImage(int(x()), int(y()), imageForType(pegtype)); } bool Peg::hit( const QPoint &p ) const { int ix = p.x() - int(x()); int iy = p.y() - int(y()); if (!normalPegs[pegtype]->valid(ix, iy)) return FALSE; QRgb pixel = normalPegs[pegtype]->pixel(ix, iy); return (qAlpha(pixel ) != 0); } inline bool Peg::placed() const { return isplaced; } inline int Peg::pegGo() const { return peg_go; } inline int Peg::pegPos() const { return peg_pos; } inline void Peg::setPegPos(int p) { peg_pos = p; } inline void Peg::setPlaced(bool p) { isplaced = p; } inline int Peg::type() const { return pegtype; } /* Load the main image, copy from it the pegs, the board, and the answer image * and use these to create the tray, answer and board */ MindBreaker::MindBreaker( QWidget *parent, const char *name, int wFlags ) : QMainWindow(parent, name, wFlags) { setCaption( tr("Mind Breaker")); QPEApplication::setInputMethodHint( this, QPEApplication::AlwaysOff ); setMinimumSize(160,210); QWidget *w = new QWidget( this ); w->setBackgroundColor( black ); QHBoxLayout *hb = new QHBoxLayout( w ); hb->addStretch(); board = new MindBreakerBoard(w); hb->addWidget( board, 100 ); hb->addStretch(); setCentralWidget(w); setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); QToolBar *tb = new QToolBar(this); tb->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); QIconSet newicon = Resource::loadIconSet("new"); new QToolButton(newicon, tr("New Game"), 0, board, SLOT(clear()), tb, "NewGame"); score = new QToolButton(tb); score->setText(""); score->setMaximumHeight(20); score->setUsesTextLabel(TRUE); tb->setStretchableWidget(score); connect(board, SIGNAL(scoreChanged(int,int)), this, SLOT(setScore(int,int))); connect(score, SIGNAL(clicked()), board, SLOT(resetScore())); int a, b; board->getScore(&a, &b); setScore(a,b); layout()->setResizeMode(QLayout::FreeResize); } void MindBreaker::setScore(int turns, int games) { double average; double total_turns = turns; double total_games = games; if(total_games > 0) average = total_turns / total_games; else average = 0.0; score->setText(tr("win avg: %1 turns (%2 games)").arg(average).arg(games)); } void MindBreaker::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e ) { board->fixSize(); QMainWindow::resizeEvent( e ); } MindBreakerBoard::MindBreakerBoard( QWidget *parent, const char *name, int wFlags ) : QCanvasView(0, parent, name, wFlags), moving(0), game_over(FALSE), total_turns(0), total_games(0) { setFrameStyle( NoFrame ); setupBoardSize(qApp->desktop()->width(),qApp->desktop()->height()); cnv.resize(100,100); setCanvas(&cnv); setBackgroundColor( black ); struct timeval tv; current_go = 0; gettimeofday(&tv, 0); srand(tv.tv_usec); canvas()->setAdvancePeriod(500); current_highlight = 0; widthTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect(widthTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(doFixSize()) ); setMaximumWidth( QMIN(qApp->desktop()->height(),qApp->desktop()->width()) ); //doFixSize(); // build images... needs to be done before reading config. //readConfig(); // first read... to ensure initial labels and side look right. } void MindBreakerBoard::readConfig() { Config c("MindBreaker", Config::User); c.setGroup("Board"); game_over = FALSE; int i; if (c.readNumEntry("Answer0") < 0) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { answer[i] = rand() % 6; current_guess[i] = 6; } total_turns = 0; total_games = 0; } else { int j; c.setGroup("Score"); total_turns = c.readNumEntry("Turns"); total_games = c.readNumEntry("Games"); if(total_turns < 0) total_turns = 0; if(total_games < 0) total_games = 0; checkScores(); c.setGroup("Board"); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) answer[i] = c.readNumEntry(QString("Answer%1").arg(i)); /* read, and parse past guesses */ current_go = 0; for(j=0; j < 9; j++) { current_guess[0] = c.readNumEntry(QString("Go%1p0").arg(j)); if (current_guess[0] < 0) break; placeGuessPeg(0, current_guess[0]); current_guess[1] = c.readNumEntry(QString("Go%1p1").arg(j)); placeGuessPeg(1, current_guess[1]); current_guess[2] = c.readNumEntry(QString("Go%1p2").arg(j)); placeGuessPeg(2, current_guess[2]); current_guess[3] = c.readNumEntry(QString("Go%1p3").arg(j)); placeGuessPeg(3, current_guess[3]); checkGuess(); } for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { current_guess[i] = c.readNumEntry(QString("CurrentGo%1").arg(i)); if (current_guess[i] != 6) placeGuessPeg(i, current_guess[i]); } } } MindBreakerBoard::~MindBreakerBoard() { int i; if (game_over) { current_go = 0; /* clear the answer, clear the guess */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { answer[i] = rand() % 6; current_guess[i] = 6; } } writeConfig(); } void MindBreakerBoard::writeConfig() { Config c("MindBreaker", Config::User); c.setGroup("Board"); c.clearGroup(); /* write the board */ int i,j; for (i = 0; i < current_go; i++) { for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) c.writeEntry(QString("Go%1p%2").arg(i).arg(j), past_guesses[4*i+j]); } for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) c.writeEntry(QString("CurrentGo%1").arg(j), current_guess[j]); for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) c.writeEntry(QString("Answer%1").arg(j), answer[j]); c.setGroup("Score"); /* write the score */ c.writeEntry("Turns", total_turns); c.writeEntry("Games", total_games); } void MindBreakerBoard::getScore(int *a, int *b) { *a = total_turns; *b = total_games; return; } void MindBreakerBoard::fixSize() { hide(); setMaximumWidth( parentWidget()->height() ); widthTimer->start( 20, TRUE ); } void MindBreakerBoard::doFixSize() { QSize s = size(); int fw = frameWidth(); s.setWidth(s.width() - fw); s.setHeight(s.height() - fw); /* min size is 200 x 260 */ /* if (s.width() < adjusted_board_width) s.setWidth(adjusted_board_width); if (s.height() < adjusted_board_height) s.setHeight(adjusted_board_height); */ if ( current_highlight ) // non-first resize writeConfig(); setupBoardSize(s.width() - fw, s.height() - fw); canvas()->resize(s.width() - fw, s.height() - fw); Peg::buildImages(); // must be done BEFORE any pegs are made QImage image = Resource::loadImage("mindbreaker/mindbreaker"); /* copy from master image to functional images */ int x = 0; int y = 0; panelImage = image.copy(x, y, panel_width, panel_height). smoothScale( adjusted_panel_width, adjusted_panel_height); y += panel_height; y += panel_height; titleImage = image.copy(x, y, title_width, title_height). smoothScale( adjusted_title_width, adjusted_title_height); show(); delete current_highlight; current_highlight = new Peg(canvas(), 8); current_highlight->setPlaced(TRUE); current_highlight->setX(0); current_highlight->setY(adjusted_board_height - ((current_go + 1) * adjusted_panel_height)); current_highlight->setZ(0); current_highlight->show(); /* set up the game */ //readConfig(); /* draw initial screen */ //drawBackground(); //canvas()->update(); clear(); readConfig(); } void MindBreakerBoard::placeGuessPeg(int pos, int pegId) { int x = adjusted_first_peg_x_diff + (pos * adjusted_peg_spacing); int y = adjusted_board_height - ((current_go + 1) * adjusted_panel_height) + adjusted_first_peg_y_diff; Peg *peg = new Peg(canvas(), pegId, current_go, pos); peg->setPegPos(pos); peg->setPlaced(TRUE); peg->setX(x); peg->setY(y); peg->setZ(2); peg->show(); } void MindBreakerBoard::drawBackground() { int i, j, x, y, x_gap, y_gap; QPixmap background = QPixmap(canvas()->width(), canvas()->height()); QPainter painter(&background); painter.fillRect(0, 0, canvas()->width(), canvas()->height(), QColor(0,0,0)); /* very first thing is to draw the bins, as everything else needs * to be drawn over them */ QPen pen(QColor(85, 45, 27), 4); painter.setPen(pen); x_gap = canvas()->width() - (adjusted_panel_width + (2 * adjusted_bin_margin)); //x_gap += peg_size >> 1; if (x_gap < 1) x_gap = 1; y_gap = adjusted_board_height / 6; y_gap -= (2 * adjusted_bin_margin); //y_gap += peg_size >> 1; if (y_gap < 1) y_gap = 1; x = adjusted_panel_width + adjusted_bin_margin - (adjusted_peg_size >> 1); y = adjusted_bin_margin - (adjusted_peg_size >> 1) + 2; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) { int rx = x + (rand() % x_gap); int ry = y + (rand() % y_gap); painter.drawImage(rx,ry, Peg::imageForType(i)); } y += adjusted_board_height / 6; } /* now draw the surrounding boxes */ x_gap = canvas()->width() - adjusted_panel_width; if (x_gap < 1) x_gap = 1; y_gap = adjusted_board_height / 6; x = adjusted_panel_width; y = 1; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { painter.drawRect(x, y, x_gap, y_gap); y += y_gap; } x = 0; y = 0; painter.drawImage(x,y, titleImage); y = adjusted_title_height; /* now nine gues panels */ for (i = 0; i < 9; i ++) { painter.drawImage(x, y, panelImage); y += adjusted_panel_height; } painter.flush(); canvas()->setBackgroundPixmap(background); } void MindBreakerBoard::checkGuess() { int i,j; int num_white = 0; int num_black = 0; int copy_answer[4]; int copy_guess[4]; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { copy_answer[i] = answer[i]; copy_guess[i] = current_guess[i]; if (current_guess[i] == 6) return; if (answer[i] == current_guess[i]) { num_black++; copy_answer[i] = 6; copy_guess[i] = 7; } } /* now sure that user has completed a 'guess' */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (copy_guess[i] == 7) continue; // already marked for a black for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if(copy_guess[i] == copy_answer[j]) { copy_answer[j] = 6; num_white++; break; } } } int x = adjusted_answerpegx; int y = (adjusted_board_height - ((current_go + 1) * adjusted_panel_height)) + adjusted_answerpegy; if (num_black == 4) game_over = TRUE; while(num_black > 0) { Peg *p = new Peg(canvas(), 7); p->setPlaced(TRUE); p->setX(x); p->setY(y); p->setZ(1); p->show(); num_black--; if (x == adjusted_answerpegx) x = adjusted_answerpegx + adjusted_answerpeg_xdiff; else { x = adjusted_answerpegx; y += adjusted_answerpeg_ydiff; } } while(num_white > 0){ Peg *p = new Peg(canvas(), 6); p->setPlaced(TRUE); p->setX(x); p->setY(y); p->setZ(1); p->show(); num_white--; if (x == adjusted_answerpegx) x = adjusted_answerpegx + adjusted_answerpeg_xdiff; else { x = adjusted_answerpegx; y += adjusted_answerpeg_ydiff; } } /* move to next go */ for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { past_guesses[4*current_go+i] = current_guess[i]; current_guess[i] = 6; } current_go++; if((current_go > 8) || game_over) { total_games++; if(!game_over) total_turns += 10; else total_turns += current_go; emit scoreChanged(total_turns, total_games); Peg *p = new Peg(canvas(), 9); game_over = TRUE; p->setPlaced(TRUE); p->setX(0); p->setY(0); p->setZ(0); p->show(); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { p = new Peg(canvas(), answer[i], -1); p->setX(adjusted_first_peg_x_diff + (i * adjusted_peg_spacing)); p->setY(adjusted_first_peg_y_diff); p->setZ(3); p->show(); } } else { current_highlight->setY(adjusted_board_height - ((current_go + 1) * adjusted_panel_height)); } canvas()->update(); } void MindBreakerBoard::clear() { if(!game_over) { total_games++; total_turns += 10; emit scoreChanged(total_turns, total_games); } int i; /* reset the game board */ game_over = FALSE; /* clear the answer, clear the guess */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { answer[i] = rand() % 6; current_guess[i] = 6; } current_go = 0; QCanvasItemList list = canvas()->allItems(); QCanvasItemList::Iterator it = list.begin(); for (; it != list.end(); ++it) { if (*it == current_highlight) continue; if (*it) delete *it; } current_highlight->setY(adjusted_board_height - ((current_go + 1) * adjusted_panel_height)); checkScores(); drawBackground(); canvas()->update(); } void MindBreakerBoard::resetScore() { /* are u sure */ if (QMessageBox::information(this, tr( "Reset Statistics" ), tr( "Reset the win ratio?" ), tr( "OK" ), tr( "Cancel" ) ) == 0) { total_turns = 0; total_games = 0; Peg::eggLevel = 0; drawBackground(); canvas()->update(); emit scoreChanged(total_turns, total_games); } } /* EVENTS */ void MindBreakerBoard::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if (game_over) { null_press = TRUE; null_point = e->pos(); moving = 0; return; } copy_press = FALSE; null_press = FALSE; /* ok, first work out if it is one of the bins that got clicked */ if (e->x() > adjusted_panel_width) { /* its a bin, but which bin */ int bin = (e->y() + 2) / (adjusted_board_height / 6); if (bin > 5) return; // missed everything /* make new peg... set it moving */ moving_pos = e->pos(); moving = new Peg(canvas(), bin, current_go); moving->setX(e->x() - (adjusted_peg_size >> 1)); moving->setY(e->y() - (adjusted_peg_size >> 1)); moving->setZ(5); moving->show(); canvas()->update(); return; } QCanvasItemList l = canvas()->collisions(e->pos()); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it !=l.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it)->rtti() == pegRTTI ) { Peg *item = (Peg *)(*it); if (!item->hit(e->pos())) continue; if (item->type() > 5) { null_press = TRUE; null_point = e->pos(); continue; /* not a color peg */ } if (item->placed()) { /* copy */ if(item->pegGo() == -1) return; if(item->pegGo() == current_go) { copy_press = TRUE; copy_peg = item; } moving = new Peg(canvas(), item->type(), current_go); moving->setX(e->x() - (adjusted_peg_size >> 1)); moving->setY(e->y() - (adjusted_peg_size >> 1)); moving->setZ(5); moving->show(); moving_pos = QPoint(e->x(), e->y()); canvas()->update(); return; } moving = (Peg *)*it; moving_pos = e->pos(); canvas()->update(); return; } } null_press = TRUE; null_point = e->pos(); moving = 0; } void MindBreakerBoard::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { if (moving ) { moving->moveBy(e->pos().x() - moving_pos.x(), e->pos().y() - moving_pos.y()); moving_pos = e->pos(); canvas()->update(); return; } } void MindBreakerBoard::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { /* time to put down the peg */ if(moving) { if(copy_press) { /* check if collided with original. if so, delete both */ copy_press = FALSE; QCanvasItemList l = canvas()->collisions(e->pos()); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it !=l.end(); ++it) { if (*it == copy_peg) copy_press = TRUE; } if (copy_press) { current_guess[copy_peg->pegPos()] = 6; delete copy_peg; delete moving; copy_press = FALSE; moving = 0; copy_peg = 0; canvas()->update(); return; } } /* first work out if in y */ if (e->y() > (adjusted_board_height - (current_go * adjusted_panel_height))) { delete moving; moving = 0; canvas()->update(); return; } if (e->y() < (adjusted_board_height - ((current_go + 1) * adjusted_panel_height))) { delete moving; moving = 0; canvas()->update(); return; } /* ok, a valid go, but which peg */ int x_bar = adjusted_first_peg_x_diff - (adjusted_peg_size >> 1); x_bar += adjusted_peg_spacing; int pos = 0; if (e->x() > x_bar) pos = 1; x_bar += adjusted_peg_spacing; if (e->x() > x_bar) pos = 2; x_bar += adjusted_peg_spacing; if (e->x() > x_bar) pos = 3; x_bar += adjusted_peg_spacing; if (e->x() > x_bar) { /* invalid x */ delete moving; moving = 0; canvas()->update(); return; } int x = adjusted_first_peg_x_diff + (pos * adjusted_peg_spacing); int y = adjusted_board_height - ((current_go + 1) * adjusted_panel_height) + adjusted_first_peg_y_diff; moving->setPegPos(pos); moving->setX(x); moving->setY(y); moving->setZ(2); /* remove all other pegs from this position */ QCanvasItemList l = canvas()->collisions(QPoint(x,y)); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it !=l.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it)->rtti() == pegRTTI ) { Peg *item = (Peg *)(*it); if ((item != moving) && (item != current_highlight)) delete item; } } current_guess[pos] = ((Peg *)moving)->type(); ((Peg *)moving)->setPlaced(true); canvas()->update(); return; } moving = 0; null_point -= e->pos(); if(null_point.manhattanLength() < 6) { if (game_over) clear(); else checkGuess(); } } void MindBreakerBoard::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { QCanvasView::resizeEvent(e); fixSize(); } /* Easter egg function... beat the clock */ void MindBreakerBoard::checkScores() { double games = total_games; double turns = total_turns; double g = games / 10.0; Peg::eggLevel = 0; double break_even = 5.0; if (g < 1.0) return; double avg = turns / games; g--; while (break_even >= 0.0) { if (avg >= (break_even + g)) return; // score a peg. break_even -= 1.0; Peg::eggLevel = int(5.0 - break_even); } } diff --git a/noncore/games/minesweep/main.cpp b/noncore/games/minesweep/main.cpp index bd70f7c..e187be5 100644 --- a/noncore/games/minesweep/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/minesweep/main.cpp @@ -1,27 +1,26 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "minesweep.h" -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<MineSweep> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/minesweep/minefield.cpp b/noncore/games/minesweep/minefield.cpp index 1790110..72c05b0 100644 --- a/noncore/games/minesweep/minefield.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/minesweep/minefield.cpp @@ -1,751 +1,747 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "minefield.h" #include <qtopia/config.h> #include <qtopia/qpeapplication.h> -#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qdrawutil.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> -#include <qimage.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <stdlib.h> static const char *pix_flag[]={ "13 13 3 1", "# c #000000", "x c #ff0000", ". c None", ".............", ".............", ".....#xxxxxx.", ".....#xxxxxx.", ".....#xxxxxx.", ".....#xxxxxx.", ".....#.......", ".....#.......", ".....#.......", ".....#.......", "...#####.....", "..#######....", "............."}; static const char *pix_mine[]={ "13 13 3 1", "# c #000000", ". c None", "a c #ffffff", "......#......", "......#......", "..#.#####.#..", "...#######...", "..##aa#####..", "..##aa#####..", "#############", "..#########..", "..#########..", "...#######...", "..#.#####.#..", "......#......", "......#......"}; static const int maxGrid = 28; static const int minGrid = 12; class Mine : public Qt { public: enum MineState { Hidden = 0, Empty, Mined, Flagged, #ifdef MARK_UNSURE Unsure, #endif Exploded, Wrong }; Mine( MineField* ); void paint( QPainter * p, const QColorGroup & cg, const QRect & cr ); QSize sizeHint() const { return QSize( maxGrid, maxGrid ); } void activate( bool sure = TRUE ); void setHint( int ); void setState( MineState ); MineState state() const { return st; } bool isMined() const { return mined; } void setMined( bool m ) { mined = m; } static void paletteChange(); private: bool mined; int hint; MineState st; MineField *field; static QPixmap* knownField; static QPixmap* unknownField; static QPixmap* flag_pix; static QPixmap* mine_pix; }; QPixmap* Mine::knownField = 0; QPixmap* Mine::unknownField = 0; QPixmap* Mine::flag_pix = 0; QPixmap* Mine::mine_pix = 0; Mine::Mine( MineField *f ) { mined = FALSE; st = Hidden; hint = 0; field = f; } void Mine::activate( bool sure ) { if ( !sure ) { switch ( st ) { case Hidden: setState( Flagged ); break; case Flagged: #ifdef MARK_UNSURE setState( Unsure ); break; case Unsure: #endif setState( Hidden ); default: break; } } else if ( st == Flagged ) { return; } else { if ( mined ) { setState( Exploded ); } else { setState( Empty ); } } } void Mine::setState( MineState s ) { st = s; } void Mine::setHint( int h ) { hint = h; } void Mine::paletteChange() { delete knownField; knownField = 0; delete unknownField; unknownField = 0; delete mine_pix; mine_pix = 0; delete flag_pix; flag_pix = 0; } void Mine::paint( QPainter* p, const QColorGroup &cg, const QRect& cr ) { int x = cr.x(); int y = cr.y(); if ( !knownField || knownField->width() != cr.width() || knownField->height() != cr.height() ) { delete knownField; knownField = new QPixmap( cr.width(), cr.height() ); QPainter pp( knownField ); QBrush br( cg.button().dark(115) ); qDrawWinButton( &pp, QRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height() ), cg, TRUE, &br ); } const int pmmarg=cr.width()/5; if ( !unknownField || unknownField->width() != cr.width() || unknownField->height() != cr.height() ) { delete unknownField; unknownField = new QPixmap( cr.width(), cr.height() ); QPainter pp( unknownField ); QBrush br( cg.button() ); qDrawWinButton( &pp, QRect( 0, 0, cr.width(), cr.height() ), cg, FALSE, &br ); } if ( !flag_pix || flag_pix->width() != cr.width()-pmmarg*2 || flag_pix->height() != cr.height()-pmmarg*2 ) { delete flag_pix; flag_pix = new QPixmap( cr.width()-pmmarg*2, cr.height()-pmmarg*2 ); flag_pix->convertFromImage( QImage(pix_flag).smoothScale(cr.width()-pmmarg*2, cr.height()-pmmarg*2) ); } if ( !mine_pix || mine_pix->width() != cr.width()-pmmarg*2 || mine_pix->height() != cr.height()-pmmarg*2 ) { delete mine_pix; mine_pix = new QPixmap( cr.width()-pmmarg*2, cr.height()-pmmarg*2 ); mine_pix->convertFromImage( QImage(pix_mine).smoothScale(cr.width()-pmmarg*2, cr.height()-pmmarg*2) ); } p->save(); switch(st) { case Hidden: p->drawPixmap( x, y, *unknownField ); break; case Empty: p->drawPixmap( x, y, *knownField ); if ( hint > 0 ) { switch( hint ) { case 1: p->setPen( blue ); break; case 2: p->setPen( green.dark() ); break; case 3: p->setPen( red ); break; case 4: p->setPen( darkYellow.dark() ); break; case 5: p->setPen( darkMagenta ); break; case 6: p->setPen( darkRed ); break; default: p->setPen( black ); break; } p->drawText( cr, AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter, QString::number( hint ) ); } break; case Mined: p->drawPixmap( x, y, *knownField ); p->drawPixmap( x+pmmarg, y+pmmarg, *mine_pix ); break; case Exploded: p->drawPixmap( x, y, *knownField ); p->drawPixmap( x+pmmarg, y+pmmarg, *mine_pix ); p->setPen( red ); p->drawText( cr, AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter, "X" ); break; case Flagged: p->drawPixmap( x, y, *unknownField ); p->drawPixmap( x+pmmarg, y+pmmarg, *flag_pix ); break; #ifdef MARK_UNSURE case Unsure: p->drawPixmap( x, y, *unknownField ); p->drawText( cr, AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter, "?" ); break; #endif case Wrong: p->drawPixmap( x, y, *unknownField ); p->drawPixmap( x+pmmarg, y+pmmarg, *flag_pix ); p->setPen( red ); p->drawText( cr, AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter, "X" ); break; } p->restore(); } /* MineField implementation */ MineField::MineField( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QScrollView( parent, name ) { viewport()->setBackgroundMode( NoBackground ); setState( GameOver ); setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum ) ); setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus ); holdTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( holdTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( held() ) ); flagAction = NoAction; ignoreClick = FALSE; currRow = currCol = -1; minecount=0; mineguess=0; nonminecount=0; cellSize = -1; numRows = numCols = 0; mines = NULL; } MineField::~MineField() { for ( int i = 0; i < numCols*numRows; i++ ) delete mines[i]; delete[] mines; } void MineField::setState( State st ) { stat = st; } void MineField::setup( int level ) { lev = level; setState( Waiting ); //viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); int i; for ( i = 0; i < numCols*numRows; i++ ) delete mines[i]; delete[] mines; switch( lev ) { case 1: numRows = 9 ; numCols = 9 ; minecount = 12; break; case 2: numRows = 13; numCols = 13; minecount = 33; break; case 3: numCols = 18; numRows = 18; minecount = 66 ; break; } mines = new Mine* [numRows*numCols]; for ( i = 0; i < numCols*numRows; i++ ) mines[i] = new Mine( this ); nonminecount = numRows*numCols - minecount; mineguess = minecount; emit mineCount( mineguess ); Mine::paletteChange(); if ( availableRect.isValid() ) setCellSize(findCellSize()); // viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); //viewport()->repaint( TRUE ); updateContents( 0, 0, numCols*cellSize, numRows*cellSize ); updateGeometry(); } void MineField::drawContents( QPainter * p, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph ) { int c1 = clipx / cellSize; int c2 = ( clipx + clipw - 1 ) / cellSize; int r1 = clipy / cellSize; int r2 = ( clipy + cliph - 1 ) / cellSize; for ( int c = c1; c <= c2 ; c++ ) { for ( int r = r1; r <= r2 ; r++ ) { int x = c * cellSize; int y = r * cellSize; Mine *m = mine( r, c ); if ( m ) m->paint( p, colorGroup(), QRect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize ) ); } } } // Chicken and egg problem: We need to know how big the parent is // before we can decide how big to make the table. void MineField::setAvailableRect( const QRect &r ) { availableRect = r; int newCellSize = findCellSize(); if ( newCellSize == cellSize ) { setCellSize( cellSize ); } else { viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); setCellSize( newCellSize ); viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); viewport()->repaint( TRUE ); } } int MineField::findCellSize() { int w = availableRect.width() - 2; int h = availableRect.height() - 2; int cellsize; cellsize = QMIN( w/numCols, h/numRows ); cellsize = QMIN( QMAX( cellsize, minGrid ), maxGrid ); return cellsize; } void MineField::setCellSize( int cellsize ) { int b = 2; int w2 = cellsize*numCols; int h2 = cellsize*numRows; int w = QMIN( availableRect.width(), w2+b ); int h = QMIN( availableRect.height(), h2+b ); // // Don't rely on the change in cellsize to force a resize, // as it's possible to have the same size cells when going // from a large play area to a small one. // resizeContents(w2, h2); if ( availableRect.height() < h2 && availableRect.width() - w > style().scrollBarExtent().width() ) { w += style().scrollBarExtent().width(); } setGeometry( availableRect.x() + (availableRect.width()-w)/2, availableRect.y() + (availableRect.height()-h)/2, w, h ); cellSize = cellsize; } void MineField::placeMines() { int mines = minecount; while ( mines ) { int col = int((double(rand()) / double(RAND_MAX)) * numCols); int row = int((double(rand()) / double(RAND_MAX)) * numRows); Mine* m = mine( row, col ); if ( m && !m->isMined() && m->state() == Mine::Hidden ) { m->setMined( TRUE ); mines--; } } } void MineField::updateCell( int r, int c ) { updateContents( c*cellSize, r*cellSize, cellSize, cellSize ); } void MineField::contentsMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { int c = e->pos().x() / cellSize; int r = e->pos().y() / cellSize; if ( onBoard( r, c ) ) cellPressed( r, c ); else currCol = currRow = -1; } void MineField::contentsMouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { int c = e->pos().x() / cellSize; int r = e->pos().y() / cellSize; if ( onBoard( r, c ) && c == currCol && r == currRow ) cellClicked( r, c ); if ( flagAction == FlagNext ) { flagAction = NoAction; } } /* state == Waiting means no "hold" */ void MineField::cellPressed( int row, int col ) { if ( state() == GameOver ) return; currRow = row; currCol = col; if ( state() == Playing ) holdTimer->start( 150, TRUE ); } void MineField::held() { flagAction = FlagNext; updateMine( currRow, currCol ); ignoreClick = TRUE; } void MineField::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* e ) { #if defined(Q_WS_QWS) || defined(_WS_QWS_) flagAction = ( e->key() == Key_Up ) ? FlagOn : NoAction; #else flagAction = ( ( e->state() & ShiftButton ) == ShiftButton ) ? FlagOn : NoAction; #endif } void MineField::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent* ) { flagAction = NoAction; } int MineField::getHint( int row, int col ) { int hint = 0; for ( int c = col-1; c <= col+1; c++ ) for ( int r = row-1; r <= row+1; r++ ) { Mine* m = mine( r, c ); if ( m && m->isMined() ) hint++; } return hint; } void MineField::setHint( int row, int col ) { Mine *m = mine( row, col ); if ( !m ) return; int hint = getHint( row, col ); if ( !hint ) { for ( int c = col-1; c <= col+1; c++ ) for ( int r = row-1; r <= row+1; r++ ) { Mine* m = mine( r, c ); if ( m && m->state() == Mine::Hidden ) { m->activate( TRUE ); nonminecount--; setHint( r, c ); updateCell( r, c ); } } } m->setHint( hint ); updateCell( row, col ); } /* Only place mines after first click, since it is pointless to kill the player before the game has started. */ void MineField::cellClicked( int row, int col ) { if ( state() == GameOver ) return; if ( state() == Waiting ) { Mine* m = mine( row, col ); if ( !m ) return; m->setState( Mine::Empty ); nonminecount--; placeMines(); setState( Playing ); emit gameStarted(); updateMine( row, col ); } else { // state() == Playing holdTimer->stop(); if ( ignoreClick ) ignoreClick = FALSE; else updateMine( row, col ); } } void MineField::updateMine( int row, int col ) { Mine* m = mine( row, col ); if ( !m ) return; bool wasFlagged = m->state() == Mine::Flagged; bool wasEmpty = m->state() == Mine::Empty; m->activate( flagAction == NoAction ); if ( m->state() == Mine::Exploded ) { emit gameOver( FALSE ); setState( GameOver ); return; } else if ( m->state() == Mine::Empty ) { setHint( row, col ); if ( !wasEmpty ) nonminecount--; } if ( flagAction != NoAction ) { if ( m->state() == Mine::Flagged ) { if (mineguess > 0) { --mineguess; emit mineCount( mineguess ); if ( m->isMined() ) --minecount; } else { m->setState(Mine::Hidden); } } else if ( wasFlagged ) { ++mineguess; emit mineCount( mineguess ); if ( m->isMined() ) ++minecount; } } updateCell( row, col ); if ( !minecount && !mineguess || !nonminecount ) { emit gameOver( TRUE ); setState( GameOver ); } } void MineField::showMines() { for ( int c = 0; c < numCols; c++ ) for ( int r = 0; r < numRows; r++ ) { Mine* m = mine( r, c ); if ( !m ) continue; if ( m->isMined() && m->state() == Mine::Hidden ) m->setState( Mine::Mined ); if ( !m->isMined() && m->state() == Mine::Flagged ) m->setState( Mine::Wrong ); updateCell( r, c ); } } void MineField::paletteChange( const QPalette &o ) { Mine::paletteChange(); QScrollView::paletteChange( o ); } void MineField::writeConfig(Config& cfg) const { cfg.setGroup("Field"); cfg.writeEntry("Level",lev); QString grid=""; if ( stat == Playing ) { for ( int x = 0; x < numCols; x++ ) for ( int y = 0; y < numRows; y++ ) { char code='A'+(x*17+y*101)%21; // Reduce the urge to cheat const Mine* m = mine( y, x ); int st = (int)m->state(); if ( m->isMined() ) st+=5; grid += code + st; } } cfg.writeEntry("Grid",grid); } void MineField::readConfig(Config& cfg) { cfg.setGroup("Field"); lev = cfg.readNumEntry("Level",1); setup(lev); flagAction = NoAction; ignoreClick = FALSE; currRow = currCol = 0; QString grid = cfg.readEntry("Grid"); int x; if ( !grid.isEmpty() ) { int i=0; minecount=0; mineguess=0; for ( x = 0; x < numCols; x++ ) { for ( int y = 0; y < numRows; y++ ) { char code='A'+(x*17+y*101)%21; // Reduce the urge to cheat int st = (char)(QChar)grid[i++]-code; Mine* m = mine( y, x ); if ( st >= 5 ) { st-=5; m->setMined(TRUE); minecount++; mineguess++; } m->setState((Mine::MineState)st); switch ( m->state() ) { case Mine::Flagged: if (m->isMined()) minecount--; mineguess--; break; case Mine::Empty: --nonminecount; break; default: break; } } } for ( x = 0; x < numCols; x++ ) { for ( int y = 0; y < numRows; y++ ) { Mine* m = mine( y, x ); if ( m->state() == Mine::Empty ) m->setHint(getHint(y,x)); } } } setState( Playing ); emit mineCount( mineguess ); } QSize MineField::sizeHint() const { if ( qApp->desktop()->width() >= 240 ) return QSize(200,200); else return QSize(160, 160); } diff --git a/noncore/games/minesweep/minesweep.cpp b/noncore/games/minesweep/minesweep.cpp index d707dab..4a6a92c 100644 --- a/noncore/games/minesweep/minesweep.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/minesweep/minesweep.cpp @@ -1,413 +1,408 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "minesweep.h" #include "minefield.h" #include <qtopia/qpeapplication.h> #include <qtopia/resource.h> #include <qtopia/config.h> #include <qtoolbar.h> #include <qmenubar.h> -#include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qlcdnumber.h> -#include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qtimer.h> -#include <qpalette.h> -#include <qapplication.h> -#include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> static const char *pix_new[]={ "20 20 3 1", " c None", "# c #00FF00", ". c #000000", " ", " ...... ", " ..######.. ", " .##########. ", " .############. ", " .##############. ", " .##############. ", " .################. ", " .################. ", " .################. ", " .################. ", " .################. ", " .################. ", " .##############. ", " .##############. ", " .############. ", " .##########. ", " ..######.. ", " ...... ", " "}; /* XPM */ static const char * happy_xpm[] = { "20 20 3 1", " c None", ". c #ffff3f ", "# c #000000", " ", " ###### ", " ##......## ", " #..........# ", " #............# ", " #..............# ", " #..............# ", " #....##....##....# ", " #....##....##....# ", " #................# ", " #................# ", " #................# ", " #...#........#...# ", " #.##........##.# ", " #...########...# ", " #...######...# ", " #..........# ", " ##......## ", " ###### ", " "}; /* XPM */ static const char * worried_xpm[] = { "20 20 3 1", " c None", ". c #ffff3f", "# c #000000", " ", " ###### ", " ##......## ", " #..........# ", " #............# ", " #..............# ", " #..............# ", " #....##....##....# ", " #....##....##....# ", " #................# ", " #................# ", " #................# ", " #................# ", " #....######....# ", " #..............# ", " #............# ", " #..........# ", " ##......## ", " ###### ", " "}; /* XPM */ static const char * dead_xpm[] = { "20 20 3 1", " c None", ". c #ffff3f", "# c #000000", " ", " ###### ", " ##......## ", " #..........# ", " #............# ", " #..............# ", " #..#.#...#.#...# ", " #....#.....#.....# ", " #...#.#...#.#....# ", " #................# ", " #................# ", " #................# ", " #......####......# ", " #....# #....# ", " #...#......#...# ", " #............# ", " #..........# ", " ##......## ", " ###### ", " "}; class ResultIndicator : private QLabel { public: static void showResult( QWidget *ref, bool won ); private: ResultIndicator( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f) :QLabel( parent, name, f ) {} void timerEvent( QTimerEvent *); void center(); bool twoStage; int timerId; }; void ResultIndicator::showResult( QWidget *ref, bool won ) { ResultIndicator *r = new ResultIndicator( ref, 0, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_Tool | WType_TopLevel ); r->setAlignment( AlignCenter ); r->setFrameStyle( Sunken|StyledPanel ); if ( won ) { r->setText( MineSweep::tr("You won!") ); r->center(); r->show(); r->twoStage = FALSE; r->timerId = r->startTimer(1500); } else { QPalette p( red ); r->setPalette( p ); r->setText( MineSweep::tr("You exploded!") ); r->resize( ref->size() ); r->move( ref->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)) ); r->show(); r->twoStage = TRUE; r->timerId =r->startTimer(200); } } void ResultIndicator::center() { QWidget *w = parentWidget(); QPoint pp = w->mapToGlobal( QPoint(0,0) ); QSize s = sizeHint()*3; s.setWidth( QMIN(s.width(), w->width()) ); pp = QPoint( pp.x() + w->width()/2 - s.width()/2, pp.y() + w->height()/ 2 - s.height()/2 ); setGeometry( QRect(pp, s) ); } void ResultIndicator::timerEvent( QTimerEvent *te ) { if ( te->timerId() != timerId ) return; killTimer( timerId ); if ( twoStage ) { center(); twoStage = FALSE; timerId = startTimer( 1000 ); } else { delete this; } } class MineFrame : public QFrame { public: MineFrame( QWidget *parent, const char *name = 0 ) :QFrame( parent, name ), field(0) {} void setField( MineField *f ) { field = f; setMinimumSize( field->sizeHint() ); } protected: void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e ) { field->setAvailableRect( contentsRect()); QFrame::resizeEvent(e); } private: MineField *field; }; MineSweep::MineSweep( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f ) : QMainWindow( parent, name, f ) { srand(::time(0)); setCaption( tr("Mine Hunt") ); QPEApplication::setInputMethodHint(this, QPEApplication::AlwaysOff ); setIcon( Resource::loadPixmap( "minesweep/MineHunt" ) ); QToolBar *toolBar = new QToolBar( this ); toolBar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); QMenuBar *menuBar = new QMenuBar( toolBar ); QPopupMenu *gameMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); gameMenu->insertItem( tr("Beginner"), this, SLOT( beginner() ) ); gameMenu->insertItem( tr("Advanced"), this, SLOT( advanced() ) ); if (qApp->desktop()->width() >= 240) { gameMenu->insertItem( tr("Expert"), this, SLOT( expert() ) ); } menuBar->insertItem( tr("Game"), gameMenu ); guessLCD = new QLCDNumber( toolBar ); toolBar->setStretchableWidget( guessLCD ); QPalette lcdPal( red ); lcdPal.setColor( QColorGroup::Background, QApplication::palette().active().background() ); lcdPal.setColor( QColorGroup::Button, QApplication::palette().active().button() ); // guessLCD->setPalette( lcdPal ); guessLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); guessLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); guessLCD->setNumDigits( 2 ); guessLCD->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); newGameButton = new QPushButton( toolBar ); newGameButton->setPixmap( QPixmap( pix_new ) ); newGameButton->setFocusPolicy(QWidget::NoFocus); connect( newGameButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newGame()) ); timeLCD = new QLCDNumber( toolBar ); // timeLCD->setPalette( lcdPal ); timeLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); timeLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); timeLCD->setNumDigits( 5 ); // "mm:ss" timeLCD->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); setToolBarsMovable ( FALSE ); addToolBar( toolBar ); MineFrame *mainframe = new MineFrame( this ); mainframe->setFrameShape( QFrame::Box ); mainframe->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Raised ); mainframe->setLineWidth(2); field = new MineField( mainframe ); mainframe->setField( field ); QFont fnt = field->font(); fnt.setBold( TRUE ); field->setFont( QFont( fnt ) ); field->setFocus(); setCentralWidget( mainframe ); connect( field, SIGNAL( gameOver(bool) ), this, SLOT( gameOver(bool) ) ); connect( field, SIGNAL( mineCount(int) ), this, SLOT( setCounter(int) ) ); connect( field, SIGNAL( gameStarted()), this, SLOT( startPlaying() ) ); timer = new QTimer( this ); connect( timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( updateTime() ) ); readConfig(); } MineSweep::~MineSweep() { writeConfig(); } void MineSweep::gameOver( bool won ) { field->showMines(); if ( won ) { newGameButton->setPixmap( QPixmap( happy_xpm ) ); } else { newGameButton->setPixmap( QPixmap( dead_xpm ) ); } ResultIndicator::showResult( this, won ); timer->stop(); } void MineSweep::newGame() { newGame(field->level()); } void MineSweep::newGame(int level) { timeLCD->display( "0:00" ); field->setup( level ); newGameButton->setPixmap( QPixmap( pix_new ) ); timer->stop(); } void MineSweep::startPlaying() { newGameButton->setPixmap( QPixmap( worried_xpm ) ); starttime = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); timer->start( 1000 ); } void MineSweep::beginner() { newGame(1); } void MineSweep::advanced() { newGame(2); } void MineSweep::expert() { newGame(3); } void MineSweep::setCounter( int c ) { if ( !guessLCD ) return; guessLCD->display( c ); } void MineSweep::updateTime() { if ( !timeLCD ) return; int s = starttime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); if ( s/60 > 99 ) timeLCD->display( "-----" ); else timeLCD->display( QString().sprintf("%2d:%02d",s/60,s%60) ); } void MineSweep::writeConfig() const { Config cfg("MineSweep"); cfg.setGroup("Panel"); cfg.writeEntry("Time", timer->isActive() ? starttime.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) : -1); field->writeConfig(cfg); } void MineSweep::readConfig() { Config cfg("MineSweep"); field->readConfig(cfg); cfg.setGroup("Panel"); int s = cfg.readNumEntry("Time",-1); if ( s<0 ) { newGame(); } else { startPlaying(); starttime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs(-s); updateTime(); } } diff --git a/noncore/games/oyatzee/oyatzee.cpp b/noncore/games/oyatzee/oyatzee.cpp index 0bd22f6..86318db 100644 --- a/noncore/games/oyatzee/oyatzee.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/oyatzee/oyatzee.cpp @@ -1,693 +1,687 @@ #include "oyatzee.h" #include <qmessagebox.h> -#include <qapplication.h> -#include <qdir.h> -#include <qlabel.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> -#include <qtimer.h> -#include <qvbox.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qlayout.h> -#include <qpoint.h> #include <stdlib.h> OYatzee::OYatzee( QWidget *parent , const char *name, WFlags fl ) : QMainWindow( parent , name , fl ) { QWidget *thing = new QWidget( this ); setCentralWidget( thing ); setCaption( tr( "OYatzee" ) ); setPlayerNumber( 4 ); setRoundsNumber( 1 ); lastPlayerFinished = false; currentPlayer = 1; ps.append( new Player( "Carsten" ) ); ps.append( new Player( "Julia" ) ); ps.append( new Player( "Christine" ) ); ps.append( new Player( "Stephan" ) ); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout( thing ); sb = new Scoreboard( ps, thing , "sb" ); connect( sb->pb , SIGNAL( item( int ) ), this , SLOT( slotEndRound( int ) ) ); dw = new DiceWidget( thing , "dw" ); dw->setMaximumHeight( this->height()/4 ); connect( dw->rollButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this , SLOT( slotRollDices() ) ); vbox->addWidget( sb ); vbox->addWidget( dw ); } void OYatzee::slotEndRound( int item ) { qDebug( "Der User hat Nummer %d ausgewählt" , item ); /* * if the user clicked on Total, Bonus or Score and thus not on a * selectable item return and do nothing */ if ( item == 7 || item == 8 || item == 16 ) return; /* * check if the user can really click on that item */ if ( posibilities.find( item ) == posibilities.end() ) return; QValueListInt numbers; Dice *d = dw->diceList.first(); for ( ; d != 0 ; d = dw->diceList.next() ) { numbers.append( d->hasValue() ); } int points = 0; switch ( item ) { case Ones: points = getPoints( 1 , numbers ); break; case Twos: points = getPoints( 2 , numbers ); break; case Threes: points = getPoints( 3 , numbers ); break; case Fours: points = getPoints( 4 , numbers ); break; case Fives: points = getPoints( 5 , numbers ); break; case Sixes: points = getPoints( 6 , numbers ); break; case ThreeOfAKind: points = oakPoints; break; case FourOfAKind: points = oakPoints; break; case FullHouse: points = 25; break; case SStraight: points = 30; break; case LStraight: points = 40; break; case Yatzee: points = 50; break; case Chance: points = getPoints ( Chance , numbers ); } sb->nextRB(currentPlayer-1)->updateMap( item , points ); nextPlayer(); qDebug( "Punkte: %d" , points ); } void OYatzee::nextPlayer() { currentPlayer++; if ( currentPlayer > numOfPlayers ) { currentPlayer = 1; } ps.at(currentPlayer-1)->turn = 0; } int OYatzee::getPoints( const int num , QValueListInt l) { QValueListInt::Iterator it = l.begin(); int c = 0; if ( num != Chance ) { for ( ; it != l.end() ; ++it ) { if ( *it == num ) c++; } return c * num; } else { for ( ; it != l.end() ; ++it ) { c += *it; } return c; } } OYatzee::~OYatzee() { } void OYatzee::detectPosibilities() { posibilities.clear(); qDebug( "running detectPosibilities()" ); Dice *d = dw->diceList.first(); QValueListInt numbers; for ( ; d != 0 ; d = dw->diceList.next() ) { numbers.append( d->hasValue() ); } //the 6 numbers QValueListInt::Iterator it; for ( int i = 1 ; i < 7 ; ++i ) // check for 1-->6 { bool cont = false; it = numbers.begin(); for ( ; it != numbers.end() ; ++it ) { if ( cont ) continue; if ( numbers.find( i ) != numbers.end() ) { posibilities.append( i ); cont = true; } } } //3er, 4er, Yatzee it = numbers.begin(); int count; int temp; int countFH = 0; //for the full-house-check for ( int i = 1 ; i < 7 ; ++i ) // check for 1-->6 at least 3 times { count = 0; temp = 0; it = numbers.begin(); for ( ; it != numbers.end() ; ++it ) { if ( *it == i ) { count++; temp++; } if ( temp == 2 ) countFH = temp; } if ( count >= 3 ) { posibilities.append( 9 ); //now we check if it is a full house if ( count == 3 && countFH == 2 ) //aka Full House posibilities.append( 11 ); if ( count >= 4 ) posibilities.append( 10 ); if ( count == 5 ) //Yatzee posibilities.append( 14 ); oakPoints = count * i; } } //S-Straight if ( numbers.find( 3 ) != numbers.end() && numbers.find( 4 ) != numbers.end() ) { bool isLong = false; bool isShort = true; //L-Straight if ( numbers.find( 2 ) != numbers.end() && numbers.find( 5 ) != numbers.end() ) { isShort = true; //12345 or 23456 if ( numbers.find( 1 ) != numbers.end() || numbers.find( 6) != numbers.end() ) isLong = true; } //1234 if ( numbers.find( 1 ) != numbers.end() && numbers.find( 2 ) != numbers.end() ) isShort = true; //3456 if ( numbers.find( 5 ) != numbers.end() && numbers.find( 6 ) != numbers.end() ) isShort = true; if ( isShort ) posibilities.append( 12 ); if ( isLong ) posibilities.append( 13 ); } posibilities.append( 13 ); //Chance, well, this is allways possible displayPossibilites(); } void OYatzee::displayPossibilites() { //X for ( QValueListInt::Iterator it = posibilities.begin() ; it != posibilities.end(); ++it ) //X { //X qDebug( QString::number( *it ) ); //X switch ( *it ) //X { //X case Ones: //X qDebug( "1er" ); //X break; //X case Twos: //X qDebug( "2er" ); //X break; //X case Threes: //X qDebug( "3er" ); //X break; //X case Fours: //X qDebug( "4er" ); //X break; //X case Fives: //X qDebug( "5er" ); //X break; //X case Sixes: //X qDebug( "6er" ); //X break; //X case ThreeOfAKind: //X qDebug( "3oaK" ); //X break; //X case FourOfAKind: //X qDebug( "4oaK" ); //X break; //X case FullHouse: //X qDebug( "Full House" ); //X break; //X case SStraight: //X qDebug( "Short S" ); //X break; //X case LStraight: //X qDebug( "Long S" ); //X break; //X case Yatzee: //X qDebug( "Yatzee!" ); //X break; //X case Chance: //X qDebug( "Chance" ); //X break; //X } //X } sb->pb->setIntlist( posibilities ); sb->pb->update(); } void OYatzee::startGame() { /* * TODO */ } void OYatzee::stopGame(){} void OYatzee::setPlayerNumber( const int num ) { numOfPlayers = num; } void OYatzee::setRoundsNumber( const int num ) { numOfRounds = num; } void OYatzee::slotStartGame() { } void OYatzee::slotRollDices() { qDebug( "Roll nummer: %d" , ps.at( currentPlayer-1 )->turn ); if ( ps.at( currentPlayer-1 )->turn == 3 ) { QMessageBox::information( this, "OYatzee", tr( "Only three rolls per turn allowed." ) ); return; } Dice *d = dw->diceList.first(); for ( ; d != 0 ; d = dw->diceList.next() ) { if ( !d->isSelected ) d->roll(); } // qDebug( "Roll nummer (vorher): %d" , ps.at( currentPlayer-1 )->turn ); ps.at(currentPlayer-1)->turn++; // qDebug( "Roll nummer (nachher): %d" , ps.at( currentPlayer-1 )->turn ); detectPosibilities(); } /* * Scoreboard */ Scoreboard::Scoreboard( playerList ps, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent , name ) { ps_ = ps; pb = new Possibilityboard( this , "pb" ); createResultboards( 4 ); QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout( this ); hbox->addWidget( pb ); hbox->addSpacing( 25 ); Resultboard *r = rbList.first(); for ( ; r != 0 ; r = rbList.next() ) { hbox->addWidget( r ); } } Resultboard* Scoreboard::nextRB( int currentPlayer ) { Resultboard *b; b = rbList.at( currentPlayer ); qDebug( "Anzahl: %d" , rbList.count() ); return b; } void Scoreboard::createResultboards(const int num) { Player *p = ps_.first(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < num ; ++i , p = ps_.next() ) { QString n = p->playerName; rbList.append( new Resultboard( n , this ) ); } } void Scoreboard::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { //X QPainter p; //X p.begin( this ); //X //X p.drawRect( 0,0, this->width() , this->height() ); } /* * Dice */ Dice::Dice( QWidget *parent , const char *name ) : QFrame( parent , name ) { QTime t = QTime::currentTime(); // set random seed srand(t.hour()*12+t.minute()*60+t.second()*60); connect( this , SIGNAL( selected() ), this , SLOT( slotSelected() ) ); } void Dice::slotSelected() { if ( isSelected ) isSelected = false; else isSelected = true; update(); } const int Dice::hasValue() const { return Value; } void Dice::roll() { Value = rand()%6; Value += 1; update(); } void Dice::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* /*e*/ ) { emit selected(); } void Dice::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { QPainter p; p.begin( this ); p.drawRect( 0,0, this->width() , this->height() ); if ( isSelected ) p.drawRect( 20,20, 10,10 ); paintNumber( &p ); } void Dice::paintNumber( QPainter *p ) { p->setBrush( Qt::black ); int w = this->width(); int h = this->height(); int r = this->width(); r /= 10; switch ( Value ) { case 1: p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.5*w - r ) , (int)( 0.5*h - r ) , r , r ) ; break; case 2: p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.3*w - r ) , (int)( 0.3*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.7*w - r ) , (int)( 0.7*h - r ) , r , r ) ; break; case 3: p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.5*w - r ) , (int)( 0.5*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.2*w - r ) , (int)( 0.2*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.8*w - r ) , (int)( 0.8*h - r ) , r , r ) ; break; case 4: p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.2*w - r ) , (int)( 0.2*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.8*w - r ) , (int)( 0.8*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.8*w - r ) , (int)( 0.2*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.2*w - r ) , (int)( 0.8*h - r ) , r , r ) ; break; case 5: p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.5*w - r ) , (int)( 0.5*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.2*w - r ) , (int)( 0.2*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.8*w - r ) , (int)( 0.8*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.8*w - r ) , (int)( 0.2*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.2*w - r ) , (int)( 0.8*h - r ) , r , r ) ; break; case 6: p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.2*w - r ) , (int)( 0.2*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.8*w - r ) , (int)( 0.8*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.8*w - r ) , (int)( 0.2*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.2*w - r ) , (int)( 0.8*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.2*w - r ) , (int)( 0.5*h - r ) , r , r ) ; p->drawEllipse( (int)( 0.8*w - r ) , (int)( 0.5*h - r ) , r , r ) ; break; } } /* * DiceWidget */ DiceWidget::DiceWidget( QWidget *parent , const char *name ) : QWidget( parent , name ) { rollButton = new QPushButton( tr( "Roll" ) , this ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) { //appending the 5 dices of the game diceList.append( new Dice( this, "wuerfel" ) ); } QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout( this ); Dice *d = diceList.first(); for ( ; d != 0 ; d = diceList.next() ) { hbox->addWidget( d ); } hbox->addWidget( rollButton ); } /* * Player */ Player::Player( QString name ) { playerName = name; setupResultList(); turn = 0; } void Player::setupResultList() { for ( int i = 1 ; i < 14 ; ++i ) { pResults.append( 0 ); } } /* * TODO: muss noch genutzt werden */ void Player::updateTotalPoints( pointMap m ) { pointMap::Iterator it = m.begin(); for ( ; it != m.end() ; ++it ) { totalPoints += it.data(); } } void Player::setResults( const int cat , const int points ) { QValueListInt::Iterator it = pResults.at( cat ); *it = points; } /* * Board */ Board::Board( QWidget *parent , const char* name ) : QWidget ( parent , name ) { } void Board::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { emit clicked( e->pos() ); } /* * Resultboard */ Resultboard::Resultboard( QString playerName , QWidget *parent , const char* name ) : Board ( parent , name ) { pName = playerName; } void Resultboard::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) { QPainter p; p.begin( this ); const int cell_width = this->width(); const int cell_height = this->height()/17; pointMap::Iterator it = pMap.begin(); for ( ; it != pMap.end() ; ++it ) { int i = it.key(); qDebug( "ok: %d , %d" , i , it.data() ); p.drawText( 0, i*cell_height , cell_width , cell_height , Qt::AlignCenter , QString::number( it.data() ) ); } p.drawText( 0,0,cell_width,cell_height, Qt::AlignCenter , pName ); //Playername } void Resultboard::updateMap( int item , int points ) { pMap.insert( item , points ); update(); } /* * Possibilityboard */ Possibilityboard::Possibilityboard( QWidget *parent , const char* name ) : Board ( parent , name ) { begriffe.append( "1er" ); begriffe.append( "2er" ); begriffe.append( "3er" ); begriffe.append( "4er" ); begriffe.append( "5er" ); begriffe.append( "6er" ); begriffe.append( "Total" ); begriffe.append( "Bonus" ); begriffe.append( "3oaK" ); begriffe.append( "4oaK" ); begriffe.append( "Full House" ); begriffe.append( "Short S" ); begriffe.append( "Long S" ); begriffe.append( "Yatzee!" ); begriffe.append( "Chance" ); begriffe.append( "Score" ); connect( this , SIGNAL( clicked( QPoint ) ), this , SLOT( slotClicked( QPoint ) ) ); } void Possibilityboard::slotClicked( QPoint p) { emit item( p.y()/(this->height()/17) ); } void Possibilityboard::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) { QPainter p; p.begin( this ); const int cell_width = this->width(); const int cell_height = this->height()/17; p.setBrush( Qt::blue ); QValueListInt::Iterator listIt = list.begin(); for ( ; listIt != list.end() ; ++listIt ) { p.drawRect( 0 , (*listIt) * cell_height , cell_width , cell_height ); } p.setBrush( Qt::black ); p.setBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); QStringList::Iterator begriffeIt = begriffe.begin(); for ( int i = 1 ; i < 18 ; ++i ) { p.drawText( 0 , i*cell_height , cell_width , cell_height , Qt::AlignCenter , *begriffeIt ); ++begriffeIt; } } void Possibilityboard::setIntlist( QValueListInt &l ) { list = l; } diff --git a/noncore/games/parashoot/base.cpp b/noncore/games/parashoot/base.cpp index cdf1dfa..5f3c79d 100644 --- a/noncore/games/parashoot/base.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/parashoot/base.cpp @@ -1,77 +1,75 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "codes.h" #include "base.h" -#include "man.h" #include <qtopia/resource.h> -#include <qregexp.h> int damage; Base::Base(QCanvas* canvas) : QCanvasSprite(0, canvas), kaboom("landmine"), ohdear("crmble01") { basearray = new QCanvasPixmapArray(); QString b0 = Resource::findPixmap("parashoot/b0001"); b0.replace(QRegExp("0001"),"%1"); basearray->readPixmaps(b0, 4); setSequence(basearray); setFrame(0); move(2, canvas->height()-50); setZ(10); show(); damage = 0; } void Base::damageBase() { damage++; switch(damage) { case 1: setFrame(1); ohdear.play(); break; case 2: setFrame(2); ohdear.play(); break; case 3: setFrame(3); kaboom.play(); break; } show(); } bool Base::baseDestroyed() { return (damage >= 3); } Base::~Base() { } int Base::rtti() const { return base_rtti; } void Base::reposition(void) { move(2, canvas()->height()-50); } diff --git a/noncore/games/parashoot/cannon.cpp b/noncore/games/parashoot/cannon.cpp index 5671351..330d850 100644 --- a/noncore/games/parashoot/cannon.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/parashoot/cannon.cpp @@ -1,150 +1,149 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include <qtopia/resource.h> -#include <qregexp.h> #include "codes.h" #include "cannon.h" Cannon::Cannon(QCanvas* canvas) : QCanvasSprite(0, canvas) { shotsfired=0; index = 8; cannonx = 0; cannony = 0; cannonarray = new QCanvasPixmapArray(); QString c0 = Resource::findPixmap("parashoot/can0001"); c0.replace(QRegExp("0001"),"%1"); cannonarray->readPixmaps(c0,17); setSequence(cannonarray); setFrame(index); reposition(); movedir = NoDir; moveDelay = 0; setAnimated(TRUE); show(); } void Cannon::advance(int stage) { if ( stage == 1 && moveDelay-- == 0 ) { if (movedir == Left) { if (index > 0) { setFrame(index-1); index--; } } if (movedir == Right) { if (index < 16) { setFrame(index+1); index++; } } moveDelay = 0; } } void Cannon::pointCannon(Direction dir) { movedir = dir; moveDelay = 0; advance(1); moveDelay = 1; } void Cannon::setCoords() { switch(index) { case 0: cannonx = barrelxpos-29; cannony = barrelypos-8; break; case 1: cannonx = barrelxpos-27; cannony = barrelypos-8; break; case 2: cannonx = barrelxpos-25; cannony = barrelypos-6; break; case 3: cannonx = barrelxpos-23; cannony = barrelypos-4; break; case 4: cannonx = barrelxpos-21; cannony = barrelypos-2; break; case 5: cannonx = barrelxpos-19; cannony = barrelypos; break; case 6: cannonx = barrelxpos-15; cannony = barrelypos; break; case 7: cannonx = barrelxpos-10; cannony = barrelypos; break; case 8: cannonx = barrelxpos; cannony = barrelypos; break; case 9: cannonx = barrelxpos+2; cannony = barrelypos; break; case 10: cannonx = barrelxpos+6; cannony = barrelypos; break; case 11: cannonx = barrelxpos+8; cannony = barrelypos; break; case 12: cannonx = barrelxpos+12; cannony = barrelypos-2; break; case 13: cannonx = barrelxpos+18; cannony = barrelypos-4; break; case 14: cannonx = barrelxpos+22; cannony = barrelypos-6; break; case 15: cannonx = barrelxpos+26; cannony = barrelypos-8; break; case 16: cannonx = barrelxpos+28; cannony = barrelypos-8; break; } } double Cannon::shootAngle() { switch(index) { case 0: return 30.0; case 1: return 37.5; case 2: return 45.0; case 3: return 52.5; case 4: return 60.0; case 5: return 67.5; case 6: return 75.0; case 7: return 82.5; case 8: return 90.0; case 9: return 97.5; case 10: return 105.0; case 11: return 112.5; case 12: return 120.0; case 13: return 127.5; case 14: return 135.0; case 15: return 142.5; case 16: return 150.0; } return 0; } void Cannon::shoot() { setCoords(); Bullet* bullet = new Bullet(canvas(), shootAngle(), cannonx, cannony); connect(bullet, SIGNAL(score(int)), this, SIGNAL(score(int))); shotsfired++; } Cannon::~Cannon() { } int Cannon::rtti() const { return cannon_rtti; } void Cannon::reposition(void) { move(canvas()->width()/2-20, canvas()->height()-32); // co ords for barrel of cannon when upright barrelypos = canvas()->height()-32; barrelxpos = canvas()->width()/2; setFrame(index); setCoords(); } diff --git a/noncore/games/parashoot/helicopter.cpp b/noncore/games/parashoot/helicopter.cpp index 036b21e..7d91cd1 100644 --- a/noncore/games/parashoot/helicopter.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/parashoot/helicopter.cpp @@ -1,120 +1,119 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "helicopter.h" #include "man.h" #include "codes.h" #include <qtopia/resource.h> -#include <qregexp.h> static QList<Helicopter> all; Helicopter::Helicopter(QCanvas* canvas) : QCanvasSprite(0, canvas), chikachika("aland01") { all.append(this); hits = 0; QCanvasPixmapArray* helicopterarray = new QCanvasPixmapArray(); QString h0 = Resource::findPixmap("parashoot/helicopter0001"); h0.replace(QRegExp("0001"),"%1"); helicopterarray->readPixmaps(h0,4 ); setSequence(helicopterarray); setAnimated(true); move(canvas->width(), 5); setVelocity(-2, 0); chikachika.playLoop(); show(); } Helicopter::~Helicopter() { all.remove(this); } int fr = 0; void Helicopter::advance(int phase) { QCanvasSprite::advance(phase); if (phase == 0) { if (frame() == 3) { delete this; return; } if (hits >= 2) { setFrame(3); } else { setFrame(fr%3); fr++; checkCollision(); } } } void Helicopter::checkCollision() { if (x() == 6) { setAnimated(false); //setVelocity(0, 0); dropman(); } if (x() < 0) done(); } void Helicopter::dropman() { (void)new Man(canvas(), 15, 25); (void)new Man(canvas(), 35, 25); takeOff(); } void Helicopter::done() { hits++; } void Helicopter::takeOff() { setVelocity(-1, 0); } int Helicopter::rtti() const { return helicopter_rtti; } void Helicopter::silenceAll() { for (Helicopter* h = all.first(); h; h = all.next()) h->chikachika.stop(); } void Helicopter::deleteAll() { Helicopter* h; while ((h = all.first())) delete h; } diff --git a/noncore/games/parashoot/interface.cpp b/noncore/games/parashoot/interface.cpp index 948b92c..5c9b0ef 100644 --- a/noncore/games/parashoot/interface.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/parashoot/interface.cpp @@ -1,282 +1,278 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "interface.h" #include "man.h" #include <qtopia/qpeapplication.h> #include <qtopia/resource.h> -#include <qlabel.h> -#include <qmessagebox.h> -#include <qapplication.h> -#include <qstyle.h> #include <qtoolbar.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> ParaShoot::ParaShoot(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) : QMainWindow(parent,name,f), canvas( 232, 258 ), cannon(NULL), base(NULL), gamestopped( true ), waitover( false ), fanfare("level_up"), score(0) { QPEApplication::grabKeyboard(); QPEApplication::setInputMethodHint(this, QPEApplication::AlwaysOff ); updatespeed = 80; canvas.setAdvancePeriod(80); pb = new QCanvasView(&canvas, this); pb->setFocus(); setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); QToolBar* toolbar = new QToolBar(this); toolbar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); setCaption( tr("ParaShoot") ); new QToolButton( Resource::loadIconSet("new"), tr("New Game"), 0, this, SLOT(newGame()), toolbar, "New Game"); levelscore = new QLabel(toolbar); levelscore->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); levelscore->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter | ExpandTabs ); toolbar->setStretchableWidget( levelscore ); showScore(0,0); setCentralWidget(pb); autoDropTimer = new QTimer(this); connect (autoDropTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(play()) ); pauseTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(pauseTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(wait()) ); setFocusPolicy(StrongFocus); } void ParaShoot::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { QSize s = centralWidget()->size(); int fw = style().defaultFrameWidth(); canvas.resize( s.width() - fw - 2, s.height() - fw - 2); QImage bgimage = Resource::loadImage("parashoot/sky"); QPixmap bgpixmap; bgpixmap.convertFromImage(bgimage.smoothScale(canvas.width(), canvas.height()), QPixmap::Auto); canvas.setBackgroundPixmap(bgpixmap); if (base) { base->reposition(); } if (cannon) { cannon->reposition(); } } void ParaShoot::focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent *) { if (!gamestopped) canvas.setAdvancePeriod(-1); } void ParaShoot::focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *) { if (!gamestopped) canvas.setAdvancePeriod(updatespeed); } void ParaShoot::showScore( int score, int level ) { levelscore->setText(tr(" Level: %1 Score: %2 ").arg(score).arg(level) ); } void ParaShoot::newGame() { clear(); if (pauseTimer->isActive()) pauseTimer->stop(); clear(); Man::setManCount(0); score = 0; Bullet::setShotCount(0); Bullet::setNobullets(0); nomen = 2; Bullet::setLimit(nomen); level = 0; updatespeed = 80; showScore(0,0); gamestopped = false; Helicopter::deleteAll(); waitover = true; base = new Base(&canvas); cannon = new Cannon(&canvas); connect( cannon, SIGNAL(score(int)), this, SLOT(increaseScore(int))); autoDropTimer->start(100); } void ParaShoot::clear() { autoDropTimer->stop(); // QCanvasItem* item; QCanvasItemList l = canvas.allItems(); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } } void ParaShoot::gameOver() { QCanvasItem* item; QCanvasItemList l = canvas.allItems(); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) { item = *it; if ((item->rtti()==1500) || (item->rtti()==1600) || item->rtti()==1900) item->setAnimated(false); } autoDropTimer->stop(); Helicopter::silenceAll(); int shots = Bullet::getShotCount(); int shotsFired = cannon->shotsFired(); if ( shotsFired == 0 ) shotsFired = 1; QCanvasText* gameover = new QCanvasText( tr( " GAME OVER!\n" " Your Score: %1\n" " Parachuters Killed: %2\n" " Accuracy: %3% " ).arg(score).arg(shots).arg(shots * 100 / shotsFired ), &canvas); gameover->setColor(red); gameover->setFont( QFont("times", 16, QFont::Bold) ); gameover->move((canvas.width() - gameover->boundingRect().width()) / 2, (canvas.height() - gameover->boundingRect().height()) / 2); gameover->setZ(500); gameover->show(); gamestopped = true; waitover = false; pauseTimer->start(3000); } void ParaShoot::wait() { waitover = true; pauseTimer->stop(); } void ParaShoot::play() { if (Man::getManCount() < nomen ) { new Man(&canvas); } if (Base::baseDestroyed()) { gameOver(); return; } } void ParaShoot::increaseScore(int x) { score += x; if ( score / 150 != (score-x) / 150 ) levelUp(); showScore(level,score); } void ParaShoot::levelUp() { level++; int stage = level % 3; switch(stage) { case 0: nomen++; Bullet::setLimit(nomen); fanfare.play(); break; case 1: new Helicopter(&canvas); break; case 2: moveFaster(); fanfare.play(); break; default: return; } } void ParaShoot::moveFaster() { if (updatespeed > 50) updatespeed = updatespeed-5; else updatespeed = updatespeed-3; canvas.setAdvancePeriod(updatespeed); } void ParaShoot::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { if (gamestopped) { if (waitover) newGame(); else return; } else { switch(event->key()) { case Key_Up: case Key_F1: case Key_F9: case Key_Space: if ( cannon ) cannon->shoot(); break; case Key_Left:{ if (cannon ) cannon->pointCannon(Cannon::Left); lastcannonkey=Key_Left; break; } case Key_Right:{ if ( cannon ) cannon->pointCannon(Cannon::Right); lastcannonkey=Key_Right; break; } default: return; } } } void ParaShoot::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { if ( cannon && lastcannonkey == event->key() ) cannon->pointCannon(Cannon::NoDir); } diff --git a/noncore/games/parashoot/main.cpp b/noncore/games/parashoot/main.cpp index ee36d26..40f809f 100644 --- a/noncore/games/parashoot/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/parashoot/main.cpp @@ -1,27 +1,26 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "interface.h" -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<ParaShoot> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/parashoot/man.cpp b/noncore/games/parashoot/man.cpp index 94807c2..0a151b0 100644 --- a/noncore/games/parashoot/man.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/parashoot/man.cpp @@ -1,191 +1,190 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "codes.h" #include "man.h" #include "base.h" #include <qtopia/resource.h> -#include <qregexp.h> int mancount; Man::Man(QCanvas* canvas) : QCanvasSprite(0, canvas), splat("lose") // No tr { manarray = new QCanvasPixmapArray(); QString m0 = Resource::findPixmap("parashoot/man0001"); m0.replace(QRegExp("0001"),"%1"); manarray->readPixmaps(m0, 7); setSequence(manarray); setAnimated(true); mancount++; dead = false; start(); } Man::Man(QCanvas* canvas, int x, int y) : QCanvasSprite(0, canvas), splat("bang") // No tr { manarray = new QCanvasPixmapArray(); QString m0 = Resource::findPixmap("parashoot/man0001"); m0.replace(QString("0001"),"%1"); manarray->readPixmaps(m0, 7); setSequence(manarray); move(x, y); setFrame(5); setZ(300); show(); static bool first_time = TRUE; if (first_time) { first_time = FALSE; QTime midnight(0, 0, 0); srand(midnight.secsTo(QTime::currentTime()) ); } int yfallspeed = 0; yfallspeed = (rand() % 3) + 1; setVelocity(0, yfallspeed); mancount++; dead = false; } int f = 0; void Man::advance(int phase) { QCanvasSprite::advance(phase); if (phase == 0) { checkCollision(); if (dead) { if (count < 10) { setFrame(6); setVelocity(0,0); count++; } else { delete this; return; } } if (y() > canvas()->height()-43) { setFrame(f%5); f++; move(x(), canvas()->height()-26); setVelocity(-2, 0); } else if (xVelocity() == -2) { // // There's been a resize event while this Man has // been on the ground. Move the man back to the // new ground location. This is not neat. // move(x(), canvas()->height()-26); } } } void Man::setInitialCoords() { static bool first_time = TRUE; if (first_time) { first_time = FALSE; QTime midnight(0, 0, 0); srand(midnight.secsTo(QTime::currentTime()) ); } dx = rand() % (canvas()->width()-16); dy = -43; //height of a man off the screen } //check if man has reached the base void Man::checkCollision() { if ( (x() < 23) && (y() == canvas()->height()-26)) { QCanvasItem* item; QCanvasItemList l=collisions(FALSE); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) { item = *it; if ( (item->rtti()== 1800) && (item->collidesWith(this)) ) { Base* base = (Base*) item; base->damageBase(); start(); } } } // // resize events may cause Man objects to appear // outside the screen. Get rid of them if this // is the case. // if ((x() < 0) || (x() > canvas()->width())) { delete this; return; } } void Man::start() { setInitialCoords(); move(dx, dy); setFrame(5); setZ(300); show(); static bool first_time = TRUE; if (first_time) { first_time = FALSE; QTime midnight(0, 0, 0); srand(midnight.secsTo(QTime::currentTime()) ); } int yfallspeed = 0; yfallspeed = (rand() % 3) + 1; setVelocity(0, yfallspeed); } void Man::done() { splat.play(); count = 0; dead = true; setFrame(6); } int Man::getManCount() { return mancount; } void Man::setManCount(int count) { mancount = count; } int Man::rtti() const { return man_rtti; } Man::~Man() { mancount--; } diff --git a/noncore/games/qasteroids/main.cpp b/noncore/games/qasteroids/main.cpp index c762990..18a13eb 100644 --- a/noncore/games/qasteroids/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/qasteroids/main.cpp @@ -1,27 +1,26 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "toplevel.h" -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<KAstTopLevel> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/qasteroids/toplevel.cpp b/noncore/games/qasteroids/toplevel.cpp index c4fea89..9053d3d 100644 --- a/noncore/games/qasteroids/toplevel.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/qasteroids/toplevel.cpp @@ -1,535 +1,533 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************//* * KAsteroids - Copyright (c) Martin R. Jones 1997 * * Part of the KDE project */ // --- toplevel.cpp --- #include "toplevel.h" #include "ledmeter.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qaccel.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlcdnumber.h> -#include <qpushbutton.h> #include <sys/utsname.h> #define SB_SCORE 1 #define SB_LEVEL 2 #define SB_SHIPS 3 struct SLevel { int nrocks; double rockSpeed; }; #define MAX_LEVELS 16 SLevel levels[MAX_LEVELS] = { { 1, 0.4 }, { 1, 0.6 }, { 2, 0.5 }, { 2, 0.7 }, { 2, 0.8 }, { 3, 0.6 }, { 3, 0.7 }, { 3, 0.8 }, { 4, 0.6 }, { 4, 0.7 }, { 4, 0.8 }, { 5, 0.7 }, { 5, 0.8 }, { 5, 0.9 }, { 5, 1.0 } }; const char *soundEvents[] = { "ShipDestroyed", "RockDestroyed", 0 }; const char *soundDefaults[] = { "Explosion.wav", "ploop.wav", 0 }; KAstTopLevel::KAstTopLevel( QWidget *parent, const char *_name, WFlags fl ) : QMainWindow( parent, _name, fl ) { setCaption( tr("Asteroids") ); QPEApplication::grabKeyboard(); QWidget *border = new QWidget( this ); border->setBackgroundColor( black ); setCentralWidget( border ); QVBoxLayout *borderLayout = new QVBoxLayout( border ); QWidget *mainWin = new QWidget( border ); borderLayout->addWidget( mainWin, 2, AlignHCenter ); view = new KAsteroidsView( mainWin ); connect( view, SIGNAL( shipKilled() ), SLOT( slotShipKilled() ) ); connect( view, SIGNAL( rockHit(int) ), SLOT( slotRockHit(int) ) ); connect( view, SIGNAL( rocksRemoved() ), SLOT( slotRocksRemoved() ) ); connect( view, SIGNAL( updateVitals() ), SLOT( slotUpdateVitals() ) ); QVBoxLayout *vb = new QVBoxLayout( mainWin ); QHBoxLayout *hb = new QHBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *hbd = new QHBoxLayout; vb->addLayout( hb ); QFont labelFont( "helvetica", 12 ); QColorGroup grp( darkGreen, black, QColor( 128, 128, 128 ), QColor( 64, 64, 64 ), black, darkGreen, black ); QPalette pal( grp, grp, grp ); mainWin->setPalette( pal ); QLabel *label; label = new QLabel( tr("Score"), mainWin ); label->setFont( labelFont ); label->setPalette( pal ); // label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); hb->addWidget( label ); scoreLCD = new QLCDNumber( 5, mainWin ); scoreLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); scoreLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); scoreLCD->setFixedHeight( 16 ); scoreLCD->setPalette( pal ); hb->addWidget( scoreLCD ); hb->addStretch( 1 ); label = new QLabel( tr("Level"), mainWin ); label->setFont( labelFont ); label->setPalette( pal ); // label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); hb->addWidget( label ); levelLCD = new QLCDNumber( 2, mainWin ); levelLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); levelLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); levelLCD->setFixedHeight( 16 ); levelLCD->setPalette( pal ); hb->addWidget( levelLCD ); hb->addStretch( 1 ); label = new QLabel( tr("Ships"), mainWin ); label->setFont( labelFont ); // label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); label->setPalette( pal ); hb->addWidget( label ); shipsLCD = new QLCDNumber( 1, mainWin ); shipsLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); shipsLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); shipsLCD->setFixedHeight( 16 ); shipsLCD->setPalette( pal ); hb->addWidget( shipsLCD ); // hb->addStrut( 14 ); vb->addWidget( view, 10 ); // -- bottom layout: vb->addLayout( hbd ); QFont smallFont( "helvetica", 12 ); hbd->addSpacing( 5 ); /* label = new QLabel( tr( "T" ), mainWin ); label->setFont( smallFont ); label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() ); label->setPalette( pal ); hbd->addWidget( label ); teleportsLCD = new QLCDNumber( 1, mainWin ); teleportsLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); teleportsLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); teleportsLCD->setPalette( pal ); teleportsLCD->setFixedHeight( 18 ); hbd->addWidget( teleportsLCD ); hbd->addSpacing( 10 ); */ label = new QLabel( mainWin ); label->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("qasteroids/powerups/brake.png") ); label->setFixedWidth( 16 ); label->setPalette( pal ); hbd->addWidget( label ); brakesLCD = new QLCDNumber( 1, mainWin ); brakesLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); brakesLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); brakesLCD->setPalette( pal ); brakesLCD->setFixedHeight( 16 ); hbd->addWidget( brakesLCD ); hbd->addSpacing( 5 ); label = new QLabel( mainWin ); label->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("qasteroids/powerups/shield.png") ); label->setFixedWidth( 16 ); label->setPalette( pal ); hbd->addWidget( label ); shieldLCD = new QLCDNumber( 1, mainWin ); shieldLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); shieldLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); shieldLCD->setPalette( pal ); shieldLCD->setFixedHeight( 16 ); hbd->addWidget( shieldLCD ); hbd->addSpacing( 5 ); label = new QLabel( mainWin ); label->setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap("qasteroids/powerups/shoot.png") ); label->setFixedWidth( 16 ); label->setPalette( pal ); hbd->addWidget( label ); shootLCD = new QLCDNumber( 1, mainWin ); shootLCD->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); shootLCD->setSegmentStyle( QLCDNumber::Flat ); shootLCD->setPalette( pal ); shootLCD->setFixedHeight( 16 ); hbd->addWidget( shootLCD ); hbd->addStretch( 1 ); label = new QLabel( tr( "Fuel" ), mainWin ); label->setFont( smallFont ); label->setFixedWidth( label->sizeHint().width() + 5 ); label->setPalette( pal ); hbd->addWidget( label ); powerMeter = new KALedMeter( mainWin ); powerMeter->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain ); powerMeter->setRange( MAX_POWER_LEVEL ); powerMeter->addColorRange( 10, darkRed ); powerMeter->addColorRange( 20, QColor(160, 96, 0) ); powerMeter->addColorRange( 70, darkGreen ); powerMeter->setCount( 15 ); powerMeter->setPalette( pal ); powerMeter->setFixedSize( 60, 12 ); hbd->addWidget( powerMeter ); shipsRemain = 3; showHiscores = FALSE; actions.insert( Qt::Key_Up, Thrust ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_Left, RotateLeft ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_Right, RotateRight ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_Enter, Shoot ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_Z, Teleport ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_Down, Brake ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_P, Pause ); struct utsname name; /* check for embedix kernel running on the zaurus, if lineo change string, this break */ if (uname(&name) != -1) { QString release=name.release; if(release.find("embedix",0,TRUE) !=-1) { actions.insert( Key_F12, Launch ); actions.insert( Key_F11, Shield ); actions.insert( Key_F9, NewGame ); } else { // ipaq actions.insert( Key_F12, Shoot ); actions.insert( Key_F11, Shield ); actions.insert( Key_F10, Launch ); actions.insert( Key_F9, NewGame ); } } // actions.insert( Qt::Key_S, Shield ); // actions.insert( Qt::Key_X, Brake ); // actions.insert( Qt::Key_L, Launch ); actions.insert( Qt::Key_Space, Shoot ); view->showText( tr( "Press Calendar to start playing" ), yellow ); setFocusPolicy( StrongFocus ); slotNewGame(); } KAstTopLevel::~KAstTopLevel() { } void KAstTopLevel::playSound( const char * ) { } void KAstTopLevel::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *event ) { if ( event->isAutoRepeat() || !actions.contains( event->key() ) ) { event->ignore(); return; } Action a = actions[ event->key() ]; switch ( a ) { case RotateLeft: view->rotateLeft( TRUE ); break; case RotateRight: view->rotateRight( TRUE ); break; case Thrust: view->thrust( TRUE ); break; case Shoot: view->shoot( TRUE ); break; case Shield: view->setShield( TRUE ); break; case Teleport: view->teleport( TRUE ); break; case Brake: view->brake( TRUE ); break; default: event->ignore(); return; } event->accept(); } void KAstTopLevel::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *event ) { if ( event->isAutoRepeat() || !actions.contains( event->key() ) ) { event->ignore(); return; } Action a = actions[ event->key() ]; switch ( a ) { case RotateLeft: view->rotateLeft( FALSE ); break; case RotateRight: view->rotateRight( FALSE ); break; case Thrust: view->thrust( FALSE ); break; case Shoot: view->shoot( FALSE ); break; case Brake: view->brake( FALSE ); break; case Shield: view->setShield( FALSE ); break; case Teleport: view->teleport( FALSE ); break; case Launch: if ( waitShip ) { view->newShip(); waitShip = FALSE; view->hideText(); } else { event->ignore(); return; } break; case NewGame: slotNewGame(); break; /* case Pause: { view->pause( TRUE ); QMessageBox::information( this, tr("KAsteroids is paused"), tr("Paused") ); view->pause( FALSE ); } break; */ default: event->ignore(); return; } event->accept(); } void KAstTopLevel::showEvent( QShowEvent *e ) { QMainWindow::showEvent( e ); view->pause( FALSE ); setFocus(); } void KAstTopLevel::hideEvent( QHideEvent *e ) { QMainWindow::hideEvent( e ); view->pause( TRUE ); } void KAstTopLevel::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent * ) { view->pause( FALSE ); setFocus(); } void KAstTopLevel::focusOutEvent( QFocusEvent * ) { view->pause( TRUE ); } void KAstTopLevel::slotNewGame() { shipsRemain = 3; score = 0; scoreLCD->display( 0 ); level = 0; levelLCD->display( level+1 ); shipsLCD->display( shipsRemain-1 ); view->newGame(); view->setRockSpeed( levels[0].rockSpeed ); view->addRocks( levels[0].nrocks ); view->newShip(); waitShip = FALSE; view->hideText(); isPaused = FALSE; } void KAstTopLevel::slotShipKilled() { shipsRemain--; shipsLCD->display( shipsRemain-1 ); playSound( "ShipDestroyed" ); if ( shipsRemain > 0 ) { waitShip = TRUE; view->showText( tr( "Ship Destroyed.\nPress Contacts/Home key."), yellow ); } else { view->endGame(); doStats(); } } void KAstTopLevel::slotRockHit( int size ) { switch ( size ) { case 0: score += 10; break; case 1: score += 20; break; default: score += 40; } playSound( "RockDestroyed" ); scoreLCD->display( score ); } void KAstTopLevel::slotRocksRemoved() { level++; if ( level >= MAX_LEVELS ) level = MAX_LEVELS - 1; view->setRockSpeed( levels[level-1].rockSpeed ); view->addRocks( levels[level-1].nrocks ); levelLCD->display( level+1 ); } void KAstTopLevel::doStats() { QString r( "0.00" ); if ( view->shots() ) r = QString::number( (double)view->hits() / view->shots() * 100.0, 'g', 2 ); view->showText( tr( "Game Over.\nPress Calendar for a new game." ), yellow, FALSE ); } void KAstTopLevel::slotUpdateVitals() { brakesLCD->display( view->brakeCount() ); shieldLCD->display( view->shieldCount() ); shootLCD->display( view->shootCount() ); // teleportsLCD->display( view->teleportCount() ); powerMeter->setValue( view->power() ); } diff --git a/noncore/games/qasteroids/view.cpp b/noncore/games/qasteroids/view.cpp index 448a54a..352c63b 100644 --- a/noncore/games/qasteroids/view.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/qasteroids/view.cpp @@ -1,884 +1,881 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************//* * KAsteroids - Copyright (c) Martin R. Jones 1997 * * Part of the KDE project */ #include "view.h" #include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qapplication.h> -#include <qkeycode.h> -#include <qaccel.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #define IMG_BACKGROUND "qasteroids/bg.png" #define REFRESH_DELAY 33 #define SHIP_SPEED 0.3 #define MISSILE_SPEED 10.0 #define SHIP_STEPS 64 #define ROTATE_RATE 2 #define SHIELD_ON_COST 1 #define SHIELD_HIT_COST 30 #define BRAKE_ON_COST 4 #define MAX_ROCK_SPEED 2.5 #define MAX_POWERUP_SPEED 1.5 #define MAX_SHIP_SPEED 8 #define MAX_BRAKES 5 #define MAX_SHIELDS 5 #define MAX_FIREPOWER 5 #define TEXT_SPEED 4 #define PI_X_2 6.283185307 #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.141592654 #endif struct { int id; const char *path; int frames; } kas_animations [] = { // { ID_ROCK_LARGE, "rock1/rock1\%1.png", 32 }, { ID_ROCK_MEDIUM, "rock2/rock2\%1.png", 32 }, { ID_ROCK_SMALL, "rock3/rock3\%1.png", 32 }, { ID_SHIP, "ship/ship\%1.png", 32 }, { ID_MISSILE, "missile/missile.png", 0 }, { ID_BIT, "bits/bits\%1.png", 16 }, { ID_EXHAUST, "exhaust/exhaust.png", 0 }, { ID_ENERGY_POWERUP, "powerups/energy.png", 0 }, // { ID_TELEPORT_POWERUP, "powerups/teleport%1.png", 12 }, { ID_BRAKE_POWERUP, "powerups/brake.png", 0 }, { ID_SHIELD_POWERUP, "powerups/shield.png", 0 }, { ID_SHOOT_POWERUP, "powerups/shoot.png", 0 }, { ID_SHIELD, "shield/shield\%1.png", 6 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; KAsteroidsView::KAsteroidsView( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ), field(200, 200), view(&field,this) { view.setVScrollBarMode( QScrollView::AlwaysOff ); view.setHScrollBarMode( QScrollView::AlwaysOff ); rocks.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); missiles.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); bits.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); powerups.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); exhaust.setAutoDelete( TRUE ); QPixmap pm( Resource::loadPixmap(IMG_BACKGROUND) ); field.setBackgroundPixmap( pm ); textSprite = new QCanvasText( &field ); QFont font( "helvetica", 14 ); textSprite->setFont( font ); shield = 0; shieldOn = FALSE; refreshRate = REFRESH_DELAY; readSprites(); shieldTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( shieldTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hideShield()) ); mTimerId = -1; shipPower = MAX_POWER_LEVEL; vitalsChanged = TRUE; can_destroy_powerups = FALSE; mPaused = TRUE; } // - - - KAsteroidsView::~KAsteroidsView() { } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::reset() { rocks.clear(); missiles.clear(); bits.clear(); powerups.clear(); exhaust.clear(); shotsFired = 0; shotsHit = 0; rockSpeed = 1.0; powerupSpeed = 1.0; mFrameNum = 0; mPaused = FALSE; ship->hide(); shield->hide(); /* if ( mTimerId >= 0 ) { killTimer( mTimerId ); mTimerId = -1; } */ } // - -- void KAsteroidsView::newGame() { if ( shieldOn ) { shield->hide(); shieldOn = FALSE; } reset(); if ( mTimerId < 0 ) mTimerId = startTimer( REFRESH_DELAY ); emit updateVitals(); } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::endGame() { } void KAsteroidsView::pause( bool p ) { if ( !mPaused && p ) { if ( mTimerId >= 0 ) { killTimer( mTimerId ); mTimerId = -1; } } else if ( mPaused && !p ) mTimerId = startTimer( REFRESH_DELAY ); mPaused = p; } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::newShip() { ship->move( field.width()/2, field.height()/2, 0 ); shield->move( field.width()/2, field.height()/2, 0 ); ship->setVelocity( 0.0, 0.0 ); shipDx = 0; shipDy = 0; shipAngle = 0; rotateL = FALSE; rotateR = FALSE; thrustShip = FALSE; shootShip = FALSE; brakeShip = FALSE; teleportShip = FALSE; shieldOn = TRUE; shootDelay = 0; shipPower = MAX_POWER_LEVEL; rotateRate = ROTATE_RATE; rotateSlow = 0; mBrakeCount = 0; mTeleportCount = 0; mShootCount = 0; ship->show(); shield->show(); mShieldCount = 1; // just in case the ship appears on a rock. shieldTimer->start( 1000, TRUE ); } void KAsteroidsView::setShield( bool s ) { if ( shieldTimer->isActive() && !s ) { shieldTimer->stop(); hideShield(); } else { shieldOn = s && mShieldCount; } } void KAsteroidsView::brake( bool b ) { if ( mBrakeCount ) { if ( brakeShip && !b ) { rotateL = FALSE; rotateR = FALSE; thrustShip = FALSE; rotateRate = ROTATE_RATE; } brakeShip = b; } } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::readSprites() { QString sprites_prefix = Resource::findPixmap( IMG_BACKGROUND ); int sep = sprites_prefix.findRev( "/" ); sprites_prefix.truncate( sep ); int i = 0; while ( kas_animations[i].id ) { animation.insert( kas_animations[i].id, new QCanvasPixmapArray( sprites_prefix + "/" + kas_animations[i].path, kas_animations[i].frames ) ); i++; } ship = new QCanvasSprite( animation[ID_SHIP], &field ); ship->hide(); shield = new KShield( animation[ID_SHIELD], &field ); shield->hide(); } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::addRocks( int num ) { for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { KRock *rock = new KRock( animation[ID_ROCK_MEDIUM], &field, ID_ROCK_MEDIUM, randInt(2), randInt(2) ? -1 : 1 ); double dx = (2.0 - randDouble()*4.0) * rockSpeed; double dy = (2.0 - randDouble()*4.0) * rockSpeed; rock->setVelocity( dx, dy ); rock->setFrame( randInt( rock->frameCount() ) ); if ( dx > 0 ) { if ( dy > 0 ) rock->move( 5, 5, 0 ); else rock->move( 5, field.height() - 25, 0 ); } else { if ( dy > 0 ) rock->move( field.width() - 25, 5, 0 ); else rock->move( field.width() - 25, field.height() - 25, 0 ); } rock->show( ); rocks.append( rock ); } } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::showText( const QString &text, const QColor &color, bool scroll ) { textSprite->setTextFlags( AlignLeft | AlignVCenter ); textSprite->setText( text ); textSprite->setColor( color ); if ( scroll ) { textSprite->move( (field.width()-textSprite->boundingRect().width()) / 2, -textSprite->boundingRect().height() ); textDy = TEXT_SPEED; } else { textSprite->move( (field.width()-textSprite->boundingRect().width()) / 2, (field.height()-textSprite->boundingRect().height()) / 2 ); textDy = 0; } textSprite->show(); } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::hideText() { textDy = -TEXT_SPEED; } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { QWidget::resizeEvent(event); field.resize(width()-4, height()-4); view.resize(width(),height()); } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) { field.advance(); QCanvasSprite *rock; // move rocks forward for ( rock = rocks.first(); rock; rock = rocks.next() ) { ((KRock *)rock)->nextFrame(); wrapSprite( rock ); } wrapSprite( ship ); // check for missile collision with rocks. processMissiles(); // these are generated when a ship explodes for ( KBit *bit = bits.first(); bit; bit = bits.next() ) { if ( bit->expired() ) { bits.removeRef( bit ); } else { bit->growOlder(); bit->setFrame( ( bit->frame()+1 ) % bit->frameCount() ); } } for ( KExhaust *e = exhaust.first(); e; e = exhaust.next() ) exhaust.removeRef( e ); // move / rotate ship. // check for collision with a rock. processShip(); // move powerups and check for collision with player and missiles processPowerups(); if ( textSprite->visible() ) { if ( textDy < 0 && textSprite->boundingRect().y() <= -textSprite->boundingRect().height() ) { textSprite->hide(); } else { textSprite->moveBy( 0, textDy ); } if ( textSprite->boundingRect().y() > (field.height()-textSprite->boundingRect().height())/2 ) textDy = 0; } if ( vitalsChanged && !(mFrameNum % 10) ) { emit updateVitals(); vitalsChanged = FALSE; } mFrameNum++; } void KAsteroidsView::wrapSprite( QCanvasItem *s ) { int x = int(s->x() + s->boundingRect().width() / 2); int y = int(s->y() + s->boundingRect().height() / 2); if ( x > field.width() ) s->move( s->x() - field.width(), s->y() ); else if ( x < 0 ) s->move( field.width() + s->x(), s->y() ); if ( y > field.height() ) s->move( s->x(), s->y() - field.height() ); else if ( y < 0 ) s->move( s->x(), field.height() + s->y() ); } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::rockHit( QCanvasItem *hit ) { KPowerup *nPup = 0; int rnd = static_cast<int>(randDouble()*30.0) % 30; switch( rnd ) { case 4: case 5: nPup = new KPowerup( animation[ID_ENERGY_POWERUP], &field, ID_ENERGY_POWERUP ); break; case 10: // nPup = new KPowerup( animation[ID_TELEPORT_POWERUP], &field, // ID_TELEPORT_POWERUP ); break; case 15: nPup = new KPowerup( animation[ID_BRAKE_POWERUP], &field, ID_BRAKE_POWERUP ); break; case 20: nPup = new KPowerup( animation[ID_SHIELD_POWERUP], &field, ID_SHIELD_POWERUP ); break; case 24: case 25: nPup = new KPowerup( animation[ID_SHOOT_POWERUP], &field, ID_SHOOT_POWERUP ); break; } if ( nPup ) { double r = 0.5 - randDouble(); nPup->move( hit->x(), hit->y(), 0 ); nPup->setVelocity( hit->xVelocity() + r, hit->yVelocity() + r ); nPup->show( ); powerups.append( nPup ); } if ( hit->rtti() == ID_ROCK_LARGE || hit->rtti() == ID_ROCK_MEDIUM ) { // break into smaller rocks double addx[4] = { 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0 }; double addy[4] = { -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 }; double dx = hit->xVelocity(); double dy = hit->yVelocity(); double maxRockSpeed = MAX_ROCK_SPEED * rockSpeed; if ( dx > maxRockSpeed ) dx = maxRockSpeed; else if ( dx < -maxRockSpeed ) dx = -maxRockSpeed; if ( dy > maxRockSpeed ) dy = maxRockSpeed; else if ( dy < -maxRockSpeed ) dy = -maxRockSpeed; QCanvasSprite *nrock; for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { double r = rockSpeed/2 - randDouble()*rockSpeed; if ( hit->rtti() == ID_ROCK_LARGE ) { nrock = new KRock( animation[ID_ROCK_MEDIUM], &field, ID_ROCK_MEDIUM, randInt(2), randInt(2) ? -1 : 1 ); emit rockHit( 0 ); } else { nrock = new KRock( animation[ID_ROCK_SMALL], &field, ID_ROCK_SMALL, randInt(2), randInt(2) ? -1 : 1 ); emit rockHit( 1 ); } nrock->move( hit->x(), hit->y(), 0 ); nrock->setVelocity( dx+addx[i]*rockSpeed+r, dy+addy[i]*rockSpeed+r ); nrock->setFrame( randInt( nrock->frameCount() ) ); nrock->show( ); rocks.append( nrock ); } } else if ( hit->rtti() == ID_ROCK_SMALL ) emit rockHit( 2 ); rocks.removeRef( (QCanvasSprite *)hit ); if ( rocks.count() == 0 ) emit rocksRemoved(); } void KAsteroidsView::reducePower( int val ) { shipPower -= val; if ( shipPower <= 0 ) { shipPower = 0; thrustShip = FALSE; if ( shieldOn ) { shieldOn = FALSE; shield->hide(); } } vitalsChanged = TRUE; } void KAsteroidsView::addExhaust( double x, double y, double dx, double dy, int count ) { for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { KExhaust *e = new KExhaust( animation[ID_EXHAUST], &field ); e->move( x + 2 - randDouble()*4, y + 2 - randDouble()*4 ); e->setVelocity( dx, dy ); e->show( ); exhaust.append( e ); } } void KAsteroidsView::processMissiles() { KMissile *missile; // if a missile has hit a rock, remove missile and break rock into smaller // rocks or remove completely. QPtrListIterator<KMissile> it(missiles); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { missile = it.current(); missile->growOlder(); if ( missile->expired() ) { missiles.removeRef( missile ); continue; } wrapSprite( missile ); QCanvasItemList hits = missile->collisions( TRUE ); QCanvasItemList::Iterator hit; for ( hit = hits.begin(); hit != hits.end(); ++hit ) { if ( (*hit)->rtti() >= ID_ROCK_LARGE && (*hit)->rtti() <= ID_ROCK_SMALL ) { shotsHit++; rockHit( *hit ); missiles.removeRef( missile ); break; } } } } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::processShip() { if ( ship->visible() ) { if ( shieldOn ) { shield->show(); reducePower( SHIELD_ON_COST ); static int sf = 0; sf++; if ( sf % 2 ) shield->setFrame( (shield->frame()+1) % shield->frameCount() ); shield->move( ship->x() - 5, ship->y() - 5 ); QCanvasItemList hits = shield->collisions( TRUE ); QCanvasItemList::Iterator it; for ( it = hits.begin(); it != hits.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)->rtti() >= ID_ROCK_LARGE && (*it)->rtti() <= ID_ROCK_SMALL ) { int factor; switch ( (*it)->rtti() ) { case ID_ROCK_LARGE: factor = 3; break; case ID_ROCK_MEDIUM: factor = 2; break; default: factor = 1; } if ( factor > mShieldCount ) { // shield not strong enough shieldOn = FALSE; break; } rockHit( *it ); // the more shields we have the less costly reducePower( factor * (SHIELD_HIT_COST - mShieldCount*2) ); } } } if ( !shieldOn ) { shield->hide(); QCanvasItemList hits = ship->collisions( TRUE ); QCanvasItemList::Iterator it; for ( it = hits.begin(); it != hits.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it)->rtti() >= ID_ROCK_LARGE && (*it)->rtti() <= ID_ROCK_SMALL ) { KBit *bit; for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { bit = new KBit( animation[ID_BIT], &field ); bit->move( ship->x() + 5 - randDouble() * 10, ship->y() + 5 - randDouble() * 10, randInt(bit->frameCount()) ); bit->setVelocity( 1-randDouble()*2, 1-randDouble()*2 ); bit->setDeath( 60 + randInt(60) ); bit->show( ); bits.append( bit ); } ship->hide(); shield->hide(); emit shipKilled(); break; } } } if ( rotateSlow ) rotateSlow--; if ( rotateL ) { shipAngle -= rotateSlow ? 1 : rotateRate; if ( shipAngle < 0 ) shipAngle += SHIP_STEPS; } if ( rotateR ) { shipAngle += rotateSlow ? 1 : rotateRate; if ( shipAngle >= SHIP_STEPS ) shipAngle -= SHIP_STEPS; } double angle = shipAngle * PI_X_2 / SHIP_STEPS; double cosangle = cos( angle ); double sinangle = sin( angle ); if ( brakeShip ) { thrustShip = FALSE; rotateL = FALSE; rotateR = FALSE; rotateRate = ROTATE_RATE; if ( fabs(shipDx) < 2.5 && fabs(shipDy) < 2.5 ) { shipDx = 0.0; shipDy = 0.0; ship->setVelocity( shipDx, shipDy ); brakeShip = FALSE; } else { double motionAngle = atan2( -shipDy, -shipDx ); if ( angle > M_PI ) angle -= PI_X_2; double angleDiff = angle - motionAngle; if ( angleDiff > M_PI ) angleDiff = PI_X_2 - angleDiff; else if ( angleDiff < -M_PI ) angleDiff = PI_X_2 + angleDiff; double fdiff = fabs( angleDiff ); if ( fdiff > 0.08 ) { if ( angleDiff > 0 ) rotateL = TRUE; else if ( angleDiff < 0 ) rotateR = TRUE; if ( fdiff > 0.6 ) rotateRate = mBrakeCount + 1; else if ( fdiff > 0.4 ) rotateRate = 2; else rotateRate = 1; if ( rotateRate > 5 ) rotateRate = 5; } else if ( fabs(shipDx) > 1 || fabs(shipDy) > 1 ) { thrustShip = TRUE; // we'll make braking a bit faster shipDx += cosangle/6 * (mBrakeCount - 1); shipDy += sinangle/6 * (mBrakeCount - 1); reducePower( BRAKE_ON_COST ); addExhaust( ship->x() + 10 - cosangle*11, ship->y() + 10 - sinangle*11, shipDx-cosangle, shipDy-sinangle, mBrakeCount+1 ); } } } if ( thrustShip ) { // The ship has a terminal velocity, but trying to go faster // still uses fuel (can go faster diagonally - don't care). double thrustx = cosangle/8; double thrusty = sinangle/8; if ( fabs(shipDx + thrustx) < MAX_SHIP_SPEED ) shipDx += thrustx; if ( fabs(shipDy + thrusty) < MAX_SHIP_SPEED ) shipDy += thrusty; ship->setVelocity( shipDx, shipDy ); reducePower( 1 ); addExhaust( ship->x() + 10 - cosangle*10, ship->y() + 10 - sinangle*10, shipDx-cosangle, shipDy-sinangle, 3 ); } ship->setFrame( shipAngle >> 1 ); if ( shootShip ) { if ( !shootDelay && (int)missiles.count() < mShootCount + 2 ) { KMissile *missile = new KMissile( animation[ID_MISSILE], &field ); missile->move( 11+ship->x()+cosangle*11, 11+ship->y()+sinangle*11, 0 ); missile->setVelocity( shipDx + cosangle*MISSILE_SPEED, shipDy + sinangle*MISSILE_SPEED ); missile->show( ); missiles.append( missile ); shotsFired++; reducePower( 1 ); shootDelay = 5; } if ( shootDelay ) shootDelay--; } if ( teleportShip ) { int ra = rand() % 10; if( ra == 0 ) ra += rand() % 20; int xra = ra * 60 + ( (rand() % 20) * (rand() % 20) ); int yra = ra * 50 - ( (rand() % 20) * (rand() % 20) ); ship->move( xra, yra ); } vitalsChanged = TRUE; } } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::processPowerups() { if ( !powerups.isEmpty() ) { // if player gets the powerup remove it from the screen, if option // "Can destroy powerups" is enabled and a missile hits the powerup // destroy it KPowerup *pup; QPtrListIterator<KPowerup> it( powerups ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { pup = it.current(); pup->growOlder(); if( pup->expired() ) { powerups.removeRef( pup ); continue; } wrapSprite( pup ); QCanvasItemList hits = pup->collisions( TRUE ); QCanvasItemList::Iterator it; for ( it = hits.begin(); it != hits.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it) == ship ) { switch( pup->rtti() ) { case ID_ENERGY_POWERUP: shipPower += 150; if ( shipPower > MAX_POWER_LEVEL ) shipPower = MAX_POWER_LEVEL; break; case ID_TELEPORT_POWERUP: mTeleportCount++; break; case ID_BRAKE_POWERUP: if ( mBrakeCount < MAX_BRAKES ) mBrakeCount++; break; case ID_SHIELD_POWERUP: if ( mShieldCount < MAX_SHIELDS ) mShieldCount++; break; case ID_SHOOT_POWERUP: if ( mShootCount < MAX_FIREPOWER ) mShootCount++; break; } powerups.removeRef( pup ); vitalsChanged = TRUE; } else if ( (*it) == shield ) { powerups.removeRef( pup ); } else if ( (*it)->rtti() == ID_MISSILE ) { if ( can_destroy_powerups ) { powerups.removeRef( pup ); } } } } } // -- if( powerups.isEmpty() ) } // - - - void KAsteroidsView::hideShield() { shield->hide(); mShieldCount = 0; shieldOn = FALSE; } double KAsteroidsView::randDouble() { int v = rand(); return (double)v / (double)RAND_MAX; } int KAsteroidsView::randInt( int range ) { return rand() % range; } diff --git a/noncore/games/sfcave/helpwindow.cpp b/noncore/games/sfcave/helpwindow.cpp index 544e237..8a5d034 100644 --- a/noncore/games/sfcave/helpwindow.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/sfcave/helpwindow.cpp @@ -1,81 +1,79 @@ /*************************************************************************** helpwindow.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sun Sep 8 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by Andy Qua email : andy.qua@blueyonder.co.uk ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ -#include <qwidget.h> #include <qlayout.h> -#include <qstring.h> #include <qtextview.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include "helpwindow.h" #define HELP_TEXT \ "<qt><h1>SFCave Help</h1><p> " \ "SFCave is a flying game for the Zaurus.<br><br> " \ "The aim is to stay alive for as long as possible and get the highest score " \ "you can.<br><br>" \ "There are three game types currently - SFCave, Gates, and Fly.<br>" \ "<b>SFCave</b> is a remake of the classic SFCave game - fly through the " \ "cavern avoiding all the blocks that just happen to be hanging in " \ "midair<br><br>" \ "<b>Gates</b> is similar to SFCave but instead you must fly through the " \ "without crashing.<br><br>" \ "<b>Fly</b> is somewhat different to SFCave and above. Instead, you have " \ "are flying in the open air above a scrolling landscape, and the aim is to " \ "hug the ground - the closer to the land you fly the more points " \ "scored.<br><br><br>" \ "Basic instruction - Press <b>Up</B> or <b>Down</b> on the circle pad to " \ "start a new game, press the middle of the pad to apply thrust (makes you " \ "go up), and release the pad to remove thrust and drop down.<br><br>" \ "Also, if playing the Fly game, you can press z to toggle the display " \ "of the scoring zones. This will display 4 red lines at varying heights " \ "above the landscape - if your ship falls into this zone, point are scored. " \ "The closer to the landscape you get the more points you get.<br><br>" \ "In addition, SFCave has replays - save and load too so you can show off to all " \ "your friends (or vice versa). Currently, this is in its infancy but will improve.<br>" \ "To use, once you have crashed, press 'r' to replay the last game.<br>" \ "To save the replay press 's'.<br>" \ "To load a saved replay press 'l' (after you've crashed at least once).<br><br>" \ "Replays are currently saved to your home directory in a file called sfcave.replay." \ "This file can be copied and given to others as long as it it put in their home directory.<br><br>" \ "Have lots of fun.<br>" \ "Andy" \ "</p></qt>" HelpWindow::HelpWindow( QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : QDialog( parent, name, modal, flags ) { // resize( 230, 280 ); setCaption( "Help for SFCave" ); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); QString text = HELP_TEXT;; QTextView *view = new QTextView( text, 0, this, "view" ); layout->insertSpacing( -1, 5 ); layout->insertWidget( -1, view ); layout->insertSpacing( -1, 5 ); QPEApplication::showDialog( this ); } HelpWindow::~HelpWindow() { } diff --git a/noncore/games/snake/interface.cpp b/noncore/games/snake/interface.cpp index 2c60693..b5fb5bf 100644 --- a/noncore/games/snake/interface.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/snake/interface.cpp @@ -1,223 +1,219 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "interface.h" #include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/qpetoolbar.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> -#include <qstyle.h> -#include <qapplication.h> -#include <qmessagebox.h> SnakeGame::SnakeGame(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) : QMainWindow(parent,name,f), canvas(232, 258) { setCaption( tr("Snake") ); QPEApplication::setInputMethodHint(this, QPEApplication::AlwaysOff ); QPixmap bg = Resource::loadPixmap("snake/grass"); canvas.setBackgroundPixmap(bg); canvas.setUpdatePeriod(100); snake = 0; cv = new QCanvasView(&canvas, this); pauseTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(pauseTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(wait()) ); setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); QToolBar* toolbar = new QToolBar( this); toolbar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE ); QPixmap newicon = Resource::loadPixmap("ksnake"); setIcon(newicon); (void)new QToolButton(newicon, tr("New Game"), 0, this, SLOT(newGame()), toolbar, "New Game"); scorelabel = new QLabel(toolbar); showScore(0); scorelabel->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); scorelabel->setAlignment( AlignRight | AlignVCenter | ExpandTabs ); toolbar->setStretchableWidget( scorelabel ); setFocusPolicy(StrongFocus); setCentralWidget(cv); QTimer::singleShot( 16, this, SLOT(welcomescreen()) ); gamestopped = true; waitover = true; } SnakeGame::~SnakeGame() { delete snake; } void SnakeGame::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { QSize s = centralWidget()->size(); int fw = style().defaultFrameWidth(); canvas.resize( s.width() - fw - 2, s.height() - fw - 2); } void SnakeGame::welcomescreen() { QCanvasText* title = new QCanvasText(tr("SNAKE!"), &canvas); title->setColor(yellow); title->setFont( QFont("times", 18, QFont::Bold) ); int w = title->boundingRect().width(); title->move(canvas.width()/2 -w/2, canvas.height()/2-110); title->show(); QCanvasPixmapArray* titlearray = new QCanvasPixmapArray(Resource::findPixmap("snake/title")); QCanvasSprite* titlepic = new QCanvasSprite(titlearray, &canvas); titlepic->move(canvas.width()/2 - 33, canvas.height()/2-85); titlepic->show(); QCanvasText* instr = new QCanvasText(tr("Use the arrow keys to guide the\n" "snake to eat the mouse. You must not\n" "crash into the walls, edges or its tail."), &canvas); w = instr->boundingRect().width(); instr->move(canvas.width()/2-w/2, canvas.height()/2-20); instr->setColor(white); instr->show(); QCanvasText* cont = new QCanvasText(tr("Press any key to start"), &canvas); w = cont->boundingRect().width(); cont->move(canvas.width()/2-w/2, canvas.height()-20); cont->setColor(yellow); cont->show(); } void SnakeGame::newGame() { clear(); snake = new Snake(&canvas); connect(snake, SIGNAL(dead()), this, SLOT(gameOver()) ); connect(snake, SIGNAL(targethit()), this, SLOT(levelUp()) ); connect(snake, SIGNAL(scorechanged()), this, SLOT(scoreInc()) ); connect(this, SIGNAL(moveFaster()), snake, SLOT(increaseSpeed()) ); last = 0; targetamount = 1; notargets = 1; level = 1; stage = 1; showScore(0); gamestopped = false; waitover = true; int y = canvas.height()-50; (void)new Obstacle(&canvas, 32); (void)new Obstacle(&canvas, y); createTargets(); } void SnakeGame::showScore(int score) { scorelabel->setText(tr(" Score : %1 ").arg(score) ); } void SnakeGame::scoreInc() { showScore( snake->getScore() ); } void SnakeGame::levelUp() { notargets--; if (notargets == 0) { stage++; if (stage == 3) { level++; emit moveFaster(); targetamount++; stage = 0; } createTargets(); } } void SnakeGame::createTargets() { for (int i = 0; i < targetamount; i++) (void)new Target(&canvas); notargets = targetamount; } void SnakeGame::clear() { delete snake; snake = 0; QCanvasItemList l = canvas.allItems(); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } } void SnakeGame::gameOver() { int score = snake->getScore(); QString scoreoutput=""; scoreoutput.setNum(score); QCanvasText* gameover = new QCanvasText(tr("GAME OVER!\n Your Score: %1").arg( scoreoutput), &canvas); gameover->setZ(100); gameover->setColor(yellow); gameover->setFont( QFont("times", 18, QFont::Bold) ); int w = gameover->boundingRect().width(); gameover->move(canvas.width()/2 -w/2, canvas.height()/2 -50); gameover->show(); gamestopped = true; waitover = false; pauseTimer->start(1500); } void SnakeGame::wait() { waitover = true; pauseTimer->stop(); QCanvasText* cont = new QCanvasText(tr("Press any key to begin a new game."), &canvas); cont->setZ(100); cont->setColor(white); int w = cont->boundingRect().width(); cont->move(canvas.width()/2 -w/2, canvas.height()/2); cont->show(); } void SnakeGame::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { if (gamestopped) { if (waitover) newGame(); else return; } else { int newkey = event->key(); snake->go(newkey); } } diff --git a/noncore/games/snake/main.cpp b/noncore/games/snake/main.cpp index 77a2769..9a9b167 100644 --- a/noncore/games/snake/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/snake/main.cpp @@ -1,29 +1,28 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "interface.h" -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<SnakeGame> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/snake/snake.cpp b/noncore/games/snake/snake.cpp index 9f19841..8a683ab 100644 --- a/noncore/games/snake/snake.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/snake/snake.cpp @@ -1,246 +1,244 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "snake.h" #include "target.h" -#include "codes.h" #include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qregexp.h> static int Piecekey[4][4] = { {6, 0, 4, 3 }, {0, 6, 2, 1 }, { 1, 3, 5, 0 }, {2, 4, 0, 5 } }; Snake::Snake(QCanvas* c) { canvas = c; score = 0; snakelist.setAutoDelete(true); autoMoveTimer = new QTimer(this); connect( autoMoveTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(moveSnake()) ); createSnake(); } void Snake::createSnake() { snakeparts = new QCanvasPixmapArray(); QString s0 = Resource::findPixmap("snake/s0001"); s0.replace(QRegExp("0001"),"%1"); snakeparts->readPixmaps(s0, 15); grow = 0; last = Key_Right; QCanvasSprite* head = new QCanvasSprite(snakeparts, canvas ); head->setFrame(7); snakelist.insert(0, head); head->show(); head->move(34, 16); QCanvasSprite* body = new QCanvasSprite(snakeparts, canvas ); body->setFrame(6); snakelist.append( body ); body->show(); body->move(18, 16); QCanvasSprite* end = new QCanvasSprite(snakeparts, canvas ); end->setFrame(11); snakelist.append( end ); end->show(); end->move(2, 16); currentdir = right; speed = 250; autoMoveTimer->start(speed); moveSnake(); } void Snake::increaseSpeed() { if (speed > 150) speed = speed - 5; autoMoveTimer->start(speed); } void Snake::go(int newkey) { // check key is a direction if (!( (newkey == Key_Up) || (newkey == Key_Left) || (newkey == Key_Right) || (newkey == Key_Down) )) return; // check move is possible if ( ((currentdir == left) && ((newkey == Key_Right) || (newkey == Key_Left)) ) || ((currentdir == right) && ((newkey == Key_Left) || (newkey == Key_Right)) ) || ((currentdir == up) && ((newkey == Key_Down) || (newkey == Key_Up)) ) || ((currentdir == down) && ((newkey == Key_Up) || (newkey == Key_Down)) ) ) return; else { Snake::changeHead(newkey); Snake::moveSnake(); } } void Snake::move(Direction dir) { autoMoveTimer->start(speed); int x = 0; int y = 0; newdir = dir; switch (dir) { case right: x = 16; break; case left: x = -16; break; case down: y = 16; break; case up: y = -16; break; } int index = lookUpPiece(currentdir, newdir); QCanvasSprite* sprite = new QCanvasSprite(snakeparts, canvas ); sprite->setFrame(index); snakelist.insert(1, sprite); sprite->move(snakelist.first()->x(), snakelist.first()->y() ); snakelist.first()->moveBy(x, y); if (grow <= 0) changeTail(); else grow--; sprite->show(); currentdir = dir; } void Snake::changeTail() { snakelist.removeLast(); double lastx = snakelist.last()->x(); double prevx = snakelist.prev()->x(); int index = 0; if ( prevx == lastx ) { //vertical if ( snakelist.prev()->y() > snakelist.last()->y() ) index = 13; else index = 14; } else { //horizontal if (snakelist.prev()->x() > snakelist.last()->x() ) index = 11; else index = 12; } snakelist.last()->setFrame(index); } void Snake::changeHead(int lastkey) { int index = 0; last = lastkey; switch (last) { case Key_Up: index = 10; break; case Key_Left: index = 8; break; case Key_Right: index = 7; break; case Key_Down: index = 9; break; } if (index) { snakelist.first()->setFrame(index); } } // returns an integer corresponding to a particular type of snake piece int Snake::lookUpPiece(Direction currentdir, Direction newdir) { return Piecekey[currentdir][newdir]; } void Snake::extendSnake() { grow++; } void Snake::moveSnake() { switch (last) { case Key_Up: move(up); break; case Key_Left: move(left); break; case Key_Right: move(right); break; case Key_Down: move(down); break; } detectCrash(); } void Snake::detectCrash() { QCanvasSprite* head = snakelist.first(); QCanvasItem* item; QCanvasItemList l=head->collisions(FALSE); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) { item = *it; // check if snake hit target if ( (item->rtti()== 1500 ) && (item->collidesWith(head)) ) { Target* target = (Target*) item; target->done(); emit targethit(); extendSnake(); setScore(5); return; } // check if snake hit obstacles if ( (item->rtti()==1600) && (item->collidesWith(head)) ) { emit dead(); autoMoveTimer->stop(); return; } } //check if snake hit itself for (uint i = 3; i < snakelist.count(); i++) { if (head->collidesWith(snakelist.at(i)) ) { emit dead(); autoMoveTimer->stop(); return; } } //check if snake hit edge if ( (head->x() > canvas->width()-5) || (head->y() > canvas->height()-10) || (head->x() <2) || (head->y() <-5) ) { emit dead(); autoMoveTimer->stop(); return; } } void Snake::setScore(int amount) { score = score + amount; emit scorechanged(); } int Snake::getScore() { return score; } Snake::~Snake() { autoMoveTimer->stop(); } diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascard.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascard.cpp index 7c4a5ba..c36da6c 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascard.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascard.cpp @@ -1,313 +1,308 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ -#include "cardgame.h" #include "canvascard.h" #include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qimage.h> -#include <qpaintdevice.h> -#include <qbitmap.h> #include <qgfx_qws.h> // Needed to get the device's width #include <math.h> #if defined( QT_QWS_CASSIOPEIA ) #define SLOW_HARDWARE #endif // Seems to be fast enough to me even without Transformations in the library //#if defined( QT_NO_TRANSFORMATIONS ) && defined( QT_QWS_IPAQ ) //#define SLOW_HARDWARE //#endif QBitmap *Create180RotatedBitmap(QBitmap *srcBitmap) { #ifdef QT_NO_TRANSFORMATIONS int w = srcBitmap->width(); int h = srcBitmap->height(); QBitmap *dstBitmap = new QBitmap( w, h ); // ### this is very poorly implemented and probably could be much faster for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) bitBlt( dstBitmap, i, j, srcBitmap, w - i - 1, h - j - 1, 1, 1 ); return dstBitmap; #else QWMatrix m; m.rotate( 180.0 ); return new QBitmap( srcBitmap->xForm( m ) ); #endif } QPixmap *CreateScaledPixmap(QPixmap *srcPixmap, double scaleX, double scaleY) { #ifdef QT_NO_TRANSFORMATIONS int w = srcPixmap->width(); int h = srcPixmap->height(); int newW = (int)(w * scaleX); int newH = (int)(h * scaleY); QPixmap *dstPixmap = new QPixmap( newW, newH ); // ### this is very poorly implemented and probably could be much faster for (int i = 0; i < newW; i++) { int srcX = w * i / newW; if (newH == h) { // Optimise for scaleing in the X-axis only bitBlt( dstPixmap, i, 0, srcPixmap, srcX, 0, 1, h ); } else { for (int j = 0; j < newH; j++) { int srcY = h * j / newH; bitBlt( dstPixmap, i, j, srcPixmap, srcX, srcY, 1, 1 ); } } } return dstPixmap; #else QWMatrix s; s.scale( scaleX, scaleY ); return new QPixmap( srcPixmap->xForm( s ) ); #endif } // Initialise static member variables to NULL QPixmap *CanvasCard::cardsFaces = NULL; QPixmap *CanvasCard::cardsBacks = NULL; QBitmap *CanvasCard::cardsChars = NULL; QBitmap *CanvasCard::cardsSuits = NULL; QBitmap *CanvasCard::cardsCharsUpsideDown = NULL; QBitmap *CanvasCard::cardsSuitsUpsideDown = NULL; CanvasCard::CanvasCard( eValue v, eSuit s, bool f, QCanvas *canvas ) : Card(v, s, f), QCanvasRectangle( 0, 0, 1, 1, canvas ), cardBack(1), scaleX(1.0), scaleY(1.0) { if ( !cardsFaces ) { if ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) { cardsFaces = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_face_small" ) ); cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0001_small" ) ); cardsChars = new QBitmap( Resource::loadBitmap( "cards/card_chars_small" ) ); cardsSuits = new QBitmap( Resource::loadBitmap( "cards/card_suits_small" ) ); } else { cardsFaces = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_face" ) ); cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0001" ) ); cardsChars = new QBitmap( Resource::loadBitmap( "cards/card_chars" ) ); cardsSuits = new QBitmap( Resource::loadBitmap( "cards/card_suits" ) ); } cardsCharsUpsideDown = Create180RotatedBitmap( cardsChars ); cardsSuitsUpsideDown = Create180RotatedBitmap( cardsSuits ); } xOff = cardsFaces->width() / 2; yOff = cardsFaces->height() / 2; setSize( cardsFaces->width(), cardsFaces->height() ); setPen( NoPen ); flipping = FALSE; } void CanvasCard::setCardBack(int b) { if ( cardBack != b ) { cardBack = b; if ( cardsBacks ) delete cardsBacks; if ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) { switch (cardBack) { case 0: cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0001_small" ) ); break; case 1: cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0002_small" ) ); break; case 2: cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0003_small" ) ); break; case 3: cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0004_small" ) ); break; case 4: cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0005_small" ) ); break; } } else { switch (cardBack) { case 0: cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0001" ) ); break; case 1: cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0002" ) ); break; case 2: cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0003" ) ); break; case 3: cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0004" ) ); break; case 4: cardsBacks = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_back0005" ) ); break; } } if ( !isFacing() ) redraw(); } } void CanvasCard::draw(QPainter &painter) { int ix = (int)x(), iy = (int)y(); QPainter *p = &painter; QPixmap *unscaledCard = NULL; if ((scaleX <= 0.98) || (scaleY <= 0.98)) { p = new QPainter(); unscaledCard = new QPixmap( cardsFaces->width(), cardsFaces->height() ); p->begin(unscaledCard); ix = 0; iy = 0; } if ( isFacing() ) { /* // Now add the joker and card backs to the list of pixmaps QPixmap *CardsBack = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards/card_joker.png" ) ); QPoint *newBackHotspot = new QPoint( 0, 0 ); pixmaps->append((const QPixmap *)CardsBack); hotspots->append((const QPoint *)newBackHotspot); */ int w = cardsFaces->width(), h = cardsFaces->height(); // p->setBrush( NoBrush ); p->setBrush( QColor( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ) ); if ( isRed() == TRUE ) p->setPen( QColor( 0xFF, 0, 0 ) ); else p->setPen( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) ); if ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) { p->drawPixmap( ix + 0, iy + 0, *cardsFaces ); p->drawPixmap( ix + 3, iy + 3, *cardsChars, 5*(getValue()-1), 0, 5, 6 ); p->drawPixmap( ix + 11, iy + 3, *cardsSuits, 5*(getSuit()-1), 0, 5, 6 ); p->drawPixmap( ix + w-3-5, iy + h-3-6, *cardsCharsUpsideDown, 5*(12-getValue()+1), 0, 5, 6 ); p->drawPixmap( ix + w-11-5, iy + h-3-6, *cardsSuitsUpsideDown, 5*(3-getSuit()+1), 0, 5, 6 ); } else { p->drawPixmap( ix + 0, iy + 0, *cardsFaces ); p->drawPixmap( ix + 4, iy + 4, *cardsChars, 7*(getValue()-1), 0, 7, 7 ); p->drawPixmap( ix + 12, iy + 4, *cardsSuits, 7*(getSuit()-1), 0, 7, 8 ); p->drawPixmap( ix + w-4-7, iy + h-4-7, *cardsCharsUpsideDown, 7*(12-getValue()+1), 0, 7, 7 ); p->drawPixmap( ix + w-12-7, iy + h-5-7, *cardsSuitsUpsideDown, 7*(3-getSuit()+1), 0, 7, 8 ); } } else { p->drawPixmap( ix, iy, *cardsBacks ); } if (p != &painter) { p->end(); QPixmap *scaledCard = CreateScaledPixmap( unscaledCard, scaleX, scaleY ); int xoff = scaledCard->width() / 2; int yoff = scaledCard->height() / 2; painter.drawPixmap( (int)x() + xOff - xoff, (int)y() + yOff - yoff, *scaledCard ); delete p; delete unscaledCard; delete scaledCard; } } static const double flipLift = 1.5; void CanvasCard::flipTo(int x2, int y2, int steps) { flipSteps = steps; #ifdef SLOW_HARDWARE move(x2,y2); Card::flipTo(x2,y2,steps); #else int x1 = (int)x(); int y1 = (int)y(); double dx = x2 - x1; double dy = y2 - y1; flipping = TRUE; destX = x2; destY = y2; animSteps = flipSteps; setVelocity(dx/animSteps, dy/animSteps-flipLift); setAnimated(TRUE); #endif } void CanvasCard::advance(int stage) { if ( stage==1 ) { if ( animSteps-- <= 0 ) { scaleX = 1.0; scaleY = 1.0; flipping = FALSE; setVelocity(0,0); setAnimated(FALSE); move(destX,destY); // exact } else { if ( flipping ) { if ( animSteps > flipSteps / 2 ) { // animSteps = flipSteps .. flipSteps/2 (flip up) -> 1..0 scaleX = ((double)animSteps/flipSteps-0.5)*2; } else { // animSteps = flipSteps/2 .. 0 (flip down) -> 0..1 scaleX = 1-((double)animSteps/flipSteps)*2; } if ( animSteps == flipSteps / 2-1 ) { setYVelocity(yVelocity()+flipLift*2); setFace( !isFacing() ); } } } } QCanvasRectangle::advance(stage); } void CanvasCard::animatedMove(int x2, int y2, int steps) { destX = x2; destY = y2; double x1 = x(), y1 = y(), dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1; // Ensure a good speed while ( fabs(dx/steps)+fabs(dy/steps) < 5.0 && steps > 4 ) steps--; setAnimated(TRUE); setVelocity(dx/steps, dy/steps); animSteps = steps; } diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascardgame.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascardgame.cpp index 9ae2a23..ed5748e 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascardgame.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascardgame.cpp @@ -1,388 +1,380 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ -#include "cardgame.h" -#include "canvasshapes.h" -#include "canvascard.h" #include "canvascardgame.h" -#include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qpe/config.h> -#include <qmainwindow.h> -#include <qmenubar.h> -#include <qpainter.h> #include <qgfx_qws.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> extern int highestZ; class CanvasCardPile : public QCanvasRectangle { public: CanvasCardPile( CanvasCardGame *ccg, QCanvas *canvas ) : QCanvasRectangle( canvas ), parent( ccg ) { pile = new QPixmap( 0, 0 ); pileHeight = 0; firstCard = NULL; } void addCard( CanvasCard *card ); void advance(int stage); void animatedMove() { animatedMove(savedX, savedY); } void savePos(void) { savedX = (int)x(); savedY = (int)y(); } void animatedMove(int x2, int y2, int steps = 7 ); protected: virtual void draw( QPainter& p ); private: CanvasCardGame *parent; QPixmap *pile; QImage tempImage32; CanvasCard *firstCard; int pileHeight; int destX, destY; int savedX, savedY; int animSteps; }; void CanvasCardPile::addCard( CanvasCard *card ) { int offsetDown = ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) ? 9 : 13; int cardHeight = ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) ? 27 : 36; int cardWidth = ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) ? 20 : 23; if ( !firstCard ) firstCard = card; int height = cardHeight + pileHeight * offsetDown; setSize( cardWidth, height ); pile->resize( cardWidth, height ); QPainter p( pile ); p.translate( -card->x(), -card->y() + pileHeight * offsetDown ); card->draw( p ); pileHeight++; QImage tempImage; tempImage = *pile; tempImage32 = tempImage.convertDepth( 32 ); tempImage32.setAlphaBuffer( TRUE ); for ( int i = 0; i < tempImage32.width(); i++ ) for ( int j = 0; j < tempImage32.height(); j++ ) { QRgb col = tempImage32.pixel( i, j ); int a = 255-j*220/tempImage32.height(); QRgb alpha = qRgba( qRed( col ), qGreen( col ), qBlue( col ), a ); tempImage32.setPixel( i, j, alpha ); } QRgb alpha = qRgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); tempImage32.setPixel( 1, 0, alpha ); tempImage32.setPixel( 0, 0, alpha ); tempImage32.setPixel( 0, 1, alpha ); tempImage32.setPixel( cardWidth - 2, 0, alpha ); tempImage32.setPixel( cardWidth - 1, 0, alpha ); tempImage32.setPixel( cardWidth - 1, 1, alpha ); height--; tempImage32.setPixel( 1, height, alpha ); tempImage32.setPixel( 0, height - 1, alpha ); tempImage32.setPixel( 0, height, alpha ); tempImage32.setPixel( cardWidth - 2, height, alpha ); tempImage32.setPixel( cardWidth - 1, height, alpha ); tempImage32.setPixel( cardWidth - 1, height - 1, alpha ); } void CanvasCardPile::advance(int stage) { if ( stage==1 ) { if ( animSteps-- <= 0 ) { CanvasCard *item = firstCard; while (item) { item->show(); item = (CanvasCard *)item->getCardPile()->cardInfront(item); } setVelocity(0,0); setAnimated(FALSE); parent->cancelMoving(); hide(); move(destX,destY); // exact } } QCanvasRectangle::advance(stage); } void CanvasCardPile::animatedMove(int x2, int y2, int steps ) { destX = x2; destY = y2; double x1 = x(), y1 = y(), dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1; // Ensure a good speed while ( fabs(dx/steps)+fabs(dy/steps) < 5.0 && steps > 4 ) steps--; setAnimated(TRUE); setVelocity(dx/steps, dy/steps); animSteps = steps; } void CanvasCardPile::draw( QPainter& p ) { int ix = (int)x(), iy = (int)y(); p.drawImage( ix, iy, tempImage32 ); } CanvasCardGame::~CanvasCardGame() { // the deletion stuff should be fixed now and only deletes // items created by this CardGame. I haven't verified there are zero // memory leaks yet if ( alphaCardPile ) delete alphaCardPile; } void CanvasCardGame::gameWon() { srand(time(NULL)); QCanvasItemList list = canvas()->allItems(); QCanvasItemList::Iterator it = list.begin(); for (; it != list.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it)->rtti() == canvasCardId ) { // disperse the cards everywhere int x = 300 - rand() % 1000; int y = 300 + rand() % 200; ((CanvasCard *)*it)->animatedMove( x, y, 50 ); } } } void CanvasCardGame::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { if ( moving ) return; QCanvasItemList l = canvas()->collisions( e->pos() ); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it)->rtti() == canvasCardId ) { moving = (CanvasCard *)*it; if ( moving->animated() ) return; cardXOff = (int)(e->pos().x() - moving->x()); cardYOff = (int)(e->pos().y() - moving->y()); if ( !mousePressCard( moving, e->pos() ) ) { CanvasCard *card = moving; if ( alphaCardPile ) delete alphaCardPile; alphaCardPile = new CanvasCardPile( this, canvas() ); alphaCardPile->move( card->x(), card->y() ); alphaCardPile->savePos(); alphaCardPile->show(); while (card) { alphaCardPile->addCard( card ); card->hide(); card = (CanvasCard *)card->getCardPile()->cardInfront(card); } alphaCardPile->setZ( INT_MAX ); moved = TRUE; } else { if ( alphaCardPile ) alphaCardPile->hide(); } return; } } mousePress( e->pos() ); } /* // // Should have some intelligent way to make double clicking on a // card send it to the most appropriate pile // void CanvasCardGame::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QCanvasItemList l = canvas()->collisions( e->pos() ); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it)->rtti() == canvasCardId ) { CanvasCard *card = (CanvasCard *)*it; if ( card->animated() ) return; if ( card->getCardPile()->isAllowedToBeMoved(card) ) { if (card->getCardPile()->cardInfront(card) == NULL) { CardPile *pile = first(); if (pile && pile->isAllowedOnTop(card)) { // move card to this pile return; } } } } } } */ void CanvasCardGame::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QPoint p = e->pos(); if ( moving ) { moved = TRUE; if (moving->isFacing() != TRUE) return; int tx = (int)p.x() - cardXOff; int ty = (int)p.y() - cardYOff; if (snapOn == TRUE) { CardPile *pile = closestPile( tx, ty, 50 ); if ( pile && pile->isAllowedOnTop( moving ) ) { QPoint p = pile->getHypertheticalNextCardPos(); if ( alphaCardPile ) alphaCardPile->move( p.x(), p.y() ); return; } } if ( alphaCardPile ) alphaCardPile->move( tx, ty ); } } void CanvasCardGame::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QPoint p = e->pos(); Q_UNUSED(p); if ( moving ) { CanvasCard *item = moving; if ( item->animated() ) return; if ( alphaCardPile ) if ( moved ) { CardPile *pile = closestPile((int)alphaCardPile->x(), (int)alphaCardPile->y(), 30); if (pile && pile->isAllowedOnTop(item)) { CardPile *oldPile = item->getCardPile(); Card *c = NULL; if ( oldPile != pile) { while ( item ) { item->show(); if ( oldPile ) { c = oldPile->cardInfront(item); oldPile->removeCard(item); } item->setCardPile(pile); //item->move( pile->getCardPos(item) ); pile->addCardToTop(item); QPoint p = pile->getCardPos(item); item->setPos( p.x(), p.y(), highestZ ); highestZ++; checkUnusable(); // added for freecell to move card to discard pile if (item->getValue() == king && haveWeWon()) { alphaCardPile->hide(); gameWon(); moving = NULL; return; } if (oldPile) { item = (CanvasCard *)c; } else { item = NULL; } } alphaCardPile->hide(); moving = NULL; return; } } alphaCardPile->animatedMove(); } } moved = FALSE; } void CanvasCardGame::readPile( Config& cfg, CardPile *pile, QString name, int& highestZ ) { cfg.setGroup( name ); int numberOfCards = cfg.readNumEntry("NumberOfCards", 0); Card *card = NULL; for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfCards; i++ ) { QString cardStr; cardStr.sprintf( "%i", i ); int val = cfg.readNumEntry( "Card" + cardStr ); bool facing = cfg.readBoolEntry( "CardFacing" + cardStr ); card = cards[ val ]; card->setFace(facing); card->setCardPile(pile); // cam: setCardPile has to happen bevor addCardToTop pile->addCardToTop(card); // due to a empty pointer if you use cardAddedToTop QPoint p = pile->getCardPos( card ); card->setPos( p.x(), p.y(), highestZ ); card->showCard(); highestZ++; } } diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascardwindow.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascardwindow.cpp index c12344a..503bc92 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascardwindow.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/canvascardwindow.cpp @@ -1,315 +1,310 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "canvascardwindow.h" -#include "patiencecardgame.h" #include "freecellcardgame.h" #include "chicanecardgame.h" #include "harpcardgame.h" #include "teeclubcardgame.h" -#include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qmainwindow.h> -#include <qpopupmenu.h> -#include <qstyle.h> CanvasCardWindow::CanvasCardWindow(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) : QMainWindow(parent, name, f), canvas(230, 260), snapOn(TRUE), cardBack(4), gameType(0), cardGame(NULL) { setIcon( Resource::loadPixmap( "cards" ) ); setCaption(tr("Patience")); // Create Playing Area for Games if ( QPixmap::defaultDepth() < 12 ) { // canvas.setBackgroundColor(QColor(0x51, 0x74, 0x6B)); // canvas.setBackgroundColor(QColor(0x20, 0xb0, 0x50)); canvas.setBackgroundColor(QColor(0x08, 0x98, 0x2D)); } else { QPixmap bg; bg.convertFromImage( Resource::loadImage( "table_pattern" ), ThresholdDither ); canvas.setBackgroundPixmap(bg); } #if defined( QT_QWS_CASSIOPEIA ) canvas.setAdvancePeriod(70); #else canvas.setAdvancePeriod(30); #endif #ifdef _PATIENCE_USE_ACCELS_ QMenuBar* menu = menuBar(); QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu; file->insertItem(tr("Patience"), this, SLOT(initPatience()), CTRL+Key_F); file->insertItem(tr("Freecell"), this, SLOT(initFreecell()), CTRL+Key_F); file->insertItem(tr("Chicane"), this, SLOT(initChicane()), CTRL+Key_F); file->insertItem(tr("Harp"), this, SLOT(initHarp()), CTRL+Key_F); file->insertItem(tr("Teeclub"), this, SLOT(initTeeclub()), CTRL+Key_F); menu->insertItem(tr("&Game"), file); menu->insertSeparator(); settings = new QPopupMenu; settings->insertItem(tr("&Change card backs"), this, SLOT(changeCardBacks()), Key_F2); snap_id = settings->insertItem(tr("&Snap to position"), this, SLOT(snapToggle()), Key_F3); settings->setCheckable(TRUE); menu->insertItem(tr("&Settings"),settings); menu->insertSeparator(); QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu; help->insertItem(tr("&About"), this, SLOT(help()), Key_F1); help->setItemChecked(dbf_id, TRUE); menu->insertItem(tr("&Help"),help); #else QMenuBar* menu = menuBar(); QPopupMenu* file = new QPopupMenu; file->insertItem(tr("Patience"), this, SLOT(initPatience())); file->insertItem(tr("Freecell"), this, SLOT(initFreecell())); file->insertItem(tr("Chicane"), this, SLOT(initChicane())); file->insertItem(tr("Harp"), this, SLOT(initHarp())); file->insertItem(tr("Teeclub"), this, SLOT(initTeeclub())); menu->insertItem(tr("Play"), file); menu->insertSeparator(); settings = new QPopupMenu; settings->setCheckable(TRUE); settings->insertItem(tr("Change card backs"), this, SLOT(changeCardBacks())); snap_id = settings->insertItem(tr("Snap to position"), this, SLOT(snapToggle())); QString m; drawId = settings->insertItem(tr("Turn one card"), this, SLOT(drawnToggle())); menu->insertItem(tr("Settings"),settings); settings->setCheckable(TRUE); #endif menu->show(); Config cfg( "Patience" ); cfg.setGroup( "GlobalSettings" ); snapOn = cfg.readBoolEntry( "SnapOn", TRUE); settings->setItemChecked(snap_id, snapOn); gameType = cfg.readNumEntry( "GameType", -1 ); drawThree = cfg.readBoolEntry( "DrawThree", FALSE); if ( gameType == 0 ) { cardGame = new PatienceCardGame( &canvas, snapOn, this ); cardGame->setNumberToDraw(drawThree ? 3 : 1); setCaption(tr("Patience")); setCentralWidget(cardGame); cardGame->readConfig( cfg ); setCardBacks(); } else if ( gameType == 1 ) { cardGame = new FreecellCardGame( &canvas, snapOn, this ); setCaption(tr("Freecell")); setCentralWidget(cardGame); //cardGame->newGame(); // Until we know how to handle reading freecell config cardGame->readConfig( cfg ); setCardBacks(); } else if ( gameType == 2 ) { cardGame = new ChicaneCardGame( &canvas, snapOn, this ); cardGame->setNumberToDraw(1); setCaption(tr("Chicane")); setCentralWidget(cardGame); cardGame->readConfig( cfg ); setCardBacks(); } else if ( gameType == 3 ) { cardGame = new HarpCardGame( &canvas, snapOn, this ); cardGame->setNumberToDraw(1); setCaption(tr("Harp")); setCentralWidget(cardGame); cardGame->readConfig( cfg ); setCardBacks(); } else if ( gameType == 4 ) { cardGame = new TeeclubCardGame( &canvas, snapOn, this ); cardGame->setNumberToDraw(1); setCaption(tr("Teeclub")); setCentralWidget(cardGame); cardGame->readConfig( cfg ); setCardBacks(); } else { // Probably there isn't a config file or it is broken // Start a new game initPatience(); } updateDraw(); } CanvasCardWindow::~CanvasCardWindow() { if (cardGame) { Config cfg("Patience"); cfg.setGroup( "GlobalSettings" ); cfg.writeEntry( "GameType", gameType ); cfg.writeEntry( "SnapOn", snapOn ); cfg.writeEntry( "DrawThree", drawThree); cfg.write(); cardGame->writeConfig( cfg ); delete cardGame; } } void CanvasCardWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { QSize s = centralWidget()->size(); int fw = style().defaultFrameWidth(); canvas.resize( s.width() - fw - 2, s.height() - fw - 2); } void CanvasCardWindow::initPatience() { // Create New Game if ( cardGame ) delete cardGame; cardGame = new PatienceCardGame( &canvas, snapOn, this ); cardGame->setNumberToDraw(drawThree ? 3 : 1); gameType = 0; setCaption(tr("Patience")); setCentralWidget(cardGame); cardGame->newGame(); setCardBacks(); updateDraw(); } void CanvasCardWindow::initFreecell() { // Create New Game if ( cardGame ) { delete cardGame; } cardGame = new FreecellCardGame( &canvas, snapOn, this ); gameType = 1; setCaption(tr("Freecell")); setCentralWidget(cardGame); cardGame->newGame(); setCardBacks(); } void CanvasCardWindow::initChicane() { // Create New Game if ( cardGame ) { delete cardGame; } cardGame = new ChicaneCardGame( &canvas, snapOn, this ); cardGame->setNumberToDraw(1); gameType = 2; setCaption(tr("Chicane")); setCentralWidget(cardGame); cardGame->newGame(); setCardBacks(); } void CanvasCardWindow::initHarp() { // Create New Game if ( cardGame ) { delete cardGame; } cardGame = new HarpCardGame( &canvas, snapOn, this ); cardGame->setNumberToDraw(1); gameType = 3; setCaption(tr("Harp")); setCentralWidget(cardGame); cardGame->newGame(); setCardBacks(); } void CanvasCardWindow::initTeeclub() { // Create New Game if ( cardGame ) { delete cardGame; } cardGame = new TeeclubCardGame( &canvas, snapOn, this ); cardGame->setNumberToDraw(1); gameType = 4; setCaption(tr("Teeclub")); setCentralWidget(cardGame); cardGame->newGame(); setCardBacks(); } void CanvasCardWindow::snapToggle() { snapOn = !snapOn; settings->setItemChecked(snap_id, snapOn); cardGame->toggleSnap(); } void CanvasCardWindow::drawnToggle() { drawThree=!drawThree; Config cfg( "Patience" ); cfg.setGroup( "GlobalSettings" ); cardGame->toggleCardsDrawn(); updateDraw(); cfg.writeEntry( "DrawThree", drawThree); cfg.write(); } void CanvasCardWindow::updateDraw() { if(cardGame->cardsDrawn() == 3){ settings->changeItem(drawId, tr("Turn one card")); } else { settings->changeItem(drawId, tr("Turn three cards")); } } void CanvasCardWindow::setCardBacks() { QCanvasItemList l = canvas.allItems(); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { if ( (*it)->rtti() == canvasCardId ) ((CanvasCard *)(*it))->setCardBack( cardBack ); } } void CanvasCardWindow::changeCardBacks() { cardBack++; if (cardBack == 5) cardBack = 0; setCardBacks(); } diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/canvasshapes.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/canvasshapes.cpp index 6ccd4a4..011958d 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/canvasshapes.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/canvasshapes.cpp @@ -1,114 +1,112 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ -#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qcanvas.h> #include <qgfx_qws.h> #include "canvasshapes.h" CanvasRoundRect::CanvasRoundRect(int x, int y, QCanvas *canvas) : QCanvasRectangle( x, y, ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) ? 20 : 23, ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) ? 27 : 36, canvas) { setZ(0); show(); } void CanvasRoundRect::redraw() { hide(); show(); } void CanvasRoundRect::drawShape(QPainter &p) { if ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) p.drawRoundRect( (int)x() + 1, (int)y() + 1, 18, 25); else p.drawRoundRect( (int)x(), (int)y(), 23, 36); } CanvasCircleOrCross::CanvasCircleOrCross(int x, int y, QCanvas *canvas) : QCanvasRectangle( x, y, 21, 21, canvas), circleShape(TRUE) { show(); } void CanvasCircleOrCross::redraw() { hide(); show(); } void CanvasCircleOrCross::setCircle() { circleShape = TRUE; redraw(); } void CanvasCircleOrCross::setCross() { circleShape = FALSE; redraw(); } void CanvasCircleOrCross::drawShape(QPainter &p) { if ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) { int x1 = (int)x(), y1 = (int)y(); // Green circle if (circleShape == TRUE) { p.setPen( QPen( QColor(0x10, 0xE0, 0x10), 1 ) ); p.drawEllipse( x1 - 1, y1 - 1, 17, 17); p.drawEllipse( x1 - 1, y1 - 0, 17, 15); p.drawEllipse( x1 + 0, y1 + 0, 15, 15); p.drawEllipse( x1 + 1, y1 + 0, 13, 15); p.drawEllipse( x1 + 1, y1 + 1, 13, 13); // Red cross } else { p.setPen( QPen( QColor(0xE0, 0x10, 0x10), 4 ) ); p.drawLine( x1, y1, x1 + 14, y1 + 14); p.drawLine( x1 + 14, y1, x1, y1 + 14); } } else { int x1 = (int)x(), y1 = (int)y(); // Green circle if (circleShape == TRUE) { p.setPen( QPen( QColor(0x10, 0xE0, 0x10), 1 ) ); p.drawEllipse( x1 - 1, y1 - 1, 21, 21); p.drawEllipse( x1 - 1, y1 - 0, 21, 19); p.drawEllipse( x1 + 0, y1 + 0, 19, 19); p.drawEllipse( x1 + 1, y1 + 0, 17, 19); p.drawEllipse( x1 + 1, y1 + 1, 17, 17); // Red cross } else { p.setPen( QPen( QColor(0xE0, 0x10, 0x10), 5 ) ); p.drawLine( x1, y1, x1 + 20, y1 + 20); p.drawLine( x1 + 20, y1, x1, y1 + 20); } } } diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/card.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/card.cpp index 609e280..52e38ac 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/card.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/card.cpp @@ -1,53 +1,50 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "card.h" -#include <qpe/config.h> -#include <qpoint.h> -#include <qlist.h> /* Card( eValue v, eSuit s, bool f ) : val(v), suit(s), faceUp(f), showing(FALSE), ix(0), iy(0), iz(0), cardPile(NULL) { } virtual ~Card() { } eValue getValue() { return val; } eSuit getSuit() { return suit; } CardPile *getCardPile() { return cardPile; } bool isFacing() { return faceUp; } bool isShowing() { return showing; } bool isRed() { return ((suit == diamonds) || (suit == hearts)); } int getX(void) { return ix; } int getY(void) { return iy; } int getZ(void) { return iz; } void setCardPile(CardPile *p) { cardPile = p; } void setFace(bool f) { faceUp = f; } void flip(void) { flipTo(getX(), getY()); } virtual void setPos(int x, int y, int z) { ix = x; iy = y; iz = z; } virtual void move(int x, int y) { ix = x; iy = y; } virtual void move(QPoint p) { ix = p.x(); iy = p.y(); } virtual void flipTo(int x, int y, int steps = 8) { ix = x; iy = y; faceUp = !faceUp; redraw(); Q_UNUSED(steps); } virtual void showCard(void) { showing = TRUE; } virtual void hideCard(void) { showing = FALSE; } virtual void redraw(void) { } */ diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/cardpile.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/cardpile.cpp index aace2e2..1d572be 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/cardpile.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/cardpile.cpp @@ -1,115 +1,113 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "cardpile.h" #include "card.h" #include <qpe/config.h> -#include <qpoint.h> -#include <qlist.h> CardPile::CardPile(int x, int y) : pileX(x), pileY(y), dealing(FALSE), PileResize(FALSE) { pileWidth = 0; pileHeight = 0; pileNextX = pileX; pileNextY = pileY; pileCenterX = x + pileWidth / 2; pileCenterY = y + pileHeight / 2; pileRadius = (pileWidth > pileHeight) ? pileWidth : pileHeight; pileOffsetDown = 13; } int CardPile::distanceFromPile(int x, int y) { return (pileCenterX-x)*(pileCenterX-x)+(pileCenterY-y)*(pileCenterY-y); } int CardPile::distanceFromNextPos(int x, int y) { return (pileNextX-x)*(pileNextX-x)+(pileNextY-y)*(pileNextY-y); } Card *CardPile::cardInfront(Card *c) { CardPile *p = c->getCardPile(); if (p) { p->at(p->find(c)); return p->next(); } else { return NULL; } } bool CardPile::kingOnTop() { Card *top = cardOnTop(); return top && top->getValue() == king; } bool CardPile::addCardToTop(Card *c) { if (dealing || isAllowedOnTop(c)) { append((const Card *)c); cardAddedToTop(c); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool CardPile::addCardToBottom(Card *c) { if (dealing || isAllowedOnBottom(c)) { prepend((const Card *)c); cardAddedToBottom(c); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool CardPile::removeCard(Card *c) { if (dealing || isAllowedToBeMoved(c)) { take(find(c)); cardRemoved(c); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void CardPile::writeConfig( Config& cfg, QString name ) { int numberOfCards = 0; cfg.setGroup( name ); Card *card = cardOnBottom(); while ( card ) { QString cardStr; cardStr.sprintf( "%i", numberOfCards ); int val = (int)card->getValue()-1 + ((int)card->getSuit()-1)*13 + (int)card->getDeckNumber()*52; cfg.writeEntry( "Card" + cardStr, val ); cfg.writeEntry( "CardFacing" + cardStr, card->isFacing() ); card = cardInfront( card ); numberOfCards++; } cfg.writeEntry("NumberOfCards", numberOfCards); } diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/chicanecardgame.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/chicanecardgame.cpp index 6729a94..6c607b9 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/chicanecardgame.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/chicanecardgame.cpp @@ -1,177 +1,176 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** ** ** created on base of patiencecardgame by cam (C.A.Mader) 2002 ** Rules for this game: ** use 2 decks = 104 cards ** deal 8 rows with 3 hidden cards and one open card ** append red to black and vice versa ** each card can be layed on a free place ** deal 8 cards at once ** **********************************************************************/ -#include <qgfx_qws.h> #include "chicanecardgame.h" extern int highestZ; ChicaneCardGame::ChicaneCardGame(QCanvas *c, bool snap, QWidget *parent) : CanvasCardGame(*c, snap, parent, 2) // Use 2 Decks { highestZ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { discardPiles[i] = new ChicaneDiscardPile( 27 + i * 26, 10, canvas() ); addCardPile(discardPiles[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { workingPiles[i] = new ChicaneWorkingPile( 27 + i * 26, 50, canvas() ); addCardPile(workingPiles[i]); } faceDownDealingPile = new ChicaneFaceDownDeck( 2, 10, canvas() ); } void ChicaneCardGame::deal(void) { highestZ = 1; int t = 0; beginDealing(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++, t++) { Card *card = cards[t]; workingPiles[i]->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( workingPiles[i] ); card->setPos( 0, 0, highestZ ); card->setFace(k==3); card->move( workingPiles[i]->getCardPos( card ) ); card->showCard(); highestZ++; } } for ( ; t < getNumberOfCards(); t++) { Card *card = cards[t]; faceDownDealingPile->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( faceDownDealingPile ); QPoint p = faceDownDealingPile->getCardPos( card ); card->setPos( p.x(), p.y(), highestZ ); card->showCard(); highestZ++; } endDealing(); } void ChicaneCardGame::readConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); // Create Cards, but don't shuffle or deal them yet createDeck(); // Move the cards to their piles (deal them to their previous places) beginDealing(); highestZ = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "ChicaneDiscardPile%i", i ); readPile( cfg, discardPiles[i], pile, highestZ ); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "ChicaneWorkingPile%i", i ); readPile( cfg, workingPiles[i], pile, highestZ ); } readPile( cfg, faceDownDealingPile, "ChicaneFaceDownDealingPile", highestZ ); highestZ++; endDealing(); } void ChicaneCardGame::writeConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "ChicaneDiscardPile%i", i ); discardPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "ChicaneWorkingPile%i", i ); workingPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } faceDownDealingPile->writeConfig( cfg, "ChicaneFaceDownDealingPile" ); } bool ChicaneCardGame::mousePressCard( Card *card, QPoint p ) { Q_UNUSED(p); CanvasCard *item = (CanvasCard *)card; if (item->isFacing() != TRUE) { // From facedown stack if ((item->x() == 2) && ((int)item->y() == 10)) { // Deal a row of 8 cards // Move 8 cards, one to each workingPile beginDealing(); for (int i=0; i<8 && faceDownDealingPile->cardOnTop(); i++) { CanvasCard *card = (CanvasCard *)faceDownDealingPile->cardOnTop(); card->setZ(highestZ); highestZ++; faceDownDealingPile->removeCard(card); workingPiles[i]->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( workingPiles[i] ); card->setFace(FALSE); QPoint p = workingPiles[i]->getCardPos(card); card->flipTo( p.x(), p.y() ); } endDealing(); } moving = NULL; moved = FALSE; return TRUE; } else if ( !card->getCardPile()->isAllowedToBeMoved(card) ) { // Don't allow unclean columns to be moved moving = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void ChicaneCardGame::mousePress(QPoint p) { Q_UNUSED(p); } diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/freecellcardgame.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/freecellcardgame.cpp index aeb32fc..d474f4e 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/freecellcardgame.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/freecellcardgame.cpp @@ -1,225 +1,224 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ -#include <qgfx_qws.h> #include "freecellcardgame.h" extern int highestZ; int numberOfFreeCells = 4; FreecellCardGame::FreecellCardGame(QCanvas *c, bool snap, QWidget *parent) : CanvasCardGame(*c, snap, parent) { numberOfFreeCells = 4; highestZ = 0; int spaceBetweenPiles = ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) ? 21 : 28; int xOrigin = ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) ? 0 : 5; int spacing = ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) ? 0 : 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { freecellPiles[i] = new FreecellFreecellPile( xOrigin + i * spaceBetweenPiles, 10, canvas() ); addCardPile(freecellPiles[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { discardPiles[i] = new FreecellDiscardPile( xOrigin + spacing + 6 + (i + 4) * spaceBetweenPiles, 10, canvas() ); addCardPile(discardPiles[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { workingPiles[i] = new FreecellWorkingPile( xOrigin + spacing + 2 + i * spaceBetweenPiles, 50, canvas() ); addCardPile(workingPiles[i]); } } void FreecellCardGame::deal(void) { highestZ = 1; beginDealing(); for (int i = 0; i < 52; i++) { Card *card = cards[i]; card->setFace( TRUE ); card->setPos( 0, 0, highestZ ); card->setCardPile( workingPiles[i%8] ); workingPiles[i%8]->addCardToTop( card ); card->move( workingPiles[i%8]->getCardPos( card ) ); card->showCard(); highestZ++; } endDealing(); } // checks if smaller card with different color, that could be put on top on the // card, is present in working or freecell pile bool FreecellCardGame::checkNeeded(Card *card) { if (card->getValue() > 2){ int i; Card *c; for (i=0;i<4;i++){ c = freecellPiles[i]->cardOnBottom(); if (c != NULL){ if (card->isRed()!= c->isRed() && card->getValue()== c->getValue()+1){ return (false); } } } for (i=0;i<8;i++){ c=workingPiles[i]->cardOnBottom(); while (c!=NULL){ if (card->isRed() != c->isRed() && card->getValue() == c->getValue()+1) { return (false); } c=workingPiles[i]->cardInfront(c); } } } return(true); } // added to move cards, on which no card can be moved, to discard pile void FreecellCardGame::checkUnusable() { int i,j; // printf("void FreecellCardGame::checkUnusable()\n"); Card *top_one; for (i=0;i < 8;i++) { top_one = workingPiles[i]->cardOnTop(); if (top_one != NULL) { j = 0; while ((j < 4)) { if (discardPiles[j]->isAllowedOnTop(top_one)){ if (checkNeeded(top_one)){ top_one->setCardPile(discardPiles[j]); workingPiles[i]->removeCard(top_one); // printf("k %d f work%d to disk%d on %d\n ",top_one->getValue(),i+1,j+1,highestZ); discardPiles[j]->addCardToTop(top_one); top_one->setPos(discardPiles[j]->getX(),discardPiles[j]->getY(),highestZ); highestZ++; j = 4; checkUnusable(); } } j++; } } } for (i=0;i<4;i++){ top_one = freecellPiles[i]->cardOnTop(); if (top_one != NULL) { j = 0; while ((j < 4)) { if (discardPiles[j]->isAllowedOnTop(top_one)){ if (checkNeeded(top_one)){ top_one->setCardPile(discardPiles[j]); freecellPiles[i]->removeCard(top_one); // printf("k %d f work%d to disk%d on %d\n ",top_one->getValue(),i+1,j+1,highestZ); discardPiles[j]->addCardToTop(top_one); top_one->setPos(discardPiles[j]->getX(),discardPiles[j]->getY(),highestZ); highestZ++; j = 4; checkUnusable(); } } j++; } } } } bool FreecellCardGame::mousePressCard( Card *c, QPoint p ) { Q_UNUSED(p); if ( !c->getCardPile()->isAllowedToBeMoved(c) ) { moving = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void FreecellCardGame::readConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); // Create Cards, but don't shuffle or deal them yet createDeck(); // Move the cards to their piles (deal them to their previous places) beginDealing(); highestZ = 1; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "FreeCellPile%i", k ); readPile( cfg, freecellPiles[k], pile, highestZ ); } for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "DiscardPile%i", k ); readPile( cfg, discardPiles[k], pile, highestZ ); } for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "WorkingPile%i", k ); readPile( cfg, workingPiles[k], pile, highestZ ); } highestZ++; endDealing(); } void FreecellCardGame::writeConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "FreeCellPile%i", i ); freecellPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "DiscardPile%i", i ); discardPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "WorkingPile%i", i ); workingPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } } diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/harpcardgame.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/harpcardgame.cpp index 0711622..d13d73b 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/harpcardgame.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/harpcardgame.cpp @@ -1,179 +1,178 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** ** ** created on base of patiencecardgame by cam (C.A.Mader) 2002 ** Rules for this game: ** use 2 decks = 104 cards ** deal 8 rows with one open card in the first place ** one hidden and one open in the second place and so on ** append red to black and vice versa ** each card can be layed on a free place ** deal 8 cards at once ** ** **********************************************************************/ -#include <qgfx_qws.h> #include "harpcardgame.h" extern int highestZ; HarpCardGame::HarpCardGame(QCanvas *c, bool snap, QWidget *parent) : CanvasCardGame(*c, snap, parent, 2) // Use 2 Decks { highestZ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { discardPiles[i] = new HarpDiscardPile( 27 + i * 26, 10, canvas() ); addCardPile(discardPiles[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { workingPiles[i] = new HarpWorkingPile( 27 + i * 26, 50, canvas() ); addCardPile(workingPiles[i]); } faceDownDealingPile = new HarpFaceDownDeck( 2, 10, canvas() ); } void HarpCardGame::deal(void) { highestZ = 1; int t = 0; beginDealing(); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < i+1; k++, t++) { Card *card = cards[t]; workingPiles[i]->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( workingPiles[i] ); card->setPos( 0, 0, highestZ ); card->setFace(k==i); card->move( workingPiles[i]->getCardPos( card ) ); card->showCard(); highestZ++; } } for ( ; t < getNumberOfCards(); t++) { Card *card = cards[t]; faceDownDealingPile->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( faceDownDealingPile ); QPoint p = faceDownDealingPile->getCardPos( card ); card->setPos( p.x(), p.y(), highestZ ); card->showCard(); highestZ++; } endDealing(); } void HarpCardGame::readConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); // Create Cards, but don't shuffle or deal them yet createDeck(); // Move the cards to their piles (deal them to their previous places) beginDealing(); highestZ = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "HarpDiscardPile%i", i ); readPile( cfg, discardPiles[i], pile, highestZ ); } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "HarpWorkingPile%i", i ); readPile( cfg, workingPiles[i], pile, highestZ ); } readPile( cfg, faceDownDealingPile, "HarpFaceDownDealingPile", highestZ ); highestZ++; endDealing(); } void HarpCardGame::writeConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "HarpDiscardPile%i", i ); discardPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "HarpWorkingPile%i", i ); workingPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } faceDownDealingPile->writeConfig( cfg, "HarpFaceDownDealingPile" ); } bool HarpCardGame::mousePressCard( Card *card, QPoint p ) { Q_UNUSED(p); CanvasCard *item = (CanvasCard *)card; if (item->isFacing() != TRUE) { // From facedown stack if ((item->x() == 2) && ((int)item->y() == 10)) { // Deal a row of 8 cards // Move 8 cards, one to each workingPile beginDealing(); for (int i=0; i<8 && faceDownDealingPile->cardOnTop(); i++) { CanvasCard *card = (CanvasCard *)faceDownDealingPile->cardOnTop(); card->setZ(highestZ); highestZ++; faceDownDealingPile->removeCard(card); workingPiles[i]->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( workingPiles[i] ); card->setFace(FALSE); QPoint p = workingPiles[i]->getCardPos(card); card->flipTo( p.x(), p.y() ); } endDealing(); } moving = NULL; moved = FALSE; return TRUE; } else if ( !card->getCardPile()->isAllowedToBeMoved(card) ) { // Don't allow unclean columns to be moved moving = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void HarpCardGame::mousePress(QPoint p) { Q_UNUSED(p); } diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/main.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/main.cpp index bd3cf8b..9301171 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/main.cpp @@ -1,26 +1,25 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "canvascardwindow.h" -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<CanvasCardWindow> )
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/patiencecardgame.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/patiencecardgame.cpp index 96a599c..756577a 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/patiencecardgame.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/patiencecardgame.cpp @@ -1,280 +1,279 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ -#include <qgfx_qws.h> #include "patiencecardgame.h" int highestZ = 0; PatienceCardGame::PatienceCardGame(QCanvas *c, bool snap, QWidget *parent) : CanvasCardGame(*c, snap, parent) { numberOfTimesThroughDeck = 0; highestZ = 0; if ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) { circleCross = new CanvasCircleOrCross( 7, 16, canvas() ); rectangle = new CanvasRoundRect( 30, 10, canvas() ); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { discardPiles[i] = new PatienceDiscardPile( 78 + i * 23, 10, canvas() ); addCardPile(discardPiles[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { workingPiles[i] = new PatienceWorkingPile( 5 + i * 23, 50, canvas() ); addCardPile(workingPiles[i]); } faceDownDealingPile = new PatienceFaceDownDeck( 5, 10, canvas() ); faceUpDealingPile = new PatienceFaceUpDeck( 30, 10, canvas() ); } else { circleCross = new CanvasCircleOrCross( 7, 18, canvas() ); rectangle = new CanvasRoundRect( 35, 10, canvas() ); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { discardPiles[i] = new PatienceDiscardPile( 110 + i * 30, 10, canvas() ); addCardPile(discardPiles[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { workingPiles[i] = new PatienceWorkingPile( 10 + i * 30, 50, canvas() ); addCardPile(workingPiles[i]); } faceDownDealingPile = new PatienceFaceDownDeck( 5, 10, canvas() ); faceUpDealingPile = new PatienceFaceUpDeck( 35, 10, canvas() ); } } PatienceCardGame::~PatienceCardGame() { delete circleCross; delete rectangle; delete faceDownDealingPile; delete faceUpDealingPile; } void PatienceCardGame::deal(void) { highestZ = 1; int t = 0; beginDealing(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { cards[t]->setFace(TRUE); for (int k = i; k < 7; k++, t++) { Card *card = cards[t]; workingPiles[k]->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( workingPiles[k] ); QPoint p = workingPiles[k]->getCardPos( card ); card->setPos( p.x(), p.y(), highestZ ); card->showCard(); highestZ++; } } for ( ; t < 52; t++) { Card *card = cards[t]; faceDownDealingPile->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( faceDownDealingPile ); QPoint p = faceDownDealingPile->getCardPos( card ); card->setPos( p.x(), p.y(), highestZ ); card->showCard(); highestZ++; } endDealing(); } void PatienceCardGame::readConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); // Do we have a config file to read in? if ( !cfg.hasKey("numberOfTimesThroughDeck") ) { // if not, create a new game newGame(); return; } // We have a config file, lets read it in and use it // Create Cards, but don't shuffle or deal them yet createDeck(); // How many times through the deck have we been numberOfTimesThroughDeck = cfg.readNumEntry("numberOfTimesThroughDeck"); // restore state to the circle/cross under the dealing pile if ( canTurnOverDeck() ) circleCross->setCircle(); else circleCross->setCross(); // Move the cards to their piles (deal them to their previous places) beginDealing(); highestZ = 1; for (int k = 0; k < 7; k++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "WorkingPile%i", k ); readPile( cfg, workingPiles[k], pile, highestZ ); } for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "DiscardPile%i", k ); readPile( cfg, discardPiles[k], pile, highestZ ); } readPile( cfg, faceDownDealingPile, "FaceDownDealingPile", highestZ ); readPile( cfg, faceUpDealingPile, "FaceUpDealingPile", highestZ ); highestZ++; endDealing(); } void PatienceCardGame::writeConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); cfg.writeEntry("numberOfTimesThroughDeck", numberOfTimesThroughDeck); for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "WorkingPile%i", i ); workingPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "DiscardPile%i", i ); discardPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } faceDownDealingPile->writeConfig( cfg, "FaceDownDealingPile" ); faceUpDealingPile->writeConfig( cfg, "FaceUpDealingPile" ); } bool PatienceCardGame::mousePressCard( Card *card, QPoint p ) { Q_UNUSED(p); CanvasCard *item = (CanvasCard *)card; if (item->isFacing() != TRUE) { // From facedown stack if ((item->x() == 5) && ((int)item->y() == 10)) { item->setZ(highestZ); highestZ++; // Added Code faceDownDealingPile->removeCard(item); faceUpDealingPile->addCardToTop(item); item->setCardPile( faceUpDealingPile ); if ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) item->flipTo( 30, (int)item->y() ); else item->flipTo( 35, (int)item->y() ); } else return FALSE; // <- was missing, caused facedown card to react // to clicking, which is wrong moving = NULL; moved = FALSE; // move two other cards if we flip three at a time int flipped = 1; QCanvasItemList l = canvas()->collisions( p ); for (QCanvasItemList::Iterator it = l.begin(); (it != l.end()) && (flipped != cardsDrawn()); ++it) { if ( (*it)->rtti() == canvasCardId ) { CanvasCard *item = (CanvasCard *)*it; if (item->animated()) continue; item->setZ(highestZ); highestZ++; flipped++; // Added Code faceDownDealingPile->removeCard(item); faceUpDealingPile->addCardToTop(item); item->setCardPile( faceUpDealingPile ); if ( qt_screen->deviceWidth() < 200 ) item->flipTo( 30, (int)item->y(), 8 * flipped ); else item->flipTo( 35, (int)item->y(), 8 * flipped ); } } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void PatienceCardGame::mousePress(QPoint p) { if ( canTurnOverDeck() && (p.x() > 5) && (p.x() < 28) && (p.y() > 10) && (p.y() < 46) ) { beginDealing(); Card *card = faceUpDealingPile->cardOnTop(); while ( card ) { card->setPos( 5, 10, highestZ ); card->setFace( FALSE ); faceUpDealingPile->removeCard( card ); faceDownDealingPile->addCardToTop( card ); card->setCardPile( faceDownDealingPile ); card = faceUpDealingPile->cardOnTop(); highestZ++; } endDealing(); throughDeck(); moved = TRUE; } } diff --git a/noncore/games/solitaire/teeclubcardgame.cpp b/noncore/games/solitaire/teeclubcardgame.cpp index 0941e0d..b1af757 100644 --- a/noncore/games/solitaire/teeclubcardgame.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/solitaire/teeclubcardgame.cpp @@ -1,202 +1,201 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** ** ** created on base of patiencecardgame by cam (C.A.Mader) 2002 ** Rules for this game: ** use 2 decks = 104 cards ** deal 9 rows with 5 open cards each ** append one card to each other card which is one step higher ** move only columns of cards which are equal in suit ** each card can be layed on a free place ** deal 1 card at once on the first pile ** ** **********************************************************************/ -#include <qgfx_qws.h> #include "teeclubcardgame.h" extern int highestZ; TeeclubCardGame::TeeclubCardGame(QCanvas *c, bool snap, QWidget *parent) : CanvasCardGame(*c, snap, parent, 2) // Use 2 Decks { highestZ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { discardPiles[i] = new TeeclubDiscardPile( 27 + i * 26, 10, canvas() ); addCardPile(discardPiles[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { workingPiles[i] = new TeeclubWorkingPile( 2 + i * 26, 50, canvas() ); addCardPile(workingPiles[i]); } faceDownDealingPile = new TeeclubFaceDownDeck( 2, 10, canvas() ); } void TeeclubCardGame::deal(void) { highestZ = 1; int t = 0; beginDealing(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { workingPiles[i]->setOffsetDown(13); workingPiles[i]->beginPileResize(); for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++, t++) { Card *card = cards[t]; workingPiles[i]->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( workingPiles[i] ); card->setPos( 0, 0, highestZ ); card->setFace(TRUE); card->move( workingPiles[i]->getCardPos( card ) ); card->showCard(); highestZ++; } } for ( ; t < getNumberOfCards(); t++) { Card *card = cards[t]; faceDownDealingPile->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( faceDownDealingPile ); QPoint p = faceDownDealingPile->getCardPos( card ); card->setPos( p.x(), p.y(), highestZ ); card->showCard(); highestZ++; } endDealing(); } void TeeclubCardGame::resizePiles() { beginDealing(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { while ((workingPiles[i]->getCardPos(NULL).y() > 230) && (workingPiles[i]->getOffsetDown()>1)) { // resize the pile workingPiles[i]->setOffsetDown(workingPiles[i]->getOffsetDown()-1); Card *card = workingPiles[i]->cardOnBottom(); int p=0; while (card != NULL) { card->setPos( 0, 0, p++ ); card->move( workingPiles[i]->getCardPos( card ) ); card = workingPiles[i]->cardInfront(card); } } } endDealing(); } void TeeclubCardGame::readConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); // Create Cards, but don't shuffle or deal them yet createDeck(); // Move the cards to their piles (deal them to their previous places) beginDealing(); highestZ = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "TeeclubDiscardPile%i", i ); readPile( cfg, discardPiles[i], pile, highestZ ); } for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { workingPiles[i]->endPileResize(); QString pile; pile.sprintf( "TeeclubWorkingPile%i", i ); readPile( cfg, workingPiles[i], pile, highestZ ); workingPiles[i]->beginPileResize(); } readPile( cfg, faceDownDealingPile, "TeeclubFaceDownDealingPile", highestZ ); highestZ++; endDealing(); resizePiles(); } void TeeclubCardGame::writeConfig( Config& cfg ) { cfg.setGroup("GameState"); for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "TeeclubDiscardPile%i", i ); discardPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } for ( int i = 0; i < 9; i++ ) { QString pile; pile.sprintf( "TeeclubWorkingPile%i", i ); workingPiles[i]->writeConfig( cfg, pile ); } faceDownDealingPile->writeConfig( cfg, "TeeclubFaceDownDealingPile" ); } bool TeeclubCardGame::mousePressCard( Card *card, QPoint p ) { Q_UNUSED(p); CanvasCard *item = (CanvasCard *)card; if (item->isFacing() != TRUE) { // From facedown stack if ((item->x() == 2) && ((int)item->y() == 10)) { // Deal 1 card // Move 8 cards, one to each workingPile beginDealing(); CanvasCard *card = (CanvasCard *)faceDownDealingPile->cardOnTop(); card->setZ(highestZ); highestZ++; faceDownDealingPile->removeCard(card); workingPiles[0]->addCardToTop(card); card->setCardPile( workingPiles[0] ); card->setFace(FALSE); QPoint p = workingPiles[0]->getCardPos(card); card->flipTo( p.x(), p.y() ); endDealing(); } moving = NULL; moved = FALSE; return TRUE; } else if ( !card->getCardPile()->isAllowedToBeMoved(card) ) { // Don't allow unclean columns to be moved moving = NULL; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void TeeclubCardGame::mousePress(QPoint p) { Q_UNUSED(p); } diff --git a/noncore/games/tetrix/main.cpp b/noncore/games/tetrix/main.cpp index fcf4b33..bf1242f 100644 --- a/noncore/games/tetrix/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/tetrix/main.cpp @@ -1,28 +1,27 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "qtetrix.h" -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<QTetrix> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/tetrix/ohighscoredlg.cpp b/noncore/games/tetrix/ohighscoredlg.cpp index 7581f51..8d8079e 100644 --- a/noncore/games/tetrix/ohighscoredlg.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/tetrix/ohighscoredlg.cpp @@ -1,200 +1,199 @@ /*************************************************************************** begin : January 2003 copyright : ( C ) 2003 by Carsten Niehaus email : cniehaus@handhelds.org **************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * ( at your option ) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #include <qdialog.h> -#include <qpe/config.h> #include <qlayout.h> -#include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> +#include <qpe/config.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include "ohighscoredlg.h" OHighscore::OHighscore( int score , int playerLevel ) { pLevel = playerLevel; getList(); checkIfItIsANewhighscore( score ); } OHighscore::~OHighscore() { std::list<t_playerData*>::iterator deleteIterator = playerData.begin(); for ( ; deleteIterator != playerData.end() ; deleteIterator++ ) { delete ( *deleteIterator ); } } void OHighscore::getList() { Config cfg ( "tetrix" ); cfg.setGroup( QString::number( 1 ) ); lowest = cfg.readNumEntry( "Points" ); playerData.clear(); int rest = 1; //for the filling up later for ( int i = 1 ; i < 11 ; i++ ) { if ( cfg.hasGroup( QString::number( i ) ) ) { cfg.setGroup( QString::number( i ) ); int temp = cfg.readNumEntry( "Points" ); t_playerData *pPlayerData = new t_playerData; pPlayerData->sName = cfg.readEntry( "Name" ); pPlayerData->points = temp; pPlayerData->level = cfg.readNumEntry( "Level" ); playerData.push_back( pPlayerData ); if ( (temp < lowest) ) lowest = temp; rest++; } } //now I fill up the rest of the list if ( rest < 11 ) //only go in this loop if there are less than //10 highscoreentries { lowest = 0; for ( ; rest < 11 ; rest++ ) { t_playerData *pPlayerData = new t_playerData; pPlayerData->sName = tr( "empty"); pPlayerData->points = 0; pPlayerData->level = 0; playerData.push_back( pPlayerData ); } } } void OHighscore::checkIfItIsANewhighscore( int points) { if ( points > lowest ) isNewhighscore = true; else isNewhighscore = false; } void OHighscore::insertData( QString name , int punkte , int playerLevel ) { Config cfg ( "tetrix" ); int entryNumber = 1; std::list<t_playerData*>::iterator insertIterator = playerData.begin(); while ( insertIterator != playerData.end() ) { if ( punkte > ( *insertIterator )->points ) { t_playerData* temp = new t_playerData; temp->sName = name; temp->points = punkte; temp->level = playerLevel; playerData.insert( insertIterator , temp ); //now we have to delete the last entry insertIterator = playerData.end(); insertIterator--; //X delete *insertIterator; //memleak? playerData.erase( insertIterator ); ///////////////////////////////////////// //this block just rewrites the highscore insertIterator = playerData.begin(); while ( insertIterator != playerData.end() ) { cfg.setGroup( QString::number( entryNumber ) ); cfg.writeEntry( "Name" , ( *insertIterator )->sName ); cfg.writeEntry( "Points" , ( *insertIterator )->points ); cfg.writeEntry( "Level" , ( *insertIterator )->level ); entryNumber++; insertIterator++; } //////////////////////////////////////// return; } insertIterator++; } } QString OHighscore::getName() { QString name; QDialog *d = new QDialog ( this, 0, true ); d->setCaption( tr( "Enter your name!" )); QLineEdit *ed = new QLineEdit ( d ); ( new QVBoxLayout ( d, 3, 3 ))->addWidget ( ed ); ed->setFocus ( ); if ( d->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { name = ed->text(); } //delete d; return name; } OHighscoreDialog::OHighscoreDialog(OHighscore *highscore, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal) : QDialog(parent, name, modal) { hs_ = highscore; setCaption( tr( "Highscores" ) ); vbox_layout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 4 , 4 ); list = new QListView( this ); list->setSorting( -1 ); list->addColumn( tr( "#" )); list->addColumn( tr( "Name" )); list->addColumn( tr( "Points" )); list->addColumn( tr( "Level" )); createHighscoreListView(); vbox_layout->addWidget( list ); QPEApplication::showDialog( this ); } void OHighscoreDialog::createHighscoreListView() { int pos = 10; int points_ = 0; int level_ = 0; std::list<t_playerData*>::reverse_iterator iListe = hs_->playerData.rbegin(); for ( ; iListe != hs_->playerData.rend() ; ++iListe ) { QListViewItem *item = new QListViewItem( list ); item->setText( 0 , QString::number( pos ) ); //number item->setText( 1 , ( *iListe )->sName ); //name if ( ( *iListe )->points == -1 ) points_ = 0; else points_ = ( *iListe )->points; if ( ( *iListe )->level == -1 ) level_ = 0; else level_ = ( *iListe )->level; item->setText( 2 , QString::number( points_ ) ); //points item->setText( 3 , QString::number( level_ ) ); //level pos--; } } diff --git a/noncore/games/tetrix/qtetrix.cpp b/noncore/games/tetrix/qtetrix.cpp index 6d29c3f..20cf1a7 100644 --- a/noncore/games/tetrix/qtetrix.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/tetrix/qtetrix.cpp @@ -1,177 +1,174 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "qtetrix.h" #include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qpe/config.h> -#include <qapplication.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qlayout.h> -#include <qstring.h> #include "ohighscoredlg.h" void drawTetrixButton( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, const QColor *color ) { QColor fc; if ( color ) { QPointArray a; a.setPoints( 3, x,y+h-1, x,y, x+w-1,y ); p->setPen( color->light() ); p->drawPolyline( a ); a.setPoints( 3, x+1,y+h-1, x+w-1,y+h-1, x+w-1,y+1 ); p->setPen( color->dark() ); p->drawPolyline( a ); x++; y++; w -= 2; h -= 2; fc = *color; } else fc = p->backgroundColor(); p->fillRect( x, y, w, h, fc ); } ShowNextPiece::ShowNextPiece( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QFrame( parent, name ) { setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken ); xOffset = -1; // -1 until first resizeEvent. } void ShowNextPiece::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e ) { QSize sz = e->size(); blockWidth = (sz.width() - 3)/5; blockHeight = (sz.height() - 3)/6; xOffset = (sz.width() - 3)/5; yOffset = (sz.height() - 3)/6; } void ShowNextPiece::paintEvent( QPaintEvent * ) { QPainter p( this ); drawFrame( &p ); p.end(); // explicit end() so any slots can paint too emit update(); } void ShowNextPiece::drawNextSquare(int x, int y,QColor *color) { if (xOffset == -1) // Before first resizeEvent? return; QPainter paint; paint.begin(this); drawTetrixButton( &paint, xOffset+x*blockWidth, yOffset+y*blockHeight, blockWidth, blockHeight, color ); paint.end(); } QTetrix::QTetrix( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags f ) : QMainWindow( parent, name, f ) { setIcon( Resource::loadPixmap( "tetrix_icon" ) ); setCaption( tr("Tetrix" ) ); QTime t = QTime::currentTime(); TetrixPiece::setRandomSeed( (((double)t.hour())+t.minute()+t.second())/ (24+60+60) ); QWidget *gameArea = new QWidget( this ); setCentralWidget( gameArea ); QGridLayout *gl = new QGridLayout( gameArea, 5, 3, 8 ); QLabel *l; l = new QLabel( tr("Next"), gameArea ); gl->addWidget( l, 0, 0 ); showNext = new ShowNextPiece(gameArea); showNext->setBackgroundColor(QColor(0,0,0)); gl->addWidget( showNext, 0, 1 ); l = new QLabel( tr("Score"), gameArea ); gl->addWidget( l, 1, 0 ); showScore = new QLabel(gameArea); gl->addWidget( showScore, 1, 1 ); l = new QLabel( tr("Level"), gameArea ); gl->addWidget( l, 2, 0 ); showLevel = new QLabel(gameArea); gl->addWidget( showLevel, 2, 1 ); l = new QLabel( tr("Removed"), gameArea ); gl->addWidget( l, 3, 0 ); showLines = new QLabel(gameArea); gl->addWidget( showLines, 3, 1 ); board = new QTetrixBoard(gameArea); board->setBackgroundColor(QColor(0,0,0)); board->setFixedWidth( 124 ); gl->addMultiCellWidget( board, 0, 4, 2, 2 ); gl->addColSpacing( 2, 100 ); gl->addColSpacing( 1, 35 ); gl->addRowSpacing( 0, 35 ); QPushButton *pb = new QPushButton( tr("Start"), gameArea ); pb->setFocusPolicy( NoFocus ); connect( pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), board, SLOT( start() ) ); gl->addMultiCellWidget( pb, 4, 4, 0, 1 ); connect( board, SIGNAL(gameOverSignal()), SLOT(gameOver()) ); connect( board, SIGNAL(drawNextSquareSignal(int,int,QColor*)), showNext, SLOT(drawNextSquare(int,int,QColor*)) ); connect( showNext, SIGNAL(update()), board, SLOT(updateNext()) ); connect( board, SIGNAL(updateScoreSignal(int)), showScore, SLOT(setNum(int)) ); connect( board, SIGNAL(updateLevelSignal(int)), showLevel, SLOT(setNum(int))); connect( board, SIGNAL(updateRemovedSignal(int)), showLines, SLOT(setNum(int))); showScore->setNum( 0 ); showLevel->setNum( 0 ); showLines->setNum( 0 ); board->revealNextPiece(TRUE); board->setFocusPolicy( StrongFocus ); } void QTetrix::gameOver() { OHighscore *hs = new OHighscore( showScore->text().toInt() , showLevel->text().toInt() ); if ( hs->isNewhighscore ) hs->insertData( hs->getName(), showScore->text().toInt() , showLevel->text().toInt() ); OHighscoreDialog hscdlg( hs, this, "OHighscoreDialog", true ); hscdlg.exec(); } void QTetrix::quit() { close(); } diff --git a/noncore/games/tetrix/qtetrixb.cpp b/noncore/games/tetrix/qtetrixb.cpp index 521f171..3c179df 100644 --- a/noncore/games/tetrix/qtetrixb.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/tetrix/qtetrixb.cpp @@ -1,251 +1,249 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "qtetrixb.h" #include "qtetrix.h" #include <qtimer.h> -#include <qkeycode.h> -#include <qpainter.h> const int waitAfterLineTime = 500; QTetrixBoard::QTetrixBoard( QWidget *p, const char *name ) : QFrame( p, name ) { setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken ); paint = 0; timer = new QTimer(this); connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(timeout()) ); colors[0].setRgb(200,100,100); colors[1].setRgb(100,200,100); colors[2].setRgb(100,100,200); colors[3].setRgb(200,200,100); colors[4].setRgb(200,100,200); colors[5].setRgb(100,200,200); colors[6].setRgb(218,170, 0); xOffset = -1; // -1 until a resizeEvent is received. blockWidth = 20; yOffset = 30; blockHeight = 20; noGame = TRUE; isPaused = FALSE; waitingAfterLine = FALSE; updateTimeoutTime(); // Sets timeoutTime } void QTetrixBoard::startGame(int gameType,int fillRandomLines) { if ( isPaused ) return; // ignore if game is paused noGame = FALSE; GenericTetrix::startGame( gameType, fillRandomLines ); // Note that the timer is started by updateLevel! } void QTetrixBoard::pause() { if ( noGame ) // game not active return; isPaused = !isPaused; if ( isPaused ) { timer->stop(); hideBoard(); } else timer->start(timeoutTime); update(); } void QTetrixBoard::drawSquare(int x,int y,int value) { if (xOffset == -1) // Before first resizeEvent? return; const int X = xOffset + x*blockWidth; const int Y = yOffset + (y - 1)*blockHeight; bool localPainter = paint == 0; QPainter *p; if ( localPainter ) p = new QPainter( this ); else p = paint; drawTetrixButton( p, X, Y, blockWidth, blockHeight, value == 0 ? 0 : &colors[value-1] ); /* if ( value != 0 ) { QColor tc, bc; tc = colors[value-1].light(); bc = colors[value-1].dark(); p->drawShadePanel( X, Y, blockWidth, blockHeight, tc, bc, 1, colors[value-1], TRUE ); } else p->fillRect( X, Y, blockWidth, blockHeight, backgroundColor() ); */ if ( localPainter ) delete p; } void QTetrixBoard::drawNextSquare( int x, int y, int value ) { if ( value == 0 ) emit drawNextSquareSignal (x, y, 0 ); else emit drawNextSquareSignal( x, y, &colors[value-1] ); } void QTetrixBoard::updateRemoved( int noOfLines ) { if ( noOfLines > 0 ) { timer->stop(); timer->start( waitAfterLineTime ); waitingAfterLine = TRUE; } emit updateRemovedSignal( noOfLines ); } void QTetrixBoard::updateScore( int newScore ) { emit updateScoreSignal( newScore ); } void QTetrixBoard::updateLevel( int newLevel ) { timer->stop(); updateTimeoutTime(); timer->start( timeoutTime ); emit updateLevelSignal( newLevel ); } void QTetrixBoard::pieceDropped(int) { if ( waitingAfterLine ) // give player a break if a line has been removed return; newPiece(); } void QTetrixBoard::gameOver() { timer->stop(); noGame = TRUE; emit gameOverSignal(); } void QTetrixBoard::timeout() { if ( waitingAfterLine ) { timer->stop(); waitingAfterLine = FALSE; newPiece(); timer->start( timeoutTime ); } else { oneLineDown(); } } void QTetrixBoard::drawContents( QPainter *p ) { const char *text = "Press \"Pause\""; QRect r = contentsRect(); paint = p; // set widget painter if ( isPaused ) { p->drawText( r, AlignCenter | AlignVCenter, text ); return; } int x1,y1,x2,y2; x1 = (r.left() - xOffset) / blockWidth; if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x1 >= boardWidth()) x1 = boardWidth() - 1; x2 = (r.right() - xOffset) / blockWidth; if (x2 < 0) x2 = 0; if (x2 >= boardWidth()) x2 = boardWidth() - 1; y1 = (r.top() - yOffset) / blockHeight; if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0; if (y1 >= boardHeight()) y1 = boardHeight() - 1; y2 = (r.bottom() - yOffset) / blockHeight; if (y2 < 0) y2 = 0; if (y2 >= boardHeight()) y2 = boardHeight() - 1; updateBoard( x1, y1, x2, y2, TRUE ); paint = 0; // reset widget painter return; } void QTetrixBoard::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) { QSize sz = e->size(); blockWidth = (sz.width() - 2)/10; blockHeight = (sz.height() - 2)/22; xOffset = 1; //yOffset = 1; yOffset = (sz.height() - 2) - (blockHeight *22); } void QTetrixBoard::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { if ( noGame || isPaused || waitingAfterLine ) return; switch( e->key() ) { case Key_Left : moveLeft(); break; case Key_Right : moveRight(); break; case Key_Down : // rotateRight(); dropDown(); break; case Key_Up : rotateLeft(); break; case Key_Space : dropDown(); break; case Key_D : oneLineDown(); break; default: return; } e->accept(); } void QTetrixBoard::updateTimeoutTime() { timeoutTime = 1000/(1 + getLevel()); } diff --git a/noncore/games/tictac/main.cpp b/noncore/games/tictac/main.cpp index cfff683..9aafe4c 100644 --- a/noncore/games/tictac/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/tictac/main.cpp @@ -1,13 +1,12 @@ /**************************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> #include "tictac.h" OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<TicTacToe> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/tictac/tictac.cpp b/noncore/games/tictac/tictac.cpp index 9de3b58..12ce35f 100644 --- a/noncore/games/tictac/tictac.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/tictac/tictac.cpp @@ -1,382 +1,378 @@ /**************************************************************************** ** tictac.cpp,v 2003/08/29 06:50:40 harlekin Exp ** ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example ** program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation. ** *****************************************************************************/ #include "tictac.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> -#include <qpainter.h> #include <qdrawutil.h> #include <qcombobox.h> -#include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <stdlib.h> // rand() function -#include <qdatetime.h> // seed for rand() -#include <qstringlist.h> //needed for proper internationalization //*************************************************************************** //* TicTacButton member functions //*************************************************************************** // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a TicTacButton // TicTacButton::TicTacButton( QWidget *parent ) : QPushButton( parent ) { t = Blank; // initial type } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Paints TicTacButton // void TicTacButton::drawButtonLabel( QPainter *p ) { QRect r = rect(); p->setPen( QPen( white,2 ) ); // set fat pen if ( t == Circle ) { p->drawEllipse( r.left()+4, r.top()+4, r.width()-8, r.height()-8 ); } else if ( t == Cross ) { // draw cross p->drawLine( r.topLeft() +QPoint(4,4), r.bottomRight()-QPoint(4,4)); p->drawLine( r.bottomLeft()+QPoint(4,-4),r.topRight() -QPoint(4,-4)); } } //*************************************************************************** //* TicTacGameBoard member functions //*************************************************************************** // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a game board with N x N buttons and connects the "clicked()" // signal of all buttons to the "buttonClicked()" slot. // TicTacGameBoard::TicTacGameBoard( int n, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) { QPEApplication::showWidget( this ); st = Init; // initial state nBoard = n; n *= n; // make square comp_starts = FALSE; // human starts buttons = new TicTacButtons(n); // create real buttons btArray = new TicTacArray(n); // create button model QGridLayout * grid = new QGridLayout( this, 3, 3, 4 ); QPalette p( blue ); for ( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) { // create and connect buttons TicTacButton *ttb = new TicTacButton( this ); ttb->setPalette( p ); ttb->setEnabled( FALSE ); connect( ttb, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(buttonClicked()) ); grid->addWidget( ttb, i%3, i/3 ); buttons->insert( i, ttb ); btArray->at(i) = TicTacButton::Blank; // initial button type } QTime t = QTime::currentTime(); // set random seed srand( t.hour()*12+t.minute()*60+t.second()*60 ); } TicTacGameBoard::~TicTacGameBoard() { delete buttons; delete btArray; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TicTacGameBoard::computerStarts( bool v ) // // Computer starts if v=TRUE. The human starts by default. // void TicTacGameBoard::computerStarts( bool v ) { comp_starts = v; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TicTacGameBoard::newGame() // // Clears the game board and prepares for a new game // void TicTacGameBoard::newGame() { st = HumansTurn; for ( int i=0; i<nBoard*nBoard; i++ ) btArray->at(i) = TicTacButton::Blank; if ( comp_starts ) computerMove(); else updateButtons(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TicTacGameBoard::buttonClicked() - SLOT // // This slot is activated when a TicTacButton emits the signal "clicked()", // i.e. the user has clicked on a TicTacButton. // void TicTacGameBoard::buttonClicked() { if ( st != HumansTurn ) // not ready return; int i = buttons->findRef( (TicTacButton*)sender() ); TicTacButton *b = buttons->at(i); // get piece that was pressed if ( b->type() == TicTacButton::Blank ) { // empty piece? btArray->at(i) = TicTacButton::Circle; updateButtons(); if ( checkBoard( btArray ) == 0 ) // not a winning move? computerMove(); int s = checkBoard( btArray ); if ( s ) { // any winners yet? st = s == TicTacButton::Circle ? HumanWon : ComputerWon; emit finished(); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TicTacGameBoard::updateButtons() // // Updates all buttons that have changed state // void TicTacGameBoard::updateButtons() { for ( int i=0; i<nBoard*nBoard; i++ ) { if ( buttons->at(i)->type() != btArray->at(i) ) buttons->at(i)->setType( (TicTacButton::Type)btArray->at(i) ); buttons->at(i)->setEnabled( buttons->at(i)->type() == TicTacButton::Blank ); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TicTacGameBoard::checkBoard() // // Checks if one of the players won the game, works for any board size. // // Returns: // - TicTacButton::Cross if the player with X buttons won // - TicTacButton::Circle if the player with O buttons won // - Zero (0) if there is no winner yet // int TicTacGameBoard::checkBoard( TicTacArray *a ) { int t = 0; int row, col; bool won = FALSE; for ( row=0; row<nBoard && !won; row++ ) { // check horizontal t = a->at(row*nBoard); if ( t == TicTacButton::Blank ) continue; col = 1; while ( col<nBoard && a->at(row*nBoard+col) == t ) col++; if ( col == nBoard ) won = TRUE; } for ( col=0; col<nBoard && !won; col++ ) { // check vertical t = a->at(col); if ( t == TicTacButton::Blank ) continue; row = 1; while ( row<nBoard && a->at(row*nBoard+col) == t ) row++; if ( row == nBoard ) won = TRUE; } if ( !won ) { // check diagonal top left t = a->at(0); // to bottom right if ( t != TicTacButton::Blank ) { int i = 1; while ( i<nBoard && a->at(i*nBoard+i) == t ) i++; if ( i == nBoard ) won = TRUE; } } if ( !won ) { // check diagonal bottom left int j = nBoard-1; // to top right int i = 0; t = a->at(i+j*nBoard); if ( t != TicTacButton::Blank ) { i++; j--; while ( i<nBoard && a->at(i+j*nBoard) == t ) { i++; j--; } if ( i == nBoard ) won = TRUE; } } if ( !won ) // no winner t = 0; return t; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TicTacGameBoard::computerMove() // // Puts a piece on the game board. Very, very simple. // void TicTacGameBoard::computerMove() { int numButtons = nBoard*nBoard; int *altv = new int[numButtons]; // buttons alternatives int altc = 0; int stopHuman = -1; TicTacArray a = btArray->copy(); int i; for ( i=0; i<numButtons; i++ ) { // try all positions if ( a[i] != TicTacButton::Blank ) // already a piece there continue; a[i] = TicTacButton::Cross; // test if computer wins if ( checkBoard(&a) == a[i] ) { // computer will win st = ComputerWon; stopHuman = -1; break; } a[i] = TicTacButton::Circle; // test if human wins if ( checkBoard(&a) == a[i] ) { // oops... stopHuman = i; // remember position a[i] = TicTacButton::Blank; // restore button continue; // computer still might win } a[i] = TicTacButton::Blank; // restore button altv[altc++] = i; // remember alternative } if ( stopHuman >= 0 ) // must stop human from winning a[stopHuman] = TicTacButton::Cross; else if ( i == numButtons ) { // tried all alternatives if ( altc > 0 ) // set random piece a[altv[rand()%(altc--)]] = TicTacButton::Cross; if ( altc == 0 ) { // no more blanks st = NobodyWon; emit finished(); } } *btArray = a; // update model updateButtons(); // update buttons delete[] altv; } //*************************************************************************** //* TicTacToe member functions //*************************************************************************** // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates a game widget with a game board and two push buttons, and connects // signals of child widgets to slots. // TicTacToe::TicTacToe( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl ) : QWidget( parent, name, fl ) { QVBoxLayout * l = new QVBoxLayout( this, 6 ); // Create a message label boardSize = 3; message = new QLabel( this ); message->setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Sunken ); message->setAlignment( AlignCenter ); l->addWidget( message ); // Create the game board and connect the signal finished() to this // gameOver() slot board = new TicTacGameBoard( boardSize, this ); connect( board, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(gameOver()) ); l->addWidget( board ); // Create a horizontal frame line QFrame *line = new QFrame( this ); line->setFrameStyle( QFrame::HLine | QFrame::Sunken ); l->addWidget( line ); // Create the combo box for deciding who should start, and // connect its clicked() signals to the buttonClicked() slot whoStarts = new QComboBox( this ); whoStarts->insertItem( tr( "Computer starts" ) ); whoStarts->insertItem( tr( "Human starts" ) ); l->addWidget( whoStarts ); // Create the push buttons and connect their clicked() signals // to this right slots. newGame = new QPushButton( tr( "Play!" ), this ); connect( newGame, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(newGameClicked()) ); quit = new QPushButton( tr( "Quit" ), this ); connect( quit, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit()) ); QHBoxLayout * b = new QHBoxLayout; l->addLayout( b ); b->addWidget( newGame ); b->addWidget( quit ); QPEApplication::showWidget( this ); newState(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TicTacToe::newGameClicked() - SLOT // // This slot is activated when the new game button is clicked. // void TicTacToe::newGameClicked() { board->computerStarts( whoStarts->currentItem() == 0 ); board->newGame(); newState(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TicTacToe::gameOver() - SLOT // // This slot is activated when the TicTacGameBoard emits the signal // "finished()", i.e. when a player has won or when it is a draw. // void TicTacToe::gameOver() { newState(); // update text box } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates the message to reflect a new state. // void TicTacToe::newState() { QStringList msg; msg << tr( "Click Play to start") << tr("Make your move") << tr("You won!") << tr("Computer won!") << tr("It's a draw"); message->setText( msg[board->state()] ); return; } diff --git a/noncore/games/wordgame/main.cpp b/noncore/games/wordgame/main.cpp index f32acff..eb3e2f2 100644 --- a/noncore/games/wordgame/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/wordgame/main.cpp @@ -1,28 +1,27 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "wordgame.h" -#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<WordGame> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/wordgame/wordgame.cpp b/noncore/games/wordgame/wordgame.cpp index c01551d..43a54f8 100644 --- a/noncore/games/wordgame/wordgame.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/wordgame/wordgame.cpp @@ -1,1519 +1,1510 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "wordgame.h" -#include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qpe/global.h> -#include <qpe/filemanager.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qcombobox.h> -#include <qdatetime.h> -#include <qfileinfo.h> -#include <qfile.h> #include <qdir.h> -#include <qiconset.h> -#include <qlabel.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qpe/qpetoolbar.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qwidgetstack.h> -#include <qpainter.h> #include <qlayout.h> -#include <qregexp.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <sys/types.h> enum RuleEffects { Multiplier=15, MultiplyAll=64, Start=128 }; static int tile_smallw = 16; static int tile_smallh = 16; static int tile_bigw = 22; static int tile_bigh = 22; static int tile_stweak = -2; static int tile_btweak = -1; static const int rack_tiles=7; const char* sampleWGR= "wordgame_shapes\n" "15 15\n" "400001040100004\n" "030000000000030\n" "002002000200200\n" "000300020003000\n" "000020000020000\n" "102001000100201\n" "000000202000000\n" "400200050002004\n" "000000202000000\n" "102001000100201\n" "000020000020000\n" "000300020003000\n" "002002000200200\n" "030000000000030\n" "400001040100004\n" "1 2 3 66 67 194 100 0\n" "1 j 8\n" "1 q 7\n" "1 x 6\n" "1 z 6\n" "1 w 4\n" "1 k 4\n" "1 v 3\n" "1 f 3\n" "2 y 3\n" "2 h 2\n" "2 b 2\n" "2 m 2\n" "3 p 2\n" "3 g 2\n" "3 u 2\n" "4 d 2\n" "4 c 2\n" "5 l 1\n" "5 o 1\n" "7 t 1\n" "7 n 1\n" "7 a 1\n" "7 r 1\n" "8 s 1\n" "8 i 1\n" "11 e 1\n" "0\n"; WordGame::WordGame( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QMainWindow(parent, name, fl) { if ( qApp->desktop()->width() < 240 ) { tile_smallw = 10; tile_smallh = 10; tile_bigw = 16; tile_bigh = 16; tile_stweak = 0; tile_btweak = 0; } setIcon( Resource::loadPixmap( "wordgame/WordGame.png" ) ); setCaption( tr("Word Game") ); setToolBarsMovable( FALSE ); vbox = new QVBox(this); setCentralWidget(vbox); toolbar = new QToolBar(this); addToolBar(toolbar, Bottom); reset = new QToolButton(Resource::loadPixmap("back"), tr("Back"), "", this, SLOT(resetTurn()), toolbar); done = new QToolButton(Resource::loadPixmap("done"), tr("Done"), "", this, SLOT(endTurn()), toolbar); scoreinfo = new ScoreInfo(toolbar); scoreinfo->setFont(QFont("Helvetica",10)); new QToolButton(Resource::loadPixmap("finish"), tr("Close"), "", this, SLOT(endGame()), toolbar); toolbar->setStretchableWidget(scoreinfo); cpu = 0; board = 0; bag = 0; racks = 0; aiheart = new QTimer(this); connect(aiheart, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(think())); readConfig(); } WordGame::~WordGame() { writeConfig(); } void WordGame::writeConfig() { Config cfg("WordGame"); cfg.setGroup("Game"); cfg.writeEntry("NameList",namelist,';'); cfg.writeEntry("CurrentPlayer",gameover ? 0 : player+1); if ( !gameover ) { cfg.writeEntry("Rules",rules); bag->writeConfig(cfg); board->writeConfig(cfg); scoreinfo->writeConfig(cfg); } for (int p=0; p<nplayers; p++) { cfg.setGroup("Player"+QString::number(p+1)); if ( gameover ) cfg.clearGroup(); else rack(p)->writeConfig(cfg); } } void WordGame::readConfig() { Config cfg("WordGame"); cfg.setGroup("Game"); int currentplayer = cfg.readNumEntry("CurrentPlayer",0); QStringList pnames = cfg.readListEntry("NameList",';'); if ( currentplayer ) { gameover = FALSE; rules = cfg.readEntry("Rules"); if ( rules.find("x-wordgamerules") >= 0 ) { // rules files moved rules = "Sample.rules"; } if ( loadRules(rules) ) { startGame(pnames); bag->readConfig(cfg); board->readConfig(cfg); scoreinfo->readConfig(cfg); for (int p=0; p<nplayers; p++) { cfg.setGroup("Player"+QString::number(p+1)); rack(p)->readConfig(cfg); } player=currentplayer-1; readyRack(player); return; } } // fall-back openGameSelector(pnames); } void WordGame::openGameSelector(const QStringList& initnames) { toolbar->hide(); gameover = FALSE; delete board; board = 0; delete racks; racks = 0; delete cpu; cpu = 0; newgame = new NewGame(vbox); //Rules rules(this); //connect(game.editrules, SIGNAL(clicked()), &rules, SLOT(editRules())); //connect(&rules, SIGNAL(rulesChanged()), &game, SLOT(updateRuleSets())); struct passwd* n = getpwuid(getuid()); QString playername = n ? n->pw_name : ""; if ( playername.isEmpty() ) { playername = "Player"; } newgame->player0->changeItem(playername,0); newgame->player1->setCurrentItem(1); newgame->updateRuleSets(); newgame->show(); connect(newgame->buttonOk, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startGame())); } void WordGame::startGame() { rules = newgame->ruleslist[newgame->rules->currentItem()]; if ( loadRules(rules) ) { QStringList names; names.append(newgame->player0->currentText()); names.append(newgame->player1->currentText()); names.append(newgame->player2->currentText()); names.append(newgame->player3->currentText()); names.append(newgame->player4->currentText()); names.append(newgame->player5->currentText()); delete newgame; startGame(names); } else { // error... delete newgame; close(); } } void WordGame::startGame(const QStringList& playerlist) { toolbar->show(); racks = new QWidgetStack(vbox); racks->setFixedHeight(TileItem::bigHeight()+2); namelist.clear(); nplayers=0; for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=playerlist.begin(); it!=playerlist.end(); ++it) addPlayer(*it); scoreinfo->init(namelist); if ( nplayers ) { player=0; readyRack(player); } board->show(); racks->show(); } bool WordGame::loadRules(const QString &name) { QString filename = Global::applicationFileName( "wordgame", name ); QFile file( filename ); if ( !file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return FALSE; QTextStream ts( &file ); QString title = name; title.truncate( title.length() - 6 ); //setCaption( title ); QString shapepixmap; ts >> shapepixmap; int htiles,vtiles; ts >> htiles >> vtiles; if ( htiles < 3 || vtiles < 3 ) return FALSE; QString rule_shapes; for (int i=0; i<vtiles; i++) { QString line; ts >> line; rule_shapes += line; } static int rule_effects[12]; int re=0,e; ts >> e; while ( e && re < 10 ) { rule_effects[re] = e; if ( re++ < 10 ) ts >> e; } QImage shim = Resource::loadImage("wordgame/wordgame_shapes"); shim = shim.smoothScale((re-1)*TileItem::smallWidth(),TileItem::smallHeight()); QPixmap bgshapes; bgshapes.convertFromImage(shim); rule_effects[re++] = 100; // default bonus board = new Board(bgshapes, htiles, vtiles, vbox); board->setRules(rule_shapes, rule_effects); connect(board, SIGNAL(temporaryScore(int)), scoreinfo, SLOT(showTemporaryScore(int))); bag = new Bag; int count; ts >> count; while ( count ) { QString text; int value; ts >> text >> value; if ( text == "_" ) text = ""; Tile t(text, value); for (int n=count; n--; ) bag->add(t); ts >> count; } return TRUE; } NewGame::NewGame(QWidget* parent) : NewGameBase(parent) { } void NewGame::updateRuleSets() { rules->clear(); QString rulesDir = Global::applicationFileName( "wordgame", "" ); QDir dir( rulesDir, "*.rules" ); ruleslist = dir.entryList(); if ( ruleslist.isEmpty() ) { // Provide a sample QFile file( rulesDir + "Sample.rules" ); if ( file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { file.writeBlock( sampleWGR, strlen(sampleWGR) ); file.close(); updateRuleSets(); } return; } int newest=0; int newest_age=INT_MAX; QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QStringList::Iterator it; for ( it = ruleslist.begin(); it != ruleslist.end(); ++it ) { QFileInfo fi((*it)); int age = fi.lastModified().secsTo(now); QString name = *it; name.truncate( name.length()-6 ); // remove extension rules->insertItem( name ); if ( age < newest_age ) { newest_age = age; newest = rules->count()-1; } } rules->setCurrentItem(newest); } Rules::Rules(QWidget* parent) : RulesBase(parent,0,TRUE) { } void Rules::editRules() { if ( exec() ) { // ### create a new set of rules emit rulesChanged(); } } void Rules::deleteRuleSet() { // ### delete existing rule set emit rulesChanged(); } void WordGame::addPlayer(const QString& name) { if ( !name.isEmpty() ) { int colon = name.find(':'); int cpu = (colon >=0 && name.left(2) == "AI") ? name.mid(2,1).toInt() : 0; addPlayer(name,cpu); } } void WordGame::addPlayer(const QString& name, int cpu) { Rack* r = new Rack(rack_tiles,racks); r->setPlayerName(name); r->setComputerization(cpu); racks->addWidget(r, nplayers); refillRack(nplayers); namelist.append(name); ++nplayers; } void WordGame::nextPlayer() { if ( !refillRack(player) ) { endGame(); } else { player = (player+1)%nplayers; scoreinfo->setBoldOne(player); readyRack(player); } } bool WordGame::mayEndGame() { int out=-1; int i; for (i=0; i<nplayers; i++) if ( !rack(i)->count() ) out = i; if ( out<0 ) { if ( QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("End game"), tr("Do you want to end the game early?"), tr("Yes"), tr("No") )!=0 ) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } void WordGame::endGame() { if ( gameover ) { close(); return; } if ( !mayEndGame() ) return; int out=-1; int totalleft=0; int i; for (i=0; i<nplayers; i++) { Rack* r = rack(i); int c = r->count(); if ( c ) { int lose=0; for ( int j=0; j<c; j++ ) lose += r->tileRef(j)->value(); totalleft += lose; scoreinfo->addScore(i,-lose); } else { out = i; } } int highest=0; int winner=0; for (i=0; i<nplayers; i++) { int s = scoreinfo->playerScore(i); if ( s > highest ) { highest = s; winner = i; } } if ( out >= 0 ) scoreinfo->addScore(out,totalleft); scoreinfo->setBoldOne(winner); gameover = TRUE; done->setEnabled(TRUE); reset->setEnabled(FALSE); } void WordGame::endTurn() { if ( gameover ) { openGameSelector(namelist); } else { if ( board->checkTurn() ) { if ( board->turnScore() >= 0 ) { scoreinfo->addScore(player,board->turnScore()); board->finalizeTurn(); } else { QApplication::beep(); } nextPlayer(); } } } void WordGame::resetTurn() { board->resetRack(); } void WordGame::passTurn() { // ######## trade? nextPlayer(); } bool WordGame::refillRack(int i) { Rack* r = rack(i); while ( !bag->isEmpty() && !r->isFull() ) { r->addTile(bag->takeRandom()); } return r->count() != 0; } void WordGame::readyRack(int i) { Rack* r = rack(i); racks->raiseWidget(i); board->setCurrentRack(r); done->setEnabled( !r->computerized() ); reset->setEnabled( !r->computerized() ); if ( r->computerized() ) { cpu = new ComputerPlayer(board, r); aiheart->start(0); } } Rack* WordGame::rack(int i) const { return (Rack*)racks->widget(i); } void WordGame::think() { if ( !cpu->step() ) { delete cpu; cpu = 0; aiheart->stop(); if ( board->turnScore() < 0 ) passTurn(); else endTurn(); } } ComputerPlayer::ComputerPlayer(Board* b, Rack* r) : board(b), rack(r), best(new const Tile*[rack_tiles]), best_blankvalues(new Tile[rack_tiles]) { best_score = -1; across=FALSE; dict=0; } ComputerPlayer::~ComputerPlayer() { delete [] best; delete [] best_blankvalues; } bool ComputerPlayer::step() { const QDawg::Node* root = dict ? Global::dawg("WordGame").root() : Global::fixedDawg().root(); QPoint d = across ? QPoint(1,0) : QPoint(0,1); const Tile* tiles[99]; // ### max board size uchar nletter[4095]; // QDawg only handles 0..4095 memset(nletter,0,4096); for (int i=0; i<rack->count(); i++) { const Tile* r = rack->tileRef(i); if ( r->isBlank() ) nletter[0]++; else nletter[r->text()[0].unicode()]++; } Tile blankvalues[99]; // ### max blanks findBest(current, d, root, 0, nletter, tiles, 0, blankvalues, 0); if ( ++current.rx() == board->xTiles() ) { current.rx() = 0; if ( ++current.ry() == board->yTiles() ) { if ( across ) { if ( dict == 1 ) { if ( best_score >= 0 ) { rack->arrangeTiles(best,best_n); rack->setBlanks(best_blankvalues); board->scoreTurn(best_start, best_n, best_dir); board->showTurn(); } return FALSE; } dict++; across = FALSE; current = QPoint(0,0); } else { across = TRUE; current = QPoint(0,0); } } } return TRUE; } void ComputerPlayer::findBest(QPoint at, const QPoint& d, const QDawg::Node* node, ulong used, uchar* nletter, const Tile** tiles, int n, Tile* blankvalues, int blused) { if ( !node ) return; QChar l = node->letter(); const Tile* cur = board->tile(at); if ( cur ) { if ( cur->text()[0] == l ) { bool nextok = board->contains(at+d); if ( node->isWord() && n && (!nextok || !board->tile(at+d)) ) noteChoice(tiles,n,d,blankvalues,blused); if ( nextok ) findBest(at+d, d, node->jump(), used, nletter, tiles, n, blankvalues, blused); // #### text()[1]... } } else { if ( nletter[l.unicode()] || nletter[0] ) { int rc = rack->count(); ulong msk = 1; for ( int x=0; x<rc; x++ ) { if ( !(used&msk) ) { const Tile* t = rack->tileRef(x); if ( t->isBlank() || t->text() == l ) { // #### multi-char value()s bool nextok = board->contains(at+d); tiles[n++] = t; if ( t->isBlank() ) blankvalues[blused++] = Tile(l,0); if ( node->isWord() && (!nextok || !board->tile(at+d)) ) noteChoice(tiles,n,d,blankvalues,blused); used |= msk; // mark nletter[t->text()[0].unicode()]--; if ( nextok ) findBest(at+d, d, node->jump(), used, nletter, tiles, n, blankvalues, blused); n--; nletter[t->text()[0].unicode()]++; if ( t->isBlank() ) { // keep looking blused--; used &= ~msk; // unmark } else { break; } } } msk <<= 1; } } // #### text()[1]... } findBest(at, d, node->next(), used, nletter, tiles, n, blankvalues, blused); } void ComputerPlayer::noteChoice(const Tile** tiles, int n, const QPoint& d, const Tile* blankvalues, int blused) { int s = board->score(current, tiles, n, blankvalues, d, TRUE, 0); /* if (s>0 || current==QPoint(5,1)){ QString st; for ( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) st += tiles[i]->text(); qDebug("%d,%d: %s (%d) for %d",current.x(),current.y(),st.latin1(),n,s); } */ if ( s > best_score ) { int i; for ( i=0; i<n; i++ ) best[i] = tiles[i]; for ( i=0; i<blused; i++ ) best_blankvalues[i] = blankvalues[i]; best_n = n; best_blused = blused; best_score = s; best_dir = d; best_start = current; } } int TileItem::smallWidth() { return tile_smallw; } int TileItem::smallHeight() { return tile_smallh; } int TileItem::bigWidth() { return tile_bigw; } int TileItem::bigHeight() { return tile_bigh; } void TileItem::setState( State state ) { hide(); s = state; show(); // ### use update() in Qt 3.0 } void TileItem::setTile(const Tile& tile) { hide(); t = tile; show(); // ### use update() in Qt 3.0 } void TileItem::setBig(bool b) { big = b; } void TileItem::drawShape(QPainter& p) { static QFont *value_font=0; static QFont *big_font=0; static QFont *small_font=0; if ( !value_font ) { value_font = new QFont("helvetica",8); if ( TileItem::bigWidth() < 20 ) { big_font = new QFont("helvetica",12); small_font = new QFont("helvetica",8); } else { big_font = new QFont("smoothtimes",17); small_font = new QFont("smoothtimes",10); } } QRect area(x(),y(),width(),height()); p.setBrush(s == Floating ? yellow/*lightGray*/ : white); p.drawRect(area); if ( big ) { p.setFont(*value_font); QString n = QString::number(t.value()); int w = p.fontMetrics().width('1'); int h = p.fontMetrics().height(); w *= n.length(); QRect valuearea(x()+width()-w-1,y()+height()-h,w,h); p.drawText(valuearea,AlignCenter,n); p.setFont(*big_font); area = QRect(x(),y()+tile_btweak,width()-4,height()-1); } else { p.setFont(*small_font); area = QRect(x()+1+tile_stweak,y()+1,width(),height()-3); } if ( t.value() == 0 ) p.setPen(darkGray); p.drawText(area,AlignCenter,t.text().upper()); } Board::Board(QPixmap bgshapes, int w, int h, QWidget* parent) : QCanvasView(new QCanvas(bgshapes,w,h, TileItem::smallWidth(), TileItem::smallHeight()), parent) { setFixedSize(w*TileItem::smallWidth(),h*TileItem::smallHeight()); grid = new TileItem*[w*h]; memset(grid,0,w*h*sizeof(TileItem*)); setFrameStyle(0); setHScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); setVScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); current_rack = 0; shown_n = 0; } Board::~Board() { delete canvas(); } QSize Board::sizeHint() const { return QSize(canvas()->width(),canvas()->height()); } void Board::writeConfig(Config& cfg) { QStringList t; int n=canvas()->tilesHorizontally()*canvas()->tilesVertically(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) t.append( grid[i] ? grid[i]->tile().key() : QString(".") ); cfg.writeEntry("Board",t,';'); } void Board::readConfig(Config& cfg) { clear(); QStringList t = cfg.readListEntry("Board",';'); int i=0; int h=canvas()->tilesHorizontally(); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=t.begin(); it!=t.end(); ++it) { if ( *it != "." ) { QPoint p(i%h,i/h); setTile(p,Tile(*it)); } i++; } canvas()->update(); } void Board::clear() { int n=canvas()->tilesHorizontally()*canvas()->tilesVertically(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { delete grid[i]; grid[i]=0; } } void Board::setCurrentRack(Rack* r) { turn_score = -1; current_rack = r; } void Board::resetRack() { unshowTurn(); canvas()->update(); } void Board::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { dragstart = e->pos(); } void Board::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { if ( current_rack && !current_rack->computerized() ) { QPoint d = e->pos() - dragstart; if ( d.x() <= 0 && d.y() <= 0 ) { // None resetRack(); } else { int n; QPoint start=boardPos(dragstart); QPoint end=boardPos(e->pos()); QPoint diff=end-start; QPoint dir; if ( d.x() > d.y() ) { n = diff.x()+1; dir = QPoint(1,0); } else { n = diff.y()+1; dir = QPoint(0,1); } unshowTurn(); // Subtract existing tiles from n QPoint t = start; for ( int i=n; i--; ) { if ( contains(t) && tile(t) ) n--; t += dir; } // Move start back to real start while (contains(start-dir) && tile(start-dir)) start -= dir; scoreTurn(start, n, dir); showTurn(); } } } void Board::finalizeTurn() { int i=0; QPoint at = shown_at; while ( i<shown_n && contains(at) ) { if ( item(at) && item(at)->state() == TileItem::Floating ) { current_rack->remove(item(at)->tile()); setTileState(at,TileItem::Firm); i++; } at += shown_step; } canvas()->update(); } void Board::unshowTurn() { int i=0; QPoint at = shown_at; while ( i<shown_n && i<current_rack->count() && contains(at) ) { if ( item(at) && item(at)->state() == TileItem::Floating ) { unsetTile(at); i++; } at += shown_step; } } void Board::showTurn() { unshowTurn(); QPoint at = shown_at; int i=0; while ( i<shown_n && i<current_rack->count() && contains(at) ) { if ( !tile(at) ) { Tile t = current_rack->tile(i); setTile(at,t); setTileState(at,TileItem::Floating); i++; } at += shown_step; } canvas()->update(); } int Board::bonussedValue(const QPoint& at, int base, int& all_mult) const { int rule = rule_shape[idx(at)]-'0'; int effect = rule_effect[rule]; int mult = effect&Multiplier; if ( effect & MultiplyAll ) { all_mult *= mult; return base; } else { return base * mult; } } bool Board::isStart(const QPoint& at) const { int rule = rule_shape[idx(at)]-'0'; int effect = rule_effect[rule]; return effect&Start; } bool Board::checkTurn() { if ( current_rack->computerized() ) return TRUE; // computer doesn't cheat, and has already set blanks. QPoint at = shown_at; int n = shown_n; QPoint d = shown_step; const Tile* tiles[99]; Tile blankvalues[99]; if ( n > current_rack->count() ) n = current_rack->count(); QDialog check(this,0,TRUE); (new QVBoxLayout(&check))->setAutoAdd(TRUE); QHBox mw(&check); new QLabel(tr("Blanks: "),&mw); int bl=0; QLineEdit* le[99]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { tiles[i] = current_rack->tileRef(i); if ( tiles[i]->isBlank() ) { QLineEdit *l = new QLineEdit(&mw); le[bl++] = l; l->setMaxLength(1); l->setFixedSize(l->minimumSizeHint()); } } QHBox btns(&check); connect(new QPushButton(tr("OK"),&btns), SIGNAL(clicked()), &check, SLOT(accept())); connect(new QPushButton(tr("Cancel"),&btns), SIGNAL(clicked()), &check, SLOT(reject())); if ( bl ) { retry: if ( !check.exec() ) { unshowTurn(); canvas()->update(); return FALSE; } for (int b=0; b<bl; b++) { QString v = le[b]->text(); blankvalues[b]=Tile(v,0); if ( v.length() != 1 ) goto retry; } } QStringList words; unshowTurn(); turn_score = score(at,tiles,n,blankvalues,d,FALSE,&words); showTurn(); QStringList to_add; for (QStringList::Iterator it=words.begin(); it!=words.end(); ++it) { if ( !Global::fixedDawg().contains(*it) && !Global::dawg("WordGame").contains(*it) ) { switch (QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Unknown word"), tr("<p>The word \"%1\" is not in the dictionary.").arg(*it), tr("Add"), tr("Ignore"), tr("Cancel"))) { case 0: // ####### add to wordgame dictionary to_add.append(*it); break; case 1: break; case 2: unshowTurn(); canvas()->update(); return FALSE; } } } if ( to_add.count() ) Global::addWords("WordGame",to_add); return TRUE; } void Board::scoreTurn(const QPoint& at, int n, const QPoint& d) { unshowTurn(); shown_at = at; shown_n = n; shown_step = d; const Tile* tiles[99]; if ( n > current_rack->count() ) n = current_rack->count(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++) tiles[i] = current_rack->tileRef(i); turn_score = score(at,tiles,n,0,d,FALSE,0); emit temporaryScore(turn_score); } int Board::score(QPoint at, const Tile** tiles, int n, const Tile* blankvalue, const QPoint& d, bool checkdict, QStringList* words) const { int total=0; int totalsidetotal=0; // words gets filled with words made // mainword==0 -> // Checks side words, but not main word // -1 means words not in dict, or illegally positioned (eg. not connected) // text is assumed to fit on board. if ( words ) *words=QStringList(); QPoint otherd(d.y(), d.x()); int all_mult = 1; int bl=0; bool connected = FALSE; QString mainword=""; if ( contains(at-d) && tile(at-d) ) { return -1; // preceeding tiles } const Tile* t; for (int i=0; contains(at) && ((t=tile(at)) || i<n); ) { if ( t ) { if ( checkdict || words ) mainword += t->text(); total += t->value(); connected = TRUE; } else { QString sideword; QString tt; if ( tiles[i]->isBlank() ) { if ( blankvalue ) tt = blankvalue[bl++].text(); } else { tt = tiles[i]->text(); } sideword=tt; if ( checkdict || words ) mainword += tt; int side_mult = 1; int tilevalue = bonussedValue(at,tiles[i]->value(),side_mult); all_mult *= side_mult; if ( !connected && isStart(at) ) connected = TRUE; total += tilevalue; int sidetotal = tilevalue; { QPoint side = at-otherd; while ( contains(side) && (t=tile(side)) ) { sidetotal += t->value(); sideword.prepend(t->text()); side -= otherd; } } { QPoint side = at+otherd; while ( contains(side) && (t=tile(side)) ) { sidetotal += t->value(); sideword.append(t->text()); side += otherd; } } if ( sideword.length() > 1 ) { if ( words ) words->append(sideword); if ( checkdict && !Global::fixedDawg().contains(sideword) && !Global::dawg("WordGame").contains(sideword) ) return -1; totalsidetotal += sidetotal * side_mult; connected = TRUE; } i++; } at += d; } if ( words ) words->append(mainword); if ( checkdict && !Global::fixedDawg().contains(mainword) && !Global::dawg("WordGame").contains(mainword) ) return -1; if ( n == rack_tiles ) totalsidetotal += rack_tiles_bonus; return connected ? totalsidetotal + total * all_mult : -1; } QPoint Board::boardPos(const QPoint& p) const { return QPoint(p.x()/canvas()->tileWidth(), p.y()/canvas()->tileHeight()); } void Board::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*) { if ( current_rack ) { } } void Board::setRules(const QString& shapes, const int* effects) { rule_shape=shapes; rule_effect=effects; int i=0; int maxre=0; for (int y=0; y<yTiles(); y++) { for (int x=0; x<xTiles(); x++) { int re = shapes[i++]-'0'; if ( re > maxre ) maxre = re; canvas()->setTile(x,y,re); } } rack_tiles_bonus=effects[maxre+1]; } void Board::unsetTile(const QPoint& p) { delete item(p); grid[idx(p)] = 0; } void Board::setTile(const QPoint& p, const Tile& t) { TileItem* it=item(p); if ( !it ) { it = grid[idx(p)] = new TileItem(t,FALSE,canvas()); it->move(p.x()*canvas()->tileWidth(), p.y()*canvas()->tileHeight()); it->show(); } else { it->setTile(t); } } Rack::Rack(int ntiles, QWidget* parent) : QCanvasView( new QCanvas(ntiles*TileItem::bigWidth(),TileItem::bigHeight()), parent), item(ntiles) { setLineWidth(1); setFixedHeight(sizeHint().height()); n = 0; for (int i=0; i<ntiles; i++) item[i]=0; setHScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); setVScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); canvas()->setBackgroundColor(gray); dragging = 0; } Rack::~Rack() { clear(); delete canvas(); } QSize Rack::sizeHint() const { return QSize(-1,TileItem::bigHeight()+2); } void Rack::clear() { for (int i=0; i<n; i++) delete item[i]; n=0; } void Rack::writeConfig(Config& cfg) { QStringList l; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) l.append(tile(i).key()); cfg.writeEntry("Tiles",l,';'); } void Rack::readConfig(Config& cfg) { clear(); int x=0; QStringList l = cfg.readListEntry("Tiles",';'); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it) { TileItem *i = new TileItem(Tile(*it),TRUE,canvas()); i->move(x++,0); i->show(); item[n++] = i; } layoutTiles(); } static int cmp_tileitem(const void *a, const void *b) { const TileItem* ia = *(TileItem**)a; const TileItem* ib = *(TileItem**)b; return int(ia->x() - ib->x()); } void Rack::layoutTiles() { int w = TileItem::bigWidth()+2; if ( dragging ) dragging->moveBy(dragging_adj,0); qsort(item.data(), n, sizeof(TileItem*), cmp_tileitem); if ( dragging ) dragging->moveBy(-dragging_adj,0); for (int i=0; i<n ;i++) if ( item[i] == dragging ) { item[i]->setZ(1); } else { item[i]->move(i*w, 0); item[i]->setZ(0); } canvas()->update(); } void Rack::setBlanks(const Tile* bv) { for (int j=0; j<n; j++) { Tile tt = item[j]->tile(); if ( tt.isBlank() ) { tt.setText(bv->text()); item[j]->setTile(tt); bv++; } } } bool Rack::arrangeTiles(const Tile** s, int sn) { bool could = TRUE; for (int j=0; j<n; j++) { Tile tt = item[j]->tile(); int f=-1; for (int i=0; i<sn && f<0; i++) { if (s[i] && *s[i] == tt ) { s[i]=0; f=i; } } if ( f >= 0 ) { item[j]->move(f-999,0); } else { could = FALSE; } } layoutTiles(); return could; } void Rack::addTile(const Tile& t) { TileItem *i = new TileItem(t,TRUE,canvas()); i->show(); item[n++] = i; layoutTiles(); } void Rack::remove(Tile t) { for (int i=0; i<n ;i++) if ( item[i]->tile() == t ) { remove(i); return; } } void Rack::remove(int i) { delete item[i]; n--; for (;i<n;i++) item[i]=item[i+1]; layoutTiles(); } void Rack::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e) { canvas()->resize(width()-frameWidth()*2,height()-frameWidth()*2); QCanvasView::resizeEvent(e); } void Rack::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { if ( computerized() ) return; QCanvasItemList list = canvas()->collisions(e->pos()); if (list.count()) { dragging = list.first(); dragstart = e->pos()-QPoint(int(dragging->x()),int(dragging->y())); } else { dragging = 0; } } void Rack::contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { if ( computerized() ) return; //int w = TileItem::bigWidth()+2; if ( dragging ) { dragging_adj = TileItem::bigWidth()/2; if ( dragging->x() > e->x()-dragstart.x() ) dragging_adj = -dragging_adj; dragging->move(e->x()-dragstart.x(),0); layoutTiles(); } } void Rack::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e) { if ( computerized() ) return; if ( dragging ) { dragging=0; layoutTiles(); } } Tile::Tile(const QString& key) { int a=key.find('@'); txt = key.left(a); val = key.mid(a+1).toInt(); blank = txt.isEmpty(); } QString Tile::key() const { return txt+"@"+QString::number(val); } Bag::Bag() { tiles.setAutoDelete(TRUE); } void Bag::writeConfig(Config& cfg) { QStringList t; for (QListIterator<Tile> it(tiles); it; ++it) t.append((*it)->key()); cfg.writeEntry("Tiles",t,';'); } void Bag::readConfig(Config& cfg) { tiles.clear(); QStringList t = cfg.readListEntry("Tiles",';'); for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=t.begin(); it!=t.end(); ++it ) add(Tile(*it)); } void Bag::add(const Tile& t) { tiles.append(new Tile(t)); } Tile Bag::takeRandom() { Tile* rp = tiles.take(random()%tiles.count()); Tile r=*rp; return r; } ScoreInfo::ScoreInfo( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QLabel("<P>",parent,name,fl) { score=0; msgtimer = new QTimer(this); connect(msgtimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(showScores())); setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); } ScoreInfo::~ScoreInfo() { if ( score ) delete [] score; } void ScoreInfo::writeConfig(Config& cfg) { QStringList l; for (int i=0; i<(int)names.count(); i++) l.append(QString::number(score[i])); cfg.writeEntry("Scores",l,';'); } void ScoreInfo::readConfig(Config& cfg) { QStringList l = cfg.readListEntry("Scores",';'); int i=0; for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=l.begin(); it!=l.end(); ++it ) score[i++]=(*it).toInt(); showScores(); } QSize ScoreInfo::sizeHint() const { return QSize(QLabel::sizeHint().width(),fontMetrics().height()); } void ScoreInfo::init(const QStringList& namelist) { names = namelist; if ( score ) delete [] score; score = new int[names.count()]; memset(score,0,sizeof(int)*names.count()); boldone = -1; showScores(); } void ScoreInfo::addScore(int player, int change) { score[player] += change; showScores(); } void ScoreInfo::setBoldOne(int b) { boldone=b; showScores(); } void ScoreInfo::showScores() { QString r="<p>"; int i=0; //int spl=(names.count()+1)/2; // 2 lines for (QStringList::ConstIterator it=names.begin(); it!=names.end(); ) { if ( i==boldone ) r += "<b>"; QString n = *it; n.replace(QRegExp(":.*"),""); r += n; r += ":"; r += QString::number(score[i]); if ( i==boldone ) r += "</b>"; ++i; ++it; if ( it != names.end() ) r += " "; } setText(r); } void ScoreInfo::showTemporaryScore(int amount) { if ( amount < 0 ) setText(tr("<P>Invalid move")); else setText(tr("<P>Score: ")+QString::number(amount)); msgtimer->start(3000,TRUE); } diff --git a/noncore/games/zlines/ballpainter.cpp b/noncore/games/zlines/ballpainter.cpp index c2b34e1..622ec29 100644 --- a/noncore/games/zlines/ballpainter.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/zlines/ballpainter.cpp @@ -1,135 +1,132 @@ /*************************************************************************** ballpainter.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Fri May 19 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Merzlyakov email : roman@sbrf.barrt.ru copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Razilov email : Roman.Razilov@gmx.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include <qpe/resource.h> -#include <qapplication.h> #include "ballpainter.h" //#include "shotcounter.h" #include <qpainter.h> -#include "linesboard.h" //#include <qcolor.h> -#include <qjpegio.h> #define PIXSIZE 21 int colorLinesArr[NCOLORS] = {0x0000ff, 0x00ff00, 0xff0000, 0x00ffff, 0xff00ff, 0xffff00, 0x005080}; // 0x00bbggrr // red , green , blue , yellow , violet , cyan , brown BallPainter::BallPainter() : QObject() { createPixmap(); } BallPainter::~BallPainter() { } QPixmap* BallPainter::pixmap( enum Pixmaps pix ) { QString name; switch(pix) { case Field: name = QString::fromLatin1("zlines/field"); break; case Balls: name = QString::fromLatin1("zlines/balls"); break; case Fire: name = QString::fromLatin1("zlines/fire"); break; } return new QPixmap(Resource::loadPixmap(name) ); } void BallPainter::createPixmap() { // warning( kapp->kde_datadir() +"/klines/data/balls.bmp"); backgroundPix = pixmap(Field); QPixmap *balls = pixmap(Balls); QPixmap *fire = pixmap(Fire); if (balls->isNull() ||backgroundPix->isNull() || fire->isNull() ) fatal("Cannot open data files.\nHave you correctly installed klines?"); warning("Pixsize %i", PIXSIZE); for(int c=0; c<NCOLORS; c++) { for(int t=0; t<PIXTIME + FIREBALLS + BOOMBALLS + 1 ; t++) { imgCash[c][t] = new QPixmap(CELLSIZE, CELLSIZE); QPainter p(imgCash[c][t]); p.drawPixmap(0,0,(*backgroundPix),0,0,CELLSIZE,CELLSIZE); p.drawPixmap(1,1,(*balls),t*PIXSIZE,c*PIXSIZE,PIXSIZE,PIXSIZE); } for(int t=0; t < FIREPIX ; t++) { firePix[t] = new QPixmap(CELLSIZE, CELLSIZE); QPainter p(firePix[t]); p.drawPixmap(0,0,(*backgroundPix),0,0,CELLSIZE,CELLSIZE); p.drawPixmap(1,1,(*fire),t*PIXSIZE,0,PIXSIZE,PIXSIZE); } } delete balls; delete fire; } QPixmap* BallPainter::GetBall(int color, int animstep, int panim) { // return backgroundPix; if( (color<0) || (color>=NCOLORS) || (animstep<0) || color == NOBALL ) { // warning("BallPainter::Background"); return backgroundPix; } if ( panim == ANIM_JUMP ) { if ( ( animstep < 0 ) || ( animstep >= PIXTIME ) ) return backgroundPix; else return imgCash[color][animstep]; } else if ( panim == ANIM_BURN ) { if ( animstep < FIREBALLS ) return imgCash[color][animstep + PIXTIME + BOOMBALLS + 1]; else if ( animstep < FIREBALLS + FIREPIX ) return firePix[animstep - FIREBALLS]; } else if ( panim == ANIM_BORN ) { if ( animstep < BOOMBALLS ) return imgCash[color][animstep + PIXTIME]; else return imgCash[color][NORMALBALL]; } // rest is not imlemented yet return imgCash[color][NORMALBALL]; } diff --git a/noncore/games/zlines/field.cpp b/noncore/games/zlines/field.cpp index 2a87739..0adf4ac 100644 --- a/noncore/games/zlines/field.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/zlines/field.cpp @@ -1,132 +1,131 @@ /*************************************************************************** field.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Fri May 19 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Merzlyakov email : roman@sbrf.barrt.ru copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Razilov email : Roman.Razilov@gmx.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> -#include "cfg.h" #include "field.h" Field::Field(QWidget* parent, const char* name) : QWidget( parent, name ) { clearField(); } Field::~Field() { } void Field::clearField() { for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++) field[y][x].clear(); } void Field::clearAnim() { for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++) field[y][x].setAnim( ANIM_NO ); } int Field::deleteAnimatedBalls() { int deleted = 0; for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++) { if ( field[y][x].getAnim() != ANIM_NO ) { deleted++; field[y][x].clear(); } } return deleted; } bool Field::checkBounds(int x, int y) { return (x>=0) && (x<NUMCELLSW) && (y>=0) && (y<NUMCELLSH); } void Field::putBall(int x, int y, int color) { if( checkBounds(x,y) ) field[y][x].setColor(color); } /* void Field::putBall(int x, int y, char color) { if( checkBounds(x,y) ){ field[y][x].setColor(color); erase5Balls(); repaint(FALSE); } }*/ void Field::moveBall(int xa, int ya, int xb, int yb) { if( checkBounds(xa,ya) && checkBounds(xb,yb) && field[yb][xb].isFree() && ( xa != xb || ya != yb) ) { field[yb][xb].moveBall(field[ya][xa]); } } int Field::getBall(int x, int y) { if( checkBounds(x,y) ) return field[y][x].getColor(); else return NOBALL; } int Field::getAnim(int x, int y) { if( checkBounds(x,y) ) return field[y][x].getAnim(); else return NOBALL; } void Field::setAnim(int x, int y, int anim) { if( checkBounds(x,y) ) field[y][x].setAnim( anim ); } void Field::removeBall(int x, int y ) { if( checkBounds(x,y) ) field[y][x].clear(); } int Field::freeSpace() { int s = 0; for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++) if(field[y][x].isFree()) s++; return s; } void Field::saveUndo() { void clearAnim(); for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++) field_undo[y][x] = field[y][x]; } void Field::restoreUndo() { for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++) field[y][x] = field_undo[y][x]; } diff --git a/noncore/games/zlines/klines.cpp b/noncore/games/zlines/klines.cpp index 02ff0db..76c94e2 100644 --- a/noncore/games/zlines/klines.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/zlines/klines.cpp @@ -1,214 +1,205 @@ /*************************************************************************** klines.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Fri May 19 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Merzlyakov email : roman@sbrf.barrt.ru copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Razilov email : Roman.Razilov@gmx.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /* changes 21.05.2000 Roman Razilov Menu game/Next */ // // The implementation of the KLines widget // -#include <qkeycode.h> -#include <qlabel.h> -#include <qpushbutton.h> -#include <qtooltip.h> -#include <qstring.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <time.h> #include <qapplication.h> -#include <qmenubar.h> -#include <qpopupmenu.h> -#include "cfg.h" -#include <qstatusbar.h> #include "klines.h" /* Creates the KLines widget and sets saved options (if any). */ KLines::KLines(QWidget *par, const char* n, WFlags fl) : QMainWindow(par,n,fl) { time_t t; time(&t); srand((unsigned int)t + getpid()); setCaption(QString("ZLines")); mwidget = new MainWidget(this); setCentralWidget( mwidget ); lsb = mwidget->GetLsb(); lPrompt = mwidget->GetPrompt(); menu = menuBar(); game = new QPopupMenu; edit = new QPopupMenu; game->insertItem(tr("&New game"), this, SLOT(stopGame()), CTRL+Key_N ); game->insertSeparator(); game->insertItem(tr("Ne&xt"), this, SLOT(makeTurn()), Key_N ); game->insertSeparator(); idMenuPrompt = game->insertItem( tr("&Show next"), this, SLOT(switchPrompt()), CTRL+Key_P ); game->setCheckable(true); game->setItemChecked(idMenuPrompt, lPrompt->getState()); game->insertSeparator(); game->insertItem(tr("&Quit"), qApp, SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q ); idMenuUndo = edit->insertItem(tr("Und&o"), this, SLOT(undo()), CTRL+Key_Z ); menu->insertItem( tr("&Game"), game ); menu->insertItem( tr("&Edit"), edit ); menu->show(); score = 0; prev_score = 0; mwidget->setMessage(tr("Points: 0")); startGame(); } /* Saves the options and destroys the KLines widget. */ KLines::~KLines() { } /* Resize event of the KLines widget. */ void KLines::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *e ) { QMainWindow::resizeEvent(e); } void KLines::setMinSize() { // setMinimumSize( gr->wHint(), gr->hHint() + menu->height() + stat->height() + // tool->height() ); } void KLines::startGame() { score = 0; prev_score = 0; bUndo=TRUE; lsb->clearField(); generateRandomBalls(); placeBalls(); generateRandomBalls(); edit->setItemEnabled(idMenuUndo, FALSE ); updateStat(); } void KLines::stopGame() { debug("Klines::stopGame"); endGame(); } void KLines::searchBallsLine() { } void KLines::generateRandomBalls() { for( int i = 0 ; i < BALLSDROP ; i++ ) { nextBalls_undo[i] = nextBalls[i]; nextBalls[i] = bUndo ? rand() % NCOLORS: nextBalls_redo[i]; } lPrompt->SetBalls(nextBalls); } void KLines::placeBalls() { lsb->placeBalls(nextBalls); debug("exit from placeBalls"); } void KLines::undo() { debug("Undo"); if (!bUndo) return; for( int i = 0 ; i < BALLSDROP ; i++ ) { nextBalls_redo[i] = nextBalls[i]; nextBalls[i] = nextBalls_undo[i]; } lPrompt->SetBalls(nextBalls); lsb->undo(); switchUndo(FALSE); } void KLines::makeTurn() { placeBalls(); generateRandomBalls(); switchUndo(TRUE); } void KLines::addScore(int ballsErased) { if(ballsErased >= 5){ score += 2*ballsErased*ballsErased - 20*ballsErased + 60 ; if( !lPrompt->getState() ) score+= 1; updateStat(); }; } void KLines::updateStat() { mwidget->setMessage(tr(" Score: %1 ").arg(score)); } void KLines::endGame() { startGame(); } void KLines::switchPrompt() { lPrompt->setPrompt(!lPrompt->getState()); game->setItemChecked(idMenuPrompt, lPrompt->getState()); } void KLines::switchUndo(bool bu) { bUndo = bu; edit->setItemEnabled(idMenuUndo, bUndo ); } void KLines::help() { // KApplication::getKApplication()->invokeHTMLHelp("", ""); } diff --git a/noncore/games/zlines/linesboard.cpp b/noncore/games/zlines/linesboard.cpp index 0965b2c..1e59aeb 100644 --- a/noncore/games/zlines/linesboard.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/zlines/linesboard.cpp @@ -1,591 +1,588 @@ /*************************************************************************** linesboard.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Fri May 19 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Merzlyakov email : roman@sbrf.barrt.ru copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Razilov email : Roman.Razilov@gmx.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include <qpainter.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> -#include <qcolor.h> -#include <qkeycode.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "linesboard.h" /* Constructs a LinesBoard widget. */ LinesBoard::LinesBoard( BallPainter * abPainter, QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : Field( parent, name ) { anim = ANIM_NO; // waypos = 0; // waylen = 0; // jumpingRow = -1; // jumpingCol = -1; painting = 0; way = new Waypoints[NUMCELLSW*NUMCELLSH]; bPainter = abPainter; setFocusPolicy( NoFocus ); setBackgroundColor( gray ); setMouseTracking( FALSE ); setFixedSize(wHint(), hHint()); timer = new QTimer(this); connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(timerSlot()) ); timer->start( TIMERCLOCK, FALSE ); } /* Destructor: deallocates memory for contents */ LinesBoard::~LinesBoard() { // debug("stop"); timer->stop(); delete timer; delete []way; } void LinesBoard::placeBalls(int pnextBalls[BALLSDROP]) { debug("LinesBoard::placeBalls( )"); for(int i=0; i < BALLSDROP; i++){ nextBalls[i] = pnextBalls[i]; } nextBallToPlace = 0; placeBall(); debug("LinesBoard::placeBalls End "); } void LinesBoard::placeBall( ) { int color = nextBalls[nextBallToPlace]; debug("LinesBoard::placeBall( ) color=%i, nextBallToPlace = %i", color, nextBallToPlace); char* xx = (char*)malloc( sizeof(char)*NUMCELLSW*NUMCELLSH ); char* yy = (char*)malloc( sizeof(char)*NUMCELLSW*NUMCELLSH ); // int nb=3; // if( freeSpace() < 3) nb = freeSpace(); int empty=0; for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++) if( getBall(x,y) == NOBALL ) { xx[empty] = x; yy[empty] = y; empty++; }; // debug("empty = %i",empty); if ( empty > 0) { int pos = rand()%empty; putBall( xx[pos], yy[pos], color ); clearAnim(); setAnim( xx[pos], yy[pos], ANIM_BORN ); nextBallToPlace++; AnimStart(ANIM_BORN); free(xx); free(yy); } else { free(xx); free(yy); emit endGame(); } debug("LinesBoard::placeBall END"); } /*id LinesBoard::doAfterBalls() { erase5Balls(); repaint(FALSE); } */ /* Sets the size of the table */ int LinesBoard::width() { return CELLSIZE * NUMCELLSW; } int LinesBoard::height() { return CELLSIZE * NUMCELLSH; } int LinesBoard::wHint() { return width(); } int LinesBoard::hHint() { return height(); } void LinesBoard::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) { // debug("LinesBoard::paintEvent "); QPixmap pixmap(width(), height()); QPainter paint(&pixmap, this); for( int y=0; y < NUMCELLSH; y++ ){ for( int x=0; x < NUMCELLSW; x++ ){ if( getBall(x,y) == NOBALL ) { // debug("draw empty %i %i", x, y ); paint.drawPixmap(x*CELLSIZE, y*CELLSIZE, *(bPainter->GetBackgroundPix()) ); } else { // debug("draw empty %i %i %c", x, y, getBall(x,y) ); paint.drawPixmap(x*CELLSIZE, y*CELLSIZE, *(bPainter->GetBall(getBall(x,y),animstep,getAnim(x,y)))); } } } bitBlt(this, 0,0, &pixmap, 0,0, width(), height(), CopyROP); } /* Handles mouse press events for the LinesBoard widget. */ void LinesBoard::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { debug("LinesBoard::mousePressEvent START"); int curRow = e->y() / CELLSIZE; int curCol = e->x() / CELLSIZE; //debug debug("Mouse pressed: curRow=%i, curCol=%i", curRow, curCol); //check range if (!checkBounds( curCol, curRow ) ) return; // if( running || anim != ANIM_NO ) return; if(anim != ANIM_JUMP && anim != ANIM_NO) return; if ( anim == ANIM_JUMP ) { if ( getBall(curCol,curRow) == NOBALL ) { if(existPath(jumpingCol, jumpingRow, curCol, curRow)) { saveUndo(); AnimStart(ANIM_RUN); } } else AnimJump(curCol,curRow); } else AnimJump(curCol,curRow); debug("LinesBoard::mousePressEvent END"); } void LinesBoard::AnimJump(int x, int y ) { debug("LinesBoard::AnimJump( %i,%i)", x,y ); if ( getBall(x,y) != NOBALL ) if (!( anim == ANIM_JUMP && jumpingCol == x && jumpingRow == y )) if ( AnimEnd() ) { clearAnim(); setAnim(x,y,ANIM_JUMP); jumpingCol = x; jumpingRow = y; AnimStart(ANIM_JUMP); } debug("LinesBoard::AnimJump END"); } void LinesBoard::AnimStart(int panim) { debug("LinesBoard::AnimStart( %i )", panim); if (anim != ANIM_NO) AnimEnd(); animstep = 0; animdelaystart = 1; switch(panim) { case ANIM_NO: break; case ANIM_BORN: debug("LinesBoard::AnimStart( ANIM_BORN )"); animdelaystart=1; animmax = BOOMBALLS; break; case ANIM_JUMP: direction = -1; animstep = 4; animmax = PIXTIME -1; break; case ANIM_RUN: animdelaystart=3; // do first step on next timer; animdelaycount = 0; // animmax already set break; case ANIM_BURN: animdelaystart=1; animmax = FIREBALLS + FIREPIX - 1; break; default: ; } anim = panim; animdelaycount = animdelaystart; debug("LinesBoard::AnimStart END"); } int LinesBoard::AnimEnd( ) { debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd( %i )",anim ); if (anim == ANIM_NO ) return true; int oldanim = anim; anim = ANIM_NO; if (oldanim == ANIM_RUN) { if (animstep != animmax) { moveBall(way[animstep].x,way[animstep].y,way[animmax].x,way[animmax].y); } if ( erase5Balls() == 0 ) { // debug("end turn"); emit endTurn(); debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END true 1"); return true; } else debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END false 2"); return false; } else if ( oldanim == ANIM_BURN ) { emit eraseLine( deleteAnimatedBalls() ); repaint(FALSE); if ( nextBallToPlace < BALLSDROP ) { placeBall(); // continue with born debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END false 3"); return false; } else { // emit endTurn(); debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END true 4"); return true; } } else if ( oldanim == ANIM_BORN ) { if ( erase5Balls() == 0 ) { if ( freeSpace() > 0) { if ( nextBallToPlace < BALLSDROP ) { placeBall(); debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END false 5"); return false; } else { debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END true 6"); return true; } } else { debug("emit endGame"); emit endGame(); debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END false 7"); return false; } } else { // wait for user input debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END true 8"); return true; } } else { debug("LinesBoard::AnimEnd END true"); return true; } return true; } void LinesBoard::AnimNext() { if ( anim != ANIM_NO ) { debug("LinesBoard::AnimNext( ) anim %i animstep %i",anim,animstep); if ( anim == ANIM_JUMP ) { if ( (direction > 0 && animstep == animmax) || ( direction < 0 && animstep == 0)) direction = -direction; animstep += direction; repaint(FALSE); } else { if ( animstep >= animmax ) AnimEnd(); else { animdelaycount--; if (animdelaycount <= 0) { debug("LinesBoard::AnimNext step %i", animstep); if ( anim == ANIM_RUN ) moveBall(way[animstep].x,way[animstep].y,way[animstep+1].x,way[animstep+1].y); animstep++; animdelaycount = animdelaystart; repaint( FALSE ); } } } debug("LinesBoard::AnimNext END"); } } int LinesBoard::getAnim( int x, int y ) { // debug("LinesBoard::getAnim( %i,%i )",x,y); return (( Field::getAnim(x,y) != ANIM_NO )? anim : ANIM_NO); } void LinesBoard::timerSlot() { // debug("LinesBoard::Timer() anim = %i",anim ); AnimNext(); } int LinesBoard::erase5Balls() { //debug debug("LinesBoard::erase5Balls()"); int nb=5; // minimum balls for erasure bool bit_erase[NUMCELLSH][NUMCELLSW]; //bool array for balls, that must be erased for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++) bit_erase[y][x] = false; int color,newcolor; int count; //for horisontal //debug("entering to horiz"); for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++) { count = 1; color = NOBALL; for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++){ if ( (newcolor = getBall(x,y)) == color) { if ( color != NOBALL) { count++; if ( count >= nb ) if ( count == nb ) for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) bit_erase[y][x-i] = true; else bit_erase[y][x] = true; } } else { color = newcolor; count = 1; } } } //for vertical //debug("entering to vert"); for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++) { count = 0; color = NOBALL; for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++){ if ( (newcolor = getBall(x,y)) == color) { if ( color != NOBALL) { count++; if ( count >= nb ) if ( count == nb ) for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) bit_erase[y-i][x] = true; else bit_erase[y][x] = true; } } else { color = newcolor; count = 1; } } } // debug("entering to diag1"); //for left-down to rigth-up diagonal for ( int xs = NUMCELLSW-1,ys = NUMCELLSH-nb; xs >= nb-1; ) { count = 0; color = NOBALL; for ( int x = xs, y = ys; x >= 0 && y < NUMCELLSH; x--, y++ ) { if ( (newcolor = getBall(x,y)) == color) { if ( color != NOBALL) { count++; if ( count >= nb ) if ( count == nb ) for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) bit_erase[y-i][x+i] = true; else bit_erase[y][x] = true; } } else { color = newcolor; count = 1; } } if ( ys > 0 ) ys--; else xs--; } //debug("entering to diag2"); //for left-up to rigth-down diagonal for ( int xs = 0,ys = NUMCELLSH-nb; xs <= NUMCELLSW-nb; ) { count = 0; color = NOBALL; for ( int x = xs, y = ys; x < NUMCELLSW && y < NUMCELLSH; x++, y++ ) { if ( (newcolor = getBall(x,y)) == color) { if ( color != NOBALL) { count++; if ( count >= nb ) if ( count == nb ) for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) bit_erase[y-i][x-i] = true; else bit_erase[y][x] = true; } } else { color = newcolor; count = 1; } } if ( ys > 0 ) ys--; else xs++; } //remove all lines balls, that more than nb int cb=0; for(int y=0; y < NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x < NUMCELLSW; x++) { if (bit_erase[y][x]) { setAnim(x,y,ANIM_YES); cb++; } else { setAnim(x,y,ANIM_NO); } } //debug debug("LinesBoard::erase5Balls marked %i balls", cb); if ( cb > 0 ) { AnimStart(ANIM_BURN); //emit eraseLine(cb); } //debug debug("LinesBoard::erase5Balls END"); return cb; } #define GO_EMPTY 4 #define GO_A 5 #define GO_B 6 #define GO_BALL 7 bool LinesBoard::existPath(int bx, int by, int ax, int ay) { debug("LinesBoard::existPath( %i, %i, %i, %i )", bx, by, ax, ay); int dx[4]={1,-1, 0, 0}; int dy[4]={0, 0, 1,-1}; // debug("path %i %i %i %i",bx,by,ax,ay); if (getBall(ax,ay) != NOBALL) return false; char pf[NUMCELLSH][NUMCELLSW]; for(int y=0; y<NUMCELLSH; y++) for(int x=0; x<NUMCELLSW; x++) pf[y][x] = (getBall(x,y) == NOBALL) ? GO_EMPTY:GO_BALL; Waypoints lastchanged[2][NUMCELLSH*NUMCELLSW]; int lastChangedCount[2]; int currentchanged = 0; int nextchanged = 1; lastchanged[currentchanged][0].x = ax; lastchanged[currentchanged][0].y = ay; lastChangedCount[currentchanged] = 1; pf[ay][ax]=GO_A; pf[by][bx]=GO_B; // int expanded; bool B_reached = false; do { lastChangedCount[nextchanged] = 0; for(int dir=0; dir<4; dir++) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < lastChangedCount[currentchanged]; i++ ) { int nx = lastchanged[currentchanged][i].x + dx[dir]; int ny = lastchanged[currentchanged][i].y + dy[dir]; if( (nx>=0) && (nx<NUMCELLSW) && (ny>=0) && (ny<NUMCELLSH) ) { if( pf[ny][nx]==GO_EMPTY ||( nx==bx && ny==by )) { pf[ny][nx] = dir; lastchanged[nextchanged][lastChangedCount[nextchanged]].x = nx; lastchanged[nextchanged][lastChangedCount[nextchanged]].y = ny; lastChangedCount[nextchanged]++; }; if( (nx==bx) && (ny==by) ) { B_reached = true; break; } } } } nextchanged = nextchanged ^ 1; currentchanged = nextchanged ^ 1; // debug("currentchanged %i lastChangedCount[currentchanged] %i", // currentchanged,lastChangedCount[currentchanged]); } while(!B_reached && lastChangedCount[currentchanged] != 0); //debug("B_reached %i ", B_reached ); if (B_reached) { AnimStart( ANIM_BLOCK); animmax = 0; // waypos = 0; int x, y,dir; for( x = bx, y = by,dir; (dir = pf[y][x]) != GO_A;x -=dx[dir],y -= dy[dir]) { way[animmax].x = x; way[animmax].y = y; //debug("%i %i %i %i",dir,waylen,x,y); animmax++; } way[animmax].x = x; way[animmax].y = y; } debug("LinesBoard::existPath END %s", B_reached?"true":"false" ); return B_reached; } void LinesBoard::undo() { AnimEnd(); restoreUndo(); repaint( FALSE ); } diff --git a/noncore/games/zlines/main.cpp b/noncore/games/zlines/main.cpp index ff41f95..238e7d3 100644 --- a/noncore/games/zlines/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/zlines/main.cpp @@ -1,30 +1,29 @@ /*************************************************************************** main.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Fri May 19 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Merzlyakov email : roman@sbrf.barrt.ru copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Razilov email : Roman.Razilov@gmx.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /* * Roman Razilov 2000-05-19 debug dummmy * Roman Razilov 2000-05-21 qimgio */ -#include <qglobal.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> #include "klines.h" OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<KLines> ) diff --git a/noncore/games/zlines/mwidget.cpp b/noncore/games/zlines/mwidget.cpp index 6641fa2..211d3d3 100644 --- a/noncore/games/zlines/mwidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/zlines/mwidget.cpp @@ -1,84 +1,83 @@ /*************************************************************************** mwidget.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Fri May 19 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Merzlyakov email : roman@sbrf.barrt.ru copyright : (C) 2000 by Roman Razilov email : Roman.Razilov@gmx.de ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "mwidget.h" #include <qlayout.h> -#include "ballpainter.h" #include <qhbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> MainWidget::MainWidget( QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QFrame( parent, name ) { BallPainter *bPainter = new BallPainter(); QGridLayout *Form1Layout = new QGridLayout( this ); Form1Layout->setSpacing( 4 ); Form1Layout->setMargin( 4 ); QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); Form1Layout->addItem( spacer, 0, 0 ); lsb = new LinesBoard(bPainter, this); Form1Layout->addWidget( lsb, 0, 1 ); QSpacerItem* spacer_2 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); Form1Layout->addItem( spacer_2, 0, 2 ); QHBox *bottom=new QHBox(this); mPoints=new QLabel(bottom); bottom->setStretchFactor(mPoints, 2); lPrompt = new LinesPrompt(bPainter, bottom); Form1Layout->addWidget( bottom, 1, 1 ); QSpacerItem* spacer_3 = new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); Form1Layout->addItem( spacer_3, 2, 1 ); connect(lsb, SIGNAL(endTurn()), parent, SLOT(makeTurn())); connect(lsb, SIGNAL(eraseLine(int)), parent, SLOT(addScore(int))); connect(lsb, SIGNAL(endGame()), parent, SLOT(stopGame())); connect(lPrompt, SIGNAL(PromptPressed()), parent, SLOT(switchPrompt())); } void MainWidget::setMessage(const QString &message) { mPoints->setText(message); } /* Destructor: deallocates memory for contents */ MainWidget::~MainWidget() { } LinesBoard * MainWidget::GetLsb() { return lsb; } LinesPrompt * MainWidget::GetPrompt() { return lPrompt; } diff --git a/noncore/games/zsame/StoneWidget.cpp b/noncore/games/zsame/StoneWidget.cpp index 49fa1a4..646fc9c 100644 --- a/noncore/games/zsame/StoneWidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/zsame/StoneWidget.cpp @@ -1,350 +1,345 @@ /* * ksame 0.4 - simple Game * Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Marcus Kreutzberger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> -#include <qpainter.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> -#include <qbitmap.h> -#include <qimage.h> -#include <qcursor.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <time.h> #include <assert.h> #include "StoneWidget.h" struct StoneSlice { QPixmap stone; }; StoneWidget::StoneWidget( QWidget *parent, int x, int y ) : QWidget(parent,"StoneWidget"), stonefield(x,y) { // setBackgroundPixmap(QPixmap(locate("wallpaper", "Time-For-Lunch-2.jpg"))); // QPixmap stonemap(locate("appdata", "stones.png")); QPixmap stonemap = Resource::loadPixmap("zsame/stones" ); assert(!stonemap.isNull()); slice=0; maxslices=30; maxcolors=4; sizex=x; sizey=y; stone_width=stonemap.width()/(maxslices+1); stone_height=stonemap.height()/maxcolors; map = new StoneSlice*[maxcolors]; QBitmap mask; for (int c = 0; c < maxcolors; c++) { map[c] = new StoneSlice[maxslices]; for (int s = 0; s < maxslices; s++) { map[c][s].stone.resize(stone_width, stone_height); assert(!map[c][s].stone.isNull()); bitBlt(&map[c][s].stone, 0, 0, &stonemap, stone_width * s, c*stone_height, stone_width,stone_height,CopyROP,false); QImage im = map[c][s].stone.convertToImage(); mask = im.createHeuristicMask(); map[c][s].stone.setMask(mask); } } field_height=stone_height*sizey; field_width=stone_width*sizex; setMouseTracking(true); // QColor c(115,115,115); // setBackgroundColor(c); // emit s_sizechanged(); startTimer( 100 ); history.setAutoDelete(true); } StoneWidget::~StoneWidget() { for (int c = 0; c < maxcolors; c++) { delete [] map[c]; } delete [] map; setMouseTracking(false); killTimers(); } unsigned int StoneWidget::board() { return stonefield.getBoard(); } int StoneWidget::score() { return stonefield.getScore(); } int StoneWidget::marked() { return stonefield.getMarked(); } QSize StoneWidget::size() { return QSize(sizex,sizey); } int StoneWidget::colors() { return stonefield.getColors(); } QSize StoneWidget::sizeHint () const { return QSize(field_width,field_height); } void StoneWidget::newGame(unsigned int board,int colors) { stonefield.newGame(board,colors); history.clear(); modified= false; emit s_newgame(); emit s_colors(stonefield.getColors()); emit s_board(stonefield.getBoard()); } void StoneWidget::reset() { stonefield.reset(); history.clear(); emit s_newgame(); } void StoneWidget::unmark() { stonefield.unmark(); emit s_marked(0); } bool StoneWidget::undoPossible() const { if (stonefield.isGameover()) return false; return stonefield.undoPossible(); } int StoneWidget::undo(int count) { if (stonefield.isGameover()) return 0; int ret_val=stonefield.undo(count); QPoint p=mapFromGlobal(cursor().pos()); int x=p.x(); int y=p.y(); if (x<0||y<0||x>=field_width||y>=field_height) { emit s_score(stonefield.getMarked()); return ret_val; } int marked=stonefield.mark(x/stone_width,y/stone_height); emit s_marked(marked); slice=0; emit s_score(stonefield.getScore()); modified= (stonefield.getScore()>0); return ret_val; } bool StoneWidget::isGameover() { return stonefield.isGameover(); } bool StoneWidget::hasBonus() { return stonefield.gotBonus(); // don't ask me why the names differ... ;-| [hlm] } bool StoneWidget::isOriginalBoard() { return !modified; } void StoneWidget::readProperties(Config *) { /* Q_ASSERT(conf); history.clear(); if (!conf->hasKey("Board")|| !conf->hasKey("Colors")|| !conf->hasKey("Stones")) { return; } newGame(conf->readNumEntry("Board"),conf->readNumEntry("Colors")); QStrList list; conf->readListEntry("Stones",list); for (const char *item=list.first();item;item=list.next()) { int x=-1,y=-1; if (sscanf(item,"%02X%02X",&x,&y)!=2) break; history.append(new QPoint(x,y)); stonefield.remove(x,y); } */ } void StoneWidget::saveProperties(Config *) { /* Q_ASSERT(conf); QStrList list(true); QString tmp; for (QPoint *item=history.first();item;item=history.next()) { tmp.sprintf("%02X%02X",item->x(),item->y()); list.append(tmp.ascii()); } conf->writeEntry("Stones",list); conf->writeEntry("Board",stonefield.getBoard()); conf->writeEntry("Colors",stonefield.getColors()); */ } void StoneWidget::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) { QPoint p=mapFromGlobal(cursor().pos()); int x=p.x(); int y=p.y(); if (x<0||y<0||x>=field_width||y>=field_height) stonefield.unmark(); slice=(slice+1)%maxslices; paintEvent(0); } void StoneWidget::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *e ) { Stone *stone=stonefield.getField(); for (int y=0;y<sizey;y++) { int cy = y * stone_height; for (int x=0;x<sizex;x++) { int cx = stone_width * x; bool redraw=stone->marked||stone->changed; if (!redraw&&e) { QRect r(cx,cy,stone_width,stone_height); redraw=r.intersects(e->rect()); } if (redraw) { stone->changed=false; if (stone->color) { int tslice = stone->marked?slice:0; bitBlt(this,cx,cy, &map[stone->color-1][tslice].stone, 0, 0, stone_width,stone_height,CopyROP,FALSE); } else { erase(cx, cy, stone_width, stone_height); } } stone++; // naechster Stein. } } } void StoneWidget::mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *e) { if (stonefield.isGameover()) return; int x=e->pos().x(); int y=e->pos().y(); if (x<0||y<0||x>=field_width||y>=field_height) return; int sx=x/stone_width; int sy=y/stone_height; int mar =stonefield.mark(sx, sy); if ( mar != -1 ) { myMoveEvent(e); return; } if (stonefield.remove(sx, sy)) { history.append(new QPoint(sx, sy)); emit s_remove(sx, sy); stonefield.mark(sx,sy); emit s_marked(stonefield.getMarked()); modified= true; emit s_score(stonefield.getScore()); if (stonefield.isGameover()) emit s_gameover(); } } void StoneWidget::myMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent *e) { return; if (stonefield.isGameover()) { stonefield.unmark(); emit s_marked(0); return; } int x=e->pos().x(); int y=e->pos().y(); if (x<0||y<0||x>=field_width||y>=field_height) return; int marked=stonefield.mark(x/stone_width,y/stone_height); if (marked>=0) { emit s_marked(marked); slice=0; } } diff --git a/noncore/games/zsame/ZSameWidget.cpp b/noncore/games/zsame/ZSameWidget.cpp index 5001b55..45a877f 100644 --- a/noncore/games/zsame/ZSameWidget.cpp +++ b/noncore/games/zsame/ZSameWidget.cpp @@ -1,250 +1,243 @@ /* Yo Emacs, this is -*- C++ -*- */ /* * ksame 0.4 - simple Game * Copyright (C) 1997,1998 Marcus Kreutzberger * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include <stdio.h> -#include <qwidget.h> -#include <qpushbutton.h> -#include <qpixmap.h> -#include <qvbox.h> -#include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qtoolbar.h> #include <qmenubar.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> #include <kapplication.h> #include "ZSameWidget.h" -#include "StoneWidget.h" -#include "version.h" static int default_colors=3; #define i18n tr OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<ZSameWidget> ) ZSameWidget::ZSameWidget( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QMainWindow( parent, name, fl ) { setCaption(tr("ZSame")); setToolBarsMovable( false ); QToolBar* con = new QToolBar( this ); con->setHorizontalStretchable( true ); QMenuBar* mb = new QMenuBar( con ); QToolBar* tb = new QToolBar( this ); QPopupMenu* fileMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QAction* a = new QAction(tr("New Game"), Resource::loadIconSet("new") , QString::null, 0, this, "new_icon"); a->addTo( fileMenu ); a->addTo( tb ); connect(a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(m_new())); a = new QAction(tr("Restart This Board"), Resource::loadIconSet("redo"), QString::null, 0, this, "restart_board" ); a->addTo( fileMenu ); connect( a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(m_restart())); restart = a; a = new QAction( tr("Undo"), Resource::loadIconSet("undo"), QString::null, 0, this, "undo_action" ); a->addTo( fileMenu ); a->addTo( tb ); connect( a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(m_undo())); a = new QAction(tr("Quit"), Resource::loadIconSet("quit_icon"), QString::null, 0, this, "quit_action"); a->addTo( fileMenu ); a->addTo( tb ); connect(a, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(m_quit())); mb->insertItem(tr("Game" ), fileMenu ); int foo[2]; desktop_widget(foo); stone = new StoneWidget(this,foo[0],foo[1]); connect( stone, SIGNAL(s_gameover()), this, SLOT(gameover())); connect( stone, SIGNAL(s_colors(int)), this, SLOT(setColors(int))); connect( stone, SIGNAL(s_board(int)), this, SLOT(setBoard(int))); connect( stone, SIGNAL(s_marked(int)), this, SLOT(setMarked(int))); connect( stone, SIGNAL(s_score(int)), this, SLOT(setScore(int))); connect( stone, SIGNAL(s_remove(int,int)), this, SLOT(stonesRemoved(int,int))); connect(stone, SIGNAL(s_sizechanged()), this, SLOT(sizeChanged())); sizeChanged(); setCentralWidget(stone); setScore(0); } ZSameWidget::~ZSameWidget() { } void ZSameWidget::readProperties(Config *conf) { /* Q_ASSERT(conf); stone->readProperties(conf); */ } void ZSameWidget::saveProperties(Config *conf) { /* Q_ASSERT(conf); stone->saveProperties(conf); conf->sync(); */ } void ZSameWidget::sizeChanged() { // stone->setFixedSize(stone->sizeHint()); } void ZSameWidget::newGame(unsigned int board,int colors) { while (board>=1000000) board-=1000000; // kdDebug() << "newgame board " << board << " colors " << colors << endl; stone->newGame(board,colors); setScore(0); } bool ZSameWidget::confirmAbort() { return stone->isGameover() || stone->isOriginalBoard() || (QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Resign"), i18n("<qt>Do you want to resign?</qt>"), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No|QMessageBox::Default|QMessageBox::Escape, 0) == QMessageBox::Yes ); } void ZSameWidget::m_new() { if (confirmAbort()) newGame(_random(),default_colors); } void ZSameWidget::m_restart() { if (confirmAbort()) newGame(stone->board(),default_colors); } void ZSameWidget::m_load() { // kdDebug() << "menu load not supported" << endl; } void ZSameWidget::m_save() { // kdDebug() << "menu save not supported" << endl; } void ZSameWidget::m_undo() { // Q_ASSERT(stone); stone->undo(); } void ZSameWidget::m_showhs() { /* Q_ASSERT(stone); stone->unmark(); KScoreDialog d(KScoreDialog::Name | KScoreDialog::Score, this); d.addField(Board, i18n("Board"), "Board"); d.exec(); */ } void ZSameWidget::m_quit() { // Q_ASSERT(stone); stone->unmark(); qApp->quit(); // delete this; } void ZSameWidget::m_tglboard() { // kdDebug() << "toggled" << endl; } void ZSameWidget::setColors(int colors) { // status->changeItem(i18n("%1 Colors").arg(colors),1); } void ZSameWidget::setBoard(int board) { // status->changeItem(i18n("Board: %1").arg(board, 6), 2); } void ZSameWidget::setMarked(int m) { // status->changeItem(i18n("Marked: %1").arg(m, 6),3); } void ZSameWidget::stonesRemoved(int,int) { // KNotifyClient::event("stones removed", // i18n("%1 stones removed.").arg(stone->marked())); } void ZSameWidget::setScore(int score) { // status->changeItem(i18n("Score: %1").arg(score, 6),4); // undo->setEnabled(stone->undoPossible()); // restart->setEnabled(!stone->isOriginalBoard()); } void ZSameWidget::gameover() { // kdDebug() << "GameOver" << endl; if (stone->hasBonus()) { QMessageBox::information(this,i18n("Game won"), i18n("<qt>You even removed the last stone, great job! " "This gave you a score of %1 in total.</qt>").arg(stone->score())); } else { QMessageBox::information(this,i18n("Game over"), i18n("<qt>There are no more removeable stones. " "You got a score of %1 in total.</qt>").arg(stone->score())); } stone->unmark(); } void ZSameWidget::desktop_widget(int *f)const{ QWidget* wid = QApplication::desktop(); /* width > height landscape mode */ if ( wid->width() > wid->height() ) { f[0]=15; f[1]=9; } /* normal */ else{ f[0]=12; f[1]=13; } } |