-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opietooth/lib/manager.cc | 58 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.cpp | 44 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.h | 1 |
3 files changed, 50 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/opietooth/lib/manager.cc b/noncore/net/opietooth/lib/manager.cc index 53122c1..83100f1 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opietooth/lib/manager.cc +++ b/noncore/net/opietooth/lib/manager.cc @@ -1,317 +1,317 @@ #include "parser.h" #include "manager.h" #include <opie2/oprocess.h> #include <opie2/odebug.h> using namespace Opie::Core; using namespace OpieTooth; using Opie::Core::OProcess; Manager::Manager( const QString& dev ) : QObject() { - owarn << "created" << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: created" << oendl; m_device = dev; m_hcitool = 0; m_sdp = 0; } Manager::Manager( Device* /*dev*/ ) : QObject() { m_hcitool = 0; m_sdp = 0; } Manager::Manager() : QObject() { m_hcitool = 0; m_sdp = 0; } Manager::~Manager(){ delete m_hcitool; delete m_sdp; } void Manager::setDevice( const QString& dev ){ m_device = dev; } void Manager::setDevice( Device* /*dev*/ ){ } void Manager::isAvailable( const QString& device ){ OProcess* l2ping = new OProcess(); l2ping->setName( device.latin1() ); *l2ping << "l2ping" << "-c1" << device; connect(l2ping, SIGNAL(processExited(Opie::Core::OProcess* ) ), this, SLOT(slotProcessExited(Opie::Core::OProcess*) ) ); if (!l2ping->start() ) { emit available( device, false ); delete l2ping; } } void Manager::isAvailable( Device* /*dev*/ ){ } void Manager::searchDevices( const QString& device ){ - owarn << "search devices" << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: search devices" << oendl; OProcess* hcitool = new OProcess(); hcitool->setName( device.isEmpty() ? "hci0" : device.latin1() ); *hcitool << "hcitool" << "scan"; connect( hcitool, SIGNAL(processExited(Opie::Core::OProcess*) ) , this, SLOT(slotHCIExited(Opie::Core::OProcess* ) ) ); connect( hcitool, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(Opie::Core::OProcess*, char*, int ) ), this, SLOT(slotHCIOut(Opie::Core::OProcess*, char*, int ) ) ); if (!hcitool->start(OProcess::NotifyOnExit, OProcess::AllOutput) ) { - owarn << "could not start" << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: could not start" << oendl; RemoteDevice::ValueList list; emit foundDevices( device, list ); delete hcitool; } } void Manager::searchDevices(Device* /*d*/ ){ } void Manager::addService(const QString& name ){ OProcess proc; proc << "sdptool" << "add" << name; bool bo = true; if (!proc.start(OProcess::DontCare ) ) bo = false; emit addedService( name, bo ); } void Manager::addServices(const QStringList& list){ QStringList::ConstIterator it; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) addService( (*it) ); } void Manager::removeService( const QString& name ){ OProcess prc; prc << "sdptool" << "del" << name; bool bo = true; if (!prc.start(OProcess::DontCare ) ) bo = false; emit removedService( name, bo ); } void Manager::removeServices( const QStringList& list){ QStringList::ConstIterator it; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) removeService( (*it) ); } void Manager::searchServices( const QString& remDevice ){ OProcess *m_sdp =new OProcess(); *m_sdp << "sdptool" << "browse" << remDevice; m_sdp->setName( remDevice.latin1() ); - owarn << "search Services for " << remDevice.latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: search Services for " << remDevice.latin1() << oendl; connect(m_sdp, SIGNAL(processExited(Opie::Core::OProcess*) ), this, SLOT(slotSDPExited(Opie::Core::OProcess* ) ) ); connect(m_sdp, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(Opie::Core::OProcess*, char*, int ) ), this, SLOT(slotSDPOut(Opie::Core::OProcess*, char*, int) ) ); if (!m_sdp->start(OProcess::NotifyOnExit, OProcess::AllOutput) ) { - owarn << "could not start sdptool" << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: could not start sdptool" << oendl; delete m_sdp; Services::ValueList list; emit foundServices( remDevice, list ); } } void Manager::searchServices( const RemoteDevice& dev){ searchServices( dev.mac() ); } QString Manager::toDevice( const QString& /*mac*/ ){ return QString::null; } QString Manager::toMac( const QString &/*device*/ ){ return QString::null; } void Manager::slotProcessExited(OProcess* proc ) { bool conn= false; if (proc->normalExit() && proc->exitStatus() == 0 ) conn = true; QString name = QString::fromLatin1(proc->name() ); emit available( name, conn ); delete proc; } void Manager::slotSDPOut(OProcess* proc, char* ch, int len) { QCString str(ch, len+1 ); - owarn << "SDP:" << str.data() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: SDP:" << str.data() << oendl; QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it; it = m_out.find(proc->name() ); QString string; if ( it != m_out.end() ) { string = it.data(); } string.append( str ); m_out.replace( proc->name(), string ); } void Manager::slotSDPExited( OProcess* proc) { - owarn << "proc name " << proc->name() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: proc name " << proc->name() << oendl; Services::ValueList list; if (proc->normalExit() ) { QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it = m_out.find( proc->name() ); if ( it != m_out.end() ) { - owarn << "found process" << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: found process" << oendl; list = parseSDPOutput( it.data() ); m_out.remove( it ); } } emit foundServices( proc->name(), list ); delete proc; } Services::ValueList Manager::parseSDPOutput( const QString& out ) { Services::ValueList list; - owarn << "parsing output" << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: parsing output" << oendl; Parser parser( out ); list = parser.services(); return list; } void Manager::slotHCIExited(OProcess* proc ) { - owarn << "process exited" << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: process exited" << oendl; RemoteDevice::ValueList list; if (proc->normalExit() ) { - owarn << "normalExit " << proc->name() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: normalExit " << proc->name() << oendl; QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it = m_devices.find(proc->name() ); if (it != m_devices.end() ) { - owarn << "!= end ;)" << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: != end ;)" << oendl; list = parseHCIOutput( it.data() ); m_devices.remove( it ); } } emit foundDevices( proc->name(), list ); delete proc; } void Manager::slotHCIOut(OProcess* proc, char* ch, int len) { QCString str( ch, len+1 ); - owarn << "hci: " << str.data() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: hci: " << str.data() << oendl; QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it; it = m_devices.find( proc->name() ); - owarn << "proc->name " << proc->name() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: proc->name " << proc->name() << oendl; QString string; if (it != m_devices.end() ) { - owarn << "slotHCIOut " << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: slotHCIOut " << oendl; string = it.data(); } string.append( str ); m_devices.replace( proc->name(), string ); } RemoteDevice::ValueList Manager::parseHCIOutput(const QString& output ) { - owarn << "parseHCI " << output.latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: parseHCI " << output.latin1() << oendl; RemoteDevice::ValueList list; QStringList strList = QStringList::split('\n', output ); QStringList::Iterator it; QString str; for ( it = strList.begin(); it != strList.end(); ++it ) { str = (*it).stripWhiteSpace(); - owarn << "OpieTooth " << str.latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: OpieTooth " << str.latin1() << oendl; int pos = str.findRev(':' ); if ( pos > 0 ) { QString mac = str.left(17 ); str.remove( 0, 17 ); - owarn << "mac " << mac.latin1() << oendl; - owarn << "rest: " << str.latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: mac " << mac.latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: rest: " << str.latin1() << oendl; RemoteDevice rem( mac , str.stripWhiteSpace() ); list.append( rem ); } } return list; } ////// hcitool cc and hcitool con /** * Create it on the stack as don't care * so we don't need to care for it * cause hcitool gets reparented */ void Manager::connectTo( const QString& mac) { OProcess proc; proc << "hcitool"; proc << "cc"; proc << mac; proc.start(OProcess::DontCare); // the lib does not care at this point } void Manager::searchConnections() { - owarn << "searching connections?" << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: searchConnections()" << oendl; OProcess* proc = new OProcess(); m_hcitoolCon = QString::null; connect(proc, SIGNAL(processExited(Opie::Core::OProcess*) ), this, SLOT(slotConnectionExited( Opie::Core::OProcess*) ) ); connect(proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(Opie::Core::OProcess*, char*, int) ), this, SLOT(slotConnectionOutput(Opie::Core::OProcess*, char*, int) ) ); *proc << "hcitool"; *proc << "con"; if (!proc->start(OProcess::NotifyOnExit, OProcess::AllOutput) ) { ConnectionState::ValueList list; emit connections( list ); delete proc; } } void Manager::slotConnectionExited( OProcess* proc ) { ConnectionState::ValueList list; list = parseConnections( m_hcitoolCon ); emit connections(list ); delete proc; } void Manager::slotConnectionOutput(OProcess* /*proc*/, char* cha, int len) { QCString str(cha, len ); m_hcitoolCon.append( str ); //delete proc; } ConnectionState::ValueList Manager::parseConnections( const QString& out ) { ConnectionState::ValueList list2; QStringList list = QStringList::split('\n', out ); QStringList::Iterator it; // remove the first line ( "Connections:") it = list.begin(); it = list.remove( it ); for (; it != list.end(); ++it ) { QString row = (*it).stripWhiteSpace(); QStringList value = QStringList::split(' ', row ); - owarn << "0: %s" << value[0].latin1() << oendl; - owarn << "1: %s" << value[1].latin1() << oendl; - owarn << "2: %s" << value[2].latin1() << oendl; - owarn << "3: %s" << value[3].latin1() << oendl; - owarn << "4: %s" << value[4].latin1() << oendl; - owarn << "5: %s" << value[5].latin1() << oendl; - owarn << "6: %s" << value[6].latin1() << oendl; - owarn << "7: %s" << value[7].latin1() << oendl; - owarn << "8: %s" << value[8].latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: 0: " << value[0].latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: 1: " << value[1].latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: 2: " << value[2].latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: 3: " << value[3].latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: 4: " << value[4].latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: 5: " << value[5].latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: 6: " << value[6].latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: 7: " << value[7].latin1() << oendl; + odebug << "Manager: 8: " << value[8].latin1() << oendl; ConnectionState con; con.setDirection( value[0] == QString::fromLatin1("<") ? Outgoing : Incoming ); con.setConnectionMode( value[1] ); con.setMac( value[2] ); con.setHandle( value[4].toInt() ); con.setState( value[6].toInt() ); con.setLinkMode( value[8] == QString::fromLatin1("MASTER") ? Master : Client ); list2.append( con ); } return list2; } void Manager::signalStrength( const QString &mac ) { OProcess* sig_proc = new OProcess(); connect(sig_proc, SIGNAL(processExited(Opie::Core::OProcess*) ), this, SLOT(slotSignalStrengthExited( Opie::Core::OProcess*) ) ); connect(sig_proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(Opie::Core::OProcess*, char*, int) ), this, SLOT(slotSignalStrengthOutput(Opie::Core::OProcess*, char*, int) ) ); *sig_proc << "hcitool"; *sig_proc << "lq"; *sig_proc << mac; diff --git a/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.cpp b/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.cpp index af1cd23..0649514 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.cpp @@ -38,103 +38,97 @@ using namespace Opie::Core; #include <qimage.h> #include <qpixmap.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qscrollview.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qlineedit.h> #include <qlistview.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qlist.h> /* STD */ #include <remotedevice.h> #include <services.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace OpieTooth; BlueBase::BlueBase( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : BluetoothBase( parent, name, fl ) { - m_localDevice = new Manager( "hci0" ); connect( PushButton2, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(startScan() ) ); connect( configApplyButton, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT(applyConfigChanges() ) ); connect( rfcommBindButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( rfcommDialog() ) ); - // not good since lib is async - // connect( devicesView, SIGNAL( expanded(QListViewItem*) ), - // this, SLOT( addServicesToDevice(QListViewItem*) ) ); + connect( devicesView, SIGNAL( clicked(QListViewItem*)), this, SLOT( startServiceActionClicked(QListViewItem*) ) ); connect( devicesView, SIGNAL( rightButtonClicked(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ), this, SLOT(startServiceActionHold(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ) ); connect( m_localDevice , SIGNAL( foundServices(const QString&,Services::ValueList) ), this, SLOT( addServicesToDevice(const QString&,Services::ValueList) ) ); connect( m_localDevice, SIGNAL( available(const QString&,bool) ), this, SLOT( deviceActive(const QString&,bool) ) ); connect( m_localDevice, SIGNAL( connections(ConnectionState::ValueList) ), this, SLOT( addConnectedDevices(ConnectionState::ValueList) ) ); connect( m_localDevice, SIGNAL( signalStrength(const QString&,const QString&) ), this, SLOT( addSignalStrength(const QString&,const QString&) ) ); - // let hold be rightButtonClicked() QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( devicesView->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( connectionsView->viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold); //Load all icons needed m_offPix = Resource::loadPixmap( "opietooth/notconnected" ); m_onPix = Resource::loadPixmap( "opietooth/connected" ); m_findPix = Resource::loadPixmap( "opietooth/find" ); QPalette pal = this->palette(); QColor col = pal.color( QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Background ); pal.setColor( QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Button, col ); pal.setColor( QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Button, col ); pal.setColor( QPalette::Normal, QColorGroup::Button, col ); pal.setColor( QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Button, col ); this->setPalette( pal ); setCaption( tr( "Bluetooth Manager" ) ); readConfig(); initGui(); devicesView->setRootIsDecorated(true); - - + m_iconLoader = new BTIconLoader(); writeToHciConfig(); - // search conncetions addConnectedDevices(); - addSignalStrength(); - m_iconLoader = new BTIconLoader(); readSavedDevices(); + addServicesToDevices(); + QTimer::singleShot( 3000, this, SLOT( addServicesToDevices() ) ); } /** * Reads all options from the config file */ void BlueBase::readConfig() { Config cfg( "bluetoothmanager" ); cfg.setGroup( "bluezsettings" ); m_deviceName = cfg.readEntry( "name" , "No name" ); // name the device should identify with m_defaultPasskey = cfg.readEntryCrypt( "passkey" , "" ); // <- hmm, look up how good the trolls did that, maybe too weak m_useEncryption = cfg.readBoolEntry( "useEncryption" , TRUE ); m_enableAuthentification = cfg.readBoolEntry( "enableAuthentification" , TRUE ); m_enablePagescan = cfg.readBoolEntry( "enablePagescan" , TRUE ); m_enableInquiryscan = cfg.readBoolEntry( "enableInquiryscan" , TRUE ); } /** * Writes all options to the config file */ void BlueBase::writeConfig() { @@ -150,63 +144,63 @@ void BlueBase::writeConfig() cfg.writeEntry( "enableInquiryscan" , m_enableInquiryscan ); writeToHciConfig(); } /** * Modify the hcid.conf file to our needs */ void BlueBase::writeToHciConfig() { owarn << "writeToHciConfig" << oendl; HciConfWrapper hciconf ( "/etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf" ); hciconf.load(); hciconf.setPinHelper( QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "bin/bluepin" ); hciconf.setName( m_deviceName ); hciconf.setEncrypt( m_useEncryption ); hciconf.setAuth( m_enableAuthentification ); hciconf.setPscan( m_enablePagescan ); hciconf.setIscan( m_enableInquiryscan ); hciconf.save(); } /** - * Read the list of allready known devices + * Read the list of already known devices */ void BlueBase::readSavedDevices() { QValueList<RemoteDevice> loadedDevices; DeviceHandler handler; loadedDevices = handler.load(); addSearchedDevices( loadedDevices ); } /** - * Write the list of allready known devices + * Write the list of already known devices */ void BlueBase::writeSavedDevices() { QListViewItemIterator it( devicesView ); BTListItem* item; BTDeviceItem* device; RemoteDevice::ValueList list; for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { item = (BTListItem*)it.current(); if(item->typeId() != BTListItem::Device ) continue; device = (BTDeviceItem*)item; list.append( device->remoteDevice() ); } /* * if not empty save the List through DeviceHandler */ if ( list.isEmpty() ) return; DeviceHandler handler; handler.save( list ); } @@ -274,51 +268,48 @@ void BlueBase::rfcommDialog() } } /** * Add fresh found devices from scan dialog to the listing * */ void BlueBase::addSearchedDevices( const QValueList<RemoteDevice> &newDevices ) { BTDeviceItem * deviceItem; QValueList<RemoteDevice>::ConstIterator it; for( it = newDevices.begin(); it != newDevices.end() ; ++it ) { if (find( (*it) )) // is already inserted continue; deviceItem = new BTDeviceItem( devicesView , (*it) ); deviceItem->setPixmap( 1, m_findPix ); deviceItem->setExpandable ( true ); // look if device is avail. atm, async deviceActive( (*it) ); - - // ggf auch hier? - addServicesToDevice( deviceItem ); } } /** * Action that is toggled on entrys on click */ void BlueBase::startServiceActionClicked( QListViewItem */*item*/ ) {} /** * Action that are toggled on hold (mostly QPopups i guess) */ void BlueBase::startServiceActionHold( QListViewItem * item, const QPoint & point, int /*column*/ ) { if (!item ) return; QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu(); if ( static_cast<BTListItem*>( item )->type() == "device") { QPopupMenu *groups = new QPopupMenu(); @@ -377,72 +368,81 @@ void BlueBase::startServiceActionHold( QListViewItem * item, const QPoint & poin if ( popup == 0l ) { owarn << "factory returned 0l" << oendl; popup = new QPopupMenu(); } int test1 = popup->insertItem( tr("Test1:"), 2); int ret = popup->exec( point ); owarn << "returned from exec() " << oendl; if ( ret == -1 ) { ; } else if ( ret == test1 ) { ; } delete popup; } delete menu; } +void BlueBase::addServicesToDevices() +{ + odebug << "BlueBase::addServicesToDevices()" << oendl; + BTDeviceItem* item = (BTDeviceItem*) devicesView->firstChild(); + while ( item ) + { + addServicesToDevice( item ); + item = (BTDeviceItem*) static_cast<QListViewItem*>( item )->nextSibling(); + } +} + /** * Search and display avail. services for a device (on expand from device listing) * @param item the service item returned */ void BlueBase::addServicesToDevice( BTDeviceItem * item ) { - odebug << "addServicesToDevice" << oendl; + odebug << "BlueBase::addServicesToDevice" << oendl; // row of mac adress text(3) RemoteDevice device = item->remoteDevice(); m_deviceList.insert( item->mac() , item ); // and some time later I get a signal foundServices( const QString& device, Services::ValueList ); back m_localDevice->searchServices( device ); } /** - * Overloaded. This one it the one that is - ted to the foundServices signal * @param device the mac address of the remote device * @param servicesList the list with the service the device has. */ void BlueBase::addServicesToDevice( const QString& device, Services::ValueList servicesList ) { - odebug << "fill services list" << oendl; + odebug << "BlueBase::fill services list" << oendl; QMap<QString,BTDeviceItem*>::Iterator it; BTDeviceItem* deviceItem = 0; // get the right devices which requested the search it = m_deviceList.find( device ); if( it == m_deviceList.end() ) return; deviceItem = it.data(); // remove previous entries QList<QListViewItem> tempList; tempList.setAutoDelete( true ); QListViewItem * child = deviceItem->firstChild(); while( child ) { tempList.append( child ); child = child->nextSibling(); } tempList.clear(); QValueList<OpieTooth::Services>::Iterator it2; BTServiceItem* serviceItem; @@ -455,84 +455,81 @@ void BlueBase::addServicesToDevice( const QString& device, Services::ValueList s for( it2 = servicesList.begin(); it2 != servicesList.end(); ++it2 ) { serviceItem = new BTServiceItem( deviceItem, (*it2) ); list = (*it2).classIdList(); classIt = list.begin(); int classId=0; if ( classIt != list.end() ) { classId = classIt.key(); } serviceItem->setPixmap( 0, m_iconLoader->serviceIcon( classId ) ); } } else { Services s1; s1.setServiceName( tr("no services found") ); serviceItem = new BTServiceItem( deviceItem, s1 ); } // now remove them from the list m_deviceList.remove( it ); } - - - - void BlueBase::addSignalStrength() { QListViewItemIterator it( connectionsView ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { m_localDevice->signalStrength( ((BTConnectionItem*)it.current() )->connection().mac() ); } QTimer::singleShot( 5000, this, SLOT( addSignalStrength() ) ); } void BlueBase::addSignalStrength( const QString& mac, const QString& strength ) { QListViewItemIterator it( connectionsView ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if( ((BTConnectionItem*)it.current())->connection().mac() == mac ) { ((BTConnectionItem*)it.current() )->setSignalStrength( strength ); } } } /** * Add the existing connections (pairs) to the connections tab. * This one triggers the search */ void BlueBase::addConnectedDevices() { m_localDevice->searchConnections(); + QTimer::singleShot( 5000, this, SLOT( addSignalStrength() ) ); } /** * This adds the found connections to the connection tab. * @param connectionList the ValueList with all current connections */ void BlueBase::addConnectedDevices( ConnectionState::ValueList connectionList ) { QValueList<OpieTooth::ConnectionState>::Iterator it; BTConnectionItem * connectionItem; if ( !connectionList.isEmpty() ) { for (it = connectionList.begin(); it != connectionList.end(); ++it) { QListViewItemIterator it2( connectionsView ); bool found = false; for ( ; it2.current(); ++it2 ) { if( ( (BTConnectionItem*)it2.current())->connection().mac() == (*it).mac() ) { @@ -594,49 +591,48 @@ void BlueBase::deviceActive( const RemoteDevice &device ) { // search by mac, async, gets a signal back // We should have a BTDeviceItem there or where does it get added to the map -zecke m_localDevice->isAvailable( device.mac() ); } /** * The signal catcher. Set the avail. status on device. * @param device - the mac address * @param connected - if it is avail. or not */ void BlueBase::deviceActive( const QString& device, bool connected ) { odebug << "deviceActive slot" << oendl; QMap<QString,BTDeviceItem*>::Iterator it; it = m_deviceList.find( device ); if( it == m_deviceList.end() ) return; BTDeviceItem* deviceItem = it.data(); - if ( connected ) { deviceItem->setPixmap( 1, m_onPix ); } else { deviceItem->setPixmap( 1, m_offPix ); } m_deviceList.remove( it ); } /** * Open the "scan for devices" dialog */ void BlueBase::startScan() { ScanDialog *scan = new ScanDialog( this, "ScanDialog", true, WDestructiveClose ); QObject::connect( scan, SIGNAL( selectedDevices(const QValueList<RemoteDevice>&) ), this, SLOT( addSearchedDevices(const QValueList<RemoteDevice>&) ) ); QPEApplication::showDialog( scan ); } diff --git a/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.h b/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.h index a8ab3db..48883d2 100644 --- a/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.h +++ b/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.h @@ -61,41 +61,42 @@ namespace OpieTooth { void initGui(); void setInfo(); PopupHelper m_popHelper; Manager *m_localDevice; QMap<QString,BTDeviceItem*> m_deviceList; void deviceActive( const RemoteDevice &device ); QString m_deviceName; QString m_defaultPasskey; bool m_useEncryption; bool m_enableAuthentification; bool m_enablePagescan; bool m_enableInquiryscan; QPixmap m_offPix; QPixmap m_onPix; QPixmap m_findPix; BTIconLoader *m_iconLoader; private slots: void addSearchedDevices( const QValueList<RemoteDevice> &newDevices ); + void addServicesToDevices(); void addServicesToDevice( BTDeviceItem *item ); void addServicesToDevice( const QString& device, Services::ValueList ); void addConnectedDevices(); void addConnectedDevices( ConnectionState::ValueList ); void startServiceActionClicked( QListViewItem *item ); void startServiceActionHold( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int ); void deviceActive( const QString& mac, bool connected ); void applyConfigChanges(); void addSignalStrength(); void addSignalStrength( const QString& mac, const QString& strengh ); void rfcommDialog(); }; } #endif |