Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 97 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/tools/formatter/formatter.cpp b/noncore/tools/formatter/formatter.cpp
index 0dd42c8..983459c 100644
--- a/noncore/tools/formatter/formatter.cpp
+++ b/noncore/tools/formatter/formatter.cpp
@@ -303,56 +303,54 @@ void FormatterApp::doFormat() {
bool FormatterApp::doFdisk() {
return FALSE;
void FormatterApp::fillCombos() {
StorageInfo storageInfo;
const QList<FileSystem> &fs = storageInfo.fileSystems();
QListIterator<FileSystem> it ( fs );
QString storage;
for( ; it.current(); ++it ){
const QString name = (*it)->name();
const QString path = (*it)->path();
const QString disk = (*it)->disk();
const QString options = (*it)->options();
if( name.find( tr("Internal"),0,TRUE) == -1) {
storageComboBox->insertItem(name +" -> "+disk);
- deviceComboBox->insertItem(disk);
+// deviceComboBox->insertItem(disk);
- parsetab();
+ parsetab("/etc/mtab");
+// parsetab("/etc/fstab");
fileSystemsCombo->insertStringList( fsList,-1);
-// for(int i = 0; i < fileSystemsCombo->count(); i++) {
-// if( fsType == fileSystemsCombo->text(i))
-// fileSystemsCombo->setCurrentItem(i);
-// }
+ deviceComboBox->insertStringList( deviceList,-1);
void FormatterApp::fsComboSelected(int index) {
void FormatterApp::storageComboSelected(int index ) {
QString currentText = storageComboBox->text(index);
QString nameS = currentText.left( currentText.find("->",0,TRUE));
TextLabel4->setText( tr( "Storage Type : ") + nameS );
currentText = currentText.right( currentText.length() - currentText.find(" -> ",0,TRUE) - 4);
QString fsType = getFileSystemType((const QString &) currentText);
// qDebug(fsType);
for(int i = 0; i < fileSystemsCombo->count(); i++) {
if( fsType == fileSystemsCombo->text(i))
// deviceComboSelected(index);
@@ -386,103 +384,186 @@ void FormatterApp::deviceComboSelected(int index) {
long availMb = avail/1024;
long used = total - avail;
long usedMb = used/1024;
totalS.sprintf(tr("Total: %1 kB ( %d mB)\n").arg( total ), totalMb );
usedS.sprintf(tr("Used: %1 kB ( %d mB)\n").arg(used) ,usedMb);
avS.sprintf( tr("Available: %1 kB ( %d mB)").arg(avail), availMb );
fsType = getFileSystemType((const QString &)selectedText);
TextLabel5->setText("Type: "+ nameS+" Formatted with "+ fsType + " \n" + totalS + usedS + avS);
// storageComboSelected(0);
void FormatterApp::cleanUp() {
void FormatterApp::editFstab() {
QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/textedit","setDocument(QString)");
e << (const QString &)"/etc/fstab";
-void FormatterApp::parsetab() {
+void FormatterApp::parsetab(const QString &fileName) {
struct mntent *me;
- FILE *mntfp = setmntent( "/etc/mtab", "r" );
+// if(fileName == "/etc/mtab") {
+ FILE *mntfp = setmntent( fileName.latin1(), "r" );
if ( mntfp ) {
while ( (me = getmntent( mntfp )) != 0 ) {
QString deviceName = me->mnt_fsname;
QString filesystemType = me->mnt_type;
if(deviceName != "none") {
if( fsList.contains(filesystemType) == 0
& filesystemType.find("proc",0,TRUE) == -1
- & filesystemType.find("cramfs",0,TRUE) == -1)
+ & filesystemType.find("cramfs",0,TRUE) == -1
+ & filesystemType.find("auto",0,TRUE) == -1)
fsList << filesystemType;
+ deviceList << deviceName;
+ qDebug(deviceName+"::"+filesystemType);
fileSystemTypeList << deviceName+"::"+filesystemType;
endmntent( mntfp );
+// } else if(fileName == "/etc/fstab") {
// QFile f("/etc/fstab");
// if ( ) {
// QTextStream t (&f);
// QString s;
// while (! t.eof()) {
// s=t.readLine();
// s=s.simplifyWhiteSpace();
// if ( (!s.isEmpty() ) && (s.find(" ")!=0) ) {
+// // = me->mnt_fsname;
+// QString filesystemType = me->mnt_type;
+// QString deviceName = s.left(0,s.find(BLANK) );
// s=s.remove(0,s.find(BLANK)+1 ); // devicename
// s=s.remove(0,s.find(BLANK)+1 ); // mountpoint
+// QStringt mountPoint= s.left(0,s.find(BLANK) );
// s=s.remove(0,s.find(BLANK)+1 ); // fs
+// QString filesystemType= s.left(0,s.find(BLANK) );
// }
// }
// }
// f.close();
+// }
QString FormatterApp::getFileSystemType(const QString &currentText) {
- parsetab(); //why did TT forget filesystem type?
+ parsetab("/etc/mtab"); //why did TT forget filesystem type?
for ( QStringList::Iterator it = fileSystemTypeList.begin(); it != fileSystemTypeList.end(); ++it ) {
QString temp = (*it);
if( temp.find( currentText,0,TRUE) != -1) {
return temp.right( temp.length() - temp.find("::",0,TRUE) - 2);
// qDebug(fsType);
return "";
bool FormatterApp::doFsck() {
- QString selectedDevice = deviceComboBox->currentText();
+ Output *outDlg;
+ QString selectedDevice;
+#if defined(QT_QWS_IPAQ) || defined(QT_QWS_EBX) // lets test on something cheap
+ selectedDevice = deviceComboBox->currentText();
+// currentText = diskDevice = "/dev/fd0";
+ QString umountS = "umount -v /floppy 2>&1";
+ QString remountS = "mount -v /floppy 2>&1";
+ selectedDevice ="/dev/fd0";
QString fsType = getFileSystemType((const QString &)selectedDevice);
QString cmd;
qDebug( selectedDevice +" "+ fsType);
if(fsType == "vfat") cmd = "dosfsck -vy ";
if(fsType == "ext2") cmd = "e2fsck -cpvy ";
- cmd += selectedDevice;
+ cmd += selectedDevice + " 2>&1";
+ outDlg = new Output(this, tr("Formatter Output"),FALSE);
+ outDlg->showMaximized();
+ outDlg->show();
+ qApp->processEvents();
+ FILE *fp;
+ char line[130];
+ outDlg->OutputEdit->append( tr("Trying to umount."));
+ outDlg->OutputEdit->setCursorPosition(outDlg->OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE);
- return FALSE;
+ sleep(1);
+// qDebug("Command is "+umountS);
+ fp = popen( (const char *) umountS, "r");
+// qDebug("%d", fp);
+ if ( !fp ) {
+ qDebug("Could not execute '" + umountS + "'!\n" +(QString)strerror(errno));
+ QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Formatter"), tr("umount failed!"), tr("&OK") );
+ pclose(fp);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+// outDlg->OutputEdit->append( currentText + tr("\nhas been successfully umounted."));
+// outDlg->OutputEdit->setCursorPosition(outDlg->OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE);
+ while ( fgets( line, sizeof line, fp)) {
+ if( ((QString)line).find("busy",0,TRUE) != -1) {
+ qDebug("Could not find '" + umountS);
+ QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Formatter"), tr("Could not umount.\nDevice is busy!"), tr("&OK") );
+ pclose(fp);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ QString lineStr = line;
+ lineStr=lineStr.left(lineStr.length()-1);
+ outDlg->OutputEdit->append(lineStr);
+ outDlg->OutputEdit->setCursorPosition(outDlg->OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pclose(fp);
+ fp = popen( (const char *) cmd, "r");
+ while ( fgets( line, sizeof line, fp)) {
+ if( ((QString)line).find("No such device",0,TRUE) != -1) {
+ qDebug("No such device '" + umountS);
+ QMessageBox::warning( this, tr("Formatter"), tr("No such device!"), tr("&OK") );
+ pclose(fp);
+// outDlg->OutputEdit->append("No such device");
+// outDlg->OutputEdit->setCursorPosition(outDlg->OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE);
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ QString lineStr = line;
+ lineStr=lineStr.left(lineStr.length()-1);
+ outDlg->OutputEdit->append(lineStr);
+ outDlg->OutputEdit->setCursorPosition(outDlg->OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ outDlg->OutputEdit->append(tr("You can now close the output window."));
+ outDlg->OutputEdit->setCursorPosition(outDlg->OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE);
+// outDlg->OutputEdit->append( currentText + tr("\nhas been successfully formatted."));
+// outDlg->OutputEdit->setCursorPosition(outDlg->OutputEdit->numLines() + 1,0,FALSE);
+ pclose(fp);
+ return true;
bool FormatterApp::doFsckCheck() {
return FALSE;
int FormatterApp::formatCheck(const QString &deviceStr) {
return -1;
int FormatterApp::runCommand(const QString &command) {
return -1;
diff --git a/noncore/tools/formatter/formatter.h b/noncore/tools/formatter/formatter.h
index 871054d..960a68a 100644
--- a/noncore/tools/formatter/formatter.h
+++ b/noncore/tools/formatter/formatter.h
@@ -18,48 +18,48 @@ class QHBoxLayout;
class QGridLayout;
class QComboBox;
class QLabel;
class QLineEdit;
class QPushButton;
class QTabWidget;
class QWidget;
class QStringList;
class FormatterApp : public QMainWindow
//public QDialog
FormatterApp( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags fl = 0 );
QTabWidget *TabWidget;
QWidget *tab, *tab_2;;
QLabel *TextLabel1, *TextLabel2, *TextLabel3, *TextLabel4, *TextLabel5;
QComboBox *storageComboBox, *fileSystemsCombo, *deviceComboBox;
QPushButton *formatPushButton, *editPushButton, *fsckButton;
QLineEdit* mountPointLineEdit;
- QStringList fileSystemTypeList, fsList;
+ QStringList fileSystemTypeList, fsList, deviceList;
QGridLayout *FormatterAppLayout, *tabLayout, *tabLayout_2;
QString getFileSystemType(const QString &);
void fillCombos();
- void parsetab();
+ void parsetab(const QString &);
bool doFdisk();
int formatCheck(const QString &);
int runCommand(const QString &);
protected slots:
void cleanUp();
void doFormat();
void editFstab();
bool doFsck();
bool doFsckCheck();
void fsComboSelected(int);
void storageComboSelected(int );
void deviceComboSelected(int );