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2 files changed, 27 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/library/datebookdb.cpp b/library/datebookdb.cpp
index bf7fd94..da5a797 100644
--- a/library/datebookdb.cpp
+++ b/library/datebookdb.cpp
@@ -440,90 +440,95 @@ QValueList<Event> DateBookDB::getEvents( const QDateTime &start )
QValueListConstIterator<Event> it;
QDateTime dtTmp;
QValueList<Event> tmpList;
for (it = day.begin(); it != day.end(); ++it ) {
dtTmp = (*it).start(TRUE);
if ( dtTmp == start )
tmpList.append( *it );
return tmpList;
//#### Why is this code duplicated in getEvents ?????
QValueList<EffectiveEvent> DateBookDB::getEffectiveEvents( const QDate &from,
const QDate &to )
QValueList<EffectiveEvent> tmpList;
QValueListIterator<Event> it;
EffectiveEvent effEv;
QDateTime dtTmp,
for (it = eventList.begin(); it != eventList.end(); ++it ) {
+ if (!(*it).isValidUid())
+ (*it).assignUid(); // FIXME: Hack to restore cleared uids
dtTmp = (*it).start(TRUE);
dtEnd = (*it).end(TRUE);
if ( >= from && <= to ) {
Event tmpEv = *it;
effEv.setDate( );
effEv.setStart( dtTmp.time() );
if ( != )
effEv.setEnd( QTime(23, 59, 0) );
effEv.setEnd( dtEnd.time() );
tmpList.append( effEv );
// we must also check for end date information...
if ( != && >= from ) {
QDateTime dt = dtTmp.addDays( 1 );
dt.setTime( QTime(0, 0, 0) );
QDateTime dtStop;
if ( dtEnd > to ) {
dtStop = to;
} else
dtStop = dtEnd;
while ( dt <= dtStop ) {
Event tmpEv = *it;
effEv.setEvent( tmpEv );
effEv.setDate( );
if ( dt >= from ) {
effEv.setStart( QTime(0, 0, 0) );
if ( == )
effEv.setEnd( dtEnd.time() );
effEv.setEnd( QTime(23, 59, 59) );
tmpList.append( effEv );
dt = dt.addDays( 1 );
// check for repeating events...
QDateTime repeat;
for ( it = repeatEvents.begin(); it != repeatEvents.end(); ++it ) {
+ if (!(*it).isValidUid())
+ (*it).assignUid(); // FIXME: Hack to restore cleared uids
/* create a false end date, to short circuit on hard
MonthlyDay recurences */
Event dummy_event = *it;
int duration = (*it).start().date().daysTo( (*it).end().date() );
QDate itDate = from.addDays(-duration);
Event::RepeatPattern r = dummy_event.repeatPattern();
if ( !r.hasEndDate || r.endDate() > to ) {
r.setEndDate( to );
r.hasEndDate = TRUE;
dummy_event.setRepeat(TRUE, r);
while (nextOccurance(dummy_event, itDate, repeat)) {
if( > to)
effEv.setDate( );
if ((*it).type() == Event::AllDay) {
effEv.setStart( QTime(0,0,0) );
effEv.setEnd( QTime(23,59,59) );
} else {
/* we only occur by days, not hours/minutes/seconds. Hence
the actual end and start times will be the same for
@@ -561,102 +566,120 @@ QValueList<EffectiveEvent> DateBookDB::getEffectiveEvents( const QDate &from,
qHeapSort( tmpList );
return tmpList;
QValueList<EffectiveEvent> DateBookDB::getEffectiveEvents( const QDateTime &dt)
QValueList<EffectiveEvent> day = getEffectiveEvents(,;
QValueListConstIterator<EffectiveEvent> it;
QValueList<EffectiveEvent> tmpList;
QDateTime dtTmp;
for (it = day.begin(); it != day.end(); ++it ) {
dtTmp = QDateTime( (*it).date(), (*it).start() );
// at the moment we don't have second granularity, be nice about that..
if ( QABS(dt.secsTo(dtTmp)) < 60 )
tmpList.append( *it );
return tmpList;
+Event DateBookDB::getEvent( int uid ) {
+ QValueList<Event>::ConstIterator it;
+ for (it = eventList.begin(); it != eventList.end(); it++) {
+ if ((*it).uid() == uid) return *it;
+ }
+ for (it = repeatEvents.begin(); it != repeatEvents.end(); it++) {
+ if ((*it).uid() == uid) return *it;
+ }
+ qDebug("Event not found: uid=%d\n", uid);
void DateBookDB::addEvent( const Event &ev, bool doalarm )
// write to the journal...
saveJournalEntry( ev, ACTION_ADD, -1, false );
addJFEvent( ev, doalarm );
d->clean = false;
void DateBookDB::addJFEvent( const Event &ev, bool doalarm )
if ( doalarm && ev.hasAlarm() )
addEventAlarm( ev );
if ( ev.hasRepeat() )
repeatEvents.append( ev );
eventList.append( ev );
void DateBookDB::editEvent( const Event &old, Event &editedEv )
int oldIndex=0;
bool oldHadRepeat = old.hasRepeat();
Event orig;
// write to the journal...
if ( oldHadRepeat ) {
if ( origRepeat( old, orig ) ) // should work always...
oldIndex = repeatEvents.findIndex( orig );
} else
oldIndex = eventList.findIndex( old );
saveJournalEntry( editedEv, ACTION_REPLACE, oldIndex, oldHadRepeat );
+ // Delete old event
if ( old.hasAlarm() )
delEventAlarm( old );
if ( oldHadRepeat ) {
- if ( oldHadRepeat && editedEv.hasRepeat() ) {
+ if ( editedEv.hasRepeat() ) { // This mean that origRepeat was run above and
+ // orig is initialized
// assumption, when someone edits a repeating event, they
// want to change them all, maybe not perfect, but it works
// for the moment...
repeatEvents.remove( orig );
} else
removeRepeat( old );
} else {
QValueList<Event>::Iterator it = eventList.find( old );
if ( it != eventList.end() )
eventList.remove( it );
+ // Add new event
if ( editedEv.hasAlarm() )
addEventAlarm( editedEv );
if ( editedEv.hasRepeat() )
repeatEvents.append( editedEv );
eventList.append( editedEv );
d->clean = false;
void DateBookDB::removeEvent( const Event &ev )
// write to the journal...
saveJournalEntry( ev, ACTION_REMOVE, -1, false );
removeJFEvent( ev );
d->clean = false;
void DateBookDB::removeJFEvent( const Event&ev )
if ( ev.hasAlarm() )
delEventAlarm( ev );
if ( ev.hasRepeat() ) {
removeRepeat( ev );
} else {
QValueList<Event>::Iterator it = eventList.find( ev );
if ( it != eventList.end() )
eventList.remove( it );
diff --git a/library/datebookdb.h b/library/datebookdb.h
index aadb397..e4c251c 100644
--- a/library/datebookdb.h
+++ b/library/datebookdb.h
@@ -23,63 +23,66 @@
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qpe/event.h>
// journal actions...
class DateBookDBPrivate;
class DateBookDB
// very depreciated now!!!
QValueList<Event> getEvents( const QDate &from, const QDate &to );
QValueList<Event> getEvents( const QDateTime &start );
QValueList<EffectiveEvent> getEffectiveEvents( const QDate &from,
const QDate &to );
QValueList<EffectiveEvent> getEffectiveEvents( const QDateTime &start );
+ Event getEvent( int uid );
QValueList<Event> getRawRepeats() const;
QValueList<Event> getNonRepeatingEvents( const QDate &from,
const QDate &to ) const;
// Use these when dealing with adding removing events...
void addEvent( const Event &ev, bool doalarm=TRUE );
void removeEvent( const Event &ev );
void editEvent( const Event &old, Event &ev );
// add/remove event without journaling ( these ended up in public by accident, never
// use them unless you know what you are doing...),
// please put them in private if we ever can change the class...
void addJFEvent( const Event &ev, bool doalarm=TRUE );
void removeJFEvent( const Event &ev );
bool save();
void reload();
//find the real repeat...
bool origRepeat( const Event &ev, Event &orig ) const;
bool removeRepeat( const Event &ev );
void init();
void loadFile( const QString &strFile );
// depreciated...
void saveJournalEntry( const Event &ev, journal_action action );
// new version, uncomment the "= -1" when we remove the above
// function..
bool saveJournalEntry( const Event &ev, journal_action action,
int key/* = -1*/, bool origHadRepeat = false );
QValueList<Event> eventList; // non-repeating events...
QValueList<Event> repeatEvents; // the repeating events...
DateBookDBPrivate *d;
QFile journalFile;
+ int recordIdMax; // ADDITION
/* helper functions, also useful to other apps. */
bool nextOccurance( const Event &e, const QDate &from, QDateTime &next);