Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
6 files changed, 68 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/audiowidget.cpp b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/audiowidget.cpp
index d135647..2918097 100644
--- a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/audiowidget.cpp
+++ b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/audiowidget.cpp
@@ -1,353 +1,353 @@
** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include "audiowidget.h"
#include "mediaplayerstate.h"
/* OPIE */
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
-#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qpe/config.h>
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
+#include <opie2/oresource.h>
/* QT */
#include <qdir.h>
/* STD */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern MediaPlayerState *mediaPlayerState;
static const int xo = -2; // movable x offset
static const int yo = 22; // movable y offset
using namespace Opie::Ui;
struct MediaButton {
bool isToggle, isHeld, isDown;
//Layout information for the audioButtons (and if it is a toggle button or not)
MediaButton audioButtons[] = {
{ TRUE, FALSE, FALSE }, // play
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // stop
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // next
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // previous
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // volume up
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // volume down
{ TRUE, FALSE, FALSE }, // repeat/loop
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // playlist
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // forward
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE } // back
const char *skin_mask_file_names[10] = {
"play", "stop", "next", "prev", "up",
"down", "loop", "playlist", "forward", "back"
static void changeTextColor( QWidget *w ) {
QPalette p = w->palette();
p.setBrush( QColorGroup::Background, QColor( 167, 212, 167 ) );
p.setBrush( QColorGroup::Base, QColor( 167, 212, 167 ) );
w->setPalette( p );
static const int numButtons = (sizeof(audioButtons)/sizeof(MediaButton));
AudioWidget::AudioWidget(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) :
QWidget( parent, name, f ), songInfo( this ), slider( Qt::Horizontal, this ), time( this )
setCaption( tr("OpiePlayer") );
// odebug << "<<<<<audioWidget" << oendl;
Config cfg("OpiePlayer");
skin = cfg.readEntry("Skin","default");
//skin = "scaleTest";
// color of background, frame, degree of transparency
// QString skinPath = "opieplayer/skins/" + skin;
QString skinPath;
skinPath = "opieplayer2/skins/" + skin;
if(!QDir(QString(getenv("OPIEDIR")) +"/pics/"+skinPath).exists())
skinPath = "opieplayer2/skins/default";
// odebug << "skin path " + skinPath << oendl;
- pixBg = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( QString("%1/background").arg(skinPath) ) );
- imgUp = new QImage( Resource::loadImage( QString("%1/skin_up").arg(skinPath) ) );
- imgDn = new QImage( Resource::loadImage( QString("%1/skin_down").arg(skinPath) ) );
+ pixBg = new QPixmap( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( QString("%1/background").arg(skinPath) ) );
+ imgUp = new QImage( Opie::Core::OResource::loadImage( QString("%1/skin_up").arg(skinPath) ) );
+ imgDn = new QImage( Opie::Core::OResource::loadImage( QString("%1/skin_down").arg(skinPath) ) );
imgButtonMask = new QImage( imgUp->width(), imgUp->height(), 8, 255 );
imgButtonMask->fill( 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
QString filename = QString(getenv("OPIEDIR")) + "/pics/" + skinPath + "/skin_mask_" + skin_mask_file_names[i] + ".png";
masks[i] = new QBitmap( filename );
if ( !masks[i]->isNull() ) {
QImage imgMask = masks[i]->convertToImage();
uchar **dest = imgButtonMask->jumpTable();
for ( int y = 0; y < imgUp->height(); y++ ) {
uchar *line = dest[y];
for ( int x = 0; x < imgUp->width(); x++ )
if ( !qRed( imgMask.pixel( x, y ) ) )
line[x] = i + 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < 11; i++ ) {
buttonPixUp[i] = NULL;
buttonPixDown[i] = NULL;
QWidget *d = QApplication::desktop();
int width = d->width();
int height = d->height();
if( (width != pixBg->width() ) || (height != pixBg->height() ) ) {
// odebug << "<<<<<<<< scale image >>>>>>>>>>>>" << oendl;
QImage img;
img = pixBg->convertToImage();
pixBg->convertFromImage( img.smoothScale( width, height));
setBackgroundPixmap( *pixBg);
songInfo.setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus );
// changeTextColor( &songInfo );
// songInfo.setBackgroundColor( QColor( 167, 212, 167 ));
// songInfo.setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame);
// songInfo.setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
// songInfo.setForegroundColor(Qt::white);
slider.setFixedHeight( 20 );
slider.setMinValue( 0 );
slider.setMaxValue( 1 );
slider.setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus );
slider.setBackgroundPixmap( *pixBg );
time.setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus );
time.setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
changeTextColor( &time );
resizeEvent( NULL );
connect( &slider, SIGNAL( sliderPressed() ), this, SLOT( sliderPressed() ) );
connect( &slider, SIGNAL( sliderReleased() ), this, SLOT( sliderReleased() ) );
connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( lengthChanged(long) ), this, SLOT( setLength(long) ) );
connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( viewChanged(char) ), this, SLOT( setView(char) ) );
connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( loopingToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setLooping(bool) ) );
// connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( pausedToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setPaused(bool) ) );
connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( playingToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setPlaying(bool) ) );
// Intialise state
setLength( mediaPlayerState->length() );
setPosition( mediaPlayerState->position() );
setLooping( mediaPlayerState->fullscreen() );
// setPaused( mediaPlayerState->paused() );
setPlaying( mediaPlayerState->playing() );
if(this->x() < 0 || this->y() < 0)
AudioWidget::~AudioWidget() {
// setPlaying( false);
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
if(buttonPixUp[i]) delete buttonPixUp[i];
if(buttonPixDown[i]) delete buttonPixDown[i];
if(pixBg) delete pixBg;
if(imgUp) delete imgUp;
if(imgDn) delete imgDn;
if(imgButtonMask) delete imgButtonMask;
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
if(masks[i]) delete masks[i];
QPixmap *combineImageWithBackground( QImage img, QPixmap bg, QPoint offset ) {
QPixmap pix( img.width(), img.height() );
QPainter p( &pix );
p.drawTiledPixmap( pix.rect(), bg, offset );
p.drawImage( 0, 0, img );
return new QPixmap( pix );
QPixmap *maskPixToMask( QPixmap pix, QBitmap mask )
QPixmap *pixmap = new QPixmap( pix );
pixmap->setMask( mask );
return pixmap;
void AudioWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ) {
int h = height();
int w = width();
songInfo.setGeometry( QRect( 2, 10, w - 4, 20 ) );
slider.setFixedWidth( w - 110 );
slider.setGeometry( QRect( 15, h - 30, w - 90, 20 ) );
slider.setBackgroundOrigin( QWidget::ParentOrigin );
time.setGeometry( QRect( w - 85, h - 30, 70, 20 ) );
xoff = ( w - imgUp->width() ) / 2;
yoff = (( h - imgUp->height() ) / 2) - 10;
QPoint p( xoff, yoff );
QPixmap *pixUp = combineImageWithBackground( *imgUp, *pixBg, p );
QPixmap *pixDn = combineImageWithBackground( *imgDn, *pixBg, p );
for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
if ( !masks[i]->isNull() ) {
delete buttonPixUp[i];
delete buttonPixDown[i];
buttonPixUp[i] = maskPixToMask( *pixUp, *masks[i] );
buttonPixDown[i] = maskPixToMask( *pixDn, *masks[i] );
delete pixUp;
delete pixDn;
static bool audioSliderBeingMoved = FALSE;
void AudioWidget::sliderPressed() {
audioSliderBeingMoved = TRUE;
void AudioWidget::sliderReleased() {
audioSliderBeingMoved = FALSE;
if ( slider.width() == 0 )
long val = long((double)slider.value() * mediaPlayerState->length() / slider.width());
mediaPlayerState->setPosition( val );
void AudioWidget::setPosition( long i ) {
// odebug << "set position " << i << "" << oendl;
long length = mediaPlayerState->length();
updateSlider( i, length );
void AudioWidget::setLength( long max ) {
updateSlider( mediaPlayerState->position(), max );
void AudioWidget::setView( char view ) {
if (mediaPlayerState->isStreaming) {
if( !slider.isHidden()) slider.hide();
disconnect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionChanged(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) );
disconnect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionUpdated(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) );
} else {
// this stops the slider from being moved, thus
// does not stop stream when it reaches the end;
connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionChanged(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) );
connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( positionUpdated(long) ),this, SLOT( setPosition(long) ) );
if ( view == 'a' ) {
startTimer( 150 );
// show();
QPEApplication::showWidget( this );
} else {
static QString timeAsString( long length ) {
length /= 44100;
int minutes = length / 60;
int seconds = length % 60;
return QString("%1:%2%3").arg( minutes ).arg( seconds / 10 ).arg( seconds % 10 );
void AudioWidget::updateSlider( long i, long max ) {
time.setText( timeAsString( i ) + " / " + timeAsString( max ) );
if ( max == 0 )
// Will flicker too much if we don't do this
// Scale to something reasonable
int width = slider.width();
int val = int((double)i * width / max);
if ( !audioSliderBeingMoved ) {
if ( slider.value() != val )
slider.setValue( val );
if ( slider.maxValue() != width )
slider.setMaxValue( width );
void AudioWidget::setToggleButton( int i, bool down ) {
if ( down != audioButtons[i].isDown )
toggleButton( i );
void AudioWidget::toggleButton( int i ) {
audioButtons[i].isDown = !audioButtons[i].isDown;
QPainter p(this);
paintButton ( &p, i );
void AudioWidget::paintButton( QPainter *p, int i ) {
if ( audioButtons[i].isDown )
p->drawPixmap( xoff, yoff, *buttonPixDown[i] );
p->drawPixmap( xoff, yoff, *buttonPixUp[i] );
void AudioWidget::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) {
int x = audioButtons[AudioPlay].xPos;
int y = audioButtons[AudioPlay].yPos;
QPainter p( this );
// Optimize to only draw the little bit of the changing images which is different
p.drawPixmap( x + 14, y + 8, *pixmaps[3], 32 * frame, 0, 32, 32 );
diff --git a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/inputDialog.cpp b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/inputDialog.cpp
index 44a1cdd..b76004e 100644
--- a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/inputDialog.cpp
+++ b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/inputDialog.cpp
@@ -1,60 +1,61 @@
#include "inputDialog.h"
-#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <opie2/ofiledialog.h>
+#include <opie2/oresource.h>
+#include <qpe/applnk.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
using namespace Opie::Ui;
InputDialog::InputDialog( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )
: QDialog( parent, name, modal, fl ) {
if ( !name ) {
setName( "InputDialog" );
resize( 234, 115);
setMaximumSize( QSize( 240, 40));
setCaption( tr( name ) );
QPushButton *browserButton;
- browserButton = new QPushButton( Resource::loadIconSet("fileopen"),"",this,"BrowseButton");
- browserButton->setGeometry( QRect( 205, 10, 22, 22));
+ browserButton = new QPushButton( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap("fileopen", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon),"",this,"BrowseButton");
+ browserButton->setGeometry( QRect( 205, 10, AppLnk::smallIconSize(), AppLnk::smallIconSize()));
connect( browserButton, SIGNAL(released()),this,SLOT(browse()));
LineEdit1 = new QLineEdit( this, "LineEdit1" );
LineEdit1->setGeometry( QRect( 4, 10, 190, 22 ) );
* return the current text(input)
QString InputDialog::text() const {
return LineEdit1->text();
* Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
InputDialog::~InputDialog() {
void InputDialog::browse() {
MimeTypes types;
QStringList audio, video, all;
audio << "audio/*";
audio << "playlist/plain";
audio << "audio/x-mpegurl";
video << "video/*";
video << "playlist/plain";
all += audio;
all += video;
types.insert("All Media Files", all );
types.insert("Audio", audio );
types.insert("Video", video );
QString str = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 1,"/","", types, 0 );
diff --git a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/om3u.cpp b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/om3u.cpp
index 7149a8e..48aa47e 100644
--- a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/om3u.cpp
+++ b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/om3u.cpp
@@ -1,164 +1,163 @@
-                This file is part of the Opie Project
+                 This file is part of the Opie Project
- Copyright (c) 2002 L. Potter <>
+ Copyright (C) 2002 L. Potter <>
-           .>+-=
- _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can
-.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
-:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU General Public
-.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
- - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
-     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
-    .%`+i>       _;_.
-    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that
-     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
-    : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
-    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
-  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
-..}^=.=       =       ; General Public License for more
-++=   -.     .`     .: details.
- :     =  ...= . :.=-
- -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
-  -_. . .   )=.  = General Public License along with
-    --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
+           .>+-=
+ _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can
+.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
+:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
+ - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
+    .%`+i>       _;_.
+    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that
+     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
+ : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
+    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
+..}^=.=       =       ; Library General Public License for more
+++=   -.     .`     .: details.
+:     =  ...= . :.=-
+ -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
+  -_. . .   )=.  = Library General Public License along with
+    --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "om3u.h"
/* OPIE */
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
static inline QString fullBaseName ( const QFileInfo &fi )
QString str = fi. fileName ( );
return str. left ( str. findRev ( '.' ));
//extern PlayListWidget *playList;
Om3u::Om3u( const QString &filePath, int mode)
: QStringList (){
//odebug << "<<<<<<<new m3u "+filePath << oendl;
void Om3u::readM3u() {
// odebug << "<<<<<<reading m3u " << oendl;
QTextStream t(&f);
QString s;
while ( !t.atEnd() ) {
// odebug << s << oendl;
if( s.find( "#", 0, TRUE) == -1 ) {
if( s.left(2) == "E:" || s.left(2) == "P:" ) {
s = s.right( s.length() -2 );
QFileInfo f( s );
QString name = fullBaseName ( f );
name = name.right( name.length() - name.findRev( "\\", -1, TRUE ) -1 );
s=s.replace( QRegExp( "\\" ), "/" );
// odebug << s << oendl;
} else { // is url
s.replace( QRegExp( "%20" )," " );
QString name;
// if( name.left( 4 ) == "http" ) {
// name = s.right( s.length() - 7 );
// } else {
name = s;
// }
// odebug << name << oendl;
void Om3u::readPls() { //it's a pls file
QTextStream t( &f );
QString s;
while ( !t.atEnd() ) {
s = t.readLine();
if( s.left(4) == "File" ) {
s = s.right( s.length() - 6 );
s.replace( QRegExp( "%20" )," ");
// odebug << "adding " + s + " to playlist" << oendl;
// numberofentries=2
// File1=http
// Title
// Length
// Version
// File2=http
s = s.replace( QRegExp( "\\" ), "/" );
QFileInfo f( s );
QString name = fullBaseName ( f );
if( name.left( 4 ) == "http" ) {
name = s.right( s.length() - 7);
} else {
name = s;
name = name.right( name.length() - name.findRev( "\\", -1, TRUE) - 1 );
if( s.length() - 4) == '.') // if this is probably a file
else { //if its a url
if( name.right( 1 ).find( '/' ) == -1) {
s += "/";
void Om3u::write() { //writes list to m3u file
QString list;
QTextStream t(&f);
if(count()>0) {
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
// odebug << *it << oendl;
t << *it << "\n";
// f.close();
void Om3u::add(const QString &filePath) { //adds to m3u file
void Om3u::remove(const QString &filePath) { //removes from m3u list
QString list, currentFile;
if(count()>0) {
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
// odebug << *it << oendl;
if( filePath != currentFile)
list += currentFile+"\n";
f.writeBlock( list, list.length() );
void Om3u::deleteFile(const QString &) {//deletes m3u file
void Om3u::close() { //closes m3u file
diff --git a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/om3u.h b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/om3u.h
index 9c7cf9a..b944d6f 100644
--- a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/om3u.h
+++ b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/om3u.h
@@ -1,79 +1,77 @@
-                This file is part of the Opie Project
+                 This file is part of the Opie Project
- Copyright (c) 2002 L. Potter <>
+ Copyright (C) 2002 L. Potter <>
-           .>+-=
- _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can
-.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
-:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU General Public
-.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
- - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
-     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
-    .%`+i>       _;_.
-    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that
-     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
-    : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
-    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
-  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
-..}^=.=       =       ; General Public License for more
-++=   -.     .`     .: details.
- :     =  ...= . :.=-
- -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
-  -_. . .   )=.  = General Public License along with
-    --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
+           .>+-=
+ _;:,     .>    :=|. This program is free software; you can
+.> <`_,   >  .   <= redistribute it and/or modify it under
+:`=1 )Y*s>-.--   : the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+.="- .-=="i,     .._ License as published by the Free Software
+ - .   .-<_>     .<> Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+     ._= =}       : or (at your option) any later version.
+    .%`+i>       _;_.
+    .i_,=:_.      -<s. This program is distributed in the hope that
+     +  .  -:.       = it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
+ : ..    .:,     . . . without even the implied warranty of
+    =_        +     =;=|` MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+  _.=:.       :    :=>`: PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
+..}^=.=       =       ; Library General Public License for more
+++=   -.     .`     .: details.
+:     =  ...= . :.=-
+ -.   .:....=;==+<; You should have received a copy of the GNU
+  -_. . .   )=.  = Library General Public License along with
+    --        :-=` this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
If not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef OM3U_H
#define OM3U_H
#include "playlistwidget.h"
#include <qpe/applnk.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qpe/storage.h>
#include <qpe/mimetype.h>
#include <qpe/global.h>
-#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qcstring.h>
#include <qfile.h>
class Om3u : public QStringList {
Om3u( const QString &filePath, int mode);
void readM3u();
void readPls();
void write();
void add(const QString &);
void remove(const QString &);
void deleteFile(const QString &);
void close();
public slots:
QFile f;
private slots:
#endif// M3U_H
diff --git a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/playlistwidget.cpp b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/playlistwidget.cpp
index db2bf1b..c0a0029 100644
--- a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/playlistwidget.cpp
+++ b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/playlistwidget.cpp
@@ -1,438 +1,443 @@
** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
// code added by L. J. Potter Sat 03-02-2002 06:17:54
#include "playlistselection.h"
#include "playlistwidget.h"
#include "mediaplayerstate.h"
#include "inputDialog.h"
#include "audiowidget.h"
#include "videowidget.h"
/* OPIE */
+#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qpe/qpemenubar.h>
#include <qpe/lnkproperties.h>
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
+#include <opie2/oresource.h>
/* QT */
#include <qtoolbar.h>
#include <qaction.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
//#include <qtimer.h>
/* STD */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/soundcard.h>
// for setBacklight()
#include <linux/fb.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern AudioWidget *audioUI;
extern VideoWidget *videoUI;
extern MediaPlayerState *mediaPlayerState;
static inline QString fullBaseName ( const QFileInfo &fi )
QString str = fi. fileName ( );
return str. left ( str. findRev ( '.' ));
QString audioMimes ="audio/mpeg;audio/x-wav;audio/x-ogg;audio/x-mod";
// class myFileSelector {
// };
class PlayListWidgetPrivate {
QToolButton *tbPlay, *tbFull, *tbLoop, *tbScale, *tbShuffle, *tbAddToList, *tbRemoveFromList, *tbMoveUp, *tbMoveDown, *tbRemove;
QFrame *playListFrame;
FileSelector *files;
PlayListSelection *selectedFiles;
bool setDocumentUsed;
DocLnk *current;
class ToolButton : public QToolButton {
ToolButton( QWidget *parent, const char *name, const QString& icon, QObject *handler, const QString& slot, bool t = FALSE )
: QToolButton( parent, name ) {
setTextLabel( name );
- setPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( icon ) );
+ setPixmap( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( icon, Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) );
setAutoRaise( TRUE );
+ setUsesBigPixmap( qApp->desktop()->size().width() > 330 );
setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus );
setToggleButton( t );
connect( this, t ? SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ) : SIGNAL( clicked() ), handler, slot );
QPEMenuToolFocusManager::manager()->addWidget( this );
class MenuItem : public QAction {
MenuItem( QWidget *parent, const QString& text, QObject *handler, const QString& slot )
: QAction( text, QString::null, 0, 0 ) {
connect( this, SIGNAL( activated() ), handler, slot );
addTo( parent );
PlayListWidget::PlayListWidget( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl )
: QMainWindow( parent, name, fl ) {
d = new PlayListWidgetPrivate;
d->setDocumentUsed = FALSE;
d->current = NULL;
fromSetDocument = FALSE;
audioScan = FALSE;
videoScan = FALSE;
// menuTimer = new QTimer( this ,"menu timer"),
// connect( menuTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), SLOT( addSelected() ) );
channel = new QCopChannel( "QPE/Application/opieplayer", this );
connect( channel, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)),
this, SLOT( qcopReceive(const QCString&,const QByteArray&)) );
setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
setCaption( tr("OpiePlayer") );
- setIcon( Resource::loadPixmap( "opieplayer/MPEGPlayer" ) );
+ setIcon( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "opieplayer/MPEGPlayer", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ) );
setToolBarsMovable( FALSE );
// Create Toolbar
QToolBar *toolbar = new QToolBar( this );
toolbar->setHorizontalStretchable( TRUE );
// Create Menubar
QMenuBar *menu = new QMenuBar( toolbar );
menu->setMargin( 0 );
QToolBar *bar = new QToolBar( this );
bar->setLabel( tr( "Play Operations" ) );
// d->tbPlayCurList = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "play List" ), "opieplayer/play_current_list",
// this , SLOT( addSelected()) );
- tbDeletePlaylist = new QPushButton( Resource::loadIconSet("trash"),"",bar,"close");
+ tbDeletePlaylist = new QPushButton( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap("trash", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon),"",bar,"close");
d->tbAddToList = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Add to Playlist" ), "opieplayer/add_to_playlist",
this , SLOT(addSelected()) );
d->tbRemoveFromList = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Remove from Playlist" ), "opieplayer/remove_from_playlist",
this , SLOT(removeSelected()) );
// d->tbPlay = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Play" ), "opieplayer/play", /*this */mediaPlayerState , SLOT(setPlaying(bool)/*btnPlay()*/), TRUE );
d->tbPlay = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Play" ), "opieplayer/play",
this , SLOT( btnPlay(bool) ), TRUE );
d->tbShuffle = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Randomize" ),"opieplayer/shuffle",
mediaPlayerState, SLOT(setShuffled(bool)), TRUE );
d->tbLoop = new ToolButton( bar, tr( "Loop" ),"opieplayer/loop",
mediaPlayerState, SLOT(setLooping(bool)), TRUE );
QPopupMenu *pmPlayList = new QPopupMenu( this );
menu->insertItem( tr( "File" ), pmPlayList );
new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Clear List" ), this, SLOT( clearList() ) );
new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Add all audio files" ), this, SLOT( addAllMusicToList() ) );
new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Add all video files" ), this, SLOT( addAllVideoToList() ) );
new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Add all files" ), this, SLOT( addAllToList() ) );
new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Save PlayList" ), this, SLOT( saveList() ) );
new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Open File or URL" ), this,SLOT( openFile() ) );
new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Rescan for Audio Files" ), this,SLOT( scanForAudio() ) );
new MenuItem( pmPlayList, tr( "Rescan for Video Files" ), this,SLOT( scanForVideo() ) );
QPopupMenu *pmView = new QPopupMenu( this );
menu->insertItem( tr( "View" ), pmView );
- fullScreenButton = new QAction(tr("Full Screen"), Resource::loadPixmap("fullscreen"), QString::null, 0, this, 0);
+ fullScreenButton = new QAction(tr("Full Screen"), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap("fullscreen", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon),
+ QString::null, 0, this, 0);
- scaleButton = new QAction(tr("Scale"), Resource::loadPixmap("opieplayer/scale"), QString::null, 0, this, 0);
+ scaleButton = new QAction(tr("Scale"), Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap("opieplayer/scale", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon),
+ QString::null, 0, this, 0);
skinsMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
menu->insertItem( tr( "Skins" ), skinsMenu );
connect( skinsMenu, SIGNAL( activated(int) ) ,
this, SLOT( skinsMenuActivated(int) ) );
QVBox *vbox5 = new QVBox( this ); vbox5->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
QVBox *vbox4 = new QVBox( vbox5 ); vbox4->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
QHBox *hbox6 = new QHBox( vbox4 ); hbox6->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
tabWidget = new QTabWidget( hbox6, "tabWidget" );
// tabWidget->setTabShape(QTabWidget::Triangular);
QWidget *pTab;
pTab = new QWidget( tabWidget, "pTab" );
// playlistView = new QListView( pTab, "playlistview" );
// playlistView->setMinimumSize(236,260);
tabWidget->insertTab( pTab,"Playlist");
// Add the playlist area
QVBox *vbox3 = new QVBox( pTab ); vbox3->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
d->playListFrame = vbox3;
QGridLayout *layoutF = new QGridLayout( pTab );
layoutF->setSpacing( 2);
layoutF->setMargin( 2);
layoutF->addMultiCellWidget( d->playListFrame , 0, 0, 0, 1 );
QHBox *hbox2 = new QHBox( vbox3 ); hbox2->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
d->selectedFiles = new PlayListSelection( hbox2);
QVBox *vbox1 = new QVBox( hbox2 ); vbox1->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton );
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( d->selectedFiles->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold);
QVBox *stretch1 = new QVBox( vbox1 ); stretch1->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); // add stretch
new ToolButton( vbox1, tr( "Move Up" ), "opieplayer/up", d->selectedFiles, SLOT(moveSelectedUp()) );
new ToolButton( vbox1, tr( "Remove" ), "opieplayer/cut", d->selectedFiles, SLOT(removeSelected()) );
new ToolButton( vbox1, tr( "Move Down" ), "opieplayer/down", d->selectedFiles, SLOT(moveSelectedDown()) );
QVBox *stretch2 = new QVBox( vbox1 ); stretch2->setBackgroundMode( PaletteButton ); // add stretch
QWidget *aTab;
aTab = new QWidget( tabWidget, "aTab" );
audioView = new QListView( aTab, "Audioview" );
QGridLayout *layoutA = new QGridLayout( aTab );
layoutA->setSpacing( 2);
layoutA->setMargin( 2);
layoutA->addMultiCellWidget( audioView, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
audioView->addColumn( tr("Title"),-1);
audioView->addColumn(tr("Size"), -1);
audioView->addColumn( tr( "Path" ), -1 );
audioView->setColumnAlignment(1, Qt::AlignRight);
audioView->setColumnAlignment(2, Qt::AlignRight);
audioView->setMultiSelection( TRUE );
audioView->setSelectionMode( QListView::Extended);
audioView->setSorting( 3, TRUE );
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( audioView->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold);
// audioView
// populateAudioView();
// videowidget
QWidget *vTab;
vTab = new QWidget( tabWidget, "vTab" );
videoView = new QListView( vTab, "Videoview" );
QGridLayout *layoutV = new QGridLayout( vTab );
layoutV->setSpacing( 2);
layoutV->setMargin( 2);
layoutV->addMultiCellWidget( videoView, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
videoView->addColumn(tr( "Path" ), -1 );
videoView->setColumnAlignment(1, Qt::AlignRight);
videoView->setColumnAlignment(2, Qt::AlignRight);
videoView->setMultiSelection( TRUE );
videoView->setSelectionMode( QListView::Extended);
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( videoView->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold);
tabWidget->insertTab( vTab,tr("Video"));
QWidget *LTab;
LTab = new QWidget( tabWidget, "LTab" );
playLists = new FileSelector( "playlist/plain;audio/x-mpegurl", LTab, "fileselector" , FALSE, FALSE);
QGridLayout *layoutL = new QGridLayout( LTab );
layoutL->setSpacing( 2);
layoutL->setMargin( 2);
layoutL->addMultiCellWidget( playLists, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
connect(tbDeletePlaylist,(SIGNAL(released())),SLOT( deletePlaylist()));
connect( fullScreenButton, SIGNAL(activated()), mediaPlayerState, SLOT(toggleFullscreen()) );
connect( scaleButton, SIGNAL(activated()), mediaPlayerState, SLOT(toggleScaled()) );
connect( d->selectedFiles, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)),
this,SLOT( playlistViewPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)) );
connect( audioView, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)),
this,SLOT( viewPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)) );
connect( audioView, SIGNAL( returnPressed(QListViewItem*)),
this,SLOT( playIt(QListViewItem*)) );
connect( audioView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) ), this, SLOT( addToSelection(QListViewItem*) ) );
connect( videoView, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)),
this,SLOT( viewPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int)) );
connect( videoView, SIGNAL( returnPressed(QListViewItem*)),
this,SLOT( playIt(QListViewItem*)) );
connect( videoView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) ), this, SLOT( addToSelection(QListViewItem*) ) );
connect( playLists, SIGNAL( fileSelected(const DocLnk&) ), this, SLOT( loadList(const DocLnk&) ) );
connect( tabWidget, SIGNAL (currentChanged(QWidget*)),this,SLOT(tabChanged(QWidget*)));
connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( playingToggled(bool) ), d->tbPlay, SLOT( setOn(bool) ) );
connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( loopingToggled(bool) ), d->tbLoop, SLOT( setOn(bool) ) );
connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( shuffledToggled(bool) ), d->tbShuffle, SLOT( setOn(bool) ) );
connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( playlistToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setPlaylist(bool) ) );
connect( d->selectedFiles, SIGNAL( doubleClicked(QListViewItem*) ), this, SLOT( playIt(QListViewItem*) ) );
setCentralWidget( vbox5 );
Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" );
readConfig( cfg );
currentPlayList = cfg.readEntry("CurrentPlaylist","default");
loadList(DocLnk( currentPlayList));
setCaption(tr("OpiePlayer: ")+ fullBaseName ( QFileInfo(currentPlayList)));
PlayListWidget::~PlayListWidget() {
Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" );
writeConfig( cfg );
if ( d->current )
delete d->current;
if(d) delete d;
void PlayListWidget::initializeStates() {
d->tbPlay->setOn( mediaPlayerState->playing() );
d->tbLoop->setOn( mediaPlayerState->looping() );
d->tbShuffle->setOn( mediaPlayerState->shuffled() );
setPlaylist( true);
void PlayListWidget::readConfig( Config& cfg ) {
QString currentString = cfg.readEntry("current", "" );
int noOfFiles = cfg.readNumEntry("NumberOfFiles", 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < noOfFiles; i++ ) {
QString entryName;
entryName.sprintf( "File%i", i + 1 );
QString linkFile = cfg.readEntry( entryName );
DocLnk lnk( linkFile );
if ( lnk.isValid() ) {
d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk );
d->selectedFiles->setSelectedItem( currentString);
void PlayListWidget::writeConfig( Config& cfg ) const {
d->selectedFiles->writeCurrent( cfg);
int noOfFiles = 0;
do {
const DocLnk *lnk = d->selectedFiles->current();
if ( lnk ) {
QString entryName;
entryName.sprintf( "File%i", noOfFiles + 1 );
// odebug << entryName << oendl;
cfg.writeEntry( entryName, lnk->linkFile() );
// if this link does exist, add it so we have the file
// next time...
if ( !QFile::exists( lnk->linkFile() ) ) {
// the way writing lnks doesn't really check for out
// of disk space, but check it anyway.
// if ( !lnk->writeLink() ) {
// QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("Out of space"),
// tr( "There was a problem saving "
// "the playlist.\n"
// "Your playlist "
// "may be missing some entries\n"
// "the next time you start it." )
// );
// }
while ( d->selectedFiles->next() );
cfg.writeEntry("NumberOfFiles", noOfFiles );
void PlayListWidget::addToSelection( const DocLnk& lnk ) {
d->setDocumentUsed = false;
if ( mediaPlayerState->playlist() ) {
if(QFileInfo(lnk.file()).exists() || lnk.file().left(4) == "http" )
d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk );
mediaPlayerState->setPlaying( true);
void PlayListWidget::clearList() {
while ( first() )
Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" );
@@ -748,542 +753,542 @@ void PlayListWidget::addToSelection( QListViewItem *it) {
if(it) {
switch ( tabWidget->currentPageIndex()) {
case 0: //playlist
// case 1: {
DocLnk lnk;
QString filename;
lnk.setName( fullBaseName ( QFileInfo(filename)) ); //sets name
lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name
d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk);
if(tabWidget->currentPageIndex() == 0)
// tabWidget->setCurrentPage(0);
void PlayListWidget::tabChanged(QWidget *) {
switch ( tabWidget->currentPageIndex()) {
case 0:
if( !tbDeletePlaylist->isHidden())
case 1:
if( !tbDeletePlaylist->isHidden())
case 2:
if( !tbDeletePlaylist->isHidden())
case 3:
if( tbDeletePlaylist->isHidden())
void PlayListWidget::btnPlay(bool b) {
// mediaPlayerState->setPlaying(b);
switch ( tabWidget->currentPageIndex()) {
case 0:
// if( d->selectedFiles->current()->file().find(" ",0,TRUE) != -1
// if( d->selectedFiles->current()->file().find("%20",0,TRUE) != -1) {
// QMessageBox::message("Note","You are trying to play\na malformed url.");
// } else {
odebug << "insanity" << oendl;
// }
case 1:
// d->selectedFiles->unSelect();
addToSelection( audioView->currentItem() );
mediaPlayerState->setPlaying( b);
d->selectedFiles->removeSelected( );
}// audioView->clearSelection();
case 2:
addToSelection( videoView->currentItem() );
mediaPlayerState->setPlaying( b);
// qApp->processEvents();
d->selectedFiles->removeSelected( );
}// videoView->clearSelection();
void PlayListWidget::deletePlaylist() {
switch( QMessageBox::information( this, (tr("Remove Playlist?")),
(tr("You really want to delete\nthis playlist?")),
(tr("Yes")), (tr("No")), 0 )){
case 0: // Yes clicked,
case 1: // Cancel
void PlayListWidget::viewPressed( int mouse, QListViewItem *, const QPoint&, int )
switch (mouse) {
case 1:
case 2:{
QPopupMenu m;
m.insertItem( tr( "Play" ), this, SLOT( playSelected() ));
m.insertItem( tr( "Add to Playlist" ), this, SLOT( addSelected() ));
if( QFile(QPEApplication::qpeDir()+"lib/").exists() )
m.insertItem( tr( "Properties" ), this, SLOT( listDelete() ));
m.exec( QCursor::pos() );
void PlayListWidget::playSelected()
btnPlay( true);
// d->selectedFiles->unSelect();
void PlayListWidget::playlistViewPressed( int mouse, QListViewItem *, const QPoint&, int)
switch (mouse) {
case 1:
case 2:{
QPopupMenu m;
m.insertItem( tr( "Play Selected" ), this, SLOT( playSelected() ));
m.insertItem( tr( "Remove" ), this, SLOT( removeSelected() ));
// m.insertSeparator();
// m.insertItem( tr( "Properties" ), this, SLOT( listDelete() ));
m.exec( QCursor::pos() );
void PlayListWidget::listDelete() {
Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" );
currentPlayList = cfg.readEntry("CurrentPlaylist","");
QString file;
// int noOfFiles = cfg.readNumEntry("NumberOfFiles", 0 );
switch ( tabWidget->currentPageIndex()) {
case 0:
case 1:
file = audioView->currentItem()->text(0);
QListIterator<DocLnk> Pdit( files.children() );
for ( ; Pdit.current(); ++Pdit ) {
if( Pdit.current()->name() == file) {
LnkProperties prop( Pdit.current() );
QPEApplication::execDialog( &prop );
case 2:
// file = videoView->selectedItem()->text(0);
// for ( int i = 0; i < noOfFiles; i++ ) {
// QString entryName;
// entryName.sprintf( "File%i", i + 1 );
// QString linkFile = cfg.readEntry( entryName );
// AppLnk lnk( AppLnk(linkFile));
// if( == file ) {
// LnkProperties prop( &lnk);
// // connect(&prop, SIGNAL(select(const AppLnk*)), this, SLOT(externalSelected(const AppLnk*)));
// prop.showMaximized();
// prop.exec();
// }
// }
void PlayListWidget::scanForAudio() {
// odebug << "scan for audio" << oendl;
QListIterator<DocLnk> sdit( files.children() );
for ( ; sdit.current(); ++sdit ) {
delete sdit.current();
Global::findDocuments( &files, audioMimes);
audioScan = true;
void PlayListWidget::scanForVideo() {
// odebug << "scan for video" << oendl;
QListIterator<DocLnk> sdit( vFiles.children() );
for ( ; sdit.current(); ++sdit ) {
delete sdit.current();
Global::findDocuments(&vFiles, "video/*");
videoScan = true;
void PlayListWidget::populateAudioView() {
StorageInfo storageInfo;
const QList<FileSystem> &fs = storageInfo.fileSystems();
if(!audioScan) scanForAudio();
QListIterator<DocLnk> dit( files.children() );
QListIterator<FileSystem> it ( fs );
QString storage;
for ( ; dit.current(); ++dit ) {
for( ; it.current(); ++it ){
const QString name = (*it)->name();
const QString path = (*it)->path();
if(dit.current()->file().find(path) != -1 ) storage=name;
QListViewItem * newItem;
if ( QFile( dit.current()->file()).exists() || dit.current()->file().left(4) == "http" ) {
long size;
if( dit.current()->file().left(4) == "http" )
size = QFile( dit.current()->file() ).size();
// odebug << dit.current()->name() << oendl;
newItem= /*(void)*/ new QListViewItem( audioView, dit.current()->name(),
QString::number(size ), storage, dit.current()->file());
- newItem->setPixmap(0, Resource::loadPixmap( "opieplayer/musicfile" ));
+ newItem->setPixmap(0, Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "opieplayer/musicfile", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ));
void PlayListWidget::populateVideoView() {
StorageInfo storageInfo;
const QList<FileSystem> &fs = storageInfo.fileSystems();
if(!videoScan ) scanForVideo();
QListIterator<DocLnk> Vdit( vFiles.children() );
QListIterator<FileSystem> it ( fs );
QString storage;
for ( ; Vdit.current(); ++Vdit ) {
for( ; it.current(); ++it ){
const QString name = (*it)->name();
const QString path = (*it)->path();
if( Vdit.current()->file().find(path) != -1 ) storage=name;
QListViewItem * newItem;
if ( QFile( Vdit.current()->file()).exists() ) {
newItem= /*(void)*/ new QListViewItem( videoView, Vdit.current()->name(),
QString::number( QFile( Vdit.current()->file() ).size() ),
storage, Vdit.current()->file());
- newItem->setPixmap(0, Resource::loadPixmap( "opieplayer/videofile" ));
+ newItem->setPixmap(0, Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( "opieplayer/videofile", Opie::Core::OResource::SmallIcon ));
void PlayListWidget::openFile() {
QString filename, name;
InputDialog *fileDlg;
fileDlg = new InputDialog(this,tr("Open file or URL"),TRUE, 0);
if( fileDlg->result() == 1 ) {
filename = fileDlg->text();
// odebug << "Selected filename is " + filename << oendl;
DocLnk lnk;
Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" );
QString m3uFile;
m3uFile = filename;
if(filename.left(4) == "http") {
if(filename.find(":",8,TRUE) != -1) { //found a port
m3uFile = filename;
if( m3uFile.right( 1 ).find( '/' ) == -1) {
m3uFile += "/";
filename = m3uFile;
lnk.setName( m3uFile ); //sets name
lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name
d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk );
else if( filename.right( 3) == "m3u" ) {
readm3u( filename );
} else if( filename.right(3) == "pls" ) {
readPls( filename );
} else {
lnk.setName( fullBaseName ( QFileInfo(filename)) ); //sets name
lnk.setFile( filename ); //sets file name
d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk);
if( fileDlg ) {
delete fileDlg;
reads m3u and shows files/urls to playlist widget */
void PlayListWidget::readm3u( const QString &filename ) {
// odebug << "read m3u filename " + filename << oendl;
Om3u *m3uList;
QString s, name;
m3uList = new Om3u( filename, IO_ReadOnly );
DocLnk lnk;
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = m3uList->begin(); it != m3uList->end(); ++it ) {
s = *it;
// odebug << "reading "+ s << oendl;
if(s.left(4)=="http") {
lnk.setName( s ); //sets file name
// if(s.right(4) != '.' || s.right(5) != '.')
if(s.right(4) != '.' || s.right(5) != '.' )
if( s.right(1) != "/")
lnk.setFile( s+"/"); //if url with no extension
lnk.setFile( s ); //sets file name
} else {
// if( QFileInfo( s ).exists() ) {
lnk.setName( fullBaseName ( QFileInfo(s)));
// if(s.right(4) == '.') {//if regular file
if(s.left(1) != "/") {
// odebug << "set link "+QFileInfo(filename).dirPath()+"/"+s << oendl;
lnk.setFile( QFileInfo(filename).dirPath()+"/"+s);
} else {
// odebug << "set link2 "+s << oendl;
lnk.setFile( s);
d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk );
Config config( "OpiePlayer" );
config.setGroup( "PlayList" );
// m3uList->write();
if(m3uList) delete m3uList;
d->selectedFiles->setSelectedItem( s);
setCaption(tr("OpiePlayer: ")+ fullBaseName ( QFileInfo(filename)));
reads pls and adds files/urls to playlist */
void PlayListWidget::readPls( const QString &filename ) {
// odebug << "pls filename is " + filename << oendl;
Om3u *m3uList;
QString s, name;
m3uList = new Om3u( filename, IO_ReadOnly );
for ( QStringList::ConstIterator it = m3uList->begin(); it != m3uList->end(); ++it ) {
s = *it;
// s.replace( QRegExp( "%20" )," " );
DocLnk lnk( s );
QFileInfo f( s );
QString name = fullBaseName ( f);
if( name.left( 4 ) == "http" ) {
name = s.right( s.length() - 7);
} else {
name = s;
name = name.right( name.length() - name.findRev( "\\", -1, TRUE) - 1 );
lnk.setName( name );
if( s.length() - 4) == '.') {// if this is probably a file
lnk.setFile( s );
} else { //if its a url
if( name.right( 1 ).find( '/' ) == -1) {
s += "/";
lnk.setFile( s );
lnk.setType( "audio/x-mpegurl" );
d->selectedFiles->addToSelection( lnk );
if(m3uList) delete m3uList;
writes current playlist to current m3u file */
void PlayListWidget::writeCurrentM3u() {
// odebug << "writing to current m3u" << oendl;
Config cfg( "OpiePlayer" );
currentPlayList = cfg.readEntry("CurrentPlaylist","");
Om3u *m3uList;
m3uList = new Om3u( currentPlayList, IO_ReadWrite | IO_Truncate );
if( d->selectedFiles->first()) {
do {
// odebug << "writeCurrentM3u " +d->selectedFiles->current()->file() << oendl;
m3uList->add( d->selectedFiles->current()->file() );
while ( d->selectedFiles->next() );
// odebug << "<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" << oendl;
if(m3uList) delete m3uList;
writes current playlist to m3u file */
void PlayListWidget::writem3u() {
InputDialog *fileDlg;
fileDlg = new InputDialog( this, tr( "Save m3u Playlist " ), TRUE, 0);
QString name, filename, list;
Om3u *m3uList;
if( fileDlg->result() == 1 ) {
name = fileDlg->text();
// odebug << filename << oendl;
if( name.find("/",0,true) != -1) {// assume they specify a file path
filename = name;
name = name.right(name.length()- name.findRev("/",-1,true) - 1 );
else //otherwise dump it somewhere noticable
filename = QPEApplication::documentDir() + "/" + name;
if( filename.right( 3 ) != "m3u" ) //needs filename extension
filename += ".m3u";
if( d->selectedFiles->first()) {
m3uList = new Om3u(filename, IO_ReadWrite | IO_Truncate);
do {
m3uList->add( d->selectedFiles->current()->file());
while ( d->selectedFiles->next() );
// odebug << list << oendl;
if(m3uList) delete m3uList;
if(fileDlg) delete fileDlg;
DocLnk lnk;
lnk.setFile( filename);
lnk.setName( name); //sets file name
// odebug << filename << oendl;
Config config( "OpiePlayer" );
config.setGroup( "PlayList" );
if(!lnk.writeLink()) {
// odebug << "Writing doclink did not work" << oendl;
setCaption(tr("OpiePlayer: ") + name);
void PlayListWidget::keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent *e)
switch ( e->key() ) {
////////////////////////////// Zaurus keys
case Key_F9: //activity
// if(audioUI->isHidden())
// audioUI->showMaximized();
case Key_F10: //contacts
// if( videoUI->isHidden())
// videoUI->showMaximized();
case Key_F11: //menu
case Key_F12: //home
// doBlank();
case Key_F13: //mail
// doUnblank();
case Key_Q: //add to playlist
diff --git a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/videowidget.cpp b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/videowidget.cpp
index c545511..89dd89e 100644
--- a/core/multimedia/opieplayer/videowidget.cpp
+++ b/core/multimedia/opieplayer/videowidget.cpp
@@ -1,351 +1,352 @@
** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qtopia Environment.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include "videowidget.h"
#include "mediaplayerstate.h"
/* OPIE */
-#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qpe/mediaplayerplugininterface.h>
#include <qpe/config.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <opie2/odebug.h>
+#include <opie2/oresource.h>
/* QT */
+#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qslider.h>
#ifdef Q_WS_QWS
# include <qdirectpainter_qws.h>
# include <qgfxraster_qws.h>
extern MediaPlayerState *mediaPlayerState;
static const int xo = 2; // movable x offset
static const int yo = 0; // movable y offset
struct MediaButton {
// int xPos, yPos;
bool isToggle, isHeld, isDown;
// int controlType;
// Layout information for the videoButtons (and if it is a toggle button or not)
MediaButton videoButtons[] = {
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // stop
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // play
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // previous
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // next
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // volUp
{ FALSE, FALSE, FALSE }, // volDown
{ TRUE, FALSE, FALSE } // fullscreen
//static const int numButtons = (sizeof(videoButtons)/sizeof(MediaButton));
const char *skinV_mask_file_names[7] = {
static const int numVButtons = (sizeof(videoButtons)/sizeof(MediaButton));
VideoWidget::VideoWidget(QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f) :
QWidget( parent, name, f ), scaledWidth( 0 ), scaledHeight( 0 )
setCaption( tr("OpiePlayer") );
Config cfg("OpiePlayer");
skin = cfg.readEntry("Skin","default");
QString skinPath;
skinPath = "opieplayer2/skins/" + skin;
if(!QDir(QString(getenv("OPIEDIR")) +"/pics/"+skinPath).exists())
skinPath = "opieplayer2/skins/default";
// QString skinPath = "opieplayer2/skins/" + skin;
- pixBg = new QPixmap( Resource::loadPixmap( QString("%1/background").arg(skinPath) ) );
- imgUp = new QImage( Resource::loadImage( QString("%1/skinV_up").arg(skinPath) ) );
- imgDn = new QImage( Resource::loadImage( QString("%1/skinV_down").arg(skinPath) ) );
+ pixBg = new QPixmap( Opie::Core::OResource::loadPixmap( QString("%1/background").arg(skinPath) ) );
+ imgUp = new QImage( Opie::Core::OResource::loadImage( QString("%1/skinV_up").arg(skinPath) ) );
+ imgDn = new QImage( Opie::Core::OResource::loadImage( QString("%1/skinV_down").arg(skinPath) ) );
imgButtonMask = new QImage( imgUp->width(), imgUp->height(), 8, 255 );
imgButtonMask->fill( 0 );
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
QString filename = QString( QPEApplication::qpeDir() + "pics/" + skinPath +
"/skinV_mask_" + skinV_mask_file_names[i] + ".png" );
// odebug << "loading "+filename << oendl;
masks[i] = new QBitmap( filename );
if ( !masks[i]->isNull() ) {
QImage imgMask = masks[i]->convertToImage();
uchar **dest = imgButtonMask->jumpTable();
for ( int y = 0; y < imgUp->height(); y++ ) {
uchar *line = dest[y];
for ( int x = 0; x < imgUp->width(); x++ ) {
if ( !qRed( imgMask.pixel( x, y ) ) )
line[x] = i + 1;
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
buttonPixUp[i] = NULL;
buttonPixDown[i] = NULL;
QWidget *d = QApplication::desktop();
int width = d->width();
int height = d->height();
if( (width != pixBg->width() ) || (height != pixBg->height() ) ) {
QImage img;
img = pixBg->convertToImage();
pixBg->convertFromImage( img.smoothScale( width, height));
setBackgroundPixmap( *pixBg );
currentFrame = new QImage( 220 + 2, 160, (QPixmap::defaultDepth() == 16) ? 16 : 32 );
slider = new QSlider( Qt::Horizontal, this );
slider->setMinValue( 0 );
slider->setMaxValue( 1 );
slider->setBackgroundPixmap( *pixBg );
slider->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus );
// slider->setGeometry( QRect( 7, 250, 220, 20 ) );
// connect( mediaPlayerState, SIGNAL( pausedToggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( setPaused(bool) ) );
// Intialise state
setLength( mediaPlayerState->length() );
setPosition( mediaPlayerState->position() );
setFullscreen( mediaPlayerState->fullscreen() );
// setPlaying( mediaPlayerState->playing() );
// if(this->x() < 0 || this->y() < 0)
// this->move(0,0);
VideoWidget::~VideoWidget() {
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
delete buttonPixUp[i];
delete buttonPixDown[i];
delete pixBg;
delete imgUp;
delete imgDn;
delete imgButtonMask;
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
delete masks[i];
// for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
// delete pixmaps[i];
// delete currentFrame;
static bool videoSliderBeingMoved = FALSE;
QPixmap *combineVImageWithBackground( QImage img, QPixmap bg, QPoint offset ) {
QPixmap pix( img.width(), img.height() );
QPainter p( &pix );
p.drawTiledPixmap( pix.rect(), bg, offset );
p.drawImage( 0, 0, img );
return new QPixmap( pix );
QPixmap *maskVPixToMask( QPixmap pix, QBitmap mask ) {
QPixmap *pixmap = new QPixmap( pix );
pixmap->setMask( mask );
return pixmap;
void VideoWidget::resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ) {
int h = height();
int w = width();
//int Vh = 160;
//int Vw = 220;
slider->setFixedWidth( w - 20 );
slider->setGeometry( QRect( 15, h - 22, w - 90, 20 ) );
slider->setBackgroundOrigin( QWidget::ParentOrigin );
slider->setFocusPolicy( QWidget::NoFocus );
slider->setBackgroundPixmap( *pixBg );
xoff = 0;// ( imgUp->width() ) / 2;
yoff = 0;
yoff = 185;//(( Vh - imgUp->height() ) / 2) - 10;
QPoint p( xoff, yoff );
QPixmap *pixUp = combineVImageWithBackground( *imgUp, *pixBg, p );
QPixmap *pixDn = combineVImageWithBackground( *imgDn, *pixBg, p );
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
if ( !masks[i]->isNull() )
delete buttonPixUp[i];
delete buttonPixDown[i];
buttonPixUp[i] = maskVPixToMask( *pixUp, *masks[i] );
buttonPixDown[i] = maskVPixToMask( *pixDn, *masks[i] );
delete pixUp;
delete pixDn;
void VideoWidget::sliderPressed() {
videoSliderBeingMoved = TRUE;
void VideoWidget::sliderReleased() {
videoSliderBeingMoved = FALSE;
if ( slider->width() == 0 )
long val = long((double)slider->value() * mediaPlayerState->length() / slider->width());
mediaPlayerState->setPosition( val );
void VideoWidget::setPosition( long i ) {
updateSlider( i, mediaPlayerState->length() );
void VideoWidget::setLength( long max ) {
updateSlider( mediaPlayerState->position(), max );
void VideoWidget::setView( char view ) {
if ( view == 'v' )
// Effectively blank the view next time we show it so it looks nicer
scaledWidth = 0;
scaledHeight = 0;
void VideoWidget::updateSlider( long i, long max ) {
// Will flicker too much if we don't do this
if ( max == 0 )
int width = slider->width();
int val = int((double)i * width / max);
if ( !mediaPlayerState->fullscreen() && !videoSliderBeingMoved )
if ( slider->value() != val )
slider->setValue( val );
if ( slider->maxValue() != width )
slider->setMaxValue( width );
void VideoWidget::setToggleButton( int i, bool down ) {
if ( down != videoButtons[i].isDown )
toggleButton( i );
void VideoWidget::toggleButton( int i ) {
videoButtons[i].isDown = !videoButtons[i].isDown;
QPainter p(this);
paintButton ( &p, i );
void VideoWidget::paintButton( QPainter *p, int i ) {
if ( videoButtons[i].isDown )
p->drawPixmap( xoff, yoff, *buttonPixDown[i] );
p->drawPixmap( xoff, yoff, *buttonPixUp[i] );
void VideoWidget::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < numVButtons; i++ ) {
if ( event->state() == QMouseEvent::LeftButton ) {
// The test to see if the mouse click is inside the button or not
int x = event->pos().x() - xoff;
int y = event->pos().y() - yoff;
bool isOnButton = ( x > 0 && y > 0 && x < imgButtonMask->width()
&& y < imgButtonMask->height()
&& imgButtonMask->pixelIndex( x, y ) == i + 1 );
if ( isOnButton && !videoButtons[i].isHeld ) {
videoButtons[i].isHeld = TRUE;
switch (i) {
case VideoVolUp:
emit moreClicked();
case VideoVolDown:
emit lessClicked();
} else if ( !isOnButton && videoButtons[i].isHeld ) {
videoButtons[i].isHeld = FALSE;
} else {
if ( videoButtons[i].isHeld ) {
videoButtons[i].isHeld = FALSE;
if ( !videoButtons[i].isToggle ) {