-rw-r--r-- | core/launcher/launcherview.cpp | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/launcher/transferserver.cpp | 2 |
2 files changed, 4 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp b/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp index 2a051a6..95a1d4a 100644 --- a/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp +++ b/core/launcher/launcherview.cpp @@ -1,390 +1,391 @@ /********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of the Qtopia Environment. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "launcherview.h" #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <qpe/applnk.h> #include <qpe/qpedebug.h> #include <qpe/categories.h> #include <qpe/categoryselect.h> #include <qpe/menubutton.h> #include <qpe/mimetype.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/qpetoolbar.h> //#include <qtopia/private/palmtoprecord.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qiconview.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qtoolbutton.h> #include <qimage.h> +#include <cstdlib> class BgPixmap { public: BgPixmap( const QPixmap &p ) : pm(p), ref(1) {} QPixmap pm; int ref; }; enum BusyIndicatorType { BIT_Normal = 0, BIT_Blinking }; static QMap<QString,BgPixmap*> *bgCache = 0; class LauncherIconView : public QIconView { public: LauncherIconView( QWidget* parent, const char* name=0 ) : QIconView(parent,name), tf(""), cf(0), bsy(0), bigIcns(TRUE), bgColor(white) { sortmeth = Name; hidden.setAutoDelete(TRUE); ike = FALSE; busytimer = 0; calculateGrid( Bottom ); } ~LauncherIconView() { #if 0 // debuggery QListIterator<AppLnk> it(hidden); AppLnk* l; while ((l=it.current())) { ++it; //qDebug("%p: hidden (should remove)",l); } #endif } void setBusyIndicatorType ( BusyIndicatorType t ) { busyType = t; } - QPixmap* busyPixmap() const { return (QPixmap*)&bpm[::abs(busystate)]; } + QPixmap* busyPixmap() const { return (QPixmap*)&bpm[abs(busystate)]; } QIconViewItem* busyItem() const { return bsy; } void setBigIcons( bool bi ) { bigIcns = bi; } void updateCategoriesAndMimeTypes(); void doAutoScroll() { // We don't want rubberbanding (yet) } void setBusy(bool on) { QIconViewItem *c = on ? currentItem() : 0; if ( bsy != c ) { QIconViewItem *oldbsy = bsy; bsy = c; if ( oldbsy ) oldbsy-> repaint ( ); if ( busytimer ) { killTimer ( busytimer ); busytimer = 0; } if ( bsy ) { QPixmap *src = bsy-> QIconViewItem::pixmap(); for ( int i = 0; i <= 5; i++ ) { QImage img = src->convertToImage(); QRgb* rgb; int count; if ( img.depth() == 32 ) { rgb = (QRgb*)img.bits(); count = img.bytesPerLine()/sizeof(QRgb)*img.height(); } else { rgb = img.colorTable(); count = img.numColors(); } int rc, gc, bc; - int bs = ::abs ( i * 10 ) + 25; + int bs = abs ( i * 10 ) + 25; colorGroup().highlight().rgb( &rc, &gc, &bc ); rc = rc * bs / 100; gc = gc * bs / 100; bc = bc * bs / 100; for ( int r = 0; r < count; r++, rgb++ ) { int ri = rc + qRed ( *rgb ) * ( 100 - bs ) / 100; int gi = gc + qGreen ( *rgb ) * ( 100 - bs ) / 100; int bi = bc + qBlue ( *rgb ) * ( 100 - bs ) / 100; int ai = qAlpha ( *rgb ); *rgb = qRgba ( ri, gi, bi, ai ); } bpm [i].convertFromImage( img ); } if ( busyType == BIT_Blinking ) { busystate = 0; busytimer = startTimer ( 200 ); } else { busystate = 3; } timerEvent ( 0 ); } } } virtual void timerEvent ( QTimerEvent *te ) { if ( !te || ( te-> timerId ( ) == busytimer )) { if ( bsy ) { busystate++; if ( busystate > 5 ) busystate = -4; QScrollView::updateContents ( bsy-> pixmapRect ( false )); } } } bool inKeyEvent() const { return ike; } void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* e) { ike = TRUE; if ( e->key() == Key_F33 /* OK button */ || e->key() == Key_Space ) returnPressed(currentItem()); QIconView::keyPressEvent(e); ike = FALSE; } void addItem(AppLnk* app, bool resort=TRUE); bool removeLink(const QString& linkfile); QStringList mimeTypes() const; QStringList categories() const; void clear() { mimes.clear(); cats.clear(); QIconView::clear(); hidden.clear(); } void addCatsAndMimes(AppLnk* app) { // QStringList c = app->categories(); // for (QStringList::ConstIterator cit=c.begin(); cit!=c.end(); ++cit) { // cats.replace(*cit,(void*)1); // } QString maj=app->type(); int sl=maj.find('/'); if (sl>=0) { QString k; k = maj.left(12) == "application/" ? maj : maj.left(sl); mimes.replace(k,(void*)1); } } void setBackgroundPixmap( const QPixmap &pm ) { if ( pm. isNull ( )) { bgPixmap = pm; } else { // This is need for bg images with alpha channel QPixmap tmp ( pm. size ( ), pm. depth ( )); QPainter p ( &tmp ); p. fillRect ( 0, 0, pm. width ( ), pm. height ( ), bgColor. isValid ( ) ? bgColor : white ); p. drawPixmap ( 0, 0, pm ); p. end ( ); bgPixmap = tmp; } } void setBackgroundColor( const QColor &c ) { bgColor = c; } void drawBackground( QPainter *p, const QRect &r ) { if ( !bgPixmap.isNull() ) { //p-> fillRect ( r, bgColor ); p->drawTiledPixmap( r, bgPixmap, QPoint( (r.x() + contentsX()) % bgPixmap.width(), (r.y() + contentsY()) % bgPixmap.height() ) ); } else { p->fillRect( r, bgColor ); } } void setItemTextPos( ItemTextPos pos ) { calculateGrid( pos ); QIconView::setItemTextPos( pos ); } void hideOrShowItems(bool resort); void setTypeFilter(const QString& typefilter, bool resort) { tf = QRegExp(typefilter,FALSE,TRUE); hideOrShowItems(resort); } void setCategoryFilter( int catfilter, bool resort ) { Categories cat; cat.load( categoryFileName() ); QString str; if ( catfilter == -2 ) cf = 0; else cf = catfilter; hideOrShowItems(resort); } enum SortMethod { Name, Date, Type }; void setSortMethod( SortMethod m ) { if ( sortmeth != m ) { sortmeth = m; sort(); } } int compare(const AppLnk* a, const AppLnk* b) { switch (sortmeth) { case Name: return a->name().compare(b->name()); case Date: { QFileInfo fa(a->linkFileKnown() ? a->linkFile() : a->file()); QFileInfo fb(b->linkFileKnown() ? b->linkFile() : b->file()); return fa.lastModified().secsTo(fb.lastModified()); } case Type: return a->type().compare(b->type()); } return 0; } QString getAllDocLinkInfo() const; protected: void styleChange( QStyle &old ) { QIconView::styleChange( old ); calculateGrid( itemTextPos() ); } void calculateGrid( ItemTextPos pos ) { int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int viewerWidth = dw-style().scrollBarExtent().width(); if ( pos == Bottom ) { int cols = 3; if ( viewerWidth <= 200 ) cols = 2; else if ( viewerWidth >= 400 ) cols = viewerWidth/96; setSpacing( 4 ); setGridX( (viewerWidth-(cols+1)*spacing())/cols ); setGridY( fontMetrics().height()*2+24 ); } else { int cols = 2; if ( viewerWidth < 150 ) cols = 1; else if ( viewerWidth >= 400 ) cols = viewerWidth/150; setSpacing( 2 ); setGridX( (viewerWidth-(cols+1)*spacing())/cols ); setGridY( fontMetrics().height()+2 ); } } // flicker free redrawing of busy indicator // code was taken from QScrollView::viewportPaintEvent void viewportPaintEvent( QPaintEvent* pe ) { static QPixmap *pix = new QPixmap ( ); QWidget* vp = viewport(); if ( vp-> size ( ) != pix-> size ( )) pix-> resize ( vp-> size ( )); QPainter p(pix, vp); QRect r = pe->rect(); if ( clipper ( ) != vp ) { QRect rr( -vp->x(), -vp->y(), clipper()->width(), clipper()->height() ); r &= rr; if ( r.isValid() ) { int ex = r.x() + vp->x() + contentsX(); int ey = r.y() + vp->y() + contentsY(); int ew = r.width(); int eh = r.height(); drawContentsOffset(&p, contentsX()+vp->x(), contentsY()+vp->y(), ex, ey, ew, eh); } } else { r &= clipper()->rect(); int ex = r.x() + contentsX(); int ey = r.y() + contentsY(); int ew = r.width(); int eh = r.height(); drawContentsOffset(&p, contentsX(), contentsY(), ex, ey, ew, eh); } bitBlt ( vp, r.topLeft(), pix, r ); } private: QList<AppLnk> hidden; QDict<void> mimes; QDict<void> cats; SortMethod sortmeth; QRegExp tf; int cf; QIconViewItem* bsy; bool ike; bool bigIcns; QPixmap bgPixmap; QPixmap bpm [6]; QColor bgColor; int busytimer; diff --git a/core/launcher/transferserver.cpp b/core/launcher/transferserver.cpp index aaa4425..cbda247 100644 --- a/core/launcher/transferserver.cpp +++ b/core/launcher/transferserver.cpp @@ -741,513 +741,513 @@ void ServerPI::sendFile( const QString& file ) void ServerPI::retrieveFile( const QString& file ) { if ( passiv ) { wait[RetrieveFile] = TRUE; waitfile = file; if ( waitsocket ) newConnection( waitsocket ); } else { QStringList targets; if ( backupRestoreGzip( file, targets ) ) dtp->retrieveGzipFile( file, peeraddress, peerport ); else dtp->retrieveFile( file, peeraddress, peerport ); } } bool ServerPI::parsePort( const QString& pp ) { QStringList p = QStringList::split( ",", pp ); if ( p.count() != 6 ) return FALSE; // h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2 peeraddress = QHostAddress( ( p[0].toInt() << 24 ) + ( p[1].toInt() << 16 ) + ( p[2].toInt() << 8 ) + p[3].toInt() ); peerport = ( p[4].toInt() << 8 ) + p[5].toInt(); return TRUE; } void ServerPI::dtpCompleted() { send( "226 Closing data connection, file transfer successful" ); if ( dtp->dtpMode() == ServerDTP::RetrieveFile ) { QString fn = dtp->fileName(); if ( fn.right(8)==".desktop" && fn.find("/Documents/")>=0 ) { QCopEnvelope e("QPE/System", "linkChanged(QString)" ); e << fn; } } waitsocket = 0; dtp->close(); } void ServerPI::dtpFailed() { dtp->close(); waitsocket = 0; send( "451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing" ); } void ServerPI::dtpError( int ) { dtp->close(); waitsocket = 0; send( "451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing" ); } bool ServerPI::sendList( const QString& arg ) { QByteArray listing; QBuffer buffer( listing ); if ( !buffer.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) return FALSE; QTextStream ts( &buffer ); QString fn = arg; if ( fn.isEmpty() ) fn = directory.path(); QFileInfo fi( fn ); if ( !fi.exists() ) return FALSE; // return file listing if ( fi.isFile() ) { ts << fileListing( &fi ) << endl; } // return directory listing else if ( fi.isDir() ) { QDir dir( fn ); const QFileInfoList *list = dir.entryInfoList( QDir::All | QDir::Hidden ); QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); QFileInfo *info; unsigned long total = 0; while ( ( info = it.current() ) ) { if ( info->fileName() != "." && info->fileName() != ".." ) total += info->size(); ++it; } ts << "total " << QString::number( total / 1024 ) << endl; it.toFirst(); while ( ( info = it.current() ) ) { if ( info->fileName() == "." || info->fileName() == ".." ) { ++it; continue; } ts << fileListing( info ) << endl; ++it; } } if ( passiv ) { waitarray = buffer.buffer(); wait[SendByteArray] = TRUE; if ( waitsocket ) newConnection( waitsocket ); } else dtp->sendByteArray( buffer.buffer(), peeraddress, peerport ); return TRUE; } QString ServerPI::fileListing( QFileInfo *info ) { if ( !info ) return QString::null; QString s; // type char if ( info->isDir() ) s += "d"; else if ( info->isSymLink() ) s += "l"; else s += "-"; // permisson string s += permissionString( info ) + " "; // number of hardlinks int subdirs = 1; if ( info->isDir() ) subdirs = 2; // FIXME : this is to slow //if ( info->isDir() ) //subdirs = QDir( info->absFilePath() ).entryList( QDir::Dirs ).count(); s += QString::number( subdirs ).rightJustify( 3, ' ', TRUE ) + " "; // owner s += info->owner().leftJustify( 8, ' ', TRUE ) + " "; // group s += info->group().leftJustify( 8, ' ', TRUE ) + " "; // file size in bytes s += QString::number( info->size() ).rightJustify( 9, ' ', TRUE ) + " "; // last modified date QDate date = info->lastModified().date(); QTime time = info->lastModified().time(); s += date.monthName( date.month() ) + " " + QString::number( date.day() ).rightJustify( 2, ' ', TRUE ) + " " + QString::number( time.hour() ).rightJustify( 2, '0', TRUE ) + ":" + QString::number( time.minute() ).rightJustify( 2,'0', TRUE ) + " "; // file name s += info->fileName(); return s; } QString ServerPI::permissionString( QFileInfo *info ) { if ( !info ) return QString( "---------" ); QString s; // user if ( info->permission( QFileInfo::ReadUser ) ) s += "r"; else s += "-"; if ( info->permission( QFileInfo::WriteUser ) ) s += "w"; else s += "-"; if ( info->permission( QFileInfo::ExeUser ) ) s += "x"; else s += "-"; // group if ( info->permission( QFileInfo::ReadGroup ) ) s += "r"; else s += "-"; if ( info->permission( QFileInfo::WriteGroup ) )s += "w"; else s += "-"; if ( info->permission( QFileInfo::ExeGroup ) ) s += "x"; else s += "-"; // exec if ( info->permission( QFileInfo::ReadOther ) ) s += "r"; else s += "-"; if ( info->permission( QFileInfo::WriteOther ) ) s += "w"; else s += "-"; if ( info->permission( QFileInfo::ExeOther ) ) s += "x"; else s += "-"; return s; } void ServerPI::newConnection( int socket ) { //qDebug( "New incomming connection" ); if ( !passiv ) return; if ( wait[SendFile] ) { QStringList targets; if ( backupRestoreGzip( waitfile, targets ) ) dtp->sendGzipFile( waitfile, targets ); else dtp->sendFile( waitfile ); dtp->setSocket( socket ); } else if ( wait[RetrieveFile] ) { qDebug("check retrieve file"); if ( backupRestoreGzip( waitfile ) ) dtp->retrieveGzipFile( waitfile ); else dtp->retrieveFile( waitfile ); dtp->setSocket( socket ); } else if ( wait[SendByteArray] ) { dtp->sendByteArray( waitarray ); dtp->setSocket( socket ); } else if ( wait[RetrieveByteArray] ) { qDebug("retrieve byte array"); dtp->retrieveByteArray(); dtp->setSocket( socket ); } else waitsocket = socket; for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) wait[i] = FALSE; } QString ServerPI::absFilePath( const QString& file ) { if ( file.isEmpty() ) return file; QString filepath( file ); if ( file[0] != "/" ) filepath = directory.path() + "/" + file; return filepath; } void ServerPI::timerEvent( QTimerEvent * ) { connectionClosed(); } -ServerDTP::ServerDTP( QObject *parent = 0, const char* name = 0) +ServerDTP::ServerDTP( QObject *parent, const char* name) : QSocket( parent, name ), mode( Idle ), createTargzProc( 0 ), retrieveTargzProc( 0 ), gzipProc( 0 ) { connect( this, SIGNAL( connected() ), SLOT( connected() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( connectionClosed() ), SLOT( connectionClosed() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( bytesWritten( int ) ), SLOT( bytesWritten( int ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( readyRead() ), SLOT( readyRead() ) ); gzipProc = new QProcess( this, "gzipProc" ); gzipProc->setCommunication( QProcess::Stdin | QProcess::Stdout ); createTargzProc = new QProcess( QString("tar"), this, "createTargzProc"); createTargzProc->setCommunication( QProcess::Stdout ); createTargzProc->setWorkingDirectory( QDir::rootDirPath() ); connect( createTargzProc, SIGNAL( processExited() ), SLOT( targzDone() ) ); QStringList args = "tar"; args += "-xv"; retrieveTargzProc = new QProcess( args, this, "retrieveTargzProc" ); retrieveTargzProc->setCommunication( QProcess::Stdin ); retrieveTargzProc->setWorkingDirectory( QDir::rootDirPath() ); connect( retrieveTargzProc, SIGNAL( processExited() ), SIGNAL( completed() ) ); connect( retrieveTargzProc, SIGNAL( processExited() ), SLOT( extractTarDone() ) ); } ServerDTP::~ServerDTP() { buf.close(); file.close(); createTargzProc->kill(); } void ServerDTP::extractTarDone() { qDebug("extract done"); #ifndef QT_NO_COP QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/Desktop", "restoreDone(QString)" ); e << file.name(); #endif } void ServerDTP::connected() { // send file mode switch ( mode ) { case SendFile : if ( !file.exists() || !file.open( IO_ReadOnly) ) { emit failed(); mode = Idle; return; } //qDebug( "Debug: Sending file '%s'", file.name().latin1() ); bytes_written = 0; if ( file.size() == 0 ) { //make sure it doesn't hang on empty files file.close(); emit completed(); mode = Idle; } else { if( !file.atEnd() ) { QCString s; s.resize( block_size ); int bytes = file.readBlock( s.data(), block_size ); writeBlock( s.data(), bytes ); } } break; case SendGzipFile: if ( createTargzProc->isRunning() ) { // SHOULDN'T GET HERE, BUT DOING A SAFETY CHECK ANYWAY qWarning("Previous tar --gzip process is still running; killing it..."); createTargzProc->kill(); } bytes_written = 0; qDebug("==>start send tar process"); if ( !createTargzProc->start() ) qWarning("Error starting %s or %s", createTargzProc->arguments().join(" ").latin1(), gzipProc->arguments().join(" ").latin1() ); break; case SendBuffer: if ( !buf.open( IO_ReadOnly) ) { emit failed(); mode = Idle; return; } // qDebug( "Debug: Sending byte array" ); bytes_written = 0; while( !buf.atEnd() ) putch( buf.getch() ); buf.close(); break; case RetrieveFile: // retrieve file mode if ( file.exists() && !file.remove() ) { emit failed(); mode = Idle; return; } if ( !file.open( IO_WriteOnly) ) { emit failed(); mode = Idle; return; } // qDebug( "Debug: Retrieving file %s", file.name().latin1() ); break; case RetrieveGzipFile: qDebug("=-> starting tar process to receive .tgz file"); break; case RetrieveBuffer: // retrieve buffer mode if ( !buf.open( IO_WriteOnly) ) { emit failed(); mode = Idle; return; } // qDebug( "Debug: Retrieving byte array" ); break; case Idle: qDebug("connection established but mode set to Idle; BUG!"); break; } } void ServerDTP::connectionClosed() { //qDebug( "Debug: Data connection closed %ld bytes written", bytes_written ); // send file mode if ( SendFile == mode ) { if ( bytes_written == file.size() ) emit completed(); else emit failed(); } // send buffer mode else if ( SendBuffer == mode ) { if ( bytes_written == buf.size() ) emit completed(); else emit failed(); } // retrieve file mode else if ( RetrieveFile == mode ) { file.close(); emit completed(); } else if ( RetrieveGzipFile == mode ) { qDebug("Done writing ungzip file; closing input"); gzipProc->flushStdin(); gzipProc->closeStdin(); } // retrieve buffer mode else if ( RetrieveBuffer == mode ) { buf.close(); emit completed(); } mode = Idle; } void ServerDTP::bytesWritten( int bytes ) { bytes_written += bytes; // send file mode if ( SendFile == mode ) { if ( bytes_written == file.size() ) { // qDebug( "Debug: Sending complete: %d bytes", file.size() ); file.close(); emit completed(); mode = Idle; } else if( !file.atEnd() ) { QCString s; s.resize( block_size ); int bytes = file.readBlock( s.data(), block_size ); writeBlock( s.data(), bytes ); } } // send buffer mode if ( SendBuffer == mode ) { if ( bytes_written == buf.size() ) { // qDebug( "Debug: Sending complete: %d bytes", buf.size() ); emit completed(); mode = Idle; } } } void ServerDTP::readyRead() { // retrieve file mode if ( RetrieveFile == mode ) { QCString s; s.resize( bytesAvailable() ); readBlock( s.data(), bytesAvailable() ); file.writeBlock( s.data(), s.size() ); } else if ( RetrieveGzipFile == mode ) { if ( !gzipProc->isRunning() ) gzipProc->start(); QByteArray s; s.resize( bytesAvailable() ); readBlock( s.data(), bytesAvailable() ); gzipProc->writeToStdin( s ); qDebug("wrote %d bytes to ungzip ", s.size() ); } // retrieve buffer mode else if ( RetrieveBuffer == mode ) { QCString s; s.resize( bytesAvailable() ); readBlock( s.data(), bytesAvailable() ); buf.writeBlock( s.data(), s.size() ); } } void ServerDTP::writeTargzBlock() { QByteArray block = gzipProc->readStdout(); writeBlock( block.data(), block.size() ); qDebug("writeTargzBlock %d", block.size()); if ( !createTargzProc->isRunning() ) { qDebug("tar and gzip done"); emit completed(); mode = Idle; disconnect( gzipProc, SIGNAL( readyReadStdout() ), this, SLOT( writeTargzBlock() ) ); } } void ServerDTP::targzDone() { //qDebug("targz done"); disconnect( createTargzProc, SIGNAL( readyReadStdout() ), this, SLOT( gzipTarBlock() ) ); gzipProc->closeStdin(); } |