-rw-r--r-- | libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp | 11 |
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp b/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp index 36f409b..915814d 100644 --- a/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp +++ b/libopie2/opienet/onetwork.cpp @@ -944,282 +944,285 @@ OStationList* OWirelessNetworkInterface::scanNetwork() odebug << "SIOCGIWESSID" << oendl;
stations->last()->ssid = we->u.essid.pointer;
case SIOCGIWSENS: odebug << "SIOCGIWSENS" << oendl; break;
case SIOCGIWENCODE: odebug << "SIOCGIWENCODE" << oendl; break;
case IWEVTXDROP: odebug << "IWEVTXDROP" << oendl; break; /* Packet dropped to excessive retry */
case IWEVQUAL: odebug << "IWEVQUAL" << oendl; break; /* Quality part of statistics (scan) */
case IWEVCUSTOM: odebug << "IWEVCUSTOM" << oendl; break; /* Driver specific ascii string */
case IWEVREGISTERED: odebug << "IWEVREGISTERED" << oendl; break; /* Discovered a new node (AP mode) */
case IWEVEXPIRED: odebug << "IWEVEXPIRED" << oendl; break; /* Expired a node (AP mode) */
default: odebug << "unhandled event" << oendl;
offset += we->len;
we = (struct iw_event*) &buffer[offset];
return stations;
return stations;
odebug << " - no results (timeout) :(" << oendl;
return stations;
int OWirelessNetworkInterface::signalStrength() const
iw_statistics stat;
::memset( &stat, 0, sizeof stat );
_iwr.u.data.pointer = (char*) &stat;
_iwr.u.data.flags = 0;
_iwr.u.data.length = sizeof stat;
if ( !wioctl( SIOCGIWSTATS ) )
return -1;
int max = _range.max_qual.qual;
int cur = stat.qual.qual;
int lev = stat.qual.level; //FIXME: Do something with them?
int noi = stat.qual.noise; //FIXME: Do something with them?
return cur*100/max;
bool OWirelessNetworkInterface::wioctl( int call, struct iwreq& iwreq ) const
#ifndef NODEBUG
int result = ::ioctl( _sfd, call, &iwreq );
if ( result == -1 )
odebug << "ONetworkInterface::wioctl (" << name() << ") call '"
<< debugmapper->map( call ) << "' FAILED! " << result << " (" << strerror( errno ) << ")" << oendl;
odebug << "ONetworkInterface::wioctl (" << name() << ") call '"
<< debugmapper->map( call ) << "' - Status: Ok." << oendl;
return ( result != -1 );
return ::ioctl( _sfd, call, &iwreq ) != -1;
bool OWirelessNetworkInterface::wioctl( int call ) const
strcpy( _iwr.ifr_name, name() );
return wioctl( call, _iwr );
* OMonitoringInterface
OMonitoringInterface::OMonitoringInterface( ONetworkInterface* iface, bool prismHeader )
:_if( static_cast<OWirelessNetworkInterface*>( iface ) ), _prismHeader( prismHeader )
void OMonitoringInterface::setChannel( int c )
// use standard WE channel switching protocol
memset( &_if->_iwr, 0, sizeof( struct iwreq ) );
_if->_iwr.u.freq.m = c;
_if->_iwr.u.freq.e = 0;
_if->wioctl( SIOCSIWFREQ );
void OMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( bool b )
* OCiscoMonitoringInterface
OCiscoMonitoringInterface::OCiscoMonitoringInterface( ONetworkInterface* iface, bool prismHeader )
:OMonitoringInterface( iface, prismHeader )
iface->setMonitoring( this );
void OCiscoMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( bool b )
QString fname;
fname.sprintf( "/proc/driver/aironet/%s", (const char*) _if->name() );
QFile f( fname );
if ( !f.exists() ) return;
if ( f.open( IO_WriteOnly ) )
QTextStream s( &f );
s << "Mode: r";
s << "Mode: y";
s << "XmitPower: 1";
// flushing and closing will be done automatically when f goes out of scope
QString OCiscoMonitoringInterface::name() const
return "cisco";
void OCiscoMonitoringInterface::setChannel( int )
// cisco devices automatically switch channels when in monitor mode
* OWlanNGMonitoringInterface
OWlanNGMonitoringInterface::OWlanNGMonitoringInterface( ONetworkInterface* iface, bool prismHeader )
:OMonitoringInterface( iface, prismHeader )
iface->setMonitoring( this );
void OWlanNGMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( bool b )
//FIXME: do nothing if its already in the same mode
QString enable = b ? "true" : "false";
QString prism = _prismHeader ? "true" : "false";
QString cmd;
cmd.sprintf( "$(which wlanctl-ng) %s lnxreq_wlansniff channel=%d enable=%s prismheader=%s",
(const char*) _if->name(), 1, (const char*) enable, (const char*) prism );
system( cmd );
QString OWlanNGMonitoringInterface::name() const
return "wlan-ng";
void OWlanNGMonitoringInterface::setChannel( int c )
//NOTE: Older wlan-ng drivers automatically hopped channels while lnxreq_wlansniff=true. Newer ones don't.
QString enable = "true"; //_if->monitorMode() ? "true" : "false";
QString prism = _prismHeader ? "true" : "false";
QString cmd;
cmd.sprintf( "$(which wlanctl-ng) %s lnxreq_wlansniff channel=%d enable=%s prismheader=%s",
(const char*) _if->name(), c, (const char*) enable, (const char*) prism );
system( cmd );
* OHostAPMonitoringInterface
OHostAPMonitoringInterface::OHostAPMonitoringInterface( ONetworkInterface* iface, bool prismHeader )
:OMonitoringInterface( iface, prismHeader )
iface->setMonitoring( this );
void OHostAPMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( bool b )
int monitorCode = _prismHeader ? 1 : 2;
if ( b )
_if->setPrivate( "monitor", 1, monitorCode );
_if->setPrivate( "monitor", 1, 0 );
QString OHostAPMonitoringInterface::name() const
return "hostap";
* OOrinocoNetworkInterface
OOrinocoMonitoringInterface::OOrinocoMonitoringInterface( ONetworkInterface* iface, bool prismHeader )
:OMonitoringInterface( iface, prismHeader )
iface->setMonitoring( this );
void OOrinocoMonitoringInterface::setChannel( int c )
+ if ( !_if->hasPrivate( "monitor" ) )
+ {
+ this->OMonitoringInterface::setChannel( c );
+ }
+ else
+ {
int monitorCode = _prismHeader ? 1 : 2;
_if->setPrivate( "monitor", 2, monitorCode, c );
void OOrinocoMonitoringInterface::setEnabled( bool b )
- // IW_MODE_MONITOR was introduced in Wireless Extensions Version 15
- // Wireless Extensions < Version 15 need iwpriv commandos for monitoring
- // However, as of recent orinoco drivers, IW_MODE_MONITOR is still not supported
if ( b )
setChannel( 1 );
_if->setPrivate( "monitor", 2, 0, 0 );
QString OOrinocoMonitoringInterface::name() const
return "orinoco";