Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
3 files changed, 6 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/opietooth/lib/ b/noncore/net/opietooth/lib/
index 1281116..59ade6d 100644
--- a/noncore/net/opietooth/lib/
+++ b/noncore/net/opietooth/lib/
@@ -6,294 +6,295 @@
#include "manager.h"
using namespace OpieTooth;
Manager::Manager( const QString& dev )
: QObject()
m_device = dev;
m_hcitool = 0;
m_sdp = 0;
Manager::Manager( Device* /*dev*/ )
: QObject()
m_hcitool = 0;
m_sdp = 0;
: QObject()
m_hcitool = 0;
m_sdp = 0;
delete m_hcitool;
delete m_sdp;
void Manager::setDevice( const QString& dev ){
m_device = dev;
void Manager::setDevice( Device* /*dev*/ ){
void Manager::isAvailable( const QString& device ){
OProcess* l2ping = new OProcess();
l2ping->setName( device.latin1() );
*l2ping << "l2ping" << "-c1" << device;
connect(l2ping, SIGNAL(processExited(OProcess* ) ),
this, SLOT(slotProcessExited(OProcess*) ) );
if (!l2ping->start() ) {
emit available( device, false );
delete l2ping;
void Manager::isAvailable( Device* /*dev*/ ){
void Manager::searchDevices( const QString& device ){
qWarning("search devices");
OProcess* hcitool = new OProcess();
hcitool->setName( device.isEmpty() ? "hci0" : device.latin1() );
*hcitool << "hcitool" << "scan";
connect( hcitool, SIGNAL(processExited(OProcess*) ) ,
this, SLOT(slotHCIExited(OProcess* ) ) );
connect( hcitool, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(OProcess*, char*, int ) ),
this, SLOT(slotHCIOut(OProcess*, char*, int ) ) );
if (!hcitool->start(OProcess::NotifyOnExit, OProcess::AllOutput) ) {
qWarning("could not start");
RemoteDevice::ValueList list;
emit foundDevices( device, list );
delete hcitool;
void Manager::searchDevices(Device* /*d*/ ){
void Manager::addService(const QString& name ){
OProcess proc;
proc << "sdptool" << "add" << name;
bool bo = true;
if (!proc.start(OProcess::DontCare ) )
bo = false;
emit addedService( name, bo );
void Manager::addServices(const QStringList& list){
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
addService( (*it) );
void Manager::removeService( const QString& name ){
OProcess prc;
prc << "sdptool" << "del" << name;
bool bo = true;
if (!prc.start(OProcess::DontCare ) )
bo = false;
emit removedService( name, bo );
void Manager::removeServices( const QStringList& list){
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
removeService( (*it) );
void Manager::searchServices( const QString& remDevice ){
OProcess *m_sdp =new OProcess();
*m_sdp << "sdptool" << "browse" << remDevice;
m_sdp->setName( remDevice.latin1() );
qWarning("search Services for %s", remDevice.latin1() );
connect(m_sdp, SIGNAL(processExited(OProcess*) ),
this, SLOT(slotSDPExited(OProcess* ) ) );
connect(m_sdp, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(OProcess*, char*, int ) ),
this, SLOT(slotSDPOut(OProcess*, char*, int) ) );
if (!m_sdp->start(OProcess::NotifyOnExit, OProcess::AllOutput) ) {
qWarning("could not start sdptool" );
delete m_sdp;
Services::ValueList list;
emit foundServices( remDevice, list );
void Manager::searchServices( const RemoteDevice& dev){
searchServices( dev.mac() );
QString Manager::toDevice( const QString& /*mac*/ ){
return QString::null;
QString Manager::toMac( const QString &/*device*/ ){
return QString::null;
void Manager::slotProcessExited(OProcess* proc ) {
bool conn= false;
if (proc->normalExit() && proc->exitStatus() == 0 )
conn = true;
QString name = QString::fromLatin1(proc->name() );
emit available( name, conn );
delete proc;
void Manager::slotSDPOut(OProcess* proc, char* ch, int len)
QCString str(ch, len+1 );
qWarning("SDP:%s", );
QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it;
it = m_out.find(proc->name() );
QString string;
if ( it != m_out.end() ) {
string =;
string.append( str );
m_out.replace( proc->name(), string );
void Manager::slotSDPExited( OProcess* proc)
qWarning("proc name %s", proc->name() );
Services::ValueList list;
if (proc->normalExit() ) {
QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it = m_out.find( proc->name() );
if ( it != m_out.end() ) {
qWarning("found process" );
list = parseSDPOutput( );
m_out.remove( it );
emit foundServices( proc->name(), list );
delete proc;
Services::ValueList Manager::parseSDPOutput( const QString& out ) {
Services::ValueList list;
qWarning("parsing output" );
Parser parser( out );
list =;
return list;
void Manager::slotHCIExited(OProcess* proc ) {
qWarning("process exited");
RemoteDevice::ValueList list;
if (proc->normalExit() ) {
qWarning("normalExit %s", proc->name() );
QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it = m_devices.find(proc->name() );
if (it != m_devices.end() ) {
qWarning("!= end ;)");
list = parseHCIOutput( );
m_devices.remove( it );
emit foundDevices( proc->name(), list );
delete proc;
void Manager::slotHCIOut(OProcess* proc, char* ch, int len) {
QCString str( ch, len+1 );
qWarning("hci: %s", );
QMap<QString, QString>::Iterator it;
it = m_devices.find( proc->name() );
qWarning("proc->name %s", proc->name() );
QString string;
if (it != m_devices.end() ) {
qWarning("slotHCIOut ");
string =;
string.append( str );
m_devices.replace( proc->name(), string );
RemoteDevice::ValueList Manager::parseHCIOutput(const QString& output ) {
qWarning("parseHCI %s", output.latin1() );
RemoteDevice::ValueList list;
QStringList strList = QStringList::split('\n', output );
QStringList::Iterator it;
QString str;
for ( it = strList.begin(); it != strList.end(); ++it ) {
str = (*it).stripWhiteSpace();
qWarning("OpieTooth %s", str.latin1() );
int pos = str.findRev(':' );
if ( pos > 0 ) {
QString mac = str.left(17 );
str.remove( 0, 17 );
qWarning("mac %s", mac.latin1() );
qWarning("rest:%s", str.latin1() );
RemoteDevice rem( mac , str.stripWhiteSpace() );
list.append( rem );
return list;
////// hcitool cc and hcitool con
* Create it on the stack as don't care
* so we don't need to care for it
* cause hcitool gets reparented
void Manager::connectTo( const QString& mac) {
OProcess proc;
proc << "hcitool";
proc << "cc";
proc << mac;
proc.start(OProcess::DontCare); // the lib does not care at this point
void Manager::searchConnections() {
qWarning("searching connections?");
OProcess* proc = new OProcess();
m_hcitoolCon = QString::null;
connect(proc, SIGNAL(processExited(OProcess*) ),
this, SLOT(slotConnectionExited( OProcess*) ) );
connect(proc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(OProcess*, char*, int) ),
this, SLOT(slotConnectionOutput(OProcess*, char*, int) ) );
*proc << "hcitool";
*proc << "con";
if (!proc->start(OProcess::NotifyOnExit, OProcess::AllOutput) ) {
ConnectionState::ValueList list;
emit connections( list );
delete proc;
-void Manager::slotConnectionExited( OProcess* /*proc*/ ) {
- qWarning("exited");
+void Manager::slotConnectionExited( OProcess* proc ) {
+ qWarning("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<exited");
ConnectionState::ValueList list;
list = parseConnections( m_hcitoolCon );
emit connections(list );
+ delete proc;
void Manager::slotConnectionOutput(OProcess* proc, char* cha, int len) {
QCString str(cha, len );
m_hcitoolCon.append( str );
- delete proc;
+ //delete proc;
ConnectionState::ValueList Manager::parseConnections( const QString& out ) {
ConnectionState::ValueList list2;
QStringList list = QStringList::split('\n', out );
QStringList::Iterator it;
for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
QString row = (*it).stripWhiteSpace();
QStringList value = QStringList::split(' ', row );
qWarning("0: %s", value[0].latin1() );
qWarning("1: %s", value[1].latin1() );
qWarning("2: %s", value[2].latin1() );
qWarning("3: %s", value[3].latin1() );
qWarning("4: %s", value[4].latin1() );
qWarning("5: %s", value[5].latin1() );
qWarning("6: %s", value[6].latin1() );
qWarning("7: %s", value[7].latin1() );
qWarning("8: %s", value[8].latin1() );
ConnectionState con;
con.setDirection( value[0] == QString::fromLatin1("<") ? Outgoing : Incoming );
con.setConnectionMode( value[1] );
con.setMac( value[2] );
con.setHandle( value[4].toInt() );
con.setState( value[6].toInt() );
con.setLinkMode( value[8] == QString::fromLatin1("MASTER") ? Master : Client );
list2.append( con );
return list2;
diff --git a/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.cpp b/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.cpp
index d3abb54..5c5f069 100644
--- a/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/bluebase.cpp
@@ -165,376 +165,376 @@ void BlueBase::readSavedDevices() {
loadedDevices = handler.load();
addSearchedDevices( loadedDevices );
* Write the list of allready known devices
void BlueBase::writeSavedDevices() {
QListViewItemIterator it( ListView2 );
BTListItem* item;
BTDeviceItem* device;
RemoteDevice::ValueList list;
for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
item = (BTListItem*)it.current();
if(item->typeId() != BTListItem::Device )
device = (BTDeviceItem*)item;
list.append( device->remoteDevice() );
* if not empty save the List through DeviceHandler
if ( list.isEmpty() )
DeviceHandler handler; list );
* Set up the gui
void BlueBase::initGui() {
StatusLabel->setText( status() ); // maybe move it to getStatus()
cryptCheckBox->setChecked( m_useEncryption );
authCheckBox->setChecked( m_enableAuthentification );
pagescanCheckBox->setChecked( m_enablePagescan );
inquiryscanCheckBox->setChecked( m_enableInquiryscan );
deviceNameLine->setText( m_deviceName );
passkeyLine->setText( m_defaultPasskey );
// set info tab
* Get the status informations and returns it
* @return QString the status informations gathered
QString BlueBase::status()const{
QString infoString = tr( "<b>Device name : </b> Ipaq" );
infoString += QString( "<br><b>" + tr( "MAC adress: " ) +"</b> No idea" );
infoString += QString( "<br><b>" + tr( "Class" ) + "</b> PDA" );
return (infoString);
* Read the current values from the gui and invoke writeConfig()
void BlueBase::applyConfigChanges() {
m_deviceName = deviceNameLine->text();
m_defaultPasskey = passkeyLine->text();
m_useEncryption = cryptCheckBox->isChecked();
m_enableAuthentification = authCheckBox->isChecked();
m_enablePagescan = pagescanCheckBox->isChecked();
m_enableInquiryscan = inquiryscanCheckBox->isChecked();
QMessageBox::information( this, tr("Test") , tr("Changes were applied.") );
* Add fresh found devices from scan dialog to the listing
void BlueBase::addSearchedDevices( const QValueList<RemoteDevice> &newDevices ) {
BTDeviceItem * deviceItem;
QValueList<RemoteDevice>::ConstIterator it;
for( it = newDevices.begin(); it != newDevices.end() ; ++it ) {
if (find( (*it) )) // is already inserted
deviceItem = new BTDeviceItem( ListView2 , (*it) );
deviceItem->setPixmap( 1, m_findPix );
deviceItem->setExpandable ( true );
// look if device is avail. atm, async
deviceActive( (*it) );
// ggf auch hier?
addServicesToDevice( deviceItem );
* Action that is toggled on entrys on click
void BlueBase::startServiceActionClicked( QListViewItem */*item*/ ) {
* Action that are toggled on hold (mostly QPopups i guess)
void BlueBase::startServiceActionHold( QListViewItem * item, const QPoint & point, int /*column*/ ) {
if (!item )
QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu();
int ret=0;
if ( ((BTListItem*)item)->type() == "device") {
QPopupMenu *groups = new QPopupMenu();
menu->insertItem( ((BTDeviceItem*)item)->name(),0 );
menu->insertItem( tr("rescan sevices"), 2);
menu->insertItem( tr("to group"), groups , 3);
menu->insertItem( tr("delete"), 4);
ret = menu->exec( point , 0);
switch(ret) {
case -1:
case 2:
addServicesToDevice( (BTDeviceItem*)item );
case 4:
// deletes childs too
delete item;
delete groups;
* We got service sensitive PopupMenus in our factory
* We will create one through the factory and will insert
* our Separator + ShowInfo into the menu or create a new
* one if the factory returns 0
* PopupMenu deletion is kind of weird.
* If escaped( -1 ) or any of our items were chosen we'll
* delete the PopupMenu otherwise it's the responsibility of
* the PopupMenu to delete itself
else if ( ((BTListItem*)item)->type() == "service") {
BTServiceItem* service = (BTServiceItem*)item;
QMap<int, QString> list = service->services().classIdList();
QMap<int, QString>::Iterator it = list.begin();
QPopupMenu *popup =0l;
if ( it != list.end() ) {
qWarning("Searching id %d %s", it.key(), );
popup = m_popHelper.find( it.key() /*1*/,
(BTDeviceItem*)service->parent() );
}else {
if ( popup == 0l ) {
qWarning("factory returned 0l");
popup = new QPopupMenu();
int test1 = popup->insertItem( tr("Test1:"), 2);
ret = popup->exec( point );
qWarning("returned from exec() ");
if ( ret == -1 ) {
} else if ( ret == test1 ) {
delete popup;
delete menu;
* Search and display avail. services for a device (on expand from device listing)
* @param item the service item returned
void BlueBase::addServicesToDevice( BTDeviceItem * item ) {
// row of mac adress text(3)
RemoteDevice device = item->remoteDevice();
m_deviceList.insert( item->mac() , item );
// and some time later I get a signal foundServices( const QString& device, Services::ValueList ); back
m_localDevice->searchServices( device );
* Overloaded. This one it the one that is connected to the foundServices signal
* @param device the mac address of the remote device
* @param servicesList the list with the service the device has.
void BlueBase::addServicesToDevice( const QString& device, Services::ValueList servicesList ) {
qDebug("fill services list");
QMap<QString,BTDeviceItem*>::Iterator it;
BTDeviceItem* deviceItem = 0;
// get the right devices which requested the search
it = m_deviceList.find( device );
if( it == m_deviceList.end() )
deviceItem =;
QValueList<OpieTooth::Services>::Iterator it2;
BTServiceItem * serviceItem;
if (!servicesList.isEmpty() ) {
// add services
QMap<int, QString> list;
QMap<int, QString>::Iterator classIt;
for( it2 = servicesList.begin(); it2 != servicesList.end(); ++it2 ) {
serviceItem = new BTServiceItem( deviceItem , (*it2) );
list = (*it2).classIdList();
classIt = list.begin();
int classId=0;
if ( classIt != list.end() ) {
classId = classIt.key();
serviceItem->setPixmap( 0, m_iconLoader->serviceIcon( classId ) );
} else {
Services s1;
s1.setServiceName( tr("no serives found") );
serviceItem = new BTServiceItem( deviceItem, s1 );
// now remove them from the list
m_deviceList.remove( it );
* Add the existing connections (pairs) to the connections tab.
* This one triggers the search
void BlueBase::addConnectedDevices() {
- m_localDevice->searchConnections();
+ m_localDevice->searchConnections();
* This adds the found connections to the connection tab.
* @param connectionList the ValueList with all current connections
void BlueBase::addConnectedDevices( ConnectionState::ValueList connectionList ) {
// clear the ListView first
QValueList<OpieTooth::ConnectionState>::Iterator it;
BTConnectionItem * connectionItem;
if ( !connectionList.isEmpty() ) {
for (it = connectionList.begin(); it != connectionList.end(); ++it) {
connectionItem = new BTConnectionItem( ListView4 , (*it) );
} else {
ConnectionState con;
con.setMac( tr("No connections found") );
connectionItem = new BTConnectionItem( ListView4 , con );
// recall connection search after some time
QTimer::singleShot( 20000, this, SLOT( addConnectedDevices() ) );
* Find out if a device can currently be reached
* @param device
void BlueBase::deviceActive( const RemoteDevice &device ) {
// search by mac, async, gets a signal back
// We should have a BTDeviceItem there or where does it get added to the map -zecke
m_localDevice->isAvailable( device.mac() );
* The signal catcher. Set the avail. status on device.
* @param device - the mac address
* @param connected - if it is avail. or not
void BlueBase::deviceActive( const QString& device, bool connected ) {
qDebug("deviceActive slot");
QMap<QString,BTDeviceItem*>::Iterator it;
it = m_deviceList.find( device );
if( it == m_deviceList.end() )
BTDeviceItem* deviceItem =;
if ( connected ) {
deviceItem->setPixmap( 1, m_onPix );
} else {
deviceItem->setPixmap( 1, m_offPix );
m_deviceList.remove( it );
* Open the "scan for devices" dialog
void BlueBase::startScan() {
ScanDialog *scan = new ScanDialog( this, "ScanDialog",
true, WDestructiveClose );
QObject::connect( scan, SIGNAL( selectedDevices( const QValueList<RemoteDevice>& ) ),
this, SLOT( addSearchedDevices( const QValueList<RemoteDevice>& ) ) );
* Set the informations about the local device in information Tab
void BlueBase::setInfo() {
StatusLabel->setText( status() );
* Decontructor
BlueBase::~BlueBase() {
delete m_iconLoader;
* find searches the ListView for a BTDeviceItem containig
* the same Device if found return true else false
* @param dev RemoteDevice to find
* @return returns true if found
bool BlueBase::find( const RemoteDevice& rem ) {
QListViewItemIterator it( ListView2 );
BTListItem* item;
BTDeviceItem* device;
for (; it.current(); ++it ) {
item = (BTListItem*) it.current();
if ( item->typeId() != BTListItem::Device )
device = (BTDeviceItem*)item;
if ( rem.equals( device->remoteDevice() ) )
return true;
return false; // not found
diff --git a/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/btconnectionitem.cpp b/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/btconnectionitem.cpp
index 6fb9c11..b57d1b3 100644
--- a/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/btconnectionitem.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/opietooth/manager/btconnectionitem.cpp
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
#include <connection.h>
#include "btconnectionitem.h"
using namespace OpieTooth;
BTConnectionItem::BTConnectionItem( QListView* parent, const ConnectionState& con )
: BTListItem( parent ){
m_con = con;
setText(0, m_con.mac() );
+ setText(1, m_con.connectionMode() );
BTConnectionItem::~BTConnectionItem() {
QString BTConnectionItem::type() const {
return QString::fromLatin1("connection");
int BTConnectionItem::typeId() const {
return Connection;
ConnectionState BTConnectionItem::connection() const {
return m_con;