Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 16 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
index 1525934..1ef24d2 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/scanlist.cpp
@@ -245,74 +245,76 @@ void MScanListView::traffic( QString type, QString from, QString to, QString via
MScanListItem::MScanListItem( QListView* parent, QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr,
bool wep, int channel, int signal )
:OListViewItem( parent, essid, QString::null, macaddr, QString::null, QString::null ),
_type( type ), _essid( essid ), _macaddr( macaddr ), _wep( wep ),
_channel( channel ), _signal( signal ), _beacons( 1 )
qDebug( "creating scanlist item" );
if ( WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance() && type == "networks" )
playSound( WellenreiterConfigWindow::instance()->soundOnNetwork() );
decorateItem( type, essid, macaddr, wep, channel, signal );
MScanListItem::MScanListItem( QListViewItem* parent, QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr,
bool wep, int channel, int signal )
:OListViewItem( parent, essid, QString::null, macaddr, QString::null, QString::null )
qDebug( "creating scanlist item" );
decorateItem( type, essid, macaddr, wep, channel, signal );
OListViewItem* MScanListItem::childFactory()
return new MScanListItem( this );
void MScanListItem::serializeTo( QDataStream& s ) const
qDebug( "serializing MScanListItem" );
OListViewItem::serializeTo( s );
s << _type;
- s << (Q_UINT8) _wep;
+ s << (Q_UINT8) ( _wep ? 'y' : 'n' );
void MScanListItem::serializeFrom( QDataStream& s )
qDebug( "serializing MScanListItem" );
OListViewItem::serializeFrom( s );
+ char wep;
s >> _type;
- s >> (Q_UINT8) _wep;
+ s >> (Q_UINT8) wep;
+ _wep = (wep == 'y');
QString name;
name.sprintf( "wellenreiter/%s", (const char*) _type );
setPixmap( col_type, Resource::loadPixmap( name ) );
if ( _wep )
setPixmap( col_wep, Resource::loadPixmap( "wellenreiter/cracked" ) ); //FIXME: rename the pixmap!
void MScanListItem::decorateItem( QString type, QString essid, QString macaddr, bool wep, int channel, int signal )
qDebug( "decorating scanlist item %s / %s / %s [%d]",
(const char*) type,
(const char*) essid,
(const char*) macaddr,
channel );
// set icon for managed or adhoc mode
QString name;
name.sprintf( "wellenreiter/%s", (const char*) type );
setPixmap( col_type, Resource::loadPixmap( name ) );
// set icon for wep (wireless encryption protocol)
if ( wep )
setPixmap( col_wep, Resource::loadPixmap( "wellenreiter/cracked" ) ); //FIXME: rename the pixmap!
// set channel and signal text
if ( signal != -1 )
setText( col_sig, QString::number( signal ) );
if ( channel != -1 )
setText( col_channel, QString::number( channel ) );
diff --git a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.cpp b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.cpp
index 8d18f73..8c2c315 100644
--- a/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.cpp
+++ b/noncore/net/wellenreiter/gui/wellenreiter.cpp
@@ -85,79 +85,88 @@ Wellenreiter::Wellenreiter( QWidget* parent )
logwindow->log( sys );
// setup GUI
netview->setColumnWidthMode( 1, QListView::Manual );
if ( manufacturerdb )
netview->setManufacturerDB( manufacturerdb );
pcap = new OPacketCapturer();
// no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us
delete manufacturerdb;
delete pcap;
void Wellenreiter::setConfigWindow( WellenreiterConfigWindow* cw )
configwindow = cw;
void Wellenreiter::receivePacket(OPacket* p)
hexWindow()->log( p->dump( 8 ) );
// check if we received a beacon frame
OWaveLanManagementPacket* beacon = static_cast<OWaveLanManagementPacket*>( p->child( "802.11 Management" ) );
- if ( beacon )
+ if ( beacon && beacon->managementType() == "Beacon" )
QString type;
if ( beacon->canIBSS() )
+ {
type = "adhoc";
- else
+ }
+ else if ( beacon->canESS() )
+ {
type = "managed";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug( "Wellenreiter::invalid frame detected: '%s'", (const char*) p->dump( 16 ) );
+ return;
+ }
OWaveLanManagementSSID* ssid = static_cast<OWaveLanManagementSSID*>( p->child( "802.11 SSID" ) );
QString essid = ssid ? ssid->ID() : QString("<unknown>");
OWaveLanManagementDS* ds = static_cast<OWaveLanManagementDS*>( p->child( "802.11 DS" ) );
int channel = ds ? ds->channel() : -1;
OWaveLanPacket* header = static_cast<OWaveLanPacket*>( p->child( "802.11" ) );
- netView()->addNewItem( type, essid, header->macAddress2().toString(), header->usesWep(), channel, 0 );
+ netView()->addNewItem( type, essid, header->macAddress2().toString(), beacon->canPrivacy(), channel, 0 );
// check for a data frame
OWaveLanDataPacket* data = static_cast<OWaveLanDataPacket*>( p->child( "802.11 Data" ) );
if ( data )
OWaveLanPacket* wlan = (OWaveLanPacket*) p->child( "802.11" );
if ( wlan->fromDS() && !wlan->toDS() )
qDebug( "FromDS traffic: '%s' -> '%s' via '%s'",
(const char*) wlan->macAddress3().toString(true),
(const char*) wlan->macAddress1().toString(true),
(const char*) wlan->macAddress2().toString(true) );
netView()->traffic( "fromDS", wlan->macAddress3().toString(),
wlan->macAddress2().toString() );
if ( !wlan->fromDS() && wlan->toDS() )
qDebug( "ToDS traffic: '%s' -> '%s' via '%s'",
(const char*) wlan->macAddress2().toString(true),
(const char*) wlan->macAddress3().toString(true),
(const char*) wlan->macAddress1().toString(true) );
netView()->traffic( "toDS", wlan->macAddress2().toString(),
wlan->macAddress1().toString() );
if ( wlan->fromDS() && wlan->toDS() )