Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
3 files changed, 79 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/core/pim/addressbook/TODO b/core/pim/addressbook/TODO
index a0d50a3..106747e 100644
--- a/core/pim/addressbook/TODO
+++ b/core/pim/addressbook/TODO
@@ -1,64 +1,63 @@
Stuff todo until OPIE 1.0 :
Feature requests:
- Dial by mobile phone by tapping the number..
(Maybe using gsmtool. And we may
add a library class for this)
- dial with dtmfdial in case it's installed and there's no mobile
- 3rd column for 2. Contact
- Implementing additional Views (Phonebook, ...)
- Birthday & Anniversary Reminder
- Beaming of multiple contacts (current list/ by search or by category)
- Configure the letter-picker: lastname/fullname search
- User center of the joypad to switch back from card to listview !
- Cursor-UP/Down: Should additionally scroll cardview if it is too large
(behaviour should be selectable by configuration)
Known Bugs:
Bugs but not in addressbook:
- VCARD: If umlaut (äöüß) in address, the parser gets confused..
- Category is on the wrong position after changing to personal and back to normal
( Temporarily workaround: Category is never deactivated.. :S )
-- Fix handling of 3 Firstnames
- "What's this" should be added (Deleyed after Feature Freeze)
Less important:
- Reload if contacts were changed externally
- The picker (alphabetical sort widget) should be
placed verticaly or horizontally (configurable)
- Find a smart solution for activating/deactivating the "send email" event
- If new contact is added (contacteditor closed): focus (table, card) to
this entry !
- After search (Started with Return): KeyFocus should be on Tabelle
- Redesign of Contacteditor
Should be Fixed (not absolute sure, need further validation):
- Syncing: abtable not reloaded after sync.
- Find widget should be replaced by something like
qpdf has.
- Adding a configuration dialog
- Picker: Activated letter schould be more visible
- Advanced handling of cursor keys (search..)
- Mail-Icon is missing
@@ -85,32 +84,33 @@ Fixed/Ready:
- There should be some icons for List and Cardview
- If in Cardview and a category change removes all entries:
There are already entries in Cardview after up/down
- Personal Details: Anniversary zeigt Fantasie-Werte
- Unfiled shown just in Category "All" and "Unfiled".
- After finising search and after Edit: Clear Picker
- After Edit: Table position back to edited entry.
- Optimize Table Update...
- Change MyDialog to Config
- Store position and state of toolbar
- Searchwidget closed: Selected user is jumping
- Wenn suchen beendet, dann dauert das Tabellenupdate (was überhaupt überflüssig ist)
zu lange..
- VCARD: Import of Anniversary does not work correctly (currently disabled)
- Name order selected in "contacteditor" not used in list view.
- OK-Key does not switch from Detailview (ablable) to Listview
- Receiving of beams should open a dialog
- Fix start of opie-mail
- Implement Button Pics
- Add a dialog to accept and optionally edit received contacts by IRDA.
- Language not English (tested with german opie-translation):
1. Configure nicht übersetzt (alles leer).
2. Contacteditor nur teilweise übersetzt.
3. Kategorie-Picker geht nicht.
- Plugin for Today for Birthdays and Anniversaries
- Implement a picker/combo for the default email.
- Overview window cleanup needed..
- Store last settings of combo-boxes
- Personal and Business Web-page is not editable
- Default Email-button: A lot of problems:
If on second tab: The combo chooser is on the top left of the screen ! :(
- Default Email-Button: Sometimes not hiding the textfields completely
+- Fix handling of 3 Firstnames
diff --git a/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp b/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp
index d1338f6..7bc5bde 100644
--- a/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp
+++ b/core/pim/addressbook/contacteditor.cpp
@@ -128,119 +128,124 @@ void ContactEditor::init() {
QVBoxLayout *vb = new QVBoxLayout( this );
tabMain = new QTabWidget( this );
vb->addWidget( tabMain );
QWidget *tabViewport = new QWidget ( tabMain );
vb = new QVBoxLayout( tabViewport );
svGeneral = new QScrollView( tabViewport );
vb->addWidget( svGeneral, 0, 0 );
svGeneral->setResizePolicy( QScrollView::AutoOneFit );
svGeneral->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
QWidget *container = new QWidget( svGeneral->viewport() );
svGeneral->addChild( container );
QGridLayout *gl = new QGridLayout( container, 1, 1, 2, 4 );
gl->setResizeMode( QLayout::FreeResize );
btnFullName = new QPushButton( tr( "Full Name..." ), container );
gl->addWidget( btnFullName, 0, 0 );
txtFullName = new QLineEdit( container );
gl->addWidget( txtFullName, 0, 1 );
QLabel *l = new QLabel( tr( "Job Title" ), container );
gl->addWidget( l, 1, 0 );
txtJobTitle = new QLineEdit( container );
gl->addWidget( txtJobTitle, 1, 1 );
- l = new QLabel( tr( "Organization" ), container );
+ l = new QLabel( tr("Suffix"), container );
gl->addWidget( l, 2, 0 );
+ txtSuffix = new QLineEdit( container );
+ gl->addWidget( txtSuffix, 2, 1 );
+ l = new QLabel( tr( "Organization" ), container );
+ gl->addWidget( l, 3, 0 );
txtOrganization = new QLineEdit( container );
- gl->addWidget( txtOrganization, 2, 1 );
+ gl->addWidget( txtOrganization, 3, 1 );
// Chooser 1
cmbChooserField1 = new QComboBox( FALSE, container );
cmbChooserField1->setMaximumWidth( 90 );
- gl->addWidget( cmbChooserField1, 3, 0 );
+ gl->addWidget( cmbChooserField1, 4, 0 );
// Textfield for chooser 1.
// Now use Widgetstack to contain the textfield and the default-email combo !
m_widgetStack1 = new QWidgetStack( container );
txtChooserField1 = new QLineEdit( m_widgetStack1 );
m_widgetStack1 -> addWidget( txtChooserField1, TextField );
- gl->addWidget( m_widgetStack1, 3, 1 );
+ gl->addWidget( m_widgetStack1, 4, 1 );
m_widgetStack1 -> raiseWidget( TextField );
// Chooser 2
cmbChooserField2 = new QComboBox( FALSE, container );
cmbChooserField2->setMaximumWidth( 90 );
- gl->addWidget( cmbChooserField2, 4, 0 );
+ gl->addWidget( cmbChooserField2, 5, 0 );
// Textfield for chooser 2
// Now use WidgetStack to contain the textfield and the default-email combo!
m_widgetStack2 = new QWidgetStack( container );
txtChooserField2 = new QLineEdit( m_widgetStack2 );
m_widgetStack2 -> addWidget( txtChooserField2, TextField );
- gl->addWidget( m_widgetStack2, 4, 1 );
+ gl->addWidget( m_widgetStack2, 5, 1 );
m_widgetStack2 -> raiseWidget( TextField );
// Chooser 3
cmbChooserField3 = new QComboBox( FALSE, container );
cmbChooserField3->setMaximumWidth( 90 );
- gl->addWidget( cmbChooserField3, 5, 0 );
+ gl->addWidget( cmbChooserField3, 6, 0 );
// Textfield for chooser 2
// Now use WidgetStack to contain the textfield and the default-email combo!
m_widgetStack3 = new QWidgetStack( container );
txtChooserField3 = new QLineEdit( m_widgetStack3 );
m_widgetStack3 -> addWidget( txtChooserField3, TextField );
- gl->addWidget( m_widgetStack3, 5, 1 );
+ gl->addWidget( m_widgetStack3, 6, 1 );
m_widgetStack3 -> raiseWidget( TextField );
l = new QLabel( tr( "File As" ), container );
- gl->addWidget( l, 6, 0 );
+ gl->addWidget( l, 7, 0 );
cmbFileAs = new QComboBox( TRUE, container );
- gl->addWidget( cmbFileAs, 6, 1 );
+ gl->addWidget( cmbFileAs, 7, 1 );
labCat = new QLabel( tr( "Category" ), container );
- gl->addWidget( labCat, 7, 0 );
+ gl->addWidget( labCat, 8, 0 );
cmbCat = new CategorySelect( container );
- gl->addWidget( cmbCat, 7, 1 );
+ gl->addWidget( cmbCat, 8, 1 );
btnNote = new QPushButton( tr( "Notes..." ), container );
- gl->addWidget( btnNote, 8, 1 );
+ gl->addWidget( btnNote, 9, 1 );
tabMain->insertTab( tabViewport, tr( "General" ) );
tabViewport = new QWidget ( tabMain );
vb = new QVBoxLayout( tabViewport );
svAddress = new QScrollView( tabViewport );
vb->addWidget( svAddress, 0, 0 );
svAddress->setResizePolicy( QScrollView::AutoOneFit );
svAddress->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
container = new QWidget( svAddress->viewport() );
svAddress->addChild( container );
gl = new QGridLayout( container, 8, 3, 2, 4 ); // row 7 QSpacerItem
cmbAddress = new QComboBox( FALSE, container );
cmbAddress->insertItem( tr( "Business" ) );
cmbAddress->insertItem( tr( "Home" ) );
gl->addMultiCellWidget( cmbAddress, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
l = new QLabel( tr( "Address" ), container );
gl->addWidget( l, 1, 0 );
txtAddress = new QLineEdit( container );
gl->addMultiCellWidget( txtAddress, 1, 1, 1, 2 );
l = new QLabel( tr( "City" ), container );
gl->addWidget( l, 2, 0 );
txtCity = new QLineEdit( container );
gl->addMultiCellWidget( txtCity, 2, 2, 1, 2 );
@@ -589,68 +594,68 @@ void ContactEditor::init() {
// Fill labels with names..
// loadFields();
tabMain->insertTab( tabViewport, tr( "Details" ) );
dlgNote = new QDialog( this, "Note Dialog", TRUE );
dlgNote->setCaption( tr("Enter Note") );
QVBoxLayout *vbNote = new QVBoxLayout( dlgNote );
txtNote = new QMultiLineEdit( dlgNote );
vbNote->addWidget( txtNote );
connect( btnNote, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotNote()) );
dlgName = new QDialog( this, "Name Dialog", TRUE );
dlgName->setCaption( tr("Edit Name") );
gl = new QGridLayout( dlgName, 5, 2, 2, 3 );
l = new QLabel( tr("First Name"), dlgName );
gl->addWidget( l, 0, 0 );
txtFirstName = new QLineEdit( dlgName );
gl->addWidget( txtFirstName, 0, 1 );
l = new QLabel( tr("Middle Name"), dlgName );
gl->addWidget( l, 1, 0 );
txtMiddleName = new QLineEdit( dlgName );
gl->addWidget( txtMiddleName, 1, 1 );
l = new QLabel( tr("Last Name"), dlgName );
gl->addWidget( l, 2, 0 );
txtLastName = new QLineEdit( dlgName );
gl->addWidget( txtLastName, 2, 1 );
- l = new QLabel( tr("Suffix"), dlgName );
- gl->addWidget( l, 3, 0 );
- txtSuffix = new QLineEdit( dlgName );
- gl->addWidget( txtSuffix, 3, 1 );
+// l = new QLabel( tr("Suffix"), dlgName );
+// gl->addWidget( l, 3, 0 );
+// txtSuffix = new QLineEdit( dlgName );
+// gl->addWidget( txtSuffix, 3, 1 );
space = new QSpacerItem(1,1,
QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding );
gl->addItem( space, 4, 0 );
cmbChooserField1->insertStringList( trlChooserNames );
cmbChooserField2->insertStringList( trlChooserNames );
cmbChooserField3->insertStringList( trlChooserNames );
cmbChooserField4->insertStringList( trlChooserNames );
cmbChooserField1->setCurrentItem( 0 );
cmbChooserField2->setCurrentItem( 1 );
cmbChooserField3->setCurrentItem( 2 );
connect( btnFullName, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotName()) );
connect( txtFullName, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotFullNameChange(const QString &)) );
connect( txtChooserField1, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
this, SLOT(slotChooser1Change(const QString &)) );
connect( txtChooserField2, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
this, SLOT(slotChooser2Change(const QString &)) );
connect( txtChooserField3, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
this, SLOT(slotChooser3Change(const QString &)) );
connect( txtChooserField4, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
this, SLOT(slotChooser4Change(const QString &)) );
connect( txtAddress, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
this, SLOT(slotAddressChange(const QString &)) );
connect( txtCity, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
this, SLOT(slotCityChange(const QString &)) );
connect( txtState, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)),
this, SLOT(slotStateChange(const QString &)) );
@@ -986,298 +991,205 @@ void ContactEditor::slotAddressTypeChange( int index ) {
if ( !initializing )
contactfields.setFieldOrder( 4, index );
if ( index == 0 ) {
txtAddress->setText( slBusinessAddress[0] );
//txtAddress2->setText( (*slBusinessAddress)[1] );
//txtPOBox->setText( (*slBusinessAddress)[2] );
txtCity->setText( slBusinessAddress[3] );
txtState->setText( slBusinessAddress[4] );
txtZip->setText( slBusinessAddress[5] );
QLineEdit *txtTmp = cmbCountry->lineEdit();
txtTmp->setText( slBusinessAddress[6] );
} else {
txtAddress->setText( slHomeAddress[0] );
//txtAddress2->setText( (*slHomeAddress)[1] );
//txtPOBox->setText( (*slHomeAddress)[2] );
txtCity->setText( slHomeAddress[3] );
txtState->setText( slHomeAddress[4] );
txtZip->setText( slHomeAddress[5] );
QLineEdit *txtTmp = cmbCountry->lineEdit();
txtTmp->setText( slHomeAddress[6] );
void ContactEditor::slotFullNameChange( const QString &textChanged ) {
+ qWarning( "ContactEditor::slotFullNameChange( %s )", textChanged.latin1() );
int index = cmbFileAs->currentItem();
- cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, 0 ) );
- cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, 1 ) );
- cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, 2 ) );
- cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, 3 ) );
+ cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, NAME_FL ) );
+ cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, NAME_FMLS ) );
+ cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, NAME_LF ) );
+ cmbFileAs->insertItem( parseName( textChanged, NAME_LFM ) );
cmbFileAs->setCurrentItem( index );
useFullName = true;
void ContactEditor::accept() {
if ( isEmpty() ) {
} else {
void ContactEditor::slotNote() {
if ( !dlgNote->exec() ) {
txtNote->setText( ent.notes() );
void ContactEditor::slotName() {
QString tmpName;
if (useFullName) {
txtFirstName->setText( parseName(txtFullName->text(), NAME_F) );
txtMiddleName->setText( parseName(txtFullName->text(), NAME_M) );
txtLastName->setText( parseName(txtFullName->text(), NAME_L) );
- txtSuffix->setText( parseName(txtFullName->text(), NAME_S) );
+ // txtSuffix->setText( parseName(txtFullName->text(), NAME_S) );
if ( dlgName->exec() ) {
tmpName = txtFirstName->text() + " " + txtMiddleName->text() + " " + txtLastName->text() + " " + txtSuffix->text();
txtFullName->setText( tmpName.simplifyWhiteSpace() );
slotFullNameChange( txtFullName->text() );
useFullName = false;
void ContactEditor::setNameFocus() {
bool ContactEditor::isEmpty() {
// Test and see if the record should be saved.
// More strict than the original qtopia, needs name or fileas to save
QString t = txtFullName->text();
if ( !t.isEmpty() && containsAlphaNum( t ) )
return false;
t = cmbFileAs->currentText();
if ( !t.isEmpty() && containsAlphaNum( t ) )
return false;
return true;
QString ContactEditor::parseName( const QString fullName, int type ) {
QString simplifiedName( fullName.simplifyWhiteSpace() );
QString strFirstName;
QString strMiddleName;
QString strLastName;
QString strSuffix;
QString strTitle;
int commapos;
- int spCount;
- int spPos;
- int spPos2;
+ bool haveLastName = false;
+ qWarning("Fullname: %s", simplifiedName.latin1());
commapos = simplifiedName.find( ',', 0, TRUE);
- spCount = simplifiedName.contains( ' ', TRUE );
+ if ( commapos >= 0 ) {
+ qWarning(" Commapos: %d", commapos );
- if ( commapos == -1 ) {
- switch (spCount) {
- case 0:
- //return simplifiedName;
- if (txtLastName->text() != "") {
- strLastName = simplifiedName;
- break;
- }
- if (txtMiddleName->text() != "") {
- strMiddleName = simplifiedName;
- break;
- }
- if (txtSuffix->text() != "") {
- strSuffix = simplifiedName;
- break;
- }
- strFirstName = simplifiedName;
- break;
+ // A comma (",") separates the lastname from one or
+ // many first names. Thus, remove the lastname from the
+ // String and parse the firstnames.
- case 1:
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', 0, TRUE );
- strFirstName = simplifiedName.left( spPos );
- strLastName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1 );
- break;
+ strLastName = simplifiedName.left( commapos );
+ simplifiedName= simplifiedName.mid( commapos + 1 );
+ haveLastName = true;
+ qWarning("Fullname without ',': %s", simplifiedName.latin1());
- case 2:
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', 0, TRUE );
- strFirstName = simplifiedName.left( spPos );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strMiddleName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- strLastName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1 );
- break;
+ // If we have any lastname, we should now split all first names.
+ // The first one will be the used as first, the rest as "middle names"
- case 3:
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', 0, TRUE );
- strFirstName = simplifiedName.left( spPos );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strMiddleName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos2 + 1, TRUE );
- strLastName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1, (spPos - 1) - spPos2 );
- strSuffix = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1 );
- break;
+ QStringList allFirstNames = QStringList::split(" ", simplifiedName);
+ QStringList::Iterator it = allFirstNames.begin();
+ strFirstName = *it++;
+ QStringList allSecondNames;
+ for ( ; it != allFirstNames.end(); ++it )
+ allSecondNames.append( *it );
- case 4:
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', 0, TRUE );
- strTitle = simplifiedName.left( spPos );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strFirstName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos2 + 1, TRUE );
- strMiddleName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1, (spPos - 1) - spPos2 );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strLastName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- strSuffix = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1 );
- break;
+ strMiddleName = allSecondNames.join(" ");
- default:
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', 0, TRUE );
- strTitle = simplifiedName.left( spPos );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strFirstName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos2 + 1, TRUE );
- strMiddleName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1, (spPos - 1) - spPos2 );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strLastName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- strSuffix = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1 );
- break;
- }
} else {
- simplifiedName.replace( commapos, 1, " " );
- simplifiedName = simplifiedName.simplifyWhiteSpace();
- switch (spCount) {
- case 0:
- //return simplifiedName;
- if (txtLastName->text() != "") {
- strLastName = simplifiedName;
- break;
- }
- if (txtMiddleName->text() != "") {
- strMiddleName = simplifiedName;
- break;
- }
- if (txtSuffix->text() != "") {
- strSuffix = simplifiedName;
- break;
- }
- strFirstName = simplifiedName;
- break;
- case 1:
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', 0, TRUE );
- strLastName = simplifiedName.left( spPos );
- strFirstName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1 );
- break;
- case 2:
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', 0, TRUE );
- strLastName = simplifiedName.left( spPos );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strFirstName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- strMiddleName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1 );
- break;
+ // No comma separator used: We use the first word as firstname, the
+ // last as second/lastname and everything in the middle as middlename
- case 3:
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', 0, TRUE );
- strLastName = simplifiedName.left( spPos );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strFirstName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos2 + 1, TRUE );
- strMiddleName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1, (spPos - 1) - spPos2 );
- strSuffix = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1 );
- break;
+ QStringList allNames = QStringList::split(" ", simplifiedName);
+ QStringList::Iterator it = allNames.begin();
+ strFirstName = *it++;
+ QStringList allSecondNames;
+ for ( ; it != --allNames.end(); ++it )
+ allSecondNames.append( *it );
- case 4:
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', 0, TRUE );
- strLastName = simplifiedName.left( spPos );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strTitle = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos2 + 1, TRUE );
- strFirstName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1, (spPos - 1) - spPos2 );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strMiddleName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- strSuffix = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1 );
- break;
+ strMiddleName = allSecondNames.join(" ");
+ strLastName = *(--allNames.end());
- default:
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', 0, TRUE );
- strLastName = simplifiedName.left( spPos );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strTitle = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- spPos = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos2 + 1, TRUE );
- strFirstName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1, (spPos - 1) - spPos );
- spPos2 = simplifiedName.find( ' ', spPos + 1, TRUE );
- strMiddleName = simplifiedName.mid( spPos + 1, (spPos2 - 1) - spPos );
- strSuffix = simplifiedName.mid( spPos2 + 1 );
- break;
- }
+ qWarning(" strFirstName: %s", strFirstName.latin1());
+ qWarning(" strMiddleName: %s", strMiddleName.latin1());
+ qWarning(" strLastName: %s", strLastName.latin1());
+ qWarning(" strSuffix: %s", strSuffix.latin1());
+ qWarning(" strTitle: %s", strTitle.latin1());
switch (type) {
case NAME_FL:
return strFirstName + " " + strLastName;
case NAME_LF:
return strLastName + ", " + strFirstName;
case NAME_LFM:
return strLastName + ", " + strFirstName + " " + strMiddleName;
return strFirstName + " " + strMiddleName + " " + strLastName + " " + strSuffix;
case NAME_F:
return strFirstName;
case NAME_M:
return strMiddleName;
case NAME_L:
return strLastName;
case NAME_S:
return strSuffix;
return QString::null;
void ContactEditor::cleanupFields() {
QStringList::Iterator it = slChooserValues.begin();
@@ -1307,69 +1219,74 @@ void ContactEditor::cleanupFields() {
QLineEdit *txtTmp = cmbCountry->lineEdit();
txtTmp = cmbFileAs->lineEdit();
void ContactEditor::setEntry( const OContact &entry ) {
initializing = true;
ent = entry;
emails = QStringList(ent.emailList());
defaultEmail = ent.defaultEmail();
if (defaultEmail.isEmpty()) defaultEmail = emails[0];
qDebug("default email=%s",defaultEmail.latin1());
useFullName = false;
txtFirstName->setText( ent.firstName() );
txtMiddleName->setText( ent.middleName() );
txtLastName->setText( ent.lastName() );
txtSuffix->setText( ent.suffix() );
- QString *tmpString = new QString;
- *tmpString = ent.firstName() + " " + ent.middleName() +
- + " " + ent.lastName() + " " + ent.suffix();
+// QString *tmpString = new QString;
+// *tmpString = ent.firstName() + " " + ent.middleName() +
+// + " " + ent.lastName() + " " + ent.suffix();
+// txtFullName->setText( tmpString->simplifyWhiteSpace() );
- txtFullName->setText( tmpString->simplifyWhiteSpace() );
+ // Lastnames with multiple words need to be protected by a comma !
+ if ( ent.lastName().contains( ' ', TRUE ) )
+ txtFullName->setText( ent.lastName() + ", " + ent.firstName() + " " + ent.middleName() );
+ else
+ txtFullName->setText( ent.firstName() + " " + ent.middleName() + " " + ent.lastName() );
cmbFileAs->setEditText( ent.fileAs() );
// if (hasTitle)
txtJobTitle->setText( ent.jobTitle() );
// if (hasCompany)
txtOrganization->setText( );
// if (hasNotes)
txtNote->setText( ent.notes() );
// if (hasStreet) {
slHomeAddress[0] = ent.homeStreet();
slBusinessAddress[0] = ent.businessStreet();
// }
// if (hasCity) {
slHomeAddress[3] = ent.homeCity();
slBusinessAddress[3] = ent.businessCity();
//if (hasState) {
slHomeAddress[4] = ent.homeState();
slBusinessAddress[4] = ent.businessState();
//if (hasZip) {
slHomeAddress[5] = ent.homeZip();
slBusinessAddress[5] = ent.businessZip();
@@ -1522,65 +1439,65 @@ void ContactEditor::setEntry( const OContact &entry ) {
slotAddressTypeChange( cmbAddress->currentItem() );
initializing = false;
void ContactEditor::updateDatePicker()
// Set DatePicker
if ( !ent.birthday().isNull() ){
birthdayButton->setText( TimeString::numberDateString( ent.birthday() ) );
birthdayPicker->setDate( ent.birthday() );
} else
birthdayButton->setText( tr ("Unknown") );
if ( !ent.anniversary().isNull() ){
anniversaryButton->setText( TimeString::numberDateString( ent.anniversary() ) );
anniversaryPicker->setDate( ent.anniversary() );
} else
anniversaryButton->setText( tr ("Unknown") );
void ContactEditor::saveEntry() {
// Store current combo into contact
contactfields.saveToRecord( ent );
if ( useFullName ) {
txtFirstName->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_F ) );
txtMiddleName->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_M ) );
txtLastName->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_L ) );
- txtSuffix->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_S ) );
+ // txtSuffix->setText( parseName( txtFullName->text(), NAME_S ) );
useFullName = false;
ent.setFirstName( txtFirstName->text() );
ent.setLastName( txtLastName->text() );
ent.setMiddleName( txtMiddleName->text() );
ent.setSuffix( txtSuffix->text() );
ent.setFileAs( cmbFileAs->currentText() );
ent.setCategories( cmbCat->currentCategories() );
//if (hasTitle)
ent.setJobTitle( txtJobTitle->text() );
//if (hasCompany)
ent.setCompany( txtOrganization->text() );
// if (hasNotes)
ent.setNotes( txtNote->text() );
//if (hasStreet) {
ent.setHomeStreet( slHomeAddress[0] );
ent.setBusinessStreet( slBusinessAddress[0] );
// }
// if (hasCity) {
ent.setHomeCity( slHomeAddress[3] );
ent.setBusinessCity( slBusinessAddress[3] );
// }
diff --git a/core/pim/addressbook/version.h b/core/pim/addressbook/version.h
index 3becfdc..c2ead05 100644
--- a/core/pim/addressbook/version.h
+++ b/core/pim/addressbook/version.h
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#ifndef _VERSION_H_
#define _VERSION_H_
#define MAINVERSION "0"
-#define SUBVERSION "2"
-#define PATCHVERSION "2"
+#define SUBVERSION "3"
+#define PATCHVERSION "0"