Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 16 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index de27eb5..c8da96a 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
2004-??-?? The Opie Team <>
+ * Fixed ZSafe not starting up (Bug #1324) (mickeyl)
* Fixed Drawpad initialization (Bug #1314) (mickeyl)
* Added four themes courtesy Robert Griebl (
* Added Conversion tool for pim-data (eilers)
* Modifcation of the PIM API for providing generic use of OPimRecords. (eilers)
2004-25-04 The Opie Team <>
* Released as Version 1.1.3 (devel)
* Introduced first implementation of SQL-Support using SQLite (eilers)
* Added a new Gutenberg Project reader app - opie-gutenbrowser (ljp)
* Added a real system graffiti character set (brad)
* Added Generic Keyconfig Widget (zecke)
* Improved Screenshotapplet and Drawpad integration. You can now open a screenshot in drawpad and take notes (zecke)
* Added new Bible reader app - opie-dagger (drw)
* Added a new Image Viewer. Work is ongoing (zecke,alwin)
* Added namespace usage in libopie2 and everywhere (zecke,alwin)
* Enabled the possibility to pass command line arguments to applications (mickeyl)
* Added an about applet showing some credits and information about Opie (mickeyl)
* Added benchmarking functionality to sysinfo (mickeyl)
* Added applet and configuration application for switching hardware keyboard layouts (alwin)
* Ported applications from libopie1 to libopie2* (drw,ar,alwin)
* Imported fullscreen and font improvements from the Qkonsole fork to embeddedkonsole (waspe)
* Clean-up of package information in control files (drw)
* Repaired mediummount which was broken since integrating the quicklauncher (alwin)
* Improved big-screen support (zecke,ar)
* Improved multikeyboard support, added keyboard layout switching applet (mouse)
* Added a new mail client based on libetpan (harlekin,alwin,jgf)
* Added new package manager - opie-packagemanager (drw)
* Improved light-n-power for C7x0 (mickeyl)
* Added automatic rotation support for C7x0 (treke)
* Split libopie1 up into a set of smaller - functionally grouped - libraries (mickeyl)
* Added scanning the wireless network neighbourhood to networksettings (mickeyl)
diff --git a/noncore/apps/zsafe/zsafe.cpp b/noncore/apps/zsafe/zsafe.cpp
index bf8f7f4..6ff05ac 100644
--- a/noncore/apps/zsafe/zsafe.cpp
+++ b/noncore/apps/zsafe/zsafe.cpp
@@ -458,117 +458,88 @@ ZSafe::ZSafe( QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl )
QPixmap software( ( const char** ) software_data );
QPixmap general( ( const char** ) general_data );
if ( !name )
setName( "ZSafe" );
#ifdef DESKTOP
#ifdef WIN32
setGeometry(100, 150, DeskW, DeskH-30 );
resize( DeskW, DeskH-30 );
int DeskS;
if(DeskW > DeskH)
DeskS = DeskW;
DeskS = DeskH;
resize( DeskW, DeskH );
setMinimumSize( QSize( DeskS, DeskS ) );
setMaximumSize( QSize( DeskS, DeskS ) );
resize( DeskW, DeskH-30 );
- // setCaption( tr( "ZSafe" ) );
- filename = conf->readEntry(APP_KEY+"document");
+ setCaption( tr( "ZSafe" ) );
+ QString zsafeAppDirPath = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe";
+ QString filename = conf->readEntry(APP_KEY+"document");
if (filename.isEmpty() || filename.isNull())
- // check if the directory application exists, if not
- // create it
-// #ifndef WIN32
- // QString d1("Documents/application");
-// #else
- QString d1(QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application");
-// #endif
- QDir pd1(d1);
- if (!pd1.exists())
- {
- QDir pd1("Documents");
- if (!pd1.mkdir("application", FALSE))
+ if ( !QDir( zsafeAppDirPath ).exists() )
- QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("ZSafe"),
-#ifdef JPATCH_HDE
- tr("Can't create directory\n.../Documents/application\n\nZSafe will now exit."));
- tr("Can't create directory\n%1\n\nZSafe will now exit.").arg(d1));
- exitZs (1);
+ //FIXME: Pending someone to look into why QDir.mkdir does not work as expected
+ QString cmdline = QString().sprintf( "mkdir -p %s", (const char*) zsafeAppDirPath );
+ ::system( cmdline );
- }
- QString d2(QDir::homeDirPath() + "/Documents/application/zsafe");
- QDir pd2(d2);
- if (!pd2.exists())
- {
- QDir pd2(QDir::homeDirPath() + "Documents/application");
- if (!pd2.mkdir("zsafe", FALSE))
+ if ( !QDir( zsafeAppDirPath ).exists() )
- QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr("ZSafe"),
-#ifdef JPATCH_HDE
- tr("Can't create directory\n...//Documents/application/zsafe\n\nZSafe will now exit."));
- tr("Can't create directory\n%1\n\nZSafe will now exit.").arg(d2));
- exitZs (1);
+ QMessageBox::critical( 0, "ZSafe", tr("Can't create application data directory.\nZSafe will now exit."));
+ exitZs (1);
// set the default filename
- filename=d2 + "/passwords.zsf";
+ filename = zsafeAppDirPath + "/passwords.zsf";
// save the current filename to the config file
conf->writeEntry(APP_KEY+"document", filename);
- }
//if (filename == "INVALIDPWD")
//filename = "";
QString ti = filename.right (filename.length() - filename.findRev ('/') - 1);
#ifdef WIN32
this->setCaption("Qt ZSafe: " + ti);
this->setCaption("ZSafe: " + ti);
selectedItem = NULL;
lastSearchedCategory = NULL;
lastSearchedItem = NULL;
lastSearchedName = "";
lastSearchedUsername = "";
lastSearchedComment = "";
infoForm = new InfoForm();
categoryDialog = NULL;
// add a menu bar
QMenuBar *menu = new QMenuBar( this );
// add file menu
// QPopupMenu *file = new QPopupMenu( this );
file = new QPopupMenu( this );
// #ifdef DESKTOP
file->insertItem( new_img, tr("&New document"), this, SLOT(newDocument()) );
file->insertItem( folder_open_img, tr("&Open document"), this, SLOT(loadDocument()) );
file->insertItem( save_img, tr("&Save document as .."), this, SLOT(saveDocumentAs()) );
@@ -2227,118 +2198,118 @@ bool ZSafe::saveDocument(const char* _filename,
return false;
int retval = saveInit(_filename, m_password);
// int retval = saveInit(_filename, "test");
if (retval != PWERR_GOOD) {
return false;
char* entry[FIELD_SIZE];
// save the validation entry
int i=0;
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("ZSAFECATEGORY")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "ZSAFECATEGORY");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("name")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "name");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("username")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "username");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("password")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "password");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("comment")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "comment");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("field5")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "field5");
entry[i] = (char*)malloc(strlen("field6")+1);
strcpy(entry[i++], "field6");
retval = saveEntry(entry);
for (int z=0; z<i; z++) free(entry[z]);
if (retval == PWERR_DATA) {
- owarn << "1: Error writing file, contents not saved" << oendl;
+ owarn << "1: Error writing file, contents not saved" << oendl;
return false;
// #ifndef WIN32
conf->writeEntry(APP_KEY+"valzsafe", 1);
// #endif
QListViewItem *i;
// step through all categories
for (i = ListView->firstChild();
i != NULL;
i = i->nextSibling())
// step through all subitems
QListViewItem *si;
for (si = i->firstChild();
si != NULL;
si = si->nextSibling())
int j=0;
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(i->text(0).utf8())+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], i->text(0).utf8());
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(0).utf8())+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(0).utf8());
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(1).utf8())+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(1).utf8());
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(2).utf8())+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(2).utf8());
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(3).utf8())+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(3).utf8());
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(4).utf8())+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(4).utf8());
entry[j] = (char*)malloc(strlen(si->text(5).utf8())+1);
strcpy(entry[j++], si->text(5).utf8());
retval = saveEntry(entry);
for (int z=0; z<j; z++)
if (retval == PWERR_DATA) {
- owarn << "1: Error writing file, contents not saved" << oendl;
+ owarn << "1: Error writing file, contents not saved" << oendl;
return false;
if (saveFinalize() == PWERR_DATA) {
- owarn << "2: Error writing file, contents not saved" << oendl;
+ owarn << "2: Error writing file, contents not saved" << oendl;
return false;
} else {
#ifndef DESKTOP
Global::statusMessage (tr("Password file saved."));
modified = false;
return true;
PasswordForm *newPwdDialog;
bool newPwdDialogResult = false;
void ZSafe::setPasswordDialogDone()
newPwdDialogResult = true;
void ZSafe::getDocPassword(QString title)
qWarning ("getDocPassword");
// open the 'Password' dialog
PasswordForm *dialog = new PasswordForm(this, title, TRUE);
newPwdDialog = dialog;
newPwdDialogResult = false;
connect( dialog->PasswordField, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ),
this, SLOT( setPasswordDialogDone() ) );
// CS: !!!
// int pos = filename.findRev ('/');
QString ti = filename.right (filename.length() - filename.findRev ('/') - 1);
@@ -3158,65 +3129,65 @@ void ZSafe::editCategory()
// dialog->show();
#ifndef DESKTOP
// dialog->move (20, 100);
DialogCode result = (DialogCode) dialog->exec();
#ifdef DESKTOP
result = Accepted;
QString fullIconPath;
QPixmap *pix;
if (result == Accepted)
modified = true;
if (category != dialog->CategoryField->currentText())
categories.remove (category);
// #ifndef WIN32
// #endif
category = dialog->CategoryField->currentText();
icon = dialog->IconField->currentText()+".png";
if (cat)
- owarn << "Category found" << oendl;
+ owarn << "Category found" << oendl;
// if (!icon.isEmpty() && !icon.isNull())
if (icon != "predefined.png")
// build the full path
fullIconPath = iconPath + icon;
pix = new QPixmap (fullIconPath);
if (pix)
// save the full pixmap name into the config file
// #ifndef WIN32
conf->writeEntry(APP_KEY+category, icon);
// #endif
QImage img = pix->convertToImage();
cat->setIconName (icon);
cat->setIcon (*pix);
// #ifndef WIN32
conf->removeEntry (category);
// #endif
cat->setIcon (*getPredefinedIcon(category));
// change the category name of the selected category
QListViewItem *catItem = cat->getListItem();
if (catItem)