Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
3 files changed, 142 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/core/obex/ b/core/obex/
index b8ed6e0..595fed9 100644
--- a/core/obex/
+++ b/core/obex/
@@ -1,37 +1,40 @@
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qfile.h>
-#include <qmessagebox.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qtextcodec.h>
#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
#include <opie/oprocess.h>
#include "obex.h"
using namespace OpieObex;
Obex::Obex( QObject *parent, const char* name )
: QObject(parent, name )
m_rec = 0;
m_count = 0;
m_receive = false;
connect( this, SIGNAL(error(int) ), // for recovering to receive
SLOT(slotError() ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL(sent(bool) ),
SLOT(slotError() ) );
Obex::~Obex() {
delete m_rec;
delete m_send;
void Obex::receive() {
m_receive = true;
m_outp = QString::null;
qWarning("Receive" );
m_rec = new OProcess();
*m_rec << "irobex_palm3";
// connect to the necessary slots
connect(m_rec, SIGNAL(processExited(OProcess*) ),
this, SLOT(slotExited(OProcess*) ) );
connect(m_rec, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(OProcess*, char*, int ) ),
@@ -77,74 +80,87 @@ void Obex::sendNow(){
m_send = new OProcess();
*m_send << "irobex_palm3";
*m_send << QFile::encodeName(m_file);
// connect to slots Exited and and StdOut
connect(m_send, SIGNAL(processExited(OProcess*) ),
this, SLOT(slotExited(OProcess*)) );
connect(m_send, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(OProcess*, char*, int )),
this, SLOT(slotStdOut(OProcess*, char*, int) ) );
// now start it
if (!m_send->start(/*OProcess::NotifyOnExit, OProcess::AllOutput*/ ) ) {
qWarning("could not send" );
m_count = 25;
emit error(-1 );
delete m_send;
// end
emit currentTry( m_count );
void Obex::slotExited(OProcess* proc ){
if (proc == m_rec ) { // receive process
}else if ( proc == m_send ) {
void Obex::slotStdOut(OProcess* proc, char* buf, int len){
if ( proc == m_rec ) { // only receive
- QString str = QString::fromUtf8( buf, len );
- m_outp.append( str );
+ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
+ printf("%c", buf[i] );
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ QByteArray ar( len );
+ memcpy(, buf, len );
+ qWarning("parsed: %s", );
+ m_outp.append( ar );
void Obex::received() {
if (m_rec->normalExit() ) {
if ( m_rec->exitStatus() == 0 ) { // we got one
QString filename = parseOut();
qWarning("ACHTUNG %s", filename.latin1() );
+ if (filename.contains( 'ö' ) || filename.contains( 'ä' ) || filename.contains('ü' ) ) {
+ qWarning("renaming!!!!");
+ QFileInfo inf( filename );
+ QString newName = "/tmp/opie-obex." + inf.extension();
+ ::rename( QFile::encodeName( filename ).data(), newName );
+ qWarning("name is %s", QFile::encodeName( filename ).data() );
+ }
emit receivedFile( filename );
emit done(false);
delete m_rec;
m_rec = 0;
void Obex::sendEnd() {
if (m_send->normalExit() ) {
if ( m_send->exitStatus() == 0 ) {
delete m_send;
qWarning("done" );
emit sent(true);
}else if (m_send->exitStatus() == 255 ) { // it failed maybe the other side wasn't ready
// let's try it again
delete m_send;
m_send = 0;
qWarning("try sending again" );
}else {
emit error( -1 );
delete m_send;
m_send = 0;
QString Obex::parseOut( ){
QString path;
diff --git a/core/obex/obexsend.cpp b/core/obex/obexsend.cpp
index d5ebd81..0da57ca 100644
--- a/core/obex/obexsend.cpp
+++ b/core/obex/obexsend.cpp
@@ -1,254 +1,291 @@
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qtl.h>
#include <qcopchannel_qws.h>
#include <qpe/resource.h>
#include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h>
#include "obex.h"
#include "obexsend.h"
using namespace OpieObex;
SendWidget::SendWidget( QWidget* parent, const char* name )
: QWidget( parent, name ) {
SendWidget::~SendWidget() {
void SendWidget::initUI() {
m_obex = new Obex(this, "obex");
connect(m_obex, SIGNAL(error(int) ),
this, SLOT(slotIrError(int) ) );
connect(m_obex, SIGNAL(sent(bool) ),
this, SLOT(slotIrSent(bool) ) );
connect(m_obex, SIGNAL(currentTry(unsigned int ) ),
this, SLOT(slotIrTry(unsigned int ) ) );
QCopChannel* chan = new QCopChannel("QPE/IrDaAppletBack", this );
connect(chan, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&, const QByteArray& ) ),
this, SLOT(dispatchIrda(const QCString&, const QByteArray& ) ) );
chan = new QCopChannel("QPE/BluetoothBack", this );
connect(chan, SIGNAL(received(const QCString&, const QByteArray& ) ),
this, SLOT(dispatchBt(const QCString&, const QByteArray& ) ) );
QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout(this);
QHBox* nameBox = new QHBox(this);
QLabel* name = new QLabel(nameBox);
name->setText( tr("<qt><h1>Sending:</h1></qt>") );
name->setAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignTop );
m_lblFile = new QLabel(nameBox);
lay->addWidget(nameBox, 0);
QFrame* frame = new QFrame(this);
frame->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
frame->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Sunken );
lay->addWidget(frame, 10);
QLabel* devices = new QLabel(this);
devices->setAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignTop );
lay->addWidget( devices,10 );
m_devBox = new DeviceBox(this);
lay->addWidget( m_devBox, 50 );
- connect(m_devBox, SIGNAL(selectedDevice(const QString&, int ) ),
- this, SLOT(slotSelectedDevice(const QString&, int) ) );
+ connect(m_devBox, SIGNAL(selectedDevice(int, int ) ),
+ this, SLOT(slotSelectedDevice(int, int) ) );
QPushButton *but = new QPushButton(this);
but->setText(tr("Done") );
connect(but, SIGNAL(clicked() ),
this, SLOT(slotDone() ) );
lay->addWidget( but );
m_lay = lay;
// QT does not like if you add items to an layout which already exits....
// and was layouted invalidate() does not help too
// so we use RichText....
* in send we'll first set everything up
* and then wait for a list of devices.
void SendWidget::send( const QString& file, const QString& desc ) {
m_file = file;
m_start = 0;
m_lblFile->setText(desc.isEmpty() ? file : desc );
if ( !QCopChannel::isRegistered("QPE/IrDaApplet") ) {
- m_devBox->addDevice( tr("IrDa is not enabled!"), DeviceBox::Error );
+ m_irDeSearch = m_devBox->addDevice( tr("IrDa is not enabled!"), DeviceBox::Error );
- m_devBox->addDevice( tr("Searching for IrDa Devices."), DeviceBox::Search );
+ m_irDeSearch = m_devBox->addDevice( tr("Searching for IrDa Devices."), DeviceBox::Search );
if ( !QCopChannel::isRegistered("QPE/Bluetooth") ) {
- m_devBox->addDevice( tr("Bluetooth is not available"), DeviceBox::Error );
+ m_btDeSearch = m_devBox->addDevice( tr("Bluetooth is not available"), DeviceBox::Error );
- m_devBox->addDevice( tr("Searching for bluetooth Devices."), DeviceBox::Search );
+ m_btDeSearch = m_devBox->addDevice( tr("Searching for bluetooth Devices."), DeviceBox::Search );
if (m_start != 2 ) {
QCopEnvelope e0("QPE/IrDaApplet", "enableIrda()");
QCopEnvelope e1("QPE/Bluetooth", "enableBluetooth()");
QCopEnvelope e2("QPE/IrDaApplet", "listDevices()");
QCopEnvelope e3("QPE/Bluetooth", "listDevices()");
void SendWidget::slotIrDaDevices( const QStringList& list) {
qWarning("slot it irda devices ");
- m_irDa = list;
- m_start = 0;
- for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
- m_devBox->addDevice( (*it), DeviceBox::IrDa, tr("Scheduling for beam.") );
- m_devBox->removeDevice( tr("Searching for IrDa Devices.") );
+ for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
+ int id = m_devBox->addDevice( (*it), DeviceBox::IrDa, tr("Scheduling for beam.") );
+ m_irDa.insert( id, (*it) );
+ }
+ m_devBox->removeDevice( m_irDeSearch );
+ m_irDaIt = m_irDa.begin();
void SendWidget::slotBTDevices( const QMap<QString, QString>& str ) {
- m_bt = str;
for(QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it ) {
- m_devBox->addDevice( it.key(), DeviceBox::BT, tr("Click to beam") );
+ int id = m_devBox->addDevice( it.key(), DeviceBox::BT, tr("Click to beam") );
+ m_bt.insert( id, Pair( it.key(), ) );
- m_devBox->removeDevice( tr("Searching for bluetooth Devices.") );
+ m_devBox->removeDevice( m_btDeSearch );
-void SendWidget::slotSelectedDevice( const QString& name, int dev ) {
- qWarning("Start beam? %s %d", name.latin1(), dev );
- if ( name == tr("Search again for IrDa.") ) {
- for (QStringList::Iterator it= m_irDa.begin(); it != m_irDa.end(); ++it )
- m_devBox->removeDevice( (*it) );
+void SendWidget::slotSelectedDevice( int name, int dev ) {
+ qWarning("Start beam? %d %d", name, dev );
+ if ( name == m_irDeSearch ) {
+ for (QMap<int, QString>::Iterator it= m_irDa.begin(); it != m_irDa.end(); ++it )
+ m_devBox->removeDevice( it.key() );
QCopEnvelope e2("QPE/IrDaApplet", "listDevices()");
void SendWidget::dispatchIrda( const QCString& str, const QByteArray& ar ) {
qWarning("dispatch irda %s", );
if ( str == "devices(QStringList)" ) {
QDataStream stream( ar, IO_ReadOnly );
QStringList list;
stream >> list;
slotIrDaDevices( list );
-void SendWidget::dispatchBt( const QCString& str, const QByteArray& ar ) {
+void SendWidget::dispatchBt( const QCString&, const QByteArray& ) {
void SendWidget::slotIrError( int ) {
void SendWidget::slotIrSent( bool b) {
qWarning("irda sent!!");
QString text = b ? tr("Sent") : tr("Failure");
-// m_devBox->setStatus( m_irDa[m_start], text );
- m_start++;
+ m_devBox->setStatus( m_irDaIt.key(), text );
+ ++m_irDaIt;
void SendWidget::slotIrTry(unsigned int trI) {
-// m_devBox->setStatus( m_irDa[m_start], tr("Try %1").arg( QString::number( trI ) ) );
+ m_devBox->setStatus( m_irDaIt.key(), tr("Try %1").arg( QString::number( trI ) ) );
void SendWidget::slotStartIrda() {
- if (m_start >= m_irDa.count() ) {
- m_devBox->addDevice(tr("Search again for IrDa."), DeviceBox::Search );
+ if (m_irDaIt == m_irDa.end() ) {
+ m_irDeSearch = m_devBox->addDevice(tr("Search again for IrDa."), DeviceBox::Search );
-// m_devBox->setStatus( m_irDa[m_start], tr("Start sending") );
+ m_devBox->setStatus( m_irDaIt.key(), tr("Start sending") );
m_obex->send( m_file );
void SendWidget::slotDone() {
QCopEnvelope e0("QPE/IrDaApplet", "disableIrda()");
QCopEnvelope e1("QPE/Bluetooth", "disableBluetooth()");
emit done();
QString SendWidget::file()const {
return m_file;
DeviceBox::DeviceBox( QWidget* parent )
: QTextBrowser( parent ) {
DeviceBox::~DeviceBox() {
-void DeviceBox::addDevice( const QString& name, int dev, const QString& status ) {
- QString tex;
- DeviceItem item( name, status, dev );
- m_dev.insert( name, item );
- tex = item.toString();
- m_devices.prepend(tex);
- setText( text()+ "<br>"+tex );
-void DeviceBox::removeDevice( const QString& name ) {
- if (!m_dev.contains(name) ) return;
- m_devices.remove( m_dev[name].toString() );
+int DeviceBox::addDevice( const QString& name, int dev, const QString& status ) {
+ /* return a id for a range of devices */
+ int id = idFor ( dev );
+ DeviceItem item( name, status, dev,id );
+ m_dev.insert( id, item );
+ setText( allText() );
- m_dev.remove(name);
- setText( m_devices.join("<br>") );
+ return id;
+void DeviceBox::removeDevice( int id ) {
+ if (!m_dev.contains(id) ) return;
+ m_dev.remove( id );
+ setText( allText() );
-void DeviceBox::setStatus( const QString& name, const QString& status ) {
- if ( !m_dev.contains(name) ) return;
- DeviceItem dev = m_dev[name];
- QString ole = dev.toString();
- dev.setStatus( status );
- int index = m_devices.findIndex( ole );
- m_devices[index] = dev.toString();
- setText( m_devices.join("<br>") );
+void DeviceBox::setStatus( int id, const QString& status ) {
+ if ( !m_dev.contains(id) ) return;
+ m_dev[id].setStatus(status );
+ setText( allText() );
void DeviceBox::setSource( const QString& str ) {
- qWarning("SetSource:%s", str.latin1() );
- emit selectedDevice( str, m_dev[str].device() );
+ qWarning("SetSource:%d", str.toInt() );
+ int id = str.toInt();
+ emit selectedDevice( id, m_dev[id].device() );
+int DeviceBox::idFor ( int id ) {
+ static int irId = 1501;
+ static int irBT = 1001;
+ static int irSr = 501;
+ static int irEr = 0;
+ int ret = -1;
+ switch(id ) {
+ case IrDa:
+ ret = irId;
+ irId++;
+ break;
+ case BT:
+ ret = irBT;
+ irBT++;
+ break;
+ case Search:
+ ret = irSr;
+ irSr++;
+ break;
+ case Error:
+ ret = irEr;
+ irEr++;
+ break;
+ return ret;
+QString DeviceBox::allText() {
+ QString str;
+ typedef QMap<int, DeviceItem> DeviceMap;
+ for (QMap<int, DeviceItem>::Iterator it = m_dev.begin(); it != m_dev.end(); ++it ) {
+ str += + "<br>";
+ }
+ return str;
DeviceItem::DeviceItem( const QString& name,
- const QString& status, int dev)
+ const QString& status, int dev, int id)
m_name = name;
m_status = status;
m_dev = dev;
+ m_id = id;
+int DeviceItem::id()const {
+ return m_id;
QString DeviceItem::name()const {
return m_name;
QString DeviceItem::status()const {
return m_status;
int DeviceItem::device()const {
return m_dev;
QString DeviceItem::pixmap()const{
QString str;
switch(m_dev) {
case DeviceBox::IrDa:
str ="obex/irda";
case DeviceBox::BT:
str ="obex/bt";
case DeviceBox::Search:
str = "obex/search";
case DeviceBox::Error:
str = "editdelete";
return str;
DeviceItem::~DeviceItem() {
void DeviceItem::setStatus(const QString& status ) {
m_status = status;
QString DeviceItem::toString()const {
- return "<p><a href=\""+m_name +"\" ><img src=\""+pixmap()+"\" >"+m_name+" "+m_status+" </a></p>" ;
+ return "<p><a href=\""+QString::number(m_id) +"\" ><img src=\""+pixmap()+"\" >"+m_name+" "+m_status+" </a></p>" ;
diff --git a/core/obex/obexsend.h b/core/obex/obexsend.h
index fd819bc..02100f7 100644
--- a/core/obex/obexsend.h
+++ b/core/obex/obexsend.h
@@ -1,99 +1,122 @@
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qwidget.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qtextbrowser.h>
class QLabel;
class QVBoxLayout;
* This is the new sending widget for Obex
* It will attemp to smart and be able to send
* it to multiple devices.
* It'll support BT + IrDa
namespace OpieObex {
class DeviceBox;
class Obex;
+ struct Pair {
+ Pair(const QString& first = QString::null,
+ const QString& second = QString::null)
+ : m_first(first), m_second(second ) {
+ }
+ QString first()const{ return m_first; }
+ QString second()const { return m_second; }
+ private:
+ QString m_first;
+ QString m_second;
+ };
class SendWidget : public QWidget{
SendWidget( QWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);
QString file()const;
public slots:
void send( const QString& file, const QString& desc );
void done();
private slots: // QCOP slots
/* IrDa Names*/
void slotIrDaDevices( const QStringList& );
/* Bt Names + BD-Addr */
void slotBTDevices( const QMap<QString, QString>& );
- void slotSelectedDevice( const QString& name, int dev );
+ void slotSelectedDevice( int id, int dev );
void dispatchIrda( const QCString& str, const QByteArray& ar );
void dispatchBt( const QCString& str, const QByteArray& ar );
void slotIrError( int );
void slotIrSent(bool);
void slotIrTry(unsigned int );
void slotStartIrda();
void slotDone();
void initUI();
QLabel* m_lblFile;
DeviceBox* m_devBox;
QVBoxLayout* m_lay;
int m_start;
- QStringList m_irDa;
- QMap<QString, QString> m_bt;
+ QMap<int, QString> m_irDa;
+ QMap<int, QString>::Iterator m_irDaIt;
+ QMap<int, Pair > m_bt;
QString m_file;
Obex* m_obex;
+ int m_irDeSearch; // search of irda and bt devices
+ int m_btDeSearch;
class DeviceItem {
DeviceItem( const QString& name = QString::null,
- const QString& status = QString::null, int dev = 3);
+ const QString& status = QString::null, int dev = 3, int id = -1);
void setStatus( const QString& text );
QString name()const;
QString status()const;
QString pixmap()const;
int device()const;
+ int id()const;
QString toString()const;
QString m_name;
QString m_status;
int m_dev;
+ int m_id;
+ /*
+ * The text field which contains the information about sending...
+ *
+ */
class DeviceBox : public QTextBrowser {
enum Device { IrDa, BT, Search, Error };
DeviceBox( QWidget* parent );
void setSource( const QString& str );
- void addDevice( const QString& name, int dev,
+ int addDevice( const QString& name, int dev,
const QString& status = QString::null );
- void removeDevice( const QString& name );
- void setStatus( const QString& name, const QString& );
+ void removeDevice( int );
+ void setStatus( int, const QString& );
- void selectedDevice( const QString& name, int dev );
+ void selectedDevice( int id, int dev );
- QMap<QString, DeviceItem> m_dev;
- QStringList m_devices;
+ /* returns a id for a device from a device range */
+ int idFor (int deviceType );
+ QString allText();
+ QMap<int, DeviceItem> m_dev;