-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/composemail.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/libmailwrapper.control | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/mail.pro | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/main.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/opie-mail.control | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/mailapplet.cpp | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/opie-mailapplet.control | 4 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/taskbarapplet.pro | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | noncore/net/mail/viewmail.cpp | 4 |
10 files changed, 17 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/composemail.cpp b/noncore/net/mail/composemail.cpp index abcc3f6..6708779 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/composemail.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/mail/composemail.cpp @@ -1,240 +1,240 @@ #include <qt.h> -#include <opie/ofiledialog.h> +#include <opie2/ofiledialog.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/global.h> #include <qpe/contact.h> #include "composemail.h" #include <libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.h> ComposeMail::ComposeMail( Settings *s, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : ComposeMailUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { settings = s; QString vfilename = Global::applicationFileName("addressbook", "businesscard.vcf"); Contact c; if (QFile::exists(vfilename)) { c = Contact::readVCard( vfilename )[0]; } QStringList mails = c.emailList(); QString defmail = c.defaultEmail(); if (defmail.length()!=0) { fromBox->insertItem(defmail); } QStringList::ConstIterator sit = mails.begin(); for (;sit!=mails.end();++sit) { if ( (*sit)==defmail) continue; fromBox->insertItem((*sit)); } senderNameEdit->setText(c.firstName()+" "+c.lastName()); Config cfg( "mail" ); cfg.setGroup( "Compose" ); checkBoxLater->setChecked( cfg.readBoolEntry( "sendLater", false ) ); attList->addColumn( tr( "Name" ) ); attList->addColumn( tr( "Size" ) ); QList<Account> accounts = settings->getAccounts(); Account *it; for ( it = accounts.first(); it; it = accounts.next() ) { if ( it->getType().compare( "SMTP" ) == 0 ) { SMTPaccount *smtp = static_cast<SMTPaccount *>(it); smtpAccountBox->insertItem( smtp->getAccountName() ); smtpAccounts.append( smtp ); } } if ( smtpAccounts.count() > 0 ) { fillValues( smtpAccountBox->currentItem() ); } else { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Problem" ), tr( "<p>Please create an SMTP account first.</p>" ), tr( "Ok" ) ); return; } connect( smtpAccountBox, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), SLOT( fillValues( int ) ) ); connect( toButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressTo() ) ); connect( ccButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressCC() ) ); connect( bccButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressBCC() ) ); connect( replyButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressReply() ) ); connect( addButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( addAttachment() ) ); connect( deleteButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( removeAttachment() ) ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddress( QLineEdit *line ) { QString names = AddressPicker::getNames(); if ( line->text().isEmpty() ) { line->setText( names ); } else if ( !names.isEmpty() ) { line->setText( line->text() + ", " + names ); } } void ComposeMail::setTo( const QString & to ) { /* QString toline; QStringList toEntry = to; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = toEntry.begin(); it != toEntry.end(); ++it ) { toline += (*it); } toLine->setText( toline ); */ toLine->setText( to ); } void ComposeMail::setSubject( const QString & subject ) { subjectLine->setText( subject ); } void ComposeMail::setInReplyTo( const QString & messageId ) { } void ComposeMail::setMessage( const QString & text ) { message->setText( text ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressTo() { pickAddress( toLine ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressCC() { pickAddress( ccLine ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressBCC() { pickAddress( bccLine ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressReply() { pickAddress( replyLine ); } void ComposeMail::fillValues( int current ) { #if 0 SMTPaccount *smtp = smtpAccounts.at( current ); ccLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseCC() ) { ccLine->setText( smtp->getCC() ); } bccLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseBCC() ) { bccLine->setText( smtp->getBCC() ); } replyLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseReply() ) { replyLine->setText( smtp->getReply() ); } sigMultiLine->setText( smtp->getSignature() ); #endif } void ComposeMail::slotAdjustColumns() { int currPage = tabWidget->currentPageIndex(); tabWidget->showPage( attachTab ); attList->setColumnWidth( 0, attList->visibleWidth() - 80 ); attList->setColumnWidth( 1, 80 ); tabWidget->setCurrentPage( currPage ); } void ComposeMail::addAttachment() { - DocLnk lnk = OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 1, "/" ); + DocLnk lnk = Opie::OFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 1, "/" ); if ( !lnk.name().isEmpty() ) { Attachment *att = new Attachment( lnk ); (void) new AttachViewItem( attList, att ); } } void ComposeMail::removeAttachment() { if ( !attList->currentItem() ) { QMessageBox::information( this, tr( "Error" ), tr( "<p>Please select a File.</p>" ), tr( "Ok" ) ); } else { attList->takeItem( attList->currentItem() ); } } void ComposeMail::accept() { if ( checkBoxLater->isChecked() ) { qDebug( "Send later" ); } #if 0 qDebug( "Sending Mail with " + smtpAccounts.at( smtpAccountBox->currentItem() )->getAccountName() ); #endif Mail *mail = new Mail(); SMTPaccount *smtp = smtpAccounts.at( smtpAccountBox->currentItem() ); mail->setMail(fromBox->currentText()); if ( !toLine->text().isEmpty() ) { mail->setTo( toLine->text() ); } else { qDebug( "No Reciever spezified -> returning" ); return; } mail->setName(senderNameEdit->text()); mail->setCC( ccLine->text() ); mail->setBCC( bccLine->text() ); mail->setReply( replyLine->text() ); mail->setSubject( subjectLine->text() ); QString txt = message->text(); if ( !sigMultiLine->text().isEmpty() ) { txt.append( "\n--\n" ); txt.append( sigMultiLine->text() ); } qDebug(txt); mail->setMessage( txt ); AttachViewItem *it = (AttachViewItem *) attList->firstChild(); while ( it != NULL ) { mail->addAttachment( it->getAttachment() ); it = (AttachViewItem *) it->nextSibling(); } SMTPwrapper wrapper( smtp ); wrapper.sendMail( *mail,checkBoxLater->isChecked() ); QDialog::accept(); } AttachViewItem::AttachViewItem( QListView *parent, Attachment *att ) : QListViewItem( parent ) { attachment = att; qDebug( att->getMimeType() ); setPixmap( 0, attachment->getDocLnk().pixmap().isNull() ? Resource::loadPixmap( "UnknownDocument-14" ) : attachment->getDocLnk().pixmap() ); setText( 0, att->getName().isEmpty() ? att->getFileName() : att->getName() ); setText( 1, QString::number( att->getSize() ) ); } diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/libmailwrapper.control b/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/libmailwrapper.control index 0e9e3ed..8b319c8 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/libmailwrapper.control +++ b/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/libmailwrapper.control @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ Package: libmailwrapper Files: lib/libmailwrapper.so* Priority: optional Section: libs Maintainer: Rajko Albrecht <alwin@handhelds.org>, Juergen Graf <jgf@handhelds.org>, Maximilian Reiß <harlekin@handhelds.org> Architecture: arm -Version: 0.4-$SUB_VERSION -Depends: task-opie-minimal, libopie1, libetpan +Version: 0.5-$SUB_VERSION +Depends: task-opie-minimal, libopiecore2, libopieui2, libetpan (>= 0.33pre) Description: wrapper lib needed by Opie's mailer License: LGPL diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.cpp b/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.cpp index 5090f4a..dfc00d8 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/mail/libmailwrapper/mhwrapper.cpp @@ -1,393 +1,393 @@ #include "mhwrapper.h" #include "mailtypes.h" #include "mailwrapper.h" #include <libetpan/libetpan.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <qpe/global.h> -#include <opie/oprocess.h> +#include <opie2/oprocess.h> const QString MHwrapper::wrapperType="MH"; MHwrapper::MHwrapper(const QString & mbox_dir,const QString&mbox_name) : Genericwrapper(),MHPath(mbox_dir),MHName(mbox_name) { if (MHPath.length()>0) { if (MHPath[MHPath.length()-1]=='/') { MHPath=MHPath.left(MHPath.length()-1); } qDebug(MHPath); QDir dir(MHPath); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(MHPath); } init_storage(); } } void MHwrapper::init_storage() { int r; QString pre = MHPath; if (!m_storage) { m_storage = mailstorage_new(NULL); r = mh_mailstorage_init(m_storage,(char*)pre.latin1(),0,0,0); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error initializing storage"); mailstorage_free(m_storage); m_storage = 0; return; } } r = mailstorage_connect(m_storage); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error connecting storage"); mailstorage_free(m_storage); m_storage = 0; } } void MHwrapper::clean_storage() { if (m_storage) { mailstorage_disconnect(m_storage); mailstorage_free(m_storage); m_storage = 0; } } MHwrapper::~MHwrapper() { clean_storage(); } void MHwrapper::listMessages(const QString & mailbox, QList<RecMail> &target ) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } QString f = buildPath(mailbox); int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)f.latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("listMessages: error selecting folder!"); return; } parseList(target,m_storage->sto_session,f); Global::statusMessage(tr("Mailbox has %1 mail(s)").arg(target.count())); } QList<Folder>* MHwrapper::listFolders() { QList<Folder> * folders = new QList<Folder>(); folders->setAutoDelete( false ); /* this is needed! */ if (m_storage) mailstorage_disconnect(m_storage); init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return folders; } mail_list*flist = 0; clistcell*current=0; int r = mailsession_list_folders(m_storage->sto_session,NULL,&flist); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR || !flist) { qDebug("error getting folder list"); return folders; } for (current=clist_begin(flist->mb_list);current!=0;current=clist_next(current)) { QString t = (char*)current->data; t.replace(0,MHPath.length(),""); folders->append(new MHFolder(t,MHPath)); } mail_list_free(flist); return folders; } void MHwrapper::deleteMail(const RecMail&mail) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)mail.getMbox().latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error selecting folder!"); return; } r = mailsession_remove_message(m_storage->sto_session,mail.getNumber()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error deleting mail"); } } void MHwrapper::answeredMail(const RecMail&) { } RecBody MHwrapper::fetchBody( const RecMail &mail ) { RecBody body; init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return body; } mailmessage * msg; char*data=0; size_t size; /* mail should hold the complete path! */ int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)mail.getMbox().latin1()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { return body; } r = mailsession_get_message(m_storage->sto_session, mail.getNumber(), &msg); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("Error fetching mail %i",mail.getNumber()); return body; } body = parseMail(msg); mailmessage_fetch_result_free(msg,data); return body; } void MHwrapper::mbox_progress( size_t current, size_t maximum ) { qDebug("MH %i von %i",current,maximum); } QString MHwrapper::buildPath(const QString&p) { QString f=""; if (p.length()==0||p=="/") return MHPath; if (!p.startsWith(MHPath)) { f+=MHPath; } if (!p.startsWith("/")) { f+="/"; } f+=p; return f; } int MHwrapper::createMbox(const QString&folder,const Folder*pfolder,const QString&,bool ) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return 0; } QString f; if (!pfolder) { // toplevel folder f = buildPath(folder); } else { f = pfolder->getName(); f+="/"; f+=folder; } qDebug(f); int r = mailsession_create_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)f.latin1()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error creating folder %i",r); return 0; } qDebug("Folder created"); return 1; } void MHwrapper::storeMessage(const char*msg,size_t length, const QString&Folder) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } QString f = buildPath(Folder); int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)f.latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error selecting folder!"); return; } r = mailsession_append_message(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)msg,length); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error storing mail"); } return; } encodedString* MHwrapper::fetchRawBody(const RecMail&mail) { encodedString*result = 0; init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return result; } mailmessage * msg = 0; char*data=0; size_t size; int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)mail.getMbox().latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error selecting folder!"); return result; } r = mailsession_get_message(m_storage->sto_session, mail.getNumber(), &msg); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Error fetching mail %i").arg(mail.getNumber())); return 0; } r = mailmessage_fetch(msg,&data,&size); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Error fetching mail %i").arg(mail.getNumber())); if (msg) mailmessage_free(msg); return 0; } result = new encodedString(data,size); if (msg) mailmessage_free(msg); return result; } void MHwrapper::deleteMails(const QString & mailbox,QList<RecMail> &target) { QString f = buildPath(mailbox); int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)f.latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("deleteMails: error selecting folder!"); return; } RecMail*c = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i < target.count();++i) { c = target.at(i); r = mailsession_remove_message(m_storage->sto_session,c->getNumber()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error deleting mail"); break; } } } int MHwrapper::deleteAllMail(const Folder*tfolder) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return 0; } int res = 1; if (!tfolder) return 0; int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)tfolder->getName().latin1()); if (r!=MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error selecting folder!"); return 0; } mailmessage_list*l=0; r = mailsession_get_messages_list(m_storage->sto_session,&l); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("Error message list"); res = 0; } unsigned j = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0 ; l!= 0 && res==1 && i < carray_count(l->msg_tab) ; ++i) { mailmessage * msg; msg = (mailmessage*)carray_get(l->msg_tab, i); j = msg->msg_index; r = mailsession_remove_message(m_storage->sto_session,j); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Error deleting mail %1").arg(i+1)); res = 0; break; } } if (l) mailmessage_list_free(l); return res; } int MHwrapper::deleteMbox(const Folder*tfolder) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return 0; } if (!tfolder) return 0; if (tfolder->getName()=="/" || tfolder->getName().isEmpty()) return 0; int r = mailsession_delete_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)tfolder->getName().latin1()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("error deleting mail box"); return 0; } QString cmd = "rm -rf "+tfolder->getName(); QStringList command; command << "/bin/sh"; command << "-c"; command << cmd.latin1(); OProcess *process = new OProcess(); connect(process, SIGNAL(processExited(OProcess *)), this, SLOT( processEnded(OProcess *))); connect(process, SIGNAL( receivedStderr(OProcess *, char *, int)), this, SLOT( oprocessStderr(OProcess *, char *, int))); *process << command; removeMboxfailed = false; if(!process->start(OProcess::Block, OProcess::All) ) { qDebug("could not start process"); return 0; } qDebug("mail box deleted"); return 1; } void MHwrapper::processEnded(OProcess *p) { if (p) delete p; } void MHwrapper::oprocessStderr(OProcess*, char *buffer, int ) { QString lineStr = buffer; QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr("Error"), lineStr ,tr("Ok") ); removeMboxfailed = true; } void MHwrapper::statusFolder(folderStat&target_stat,const QString & mailbox) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } target_stat.message_count = 0; target_stat.message_unseen = 0; target_stat.message_recent = 0; QString f = buildPath(mailbox); int r = mailsession_status_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)f.latin1(),&target_stat.message_count, &target_stat.message_recent,&target_stat.message_unseen); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { Global::statusMessage(tr("Error retrieving status")); } } const QString&MHwrapper::getType()const { return wrapperType; } const QString&MHwrapper::getName()const { return MHName; } void MHwrapper::mvcpMail(const RecMail&mail,const QString&targetFolder,AbstractMail*targetWrapper,bool moveit) { init_storage(); if (!m_storage) { return; } if (targetWrapper != this) { qDebug("Using generic"); Genericwrapper::mvcpMail(mail,targetFolder,targetWrapper,moveit); return; } qDebug("Using internal routines for move/copy"); QString tf = buildPath(targetFolder); int r = mailsession_select_folder(m_storage->sto_session,(char*)mail.getMbox().latin1()); if (r != MAIL_NO_ERROR) { qDebug("Error selecting source mailbox"); diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/mail.pro b/noncore/net/mail/mail.pro index 184b5b3..d3d2ab1 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/mail.pro +++ b/noncore/net/mail/mail.pro @@ -1,61 +1,61 @@ CONFIG += qt warn_on debug quick-app HEADERS = defines.h \ editaccounts.h \ composemail.h \ accountview.h \ accountitem.h \ mainwindow.h \ viewmail.h \ viewmailbase.h \ opiemail.h \ mailistviewitem.h \ settingsdialog.h \ statuswidget.h \ newmaildir.h \ selectstore.h \ selectsmtp.h SOURCES = main.cpp \ opiemail.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp \ accountview.cpp \ accountitem.cpp \ composemail.cpp \ addresspicker.cpp \ editaccounts.cpp \ viewmail.cpp \ viewmailbase.cpp \ mailistviewitem.cpp \ settingsdialog.cpp \ statuswidget.cpp \ newmaildir.cpp \ selectstore.cpp \ selectsmtp.cpp INTERFACES = editaccountsui.ui \ selectmailtypeui.ui \ imapconfigui.ui \ pop3configui.ui \ nntpconfigui.ui \ smtpconfigui.ui \ addresspickerui.ui \ composemailui.ui \ settingsdialogui.ui \ statuswidgetui.ui \ newmaildirui.ui \ selectstoreui.ui INCLUDEPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include CONFTEST = $$system( echo $CONFIG_TARGET_MACOSX ) contains( CONFTEST, y ){ - LIBS += -lqpe -lopie -lmailwrapper -liconv + LIBS += -lqpe -lopieui2 -lopiecore2 -lopie -lmailwrapper -liconv }else{ - LIBS += -lqpe -lopie -lmailwrapper + LIBS += -lqpe -lopieui2 -lopiecore2 -lopie -lmailwrapper } TARGET = opiemail include ( $(OPIEDIR)/include.pro ) diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/main.cpp b/noncore/net/mail/main.cpp index 3bfcb4a..54ac7fb 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/main.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/mail/main.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -#include <opie/oapplicationfactory.h> +#include <opie2/oapplicationfactory.h> #include "opiemail.h" OPIE_EXPORT_APP( OApplicationFactory<OpieMail> ) diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/opie-mail.control b/noncore/net/mail/opie-mail.control index 0e11c4a..5f25414 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/opie-mail.control +++ b/noncore/net/mail/opie-mail.control @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ Package: opie-mail Files: plugins/application/libopiemail.so* bin/opiemail apps/1Pim/mail.desktop pics/mail/*.png Priority: optional Section: opie/pim Maintainer: Rajko Albrecht <alwin@handhelds.org>, Juergen Graf <jgf@handhelds.org>, Maximilian Reiß <harlekin@handhelds.org> Architecture: arm -Version: 0.4-$SUB_VERSION -Depends: task-opie-minimal, libopie1, libmailwrapper +Version: 0.5-$SUB_VERSION +Depends: task-opie-minimal, libopie1, libopiecore2, libopieui2, libmailwrapper (>= 0.4) Description: Opie's mail and news client (POP3, IMAP and NNTP) License: LGPL diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/mailapplet.cpp b/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/mailapplet.cpp index a0805ba..de32007 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/mailapplet.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/mailapplet.cpp @@ -1,145 +1,145 @@ #include <qpainter.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qpe/qcopenvelope_qws.h> #include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <qpe/applnk.h> -#include <opie/odevice.h> +#include <opie2/odevice.h> #include <libmailwrapper/settings.h> #include "mailapplet.h" using namespace Opie; MailApplet::MailApplet( QWidget *parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { m_config = new Config( "mail" ); m_config->setGroup( "Applet" ); setFixedWidth( AppLnk::smallIconSize() ); setFixedHeight( AppLnk::smallIconSize() ); hide(); m_newMails = 0; m_statusMail = 0l; if ( !m_config->readBoolEntry( "Disabled", false ) ) { // delay 5 sec until the whole mail backend gets started .-) QTimer::singleShot( 5000, this, SLOT( startup() ) ); } repaint( true ); } MailApplet::~MailApplet() { if ( m_statusMail ) delete m_statusMail; if ( m_config ) delete m_config; } void MailApplet::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) { QPainter p( this ); p.drawPixmap( 0, 0, Resource::loadPixmap( "mail/inbox" ) ); QFont f( "vera", AppLnk::smallIconSize() ); QFontMetrics fm( f ); p.setFont( f ); p.setPen( Qt::blue ); p.drawText( AppLnk::smallIconSize()/3, AppLnk::smallIconSize() - 2, QString::number( m_newMails ) ); return; } void MailApplet::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* e ) { slotClicked(); } void MailApplet::slotClicked() { QCopEnvelope e( "QPE/System", "execute(QString)" ); e << QString( "opiemail" ); ODevice *device = ODevice::inst(); if ( !device-> ledList().isEmpty() ) { OLed led = ( device->ledList().contains( Led_Mail ) ) ? Led_Mail : device->ledList()[0]; device->setLedState( led, Led_Off ); } if (m_statusMail) m_statusMail->reset_status(); hide(); } void MailApplet::startup() { Settings *settings = new Settings(); QList<Account> ma = settings->getAccounts(); m_statusMail = new StatusMail( ma ); delete settings; m_intervalMs = m_config->readNumEntry( "CheckEvery", 5 ) * 60000; m_intervalTimer = new QTimer(); m_intervalTimer->start( m_intervalMs ); connect( m_intervalTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotCheck() ) ); } void MailApplet::slotCheck() { // Check wether the check interval has been changed. int newIntervalMs = m_config->readNumEntry( "CheckEvery", 5 ) * 60000; if ( newIntervalMs != m_intervalMs ) { m_intervalTimer->changeInterval( newIntervalMs ); m_intervalMs = newIntervalMs; } if (m_statusMail == 0) { return; } folderStat stat; m_statusMail->check_current_stat( stat ); int newMailsOld = m_newMails; m_newMails = stat.message_unseen; qDebug( QString( "test %1" ).arg( m_newMails ) ); if ( m_newMails > 0 && newMailsOld != m_newMails ) { ODevice *device = ODevice::inst(); if ( isHidden() ) show(); if ( m_config->readBoolEntry( "BlinkLed", true ) ) { if ( !device->ledList().isEmpty() ) { OLed led = ( device->ledList().contains( Led_Mail ) ) ? Led_Mail : device->ledList()[0]; device->setLedState( led, device->ledStateList( led ).contains( Led_BlinkSlow ) ? Led_BlinkSlow : Led_On ); } } if ( m_config->readBoolEntry( "PlaySound", false ) ) - device->alarmSound(); + device->playAlarmSound(); Config cfg( "mail" ); cfg.setGroup( "Status" ); cfg.writeEntry( "newMails", m_newMails ); QCopEnvelope env( "QPE/Pim", "newMails(int)" ); env << m_newMails; repaint( true ); } else { ODevice *device = ODevice::inst(); if ( !isHidden() ) hide(); if ( !device->ledList().isEmpty() ) { OLed led = ( device->ledList().contains( Led_Mail ) ) ? Led_Mail : device->ledList()[0]; device->setLedState( led, Led_Off ); } if ( newMailsOld != m_newMails ) { Config cfg( "mail" ); cfg.setGroup( "Status" ); cfg.writeEntry( "newMails", m_newMails ); QCopEnvelope env( "QPE/Pim", "newMails(int)" ); env << m_newMails; } } } diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/opie-mailapplet.control b/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/opie-mailapplet.control index 84adc7b..f9822a5 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/opie-mailapplet.control +++ b/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/opie-mailapplet.control @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ Package: opie-mailapplet Files: plugins/applets/libmailapplet.so* Priority: optional Section: opie/applets Maintainer: Rajko Albrecht <alwin@handhelds.org>, Juergen Graf <jgf@handhelds.org>, Maximilian Reiß <harlekin@handhelds.org> Architecture: arm -Version: 0.4-$SUB_VERSION -Depends: task-opie-minimal, libopie1, opie-mail +Version: 0.5-$SUB_VERSION +Depends: task-opie-minimal, libopiecore2, opie-mail Description: A Biff-like mailchecker License: LGPL diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/taskbarapplet.pro b/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/taskbarapplet.pro index c54e87f..e4ac6d1 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/taskbarapplet.pro +++ b/noncore/net/mail/taskbarapplet/taskbarapplet.pro @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += qt plugin warn_on release HEADERS += mailapplet.h \ mailappletimpl.h SOURCES += mailapplet.cpp \ mailappletimpl.cpp INCLUDEPATH += $(OPIEDIR)/include $(OPIEDIR)/noncore/net/mail -LIBS += -lmailwrapper -lqpe -lopie +LIBS += -lmailwrapper -lqpe -lopiecore2 TARGET = mailapplet DESTDIR += $(OPIEDIR)/plugins/applets/ include ( $(OPIEDIR)/include.pro ) diff --git a/noncore/net/mail/viewmail.cpp b/noncore/net/mail/viewmail.cpp index 9ca6383..99965d4 100644 --- a/noncore/net/mail/viewmail.cpp +++ b/noncore/net/mail/viewmail.cpp @@ -1,429 +1,429 @@ #include <qtextbrowser.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qaction.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qfile.h> #include <qapplication.h> #include <qvaluelist.h> #include <qpe/config.h> -#include <opie/ofiledialog.h> +#include <opie2/ofiledialog.h> #include <libmailwrapper/settings.h> #include "composemail.h" #include "viewmail.h" #include <libmailwrapper/abstractmail.h> #include "accountview.h" #include <libmailwrapper/mailtypes.h> AttachItem::AttachItem(QListView * parent,QListViewItem *after, const QString&mime,const QString&desc,const QString&file, const QString&fsize,int num,const QValueList<int>&path) : QListViewItem(parent,after),_partNum(num) { _path=path; setText(0, mime); setText(1, desc); setText(2, file); setText(3, fsize); } AttachItem::AttachItem(QListViewItem * parent,QListViewItem *after, const QString&mime,const QString&desc,const QString&file, const QString&fsize,int num,const QValueList<int>&path) : QListViewItem(parent,after),_partNum(num) { _path=path; setText(0, mime); setText(1, desc); setText(2, file); setText(3, fsize); } bool AttachItem::isParentof(const QValueList<int>&path) { /* if not set, then no parent */ if (path.count()==0||_path.count()==0) return false; /* the parent must have one digit less then a child */ if (path.count()!=_path.count()+1) return false; for (unsigned int i=0; i < _path.count();++i) { if (_path[i]!=path[i]) return false; } return true; } AttachItem* ViewMail::searchParent(const QValueList<int>&path) { QListViewItemIterator it( attachments ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { AttachItem*ati = (AttachItem*)it.current(); if (ati->isParentof(path)) return ati; } return 0; } AttachItem* ViewMail::lastChild(AttachItem*parent) { if (!parent) return 0; AttachItem* item = (AttachItem*)parent->firstChild(); if (!item) return item; AttachItem*temp=0; while( (temp=(AttachItem*)item->nextSibling())) { item = temp; } return item; } void ViewMail::setBody( RecBody body ) { m_body = body; m_mail[2] = body.Bodytext(); attachbutton->setEnabled(body.Parts().count()>0); attachments->setEnabled(body.Parts().count()>0); if (body.Parts().count()==0) { return; } AttachItem * curItem=0; AttachItem * parentItem = 0; QString type=body.Description().Type()+"/"+body.Description().Subtype(); QString desc,fsize; double s = body.Description().Size(); int w; w=0; while (s>1024) { s/=1024; ++w; if (w>=2) break; } QString q=""; switch(w) { case 1: q="k"; break; case 2: q="M"; break; default: break; } { /* I did not found a method to make a CONTENT reset on a QTextStream so I use this construct that the stream will re-constructed in each loop. To let it work, the textstream is packed into a own area of code is it will be destructed after finishing its small job. */ QTextOStream o(&fsize); if (w>0) o.precision(2); else o.precision(0); o.setf(QTextStream::fixed); o << s << " " << q << "Byte"; } curItem=new AttachItem(attachments,curItem,type,"Mailbody","",fsize,-1,body.Description().Positionlist()); QString filename = ""; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < body.Parts().count();++i) { type = body.Parts()[i].Type()+"/"+body.Parts()[i].Subtype(); part_plist_t::ConstIterator it = body.Parts()[i].Parameters().begin(); for (;it!=body.Parts()[i].Parameters().end();++it) { qDebug(it.key()); if (it.key().lower()=="name") { filename=it.data(); } } s = body.Parts()[i].Size(); w = 0; while (s>1024) { s/=1024; ++w; if (w>=2) break; } switch(w) { case 1: q="k"; break; case 2: q="M"; break; default: q=""; break; } QTextOStream o(&fsize); if (w>0) o.precision(2); else o.precision(0); o.setf(QTextStream::fixed); o << s << " " << q << "Byte"; desc = body.Parts()[i].Description(); parentItem = searchParent(body.Parts()[i].Positionlist()); if (parentItem) { AttachItem*temp = lastChild(parentItem); if (temp) curItem = temp; curItem=new AttachItem(parentItem,curItem,type,desc,filename,fsize,i,body.Parts()[i].Positionlist()); attachments->setRootIsDecorated(true); curItem = parentItem; } else { curItem=new AttachItem(attachments,curItem,type,desc,filename,fsize,i,body.Parts()[i].Positionlist()); } } } void ViewMail::slotShowHtml( bool state ) { m_showHtml = state; setText(); } void ViewMail::slotItemClicked( QListViewItem * item , const QPoint & point, int ) { if (!item ) return; if ( ( ( AttachItem* )item )->Partnumber() == -1 ) { setText(); return; } QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu(); int ret=0; if ( item->text( 0 ).left( 5 ) == "text/" || item->text(0)=="message/rfc822" ) { menu->insertItem( tr( "Show Text" ), 1 ); } menu->insertItem( tr( "Save Attachment" ), 0 ); menu->insertSeparator(1); ret = menu->exec( point, 0 ); switch(ret) { case 0: { MimeTypes types; types.insert( "all", "*" ); - QString str = OFileDialog::getSaveFileName( 1, + QString str = Opie::OFileDialog::getSaveFileName( 1, "/", item->text( 2 ) , types, 0 ); if( !str.isEmpty() ) { encodedString*content = m_recMail.Wrapper()->fetchDecodedPart( m_recMail, m_body.Parts()[ ( ( AttachItem* )item )->Partnumber() ] ); if (content) { QFile output(str); output.open(IO_WriteOnly); output.writeBlock(content->Content(),content->Length()); output.close(); delete content; } } } break ; case 1: if ( ( ( AttachItem* )item )->Partnumber() == -1 ) { setText(); } else { if ( m_recMail.Wrapper() != 0l ) { // make sure that there is a wrapper , even after delete or simular actions browser->setText( m_recMail.Wrapper()->fetchTextPart( m_recMail, m_body.Parts()[ ( ( AttachItem* )item )->Partnumber() ] ) ); } } break; } delete menu; } void ViewMail::setMail( RecMail mail ) { m_recMail = mail; m_mail[0] = mail.getFrom(); m_mail[1] = mail.getSubject(); m_mail[3] = mail.getDate(); m_mail[4] = mail.Msgid(); m_mail2[0] = mail.To(); m_mail2[1] = mail.CC(); m_mail2[2] = mail.Bcc(); setText(); } ViewMail::ViewMail( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags fl) : ViewMailBase(parent, name, fl), _inLoop(false) { m_gotBody = false; deleted = false; connect( reply, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(slotReply())); connect( forward, SIGNAL(activated()), SLOT(slotForward())); connect( deleteMail, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotDeleteMail( ) ) ); connect( showHtml, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( slotShowHtml( bool ) ) ); attachments->setEnabled(m_gotBody); connect( attachments, SIGNAL( clicked ( QListViewItem *, const QPoint & , int ) ), SLOT( slotItemClicked( QListViewItem *, const QPoint & , int ) ) ); readConfig(); attachments->setSorting(-1); } void ViewMail::readConfig() { Config cfg( "mail" ); cfg.setGroup( "Settings" ); m_showHtml = cfg.readBoolEntry( "showHtml", false ); showHtml->setOn( m_showHtml ); } void ViewMail::setText() { QString toString; QString ccString; QString bccString; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = ( m_mail2[0] ).begin(); it != ( m_mail2[0] ).end(); ++it ) { toString += (*it); } for ( QStringList::Iterator it = ( m_mail2[1] ).begin(); it != ( m_mail2[1] ).end(); ++it ) { ccString += (*it); } for ( QStringList::Iterator it = ( m_mail2[2] ).begin(); it != ( m_mail2[2] ).end(); ++it ) { bccString += (*it); } setCaption( caption().arg( m_mail[0] ) ); m_mailHtml = "<html><body>" "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tr bgcolor=\"#FFDD76\"><td>" "<div align=left><b>" + deHtml( m_mail[1] ) + "</b></div>" "</td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#EEEEE6\"><td>" "<b>" + tr( "From" ) + ": </b><font color=#6C86C0>" + deHtml( m_mail[0] ) + "</font><br>" "<b>" + tr( "To" ) + ": </b><font color=#6C86C0>" + deHtml( toString ) + "</font><br><b>" + tr( "Cc" ) + ": </b>" + deHtml( ccString ) + "<br>" "<b>" + tr( "Date" ) + ": </b> " + m_mail[3] + "</td></tr></table><font face=fixed>"; if ( !m_showHtml ) { browser->setText( QString( m_mailHtml) + deHtml( m_mail[2] ) + "</font></html>" ); } else { browser->setText( QString( m_mailHtml) + m_mail[2] + "</font></html>" ); } // remove later in favor of a real handling m_gotBody = true; } ViewMail::~ViewMail() { m_recMail.Wrapper()->cleanMimeCache(); hide(); } void ViewMail::hide() { QWidget::hide(); if (_inLoop) { _inLoop = false; qApp->exit_loop(); } } void ViewMail::exec() { show(); if (!_inLoop) { _inLoop = true; qApp->enter_loop(); } } QString ViewMail::deHtml(const QString &string) { QString string_ = string; string_.replace(QRegExp("&"), "&"); string_.replace(QRegExp("<"), "<"); string_.replace(QRegExp(">"), ">"); string_.replace(QRegExp("\\n"), "<br>"); return string_; } void ViewMail::slotReply() { if (!m_gotBody) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>The mail body is not yet downloaded, so you cannot reply yet."), tr("Ok")); return; } QString rtext; rtext += QString("* %1 wrote on %2:\n") // no i18n on purpose .arg( m_mail[0] ) .arg( m_mail[3] ); QString text = m_mail[2]; QStringList lines = QStringList::split(QRegExp("\\n"), text); QStringList::Iterator it; for (it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); it++) { rtext += "> " + *it + "\n"; } rtext += "\n"; QString prefix; if ( m_mail[1].find(QRegExp("^Re: *$")) != -1) prefix = ""; else prefix = "Re: "; // no i18n on purpose Settings *settings = new Settings(); ComposeMail composer( settings ,this, 0, true); composer.setTo( m_mail[0] ); composer.setSubject( "Re: " + m_mail[1] ); composer.setMessage( rtext ); composer.showMaximized(); if ( QDialog::Accepted==composer.exec()) { m_recMail.Wrapper()->answeredMail(m_recMail); } } void ViewMail::slotForward() { if (!m_gotBody) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Error"), tr("<p>The mail body is not yet downloaded, so you cannot forward yet."), tr("Ok")); return; } QString ftext; ftext += QString("\n----- Forwarded message from %1 -----\n\n") .arg( m_mail[0] ); if (!m_mail[3].isNull()) ftext += QString("Date: %1\n") .arg( m_mail[3] ); if (!m_mail[0].isNull()) ftext += QString("From: %1\n") .arg( m_mail[0] ); if (!m_mail[1].isNull()) ftext += QString("Subject: %1\n") .arg( m_mail[1] ); ftext += QString("\n%1\n") .arg( m_mail[2]); ftext += QString("----- End forwarded message -----\n"); Settings *settings = new Settings(); ComposeMail composer( settings ,this, 0, true); composer.setSubject( "Fwd: " + m_mail[1] ); composer.setMessage( ftext ); composer.showMaximized(); if ( QDialog::Accepted==composer.exec()) { } } void ViewMail::slotDeleteMail( ) { if ( QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Delete Mail"), QString( tr("<p>Do you really want to delete this mail? <br><br>" ) + m_mail[0] + " - " + m_mail[1] ) , QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes ) { m_recMail.Wrapper()->deleteMail( m_recMail ); hide(); deleted = true; } } |